THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE NO. 12 , BTHKET Delivered by carrier In any part of the city nt twenty cents jior wtth. 11. W TII.TCIN , . . . * " " " > " . UMSFPR nrricR. No. MINOIl MKNTION. ti. Y. Plumbing Co. Iteltor , tailor , Full goods chcnp. See Chniimun'H pictures for Christmas. There was no business In police court ycs terclay. "Only n Fnrmcr's Dnughter" Is to uo pre sented hero on the Hist lust. A ninrrlsiKO license was granted ycstcnlny to J. J. Smith and Ucttln Dludnct of this city. city.The The front doors of the new rourt house shows up well , now that they tire Betting lliclr finishing touches. The schools of the city will close this after noon for the holiday vacation. They will re sume on Monday , January 2. It you ilcxlro to ( 'ct a new Hall typo writer cheap , drop u postal card to II. A. P. , HER on > c. A Bruit bargain for the first who up- plics. The holiday trade in Council Bluffs is better than any previous season. So say the mer- chanta , und thf.v wear smiles which show that they aru telllnjr the truth. The residents of Persia complain because by a recent I' o In the time tables they are deprived of one mail a day between Council HlulTs and that place , and their com munication with this metropolis otherwise crippled. This afternoon , at 1 ; .10 o'clock , the pupils of the eighth grade , high school , will give a Christmas entertalnmcntcomposcd of choice Ringing , opcaklng , reading and essays. Mimic will lie furnished by Miss Lit 1'orti- fleld. Parents and friends are cordially in vited to attend. Chief Mullen returned from Stanton.Ncb1 , yesterday with the forger , Harry U'liin. Ho has been Identified by four of the parties whom he swindled. His bond was llxed at tlKX ( ) for his appearance next Tuesday. Ho could not secure it and is putting in his time at the county ] uil. City Engineer Testovin was very happily reminded of his fifty-seventh birthday uiinl- vriBury by bis live assistants rallying about him , and presenting him with an elegant chair , In which they bid him sit down and rest himself. It has been u busy and trying year for the engineer , and this pleasant inci dent is an appreciated bright spot in the rec ord. Arrangements were made yesterday by which all the banks in the city are to close on Monday , and it is expected that most of the business houses will likewise observe that day. The churches are preparing for upccial ' crvices on Sunday , and there tire numerous entcrtiiininentH being planned for Saturday and Monday evenings , so that this will be a soil of three ring Christinas show this year. The Anita mall bag the other day was found by section men about a milo and a half west of that station , torn in shreds and the mall scattered along the track for nearly a mile. It is sumxiscd that the fast train , in stead of catching the Hack properly in some way threw It under the train , and it caught on something and hung fast until it was letter-ally torn into pieces. Frank McMiihon. who was run over by the cars , necessitating the amputation of one of his Icirs , was unnulo to survive the ordeal and Hied at Denver Wednesday night. His remains will arrive hero this evening. Ho is n brother of George McMahon , employed at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. The funeral will take place Sunday at - o'clock , und interment at Keg Creek cemetery. Opium , morphine habits cured. DR. UELLINOKR , 014 K'wuy , Council BlulTs. Holiday goods t Mrs. E. Bui'lioni's. Always at the 'Front. \Vo huvo now one of the most com plete btock of fine und medium-priced wutche.sand chains , diamonds , gold jew elry , line murblccloeks , silver and plated ware , gold-headed canes , umbrellas , opera and Held places , and nil the standard styles of the Ipadikig novelties of the season. All prices so low as to defy all competition. At No. 27 South Main street. C. B. JACQUUMIN & Co. choice in Christmas Slippers for a Present to Gentlemen , at Adams' . Wo have buyers for property that must bo sold. Johnston & Van Patten , 33 Main street. Holiday Kates. The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway will sell excursion tickets to all stations at one faro for the round trip , on Dee. 24th , 2' > lh. 20th and Jllst , also Jan. Iht and 2nd , 183S , good to return on or before Jan. 3rd. Heavy Light Expense. Among the different items In the list of the city's expenditures the one for street light ing ; is not inconsiderable. Since the 13th ol hist March the gas lights on the streets have cost the neat little sum of < 2tWJ , or * . * . > S pci month. The new tower lights will do awaj with this item , and suhstituto in Us place u monthly bill of fMO , or SO.T'-H ) n year. The electric lights cost NO each per month , miik ing * * * per month for each of the sevei towers. At that price the light is too eostlj to have nny of it wasted , so the triplc-shndov lanterns liuvo been removed and the cleat glass globes substituted. As the city pays nearly $ iO per night to have the benotU of the towers , it is supi > oscd that it will have eredi' ' for that amount when the lights are no1 lighted. If that is the cose , the city has madi about ? .V ) this week. In further Justification of the cost foi electrie lights it should bo berne in mind tlin the gas lights were all put out between 1 and 12 o'clock at night , while the electric lights are to blaze till 'daylight , nearly twice as long. For best quixlity coal uml wood , cul' On Glcason , lit ! Pcnrl street. Largest assortment \Vurm Slices a K. H. Sheafo loans money on ehatto security of every dei-cHptiim. IMvtito ooti.suiting room ? . AH business btriotl * confidential. ORK'o oOO Broadway , cor nur Mttin street , uj.stairs. . The Bluff * Will Oet There. Keith , of the Crawford County Bulletin , believes In Council Bluffs' growth , and lie thui plants his faith , which is larger than a must.inl seed : The passenger train between .Manilla and Council Hluffs has been ilim'ontinued. It is not stated why this has bocn done , but it is thought that the suburbs of Council Bluffs will Hivoll up until they reach Manilla , or that the latter town will InflHto Its latltiulo until it collides with Clciso's brewery. In either of wblcb events the street cars and a fe\V Judicious Inte'ruiurri.itrts will do Just ai well AN a pasRcngi-r train. Kirkland will Rive you bnrjjulns in wntohea , clocks ruid jowclry , Money to loan. Cooper ifc Jud on. Tlio Centrnl dniff Btorc , under J. D. Slunrt , hng been enlarged nnd rvfur- ninhcd with ft complete hUx ; ! ; of fresh di'UK'-t. Fine holiday bookd , ntntionury , cutlery nnd mualcul poods at low prices. Tor tlin Sick. The condition of Sister Vincent , one of the attendants in charge of St , Bernard's hos- 1'italjvnft Wan recently very low with hem- . .rvhrtge of the lung * , In much Improved , the force nt the hospital has Just been Increased and two or three more sisters are expected' about the flrnt of the new year.- The nnvineUl condition of the liintltuilon 1 < prosperous arvl tbo njntors are alretwly talking of branching out In more commodious fiuartcrs.1 THE COUNCIL BLUFFS DOINGS , ProuroBS of the Work For the Now Depot , PMOADWAY BRIDGE BUILDING. tocnth of MM. Ii. W. Wclrlcti-Tho I/ales ! fjitw Ahout City Monies The Condition of St. Ucr- nnnl'H Hospital. The Tenth Avenue Track. The work of grading the Union Pacific depot grounds U being pushed by Contractor John C. Lee. The track Is already laid from the transfer to Main street , and will bo sur faced by the end of the month. There is n force of fifty teams and seventy-five men now nt work , and Mr. Leo expects to finish the work In about thirty days. There are still two block to bo graded , which will require about 15,000 yards of dirt. The amount of work done In the past sixty days Is surpris ing. Pour or live teams are constantly un loading at the dump. The exact location of the now depot is not known , although It Is supposed to be between Eighth und Ninth streets. There will bo nothing to prevent the company from running their cars up to Main street alter the 1st of January. At the banks where the dirt Is obtained , several hundred | Kitimls of powder are used daily for blasting purposes. The work has now been going on for two months , but no onolmsbccn injured by caving banks or explosions. Mr. Leo gives his personal attention to these mut ters , and docs not propose to have any acci dents laid to his charge on the ground of carelessness. He has been engaged in railroading reading for scvei .il years , and his long ex perience shows Itself In his work. Every one innking a cash purchase o 2"i cents at T. 1) . King & Co.'a cigar store guts ti clianco in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes. Troxull Bros , headquarters forChrist- nuis poultry. Leave your orders. Lots for sale , $2o cash , balance monthly. Johnston and Van Patten , i3 ; Muiiiht. ' T. B. Baldwin Fine jewelry nt Burhorn's , 17 Main. Carpet Sweepers For Christmas. Council BluIVs Carpet Co. The lironriwny Work is progressing rapidly on the new bridge. Manager Evans yesterday informed a BKI : reporter that pier ' ( ) " on the western bank of the river is llnisbed , and work on pier ' ! " is well under way. Considerable delay is experienced from the non-arrival of material , and us soon as it arrives the work on this side will be crowded. The pier al ready completed is set upon a stone founda tion , which rests upon piling that is driven to bed rock. The caisson nearest the west bank will rest upon a hump or knob of bed-rock that happens to be in just the right place. Several holes were drilled in and around it to see whether it was solid or merely a piece of loose rock , and u diver -as also sent down to ascertain its character. The result is a saving of several feet in the depth of the eaKson. Such knobs are by no means uncommon along the river , and have been the menus of sinking several river steamers. The rock slopes toward the center of the river , and the other caissons will bo much deeper. It is expected that by the middle of January work can be commenced on the ice. The building of this bridge is something in which the people are deeply interested , as it intimately concerns the future of Council Blutls , and the.\ very naturally want to keep posted as to the progress of the work. . . . _ . - Carpets For Christinas. Council BlutTs Carpet Co. Watches cheap at Kirkland's , 321 Broadway. Solid and plated ware at Burhorn's. For Christmas gifts go to Kirkland's. Bargains in heavy pant goods and overcoatings. Made up in the best style and very cheap at A. Keller's till ) Broadway. f Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. Opera glasses at Mrs. E. Burhorn's. Gold and silver watches at Burliorn's. Real Instate Thawed Out. Inquiry among the real estate brokers of the city reveals the fact that there is a vast amount of correspondence going on between these dealers and persons desirous of pur chasing property in the city. These letters coino from every quarter of the country and from men who arc engaged in almost every conceivable business. To these inquirers the advantages of the city are being fully ex plained. Xo less than twenty-live men have concluded deals and wait only the passing of the Christmas time to como ticrcuud , have formal transfers made. These men como to stay , and how many more there are of the same kind only time will reveal. The city is in better shupo to receive these coiners and give them the property they de sire than it lius ever been before. Witlihi a few weeks 1JO ! acres of splendid property that was before out , has been put into the mar ket. Kachsucceedingday witnesses transfers that in their character are indicative of the future. The less desirable property is nearly all out of the market so that lands will bo guaged more by their intrinsic worth tnan by competitive value. The grading , paving and sewering of the city 1ms proceeded beyond the limit of an experiment and the close of another year will see the entire city in most excellent condition. The following transfers were recorded yes tcrdav : II. / . and C. L. Haas to Kdward Hart lots t to 'J'J inclusive , in blk (1 ( , 8. 'J and 10 In lit , .id to 32 inclusive in l.l , IS and 111 in 18 all in the Gregg tract , $4,500. William Maloney to Clarence Cunan lot 14 in blk 'J , Thompson's add. , $1,0X ! ) ; also lots 4 and . " > in blk 1 , Bayless' third add. , $1,200. The pur chaser is u resident of Omaha. P. Lacy to Hattie A. Hav. lot 10 in blk 4. Regatta place , * 100. Mary Maloney to William Maloney , lot 1 in blk ; ) , Thompson's add. , * 450. Prank Cook to ,1. M and O. O. St. John , lot 7 in blk 10 , Beer's add. , NOO , Diamonds at Mrs. E , Burhorn's. Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. loan money Gold headed canes at E. Burhorn s Pobtolllco boxes for doors and posts a Odell Bryants , KM Main street. Christmas presents , Burhorn's , ! " Main You don't hivvo to buy Shoes to got a Dilemma at Adam's1 Fieo , An acceptable present at any lima < OomcMio sowing inauliino. Oillco 10" Main tt. Curtains For Christmas. Counei Bluffs Cnrpot Co. A Oty Scales Case. A city scales case has been recently de cided , which U of special interest here , as there has been much controversy about like questions In regard to city and private scales here , and the authority of the city council In the matter , The ca&o referred to arose In re gard to the Anita city scales. The Case was first heard by Jndo ; Loofbourow and then carried up to the mipreUio court , which has roveraed the doe'sUw ' of Judge Loofbourow. The supreme court heMs , in effect , that the/ city council bus a right to pass ami enforce an'ordlnuncf ! compelling all produce to bo weighed UKm [ thn city scales.1 In. this 'city the people have elected a city welghmastcr , but the .council has bcc-n , strangely inactive In J regard to so amending the ordinance as to protect him and the public. The city weigh- master Is deprived thereby of his merited income , the city treasury does not receive t ho percentage which It should have under the law , and the whole arrandcfflo'nt Is made a Rood deal of a farce. It has been urged that the city council did not have n great deal of authority In such matters , but it seems from this decision that It In wore of a lack of disposition thnu authority' . Sofa Pillow * for Christmas. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Hand glasses at co t. Mueller Music Co. Gold pens and pencils at E. Burhorn's. 30 bars of Pcisian soap , $1.00 , nt Troxell Bros , ' Pulling "Colton" Over Their Eyes. There Is BO truer fact than that the char acteristics of a man are known by the way ho docs business. Courtesy should be carried into business matters , but that all considera tion for the rights of others Is sometimes for gotten Is demonstrated In the following facts : There Is In this city a certain bankrupt stock of goods. Its real worth Is not deemed saMclcnt to recommend it to the public notice , und the owners have hired a number or "stecrcrs" whoso business it Is to secure purchasers. Yesterday these fellows \vero at work upon the street. Whenever they met a man who seemingly needed a coat or other article of wearing apparel they stopped him and tried to induce him to ticcomiuiny them to the store. They even went t.o far us to station themselves near the entrance of other clothing stores where they tnckclcd persons who were about to enter. Some of these appeals were successsul and In one In stance a customer was taken away from the very door of a store on Main street. The other merchants were not slow in under standing their plan of operations and an ap peal was made to the city solicitor. They weie told there was no legal remedy. One clothier declared he would hire a "lighting mini" to help him maintain his rights , That there exists great Indignation among the dealers is expressing it .iiildly. In conversa tion with a HUE man one of these "stcerors" said they had three of them here but they had nine in St.Joe , "and they keep things hot you bet. " What the outcome will be of this new style will appear later. One thousand head of one. two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Kncjuiro o A. J. Greenamayer , UU3 Myiibter st. telephone llll. Entire change in programme at Adams' . Call for "Dilemma' ' Free. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. Dentil of Mr-4. UV. . Wr.lrioti. Mrs. L. W. Welrieh died at the home of Irs. Maynard , No. 51(1 ( Washington avenue , iVedncsday night. She had besn ill for sev- : iid weeks , but not seriously , and in fact 1ms jccn up and about until Monday last. She , vas thought to be in a fair way for rccoverv iVhcn apoplexy came , causing unexpected enth. Mrs. Weirich was born in Washing- ion , Pa. , forty-nine years ago. She had been i resident of this city for about twenty years. Icr son , Kichurd Hawlings , is a well known imploye of the Globe ollice. He is the only ihlld of Mrs. Weiriclf s first husband , who lied in the service during the rebellion. Her econd husband , Louis Weirich , an old resi- Icnt of this city , died some two years or more , igo. The funeral services will be held to-dav it ! i o'clock from the residence where she died , Hev. Dr. Phclps olllciating. Fine mixed candies , llo per lb. , Troxell Bros. Beautiful dolls and doll buggies at Jost. Mueller Music Co. The electric tcwcr lights were started nt 2:45 : o'clock this inornmi ? . The company lad but sixteen globes on hand and these vero placed upon four of the towers. The : hanpo was very noticeable. More globes lave been ordered and as soon as they an ivo vill bo put in the place of the remaining antcrns. Rugs For Christmas. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Personal Paragraphs. Sheriff Palmer , of Montgomery county , is n the city. Miss Li/zio Leonard is visiting friends in Cleveland. M. I. Scars has gone to Davenport on a liolldny visit. Kcv. Mr. Rces went to Malvcrn to lecture there last evening. C. H. Holmes , of Magnolia , visited the Shifts yesterday. W. L. Butler , of Boonc , took in the bights of the city yesterday. J. A. Carstenson , of Walnut , was at the Kiel house yesterday. Mr. Tamasa , of Pacific Junction , was a caller in the city yesterday. W. II. Freeman , the Qakland banker , visited the city yesterday. A. E. Stcphcnson , of Davenport , was a visitor in the city yesterday. A. Campbell and wife , o'f Keg Crock , were guests of the Crcston yesterday. C. F. Jucobson , of Walnut , a cigar manu facturer , was in the city yesterday. Congressman Lyman will spend the holi days with friends in southern Illinois. A. M. Clayton and A. U. Scott , of Mace donia , were at the Crcston yesterday. J. U. Matthews , and G. W. Briggs and wife , of Taylor , were nt Kiel's yesterday. Miss Funny Teclc , of Tubor. la. , is visiting with the family of G. I-\ Butler , of this city. W. G. Moore and H. Bevlns , of SilverCity , were among these at the Kiel houho yester day. day.F. F. F. Deitchlcr , of Mineola , ono of the board of Mills county , was in the city yes terday. II. C. Branobs , ono of the most prominent farmers of Hancock , was in the Bluffs yes terday. George Antcncn has resigned his position as foreman of Foster's green houses und left for Denver. William Folcy , Anamqsa , and II. H. Pal mer , lied Oak , were registered at the Bech- telo yesterday. Ed Benton and wife , and Miss Underwood , her sister , were in the city yesterday doing shopping for the holidays. J. G. BristolDCS Mollies ; J. Butler , Mar ion ; S. C. Huff , Missouri Valley , wcro regis tered at the Paciilc yesterday. Mrs. Couch , wife oftho master mechanic of the Hock Island , left yesterday for a visit to Chicago Iriends , her daughter accompany ing her. W. D. Elmer nnd wife leave to-night for Davenport , where they will spend the holiday vacation visiting relatives and friends of llyo olden time. " Creston turned out n delegation of visitors to the Bluffs yesterday in the persons of B B. Smith , J. W. Ballrieh , John Hall and J. M Harrison , train agent of the Q. Detective Charley Price , of the Milwaukee railway , has como up from Kansas City for a holiday visit to his family , nnd will prepare to remove them to that city at an early date , D. Hoist , of the Kiel house , yesterday re eelved word that his little son , Karl , who i > with Mrs. Hoist in California , had beet taken down with the malarial fever. Mr Hoist telegraphed for later news us to the boj's condition , and if the reply is not favor able ho will start fftr California ut once. KING OF THE BAD MEN. Colored Men His Favorite Victims Various Exploits. St. Louis Republican : Uuquestion- ably , the king of the "bad" mon who infested the border wan James B. Iliekok belter known as "Wild Bill. " Pages and almost volumes- have been written about him , mostlv in a laudatory vciii While , undoubtedly , ho did fiOt inci-it near all of Ihcso Haltering lines , bill Ihcro was come cause for bounding his praises. Ho certainly was a decidci improvomeet on the generality of bor der "killers. " Ho was chivalrous , generous orous anil posscs'scd of many gcnlle manly insllncts , anil , had it not boon for his fondness for drinking , gambling and killing people , ho would have beun a desirable addillnn 16 any community. > . . Bo U said , to his honor , lhat , ho never harmed anyone but the thugs , outlaws atid "killers" with whonf ho comes in contact , ntul oftoii' , thun , in dufenco of self or a friend. At different times Wild Bill appeared at various Kansas ! towns that were then bully ridden , and almost invariably the authorities utllizod his abilities us a pletql wielder by appointing him mar- shi\r. Such was tjie cnso in the early days of Hays bpv , " Kmi.niufj'O'U , \ ' 1&07o JSG ! , Iio occupied" tills ollico so successfully that n great many ol the toughs left the town or were unable to do so by reason of having been the victim of differences between tbeuibe'U'cf ' and the city mar shal. In ISO ! ) Wild Bill was a candidate for the otllco of sheriff , but was defeated by Peter Lunuhun. This disgusted him bo much that ho loft Hays City no'cr to return. Soon after Wild Bill's depart- there was much need of his return. There turned up in HuybCity one of the most finished specimens of persoiiilled devilishness that ever cursed a border town with his murderous presence. This was Jim Curry , a desperado so thoroughly evil that he seemed abso lutely not to possef-s a hinglo redeeming quality. Unlike many "killers , ' ' ho did not confine his attentions to other things or persons who had opposed or injured him , but murdered , seemingly , for the pleasure of killing. No one was safe from his attacks , and. during his stay he created almost a reign of terror. Detailed accounts of his deeds of blood and outlawry would llll a volume of goodly size , but the render would turn from It , hick with horror , at the recital of his demoniacal depravity. Colored men were his favorite vic- ims. and ho killed several of them for 10 other reason than that they were iluck. Accounts differ as to how many legroes were murdered by him. the lumber being placed all the way from four to cli'ven. However , it is an established fact that ho threw the > odics into a rtl'y well , where they more than covered the bottom. It is1 said that 10 frequentlv boaitcd that he would . oinpleU'ly lill his "nigger well" if the iupply of colored men held out. A new-comer of the name of Brady ivas murdered by Curry'who cut his victim's head nearly oil witli a bowie- knife and threw the body into a box car. He fastened the door and it was uppo.-cd that ho expected the train that took the car would bear the body iiwtiy. It was removed , howo\er , and buried by friends. Curry was not interfered with for the cnson that no one cared to face almoit certain death by molesting him. Final ly , however , ciimo the crime that fully irou cd the law abiding citi/.ens to con- orted notion. While swaggering up he street , Curry mot a late comer in ho person of a linrmlivs. inotlensivu ioy of IV. EMes by name. The desper ado conimnnded him to hold up his linnds. and was promptly obeyed. Estes , knowing the devilish chili-actor of the nan , begged mo-t ( jiteously for his ife. but Curry only jeered at his ap- > cals. Then. placing his revolver to ho boyV breast , he shot him ilcnd , and , stepping over the body , continued his way up the street. While the thoroughly enraged ' itizens were organizing to put an end 'or good mid all to the murderer. Curry quietly decamped , A month later ho was found in a gully lOOmilesaway with : i bullet through his head. His slayer was never known , bill it was generally believed that a relative of one of his victims followed and wreaked vcngc- incc upon him. While the vigilantes failed to get Jim * Curry , they succeeded in accom plishing a great deal of good by pro tecting the better class of citizens when the law was unable to do so. The worst riminals were given a "short shift and a long rope. " or escaped , never to rc- ttru. Many of the less advanced cases of criminality were simply "run out" and solemnly warned never to visit Hays City again. It Is almost needless to add that the warning was heeded in : ill cases , backed as it was by ready re volvers and an abundance oj rope. The rule of the vigilantes lasted ulittle over a year , and , then , becoming lax , the toughs gained the ascendency. This reign of terror covered a period of about two years , and then waned as the long-dormant power of the law began to assert itself. Although bathed in blood , as was Hays City in its infancy , to-day there is not a town in Kansas that bus a more law-abiding , intelligent class of citizens. Coughs nnd colds come uninvited , but/ you can quickly get rid of these with a few doses of Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. Swindled By a Girl. There is a young business man at Milford - ford , N. H. , mourning the loss of $ liOO and a promised wife. Ho has a com panion in misery mourning for the' same pair of trump1 * , in ox-Parson Mur ray's homo in Burlington , Vt. Neither ever saw the object of his affections , and neither expects to se his cash again. The Milford man is a pleasant-faced young man of about twenty-six years , in business with relatives on Union strect _ , and more than comfortably well off in this world's goods. A sample copy of a small matrimonial sheet called the Heart and Hand fell into the hands of this susceptible Milford man four months since. Ho read those "ads. " setting forth in glowing terms the many prizes to bo drawn by the e matrimoni ally inclined. One in particular struck him. WANTED Mate correspondent ; object , mat rimony ; nil ] , healthy , plump , cheerful , called handsome , and would inuku loving \\lfo ; American only. 1,11.LVMOXTGOMUUV , letter box , New York city. It was short , to the point , and as a business man ho admired it. So did u retail clothier in Burling ton. ton.Both Both mon enclosed their business cards as proof that they were acting in the best of faith , and photographs of the loving Lilly wore asked in return. A gushing letter was received by each in a few days , enclosed in which wore finely finished card photographs of a haiuiFome young lady. It has since been learned that the one the Milford man received was one of Ullio Aker- btrom , the actress. The Milford man and the Burlington coat litter were alike charmed with the cardboard vision of grace , modesty and beauty , and opened ut once a lively correspondence "with a view to matrimony. " Things went on swimmingly for a few weeks. The letters were filled with love , and the cheerful Lilly was teen the prom ibcd wife of both , Then blowly.she began to put in hints of her poverty , of her being unable to come to her darling for want of cash. "It wounds my pride to bpeak of it , rtQU ? , " she wrote , "but wo will hide nothing from each other , " At last , in the cheery days of October , bho asked her future husbands ho of Burlington , Vt. , and he of Milford , N. II. to send her a small check so that she could bury her head in his loving bosom. At once $160 of retail clothing profit was whirled down to her in her metropolitan homo , but Mjlford raised him S50 , and iiOO went to fit out his bride. Nol a word have they heard from hoi since. Neither has her head been buried in their loving bosoms to date. The Now Hampshire man waited a month , and then opened a correspond ence with the maunder of. the private bureau in Now York. He didn't get much consolation , but lie succeeded in learning that ho had been duped , but not alone. A letter of inquiry about the f-amo fascinating young lady had been received from the Vermont man , and iho manager forwarded it to let him enow how ho had l > een duped. Neither young man will again approach matri- nony in this way. SPEC1ALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. QPKrt AIi advertisements , Riich as Io < tFound , C ? To Ixmn , For S leTo Itent , Wants , Hoarding , cte. , will lie Inserted In this column at the low rateofTFN CKNTS 1'KIl MNKfor the Hrst In- tertlcm nml Five Cents 1'er Line for each sub'e- quent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our office No. 13 Pearl Street , near llroiulnny , Coun cil muffs , Iowa. WANTS. WANTKD A competent girl for general housework. Apply to ( llfi Willow au-imc. STHAYKn-Young roll , dark bar. Finder re- warded. Hans Anderson , Ibll B. llth BU , Council IllulTs. H HUNT House of H rooms , ( lood loca- tlon. Inuulro W. T. Cole , fiiK I'cnrl st FOIt HKNT Tin- large hull. Mlx.14. lighted by eight windows und suitable for laigo uni ces or club rooms. Directly over Hulls' Cull- fornla fruit store. 1U 1'enrl st. Horace Kvcrett. "YANTI1) ! 1'irht class gardener , without , to work ' capital extensive pii'deii on eM. rift class chance. Address Joseph -inltli , Council llluffn , la. JT'XCIIANCIK Omaha and Council Illullsprop- - eity imd western laud for stocks of mcr- . . . . . Call on or addreis J. 11. Chrlbtlan , 1 > 'M llioadway , Council HHills , In. f OH SAM5 Oil KXCHANdK-Kciulty of 1' } X1 .shares In Jeffries syndicate. Inquire of Ihlell llros. \ Co. TJ'OK SAIiK Very cheap for cash , or would E exelmnge for Council Illulfs or Omalia prop erty , a retal stock of boots and shoes valued at about SIKD ( ) . Call at store. No. MW llroadway. or addicts H. Martin , samu number , Council Illutrs , la. FOU SALE Second-hand Columbia bicycle very ihenp , tiMnch , at Ituo ollice. BUH.DINCi lots and acre property for sale by F.J. Day , 39 Pearl st. RARE CHANGE ! MUST BE SOLD ! The desliable residence or tmslnos property known us the Powers I'luce , on t'jiper llrouil- way opposite the M. K. church , will positively lie soiif within the next thlity days. Terms : One-third cu-h , balance In one. nnd two years. Addles bids to toGEORCE R BEARD Omnlm , Neb. , KI17 nnd 1J1D Douglas St. FURNITURE ! We are now prepared for the HOLIDAY TRADE ! Our immense buildings are packed full of the most BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT GOODS In our line , anil at prices that will defy com petition. We guarantee our Keels _ to bo Just as wo represent them. Please give us a call whether you wish to buy or not , and brim ? your friends with you. It is no trouble to show our ( ; oods. Ketpeetfully , C. A. BEEBE & CO. DHMcOANELD > CO , , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Morket Prices. Prompt Returns. 20 nnd K2 Slalu Stieet.Council Illuffsjowa. Star Stables and Mule Yards Uroadwny , Council Illuffs , Opp. Dummy Depot. Horses and mnlcs constantly on hand , for suit * at retail or In car load lots. Orders promptly filled by contract onsliort notice. Stock sold on commission. Tcli-plimie IH. SCHUJTEIl & IllUEV. Ul > i > oiltu Dummy Depot , Council Ulutfs. - GREAT DISCOUNT SALE OF 2O PER CENT OX HATS AND GAPS FOR GASH. 15H DOUGLAS STREET. - - - OMAHA. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! BTANDAUD , UNOIili HULE fl. WADE GARY , - Conncil Bluffs , IF YOU GO TO MISSOURI VALLEY STOP AT THE St , ELMO HOTEL ! Sample Rooms Attached. W. D , IRWIN , Prop. WM. WELCH , aod Express Line , OFFICE OIK SOUTH MAIN MT. . . ' . Telephone No. ft ) . AIV calls from District Telegraph . Onico promptly attended to. , . IT WOULD TAKE MORE ROOM THAN ALL THE NEWSPAPERS IN THE CITY TO REPRESENT IN PRINT HENRY EISEMAN & CO.'S GRAND HOLIDAY STOCK ! But it is well known that our house contains such a multitude of items that it is impossible to name them , nor could the papers make space to enumerate the articles now on exhibition. Kueh and every one of our departments will offer thousands of useful and ornamental things SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS ! We have made every ofl'ort to place on sale the most ntlraetivo and useful good * at the lowest possible prices , and we invite inspection and comparison. Special Handkerchief sale this week at A5c. . lOe. 15c , ioe , up to $10. Kach and all go at about half price. Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufllors in largo variety. Laces , Kmbroiilcries , Fichues , Lace Collars. Kid and Fabric Gloves. All must go at this great wile. Clonks. Suits , Wraps , Gentlemen's Dreeing Gowns and Smoking.lackets. Ladle's .Slumber IJobes1 , Japanese Smoking Jackets all Sil ! < and Quilted at $5 , iti , $7.60 to $10. Kueh a very suitable present from a lady to n gen tleman. Special bargains in our Art goods de partment. Stamped Linens , Knit goods. Underwear. F.vorything must be sold tliis week. " Come to the People's store first and see what wo can do for you. We know wo have the goods and that our prices will save you money every time. With every ? 2 purehn u you will re ceive a ticket for one clianco in our 100 grand free presents. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AT TENTION. HENRY EISEMAN & CO. , 'S ' 314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : : IOWA. DO YOU INTEND TO BUY OIE3 SO , S IS PIANOS Tnr. FUI.I.KST. HIGHEST Toxn. OuiiANS SMOOTH IN Tovr. PIANOS TIIK IJATKST STYLUS IN OSKS. OlKUNS-Kl'l.l. IN VflMIMK. PIANOS TIIK MOST UKAIITIKUL FI.NIMI. UIIU1NH Kl.KtUNTI.Y I'lMhllKD CtSES. I-O WEIR. E3VER- We Defy All Competition and Challenge a Compurlaon of Guodu and I'rlccy With Any House In iho AVcst. SEE US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE ! SWANSONlJUsiTcOMPANY , 329 WEST BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . - IOWA. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HTTP Ifl ? Attorney-at-Law , Second Floor Brown DUIUlD , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 0/lTITJP 7 Ju"stico of the Peace. Office over American , OVJflUUZJj Express , No. J19 liroadwny , Coimcil'Bluffs , Iowa. CTAMU J& QTMQ Attorneys at-Law , practice in the State 01UHD Ot OllUO , and Federal Courts. Office Rooms 7 and 8 , Slmgart Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. EO DIpWDTf Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , , 0. DmUlDll , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. DRS. WOODBURY & SONS , FINK GOLD WOHK A SrKciAi/rv. CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es- capo. Eloctrlo Cell Bolls. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable , MAX MOHN , Proprietor. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS UUIlroodwuy Council JlliilTn , loua. I' 1M7. OGDEN BOILER WORKS C'AHTKU ASUX , I'rt'l ' * Manufacturer * of | All Kinds of Sttam Boilers & S/ieel Iron Work , . | Orders by mall for repair * promptly attended ' I to. yuU.ifaUlon gnunintevil. lUtll Avenue. Ad. Uros UL'Jtn Jjullcr Work ! . Council liluff * , lawv