Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TBBJRSPAY. DECEMBER 22. SPEOIALNOTIOB § . No culvert IgfincntH taken Tor tficso columns alter 1 : ! 1U p. in. 'j'crnn Cn h In ndvniic-ef. An > crtifdn.nt nnfl < T this liencl. 10 cents per line for the ilrHiiifertlfin. 7 tints forrnch ul > - ( ro.u < nt infortlon , and a line per month. NoailrertlM'ini nitntcrn for loss than 2.1 cents for the flritt Insertion. SOMH words will bo lounUcl to the line ; they inut run con ccii- tltrly nnrt intif-t be paid In advance. All nil- ( rtfff mints must \ > o Imndcil In bfforo lTf ) o'clock p. in. , mid under no circumstances will tlicy be taki 11 or dl'Lontimjid by telephone. I'nrtli s advertif Ing In thc n columnx and hav tngtho answer * ( ulclrcM-eil In ciuo oftliellco. will pliate ahk for a chi rk to enable them to get their letters. nnnone will bo dellurcd ex- ctyltin | > rc flirtation of check. All nnsuorx to auvi'rtlKemi ntH should I r < nclo d In envolopes. All advertl einints In tlicsu columim are ] > ub- llchert In Ittlh morning and owning editions of the Ilee , tiie circulation of which ngRrcimtri more than U , tCO paptw dnlly , mid nUeHlhoacl- % trtler tin- > emnt. not only of tiierltyclrcu- lotion of tlic Ilee. lull nlso of Council HlnCT * , Lincoln and other cliles nnd towns throughout this part of the west. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTHD-Situation for limn mid wife In hotel or boarding holmwomnn Is n good cookatidlnundrcss : timn cnn wink In kitchen or rtlhltigroom : not olllcu fie. Canadian limp , olllcc , MM. Hregn 4- Son , 318 8. 15th. Telu 881. W222J \yANTii-81tuatlonii ; for20 first-clans cook * T and laundresses , also for - sinnllKlrl.s to assist In housework ; our waiting room Is nl < wa > full of iilro plrls peeking employment. Canadlnn.Knip olllce , .Mis. llregaSon , Mill S. lith. ! Tel. Ml ! M'J 22J WANTED-Sltuatlon as Coachman by Dime. 24 jr . thoroughly exportomed In hand ling liorctH , < tc. , best tit city ic-fi icmes. No ollli p fee. C'iinndluniini : > . olllce' . 3HI So. 11th. Tel &KI. WM 22 * _ S ITrATION Wanted by nn iiblo amr"i > KJier tmed bartender , willing to give becuiftylf required. Address 8 IS lice ollite. Ml 27 * W ANTI1I ) A situation as wet nurse by a vomit ; healthy innirled woman , hei babe 1 month old. Apply to Mis. Lnnphcre. matron Woman's Christian Home , 271M Hint Ul'j 22 * JJ Omaha wishes situation In name capiulty. Thirtj-three > eurs of age. Address S 4 Hee olllce. MM 21 \\rANTED lly JOIIIIR man not nfinld of woik. work of home kind immediately. AddifSH S II , Hie olllce. li'4 ' 'I * \ VANTEDSltuntlou 1)v ) hnrne s maker. HefT - T > irinreghcn. Addicss W. 11. M. . Ull l\Vb. V , Council lllnirs. rmttj _ \VTANTED Sltnntlon by a limn to do any kind of work ; wages no olifi it , but must hmo woikat once. AddieS.'l , Hoc olllco. fiST 2IJ \\rANTI3D Sltii'itlons for 20 Hrst-class cook' ' TT and laundie-s'os ; albo lei 2 iiuall girls to assist Inhnnnewoik : our waiting room Is nl wn\s full of ula j'liln eelinft emplo\ment , Ciiliadlini inilln : > ment olllccMrs. . Itreyn A Soil , : il ( . S. 1.1th bt. Telephone 8SJ. , Gl ! > 3IJ . . \V"AN'I IID-l'oMtion In the rll J ns housekei p T f tr foililouci , 1. ) ) tiiiM'i\reric'Uc < \ Cull finnlsh icfc'ieiices , Address 1' 71 , cam Ilee olllco. ; IM WANTED WALE HELP. W ANTED- ' Young mini to do choivs for his ) > oard nnil io to school. Caiiudlan Imp , r.thst. UH \\rANTHD 1'trst cook , man or woman , tier * > ' minipieftrred , ut the Kuiopeau hotel , ii B 10th Ml , ( ill ' . - , " \\rANTED-TravelliiK paint and rnloi Bales > iiKinlu lown , for St. Louis house ; tra\el ing hauUMiie , lltiors | , clollilnir , gioceiy am diy goods salesmen for e.istein linu'es. ( lieai \\eKHnbme.iu , INrii 1'ariiani st. , loom ! ) , Sem stumps to Insuie lesponse. iilH 21 * WANTKH Ilroonl m.ikcis.Quc Co . Sioux I'lilld , Dak. Jim 2l TrANTKIAgents / to handle thn now chem > ' Iciilluk ( ni'-lng penill. ( iuatc t noMlty ever produo < 1 Eiasis Itikln two MComls , nr iibraalini of jiapur. 2nd loHti [ r nut pmllt. . Olio agent'H wiles amiiuiited to Sti20 In hiduysi nnotlui i.Nln twnhcims 'Juiltorv absolutely ft.'o. Salai ; to KI nd mi'ii No ladlts need nn < h er. Samples. . ! . " ! . 1 01 teims and full p.utleu laisudiluss ihii migiufiicUuers , J. W. skinner & Co . Oimliiska. Wls. Ddl2JJ WANTED A Janitor to takn cnni of huge ol'.lcO blockt musl ha\o e\ciltnco ] ) and lii-st nt refcienco. C.oinmunlcato with 117 lieu olllce. 4 VI "lA AN'l ED A Hint-class tulloi. good waws lot n gooil man : must give liept of ififer- ences. Addiuss box X , Long 1'lne , Neb. 411 aj \\7ANaED-roui mm to solicit In the small tow n und country of low a , Mittourl anil Nebiaska ; must havofai , pl\o bond , nnil mill ing to woik inrnestly ; talury J05 pel month. Addievs 1' fi4. Hco olllce. 20t ) \VANTED Men for rullioad work. AT- T brlght's Labor Agency , 1120 Karnam. 5' i t ) ijt ( ) men of good appearance to tiyour Uc meals at Norils re tuuuuit , . ! ll Diidlillbouth 14th sUcet. ( old Live mid Let Ll o ) 6'J.I WANTED--FEMALE HELP. " \ * 7"ANTiDod ; ! , gill for goneinl houcnwoik , _ > T Sift ) I'm num. t.,1123 " % \f AN'I HD-C.hl , Hiuall famllj , apply nftei 12 o'tlcjilc , .Mfb , J. II. llujnes , 4U'J N2Jdst. UIU Zt * WANTI3D Rlil for gi IK rnl hnif-o work. Ger man or I ) uilsli preferred. Cull at ouce at 11DS. 2.1th a > c. tloodnges. . 01021 * \\TANT1'D Woman cook foi school , 110 , se-w- > IHK girl. 2 nuibo glils , 1 child uui > . dish- \MiMiei fin ( iinmMioil , giilx ior hciUM\\oiknt Aillngton nud ( 'oltimhuEUgills forhcmseuoik good bieimd tlil took tin pil\ate fiiinlly1ci > ok foi lniilliiihou-e ) , u hnui lots of nlco places. Canadian limp. OIIKc , Ml.s. Hieua .V bon. : ndK. ir.thbt. 'lei.j. . t o2 : : * " \\r ANTIlD-Rood girl for geneial honsewoifc ! cjll.11's ! > i"'tli t. ia 22 * \ \ 7ANTnidood gill at IfilO CallfomliT > ' Kb 21 * \\TANT13I ) A good Gernuin or llohcmlnn it glillui gduial hoiisfwoik , washlugnnd iioning , foi biuall fiimlly , tw'4 bouih 17Ui Hlioot 017 2J r.D-roinpeteiit Rill lorgelieinl houte'- k , iMIl S. 20th i-t. Uln ANTI31)WiiltiebM'R ) , laundiess , rhainber * mala nnil cook , help at oncent Cltv lintel. \ XTANTr.lAt one * gill , b22 N. 19th t-t . N. nth tt.MS 4iiQ ONniartyliip\ > town wanted tu Intioduro und ell Pi'imjioyiCl I'lll * . "Chlclu-fctu's iugll ; h. " Oijliinl ! ; iiiiuoiily ( ! ( niilno. Send le ( stnmiis ) 101 paitieulais. Chlchcale'iChemlc.U Co , I'hll.idelphli' , 1'q. : tn _ J.1)1 US iin > otli'iedejubioldoi y nendluwoik at Jthelr i mnhoinei ( town or country ) by nv hole- fain lieu v > I'lolltnble , Kumlne. uoutl piy can be made. I'\ \Uilni : iuinlKhed. I'mtictiLirs free. Addiess Alll3tlc , eedle He'rl Co. , Ulttli HI. , NeNv4'"iKCUy. _ 2T4 \\TANTr.D Liulles in city or couutiy.'for our holiday tnule , to tau ! light , pleimaut work lit tlu Irowu homm. Jl to I per day can bo ( lUle-tl. , nude. \ \ oil ; s-oi.t by mull n.iy dUtuiu e , rnrtlcuhirs fiei > . No cam i\sMiig. Addrebs ome. ( iiMent Art Co , H7 A Jlllk M , Huston , MII-.S. J' . O. buxMT" . _ "I AN'J'IU- ladles tti } our lie jucnli at > 1 Norrls' lestnmnnt old LivoaudLtt LUol , ' WHSCELLANEOUS WANTS. Jnb'Ml'OHTAllI.K sii-eplUK room \vTtirbinik" * * J fust L wiiuttid | > oilluiiieutly by inlddlo- uk'c'd gt ntleinau of uglol , boclal habits. Adilivss full inirtlculartinf loiutloii , con\inlonces , mini- bur lu family , whether oilier roomi. tnke-n to S 14 Hen olllce. 840 S3 GHADINd-Wnnted contractor to bid for the remov hm of from null to 7KO jaidsofdlit In Smith Omaha , bend bids to or tomenmlbc-n W . J. Hlnte , dlioctpr , South Omalin hchool boaid 6U7 21 _ _ o boriowr..wx ) on Imprcneil n > al fsUitc.M1I pay ( i per pent nnd t U- money for it jear . Inquire livnns , v Uln. lillru. 1510 Dodge M. 5'ifl 21 l ) \ llft > or Mxty hoiw power -n. ? uliin nnd boiler. AddU'- 1' . O. box 77. c ) lu , Ni'lu n > ka. _ tlmj-ilj \\7ANT-r.lf CiintU'iiien to Uy our lu-i-cnt T ineuls nt SCholler ivotnurant , 101 K. Ifith. 210 J I ) _ _ _ A ! nrjjo Hiiud cart ut tln lleo ojllce. iiJ _ _ EMf'LOYMCNT BUHEAUS. CANADIAN Kmployment onice. tu In-st placfl lu Omnha to net help or situations , Male and female. Inference , Omnhft bank , Mrs. lliega ft Son , U10 S. 1Mb. Tel. K-4. ' S.MJI1 \\rANTKIT - A small Jurlif lud ciilfnuoru to or threv > furnialitil rnomM ou rtwt door forte light housekeeping , convenient to cm Hue. .Ad- arcsa O KI , IK'e ollice. 70T \ \ TANTP.n2ornnnfurnlihel roomier pnrt . of n house w Ith good im-ty : Htatn price : -mnnll family ; reference. AddtMAS 10 , Ilco off. HOARDING. TA1)Y and child want roolu and bparil. state 1 leims ; address S 11 llee. rll 22 TJUIVATK boardingil a week. IMS Dndgo. J 1JO } t pill VATB boarding , 1011 Dodge st , "pOAIU ) with rooms for four nt 2118 Hurt st. PlH8T-riAB.H table board , i e-m-d In home tlo. for 3 pr 4 gentlenn-u. IM4 Dcvlgn. tul fOR RENT-HOJUSES. "T OIt 11KNT Nice 0 loom cottage In good loca 1. lion nicely fumlxhcd. ruinlturoliirt-ale-at a Facrillcc. C. II. yilkworth , 1W , " > rarnam * < t. fcl72l " 171011 KENT A I roout hiju'e on Mensnnt st. . E near Davinpoit , * ) o per month. Imnilinnf ( J. (1. ( \ \ allace , room b'i ' trclphton block. l > 'iOi ! 3" ill ) lTTriN'f : ( ) r niIerfurnTsTieirTonngc' . B- rooniHi central locution , Cheap. Inoulro 018 N. lUh it. 04J 22' IilOlt HKNT 0-rooin cottage , furnished If de- 1 Hri'iH. \ \ . K. civ. oOth/unl Uruntsts. .T. Hou- ner. HUDoURlu ? pt. 4 * ( .1421 Foil HUNT A new 0 roomed house with porch , well , cellar , etc. , trees , ou South 17th Rtre t icnr line. Apply to SIM. .lulla Stun , II11 Douglas st. ft > l 22 * F OlfTlHNT-Groom cottnce. 1117 1'acinr ? 21. Ill loiiiu housu near corner ll'th nud Web- hlei ,10. Naeou , Ibl5 I'm mini. ( , K'M ] TjlOH HKNT Houses , and filrnituro forpnleon Jf any weekly or monthly piijinents. H , U , Cole , UlO Ho. ICth. B11J2 rplIK house 1 now occupy w.iu b for rent , .Inn Juai \ 1st ; hoiihO coiituhiM'JO-roomH and nil modoin Iniprovumtnu. 2lU B. 24th t-t. Morltz Mejer. Ml T/UMl HK.NT-6-roolu ; house , 14COla\enpnit. J ? 1110 2,1 * FOH HKNT Kho room house in Omalm View ( for this w inter ) f 10 per month. All in ilrst-ilo * * repair. Hloio room N. K. cor. SOth and Hurt sts. J2.1 pei month. Stoic room on llarncy st. between Mth nnd Ifith hts. { 40 ior month. 1'otte'lCobb. . 1001 fiJiO-21 -111 Ilonsis : Torrent. $1H to t71 pur month , .Mi ) "r 10 looms inch and from ft blocks to 2 inlle-s distant from * poslolllic. 1' . L. Qiogoiy , Hental Agent. mi-JS. Imhbt. 47S _ NO. Jim 7th a\en-roonVhoii < ! e , In coed ro pilr , laifto yaid , cb < t < < riiVutti : will to lespoiislblepeisoti wltU uot moro than 2 rhll- dre-ii lor J2.1 per month. ' 411 _ PdlMTr.NT Jpplendld ll\e-room rottaRO In North Omnha , on cnr line , full lot , well , els- tirn , bath loom , nil in 111 st- < lass icpalr , only J2.1 a month. Iniiulie ut fx b. 10th. 440 i'Houos. . A list of over 100 to - cheese fiom , iiinglng in piliofiom ? 10 to f l-'i pi i mouth AlM > a INtof tuinNhed aud 1111- tuinlshcd looiilB , all pilccd. H. 13. Cole1 , Jllh So. 1,1th Ht. 012 ill _ IJIOH ] U'NT A/ > loom hoiibo cheap toaHinnll JL ; family. 1130 3 21at bet Center and Doiras Bt. .4IJJ14 * _ IJIOH HI3NT S-new-0 room hoiiBo i on 8 HOtli JJ ne.u Leaxenworth. C. 13. Maync. U41 FOH HIN'l' ! fi loom house. 27thst. near Dodge _ 115. J , H. Htngwalt , 318 _ Bo. 18th st. 351 FOll ItliN'T Now 5 room cottjigo In Ambler place ; good 7 room 2 story house. Orchaid Hill ; good 4 loom cottnt-e. Oichaicl lull , C. K. Majnc , N. W. cor. llth iiiul Iluineybt. 191 " 1710H HUNT- room house , fclty water , etc . S. J1 W. Cor. King and Culdw ell. lt | j I'm num. 111 FOH ItlJNT AnH room house , city \\ntergas , nnd siabln , 12 minutes walk tinm thn post- olllce1. Itent moderate. Api > ly to D. J. O'Dou- ahoc. next door to the postollico. 115 I71OH Itl'.NT A now ten-loom house with all -I inodtinlmproM'inciits laige attic , Douglas nnd 21st btreets. Not a basement hoilbc. Ap ply Mdilli Me'\cr , cor 11 nnd Tainani. 717 "I710H 11ENT New house , 0 looms , etc. . larso 1 grounts , corner 26th and Capitol avenue , luquiie 2821 Dodge kt . TIT POH HiNT ; Niw 4-ioom cottage , $ U per month. Applj 10011120 , 1511 Dodge < < t. 7M T71OU UI3NT 8elegant bilck rcaidences with A ! all modern improvement * , 12 , and 11 looms each , pleasant mid comeutent location. O. K. Diuls company , lilt. I'm mini st. llj TriOH HFNT 8-riKim house , ! ns Kith nvcnue , .1- 1 block south of I.eatenwoith. J. D. Cowle , at 1'altoner's. 111 ! FOH HKNT 0-room house n w cor. Sewaid ami 27th sts. wi FH HUNT 2 now hnndi-omo 6 room cottages well , cisteins , etc.l" ier month IC-'d nnd nillfoinia. A. C. Wakoley , Omaha Natl bank bid. IIU7 FOlt HKNT Sovora new 7 room nouses block from stre-et cnr , ready for occupancy Novoinbci 1 U. T. Harrison 4td 8.16th bt. 6'J5 OirilUNT-IIousB 11 rooms. W. M. Hush- man , N K corner ljth ( and Douglas. 8-10 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. OIt lluht housekeeping , 2 rooms fin nUncd. fcOillo\\ardst. | 012 23 * Jtr.NT-'Jiilc/-fiout looms ut 1111 Ooug- hisbt. .Mis. .lulla SU'lii. 60121 * MblliO : Kooiii , 2110 llnruey. Co027 HUNT I'leasant front room. Call at 813 S. 17th bt. lufl 81 IUltMSIlUD Itoonis ana'boaiil , 1ME1 rarnain. 2IJS 20 * LAIKjll Ti-ont room , Hist floor , for two rentlu- i n , fuiiiMic'd to Milt H- B.-'lth. lrJ22 * Forit laign looms for icut. lucmliu of r. 1'ord , 1IKI1 la\elipoit. ) C2721 * O Ml'HTiY fiiiulnhtil looms , with or without t > linaiil. Onn would do for otllcy. Day Doanl- eis vianted. 1B1J llainfy. * 01022 * TH1OH 'HUNT iloom suitable for 2 gentlemen , .L' with bomd , J1J per we'ek , Hit' , gaa nnd bath , r.KJ'J raiftam Bt. tlii2. iJLUASANT fuinldu-rt looms , 0 blocks from I'.O 17U7Cnssbt. 5 521 FOH U13NT Two gentlemen can llnd nicvly f mulhhcjl loom ' . < ltli KIH , heat , bath , hot and cold w ater at 201 J Cans bt. W7-24 j FOll lir.N'J' NiieTy finnlshed looms at 23-7 Ducliri' . C a > batu and iurnai o hc-at. CM "IPOH HKNT ninilxhoil looms with or with- J- out btmiil. 3ls N. 1.1th at. KJO 21 * "IIIOH HKNT Xli ely furnlsvlied looms , BUS , J. ste am lu'.it , ife of bath loom and onstree't c.u.llnc. 2.117 Douglas bt. ' ftft SJ * 171 uTtNIMlllDrnnmtoil.50 ! a week , ecu- A ! tial , tU2b IMh , up-btalrii. DUO 30 * "VT H'1J large fiudt room , Itirrilshcrt ami heated. I - ! > Suitable foi two gc'Dtlcmi-u. Also small loom I'JI'Cassst , tfi OH UI3NT After Ut of January desk loom lu n ( entrully locutud otlico heated with bteam. Cull at Hc > om 4 CrelKhtim block. 1T10H lU'.NT Newly furulHhed east front -I-1 loom with nlio > enml Imy window ; all modern coin e'Uleiitos ; bourcl It tluslrod No. dJ2 M7 21J 3AUU1 ; Htiuriy east room with baj window : J all modem ( nnvmilcnctw. Also pleiihunt biunller iixmi. 2123 S. K. ro'r. 2uth and I ariiuiu. T7XDH HUNT ruinlshcrt room , all modern con- Ieillence's laise - for . - - , e-nough two. 2WJO Dav enport. ' 657 rooms , suyjiti 01 en suite , fumlshcd or untuniUheJ , convenient to atrec-t en1'Jl" WeibsterHt. 441 2IJ T7 > 011 linNT Nice turulshecl room , 19 per mo. -C 3. W. cor. Ittli umlJackhon. 7 5 Foil HKNT rurnt'.hid rooms , M < j Dodge st. 711 J 1 _ FW ItiiNT-l uiulshcd looms ItllJ Dodge. 4"3 23 * _ elegant rooms all modem convenience. ? I'M Uelolei at. 4Vi rooms with board , 1911 rarnam n. 4HIJ2 * 17011 IliST ; lurnl hert bliwlo rooms , gas , U biith , furmire. 2i2,1D'dgost. 41H21J 'Ljllt'JNT parlor foi two gentlemen , 1(123 ( Dodge "iroil HUNTI'lensantest new fnrnUhed anil X1 > t rooms lu private uouso in city. All com elite-lice's. Jscar business , luu Capitol ne , _ _ _ 2l7dj j FOH HiNT-lV.rnlRhi-d : looms in lirvunlg bfk , cor. l-tth nud Dodpe Kts , Inaiilru ot ( K-o. H , DaMs.MlllauHintvll'llll iareHiia. . 637 T7IOK nKNT .NIc iy furnUhnl room Huitable JL1 forJ geutlomn , luquUxi 2tfll 6t , .Mivrj"ji uvo , furnlslieii fiojitrooin with or wltii - - ou ; lKanl. itlj Dcxlgo st , 6TU EOlc HUNT-KuniUhwI rcwuiB aud board , wv _ Kuril an. _ _ 2ub J y COMd for lent , No , 1104 S U'tli Lt. FOn HENT Fnrnffhed room , 1017 Howard. P7J roohis for rent , 19111'arMm s S10JW T Alton south front nwm , all jnoilern convem J lcnee , ntiltnbl * for two gentlemen ; nlsfl tlrst-tlass table board for three or four ) refer ences , lei ! Dodge st. 7 Oir HKNlCFtirnHied rooms lu all ( iarts"of thn city , by the day , we or month. City Intelllcunco oflke , Crelghtoti block. ( i > d FORREMT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. filOir ItHS/l' 2 un7uin1sriciProo.ms7tecclleiit X ? for light hoiisrkpeplng.jlth" use of cup board and table , 11J ; u ) > er month. Inquire 20JI Cumlug. or 1001112,1'uxtoli building , corner IJth and 1'ai nnm , tdl 21j FOH HKNT - JlrooiiiiiiniriN.Mtlist. : irooms loin N. 2lst 5t ilri > opis 1)23 ) N.21st st , f II loom 210(1 Nicholas bt. arnoms tiixricrcc. ; ) rooms 701 T'ncltlc t. 4 ligiuit upfutnl-hed roomr. containing all the model n eom enlcnccs , ut"415 8r llith t. Klceolllce atlllflS. nth Kt. 419 RENT- O R ES A N D O F FIC ES" " Oil llifN'lv7piirt"oF an elearnt olilcc. In- ilillio at nre , L. 1' . Ilajnuioliel , 1(11 ( } " , IVr- nnniM. tasvu 1TH HUNT Ftore and 1(1 ( rooms on2d lloor JL1 f or ilw elllng. lUtasJUthM. JniUlre | Mrs. 1' . Flauui-ry , next door. Will * 171OirKfNT-fasT : : luiiTf of storeroom. \ ' Jb Douglas st. ' ' > > ASiMKNT : , itoreit andnatx , nth and Jack- souj Htoam heat. Knqlilro Mrs. K. L ingo. Sf ? Ml KENT Store room f(0 , basement 130. O. E.'lhompson , 3148. ISthHt , Bl HI3NT Hasoment stores and Hats with FOH modern lnipio\cmcmts , corner I .Ith aud , 'ackson sts. fli ) TT OH HUNT ( tround floor onico room , cen- JL ! tially located , heated and lighted. C. F. Harrison , 41 S. 1.1th st. C02 HUNT 2nd nnd P.d floors nt 1417 Douglas FOK with lease of three years. Kennedy A lllbblns , IM > Douglas bt. UX ) lir.NT-Otllres on rarnam st. nt 110 to J.W POH month. Ono olllco furnished. 1012 Far- nam. 1W F'OH illlNT Olllco loom , nn > t lloor , at .110 S. 1.1th st. C04 FOR RHNT-MISCELANEOUS. FOH HKNT Good barn cheap 11)21 ) Chicago 8t * nw RENTAL ACENCjngS.f PL. nitlXlOHV , rental agent. 'WJS. 10th st. , ground lluor. Telephone ( < . > . , ; ' I 46t SI'KCIAT , attention gis-eu to renting houses , furnished and unfuinl hi'flTnohis.'T,1 < with us. W. M. Hauls. o\cr220S. llth rt. h74 "TjlOH llfiNT If jou wish to rent a house call JL : on Hc-nawu & . Co , 1 Jth bt. , opposite 1' . O. STORAGE. flOH furniture and boxed goods 415 S llth st , 1 Omaha. Neb. lib 31 * S1 TOHAGE-Merchandiseor furniture. Little \ WllllumB , 1407 Douglas st * . IM3 d 2D. "VTEW YOHK Storage Co. lin\o most extenslvo J.1 facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , buggies , general merchandise , west of Now York. Ca h advances to any amount ; ware- hoiiso receipts ghen ; goods Insured ; brick building ( he-proof ; special arrangements for commission merchants. Cill Ni w York Storage Co , Capitol a\'e and N. 15th St. . Dennett's bloc k. CO ! ) PERSONAL. _ , Aduim&u tailor , aged 2 , with $1.000 , wishes to corn xpond with a re-iiectatlo liu\v not o\era'i. AddiessSMleo olllcu. * ' K > ( i ) J MME , Amlo and nssf'tajit from Chicago uhes innrii"tlc nnd mutsage treiitmeiits.unoi baths. 4'4 N. ICth st. IO 21- AMlDDLE-Afir.D gentleman of good habits , accomplished and good disposition , would like coriespondcnee with a young lady orjoung wldou ; olijcct made known wlieu answered , ll'.l Heeoll'co. 4W JJEHSONAL Eng isemcnts to do dressmaking in families siillrltul. Call on or iiddrens Miss Jc-slu MUrd ) , Ml b 20th St. 147J7 * PEH&ONAlf rirSt-class dressmaking done ut ttJI 1 Mabon st. Ida Anderson , ll'J Ul * PKHbONAL llo > n'H latest MOWS-of Omaha , Including nil principle bulldlnes.blid's eje > lews show Ing thn Uly to tuo-liuat iiiUantage tor sale at llej n's gallei j and Canllleld's book stoic. JiWJ d IjEllSlJIs'Ali I'rlvatnhoriio for lirtiei diirlnj : conilmment , strictly tonlldintlal , infants adopted. Adcliess E 4 lieu otUce. Ij7 ( J h LOST. LOST Diumond scarf pin between 17th am ifcth on Daw-nport , lllulci plenso retnru to Hlipt'o olllce I' . 1' . Hy. 04S 21 "I OsT-Tuesd'iy a node book containg J.W tc JJjIUJn money and \altiablopupeirflo own i\ i'iiiflei will ple-iso leave the papers nt UicLH ollico und keep the ti'oney. tfeorge Stilllns. ,1111-21 * v , KEWAHD Will bo ghen for ictuin of bay maleIKK ) His , halter on. Stiajed from FO RSA _ LE-JWI 1SCELLAMEOUS. . FOH SAliK Nc'JUlj new No * rt > 3\l stjvi vjth ictelolr and oen only ? jJ.30. * UAN ISHh. OH SALK A iciy line btie-ichzithe'r. 1218 Fariiam bt. t , . , , 5JS-21 * TpOH SAM ; A inciubcrslluV,1n | .VJfUJsbniiiha X1 Itoantof TiadoOr will tSkc&iUK"for lum ber. .I.W. Miller , LIncolu , Neb , - r.71-21 * TfilOft SALB-plmjer leather ffvUlif imchlne , JJ good as new , cheap. O. E. .ajiOimisoij , ill I S. | N ' 'X'l'IOKAli ( 'abluet Lvttrlllesirorialo-by J. Unity Wood , 711 racltte utifcfctVOmaha tulevhonuIB. - Ifc9l 21 "iT 1 1 , 1.AItl ) Table at half price , liiunswlck l llalkeCo/Minuke. lnqullt > Lcpllo A Leslie , and Dodge Rts. " , . ilU MISCELLANEOUS. UAM ) TuiU-v lullle. Fifty lulllcil olT ut lllc n c-hance ou ThuiMlay > en- lugntxt , fiom 7 to II o'clock , on William st. bet.v 17tli nud loth , Oroeti Tree hotel. John llahue. piop. W.1 a * BANJO taught ns an art by ( J. r , ( Icllenbeik , ! e e cor loth mid Douglas , up&tali8. "V17E can spnre a few nlorijMo\es , staves , Ti btu\t" > , sto\esat co tof tiuu. New > York Stoi age Co , nos Capitol nvc ; 1 L2J'r-J 'VforTci ! If ynu'havo any propeity to trade -L > for city lots or lands In NebnibKa call upon W. G.AllnlKllt. 21S S. mil bt. ' | 4'I9 TV | ETZJ'all , BIO H 10th st has been rcmodelc'd , -I'l lj eiilarRed , ne\v dniiclng lloor , now' decora- tions and Flipper rooms. F.utianre on 10th piutit's. loduex and societies unticliiHtiuc Klvjng Iwills or botlables call on lions & lilulain. . Me'tz hall. /\M ; lluiulieil uiul fifty Htoyos > bold for htor- V/ go ( Imifins. Why do you freeze. New York , Storugo ( "o . KOS Capitol ae. . Ul 12 XJOTICi : Tlrt class bank .sand Mrnlslied by. i. 1 the cniload in Omnha c rby wuRon load In feo'ith Omaha , upoitbhoit notle-e. Leave eiders with W. (1. AlbilKht , 218 8. llth street , or bioiirh olllce nt AllniKhts station. South Onuilm , tele phones 7K5 and ulil. Stover llros. 2U 31 ' 1OVES. stoves , stoves at. the'New yOrk fitor- ago Co. . 1503 Capitol av . t ! 'l ZJ "CIltKC JteatlliiK mutter. If you have not tie- JJ tlileil pnrers to take tlu > year , staid us > our address , with 10 cents In xih er , and w o w 111 forward N our nami ) to hundreds of publishers alloveruiH country , who will send you maga zines and papers of every description in abuiul- nnc-e. It is the best luvistinent jou can iniko of a dime. It will yield big returns. Try It. buliM-iibe to no paper without getting our price. Hub. Subscilptlou Agency , Lloiton , ilasrf. . Hex a"bl. Mention ile'e. 1J7 nOHSi ; clipping by Ilenhani * stables , corner 17th and Davenport sts. Tel. 2.17. 640 Oil * CLAJRVO.YANT. , MHS. Dt'HANT rinlrvo > ant fioin Hoston is reliable in nil alfulrs of life , unites sspa- rated loveib. U i N Mh bt. room I. 7UJnn2 ) * . DH. NANNIK V. Warren , clalnoynnt. Jled- Icnl , biiHlnesrf and tibt luedlum. Dlagncistit free. re'Uiiilidlseni.ea a specialty. ' 119 N. loth bt. . llfioitu 2.V3. Tel.U4l. Oil WANTED-TO BUY. WANTKD-To bii ) the furniture of a hiuall or larj-e house centrHlly located , Co-opura- the Laud \ IMXi. . . av. N ICth st. l.M WANTKD To nuy short Mine paper , J , W. ( irosa , ut C. . Mjiyno's office , nth and llarnoy. jsi H _ ft OKEYJO LOAN. MONRVtoloan I can now place soiuo llrbt 'clusi city limns ( innibjliilely. Call atoned If jou desire to be accommodated. D. V , Simlos. room 1 Uarkvr block , eatruucu in alloy. 691 MONRTto Ixinn njr-tho tindersiWied , who has the only paaperty organized Ipan agency lu Omaha. LoamLtt 110 to I10U made on furniture , pUuo4.freanHlionics. ) , jua- chmcry. etc. . without rrHrnt. No dclayg. All ImMnes * ttrlctly ConfldiBnL Lonns no made that any part cnn bopilHt nny tlmo , each pay ment reducing tun coitV } > ro rata. Advances made on fine watches awl diamonds. 1'ersons Miould carefully consider who they nro dealing with , as many new roiipej-ns nro dnlly cotnlm ; Into existence. Should } need money call and see me. W. H. Croft , rooW i Wlthnull building , IMh and Harney. KB MONllVTO LOAN-Oufurniture. her eo.\Mig- onsotherpersonal prJiperty.wltnout rcmouil or on appro > ed collatnl ( security , llusluesd conlldcntfal. Jno. \ \ ' . Hobblus , 1U1J rarunin , no mj MONUY to lean , tniirtftaiic notes boiiKhtloans undo onchittel serurltv : no delay .7. J , dimming" , lloom 10 llnrker Illock 201 MOSr.Y to loan , cash ( m imnd , * no delay. J. W. nud li. L. 8 < iulre , ULI Farnam St. I'ax * ton hotel building. CS9 $ Vfl to loan , or will buy mortgage. 8. 8. Cam. pbcll 4 O. W. H'r\oy. Chamber Commerce- 183 MONKV to loan on Improved r al cstatoj no commission charged. I.eavltt lliirnlmm. room I , CrolKhtou block. 01- ON BY I.OANHD nt C. I' . Heed .V Co.'s Loan . Olllcc. on ftunlturn , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles ofalue. without removal. 319 H. 13th , over lllnRlmm's commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. id JOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand. W. SI. Harris , over IMOS. 15th st. let ) rPO IXAN Money Loans placed on 1m- X prot ud real estate In city or county for New Kin-hind Loan A Trust Co , by Douglas County bank , 10th and Chicago sts. 61J ( 7'AOOO to loan nt r > per cent. Muahan &Ma- P honey , liXJU l-'nrnnni. 6J1 M ONKY ( to Loan on city property and also on - farms In western lown and eastern No- > raska ; llrst mortgaije notes bought and sold. Well UroK. ! e Co , I Yil St. , Omaha ; 103 1'carl t. , Council illulTs. 10-J LOANS made on reil citato and mortgages bought. JA'Ui.-i S. Heed Jc Co. , 1J-1 rarnam. MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. J. L. lllce < St Co. . oter Commercial Na ional bank ( K7 M1 ONKY to Loan O. V. IM\lsCo , real estate and loan agents , Mfi Fa main st. Oil ) Ol'Ell CENT Money. 1'atteihon A 1'awcett l"ith and Itarnoy. 018 SHOUT tlmn loans made on any aMiiiablo security , la reason iblo amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. ( leneral buslnn-is of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omiha Fi nancial Kxdiinge , N. W. cor. 15th and Mar- ney sts , o\erState National band. Corbett. manager. n-i MONEY loaned on fuimturo , iilanos , organs , hordes , etc , low rates. .1. .1. Wilkinson & Co. , Ij.4 1'arnam , o\er lluillugton ticket ofllco. , ) to loan in am amount nt loweht rate of $500,001) iuteiest. H. 11. Irev , Ireuzer block. 0" ( 000,000 To loan on Onnlia city property nt 0 P per cent. 0. W. Day , b. E. cor. Kx. Hid. MONEY to loan on city property , and also famis In Nebiaslca nnd low n. Odell llros. A Co , loan , real estate nnd Insurance agents , 10.1 1'enrl stieot. Council Hluirs , lu. ; 15Ji ; rarnam stieet , Omaha. 20S M ONUV to loan. Notes aim il. H. llcket. bought alid sold. A. Formal ) , -MJ S 11th sts fill BUSINESS CHANGES. 1011 SAI.n-'lho whole or half Interest In : i good bukeiy. Addicts S 15 , Iteuolllei' . fPO-DAVa el } good t < , Voon for "ale. llnrjulru JL Louis Kjei-gauid 1178. Uth st. Mi ! FOUSAI.r. Harllxtun-i etc. A veivhond some walnut wood W foot bar and back MiehJng to matchpool t ble. safe , utove , tables i hall-sand other aitlcles.-H % Ml be M > ld together 01 sepaiately or will tiadi- them for llquois , cigars , rial estnttMir iinjlhlng else , Applj to btrlngei A Co ,1518 llo < lgf t. Ul I A POlt SAI.i : To contrnctois and builders , . . t irpcntei hhoi ) wltlijGachinery for planing , tunilnjr , rawing and sciollliis' . engine and uli miichlneiy complete.'ccijtially lix itiil ; dieai ) . Applj to .1. J. Cummlng-i , loom 10 , llaikei block. Till ) . ' ! TrnOK BALK A ding ln > Juevs. W.IKW stock in a J- growing town of 1,000 iiihabltauts , cash ) to$40 per day-eoocl location , comer . , , ( { nt p < rilloutlMVU&onfiii sellhiR want 16U < lsA paitneiihlp. Attittess Darnell Hips I York , Neb. - * "t ' 4lHil ' AXTAVrUD Apirtuei inn good pa > ing busl- TT ness , established foi four jeais , nnd htles for this j ear will bo m ei JIkX ! ) ( ) , location good , must ha\o about J" > ( XX ) to invest. Addie-M w. T. K'.J p. DOX ; iw. .rriji' * FCTll SAi7l3 Aii established and paving wholesale business , will take pait piy 1 ical Cbtate , .117 b. Uth at. Jir' _ FO"H"8AIJI2 Or exch mge , a new combined il" > bbl , roller und buir mill with complete modern outllt of machinery , doing a good Imsl- ties- . , with unlimited wntei powtron I.lttle Hluu river , in Thayer county. Neb. Will tnko 5iTOI or upwards In cash , bilunce on easy terms , or city pioperty or lanils In whole or lu piit. Ad- chess , A. ( J. Collins. Iliibiou. Neb. iKJ d i IilOH fcAI.i : A hinnoss bhop in Jloldn ! ? e. Neb , 1m olces about Jl.WKt. As the former propiletor , .lolin X.lcglei , Isilead , ItwIUby mid chraji ; one othei shop In towui splendid hade. Addie > s John yicglei , f > r , Hock Islmul , 111 , or I'hllllp.legler. . HlxoiUm. Neb. ! ill 31 * WllOMis.TlTi : conrectTou-iry ouslnehs for sale. I'.ulng tittdn u.--lablblinl. Look this up Apply 317 S. 1,1th st. 1TM FOR EXCKAHCt. FOH 8ALK Or tnute one good 11 veiv stable to gelhel wllhhoises , caiiluges and harness , best of location ou pa\cd t. AddicssSll Hee. FOH Tit ADD All i quit v in a choice block of lotslnsldu llelt line , foi ineitlmndlsu , ciir- rliiges musical Institiments , or a bunch of good horses. Nation , IM'i rarnam st , bit } 26 SA l-Oi : exihiillge. 7llacie ( taim. Mer- cerC'o , MniiU."uuu'llojiiuOo ; 4sl ( acres , Nance Co. ; and othei lands Want good c'lty propel ty. Win , ,1. I'aul , ino1) ) rarnam t , r > 73 n O trade for farm or land for geneial mer- 1. cliiiiHli.-e. lloxC. ; , Illuu Illll , Nfb. 581 JT.J IrVoulmMinintbini ; to tiado or sell call on moorwiitn.AH buitnessiiromptlyaud lalrly ( tone. 0. C. frpotswood , : wviS. lllth. 137 FOH exchange Drst-class Omaha and South Omaha ii opei ty for good Neb r.T > Ka nnd Iowa land.V. . G. Albilght , 313 b. 3th ! > t. x-3 TtOtradopiopertyof all klniln tor good farms' W.ll AlbilKht.Slht. . lothst. 4W ! T\7ANTiD : Cooil family liorso In excnango Tf for lot , SlcCulloUi 4 Co , tor Ifith und yarnini. itl" BOOlt-und bhoes to tr.ido for cattle or good Inside Omaha ic-ldencn property , line , clean hto'k of boots nnd shoes , will Involco I1U.OUO. 11. II. Bo > del. Stuart , Iowa. 418 "IPOll Exchange. If jou hnvo farms or hinds to JL sell or trade send for our descrlptlx o bl inks , If you have any kind of propeity to seller ex- clmnge , list It with iHwti can furnish joua customer. S. S. Campbell & O. W. ileney , UH ) Hoard of Trade , Omaha , iCU rpO ixclmngo : For unimproved city property , J. three nooui houses lu Amblei I'laceione 7- room house lu Aluno riA3iloui li-ionm houses on S. 2)th ) bt. W. < 1. Albright , S18 S. 11th st. WJ -A few inoia good farms In Ne- bruska for w hit h I will tiade Itrst-class Omaha and houth Omahiufroputies. W , ( } . Al- bright. 'J1H 8. 16thint. hi V TIIAVK foi tiudeImproved faun In ( 'ass Co , near I'lattHinoulh , will trade for Improved inside property. AduressJU uO , Hee olllce. TO THADK Two impiMcil farms lu loua for Omaha property orTJebraska lands. Me- Culloch \ Oo , cor ; 16th nud I'm num. 0,14 qiO K.VCHANOn-lmprovea faun In lown -1 for OmnlmiealdcnrR property. J..I. Wil kinson. Ictil Fmnani. CHI WANTKD-Ooocl rnrms in exchange for Omaha property , ( J.i ( , Hpotswood. HOTiVJ 616th. . t i i rPOl'XCIIANflK-ilood nst Iront lot In Hans- X com 1'laco to eM-lmfiH * for clean stock of dry gc > ods or clothlnj. C. 1' . HuirUon.llH S. 15th. C03 \\7ANTrD-Stock of merclmiidlsa to exT - T chnngo for lands and city property ! C , C. Spotbwood , : W1ii s. IMh. ISO \\J ANTKD-Onilhn properly to exchange for farms and wild laniU , uUo for cltv prop erty. C. L. Hiown i : Co. , Uooui 1,1 , f'renzer bluck. , 31.1 j B T710U SALE Or exihango. good Omaha prop- X1 erty for good StP k.oC.l > oots aiul shoes , clothing , f uriilsliina coo < u or hardware. Schle- fclng r llruM . n . - > iQih m. _ 7J5 j 3 TilOU SAI.K-llesldwirn property in South. JU omaha. w. u. AlbilgUl 'liiS. Uthsl. _ _ _ _ "I\rANTRD-fmises | and lols to exchange for Improxcdund ttttiinpmueil lands In Ne- bruskauiul Iowa , Clmrles 0. Bpotuwood , JITi ) } WA NTKD-Property of all klmU to exchange Special attention given to trading. C , C. w ANTRT ) To exchange , choice InsMc rncant lots Hi ( minha foe good IrorsoS Mid cur- . J. I , , llloe A Co. . i : > ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. TVflpl.AND Qunrauteo and Triiht Co. , ViV , JJI. Fnrusim Ktreet Complete nlmtractn fur nished , and titles to real vatatu examined , per fected and guaranteed. W BKN9ON A CAllMICtlAEtT furnish eomp eto and guaranteed abstncts of title to any - al estate In Otiiiih i and Douutas county unon lort notice. The most coinplele.set of abstract look * in the city. No. l.'illl Fnrntni st. b7U FORSALE-REAL ESTATE. 'J'llAUK Inside property for cixid hou e , - eight or nine rooms , and full lot , McUul- ochA. Co. , cor IMli and 1 ariuim. till ijlO H BALE l its In Lincoln Place , trontlng A on the Metropohtuu cable , 1.1X1 uach , 'i si. , Corner lilt on Lowe avenue and California : ablc < line , J1.7W , H cash. HomecholceloU In WestCumlilR addition , $ < X ) : ofL > W , .easy lei ms. Tlieso lotst are on or near ; ho cable n < i\v Delug built on CaHtorntn t. lluy iow nt old pi Ices. A flue business corner at 10th nnd Douglas , ; JUWM. K cash. Acres In Solomon's add , HW. MM cash. Acres in Spring Valley w ith trackage , 1303 , M Lots in Lobeck's flirt ) , nenr South Omaha , on ' .V' . Ky. tAH cncli , lv cash. Theio nn'tllu hcapcst oircrlnijs In tholr respective tHghbor- loods. MurbliullA ; Lobeck , room U , chamber of : ommerce. 4" > l VTKW L18l'-Aines' Heal Kstate Agency. IN Olllce. 1V)7 ) rarnam st. MM North IMth st , now t ) room house , full lot , for & .MA ) ; * .VX > cusli , balance J-'i per mouth C06 Tenth st , 8 houses , coed lepntr. runts fbr ttn per month , full lot , , good loca- 'tlou , i-kl.non ; 81.TOU 504 1)ecaturstnear3Uth st,4-room house , lot4i\U7 2,250 60S Near llanscom Park , west of 1'ark , new8-room modern house , lot Ma 1 , , , 4,600 507 SoUth 17th . near Center , loom honnti.lot 4'J'41clK , . $ 1'sTO WO lIHh Kt , near Center,7-room liousi ) . 2.1UO 4'JS ' Noith 17th si. near L-ike , 5-ioom house.lot 81slU | 3,000 497 Seward , near illth at , good 6 niom house , rooms birgB , hoiiso fumts east , new and well built , desliablo place , tr < X ) ; filV ) cash , Imluuro t > per month. Tills is n good place , on tiasy tenns. 498 Virginia ave , near Lea\enworth st , coed 7rriH > m house lu excellent ie- pulr , well worth , 4,200 491 JfMnenrGriiie. convenient lo uinj , n small double house , routing for M ) per mouth. Price . . .1,100 412 I.akHst. jiearlMst t , 5-rooin house , lot ISxlJy 4tlOO 4ft ) Kpiuce st near llth , a6-ioomcot- tai'i' , lot 4ll\fiO will trade 2bOO 437 Ohio nt neai 27th. llrst class n-tonni hmiso , well , cistern and outbuild- iiiKs , all in good repair , one block fiom tieet cms , lijt WlxU'7 . .1,000 484 South Ibth st near Leavenwoi th xeiv central location , gdod ( S roomed i house , lot 3)\1F. , east fiont 3,500 481 Nort li 21st st near M andci son , I block from car line , new 4 roomed house , lotJO\l.4 2,000 479 In Hotel's add near Holt line , 4- loomed house and bam , with " full lots , onun coiiiei , east front , . . 2600 472 Ohiaha view , 4-room house , lotoOx \-u \ . 400 33d < > t coiner , nvnr llelt Line depot lu Oak CluUlmiii und only 2 blocks fiom street car , u new 7 room house irtul full lot for. . . . , . 2,300 4G2 21st st ne ir Mandeiaon , one block fnSni airline , 4 loom house , bun w Ith full lot. This Is a very cheap place at . . . . . . 1,000 ICO Hlondo st near 2-th coincident to car * , u 111o room housu with lot OtK 127. tills is n good homo at . . 3,000 no JPitiiht nwnv liea\enworth in a high lomnmndtmt location , Miiroundlngs A 1 , uwell Ijulltli loom house faUng eist. with 2 lots inch tiixui unu n corner , chuibbery and trei s , well glow n , it .decided bargain . . 6,000 ISO hww at cl st i-ii s puss t hu dooi , 7 room hou'-e , I , lot 3WH3 719 South llth "t nenrLca\enwnrthcen- tuil lou.ition , 4 loom hou'-e , city water , ' , lot ' . 3,400 4J9 llltchfocks add , 2 houses , each 3 looms lot 60xl.7 , Jiny cash , price 1,200 131 Coiner , east liout on ( ] i > oigl i iiM' , H loom cottage , 2 line lull lots. Thin Isii ppeciul birgain . . . . 3fiOO Hh-lll ! Ntl. IOTS. I021 firnnt St. , near Saundcrnnd south ot Lakesticct. lots 110111 j-.IKli ) to. JJ.100 , Cheap at thH pi ice , 'i cash , bill , to suit pun hnsei. 1033 Eisklne. stieet and 0rant street , vety close to Saunders , 2 corners nt ? iOO * each , and Inside lots at 2,200 t nch. Ti uns im.u It r cash. 102Jtli St. , tlii--o to Saundeis , 4 lots for 7.CUO cheap at this pilee. Teimn , quarter i nsh. 10.M Doilge nnd Olovo sts , ( West Omaha ) . l.leriint south and flout coiner , R-'xU'i to iillev , 5.0TO 1018 2cholrolotblll Windsor Phieo . . 4,0)11 ) 1U17 Tow lots In Ho } d's add . a b iigaln. nt G.IXXJ 1011 Welnterst. near ISUtli , lluo leslduico lot 2,100 1003 t'holco cornel lot lu Ilnwthcune , lot oOxV--'aiCiissst 1,600 'I his is cheap for the money. W99 Hlniioy st. near bhoi ninu ae. . , a cry line lot for . 2,000 31 per pent less thnn sui rounding pu > pe.rty. 097 Miami bt , near 30th,3blocks fiom Mitet car , lot'Wxl37 ) 1,050 090 On Disennoit t > t. lu Lincoln place , 3 clinlfo' lots , one a coinoi , south nnd < ast liontuiy ; deiliable , tholoti Mi-ash' 939 Ou Wi-bftpr nenr the Coin em , a yeiv rho'ce location : elifmiit leM- ilcnrcMtu : UCsl'l south liout . . 4/-00 937 1'nclllc t near 1'hll Shell en- lent tti C H. 11x110 , inns thiough Ironr street tostiect. 'Ihlblsveiy desirable nt MMx-ash , pi lee. . 1,875 'JSC Side mid oil Mo I ac It } , lot 1U7 on tiack by 100 ; this is a to KOt tiacl uuovc'O cheap . . 8TO OS3 draco and 22d st. loUUixllO nt . 1.S80 977 I'arkuM , full lot Indus lliinscom 1'ark , jilst south of \ \ oolw orth ne 3,500 Oil Viif-iuia-uM' . vey | choice e.m liont , 100x150. This Is a specially tine loca tion . 4,500 929 Georgia , a comer 103.\1W , a south and east frontis tlie llnest liiilm- pinved comer In llan'-eoni place 7UK ) 971 Comer ou 1'acillc st. ItCMKI , foi 7.COJ Iltislncss 1'ioperty. 14t rarnam < * t near'Jlth st. 'M foot lot , tmsytttiniSiUODd location , per loot . . 300 145 'South 1Mb st. u.\140 , bower and nil taxes paid , for . . 5,01)0 ) 113 Cuming bt nertr , 27th st , lJj\U1 feet , per foot 110 The lc > webt pi ice named on piopeitv lu bamo location1. Ill Cn s near nth st , 9 room house.lot ( Will , . . , . . 13,600 93 Chicago near llth st , , 4 buildings rent lor M per month . . . . H/iOO This property Is cheaper than anv similar lo cation lu onialm and will lenavinit'itlgiitlou. J3 Cjlllnmla llth ut. . coruei , litixl.l. , 6 hpusMs. lent jl.VJO pel year . . . . 20,0)0 101 Snundenst' , n corner , 00x102 , cheap at . i.i.1 . / . . . 5,500 137 rouitec'iith St. , nenr Jones , llsil ; this jiioporty la espociall ) cheap JJO Trael'Hge on'1'acltlc Ht' Iflth , nii2 : r > 'small Houses now iciitfor * 71 per month . 15,000 IB rarnam M. , uu improved propeity pa\ lug W.IOO per j i ar. pi Ice * L > .rtio , will sell thlfpiope-it } foi coed llrst- clatu moitKHR.i pape'r , no cash le- qulreilln tjilstr.ule . . . . Stock 1'iinn for hale. Within 30 miles of Omah i on i.illrond : nconcio Htock liirni , Rood biilldhms , slud loom for block and te'ed cattle , windmill , jilpni , etc. , iminlm ; water , till ncios hay hind , luu HCIOiiiow land. Will --ell for f. > pel ncic nnd take Ki.COO c.ich. Will also take on the tiadc , Omaha house aud lot wuithjilWJOtot'.OOo. South Omnhn. 1019 2.1th ht. . So. Omaha lull lot for . . % 0.10 1021 llrown i'niklot , COxllO . . . . Ki ( ) 151 N st lot. 2.1\ty ) . 2.1oi ) lu2U rirstnddto bo. Omaha , cornel on 2.1th ht , lot TttMUl 2300 Tel ms $50D cash , lOOl II lots lu llo\d' * Shani's add nt fcJ.10 to t\UM \ each , easy teims 1001 Jettcr's add , 2 lots , each . . 1,000 Hilck Vuiil. 2splemlld'locatlou foi brltk yaidd , both on railroad. Douglas County , rOne of Hie flnebt fumih In this county lor sale. II Is nenr Omiili.i , ou lallioad , and in A 1 condi tion : running walei all thecar ; goud buy laud , Acc. . 1'rlce ilOper ncie , \Piyeasylerms ; 4Vi 111 the lai m. AUH'c , ' Iteal I'.a.ite Agnuey , Telephone 7U1. OOica 1107 1 umam. fiSd Jl FOH SAf.K-South Omnhn propeity. Full lot < m Tw cutv-tlrtu rit. , near N , ono of the best biixluehN lots lu South Omaha , i.1HK ( ) ; cash one-half , bal. easy , will sell twenty or foity feet If inn chaser desires. Two butineii lots on N btreet at 1150 per ftont flKlt. Six bnsineis lots on M street , between Sfith and 27tli bts. , f 10)11 ) f.VWO to H.H l each. Several line lots in First addition on 24th aud 2.1th U.S. . ll.KXi each. Five lots ou O btieet. ill Second addition lo South Omaha , II.M10 iiich ; cash H , bal easy , Finn business lot ou O. street , partially im proved. & ! , .riU ) . Flno bunlnesh lot within half a bloc ] : of o st. , onlyl.2.-)0. Seveial lots ou Sltli und Ilellevuo "trcets. In 1'otter i. Oobb's 2nd addition. $ .71 to tl.OOo each. Twelve lots in I'otter .V 'obb s addition , fium tied to } liu each ; terms ensv. A few niorolUe , ton , llfteen nud tweiity-ncio tracls near South Omaha from l-Til to flVJ pr > r raru. Lotb In additions as fur nwnv uro selling for us inueli as we bell acres , 1'utter i , Cobb , 1WI rurnnni st. 551 21 "C10H SALF.-Four houses oil S. 20th t. X1 AllirlgUt , 2U S , 15th at , SNuVP-Splcndld cofner hi Shlim's addition . _ w Uh Kinall house , * V < . SnnKnst \ and north corner 2Sth st > V.irnut , on grnde , U- fnap lixfitHO , ShUin' add. f runt Ing Charles St , plenty of Ire'cs. fl.'JO. Snap M foot coiner ou 2.1th st , I'otrlck'H add , Ono lot for cottages , f.1ox ) . Snap Mxlti corner on 3eard t-t , on giado and U sure' bargain , litmo. 1L. . Hregor ) . 301 goiilh 16th st. KX ) F HAI.i : Ul acres of land In section 21.71' 41 ' 1 his laudliusin lown.aboutflij mile's east of the packing houi < iu < . South Omaha 1 will sell cheap for cash. Address , 1' . M. linker , jMUHanovur st , Chicago. & ' 21 I710H SAir. In South Omahar > houses on 2 U corner lots , for Jl.'WO , J-j cash , which lent for M7i1 per ) ear , on L st. I ) . D. bmenton , lau Dodge st. iv'- . . . SAL1J Abllue a piece of tiniknce as there is lu the city. VN.U. Albilght , 2ISS. IMh _ st. 4" . . SAI.i : lliislncfs property In South Omaha. W. (1. Albilglit.glss. llth st. 41' . ' Foil SAI.K-CflxSO feet on cnblo line. Splendid inside location foi four tlnts-Jtl.WO. Must b Fold nt once. Maisluill \ Lobeck , room I' , Chamber of Com. 32 rrUilN'KOf lt-f\UO foot lot loss llmngnu- Jlinlf mllofroin . . St.l' . . * A O. depot for 1150 : M cnsli , Iml.inro to suit. It w 111 pay jotl to look this WP.H.K. _ _ Oolu.i < HIo. ! IMll. ,1)11 ) a ! 710H 8AM5-uTt51iloclsCA. S. 1'ntrlck's n < \ J eltion , will Ml fi > r few days nt ll.ftJO. ITJi nsh. balance o. > y. M 7 HI-D ( illlco. U87 fnoil SAJ.K 100 aeros uf land four miles fiom JL1 tock > uids , nt 11-5 perucro ; thb Is a bar- train. McCiigue. Opp. V. ( I. MI WHY p.iy rent when you can buy n furnished houM ) on ti nlco lain" lot , WxllO , In the finest reslnencu part of Omnha , nenr th < sttcot nrs uiulltliln ono block of where the Metro * > olltau ciblo will run , by pnjltiff nsmnll sum low u und the balance monthly. Address O 1'J , lee. ! M Eat M sriCKNKY * ( X ) . innKo anpecialty of ' - ' - " " " " In North Umahii , forsnta or rent at Citizens' bank. SHLH Cumlnjt st. T.U TfTIOll SALK Wo offer asa speciat1)argaln Ilk ) JJ act es of hind four miles from stock yards , at $ ir > pur acre , on line of U. 1' . It. U. MrCaguo ( Opp. I'.O. IU4 F [ SALK Three six-room houses In Ambler 11 Place. W. G. Allulght. 2IC S. 15th at. 499 F OH SALE- m-M.A. Three pieces propei ty.'JO per tent below actual value. Lot 27 , K.ilrmouut , &JM , ll.llMcash. lllockf. llo\d' nddlt Ion. ID lots on St.ito St. : rnik from Holt line guaranteed , * 7UOO. J i.fiOO 'ash. Hlock 83 , Iloyd'8 addition , 10 lots , $ fl,500 , J-.OOD ash. M. A. Upton & Co , 10th street , opposite Cham ber of Commeuu 6."i4 rilHOMPSON. ,114 S.1r > th st , buys and soils rei JL estate , lo in * money , purchase securities ; las a good list of prnpuity for sale and wants 3iore. Notary puulic. 8j | TjlOH SALK-A furnished liaf 7 > f II"iooiiw w"i"tii JC steam and bath , lentraly located. Call 2il North llth. . H10. "TTtOK SALE inulitt cast ft out corner , ou Jit Jand Jones bts , Just south of the line resld Mire of Kasson , 11 llrady and others. Can hell his. if taken atome. for J. > , i"i" . An elegant osldtnco corner. Nothing In the \lclnltv so heap M. A , Upton 4. Co. 10th st. out ) fiuim- bti of Cummerco. FOH SALE deed l > rlck business property lu centre of ( Irnnd Island ; gieatest liurgaln nnd best teuus in the city ; but little cash. 10- liilred ; long tlmo , low Interest and casypav- iiii'nt.s ; otlier real estate fer Halo. Address. ! . 11. "iVoolley , attorney ut law , Uruud Island , Nub. Foil SALi ; Finest location for a home in West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes of Klrkendall , Coelliady , Kassou and others. Nothing liner In the city. Cm so Illft1xl87 or ess ; for pilcos and teims see S. A. Slouian , 1 } J1 UlOI' a moment and think of the Mist 1m- fj pro\t'innnts now in pi ogress on the vallev ninth , thin come to us und we will Mill jou a lot 50\1-'U feet for * 180 , J. ) insli , bulanco to suit tnla ) few moieut thU pilci' . H. E. Cole. IIIO So Iflth. nil 22 FOH SALE-Ono 7-iooin house Jn Alnmo 1'luaV ( J Albilght , 21bS. l.'th. 4'H ' THE CHICAGO AND Railway Short Lino. The onlr rn&fl 16 take for Doi Molncs. Slnrlnlllown C : > r Hsplrtl , rllmon , ll on , Olilnian , Mtlisnnkea otnl all polntB cant. To Hie ponplo of Kuliruskn. Colorado rado , WroniliiK. Utali.lilahii , > evHcta.Oicn n.usli - Ineton anil Cnllfornla. It nfleM eupuJlor uilruntugui tif t i > n 9lnlo lijr any olhi'r line. Amciiik' a fuw of thu uunit ruus points ot supcrlorltj enjojort by tlio vatrnni of this mini between Omali * Hnd Chicago , nni Its two trali nilny of I/\V ) COACH- ) , s. whlcli uru IhollntMt Hint niunnn nttnml Inni'iiul- tjr eiui create. Hi 1'Al.ACK tU.KHl'IMI UAIIS. which ro mmliilii of comfort and elvK.iiK-e. Us 1'AIllXJIt UUAW1.V ) HOOM CAItS , iuwirpn eil Iiy any , mid It3 widely colebnmJ i-ALA'DAI , D1M.XO CA11S , the ciiual of whlihrinnot l > o foiiuU Hi cwlioro. At Coun cil BlntlH tin.trulns ol tlm Union 1'ncine lUlllwiiy , ran- tiect In union depot with those of Did Chlcnuojc Northwestern Hy. lu CblniEO thu trnlni of this lln < innku close connection with thoia of nil other cHstcru Kor Detroit , Columbii' , Inillnnnpolls , Cincinnati , NlnBarn I alls , lluflaln. I'ltmaurit , 'I'mintn , MuntruHl , JIuBlonNI'TTorlt , rhlludclpma , llulilniore , Wash ington , nod all polnta In thouadt , n k for u ticket via Iho "NORTHWESTERN. " If Ton wl h the best accommodation. All ticket KgeaU eu tlckvu via this Una. U. IIIKUim , K.P.WII.SON. Genl. Slanngcr , < Jcnl. l'as r A tool Chicago , Ills. W. M.HAiicocif , L Wotejfu A eut City 1'tuiTr. Omaha , Ktbrukiu ADDITIONAL COUNCIL. BLUFFS Ijel Tlit-i'o Roe Hcot-Qpy. a suipiibu to many to Ic.iiu the city i oum-il cnmo voiy near roncwmg the t'lnu-tci-of the g-iis cdmpanyithoul Riviucr tlm imbltu any opportunity to consider nnd ilisruss tlio dctuilsottho now uuangcincnt. Tlio mutlor is of so much impnrtunt-o that the council cannot uilord to tuiilto liny ronti.icts in private SL'sslmi Tlio publlu is fliisplc-ious , is watcliinf , and wlmtovor notion is tiikcn in icKuul to thu gas ( itiL'Stlon must bo alo\u bo.ird. The K < > S < ompiiny ! b inakliv u pic-at liiiiullo of Ihofncl llmt thu present thai tin- doe's not dlu for li your jut , uud Uiu piomiso thut if they do get u icncwul thn loiluced prii-o can bo talccii advantage of dm Ing thu coming .Near. Mnny we'll infoimed JIUINOIIS \\liohavfCMimincdtho chin tor dot lure they li.ivo long sluco Joifoiled it. It ccituliilj suums so. The old thurlur obligated the com- p.uij to adopt itnpiovcnients. and lesson the cost ogiis ufcordlngly , and this 1ms been wholly ignored for nearly twenty jcars Council IJluJTs 1ms bee'onio very ueary of guo ut tU.CCi u thousand. I'luj IIIK It Ijo\y. Theie are several plucrs in tlio city where wlies avo.fitrotclie'd BO low us to budnnpprous to those who nre upon u lend of liny , wood or unythlngof ttiut soil. In sovc-cal places stny wires uro stietched from telegraph poles to fence po'its , coming so near the ground ns to suiely catch uiijrmo ulio is on u high scut. Ono such who is on upper Hioailwiiy near the lonil to the beer garden. Another Is on Tenth n\emuu near Fourth sticut. Theu-o areioidiimnecs fovunng hiu-h umtlura , but HUIu attuntlon seems lo bo paid lo tholr on- foi cement. Some terrible nccident mnv bo iicressury to uwiiUen the iiltcntion of mithnr Hies , but it seems that it would bd possible to get action without any such event. Drop tlm Drop Curtain. A Kansas City linn has been providing twn curtain * for the ojicra house. Ono of Iheiii is a Venetian scene , tlio other n grouping of ud- voitlsing cards. It Is claimed that tlio pro piictorof the liouso was to liavo botii cur tains gi at Is , while the p ilnters wcro to re- clove wluit thoj could get for the udvuilislnp cards. The merchants liavo been solleltt'd for pationugc , nud It Is suld that the cm tain makers have aheady secured ubout f 100. Tlio idea of flaunting in the fnco of an intelligent audience suc-h an iidvei lining c-ui-t.-iln has not met with favor among those who tiiKO pildc In having the opera house In somollttlo sunso , ut least , ono worthy of the prosperous city In which jt is located , N6w it uujivurs that the proprietor of the opera housa uud Iho curtain. have fallen ouf , and tliny tlNflRrco * a widely In their utiilerstnitdiugof tlio contract. that there ha > o been hot wordA and n threat that the advertising our In In shall not Doused. If it liuist bo tisuj it would bool ( at least to } have It so hung that It will not oomo dtiwu lllio n teni | > ost-lossod uhlp sinking Inlld billows , Ono of the pix'tliest goenes over ot in the opera hotiio was spoiled the oilier night by the grand and lofty tumbling of this curtain - tain , The opera house deserve * better things. Papers ate being prepared for contempt proceedings ugalust the I'nlou Paelllo for Injiiig their truck on Tenth aveiiuu right lit the fnco of an Injunction from .ludgo hoof- bourow's court. The piipeis will rn-obubly bo tiled to day , and thn request Hindu for ati order for the compuiiv lo bo iniido uppe'ar nt some future date to show cause , If tiny thcro bos by It should not bo adjudged guilty of contempt. t An KxlPiHMl PopulniHy , Hrown's Hron- rhliil Tioehes hn\o for many ycnrn becin the most iHjpulnr nrllulo in use for reliovlug Coughii uud Tliroat troubles. , Vlm II WEAK , NKHV011M. DF.ntl.ITAi TKIK who In till roi.lYY anil IU NOKANCll TKirLKDawny hli VIUOKof 1WUV , IN and MANHOOtt.Miulug xh uitln .dlMJ upon the FOtlNTAINN of J.IFKT IIKA1 > A 1HK , nACKACHK , Dresrtml lrcnmi , WCAKNFMH of Memory , nAHII- rUI.NRNNIn NOriETY. IMMPI.EBUpon the FA 'K. and nil the EFFEUrm leodlnjtto KAKI.Y DECAY nnd pcrliBpi CONMVMP * TION or IMNANITY , ihould coiuult ot onca ho CEI.F.nRATKn lr. Clarke , Established .K > \ . Dr Clarke hns innrtc NERVOVH DE > BlI.rrY. 'IIRONIf ) nnd all IMteMC * of the UENITO IIIIINAIIY OrKBin a Ufo H'uJy. It makes NO dinvrenco WHAT you iAVc Uikcu or WHO ha * failed to euro you. rj-FEMAI.KSsutrerlng from ill cnse4 pew- liar to their REX can consult with the aHUranco lif ipccdjr relief and eure. Senil 2 cent * pmU(0 Tor worki on jrour dincntrs. 49Bcnd 4 cents pottage for Celebrnled orltH on Chronic , Nerv u nnd I > ell CBte Diseases. Coiiiultatloii , personul'y or by latter , free. Consult the old Doctor. Tlioainml * ctirnl. OlHreiiand imrlora prltato. * a-Thnao contemplating Jlarri ( to lend for Dr. 1'lnrke'n celebrated guldo Mnln and FciiiHlo. each 15c. , Inth 250. 'BUmp ' ) . lleforc confiding your cnie , conrult lr. Cl , AUK K. A friendly letter or call may lave future suUeriuKiuid shame , nnd add golden years to Ufo.Boolc Mfe'fi ( Secret ) Er- roiWe. . ( stninjis ) . Modloluu and writing Bent cverj where , Fcctiro from cxpotur * . Hours , 8 to B ; Hundajs , 9tol2. Address , P. D. OLABKB , M. D. 18(3 ( Bo. Clark St. . OHIOAQO. ILL. OFTU0 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' , Hie Best Route from Oumlui aud Council Bluffs to iTHE EAST = = = - TWO TIIAINS DAILY I1KTWRKN OMA11A AND CUUNCIL llLUVtS ClliCQfCO , AND St. Pnul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rnnlds , Rock Island , Frerport , Rock ford , Clinton , Diiliuque , Davenport , Madison , Juucsvlllc , AVliionn , La Crossc , And all othur Important points EMt , NortUcait nod Houthea't. For tin-ouch tlrkoti call on the ticket RBcnt t 1(31 farnam ilrvot , lu 1'nxtou Hotel , orut Union I'ncllto Jjopot- I'ullnian Sleopern and the flncit IMnlne Cars In the worl'l ' are run mi tlio muln lluo of the CUIcnco , Mil- naukce A bt I'aul Hnllitnr. and cvorr mention la paid to patsumus Lcounooim ttuiilojm of tbt oompHiiy. iMM.r.KR.nonornl Manngor. it F. 'lUCKlill. AcjIMnntUi neral Manager. A. V. U UAKl'EN'iKU , General l'a ODg r and nro KIIKAI KOHD , Acslitant Gciiiral Puitnger nd 'I'lrkot AuunU J. T. CLAUK , Ocncral Supertntcndcnt. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , COIAHA. Hiinnlnu Iletween 'ouuell Illuffs and Albright In addition to thu loin mentioned , tralun fctop nt Twentieth and Twenty-fourth'btreots unit at the bummit.ln Uiniihn. . , i iin Ki