Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    Afltcrti ctrtrntsiini'ir tiis tirad , lucent p'fr
lineff > rHieTlr t inMrtloni 7 111 rarpachhub-
fpqiiMit insertion , u < l .ll.w h llnepormonth.
NondvertlPcmenttAken forkpg than Bi cents
for the first Insertion. Feun words nlllbo
fnuntcil to tno line ; they tnuxtnin con ecn-
ttxely nnd inunt lie paid In advance. All ml-
vertlfmcnts mudt bo handed In before ln :
n'clo < kp. m. , nnd under no clrcumntnnces ulll
they be taken or discontinued liy tell phone.
rartlen ndvi rtlolpir in thepo c < ihiinin and bar-
fnptlie onRWprs fiMrcr > d in core of the llee.
vrlll plenstf nukfornchefk toennlile them to
pet Ihelr letters , n none will be dclUercd ex
cept on prcfentiitlon of ohcck. All nn ( rs to
advertisements should be enclosed In em elopes.
AH nilvcrtlsemints In these columns nre pul -
niorninttancreTrtilnKwllHonR of
, clrenlatlon of which nRRrepates
more thnn H.ltfl paperK ilallr , nnd clrel the ad
vertisers the ) ieniflt , not only of therltyclrcn
Istlon of the llee , but also of Council IlhilTn ,
Lincoln nnd other cities and towns throughout
thlfc part of the west.
W ANTKD Position MMiort onlcr or restuu *
rnnt cook In cJty or hotel In country : oed
reference ! * . H 21 , II ee olllce. _ WS-'JBJ
WANTED-Sltuntlon br yojuiK man attend-
liiK school where he can work forhls
lioard. willing to do nmthlnu no olllcv fee
fanarilan Kmp. OHIcc , ira..llreBit ( .V 8in. JHB S.
Vi. Tol. KM. 7l')24j' )
WANTRD Pltnntlon aK Conchman by P edo
ai. best of city reference. ' * . Al" " for Oer-
mnn S. ) . thunniKhlv etjierjencod groom , and "
llrstclnscolon'a coachmen no oltlcd fee-
Canadian Kmp. Office , Mrn. llrega & Son , 'ilti 8.
rt. Tel.h 4. 710 24J
WANTED-Sltnatloni for 4 Rohrt m6n' rooks
and2 women rook Mrst-dnsM Jclrls to
iloRenernlhousework , fl chnmbermrtlfls , H sew-
inuKlrlxandfininlnu-room KlrlH. ( lur olllce Is
full ofrlrls. Canadian Kmp oHlcc , Mis. fHrega
& Son , ; il 8. 1Mb st. Telephone W4. 71-1 2lf
ANC American woman wants a sltuitlon in the
city as hoiiKOkecpcr for a widower , liachelor
or aged conple. 1J years' experience. Can fur
nish reference's. Addrims S ill , llee. WIS27
WANTRII lly a young m.ln n polltlon Inn
ro ery to lenrn the. trade. Understands
liook-keopliiK. Address S. 10 llee. OTO-23 *
SITUATION Wanted by an able and cxperl
ented bartender , willing tohe ( security If
required. Address S 12 lice olllce. Kl 27'
WANTKD dltimtlon by harness maker. Hef-
oreii < a Riven. Addiess W. II. M. . lull a\e.
J ) , Council IllnfN. r , 3 2.-.J
\\tANTr.D-Ilnrocr , 2 i l Cumlni ; st.
TT 73I-21J
fTKD-nry conds salesman for c Itv. 1109
irnani t. , loom 'J. 7in 2Ti *
WANTIHI ClolhlnirsnleMiien lor Piidnr nnd
Snturdny. Cull between U and 10 a. ni.
Contlneltal Clotliliu ; llorso. l 08-23
" \XrANTKD-I must hnvo tlnco' persons to
Tt learn booV-keepInK to meet demand for
competent bookkeepers In January. .T. II.
Smith , room Me. Itnmuu block. 6'U 21 *
TSrANTRD-llaibers , Rood men nt once.
TT Steady loli and food wngtfl. Ad < lress .1. B.
Illrst , Chrroll. la. (173-23 ( *
INSIMtANC'IJ AK 'lits Wmited-Tne. Mutual Ho-
soivo life Insurance ( omiiiny of Now VorK
deslio to ennan twenty Kood hjiccjal nnd KOH-
vial ngints in the west on extia llbeiul con-
triiclH. r if terms and teulloiy tnll on or ad
dress , II , FT. KoblHon , KPiuial iniiu'gr , Omaha
Nat. bank bl'djt , Omahii , Neb. ( , K)31 )
TTT 7ANTii : ) VoiiTiKinnii to do i bores for his
TT boanl ami KO to uUiool. Canadian Knip .
. nth st. ( at
. . ) Tiavellng paint and coloi nates.
munln lown , for-St. Louis house ; travel
ing hnidwme , llquois , clothing , groceiy and
dry goods salesmen for eastern houses. Great
Wi-itein biinnu , irol ruinnm bt. , loom U. Send
Htnmps to Insure response. ( US 21'
" \\7ANTEI ) A lllst-cl.iss tailor , good wages
TT for a good man : must give best of iofir-
cnces. Address box X , Long 1'lne. Neb.
_ 4II23J
WANTED I'mir men to solicit In the small
touimmiil roiintivof Iowa , Mlssonil nnd
Nuhrnxkii : hae (25 , giv o liond , and w 111-
Ing to work inuiestly ; salary ( bfi per month.
Addri-KM IM4. ! lleo olllce. 201 !
W ANTIID Men for railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 1120 I'limam. 5'U
WANTED 1110 men of good appearance to
try our Ko meals nt Isoriis restaurant , Jll
nnd 31,1 South 14th btrcct. ( old Ll\u and Let
Li\e ) 51)1 )
" \\'ANTKD ? Woman dishwasher for Orean-
TT wood , plain cook for l'i onion t ( woman ) ,
gill for gonernl work at Arlington. 4 girls tons-
Hist In housework,2gIrN to mind chlldien , 10
gills lot geneial houswork , ! ) e.\petienced 2nd
gills. Wo lniMi lots of nlCHplaces , ftl to $5 per
week. Canadian I'.nip. Olllco , His. llregn i :
Bon , BIO S. 15th ht. Tel. 884. 71U S3 *
"WTANTEIl ( ibl for u-ciiuial housework , 018
T > South 17th. 71J
\\7"ANTRD Clood. woman to do genT -
T ernlhbuseWolkfnrafanillyoftwo. Wages
f I per week. Apply IWJ California. 717
WANTED A thoroughly competent girl Im
mediately nl 2J12 1 nrnam bt. ; good wages.
WAN'l EDOlrl for geneial house work. 1UO +
Davenpoit bt. 71124 *
r\\7r ANTED-l7 ] . email family , apply after U
i V o'clock , Jfrs , J. 11. ] | u > ui-8 , W N SIdst.
ANTED-At ouco girl. C22 N. lUth st
_ , _ MI4
* T TT A . ' rn f t
nnm. _ , _ . _ nji'i 27J
WANTED-Oood girl 1017 Howard st.
W NTED Dining loom girl at Emmet house
X\r-\NTED Mrst clnsd girl for took , good
T > wages paid. Mia. H. C. I'ntteison , roi N.
sau un
"TV * ANTED lluttoii3ioU ! makers n't 1113 111-
YffAN'fiTD Good girl f or genei al housew'orkT
_ V > jflunj'nrimni. mi 2 ; ! *
WAN'JT.D Competent girl forccneinl house-
woik. 501 ti.uvthht. id.l
ANTEl-llil. Inqulioar , N. 17th bt.
6 > N
TTXjAM'CD Dining loom girl nt Occidental.
T > _ 41H ) _
ONE lady In e\etvtown wanted to introduce
mid bill Pinn.Mo\nl Vllls , "ClilclitbterH
llngllKh. " Original and only ( icnuliio. beud 4n
( htnmps ) for piullonlars. ChlehCbler Chemical
Co. , Phllndi-lplila , 1'a. .127
LADIES mo olTi led embroidery niedlewoiknt
thelrownhomi'Sitownorconntiy ) bya > \ hole-
Nile house. Piolltahle , genuine. Good pay can
bo made. Everything tmiilshcd. I'urtliulars
flee. AddiosH Aitlstlc Needlework Co , 1,15Mh
Ht. . New Yoik City. 271
" A ANTED Ludles in cly ( in country , for our
> T holldiiy trade , to take light , pleasant woik
t tbelt own bonus , tl to fj per day can bo
quietly made. Work bent by niaH any distance.
1'artlculai-s fteeNo canvassing. Addiess at
once. Cesci lit Art Co. , 117 A Milk Ht , lloston.
Mnbs. P. O. bnxfil'tf. H 1
\\rANTED Vi Indies to tr\ our IVo meals nt
T > Norrl ' restaurant old Live und Let Il\o ) .
ill ) mid 3) ) I S. 14IU t. Wl
\VTANTED-Customers for the "Hed Cross"
TT w lib h , utter u thorough test , comes out ns
ono of the best basebuiner ! e\ei made. See It
ut C. 1' . ( lurdner'b fuiniico and stuui mom , 711) )
N. IBth fcUei-Blepliimo AW. 72221
WANTED A peed hotel In Nobi nskn 01 cast-
eni Colorado , llrst class. CoopeiutUo
l.und and Lot Co. , 2i N Hitli st. 71t < 2A
W ANTEE-To know thii addiess of H. A.
Decker. Adihev * bos lt , Scotln. Neb.
COMKOUTA1ILE bleeping rooms with bn-nk-
fast wanted peunauently by inlddle-
nitvA gentleman of quiet. sMIal habits. AddrWs
full iHiiikulurs of location , xemxenletic'es , num-
iter In family , w hcther other joomb taken to S
14 Itcortttlcp. l in 2:1 :
to try our iTw eiit
uv.als nt Hi holler rcMnurnut , 101 S. Ifilh.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 210 j 'J _
\XrA.NTED-A tarcn imnd cart lUTthe'iTeu
T T oiiivt- , a-xi ,
WANTED- those wUblugto lhango IHWI.
tlons or engage about Junuaiy I. liook-
keepri 8 , short-bund wittere , clciXs collectois ,
Mih-sinvn , block kiepe-i ! ' , nuinnger , co.ichmt'ii.
drl\ors , lively hanilK , porters , parfceis , etr. , will
consult theli best inteiests by calling on Giviu
\Vi-siem huieau. llest nndJoliUtt inAmirica.
IVyrariiiuii bt. , rnom' U. 715 2i'
/"I AN ADI AN Employment office , the Itebi
v/ place lu Omaha to get help or xttuatloni.
Jlfilu and teuuiU , Uoferciicu , Oiuaua National
bank , Mi-s. llri-BU * Son , 310 3.15th. QVJ.K-IJ.
. . > > * 'tilJIl
\\fAS'l EfA siunll fnrnhheiT cottagn or twli
. T or three fnrnUhtd rooitu on llrbt tloor fur
light Inmxekt ping , convenient tu cnr Hue. Ad-
onc. iv ;
pltfA'ATK boarding , loiS Dodge sf ,
( ) AHU with rctoms for four at 21iallurt t ,
. _ . _ „
thbla board , Aer&A In homo
nt ) U' . for a or 4 Bentlc-mpn. lli D < tdge. M
"iron KENT-Nice 6 room cottage lu pooil lo >
X' cation. Furultliro for sale Cheap. 2215 bew-
nid st. , 72124J _
EOH HENT 0 room lint , nil convenience. } JO , .
, I'J75 worth of fiirulturo for J.1,5. 2 rooms'
arc now rented at } 27. Co-operatlv o Ijind nnd
LoUompany , 2lft N Ibth St. 7IS25
BLOCKS of llnfs fofT < nt .15 rooms Ilc-nt $ s )
I'urnlture for sale rea onable. Nhwbrlng- *
an Income of UjVU. Co OprratlV u Land and Lot
Co. . 205 N Kith t.t. Cl'jgl
F OH HKNT-p'I room house. 1'lerce near 22d.
I * . K. Darting , 15th nnd l/onnnl. / B7827
FOIl Itl'NT A 4 room house on Pleasant st. ,
llrnf Davenport , $ IUil > ei month. Innlilrouf
(1. ( ( l.-Wullncc , ruomH'f rrclghtnn block. niU2i ;
TilOK llENT-fi-t-oom tottnce. furnished If de-
JL1 slrejl. , H. II. cor. ) th and Urant ts. .1. IJon-
ner , 1115 DousliH st. 04424
FOU HRNT-nioom cotdipe. 1117 Pacific jr. .
10 room house near corner lUth nnd Web
ster ISO. Nuson , 1015 Farnam.
K housu I now Qcqupy w111 bivfotrcnt , .Innl
-L nary Ut ; house contains lOnnilns and all
HiffrternfmpiovemenW. a 8. 24th st : Morlta
Me ) er. Kq f
T7Klt UKN.T-0-room house , 1400 Davwinort/i I
. -T UJ I
A3 HOUSES Tor lent , tlO to ! " per nloMtflh , U
* Id rooms each anil fromf > blockntoU mile *
tllMunt from postolllce. F. L. Oreuocy , ( Hentut
AKont.WWS. IBthst. . A t 47S ,
NO. 140 ? 7th avc.6-ronm houne , , itf good i 10
pair , Inrgii yard , cls'tcrn water : will ren-
to responsible perbon w 1th not moro than 2 rhll-
dren for 125 per month. 441
TjiOH HEM' A splendid live room coltnge In
X1 North Omnha , on cnr line , full lot , w ell , eld
tern , tmth room , nil in tlrst-clmm lepnlr , onlj
$25 u month. Inquire at W8 S. lUth. 4In
FOK ItnNT Houses. A list of o\er 100 If
choose from , runalm ? In pilce from $10 t (
J12.'i per month. Alson llstof fmiiMud nnd nil
furnished rooms , all pikes. H. C. Cole , ; ili > So
1.1th SL UUIll
FOH HENT A 5 room house chenp to n small
family , 15.7J S 21st uct Center and Dorras st.
I7IOH HP.NT 2 newli room hwisc1) on S TOtli
L1 near Lcavenworth. C. H. Majne. 1111
POH HENT 5 room house , 27th st. near Doclg *
15. .1 , H. Hlngvvalt , 2ISSo. nthstt. 331
Foil HENT New 5 room cottage In Amble
place ; good 7 room 2btory houne. Oichnn
Hill ; good 4 loom rottage , Oicjmrd Mill , C. E
Muyne , N. W. cot. 15th anil Ifarnuy 6t. 191 (
POK ItENT fi-room house , rlty witor. etc , 81
\V. Cor. ivlngandCaldvvcll. luU rarnanil
i'.NTAnSioom house , city wntir Kas
JL1 anil stnlilo , 1. minutes nlk from the post )
olllco. Hent model at o. Apply to 1 > . J. O'Donr
nhoe , next door to the postolllte. 1 '
FOH HUNT A now ten room house with nil
modern Improvements , Inrno attic , Doiiglu *
and 21st Htnets. Xot a basement house. Ap ;
ply .MoiltsMevtr , tor 11 nnd 1'urnaui. 717
ITlOlt HUNT New house , 0 rooms , etc. ,
-I-1 Krounds , corner 2sth and Cupltol avcnnoj
I7IOH HENT New 4-loom muuKf. TI i"-i.
L1 month. Apply room 20 , 1511 Dodge st. 7 > i
Olt HENT-B elegant brick rcsldenres with
L1 nil modern ImpiiiM-ments. U and 11 rooms
each , plea ant and convenient location. O. F.
lulb ) compiny , 1502 Fat nam bt. 1U
POH HUNT P-room lioii'e , IWjS S" > tli avemie ,
1 block south of LuaM < mortb. . J. U. Cow If ,
it I'ulconor'.s. ! ) OJ
lOH HUNT n-room lioubo n w ror. Sou art !
mid iTth sts. W
"I71OK HUNT J ni'W li inil = om6 fi loom cottnirc
JL rll , clsteins ," per month ; r.M nnd
Cnllfoiula. , , , A. C. Wakuie > , Omilii Xutl luul
bid. _ WI7
Ffll KI'NT Sovora now 7 room lionsos
lilock fiom street cnr , icnilr for occupancy
No\ember 1 ( \ I' , llaiilaon 41SS. 15th st. ryj'i
TT'OH HENT-llouso lT rooTn7.\V. J [ . Imsh"
Jmnn , N 15 corner lutb anil DoiiKUs. WO
Y furnlHlird room. BUS , bath , furnace
- nnd nil modern couxcnlences , Kiiltuble for
gentleman and \\lfo. Hcnt moderate. 711 N.
1Mb t. _ 720.- ; , _
FOH. HUNT NOJI cable 11m- ; furnished looms
ulth llr rhi sl oiid ; nil inodoin foinen-
lences. ' .1)1 ) 1 DoiiKlas st. 7U1 "J *
T7irilM-ilIii : ) Itoiimn With or without boird.
JLA nnd lit'iited by steam. In pilvate family.
Iiuinlie ntluti S. I llli , coinur Jiuksun. TOU 31
" 171OH HUNT To ( 'cntlpmnn nnd wife , four
JL. tiunisboil looms complete for house
keeping ; location central and In plcnsnflt nelRh-
boiuooil : lefeiences given nnd lequlied. Ad
dais S 17 , lieu olllce. OKI 25j
TTUIHNISHKn nnd unfurnished rooms n 1th nil
J-1 conveniences utcaiu heat at 811 S.inh. .
C91 X'J
fi1OK KIJXT runil > hoil front loom eultablu
JL' foi tvogimtlumcn. J10 pel month , till b
nth ht , C74--'tt
TJ10H llpht housekeeping , looins fiiinlslied.
. MWfiownrdst. ( IUL-J *
, S110 lluiuey. C3027
F OH HUNT- Pleasant liont loom. Callutbll
S. ntliRt. ( i.i.1 1
PLUASANT fmnl-'hcd rooms , 0 blocks ) from
1' . O. 17b7 CU.S.t. . 5S3Si
H HUNT Tno gentlemen can find nicely
furnished room \\ltlijjns , heat , bath , hot
and cold -n atct nt ail I Cuss bt. 6J7-a J
FOIt HUNT Nlcolv farnlshpil rooms nt - " "
Uortgc. HUM , liith nnd finnacohcAt. WJ
Tp ° l' HUNT rtunlihed teems with or with-
JU out bo.ud. ills N. nth bt. rat ! 21 *
FOIt HUNT Nicely fninlshed looms gis ,
Ntenm heat , use of bath-loom and oiiMtieol
cnr line. 2:117 : Doniilm Ht. fiW 21 *
TTIlTiTNISHUUi oo"nw-tl t6$1.50 uwi-ck. con
JJ tral , D02 S. ISth , upit lrs. HJU HO *
' "Vf H'U larKC fiont loom , fiiinlshed and heated
JSuit iblo for U\o Kentlemen. Al < o.smal
loom. 1M7 Cass st. r > K
"I710H HlINT Afttir Ibt of .Inunuiy desk loom
JU In a iintiully located ollkc heatixl will
Bteum. Cull nl Itoom 4 Cielghton block. udl
IA1(1U ! Minnyoh * .t looiiiTTvlth bay window ;
i all moilei n ciiienlences. ) . Also jileasnnt
smaller loom. 21 3 S U. cor. aithnnd I'aiuam.
. f > 02 2U *
Foil HUNT 1'urnti-lii'd room , all modem con
> cnleuces , laice cnouRh toi two. 2UO Iwv-
oniiort. . . . G"
FOH HUNT Nlco tmnlslied room , { 9 per mo
S.V. . cor. isthnntl Juckson. ' , \ > i
TTUIlt HUNT-liirnlslfed loom" , It-tfl llo
J ? _ 711 II
FOU UKNT I'll ! iilshtd rooms 16H
I7HMIH elegant rooms all modern comenlence :
X1 17(14 ( Webstei st. 4j3
TpllONT parlor for tno Kentlemcn. Idij Dodge
" 1T1OU HENTriensumest new funilt > hed and
X1 cheapest rooms lu privute house in city. All
com eulence.s. ur business. 101 ] Cupltol nve.
. - "HENT ruinlsluHl looms in Grounigblk.
cetr. 1 Itli mid Dodge Ms. Iiniulre of Geo. H.
\ls , Mllhird hotel billiard room. 507
OH HENT Nicely fuinlshed room suitable
for 2 gentlemen , UHiulie.2011 St. Mary'avo.
" " ' ' ' fnrnlshi-rt front with
"VT"1' ' loom or witn-
X > out board. IH1J Dodge bt , & 7'J '
"I710H HENT Fnrnlslied rooms and board , WJU
X' rnrimm. _ . SiMju *
F UHN1SIIED KMimsfoi rut : , 191ir.nuamst
rAHOE bouth trout iiiom. all modern com en
i iences , suitable for two nontlcmen ; also
first-class table Itoird for thveo 01 four ; refer
dices. 1S14 Dodge ft. 761
TllOIt HENT nirnlshed rooms in nil parts of
J ? the city , by the day. week or month. City
Intelligence olllee , Cielghton bloi-k. 6SH
"f7KTlt"TiENT St'oie7 Ui8Hrlas6 ! ochtlnn. 4J
-l > South 10th. 7t 2I
EOU HENT-New toio on West Q nt. . South
Omnha. llcst openlm ; Unlit-wt-Ht for gen
rial mcichnndibu. , Adiln s u , 1' . J , llox 25. . '
Omaha.i y 85
. . HENT 'lite Itebt lorntlou JiiMniuhii will
J' soon bit for rent loom 22.\Cti , xmtheast
i orner Sixteenth uud Furnaui street v opposita
corner sputh fnmi new J'aMon block , llesj
locution In Onmlm for loan nnd tui t company
olllces. Call niilck al 152U Funiam St. 71U-25 *
"I710H HUNT- pint of an ol iniit ofllce. In.
X1 milru nt once , L. 1 * . Ilninmond , 18i7t Tar-
niun tt.
. - KENT Ei bt halfof cloiv-room. IJli
- . Duilglus bt. 223
Flt HENT- > round tloor otllrn loom , con.
tnilly Incatud , beatc-il ami Uelitei ) . C. V ,
lUrrkou , 118 b. 15tU st , nu
IT10R HENT Tlascmtuit stores and Hats with
L1 all modern Improvements , corner , Uth , nil
Inelutoii ts. . Clip
_ _
IjKMt HENT Hooin Kulfaltlo for barber rflxip ,
J1 lso ue k rocmubcst location In the city.
Unllht 15SJ Douglas tit : 737S
FOH HENT-OmCeirlm Fnrflini st. nt IKTIo &T
per mouth. Ono olllco furnished. 101' . ' Fur-
nnm. 1NJ
ITTJlt rtENT Office room , tlrst'Ooor , nttt8 ( § .
? ISth st. . . . ! 604
Jb 3rooms.lol5N.20tlist.
nrvoins Kllil N. ' 'in st.
3 rooms ! 122 N. Slut t.
(1 ( 1 oem SUIT Nicholas st.
3 rooms 14U 1'lerce , .
lelegnnt unfnrnlolicd rooms , containing. H
the modern convenlnice * . at 41 1 9. lOlh Ht. k
4 tlegant unfurnished rooms at 1704 Webster.
Nice olllce at 3108. 15th St. C)4 ) )
FOH HEXT Unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping , also furnished room 1110 N.
17th t.
F OIl ItENT-Goofl barn cheap 10S1 Chicago st
* Ml
l.rtltEOOHY ; , ren < nl scent. SOTS. 16th St. ,
V'tfrolinrt lloor. Telephone 854. 481
SPt'CIArjntteiitlonnlven to rent Ing 'houses ,
furnished nnd unfurnished rooms. List with
ns. W. M. llau Is , over 23)8. Mill st. 874
TflO ? Jlf NT If you wish to rent n honso call
a ? t ' ' > . , lOfh'st. , opposite 1' . O.
POH furniture and boxed goods 415 S llth st ,
Omaha. Neb. ll.S . 31 *
S' TOHAdK-Merclmndheor furniture. Llttlo
& \ \ Illlnmg , 1407 DoilKlas st. DbO d 29.
NEW YOHlv StorapoCo. have most extensive
facllltlVs of futulture , pianos ,
liURKles. ncneial merchandise , west of New
Yolk. Cash advances to nny amount ; ware
house lecclpls clxen ; poods Insured ; brick
buildliiK lire-proof ; special arianitements for
commission muiLliants. Call New York Storaue
Co , Capitol ave and N. 13th St. , lleunett's blocK.
\ f ° Mn. Atnio and assistant fiom ChlcaRo ( jives
LTL mainietlo and massage ticntment. Minor
laths. 4 ' 4 N. 16th ht. LUI24 *
\\7AXTr.D-A hoiiiie for 2 beautiful jrlil
TT babies : also 6 weeks' old box' . lnnnlroL'4'M
Cald ell liBS-2(5 (
TDlTHSONAL Will the joiuid hnlv who calls
J for her nee n mull at poatrfflco iilentn call
nt the New Yolk StoiaKeCo. 1W Ciipltol axe.
und seleet one of those iJegint xrlllow chalr-
Miltnblo for Christmas piesents. Mi 2t
AOcrm in tnilor , ngod 28 , with ? lOnO , wishes
to coirespond w llh a respectable ladv not
over 25. Addles H S lice olllce. 020 231
IDEItfcONA L Engagements to no <
In families sollilled. Call on or nddiess
sS Je slo Stllldy , t-31 Salh ) st. 147J7 *
PKItSONAIi Heyn's latest xiex\s of Omahn ,
liuliullUK all pilnclplebnlldlims.blid'A-eju
rlHXxsshoxxhiK the tltj tuthvbrAt advantage for
b.ilont Hejn'sgalUi ) and Cinillleld'sbookstoie.
3'JO ' rt 21
IJIJHsONAli Pilx.lie home Tor Indies
lonllntinent , stilctly confidential. Infants
ndopttd. Address P. 4.1 llee olllco. 107 J b *
. - baled hnv. The
Wftpon'ls nil old one x1th new tongue and
leach , loxx xv heels behind and hav talk made of
oak lumber. A llbernl icxviud \ \ \ \ \ be glxento
thullndei. Mneo \ lUtlngcr. : > l ) N. Ililll 7 JO-alJ
STIIA VIJD Prom 3-id nnd Corhv , one loantoxx
xx ithrti txined hoin undpitce out if eat. In
formation xxlll be iccelxed by T. A. Adams , at
the abox-o place. ? Jd 25 . , )
I OKI' Jxvieks ago , hlti > dog C months old.
i blutk on sldu nf net k , In on on bnt-k ot em ,
bobtiill with' spot. Last t-een at I7ard
st sdiool. 1'lnder ittumto 110'J ' N. l th st and
TOSr-Oii S. lOlh nt. , daikbay h'.rswhllo
* nnkus behind ; $10 icxxard lor letuiii to
Chns. Mestcl 70125 *
LOST So icxxaul A coiiimou blnck water
spaniel ; shoit tall. Heturn to Aiehltect
Hodgson , 014 N. KM .st. 714
Oi\VAHO-Wlll : be glx-en for return of b iy
- Iinnie. . ITO Ibs , li.iitei on. fctiajed fiom
at'4Cumin ? t. U.S. Ostrom. 593
rpAlCHN np A loan cow , white hoins. noont
X ii years old. Can be had nt 114 Woolxxoith
nvtnuo by pajjng ehartjCs. P. it : llnrk.
? ' . - 'J } < - ! 30j
NOIl SALE bccoiul-linnd square piano. $100.
1 InquireMcCoid , lliady A Co , 70J 2s
"TOOK SALE-O\tod ponv. Middle and bi Idle for
JE $ .K > . Address S. O ) . He. ; olllcu. 711j 25
V > 1LLAHD Tnblo at half price , Ilrunswlck
J. llHlkcCo.'hinnko. Inqulra Losllg * Leslie ,
ICtb nnd Dodge bts. 210
BANJO tnneUt .ftii ( J. V. Oellenbeck ,
H o cor luh.ina DouglU , iii Whs.
j UJ7J7 *
C ASIf paid for'siHoml-hund book- ) and Libra-
b. 303 NJUth sf n. bhoufeldnntlquurlun.
7JI .1 22
rpo anv society wifllliiK'to buy pocket knives
X for Christmas I will lunku /special lertuc-
lion , C. r. GaidnerTlO N.jtitli , telephone W ) .
7J2 24
331ANOS nnd organs nt nmnnrnctm'ciVpilces
with fielglit added , for the next 10 dajH.
New Yoik Piano Co , J'XH Capitol ave. ( U'l 21
STANDAHD horse and catllo food 1ms become
n positive nece'slty in every loinuranlty
where known. It Impiovx-s the general health
of the animal nud by so doing iHlmlunteH nil ills-
c-aso of the stomuch , blood , etc1 , lluva boxim-
mediately and use It. Mauutiictmed bv F. E.
y-iuboui A. Co. , 17U3 St. Miujs live" , l-'rtr sale
" " "
A 1)1) the fi eight pml then yon cuu.ttuj-T'htnos
J V mid oigausat I lic'torj' prices for the next 10
days. New Voik'l'Iiiao Co 1508 Capital a\e.
, tit/jgt
"vroi'lCE If jou ha ve. uy. property to ttade
J- > for city lots of lands In Nebraska call upon
W. O. Albright. 21h S. 15th at '
HA HI ) < oal Is high. iHiMf-ffl'oiUjBurn It-dn a
"Hcd Cv > s.s' ! basebvlMtAHmnrtllOttir-nilnd
thu pih e , forjounot onlMentllato > our looms
but gc't big beat. C. 1' . Uurdnei , 71U N. 1Mb.
T22 24
JJ enlarged , new danrig | ; lloor. ue 5 : decora.-
tlons and supper rooms. Lntrance on luth bt. ;
paitles , lodges nnd hocletles Atitloln ilng | gl % In
balls or bociables cull on Hems it' ' 'Mumm. Metz
hall. 412d.4
STANDAHD Stock liniment Is ponlllTviyTlw
veiy best piepaiation enor olfeied for the
eiueof cuts , Miiulns , biulsefc , otu _ . on mnn < n
beat. It Is not anexperlmont Imt nns stood tlio
test for veurs , Minuttlctnred by K. E. Sunburn
ACo. , 17Ufat.Maij'slave. 1'orsale e\eiywlielit.
. ' 1&324
"VTOTICE Ilrst class b-ujk i band f urnbdied by
Jthe carload In Qnmha 01' by wagon load In
South Omnha , upon shoit notice. Leave niders
with W. G. Albright , 218 b. 1'itli cot , or branch
olllce at Albrights station. Sonth-Onmlun-tele
phones 7b.i and Md. StoA er Bros. 4 242 31
"pTHEK Itenaing matter. If you hVva&ioi il -
- ielded what papers to take thb ) yptr , ffuft 10 *
your addiebs , w 1th 10 cents In silver , nfflltfo w 11
fnn\urd your name to hundreds of publUhers
allo\er tno country , who will end > oij niugu-
zlnes nnd papers of every depcrlpflon fn'abund-
BUCO. .Jtls the best ln > estment you run mnke
of a dime. It will yield big u-turni. Try It.
SubscrilM ! to no paper w ithout getting our price
Hub. subscription Agency , llo-itoii , MUSH , , llox
3m.l. Mention lieu. ] fc "
AT manufacturers' prices , with fielght added
pianos nnd organs , for the next 10 da > s.
Now VoiT ; I'luno Co . 15ii ( ) Cupltol nve , WR ) 2i '
HOUSE clipping liy W.A.Taggait.nt Ilenlmm'
stables , corner 17th and Davenport sts
Tel. 2T.7. B40 d. )
MHS. Dl'HANT-Clalrvoy ntfiom Ilostnn H
reli ililelnulliiiralr.s of life unites sjpa.
lulnl loveis. J22 N Ibth t , room 1. 7UOJan2 *
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. Ill ) N. loth
t. . Hooms ii & U. riff 1.1 > 44. un
\\7"ANTEl-To buy the furniture of a sm l
T T or large honso centrally locutod , Co-opera
the Lund A Ix > t Co. . Vt N IBth st. iJit
" \\fANThD To buy snort time paper , J. WJ
> T ( iroas , at C. E. Muyne's olllce , IMh am
lluruey , JS5
M ONEY to Lonn-O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
ud ly n { rents , IBM funtmit , . OW.
MONEVto I/onn ny the unfl < tenfl , who
has the only properly organized Joan
iK ncy in Umaha. Loans oplO to 1100 made on
! nrnlture , ) > Umos > organs * Iwrses , wrgonv m -
: hm * y , etc. . wltontT tnirtl. No ileltrs.All
inMness strlctlyicnnfldontM Loans so mtde
Jiat n ? part can bo pMd mny time , each pay
ment reducing Mo cost nfl nitA. , Acruvnco.s
made on finn watches ana diamonds. Persons
W. nnd E. L. Squire , 141,1 Farnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 629
TVf ONKYTO MMN-On furniture. hores. was-
JLTlon otnorpersonnl property.wltnout removal
or on approved , rollntoril security. lliwlnoss
confidential. Jno. W. Hobblns , 101J Farnam.
MONEY to loan , mortgage notes bought , loans
made onxbattel securltv : no delay J , J.
Cummlngs. Itoom 10 Harkcr Illock 801
MONEY to loan on lnvpro > cd real estatn ; no
cnmmlssUm chnrged Letvvltt urnham ,
room 1. Crfelghtbn block. cu
MONEY IXJANEO at C. F. Reed & Co.'s I ian
Ollltf , on furniture , pianos , horses , w agons ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 S. 11th ,
over ningham's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidentIfth ' G2U
LOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
\V. M. HairlB. over 220 8.11th st. 020
TO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im
proved real cbtato In city or county for
New England Loan * Trnst Co , by Douglas
County bank , loth nnd Chicago sts. UU
$750,000 to loan at 6 per cent. Llnuhan & Ma-
honey , IfiOii Farnam. C21
MONEY to Loan on city property nnd n\to \ on
fnims In western lown and eastern Ne-
braskn ; first mortgage notes bought nnd sold.
Odell llios. * Co , 152Fninam ) St. , Omnhn ; W )
1'c-tti 1 bt. , Council lllulfs. 10U
LOANS made on real estate nnd moitgages
bought. Loxx is h. Heed & Co. , Vtll Fnrnam.
MONJ2V To loan. Lowest rates. No delay.
J. L. Hlco & Co. over Commercial Na
tional bank ! 7
Pntteison & Pawcett IBth nnd Harncy. CIS
SI10KT tlma loans innne on nny axannblo
secmltx. In loasonnblo amounts. Secured
notes houcjnt , sold or exchnnged. Oeneial
financial "bnslnessj of any kind transacted
piomptly , quietly and fallly nt the Oninha Fl-
mnclul EMlinngc N. W. cor. IMh .ind liar-
ney sts. , overstate Nutlonal band. Corbett.
manager. 25
MONP.V loaned on rurnmuo. jilanos. otgans ,
horses , etc , low rates. .1. J. Wilkinson *
Co. , UM 1'urnnm , oxer Hurllngton ticket office.
riW.ooO to loan In nny amount at loxxcst rate o
Interest. II. U. Ire > - , 1'ienzur block. O.'J
Uirl.OOO ( To loan on Omnlm city piopcrty nt 0
P percent. G.V. . Day , S. E. cor. Kr. Hid.OJO
MONRY to loan on city property , nnd nlso
furnis In Nebraska and Io n. Odell llros.
& Co , loan , real estate nnd Insurance agents , 103
Peail street. Council llluffs , la. ; 1523 1'arnnm
stieet. Omaha. 203
ONKV to loan. Notes mm il. It. ticket ,
bought ahd sold. A. 1'orman , 2I'I S 1 Mil Bts
BAHllUlt shop for sile In n good booming
t-mn. 2lfiO inhabitant cheap lent. In-
< | iilio at ' 'I1' ' .Inok-on Mieil between 2 and 4
o'clock isiiinhu nfteinoon. 7JO 2"i *
1IGAH stove for sale , g6od location Cull at
I III ) ' . > - . 10th st. 7ft5J' ) *
"TT1O11 SALU rnrnlture am ) IKtuie itf .W room
JL' bilck hotel Inrentinl Nebraska , Hist cluss ,
Kiiuianteonet piollt of WJ p < i mo , 1'ih e J.'UO.
No tn'ile Addii-sslJ. \ II. . raums S nnd n.Michel-
son lilk , Clrand fslnnd. Neb. 71HI 2U
PAKTXUH wanted. A mVWer ami if man of
Drains and capital ran piuchase wlthil.uoo
( ash a half Interest In an ejt.ibllshi d and p 1 } Ing
ollko business , iiiuat kn6enoliBh ubout
IMtate , loans rtnrt Insirrance tO"uf'in Ie to take
full clmrge of said business in nb'enru of put-
ner , who will bu nw'ayjlv/ 1 * Unie. A number
out clianen for nlinmbi r iirW-nlan. Addtessor
call for tuithei partlcnlavs , .1. L. HloACo ,
o er Commprcl il National bank. 71. 27
restaurant , near fuming ht. , lent f
I'llce JUKI , t Mills f 150. ci'jh balance lo > ult.
Co-operative Land and Lot Co , 2iii N 10th t. ( _
F OHhAIU-Barllxt\ire \ rctc , A > eryhi\ml-
s-oni > walnut wood IS foot bar and back
Hhelviiig to match , pool table , hnfe , stove , tables
llinlit ami other aitlrleswlllbo sold together
orsepniatelvor will tiade them for llcpiois ,
rleurri , renl eitatnor nnj tiling else. 'Apply to T
btrlnger A , Co , 151S Dodge st. K1V l
FOH SALE To contrnctors and nullders , a
carpenter shop w 1th m ichmcry for pinning.
tiirnliii. , nawlmr and HorolMng , engine' nnd all
machlnen complete , 'reiili'Hlly located ; chciip.
Apply to J. J. Cutnmlugti , loom ID , llaiker block.
r 511 21
WAITED A pnrtnpr In a good paying bus- !
ness , established for four jears , nnd salts
fotthls year w 111 bu oei $ ltWO ) ( , location good ,
mu > t lm\e about fi.OOO to ln\est. Address
\V. T. H. . 1' . O. llox IW. H7.-.J I *
AlTU Ali cstabllslieil aiiil
JL ! wlioledle buslueis , will take part
real estate. Addiess ! 117 S. 1 Jth st.
FOH SALU A lmrn ss shop In lloldtoge ,
Neb.lmolces nlxmt ft.VW. As the foimer
proprietor , . .folm.legler , is ilead. It w 111 bo sold
cheip ; one other shop In town : Hjilemltd tiade.
Addiess John X.leglei. br. . Hock laland. 111 , 01
Phillip /legler. Hlerton. . Neb. 211 2J *
T\7TfoTl5SA L K confeitttmcry ttusmess for
sale. I'aviugtradeestablished. ' . Look
thl np. Apply : i7S. ! lithbt. 921
\\7"ANTni-To Tiade-Cholcft inside \aiant
T T resldeme lot In Omaha fora good KBl ncie
itnprm ed fiirm In Douglas county or adjoining
county. Nobiokeis iioi d upply. Addiess with
lull particulars J. L. Hlce A. Co. 711-23
"VTUlHtAblC.Vand Kansaiafarms to exrh > ngo
J-i for Ion a and Colorado-lands- \lee
veis.i. CoOpeinthel.und and Lot Co , 205 K
Kith st. HH !
FOH SA LU-r ) trarte oily aood H\ cry stable to
cut her v 1th hoibos , canlagcs and harness ,
best of location on pa\ed bt. Addiess S 11 llee.
130 2 ( ! *
F ( H TltADU Aiioqilltrln a chopWock | of
lots inside licit line , for merchandise , cai-
riage , muslcil" Instruments , or a bitnch of
good hoi se- > . Nation , inr > raruam ht. OU12S
TT1OH SALU-OreNclmnge. 710 acre farm , Mel-
JL1 cet C , Mo , ; wruicies.lloone Co ; Wlacien ,
K nncu To , ; nnil other lands. Want good rity
piopetty. Win. J. Paul , IbW rarjunibt. 573
FOIt SALU-Or Tin do Part of equity in flno
improved Omaha icslduncc moperty.
Owner leaIng the state for good.Miit hive
j on to offer. J. L. tlce & Co. 71l-2Ti
H30 trade for farm or land for geneial mer-
-L , chandise. lloxC-MJlue Hill , Neb , rsl2.y
\ to truda or bell call on
me or wiite. All business pi omptly and fairly
done. C. C. Spotswood , aa'i'f S. Ibth. 187
FOH exchange rirst-cla-s-Omaha und South
Omahapropeity for good Nebtusica und
Iowa land. W. G. Albright. 218 ri. 15th st.m
A ; -m
po trade propeity of all Wndb for good fntms
L w. o.Aibright. 2itfs. rah st. 49-1
VT7'ANTKD-Oood fumlly' in evrhange
Tt for lot , McCulloch Sc Co. , cor 15th nnd
Fnrnam. iH7
"IjlOH Exehapge. If yon hvtf farms or huuU to
JL' hell or tiade send forourile criptl > p blanks.
If you ha\e nny kind of prooerty to sell or ex
change , lUt It with us ; wo can fuinlnh you a
customer. S. S. Campbell X , U. W. Iicivy.iiiu
Hoard of Trade. Omaha , _ tL'
\\7ANTK1 > A few mole uood farms In Ne-
braskn foi which I jill tiad IH it-class
Omaha and South Oimitm Vertles. W. G. At-
blight. 2litS. 1Mb Bt. C _ 4'n.
IHAVKfor trade Imnrnilfarrifrin Cass Co. ,
neurdMattsmouth.-SvlllMidB for Improved
Inside property. Address JH6 , lleo oHIco.
_ _ % _ OSS _
TI1O THAIlE-Two improved fanns In Iowa for
JL Omi ht pro ) > erty or Nebraska lands. JIc-
Cnlloch Q > . . cor ; nthnnd Faiimm. UM
rPO EXCHANOE-Improvea farm In lown
X for Onmlm residence property. J. J. WH
klnson , 1321 Furnam. < W4
T710IS SALE Or Trarte For merehundlse , pml
- tof equity in choice. Improvid residence
propertv locnted In Council lllulfs. lu. J. L
Itlca A Co. 711-'i"i
fpo UXCIIANOK-Uood ea t tnmt lot In Huns.
JL com Plnco to exchange for clean stock ol
dry goods or clothing. C. * ' . Hwrrlson,418 S. 15th.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
" \\ZANTKO-HoiHenanrtlotB to exchange for
T improiolund nnlmprutied lands In Ne
braska and Iowa. Charles C. fcipotrfwood. 3njj (
B. Ibth. i Ifia
_ _ _
WANTED Property of all kinds to exchange
Special attention gtveu to trading. C. C.
. Bi > ctswi > oduWi } smth. ' U-
A man with f CM to Inrest In 1ms- Address llox 110 , Vllllscn. low a.
_ _
TO rjcchnngo For untmproveftclty propbrtv ,
three -room hou e in AniblecI'I ceoue ; "
roonlhouie In Alnino l'lntnfour ; n-rioin honied
m 3. Sflth sU W.0.-Albrlght. Sly S. ISUl t. 4'H
HOTEL in t Ms city for le. * 7rm or w 111 tnko
part Intrude. This placets tlrtt-clnHs. ( 'Jill
nnd Inveitgnie. Co-Operntho Land and Ixtt
'o. , 203 N Kith Ht. ( F 24
VrOTICE-4sO acres of Inud In llrown ro.rNTbT
J- > to trade for merchandise , dry gyofls and
rrocerles preferred. Call on or address ( leo. W.
[ .owe. Long Pine. Neb. _ 707 20 *
"WANTED Stocks of merchandise- ex-
i chanen for lands and city property C. C.
spotswood.m-'j ; ' s. icth. _ t w .
WA'NTEOniRha itroperty to p-xclmlige for
farms and wild Inndj , also for city prop
erly.- . L. llrown & Co. , Itoom 1.1 , frenzer
jluck. 21JJP
FOH SALE Or exchange , good OmahA prop
erty for good stock of boots nnd 8lioe4 ,
clothing , furnishing goods or hardware. Schlt5-
singer flros. . b4 ! 3 lUth st. TOT j 3
WANTED tlooa tnrms in cxchnnge for
Omaha property , C. C. Bpotswood. 305)4 )
3 Idth. KB
FH RAIiK Thowholo or tmlf Interest in a
goocl pukery. Adilie-ts 8 10 , llee olUco.
Cio < * 4J
TITANTniJ To eXchRliRe , choice Inildc \
TT lots In Ouiahatgr , good horses and cur-
rlages. J. L. Hlce A Co. BI5
inLAND Guarantee and Trnst Co' . . l.VTt
Fnrnnm Btreot Complete abstracts furJ
BlKhed , and titles to real estate oxntnlncdj per-
tected and guaranteed. _ 06J. |
KNSON A.CAHMICI1AEL furnish complete
and guaranteed , abstracts of title to , or
real estate lu Omaha and Douglas county upon
< hort notice. The most complete setof abstratt1
[ jooks In Uie city. No. 1MB Fiirnnm st. ' U7tl' ,
\TlT\\ntnST Ames1 'Ueul Ihtiitu Agency , ' i
IN Olllce. riOTFnrtiitlh at. '
HW North 2fith st , new 0 room house , full
lot , for J _ > , ( iOU ; f > 00 cash , balnnce } (
per month . , . .
505 Tenth st , ! 1 houses , good repair , lents
for tA'i tier mont h , full lot , good locu *
tlon , ffl/MI ; f I.2UU . < , , ,
601 Deniturstnear2'Jth st,4 loom house ,
lot4S\l.T . * 2,230
003 Near llanscom Pai k , west of Pink , '
newB-room modem house , lot UiK
IK . . . . , 4,100
502 South 17th st. near Center , 3 loom
hon elot 4i'4xir ! ' : . . . . . . * l.SflO
500 Ilith st , near Center , 7-room bou-e. . . . 2,100
4U8 North 17th st. near Lake , 5-room
hotfe.lot 3KIK1 . , , . . S.O'JO
407 Sew aril , near ! llth s.t , good 5-room
house , looms large , house fronts
east. IIHW antl well built , ileslruhln
place , J.'iOO ; WiO rash , balance Wi
per month. This Is a good place , on
easy terms.
4M Virginia ave. near Lcnvonwortb bt ,
good 7-room house In excellent re-
pnlr , will worth . 4WO
491 2"M , iiearGiiice. coiueulent to nils ,
a small double house , i entitig for $ 10
per month. Piico . 3,300
4.12 Lake ft. neni 21st st , 5-ioom house ,
lot ISM-'J . , . , . 4,000
4fi ! ) Spmco i-t near ll'th , a 5-ioom cot
tage , lot 40x60. will tl ado . 2,600
487 Ohio st ne'ir 27th , flist class 5-ioom
house , well , cistern ami outbuild
ings , all In good lepalr , one block
fiom ftiect cats' , lot MxUT . 3,300
481 touthisthst nearLoa\enwoith
cential location , good 0 loomed
bouse , lot 21\1 B. en t Iront . . 3,500
481 Ninth 21st htneaiManderson , I block
fiom car line , new 4 loomed house ,
Iot5llxl24 . 2,000
479 In llojd's add near Ilelt line , 4-
roomid honsiMind bain , with 2 full
loH , one n 1 01 ner , east front . 2000
. ' Omaha View house lotf-Ox
4 ? , 4-ioom , -
124 . : . IbOO
4CO 22dst couiei , near licit Line depot
in Oak Chatham and only 2 bloiks
liom street 1,11 , a new 7 loom house
nnd full lot for . 2,500
1CJ 21st t-t nenr Mandeihon. one block
fiom car line , 4 loom bouse , birn
with full lot. This Is a very cheap
phi re at . . . 1MX )
4ft ) lllondo st near 2-ith convenient to
cms , , i n\e loom house with lot Wx
127. this Is a good homo nt . 3,000
459 .i'ltiist ni'ai Letxonwoith In nhlgh
comm , Hiding lei atlon , suiioaiulliigs
A I , n well built ( > loom house facing
east , with 2 lots each U12I > onu
uioinci , hhinbbeiy and tices , well
gloun , a dec tiled liai gain , . 6,000
150 Mtw in d bt cars puss thu door , 7 1 oem
house , ' } lot . 3,500
749 r-outh Ifltb st neai Le.ncnworthcon-
tinl location , 1 loom bouse , city
water , ' . ' lot. . 3,400
1JJ llitchcocks add , 2 house.- . , each J
looms lot 50\U7. $100 cnsh , price . . 1,200
43 1 foi ner , east f i out on Georgia ue , 0
loom cottage , 2 llnu full lots. This
is a hpcclnl biignln , . 3fiOO
1023 ( Irnnt st , nenr js.mnders nnd south
of i.akctreet. lots fiom W.IWtl to . . . . $1,100 ,
Cheap at this pi lie , ij cash , bill , to
1022 Uisklno Btii'ct and Oiant fticet , very
close to Sanndei s , 2 corners at W3UO
each , nnd inside lots at . . . , . . ' . 2,200
each. Terms quarter cash.
1022 2Ttth St. , close to Nmndeis , 4 lots for. . 7,000
cheap at this price. Teims , quarter
WX > Dodge and Oiovo Rls , ( West Omnhi ) .
Kle ant south and east front coiner ,
'K'I | to alley. . . . n.noo
10IS2iholie lots In Wlndbdi Phuo . . 4.IKM
1U17 IVw lots lu lloyd'b add . n baigaln , at 0,000
1014 Webstei st. nenr 3Uth , line utildenco
lot . , . 2,100
1002 Choice lornei lot In Ilawthoine , lot
WMJ2on'asSst . 1,500
' 1 his is cheap for the money.
OTO Hlune\ . nun Shouuan ave , a veiy
linn lot tor . > . . . 2,000
2puroent less than burioundlng
M7 Miami st , near 2'Jth , 2 blocks from
htriet cai.lot WK127 . 1,050
IKK ) On Davenport st. In Lincoln jtlace. 2
choice lotsmi u < outer , southaud
east limit ; veiy desirable ; this 2 lota
for . . . . . 1,800
[ NO On Uebster 6t. near the Convent , n
very cholew loi-atkm ; elegant resi
dence site ; 1U174 | hoith | irout . 4,830
U37 I'acltlc t > i near Phil Sheridan coin en-
lent to cars , 11x110 , runs thioiigh
from htiert to htleet. Tlilbis\eiy
desliableat J l > 0 cash , pi leu . J.875
Jiffl . West bide add on Mo ( 'ai : Hy. lot 111"
on Hack by 10(1 ( ; this Is a chuncu to
get tiai kase veiy cheap . 8TO
nsdincvnndsMht. . loltt.llxlKInt . . . . l.bJO
1)77 ) I'ai k me , full lot lacing Hanscom
1'nrk , just sotith \V6olwortbavo . 3,500
1U4 Vliginlan\c. veiy choice cast tnmt ,
10iixl50. This Ls a .specially line loca
tion . 4,500
Cf."J ( lioigln. a comer lOKI'ii ) , a houth
and east liont. Is thu lluest iiulm-
pi iirod uunei In Hansiom plate . . 7,500
071 Comer on Paclllcst , HHxlV ) , lor . 7.MM
Iluslness 1'iopeitv.
113 1'miwm.s.t iieai 2llh st , 2i > foot lot ,
cnsv tenifs , gfiod location , per foot . . 000
141 South Itjtlisr. W\-l ! in. hewer and all
tixopild.for. . , . . . . . . i. . . 6.0JO
14) ) Cumlngsj near 27th bt , libi\IU feet ,
per foot . , , . , . . . , , . . .
Thi ! lowest in Ice named pn propeity In same
location. ' * " '
14 CaSsucai-rithst. , 9 room house , lot
, OSxltJ. . . , . . . . , . . . 13.COO
UV Clilcago it. , 4 buildings
ri-nt fur-Wiper mouth . 14,500
Tilt ) property is cheaper than auv f-linllar lo-
atlon In Omaha aniTwill repay investigate
t California stniar'14lh bt. . corner.
6 hoasftf , rent f 1,500 per
, lear , 20,000
10.1 . Simnders st , a cbrner , Mxl02 , cheap
nt , . 5,500
1J7 rout tec-nth st. , near Jones , 4I\OI ;
this property is e peclally cheap
for 7,700
W8 Trackage on I'aeltlp ht. , near llitli.
Mxtc. ; B small houses now lent for
I7."i per month . 15,000
02. Fnrnam St. . an Improved pioneity
paying t/i.lW per jear. piUnf Ii.OiiO ,
w 111 hell , this property for good tlrst-
eln-ss mortgage paper , no cnsh re
quired In this trndc
Stock Farm Tor Sale.
Within 30 nille.s of Onuilui on ; 5RO acre
stock farm , good rmlldlng-i. shed room for stock
and feed cattle , windmill , pipes , etc , , running
water , iiOaues hay land , lit ) acfes plow land.
Willnoll , for IMueracieuml take * . ' , , UOO each.
Wlllalsd take on thMrado , Omaha housu and
lot worth tl,0out < it..nno.
South Omaha.
1010 2.thst. . , So. Oinnha.fnlllotfor . . . 0'fl
Htil llrown 1-nik lot , 50\1JO KA
Pil N st lot , 2lx ( ll . . . . . 2'wO
1020 Kiistdildto S.O. omuha , coiner on
Mtb st. lot 78.\W ) 2.MO
Terms ivn cash ,
Iflm VI loth lii llojd's le Sharps add at
IWO to Jl.WKI each , easy teims
1W1 JeUei'sudd , Sloth , c-nch. . . , . . . . 1,000
Ill-Ilk VaiM.
Sfipl nillil locations for brick ynrdrf , both on
Douglas County.
OMP of the finest furnm In thin county for snio ,
It Is near Omaha , on tailrond , and In A 1 comll *
tlon ; running water all the year ; good hay land ,
ico.\c. Price tlO per acie , on vciyeany terma ;
4W in the farm. A..iOs' Heal llstito Agency ,
Telephone 7UI. OUlcn 1W 1 arnam.
T/KlIt SALU Iliiilness nroiterty lu So'utT
JO Umuhii. W. U. Albright. Jia.S. 15tn t. VJ1
I1OH HALE 'Ilireo blx-room houses lu Ambler
1'lace. _ \ \ . 5. Albright , 21h S. 15th st. 4'M
EM STICKNEYi , CO. mime a specialty of
property In North Omaha , for s.Uo or rent
at Citizens'bank , 2UWCuming st. Si
ANInvc'6tmmit-t4 , ( ) will buy a lorner projt-
ity Plng 17 per cent , tl , D. bmcatau ,
imtl Dodge St. 672
T&1OH SALE 1'iiur houses on d. 30lh t. W. (1
NAT1 Splendid tornpf in fchlnn'fl Addition
, ' *
-s T 1114 PII4UII llUllalVO'.1 * '
Snri | i-juHt : and north corner 281U st , 00x121 ,
raritut , on grade , r.W ( ) .
Hnap lately ) , sh inn's add , fronting Charles
st , plenty fit trees. fl.-MU.
Snap -iW foot corner on 25th st , 1'atrlck's add ,
flno lot for cottages , * 1IU ) ;
Snap r > ( xtu corner on Sew an ! si , on grade
nndasulo bargain , I2.USI.
r. L. Gregory , WJ South 10th Bt. WO
" 1.N South Onmlm. by calling nt my olllce bo-
L twceil now * unit January 1st , } ou willliudA
few bargains In business and residence" property
uneqiuiltd anv whore , ovv ned by parties who euit-
not meet pavuiciits , Mime will sell alleys than
cost of a j cur n go , 4(1 ( per cent under prlro. 11.
U. Smentun. KMI Dodge st. Omaha. C70 31
I1HH SALE Ah Hllo a piece of truckage us
tricro Is In the city. W. O. Albright , 2ISS.
IMhjBt. iw
1710H SALE-iWxS ) feet on cable line. Splendid
X1 inside location for four tlnts-0 , U. Must
bn sold nt once. Murwlmll & Lobeck , room V ,
iChnmber o { Com. , 3Si
FOU BALE Wo offer ns n special bargain l o'
iicrei of land Tour miles from stock rnnK
nt (125 per acre , on Una of U. I * . It. H. McCnguo
Opp. 1' . O. i ( M4
WHY pay rent when you can buy n furnished
houKO on n nlco largo lot.WxllO , In the
finest residence part of Omaha , near the street
' cars and within -one block of when ) the Metro
politan cable "will run , by paying a small mim
down nnd the balance monthly. Address O 19 ,
llee. i 357
"fiVH BALK-JflorM brtcfc business property in
'X centra of Grand Island : greatest bargain
, and be t terms In tlie city : but llttlo cash re
quited ; long time , low Interest nud easy pay-
jhejits ; other reixl estate fer sule. AiWreis J. u.
'woolioy attorney nt law , Grand Island , Nob.
* J 351
FH SALE-lleMdenco property In South
Omaha.V. , . 0. Albright , 218 S. 15th st.
_ _ 499
TpOH 3.\LE-.Lbt 5 block S , A. S. Patrick's ad
X1 eltlon. ilMcll for few days nt 11,0X1 , ITO
cash , bnlniico cnsy. M 37 lleo olllco. 037
TTIUK 8ALH-ISO acres of land four miles from
Xatoekyards , at 1125 per acre ; this laabnr-
Bafn. , Mt'gue. . Opp. I' , o. Q.CI
FOH SALE B room house on eased giound ,
tAU. Co operative Lnnd and Lot Co. , 205 N.
.ICthst. > > 71825
TO THADE-Insldo property for good house ,
eight or nine rooms , uud full lot. McCul-
' loch A Co . cor 15th and Fnrnam. ( VII
i CUK BALE Lots In Lincoln 1'laco , trontlng
.X1 on the Motiopohtau cable , iM > each , ' '
Corner lot on Iiowo avenue and California
cable line , $1,750 , M cash.
Some choice lots In West Cumlng addition , siX )
to } 1,200 , easy terms. Thow lots arc on or near
the cabin now Doing built on California bt. lluy
nov > nt old jirlces.
A line business corner at 10th nnd Douglas ,
HlO.OdO , cnsh.
Acres In Solomon's add , $ 00. fJJ1) ) cnsh.
Acres In Spring Valley with trackage , $5W , S
Lots In Lobeck's sub , near South Omaha , on
N. IY.JCV , J.1HI ) each , 1-5 cash , These urn the
enpest ] ollertnjs In their respectho nelphbor-
hood . MuinhUlV l.oliecl : , loom I' ' , chnmbcrof
commerce" 4"il
F I OH SALE finest location for n homo In
WeitOnmlm , ndjolnlng the mansion homes
of Klikendnll , Coe , llrady , Hasson nnd others.
Nothing finer in thi ) city. Can se 1 imxis ; or
less ; for prices and terms see S. A. Sloinan. 13J1
Farnam st. UU
Ol'l ) II Onmlm , the place to make big monev
by investing now. 1 have lor wilu at $ ,12,5
and ujt Tots within 15 minutes walk of Aimour'K
paiklng house , on one-quarter insh. liiiluncn
\enily , from Hist bunds. Conio boon nnd get n
b.irgnln. D. D. bmoatan , 1W.J Dodge st. Omaha.
FOIl SALE One 7-room honsn In Alamo
Plaza. W. G.Albilght , 218 S. 15th. 41M
Council 1'roccortltiKs.
The city council mot Inst evening in special
session. Picsunt , Major Gronowcg , AUler-
men Lucy , Wells , Keller , IIdmiuor >
iV petition from the clothing merchants pio-
tcstinfj apninst stcerers or cappers being nl-
lowed toopciato upon the sheets. IJcfcricd
to the city attoi noy. *
A numbcrof protcstswcio i of cued without
\ notice from the Union Paefflo road was
presented notifying the city that that road
hail proceeded to occupy Tenth nvemio nnd
kins for n continuance of si < months in
which to lomplcto u depot. Notice Hied nnd
request Riantcd.
Protest of the Chicago , Mlhvaukco ft St.
Paul agnmst Binding Twelfth nvenuo
was Hied.
A icsolution wns introduced and ndojited
granting tlio Onmlm .t Council HlulTs Paving
compaiii bonds to the nmount of $ 5,000.
Hepoit of tlio committee gt anting .1 I ) Ed-
munition n remission of tnx on iiiiuiufnctnros
to the nmount of ,000. , Heceived and con-
curied in.
DHcport of tlie cominittco in the petition of
J. W. and E. L. Squire granted u remission
of tax on moneys and cieditb. Uepoit adopted
on call of ayes nnd nays.
Resolution was hitioduccd allowing the bill
of tlio Hichmond Fire Alaini company ,
mnnnntlng toJXK ( ) , to bo put in bonds , t\\o
for r5W ) , one for $1,000 , with intoiest at l ! per
cent. After some distusbion the resolution
wns withdiawn.
Uepoit of E. A. Mlcklhiiii on sidewalks
laid on I'ail : avenue. Special assessment
lesolntion No , 07 was 01 tiered published ,
Thojcsignatinn of William Gronowcg , ns
mayor of the city , to take effect upon Docum-
eorJlti , was lead and loferied ton lommlttco
caiisisting of Alileimen Wells. Keller anil
Uouneil adjourned to Dcconlbor .10.
Court nt Avoija.
Avocla. . , Oca. ffil. The case of Fremont
Benjamin against A. W. Coffinan and S G.
Ilailow to iccovcr ? 3,500 , asattoinoy's fcos in
the case of tlio state of Iowa vs A W. Coff
inan has occupied the attention of tlio couit
hince tlio opening of the December tei in Uo-
ccmbcr 13. Wednesday evening all tlio
ovidcnco was given , and Thursday morning
Frank Sliinn opened the aigcmont , followed
by J3. A. Uabcock and G. W. Culllson , C. H.
Scott closing. Tlio case wns given
to the Jury at ( S o'clock , who after
four bouts' dclibeiation came to the conclu
sion they could not aproo , the vote standing
It to ; t in favor of the defendants , Coffmnunnd
The interest manifested in this rasa by
the citi/cns nffordrd a good attendance each
dav as the trial progressed.
Tno next case of intercht now promises to
bo the one against A. W. Askwith for dis
barment , the proceedings of which is alleged
bv those who uro familiar with the case and
ciicumstances to bo tlio work of Ficmont
llcnjumin , a former law partner .of Ask-
Judge T.oofborrow being called homo
Tuesday. Judge Carson is now heie.
It is thought now tlmt nil the cases on tlio
docket will bo reached this term.
Wo nro very proud of our now court house
and all in nUondanco of court have but
\\ords in praino of it , nnd Aroca's enttrpribo
In electing so neat a sliuctuie.
A Codil Until.
The icsidciuo of Mm. Br McCune , on
Flist avenue , was buiglniized last c\cning
between 0 and 7 o'clockwhile the family
were nt supper. Kntraiicu was effected b.\
climbing up over the back kitchen. About
91 , (100 ( woith of Jewuli-y was Ukcn. Tlio
lur wns phu'ed la the handi > of Urn police , am !
they die clonoly following up all clues. Tlio
robbery was iici petratcd in true metropolitan
style , Indicating tlmt the burglars are pro
The Council muffs insniranco boy * gave
their sixth niintial hop at the Ogden house
last evening. Tliuio were twcnty-hovcn
couples piciscnt , several coming from Omaha
Music ( or the occasion furnished by
Vcijnuto Bros , orchestra. Thrru were six
teen numbers on tlio pnuraniino buforo the
"Cnko Walk Homo. " Much credit in duo to
the managers , Messrs. .lohn P. Davis nm
William K. Aitchboo , for the success of the
hm TRIFI.KI > away Ills VlHOIt of IIOItY.
M I N I and M AM I1OOH , rmiMiiR oxtianitlnit
drnlns Upon the 1'OirNTAINN of I.IFIK ,
iroarru , WF.AKNK.N.H ot Mpmnrr. I1AH1I-
rill.NRNNIn NOC1ETY , PlUIl'r.r.rlnpon
rie FACK , anil all the EFFECT * Irndlnirta
F.AIll.Y 1IRCA Y Mill pethftp * rOXNITMP *
TION or INDANITY ) khould cononlt at onra
ho C'EI.EIJKATF.I ) lr. Clarke. KtUMIihod
B.M. Dr. Cl rko hni Inndo NERVMVN DK-
311,1 TV , C'lIKONKl * nd all Dltcuci of
ho UEKITO I1RIKARY Ottttnl Ufa
ViulrIt make * NO diftcrenre WHAT you
tuvc taken or WHO has railed to ruro you. .
T FEM A I.F.I ( nifTcrlnK from illjcnsCTtXcit-
lar to Uirlmoz can coniult with the asturane *
if iponlr relief and cure. Bend 2 cenU postac *
for rforks on jour dlscixea.
T3 ni1 4 c nU po tR for COItbrntMt
Torkis on Chronic , Ncrron * nJ Veil *
rate Ultciuci. Coniultatlon , pcnonitl'y or by .
etter , free. Consult the old Doctor.
rhouanncli earvil. OOlcri nnd nnrjor *
trl > nlc. ArTboio cnntcmpUtliiK MarrMra
end ( br I > r. Clnrhe'ii celebrated
le and Frninle , each 15c. , both Sfio.
itampt ) . llefore confldlnc your case , coniult
Dr. * CI.ARKR. A frtn8ly letter rir . call . . raw
YC future suflerlnc shamp , and add irolden
yean to life. rBook " l.lfp'M ( RfcrcF ) f.r
ror . " 60e. ( itiunps ) . Medicine and writing !
Mnt Tfrywhere , recur * ( rota rxtxiiur * .
Iloun , 8 to B : Sunday * , 9 to 12. Addrru ,
F. D. OLABKB , M. D.
180 So. Clark SU OUIOAQO , ILU
into H VfioacxnmD WITH TUB anooiunir o rmt
covMiur wiu. * r BX Mtxuia INK HAT tut * TH
liy ro-vson of It * otutml posltlccv tloa rotation to linn
La t of Chlcngo , anil ccnlln.uujino at terminal
jiolntl West , Korthtrclt nnil SojthwMt , I * til * true
niidillo link In that trnnicontlnentAi R > > t m which
Invlto mid ficllltatci travel aDil traffic between th
AtUntlo andl'aclac.
The Kock litftntl tnfttn line and brvJiehee InclutlaCht-
c fto.Jollct , Ottawa , I aRiIlo , 1'uorU , ClencBoo , Holla *
antl Itock Islantl , In llllnolat Pavunport , Muaeallna ,
XVa lilnBton , ralrflcM. Ottumwn , Oskalooia , Wcttl.ll > *
erty , Iowa City , I > c Molno. , ImnanoUWlntcr ot , All an-
; lo , Knoivlllo , Auilution , Jlarlan , Outhrla Contra anil
Council Vluir , In lowat OalUtln , Trenton , Nt. Mepli ,
Cameron anil Kanim City , In Jll'sourl ! Lea < tnwortn
ami Atehlton , In Kaniam Albert I. nHlnn polle anil
it. Paul , InUtnnrRot * ) Watortawn anil Bloux Kalis , Itt
Dakota , and hanttrrc. of Intermediate cltteaand towni.
VTho Croat Rook Island RoUte"fl
Oonrantcoi tpcoJ , comfort , certainty and aafctjr. It *
permanent war Is tlljtlnKUlMml for Its excellence. Its
brliltcos nro ot stona and Iron , Its track Is of solll
steel , Its rolling tock perfect. ItspassongoreiiulpniAnl
bas nil the tatety appliances that experlrneo liaspruriM
nicful , and for liuurloim accommodations Is , un ar-
jiasicil. Its r.iprcai Trains conslat of superior l > . > 7
Coaches , rlrgant 1'ullman I'alaco 1'arlorand Sloepiuo ;
Cars , superb IHalni ; Car ? , provldlnfr delicious meals.
and ( between Chicago and Et. Joseph , AtcbUoa and
Kansas City ) restful flccllnlng Chair Can. Its man-
agctuent Is conscrratlroi Its UlaclpUae exacting
"The Famous Albert Lea Roicre"
Ectnccn Clilcngo nn < t Ulnneaiiolls and St. 1'a. Is th
r.ivoritr. Orcrthl-lino Polla Fast Expro-s Trains rud
dally to attrocth o icsorts for tourists In Iowa ana
Minnesota , and , via AVutvrtown and Sioux Falls , to tha
rich wbrat and crating lands of Interior Dakota. Vis.
Scntcn and KanLakao , the Dock Island olleni sepcrlqr
IniluicnunU to trailers between Cincinnati , InillsJl-
opolls , I.ifajetto and Council llluffs , St. Joseph , AtclU-
son , Lcaenworth. . Kansas City , 8t. I'aul.andlntormo-
dlnto points All pvtroiu ( enpoclally iMlli'i nd chll-
lire n ) i icclve protection , courloy and Idndly nttuntlon.
1 or tickets , maps , folders , copies of Wostcrn Trail , or
any < ! elrcd Information , apply to principal ofllces la
tlio United States olid Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
AOVWB rnitE. now TO AOT.
I."MVIror ( nilMnnlmo.lllo . lotCl 1'te-
- m t roleelln and ! uiullnnal ijlfor.
fVL MAW k ilt-Kriitedicfl/innlStoinacli / Mnllclurl.
KTsif > | llPF < ealrdTrralseiirntfreconappllciitlon. !
Wl KUIv V MARSTON CO.Hi' ririM.\c Vorti
Hunnlng Hetween Council muffs nnd Albright
In addition to the stations mentioned , tiulns
stoit nt Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets
unit at thu Summit In Omaha. '