Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Bulfor , of "Miller & Bulfer , " Loan
Agents , Discovered.
An Open Switch on Ilin Union Pacific
IjcmlH to Fireman IlnKgcrty'H
Death Court Doings Other
* Local NCWH.
Hulfer DlseoVerecl.
Tlio Hir. : of ycstordny rontiilncil nn expose
of the peculiar ilnunclHl scheme of Miller ,
Uulfcr k Co. , by which It was prn | > oscd to
loan money to parties needing the same upon
individual mid unsecured notes , the only con-
dltlon prescribed being the udvunreniont of a
commission of two per cent to the firm ubovo
mentioned. The headquarters of the agency
was located In room No. 8 , 1515 Douglas
street , but it was stated that nonoof the re-
RIKHislblo purtlen could bo found there , mid
in fact , it WUB not known who they were.
The Ben was not many 'minutes
on the street before the cjunlor
member of the philanthropic linn was dis
covered. A short tlmo later ho made u state
ment. Ho was u clerk , ho said , In Frieder-
Ickscn's store on Thirteenth street , and Ills
name was Philip Uulfer. Ho had read the
expose In the lii ! : : uiicl was surprised that It
referred to his name and the room ho has
born occupying for n couple of mouths past.
Ilu could not understand how his nnmo was
used In the scheme , and ho did not know who
the man Miller was whose nutiic appeared as
the senior member L of the firm. Ho
had not had the circular Issued and
did not know who had gotten It outumlcould
not understand why any person should lisa
his nmnu in such connection , and especially
locate the headquarters in his apartments.
Ho was asked if he knew any party named
Miller. "Yes , " hu said , "there is a man of
that name working in Frlertorickson's , but
he has had nothing to do with this matter , at
least ho has hud nothing to do with me in it.
It is simply a coincidence that this circular
should have the name on it of n man who is
working in the same store with mo. They
might have put on the name of Smith or
Jones , or HOIIIU other person , us well as
Miller , for anything ho or I know about this
matter. "
Mr. Hulfcr denounced the schcmo and
claimed that the only way ho could explain
the issuance of the circular was the spite
work of a nmn living in Marshalltown , Ja. ,
with whom hu had had a laud deal up in Holt
county , In this state , in which Uulfcr had
made , ho claimed , about $1,000. The deal
hud so Incensed the other party thathe.sworo
to bo revenged.
Mr. Hulfer said that ho had received four
lottars from Colorado in response to the cir
cular , u copy of which was published by the
BEK. but tliose letters ho did not receive , ho
claimed , until after the expose had appeared
in this paper. These ho found under a mat
which lay inside the door. Ho
also admitted that thrco letters
had been received from his
wlfo and nil of these although they had been
inserted under the door by the letter carrier ,
as had been the others , singularly enough
wcro found qii top of the mat. Mr. Bulfer
could not explain how the latter missives had
gotten on top of the mat while the others
went beneath. Neither could he understand
or explain how the latter should have ro-
innincd so long without being discovered.
A HUB reporter called to see Mr. Uulfcr
nt his place of business yesterday by ap
pointment , but the latter had cone to dinner.
His employer told the reporter that Mr. Hul
fer had said ho had not received any letters
at all in response to the swindling circular.
This statement was corroborated by Mr.
Miller and a traveling salesman named Jur-
gciihcn. The last mentioned and the scribe
then went to Uulfcr's room and after several
knocks the door was opened by Uulfer. He
then showed the party the letters ho had re
ceived. Two of them wcro written In busi
ness hands , and the third was type-written ,
One was from John H. Hacon , Colorado
Springs , Col. , and bore date of the
17th inst. Tills asked for n loan
of fJ.OOO. Tlio second was from Andrews &
Chambers of Louisville , Col. , who also de
sired a ftt,000 loan. Tlio third was from S.
Hunchett , Empire. Col. , and asked for u
loan of 5,000. All of these letters were
written in excellent style , and each asked fov
references regarding the loan agents , each
declining to bite with their commission until
the reliability of the Hulfcr outllt could be
established. All thcso were in response to u
circular dated December 7. ,
Mr. Hulfor's wife had gone , the
gentleman admitted , as claimed
in the Hun , to Colorndr
Ho also admitted tlmt her going to the state
in which thcso circulars wcro Hying around
\vns an unfortuuuto coincidence , out hi
claimed n Tact that she had gone there be
cause she was ufllictcd with asthma.
If any moro loiters addressed to Miller
Hulfcr & Co. , arrive in this city they will hi
solved by the postoftlco oftlcials and returnei
to the writers.
AiulJCIrcinnn HiiKtjerty Moots with i
Painful Death.
M. C. Hnggerty , the tlrcmim in the Unioi
Pacific yards at South Omaha , who was fright
fully crushed by the cars , died ycsterda ,
morning at 5 o'clock. Ho leaves a wife u
iWJ North Eleventh street. Haggaity's engine
gino had backed on to Swift's switch , and
switchman named Lilly had neglected ti
close the switch connecting with th
main lino. Frolght train No. a
coming cast dashed off the main track down 01
the switch engine. The men in botli engines
with the execution of Haggnrty , who wii
coaling at the time , saw the danger , jumpc
mid saved themselves. Haggarty was cruslic
between the engine amVtendcr. Tlio remain
were brought to Hurkott's , on
will probably bo buried in Klkhorn , Wh
Tlio switchman Lilly , who was the cause n
the accident , has not been been since the en
AM ) HAlt.
The United States Court.
Sl'IT ON' A 110X11.
The ca o of Halsteatl vs Aliller , a suit on
boinl , whcrcin.tlio dcfouso elainiH that ono c
thn sureties nnincd in the bill of particular
ilkl not blgu tlio bond.
ix i-AVoii or TIIK i't.\iXTiri- .
The Jury in the case ofV. . W. .
tlio Union Pui'illo railroad company fit
$ i"itHK ) daiiitiKOS , for injuries sustained b
falling olt u humli'ur , rutircd yestonlay nn
about 4 :1'0 : p. m. tliuy eamo in with u voi-illi
for $ ) , ? 5-J.50 in favor of the plaintirf.
Dlhtrlut Court.
Tlio nnjuincnt on tlio motion for a no1
trial in tlio Sam Stevenson rape case wi
begun yestenlay before Juilgo CiiotT. M
Shiohls iippcnrctl for the prisoner and Messi
Simenil and OITul for the state. Judge lro !
took the nrguniuuts and motions under coi
sidenition , nnd may possibly render his il
cisiou to-day.
Charles D. Wuoihvorth , iepro > oiitliig L ,
fayctto Cot trlii , brought suit against the cit
of Omaha yesterday to recover damages 1
the bum of M,0."iO for thu uppropriutiuu i
lands for public purposes.
James A. Harvey brings suit against tl
city in tlio sum of K > 4 for diimugo done h
hor&o , bugpy and harness through thu dllaii
tinted condition of Ohio stiect near Thirt ;
sixth street.
nofiii.i : IIKVMXO Mosr. .
Messrs. ICahn , Sehocnbrum i Co. , in the Hied against Moses Levy and othois , u
lego that they eold Moses goods to the atnoui
of * 1EH ) , Uton [ which they took a mortgag
When tlio mortgage fell duo Mnses rcfusi
to pay it. and investigation proved that I
Imd mortgaged the pronerty to others. Tl
K plaintiffs iiray for Judgment In the sum i
11 , ! ) * ) .
Lutltlu Flynn In her petition for a ill von
from her husband William P. Klynn , so
forth that ho has dlsieRauled his duties us
husband end has cruelly misused her. On tl
81 utility of Mtin-h , ISM ) , William ilrow a pi
( ol on her and bioko up the furniture.
County Court.
JuJgo AtcCullooh yesterday grautcil tl
following ! IlosonbcrR vs Uuraburg , verdi
not Bullly ; John Mltcliel ct al. vs Mi 1
Dyer ct nl. , Judgment of Jtt for nlati
h '
tiff ; John Mitchell ctnl. vs Lo Roy Maync (
judgment of fW.t'iO for plaintiff.
A. W. L. Woodland brought nn action
nguinst Jnmes H. Patterson to recover
on n promissory note given by Patterson.
.Tudgo McCullooh yesterday probated the
will of Charles Kcssurman.
John Larccn , James Heddy , Tim Kccfonnd
W.E. BelldrunVfrom , , two to ten days In Jail.
William Olusilc , Mark Hlngham , William
Islander and John Mulonc , vagrants , ten ,
eleven , twelve and thirteen days respect
ively. Louis Barton , suspicious character ,
held. _
Ten Thonfinnil Sold In Oinnlin Since
December 1.
Among.tho most important consignments
received by Omaha commission men during
thcjiionthof December are the car loads of
Christmas tiees shipped fiom Pennsylvania
and Wisconsin , nnd dtliingtlic pi csent month
at least 10,000 have been sold in this market.
Tha shapely tret's of green range In hclglrt
from six feet to twi'iijy-four fcctnnd , in pnco
from ? 1 to $25. A largo consignment was ro-
ct'ivcd til is morning , nnd the walks in front
of nearly every commisslou house in the city
appeared like miniature hemlock forests. Big
wagons wcro loaded ut each place prepara
tory to distributing the trees among retail
dealers , nnd express wagons were busy de
livering Individual purchases.
Hcsldo the trees a vast amount of holly
.ml running pine has been received for in-
erior decorating flurposes. A small amount
if mistletoe 1ms reached this market from
England and sells at u high price. A small
junehoftho latter brings Me , while boughs
f this leaf of tradition arc eagerly purchased
t fiom W to . * . " } . The mistletoe comes in bales
nd its pale white fruit is simply beautiful.
An arrangement of holly and mistletoe is
isplayed in tlio window of u prominent tlor-
st nnd the green leaves , together with the
vhitc nnd red berries makes a handsome
ombination. The holly eomcs mainly from
Holland and is nearly as expense as the mis-
' letoc.
American pines. Junipers , hemlock ami
pruco boughs nro also in great demand.
California sprigs are sold in large quantities
t $ 'J per hundred. Tlio Norway pines which
nuke the llnest Christmas trees being as high
.s 1 1 each. The profit in tlio goods is large.
School HiitcrtnliiincntH.
Kxtciisivc preparations are being inndu by
ho teachers nnd pupils of several of the
ichools for entertainments Friday afternoon
.ppropriato to the Christinas holidays. ' The
ittio folks never fail to render a pleasing
irogrammo on such occasions nnd a good nt-
.ciulanco will bo appreciated by the young
I7.AUI ) PCHOOI- . „
Friday aftcrnnon the pupils of the Seventh
nnd Eighth grades of the Iznrd school will
give n Whittier and Longfellow programme ,
beginning ut o'clock. The programme has
been caiefully arranged , the young folks
skillfully drilled and those who attend may
jxpcet an enjoyable exercise. The following
is the programme :
Music He Joyful . . . ' . .
'Tlio lllessing of the Poets , " .
. David Traill
Music In tlicUaikness .
Quotations from Whitticr .
Uiogr.-tpli v of Whlttlcr . Helen Moore
Music My Four Friends .
" { ecitution The Poet and the Children . .
. Christine Hello
Biography of Longfellow .
. . . Lilian Chnmpcnoy
Christmas Carol .
-uot ations from Longfellow .
Ucoitation Tlio Two Habbis .
Eloise Everts
Music Summer's Going .
Itceitntlon At School Close .
Li/.ie Shields
Kccltntlon The Three Hells .
Oscar Englcr
Duct and Chorus Memories .
Margaret Shields and Pearl Uilan
Items of Interest .
Music Kitchen Floor .
A .Difference of Opinion Whittier vs
Longfellow .
. Eugene Hell and Margaret Thomas
Recitation Launch of the Ship .
. Hcrtha Newman
Duet The World is Full of Heauty .
. .Margeret Shields and Charles Morison
Quotations About Longfellow .
He-citation Uarbara'Freitchio .
Uy Bessie Skinner
Mimic Evening Bells .
Quotations About Whittier .
Hecitations Paul Uovcro's Kido .
, . Amy Robinson
Music Good Night .
The nuni'M Christmas entertainment of St.
Philomena's school will take place' Friday
afternoon , December 2H"nt 3 o'clock. On
this occasion tlio many friends of Santa
Claus will have an opportunity to receive a
personal greeting from the famous old gentle
man , the charming Frost Queen and the
terrible Storm King. All this may bo seen
in the plav entitled "A Visit to the Homo ol
Santa Clanby the pupils of St. Philo-
menu's school. " This play was written
especially for the pupils of this school.
The spectacular features of the play are ex
celleut. These will display the homo ol
Santa , a steam cars over the H. &
M. railroad. Tlio Omalia Hun and other itn
portant publications will bo represented in i
novel and ingenious manner. The entire pro
gramme has been arranged with a view It
presenting somutliing meritorious through
Hdrii > .vv HLO.SSOMS.
The 1'i-lros nt AVlilch Flowers Arc
Selling For In the City.
Among the moro expensive luxuries ot tin
Christmas season me thu cut liower.s. Singli
roses of the Magna Chnrta and Jacquenino
bpocica are totalling at from $1 to $1. SO. A
this price $100 can easily be spout In tabli
decor ut Ions , and in case of nn cxtraordmar ;
fete , where blossoms arc scattered through
out the iliffi'iont upiutmenth , $1,000 does no
show for yery much.
A piomineiit liorisl estimates tlmt t'JOO.OW '
is annually spout , iit Omaha for llower
alone. The two heaviest Items ere for funeral
oral and wedding pieces , in recent year
household decoiations liavc become gcni'i-al
indicating tlio steiuly growth ot tetincd am
irsthetir ta tcs.
Following are the retail prices now qucitei
in tlio principal stoicb for roses , but the ;
are liable to run much higher by New Years
Jacqueminot , deep red , f 10 to $ \ " per do/en
Magnn Chaita , dclii-nto pink , $10 to Sl'-i pe
do/i'ii ; bride , pure \\hito , sfl .SO jier do/en
pui itaul SO per do/en ; La France , $1 SO po
do/en ; Calhcriiio Mennet , 10 cents to t
cents per dozen ,
Violets bring SI..V ) per hundred : mignonott
and carnatinns , UO cents per diucn , and hyu
ciuths * ! . " . ' > jx > r dozen sprays. Callas ( i
gorgeous typo can bo had at from * : i to * l th
doziMi. Hermuda lilies , which are inucl
lai'iser bring SO cents eacli or si ! a dozen.
A New > luil Itnuto.
Anew mail mute will begin on or abou
December . u will bo known as. route Nc
JM.OISi , amiill bo established on tlio Hurl
Inclim kc Missouri nillroacl in this stati
Service will bo from Central City via Archei
and fi-om Palmer , St. Paul and Loup City t
Arcadia , The longest distance is ninet.v
seven miles. Thorn will bo an iutei
change uf mulls once dully.
Prickly Ash Bitters warm up nnd in
vjgorato tlio stomach , improves am
btruntrthcns the digest ! vu orjjnns , open
the pored , promotes prespinition , am
equuliy.os tlio circulation. As a correu
tor of disordered hyatom thei'ii is noth
li\S to equal it.
Cooroloii in Ireland.
DLIII.IN , Dec. 'il. Editor Hoop , followln
O'Hrion's example , refuses to wear priso
clothes and remains in bed day and night.
Gi-litltli'h Fiinoi-al.
James Grinitii will bo buried from his lat
residence on Uodgo street at 2 o'clocH thi
afternoon with Ma- > ono ! lionors. Tlio Cai
pentors unltm , of which Mr , Griffiths was
beloved member , Will attend In u body , meql
lug at their hull on Fourteenth btrcctut
Internal Ituvciiuo Collections.
Ycsteiday'htho inU'riutl rorcnuocpllectloii
for Nobnuka ntid DaUotftamountc4 t
118,001.10.- " ' " - . , . *
Continental Clothing House
Freeland , Loomis & Co. OMBAOSATON
_ . . NEW YORK
Proprietors ; DES MOINES
We are now Showing in our Custom Department , on the second floor of our establishment
Finest Foreign Woolens and Trimmings of Our
Own Direct Importation.
From which we are prepared to make at very reasonable prices , the fin
est grade of custom garments of every description to order.
Our facilities for importing large lines of the Finest Fabrics from the most noted foreign manufac
TASTE , who appreciate rich and elegant fabrics , embracing ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES from
the fashionable trade centers of Europe.
We are fully and completely organized now in our Custom Manufac
turing Department.
All under the charge of Mr. C. C. Smith , who will superintend the cutting and making of all our cus
torn garmenrts. We have a corps of the most efficient workmen to be obtained in the country , whose
utmost skill and attention will be given to every order intrusted to them , and we can , with confidence
guarantee a class of fine custom-made work in this department unsurpassed west of New York.
We invite the careful inspection of our stock which is now open for examination in this department
and will send samples for examination , to any address upon application , with estimates of cost.
Prompt Deliveries and Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Corner of Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River
Hu Languishes in Durance With a
Combination ofCharges lo Answer.
H. AV. Buck , who was arrested a day or
two since , has had a combination of charges
preferred against him. First conies L. A.
Black , cigar dealer ut 2407K Cuming street ,
who swears that ho not only embezzled goods
from him to the extent of $80 , but ho robbed
him outright of $40 more. Then .lens Han
son , the merchant tailor , follows
this up with n charge of ob
taining goods under false pretenses.
He says Buck boat him out of a & 4. > suit of
clothes by representing that ho was a partner
in Dlnc-h's Cuming street cigar storo. And
S'ct this is not all. Black further alleges that
] Juck , while in his employ as city .salesman ,
reported on biindry occasions that lie had cer
tain orders for cigars , and as the dealers
wfcro right on his daily route of travel he
would deliver them himself and save the linn
both expense and trouble. For these orders
lie never made any return and when ques
tioned relative thereto , ho evaded dciinito
reply , until at last ho was charged with hav
ing collected the money for these goods and
appropriated the same to his own use.
Dieuold Safes.
Call and sco the larpjo stock Meas
lier & IJenuh , Gcn'l Ajft's. Iwvq on hand
at M15 Furnnm st. , Omuhii.
A Mysterious Crook.
John Dichlarrested Tuesday nightns asus-
plcious character by CnpCaln Giecn and Ser
geant MoStyn , is piohahly a better catch
than was at ilrst supposed. He has been clos
eted most of the day with the thief of police ,
and the opinion about the station is that ho
is a well known crook , and a man wanted for
a notorious forgery. Dichl is.a very slncwd ,
but misterlous fellow.- '
A Merry Clirinlinas.
The Clii'iplmus bouvonirs prepared by
Uio passcnpror department of the Chicago
cage it Northwestern railway company ,
for their friends , the press reprcsentif *
lives anil ticket agents , iiro worthy of
more than pas-sing mention. They arc
Imndbonic , htcol engravings of high ar
tistic merit. The handsome dogs can
not fail to receive a cordial\\elcomo ,
whether in maiden's bower or coxy bach
elor's retreat. The souvenirs will fulfill
their double mission , noting the passage
of each day and perpetuating the senti
ments of cordial esteem mutually exist
ing between the great Northwestern
and its multitude of friendb and patrons.
A Pointer.
To the Editor of thoDr.n : Two years ago
nearly every ono said that business could
never climb the Farnain street hill. To-day
the "hill" is being "climbed" with the very
ilne-t business blocks in the city. A year ago
we advertised that the beat retail houses in
Omaha would , in less than live years bo on
Farnum between Sixteenth and Twenty-
third streets. Wo ui u now moro convinced
of this thnn ever , and property between
Twentieth and Twenty-third streets at j-,150
and -HOO per foot is "dirt" cheap. In Kansas
City reality on the best business streets , as
far out as the Farnam street school house , is
hold at * l'tx ) ami $1,500 per foot. A gentle
man idoiiliiled with Omaha was ottered
i'JO.OOO 00 for seventy-two feet that far out.
M. A. Ul'TO.v.
The Missouri Pacific railway will sell
holiday tickets at ono fare for the round
trip , good for return until January ! ! d.
Two daily trains to Nebraska City , Atchison -
chison , Leavenworth , Kansas City and
St. Louis without change. Free reclin
ing chair cars on all trains. Tickets
will bo on sale December 23,114 , 25 , Uti ,
80 , 81 , January 1 and 2 , good to return
until January 3.
Not Ho Green us Ho Looks.
H , I ) . Wallace , the man who has been con-
soiling with counterfeiters , if ho has -
been actually engaged iiv thom" " " °
-"flwturo ° <
tUo "queer , " Is sUU held . - - " "
, * + at Ui
tors. It is the opinion of the chief and other
competent judges of crooks and thieves that
Wallace is not as green as ho pretends to be {
and he will bo detained until his antecedents
and history can bo thoroughly looked into. Q
Triangle lodge 64 , K. P. All mem
bers of Triangle 64 are specially re
quested to attend Thursday evening.
Business of importance. By order of
J. T. DAILEY , C. C.
Destined fur Ft. Madison.
Frank Quirk , the man wha is charged with
having "eonfidenced,1 William Pollcnz out of
S100 at Council Bluffs on Sunday last , was
turned over to the authorities from the latter
city yesterday. Chief Mullen of the
Hluffs , s-ays the case against him is Indisput
able , and ho is good Jor a term at Ft. Mad
Ice plows , markers , hooks , longs.saws ,
etc. , ut James Merion & Son's , 111) ) S.
15th st.solo agents for Wood's ieo tools.
Send for catalogue.
A Small Blaze.
An alarm of lire was sounded from box 01
at half-past 0 yesterday morning. It was occa
sioned by the discovery of a small blaze in
the roof of the shed in the rear of Mrs.
Scholl's restaurant , corner Sixteenth street
and Capitol avenue. It originated from a de
fective Hue. The loss was small.
Seidcnberg's Figaro , the only lOc
cigar for oc. Able your dealer for them.
Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot.
licensed t AVod.
The following marriage licenses were
granted by Judge McCulioch yesterday :
Name und residence. , Airo
( Charles Hanson , Omaha "
j Helmia Holsten , Omaha 24
j Fred Halm , Omaha : ! 0
1 ICatie Stcflen , Omaha -24
j Frank T. Wood , Fall-Held , Neb ! I3
| Alice Keller , Omaha ' , ' 1
( Richard Hice , Omaha 23
1 Uuima Murphy , Omaha 23 ,
Via Chicago ft Northwestern lly.
On Deeoinbor ° . .4li2Gil : tvnd Jiuuitu-y
1 nnd li the Chicago & Northwestern
railway will sell round trip tickets ut
halt faro to all points on their Illinois
and Iowa lines , good till January od.
Full purtieularfi at their ticket ollice ,
1411 Furmim street.
General Western Agent.
Tlio Work llngim Ycste.idny How
it AVnH Done Knthiislastio Spectators
The laying of the cable on the Dodge street
line began yesterday. Nine teams were
engaged also several men , under the orders
of Superintendent Tucker. The huge spool
on which was wound tlio cable had been
propped up at Tenth and Lcavcnwoi th
streets , uud the shaft was supported by
grooved iron Jacks. Shortly after 9 o'clock
ono of thn now grip cars was hauled down to
near this point , where nlno teams in the
charge of as many drivers were In waiting.
There was also u largo crowd of curious people
ple present.
Tlio cable was partially unwound and the
end of it placed In the tube Just above the
switch. Tlio grip car was then run down
directly over It , mid at the llrst effort gained
a tlrm hold on the cable. The horses wcro
then attached to the car and at the word
started off easily , while the largo crowd of
spectators sent up n cheer Urn' could have
been heard u hnlliuile away. The cable was
rapidly unwound and . without
much effort on the part of the horses ,
The first stop was made at V e turn at tlio
corner of Dodge and T-ntll streets. Hero
' hnd ' " th ° tunlll" ?
milbU n . 1 < ror.tn5f point on nothing occurred
j ot noto. A very largo number of
iieoplo followed the grip car uud were enthu
siastic in the Interest taken by-thorn.
The new lines will undoubtedly bo th op
eration by Monday next and possibly before.
The intense cold weather is telling on the
railroads m and out of the city , and trains
tire running clear off of time. Yesterday
trains east and west over the Union Pacific
were from three to live hours late , and the
Burlington from one to two hours behind the
regular schedule.
W. C. Brown , superintendent of the Iowa
division of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy
railroad , and M. M. Marshal , the company's
general agent nt Council Bluffs , were calling
on General Passenger Agent Eustis yester
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never vanes. A mardct of puri
ty , strength and w holesomeness. iloro econom
ical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be
bold In competition with the multitude of low
coht , short weight alnm or phosphate powders.
Sold onlv In cans. Itoyai llaklng Powder Co. ,
120. Wall St. , New York
Or the Llonor Ilaltlt , 1'osltircly Cureilby
Ailmlnistcrliii ' Dr. llaines' ( ioUkn
utt It can he given In a cup of coffee or tea wltho
( -the knowledge of the person taking It ; nbsolut
( lly harmless , and will ellert u puniinnent an
( speedy cure , whether the patient Is a modcrat
fill Inker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands o
drunkards have been made temperate men who
have taken Golden Speclllc in their colleu with
out their knowledge and to-day believe they quit
drinking of their own flee will. IT NRvKIt
1'AI LS. The system once impregnated with the
Speclllc , It becomes an utter impossibility for
the liquor appetite to exist. For hale by Kuhn
& Co. , 16th und Douglas st . and 18th and Cum
ing ! > ts. , Omaha , Neb. ; A. 1) . Foster li liio. ,
Council lllulls , In.
tlim ,
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - OOOOO
11 VT. YATr , PresldciitT"
J.twis 8. IttKii , Vice-President.
A. E. TOLVALIN , 2d VIce-Presldent.
W. U.S. IK-uiiEK , Cashier
A. K. Tou/.AUlN.
Cor. 12th ami Knrnam ffta.
A General Hanking Hu liiL.s Truu uctcd.
. ,
uue.iici > , > t rvoiiiDebllU }
ttuouuU urrum unU bud pmcllcu * CURE
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
N , W. Corner 13th and Bodge Streets ,
Braces , ABpliancBsMeforaitiosJi Trusses
Itcst racllltlevnpparntiisand rciuiMllcs for > ucrp -
fnl trciitment of every lorni uf dl > ensu miulrini ; .Mod-
leal or biirKlcal Treatment.
Koity new rooms lor patients ; best ) io | Itnl accom
modation * In tlio west.
Want , tuiiCmrtMAUHon DeformltlP'nnd llracc ,
Club reet.Oinatnro nl tliu Spine , I'llo" , Tumors ,
Cancer , Catarrli , llronthltls , Inhalation. llcciilrlt ) ,
rurelyrK lipllcp y. Kldnor. ItLuliler , Kye , Bar , bkln ,
and llluoil , anil nil MirKiml Opprallom.
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
All Illood Diseases nurcpssfully treated. Syphilitic
I'oHon removed iroiu the pypteui wlttiotit mercury.
New restor.itlvu treatment tor lo sof Vital I'ower.
IVisoiiHitnublc to visit us may bo treated at homo
by correfpondencc. All communications contlden *
tlal. AluulclncH or Instmruenla pent by mall urex.
prcs * . securely packed , no marks to Inilfcato contents
orfcnilur. Ono personal Interview preferred. Call ami
consult us or rend history ol jour case , and wo will
Bend In plain wiapper , our
Upon Private , Special and Nervous Iilscares , Inipo-
tentj , Syphilis , Ulect and Varlcoculn. Addresi ,
Omaha Medical nnd Surgical Institute , or
Cor I3tb and Sts
Dr , McMenamy. , Dodge , ,
Poreheroni , Clyilesdules an < l Shlio. aNo home
hied ( olH H\cry animal Kiitirantrfd n lirteikr
Our Flock lias lieen selected llh reference to
lioth Individual ineilt and pedlRieo. Somnof
the'oliorben liavii tuken Ihft pil/o nt the Nu-
lirnska Htnto IVIr. 1M7 All cmr hnrsns are uc-
climatedand tolls of their net mil lie Hhown.
I'rkeH reaon.iblu und easy teini-i. Is luci-tislbln
f the blate , 11 , A :
Proprietor Omaha Butlncss College ,
BookKeeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphinj
and Typewriting.
Send far : ell je ; Journal.
S. E. Cor. Ifilh nnd Ciipltal Avo.
Mtntlou the Oiu Ulle9
.DI JJljuucltby Mail.
B t nd bortc tcn now ID u e. CirjuUr *
lift. . * 1V > *
The Old Hellabla fr l
Inlbtcir many ; eAr > e
perlenre.treHtii witli
KUl'Tt'UK ciircil wltli
nut imln or lilmlranra
froiiifm lnr > . Allchrdtt-
c il MMivsfurln uilvnusp
I f X In "ItMtlim In tuft
o' try. 'llioin nbucont
tuniil | to ijolna to Hot
tortile * tor trcnlmcnl of
OUT I'rlTHto or Illnoil
lt ) emn rim [ id tureil IQ-
one * tlilnl tlin roM ut our
" 'rlvulo lISiuus.iry. ) |
I knirO HT lil Ircalmonl n I'urc. Imvclf ( Mm
I fllllrA plexlun , free from Jiillowiii-sii , frci'klel
bnUlbU Llarkheail' , uriiiitluni , ulc. , brllllaut
e e nrt iier'eel lii-nllh can bo linff. '
larTlint |'ollnB.aiil all/.MiinJoj
UieOlil IHKtor j
rVT lllfl ElD Acnti'or Cbrnnlr Inflnmmip
rir fliull rAn iimi of UKKyciiat or ( iiou * .
UIL MIIU Unil „ „ , K riprNpnr jiuhtHliio9liH |
Invrrnlonnf theMiK Scrofnloiu li > i' . Ulicrniloini
lnltiniiiii > tlom , Alw < i" < , pinnif n ol Vision ct ono or
bolh I'll * * , and ' 1 HIUOM ol l.ld ,
rviiiHaiiiniatlnn of llio Kir , UW rntlnn or Catarrh.
Inicrnul or Kilornnl Ilrifnf" . or l'ill > | lri > li , Hlnglnii
or UoailiiK nolHi-i , 'I lilt krm"1 Omni , otc.
| jrnifniO | li'hllllyl.n uf Vlliil t'owrrSloep-
lirnVllllil lf nc . Ho'pniirtoni'T , Ix ) dti
I1L.II I UUU .MHinory , Contmlonot Ulyas Blurj1
bcfuro the Kjf. l.n ; ltudc. 1 micuor , ( Ifoomluou ,
Dciues-liiii 01 J-plilt' , Aversion to PocltitT , KSPJT l j.
couritKfil , I.nik uf OonHitiiiKO , Dull , l.lillc'SH. UnO (
fnrMiuljr nr Ilii'lnoi" . nrt nni | < llfca bur' - - tly ,
I'uniiauoiUly anil rrlvatcly I'urvil.
< ors , I'almln the Head anil Honc . Sfplil
Throal.Moiitli mill Ton ii . lilamlnUr lnlanirnicit )
ol this Ncrk. llliPuiiiHtl'in , Ciijiirrli. hlc , rernlancnV
lyl'iirPil WlicnlMliPinllaTii Failed
Consultation fri'o and sliIcily confldantlali
Medicine sent frcn fiom observation to all parti
of the United Htates. UoirfsponiU'ticu rcfelvo1 *
prompt attention. No lotti-isimswcroil uiilen
Hccoinpnnloil by four conlH in stampH bt iul tea
rents In Ktnmps for pamphlet ami list or ( W n ;
tlonsupon private , special and nervous dla.
Terins strictly cafh. Call on or address ,
DR. ,
i. IK4 Cor. 1.1th k Hnrney StH.mitha ) , N b
1707 Olive Street , St. I-onls , Mo.
Of the Missouri Plate Museum "f Anatomy , St.
Louts MIL. I imeisit ) < "iil'TO llu pltul , l.on
don , ( ileson , ( and Nv * Voik H.tvl
duvotLil their attention
Moro especially the o arising fioni linprii *
ilence , Invite all no cutrerltig tocoiruxpoud with
out delay , JJIhe.isus of infection and lontnuloq
cured safely nnd speedily without n-ju ot dan
geioasdingH. I'atlentH whosii ui e li.ivi ; been
in Klcrtdl , badly treated or pronoimioil Incur.
alilt- , should not fall to i Itu us conrernliiK thef |
syniptoina. All letters ucehe immuiliatu atten-
And will bo mailed I'ltKi : to any address on re-
iclptof one -cent t-l.inip , "Piactlcal Oluurvn.-
tlous on Nervous Debility und Phyxlcal Kthaitt *
lion , " to wlildi in lulikd an "lss.iy on MafJ
rluge. " with important chapters on diseases of
the. Itepiodin tire Org'ius , thn whole forming a
\aluahle intdkal treatise which ohdulil be reitJ ( >
by all young men.ddieis
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
17O7 Ollvo Street St. Loula , Mo.
llemark.ibln for powerful Hympa-
Ihetii- lone , jillaTde artlnrijind ub-
soTufu ( UmUilllty. ! H ) IMI' rn pl dj
tnTi bet Kiiarnritcoqr tTuX't"T -
li-nciTof the e l