Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Enough of Thursday's Boom LeftOver
Over to Keep Up Prices.
Corn Rulca Hull unit Kluclunllonn
Very Nnrrow I'rcivlflicnH 8pn -
motile Cattle Only Show
t Spurt Quotations.
CHICAHO , Dec. 2.1. [ Si > cclnl Telegram to the
UF.R. ] CablcB came In stronger on wheat
this morning and there was enough of yes-
cnlay afternoon's boom leftover night to in
duce a Rood mnny traders to believe prices
were going right up. Accordingly May
wheat opened at STtc. There wu heavy trad
ing and plenty of grain for snlo. The buying
was scattered and buyers were soon full and
running over. The price dropped under In
equality of parties until May stood ut 84e ,
nnd even at this figure there seemed plenty
of wheat for sale , but the break stopped
there. The result was a reaction , which
reached its culmination with May wheat at
WX 1 , although for a long time prices ruled
about Vcrf'fe ' below that figure and the 1
o'clock close was 84J c. January wheat
opened at " " - ( ( tTTJjO asked , sold up to
nnd closed ut 77 * < < - ' - After lively trading
about the opening the pit was generally dull ,
with occasional spasms of activity. There
was undoubtedly considerable evening
up by traders who do not care
to risk the possible events of a three days
holiday. The first board cable quoted sK > t
praln firm in Liverpool and an upward ten
dency for futures , and a late cable quoted
nn advance of Jjd in the price of red winter
nnd sprinir , with all futures higher.
The speculative corn market was very
dull and lluctuatlons In May , the most active
future , but > ' „ ' > In January delivery the
range was only ' < c. There was no news
of importance calculated to influence the
course of prices and the trnde was chiefly
local. May corn opened nt 5-l' c , which wa
yesterday's close , and solifup early to 54 Vc ,
but during all the latter part of the sessloii
the only fluctuations were between We anil
M ) iand the 1 o'clock close was at .Me ,
January corn opened atIBJ c , sold down to
and closed nt 4Se asked. The Liverpool
cable quoted s | > ot corn firm and } d higher ,
and March futures higher and nearer futures
There was unusual activity in the specula
tive oats market nt times to-day and fluctua
tions were frequent , though amounting to
only , ' e altogether. All of the trading wus
in May delivery and much of the life of the
market was attributed to the scheme of one
heavy local trader , who is nctlug upon the
oft-repeated assertion that the difference in
the priceof oats and corn is unnatural and
cannot last. May oats opened at : Mc , which
was ' /c higher than yesterday's close , fluctu
ated between that price anil SSfo and closed
at 1 o'clock at ttlJii/ZIHo.
The provision market was quiet. Trading
was largely of a spasmodic order and mainly
local , and the day passed without special
feature , save a brief boar movement Just be
fore 1 o'clock , The closings were at easier
than last night's final quotations , though the
decline actually suffered was only 2) ) QJI21J'c
on pork , 2J.jur ( > c on lard and 2 c on short
ribs. Of the light trading witnessed May
was the most active delivery. It sold
fcr pork at iir > ,5lV ) ( < > l.'i.l > . ' > ) for lard
nt $ S.l2'if ' < ( ? 8 17J and for short
ribs nt * 8.lttj.iS.07K. ( Pork for May closed at
, lard nt $ S.I2 } ami short ribs
at $8.05. The final quotations for nearer
deliveries were J14..i'J ) < j for January pork ,
$7.724@7.75 for January lard , $7./5 ( for
January short ribs , ? l."i.07J for February
pork , $7.b2' ( > 7.8. > for February lard , S7.7. >
for February short ribs , ? 7.l.i2 } ( i$7.0.'i for
March lurd and ( ? 7.8. > for March short ribs.
The cash product was in better general de
On the afternoon board business was aban
doned flvo minutes after the opening and the
crowd devoted the balance of the session to
foolishness. Pork and corn were lower.
May wheat closed nt 845 < e , May corn 53J ( . >
Me. May pork $15.45 , May lard $4.00 asked
und March ribs * 7.82X.
CHICAGO , Dec. 23. [ Special Telegram to
the llei : . ] CATTI.C Trade was not ns wild
its yesterday. Hotli salesmen and buyers
steadied down to the ordinary routine. A
few easy sales were made at the advance
noted yesterday , but later on the urgency of
the buyers seemed satisfied und inter sales
were a good lOo lower. Values nro yet 40(7 ( ? !
fiOo higher than last week. Receivers are
rather anxious over the arrivals for tomorrow
row , many looking for 7,000 to 8,000. Then
there Is considerable speculation as to next
week's supplies , most people reasoning from
the fact that the big and sudden ad
vance of Thursday und Friday will
bring a rush of cattle to the
market , with a sudden and sharp down turn.
However , bo that as it may , about every
thing was sold out when the market closed
to-day. Common nutlva stock , such ns thin
bulls , old cows , etc. , wore about as low as at
any time. But few Toxuns were on the mar
ket to-day. Stockcrs nnd feeders were
steady. Shipping steers , ISM to 1500 Ibs. ,
* 4.60ft5r)0 ; 1200 to 1 : 0 Ibs. , W..tO@4.75 ; IttO
to 1200 Ibs. , UX ) < g4.00. Stackers and feed
ers , f..H i.'l.oO ; cows , bulls and mixed.
1.45 < SH.OO ; bulk , rJ.UO < irM5 ! : Texas steers ,
f2.i0gUO ! ( : : cows , f l. 5 ( 2,20.
IlfltiH Business was rather slow. The big
packing firms are employing all their well-
known tactics to get prices down , but so long
us they have to compete with the present lib
eral shipping demand , the "hammering"
process must necessarily bo slow. The
strength in the provision trade and shopping
demand nro obstacles packers may meet in
their effort to lower prices on hogs. To-day
best heavy sold nt $5.7XS5.75 , or a good 5o
lower than yesterday. Puckingsorts , $5.350 ] )
6.50 , a few lots ut $ r > . ( IO , or say 5jP10e ( lower
than yesterday. The outlook is nut favorable
for improvement in the near future. Light
sorts and common light mlxc/1 arc most u\\- \
bulublo and prices are entirely nominal.
o , Deo. 23. Following nro the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Steady and unchanged ; wheat , f3.M
© 4,00 per bbl ; spring wheat. $3.r > < K24..r > ( ) per
bbl ; rye , ? 'J.7r > C'f3.00 per bbl ; buckwheat ,
K.r > 0Sn.25 { per bbl.
Wheat Unsettled ; oicncd | a trifle higher
than yesterday ami closed a trifle lower ;
cash , 77-Vo ; January , 77 } e ; May , S4 c.
Corn Quiet and steady feeling was noted ,
prices fluctuating within a narrow range
nnd trading was of light and local character ,
closing 'i J c below yesterday ; cash , 4Soc ;
January 4H' < c ; May , Ml 15-1 tic.
Oats Moderately active and firm ; May ,
Uye Steady at (52c. (
Harley Nominal at 70iI77c. (
Pi line Timothy f2.34 < g2.35.
Flax-seed $1.20.
Whisky J1.10.
Pork Lower and easy ; January , I14.SO ;
May , f 1S.45.
Lard Dull and steady ; January , J7.721/ ;
May , $8.10.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , | 5.WX7I < 100 ;
hhort clear , s.lOQS.lS ; sltort ribs , , S7tMJ ! for
Hutter Steady ; creamery , 23@30e ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full cream cheililars , ij
@UJ < 4'o ; Huts , U > 4@llKo ; i-ouug Amora-us ,
lMal2c. ) (
Kirifs Stc.nly at 21@2.V.
deacons , 80o each.
Tallow Unchanged.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 23,000 2SOOt
Wheat , bu 54,000 31,001
Corn , bu 115,000 83,001
Oats , bu , 78,000 OT.OtX
Hyc. bu 5,000 2,001
Hurley , bu 41,000 45.00C
St. LoulH. Det. SB. Wheat Firm ; cash ,
SOKgblc ( : May , 8.WO.
Corn-Firm ; casfj , 40Kg47o ( ; May,4Wc.
Oats-Steady ; casU.aKua Jc ; May , SJftc ,
Hutter Firm ; creamery , 24iJ30o' ( ; tlulry ,
" Wlils'kv-M.05.
- . .
Afternoon Hoard : Whent-Steady ; .Tan-
uary , 81 "jc bid ; February , S.IJ4'o asked : May ,
Mpfc.Corn Easy : .lutiimry , 4(1 ( 0 bid ; Feb
ruary , 473'u " bid j May , 40'fc. Oats Noth
ing doing.
The Merchants' Exchange will be closed
on Saturday , 2Uh , and Monday , 2th. ( )
Mvrrpool. Doe 23 , Wheat Fit in ; do-
mnnd fair ; holders offer sparingly ; Call-
Jornla No. 1 , Os 10d'rfs ( ! lid per rental ; red
western spring und winter , Os 7di ( .ts ltd. Q
Corn Strong nnd demand fair ; new mixed
wegtcrn , 4s 1 l d | > er rental.
MlimcannllH , Dec. 23. Wheat In nooa
demand iiml higher ; No. 1 hard , cash , 753'c ;
Jnnuary,7Cc ; February,77c ; May.WJ/ ; No. 1
northern , canh , 75Wc ; January , 74c ; Febru
ary , 75c' May , 7ij ( c ; No. 8 northern' , cash ,
71/c January,71Wo February , 72 c May
; , ; ; ,
. _ _ . _ . . . _ . . . ,
U 1 * f \ * 4 ( ! i1 Sf.i * ? * ' t No.
78'ic. On track : No. 1 hard , 7iW ;
1 northern , 74fi$73u } ( ; No. 2 northern , 72) )
( gJ3c.
Hecelpts Wheat , 152 cars.
Shipments Wheat , W cars.
Flour Patents , sacks to ship , .IO@4.2.V ,
bakers' , $3.45 .3.75.
Milwaukee , Dec. 23. Wheat Strong ;
cash , 75 ; May , 82 * < c.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3. 47c.
Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 white , 3'2Jfc.
Hyc Stronger ; No. 1 , ( Uc.
Barley Higher ; No. 2 , 74' c.
Provisions Steady ; pork , December , 114.75
( ftfl.VOO.
Cliiolnnntl , Dec. 23. Wheat Strong ;
No. 2 red , 8(1) ( ) ; c.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , mixed , ML' .
Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 34'ic.
Rye-Dull ; No. 2 , ( iUKe.
Provisions Pork , nominal nt $15.50 ; lard ,
in light demand nt 7.2Jf. ( !
Whisky Steady at 31.05.
New York , Dec. 23. Wheat Receipts ,
47,500 ; exjKirts , 40,000 ; options opened 'fu
higher , but later settled back ' „ ' ( & % < , closing
firm with a reaction of } { ( ! * - * < ' ; " 1'ot barely
steady with more doing ; ungraded red , 71iM
U7e : No. 1 red , nominal nt l > 5c ; No. 2 red ,
Itt'.fQ'.tt&e ' delivered ; January closed ut
Corn Receipts , 24,200 ; exports , 2S5 ;
opened weak nnd Jn'Cffi o lower , subsequently
recovered most of the decline but closed
dull ; ungraded , GOfulWc ; No.3,5'Jirao ; No. 2 ,
01 HO in elevator , G2 fe delivered ; January
closed ntil ( > c.
Oats Receipts , 77,000 ; exports , 109 ; mod
erately active und steady ; mixed western , 30"
( uHOe ; white western , 3'.l@44e.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio steady at ? 1S.75@
1U.OO ; options opened lXv ( ? > 15 points higher ,
but only moderately active ; sales , iW,000
bags ; December , * tl.55ltitlO ! ( ! ; January ,
? lti.0T'lti.i5 : ! ( ; ' ; ; February , $10.25 ; March ,
$1 .20 ( ; 1C.25 ; April , J1C..15 ; May , lJ.05 ( < t !
Petroleum Firm ; United
Eggs Steady and fairly active ; western ,
Pork Steady with trade slow ;
quoted at 15.50(2tiUX ( ) for one year old.
Lard Dull and lower ; western steam ,
spot , $ .S.XKg . ( )2U. )
Butter Steady ; western , 15 ( 33.
Cheese Quiet and firm ; western ,
13 ' 40.
New Orleans , Dec. 23. Corn Irregular ;
mixed , til ( li2c : yellow , ( We ; white , (
Oats Quiet but steady ; No. 2 , 42c.
Corn Meal Quiet at 5J.75.
Hog products In light demand , butholecrs
are firm ; ] K > rk , $14.T. > ; Initl , 87.50.
Bulkmeats shoulders , fi. ( 12' ; long clear ,
7.b7Ji ; clciir ribs , * S.HI. (
KaiiNiiH City , Dec. 23. Wheat Strong ;
No. 2 cash , 7J ( ! c ; May sales at J 2e.
Corn Weak ; No. 2 , cash , 44lte asked ;
January , 44Jo / bid , 44' < fc asked ; May ,
bid , 4S ; < c asked.
O.its > No. 2 cash , 29c asked.
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , Dee. 23.
The Drovers' .Tonnull reports :
Cattle Ueecipts , 0,000 ; strong for good ;
coninion slow ; shipping steers , tl.UOji5. ( . " > 0'
stockcrs and feeders , SI..Kif3.80 ) ( ; cows , bulls
and mixed , $1.45@3.00 ; Texas cattle , * 1.0r
( W3.10.
Hgs Receipts , 20,000 ; the market was
slow and closed 5iD10c ( lower ; heavy mixed
K.XI@3.50 ( ; heavy , # 5.85@5.75 ; light , 4.Sf
( 5.30 ; skips , W.85tf4.70. (
Sheep Uecelpts , 4,000 ; stronger ; natives
J3.00i5.00 ( ; westerns , * 3.85@4.00 ; Texana ,
f2.25 ( 3.50 ; lambs , .50a.-.50. (
National Block Yard * . Kast Ht
Louis Dec. 2.1 Cattle Hecoipts , 900 ;
shipments , 400 ; market steady ; choic <
heavy native steers , W.40@5.20 ; fair to goot
native steers , $3.0K ! 4.40 ; butchers' steers
medium to choice , t.l5G4,1(1 ( ; stockers ant
feeders , fair to good , $1.90@3.X ) ; rangers
ordinary to good , * 2.20ci > 4.10.
Hogs Heeelpts , 4,300 ; shipments , 500 ; active
ivo and steady ; choice heavy and butchers
selections , $5.00@5.75 ; yorkers and packing
medium to prime , ? 5.1.ri.'i5 ( ( ( ; light grades
common to good , $4.7. > @ . " > 720.
Kansas City , Dec. 23. Cattle Receipts ,
1,800 ; shipments , none ; market gcncrall ;
linn ; native shipping steers , $3.70fT4,10 (
butcher steers , # 3.IXlT3.45 ; cows , $2.80ii3.40 (
stockers , * l.bO@2.00.
Hogs Ueecipts , 7,000 ; shipments , none
market lOc lower ; common to choice , $4.7. .
@ 5.00 ; skips and i > igs , $4,00 ® 1.00.
The receipts .Yesterday were 512 head
which were ehielly the same kind of stocl
which has been on the market for some tim
past. The market on good cattle is somewha
higher , while on common stuff it remain
about steady. There is a fair demand fo
prime fat cattle , but for half fat and commoi
there is not much inquiry. Tbu bulk of th
sales were about lOc higher than on Wednes
The receipts of hogs were moderate and
the average quality fair. The market opened
slow at from 5e to lOc lower and remained
nearly steady until noon , when nearly every
thing was ttold with the exception of some
light stuff. The decline in prices was more
noticeable on light hogs than on other
.There was nothing doing on the market.
Prices remain about as usual.
Onlclul llcceints.
Cattle M2
Hogs 5,105
Prevailing Prici'H.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on the market :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500Ibs.$4,00 ( 4.50
Choice steers , 1100 to 1'IOOlbs. . . . 3.75i ( 4.25
Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. . H.SOOi.'UiS
Corn-fed range steers , 1200to IfiOO : ui5w4.30 ;
CJood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.0oi2.t0 : ! !
Common to medium cows 1.75ft 2.00
Western cows J.75 ( 2.50
Good range feeders 8.30u.2. ( ( > 5
( JQod native feeders , 000 Ibs and
upwards 2.50(33 ( 00
Fair to medium nnt I vc feeders , 000
Ibs and upwards 2.25iJ'J,50
Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.10n 2.110
Prime fat sheep 3.25a3.50
Rood fat hheep , W@100 Ibs . ( KK' < 3.75
Fair to medium sheen 2.25u.3.00
Common sheep 1.50dt2.)0 ( )
Light and medium hogs l.N. > ( i < r > . ( KJ
Good to choice heavy hogs & .85Cu5.45
Good to cholco mixed hogs , . 5.15'u" ) UO
Hcprusentativo NaleH.
litre Htnck Hold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market yesterday :
Oco. H. Hammond < t Co 71
SwiftPaeklng Co 37
Harris & Fisher 8
Shippers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w , ( U
Feeders t 80
Total 200
Armour & Cudahay 4,502
Anglo-American Packing Co 1,311 ,
O. H. Hammond & Co 402
Speculators 188
Swift Packing Co 344
Myerson & Huchanan 73
or Prices.
Showing the extreme highest and lowest
rates paid for leading grades of hogs on dates
mentioned :
Dockage anil Commission.
Public Inspectors dock pregnant sows 40
pounds , stags 80 ) > ounds each.
Dead hogs , 80 Ibs nnd over , $1.75 per
cwt , less than 80 Ibs , of no value.
Yardage : Cattle , 2. > e ; hogs , 3o ; sheep , 5c
per head. Feed : Corn , ) ? 1 per bu ; timothy
hay , * 30 : imilrie hay , $20 per ton.
Commissions : Cattle , 50c per head ; calves
and yearlings , $10 per Hoys and sheep :
Single decks , $5 ; public inspection on hogs ,
15c per car. All sales unless otherwise stated
per 1400 Ibs live weight.
Ijlve Stock Notes.
Hogs lower.
Cattle a shade stronger.
Dead hogs reached $1.73 yesterday.
F. C. Bliss , of Howells , marketed a load ol
H. W. King , of Boonc , marketed hogs yes-
John Lansing , of Fairfleld , was on the mar
ket with six loads of cattle.
The Nebraska Rendering company pur
chased SO dead hogs yesterday.
A. C. Virgin , of Utica , had three loads ol
tiogs on the market yesterday.
J. S. Tewksbury , of Clarke , Neb. , had
three loads of cattle on the market.
J. C. Bogarth , of Beatrice , was on the mar
ket with two loads of steers yesterday.
Myerson & Buchanan , of Fremont , pur
chased hogs on this market yesterday.
W. H. Coleman , of Greenwood , Neb. , was
on the market with flvo loads of cattle.
Rapp & Lamport , of Humphrey , topped the
market with a load of good hogi yesterday.
Joe Wysong , of Cedar Hapids , was among
the number who visited the yards yesterday.
.T. Buck , of Crete , Neb. , topped the market
with a load of hogs yesterday and went home
Hugh Chittick , live stock agent of the F. ,
E. & M. V. at Wahoo , was at the yards yes
The hog market , to use a salesman's ex
pression , "opened with a can-opener yes
terday. "
J. L. Kilter , of the firm of Morris , Rogers
& Co. , of North Bend , was a spectator nt the
yards yesterday.
J. L. Slotts , a prominent cattle-man of
Bemls , Dak. , was on the market with a load
of feeders yesterday.
J. Hockertlcld , of Shcnandoah , la. , was on
the market with live loads of hogs. Mr.
Rockcrfield is shipper for Van Buskirk & Co.
"Parse , " Squires & Co.'s hog buyer , left
early yesterday morning to eat Christmas
"goose- with sago and inguns" with the
Shippers should rcniembcr that on Monday
next no business will be transacted nt the
stock yards. The scale houses will be locked
up and the latch string pulled In.
Court Horine , the genial gentleman who
presides as keeper of the records at the
chutes , has a cold and a very bad cold it is.
Court doesn't talk , ho whispers , and the look
on his face when he tries to speak nnd makes
a failure must be seen to be appreciated.
Produce , KriiltN , Etc.
The following are the prices at which
round lots of produce arc sold on this mar
ket. Fruits or other lines of goods requiring
extra labor of packing cannot always be
applied an outside orders at tltc same price *
Hunted the local trade.
BUTTEK Receipts are moderate and de
mand fair , with prices steady at yesterday's
quotations. Creamery , solid packed , is
quoted at 22@24e ; choice dairy , l @ 10c ; me
dium , 15 ( < iH7c ; low grades , 10 < < $12c.
KiS ( No change is noted in this line ex
cept that sales of strictly fresh have been
made at 83c. Quotations are 8l@82c for fresh
and 17c for limed. A few sales are reported
at 24c.
CHEESE Steady and in moderate demand ,
with prices quoted unchanged. Fancy full
cream clieddars , single , 12o ; lull cream twins ,
124S3c ( ; young Americas , 13c ; brick cheese ,
100 Ibs in case , 15e ; Limburger , 100 Ibs in
case , 13c. In less qualities , 14@14 > ; e ;
Swiss domestic , 10@18c.
POLI.TIU The market is quiet and steady
with prices tinning up , especially for tur
keys , some of which sold as high as lie.
However , wo quote average prices as before ,
with live chickens out of the market.
Dressed chickens , Offt'ciier pound. Turkeys ,
7 < < JOe. Ducks , 7@0c. Geese , 8@10c.
GAME Is becoming scarce , and prices are
firm with an upward tendency at former quo
tations. Prairie chickens , $4.00(5.4.2,1 ( ; mallard
ducks , $2.25 ; quail , $1.80 1.40 ; teal and mixed
ducks , $1.50@l.75 ; snipe , $1.85 ; Juek rabbits ,
f3.00@3.75 per dozen ; small rabbits , $1.00
per doz ; deer , Ci S < ! ; antelope , 7 ( < iOc ; deer sad
dles , 0@llc ; antelope , 18@14c ; geese , W.OO ®
BEANS Are in light supply and prices
firmer at former quotations. Good stock , 2.00
( S2.30 ; fair to good , $1.00@l.bO , and Califor
nia beans nt $8,25@8.40.
SAUEII KitAi'T An advance is expected In
this line und local firms already report s > alcs
85c higher than the quotations we now give.
Choice , per bbl of 30 gal , f3.850.00 ; \ bbl ,
$4.NV < i5.00 $11.00 per bbl of 50 gal.
SWEET POTATOES Prices are steady and
quoted at 2 ( < J2 > fc pur Ib with home line at : io.
POTATOES Supply light , demand prices ad-
vancing. Wo now quote $1,1X1 1.10 for
Utah and Colo-nido stock and choice homegrown
grown at fcOg'j.'Je ; common grades at 50
Cu\NiiMiuiR4 Bell & Cherrv , $0.50@10.00 ;
Bell & Uuglc , $10.)0@ll.uo ; Cape Cod < $11.00
( 11.50 ,
Cu.iroHXu FnriTS Pears , f3.50@2.75 ; ex
tra line , $ .1.00.
Git u-Es Malagas , IO.5ftJI7.00 per bbl. , with
some extra ttiw sold at .SOgs.OO.
OAUIIOTS Are in better supply nt $2.23 < g2.60
per barrel.
CADIHQE Is still in fair demand and finds
ready sale at $1.00 per dozen. Californi.1
cabbage easier at8J < ( 3c per Ib.
PAIUNU-S New stock is quoted at 5.50 per
Ai'i'Lr.s Finer qualities nro held back , but
for Ordinary grades prices uro unchanged.
We quote : Eastern fruit , $3.25ffi3.fiO ; fair to
choice stock , 13.50 ( 3.75 ; fancy stock | 3.75
Osioxs Home grown steady nt 7a85e ( ;
Spanish onions , per&O-lb crate , $ l.6 ! > ( < f 1.75
OVCTKIIS Plnln standard , 85c ; plain se
lects , "We ! ntnndard , 30c : extra selects , H. " > c ;
New York counts , 40u .Bulk oysters , counts ,
$1.35 per 100 ; selectsJ.X ( ) per gul ; standard ,
$1.35 per pal.
CAVLIFI.OWEII Good stock $2.GOii2.SO. (
CRI.EKT Choice celery , 35rf45o ( per tlozen ;
fancy , 45tfSflc. (
Cii > mt-CholreMlchlKanclder$0.000.50i ( ! > cr
bbl. of H2 gal. .
QUINCES Choice California quinces$2.00@
2.85 per box.
OIIANOES Prices arc firmer than a day or
two ago , and quotations are given unchanged ,
though a few sales of the liner quality of
Floridas have bocn made at the outsldo
figures , wo quote Louisiana oranges ut
$4.00 ( 4.88 per box , and Florida at $4.2. > ( g4.76.
LEMONS Messina lemons , $3.oOuO.OO ( ;
Malaga , $5.00 ; extra Maori aru out of the
, BANANAS Are becoming scarce and In fair
demand. Choice bananas , $2.75@3.50 ; me
dium buehes , | 8.00@3.UO ; common , ll.5t ( < a'
HONEY Good choice honey In Mb frames ,
18S2 ( ( > c ; canned honey , 10r l2ecr Ib.
Poi'coitN Choice rice corn 8tC3' ( c per Ib ;
other kinds , 2d2) ( < e per Ib.
NUTS Peanuts , " ( & ' } { < : , raw ; Brazil nuts ,
J3c ; almonds , Tarragona , 82e ; English wal
nuts , 15lSe. ( ; filberts , 12c ; Italian chestnuts ,
Grocers' List.
PitovifioNs Hams , ll@llVc ; breakfast
bacon , IK'ilU c ; bacon sides , OtJO' c ; dry
salt , 8KC'tS4Pi shoulders , G' ' < < J7c ; ; dried beef
KF.riNii : > Hun Tierce , 7 ? o ; 40-lb square
cans , 7Jfe ; 60-lb. round , Xc ; 20-lb. round ,
7) ) < c ; lo-lb. pulls , 8c ; 5-lb. palls , 8 c ; 8-lb.
pails , 8 jC.
SrciAit Granulated , Tj'/cn'.i'c ; conf. A ,
7Vil47e ( ; white extra C , ( % ( & 0xo ; extra C ,
O''H ( OJ C ; yellow C , 5'j@5&c ; cut loaf , X >
S e ; powdered , 8@3J4'c ; New Orleans , fij
'Bi'toovs-Extra 4-tle , S2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
C NIIY Mixed , 0 ( < flle ; stick , SJf-VlOJs'e.
Svitri' No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $ l.50t ( ! > 1.55 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , 3.s < g40c ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , Mlu ;
1-gallon cans , per do ? , $10.50 ; half gallon
cans , per doz , $0.83 ; quart cans , $3.85.
STMICII Mirror gloss , fijfc ; Gsaves' corn ,
04 c ; Oswego gloss , 7e ; Oswego corn , 7c.
IIoi.i.vND HEititlNti- ( < i 70e per keg.
Cu\CKIUS Garneuu's soda , butter and pic
nic , 5o ; creams , 7c ; ginger snaps , 8c ; city
sodn , 8c.
WOOIIENWAUE Two-hoop palls , per doz. ,
$1.45 ; three-hoop pail.s , $1,70 ; No. 1 tub , 40.50 ;
No. 2 tub , S5.BO ; No. 3 tub , * 4. . " ( > : wash
boards. $1.40f8.75 ; assorted bowls , $2-25 ;
Fo. 1 churns , $0.00 ; No. 2 churns , $3-00 , No.
3churns , $7K ( ) .
PICKLES Medium in bbls. , ? 7.00 : do In half
bbls. , $4.00 ; small , in bbls. , Ss.lX ) ; do in half
bbls. , $4.50 ; gerkins , in bbls. , $0.00 : do in half
bbls. , ? 5.0 ( ) .
COCKEK Ordinary grades , 20@20 } o ; fair.
IJrfS81c ( ; prime , 21j ( < 22c ; fancy green and
yellow , 23a2r ( > e ; old government Java , 8S ®
3c ( ) ; interior Java , 25ji28e ( : Mocha , 2Si30e ( ;
Arbucklo's roasted , 84J c : McLnughlin's
XXXX , 24c ; Dilworth's , 24 } c ; Red Cross ,
TOIHCCO Lorillnrd's Climax , 44c ; Splcn
did , 4ie : ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Leggett &
Meyer's star , 44e ; Cornerstone , 3-c * ; Drum-
mond's Horse Shoe , 44c ; J. T. , 4c ( ) ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c ; Catlin's meerschaum , 3Ic ;
Catlin's old style , 83c.
C\\'Nni > GOODS Oj'sters , standard , per
case , $3.80@3.3 ( ) ; strawberries , 8-lb per case ,
$3.00 ( 3.10 ; raspberries , 8-lb , pur case , $ ; i.)0fg ( )
3.10 ; California pears , per case , $ -l.7o4f4bl ) ;
apricots , per case , $4.30 4.35 ; peaches , pur
case , $5 > 0it.85 ( ; white cherries , per case ,
$0.00 ; plums , per case , * l.OO@4.K > ; blueber
ries , per case , $2.30V(2.10 ( ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
per case , $2.50 : pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.20rl5.75 ( ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , $ l.75@1.00 ;
8-lb $ i.25 ? 3.35 2-lb
- geoseberries , per case , ( < ; -
string beans , per case , $1.75al.M ( ) ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case , .51.00@1.05 ; 2-lb marrowfat
pens , $8.00@8.7 ( ) ; 2-lb early .lime peas , per
case , $2.85 ; 3-lb totnatccs , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn ,
.lEl.l.lEs-30-lb pails , $ l.H5Jil.75. (
TE S Japans. aOfit.Vic ; gunpowder ,
OOc ; Young Hyson , 85 ( 5oc ; Oolong , 80jfi (
0Jc.Dmnn FUUITS Apples , new48 , 7@7'4'c ' ;
evaporated 50-lb ring , OJj lOc ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 87@2Sc ; blackberries , evap
orated , Oj410c ; pitted cherries , 20@21c ;
peaches , new , 8@8'e ; evaporated , peeled
peaches , 20 ( < f30i : ; evaporated , unpared ,
18 ( < | 20c ; ne\y currants , 7@7'c ( ; prunes ,
4ft4 ( ? e ; citron , 25o ; raisins , London
layers $2.40@2.4.'i ; California loose musca
tels , $2.X2.10 ( ) ; new Valencia ,
ROPE Seven-sixteenths , ' "
Dry Oooilw.
DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz , lOKe ; West
Point 29 in. 10 oz. IS o ; West Point 19 in. 12
oz , 15c : West Point 40 in. 11 oz , Kin. Checks
Caledonia X , 9Kc ; Caledonia XX , 10)io ) ;
Economy , 9J c ; Otis , 9so. ;
KuxtrcKV JE NS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
18c ; Durham , 27 } c ; Hercules , 18c ; Lcrfming-
ton , 22' c ; Cottswold , 25o.
CiiASH Stevens' B , Go ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A. bleached Stevens' P
7Ke ; , 8)fc ; ,
8 } . < c ; bleached , 9 e ; Stevens' N , 9Uo ;
bleached , lO c : Stevens' S HT , 12)c.
MiscEi.LAXEOfs Table oil cloth , $2.85 ,
plain Holland , 8) ) c to 9c ; Dado Holland ;
CAMnitics Slater , 4 c ; Woods , 4J < fc ; Stan
dard , 4Kc ; Peacock , 4J c.
COMKOHTEltS $0.000 35.00.
BLANKETS White , $1.00017.50colored$1.10 ;
@ 8.00.
BLEACHED SIIEETINO Berkeley cambric ,
No. 00 , OJ o ; Best Yet , 4-4 , e'.f-c ; butter cloth
OO , 4 4c * ; Cabot , 7K ; Farwell , 8c ; Fruit of
Loom'Jc ; Greene G , Oc ; Hope , 5ic ; King
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdule , ll.J < eLons- ;
dale ,
perell ( U. . .
-4 , 22c ; Peppercll , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton 4-4 , SJ4'c ;
Canton , 4-4 , 9 } o ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta ,
He ; Valley , 5c.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshen ,
32 } < c ; Clear Lake , 32) ) < fo ; Maple. City , 30Xc
White-G H No. 2. Jf , ile ; G H No. 1 , itf ,
27' c ; BHNo. 2 , $ i , 22).Je ) ; B H No. 1.
13 e ; nsor , c. e- -nc , 15 > ft-
E , 24-inch , 21o ; G6 , 24-inch , 18o ; H A F , } f
25c ; J H F , J27 e ; G , % , ! 15c.
PIIIXTS SoMD COLOHS Atlanta , 5l e
Slater , 5c ; Berlin Oil,0 } c ; Garner Oil , COJ7c
PINK ASH ROUES Richmond , Co ; Allen , Oc ;
Hiverj'oint , 5c ; Steel River , Oc ; Richmond
tic ; Pacillc.OJ c. INDIGO BLUE Washington
Oo ; Century ludit'o blue jirints , lOc ; Amcr
lean , OJ c ; Arnold , O o ; Arnold B ,
dsor.Oc ; Eddy stone , Oc ; Pacific , Oc.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , Oo ; CC , ytcSS \ , 81 < c ; Name
less , 5fo } ; No. 5 , Ce ; EE , OMc ; UG , 10 } < ; cT
XX , 12c : OO. 14c ; NN , lOc ; RX , 18c ; R , 2c ( ) ;
No. 10 , 8J4c ; 40 , lOMc ; 00 , 12)fc ) ; .S0,15c ; 30 ,
colored , lOo ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15o ;
Bristol. 13 ! < e ; Union Pacilic , 18e.
CAiti'ET WAlti' Bibb wliitc , lS ) c ; colored
20k c.
Bitow.v SIIEETINO Atlanta A , 4-1. 7'ic ' ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0 > 3c ; At-
IcnticP , 4-4 , 5Jic ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , . "Ofc ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4.Jc ; Crown XXX , 4-4,0'fc ;
Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , 5c : Indian Head , 4-4 , 74'c } ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5Jfe ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5 } c : Pcpperell R , 4-4 , 0 > ( c ; ; Peppercll O , 4-4 ,
Oc ; Peppcrull , 8-4 , Ibo ; Peppercll , 0-4 , 80c ;
Pepperell , . 10-4 , 88c ; Utic.i C , 4-4 , 4c ;
Wachusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora , K , 4-4 , 0 > io ; Au
rora B , 4-4 , Oc.
B TTH Standard , 80 ; Gem , lOJrfc ; Beauty ,
12Ko ; Uoone , 14c ; B , cased , $0.50.
GiNtiium Plunckett checks , 74'c ! : Whit
teuton , 7i ! ! ; York , 7 0 ; Normundi dross ,
SJifo ; Calcutta dress , SJ c ; Whlttenton dress ,
Oc ; Renfrew dress , 0@l8Kc.
Tlt'Kb Lewiston , 30-in , , 12Ke ; Lewiston ,
32-ln. , TJKo ; York , IB-la. , 14c ; Swift river ,
7' c ; Thorndikc , OO , s' e ; Thorndikc. KF ,
bj 'c ; Thorndiko , 12(1,0 ( > jo ; Thorndlke , XXX ,
15e ; Cordis , No. 5 , 0 > 2u ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie.
Dn.viM * Amoskeag , 0-oz. . l(5o ( ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz , 13c : Haymaker , Skfo ;
Juffrcy , XX , ll e ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12J < ; c ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , IJB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc.
GiMieral Miirkt'tx.
FL\X SKEI > Unchanged at jl.lOperbushel.
Gimx Wheat , No. 2 , ( We ; rye , 4.Va30c :
oats , 80o ; corn , old , 33iiMUo ; new , 3Vt3So ;
barley Is scared and quoted at 45gOOc ( , ac
cording to quality.
Fi.oun AN'U FEED The market j\s a rule
Is steady ; prices are unchanged. The Wo\7- !
ing are current prices : Mlnhe.ipolls patents ,
$8.XKiJ,75 ( per ewt ; Kansas and Missouri
winter fancy patents , f.1.-(5a. ( ' , > .00 ; Nebraska
patents , * , ' .8.X'i2.40 : rye Hour , $1.75ai.OO ( per
cwt ; rye , Gi-.iham$1.40 per cwt ; New York
buckwheat , $7.00 ; Excelsior , sO.OO , ready
raised , $5.00 per case ; wheat , Graham , $1.75
per rwt : cornmeal , yellow , $1.00 per cwt ;
cornmcal , white , tl.lXXtil.lO | > c > re\vf. homln'y ,
f3.2oi * r bblct)0iiucd ; feed , ' flS.OOQ 10.00 per
on ; bean , $14.XVgl" ( > .UO per ton ; screenings.
12XCll.iH ( ) ( ) per ton.
H A > Prices are steady ns follows :
'otntnon coarse hay , 87.XK ( 7 50 ] > er ton ; up-
and prairie. $7.7&Ot8.X ( ) ; straw , Kl 50.
COAL Prices remain firm and unchanged.
Vo quote : Kfft , $10.iO ; nut , J10.50 ; range ,
10.50 ; walnut block , $4,25 ; Iowa lump , $ , U5 ;
owu nut , 13.00 ; Illinois , $4.50Cifi.X ( ) .
BIDES Market very dull and weak. Green
mtcher's , fiO'-VS1' ! giccn cured , ( WO c ; dry
lint , 'Jo ' ; dry salt , * ? < ; green calfskins , 7c ;
lamngcd hides , two-thirds price. Tallow
l'4o. Grease Prime white. 3c : iellow , 3o ;
brown , 1 ' , o. Sheep in-lts , v.i ! < , iiOc.
Ft its Are depressed und dull , with No. 4
skins almost unsalable. Quotations arc now
. . . .
HJI IU. V-W.W * t'V * 1 U # .f Vk * 'VV. * ' > * ' f Wl H. t f
; 1.00(10.00 ( : dry deer skins , 20y < 35o perlb ;
Irv antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15it25c (
Ditfos Ammonia .carb 14c , camphor re
ined 2Sr , copperas 1' c , cream tartar 42c ,
cream tartar powdered 20jf50e ( , India Madras
' 5c , morphia sulph $3.MI. Soda hi. carb OOc ,
Venice turpentine 40c. Gum opium t4.C > ft ,
luicksllvcr 75c , quinine , German per oz , 4i < c.
Wax , yellow purc32e.
OILS Carbon , 12g25c ( ; linseed , bolU-d , 50c ;
insced , raw , Me ; castor , No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 ,
H.12 ; sperm whale , Wc ) ; fish , b.inkioc ; ; nents-
root extra , 55o ; neatsfoot No. 1 , Wic ; gasoline ,
74 decrees. 15c ; W. S. lard , 050 ; No. 1 lard ,
Wo ; No. 2 lard , fide ; W. Vu. zero , 14c ; W. Va.
summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , 40o ; gofdcn No. 2 ,
J5e ; whale , 2c ( ) ; napthu 1 degree , 14c.
PAINTS Wliito lead. pure. O'jc ; white
; ead , fancy , tlj c ; putty , 3c ; Paris white , 3c ;
Whltiny , common , 2) ) c ; rod lead , 7c.
Wi.vnow Gi , < s Single. 70c per cent ;
double , 70 nnd 10 per cent discount.
Lcmicii Oak soles , 35ftf37c ; hemlock
slaughter sole. 2 ( ' ( ( < I2''e ' ; heimock dry sole , 21
( < 727c ; hemlock kip , 05jiHc ( ( ) ; A. & B. runner
kip , auctfiOo ; A. hemlock calf , WcJl.05 ) ( : A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock up-
| icr , I'.la24c ( ; English grain upper. 25c ; hem
lock grain upper , 2liis'- ( ; Tampico B. L.
Kangaroo. 40e ; American c.ilf kid , 38c ;
Griesen kids , * 3.Xt3.50 ( ) ; French calf kjtis ,
$3.25 : oak kip skins. MXjiSl.OO ; oak calf skins ,
$1.00(11.25 ( ; French calf skins , Jjl.25 ( < t2.H ( ) ;
French kip skins , $1.JO@1.50 ; Russitt linings ,
? 0.00'T0.50 ( per doz ; pink cream nnd white lin
ings , $7.r > 0Vf ( 10.00 per doz ; colored toppings ,
$0.Kgll.OO. ( ) (
Sl-i HITS Cologne spirits , 1S8 proof , $1.10 ;
do , 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second qual
ity , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do , 18b proof , $1.CO.
Alcohol , Ib8 proof , $2.10 per wine gal
lon. Redistilled whiskies , $ l.lXiil.50. ) (
Gin , blended , $1. , " > 0@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons
bens , $2.00@ < U > < ) ; Kentucky nnd Penn
sylvania ryes , $2.00@0.50 ; Golden Sheaf
bourbon nnd ryu whiskies , fl.50 ( ( < 3. ( ) ( ) . Brandies -
dies , iiniwrted , 85.XOi8.flO ( ) ; domestic ,
3.00. Gins , imixn-tod , 84.50@0.XI ( ; domesc.
81.25S.3.00. ( ChamiMgncs , imported , per
ease , * 23.00iJ3.'I.OO ( ; American , per case , ? 10.00
@ 10.X ( ) .
HIHVV HAKHWAUE The following jirlce
arc standard : Iron , rate , $ 'i.70 ; plow steel ,
special cast , 41je ; cruclhiu steel , ( i ] c ; cast
tools , do , 12i(15c ( ; wagon spokes , per set ,
$2.XICiT550 ( ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , 81.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles ,
each , 75c : square nuts , per Ib , 0fi ( > 13c ; cjil
chain , per II ) , < > } @t3o ; malleable , h@llc ;
iron wedges , ( ic ; crowbars , He ; harrow teeth ,
4c ; sring | steel , 4W5c ( ; Burden's horse shoes ,
$4 75 ; Burden's imilo shoes , $5.75 ; barbed
wire , in car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails ,
tales , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50.
Dry Iiiiiiilior.
no MIPS.
No. 1 com , s 1 s.lS.fil ( I No. 3 com , s 1 s.JM.1.0
No. 2 com , s 1 s. 17.00 | No. 4 com , s 1 s. 13.50
No. 1 , 4&0in 12 & 14 ft. , lough $10 50
No. 1 , " " 10 " 10 60
No.2 , " 12 14 " 10 50
No.2 , " " 10 " 1800
A , 12 , 14 , & 10 ft.81.60 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft$15.50
B , " " 20.50 I D , " " 12 50
A 0 in White Pine $23.50
B 0 in " " 33.50
COin " " 0.
DOin " " 21.50
EOin' " " ( Scl. Fencing ) 10.00
0 in. Drop Siding 50c per M. extra.
2d com % in White Pine Ceiling $34.00
" ' ' ' 28.00
Clour' * { in Norway " " 10.Oo
8ndeom.3 in " " " 14.00
' bTOCKllOAltDS.
A 12 inch si s $15.50
B 12 " 30.20
C 12 " 30.00
D13 " 23.IX )
No. 1 , coin , 12 in s Is , 12ft 20.50
" " " 14ft 10.00
" . " 10 ft 18.60
" " " 10 , 13,80ft 21.60
No.2 , " " 10.00
" " " 12 & 14 ft lb.50
" " " 10ft 17.60
12 in Grooved roofing , $1 per M. more than 18
n Stock Boards same lengtn.
0 in. Groo veil Roofing same price as 12 In.
Stock Boards.
No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in $10.00
No.2 " " " 17.60
No. 1 , OG , Sin 10.50
1st and 3nd , clear , 1 , Itf inch , s 2 s $51.00
' " ' iijf,3 51.00
3d , clear , 1 inch , s2s 44.50
" IK , 1 ,8 inch 40.00
A , select , 1 inch , s 2 H 40.00
A , " Itf , l } ,2inch , s2s 44.00
B , " 1 inch , s 2 s 30.00
U , " IJiMJf , 3 inch , s 3 s 37.00
Com. 4 inch Flooring $17.50
Star " " 81.50
1st and 8d clear 4 inch Flooring 83.00
Six-inch 50o less.
Clear % inch Ceiling 31.60
Clear ) f inch Partition 25.00
Clear % inch , Partition * 8 above % icnh Ceil
Clear Finish , 1 nnd \ } { Inch , s 2 s $20.00
Clear Finish , \yt ami 8 inch , s8s : iO.KI
Clear Corrugated Coiling , 4 inch 85.60
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00
ron.AU Lt'MIlEIl.
Cl. Poplar Bx. Bds. % in. , s 3 s $35.00
" " K in. Panel , s 3 s 37.00
" " . 8b.50
Corrugated Ceiling , % .
O. G. Halts , SJjf in. 05c ; Mx3 , s 1 s. 40c ; 3 In.
Well Tubing , D. & M. and Bev. , $23,00 ; Pick
ets , D. & H. Flat , $30.50 ; D. H. Sq. , $21.50.
XX clear , $ .10 ; extra * A * , 48.S5 ; * A * stand-
urd No. 5 , No. 1 , jl.45 ; lath , $3.53.
White Cedar , 0 In. , U * 12 c ; 0 In. qrs ,
ll c ; white cedar , 5XV in. X s. llj-fc ; 8 in.
qrs , lOc ; white cedar. 4 in. round , 10 > o ; Ten
nessee red cedar , split , 14c ; split oak , Klc ; 0
in. , 7 in nnd 8 in. ( % each ) 8 ft. , round W. C.
Commercial Cliinx.
Groceries ore firm.
A change in prices of lumber is anticipated
In n few days.
Good choice butter is in fair demand nnd
prices liavo an upward tendency.
Dry goods remain steady nnd no change is
nnticipatcd until after the holidajs.
Eggs are advancing in price nnd .several
sales were reported yesterday at 84e.
R. T. Mangold & Co , is the firm name of a
new produce commission house tail 10 How
ard street.
Mr Mountain , of the firm of Calkins &
Mountain , Hour merchants , rctuincd yester
day from a very successful trip tlnough Mis
souri , Kansas nnd Nubruska.
Policemen Ttocclvc Tliclr Pay.
The now police finally rcceis'cd their back
pay yesterday , nnd a merrier visageil ,
sprightlicr-stepped set of coppers never trod
the uavemunt than these oflk'crs us they
marched to their respective posts.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Whrn Ilaby na * glck , we gave her Cutoria.
Wlicn she was a Child , she cried for CutoriA ,
When she became MUs , the clung to Carter ! * ,
When she bad Children , the cave them CaAtorU.
Agricultural Implornonta.
livuiiuiui iiuiuiuuuia , nuguuo ,
Oarrlaf i and Bai lei. .Innrf Slropt. Oetw cu 9lb and
nth , Omaha , Nrbrarka.
Aalcnltnral Implements , WagonsCarriaies ,
. Ktc. Whole dale , Omaha , N bra a-
" " "
OR i : N Do R F
. Wbol * ai
P. P. MAST ft CO. .
Manufacturers of Bncteye Drillt Seeders.
OiltlTalor , . liar tUken , Cider Mill ! ar.J t.uban Ful-
Tcrtitr , . Cor. 14th and Nlebola > Btit t .
Comer llth toil NIcnolM Htrteii.
Artists' Material * .
A. HOSPE , Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 DotitlM Etroct , Om > i , Nobrtik * .
Boots and Shoes.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
1O1 rarnam HI , Omaha. Nab. Manufaclorj , t
Btraat , Boituo.
( BucceMora to Reed , Jonei A Co. )
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots and Shoes
AcenU for notion Robber BhoV . 1101,1104 A11W
Ilarncr St. , Omaha , > i bra ka.
Coffeee , ploes , Kto.
Omaha Coffee and Bplce Mllla.
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
FlaTonnit Ritraetf , Ijiundrr Blue , Ink * , KUs. 1114 llll
Ilarner Street , Omaha , Ncbraika.
Crock ry andjaiaBBware.
Agent for the Manufacturer , and Importer , of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Etc. dmce , 217 8. Wb. fit. , umaba , Ncbraika. '
Commission and Storago.
Commission and Jobbing ,
B Ur.BcK anil I'rnduce. Conilnniuvnt , , ollelte4.
Headquarter , for Stoneware , llerrv lluse , and
Uiapo llatketl. Kit tKidgo Ht .Omaba.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry. Butter , Oame. Krult , , Ktc. 220 South 14th 8t-
Omaha , Nebranka.
( Successors to McSbane A fechrocdcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omnbs. Nebraska.
Coat , Coke and Lime.
- , "COKE PLIME : CO. ,
Jokers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
JOO Boutb Utti Street , Om h , Nebraska.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
An4 shippers of Coal , Cuke , ( Vinent , 1'lajlcr , Urn * ,
r ln We anil Serrer llpo. omoe , Paiton Hotel ,
Faruam bt , Oumhn , Neb. 'J'clepbnue 811.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
114 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Cooda nd JNotlonB.
M. E. SMITH it. CO. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1102 and HMDouglM , Oor. llth St. , Om h , Nab.
Ont > ' ITumliblug GoodsCorner llth and Uarne ; BU. ,
Omaha , Ntbraika.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street , Omaha , Nebraik * .
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TO , TOT , ! W and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , NeO.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1Mb and Leavenwortb Street * , Omaha , Nebraikav
D. M. STEELE * CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
MS , 181 and IBS Bkraej Street , Omaha , Meb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1111 and 1116 Ilarney Street , Omaha. Neb.
Jokers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnware.Sbeet IronKtc. Aicnti for Howe Bcalei.and
Miami I'owder Co. , OmaUa , Nob.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic * ' Tool * and Iluffalo Hculei. IKK Douila * it.
Omaha , Nebraika.
Wholesale Hardware ,
1Mb and Hmrncj Sn . Omaha , tNeb. Weitern Ale nil
for Auillnl'onderCo.Jufferion Steel Nullt , Kalr-
banki Standard Scale * .
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Print. .
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Mats , caps , Etc.
Wholesale Eats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Ilaruej Blreet , Omaha , Neb.
and ILER * CO. ,
Importers & Joooers of FineWines &Liojiors
But India Bitter * and Domestic I.lquori. 1112 Ilarner
ill kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
UU Btreetand Union PaclnoTrack , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Latb , Lime , Sash ,
Doonetc. TarJi-Corncr Jth and Dougln ; Corner 9tk
and Douclai.
Dealer in all Kinds of Lumoer ,
12lb and California Sta. , Omaha , Neb.
Lnraoer , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Comer tlh and Dougln 8U. , Omaba.
To Dealers Only , *
Office. 1103 Parma BltMUOinaba
' . " "r
'JOHN A. ,
Wholesale Lnmoer , Etc ,
teportert and American Portland Cement. State kf eat
lor Milwaukee UJrauMc Cemiut and < Julu f
s " Hruw Una. _ > >
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , !
If POO Carp t. nd Parquet rioorlnf. tb an
Importers & Jokers of Millinery I Hitim
M. IOanJ HPcutklltaBlr et.
Notion * .
Wholesale Notions and Farnishini Qtili
H and KB South lota Street. Omaha.
Notions and ( Ms Fnrnishini Goto.
lUIHarney ttreet , Omaha.
Oil * .
Wholesale Refined and LnbricatiuOili ,
Ail * Oreaie. el . . Omaha. A. H. BUbep , Maae er.
fHolesale Paper Dealers ,
Oarrrknlce itock of prlnUn , wrmpplof * wTttlal
paper. Bpedal attention HTCD to car ) ad orOn.
Aniiliary Publishers , QCI
Ruboer Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rattier Good.
Oil Clothing and Leather Beltlnit. KM FarnamBtrmt.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam , water , railway i nJ mlrilnK aunplleii , etc. ,
Vti and W * nrnnm Street , omfttift.
Wholesale Pnmps , Pipe , Fitting
. , ! for Maat
eicam .ml Water 8iipiille Headquarter
Fiiott A Co' . good. . 1111 Knroaiu St. , Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Halllday Wind Mill * . 918 and Wl Karnani St. , Omaha.
U. K. HUH , Acting Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bbeel Iron Work , Steam Pumps , w Mllll. 131S-121J
Lcavenwortb Htrevt , Omaha.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Wl and 913 Jonci Bt , Oma.ia I
Storage , Forwardlna ' *
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
iuncli linunenf the llnner Ilugirr Co. Iluggloiel
nholeiilu and retail. IJUUJIO ami Ml Uard Street , i
Omaha. Telephonu No. ' : W.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
JobQ Kpcneler , Proprietor. VJO Dodge ud 1U3 and 106
North 10th Htrevt , Ooialia. :
Smpko StackB , BollerB , Eto. J
H."K. SAWYER ; ? \
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
BrltchluK * , Tank ! and General Dollor Itepalrluj. 1311
Dodge tttreot , Omaba , Nob.
Iron Works.
WrougM and Cast Iron Building fork ,
Englnei , Brmi work , iner lfoandry , m chln an *
bUckimlth work. Office and work * . U. f. Hin4
17U > Street , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railino
De k ralli , window guard * , flower itandi , wlr ( If oa !
etc. , Ill North 10th 8t. , Omaha. ,
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes I
Vaulti. jail work. Iron and wire fencing , ilfni , etc. O.
Andreen , Prop'r. Oor. lith and Jackion Sti.
JlamiHu'turers anilJuUburn In
Wagons Buggies Rakes , Plows Etc ,
L'or Vtll U..I I'l.'llllMil - . , ( /nullU. hCD.
General Agents for DlehoM Knfo & Lock Co.'f
Fire anfl Burglar Proof Safes.Time Locks ,
Taulti and Jail Work , 1116 Kurnaiu Street , Omaha. '
H. M.atS. W.JONEtJ ,
hucteminito A. T. Kunyim A. Co. ,
\Vluilculo mid rptHll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine Wctlilluir Htiillnnery , ( . ' ( unnicrcliil btatlonerT.
1KB DouKlim St. Oruulm , Neb.
jOveralla. _ _
Manufacturers of Overalls- ,
Jeaoi Paoti , Sblrti , Ktc. 1101 nnd 1101 Uouglai Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Sash , Deere , Etc.
i CO. ,
Wholesale Manufacturer * of
Sasn , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Ilranch Office , 12th and Itard Street ! , Omaha , Ntb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldlnii , Htalr Work and Interior Hani Wood Kin-
lab. K. E. Corner 6th and Lvafenworlb BtreeU ,
Omaba , Neb.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sasn , Doors ,
And Illlmlii , Tumlnff , Stair-work. Bank and OAc *
Httlngi. anG and Toppleton ATenue.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
INI North Eighteenth Street , Omaba , Neb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
OBlce-Hoom 24 , Oppoillc Ezchange Bulldtnc. Union
* " " " * '
Stock Yard , Buuth Umaba. Neb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market furnlshej free on application. Hlockcra ana
feederi furulihed on icood tenni. llaforrneee : Una-
U rtatlonal Uank and bciuth Omaba National. Union
Btock Varrti. Houtti Omaha.
Live Stock Commission ,
Room It , KivhanKe Dulldlng , Union Stock TardJL
houlh Omaha , Neb.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock
Itoom 22 , oppnrlto Kirhaoto IlulldlnK , Union BUx *
Varits , rxiiilh Omaha , NeD.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
John K. lloyd. Superintendent.
The tm V-nowri nnd moil popular Hotel In ttio
tati . location c nlrttl , apnoliitincnti drat lais.
llmlilunrUTi for ( uiuiuertlul iiivn and all political
aud public i atbvrUtu8 ,
* kl' UOUUKN