Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    . . .
F _ Eifyi.muyjj. 'i ' |
: DE.QEMBER 24 , 1887 ;
Sullivan's ' Former Manager Un
bosoms Hlmsolf in Paris.
. 1'al Very Sorry lie Kror Intimntctl
Thut .Into Was n Cownrrt
Mitchell Tallied In Hlg
Doses Vnrcliin News
Pnl Socs n TJuolncflN Chance.
[ CnmirluM 1SIK7 liif Jifmr * diirtlim Hnuiftl. ]
PAIII * , Dec. 23. [ New York Hcrnld Cable
Special to the UKK. ] Mr. Patrick V.
Shecdy , who. will bo remembered ns Jolm L.
Sullivan's former nninaficr , Isnt present In
Purls. This afternoon ho called nt tho. Herald
oflfco nnd requested the imlillcntlon of tlio
following letter , which ho has nddrcsscd to
JnkoKllrain : '
, Mr.'J. Kllraln Dear Sir : , After hearing
( qf your manly.straightforward undcourage -
'mis coniliict In the battle with Jem Smith , I
feel that It I * n duty Unit 1 .owe to you us
well an to myself to with'draw'wlmt I said In
America concerning- > ' * * < ' < ? nieiie84. I
wish to make 'this as "nubile , as
I did. . tlio assertion of ydttr cowardice. I
fully appreciate that I nad 5 n serious mil-
talco. If It Is n crime to bo wrong , then I tun
guilty. I nm very sorry , for t"ilow HOC tlmt I
have unintentionally dond n gpbd mad nn In
justice. Lot mo'ulso ndd n word of-praise to
Charles Mitchell for the stont-hcnrtcd manner -
nor in which he behaved'towards you. I do
this without solicitation from mjybody. I
hope thut you will accept the apology In the
some spirit tlmt It Is ottered. If there is any
thing further becoming a man that I can do ,
you can call on mi > nnd f will prove to you
that I am alnrert ! . If ever nn opportunity
presents Itself In which I can show you that
my friendship is stronger than my enmity ,
you can count on me. Yours truly ,
' PATIIIU ; F. Sircnnr ,
Grand Ilptut , Puris.
Later in the day a Herald doleguto called
upon Mr. Sheedy nt theClrn'id Hotel and
found him walking up and down Mia court
"I'm glad to see yon , " said Sheedy , "for I
want to tell yon my reason for publishing
the letter to Kilrain. Yon doubtless know ,
tlmt at the time when Sullivan broke his
arm Kilr.iln challenged John L , , nnd I ,
thinking It a mean thing to do , treated Juke
as u coward and everything cKo and stated
hint generally through the medium of tlio
L newspapers. I did not see the light the other
day , but from the accounts received from
both sides I urn bound to rceogni/o that Kil-
rain 14 asgnrno n man as ever breathed , und
I willingly retract all thut I Imvo ever said to
his detriment. "
"From what you have Heard , what is your
opinion of the Smith-Kilrain battle ! "
"Well , you know1 replied Sheedy , strok
ing his chin , "I've heard nil sides of the Ques
tion , nnd everybody speaks in the highest
terms of the pluck of both of the men. The
general idea is that Kilrain is tno better of
the two und some of Smith's strongest sup
porters say that had Johnson , who will sent
over by Hichnrd 1C. Fox , been present and
acted as time-keeper instead of W. E. Hard
ing , thu result would have been much differ
ent , tt Is oven thought tlmt had the proper
number of .seconds been called in the fourth
ruund Smith would not have been able to
.come up to time , for ho had a terrible Ijlow
'under the Jaw. " .
"Do you think it was JIurdlng's fault that
Johnson , AVakoly , Lynch and Morcton were
left at Houcu and kept from seeing the
fight } "
"Yes , decidedly. "
" ' "With what object ! "
. , ' , ' Vhy , Harding wanted to be officious ai. .
{ . bo timekeeper Instead of Johnson , so ho told
' ' { If&Vour ntlipncn tmitithoy'hud."timo ' , to' go
; jMid got u shnve , and 'while ' ill > y wcro gene
tho.wlirtle party took the train f n'Uomilcrics.
, Ldoii't ' say Hardlug did it < intentionally , but
lie/dtityed Kilrain of the light by supplanting
Johnson. "
V Wliiljvdld you think of Charlie Mitchell's
nctio'ii throughout the affair ! "
"Ho stfrprised mo very much , nnd is en
titled to"aitlio credit that the American people
ple can give him for sticking in so truehearted -
hearted u manner to Kilrain. In fact , no has
thoroughly raised himself in my admiration. "
"A fouling exists among a eortain class of
people that the fight was nothing but a
gotten-ni ) affair for advertising inn-poses ,
Have you heard anything of this , Mr ,
Sheedy } "
'Yes , and I am bound to admit that every
thing points very strongly tto that conclusion.
You see , Harding's action in giving Smith
two minutes and fifteen fceondsuftornheavi
blow in tlio fourth round looks suspicious.
Aid ) then there was the leaving behind 01 the
four Americans. He-aides this Fleming and
Mitchell were very chummy bofu-o the light ,
but J hellovu'tho reason for this was that thei
were trying to nrrango for Smith'jj second
Jack Haldock , to second Mitchell in his llghi
ngalust Sullivan. My own opinion , however
is that the light was true , for I'll never be
llevo tlmt the tjyo men would have stood
up against eacli other for two hours
and u half when they might have fount
many excuses for arriving at a draw. No , I
can't help thinking that the boys were it
earnest. "
"Now , Mr. Sheedy , will you kindly tell mo
something about John L. Sullivan j"
'Everj thing you wish to know , Since oju
split we have not hpokeii , but I'll
bomothing that very Mw persons know
When John leftJA iiorled he owed mo $1,700
nnd , to nij-greut'snrprlse , ( without my ovoi"
having diked foV the money , he sent tlio
whole ninouiit around the night when he
closed at Westminister Aquarium. "
CJ"What are your own opinions ns to his
lighting powers ! "
' Well , although there is no love lost be
tween us , I believe ho can whip aii > man 01
earth. Hut he must do it v ithin nn hour
If any man can stand before him for ovei
half that timeho will have u very groa
chance of winning. "
"Oq you think thiit Mitchell means to Ugh' '
him ! "
"Yes , Mitchell thinks that John L. i pom
w and that he l.s not 'Sullivan of old , and Kil
ruin l.s ready to light anyone. I ut I don'
think that ho will IMS fit tho. ring before h
ws back to America. His buckorv yoi
mow , will want to dp little moro u < Hoi
tisfng before another mill oil. "
' , 'lltitwhut about Sullivannarui ! DO you
consider it as strong us over ) "
"No ; 1 cannot believe that an arm which
has heen mended can be so strong ns that
which nature gave IK > . You can't ' improve
much on nature. You know J nek Dempsey I"
There wus a pause just now In the conver
sation and ufterwiuds wo talked ubout the
past tight.
Suddenly Mr. Sheedy said : "You asked
nu < just now if I thought Sullivan to bo the
greatest fighter In the world. Well , I don't.
I thmk him the biggest , but the greatest
lighter I ever saw or heard of U Jack Uemp-
soy. And no Is the greatest general , too.
Why , do you know that ho has fought
forty battles with men larger than himself.
. Could ho lick Klli-ain or Smith I Well , he'd
keep them pretty busy If , they whipped him.
If ho weighed ten oumls more that is to
Bay , If ho scaled 100 pounds I think bo could
beat anybody under the London prize ring
rules. Whpn ho fought Hegar/ / , you know , I
offewd to bet itny amount of .money th'at he
would get n black eye , nnd Regan is a good
man In his class. -shtvll bp-'llcrp ' until Mon
day , when I leaVu'with MI-SI * Sh cdy for
Home. " -
A. rdhnral Offer Miulo Thorn For > n
fl Joint Bpurrlntf Kjtlilimion.
[ Copi/r/i/M / / 1SH7 by Jamc * Onfilrtn lltnnrtt.l
LONDON , Dec. 23. iKmV York Herald
Cable Special to the Brit : . ] The ninna- *
for of the aquarium told UioHcraUl this morn
Ing that ho had waited on 4he managers for
Smith nnd Kllrnln and offered them lW (
for six nights Joint spurring duHiig fifteen
minutes and n percentage .b 'sUlcs JfAlie nU-
Ings 'exceeded a certain amount , Itbli pui1-
centago and amount to bo ndccsstirily kept.
pnvato. The proposition was- accepted ntjd >
n week In February ugrcdd upon."Ilntthls ,
is no morn than .according 'to the London pa
pers and some London cnb'fcii > to > Ncw York ,
Sullivan was puid by you " , Answered ,
the aquarium manager. "That report was a
mistake. We offered Sulllvttti 10Vp8r'nlRhti ;
but ho preferred n perccntttkeTnfscm'Biit'
him only 510 for the six nights ami.we paid' '
Mitchell moro than that duriirR the Smith.
and Kilrain exhibition. Additional interest !
will bo given by the fact thut , JMitcb ll nnd ,
Sullivan will then both be trnibtiiK Job Uielrj
March light. V , < ft".A.
Hero n well known l > oolfmSHervlrircrpo rcd
nnd said : * 'l notice in many American nuws-i
l.ipers ) a disposition to belitlfci'MltclieU In
this contest. Naturally < < Hio ? Amerl- ,
can champion is pref'eired-t but
I can tell them that SuHivan
In straining down. His weight'and Wdcr- .
mnnlc proportions will lose sti'ength ' andi
Mitehcll isalert , wiry nnd slciifUl.j'jHfbn't ,
' '
make a mistake about that. . . .On'iMpnd'ay ;
week Mitchell goes into n happy New , Year ,
training at Kllrain's recent plnco iy flid sea-
f\Jde. Sullivan , I believe , goes soon , nf tcr to
Windsor for training. Some think the fight
it not to come off , but VI have bet that it cer
tainly will. " . >
After quitting the aquarium thd'Tlorald'
crossed Westminster bridge to visit Canter
bury theater , in Lambeth , whore Jem Mace
was having u parting bonellt. The attend
ance was excellent for reminiscences ns
well ns actualities of the pri/o ring ono. just
now much to the foremost. Prominent in the
audience was Jem Smith , who occupied
early in the evening a reserved fautenil.
Ho wore a chocolate - lined round
hat , black top coat and dark
. .ehoviot trousers. Ho was readily
recognized for his pictures outnumber the
Christmas cards everywhere on exhibition
and especially by the piece of lint on his car.
His greeting was most hearty , the cheers
lasting two minutes , intermingled with cries
of "Bravo , Jem 1" "Hit him again , Jem ! "
etc. , etc.
Ho made a Gladstonlan bow of thanks and
then turned his "attention to the Watson sis
ters , dressed gaily as mashers , singing n pat
er duet. When Smith left his scat
everybody knew the tableau vivant of Tom
Cribbs' parlor was coining according
to programme. Presently the curtain rose
and disclosed it. In the tableau appeared
n Mace , a contraUlgurc ; Ned Donnelly ,
one of Kilr.iin's seconds ; Bookmaker Chippy
Norton , W. E. Harding , Aimer Ego , Ulchurd
iC. Fox , Jem Howes , Smith trainer , II. Huell ,
Sullivan's backer , Dick Hoberts , the pugilist
and Shilth's great friend ; Coddy Middings ,
the boxer ; Charley White , Smith's backer ;
Messrs. Harper and Ualdock , his
seconds ; Gcorgo Wave , who is
to bo Cainey's manager ; Woolf
Beiuloff , the llrst man whom Smith met and
became victor ever ; also Barney Shepherd
: ind Bill Good , teachers of boxing1 , with E.
Sampson , editor of the Victuallers Gazette ,
: ind a close friend of Jem Mace. On this oc-
ctisiou tlio gioupingwas a la Cruikshank.
Hum punches w TO omitted and the sports
sat u la Moore Burgess , minstrels , all in
morning dress except Sampson" , who was
strong " oil "rhetoric. Ho' introduced
JCMII Mace , with neat allusions to
his past , and next Smith , whom
bo "called n man of deeds , 'not words. The
two Joins merely sparkled their eyes affirma
tively nnd made no other response. While
Muco loft to don his sporting dress the cham
pion inlcfgcts , Snowball and Fig , each about
nine y"ears of 'age , imitated the brobdinigs
with n boxing bout. When they had con-
eluded Jem Mace and Woolf Bandoff , in
sporting togs , appeared and had the
usual set to of three rounds , which were
really tamo1 after the tunny midgets.
When they had llnlshed they left for the
Paragon music hall at the East End , where
Mace was given another benefit , but not before
fore Mace had expressed thonlcs and assured
Smith that if ever ho wanted u benellt he
might call upon Mace for services.
Coddy Middings and DIek Roberts next
followed in three rounds and the
finishing performance was between
Fred Johnson ; the eight-stono champion ,
and Tom Elision , who had the greatest
npplauso of the evening for their hard hit
ting. When the break-up occurred Smith's
brougham was followed by a cheering crowd
for seine distance ,
"Thoro goes the Wellington of the P. II. ,
said a st'aiiMooktng old military man , ns ho
cuino out , bringiug his umbrella to a-shouldor
Hit : John lu Scitlnml.
Enixiiruc.n , Dec. 22. [ New York Herahl
Cable Special to the Bnr. . ] Sullivan ami
Ashton luwj thijlr exhibition to-uight in Drill
hall before a large audience. Not n few well
known i-esldents who arc fond o.f the kirk
were found < spectators. Sullivan an
uounced that in a fortnight ho should go into
training ne'.ir London to meet his own chal
lenge and any other ehulte'iigc's'that had been
or should bo made. Hu did not want to go
home without ajight with KHrain or Smith.
Ho was in a strange country mid all ho i\skcil
was a fair Hold and no favors. Ho was will
ing to meet Smith and whoever won ho hoped
they would .shako hands nnd bo friends. The
recent mill near Uouen had uroused new in
terest in the prize ring "and the boxers were
entluibiastlcally received.
1'rolmbllltk's of Another Cardinal for
Ainorleu Ijocated at Boston.
[ riii/rjfht | | 1SH'liu Jitmct Giml/m Ittmutt , ' ]
Uo\ir. , Uee. St. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to the HIK. : ] The latest feeling
nnd information \ } Koine , favors the news
that n cardinal's hat is likely to DO offered to
Archbishop Williams , , of Boston. After the
Baltimore council tko.almost general Reeling
was that Boston and npt Baltimore should bo
the next see. Not only is that
city u seat of learning buv its importance in
a catholic sense Is double that of Baltimore
Cardinal Gibbons has only I'iO.secular priests
nnd others belonging to religious orders. Bos
ton has ' , ' ( W secular priests , 70 religious am
75 theological students. Archbishop Will
lams , on hearing that u strong party was h
favor of raising him to the sacred college
wrote straight to the pope nnd urged the holj
father to give ) the hut to Baltimore , th'o mos
ancient see and city in which tbo council was
Leo VIII , who received the rector of the
American college.shortly afterwards , said
"Williams must bo u great man. He writes
to mo not to make him u cardinal. I nuvo
got-letters of that kind. "
Possibly , then-the pope only Intended to
defer the honor , and the American Catholic
hierarchy may yet have two prince's of the
church amongst them.
To a question iis to why the sequence o
New York was avoided , my informant , re
plied : "Well , you know It I * only the
patriarch of Llbson and one or two others
Who have u faintly prescrlntive righ'to the
ardlnnlate' . Look'nt Walsh ot Dublin. Ho
vlll Hover bo n cardinal. "
"Do you think the MeGlynn business has
llsturbed Archbishop Corrlgan's chance. "
"Not being Inside the mind of the iwpo I
can't say , but I guess it might have done so.
You co Archblshoj ) Williams has ) never had
a case before the Homan courts for twenty-
ono years of his episcopate. That alone
nakes him worthy of the sacred purple. "
President Cleveland has notified the Pope
of his Intention to present hint With nn offer-
117011 the occaslbn of h W jubilee. Ah American
u-ehito will be deputed to hand him n faithful
eproductlon of the American constitution
and n letter of nongratulatlon. It ,1s quite
> osslblo Leo XIII. may make the recep-
lonoftho gift a pretext for declaring that
ho holy see does not identify itself with any
special form of government.
Old English SnHs Hnecly Discussing
flic nig Atlantic Halt.
1 [ CnptrrliiM 1837 btfJatnt * Uardon ZtemirfM
LONDON , Deo. 23. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BEK. ! A HCrald ro-
> ortor who Is charged with attention to shli > -
lng news' at London , found to-day many
cuptalns in the largo conversation room of that
iliRC maritime exchange , much interested in
dfacussing the dlrcllct rafts. One had read
aloud from the Evening Standard this por-
; ! on of a long editorial : "Tho lost raft ,
dither whole or in pieces , is still knocking
ibout somewhere in the Atlantic nnd
vlll mean n source of danger nnd
ot "widespread nlarm till news comes that
t has'becn captured In its entirety if it has
jce'n , 'asperated ' and thousands of huge logs
cbnvc tdd into powerful rams by the force of
he waves are loose about the water way bo-
ween England nnd America many persons
Vlll postpone their journey to the states and ,
ndccd , Ifc is not possible to say when the sea
vlll bo safe for traffic , for the tremendous
ogs will not sink. It is not improbable that
lie English and American courts of law may
iare before them cases of a sort never before
'led , the plaintiffs claiming and endeavoring
n have damages against those who are re
sponsible for this now dancer to navigation. "
Said ono old salt : "If I was afloat in any
atitudo or longitude where this new sea
nonstcr wcs likely to disport , there would bo
no sleep fpr me. "
'Wo shall hear sad news , " pursued an
other , "foi ; there's u lot of ships known noth-
aboilt it. "
This Is worse than nn iceberg , " added
one , who was in the Baltimore trade.
"HoW well it speaks for the American gov
ernment that it so promptly sent out navy
ships on detective duty , " interposed another.
"Why did the skipper of the tug desert the
raft when the hawser broke ! Why not steam
ibout in its vicinity and make signals ! " re
marked beaten Captain Cuttle.
"But [ say what n nice job of salvage , if
some craft could pick her up nnd tow the raft
nto civilisation. I shouldn't ' wonder if some
iromotor gets up a limited company to search
for the monster raft and float her into tlio
nearest port ns wreckage. "
But the maritime law has no place for
such as she , in its code , " scntontiously con
cluded an an ancient mariner who llxcd the
? roup "with his glittering eye. " These off-
Imnd observations will serve to indicate to
iVmericans what intense interest has been
excited by the ratt incident. Even the law
yers , it seems , arc discussing in the temple
clubs what kind of a flotsam and jetsam is
this new development , ns a witty solicitor
puts it , of "marine logarithms with unnum
bered latitude. "
The Atlanta Snlls For Naplc < * .
[ rujrffht | JS97 l > n Jamri flonlun llennrtt.
LHOIIOIINDec. . ii. ! . [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Bni : . ] The yacht
Atlanta has sailed for Naples.
IloasHiirln < r to Austria.
VIENNA , Dee. 23. It is reported that Count
von Wolkenstein , the Austrian ambassador
to Russia , has sent a confidential and reas
suring note to the government from St.
Petersburg to the effect that the movements
of Russian troops on the Austrian frontier
are only in accordance with a scheme which
has been in operation since the Turkish war
to place a permanent cordon from the Baltic
to the Black bea.
Gorinniiy's Minister I/OIIVOH London.
LOXJXJX , Dec. 23. Count von Hat/foldt ,
German ambassador here , departed suddenly
for Germany to-day , after holding an inter
view with Lord Salisbury , who had especially
requested the mooting , The prime minister
subsequently had an interview with the Rus
sian and French ambassadors.
1'rayiiiB For the Crown I'rlnce.
HCIII.IN , Dec. 23At Aaixo la Chapello
to-day 5,000 went in procession to tlio neigh
borhood of the shrine and prayed for tl j
i-rowii prince. Two lighted candles , each
weighing fifty six pounds , denoting the
prince's age , were borne by eight girls
dressed in white.
National Opera Troubles.
MiN.NKiroi.ix , Dee. 23. The box pfllec receipts
ceipts of'tho National opera company were at
tached hero lastnight during the performance
of "Nero" by the sheriff at the Instance of
Now York creditors.
Tlio First to C'rosH AlVlon.
Now York Sun : nuiils from
Europe announce lliu death of Bihe , in
Africa , of a 1'ortugUo o whose flume is
ioii * ] > iiMious in Hie iiinmls ( jf Afriean
tnivul. Years n < io Silvu pOrto , has
grown ofd and rich in tlio .slave nnd
ivory trade , and for more than thirty
yolirs lie has boon known as 'Jho first
white man to cross Africa froin bcti to
sea.About two hundrett miles inland and
almost directly cast , of the Portuguese
const town of BeiiKUCltt is Belmont in
Hiho , the buttleineni of Silva Porto.
II ro were hi largo plantations , and
storohouyos , and fnm ) TJelmpiit his
bands of lllho natives' unshod ! iiub remote - ,
mote rcgioiiH in of ivory and
hluves. 18I.'J Silva l'orto decided to
travel through the country from whioh
liio riches were dori.\od. With a largo
caravan ho started eastward and never
Mopped until ho had reached the In
dian ocean. For hundreds of miles ho ,
pii ed through wholly unknown
regions , bringing to litrht
many .now peoples. Crossing
ninny of the northern tributaries of the
Zntuhchi. ho passed through a largo
region that was known only through his
travels until the explorations ol Capello
and Ivons three years ago. Hounding
the. Houtn end of Lake Nyas. a , ho
reached the coast flourtoen months afUT
ho started at the mouth of the Uovuma.
For many years his route and tlio native -
tivo villages ho saw were quite conspicu
ous oa the maps , because great unex
plored regions stretched away on all
sides of them.
Two years after Silva Porto started on
his long journey. Livingstone loft
Loandn , and , crot-sing Porto's path ,
reached tlio Indian ocean , at tlio mouth
ot thu Zambesi , completing the second
journey across the continent. A num
ber of explorers wore entertained and
aided on their journeys by Silva Porto
and liistrcntinontof travelers agreeably
'contracted with the shabby conduct of
many other Portnguet-o merchants who
were nu.xious to la-op while men out of
their triding..prc > crvo3.
"I am nn ola mun , " bo wrote tqSorpn
Pinto , "but I atn blill tough and.btrdng.
Jf you find'yourselfoa your journey sur
rounded by peril , with all but hone
gone ; try to hold , your.ownr and bond i
letter to ino by the natives ut/ any cast.
Within the shortcut jwssiblo time'I'will
be with you and bring hcl.o and m'eansi
NKW YOIIK , DccSS1. , [ Special Telegram to
the HKK.I STOCK.S The stock market ) while
showing less animation and dragging slowly
with n decreased volume of business , dovel-
oi > ed n stronger uhiifertono than , opvrntors
had any reason toxaepcct. Trading , however ,
was confined to half-dozen properties , St.
Paul , Union Pacific , Coalers and Western
Union being the mosfl nctlvo nnd advanced
J/@l point. The h arp , who were short , were
anxious to cycn up , us this was the last trnd
Ing day until Tuesckiy next. No pressure to
sell was noticeable : cxotpt In Heading , Y > hlch
it was" claimed hatl'dccn ' sold heavily the las {
t\v'o days by insider * in anticipation of a
strike of the employes. Thu contract with
the Heading employes stipulated that the ad"-
vance in wages recently granted was on con
dition that the other companies establish the
same rnto of wages after J'ununry 1. If the
other companies did not adopt tbo scale , the
Heading men were to go back to the old
schedule. As the advance has not been
adopted by the other companies , It is fair to
presume that the Head Ing company will force
> ts men to live tip totheir agreement. The
men nt the Hlchmond docks wont out to-day ,
but their action Imtt ho-effect on the market
except for a brief period nt th * opening.
Chicago , Burlington ' & Qulney , which at
tracted so- much attention yestcrdny , Was
among the Inactive'stocks to-day and do'
cllnedyt \ per cent. The Wnbash and Alton
are having a llttlo fight over rates. The for
mer met the letter's cut of 10 percent yester
day , but the Alton immediately cut 10 per
cent moro. It Is said that the cut is bringing
the Wabash very llttlo business.
Govrw.VMKXTS Government bonds were
quiet butllrm ,
IT. S , 4s registered.lil ' C.&N.W. . . KM' , '
IT. 8. 4s coupon do preferred . Hlfl'J
if. S. 4'is'retf ist red. M > l | N. Y. Central . 108'j
U. a 4S4.S coupon..lush O.K. N .
Pacific ( M of'ft ( 11 ! ) O. T. .
Canada Southern. . My 1'adtlc Mall . ; . .T > 'i
Central Paclllq ! Hjf l'I&U . ! I2Ji
Chicago \ ) Pullman 1'alaceCarl 103
C. , n.Q W Rending CV
! ! - . f'fV l-'TI Hock Island HjJ'i
\-H.O I at. L.S. . F . . 'Xi'
r.rle. iloiirsferrert . 72
do iirufcrri'd K.Ui O..M. tc St. I'aul. . . 75 ! j
Illinois ( Vntrtil 11714 do preferred
I. , H. le\V - St. i' . &o . ; w
K.A.-T do preferred . 10tJ ! '
I.nko Shore „ Texas IMclnc . 2'i'j
I\- N 0jf Union Pacific . npM
Mlchltrnn Cuntral . " " W. , St. L. Arl' . I.V ;
Mlssonill'.iclllc. . . . do preferred . 2bnj
Jllhsonrll'aclllc. . . . W. U. Telegraph. . . 77Jt
Moxnv On call , easy at 4JrffC ( > per cent ;
last loan 4 % per cent ; closed offered at 2por ]
STEKMXn EXCIUNQR Dull but steady at
f-.h3 } for sixty day bills , and f4.bO for de
AVcst Ijincolii SInrkefs.
rii.vror.N , Neb. , Dee.Special ! ! [ Tele
gram to the Unn. ] Hoes Receipts , ? ( )0 )
head. Prices were 5@10o lower , ranging
from j-1.40 to & ) . ! h ) .
First Social Scj-sfim of the Kllcs in
Tlioir No\v Qtnirtcrn.
The first social session of the Elks in their
new quarters , tendered to the IJostonlnn
Opera company last evening , was the grand
est , social event of thp scason. Over 3,10 per
sons were present. A ? early ns 8 o'clock the
guests began to arrive. ! The dancing com
menced nt 0 , continuing until 11. After this
the following musical programme was pre
sented : ' '
Octette "Night's Witchery' "
Apollo Club.
Violin solo , Prof , Pranko
Ti-mplo Quartette.v..Hiee e of the Night
Solo "Lot Mo Dream Again. "
Miss ( fviouno.
Solo : . . "SUeloi Dreams. "
Nat N. f Jrigham.
Solo / ' ' " "
, ' /'Tympkins' "Wedding
Prof. .Carl.
Solo "Last Kosoof Summer. "
Miss Mary Stone , accompanied by
Prof. McDonald.
All of these selections were enthusiastic
ally received. After this the dancing was
resumed and continued nttor - o'clock , Prof.
Franko's orchestra furnishing the music.
The Elk headquarters comprise three largo
rooms , the lodge , dining and reception rooms ,
besides three smaller ones , and are uneqimled
for elegance in the city.'To the committee on
arraugements. Messrs. R. C. McClurc , W.
N. Habeock and I. W. Miner , is duo tbo
credit for the perfection of the preparations
in lust night's ' entertainment.
The Iron Moulders' Hull.
The thirteenth annual ball of the Iron
Moulders' , union was held last evening at
Exposition hall and was attended by over
two hundred couples. The grand march was
led by J. Ravcnkamp and lady , and twenty-
eight numbers were danced , lasting until
about 2 o'cl&ek. Supper was served at the
Hub. James R. Young was master of cere
monies. Tlio committee on arrangements
consisted of J. Carnaby. M. J. O'Connoll
and .1 Ravenkamp. The floor committee , .f.
Liddoll , George Elliott , P. Carroll and R.
Kaiser ; the door committee , M. J.O'Conncll ,
J. Wilson , M. Reilly and L. liulundcr.
Ilofman's orchestra furnished some excel
lent music.
How the lilnls Are Gathered nnd
Killed In .Indiana.
" Turkey Foundries " arc scattered
over the o'ntiro Htate , Siya | a letter from
IndinimnoliH. Sik double nlulo teams
collect turkeys from within a radius often
ton miles and bring them to this foiin-
drv daily. No IIoo icr farmer thinks of
dressing his > own birds for the market ,
but bollb them on the hoot lo the collec
tors , receiving ( i cents per pound for his
Hock. The foundry , a building o8x5l ( |
foot , without Iloor , in fact a mammoth
coop , holding 1,000 turkeys , is kept well
illlod by thews teams. At ono end is a
smaller building , the dressing-room ,
about 20x10 feet , where ten men , wading
almost knee-deep in feather * , pick tur-
Itoys nt 6 cents each , from morning until
night. Kneh man dres-sos on an iivqr *
ago five nn hour , or 60 cents for the
crow. Necks nro wrung for Uoston ,
while throats are btuck for the Now
York market. They were dressing a la
Now York to-tiny , when visited by your
Entering the dressing room attracted
by n tremendous gobbling from the
turhs , there appeared ton men , each
with a bird suBpomled by the fcot by n
cord from a beam overhead , pulling1 ,
feathers fof dear llfo. Beside each
man stood two barrels , ono for largo tail
feathers , and the broad , Hat wing-feath-
ors'that grow on the bend of the w'riffi '
next to tno body. This grade , soils for
feather dustors. Tlio second barrel re
ceived all soft body feathers , sold for
mnny purpose * . As 1 entered ono picker !
finished his bird , came and sat bc.skld
mo : in answer to inquiry as to how lou
it required to dross a bird ho.said : "Wo' |
are on the last of n. ponful now ; justj
wait a moment and time us , you will fccd |
some fun. " . ,
Meanwhile fifty turkeys largo and
small had been put into ' 'tho cage , " a
pen about .eight fact square , but iib
inckor , oven if ho had finished his" Insy1 ;
bird of the previous lot , might s'clq'qt1
one from this and goto work ; each as j
ho finished must watt for the Inst. i
Later developments showed the justice i
of this. Conversation among the pick
ers while waiting the last nittn lur'ftbtl
on a number of good fat , easy plckyi'jj
hens among the now lot in thd'tJam.
and one old twenty-live pound 'UmU/ '
whom nobody wanted. The moment the
last man had finished and hung upihis
bird , all made a grand rush foritho
pen and in a moment returned carrying
a largo turkey by the foot. Arriving
ut his station , each slipped both,1feo.\of
his catch through a noose in tlio cordi
and brings the bird down with forooi
then grasps a sharp-pointed knife a'iid
runs it through the neck just , back of
tbo bill , cutting all the ailorics ; , then
the wrestle with feathers begins. ' ,
Ono swoop of the hand takes every
tull-foathor into the barrel. Two grabs
do tbo frame for the broad folthcrs ; ctf
the wings. With ono downward awcop
a space as largo as the pickcrV hand is
laid bare from tbo tail to the neck. This
is _ kept up until the body is thoroughly
picked. Then the fingoris run into the
rent , hooked around the largo intestine
and the bird is drawn. Not a 'Unifo is
used in the operation except in killing
the bird. The foot are now freed from
the noose , the head laid on a block and
chopped off , the skin of the ilqck drawn
back about an inch and chopped oil'
ngain , letting the skin of the neck
cover over the end , where it'is tied. , and
your bird is ready for market. Do you
wonder that they acquire a far-away
taste when served up at the cast ? Ono _
picker from the time ho stuck his bird
until hb hung his bird up finished occu
pied just seven and one-half minutes.
Finally ho paid ho would tackle the
twenty-five pound ' 'bull , " did s-o. and
finished him in just eight minutes and
twenty seconds.
I walked into the pen to see them
caught. In would come a picker , cast a
critical eye over the lot in march of an
easy one , walk along , and with a ncvor-
fnil'ing swoop of the hand grab a turkey
by tlio thigh , then hold him up and
blow the font herd away from the under
side of the wing and rump. If no pin
feathers , O. K. ; if any. drop him and
grab another , till a satisfactory one is
found ! Consequently the last ono of a
lot of llfly is very hard to pi'k , < md ns
each mini finishes the last of the lot. ho
is required to wait till all are dono.thus _
giving each 11 fair chance to btfgin on
the easy ones.
Tlio Nation Election Peacefully Settled
a'AHLuqi-Aii , I. T. , Dec. W. Tlio bitter
fight between the two factions over the re
sult of the recent election In Cherokee nation
came to a peaceful end to-day. Joel Mays ,
the Downing candidate , was dcclnrei } elected.
Special Agent Armstrong returned to Wash
ington to-night.
Floods In I ( My.
Loxnox , Dee. 23. Dispatches report heavy
rains und floods in Italy. Many rivers are so
swollen that they threaten to overflow their
VTc doubt If there Is , ortian bo , a spcclflo
remedy for rlicinnntlsni ; but thousands who
have suffered 1U pains have been greatly ben
efited by Hood's Sarsapnrllla. If you have
failed to find icllef , try this great remedy.
"I was afflicted with rheumatism twenty
years. Previous to 1S331 found no relief , hut
grew worse , and at ono line t. was almost lielp-
less. Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo more good
than all tlio oilier medlclno I over had. "
II. T. lUi.coM , Shirley Village , Mass.
" I had rheumatism three years , and got no
relief till I took Hood's Sarsapntilla. It has
doiio great tilings for inc. I recommend it to
others. " LISWIB HOIUIANK , Ulddcford , We.
ITocd's Sarsaparllla Is characterized J" '
three peculiarities : 1st , the combination of
remedial ORtUtS ; 2d , the proportion ; 3d , the
process ot securing the active .medicinal
qualities.- The result Is a medicine of unusual
strength.effecting cures hitherto iinknowg.
Send for book containing additional evidence.
"Hood's'B.irsnnaiiHa tones up my system ,
purifies my hlouu , sharpens tuvaui > etite , aim
seemsto make in ? o\er.J' Ji r. TuoJil'SOK ,
ItegiMur'tUt ; Uccds Lo ell , Mass.
" Hood's 6ar > nparllLi itcati all others , anil
Is worth itvcliiit In g'liu. " 1. luiutuicxoN ,
.130 Bank Street , NOW Yqr ] ; Qty.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all dniBRlsts. $1 j six for $5. Made
only by O.HHOOD fit CO , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses , One Dollar.
Purity and Beauty of the Skin.
, 'othlug Is kno\\ \ to science nt all compnrablo
to tlio CiVricfin v KUMKDIGS In thplr murvi-llous
properties of clcnnqlng , purifying and beautify-
lVSi tt'O ' .sktn , nnd In curing torturing , dlstlgur-
Injf , ltcilug ] , ily and pimply diseases of thu
ujif.n , n.calp and blood , 1th loss of Imlr fiom lu-
fancy to u a.
CUTicuitArtho great Skin Cnro , nnd CUTICUIIA
SoAlvnn oxqnthltu Skin Itcaullllor , prepared
from UVextenmll ) ' , anil CirrictniA HK OI.VK.NT ,
the Now Illoott J'nrlflcr , Internally , nru a piiM-
tlVocure for every form of skin and blood ills-
cnsiVfrom pimples to Hcrofuln. '
I have hndn % Itlngworm Humor , got nt the bar
ber's , for HX year * , which hptend nil o\or my
ciu- > , face and nock , and Itched and Iril-
tutod me n gieat deal. ] lmo UM.M ! many ionic-
illcs , by ndvlco ot phj-dlcluns without bandit.
YotirCnTitiuiiA JtKMr.niKs Imvo ontliely cui-ucl
mo , taking e\erybltot humor on inylatunnd
leaving It as smooth as a dollar. 1 tlnnik you
again lor the help It has benn to me.
( IKO.V. . UliOWN , Mason ,
49 Mm shall St. , Provldi-nce , H. I.
Rold pverywhcrc. Price , CtmcriiA , We : SOAP ,
2" > c ; HKSOI.VHNTfl.OU. . I'rcnin-M by thu 1'oi-rKii
Dncn AXII Ciir.Miiur , Co. , lloston , Mass.
rr'Seiiil for "How to Cure Hkln DNcases , " til
liages , CO llluitratlons , and Ilk ) tulimuultiU. .
mTVTKn with the loveliest delicacy is the skin
1111 bathL'd with CUTICUIIA ilii > iiUTUi > So vi1.
I commenced to n e your CliTicnu HKME-
IIIKS hut .Inly. My hi-rid nnd fiicenndsom6parts
of my body were almost law. My head was cov
ered with scabs und MUCK , and my MilKTln wui
fenrtul. I had trlod cverythliiK 1 hud houvdof
In the Knst and Weal. My ciiuo as considered
n very bad one. 1 have now not n particle of
Skin Humor about me. and my euro l.s coiisld-
cicd woudwful. JIiw. S. U. WIIU'I'1.12.
Uucntur , Mich.
I was nllllcted with Kczonm on the scalp , faci ,
cars and ni'ck , > \ hlch the dniKglst , where I got
your ivmodle.s , jironounced emi of the worat
cares thut had como tmdur his nptlcu. lu ( ud-
vNcil mu to try your CUTICIMIA KKMKIUKS , anil
after live days' use my ht-tilp and part of my fuco
were entirely cured , and 1 liopo In another week
to have my oars , neck , and the ether Dart of my
face cured. IllIltMAN.Sl.ADi : ,
JM i : . Ith Street , New 1'ork.
1 have suffered from Salt Hlimim for over
cltjht > earn , at times so bad that f could not nt-
tend lo my business for weeks nt a tlmo. Throu
) ) exes of CIITICUII \ and four bottleh HKSOLVHNT
have entirely cured mo nf this dreadful disease.
JOHN Tllll ! ! . , WllkcMbarrc , 1'a.
CltTiciuiA Itr.MKninsare nbMilntoly pnro and
the. .only Infallible blood purifiers and hktn
Ml'I.KS , black-heads chauped and oily skin
piovented by Curicun \' .
A magnificent disTDlay af every thing useful and
ornamental in tlie furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
Eieelro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science
' ' ' Scientifically Made and Practically Applied.
eentlcmm'sBclt Beit S * ( ( ? * >
liiuod IMwaifp , I rep jrle then thl belt In JiuirwkBt you act * .
latlanilu i till Can lir ' .
ElcctrMlH ot'pllcd .rigniBR All f I * V r" a A
ryifa.0 : h.fate WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. .
riroTiqAJIII C Evrrmnor'-nMlnonntluiedljrrcrml'flon. N < ITE tbo following who Imrn burn
IbtkllnlUnlnLo VHHEI > > A. J. lloarlanil , 11. S. rftrkerunilJ.l > f.ll&MetallonlloitrUiirTrailo ,
. , comiiil slonmercHaiit toclcV rl8lluddloUetli OTeiithor8cmaiiiCol.Onnclljt ,
A. ,
Chlcaeoi Gregory |
of the Inttr Ocron- . W. l ) llui , M. I ) . , Mormonto n , Iow i Lemuol Mlllc , Kanlraa.olll. ! , Ju > lKt > I. N.
ilurraT.Napcrvtllc , Ill.i K. \ . . Abbott , wntorworl-i ! , Sonlh Itend. Ind i Unlit. lt.t > ami on.OlilFari | >
" '
iarfliMj Tiiror , strength , encrgr ml lieallh , when nil other treatment im rnn
ino Hclt are being rvcnirntieiTand Indonea by thousands whom It lias t-uri'd. _ it . .i.
- -Any bank , commerciil anncr or wholnalu houjo In Chlc BO | wholoBMs ! < L
oiii , Clydetdnle and Shire , also homn
bred colt1 * Kvery animal Riinrantccsl it bn-edrr
Our Htovk habt'cu Htlecteil nlth rulervncoto
both Individual inorlt and pedlurou. Sonic of
tlii'S lioi > ei Imvo taken first ] ) rl i > at tlio Nu-
liruikn Htntc IVIr. 17. All our hoix > s niv ac-
rllinarpcl. and rolls of their pet can be shown.
Prices reasonable and CUH.V terms , l.s auesslbln
by the three luiMllliK railroads ot tlio state , 11. A :
> ! . ! 1' . , K. vV M. V . and 1C. C. \ O.
rilV A : KAIIK1IAH. York , Xcb
I till
> ! * *
iefbest !
tlrePrln-llsl ,
richly Uluan *
tnt la colntir-
prtnt , of Oa
ta rcnnj In
rcry fmnlly uxt m T h" cbtnlntd from ill Toy
rt tilers , BUtlonen and KdociUJcnal IHr/M' . Tfcft
PtlM-UBt will U forwarded gratii on nrvlluU to
f. AD. PICHTER & Co.
' "
'iWi"u.Stsivouil > < iblllyvuii ] rd
M and bad [ irnciin > CURED.
UOI > U N MKA1. CO , 19Locust t bt.Luutl
Owing to the lateness of the season T\O : find ourselves overstocked with fine and medium priced overcoats , and in order to
reduce tha Quantity wo propose to sell most of them within the next 10 clays , and have made prices that will insure
/ f f - a speedy sale. For instance :
Our $ 5 OvercortUf now go for , . . ' . . . . ,8 3.00 Our Slo Overcoats now j'V for
' ' ' . / . . . . . . . . . . . .
" ' " ' " i ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! " ! ! ! ! ' . ' . " ! ! ' . " ! ' . ! ' . ! ! o'.oo u u * IH.I
" "
10 -
' no lot and sel tliem all at ono price$1O.
Wo also havea ; fine and largo aHSortmejit of nobby styles in suits \vhinh we are offering at cut prices.
We Really Have no Competition in our Boy's and
Children's Department.
' of $1 for a nobby boys' jacket and pants , in
o r our line of Hoys' Suits and Overcoats is very complete and our price
ages from 4 to 13 years , is hard to boat anywhere.
. ; . The New York and. Omaha Clothing Company ,
' - . ' . ' ' One Price Clothier ? , Furuisiiers and Hatters for Men and Boys , 1S08 ft