Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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It ( P B irtB i iBMB l M * i B B B * > * H * B BM * i i * BM P * * B i * BiiM * * * * * i * * BM BfcB * * B lM * i i B BMMBl W i i Bi
* ' (
Philip Bulfor'a Character Shown
up In Its Full Light.
Wllh Having Incompetent
Employes Ily n Coroner's Jury
Coinitcrlcltcr mill Doscrler
Novntny'H Companions ,
BilHVr'HUail Ilccnrd.
Tuesday afternoon the Uni : published ex
clusively nn expose of nn attempted swind
ling opcriitlon In which the niimo of ono
Philip Hulfcr figured prominently us one of
the alleged linn conducting It. That same
tilght n young man culled ut thu lir. : oftlce
und aftcrstatlug that his niimo wan Philip
Hulfcr emphatically denied nil knowledge of
the scheme. Ho was closely cpicstloncd , und
notwlthstanoing the fnct that the Interroga
tion embarrassed him greatly , und that u
Kirat mnsa of circumstantial evidence pointed
to his connection with thu fraud , his denial
wan printed.
It now transpires that Hulfer's record Is n
most unsavory one , nnd Unit by two firms In
this cltv ut least ho Is considered
ft swindler nnd n of ilrst
magnitude. A rew | > rtcr of the
HIM : met Mr. G. M. narrow , ofV. . L , Pnriiito
At Co. , yesterday und from him lent nod
that Hulfer attempted to swindle that house
nnd D. M. Kleelc & Co. nnd U , L. Mc
Donald .t Co. , of St. Joseph , out of n largo
Bum of money , the total amount being ? tiIKHI.
According to Mr. Uarrow , Hulfer's history
IB as follows so fur us known to the houses
mentioned above , und us Mr. Uarrow la n
gentleman of undoubted veracity and eminent
respectability there can be little doubt that
llulfcr's denial published in this paper wus u
barefaced He. Hulfcr has twice failed in
business In the little city of Atkinson , Holt
county.Nebraskii.ut which pliicohoeonductcd
ft general storeiind both times under umisuul
circumstances. While fraud could not bo
proven In the first case , It was considered to
have been u. very shady deal. The second
"failure , " however , WHS tlio result of u deep
laid swindling scheme concocted by Hulfer ,
und this fact ho himself admitted in open
eourt at the August term of the Holt county
court held at O'Nell.
Of the Ilrst failure all that needs to bo said
Is that he "sold out1' to his brother nnd
this took place about one and one-half years
ago. A snort time after this ho opened an
other general store In Atkinson. The sales
men who make that territory forV. . L.
PurrQlo & Co. refused to sell him nnd Hulfer
Bent 11 personal request to Mr. Durrow , whom
lie had known for a long time , to come nnd
.sec him. Mr. Uarrow went und Hulfcr as
sured him that ho hud $11,000 in the b.inlc.
This statement was also made to D.M. Stocle
& Co. and McDonald & Co. , of St. Joseph ,
Mo. Hy tnis and other representations ho
managed to'obtain a stock from these three
firms valued at over WiOO. ( About thirty
days after this the Omaha linns were noti
fied by an attorney of Atkinson that Hulfer
had sold the entire stock to onu Hen Collins ,
of Marshulltowu , la. , the consideration being
Collins pave two notes in payment , one be
ing for fHK ) nnd the other for SiiOu. The Hrst
was paid. Heforc the second fell due Uulfer
was arrested on the charge of obtaining goods
under false pretenses and was taken to the
county Jail at O'Neil. He wus instantly re
leased on bail , Messrs Weeks , Sc Millard , of
that place , going on his bond. Hefore the
trial ciimc on the second note of $000 had be
come due and this Collins refused to pay.
Then Bulfer got angry with Collins
and went to the attonievs representing
the sxvmdlcd firms and offered them the
followine terms : If he ( Hulfer ) would
be promised immunity from punishment he
would turn state's evidence and show that
Collins was the rascal. This , owing to the
fact that Collins was a wealthy man , and
that there might be some technicality allow
ing Hulfcr to escape punishment , agreed
to , and during the August term.Hulfcr stated
In ojion court that ho and Collins had con
spired together to defraud the firms from
whom they had bought goods. Judgments
were obtained against Collins , who gave his
r.otcs to the several firms , and gave bond for
their prompt payment.
The above facts are substantiated by
Messrs. D. M. Steclo & Co.
Tlio Coroner Inquires ai to How It
AVas IjelX Open.
Yesterday nn inquest was held atDrcxo !
& Maul's by the coroner over the remains ol
M. C. ll.iggcrty , who died from Injuries re
ceived in the collision batwoou two engines
in the yards of the Union Pacific at thu Soutl
Omaha stock yards on last Tuesday night
Tlicro a largo attendance of railroai
men , among them being the crew of engine
11.VJ , the ono into which the cast-bound
freight train had run , together with the ero\\
of that train. The facts of the accident ware
set forth in brief in the Hui : ot ycstcrduj
und were fully substantiated by the testl
inony adduced by the coroner. It was ad
milled that the switch , connecting the cast
bound track with the "lead , " by means o :
which the five tracks of the yard an
reached , was left open by Switchmar
Lilly , Who wa ? connected with the force o
engine J1IW. Lflfy was & now man on tin
road , having been with it but a few days. Hi
claimed that ho had been n railroad man fo
twelve years. Foreman Phillips of engiin
1161) ) crew te tified that ho had told Lilly ti
close the switch because it lead to the mail
track. At the tUuo the engines struck , Phil
lips was about ton car lengths away frou
11 .ID , having coupled tlio llvo cars to a strinj
of cm 8 which had been on the track for SOUK
time. Lilly , the switchman denied that h
hud been told by tlio foreman lo close th
switch mid that ho did not know it leai
on to u main track. ThU was contra
vcoted by Phillips' testimony n
above outlined. When the frcigh
ti'aln , coming cast , was entering ( .hi ; "lead , '
Peter Kelson , the engineer of iliJil , slioutci
to Lilly that no thought there was a trail
coining onto them , and immediately Lill ;
ran In thotllrcctlou of the open switch , am
She last Nelson saw of him was his swingini
his lantern to stop. A cloud ot steam thci
nroso und Nelson thought it advisable to mov
to u place of safety and went through th
window naggertytho fireman remarked tils
that ho thought there was something comlii
down upon them , but bofoio ho could d
anything to suvu himself he was crushed i
the lower limbs. When he was picked u
ho was lying on the coal on the tender , us i
the parts of thocnglne which had crushed hit
had separated and then Hung him where h
was found. The crew of llfi'J claim thai
whether or not Lilly was told to close th
bwlteh , it was his duty to have done so , e >
pcciixlly after making the claim that ho ha
been a railroad man for twelve years. Lill
went to his room after the accident , and di
not show up again until lnt yesterday. Tli
verdict of the Jury is as follows :
"That the said M. C. Haggerty came to hi
death by a collision of engine ll.VJund frclgl
train No 21 , Union Pacific railroad , cause
by not having proper switch signals and con
potent employes at llml point in Soul
Omaha. "
The remains of Mr. Haggerty worn lv :
evening lorwnuled from Hurkett's o
North Sixteenth sticet to Klkhorn , Wis
whcio they will be buried at the homo of h !
AAVoulil-Ilo CoiuitcrlViliM * n Dcsnrtc
from iho I ) . S , Army.
Howard H. Wallace , the man arrested fi
complicity in the nmnufncturo of countcrfo
money in Council Hluft's , but against who
nothing could bo proven , confessed to tl
chief yesterday that ho was u deserti
from the United States army. Ho said 1
enlisted with the Twenty-second infantry
Lcavcnworth in IbSI and de.scrtcd at S.m
Fc , New Mexico , in July , IS1 :
Ho claimed that he was imluei
to desert by Prod Manning , who represent )
to him that ho had hit upon n way of mukli
counterfeit ton-dollar gold pieces , and th
there was n big fortune In it for both of the
if they could establish n safe rendezvous at
1 laboratory. Manning further informed hi
that to Insure the success of their ontm-pri
B llttlo ready cash would bo necessary , ai
wno entered into , tlio nejurlo
' . s
scheme with his whole noul. said he thought
ho could rniso ho requisite "stuff. " Accord
ingly ho deserted , went to Hook Island , 111. ,
obtained fUKI in cash coming to him from his
father's estate and returning joined Manning
and they at once begun to cast about them
for a suitable place to set up their counter
feiting foundry.
They first went Into the Indian territory ,
but It got too hot for them there and they oc
cupied a month or so canvassing the country
for u more Hccuro plndo to op
erate. Finally they lauded In Coun
cil Hluffa , and tenting a room on Wil
low avenue , settled down to work. Whether
they turned out any of the spurious coin Is
not known , but ills quite probable that they
did. Wallace , however , says that Manning ,
after repented trials , declared that his chem
icals would not work satisfactorily , and that
ho had certainly forgotten some highly es
sential Ingredient. On Tuesday of last week
Manning determined to make another attempt
to pioduco the coveted golden eagles , and ho
sent Wallace to this city to buy for him 11
half pint of lacquer , which ho used In encas
ing his moulds. Wallace came , made his pur
chase , and returned to the rendezvous at-
Council Hltlfts. Instead of finding his part
ner ho found that ho had vanished , and with
him all of the wearing apparel owned by both
of them that was worth anything , together
with the . ! ( ) Wallace had left
of his | ( X ) patrimony , both of
their trunks and all other portables
of value. Manning left a note for him , In
Which ho said ho regretted the necessity of a
separation but It could not bo helped. Ho
concluded his consolatory epistle in this way ,
"Jim" Wallace lias been sailing under the
alias of Jim Carroll- you are a pretty good
fellow , but so awfully mellow , so green and
so young that I will have to give you the
shake. You came within an ace of cooking
our geese at Fort Smith , and I feel
that if I remain In your immediate
vicinity ninny days longer , wo will both bo
looking nt checkered sunlight. I advni | > you
to reform , got an ax , and go out Into
some big woods and chop ; I think you have
great talent In that Hue. 1 have carefully
preserved everything of value I can find
lierongiug to the old ( Inn , and I'll make it
good to you on thu other shore !
OI.IVK On , , JIM ,
Your Friend and Counsellor.
The countv attorney was called Into the
case yesterday , but perceiving thu impossi
bility of fastening nn\ , thing upon Wallace ,
that would insure tliopunishment his willing
ness to commit crlniu undoubtedly entitles
him , he advised that he bo turned over to the
United States authorities at Fort Omaha ,
which was done.
The United .Slates Court.
STII.I , I'mmiiK-isivn.
The case of Halstead vs. Miller , a suit up
on a bond , is still engaging the attention of
thu court in chambers.
Yesterday Samuel P. McDonnell ( Com
menced suit ngainst Duho W. Simpson , late
treasurer of Otoe. county , for * 4KH , ( ) damages.
He charges Simpson with failing to cancel
certain redeemed warrants , and aftorwuids
selling them for his own private benefit.
Simpson , it will bo remembered , while occu
pying the oftlce of county treasurer , robbed
the iwoplc of Otoe county of some SM.OUO , for
which ho is now serving a term in the state
JUDOI : iitxiiv SICK.
Judge Duudy was taken side about noon
yesterday , and no afternoon session of the
coin t was held.
District Court Doings.
Yesterday Lafayette Coltriu filed n petition
to the effect that Cornelia A. Uice was In
debted to him in the sum of Jo.OOO on prom
issory notes , and prays that cei tain property
mortgaged to him by her for security be sold
to satisfy his claim.
A m HAND nnu. .
ludin in H. Sherwood is thu owner of lot 4 ,
and the west one-third of lot U in block T7 in
the city of Omaha , and on the tenth of the
present month it is alleged that ho agreed to
convoy said property to Otis and Everett G.
Hallou in consideration of Sll.rIOO ( , but when
they delivered the money be refused to stand
by bis contract. Therefore the Hallou's pray
that Sherwood be compelled by the court to
receive the consideration and turn over the
County Court.
seen rou SbOO.
A suit was filed yesterday by W. A. L.
Woodland against James H. Patterson to ob
tain payment on a note of $ 00.
There Is an important law suit on before
Judge MeCullocli in which the county
clerk-elect , M. 13. Roche , poses with
dignity and the greatest of attention as a
juryman. From the interest Mr. "Kocho is
taking In the case , which involves the mov
ing of a livery stable , his verdict will bo
evidently characterised by good horse sense ,
r. ur.MUM , v co. sun.
Gllmnrtln & Doyle brought suit \esterday
against F. IJenham & Co. intlicbUtnol&OJ.lU
for goods furnished.
Pnlluo Court.
.1 S. Kick ami Mat Hrooks , vugs , thirty
and sixty days respectively.
Gcorgo Morrow and Frank Jouc.s , sus
picious characters , fifteen duvs each.
Marjorie Johnson and John Patterson ,
drunk , live days each.
Archiu Harvey tiled a complaint , swearing
his life against Slabber Uoss.
Chicago , nock Ihlaiul & Pacific Hj
Grand Holiday Excursion.
Commencing Dee. tilth the G. , K. T.
& ] ' . Ily. will soil round trip tickets to
uny point on the line , including Clile-
tifjo , ut ono fnro for the found trip ,
tickets peed to return .Tiimmry ! U1 , 18SS ,
Now is your time to tiiko a trip to Chic
ago on the Great Hock lolnnd Flyer ,
leaving Council BlulTs at 4 p. m.'nml
urriving in Chicago for breakfast. The
most ck'gtintly equipped und finest 1'ull-
man I'alaeo sleeping and dining oars
that arc made tire run on this , train.
Ticket Office ll'fl-j Farnam bt.
S. S. SrnvK.VP , General Agent.
Suggestions as1 to Diphtheria.
To the Kditorof the Hic : : You are doubt
lens aware that diphtheria is raging to sucl
an extent in our city , that it has almost become
come mi epidemic , and us yet I can learn o !
no action being taken by our board of health
( if we have such a body ) to check the spreai
of such a terrible disease. Our papers con
tain death notices daily , with the usua
"friends invited , " and people attend funeral
without inquiring as to the cause of death
only to find too late that death resulted frou
malignant diphtheria. This is all wrong , am
the disease should I HI treated the same as Ir
eastern cities ; the doctors being compellei
( under heavy penalty ) to repoit every casi
to Iho board of health , or city physician
who immediately thoroughly disinfect tin
picmlscs and quarantine the house m ease o
the death of the patient. No public funer.i
is allowed , lu this way the disease can b
stamped out. instead of being dlsiumlnatci
us now permitted without any protest fioii
any one. This is 11 matter of vital impoi
tanco to all , and prompt action should U
taUeu at once. 1 trust you will call uUentto
to the mutter editorially. T.
InformnUnn of Charles II. Plorco
ago 2.j , hnight about ft fet f 10. gradual
of HUlbdulo college. Address li
I'lorco , Ilillsdale , Mich , luforniatlo
The County Attorney' * Dctcrinliintioi
Assistant Caunty Attorney Slmcral has ba
Chief Scavny instruct his men to run In over
girl under sixteen found lu a lioutoof ill fatui
It Is the object of the attorney to put a stop t
the nefarious truffle In the shame of thes
young and misguided creatures. Kvery fi
inulo nppichiinded under these condition
will bo sent to the reform school for girls.
liiltnctl al the Shops.
Houm Itobirts , a machinist In Ilia I'ulu
Pacil- : > shops , was injured yesterday evtiiin
by thu fulling of a boiler on ono of his hand :
Gt'ts Plrtuin of HlniM'ir ,
Albert Colliery , Jhe aitlstl has Just tlnlshc
n luuid nmo ful' length crayon portraiture i
James , Patterson the wnlclv known No
York spoiling mail , is to bu forwurih
to the geutleuian > by Kdgnr Itolhvi
us ft Christmas uresrcnt , '
The Allejirtl Muhlrrprn of Novntny
nrc Heard l-'roiu.
The circumstances attending the death of
young Novutny , which were published In last
Monday's HRK , are still fresh In the'mlnd of
the public. It wilt bo remembered that ho
fell from the Union Pacific bridge to the
bank of the river , was horribly mangled , and
from the effects of the Injuries died. Two
men who had been stealing a ride on an
engine shortly before the accident were
suspected of having pushixl him from thu
bridge with murderous Intent. 'These were
John Crelghtou and John Hrannon. They
disappeared that evening. The next day
they wrote to Mike Couway , president of the
Plumbers' union , as follows :
"I Just bought a paper and found that
those trainmen have accused Us of causing
Frank's ( Novatny's ) death. They know that
they do not toll the truth , as they made us
get off and Frank went first and told mo to
come and ho went down through , and 1 got
off with ono of the trainmen on the same
side Frank did , mid then we all went down
to find him , and he was all broke up and
dying , and wo wanted to have him curried
up and get a doctor and the conductor
.said ho would telephone for the
coroner , and both trainmen went ,
away und left us with Frank , and wo stayed
until Frank gave a gasp and we. thought him
dead , and did not want to bo kept us wit
nesses , as wo wanted to get to Kansas City
and thought the train men would tell the
truth. That is all I know , and I will turn back
from hero as soon us I mail this. Yours ,
Jon.v Ciiniomox and .1. HIIAXXON. "
Another letter was written in the office of
Dan Furrcll , Otenwood , sheriff of Mills
county , la. It is iilso addressed to Mr. Con-
way. It says among other things :
"Since I wrote the first letter wo gave our
selves up to the sheriff of Mills county. He
telephoned to the chief of police of Omaha ,
and would not hold us , so wo will try to make
Kansas City to night. Frank's friends knew
he had nn watch , and as wo were good
friends It would hardly bo likelv that wo
should cause his death. * * * It was
those train men who did it by causing us to
get oft. Hut if wo arc wanted , they will
know whereto find us. I wish you would let
the papers have this. "
This letter is signed "John Croighton and
pardner. "
The jury have already decided that No
vatny's death was accidental. The remains of
the young man have been forwarded to his
friends in St. Louis , Mo.
Dleliold Safes.
Call und see the largo stock Mcng-
her & licueh , Gcn'l Agt s. have on hand
at 1115 Farnam ht. , Omaha.
S. II. Windon. of Wavcrly , In. , Is In with
cattle , and registered at the Exchange.
E. West , of Sehcshifjcrberg , Is at the Exr-
A. Moycr , of Cheyenne , is stopping ; nt the
John Higgius , of Columbus , registered at
the Exchange.
.T. D. Shields has at last made ui > his mind
to spend the holidays at homo and left for
Indianapolis j esterday.
George W. Leo of Harvard" , Neb. , is on the
market with a car of hogs.
W. H. Freeman , cf Oakland , hud a car of
hogs on the market.
John Wick , secretary of the Live Stock
shippeis association is in town.
John L-mgley , of miiierton , .Neb. , him
three or four carloads of stook'ou the market
Savage Ac Green caught th'ff top price for a
nice bunch of cattle belonging 'to Fitzgerald
of Lincoln. They brought fi pf > r 100 weight.
Jam Dalton , of Tabor , la.Jbyoug'at in a car
of hogs.
M. H. Cone , of Hebron , Neb , husn load of
cattle on sale.
The suit of the South Omaha National
bank vs. Ish , before Judge llouthor , was ad
journed until January 1(1. ( '
Henry Alles is looking after Hall & Ander
son for wages duo. but will have to wait
.hirty days for a settlement , ris they wish to
iroduco u material witness before Judge
full supply tags arc now in the
.lauds of the city clerk , and any ono who
values " the life of his dog slTould procure-one.
.Toe Eastman sued Elijah Thompson for $14
, vagos and won his gaso lie/ore Judge Hau
lier yesterday. A < V -
Foot pads arc trying to gain a foothold in
South Omaha , and held up a imcking bouso
employ named Davics tor ? M Tuesday night.
The Q street crossing was the scene of the
'hold up. " > v , .
An application for - gnrnlsheo and an at
tachment , in the easo-of WIedman vs. Ish ,
occupied the attention of Justice Levy yester
day. There was so much flowery ihutorlo
that the justice continued the case , In order
to get at the facts.
Sam Most , ono of Fowler Hros' . men , rc-
poitcd toDr. Kirkpatrlck last night. He had
been accidentally caught in an elevator at
the packing house , and after a narrrow escape -
capo from death , will pull through all right
under the doctor's care.
Santa Claus will distribute Christmas gifts
among thu children of the German Lutheran
church at the school house Christmas eve.
A. Frederickson , a property owner of
Soutli Omabu , is lying in the lock-up very
drunk , mid when ho sobers up ho will find a
charge of assault with intent to kill haniring
over him. One of his vietiiiis is Peter Peter
son , who 13 now in his boarding house on P
stiect with small hopes of recovery , and the
other is Andrew Johnson , keeper of the
boarding bouse. It appears that the three
men were drinking together Wednesday
night , when a dispute arose , and they ad
journed to the street , where Frcdcriekson
at once attacked Peterson with a butcher
knifo. While trying to save himself John
ston received u severe cut in the face , which
was dressed by Drs. Kirkpatriek mid Glas
gow. Peterson was taken home , and it was
found that in addition to numerous minor
cuts , he had received one deep six-inch wound
in the head. Frederlckson escaped for n
time , but ut noon to-day was arrested by City
Marshall Hiee and Officer Keenan.
Soidcuborg's Figaro , the only 10c
cigar for 5o. Abl your dental * for them.
Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale dopot.
Ho ! the Merry Christinas Time.
At iho postonlca since Monday 100,001
Christmas packages have been hands ed uni :
the gicat rush of business still continues. II
is estimated that by Sutuntay night at least
1)00,000 ) packages will have passed througl :
the local ollico.
Via the Chicago , Milwaukee & Si. Paul
On December 1M , 25 , 20 , SI and .Tniiu-
ary 1 and 2 , the Chicago , Milwaukee A
St. Paul II. li. will soil round trip tick
ets at half faro to all points on their Il
linois iowti and Missouri lines , good un
til Januard 8.
Call at lh'cironiee,1401 Farnam street ,
F. A. NASH ,
General Agent.
Tlio AVomen's Homo.
The managers of the charitable institution1
of the city are busily engaged in preparation !
for the observance of Christmas by thos <
under their care. The Indies who condue
the temporary home for destitute women am
children ' 'TIS Hurt street , and the Youni
Women' ' * homo. 1010 Uodgo street , reques
all \slio feel able to make some donation ti
tho.0 nomi's for Christmas. Pillows , towels
blankets , linen and clothing , provisions
books and any other articles will bo accept
ublu at.d appreciated at either homo.
Ice plows , murker * , hooks , tongsMIWS
ote.\t.Iiuucs Morton & SotiV , llli H
Kith St.Mile ugonts for Wood's ice tools
for catalogue- .
Ward'H Howard.
Cl.arlcs Ward , the boll boy at the Paxton
arrested for stealing a suit o
clothes from the room of William Paxton
jr.wns arraigned In the pojlcocourt yesterda ;
morning , and pleading guilty was bound ovc
to 'thu district court lu the sum of
default of baij he was i ma
The unseasonable warm weather has left a few more Overcoats on our hands than we desire
to carryover into the new year , and in order to sell them right now , we have cut the prices all to
pieces. Commencing to-morrow we will offer our very finest Overcoats at prices heretofore asked
for medium qualities. The biggest cut we will make o our fur and plush trimmed goods. There
are not many of them , but we have a few very fine garments trimmed with good fur and silk plush.
We want to make a sweep with these goods and close them out before we take stock. We invite ,
those who have so far managed to get along with their old or light weight Over-coats , and whom ,
the open winter has kept back from buying a heavy one , to inspect these garments. They will be
surprised to see hpw little money it takes now to procure such an elegant Overcoat. This is really
a grand opportunity and the last chance this season.
In Men's Dress and Business Suits we have a beautiful stock the largest in the city and our
prices m are known to be by far the cheapest. Many fine suits have been marked away down in order
to reduce stock and we will save you fully 25 per cent if not more on every suit ,
The big trade we have had in Boys' Overcoats last week has broken up the sizes of several
lots ; , but we still have a fair assortment. The prices are such that we expect them to be cleaned
out soon.
Our Hat Department is known to offer better hats for less money than any regular hat house
in the city. The fine Fur Derby's which we are selling for one dollar have made a name for us.
No other house sells a hat of equal quality for less than $2 or $2.5O. We have received several
new styes for the holidays. Our finest hats at $2.5O , $3 and $3.25 cannot be bought at any
other house for less than $3.50 , $4 and $5. We offer in this department a splendid line of Fur
Caps at just one-half their regular retail prices.
The beautiful and artistic display of Men's Furnishings in our large windows will give an
idea of the variety of goods we have and the r > rices we ask. We invite those who are puzzled
with the all-aborbing question , "What to give. " to look at our window and they will see what
we can offer in the way of presents for gentlemen. Sensible and thoughtful men prefer and
enjoy substantial Christmas gifts of this nature. There is a satisfaction in giving or receiving
a present that one can be seen wearing , a gilt that combines utility and beauty , and nowhere
else can you get such goods so cheap. Our popular system of selling goods at the lowest
prices will be continued during the holiday season. We have no fancy prices and those who- -
purchase of us can save enough on each purchase to buy a nice presen t for themselves.
Beginnin Monday we will present visitors at our store with a beautiful holiday souvenir ,
copies of which are displayed in our windows.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Clothing Company ,
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
WiiiK 8ltiK Knocked Out.
Mike King and Wing Sing , an Irishman
and a Celcstialgot into a row down on Tenth
street Wednesday nightand they made the
whole square howl. King hit the Chinaman a
belt on the point of the jaw , after they had
slugged each other for live minutes , and
scored as clean a knock out us Sullivan could
wish to SPO. Ucforo the court yesterday
Wing told the most plausible story , and ho
was allowed to depart , but King was
mulcted in the sum of S and costs.
James Morton &Son , 110 S. loth bt.
nil kinds of ice tools in block.
Their Clirtaimiiti Present.
MujcrUioatch arranged with City Treas
urer Hush yesteiday for the payment of
the claims of the twenty policemen , who
sued the city some ten days ago in Justice
Anderson's court , for their October and No
vember salaries , arbitrarily withhold from
them by the city council.
Absolutely Pure.
Tillspowilor never vnne . A inardet ot puri
ty , strength and wlmlesompness. .Morn econom
ical than the ordinary kinds , anil cannot be
sold In competitions 1th the multitude of low
co > t. short \\eifiht nltim or phosphate powders.
Hold onlv inruiih. Itoyal linking I'ouilerCo ,
128. Wall St. . New Vorlf
Pianos ,
Instruments exchanged , rented and sold on
Easy Parents , telow
Instruments slightly used at
Max Meyer & Bro , ,
Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
N. W. Corner 13th and Dsdgo Streets ,
Braces. AiliancGsforDBforinities&TriissGS
llcil f cllltlp , apparatus nml rc'ini'itlos fnr uc'co .
fill tri'iitment ofmery toriu of ilbeu-c reinilrlni ; jicil-
kit ! nrhnrKli'iil Treatment.
I iirl ) nun rnniiiH for patients t"-t l'OI ' It'll lie-coin-
jiHMliitlons In I In ; nebt.
\\IIIIK iiiiicini I'l. Alison Dpfnrmltlp' nnil llraro ,
Chili Kri't.Oirvnturi' ol the Spliu * . I'llc" . Tumor * ,
Ciuu'fr , Ciitiirrh , llronohltli , Inlmliittmi , Kli'rlrlrlty ,
r.inil > sK Killvp | y , Klilne ) , llliulilcr , Kje , Uar , skin ,
urnl lllucMl , und all MirKlciil Operations.
Diseases -Woman a Specialty.
All Illuod DlseH e * purcc sfiilly treated. Syphilitic
I'olMin removed Ironi ttiu sHti > in without tneicury.
New reHtomtlvo treatment for Untof Vital lower ,
IVp-onsuniililt , to vIMt ni may bo tri'ated at homo
li > i orreMiomlence. All communications contlden *
tlnl. Meiilclnetorln trnmenlH ( ent hy mall nrex-
prevM , fet urel ) pat Led. no marks to liulit.ile. tonu-ntt
orMMiiter. Onu personal Inter * lew preterrod. Call anil
umsult us or i-eml lillor ) of ) our cascunU wu will
bcnil In plain n rapper , our
Uron Private , bpeclal mill Nervous llUeakei" , Impo-
leney , t-yilillN | , tjleet nncl Varlcoculo. .Address ,
Oiimlia Medical anil Surgical Institute , or
Dr , McMciiamy , Cor , 13th and Dodge Sts , ,
Warranted n& oliif > fy pure
Cocoa , from which lhecxcc * of
Oil hag been removed. H has threi
timet the itreiigtti of Cocoa mixed
v.-HU Btarcb , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and U therefore far more ccooouil.
cat , cutting h than one itnt a
cup. It lJ delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , caally dlgeited , and
admirably adopted for Imitlhli aa
well as for pcrgon § In health.
Sold by Ore mererynherc. _
lAKER E CO. . Dorchester , Mass.
Glasgow via Londonderry ,
Liverpool via Queenstown.
Arc Strictly rirtl-Clmc , ami am one
thu larKuit. luttcit u > nl fcni'iv In the wjrm.
Hal'Hin. vecmttl club * unit cteeratfo uornicvr
Aicoinmadutlon * Uncut rllvd. lltLTj
rcpunl fur the comfort anil cnnTciil-snew of i UR >
H'lii'iT * ntuillou ly couiWciod uinU urnfllwa
StfiiiniTi ovvry MUunlulorlilntcnw. . i ilj 'if Koine
mlUfur l.lvt'rfHJOl ( Ktulior i : . li Is tun hirttst iinJ
lliip t " " "nscr 'ti-nnirr ntlnit. HHIPJ of IIHMUVO lor
nil t lHi. i * HO low & * by any uttivr 1lD > tcltian llrrn. sa *
loon wxturiluu Urkvli ul rciluceil rutof. Iirnlltlvr
any autumn nt luwt l turri'iU iatp i-cr b < iol(4
of titur * . tctct ! . or fnrilier Intftrin.itlon. , upply lo
riKNiiKii-os uit ( > Tinus : , riiica o , dr HIANK L\
AOV10K mE. ltOVV f6A OT.
| < iilVI i niMi4l.liMKlll | lcn < l Pff.
I diur.
FOR the year 18S3 FRANK LESLIE'S
" POPULAR MONTHLY , " which ha
been aptly styled "THE MONARCH or
TUB MONTHLIES , " will be better than
ever. Articles upon topics of. current
public interest , sketches of eminent per
sons , strong and brilliant stories , and
poetry of a high order , profusely illus
trated by the best ai lists , and all by
writers of recognized merit , will fill its
pages. To the old and favorite corps
of contributors will be added writers 01
promise , and no effort will be spared to
keep the magazine ill the foremost rank.
In the November number was begun an
earnest and powerful t.i'e ,
"PRINCE LUCIFER , " by Etta W , Pierce ,
which has already attracted widespread
atcntion and claintd nill.ticc- o
leaders Subscriptions may begin , if de
shed , with thu Ncncmbei number.
Each issue contains a
Full-Page Picture in Colors ,
the scries of tuclve fanning far the } ear
a beautiful collection of gems of modern
The "Popular Monthly" contains 128 large
octavo pages , nearly twice the matter of
similar publicationp , nnd is not only the
best , but by far the cheapest , of any ol
the of inaga/mcs for the people.
$3 per year ; 25 cts per copy
Specimen copies , 15 cents.
53 , 55 and 57 Park Place , New York
Health is Wealth !
MF.NT , aKiMranteiMUpecUlcfor ' Hjkleil" .
"onviiUlons. I'll- ' "
ness. . - . N n'om
IlcailiKhu. Nen-oits r oslratlon ni used liy ih * }
' . M "
ttso ( if alcohol or tol-arco. - W'ukcf jiln i.
leines lon Solten nof ; the llrnln icMtltiiiK lu
nnd dMh
1 sanity a ill.ndliiB to mUery. decay
! ' enmtmould At"UnirrniifsH , l.n-s of power
" " - .
. \ - ' I.OIM.-S * .fiid Miuriniit.
- " exeitlonof lliobr.ilncclf
nuu"o or oVei imlulB nci * . K.icli box ronta'ns '
on" inonlh muMt'i-ent - l tu bov. or MX lioxei
foru \ tent Oy mall prepaid on.roielpt of jim .
AVH .l'\ltA.VI'l'.l-5 KIX IIOXCS
! Toruriinny taf" * . N'th cadi order received liy
, us fnrs'x LO H , lie omp'inl > d\\ltli fS. ' ' , e\M.I
rwl tliBpuiiha'.iTour written KiiaiantcMi to 10
fund tno money If tint treatmiilt dooi not eU
a cure. < ! iiiuautef B Jmueil only b ) C. ! 'liil- ( )
MAN , DruwUr , rol Azent , lilt ! Kainam it. ,
Uinahn NVI >
' Advcrtkiiii : linn always proven
< euccostful. flcforo pluclnifnny
f Ke\T pii | > nr AdvcrtUInK consult
H tl iV * iuJlUk Sltitl. CIHCACO.
Thn Old Hellohle Ppco
l ll t uf iniin ] je r ex.
porleni e.treHtn with won
ilerliil8niie HallI.UNI >
1'ii.i.s rivriu.A.
Ht'lTt'llW ' ' cured wltlr
nut tmln or hlnilriined
fionl Lu ln ( " . Allclirun-
e d n'ii < ( < fur lu uilvanea
If y In Mllutlim In tills
o tr ) . Thuf > H Hhocnn *
teini > lnto Koinu to Hob
. prlnu1. Ifir treatment of
nny I'rhnto ( ir Illooil
lil e ' | t eun lie cnreil for
nne-tlilnl the ( o-tiit our
I'rlvnlu Dispensary.
I tnirO II ) lilHlreatincnta Pure. Uivelr ( emI
I AlllrPletlun , free fnini nllownoi's freckles
UnUIUU him kliriul' , eriiptl ii , etc. , brilliant
re ami ner ei I health enn bo hiiil.
ClTTIwt "tired" IculliiK mill all fi-miilo Meakneme *
Iriiiiuuiy cur.Ml. Illoatlni : lleailaclie" . Nervous I'rot-
Hrntiiii , iiPiioral IMilllty , hleeiil < " neii . Depression
I'nil ' InillKftlon , Oiarlnn trouble' , Inlliiimatlon and
iilUurnliim. I allliiRiind Dl'plaicinenH , N'lnal ' weak-
ep's , Klilnuy complaints und UhniiKu ot Lllu , Lonsult
the Old Doctor
r\lf llin ClD Aciilcor ChronlP Inflnnimft.
rir Anil rfln non f nioi : > i.ii.i or oioiio
t ' U fllll * * nii „ , „ ( rir ur Ni'iir MiililiMtni" " ,
Inversion of the Llils ScrofulouH Kr , Ulii'ialloii < i ,
IntlHiiiinniloni Alw * " * . Dlniiu-Hi ot Vision ot ono or
'i 'iii'fiiimViiiitlmi of tin1 inr : , t'lri'nillon or CnlHrrli ,
Internal or lUlvriuil Deufni" " , r I'iinily l9 , Mualnif
or Hdarlni ; inil'i' , ' 1 lilrLcnwl Drum. iHc.
llrnl/llllC * Di'tillltylA" " < of Vital I'lmirHlecp
NtKy llllA li's nt" " < , le poiul 'iitjr , J/os < ot
null I uuu Mrnnir- . Contusion of Iilonf , Illnri
I'dore thu Kir" . Las'ltuili ) , LuiiLMinr , Illnnmlno i ,
IVin | > Mun "f splrli . AMTflon to S'flety , K y ni -
ronrapt'it , Link ol Ocntlrti'iuw , Dull , Ll tlvii. tlnllli
fur Mmly or llu iiic K. anil llmli. llfo u burilun , safely ,
I'tTiiiuniMitly anil I'rlvutely Curuil.
rrr , I'nlnvln the llcnrt and lloiie , Syilillllohiiro | (
Tlinint..Mouth ami Tuncnc. ( iliiiiilnliir hnlaiVHini'tit
. 'alnrrli , , IVriiiiincnU
of Hit ! NCI k. Hlii.iiiiiiitl iu (
| y rnri'il Wln-n Olln'is llavo I iilli'd.
Consultation frtmill strictly ronlUlaatlal.
.Mvillrlnu sent fioe fiom obsfrviillon to till purl *
of thu I'niltMl States. Coriesponik'iicu reculvo- *
prompt nttt-ntlon. No Icltoisunswereil unluia
uccnmpnnloil by four cents in stumiM ht'iul ten
rents In stumps for pamphlet anil list ot imuv
tlonstipon pilvnte. f-peclal nnd nervous dU-
'Terins btrictly caMi. C.ill on or mldruss ,
DR. ,
No. ! Ct Cor. intli & , lluri.i-j HlH.inalia. Neb
17070Ihc Street , St. Louis
Of the Miisovill Stntn MilM'ltin of Anatomy , St.
I.OUH , Mi ) . , I lll\eisitj ( iilluBi ) Hospital , l.oll-
linn. ( il * sin , ll-'iminj and No Vurlc , lluvl
devoted 'tin ii intention
flhnmiin nnrl lf ) |
More r necinlly the o mlslujt from Imprti-
demo , Unite nil MI biilfi'iniB tdcoiiiW'iinil wltli-
out dfhiy. HIM a-i's of Inle. Him anil rontuulon
cuudb-ifcly and hpn-dlly wltlimit iiiu of dnn-
L-H I'fttlcnlK hd-o IIIM-N liuvu Ixmn
ni'Klfitiil. Imilly treated or promuiiK.-d Ineiir-
alile. Hhonld not iill to wi in us coiii ( 'riiliis ' tliolr
yiiiptoms. All l * ttera letoUo lmmedlat uttvn *
t0" '
And "Ml bo mailed I'ltl'i ; lo an > uddrexs on ri-
u-iptof one Sent htamp , "I'luctlcal Observa
tions oi ) Ner\oiis Debility nnd 1'lwnlral llxhaiis-
tlou , " to whlili IH udiled ail "l.ssuy on Miir
iiiijc. ( " with Inipoitnnl rliaptniiion dlHcuBim ot
tlio id'prodiKtlMt Orisans , tlm wh lo fnnnliiB n.
Milu.ililo medical treatise \\hlch should bo it-ail
by all vouiiK men. Address
DBS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
17O7 Ollvo totroot St. Louie , Mo.
Kenirtl-k 1 > ie fol po eiful
ihetu t"iie pnaliltiii'l mi mid ub ;
H lutu durablilt ) .Wji-iUh ircoiiH
lIiiil M | < t HIM ime
li nciiTiFllii'hU iii'iluilli"llt' < .
I / OurMIANHOOD.V < ' tIiI'il.I iI'r-
L. O O I uiKi" .NervoiiHlJebllllyoauHea
ttnouuhiiroi3 and bad pracilcuu CURED.
ii KtAfc CO , nLociutat , bt.Luulf