Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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. ' . . ' * EHE OMAHA DAILY. BEE : BATUBPAY. DECEMBER 24. . 1887 * .
' '
Two Indiana .Arrested For Soiling
Whisky to Other Aborigines ;
ItcHlRtiatlon of Hocrctnry .Toplln
Dentil ofW. M. Horton A Cnwc
of Inostlmnblc Justice
Oilier Ijocnl NPWB.
The Unltrd Htntos Court.
: T A CI.UM.
A bill of review In the case of Aaron Cover
f . Samuel P. Vaunatta , for the quieting of u
claim for n certain tract of land In Morrlek
county , InvolvliiK several thousand dollars ,
was filed with the clerk.
Deputy United States Marshal
Bhowaltcr brought In from the
Wlnnelmgo agency .vcstcrday , two
Indians. Homoboklkc , or Henry Wolf , nnd
KollingThundcr , orTom Van Hurcn , charged
with pclllng whisky to the Indians of the
agcnev. The two red inen wcro arraigned
and Rolling Thunder pleaded pullty , but
HJMJII the ndvlrc of the court ho withdrew the
jilea. Homoboklko pleaded not guilty. Their
story was Unit they bought a half gallon of
called "Miko" In
whiHky of a saloonkeeper ,
Jackson , and they took It homo with them
for their own private consumption. Some of
the predatory bucks of the tribe ,
however , true to their Instincts ,
stole tlio Jug , swallowed the lire-water and
raised n general hullabaloo In the agency.
No serious outcome resulted from their spree ,
though , and the probabilities are that Homo-
boklko and Koliing Thunder will be allowed
to return to the land of their people without
having been visited with a taste of Uncle
Sam's castagatory powers.
roit sni.uxu nr.Kit WITHOUT A i.icr.x'n.
Charles Schermcrhorn was arrested
in Palisade by Deputy Matshal
Showaltcr and brought In on a
charge of selling beer without a license.
Ho was arraigned , and pleading not guilty ,
was bound over in the sum of $ T < 00.
STIU. riiooiinssiso.
The suit on a bond of Holstcatl vs. Milcr ! ,
before Judge Dundy , has not as jet reached
u conclusion.
DlHtrlet Court.
The case of Walton B. Hurllngscln vs. An
drew J. Stanley , u mechanic's lien of 2..0 , is
bclnn heard before Judge Hopowcll.
The attention of Judges Groff nnd Wake-
ley is still being occupied-with this interest
ing caseof Franklin Koblnson vs.
A. D. Jones ct al. This suit in
volves the ownership of 180 acres of
land within the limits of Council
B luffs , upon n portion of which the
tr.insfcr now stands. The value of this land
In estimated to-day to bo worth from 100,000
to ? r > 00KK , ( ) , and the case is exciting much at
tention of land owners and capitalists on
'both sidcrt of the river.
SI'ES foil T1IH 1H1AXCE.
The suit of S. it. Johnson against John S.
Hart , for balance on a promissory
note , ciuno up yestetday. Tlio coin-
] ilaintint alleges that Hart issued a
note for $5,000 on the Dank of Commerce of
this city , payable within thitty days. Ho sold
this note to Johnson with collateral security.
The thirty days elapsed and the note wus not
taken up. Then Johnson realized on the sale
of the securities , $ . ' 1,047.50 , anil then falling to
induce payment of the balance on the part of
Hurt , $1I52.50 ! , ho asks Judgment for that
amount. An aflldavit fop- attachment also
accompanies the papers in this case.
An action was llled yesterday by the Case
Manufacturing company against A. L.
Strang company , .to collect $4,507.70 , to
gether with interest on promissory notes.
County Court.
JOHN r. KUp.n.N's WIM , .
The will of John F. Kuchn , who commit
ted suicide some weeks ago by shooting Him
self in the head , was probated before Judge
MeCulloeh. Tlio deceased left real estate
to the amount of $15,000 , and wife is des
ignated as executrix.
Jrdgo MeCulloeh rendered the following
Judgments yesterdav : Curtis W. Sleeper ,
(70,4 : ) against John E. D.iyhuff ; Alexandei
L. Pollock , SUW against Ezra F. Hinger.
Ill the famous livery stable replevin suit ol
1 James II. McShano vs Alexander lienham ,
the Jury returned a verdict in favor of the
1plaintiff. .
AX Assiaxon's I'uoi'nirry.
A schedule of the property of II. C
Meing , who made an assignment some days
aijo , wus ycbtcrday filed in the county court
I'ollco Court.
Frank Martin , II , H. Ladler , James Smith ,
Hartley Healy , K. E. Urlght and L , C ,
Pucker , drunkenness , from 2 to $5 ant
costs ; Mike'Klng , resisting an officer , lifteer
days ; Pete ICinney , abusing his family , fortj
days ; JKko Kinnanc , II. H. Kcrstead am
Arthur Gannon , vagrants , ten days.
of the General Secretary
and tlio New War's
George A. Joplin , general secretary of the
Young Men's Chrlstaiu association , tendered
Ills resignation yesterday , which was re
luctantly accepted. Mr. Joplin has made i
most efllcient official and was very i > opulai
in the association. He contemplates in em
barking In the real estate business. Messrs
O. P. Sewurd , William Fleming and Dr. J
C. Denise were appointed u committee ti
recommend a successor to Mr. Joplin. Ncv
Years day ( Monday ) the association willholi
at its rooms its annual reception to which I
general invitation is extended. Ono o
the features will bo a grand spread. Las
Jvlow Years 3I.VS callers were registered , am
prepa rations are being made for u btill large
number for the coming reception.
W. M. Horton , for nearly twenty years i
resident of this city , died at his late residence
Seventeenth street between Davenport am
Chicago , yesterday morning at . " > o'clock. Mr
Horton lias been ailing for some years , hi
nmplo menus enabling him to live in com
jmrativo retirement. Ho wus years ago :
railway conductor when railroads weroii
their infancy. Ho was also an intimate abhc
date of Sidney Dillon , with wiiom ho wa
often engaged in the railway contractin ;
business. His funeral will take place tc :
day at 1 o'clock. The remain
will bo forwarded to Boston , where icllgiou
bervlces will bo hold by the sou of the dc
muted , Kcv. Mr. Horton , a prominent Un
1 tarlan minister of that place.
A Site for tlio New Hotol.
OMAIU , Div. 22. [ To the Editor of th
HUE. ] I observe In your paper that con
sidcr.tblo interest is manifested In the sclec
tlon of iv site for the new hotel now beini
agitated to supply the wants of this rapidl ,
growing city. There Is ono very desirabl
locution , not yet mentioned , which | > os c > se
nil the attraction , beauty , convenience an
sightliness with streets on three sides , an
ground 140x1110 foot. It is situated on th
noith sldu of St. Mary's avenue , betwoe
Twenty-Ill st and Twenty-second streets
Sufticlent inducement will doubtless bo give
to make it iiuito Interesting to anyone dcsli
ing to build a $ 1,000,000 hotel. Hopini' tin
location will bo taken Into consideration , ti
tui early day , I remain ,
Yours , vcrj respectfully ,
I > lfl > ell Safes.
Cull nntl see the lurjjo block Moafi
her it licnvh , ( ioii'l AgtV. hiivo on hum
nt MI5 Fiirnuin Ht. , Ointihn.
The County CoimnlsNioiiprs.
Tljo following was adopted by tlio count ;
commlaslonrrs yesterday :
Hroolvcil , Tliut the i-ounty treasurer b
Untrnctcil to exempt tux on lot 7ilock \ 0
tVnith Oinnhu. for the year 1W7 oir accoun
Of ixjlng cliurch proiwrty.
John fconMng ; of.kVlrflcld , Neb. , ' U on tho.
nnrkct wltb six cars of cattle' and tour of *
logs. _ '
G. D. Doxte. of Fa'lrfleld , has two cars of
cattle on the market.
M. Hozavt , of Heatrlcc , Is In with two cars
of cattle.
J. D. Hlenklron.of Missouri Valley , is
ookliiK over the yards.
I. L. Hitter is in from North JJctul on n
irospecting tour.
J. C. W.Vfong , of Cedar Hnplds , looked In
at the exchange on his way liolnu from Chi
cago. . .
A. Li. Spearman , of Springfield , was lookIng -
Ing over the yards.
U. S. Howard , of Hartwell , Mas n "ear of
logs on tha market.
John Degnun , of Marysvllie , Kas. ,
brought in two cars of hogs. He is on his
way to spend Christmas In Chicago.
John limit has three cars of North Platte
cattle on the market.
E. H. Wllcox ofVahoo visited.tho yards.
S. G. Wright of Wright & Hiildwln Is on a
business trip to Iowa. > . ,
J. A Kockfleld of Shenamloah , Is at the
John Qulnn of Wood Hlvcr , registered nt
the Exchange.
E. W. Hanks , of SJicltoli , is n guest nt the
Exchange hotel.
John Pratt , of North Platle , marketed two
cars of hogs.
A. L , . Frcderlckson , clmrtfcd with cuttlnp
up Peter Peterson , was released on WOO. bail
until Petei-son is well cnouHh tj proseeutB < <
Graders arc again nt work on N streetmid
In a short time the prcsenl'ground floors will
bo used as basements.
Jim Snoderry , a constant visitor nt the po
lice court , wound up u dnmlten wprco-joiu
Thursday by beating his wife and setting
lire to the house. As the wiimnn was alone
and the house in a secluded spot .on the , hot- .
toms she let It burn and swore out u warrant
against her husband. Marshal Kico found
ho had skipped and notified the Council
Hluffs police , who arrested him aUthc Irani--
fer , but as he refused to come btfclc without. ,
the necessary papers the marshal lull al noon
for Lincoln to procure them.
The trouble between the city council and
Police Judge Houther has reached a paint
where it becomes positively disgraceful.
Charges have been preferred against the
Judge and u meeting of the council
was called last Tuesday to investigate them ,
but as they were not substantiated they fell
through. Thursday Councilman Loescher
called nt the court room , In the absence of
the Judgonnd demanded the books , which the
clerk refused to produce. This led to a
scene In which the councilman lost his
temper mid nmdo use of language
that caused the cleik to swear oirt u warrant
for his urrcsl. The ruse was heard before
Justice Levy yesterday and dismissed.
In the meantime Looseher hod sworn out u
warrant aguint .ludKo Keuther for callinp
him u "scoundrel" and the case was called
before Justice Levy , but at thu request of the
plaintiff u change of venue was "granted to
the court oniustice O'Gonncll.
An Kxccllcnt Opportunity.-
To those desiring to leurn shorthand
and typewriting , "Vuloiitine'b lihortlmnd
institute oilers the best opportunities of
any school in the wos-t. Send for tlo-
bcriptivo circular to ISle Dodge street.
Death of the Will ! or Uon. llrlsbln.
A brief telegram published in the Her. u
few days ago announced the sad intelligence
of the death of ono of the historic and heroic
pioneer women of the Hocky mountain fron
tier , Mrs. Juno Wagner Hrlsbln , nt Fort
McKinney , Wyoming. December 1 , Ibb7.
Many years ago the writer visited u re
mote frontier army post near the summit of
the Wind river mountains and there madotho
acquaintance of this estimable woman , the
only white woman ut the military post ,
where she was cheerfully performing her
duties as wife , mother and hostess ;
where with the pleasing manners of
a highly cultivated lady she dispensed
the bountiful hospitalities of her generous
husband's home to the few transient visitors
who ventured to visit their remote and dan
gerous section ut that early day. In sunshine -
shine or storm , peace or ivar , wherever duty
called her husband , there would bo found
this devoted wife and mother , carrying with
her the comforts and retineinents of civiliza
tion where bcforo no woman of Iho civilised
race hud ventured. Hundreds have partaken
of the bounteous hospitality of the homo of
General lirisbin and his lovely life partner ,
now alas , no more !
To all who- knew them and who have vis
ited them , the W-uth of Mrs. Hrisbin will
bring tears of heartfelt sadness and the sin-
cercst sympathy for the bereaved and devoted
husband and their family of height and beau
tiful little ones , by the sad event.aru to make
life's pilgrimage without u mother's sympa-
thv and care.
May the Father of All have thorn in bis holj
keeping. Aitsiv Ornccii.
Soidenborg's Fiynro , the only lk (
citffir for oc. Ask your denier for them ,
Max Moyur ft Co. , wholusalo depot.
A Small
Two fine suits of clothes , a pair of elegant
beaver gloves and considerable other prop
erty was curried off by burglars from the
residence of Mrs. Daniels , I'.Ul South Twcn
ticth street , last night. Ono of the maraud
er.s took off an old suit and replaced it will
the stolen garments before loavingtho house
No duo to the perpetrutors has been dis
covered. _ *
Ice plows , markers , hooks , ton s , saws
etc. , at .Tames Morton & Son's , 110 S
loth st. , sole agents for Wood's ieo tools
Send for catalogue.
Strt i t Hewer Stopped.
The sanitaiy sewer on Dodge street becami
clogged yesterday , and as u consequence sev
era ! basements west of Sixteenth street wen
badly flooded. There being no man-holes ii
the street , as there uro In the alleys on tl
Waring system , the sowing inspector was
compelled to dig through the pavement to tin
sewer to remove what had occasioned th (
James Morton & Son , llfi S. loth &t.
all kinds of ice tools in stock.
Closed DcpolH.
The following local freight offices will be
closed Monday , December M , on account ol
Christmas : *
John McCliutoflt , Aut-nt C. . M. & St. P
Hv. , U. P. Uy. , C. , K.I & 1 . Uj.
W. A. Austin , Agent H. AC M. K. H.
A. F. llriggs , Agent-Mo Pue. Uy.
C. C. Gossunl. Agent C. , St. P. , M. & O
IJy. , ! ' . , K. & M. V. Ky. , C. it N. W. Ky.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder nevtir vanes. A ninrdel ot purl
ty , MrfiiKtliiuid uliolrMum'UPSi , .Moie econoiil
Icul tliiiu the ordtnury kinds , nnd rauuot b
told in coiiipotltloalth tht * multltudo ot lou
rost. short weight nlum or phosphuti ) powder *
Cbiitiiti'ejintal Clothing House I
Unprecedented Attractions "in Fine Satin Lined Overcoats , The richest and most elegant overcoats
ever shown on our counters.
All tailor mndu garments , nothing cheap atoout them except the priceAn offering never before attempted of the finest and most elegant overcoats ever
manufactured by us since we have been in business. Our unparalelled sale of the famous Sawyer woolen Go's. , line all wool double and twist
heavy winter weight suits.
LOT No. 1 100 of the finest Elysian Beaver Overcoats made this season ( goods.from the famous Middlesex Mills , of Lowell , Mass. ) Full indigo blue , wool
dyed goods that will not fade , lined throughout with the finest quality of Win. Skinner's satins , the richest and most elegant goods made in this country.
'r" A * --i ' ' * - ' - - -
- - -
" " " - - - - - - - - - - - - -
this to bo the most attractive
to any address in the west or
_ . . . . . AO JJ 11 V-i. lY Lf 1 J.J \.l ID * *
' * III 45
- / 'V * * * v rf &vw w * A - - | III
* % T * * rvv & V V V * * * V * V V tft I. X- ' * * J W * * JV * J X V J HV * Akm\/AA >
ber the price B , only $16.
LOT No. i2 We offer a bargain of equal importance , being 400 of the very finest quality London Seal Brown Kersey Overcoats ( goods
made by the famous worumbo Mills of Maine , a mill that has no rival in this country in the manufacture of Kersey Overcoatings. ) These goods are the
new shade of London brown , which is so fashionable with young gentlemen everywhere. They are made with lapped seams , cut single breasted , lly front and
lined with the same quality of Wm. Skinner's satin throughout , body and sleeves , the best satin made in the world anywhere for service. Wo have these
overcoats in all sized , from 33 to 44 , and offer them at the extraordinarily low price of $19. We have no better overcoat in our stock at any price ; we
could not make a better one if you should give us $30 for it , neither could we use'better ' materials or better trimmings , and we do not believe that these
.Kersey Overcoats , lined with satin , can be purchased outside of our store for less than $30 each. We will send a sample garment by express , to bo returned
at ourexpense _ , if you do not consider them worth $30 each.
r , with silk
fine coats ,
overcoat in our stock , and we now offer them to close at $12.
Woolen Co. , Dover , Now Hampshire , the best
e new regular goods , all sizes , and wo offer
of this year was $20 per suit , and they are
. - - - . „ - - - - - - - j .w. , . , . , - - . - * v , - . . - . , . . . - . . - j , to $20 per suit , as retail houses usually sell them. If not
found so , thoy-mny l > e returned at our i-xpenso. Tlmy-are the mo.4 thoroughly reliable and honest bargains we have ever had the pleasure o offering the trade.
returned'to us at our expense.
We also offer at the same time ETVE HUNDRED DOZEN FINRALL WOOL SCA11LET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS , the usual retail price -all over the country for these goods is
$1.00 each.-Wo offer them at this sale at 40 ct'nlri each. All .iizes from 34 to 44. _ . ' - -
Send for our catalogue , giving a list of over sixteen hundred different articles we sell ; Send for our rules-for sclf-ineaiuroment and you can be fitted just as well at home as here in our store ,
gend to m and st'e how much money you can save from ordinary local retail prices.
Freeland , Loomis & Co. OMAHA BOSTON
Proprietors. DES MOINES
Corner of Douglas and 15th. Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River
KmViody the hlglif-t exvellcnrles In Slmplluess
Comfort mill UurnlilUty nml me tlio
In rShlilonablo Circles. Our nnnip Is on cVery
sale , J. AcT. t'ottsi.NS. NK\V YOIIK.
Hayward Brothers.
FOR the year 18S8 FRANK LESLIE'S
" POPULAR MONTHLY , " which has
heen aptly styled "THE MONARCH OK
THE MONTHLIES , " will be hetter than
ever. Articles upon topics of current
public interest , sketches of eminent per
sons , strong and brilliant stories , and
poetry of a high" order , profusely illus
trated by the best artists , and all by
writers of recognized merit , will fill its
pages. To the old and favorite corps
of contributors will be added writers 01
promise , and no effort will be spared to
keep the magazine ih the foremost rank.
In the November number was begun an
earnest and powerful ta'e ,
"PRINCE LUCIFER , " 1)y ) Ella f , Pierce ,
which has already attracted widespread
attention and charmed multitudes of
readers. Subscriptions pnty begin , ifde
fcired , with the Kovembernuinbcr. ,
Eacli issue contains'a ; „
Full-Page Picture * . in Colors ,
the series of twetvj ; forming for the year
a beautiful collection of'gems of modern
art. ; ' " '
The "Popular Monthly".contains 128 large
octavo pages , nearly .twice the matter of
similar publications , ami. is < not only the
besf , but by 'far th cheapest , of any of
the of maga/ines for thri _ people.
rO. .
$3 per year ; 25 cts per copy
Specimen copies , 15 cents.
63 , 55 and 57 Park Place , New York-
llUIKli mum ,
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - OOOOO ,
II W. YATFS. President.
LEWIS .1. HLEII. Vlee-Presldent.
A. E. ' OUZAI.IN , M Vlce-1'resldent.
W. II. S. H trail Ed , Cashier
HanVlng OOlce ,
Cor. 12th anil Farnam St .
A Generar UttnUoK Uusiutss Transacted.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts.
HeM fncilltle- ! , apparatus nml remedies for suc
cessful treatment ol c\erv form of dUease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Donil and nttemlance ; best hospital accommo
dations in the west.
WKITI : TOR CIXCI'LAKS on Deformities nnd
Hraces , Trusses , Club I'eet , Curvature of the
Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , llrui.cliitis ,
Inhalation , Hlcctricitv , Paraljsis , Kpilenby , Kid
ney , Bladder , Kye , Har , Skiu and IJlood , and all
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All Illood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic 1'oison removed from the t-ystciu witnout
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss of
Vital Tower. 1'ersons unable \isitiismay be
treated nt home by correspondence. AH commu
nications confidential Audlclnes or Instruments
sent by mail or express , ncurely packed , no
marks to Indicate contents or t-ender. One per
sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or
send history of your case , and e will send in
plain u rapper , our
I'non rriuitc , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency -
potency , Sjphihs ( licet and Varicocelc , with
( UKStion list , Address
Omaha ilnltntl ami Surgical Iiintilnlrot
DR. McftlENAMY ,
Cor.Uth and Dodge Sts. , OMAHA , NEB.
Your Eyes Examined Freo.
OnrAlaikaCrjrtaltna Spectacles nnd
uiu tlie bet
botOne Dollar Glasses
In the market. Onrllraillllan AtUCnt I'oblilov are
the belt money iwn , buy. I'arlkliin. Tlntrd lvM > ei
tur weak eyi't , Klvr * ea > and tumfurt. ( ila cs tu
null all klulltn. CAM , AT D.NCK.
Mannion & . Hughes ,
Proprietor Omaha Business Collegt ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Ttlegraphini
aad Typewriting.
Send for Collrce Journal.
B. E. Cor. 10th nnd Cnpltnl Ave.
Mtntlcntlie lc )
Health is Wealth !
1)11. K. r. WhKT'S KKHVR AND IlllAIN TllKAT-
JIBNT , a Ritiirnntei'dppclllc for ll > sterla , Dlzzl.
ne-is. Convulsions , lits , Ncivous NouralKla
Heudnclic , Nervous 1'iostratloii caused by the
> .o of nlcohnl or tobnrcoVukefiilucs4 , Mental
l eirc'.sslon ) , SoftcnliiRof the llr.iln resulting in
Insanity ami It-adlni ; to misery , decay and cU'ntli.
I'leiimtiueOld AKe. lluirenness. Loss of power
In cither inf. Involuntary Losses and . ' permit-
orrliu'acnUM.'dl > yovpr u\eitlon , nfthebru'nsolf-
alinso or over indiilsencc. iaoh : box contnlns
one month's treatment. H.Oua l > oxor xllio.xes
forijr.K ( > , Keiitliyiiinll prepaid on iccelpt of price.
Tornrounycase. With each order received ! ) >
ui lor six lioxes nrioinpnnte Iwlth M. i , wu lil
bend the puiehnser 0111 ntten Kiiarantoe to ra
fund tno money If the treatment clous not effect
n c uro. Guarantees Isbiied only by C. K. ( iOOU-
MAN. nriiKuiat , Sole Agent , lilt ) Kurnnin St. ,
Uniiiha Neli
Or the Lloiior llublt , Posithcly Curcdby
Adiiilnistcrlntir Dr. Iluines' Guldeii
ut It can be ftlvcu In a cup of coffee or tea wltho
( -tin1 knowledge of the peihou taking It ; ubsolut
clly harmless , and will elloct a pi'imunent an
espeedy cure , whether the patient Is n modeiat
Mi Inker or nil nleohollo wreck. Thousands o
dnnikiirds have l > een mndu temperate men who
have taken Golden Hpecltlc In their coffee with
out their know ledge and to ilny believe they quit
drinking of their own free will. IT NEVIIll
KAII.S. The system once impregnuted with the
Hpecitlc , It becomes an utter Impossibility for
tlio lliinor appetltti to exist. For sale by Kiilni
\-Co. , I.Mh and'Uougliis sts. and 18th and Cum-
Ing hts. . Omuhii , Neb. ; A. 1) . Foster It lira. ,
Conncll Illutls , la.
Sample Bottles Free
An I'fflclont ncmcdr for
Dlnrrliai , Ctifilori Morhus , Dynontcrr
Ami nil l > l onlor of the Iloncls. Imported by
Mlhalovltch , Fletcher It Co. , Cincinnati ,
Kor rale by the fiillowliii : itcnler * Hlehardiion llru.
r . , lllnku. flruro \ C'n , Aillcr .V Ilrllcr , ( lladnon-
llroCci , iTiuik llcllnne A. Co , It. It. ( irutte , an
all wholemle unil retail ilruir lite , liquor dealer an
wine nitTClinnn uvurywtu'iu.
ThlrdJndlcIil DUtrlrt.
TlieOld ncllnhlc Spec
lallst of niuny yriu ? er
perleiH'e.trent * itli woo
ilerful Hiicccs , all l.l'Nli
rn.i.-j , nvrri.A.
ut.i'rrur imcii with
out pulii or tilntlriuicc
frtiin utihlnc 4. Alletirtm *
Iceiisi" lar In ml\anro
of my InMltmln n In till1 *
< itiiitr > . ' 1 lioco who con
template t-'olnir to Hot
sprlniis for treatiiient ot
any l'rl\utu or llloml
lll-"l'c I-IM : bo cured fur
onc-tliliil tincotat our
Private I > l pcnsary.
y Ids treatment a Ture. lively ( Mm
f'leilon , free trora mllowne" , frerklei
I , | ckhcail5 , eruption * , etc. , brllllnnt
-"riiut"Vlrcd"'le''iniaiuriiii"f lipalili ! - be lind. cumin wrnkni" < oi
Iromptty ciir-Hl , HloatlnK Headache.Nervous I'-n"
aratoVi. ( ieneral lability. h'ceplo < m- ; . IkMyc'Oon
Unit InillKCMIon. Ovarlnn troubles. Intlinimil'jii and
nlrloratloii. halllnunnd lllsjilaei-incnl" . JiUnal wcitk-
ep s , Kldnrr ( ouiplalnts ana Cbiiugu of I.llo , Loitsult
the Old Doclor _ _
CVC IMP CAD Acute or Chronic liittnininv
rlP A Nil tflfl tlcmnlthp Kyelid or IJlobe
LIL HI1U S.MII anrtKarorNcarML'ht.MlncH. ,
Inversion of the Lids , Scrofulom K > P < . Ulcerattoiii ,
InnamiUHllons , Ab ce < n , Ulmnuss ot Vl'lon ot one or
both -ye , nnd 'I'liinort ot I.ld. . . . ,
IWlnnaniraatlon ot the Kur. tJIcerntlon or Catarrh ,
Internal or Kiternal Ivafnc . or Paralysis , Mimlim
or ItoarlnK nolle. . Thlrkeaed Drum. elc.
Debility , I.OSHO ! Vltul I'ower , Heep-
hsiie , Di'Hpiindi'iieT , I. " J. , of
Memory , Contusion ol Idea1 , Itlurs
. , . .
-pre.MonorS < plrlt xAvcr lontoSo-li.y. | KH-y f > -
uMiifd , lj ck of Conlirtonoe. Hull , l.illeIJiilH
r Mudy or IlusliiPfn. and tlnds life a u.u.lcn , palely ,
rernmncnllj and 1'rlf atcly Currd.
BLOOD AND SK N K , > . , r. : Si
UbUUU nllll OIXIII '
iiiuU'lii's , I'lniplus , III-
rcn. Paln ln the Head and Donos. syplillfileftorn
Throat , Mouth and Tonxup. IJlaniln r KnlarKCiiient
ot tlit-Nei k. Itheumatlxm , Catarrh , Kte. , I'eraianenl-
Iv Cured \VhPii Others HIITC talleit.
Consultation free and ctrlctly conlldantlnl.
Medicine sent fiee from obsprvutlon to all p irts
of the United Stiites. tlorrespondento receives
prompt attention. No letters itnswerecl unless
accompnnlod by four cents in htainps S tid ten
cents In stamps for pamphlet nml list of ques
tions upon jnlvate , special and nervous dh-
Tci ins strictly cash. Call on or address.
DR. ,
No. fc'4 Cor. l.'ith & Haiiiey 8ts..0malm. Neb
i. s. & B. DAMON ;
1707 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State MiiPenin of Anatomy , SI.
Louis , Mo. , I'nhriMty Collt-Ko Hospital , 1 ,011-
don , ( 'lie-son , ( Jermuny ami New Votk H.ivl
devoted their attention
Wore r pedally the o nrisltiR from linprii-
deuce. IiiMt alli < o nulterlntf tocoiii'sp < iml lth-
out delay. Diseases of Infection mid coiitiiKlon
cured s.ifely and hpeedlly without USH of dun-
KPinuKiliUKK. I'u'.lenIB whoso C.IM-S II.IVB been
tiPKleetoil , badly tieated ot pronouuc.-d Incur ,
nble , hhonld not fall to vulto us < oiiwrnliu ; their
inptom's. All letters receive Immediate utt n-
And will bo mailed I'HKI ! to uny address on in-
celpt of ono S-cent stamp , "I'ructloul Obsfrvii-
tlons un Nervous Debility and 1' Ilxlmiis-
" "iSsnv on
tlon , to which Is added an
rlage , " with Important chapti-rs on diseases of
th Iteprodtuthe Oreuns , thw whole formliiu a
valuable incdkal tieatl"e which should ba re nl
by all youiiK men. Addiess |
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
17O7 Ollvo Street St. Louis , Mo.
Krinurkuhh' for powerf iU xyinpa-
* thettc7oiiHjillublit .ittlon and ul > -
Holutc iiuriiblfliy ! JjeaiMrei OK ] ,
ioTif t j.'ii riinteeof _ J h
ielictTot Thrh lllhtrilllli'lltH.
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
nly road to take for Ie > Molnn , Mnrhilltown ,
n't iioulalo by any other lino.
Amonca few of the niimrrouii points of tapprlorlty
cniiiyoil by the putronx of thin road bptwreu Om h %
and ChlcBKn , are Hi two trail's a day of DAY ( "OAUIU
KH , which are the naptt that numan art and Incooul.
ty can create. Hi I'AI.ACK ttl.KKl'INU CAIIS. which
are mndpU of comfort and elegance. IU PAHIXK
DKAWINU HOOM OAKS , unnurpaoed by any , and
Iti widely celebrated I'AI.ATIAl. DINING CARS. tEa
edual of which cr.ntiot be found ° i cwhorrAt Conn *
ell DIulTi the tralni of thn Union Tacit ) i ; Hallway , con.
ncct In union Uepot with thoie of the Chicago A
Northvrpitern Uy. In Chlrago Iho trains of this lln
niaku cloie connection wlUi thote of all othur eaitera
Kor nptrnlt , Colurabiii , Indlannpolli. Cincinnati.
Nlanara Kails , Buffalo. IMUBHIK. lurontn , Muntrval ,
lloston , New York. rblladPlpliTa , llultlmoip , Waiu.
Ington , and all point ! In the east , cik tor a ticket l
It you wlnh the bp t accommodation. All ticket agantf ,
via thU line.
SilltlrkptK 1 1 1 ITT. E. P.V1 I ON.
tienl. ManaKcr , < ! cul. 1'ati'r Agent.
.M.1.A1.COCK. . .
Wutctu A out. City rm.'r. Agcni.
Omaha , Ncbriuka.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , ,
The Host Route from Omaha anil Coiincll [
IllufTs to
Clilcnpo , . . .AND MHnnuker ,
St. Tun ! , Mlnnraptills , tVdur Kaplils ,
Kock Lsland , Freoporl , Koi-kford ,
Clinton , Dnhuqur , Ihivrnport ,
Kl ln , Madison , .lancsTllle , '
llclolt , > Vlnona , Iu Crossp ,
And all other Important points East , Nortbeait and
For through tickets call mi the ticket afntatllQl
Farnaai strvet , In 1'axtou Hotel , or at Unlua raclno
pnot *
I'ullman hlpepersand the finest IMnlneCarstn the
world are run on thti main line of the tilling" , Mil
waukee 4 ht. I'aul llallvray.and efery atlriillon I
paid to passengers by count-cms eui | > luyus u < tb
U.MIU.KIt. GeneralManager. : I
J. K. 'I I'CKKH. A l lanl ( irneral MansRrr.
A. V. U , CAKI' , Ucuural 1'aiirugcr and ,
Ticket A i'nt. . .
OKO. K.IIKAM-OHI ) , Assistant ( Jtncral I'aJicngct
And Ticket Auunt i
J.T. Cl.AHK.licni'rRl FuperiotcndeoU
AilvuillrliiK lias nl HH proven
siictcHkrul. Ilcfoio iil.tclnt ; any
NIIK epupor AilvertUlnR consult
K I * 48 HtmUluli 8lr..l. CMICACO.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Oflicn N.V Corner Htli uinl DouuIuH Ht.
e , M ; ItealdiiKu telephoue , WS.