Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1887, Page 10, Image 10

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_ _
Advertisements iimiT this1icad , ItTcctiti per
line for the first insertion , 7ccnts for each sub-
frcuurnt Insertion. nml I1.CO n line permonth.
No advertisement tnVen for IPM limn 25 cents
for the tlrst Insertion. Seven words will be
counted to the llttp ; they must run COIWK.U-
tlvely Hint must 1m paid In Advance. Allnd.
rertlMMiic'tils mint \ < o handed In twfure 1.TO :
o'clock p. m. , and ttniler no circumstances will
they b taken or discontinued by telephone.
Purlieu nth mlslng In these columns mil bur.
Tnirthe answers undrew * ! In tHrr of theHw.
will please " 'I * f"r H check to enable them to
gf\ their none will be dellxered ex
cept on vr''Ki'ntntlnn of check. All nnsuers to
ad\ertl em nts chould ! cm Irwd In rnvelnpes.
All advertisements In Hirst" column * nro pub-
llhrd In boih mornlmr and writing ttlltlaiu of
Jh Dee , the circulation of which ugKrrgntes
more thnn li.WJ jmticrs dnlly , and clve * the nd-
Yertlers the benefll , noton ! ? of the rlty circu
lation of the HPP. lint nl o of Council Illuil * .
Lincoln anil other cities and towns throughout
this part of the west.
\\rANTHD Hy n middle-need Amerlran
TT woman , position us nousekeep'T , or the
cnreof mi Invnllil ; Is nil excellent cook. Applr
to Million of the Womun'8 Chilstlnn home. 2718
Hurt st. 7SI 27J
- by middle-aged Ameri
can man for the w Inter , used to horsesnnd
handy with tools. Will work cheap. K. H.
Twlmr , U2U Dottglns Ht. . City. _ 73133 *
\\7AVfinnT'islTToirus sTicirt "ordlr or rt-simi-
TT runt cook In clly or hotel in country : good
references. 821 , llee olllce. 723-2I.J
"AN AnlefTciiti woman w nnl n Mtuntlon in the
XX city us housekeeper for n Widower , bachelor
or aged couple. 12 years' experience. Can fur
nish reference * . AcldreusS IM , llee. Iiis27 )
Wanleil bv an able nnd experi
enced bartender , willing to give senility If
required. Address 8 12 llee olllce. Kit 27'
TVrANTHD-Slluation byhurntws maker. Ret-
TT erence given. Address W. 11. M..KH ave.
I ) . Council HlnlTs. ! M 25J
\i rANTKD-Three or four cooil inea w 1th com-
T T mon cense to call nt : 'IO ' S. lltn .st. . Motidar ,
December 30. and buy 42x123 feet of Soulh Oma-
luiproiwrty for only I1U ; wnrianty deed Kiven ,
" '
1 ( lood general cook , must tie well
recommended. Inquire lull Farnam st.
TITANTRD-Drygoodn salesman forrltv. Vta
TT Furnum st. , room 0. 71125 *
" \\7"ANTiO : I must have thtee peisons to
TT learnliookkeeplng to meet demand for
comix-lent liookkeem-r-s In Jaiiuarv. .1. _ 1J.
Hmlih. room M . Hamiro block. u : > *
I NSfHANCK Agents Wnnted-Tne Mutual I i-
hene life Insurance oinpiuiy < > f New YorK
desire to etiKn e twenty good t-peclal and genial -
ial agents m the west ou'extiu llbeial IMII-
tracts. For terms and territory call on or ml-
lre.vs. II. | | . Itoblsou. general man'pi' . Omaha
Hat , bank bl'dg. Omaha. Keb. f 031
\\rANTED-Frmr men to solicit In the small
T ? tow ns and country of Iowa. MiJiourland
Nebrn ka ; must baJii , give bond , uiid will
ing to work earneslly ; talury Jfio per mouth.
Address P C4. llee ofllce. 'JWI
\\TANTnn Men for railroad work. Al-
TT brlghfs Labor Agency , 1120 rninnm. DPI
\\7ANTKD 100 men of good appearance to
T Iryour Ifc menls at N orris re&latirunt , 311
and 313 South 14th ttreet. ( old Lire jiud Let
Live ) f.tfl
\\rANTKD A girl for general honsew ork , by
T T an American family on B ranch in Wyom
ing Teirltory ; good home and wagcn ; refoit-n-
cvx required and given. Addrels W.
Davis , n Wet > t CUth street. New York City.7792SJ
W IANTED Nnr a girl at 2112 Douglas st. -
' IT'ANTED Good experienced gill for gt-neral
housework , 1017 COM. 7B7
WANTE1 > Girl fen-general housework ; must
be a good rook. 112 Dodge ht. 742
\\TANTKU A thoroughly cuuipetioit girl 1m-
T T mediately at 2212 Furuoiu sU ; good wages.
TIT AN TED Girl for general house work. 1U08
T T Davenport st. 7IJ 24 *
Tl f ANTRD-Olri. small family , applr after 12
f T o'clock , Mrs , J. II. UayucH. 4US ) N SXd st.
WANTKD At once girl. 022 N. l thnt
\1I7ANTED Button-hole makers. 111. ! Fur-
T T nam. ( i7.'i 27j
rrTA " 1 0-0003 K 1 J017 Howard Bt.
WANTED Dining room girl at Emmet liouse CUO
" 1ITANTBD Hrnt class gii-1 for rook , wood
TT wages paid. C. Patterson. 620N.
23d. GK
WANTJID lluttou-liolu makiT * at illur ! -
nam. TO5-37 *
WANTEI > Competent girl for general house-
work. SOI S.2Uthbt. U15
TANTEU-Glrl. Inquire315 N. 17th st.
YlTANI Dining room girl ut Occidental.
/\NE lady in every town wanted to iiitmdiuie
Vy and sen Pennyroyal Pills. "Chichester's
English. " Oi Iginal and only Uenuiue. Send 4c
( vtamps ) for particular * . CJilchebttr Chemical
Co. . Ptllttdelphlu.Pa. 327
T AD1E8 are uttered embroidery needlework at
JLJtheir own homes a own or country ) by a w hole-
ale houie. Protitaliln. Keiiulne. u od puy can
lie made. Everything funilbhcrt. Partluulurs
( roe. AUilresb Artistic NtssdlcworkCo. . 135 HUi
< t. . New York City. 274
" \l'ANTED LaclifB in city r country , for onv
T T holiday trude , to take liuht , pleasunt work
at their own homes , f 1 to t > ) per day can be
nletlv made. Work sent by mall any distance ,
particulars free. No cnnvasstug. Addi ess ht
once , Cescent Art Co. , 147 A Milk St. , Boston.
Mass. P.O. box5170. HO
50 ladles to try our I.'K. meals al
N orris' restaurant old Live and Let Live ) ,
811 and M3 8.14th t. KO
\\TANTED Hy January 1 , room and bourd iu
T T rc-spectuble ftimlly : young Indy with reference -
ence . S SO. lie. oliu e. 7754an
\\rANTED-At iTU5 South I7th t. . 4 gentlemen
TT for Ijomil and room , with dre. at l Wiper
" 1/17 ANTED Of interest to carpenters and cenT -
T T tractors to call nt Uooiall , Uarker block.
7 1 25J
\VrANTUD-A good hotel in NeVruska or east-
TT ern Colorado , Hrst class. Co-operative
Jjuid and Lot Co. . ai'i N IBth i-t. 71H25
'ittJ' IsTlID ( ientlenien to try our lU-ccnt
T T mciils at Scholler restiuirunt , 101 S. K.tli.
210 JO
ITANTED-A Urge hand curt r.t the lleo
T otBce. .
WANTED AH thosu wishing to change posi
tions or rugnge aliout Junuury 1 , us book-
keepem , dburt-hund wrilers. cleilvs collectors ,
.nlesmen. stock keepers , mnmiger , courhmen ,
tlrlxers , Itvcrj- hands , portrrs , packers , etc. . will
consult their best Inteiest * by railing on ( Ireut
V'Hsteni bureau. Rest aud u'dest lu America.
1UX ) rnrnum at. , room I' ' . TIT. 25 *
Employment olllco , the ticsi
CANADIAN to get h'-lp or situations
Male nnd fumnU. Heferuuci1. Oiinihrx Natloiia :
bank. Mrs. llr.'gu it Sou , 310 S. 13th. Tel. bsi.
"V17 ANTED To rent u 5 room rottnge west o :
TT 2llh st und south of Dodge. Address S 2
Bee onire. 7U42tf
W'ANTKD-A email farulilind cottugc ort i
or three f uruUhtd rooms on first tloor foi
light housekeeping , convenient touirline. Ad
drm.aOCI.llou nltlra. 7j > 7
aOAROINC. _ , . ' „
B OARDvTlh i-fjoms far four ut 2118 Hurt st.
( iti'VATK boiirdlng. it weele , 1015 Dodg
liU J7
> RIVATE bow-dirt ? .
1IPST-CLASS table board , nerved in honv
Etjlo. for 3 or 4 B r.tlemen. 1S14 Dodge. KH
G1OH lir.ST Kheiooin house In Omaha View
IKiiiornmi.tli. Potter . i CoblIWJ1
01'SEof4 . Fmnltiue tor sale. Wf
H Hotit , fcl > . Co-oiisiuthti f pr.d and Lot ( \i.
303 N Mb rtt. 717 2ii
FoTTrtF.Nrr- room lat. ! nil oax-cTiir nc . f
I'J73 worth of furniture for M75. Stoiiui
are now rt > ntcM | nl f" . l'o-ojicr tl\e Land aiii
Ix > t rtMiipaur. ; nt tloth St. 72j
Louse I mm- occupy will bTfor tint , Jan
nary 1st ; hou > e contains 10-iooro * und al
odem miproveiiiouu. a * d , sitli i > t. Morlt ;
eycr. fiM
_ _ _
"tH > H UKNT-nronu couap * . Iil7 Paririr IS
JP 10 room house near cooler I'.th and W lj
Nason , 1 14 i'atnam.
FOHUKNT aroomhouie. Werr n mr 2M.
F. K Darling. 15th and Howard. 978ZT
F ) lt RENT 4-roomhouM , 1400 Davenport.
WO.S1 *
"TOOK IIKNT-Jbrontit hous * . ror. William * nd
JL Kith ls. , suitable for > > oardlng house. $00
Per mouth to responsible tenants. J , I. . Ulce &
Co. 74320
4H HorsttS For rent , 110 to t75 per month , n to
lu looms dull niul fromd blocks to- miles
distant from postolllce. F. r. . Gregory , llent l
Agent. HUH. iMhst. 47 *
XJO. HOD 7tli ave. , Croom lion e , In good to
-1-s pnlr , largo yard , cistern water : will ren-
to iTsjMinslblo peiHon wllh not more thiin 2 rhll-
dren for tii per munth. 44.1
TOOK KKNT-HoU'M. A list of over 100 to
J. ' choose from , ranging In price from $10 to
Jiai twr mouth. Also n Hstof furnlsl. l and un
furnished rooms , nil prices. II. K. Cole. 111(1 ( Ho.
luih st. i23i
I10H RENT A r > room house cheap to a small
family , IKW 8 aist bet Center unit Dorcas st.
411 ! J 14'
"IjlOlt UV.NT 2 nevvO room housci on S nuth
JL1 near l.en\ein\ortU. U. K.Majne. ; ill
FH ) HKNT-r > rtMijn house. 27th Uodi-e
* H. .1 , It. IHiiKwalt. 2l t < o. 1'ith st. 3T.I
FOH HENT-New fi rooin"cottaKe ln Ambler
place ; RiKid 7 room 2 utory house , Orchnnl
Hill ; oed 4 room cottnce. Orcimrd Hill , C. E ,
SI aync , N. W. cor. 15th and llaruey xt. 181
FOIt HKNT n-room houw. city water , otc. , S.
W. Tor. KIIIK and Caldweii. 1012 Knrnata.
"lllOlt ItKNT An 8 room IIOUM * . city waU-r Ka ,
X' and stable , 12 minutes walk from the post-
olllce. llrnt moderate. Apply to D. J. ( Vlon-
ahoe , next door to tliu postolllco. I.Vi
Ij OH HKNT New 7-room modern , new house
-I.1 ou corner. Street car by the door. Hut ,
built , marble wnsh stuud , City walur funtlshed.
IteK&nt house ; only POper mnnlli. J. 1. . Rice
& Co. 74.1 SO
TjlOK HKNT A now ten-room house with all
X1 in ( Ml or n improvements , lanje attic , DouglM
and Slst KtreutM. Not a basement house. Ap
ply Morltz Mever , u-r 11 and Km num. 747
TpOH HKNT New house. ( I rooniH. etc. . lar je
X1 grounds , corner 2Mh and Capitol avenue ,
Inquire : & . ' > Dodt' ( ' st. 6b7
TilOR UKNT Now 4-room cottage. 12 per
X1 month. Apply room 'A1511 Dod e lit. 7.V )
"C Olt HKNT ScleRiint brick lesldencp * with
X' all modern Improvement * , 13 mid 14 rooms
each , pleasant and convenient location. O. F.
UixvH lorapauy , 15K ! I'arnam st. 112
IjlOH linNT 5orm cottaRP. newly pnpried
X1 anil painted , on 1'ai'kiTst. . North Omaha ,
flH pur month. J. I. . Itko & Co. 74J 20
FOH HENT 8-room house. WM H 25th n\emit\
1 block south of Leuvcnw orth. J. D. Cow le ,
at Falconer's. Uffi !
"C1OH KENT 0-rooro house n w cor. Sewnrd
-C an < l 27th bts. PuO
"C1OH UKNT 2 new handsome 8 loom cottages
Jt ; well , clsturn-s , etc.,117 per mouth : iM and
California. A. C. Wukeiey. Omaha Nntl bank
bid. 097
FOII HKNT Severn new 7 room nousos
Work from street Kir , ready for occupancy
November 1 ( J. F. Harrison 41H S. 15th st. 5 3
JJ10 K 11 rooms. W. M. Hush-
man , N r corner 16th nnd Douglas. R40
TT'UKSlf IIID and unfurnished rooms with all
JL conveniences , furnace heat , at Ml 8.2WIi.
F0 ? Hr.NT Furnished looms ; 2027 Farnam
, . 778-27J
TJ'OH HKNT Furnished rooms , with or with-
JP out Iwurd. 31H N. 1/th st. 787-31
FURNISHED rooms and board , IU03 Famam.
NE nicely furnished frout pallor with or
without board. No. 008 N. 17th at. 749.23
F 1OR HENT Pleasant furuished ixiom.s with
heat , 200U Hnrney near corner 20th. 7D12tl *
TOOK HENT Near court house , suite of newly
J 'furnished rooms , bath , gas and heated , for
gentlemen only. Also a barn. Address 8 25 Hco
office. 73 20 *
FL'HNISHED Rooms to ladies or gentlemen
by week or mouth. 3U North 12th Bt.
74026 *
NICELY furnished front room suitable for 1 ! .
also a back room with steam heat mid use of
bath w 1th or without board. No. 203 S. 24th st.
TJ7 25 *
O 1 newly furnished rooms for gentlemen ,
Hleam and as , Ko. 40B N 16th. TJ2 28 *
NICELY furnished rooms , gas , bath , furnace
mid ull modem conveniences , suitable for
gentleman and wife. Rent moderate. 714 N.
Ibth st. 7225 !
FOU HENT Near cablellne ; furnished rooms
\vlthlln-t-clnKslo.ini ; all modern conven
iences.M1H Douglas t.t. 704 2U *
FUKNLSHED Rooms-With or without board ,
and heated by steam , in private family.
Inquire iittlc. S. 13th , corner Jackson. 700 'tl
FOR RENT To gentleman nnd wife , four
furnished rooms complete for house-
keelilng ; location cential and in pleasant neigh
borhood : references given and teqiilred. Ad-
ill e s S 17. Hetolltcc. . 6S ) 25J
. 2110 Harney. 63027
JLKASANT fnrnlfched looms , 0 blocks from
P.O. 17d7Cas < iSt. W52S
F1 I OH KENT Nicely furnished rooms at 2237
Dodge. Gas , bath and furnace beat. 028
TOUKNISHEDrooms-fl totLCO n week , conJ -
J ? tral. f J S. 1Mb. up-fctairs. Xl 30 *
lorgn front room , furnished and heated.
NICE for two gentlemen. Also small
room. 1U17 Cnsb .st. C32
FOR KENT After 1st of January desk room
in a centrally located ofllce heated witli
rteam. Call at Room 4 Crelghtou block. aon
THOH RENT Furnished room , all modern con-
X ; % enlences , large enough fur two. 200B Dav
enport. 657
F I OR RENT Nice f urnlshod room , 19 per mo.
8. W. ror. 18th and Jackbou. 798
pOR RE.NT-Fnrni hed rooms , 1818 Dodge st.
_ 711 J 1
TPOl.'U elegant loouu all modem conveniences
-P 17H4 Webster st. 4M
TJ1RONT piirlor for two gentlemen , 1&-S3 Dodge ,
HKNT J'leasantest new furnished and
cheapest rooms in private house in city. All
conveniences. Near business. 1813 Capitol nve.
247 d 25J
"IJTOR KENT Furnished rooms in Greunlg blk ,
JU ror. itth ; and Dodge sts. Inquire of Oeo. R.
D.-u 1 . Mlllard holel billiard room. 597
R HENT NIcely furnished room suitable
F ?
, " gentlemen , Inquire 2U11 St. Mary's ave.
' front room with or without
out board. 1S12 Dodge bt. 579
H RKNT-Furnlshed rooms and Ixianl. IKW
Furnuin. 208 j9
rooms for rent. 1911 Fnrnam st.
HEN"T Large handsomely lunibUed up.
per front foom , tteain heut , ll > 13 Douglas.
FOR HENT Rooms furnished or unfurnished
cheap. Cable cars , modern , etc. , i'lio Doug
las st. _ J7K128 _ J
LAHOE BOiith trent room , all modern conven
iences , suitable for two gunllemeni also tuliln bo ml fortlueu or four ; refer-
uices. IbH Uodgu st. . 'M
Ij RENT Pleasant furnlnnen rooms , modem -
. em ronveniences , reasonable prices. 414 S.
At. . Knrbach blocL , 3d lloor Hut. No. 2.
702 30
Tj'OR HENT Fuiniahed rooms in nil parts of
JJ the city , by the day , week or month. City
office , Crelghton block. MM
TiHH ) HENT Immediately lu n good location ,
A' a lunch ctmnter , cheap to the right party. s 8 S , llee office. 713 ! '
IXH RUNT- New slore on West y Rt. , faouth
Om.ihn. Host opening In the west for ( 'en-
erul nirtiliHIldlae. Adcliess H. E. J. llox 252 ,
Omulin. ii'/.l 23 *
i H1LNTTlio best locution In Omuba will
* MOM lie for rent room 22xGi ; . botitheu t
conirr SlMct'Mth nnd Fartinm streets , oppislte
corner south from new Puxton block. Rest
locution lu Onmlm for loan and trust company
oilier * . Call iiuicfc nt 1321 Fnmaui fat. 710-2.V
FOR HKNI'iround floor oRlco room , cen
trally located. ho.iMd and lighted. C. F.
HarrUon. 418 b. st. CO !
TJlOR RENT" Tra&oTnent stoics and Hats with
Jv all modern nniirotments , corner Uth and
Jnckson ti. CW
T7 > OH HRNl'-llaoni mltable for Uirlier Uop.
JU also de k iixim , best lorutlon lu the city.
Cull at l-VIt Douglas st. 7. 7 23
TJ1OH HENT-oTllreb on l inalultT Jrlo"to W
-i ] > erniou'h. OueoOic famished. JBU Fur-
nam. IM
TiTOH'itiJNT Oi ! ; . * room. Brat floor , a31 a.
JlMhtt. . 804
* nVR HF.NT DcMrnblo pnrnnil'shed v im.iT ) !
J ? blocks fiom pc toUlcv , ca 6. l&th t. 770-24-
3 roonn MS N. Wtli t.
8 rooms 1018 N.2U st.
n rooms lie : N.2iit st.
a room * 1412 Pierce ,
n rooms 701 Pacific st. . ,
4 elegant unfurnished rooms , containing all
the modern conveniences , at 41 1 S. llith st.
4 elegant unfurnished rooms at 1704 Webster.
Nice onicent 310 S. 15th st. < M4
FOH RENT-Oood bam cheap llr.'l Chicago st
F. ! < . ( IHHMOllV , rental agent , 309 S. Ifllh t. ,
. Telephona MM.i.H
attention given to . .
SPECIAL and unfurnished rooms. List with
u . W. M. Harris , over 220 S. IMh rt. 874
"TOOK HENT If you wish to rent a house call
-1 ? on llenaw a < V Co. , 15th st. , opposite P. O.
61)7 )
"TOOR furniture nnd boxed goods 415 8 llth st. ,
J Omaha. Neb. 1C8 31 *
STOHAOB-Merclmndlsoor furniture. Little
A Wllllann. 1107 Douglas st. 6 0d29.
NEW YORK storage Co. ha\e most extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
buggies , general merchandise , west of New
York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware-
houw ) receipts given : goods insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; special urrangemenls for
commission merchnnls. Call New York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N , IJtli st. , Dennett's block.
WANTRD-A hem for S eautlful Rlrl
Imbless iiho 6 weeks' old boy. Inquire S4'J4
Caldweii. IWtWfl
TJKHSONAIj A penlleman frequently called teA
A OtimUn on business , would like to make the
nniiulntnnrt | > of nome yountt ladv who Is fond of
theaters and annneniPtit : I would not object to
louuirwldour lady : I nive full particulars In first
Idler ; nil letters coutldvntlal. Address for a
dnys , S SI lleo. fc78 S3
PKKSONAI. KtieaRrinents to no ilrf nmklMK
In families MilUltecl. Call on or address
Ml" * Jessie Stunly. K.'l H ) tli st. 117J7 *
PnilSON A I , Private home- for ladies during
confinement , rtrlctly confidential. Infants
adoptml. Address K Vi Uee ottice. 107 J S *
LOST I/t'ft ou Hed Hue car to depot about 0
o'clock ThurtilHV , a leather covered jewelry
box about HxlO indies unit 4 Inches hlKh : the
Under will bn liberally rewarded on returning It
to U. U. Jirookx , room I , GruculK block , H u cor
ner lath and Dodge Ms" . 7K1
OST-J'nim 911 N. IHth st. . dark brow n hors * .
Keluru to II. Ilrugch. Ull N. 1Mb M.
774-27 *
LOST On street , lar u package addressed
MM. Julia Hlcketts , IMcinmlngton , 111. Ite-
ward for return to Omaha Hubber Co , 750 , > j
STOLEN Wagon nnd load of baled liny. The
wngon Is tin old one with new tongue and
reach , low wheels behind and hay rack made of
oak lumber. A liberal reward will be given to
thettndor. Mace He Kttlnger , IIKI N. Itlth. TJO-JWJ
STKAVED rrom < Ud und Corby. one roan cow
with drooped horn nnd piece out of ear. t In
formation w ill be received by T. A. Adams , at
t he above place. 736 39
LOST-On 8.10th st. . dark bay hirst- .
ankles behind ; J10 reward for return to
Chns. Niestel. 701 25 *
LOST t-'t reward A common black \valer
fcpanlel : short tall. Heturn to Architect
Hodghon , ( ill N. Sd st. 714
T > K\VAltD-\Vill be given for return of bay
J-l ninro. SlOO Ibs. . halter on. Strayed from
SS34 Cumlng st. t ) . S. O.strom. r > 98
TjliJlTND On Monday. December 3D , a chance
-E to get one of these -12x125 foot South Omaha
otx for SIO ; warranty deed ; free from encum
brance ; dry and level. 310 S. 15th st. 7C9-BO
T7IOUND on Wednesday one buggy laprobe , InC -
-C quire MM South Slut. TJiSO *
OPEN all day Monday. Pianos , organs and
furniture at great sacrlnv * . New York 8tor-
age Co. . ror. Copltol av. artll 15th at. 78 38
TIUHST-class hotel. In city. Co-operative
C Land & Lot Co. . 305 N. 16th Bt. 747-ai.
H BALK Second-hand square piano. 1100.
Inquire McCord , Hrady & Co , 70J !
FOH SALE-Good pony , saddle and bridle for
t30. Address a. to. lice olllce. TIB 26
RUSH Is over now. Pianos only . Call at
once. New York llano Co. , cor. Capitol av.
and l&th st. 7W-S8.
BILliARD Table at half price , llrunswlck
Balke Co.'s make. Inquire Leslie & Leslie ,
16th and Dodge tu. ns
"OKSES WINTEUED-I nonld respectfully
announce to the citizens of Omaha that I
have better accommodations for wintering
homes al Omaha fair Kroiiud * than can b found I have ISO large warm box stalls ,
w 1th four large yards for exercising during thu
day. the walls are H feet high and are warmer
than most stable * . We have facilities for feed
ing warm bran and oats 3 times a day : horses
wintered this way are tit tor work at anytime ,
while horses wintered in the old w uv of starving
andfieezlng in the comtitalkx takes half the
next hummer to get in condition to drive. The
horse cars run to the grounds every 30 minutes.
Parties having hors-es at the grounds can see
them at any time. Kor particulars and terms
address , A. Thompson. 777-J 2 *
MH8. E. 'M. POST-WUl give Masiago treat
ment to those who prefer to come to her of-
ilce on Mondays from U u. m. until u p. m. Other
days from 6 p. m. to u p. m. Ofllco and residence
southeast cor. Seword Mid SSth sts. 7hj J j
> ANJO taught as an art by G. F. Gcllenbeck.
* s c cor 16th and Douglas , upstairs.
63727 *
"VTOTICU To bookkeepers. My terms for
- 1Klving Instructions , short method , trial
balances , uroW : time required , seven hours. J.
Jt. binUli , room 61H , Hamge block. 7X. ai *
PKOFK8S10NAI , Nurse-Mrs. Van Valken-
burg , Wl N 2.'itlu Tenms reasonable.
74128 *
C ASH paid for second-hand books and Libra
ries. 3W N IMh .si. H. Sbonfeldantliiuarluu.
724 J 22 *
rpo any society wishing to buy pocket knives
-L for Christmas 1 will make a special reduc
tion , C. F. Gardner 719 N. llith. telephone H.
7 24
) IANOS and organs at manufacturers- ' prices ,
with freight added , for the next 10 days.
New York Piano Co. . 15OJ Capitol nvc. CTO 24
E If you have any property to trade
for city lots or lands In Nebraska cull upon
W. G. Albright , 21S 8.15th st. 4'W
"VJOTICE First class bank sand furnished by
-L l the carload InOmuha or by wagon load in
Soutli Omutia , upon short notice. Leave orders
w ith W. (1. Albright , 2IH S. If.lh Mtreet , or branch
olllce at Albrights station. South Omaha , tele
phones 786 nnd SKI. Stover Hros. 242 31
FREE Heauing matter. If jou have not de
cided what papers to take this year , send us
your address , with 10 ceuts lu sliver , and w e w 111
forward your name to hundreds of publishers
all 01 er the country , who will nend you rnaga *
zincs and papers of every description in abund
ance. It Is the best Investment you can ninkt
of a dime. It will yield big relurus. Try it
Subscribe to no paper w llhout getting our price
Hub. Subscription Agency , llodtou , Mass. , llox
3001. Mention Dee. 1J7
HORSE clipping by llcnhnm'
stables , corner 17th and Iwtenport sts
TC1.2Y7 B40 dJU *
MHS.DUHANT-ri lrvoyantfrom Hostnn is
reliable in all affairs ot life unites sepa
rated lovers. 322 N IBth st. room 1 , 7 0 Jan 2 *
DR. NANNIE V. Warrem , clairvoyant. Mwl
ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. llth
St. . Rooms 2 & 3. Tel.iMi. fill
> To buy three grain elevuloisli
Nebraska on if. P. or rVE.&M. H. Ry'
Address S. 23 llee. 751.2CJ1
WANTED To buy the furniture of a smal
or large house centrally locatetl. Co-opera
tlve Land A Lot Co. . 'JJ5 N lath st. _ 1.M
To buy snort time paper. J. W
Gross , at C. E. Mayne's olllce , 15th ant
Harney. 2S5
M ONEYto Ixian O. F. DnvlsCo. , retilt t
end loan agents , IMfi Farnam st. ill ! )
MONEY to loan 1 can now place some tirs
class clly loans Immediately. Cull nt one
if you dealre to be accommodated. D. V. Snoles
room I Marker block , entrance In alley. BU4
MOMEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses.
organs , tto. low rate * . (1. II. Zimmer
man. nnmi & , Arlington block , 2 doors we t o
T OANSnmde-on real estate. Cash on hand
- UN.M. . Harris , pver 2203. 15tli st , KU.
ONKY to lx > an-lly th underMan dwho
M has the only properly organized loan
* ency In Omaha , loam ot 110 to 1100 mad on
furniture , ptwioa. organs , horse * , wrirons , tna
hinery , to. , wlthoat removal. No delays. All
msluess strictly ccandeutlnl. I-oans so tnad
Hat any port cnn bo paiii Rt ny time , ench pay
tncnt reducing thn cost tire ral.l. Advances
madn on flno watches aim diamonds. F\T"ius
hould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , ns many new concerns nro dally comlnij
nto existence. Should you need money call nnd
i-n me. W. H. Croft , room 4 Wllhnell building ,
6th nnd Hnrney. K6
to loan , cnsli on hand , no delay. J ,
W. nnd E. L. Suuire , 14H Farnam st. Pax-
on hotel building. & 3
LOAN-On furniture , horses , \vng-
MONKYTO personal propertyw llhout removal
r on approved collateral security. Ilitslnoss
confidential. Jno. W. Hobblus , IOU Farnnm.
to loan , mortgage notes bought , loans
MONEY on chattel ( security : no delay J. J ,
Cummlngs , Room 10 Darker Hlock 201
to loan on Improved real estate ; no
MONEY charged. Lenvllt llurnham ,
rooml. Crelghton block. 012
ONEY LOANED at C. F. Reed * Co.'s Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , horst > s , wagons ,
petsonal property of nil kinds , nnd nil other ar
ticles of vulue without removal. 31'J S. Mth ,
over Hlmzhnm's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. CSl
moLOAN-Money-I-oansplaced on lm-
JL proved real eslnto In city or county for
Now England Ixiau A Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , 16th and Chicago its. 01J
$ ; 7Wan ' to loan Htfipcr cent. IJnahnn AM -
honey , ISdu Farnam. < m
MONKV to Loan on city property and also on
farms in western Iowa and eastern Ni > -
iraskn ; tlrst mortuaue notes bought and Hold.
Well Hros. i Co , tfiU ! Knmum st. , Omaha ; 1U3
Pearl st. . Council HlulTs , IOU
' OAN8 made on real estate and mortgages
-i bought. Lew Is S. Heed & Co. , 1521 Farnam.
MONEY To loan. Jbowest rates. No delay.
J. L. Rice A , Co. , o > er Coniuierclnl Na
tional bank 027
Pl'.H CKNT Money.
Patterson & Fawcett 15th and TIarney. 013
time loans muckon any available
J ( security , in re-axonable amount ! ) . Secured
notes lK > ugnt , sold or exchanged. General
flnanclal business of any kind tninsacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fl-
mnctal Exchange. N. > V. cor. l&th and liar-
ooy sts. . overbtato National baud. Corlratt ,
manager. < S2T >
ONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
. horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson Ac
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over llurllugtou ticket ofllce.
$ fiOO.OOO to loan In any amount at lowest rate of
interest. 11. U. Irer. Frenzer block. 2J
ajoOO.OOO To loan on Omaha city property at 6
P percent. G. W. Day. 8. K. cor. Ex. Hid.
to loan on city property , and also
farms in Nebraska and Iowa. Udell Hros.
4 Co. . loan , real estate and Insurance agents. Iff )
Pearl street , Council llluffs , la. ; 1K3 Fnrnnm
street. Omaha. 208
VONKY to loan. Notes ana it. R. ticket ,
M bought ahd sold. A. Fonuan , 213 S Wth sts
T\7'ElittVefo ; > HHle , restaurants , bakery , cigar
TT stock , hotels , barl r shops , drug stores ,
Jancy goods , feed stores , livery barn , and other
justnesses in all inrts of the city. Co-operntlve
Land & Lot Co. . 2U5 N. 10th St. 747-2(1.
. worth of linn furniture for WO. Co-op-
cratlve Land oud Lot Co. , 205 N luth st.
HAHDWAKH Stock for sale-A wrll selected
stock of hardware In county sent of never
Catling crop country , 125 miles u w of Omaha , in
Elkhorn Valley , invoicing about J2roi ) . This is a
rare chance. Good paying trade established ,
Cheap rent. Good reasons for selling. Address , <
Ilnrdw are , care of Hector & WilUelmy , Omaha ,
Neb. 7M S'i
SKVEKAL good paying restaurants in"
good location for t > ale. Co-operative Land
& Lot Co. . 205 N. 16th St. 747-20.
W 'ANTED A man with * 1W ) to niauuge an
olHce , 1509 Farnnm .st. , Hoom 0. 752.23 ]
FOR SALE Baloau doing a good business.
Wishes to sell on account of sickness. 411
8.14th st. 744 2B
BAHUEK shoi ) for sale In a good booming
town. 2,000 Inhabitants , cheap rent. In
quire nt 019 Jackson street between 2 nnd 4
O'clock Sunday afternoon - 720 25 *
/ " IIGAR store for sale , good location. Call at
\J 41BK S. 10th st. 70529 *
SALE Furniture nnd fixture of 38 room
brick hotel in central Nebraska , tlrst class ,
guarantee net profit of WOO per ino. Price * 2.1HJO.
.No trade. Address H. II. . rooms5 and * ! . Michel-
son blk. Orand Island , Neb. 701129 *
STOCKS of goods for sale , in all parts of the
city.Co-operatlve Land it Lot Co.,205 N.
10th Bt. 747-26.
wanted. A hustler and a tnan of
brains nnd capital can purchase with 11.000
cash u half interest in an established imd paying
office business , must know enough about real
estate , loans and insurance to be able to take
full charge of xaid business lu absence of part
ner , who w ill be away yart of time. A number
one chance for a number one man. Address or
call for further particular * , J. L. Hlce & Co. ,
over Commercial National bank. 712 27
restaurant , near Cumlng Ht. , rent f22.
Price * 400. terms 1150. cash balance to suit.
Co-operative Laud and Lot Co. , 205 N Iflth st.
} B SALE Bar fixtures , etc. A very hand
some walnut wood 18 foot bar and back
shelving to match.ixiol table , safe , stove , tables
chairs und other articles , will be sold together
or separately or will trade them for liquors ,
cigars , real estate or anything else. Apply to
Stringer & Co. , 1G1B Dodge st. J9 20
WANTKD A partner in a good pa ing busi
ness , established for four years , and pules :
for this year will be over $40,000 , location good ,
must have alnmt f5.0UO to Invest. Address
W. T. R. , P. O. llox 310. 07BJJ *
RESTAURANT for sale at half its value par-
J-w tr going away , Co-operative Laud .V Lot
Co. , # 6 N. lUth St. 747-20.
OH SALE An established ana paying
wholesale business , will take part puy 1
real estate. Address 317 S. 13th st. llfti
\\7 IIOLKSALB confectionery -business for
TT sale. Paying trade established. Look
tills tip. Apply 317 8.13th Bt. 921
FOR SALF. Or trade One of the most profit
able maclUnes for carpenters or inanu'u1-
turers in use. Affords good , proHtnble employ
ment during the whiter. Can tic seen nt Room 3.
Iliirkt-r block. 72 23J
T71OH SALE-Or Trade One of he most profit-
JU able nif.chlnes for cnrpeuteM or muuufuc-
turers In use. Atfords good , profitable employ
ment during the winter. Cnu be seen at Room
3. Harkcr block. 7K225J
STOCK of goods , imprmed and unimproved
property. Co-operative Land anl Lot Co. ,
LION IMh Nt. 7472ti
"IT7ANTED Property of all kinds to exchange
T T Special attention given to trading. ( J. C.
Sootsw ood. IKtV/i S 10th. GXJ
TU ) Exchange- unlmprovodclly property ,
three n-ruom houses In Ambler Placeoiii)7- ; )
roomhouse in Alamo l'lazufour ; U-nxuu liouses
on 8.2bth ( it. W.i. Albright , 218 8.15th st. 49J
"NTOTICK IMlatves oTlaiid in Hroun Co . Nob.
-Ls to trade for mercliniidlse , dry goods nml
Kiocerles preferred. CaU on or address Oeo. W.
Ijowt * . Long Pine. Neb. , 707 2U *
T1O KXCHANdR Improved farm In Iowa
for Omaha residence property. J.J. Wil
kinson. 1321 Faruam. I , KM
TpOH S A LE-Or Trade For merchandise , part
-I ! of eriulty In choice Improved residence
property loiuted In Council Itlulfs. la. J , L ,
Rite i , Co. - 711-23
rPOEXCIIANOE-doodeast trent lot In llans-
X com Place to exchange for clean stock ol
dry goods or clolhlng. C. Jt' . Harrlson,418 8. nth.
TJ1OH Trade , or sale A horse and buggy , Co-
-C operative Laud and Lot Co. , 205 N loth st.
i I 74728
"tTTANTKI * House * and lots to exchange for
TT improved and vntmpronnl lands In Ne
braska and Iowa. Charles C. bpotswood. ilUuU
S. 10th. . 15
TjlOK SALE Or Trade-Part of equity In fine
JL improved Omaha resident o uroperty
Owner leaving the state for good. Whiit ha > o
joulooirer. J. L. Hi f At Co. 711-25
TiO trade farm or land for general mt-r
chandUe. Hex 63. lllue Hill. Neb. nsi 2. . ,
TF You nnve anvtlililK to trade or sell call ot
JL me or write. All business promptly nnd fulfil
done. C. C.Siot | w ood. .tllHS. Hit h. 187
TjlOH exchange First-ola s Omaha and South
.1 ? Oniftha pnijx'ity for good Nebrnsitu nnc
low a land. W. (1. Albright , 21K S. l&th st.4M
TIO trade prox > rty of all kinds for good f units
W. Cl. Albright. El" 8. lath st. 4'JJ
"VM7 ANTED < lood family horse in excnnnga
TT tor lot , JlcCulloch k Co. , cor IMh am
Farnam. * n
fj O TKADK-Two unprored farm * in IcntVfor
JL Omaha property or Nebraska lauds. Mo
Culloch * Co. , cor ; 1Mb and Farnam. CM '
FW KXCIIANflK-A warranty ! ? ! to tisttl
feet of South Onmlm properly fo # exactly
tMiromo nnd net where thisiiroixrty lies. .110
IjUtllmt. , Monday , Dec. Sn. 773-at
WANTED A young matt at omv to Join ad-
> ertlKer In n business well established , nnd
will pay Huu per month this son son nnd Increase
yearly : capital leciulred t-W none but Ihosp
" msluess need apply. S 27 , lleo olllce.
"IJIOH Exchange. If vou hnro farms or lands to
JL. sell or trade send foronrdesctlptho blanks ,
f you have any kind of property to seller cv-
hniige , list 11 wllh us ; we. can furnish yon a
lutoiner. S. S. Campbell & U. W. llervoy. mo
toard otTmde , Oiiinhn. itti
WANTED A few more good fiirms'ln Ne
braska for which I \\l\\ \ \ trade llrst-clii'S
) tunlui and South Oiunha properties , W , (1 , Al-
Jllullt , 218 S.)5tlist. _ ) _ 4W
1 HAVE for trade Improved farm In fuss Co. .
nearPlatt.smouth.will trade for Improved
tnsldo property. Address M 'M , lleo ofllcs.
Boi'IIli to t'xrhniigo for real estate ; lu eood
location nnd doing n good business , Co-op
erntlve Land and Lot Co. . 20ft N Illth. 717 2il
" \\rANTED-To Trade-Choice Inside vacant
T T residence lot in Omaha for a good ino acre
mpnn ed farm In Douglas county or adjoining
utility. No brokers need iipply. Address \\lth
full particulars J. L. Hlce & Co. 711-23
"VTKIIHASKA and Kansas fauns to exchange
J-l for lown nnd Colorado lauds , and vice
% ersa. Co-Operative Lund and Lot Co. , 205 N
l tlint. _ 694
FOH 8A LE-Or trade one good livery stable to
gelhcrwith hones , carriages und harness ,
jest of location on im\ed st. Address S 11 llee.
FOlTTRADE An etiulty in a choice block of
lots Inside Kelt Hue , for merchandise , car
riages , musical instruments , or n bunch of
jood horses. Nason , inn Faiimm si. mi98
TjTOR Or exchange , 7liTncre fuim , Mer-
-U eerCo. , Mo. ; HfklncresJIoone Co. ; 480 acres ,
Nnnco Co. ; nnd other lands. Want good city
property. Win. J , Paul , 1GW 1'aiiiam st. a
\\7ANTED-Stocks of merchatidtse to ex-
TT changa for lauds nnd city pioperty ! C. C.
SpoUw tKttl. 303 ! J 3. Iflth. \M
\\TANTED ( Inintm tironerty to exchange for
TT fnrius and wild lutuis , nlso for city prop
erty , C. L. Hiown/it Co. , Hoom 13. Frenzer
block. 213 J it
F [ ) H SALE Or exchange , good Omaha prop
erty for good stock of boots and Mioos ,
clothing , funnshltig goods or luirdw are. Si-hie-
ylnger Hros. . BI4 S 10th yt. 703 j "i
WANTED Oooa tarms in exchange for
Omaha property , C. C. SpoUwo l. ! K)5iJ )
\\fANTED-To exchange , cholcelnside vatniit
TT lots In Omaha for good horses and iar-
rlages. J. L. Kite Je Co. 91i
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1303
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real cstut * examined , perfected -
fected and aunranteed. 1J2
EN CAHMICHAKL futnisli cumpieto
mid guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas tounty iition
short notice. The moxt complete tet of abstract
books In the city. No. 111U J-arnam st. 07U
GllOOM house aim furnltuie , liW ) ; liouse. tJa ) .
Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N IMh st.
747 20
PERSONAL-The lady with the fur-trimmed
coat. Furnnm st carSaturdnv , can get n war-
rnnty deed to n42xl2Tj-oot South Onmlm lot Uy
calllug nt 310 S. 15th st , Monday , December 2fi ;
810 pays the bill in full ; only n few more left.
773 20
' "TOOR BALE As Sue a piece of trackage as
JD there is in the city. W. ( S. Albright , 21BS.
15th t. ' 4iJi )
"IjlOH SALIv-flOxSfl feet on cable line. Splendid
JQ iimldB location for four llata-DOO. ) Must
be sold at once. Marshall < V Lobeck , room V ,
Chamber of Com. 3H2
WHY payrent when you con buy a furnished
house on a nice largo lot , 50x110 , In the
fluent res-iacoico part of Omiiha , near tlio tilreet
can and within one block of where the Metro
politan cable will run , by paying a xmall mini
flown and the balance monthly. Address O IV ,
Bee. 357
"TOOR 8ALK Good brick business property In
JU centre of Grand Island ; greatest bargain
and best terms in the -city ; but llltle cash re
quired ; long time , low interest and easy pay
ments ; other real estate fer sale. Address J. H.
Woolley , attorney at law. Grand Island , Neb ,
FOR SALE Kfisldcnco property In South
Omaha. W. O. Albright , SIB S. 1,1th bt.
J Lots in Jetlers's add , one a e orner , for 2,000.
O AHne lot , cast flout , 111 Hawthorne , 11,500 ,
(100 cash.
House and lot , Arbor Place , $2,200 , H cnth.
rents for f25 per month.
An elegant trackage lot near St. Paul depot ;
Houtte and lot In west part of city near car
line. 4KW ; J'.WO ' cash , balance to milt.
F. K. Darling , 1505 Howard. 758 2(1 (
. _ . SALE Lot 5 block h , A. S. Patrick's ad
eltlon. will sell for few days at 11,050 , 8J5
cash , balance easy. M 87 llee office. U87
FOR SALE 100 acres of land four miles from
wtock yards , at 1125 per acre ; this ig a bar-
gain. McCugue , Opp. P. O. C33
"TOOR SALE 0 room house on eased ground ,
-C * 200. Cooperative Land and Lot Co. . 205 N.
Wth st. 718 25
TO TRADE Inside property for good liouse ,
eight or nine rooms , and full lot , McCul-
loch & Co. , cor 15th and Farnam. . ( t(4
"iTlOH SALE Lots in Lincoln Place , tromlng
JD on the Metrojwlltan cable , IWW each. H
Corner lot on Lowe avenue and California
cable line , 41.750 , M cash.
Some choice lots in West Cumliig addition , tSOO
to $1,200nsy terms. These lots nre on or jienr
the cable now being built on California st. Huy
now at old prices.
A fine business corner ot 10th and Douglas ,
tWOO. U cash.
Acres in Solomon's add. $ SOO , } J33 cash.
Acres in Spring Valley with truckage , MOO , M
Lots In Lobeck's sub , near South Omaha , on
If. W. Hy , KJOO each , 1-5 cash. These nre the
cheapest offerings in their respective neighbor
hoods. Mat shall i Lobeck , loom V , chamber of
commerce. 454
roll SALE Huslness property In Soulh
Omaha. W. G. Albright,218 S. 11th ht. 4TJ
AN Investment $4,000 will buy a corner prop
erty paying 17 Tier cent. D. D. Smeatan.
IGOR Dodge ht. 072
TjlOH SALE Four houses on S. 2)th st. W . G
JC Albright. 218 S. 15th st. . 4W !
L2NAP Spleudld corner lu Shlnn's addition
C3 with Kinull house. * t.r 0.
Snnp Kast and north corner 28th Bt , 30x121 ,
vacant , on grade. J.'WJ. '
Snnp-iooxl.10 , Shlnu's add. fronting Charles
st. plenty of trees. H.200.
Snajt < il foot comer on 23th fct , Patrick's add ,
fine lot for cottages. JJ.UUO.
Snap 14x13 * ! corner on Sewaid st , on grade
nnd a sure bargain , $2,000.
F. I. . Gregory. iiOiiSouth ! 16th t. HO
PKC1AL Heal Estate Hargalu& Lots on "F"
st , near Catholic < hiirch. South Omaha , nt
&U > earh on monthly tiayments ; cim't bu bent.
Lots in Mnhoney & l.lnulinn'H udd to South
Omaha.3blocks trom Annour's and Fowlers
packing houses , lie ir " ( } " st. at J3iiil , on easy
payments ; nre best in thu market : look at locu
tion and compare price's with anything platted.
The 4 best lots In the annex ut * " > 0l > each ; only
tw'o of these for Hale ; tnkn your ihttlri * . 100 lots
In Linnhnn's add to Cential park , t.tnd to JW )
each , on8years' time tojairtles who will build ;
jirlces are less commission , which-is added to
ngtmts' prices. * Uood bargains in Omaha hoiiFes
and lots : money loaned to liniroe.vacant | prop.
erty. Llnuhan & Mohoiiey , room U , I'M I'ar-
nani st. 7SU 23
one place In the I'nltrd Slates \here ;
ONLY can get a wairantydeed fora 42x123 foot
South Omaha lot for $10 , and that plate is 310
S. nth st und time , Monday nml Tuesday. Ie-
ceml > er2Uaud27. _ 772 2tl
Tlt SALE Thrtt' six-room houses In Ambler
F Place. W. O. Albright. 218 S. If.lh t. 4W
EM STICICNEY iCO. . maKn u specialty of
properly in North Omaha , for salt ) or rent
at Citl/eus' bank , 2KM Cumlng Ht. TJ1
[ jUH SALE-We offer as a special bargntu 1 T
U nrres of land four miles from Block yards.
at lU" . per acre , on line of U , P. H. It. McCagua
< ) pp. P. O. i > 1t
* i"N bouth Omaha , by cullliif at my ollice bu-
-L tween nnwHtiu January 1st , > ou wlllflmla
few bargains in business and toslileiu e projieity
uneiiianl | ] auywhere.owned by parties w Ito can
not meet payments , some will sell nl li-ss thnn
cost of n year ago , 4' ' ) per cent under price. U.
1) . Smeatan. IIK ! Dodge st. Omalui. 07U 31
fflHK lant chance you Hill ever hav to get a
-L i.'xIJS foot South Oiunha lot for only < IO ;
warninty deed gl\en. Cull at 310 S. I'd ! . t. ilou.
day. Dee. 211 , ZHHL.
" | 7HH SALE Finest location for a home In
J : West Omaha , adjiilnlng the inMislou h ia i
of Klrkendull , ( 10 , llra < ly , Hasson and oih r .
Nothing nnor In thu city. Can s 1 IfttxIW.or or
less ; for prices and Uirmi sou S. A. Sloiiun. UJ1
Famamst. * * *
Omaiia , the place to make big ninn , v
SODTH . I liavo for sain Ht tt''t
and up lots \rithln V > minutes n alk nf Annonr'n
IMirkliig houw. on ouiMjuurtrr ca h , liilnncn
yearly , from tlrst hands. Come MXMI and tut H
bargain. 1 > , D. Bmeatan , I'M ' Uudgo 1st. Uiiialm.
COUTH Omaha property t < v ! ( .
k7 Fnlllolon Twi'iity-llftli Mt.-ct between M
and N , with cottage rcnllng forl2ier month )
price IS.O'H rash fJ.000 , bitlanra eusy.
Fc\vmoiti iots on twi-nty-fotirth'nnd Twenty ,
nnh ntit-ets , In first addition to South Omiilm ,
rixelotsou O Rreel ( In second nddlllon In
Soulh Oninhii , il.WK ) t-iU'li , rush li , balnnciinsy. .
( lood business lot WvloO ft , within linlf block
y street , only JI.'JVi.
A loruer on Twentv-foutlli street P7vlJO ft.
within two blocks of SnItf.s juicklnghouse , only
* IN , .
Se\enillots on Tw only-font Hi nnd Hi-Hcxno
" t'wils lu Potter V Cobb's seconduddltlon , fiom
M73to * l , ( rt oorh.
l it.siu PotlerACobb's addition from jKOto
pFl\i ucio tracts from W10 toMV ) perncie.
" Pottfr \ Cobb , liWl rninam st. 745 27
. . SALE One 7-rooin luniv * lu Alamo
Pliizn. W. (1. Albright , 21ss. 13th. 4'.i'i
A I'lttccii-Yoni-Oltl yoiinsstci-'n Ho-
iniii-kalilo Travels.
St. Louis Globc-DcmoLTiU : "I have
been liiovot'.v hlalo In 11m union und
luivu bei'ii cluar around the world , and
I-onisvillo. Jvy. , ' is tlio durndcst town 1
ever struck. "
The author of such a remark inljjhllio
( uiiM-ed | ) from the expurluneu it would
itidicatu to lie a man of thu world. It
was made , how over , by a more pigmy of
: i boy , who looked aSmt six , \eiiiiiold.
but over wlutio biy blonde head but lif-
teen .summer. * have rolled.AH ] lie deliv
ered' hlnibelf of hlsob ervationshe tavo
tlio el ar he was smoking an upward
jerk toward tlio corner of his lefl eve
und spurted so large a eloud of smolio
out of his mouth that his tiny carcase
and big head disappeared in it com-
pletelv. Ili.s stab at Kails City resulted
probably from the fact that when ho
ntruek the town some three months ago
be got fuller than a tick with malaria.
The malady dogged his liver , sent him
to the city hospital , and there cauned
him to give utterance to the above mis
anthropical rolled ion.
The youngsler'b name appears on the
register as "Charlie Bowman , age four
teen years : occupation , tramp. "
Bowman came to the city last month
and was taken with typhoid fever. Ho
was admitted lo the city hospital , and
is. just recovering from n dangerous ill
ness. He was in a talkative mood this
morning and recounted his adventures
very interestingly to a reporter. How-
man styles himself the "Champion Boy
Tramp. " The precocious youngster
was born in London. Ontario , and was
left an orpbon when he was eight years
old. He was adopted by an old French
man , who used him roughly , and one
snowy night Charlie borrowed his
master's cutter and drove the
borso ncro- * the snowdrifts until he
lost himself in the wilds of the Hideau
river. He was forced to aban
don the animal at last , and after days of
wandering arrived at Kingston , where
he remained until the thaw of the St.
Lawrence , when he slipped aboard an
English trader. He remained hidden
in the hold , where a kind-hearted sailot-
fed him for twenty-one days , whou the
vessel cleared Prince Edward's island ,
and put out lo sea. Then the youngster
came on deck , to the astonishment of
the otticcrs and crow. The captain
swore a bit and threatened to swing
him to the yard , but Charlie says he
wasn't a bit frightened , and in a week
could clamor to the top ( nuzen with any
of them. He is full of nautical terms ,
and wont into the phraseology of the sea
to such depth that it would pii7./.lo an
old salt to follow the thread of his nar
In Liverpool ho fehipped in a channel
vessel , and for a year was purser's boy.
In 1883 he was taken aboard the Agin-
court. an Kast India company's steamer ,
and made his way by the Mediterranean
and Suez canal into the Red Sea , thence
to all the trading points of the Indian
ocean and to Hong K ng , where he
shipped on the Pekina coolie transport ,
una sailed toHuwuilwhcreho remained
a bhort time , and then made his way to
San Francisco , at which city ho arrived
in August , 18SO. He then returned to
his Canadian home and found his old
master dead , but the fever for travel
was on him , and ho once more went
to England , this tlmo on the Cunard
steamer , whereon he acted as cabin boy.
He returned to Canada last summer and
again started on his travels. He wont
to BuiTulo in September , and remained
some weeks at Niagara. He then deter
mined to go to No wr Orleans , and thence
to Mexico.-and was on his way thither
when stricken by disease hero in the
city. He adopts in traveling the most ?
dangerous modes used by tramps , that
of clinging to the brake-rod and trunks
of passenger coaches. He disdains to
travel by freight trains , and ways only
the chicken-hearted and inexperienced
of his profession think of riding on such
a slow conveyance.
Bowman said , with B proud toss of his
head , as he rolled his immense quid
from cheek to check : "You can say that
1 never stole a , ha'penny's worth in my
life. Neither do I beg. I am out to see
the world , but I am going to see it hon
estly , and I say my prayers every night
and morning just as well as the good
little boys who cry when they get lost
from their nurse. My mother told mete
to always pray , and 'I not ashamed
of it , though 1 swear like a trooper , too ,
when I um mad , "
Bownmn speakssovcral languages and
reads and writes excellently , consider
ing the little schooling ho has had. Ho
is a great favorite at the hospital. Yes
terday wjis his 15th birthday , and the
medical corps made up a little pursu
for him , while the attendants made the
day pass pleasantly for him.
An American Cltl/.cn Tortured Ity
lorlo Iticaii Officers.
A Jnck.-oiiville , Kin. , dispatch to the
St. Louis Kepublican lellb tin- following
tale : Advices fiom Havana in Porto
Kico. Ho arrived in Havana a few dajs
ago , and made the following statement :
"ftly name is llicnrilo Kadal. I am a
native of Porto Kico , but when quito
young I wt-s taken tn inn United Stall's ,
\\horo I remained with my parents un
til I had altuined maiihoou. I was a
civil engineer and a naturali'/cd Ameri
can citizen , and , urinud with my di
ploma us a civil engineer , I decided to
return to Porto liico , where 1 have re
sided for the last seven years. It baa
always boot , my aim U > kcepulcarof pol-
Stics'and to attend lit my business and
thus keep myself clear of Spanish tyr-
iiunv. 1 had so far succeeded in doing
so until it abort lime ago , when after an
afternoon's ntroll , returning to my resi
dence. J x as informed that a captain of
{ uardia civile ( mounted police tvho
ptjard the woods and forest ) had boon
tin ro inquiring for mo , and that ho had
brought t'vo soldiers with him. Not
finding me he bud loft word that ho
had come lo see mo by order of Gov.
Palaeloa , and that ho would loturn lat
er. I was quite surprised to hear that
they wanted to sou me , but thought ,
nothing moro ubout the mutter until
about ( i o'clock tbnt wimo evening , wUn
mv victors lur.'in Hindu their appear
ance , this time nnnjd to the. teeth , and
accompanied by two extra men of the
.guardla oi vile. I was asked :
"Are iou Kiennlo NndulV"
'VTlmt is my name sir , ' I politely an
' \SVll.taid Ihu captain of the guardia -
dia civile , 'I want you U ) come ith us
aad'huvo nothing to say. Comuakng. '
"I hesitated , but in the 'mcunt no I
wlis drugged out of jny houuot.ik ) n into
the iti-cut and there handcuffed with u
long atcol chain und padlock and ord
ered to march ntonr. I WM thoA taken
to the gunrdin civile quarters that ftro
situated on the outskirts of the city sad
taken before n court composed of the
very Captain or guardin. civile that had
arrowed mo and several olllcors and
armed soldiers belonging to the sumo
body. When I entered 1 asked the cap
tain would ho please loosen my handcuff
a little as the chain had so lacoralott
the llesh that I was almost
fainting with pain. Ho refused to do so
and added that by the tlmo they ( In
guardin Civile ) , had ilnishcd with mo I
would not need any ehaln. I was then
nsked I know about a conspiracy
that had been formed in Porto llieo with
the object of overthrowing the Spanish
government , adding that there would
bo no use whatever in denying the fact8t
MB they were informed that I wan a
member of the conspiracy , nnd thai if I
did not make a clear statement of all I
knew that t would bo taken out nml shot
like iv dog , I protested my innocence
and told them I did not have any con
nection whatever with politics , ntidthnt
I was an American citi/.eu.
" 'That will only make it worse for
. \ ou. ' said the captain of guardia civil ,
and tolling the guards : 'Take him in
the last room and he will sing like a
bird' ( cjuitnra como unpajaro ) . With
my hands still pinioned behind my back
I was told to go ahead. In turning
around to obey their order I lost my
balance , and , being so weak nnd ex
hausted from the loss of blood , I foil
heavily to the llooa. Being unable to
got up , when I was told to do so the
guards , by order of the captain , began
beating mo unmercifully with the
st.wks of their ritles. 1 begged and im
plored my assailants for God'ti snko not
to beat me any more , that 1 would do
anything that was in my power. Ono
of thu guards then dragged mo by the
hair to an adjoining room and told mo
U ) stand up , but I was unnltlo to do so. I
asked them for God's sake to give mo a
glass of water , which they refused to
do , wiving my moments w ro counted
if I did not qwour I was a loader in that
conspiracy , at the same time presenting
me with a written paper. They said ,
"Sign that ! " That is to say , they
wanted me to sign a written statement
confessing that I was a leader in that
conspiracy. I asked them how did they
expect mo to swear to a false statement ,
upon which one of the guards ( struck mo
over the head with his rillo and knocked
me down. I have no idea how long I
was insensible , but when 1 came to I
was alone in the room. An armed
sentinel keeping guard over me was on
the outride of the door. On coming to
my senses he asked me if I was ready to
put my signature to the statement , and
told me if I did not do so it would bo a
sad day for me. I told him that I would
comply with their wishes , upon which
he .sent for the captain , who , in about an
hour returned , accompanied by four
armed guards. On entering ho ad
dressed me , saying : 'I hear you nro
wise enough to conclude in signing the
statement : " So saying my hands wore
loosQned and a pen thrust into my lin
"I could not write. I had lost the use
of my hands. When the captain saw
my condition he took the pen out of my
hands , nnd without my authority , signed
'Ricardo Nadal. ' 'Now , ' ho said , 'you
can go. ' I tried to walk , but again fell
heavily to the floor. I was then picked
up as though 1 was an infant , by two
guards , who carried me out in the street I' '
and laid mo down on the sidewalk , *
where I was found by my friends , who
took me home. The American consul
at Porto Rico duly appeared at the quar
ters , and they not only refused to allow
him to see me , but after insulting him
told him if he did not go away they
would fix him. When I was carried out
in the street the captain sung out to
me : 'You keep yonr month shut , and if
you repeat anything you have seen or
heard , it will be a sorry thing for you
and your nation. ' I am still unable to
walk , but I determined to leave Porto
Rico and go to Washington , where I
will present myself to the American
government and demand satisfaction. I
have already filed suit against the
Spanish government for $100,000 dam
ages , and I am in hopes this matter will
bo attended to at once. "
Score Ono For the Diulc.
New York Sun : A blue bobtail car
was rolling slowly along Fourteenth
street in the direction of Broadway
when the horse slipped and fell and be
came hotxjlcssly entangled in the har
ness , and was very newly run over by
the car itself. The driver was partic
ularly green at his work , and knew not
whafto do in the emergency. Ho pulled
the brake hard , and then stood watch
ing the poor beast struggling vainly in
his toils. A small crowd quickly gath
ered , but the animal was kicking BO violently
lently that for a moment no one ven-
tuicd to make any effort to help him.
Two young men of the most ultradudo
appearance were mincing along the
street at that moment , and one of them ,
seeiJig the accident , turned to his com
panion ami said :
"Hero , George , take this , " handing
him at thu same time his massive cane.
. Then he stepped directly to the head
of the horse , grasped the harness In a
way that fallowed him to be familiar with
the work , ordered the driver and one or
two bvstandors lo unloose certain chains
And buckles , and when they had timidly
obeyed he began to wrestle with the
horse. For a full minute there was a
jMiwerful struggle. The beast in his
dfortF to rise would have smashed the
cur platform and possibly the windows
had ho not been restrained by a power
ful hand , but the dude won the victory ,
and brought the horse to his foot in a
passive frame of mind. When this was
dnno ho readjusted Ills hat , which had
got awry in the struggle , and walked to
the sidc'walk , where ho resumed his
ciine and his walk.
" soul " said the other
"Hl ! s my , Cholly ,
dude , who had been looking on in un
feigned astonishment , "how in the
world did you do thctV"
And n\ cry bystander echoed the ques
tion and scored a credit mark to In
favor of the universally berated dude ,
while tbu driver , with a blank oxpres-
tion of amir/cmcnt on his fuco , chirped
bo his home and drove on.
An IJnilcTKrininrt Forest.
An underground forest was recently
discovered in the metal mountain in
Snxony. These mountains are covered
with forests of pines and lire , in which
there arc a largo numbnr of open spaces
serving as pastures for the cuttle kept
on tlicm during the summer. Many of
these forest pr.stures are inundated In
remain under water until the summer
following. The result of thono periodi
cal inundations is the formation of deep
layers of peat , which supply the region
with valuable heating material. Along
a pass through that forest region a railroad -
road is now building between the cities
of Annabcrg and Sell ware n berg. In
one of the peat pusturstho navvies have
just laid open the stems of a primeval
forest in an advanced stage of petrifac
tion or carbonization. The uterus ull
nro of the lir family , from llfUon la
thirty inches' circumference on the
average , and imbedded in pent some
fifteen lo twenty foot under the surface ,
Nu reliable estimate of the ago oi the
forest has yet been published.
. The vimt shops of the Puljman palace
car comimny.aro to bo lit thoroughly bj