sJH55 ! 5 M THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , DECEMBER , 23. 1887 SPECIAL NOTlCEa il-r this need , lOccntu per linn for the llrM insertion , "cent * f or rarh sub- H'ljiKJit Insertion , find Jl.W ft line pe ? month. No ndvcrtlBcim tit taken for leu than 2S rents tor the first HIM i lion. Pc\en words will bo rotmtcd to the lltipj they must nin consecU" Ilirly nml must bo paid In advance. Allnd- \rrtlfrtntnts imift be liniulcd In before 1:30 : o'clock p. in. , nnd under no rlrcumxtnnrri will they IIP ! or dlKcontlnnul by telephone. 1'nrtlw nd\rtlclnp In the e column * nnd hnv- tnptho nnswrrs ndrtretudlnnire of the llee. 111 plPOf-e iit-k for n cluck to enable them to cot their U'ttprn , an none will bo delivered ex- ri'pt on jireccntiitlon of ( beck. All answers to ndvrrtlsrnipntH should 1 e enclosed In envelopes. All ndvcrtl'pniftiUi In these columns nro imb- llsbi d In both morning nnd cvi nlng editions of the Dee , th circulation of whlth mtgrpgnle more thun 14.MX ) pnpent dally , and uheslhend- vrrtUcrs the IdHetlt , not only of the rtt ) rlrctt. Intlor. of the. lire , but also of Coiinril Illun > , Lincoln nnd other cities end towns throughout thlHpnrtof thB west. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTKD Ilytijoung man a position Inn pro -cry to learn thn trade , understands book-keeping. Address S. Ill llee. 070-ai * VirAKTHD-fMtuatlon for mnn nnd wife In V hotel or boardlnghouse , woman Is n good cooV and laundress : jnnn inn work In kitchen or dining room : no olllce fee. Cniiiullnn Knip. office , M i s.llrigu A : Bon , U10 8. Tele ( H > 1. , fVS B3J \I7ANTI'.D-HItuatluns for'.I ) Ilr t-r1nss rooks TY nnd InundrttmH , nlM > for small girls to nsslst In housework ; our uniting room IH al- \vn > H full of nice gills si-eklng employment. Cnnndinn Knip ottlcc , Mrs. lirega Ac .Sou , 'IIS S. inth. Tel. wi. tun asj "VI7ANTHD Situation us Coachman by Dane , T 1 yrc , thoroughly experienced In hand ling horses , i te. , best of tltv rcferenres. No ollhofee. CaiiadiiinKmp. olllio. 'AW So. loth. 'JelWI. ua "J' SITUATION Wanted by nn nbln and e\pcil onced bnitcmlir , willing to glvo neuultylf required. Address H 12 Dee olllce. ( SIICT * " \\7AN1 IH > A situation as wet iiur-o ! by a T T joung healthy marrlid woninii , her b.ibu 1 month old. Apply to Mis. Lnnphen > . mat roll of HID \Vomiuf,1 Christian Home , U7IH Hurt fitreot. UK ! iT " \\TAN1 IID Situation bj hiiinefli maker. Ilef' > uimoRltou. Addiuss W. II. M.f mil n\c. I ) , ( ' 011111.11 Hinirs. TM ay \\TAN'I ID ! I'osltlt n In thu tltns honsekeep IT IT for widow i r , 11 years' experience ( "un furnish toreruues , Address r 71 , turn lleo ollku. ! K > 4 _ WANTED--N1AUE HELP. XyANTIID-ClothlnirsaUbmon lor 1'ild.xy nnd T > Saturday. Cull b'tween II nnd 111 a. in. Contlneltal Clothing Iloi-o. WAN Till ) I must hi\o three persons to limn bookkeeping to mtet dimand foi competent bookkei'pus in Jauuaiv. .1. II bmlth , loom CIS , llumtre block. ( I'd 81 * ASTlID-IIaibor. 804 South Tenth ut" . WAN'lKD 1 head waller , 1 cook ? " > 0Hr ] mo , 1 iook i V > j 01 month , 1 man to work for Ills boaid. Omahu limp buieau , 111) ) N . 087:2 : " \\rANTUD-Hnibpis , good men at ouco Mead ) lob mid good wages. Addiess.I II. Hirst , Cluioll , la. 1,7 1 il * TNSU ii7\Ts' ( Ml AgentH Wantcd-Tlie Mutual He J roivo llfo Insiirnnce rompany of New YoiK deslie to oiigago twenty good sn > t.lnl nnd gun- rial agents lu the wist on \tm i liberal con tracts I'or teims and tiriitoiy call on or ml ilrefs. li. H Itoblson , gi n < nil imtn'gr , Oinulia JSat. bank bl'dg , Omaha , Neb. ( kHl ) ) ' \ \ rANTii : ) YoniiKinan to do chores for his ' T board nml go to school. Canadian limp. , 3li.s. ( llthHt. 0,11 "VVTAN'rni ) I'll st cook , mnn or woman , Gei- man prcfeired , nt the lUironiiinlioM , t > J8 B lllthM , on 88 "V\7"AM'ii-Tin\ellng : pilnt und color Bales- T > muiilii Iowa , tor St. Louis house , tnuol- Ing hardware , lltinors , clothing , grocery and diy goods Bailsmen for enbterli houses. ( ! it jt AVe tein burn in , I'O'i Kiiinam Hi. , room II. Send stamps toliifcurQKMpoiitic. Ids 21 * 'llT'AN.W.n- tlt-ht-ilass tailor , good wages TT fovu good man : must gl\o b Ht of lefm- dices. Addicssbo\.X , Long Pine , Neb 4112.1J " \XfAN'l IIIVoui ) men to solicit In the Miinll T > towns nnd counliv of lown , MK-onrland Nibt.ihKn : must haMfil , M\o bond , and will- Ingtowork uiinestl } ; t-iilmj It A pi i month. Addicts Plil llu'olluc. ISO "ANTlflTMtiT for i.illio.ul wo rk.AT blight's Labor Agency , 1120 Km num. ttU 'D Idi ) nun of iood nppi u.incoto In out ir.c . iiu'nh at JvorriHiistniiiimt. . ! ! ! nnd aill South 14th btivct. ( old l.lvu und U't l.U H ) IM WANTED--FEN1AUE HELP. W ANIT.D-At onceghl. 022 N. 13th st makus 111J d71 S7J \\rANTUI- Good girl 1017 llow urd ht. T > ( IS3 Dining loom girl at Ilnimi. ! hunso WK ) \\r.\NTHD 2.1 Rlrls guiieial honscwmk , (1 ( dinT - T T lug loom Kill" . 1 rhnmbeimuld , 1 rook lei hotel , 2 looks foi bomdliiK house , lots of plate * forglils. Uinuhu l nip bnieiin , ll'JN It.tli .st. AV . . . . I'ltht class ghl for cook good wages paid. .Mia. U. 0. PntteiMm , u.MN. KM. llutum hole makers ut 11U tarT - AY T A NTH l-At Irtll N.sth 8t foi BcneialhonSB work. 1107-2 AYWANTI'I WANTI'I > ( lood gill for general housewoik , _ _ 8111 iCiia' "V\rAN'l I'.D ( ilrl , small famllv , npply after U > > o'eloik , Mrs , J. 11 , llaj lies , 4uy Nt ) d St. U4U XJ _ " \\TANTri ) Woman cook foi school , $10 , sew- > T Inj ; girl , 8 nut t > e glrK 1 child nnr e. dish- wiihher lei Ctei nwiiod , girls for hoiihowoikut Arlington and Columbus , 80gilh ) foi housework good M'lond gill look foi piluito ramllyJ,1cook /or boftrdlnghomo hn\e lots of nlio jilili'OH. Canadian 1:111)1. : ) Olllcu , Mis. lluwi i , ton , ; ; in , , IMU st avi. i\s4. wo as * AY rANTUD Good ghl for t'enciiilliousewoik ! lalUIAN llth st. U.U88 * AA LTANTIU ) A good Cutinaii or llohemlan I gill fin genual honsiwork , wushlngand Ironing , forbinall faiullj , tt'4 Houth 17thMieot. . 01722 "VITAN'I HI ) Compi'tent gill foi general house- woik , f.01 . S aitliM. till " \ \ rANTIJHWnltresjien , inuudresh , chambor- > innla nud Lpok , help ut emu nt City llotul. 14 22 AV Olrl. N. 17th st. 634 AY LrANTLD-Dinint'ioomglilnt Occidental , 4'.IO _ ONI'lady In OMT.V town wanted to intioduco and M'll Peninrojal Pills , "riikluhter's 1'ngllHh. " Original and onlv Genuine. houiHo ( stmnis ) ) for iinrtli ulum , Lhlchester Chemical Co. , Plilhuli'lplila , Pa. ; K7 T ADIl'.S nio oiloiedi'inbioldor > mmdleworkat 4 Jthelr ow u homes ( tow n 01 connti y ) by u w holo- i > nl house. Piolltnble , genuine , Good pay can In ) made. l\ri ! > thing Inrnbhed. Particulars liei > . Addtess Artistic Needlework Co. , Ml Mil HI. . New Voik City. 874 " \\TAVrilt- ! Ladli s in city or country , for our T > holiday trade , to taKe llcht , pleasant work ut thi'ir own homes. } 1 to J.I per day cflu bo iiuletlj made. Wink M'lit by mall any dlstawt' . raitlciilHlh tue. No iHUMisblng. Address at niri1. Concent Art Co , 147 A Milk Bt , llostou , JIn s. P. 0. bo\-5170. MM \\rANTIJI -Vi ladlM to try our ir > o meals at TT Nonls'reKtiuiiant old Lhtt and Let Ll\o ) , 311 nnd ill J 8.14th t. ml 3n'SCEU ' ANEbUS WAr < T3. U Tu know the nddU'ss of H , A. Addro j box 1IU , beotlu. Neb. COMritUTAHI.lIkliHplngroomb with break- taut w'unted ptimumntly by middle uged gentli'iimn of imlet. noilal habits. Addieaa full iiartlcnliioof locution , coin enlenees iium- bet 111 ( . .imtlyhetlierothei loonib tuktn toS It lll'U OlllCU. WO - ) ' \\/A.Vi KlPciMMleTiirti to tty onr'W-u T > meals at fcholltr retaurant , Un ! Ifith. . , _ , 2101 a \ \ * ANTIM > A largo Imnd c.ut at tliu llee i * ollu.e. 9 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. . _ _ _ CtANADl.VN imploineut : olhce , tlio best ' plare lu Omaha to get lu Ip ur hltiinUons , Main nnd femala. deference , Omahu Natlouul bank , Mrs. llu-fa i bou , JIBS. 15th. Tel.t-M. _ _ JKIJIl WANTEU-TO RENT. A small funiNieJ coltiiB 'o'i-"twn tlirrn furnUhtd ix-im on lli > t floor foi ikisoplug , coinuiii-ut lucaillnu. Ad' lieu QllUo. 757 QARuiNcimni ! . iilM wuiit iTiom anil bjavd. > tiiu ddrci * b U lice. t41 St * ' f , pniVATB fioirrdlnff. 14 a weofc MIS Tvflire. ( pHlVATK boarifag. 1 1 > Dodyo st , 131J 7 TJOAHD w 1th rooms for four nt 8118 Hurt sU TJlinST-CLABS tnblo board , sen pit In homo JP style. for3 or 4gentlemen. 1814 Dodgo. t'Jt Vo'R'gi NT-HP USES. 2HHI "I jfi.oT'KS of UntH for rent -'U rooms It'ent f-n" JJ rurnltuie for Halo reasonable. Now brings an income of $ Jr/ju. Co-OptratUu Lund uud Lot Co . 8itt N 10th st. I7 < 18 OK HI1NT-3 robin IIOUKO. 1'lcrco m-nr 88d. P. K. Darling , 15th and Howard. ( I7b87 "liTOll HKNT A 4 room house on Pleasant nt. , -L near Ianporti(10p ) ( rmonth. liiimln-of 0. 0. Nnllnci1 , roomC'i ( lelghton block. t > > 08 : ) 'HUJS'T Or sulf , fiiriilslici * cottntse , 0- looms ; ccntial location. Cheap. Imiulre filfi Ntllitlibt. 013 gJ 171OU UKNT-n-room rottncp , furhi < hcil If de- X1 sired. H , K. cur. UOth and liiaut sts. .1. lion- tier , 13M Douglas tt. | ( U4 24 "IJIOII JOINT A new (1 ( roomed IIOUMS with JJ porch , well , c llnrretc , trees , on Fotith 17th f t. , on Mteet cm lino. Apply to Mis. .lulla Btum. llll ouKlas t. COISi * TT1OU HKNT-Orogni cottace. 1117 1'aclflr R5. JJ Hi room Imnso nitr comer 10th nndVb - &ter ? V ) Napin 1U18 FOIt IInXT Houses , nnd furnltuio for sale on easy w i eklv 01 monthly payments. II. E. 15th. fill S3 Tllli : hmiHo 1 mm occupy will be for rent. Jan nary 1st ; hoii'i' contains lOroomH Hnd all modem improvements. WV S. 84th bt. Moiltz Mejer. f > S4 "IjlOK KKNT 0-room house , 1409 Davenpoit. JL UlU lit * 4illorsE3rorrent ; , ? 10to $75 per month. 3 to 10 moms each ntul from ft blocks to" mlles distant from postolllcu. 1' . L. Oiorfory , Kintal Agent , : w > S. lilt list. . 478 "VT"0.14W ( "th a\e.r ioom lioune , In good ro J > - > pair , huge yard , cistern water : will ien- to lesponslblopeison with not moio than- hll- dren for W ! per month. 4II T/1OH KENT A splendid live-room tottngo In * 1 ? North Omnhn , on mi line , full lot , woil , cis tern , Uath loom , nil In tlrst-ilnss lepalr. only Win month. Inquire at U S. ICth. 4I'I FOH HENT-Housos. A list of over IPO to choo n from , rangltiu in prltc from f 10 to Jill pel month Also a ifrtul ! fiiinlnlud and un- turnislied rooms , all prkes. H. E. Cole , SIM So. IJth st. MJII1 " 1J10H HENT A fi loom hou cheap toasniill -I1 family , ItoU b Ist Out Center and Doitas st. 41-H * FOH HTNT 8 new 9 room hou ts on R 'Wth lunr LiuM'liwoith. C. K. Mn > iic. Hll F 1OH HP.NT 5 room house. " 7th st. ncal Dodge J , H. Illnawnll , UlSbo. 1'ithsf. ; il TTIOIl ItHNTNiwliiooni cottage In Ambler I place ; good "loom "sloiy house , Diehard 11111 ; good 4 room cottage , Orchard Hill , C. II. Muj lie , N. W. cor. loth and Ilm ney st. 1'Jl " 171011 HKNT ( > room hou r , city wnter , etc , P. JjV. . Cor. KluffandCaldv.ell. 1U1J rarnam. , 111 _ I HOI ! HI/NT All b loom house , city \vatei gas , mid stable , 1" minutes wall ; fiom the post olliLC. Hint moduinta. Apply to 1) . J. Olon < nhoe , next door to the postollice. 1 l"i FOH HiNT ; A new tenioom hoiiso with nil mndein impiovtmc'ntl , 1 ugc attic , IWuglas nndtSlstHtii ots. Not a basement house. Ap- ] il\ Merit ? Mover , cor 11 and 1'ainain. 717 ifOH HKNT Now house , ( I looms , cto.laigo groundH , corner UN'.h and Capitol nvenuo , ' IHOH HUNT New 4-toom cottage , JU per month. Apply loomed , 1511 Dodge st. 7W 11OH HUNT B elegant biltk icsldences with -L all modtin Impiovements , U and 11 looms each , pleasant and c onvonient location. O. K. lH compiny , IBlK I'm nam st. 1U " 171OH HUNT ' 'loom house , UM S S3th nvenuo , -lv 1 block south of Leavem\ortli. J. D. Cowlo , at ralconei's. WJ IilOll HUNT 0-room house nv cor. Sou mil ' imil'Uh sts. a , t Uofl _ _ FOH Hl'.N P Juew handso miO loom cottuges well , clstcins , etc , f7 ! per mouth ! ! . ' ( ! and Callfoinla. A. ( \\akeiey.Oniaha Nail bank bid. 'JI7 FOIt Itr.NT e\or.i new 7 room liousus bloik'fiom utiui't cat , leadv for iHUipuncv November 1 ( \r. UniiUou 4\&S. \ lahbt. 6U3 _ lfunNT llons ll roonisT v\T M ? llusn"- inan , N H coinot ICth and IJiniglas. tiu _ JFOR IflOll HUNT To Kontleman and wife , four iuinlslud rooms comiileto for house- Ki i ping ; location centt aland In jilt a' nt iiuUli- boiliooil ; lefercuces ( 'lvc'U nnd icindied. Ad- di i ss > 17 , lieu olllrv. t > M ' . ' . "il ITH'HNISIM.'Dand nnfurnMicd looms with nil JL1 conviiilcuces otoam heat at bll t * . 191. FOH 1IRNT I'm nl-hol front loom sultablo foi two teiitlcnan. ill ) per month bll S. nth st , H74-'l * FOIt Unlit housekeeping , ! i looms fiunKhed. MrMluwuulst. U4JJ3 * ILuney. 1 6 H HUNT i'lcaVinut flout loom. CnllntMl JL1 S. 17th nt. . . k > ) _ ' ! TAlKii : I'lontioom , Hist llooi , fur two gentle- J men , tiiinished toBiilt. SJ7S. lth. uri j * ) MIMILY fuinlslii'd looms , withoi wllhoiit O bomd. Onowould | lo forolhce. Day Imiul- crsvvnntvd. liiu llainey , CUir : * IT10H HI'NT-Hooni hliltiible for " gontlemcn , JJ with boat d.ifli per week , tire , gas uml bath , 1'Kfi ruin.un st , Iili2 ( * I > LlA.k-ANT ! fninlsbed looms , U blocks fiom 1' O. 171.7 Cabs Ht. 5 - > : r > FOH HI'.NT Two gentlemen can llnd nicely fiiinKht'd loom with gas , heat , bath , hot mid cold w atei nt all 1 Cass tt. rii'--'lJ . Dodgo. ( ! n , bath and flit n ice ho it. WJ OH HKNT I'm nl-heifi oems with or with out bomd. .118 N. nth st. Mil ! M * fjlOH Itr.NT Nicely furnished rooms , gas , J .steam heat , UM ! of bath room nnd on.stiLCt car lino. ) t ? Doiif-lah kt. KS si * rooms-Jl to $1.50 n w eek , cen- tiul , MBS. Ibtli , upbUlld. GOU M' TICII huge fiont room , fuinlshed and heated. - > Suitalili' for two eciitlomcu. AUo small oom. r.'l7 ' Cass t. r CJ HUNT Alter 1st of Jnnumy desk loom in a ct'iitially located ollico heated with hteam. Call ut Hoom 4 Cielghton block. Mi LAllflli sunny ci t loom w 1th b-iy window ! all modem conxenlenres. A No pleasant fiiuallcr loom. "UJ h. K. cor. < th and t ai num. t > iu aj * _ Oil HKNT rurnUhed room , all modern coil- \i menu's , luigo enoURli for two. MM Dav- enpprt. Ki7 _ FOH HiNT : Nice turnishod room , j'J per mo. b.V. . cot. ijth mul .luckson. 7'JS ' FOH HUNT rurnlshul rooms , 1810 Dodge st. 711 J 1 OH Ur.NT rurnbhed looms ItilJ Dodge. 4UJ si * "I71OHH ulegant nwms all modem conveniences J3 17U1 Wtbalur t. 4o& TTIOH HI.NT I'uinlshed looms with boaul , JJ lilll t'liin.unnt. 4V ) ' ItUNT piulor for two gontluuien , llti ) Dodge. 'Mi " 1710H HKNT I'lcisantcst new furnished nnd .L1 cheapest rooms In private housu in city. All cim\imlenccs. business. iiilJ Capiuil u\e. _ _ gndgij FOH HER'T riiinlbhi'd looms in Orunulg blk. cor. Mill ami Dodge tb , Imiulre ot Ueo. H. Davlo , Mllhird hotel billiard room. 6)7 ) Foil HUNT Nicely furnished room suitable for8 gentlemen. lniUlieaill | bt. Miiry'n live. ' .W AT'tELY ' furnUhea front room with or with- X > out board. IcU Doilgo kt , 679 T71OU HKNT t'uuiisltcd rooms und board. WJ i1 . ao tf ' Kariiam. J _ _ _ _ _ KOOMtJ foi lent , No. 004 S l.'th bt. \ ja iiaa _ _ rooms for rent , 19JL1 Karnamst. 810 J iij _ IAHOK south trout nxmi , all modern conven- i lences , snltablo for two gentlemen ; ul > o mtclas ubln bo.nd for threu or four ; refer- I-I4 ( Dodge t. 764 _ FOU HKNT-ninUaheiiroonis lu allnarUot tlw .lty. by the iluy , weak ornioutu. City mo olhc , Crelgliton block. 6UJ FOR "E NT ST O RES TTIOU ItHNlViA part of un elegant olllce. In- 1 ? tjllUtf atonic , L. P. lluuimuna , 1W1Far - ) H HHNT- t half of ttoro room. I.'l Douglas Ht. , 889 HEKT-Btore room WO , hasetnent ( /O.K.'ltou/usoa,3U8. 10tU t .Til tlKNT Tlftsement stores all modern Improvements , corner Uth and Jackson Us. cue FOlt HKNT Ground floor ofllco room , ct-n- t rally located , heated and lighted. C. F. Harrison. 4183. llitligt. flti TJIO'H HiNT-udiitid8d : fliorint 1417 'Dougla ? JL ? st. , with lease of three years , Kennedy * Hlbbliifl. 1 Wfl Douglii3 at. ( Ml ItKNT-Offlres on Fnrnahi st at S10 to $ W per month. One olllco fUrnUhed. 1 13 i'ar- naiii. lt& I lull Hi\r : Olllce room , ilrst floor , ntillOS. 15th st. C04 FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. .1 roonn 1011 N. SOthst. ' ' .1 rooms initJN. 8Nt st. ! l rooms ll-J N.IUnt st. ' ' fl room 2IWI Nicholas st. " l ' 3 rooms 141. ! Plerco. ; t rooms 701 Pacific rt. 4 elegant unfurnished roonm.'contRlnmB all the modern con\enteuces. at 41 IS. 19th Ht. ' 4 elegant unfurnished rooms at 1701 Webster. Meo olllco ut31U8. 15th St. G 4 T UnfurnlsliPil rooms miltablp for housekeeping. uUo furnished room 1110 N , 17th st. OKJK3 * jlOll HENT Good bnra cheap 1VB1 ClilcuRo t RENTAL.'AGENCIES. L. r.HKttOHV , lental agent. 'J09S.lCth St. , ground Moor. Telephone tM. 481 SPECIAL attention given to rentlup furnished nnd unfurnished rooms. List with us. W. M. Harris , overiro S. luth Ht. S74 FOH HENT If yon wish to rent n house c on Ijenawa A. Co. , 15th t > t. , opposite 1 * . O , fi07 STORAGE. F furniture nnd bo ed goods 415 S llth st , Omaha. Neb. 1W1 31 * : MMchandlsoor ftirnltnro. Llttlo STOHAdi A , Williams. 14U7 Uonglas st. ( * G A'J. . "Vr\2V\r"VOHK Storage Co. have most o.Meirslvo Xi facilities for Momgeot fuinlturo , pianos , btigples , ginetal inerch.indlse , west of New York. Cnsh ndvnnces to any amount ; ware house lecelpts gt\en ; goods Insured ; buck building Ilie-proof ; nrianufemenU for commission meichants. Call New Voik Stoiayo Co , Capitol uve and N. 15th St. , Dennett's bloelc. IjOS PERSONAL. WANTED A h'ime f.u i lic.iiitlful j'lil biliUM ; nUo 5 weeks'old boy. liiiulu'-l.4 ( Caldvvcll. lrts-2t ) MME , Anile and ns Utant fioni Chlrngoghes magnetic nnd mns--aie titatmcnts , vapor baths. | . > | N. ir.thst. 01' ' ) 21t Ij Will the vonnir Indy who calls for hei noon malt at ii6 > tonico pleasn call nt the New York PtotaRe ( < > , mw Capitol avo. nnd select oiw of ; hose elegant \ vlllochilis Miitablo for Clulstmas pi events W"l u't A floiman tailor , aged 2" , with tl.OdO , wishes to ioiri'npoiid with a te pectabl < ? Imlv not Ul. AddiessSfi , flee ollito. Itt ) S1J AMIDDI.E-AOr.DgPiitlcnian of good ImblK iiccomplUhud und Rood disposition , would like coiiespoiidenro wltn \oung lady or voiltig widow : objttt Hindi ! known when unsvM'ted. H'.l lleoollke. 4.Ji 1 > IUSONAIi ! KnsagementstododresjniaUIng In tamllles vollcltod. Call on 01 nddie-is MNs Jesslci btindy , CJI h-.Mlh ht. 147J7 * Pr.H ON'Alj-llPMi's litest views of Oiniha , Including all prtndplu bulldlugs.blid'h CMI vlcvvssliovvlng thn city to the best advantage lor sale at I lei n's callci y and Caullleld's book stoi e. W d ! M FIlttONAL Pilvatehomo Tor l.ulirs duiini ; lonllnempiit. Mildly confidential , ndopti-d. Addiess I ! 4J lleo oltice. 107 ,1 b * LOST. - * i\VAHI-W1II : bo given for loluiii of bay mate , ! Hiu Ib-j. li.ilui on. btiaycd fiom S"'ICumliiffst. . . Ostiom. 5'H ' FOUND. KI'.N up , at coi. * th and Center sts , by hoi-Mi. N. I1. .lolmsou. A Wtyg * ' tlAKEN up nt the comnrnf IlUt and Daven poll sts. , Hsheep. It Lynn. dl-fc-nsJS1 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. T71OH SALl ! Nomlj now No s cook Htovewllh JJ ie-.civoli and oven enl ) il-.W. 1i.'nN I'lth. ' BILLAH1) Table nt half pilce , Itrnnsvvick HalLo Co 'h make. Inquiry l.uallo & Linllo , lull and Dodge sts , " ' lil MISCELLANEOUS. . < B ANJO l.iuglit UH on art by G. P. Gellenbetk s o coi Itith and Dougliib , upstairs. PIANOS and ortant.nfinaiiufnetnrpis'prices , with tii'lHlit addi'il. lor thu no\t lUiliiyi. . New Vork Pliino Co. , 110J Cupltol OM ) . titV ) 21 ) horsu und cattle food has become STANDAIll a poiltlMMit-ro-sltv In.i5erjtoiiiiminitv where known. It ImpioM'S the eenorul luMltli or the and byij dolns eUluiimtf * nil < llv I'usn of thu blood , tie , Huy n box Ini nifillitcly niuluiu It. Maiinfuctuied by I' 1 ! h.uibiiin \ Co. , 1703 St , Maijs u\o. I'm H iln norywheio. , ( * ! 24 GHANH Tiukfviallle. I'lfty tnikeys will be inllkdoirat lOcu chanteoii'lhiUMliiyeMii- iu-\t , tiom 7 to II o'llnik , on William st. bet. 17th .mil Itith , Ciiueu U'ILU hutvl. John llahne. pi op. UJ.1 2J * ADI ) the fii iKht and then yon oah , buy pianos und 01 Kimt > it fattoiy inki's lor the ne\t 10 days. Nuw Voik Piano Cu. , l&OS me. an hparo n few morn , stovt" ) . oiOb.Rtovesut roitof lion. New Voik o , 150S C.ipltol live. ti3l S3 any proix-ity to ttade foi city lots 01 lundi In Nebiaslai mil nnon \V. 0. AlbrtKht , Slit -b. 11th bt. _ 4W PIANOS und organs lor ten days. Now York Piano Co. , inuimtattui'liiB iiguits. IVb C.ipllola\e. (16021 Mill'/ hall , TilOS 10th stilus bten lemodcled , ! j I'nlurKed , new damliiK Moor , ninv decoui- tlons and Mipper rooms , Kntiance on 10th st. ; n utlis , loilpes and hoitutu-s aiitlclpatinirgUliiB ballior sotlublos tullon lions A Miunin , Mcti hall. 412 iU4 ONi : lluudi.Hl nml IHty steven Mild for ntor- . n n dunces \Mi ) do joutieezu. Nuw York bun a u Co. . 1V ) Capitol ae. . 1,21 "J TANDAU1) Stock liniment Is po4ltlu-l > the \rijbentprep.iiatlon e\er otleied for the onip of ciitb , bpiulns , biul es , etc , on mnn or beast. It IK not unoxpuiInuMit lint bus btood the test fur jeuis. MrnntliUmul by r. i : . Sanboru \Co , 1710 bt. Jlaiy'sa\o. lorbiilu e > eiyv\luia. ) "VJOTICl' l-'liJ. ! i Kiss bank tband furnlbhed by -L > thu cailoAd InOnuilui 01 by uuijou load tu bonth Uniaha , upon Mmit notlcn ltuveoiders with \V. ( ! . Albrluht , 2IB b. llth stieot , or brunch ollkeut Albiluhtb station , South Unmba , tele phones 7N1 und Mil. btoLI linn. L'U ,11 S' TrtVKS. stoves , tttnes at the New York Stoi- ' u Co , 1503 Capitol ae. . fjJl ja FHKK Hruuim ; matter. If yon have not do- tided what papeis to take this ) eur , pend us your add rube , w ith It ) centb In Mh er , und w u w 111 foi\Yuid . jour iiumo to hundiuds of publishers all o\er tnu coujitry. who will send you maga- Zlllf ! . uud papers of eery description In abimd- u. It U the beat liuuotment youianmiKo " " " of n dinie , \HrjiehVbig"retimis."Try : "if. Subscribe to no paper \ \ Ithont getting our pi he. Hub. Subscription Agency , lloston , Mass , llox soul. Mention lleo. JJ7 AT montiracturers' prices , wltlrfreight added , pianos nnd oigaus. for-the liext lOdaya. New Yorb I'lano Co , 1508 Capitol ao. . ( Xti " 1 1JOH8K cllppiutf uy W.A.TaRirartnt Uoiihaiu' I 1utablos , coiner llth and Davenport sts. Tel 17. MUiIJi ) ' CUAIHVOYANT. MHS. UimANT-rinlrrojant from Iloston Is reliable In all affairs of life unites spu- rated lovers. J i N 18th bt , room 1. 7UIJuu ' DU. NANNIK V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med- leal , business und test medium , niagtiosls free , roraalo dlseaces a specialty. 11 ! ) N. Ittth st. llooms 2 & J. Tel. I'll. ' i 811 WANTED-TO WANTED To buy the fuinlture of n small or largo house centrully located , Co-opern- tlvo Land li Lot Co , 'Mj N loth et. 1& "WrANTLD-To buy short time paper. J. W. T > Gross , at C. E. Mayue's office , llth and Haroey. ny , _ MOMCY loaned on pianos , furniture , , organs , [ etc. , low intei. U. 11.Immor - inau. room 0 , Arllugtou block , 3 4oora west of IKMtoillce. 077 J.'l MUKKY to loan , cabh on band , no , UaUir. J. W. anil E. I * Bqulre. 1413 1'aruaai st. Pax. ton hotel bullUinR , o TlfONKYtoloan I can now plica gomellrst J'l. , class cltj loans Immedlatoly. Culj at onca If you deslro to bo accommodated. D. v. Buolea , room 1 llarker block. utraace la aUpy. &t TlfONRVio l > nn lly tindereumod , whft J.IJL haa the only proprtlv orpnnlziMl loan Hgenrj * In Omaha , 1-ouns ijf * IO to 1100 made ou furniture , pianos , oreMH , horse' , A ( rgons , nu- rhinory , \iUnotiirrrhnrM , N'odclaya. All business strictly confidential , Loans f < d in.ido that any part can be paid uuany time , each pay ment redtitlnjr. the cost pro ratn. Advances nmd.0 on nnn watches and diamonds. Persons Phould enrefully consider w W ) tl y are deallnc with , an many new concerns are dilly ctinilne into existence. Should ) ott need money call nml see me. tt . II. Croft , room { ' \ \ Ithnell bulldlnff. IMh nnd Ilninoy. C.'Q M ON ! ' . VIO LOAN-OH furniture , horses , wn . onsotherpei sonal propfrty.w Ithout renuM al or 'on' nppro\ed rollnteral'secnrltv. ' llnsiness confUienlml. Jno. W. Hobbtlis , 16111 Farnnm , in Ml _ MONEY to loan. mortRiKWnotes bonpht , lonns made on chattel sectulllk : nu delay J. J. Cuinmlitgi , Itottiu 10 llarke lloclt SOI * $ xa to limn , or w 111 buy mortgago. 8 , S. Cum. pbell * 0. W. Hervey. Chamber Commerce- MONEY to loan on ltnpro\ed real estate ; no commission charged. Leavltt Uurnhain. room 1 , Crelghton block. 618 ONKY LOANED at C. P. Heed ft Co.'s Loan Office , on furniture , pianoshorses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd nil other nr- tides ofaluo without removal. 310 B. llth , over Illnghnin's commission store. AH busi ness strictly confidential. Gil T OANS mnde on real pstnto. Cash on band. JJ W. M. ilurrifi , overSMJ ) . lltu Bt. IfJ ) f1U 1.UAN Money Ioans placed on Inv JL proved leal estate In city or county for New Knglnnd Loan A Trust Co , by Douglas , County bank , ICth and Chicago sts. OU ) , to loan utbpcr cent. Miiah.iu iMa- $7V,000 hone ) . 1OTJ rarnam. C.'l MONP.V to Loan on city propcity and also on f.irms In western Iowa and eistorn Nebraska - braska ; tlrst mortgage notes bought and sold. Odoll Hros. i Co . 1VJJ I'aiuam St. , Omaha : 1U9 1'eailst. , CountII llluirs. 1WI OAN8 made on real estate nnd mortgages J bought. Lewis S. Heed A , Co. , 1K1 rutnuni. 7IB MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No dolay. .1. L. Hlce & Co. over Comniortlal Na tional bank W7 CONEY to Loin O. F. Davis Co , real estate and loan ngunts , IM'i I'm nam st. RIU VEU CUNT Money. I'nttciMHi A. 1'awcett 15th and Harncy. 018 SHOHT tlmn loans matip on nny nvnuablo security , In re ison-iblo nmounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Unnnclal business of nny kind transacted itomptly , quietly and falily nt the Omaha Kl- lanclil K\thange , N. W. cor. luth and Harley - ley sts , overstate. National band. Corbott. milugcr. "i" ' MOM'Vlontiedonrmnmire , plnnos. oigam , hoiM'-I , etc , lowiates. .1. .1. Wilkinson ic Co. , 1JJ * r.nnam , over llmllngton tltkut olllco. fi7 ! ; ( "CO.iiCO to loan In nny nmonnt at lowest rate of Inti'itst. II. 11. lre > , l'ieiier block. d. " . To loan onOmnlin city pioperty nt 0 percent. G. W. D.ij , S. K. 101. Kllld. . MONI'Y to loan on city piopeity , and nl o faims In Nebi.vka nml low i. Odi'H IJio * V Co , loan , teal i state and Insutance agents , 10:1 : Pi-ail ctieet , Council Hlntl * , la. ; 15J3 Fainani street , Omaha. 80S ONI1Y to loan. Notes nun it. It , ticket , bought nhd sold. A. 1'oiman , 81JS 1 > > ' HJ4 BUSINESS CHANCES. A man with ll'il ) to lu\est In bus . Addicss llj410 , Vllllsca , lou.i. Nl SJJ GALLl'.HY foi sale , pi ice1 low , teims e.isy. I'm pnitUuliii iiddieas II Tilpp , Colum bus , Nob. , , b\"i ' \ Ol'HL 111 this cltv foiale. . K.WO , in w ill taki pait Inliade.'ihls pi ii."lsl'rst-class. ' Call nud InusUuie. CoOp > -iaU\o Land and Lot Co , 2J'i N loth st. ( VW ' 'I POH SALK-lho whole ot half Interest lu 1 n good bakoiy. AUdre-jS , 15 , lieu olllce. "I71O11 SALT. ! ll.ii tl\-tuiosjetc. A VITV hand- -1 soniuwulunt wood H , toot bni and back shelving to mute h.pool tubh.ift > , stove , tables chalis and other in th le- , will be s-old tocethei 01 separatelj or will ti.idonlhem for llqiiors , olgai s , real ei-tat e or un\ thing else. Applj to Stiinger A , Co , MIS Dodge sti IM "M FOI1 SA 1.12 To ( ontiactois and Dulldirs. n c.upcntoi shop with niiiLlnnei\ planlnr , tinning , Cawing and sciolllhi ; , engine and nil imiclitneiv lomplete , "centrallj ; cheap. ApplytoI.J. Cummlngs , mom ID , liaiKei block. WAM'iri ) A partner liFa good pa ) Ing biihl' ness , established for four ) eus , and tales for this ) cai will be o\ci $10,01)0 ) , location good , must Imvo about * \000 to iinest. Address . T. H. , I' . O. Hoic dlU. _ H7JJJ * " " ' " FOlF SALlPAll" e'stabirsTTiMl iimT"irayTni wholoaalo business , will take pait pay I leal estate. Address J17 S. Uth st. .UTi FOH SALK Or e\ch inge , a now combined ill bbl. roller nnd buir mill with complete modem outfit of machinal v. doing n good 1msi- ne > . , with iinllmltud water no\\uron I.lttle IIIno lher. In Tluior countv. Noli. Will take K. 01 npuaidh in cash , b il.inco on ej" ) teims , or cltv pioperty or lands In wholooi inpait. Ail- lUc-ss. A. (1. Collins. Hobioii. Neb. > Ki ilS-J " 171OH SALH A hamoss hhop in lloldiegp , JNeb. . invoices about tl.fitlU. As the fnimnr piopiletor , . .lolin.leglei , isdead , It will bo sold cheap ; onoothei shop In town ; splendid tiado. Aildu'-.s John Xlcgler , i-r. , Hock Island. Ill. 01 I'hllllp Xleglur , Illveitou. Ne-b. ail ttl * T\rilIjl2SALI2 ( confectloueiy business for TT hale I'aving trade established. Look tblHiip. Apply il7 ! b l.itll st. USI FOR EXCHANGE. "VrnilHASICAand Kansas farniH to excliango Jfor lovanud Coloiado lands , and vim M-is.i. Co Operative Land and Lot Co. 'J0."i N lilth Ht. WH T'OH SALK Or tiailo one good Iheiv stable to X } gethir with homes , can lagfs mid harness , beat of location on paved tt. AddiessSll lice. FOl THAT > E Ail equity III a choice block of lots InildH Ilelt llni > , for mercliandlso , cm- rlages , imihlcal Instrumentor a bunch of good horses. .Nasoii , ion 1'ainam st. WIlSil " nirsA ? LU-Or o.\cliange. 710 HC 10 farm , Mer- cerCo , Molitti ; HI res , Hoove Co ; isil.icies- , Nnnco Co. ; nnd other lands. Want good city piopcity. Win. J. Paul , IM > rarnam bt. r > 7S rpo trade forfaim or land for genoial mer- i. chaudlso. HoxtS , lllno Hill , Neb. fibl MJ IV You lno mn thing to trade 01 sell call on me or write. All business promptly and f.ilily done. C. C. fepotsvvood , JUJS. . llth. 187 TT1OH oxchangp Vlist-class Omaha and South -L Omihapiopeitv foi good NebiitHKa und Iowa land. W. U , Albi I jjht. SID S. 1 3th t.4'J3 4'J3 po tiado pioperty of all Klnda for good farms L W. ti. AlbrlHht.'lb S. 11th Ht. 4'Ji ' _ \\7ANTKD ( Jood family lioiae In excnango TT for lot , & , Co , cor 15th and Farnnm. ti-ff "I710H n\chanse. If vou have faims 01 lands teL -L Helloi tiudu send lor our descilptlvo bl nkn. If you hao any Kind of property to sell or ex change , list It with n ; ue tan furnish you a customei. S. S. Cmilpbplli. U. W. Hervev. I11U lloatd of Trade. Omaha , Xti TI10 llxchange Vor nnlmpio\edcitypiopeity , X tin putt-room houses iii.Ainbler I'lBcejono 7- loom house In Alamo I'la/itjfoiir b-ioom houses on S. JWth nt. W ( J. Albiightlaib S. 15th t. 4H'J \\7ANTr.D-A few mme peed farms in Ne- TT broska foi which I Svlll tiade Omaha and bouth Omaha properties , \V , O. Al- InlKlit , SIS 8 IMUfct. . , _ t' 1 HAVK for trade Improved farm lu Cass Co , near I'lattsmouth , will 1rado for Impiovod inside piopcit ) . Aduress M-Uti , llee olllce. _ _ _ _ _ _ nj _ SJ TIO THAD12 1uupiovfd farms in Iowa for Omaha property or N'Vrnsltft lands. Me- Cullocli A Co , cor ; 15th and Karimm. 034 TO ] 2XCHANflK Improved farm In Iowa for Omaha lesldencu property. J.J. Wil kinson , 1JSI l'.u nam. . _ i l W ANTIID Oooa rarms on exchange for Omaha property , C , pv Spotswood. . MiU B ICth. n O EXCHANOI2-Good tail Iront lot lu Hans- - Icom I'lace to exchange for clean stock of Ury goods or clothing. C. r , Harri4on,41i ) S ; IStli. "VXfANTED-Stoclts of meichandlso to exT - , T ? thanco for lauds aud city propertrt C. C' . SpotswoodyittH S. loth. IbO WANTP.D-Onmha property to 6xchanBO for farms and wild lands , also for city prop erty. C. L. Drown & Co , lloom ! . Frenzur block. 81.1 J u FOH SALEi-Or exchange , good Omaha prop erty for good sto'k of boots and t-lioet , clothing. turnUhlntr goods or hardware , hchle- fclnger llioa. , U14 b 10th Mt. TO'j j 8 T7UH SALK-ltesldenco property In South J Omaha. \ \ . 0. AlbrlBUt,81bS. luthbt. 499 T\rANTKD-lloui fcttndlots to exchange for TT lmpro\ednud uulmproned lands In Ne- luaska und Iowa. Chailes t' . bpotswood. 305 > i 6. Kth , iss WANTKD Property of all kinds to exchange Special attention t'lvfn to trading. C. C. BpoUwood , JOoiSlt ) > th , . ffil \\fANTRl > To cTchnnpc. rholcoln lil ( turant T T low In Omalm for tfooU Iior o4 and cat- rlngos. J. L.JtloeACo. 1H' zz MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Tiust Co.'ff \ > Fni-UBtn flu'ej Complete abstracts fur- nl'hed , nnd titles to real estntn ixmnlnci ! . per fected and truarantced , Wi BUNJONcUlMlCHAEL furnish complete pud guaranteed abstracts ot title to nny real estate in Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice. The most complete set of ub Jtract books in the city. No. 11111 Kariwin st. 076 FORSALE-REAL ESTATE. fPO THADE Insldu property for good house , JL eight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCJul- loch & Co. , cor 15th and rarnam. ' ( U4 POH SALK Lotnlii Lincoln Place. Homing on the Metropolitan cable , * * X ) each , 'j cash. Corner lot on Lowe aveuuo and Califorula cable line. Jl.TW , > 5'cash. SomocholiMlots In West Cumtng addition , J > fl tofl.-W , vaHvteniiH. . Tlmso lots uro mior near the cable now liclng built on California st. Ulty now nt old prices. ' A line business corner at 10th und Douglas , MMM ) . ! j cash. Acres 1A Solomon' * add , 10. WK ) cash. Acres In Spring Valley with trackage , IttM , H Lots In Lobeck's sub , nenr South Omaha , on N. W. Hy , $800 oneh. I-S cash. Those nro the cheapest oHerlngs In their I espect U o neighbor- hiHHls. Mai shall & Lobeefc , room , cliamberof commerce. 4.14 \ TELlSl'Ames * Heal Kstatn Agency , 1 > Olllce. 1.VI7 1 urnum st. COO North 2t1tli st , new 0-rooin house , full lot , for J.J.OOO ; JIOO cash , balance fJl per month COS Tenth st , ! l houses , jgood iepalr , rents for KJ.I per month , full lot , giKd ) loca- tlon , dAOti ) ; f 1.8UU 501 Deiaturst.neai 8t > tti stl-ioom honso , Iot4'187 ' $ 2,2uO DOT Nenr 11 anscom Park , west of , newsroom modem house , lot , ! 0x It ! 4,100 C02 South 17th ct , near Center , 3 room house , lot 4'i'ixl.t ' ! „ $ l.'Wt MO llith st , near Center,7-rooni house . , 8,100 4US North 17th t. near Lake , 5 loom house , lot .ilxt1 ? ! 0,000 497S wurd , near illth st , good 5 room house , rooms large , honso fronts eist. new nud well built , doMinblo place , W.,100 , ; JftlO cash , bnhinro5 ! pel month , This Is a good place , on easy terms. 4M Virginia are. near Leavenworth st , good 7-1 oem benne In excellent repair - pair , wellworth 4,500 491'd , near Gr.ue , convenient to cars , u small double house , lontlng for WO , per month. Prlco 3,100 41J Luke st. near 81st .st , tVroom house. lot 4s\l"J . 1,000 SI ) Spinetst 1'ith ' , u fWloom cot tage , lot 40KMI wllltiade 2,800 4&7 Olilost near 87th , Hi > t ela s IVrooni house , will , clstein and outbuild ings , all lu good lepilr. ono block fitim snoot , lotWlxU'7 . . . 3500 4bl South IVth st Mom Li-avcnw m th M-IV centiul location , good U loomed hon-o , lot , eist fi out . . 0,100 4S1 Ninth-1st stneai .Mnnder-ou , 1 block from cat line , new 4 loomed house , lotiVlsl.'l 2,000 479 In Hovel s add near Ilelt line , 4- ioonieil house nnd b.un , with ' ' lull hits , one a c-oinei , east fiont . . 2i1dO 172 Omaha View , 4-ioom house , lot 50x U4 . . . . . . 1000 4,0 ( 22dst coiner , Holt Line depot tu Oak Cli itlnim nml only 2 blocks fiom sheet , a now 7 loom house nnd full lot lor . . 2,100 4iU 8l tstneuMundihson. . one block liom 1,11 line , 4 room IIOUM- , bun with lull lot. Uhls Is u u-i ) cheap plue ut 1.000 400 Itlomlont neat .jsth coiiu-nU'iit to CUM , u tlU-loom liousu with lot OOx 1 IT , this Is a good home at 3,000 419 illtii st near l.Ha\eu inth 111 a high commanding locution , surroundings A I. n well bnllt d loom lumsi ) facing eas-t , with 2 lots ouch iiU\Ul ono n coiner , -lirtlrnxny mid tieos , well gitmn , a dei lilt d Imt gain . . fi.OOO 410 sowurd st curs pass the ilooi , 7 loom lions.'i lot . . . . . 3,5'JO 711) ) South ll'th ' st nt'tir feuenw orth.cen- tial location , 4100111 house , city wnti-i. Vf lot 3,400 4"9 IlltilRoiks ndd , 2 lioitM's each J looms lot fiOxU'7 , $100 cn < h , mice .1,200 4J1 Coinei.eaht tiont on Geoigla : i\o , ( I loom cott.iii < . 2 line full lots. 'Jtib is baigalu 3,000 lti--ilii NCI : i ois. 10 ) Grant st , neil Situndeis and south of l.iikitiect , lots liom W.'lOil ' to Cheap .it this pilcc , li cash , bal. to suit piiuh i-M-i. 1028 Ki-Mncbtiiet and Giant &tioetciy closetpflaiiudei - . , 2 coiiims nt SJ3JO ca'h , und Imide lots nt 2'JX ) e'tcjl. 'J 01 ms iilliu I er cash. 2 Sith s.t , , chiro to siuimli in , I lot * , for 7,503 cheap at till * , price. Toi ms , qu.u tcr Cllsll , 10-0 Dodge and OreM ) it i , ( Wc-st Onnh 0. Kli-gmit south and cjist liont coiner , KJxI.'l to iillc-v . . . . 5,000 1018 8 choice lots 111 Windsor Plain . . l.liH 1017 IVw lots 111 lloj d's add . a batgnln , at 0,000 lOli Webstei > .t < near Illth , line ii-aldouco lot , 2,100 100J Choliecoinc'r lot In lluwthoine , lot COxlJ8ouCiiHSht l.WO This is chi-up for the mone\ , 9TO Hlnni-j st iieiu hhc iminu\i > , n > oi ) ' line lei -for . 2,000 21 pert tut le s than hiiiioundlng piopi ity , 997 Miami t , near 89lh , "blocks fiom street cm. lot WM.I7 1,0.10 VI'.H ) On Dl\eilD01t } > t. Ill Lincoln phlii- cholco lot" , 011111 coiner , south and t-tiht fi out : \eij dealiuble ; tlic-2 lota lor 1,800 > < icash. 9c9 On Wi-lntcr st near the Convent , a \irj' < holCiJ location ; eleisunt lesi- ilomoslto , 11U\171 south tiont . . 4S'VI 9a7 I'.u lllcht m-ui Phil Shelllaliion\eit' , tdit to cais , 11x110 , inns thtoiigh fiom stieet to stieet. 'lhlsli\eiy disliabloat f4K ) eash , plico . . . 1.S71 pyi M est Sicli- add on Mo I'm m. lot 11)7 ) on Hack by 10) ) ; this li u chiuicu to got tinrlnioryc < heap WO 988 ( Jr.iceuiul88il st , lotsH\l40ut ; . ' ' " 977 Pink u\c , full lot facing llnuscom Pink , just honth of Woolwoith me 3r.OO 914 Viigliila u\e. Mr ) cholco east fiont , lonxlio This is u speclnll\ line loca tion . . . . 4,100 ICT ( ii-oigla. n coiner 10l\l.10 , a south and east tiont , Is tlu > llnost unim- piintdcoinei in llansiiom place . . 7,101 971 Comei on Paclllc Ht. WlxlKi , for 7fOJ lliinlno * > Piopertv. 118 I'armim Bt UP.U 21th st , 2il foot lot , easy teims , good location , pel foot. . MO 111 South IHth si , lfi\UO. wewei und nil tuxes paid , tor . . . . . . ti.OOO 141 Cnmlngst near 27th s > t , KJii\lV1 loot , perftHJt . 110 The lowest pi lee named on piopeity In banio location. HI Ciss near 11th fct. , 9 room house , lot iV-ixltJ . . . 13fOO 91 Chlcugo near llth st , , 4 buildings nut for Js.1 per month 14roo This property Is cheaper than nnv blmllar lo cation in ( iiniili.i und will lepuy liucstlKiitlon. V5 CiillfoinU tit. noui 14th st. , comei , fpHxl Ci , fi houses , rent $1,500 pure \e ir . . . . 10,1 Sanndci's St. , u coiner , UK102 , die-up nt 11'fn 1J7 I'ourteoiitli st , near .limi-s tlxMi ; this piopetty Is especially cheap for . . . . . . . 7,700 130 Tinckugoon Paclllr t-t , near Kith , ( iil\lffr ! > small hoiibos now rent for J7f > per month 15,000 92 Pallium st. , an Impri od property pajlng fc. , 100 per j ear , pi leu t li.lM ) , will bill this property foi good first- class mottgiigo paper , no cash 10- quiml in thin limit ) Stock Parm I-or Sale. Within 30 miles of ( ) muhn on i alii oad : JifiO aero stock farm , good buildings , shed loom for stock and feed cattle , wIndmill , pipes , Mr , , lunnlng wntiriiOacieslmyUnd , lee acres plow land. Will sell for Wiper ucio and take K.OOO each. Will also take on the trade , Omaha honso and lot worth tl,500 to tiu South Omaha. 1019 8.1th St. , So , OmahH.fulllot for . . .I ! HO 1081 llrown Park lot , 50\1W . , 6.10 111 N st lot , 8.1xi ( ) 2MO 108U First add to So. Omaha , coiner on 8.1th ht , lot 78xl ) ( ) . . . 2,300 Terms Kan cash , 100(1 ( 11 lots In Itoyd's Ic Sharp'i. ndd at $ MOtolrii ) each , c-any lorms 1004 Jotter's add , 8 lots , each 1,000 Iliick Void. 3splendldiocatlonsrorbilck ; jardi , both on lalhoud. Douglas County. r Ono of the finest faims in this county for sale. It Is near Omaha , on rulhoad , and lu A 1 condi tion : running water ull the > car ; good haj laud , Jcc\c. PikuflO pirncie , \cryeasv terms ; 4" > In the farm. Ames' Heal Kstnto Agency , Telephone 7U1. Ollice 1507 I'aunm. ri HINlCOf It-fflxlJO foot lot less thin one- L half mile from O. , Ht. P. , M. i. O. depot lor ilU ) ; i. ) ) cash , balance to suit. It w 111 pay ) ou to look this up. II. li. So. 15th. lillSS TT10H S'ALK-Lot S block h , A. S. Patrick's ud J } oition , will sell for few days at tl.OV ) . $725 cash , balance easy , M 37 llee olllco , VB7 TJ10H 8ALU 100 Acres of laud four miles from JJ block > ard , utfl-'l per ncrej this ibnbar- gain. McCague , Opp. P. O. KO WHY pay rent when you can buy n furnished liouso on a nlcu large lot , 60x110 , in the tlnest resluencu part of Omaha , near the street can and within ono bloc * of where the Metro politan cublo will run , by paying a small sum down and the balance monthly. Addresn O W , lleo. 3,17 EM STItl ! > NiY ; i. CO. inaKo aspeclaltj" of property In North Omaha , forb.tle or rent nt Citizens' bank. 8VJS Cumlna Bt. TO AN Investment I4 , ( X ) w ill buy a corner prop erty paj ing 17 per cent. 1) . li. bmeutun , 1UX1 Dodge bt. 078 It SALH-Four houses on S. 30th bt. W , O In ShUms nildltton , , . . . S'imi > I'.ust and liorth corner Mh st , (0x12) ) , vacnnt , on grade , ioni ) . Snap uuxlV ) , Shlntt's ndd , fronting Clinrlos * t , plenty of trees , f I.'JIM. Snap - ) foot cornur tin 3Mh * t , Patrick's ndd , fine lot for cottages , MUM. Snap -ftlxl.t : corner on Sewarel st , on ginilo nml n sure birgaln , ? 2 , ( . F. U Gregoiy , iiOJ South ICth at. 600 _ IN South Oumhn , by r.-vlllm : nt my olllee be tween now mid January 1st , you will llnd u few bargains In business and residence piopertv nuoqttaled mi ) hero , ov\ ned by parties who enn- Hot meet pa ) melits , some will veil at less than cost of a ) car ago , 40 per eut tinder price. 1) . D/Smenlnn. 100.1 Dodge t. Onmlia. ( .70 31 TilOH SALi : As line a \ > [ ve of tincknge ns there Is In the city. W. U. Albilght , 218 S. loth st. 4"J 171OH SALK-llu lness propelty In South JL Oinnllit. W. U. Albiight.aiaS. lltll Ht. 4'JJ ' F IOH SALK-TOxM feeton cable lino. Splendid inside location for four liiitW.MX ) . Must bo sold at oiue , Marshall Sc Lobeck , room V , Ch.tmber of Com. FOH BALK Wo offer as a uporlnl bargain liW ncres of land four miles from stock vnrdj , nt iJU'1 per ncro , on line ot U , 1 * . H. U. Mc-Cngu ( FOH S A liH Three six-room luinsos lu Ambler Placo. W. (1. Albright. 81 * * S. llth st. 41M S1. llth it. , buys nud soils roa JL ostHto , loans moiioy , purchases sec has a good list of propertj for sale Mild more. Notary public. S.14 IflOH SA [ , i-A : furnlsned Hat of I ) roqmswlth Hteiim nnd bath , centra' } ' located. Call 2 ) North 14th. J HjO. FOK PALE Hood blick biKlm-ss property In centre of Gland lslnu.1 ; greatest bargain nnd best terms In the city ; but llttlo cash ie- quired ; lottB tlino. low Interest and easy pay- inonts ; other estate for sale. Address. ! . 11 , Woolloy , attorney at law , Grand Island , Nob. _ "IjlOK SALK I'lnes-t location for n homo In J. West Oninh i , udjoinlnc thfl mansion homos of Kllkoiidall , Coo , llraily , ll.vsson and others. Nothing liner lu thecity. . Cm so ) IMxIHI or less ; for prlcos and toims see S. A. Sicilian , 1J01 Faruamjjt. t 3 STOP a moment nnd think ot the Mist Ini- pioM-mentsnowlu piogic-ss on the valley 1101 th , then coino tons nnd wo will sell \ou u lot M \ I M tut for flfiO , iK0 ! cash , bulanco to Milt , Onlvn few inoiout this pike. 11. II. Colo. , lli ! So. Mill. till 22 SOUTH Omaha , the place to make big money by iiru-sllngiiow. I hu\o foi sulo ntjtll nnd up lots within 11 minutes wulkof Aimoiii packing hoiiMon one-quarter cash , balance- > emIv , from Hist hands. Come soon nnd got a bargain. D. 1) . Smuiitun , HiOJ Dodge bt. Omaha. FOH SAM ! One 7-room house In Alamo I'laza. W. ( l.Albilght.218. lltli.In 4W ) rnio i < i Acat-iiKTiD wim HID OFOCIUMIY oir TIIH COU.NTlir WILL SEE IIV MAMLM.SU T1113 Mil' TIUT Tilt CHICAGO.ROCKISLAND&WGIFICRAILWAY . Ily rei on of Its centril politic : ! c. < d relation to lines > ast uf Chicago , and coitlEUttM haaj at terminal points We t , Noithwest anil Solthwist , In the tiuo inMilln Jink In thnt trniiKontlnentai p > atcm nhlch ln\ltt < 3 nml fActlltatoa tra\tl tu.ct trafllc bctnuin the Atlantic and TnclUc * 0 lie lEock I lanit main line and branches include Chi- capo. Jolict , Ottuwrt , La illo , J't'oila , Ooncsoo , Mollno nml llock Island , In IlllnoNj IA\tn ) | > ort , Jlti catlno , WashlnKton , rnlrflild , tttum , Oiivalooiitx , Ucut Llh He. iinimlloAuitul'cm ' , Iliilan. Oulhrio Centro nnd Council lUulffl , In lo VA ; (1 iltattn , 7rrnton , Ht. * copli , Cameron nnd Kninas City , In Vlitsouilt Leai iworth and AttlilHon , Jn Knna i Albert I.oA.MIm.eiipolIa Atil Bt ruul.inMiiiiu otm Wntertonn umi Sioux Kails , lo fMkot&ntid , h mditdtnf IntLrnu'dtAto elites And towns , "The Great Hock Island Route" Guarantees pprcd , coiafort , certainty und Rifely. Jt rprninnont way IsdlallnffiiUhul for Itdcxeolluico. It < bridges nio ut Klonn And lion , Itn t rat it is of solid useful , and for luiurloun accominoilntloi Is u.v * . . - passfil. Its Kxpnss Trains consist of eui-oiior l > i > " Coarhes , ck ut rullinan 1'ftluce 1'urlornnd hlcep aj Cars , Buperb Dining Cxrs , vrovhll.iK tltllclouj intMn. nnd ( between Chicago atul St. Jostpli , Atelilscn and Kan i\3 CItj ) restful ! Ulinln ; Chnlr Cars. Ituiuu - apcirtnt U cciibcrraUve , Its discipline ciactlng1 "Tho Famous Albert Lea Roi/e" Between Clitcagn nnd Minneapolis nnd Bt. I'a ) the favorite. Ov IT UiU line .Solid Faut Lxprebd Trains run dally to nttrncthe resorts for tourists jn Jjwa nnd Minnesota. , nrd , \ \Vatcrtown and Sioux ] -nlU , to the rich whetit end grazing Ian J pf intcijor fie PC en , nml Kai.kakue , Iho Hock If land ntfrrn M parlor lmlULcnH.nt4 to travtlert bot\ffeu Clnulnnatl , Indian * ftpoll4. Lafajittw nml Countll Jobcph , Atchl- j-oi ) , L < aMiittorth , Kaiistas Clfy , Hf.IVuil , and Intcrmo * dlito points All pxtroiu ( oiu'cli11y lidUd nnd Uill * dr ( nrtcithoprntMctlonuurtc < iynrd Llmlly attention ior tickets , mapt , foldti-s , uopltd ofVcstt m Trail , or ftny dtntrLd Information , nn ) y to principal offices In ttio United Ptatca t\n \ Caiirtda , or addre n , at Chicago , R'.l'C ! 8U' E. ST. JUHN , E. A. HQIBHOOK , THE CHICAGO AHD North western Railway Short Line. Omaha , Councii Bluffs And Chicago , The onlr road to tnko for DPS Molnca , Jlivrlalllrmn , Ccrtar HniiliK Clinton , lllxun , Uilcaan. Mllwiuiki-u nil nil iMilnlB ensl To Hie people oj Jxetirtiil'U , I ulo- radoV ) OHIInn , Utah , Idntio , IsuvtiUn , OrtMonVaab. * InRtuu nntl California , It oITi rs biipwlur utlvutilHKUl nr I pnsnUlu by nny olliur lino. Among fun uf Iliu nuiiieroua pnlnla of nuprrlnrlt } enjoji-il by tliu imtruna nrtlils ronil botm i n Oiunli * and LlilcHKO , nru Ita two trair ntlny of 1)ACOACH - hh , will eh HIM Iho limit thai nuinan art nn < l Inuonul- ty can cri-iitii Us I'AI.ACK MI.ISI.I'IMJ CAlf. wlilih arn nioilolaof cimiforl and cluuunru , Ha I'AULOIl I)11AWINU HOOM C'AllS , un urpn cil by miy. und IU widely colubrotnil I'AI.Al IAI. DIMNd CAIIS , Un equal of nhlcli cannot bo fnunil eiwwhuru Al Coun cil Itluns Ihu train * iif Itid Union I'ailtlc Uallnay , I'OD- necl In union ilopul wltb lliutu of tlio ClilcutioA Hy. In Chicago tint Iralns uf this lint inulio cluae conuocllun with llui e ol nil oilier uaiturn her Detroit , rnhuntmn , Indlnnnpolin. Cincinnati , Infciim I ulU , llnmilo. IMUsnuru. 'turunto , Montreal , llnilnn , Now lurk , rhlludulpliln , llalllnintc , WasLi- Iniiiou , aud ull iiomtsln Iho HUH , u i lur u Uckel Tl Uio "NORTHWESTERN. " V Ton trlth the Li ! t nccumaiodatlon. All ticket agenta ell tlrkotK via thla lluo. 11. mUillUT , IS. 1 * . W1I50N , Genl. Manager , Dcnl. I'uaa'r Agent W.M- HANCOCK.cwca ° ' ntoi , n. nou.KS. Wtltcru Antnt. City 1'iua'r. A nk Omaha , Nebriukit. rn STALI.IO.NS KUU KAM : PerclaroiiH. Clj de iulo ] and bhlie , also liomn bled colts li\eiy unlmnl unaiantited a lucciler Our Htoik has bten m-lected with lufprencuto both IndUldual muilt ami podlgiuu. home ( if these horsen Inivu tukui IU-it pil/o at the Nn- liruska State fell , ! Wi7. All hoises uro UP- cllmattd , and colts of their gut cun be shown. Prices reasonably and i .iiy ti > rm . Is uccesnlblu by the three loading railroad * of the fctuU , II , \ W. ; I * . , K. & M. V. . and K. ( J. \ 0. I'HV M'AIIItllAll , Yoik , Neb H' . J. Surgeon and Physician , Oince N. W Comer 14th und Ifo jglus St. Office , telephone , 4Ui ; Healder.i telephom- , . WEAK.UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of tbt Uody enl ri a ai 1 itrenjtbcncJ. fail ( lullcu- I nitnttf ltd free. 4.UIB IIKD.OO .JIUf CIIJ , N. Y , Who Is WKAK. NRRVOl'N. l > RniMTA > TK , who In hll fOM.Y nnd 1HNOH AN 'H hns TRIFIKI K\tny Ms VIGOR of IIOI Y , MI N U and M A M IIOOI * . rnuMnR exlmimtlnc ilrRltn upon th K01IXTAI.NN of I.IFK , IlKAUAdllK. IIAOHArilF. , DrrKdfill Dronni' . WRAKNKN4 of Momorjr. IIANH * FI1I.NKNN1U NOVIRTV , riMl'l. * upon the FA4'R. and nil thn eFFKVTM Icndltiif to KAIll.Y UKCAYnml perharaC'OKNUIU * * TION or INNANITY , should COlHUlt nt otico the CKLKBRATRn IT Clnrkp , T > tnllWicJ 1MI. lr Clnrk hat made NF.KVOI'N II K- IIII.ITY. 4'I1IIOKI ! nnd nil lla. . ci of the MRNITO 11RINAUY Orirtnn n 1,1 lo H'uily. It makes NO dltlerence 1 % HAT you eve tnkrn or WHO haa failed to euro you. , * -FKM At.F.H > urfcrlnR from dlteawi pccn liar to their net can coniult with the asiuratica Df apocdjr relief nnd cure. Bond 2 cents potd0 for worki on your dlnenict. . 4-Scnd 4 cotila tie t KO for Cclbrnt > 4 WorkH on Chronic , Nrr oim and Ucll- Mt * Dl easos. fonsultntlon , penonal'y of bjr letter , ft > ( > . Consult the old lortor. Tlioainiiiln cnrr < l. onicrinntl imrlom prUnlo. r-Tho50 cotitcmplstlng MarrlRpi end for Dr. Vlnrk 'ii celebrated guide Mnle and Fvinnlr , each lie. , both 2&C. iinp ) . ncforo confiding your case , consult J r. CLARKE. A friendly Irttcr or rail may wvo future nutTeritmnnd alistne , nnd add Roldca years to llfo. rBook " l.lfo's ( Secret ) F.r rorn , " 60c. ( clamps ) . Medicine and writing * ' nent ever ) where , orcuro from c > xp siir lioun , 8 to H ; Hundnjrs , U to 12. Addriss , P. D. CLARKE , M. D. 180 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO. ILL. OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. ' The Host Ronlo from Omaha and Council lllufft to - = = = THE EAST = TWO TltAIMS DAlf.Y I1KTWKEN OMAUA AND COU > CIl > DLUt'fS Chlenpro , AND Milwaukee , St. Fiuil , MlimeniHiHs , Cedar llnulds , Itock Island , Frcojiorc , lloekford , Clinton , IMibuqnc , Davenport , Elgin , Bliullhon , .Taiifsvlllo , Itololt , Wlnoim , LaCrosse , And nil other Important points Kast , Nortlicnat unit Kor through tlckela call on the ticket nirpnt at 1101 Farnam attcct , lu 1'axtoii llotol , or ut Union raclllo Ijopot * I'lillroan Slccpcru nml tlio flnrat Pining Cars In th * , world nro run nn thu main Iliutiif the CliliiiRO , Milwaukee - waukeo A SI. 1'aul llallnay , and uvury _ uttnutlon U paid to | > aseigura ) by couriooua uuiployca ol tha company. ' H MIl'l.lCH rioncralMannccr. J. t TUCKKU , A Mftaiil ( Jonoral Mannuor. A. V. H. CAKl'KM'KU , Ucuoral 1'ussungor ana Ticket Ani'nt Old ) K. IIKAKHMU ) , Aaalalant General Pauencot nil'llrket ArcnU . , . . . J. T. C1.AUK. lionoral Superintendent. THE RAILWAY TIME TABIXS , OMAHA. Leave Arrlvo Omaha. Omaha. UNION PACIinC. Depot 10th and Ploico sts. " 'acllli IXpiess 820p.m. ; T.ran. in. leuvcr Kxpiens 10:2.1 : n. m , n mi p. in. l.oia ! llxpiess & :00p.m : : lxcopt Sunday. II Hl.lNO'IdN ) i pot Huh and .Mason bts "hftiiKo r.\iuiMS 3-1.1 p.m. ( i. 0.1 a. in. 'hh ago .Mull U.MIH : . m , 7.2,1p.m. 'liU'.itii ; l.orul fillip , m 10.22H. m. ) im\ei Utnri'ss (1:15 ( : ii.m , IIto : p. in. ) m\oi Mail K.ik ) p.m. li MO a. in. iiUtoinhi Mull 10..ra. in r , M.I p.m. van&as ( 'itylay ) Kxnu'ss. . li.min.m. 0:5.1 : p. m. { unsiti City NlKht llxp . 8.00 p. ui 7.00a.m. O , St. P. M. .V O. Depot l.lth and U ebsterst Sioux City A. lick Hills Kx 8lr : > RiH , 7:40ii.m. : 'lauciiift llxpuss > . -i.i5p. : m. lorencii Passenger 7:15 a.m. 7iuu.m. : llxcept builday. MISSOUHI ) i pot 1,1th and Webster tit > .i ) V.xpics < 10:41 : n. in. 6.25 n.m Night l.xpiess U.-Jp.m. 5:30 : SUlUUItAN TllAINS. Itunnlng Jlotv\een Council HluiTs nnd Albright n addition to the Millions mentioned , trains * tnp at Twentieth nnd Twonty-louitli btreeta nml at thu Summit In Omaha. Hi oid I'lnns- Omaha Shoo- Stock Al- way. fer. Depot. loy. L'aulH. irlght. A M. A M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. " M.n.n r , : < 5 fiM ; 0:0. : ) O.ttt "fi.ltl n.n li M II . ,17 O'W ) ( i,1o : H 7 112 7:11 : 722 7. ,11 7:40 : h.UI 8.2 ' 1.01 H 21 n. 10 01 10:1. : 10.2. ' 10..H ) 10 10 H Oi 11:1 ! 11. J5 llW : 11 : 11:1. : P.M. P.M.ur P.M. P.M. P M 1' M. l-Mrt ur : 1 ' 2. " 12 'iO Mu. l..U 1 0.1 1:1- : 1,2 : IfcW 1 : 2.01 2:1. : 2.iO : 2 il ai 3:1. : ; ) : , M .1. 4 .Oil 4:12 : 4 ' ' 4iO : 4 : 4:5 : f.IH r > . 5 : ) fi ; fi US ( I.2.- 0:11) : ) : iii'2 7.01 1X : 7 : ! 7 : 7A 8.01 8r. : 8.2. ' H.SO : 8 : 8.5 , 11.0.1 IH12 11:2.1 : O.It' ' ) 0 : U.5. HI ai 10:1. : 10.23 10. TO 10 : lO.W , ar.ll.U1 . 11:06 : llv Il..i0 htoclc biight. Yaiil" . ly'b. dupoti A.M. A. It. A. M. A. M. " dill " (1:21 ( : lii.H 7 ( K ) 7 in 7:11 : 7Ki : 7 M ) 7M : H.07 Hlrn : h.K ) h.riT ) 0.07 : n H.H ) ' 10.07 iur : , 10 , W w'.Vt 11-07 lll'i : II.M ) 11. Vi r. M. i > . M. 1 > M. r. M _ . 12.07 l : r. KM 1.07 1:15 : TfM : 2.117 rl5 ! f.'f , 11.07 ' ; i tu 4.07 'lin i. no 4 > ! 507 ; r. m 5MI : l > ( IT ! i'l d..a ' 7.07 7:14 : i no I'M H.07 b.n h.fiO HV. : H.07 ii.ii II. Ill ' 10.07 iun : 10.W ia' % 11:07 : urlhl'i 1 1 ; & , ' ) lMam ! ( COUNCIL UI < UFFS. Notice. MNotice . of application of 13 , itolhery for Notice Is lioiuhj glM'ii that 1 ! . Untlicry illd upon tint li , th diij of I > < ( .ember. A , I ) . 18ii7 , Ilia thcli applluitlon to ihti iim > ur und city conn- rtluf Omalni lei llteiiMi lo hull malt , ppnltnoui \lnoiislinnojs , at No. 1117 Uod tt ktnut , 'Ihlrd waul , Omahu , Neb , fiom the Hist day oljammiy , IfcW , to the Ilibt day of Jauuary , 1 f > fr t , If tin re bo no objection , remonMiRiice or pi fl ics t ( Hid wltlilii two weekH fiom Documbei Ibtli. A , D. ISn ; . the fcald llirnso will be grunted. li. Itoiiimtr Applicants. J. II. BotmiAiiD , City ( JUrk. UA'-JJ TYLER DESK CO ST. LOOT * , MO. DB8KB.BAK . BAMgCOTfE' oouhl vnrBoy ; BMtW rttL OuarmUai i , Tlntllcv'f rrlrtfd , at