E YEAR OMAHA SUNDAY MOBNING , DEOE EBEK 25. l ST-TWELVE PAGES. NUMBER 100 : TTT T rnMnrnrrp'nn TITLED TRICKSTERS , The Sporting Nobility of Bnglanc Terribly Wrought Up. CONSTERNATION AT THE CLUBS Two Swell British Snobs Engaged ii Their Grievances. CHETWYND SENDS A CHALLENGE Blood-Lottini ? Extraordinary Pre > dieted as the Outcome. RESULT NOT TO BE REGRETTED The Prospects of Sallnlmry's Govern mum. Involving Ittu'lf In a War RipiIIy.Grwvtnjr ! Dimmer The H Uday Trade. Swell Sportlnjr Circles Slmke.i l/'ipi/rfu/it / lSsrl//nim'i ! ftitnlon Bninrlf , ] LONDON' , Dec. 21. rjJuw York Heral Cable Special to thu Ben. ] Thu ChrLstma season , which is sacred to peacu and goo will , finds a ternblu commotion going on i thu Turf and Jockey clubs , in fact , politic for thu moment are at a discount. Whetlii ; there will be a war and when Gladstone i likely to get back in office are questions whic no longer attract attention. What everybody at least in clubland at the West End. asks i : will Sir George Chetwynd bring actio au'ainst Lord Durham , or must there bu ar other undying scandal placed on rccor against a gentleman of England once sin posted to be thu very soul of honoi Lord Ailsbury did much to brea down thu popular belief that a noble sport ; man can never bu a blackleg. It was dreadful revelation to many to find tliii cheating Is not exclusively practiced by pee duvilx. Knowing ones said at tnu time tha if exposure fell upon all who deserved il Ailsbury would not stand alonu in the pil lory. So thought Lord Durham , and , bein a young man , smarting under very beav losses on the turf , as well as from a sense c Injustice , hu blurted out his suspicions. H has suffered much in pocket and ineurrei some risks in reputation from horses not ha\ ing ran straight. He is not a man of man , word < , and the surprise was therefore all th greater when hu came out with thu now cell brated speech at thu dinner of thu Gnncrac ! club , York , denouncing thu malpractice of Jockeys and that trickery wkic has long been permitted in con nection with somu well known stable- The speech was tal kctt about in turf circli ami TSrius versions of it reached thu club ; A3 usual in such easer iicoptu beiran fittin thu cap to thu heads of various persons , j good many names wcru mentioned and thcr thu matter might havu ended , but som good-natured friends want to Sir G org Chetwynd and said : "Durham meant you than art tliu man. " This sort of a remark madu to a man at his club and ulsewhert leaves him no alternative but to ask for a explanation from his accuser. Sir Georg was not so much to blamu aa thu paper make out for doing that which his friends a ! most compelled him to do. Hu asked an got moru tnan hu wanted. Lord Durnat owned that his remarks were aimed at him. From that moment Sir George has acte Injudiciously. Hu sent his brother , Captai Chutwynd , to challenge Lord Durham to duel. Thu latter replied with a very ugl taunt about cheap courage. Thu Jockey ciu fa evidently Inclined to jrivo Chetwynd th cold shoulder , and thu public stand wondu : ing why the baronet does not take the enl effective steps of redress which aru open t him un appeal to a court of law. Any a tempt of outsiders to settle the dispute woul be worse than useless , for the truth can enl bo known to Sir George and his trainer. Th Jockey's horses which ought to have wo \vcro pulled or otherwise prevented froi winning. When Sir George's horsi had sank low in estimatio and wera nowhere In tlio betting Us they suddenly camu out and won great race Such is substantially the allegation , and , If were proved , of coursu it would bu all ov < with thu baronet. Trainer Sherrard hi never befuru had any accusation of this kin to face , and to submit quietly to it would 1 ruinous. Ha cannot shelter himself behir his employer. The probabilities are that j extensive business In thu law courts will 1 tne sequel to Lord Durham's after-dlnnt speech. If racing in England is not to r ceivc a fatal blow the Jockey club will hiu to bestir itself promptly. Chutwynd's f neui are confident that ho will be able to clear hu self , though they admit ho went to woi the wrong way m the first instance. Acuoi for libel are said to bo pending agauibt tv spoi-Uug newspapers which substantially c dorse Lora Durhanl's charges. Not evi Ailsbury's case hR < 4tirred up so much e citcaicnt and feeling in all direcKtms. Apart from this affair the world of Londi Is thinking of nothing but celebrating Chris mas in true Dickens' style plenty to cat ar loahins to drink. The retail trade is di Unctly better than it was last year , thouf the improvement is not so much felt by ami tradesmen as by the ureat stores , which no almost monopolize the business. Rent tax fall as heavily upon the tradcsmin as eve but his customers fiock to the bij stores ai leave him in the lurch. nln some departments of business the pix pcct of war naturally gives rise to coasidc able activity. I understand , however , th In well informed quartet's , increased con dence Is felt that thu atann clouds will bla over. The government can only Juitgc fro dispatches received , from its repra > cntativ abroad , and these are said to be calculated a ! ! - snurekension , butasnor.e of the En llsh ambassadors caff hnV the secret intc lions of tha czar , or Pnnre BUmtiTcV. or tl Austrian emperor , our official information cat worth , much. Certainly no unusual prc arduous are going qn In our dock yards or . . senal , go every aide , worJ hz\.i pone forth to retrench so as to provide Mr. Gn chen with a surplus. Thu government could not take any warlike meas ures without involving ifc lf in dlffleultlei which would shake it. Knowing this , Lord Salisbury is not thu man to incur unneces sary peril. People who arn speculating on the stork exchange in anticipation of Eng land beinir dragged into a war before nexi year has cut its teeth , will most likely bum their fingers severely. The ministry wil direct its policy so that it may enable thi queen to tell her parliament in February thai shu remains on friundly terms with all Euro pean powers. A MBMIJEH OP PABLTAJIEXT. Sonic Elegant Dre n 's For Spain. LCopyriulit UikTb'j Jiimri ( Jiinlim Bmnctt. ] P.vni. , Dec , 24. [ Sew York Herald Cabli Special to thu BEE. ] Worth has Just sen to Spain a group of elegant dresses Intcndei for thu Duchess do. San Antonio and he daughters. Onu is a ball dress in gold , ye ! low satin apron , front embroidered in sllve beads and spangles in two largu tulips , will stems of unseen lenath. The embroidery i of yellow gauze , the satin being cut under neath , showing a faint rose hue. From ai underskirt in pink silk a panel in satin , em broidcred with a stnglu tulip , la placed a either aide. Thesu panels , as well .is th skirt front , are bordered with narrow silve embroidery. They part at the sidu to shov straight folds of yellow tulle. In the openin ; at thu right sidu are placed two lanre pin ; robes and a single rosu has been set in th left hand. One train is in full folds of yellov tulle over ,1 yellow faille with a single widt ! of satin bordering it at thu luft side. A hous- - dress for thu s.unu lady is ui dark bluu satii in empire style , the skirt gathereil Just bulov the waist , cut up thu kneu sis well as at th sidu breadth. Thesu openings are piped a either sidu with palu green crepe and ar hung with a row of acorn shaped goli pendants. A band of gold braiding crosse thu corsage from , thu right shoulder to th loft sidu of thu waiht. Similar bands aden thu cuffj and collars and a square , shor basquu at thu buck from beneath which fal two sash ends of black watered ribbon tha reach to the hem of thu tram. For thu eldes daughter of thu duchess is intended a bill dress in moire yellow tulle , made with short skirt and hansing in front a dee curved garland of daisies , confined to th skirt and luft sidu with a boa of wbit watered ribbon with long ends. Parlnlun Per-onul Point" . [ fiipi/nuM ; & ? 7 t\i \ James Gordon Bennett. ] P ini3 , Dec. 2 i. FXew York Herald Cable- Special to the BEE. ] The weather is col and foggy. It has been vainly trying t snow during thu wholu week. The bonk vards aru now blocked with booths and pet : dlars hawking about dulls and bon bons. A occasional rustic is seen laden with branche of mistletoe , bound to the American leiratiou tliu British embassy and thu houses of Amei tcaxj and Englishmen. Minister McLanu i tne guest of Baronet ton Huffman at Can nes. He will return for the Srst rec option a the legation this seuon : , January i. Mr. Gladstone and family will arrive fron London at the Hotel Bristol next Wednesday Mrs. Edward Famngton gave a dtnne last night in her handsome apartments at Xc 23. Rue Galilee. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watrona and Mrs Annu SUuldon Cuombes will go to Conner : week after next. Mrs. Potter and Miss Martinu Potter , o : Cincinnati , are at the Hotel Onenten routi to Rome for tliu Pope's Jubilee. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bower will leave Pan ; to-day to sail on the City of Richmond nex : Tuesday. Mr. Aaron Healey , Miss Healey and Mrs Hood , of Brooklyn , are at the Hotel Cautiu ental. Mr E. P. Este and Mibd Este , nf Pliila delphia , are at 30. Rue du Vonquardu. A. R. Thomas. Heaton , Jr. , of Detroit , ha arrived from Frankfort , and la at the Belle vuu. vuu.Tho The Countess Kessmer gave a dinner o Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Staunton , of 2so\ York , are at the Hotel Biada. Mr. Thorndyko Sourse , of Philadelphia , i at the Hotel Chatham. Miss Mary Hooper's marriage to the mai quis D' Adca Salvatorra , of Milan , will bo th social event of Pan ? nest nisath. Worth i making thu trousacau. Miss Louise Uurckhardt will go to the Can ncs in January. Mr. and Mrs. Blackman have gone to Lor don for six weeks. Whistlers , thu satirist , is at the Gran hotel. Mr. William Nave , of St Loais , sailed o the Brctagno to-day. Mibs Greatorex gives a dinner ta-con-oi at her studio , 70 Uuo d' Assr.s. Francu : ui l the New LONDON , Dec. 'J4. Advices from Syuuej N. S. W , state that U French comai.miSar. of the New Hebrides has been ordered by b : government to evacuate hs uinds in Januar ; A French company is buy'ng land Train tli natives of the New Hebrides for thu of establishing trautng-ataUons. A WIFE'S REVENGE. Mrs. McAuley , op CIticaso. Shoots lie Uuunam ! for lllti InlidoUty. CHICAGO , Dec.2t. WiiUiUa McAuleyboot keeper for a prominent brewing rirsi , xva shot and fatally injured by his wife thi afternoon. He had been untrue to Uei Shortly after the shooting a constab ! arrived at MeAulcy's bnuao , with warrant cia-ging ! the dyinff bool keeper with adultery. The waraant ha been sworn oat by Joseph W. Mat-kin , a cigar dealer , who stated that his wrfis ha run away with McAa'.cy , and set up houst keening In the city less than a raJlo froi McAulcy's family rcs.dcucc. McAuIey wcr home occasionally to his wife , but Mr Mockin monopolized most of his ume. Mn Mackin was arrested Just before tka shooi lag , and Mrs. M-.V-.iley immediately after i The Search fur the Bis Rait. i. , Dee. 'i * Feara arc entertaine ia " .iviRatisn and mar-time circles that th Kcvia Scotui lumber raft , which is drift i the Atlant xvjil be a source of danger t Allan line steamers. The government i ke steps to flrul tka missini ; craf WAR IS INEVITABLE. F.ussia and Her Enemies Actualls Preparing : for Hostilities. THE PANSLAVISTS IN CONTROL BfForta to Secure on Amicable Set tlement Practically Abandoned. DEGIERS JOINS THE WAR PARTY Ho Accuses the Austrian Govern' ment of Gross Duplicity. OMINOUS TONE OF THE PRESS St. Petershiirsc Paper- * Declare Tim Bulgaria Must Bi.-comr a Rituclau Province anil Austria Forotsil From Bosnia , and Herzt-uovin. Tin : Cintini HtaI Outlook. \rnpijrlulit \ ISST by Xfw Turk Awichital Preit. BEIILIN , Dec. 24. If war curly in th sprinir is avoided ouicial anticipation will b deceived anil military expectation disar pointed. Witlun thu past few days it has hi enmu tku sullied conviction of diplomat ! c-ireles that the czar's pacific tendencies hav been overborne by thu Panslavist f.ictioi and that bu is now under the control of th war party , the leaders of which are likely t precipitate war by some act of provocatio committed witliout thu czar's full asscnl Thu return of General Von Solrveimta the German ambassador , to St. Petersbur w-.is hnped to be siranlized by a decisive tur of the tulu poacoward. Thu conferenc between Ton Schweinitz and Do Glers , th Russian prune minister , on Thursday last ha a contrary result. Whatever passed durui the interview his deepened thu distrust u Berlin and increased the irritation of th Austrian government towards thu Czar' ministers. Du Giers appears to have abar. doned his policy of peace pressure upon thj Czar and to have thrown bis influence on th side of the military party. He is reported a telling Von Sehwemitz that the Czar is sin cercly desirous of peace but is unable t tolerate longer Austrian duplicity in thwart ing Russia's endeavors to obtain thu Jus fruits of her sacrifices in the Balkan can paign. Du Giers has also complained o Count ICalusky's laniruare in reference t Russia declaring it unbearable , and that i Justifies every measure Russia micriit taka t reinforce her troops on thu frontier. An ominous indication of the extreme ter aion of thu situation is the bellicose tonu c the St. Petersburg papers towards Austri ; Balmria. these papers say , must be deprive of any shadow of autonomy and becoinu Russian province , while Austria must b forced to evacuate Bosnia and Herzcgovin. An inspired article in thu Grashdaniu state that thu Russian government has obtame knoxvletiTS that the terms of thu treaty o alliance leave Germany free 20t t ° mterfer unless Austria is threatened with a collaps WDiih T.'culd involve territorial losses. Thi is contrary to the official press of Vienna am Pesth , which treats thu war question as common matter between Austria and Gei many. The Berlin official view concurs with tin of thu Austram press. Thu report thatCoun von Wolkerfstein , thu Austram ambassado at St. Petersburg , had received assuranc from. De Giers that the movements of troop had ceased is scmi-officially demud from Vi enna to-night. Reassuring representations would bu us < less in the f.icu of facts. During thu pat week the Russian cavalry and light artillcr ; have been pushed fonv.ird to the estrem outposts. A careful estimate gives Russi ; eight and a half army corps within the fron tier districts of Warsaw , Wllla anil ICiefl witli 120 field butteries , against thu couibiuui Austrian and German force of five and : half army corps , with eighty-two batterie : Russia bos also an immense preponderant- m cavalry strength. The Taneblatt refers to the recent attemi of thu court cliiiuu to influence thu crow prince to resign in favor of Prince Willian his son. Thu accepted version of thu .ilia : credits Prince Bismarck with renewing th pressure on the crown princu by sendin Count Von Munster to San Remo to repn seat that the gravity of the situation and tl hnuunenc e of a fateful war necessitated h abdication to enable Prinoo William to ai beside the emperor. Thu crow prince's reply to this was that so Ion as ho draws breath hu won ! not surrender his rights or h duties. Thu Tagebkitt goes to thu length ( suEjjcstins that endeavors are being madu I indues the cra\vn princu to undergo an oper : tion in order that a fatal termination may t hurried and end the political embarrassmen Thu National Zaitung refers to thu msmn ; tion in terms of indignation but thu assertioi of thu Tageblatt are known to have a soli stratum of fact. The defeat of thu intngu his strengthened a court opposition to Print BIsnarck. The .North German Gazette announces thi tlio emporer has appointed Count Herbu : Bismarck privy councilor , with the Utlu c excellency. _ FRENCH ART NOTES. Sonic 2i''lio "WoricH Xow In Prupara tlou For th l " 2r' > * Salon. IClipijrt'jht tS87 b\j \ Jiiints G'inbin Bcnilfu. ] Pints , Dec. 24. [ Xuw York Herald Cabl Special to thu BEB. ] Hunner is doing "St. Sebastian'1 for the salon. Jules Lefebre is engaged on a splendid po : trait of "Mad Exerquor of Havre. " Th texture of her red velvet gown , the colorin and finish is marvellously handled. In add tion to this Lufebra sends an "Eve" of ur usual coloring to thu salon. The baokgroun and surroundings are different tones o brawn , Eva is sitting on .a rock. Her Ion fair hair 'tonga over her shoulders , a smil radiates her countenance and she holds in he bonus un apple.- Robert Floeury will send alife-sire portrai of the Pnnces Terka Jablonosky : thu clever pupil of hu Julian MjhixH who to marry Maurice Bernhurdt next Wednesday Floe- ury has madu a speaking Hkenc of Terka. ; is she's culled by her artist companions. It is a standing full length front view. dre i od in white satin and luce , holding in her hands a closed fan. Thu back ground is a ganluu of gorgeous palms. Mile. Beaury Suwrel has also Just com' pleted a portrait bead ami shoulders ot Terka , wnich , with another portrait , shu will send to thu salon. Terka has painted for thi1 exhibition a splendid likeness .mil portrait of her futuru mother-in-luw , Sarah Bern hardt William Lemercy , the nephew of Minister Pendleton , and an exceedinuly clever nupi ! and follower of Carolus Duran , will send tc thu salon a full lenirth portrait of Miss Eames , ot Boston , who will maku her debut on thu operatic st.ure hi. October at Brussels in thu theater du In Mounuio. Her gown it thu panting is of yellbw silk. It is remark ably well dune and a striking likeness of thi younsr songstress. Lncian Doucet Prix du Romu will send i portrait of Leslie Glllen. Caulihvell will exhibit a portrait of a littli American girl , Gertrude Taber. Mr. G. P A. Healy will send to the salon : splendid portrait of Cardinal Gibbous , attlret in ecclesiastical robes. When our envoy asked Mr. Hualy why ht did not exhibit bis recently finished portrai of Mr. Blainu , hu shook his head and replied " .N'ot unless hu is elected. " Stephen Hilla Parker is at work on a paint in : . ' called "Patdora" for thu salon. Miss Lucy Lee Robbins will send a portrai of Mellu Maud , a full leuirth flgure of : woman reclinintr on a couch called iNouehal leni-e Fantasia Japonuise. Mr. E. Gelhay , the clever pupil of Bon gerean and Fleurey , sends a very interesting irenre naintiuir called "Cn Labonitoir at Jardin des Plantt1. " M. Guromu is engaswl on a painting fo : thu salon called "Lu Poete.1 A poet re lines on the borders of thu arekipeliiro , ap parently in meditation. A muse , clad in pnli blue drapery , is jast behind him , Thu beacli is literally covered with nymphs rising fron thu sea. In front of him are Xeptunu , Venn : and N.iiils. Small islands look up here am there and thu deep red glow of thu settini sun colors the clouds of thu closing day. C. Rinehorfs canvas for the salon is : large namting six by nmu feet , begun a Villcr Villa , on the Normandy coast , callei "Looking for thu Buats.1 It reuresents . group of peasant fisher-folks standing or sit ting on thu beach around a wcll-duflnei shrine. The figures arc life-size. One wo man holds a telescope , through which shu i anxiously looking out at aea , which is whib with foam. Another stands near with , i 'child in her arms , whilu others are closu by apparently discussing aa to thu good and evi results that will folifxv thu storm. Another pamting-.of Kiueharta Is thu "Re turn of the Mussel Gatherers. " An eli woman , clad in thu customary linun gowi that thu mussel women wear , with a hug basket on her back , is seen wending her wa ; homewara it E7ilsi& ! through thu aus c beds at low tide. Among thu things of Rinehart's cluve work is an illustration for Harper Bros. New York , called "Legion of Honor. " Henry Baeon , thu Boston artist , will sem to thu sulon an excellent genoo paintin ; called "Building thu Boat , " repre senting an old man sitting in tku doorway of , hut madu of thu thatched bulk of an eli boat. Beside the old Morsemen fishermai stands a boy earnestly watching the builu ing and probably is to be sailing master o the craft. A companion piece to this is IE preparation , called "Mending thu Nets' " I represents a peasant woman mending nets By her sidu are two littlu fair-haired girl trying to assist with thu work. Mr. Bacoi intends to havu a series of paintings dlus trating the lives of those two children , whicl terminates in a roinantiu marriage and lom life. life.Jules Jules Stewart will soon forward to Nev York bis portrait of Mrs. W. Vanderbilt donu in pastels and an oil painting Venetiai scene to Mrs. Bone , of Philadelphia. Harry Watrous has finished several into esting paintings , one of two Capuchin : monks , very finely finished , called "Food fo Reflection. " Another is a small boy strug gling with a stuffed wolfs head and slan called "Keeping the Wolf from the Door. ' Another is a studio interior. A single figur of a model asleep while pobing and a pictur of thu artist on an easel in the foreground called thu "Baechnsses. " S. Mrs. Watrous is working on a lana cuilins representing "Aurcra Drawn by Cupids , ' and which is considered very fine. Chel mimski , thu Bavarian artist , is engaged on i large painting of a military review , m whicl aru portraits of three Bavarian princes am several noted officers. iliss Kate Greatorez sent to the exhibitioi of tlio New York Water Color society yester day a study of market flowers , growing ii pots. Each onu is enveloped in a white pape : calla , peculiar ta-thu French flower market which greatly enhances the beauty of the flowers. Another sketch madu among thi Dolomite mountains of thu peasants am somu beautiful interiors of their homes. I represents a smithy kitchen in Cortinawhicl isover two hundred yeura oldand unlike thos < of thu neighboring houses their kitchen ha its platform or fire placu in a corner of thi room instead of a windowed alcove. Thi umbrella shaped chimney hangs very low fc breathe up the smoke around thu opening Thu colorls 2--'arffully covered meerschaum Miss Alice Buell , the tC7 ' York artist sends to thu water color society this weeJ very broadly tinted water colon of roses Thuir colors era pure and her compo itioi unconstrained and. characteristic. Miss HuL'll will send to the salon a flguri piece. MSss Elkabutli Course , of Cincinnati , h aUA at work on a flgure painting for thu ex hibitlon. New Zealand Politic * . Losnoi , Dec. it Advices from New Zca land state that thu colonial parliament has passed thu nuval defense bill. DOMELLY OUTDONE. London Critic Lota Loose rds Opinion of Shakespeare. THE BARD ONLY A SUM GOD. He Delves Deep Into Ancient Fables to Sustain His Position. TWELVE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC , Thejr Correspond With tlio Peculiar Spelling of William'3 Nome. SOME VERY FUNNY FIGURES Statistics StattMl on Which th AVritet ChuMnne > * Investigation ot'His Peculiar Ideas on the Great Subject. Must Look to His STbu Jnmc * Coition Bennett. ] LONDO.V , Dec. 24. [ New York Hcrali Cable Special to thu Ben. ] The pronunon Christmas gift of the London public i-s un questionably what may bo called a litorarj bon bon in the shape of a Shakesperean trav esty on Iznatius Donnolly. Evidently tliu bon bon is packed in a Christmas eve contri bution by J. F Rowbotham , a Landau critic Hu begins by denying thai there is any ex tant proof that the man Shakespeare avei lived. Hu then puts forth as the center o : his bon bon this query : "How , then , did the idea of Shake poari arise in the English mind ? The answer i ; plain. Shakespeare is a solar myth. Ho ia : personidcation of thu sun , that great lurnin ary of thu universe which has been the objeo of man's worship and thu foundation o : man's legend since the beginning of time appearing in the mythology of past ages as : hercules , on Orpheus , an Apollo , a Samson in more recent cases under a more beautifu allegory as Shakespeare. Let us romnrl that unmistakable evidence is afforded bj thu name , which is parallel to tin Greek Elrata Bolos ( meaning Pardorteiv and is clearly an epithet for thi aun god , who , as he flashed his rays of ligh to earth , was pictured to the political im alligations of our untutored ancestors as i miu'htj- warrior who darwd his arrows 01 shook bis spears. Examine this name a lit tie more closely , for under it lies a mysterj of mysteries. The word Sbakenspeare ( thi ; is thu ottd spelling ) , contains exactly twelvi letters. Is not thu reference from this plan enough that thusu twelve letter are the twelve months whicl make the sun's annual revolution whilu they are at the samu timu the twelvi sums of the Zodiac. In keeping with this Ii thu fact that the full name of the legendary hero is William Shakespeare , a name whicl consists of four sylables and is therefore em blematical of the four seasons. Thu tale o his life fcriss a murvcllans and cssnm ; * ! ; cdflHtructeu sUngory , full of poetry am beauty. He is said to have befln bora on thi 20th of March. How appropriate , for it is the timu of the vernal equinox , when all na ture has its annual birth. His birth J justlj placed in thu reign of Elizabeth , the virgir queen. A plain allusion to the virgin in thi signs of the zodiac is madu to occur in IdiH the seventh year of Elizabeth's reign. Nov it is allowed hi thu interpretation of al legends , biblical and others , to mterchanin thu year and day. There can be no reason able doubt that the seventh year here spokei of is the seventh day , which is Sunday , o : the day of thu sun. Thus for wo have foum the fabled man named Shakespeare to havi been born on the 20th of March in thi seventh year of Elizabeth's reign , whicl means really that the sun god , Ekata Bolos the Pardarter , or Spear-shaker , begins hi annual life time. Thu vernal equines in thu sign of thu virgin ami on thu daj dedicated to his honor , Sunday , then con tinues. Tliu early years of Shakespeare an involved in darkness , which Is the way will all solay myths , and we hear abholutely noth ingofbnn till wunnd him coming into col lision with a certain Sir Thomas Lucy. Hen thu interpretation is easy , for Lucy is evi dently a corruption of the Latin , Lux Luces liirht anil thu fablu o Shakespeare stealing sheep from Luc : as a poetical way of saying that thu sun , thi Spcarshaker , robs the light of its rays ani decorates himself with thu spoils , show trul ] beautiful. The next episode in thu logend- thu sun mounting above the horizon and ten derly keeping watch over this globu of our is idealized and transferred into poetn conception , Shakespeare mounting above thi footlights and becoming the manager of thi Glebe theater. During his management thi Glebe Is reduced to ashes , which is evidentl' an imperfect version ot the stery of Shakes , pearu interpolated by some later hand. A thu sun rises In thu east and seta m thi west , so in the legend is Shakespeare madi to rise m London , the east of England , ant at thu East End , and settle down to die u Stratford , which , compared with London , u undoubtedly the west. Finally , a : the sun's annual life Is Drought to a close at thu end of thu fifty-two weeks , si does Shakespeare , the allegorical sun sink and die after a Ufa of titty-two years Substituting thu week for the year , thu par ablu is complete. As to how the connectaji oninnatcd between the allegorical sun got and the plays that bear his name , there an three hypotheses possible thu first that tin plays wers Ui existence before the aUcgor ; had become crystallzctl Inta ; ta preset : shapt and were dedicated to thu sun * od under hi : cognomen , thu Spearskakcr. The second ii that they were written by priests of 1u < sun god- The third is that they were Uu direct production of the sun god biin self. This last view is broadly hlnlet at In onu of thu play * themselves where ho following mysterious sentence lj found Ii the sun ever wntes a book , , th ( critics will brave plenty of work lu decipher tnir , whU-b. however , is not couched in the-m very words but under thu following'If tku sun plays tlio foul thun knaves may find am- ployinont' But many other reasons besides go to support the theory. On no other sup- povitiou can wo account for the reported references * ) In number to the sun alone , to the various , stellar anil meteorological phenomena. Allusions to day , niitht , heat , cold , snow , stars , moon , sky , clouds , occur over and over acniii. Thu four seasons are continually sentenced , and thu two leadinu ones summer and winter have two wholu plays plays dedicated to their sen-ice n "Midwuuniur Night's Dream , * .mil a Winter's Tale.1 The slims of the zodalc enact still more illustrious roles. The sign of thu Twins is palpably the foundation of tin'Comedy ot Errors. ' Thu sign of the Si-ales furnHies tht cataatropho to the 'Merchant of Venice. ' Most honorably is the Crab alluded to in 'Two Gentlemen of Verona , ' undur the alleg ory of Launccs' dog Crab , while thu Lion u actually brought on thu stage along with the mean and other celestials in thu interlude ta 'Midsummer ' Dream ' where the Night's , staire- oiner plays the lion part , etc. , etc. Out ot the mass of fuat-s here adduced , it is quite possible for a practiced critic to invalidate or explain away some half dozen Orso , but all petty tampering with the position will be en tirely nuiratory. since I now proceed to irreater heights or discovery and brinir for ward. three irrefrapiblo , unassail able facts. The first fact us that thu total number of words in the plays arc exactly equal to the total number of miles in the sun's diameter , being precisely Si,00 ; ! < ) , Thu second fact is still more convincing , Take the plays in any order , and count thu words from thu beffinning to thu middlu hu will find the two central words that is to say , the 441,500th and the 441.01st to bu the sun. Thirdly , and aa accurately follow ing thu statistics would be a little more troublesome to test , wo give notice that whoever - ever has found us right m the two prccedina calculations may spare himself tliu pains oi verifying thu follo'vinr , since it is quite a correct as thu former. The total number oi letters in the plays Is.5,000OflO. Now , according - ing to the leirend , at thu time of his marnairc hu was nineteen years old. Multiplying thw by thu number of words , and the result ia 05.000.000. which is exactly the distancu the sun is from thu earth , calculated in miles. " LITIGATION ENDED. Jtidsc Waterman's Final Oriler in the Storey Will Case. CHICAGO , Dec 24. 'Special Telegram ta the BEE. ! To-day thu finishing touches were given to the Times deal. Thu will madu in 1370 by Wilbur F Storey wa.sby mutual con sent , shattered to atoms in Judge Water man's court. The following order was entered by Judsru Waterman : "An appeal by Anson L. Storey from the order of the probate court , admitting to record a paper writing purporting to bo thu hist will , and testament of Wilbur F. Storey ; * ' .js cause coming on fcrahenrinq and being submitted to the court for a decis ion , thu court doth find that thu paper writ ing dated August 10 , ISsr , bearing the signa tures of J. E. Chamberlain , C. E. Snowden and John E. Shridiron .is witnesses , and pur porting to be thu will of Wilbur F. Storey , deceased , is not thu last will and testament of the said Wilbur E. Storey , ami it is or dered not admitted on record as such wiii , and that a copy of this order be certified ami sent to the probate court.1' "The order of Judire Waterman , " said Mr Snowden to a reporter , "practically settle * tliu wliolu litigation over the Storey estate. The wdl of IS70 was admitted to probate by Judcre Knickerbocker. The will of 1SSI was brought in by Anson L. Storey and was re fused puobate by Knickerbocker , admitted by Rogers and knoilced out by tliu appellate and supreme courts. Anson L. Storey then brought this appeal against probatmir the will of i-.ro. This is now allowed to be vacated by common consent Our money will bu divided satisfactorily amonir the contesting parties anil we take thi ! property and the work on our shoulders. 1 think we will so ncht into poshession tins afternoon , thouirb. I thouuht last week we would not do so till * muary 1. I think ] may safely tell you tli.it Mr. J. J. West wiL bo appointed receiver in place of Mr Hurlbut and the entire property will be put in his hands after the order of the court is entered. Ho will assume all the liabilities , I presume , of bis predecessor. " "Then the wholu thing will bu settled , am ] the Storey litigation brought to an end ! " "Practically , yes. " ' Mr. J. J. West , wnen asked about the mat ter. said that , so far as ho understood ir , th litiwition was all over. As regards himsell and Mr. Snowden , all they had to do was tc turn over their money to the heirs and thej ( Messrs. Snowdun and West ) then stood in lieu of the heirs , while thu latter could dividi the money as they pleased. The Times to-morrow will say. "Tho first steps were taken yesterday in the transfer ol the estate of thu late Wilbur F Storey , in cluding thu Times , to the people whn recentlj purchased it. James J. West , onu of thu pur chasers , was appointed receiver as part of the plan for tne ultimate transfer to the Chicatm Times company As soon as the necessarj legal forms are complied with , thu nuw own- urs will assume editorial control of thi paper " Clinton J. Snowden , who Is associated with Mr. West , stated this evening that there had been a * yet no change in the working force ol the paper except th at C. R. Dennett , niirhi editor , and onu of ch < ? editorial writers haii at oncu quitted their places. Mr. T. C. Cow'u' ' has taken up thu duties let fall by Mr. Dennett , News By Steamship. SAJT Fn.vscisco , Dec. 24. Advices received by tliu steamer Manposa to-day state that King Kalakna has vetoed two bills reccntl.'y passed by thu new Hawaiian legislature. That body denies the right of the king to us his veto power under specific plcdces madi ! at thu time of the revolution , and will insist on tne king reconsidering his vetoes. Advfcts from Thursday island report th capture of a schooner-rigged craft at Margaret - ret bay by nauvcs and the massacre of hei crcv.- . Claim KEE , Dec. 2 Advices from Phil lips say thu injured by yesterday's wreck on the Wisconsin Central railroad arc all doinjj vvcil. Hfiurther deaths have occurred. Thu claim ag-ent in Tjns.lif engaged In adjusting claims. Death of a Union County Pioneer. CHESTS , la. , Dec , 24. [ Special Telegram to the Bua-J Judge I. N. Berry , an old and prominent citizen of thin place , died to-day of softening of thu brain. Ho was one of the pioneers of Cniun county and took a leading M social acd coLUcai CHRISTMAS CHIMES. 1 They Will Ring Merrily in the tal of Germany. FESTIVITIES IN THE FATHERLAND. Berlin Preparing to Enjoy the Quietly. POLITICS TEMPORARILY SHELVED Prince William Distributes Presents to the Soldiers. SOCIETY SHOWS UP A SCANDAL/ A Young Army Otllcur Publishes HI * Eiitf.-iirem : iit Before S tiirlnie the Content of HU ItUe.mleil Princely Prayers. Christina * In Germany's Capital. ICofvrivht 1IST by Jcme * ( Toulon Ecnnctt.l BUULIX , Dec. 24. [ Xew York Herolit Cable Special to the BUK. ] Berlin will to morrow enjoy Christmas without much worry t about politics , clouds or actual bud weather. s About twenty thousand Christmas trues hava been sold , which fact speaks for it-sulf when considered. The week , almost constantly rainy , made shopping very unpleasant work. There has been littlu of novelty hi gooiUty certainly nothing nuw enough to bo worth wading thu streets to obtain. Onu advurtiseir secured a rush of business by promising tu each purchaser who successfully answered a riddle a reward of oOO marks. Thu numburless public celebrations began early ao as to allow distinguished personages an opportunity to enjoy Christmas itselfi The quiet simplicity of these celubrations is well shown by that at Potsdam barracks of the privates of the regiment on duty. These were drawn along tlio sides of thuic- drill room fire by trses of blazing candles' . i The room itself was decorated with ever greens. Presents for the wholu regiment wera laid out on long tables. Prineu William , with thu princess and the heir's two eldest sons , brought with them a number of the nobility and several visiting princess. "Em Feat- burg 1st unser Gott" was sung with a vim which made the walls shako. Prince Will iam followed with a speech , in which tip warned his men that serious times might bu before them for the fatherland. Each Ger man soldier must face manfully the uncur tain future. Then came thu distribution of presents to thu trumpeted accompaniment of 'Frederick the Great's" march. Outsidu of Berlin the wholu country Is covered with snow , so that vagabonds ara driven into the city In great numbers. They get hard up , break a paau of glass and ara carried over thu winter by a sentence of foui months hi Jail. In society there has been this week a scan * dal which has interested many people. Aa officer wnoso namu is ( jiven as Liuutenantt von Alvenslubun announced hi the arista * cratic organ , the Krenz Zoitung , his engage ment to a wealthy young lady Frauluin Thorsig , of Nonen. Almost before his frienda had timu to congratulate him thu Military Gazette contained a notice of his resig nation from thu regiment. Thu gosaipa allugu that the lieutenant is a mure casual ac quaintance of thu lady and attempted to uaa the notoriety of the Krena Zeitung engage ment to forcu her into an engagement with him. Her mother , howuvur , appualed to tha regiment commandant for protection againstt thu intrnme. It is now stated that the offi cer loses his potation and prospects. The student , Oscar Xoiiinaan , of Berlin , who last week Hilled another studdnt , Hugo Marx. Litpzemg , m a duel with pistols at ilf- teen paces , has been released without a trial. trial.A A cleverly forged German bond has Just comu to liirht. It was drawn and colored en tirely by hand , and in all its lines and marks most minutely perfect. Unfortunately foe thu forger , hu worked by candle light , hence , while thu colors seem correct at night , by day they ore slightly off shade. A minural spring , somu suppose of curative value , has been discovered in thu center ot Berlin. Thu sin-ins was first found 250 feut below tha surfaca and is probably an old sewer which has been tapped. Tim supposed paralysis of Joachin's fourth finger proves to bu not lusting or seriuuu. Thu trouble is not so great that the musielaa will bu disabled. ear Ais hi CJmpullu a procession of 5,001 pei-sons went Wednesday to a local shrine tq intercedu for thu crown prince's health. Six teen white-robed girls earned two immunau candles , each weighing fifty-seven pounds , or a pound for each year of thu prince's a e. Thu circulation or salu of the Now York Social Sciencu has been forbidden in Ger many. The auction of last year's Berlin directo ries will bo held the middle of next month. Thuru Is always a demand for them at good prices. Annrrnliu. LOKDOS , Dec. St. Occamea will shortly ask the home government to construct A as. traliiin men-of-war , all cxcypt Queenelaal having paHbud thu naval defence bai. PanM-il a DlH.-ihlcil .Steamship. XEW YOIIIT , Dec. "l.-Tho eanyhJn Albany , which arrived m Liverpool Decera. her iJl , reports that on the 18th she passed a fourmasted steamship , disabled and shown. * three ml lights , indicating a Red Star liner. Officers of thu line m this city this evcnin received a dispatch saying thu disabled ve s < il was probably thu Westernland which loft Sow York for Antwerp on the I7th .ati. with a full complement of pasBengers. The Red Star authorities lean toward the opinion that it is not the Westernland , but that it IM the Waesland , which sailed from Autivwn Saturday , and which bad probably turned uCi'k when she became disabled. Per-wiM Frozen to Death. FOIIT Woimi Tex. Dec. , , 24. Reports re- ceivud from thu Pan Handle to-nisht staw that eight pcrvms were frozen to death la Carson county during thu rcccst toid. .