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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1887)
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , DECEMBER 22. 1887 , THE DAILY BEE1 ! ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFKICK NO. 12 , PUAIIL BTHKI2T Dell * erf ill ) } ' cnrrlcrln any part of the city at twenty ccntB per week. It , W TIM . Mnnngcr. Tltl.KI'HONES : ntfiHEKB Orncr. , No. . MOIlTElUTOIlJNo.S ) . MINOIt MI-SXTION. N. Y. Plumblny Co. llcitor , tnllor , Fall goods cheap. See Chapman's pictures for Christmas. Additional Council Bluffs nuws on seventh page. Lilian Olcott appears again to-night at the opera bouse in Tlieoilora. . The next term of the district court opens 'January ! J4 , with Judge Thornell on the bench. The "Tlieoilora" party nrd divided between the Pacific and the Ucchtcl 'during their stay In the city. The sewerage kickers arc still making things lively nt the city clerk's ofllcc. Sev eral protests arc tiled daily. The Mueller Music company bus Issued ono of the daintiest and most artistic calendars and holiday souvenirs seen this'season. . Ono innrrlnpo license was Issued ycster day. The persons contemplating the act are L. P. Jensen and Clara Ncilson , both of Ncola. A reduction has been made In sleeping car rates over the Hock Island between Council HI 11 its and Chicago. Sections are now only (5 and double berths $2.50. Mr. Arthur C. Haymcr of Omaha and Miss Lottie Foreman were married last evening nt the residence nf the bride's iHirctits on Qlen avenue , Hov. F. J. Mnckcy ofllciuting. The funeral of Martin Hair , who died from the effects of being scalded at the packing house , was held yesterday forenoon from the residence on Avenue H , near Ninth street. rjJnmcs HcfTerinan and C. Hoehllng wcro lined ISI.fiO each yesterday for disturbing the pence. The money wus advanced by their employer , James Hillurd. A one-armed gu/zler was discharged. The printers are making great prepara tions for their annual masquerade to takn place Saturday evening. The costumes will bo very unique , and there will bo all the ac companiments for a jolly time. The case of the state ngainst W. A. Pierce , for selling fire-arms to minors was called in Justice llarnett's court yesterday. There was no appearance ngalnst Pierce and ho was discharged. Thus endetli the second IcBson. A telegram from Stnnton , Neb. , received yesterday by Chjef Mullen , stated that Winn , the forger and check swindler , would come without a requisition , and Mr. Mullen left for there lust evening. Ho expects to bo back with him to-day. Last evening Miss Lottie Format ! , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Forman , was given in marriage to Mr. Arthur C. Huymen , a young business man of Omaha. The ceremony w.vs performed by Uev. T. J. Mackey in the presence of only the relatives and the most Jntinnito friends. Herb Kothery , who skipped out on being convicted of stealing n diamond from Hnr- horn's store , has left bis bondsmen to settle the $1.000 claim , and proceedings have been commenced against them. The boudsmcn are Conrad Geise and John Linder. Thomas Htirchard , of Carson , is among the missing. His friends hold to the theory that ho has become insane , and wandered away. Ho wore n brown duck coat , Scotch cap , striped overalls , a pair of new boots. He wears a sandy moustache , is about live feet , ten Inches tall , and is decidedly rounj shouldered. On Monday last N. J. Swanson was found upon the lloor In his store on Mroadway In an Insensible condition. Hestoratives were ap plied , after which he was taken home. The faint was the result of a hurt ho had re ceived in tno early part of the day. He will be about in u day or two. The pupils in Miss Dale's room in the llloomor building gave a pleasing programme yesterday afternoon , and the parents and friends wcro invited in. The showing was n very creditable one. botli to the teacher , who is ono of the best in the corps , und to the pupils , who have evidently mndo excellent use of their advantages. Lillian Olcott and company appeared last evening at Dohany's opera house in "Theo dora. " The mounting of the piece is excel lent. The company is n strong and well bal anced ono. The star , of course , carried off the honors , and they were deserved. Harcly , Indeed , has u Council llluffs audience wit nessed a moro artistic and realistic presenta tion of the character than was Miss Olcott's interpretation of Theodora. Her delineation of the liner shades was exquisite as well as j delicate. The audience wus fair in numbers. t To-night the house should bo crowded. - Opium , morphine hnbits cured. DR. BELL1NGEK , 014 B'wny , Council Bluffs. Every ono making a cash purcha so o 25 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cipiu Htoro gets a chunco in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes. Elegant stationery anil scrap books at t cost. Mueller Music Co. Troxoll Bros , headquarters for Christ mas poultry. Leave your orders. - * Lots for sale , If2o cash , balance monthly. Johnston and Van Patten g3 Mainst. T. B. Baldwin sells lots. Fine jewelry at Burhorn's , . 17 Main Music folios anil sheet music a Mueller Mubio Co.'a. Watches cheap at Kirkland's , 321 Broadway. Solid and plated ware at Burhorn's For Christmas gifts go to Kirkland's Bargains in heavy pant goods am overcoating . Made up in the best styli and very cheap at A. llciter'a oil Broadway. Personal H. W. Young of Living City was a vislto in the city yesterday. J. K. Fenner of Missouri Valley took ii the HlufTs yesterday. C. W. Hicks & Co. have moved their rca estate office to No. 14 Pearl street which wil be their quarters for the winter. Harry Ford , a Union Pacific hrakcmar started last evening for Oakland , Cal , , t ' make his homo there and continue ruilrnai ing. His Council HlufTs friends , of whom h has many , wish him the best of success , an ho carries with him several substantial re memberancos. Mr. Hrady , another Unio Pocillu brakcuian goes with him. Ho is fioi Omaha. _ Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Cc Opera glasses at Mrs. E. Burhorn's. Diamonds at Mrs. E. Hurhorn's. WniUworth , Etnyro &Co. loan mono Gold headed canes at E. Burhorn'i DoIIavon , during the balance of thi week , will olTor especial bargains i Chribtmas and holiday goods. If ya wont goods at nlmobtyour own prices g there and got thorn. The ( lid , Oltl Story. The sensational shi'cts of the city will see have nn opportunity to uusko a lengthy art clc out of nn affair that happened BOUIO tin ago In Illinois. One of the interested pai ti < is now stopping In the city , and will see lluure as the plaintiff in a seduction bult. Tt Voune IIHWI in the case U at his homo in Stc ling. 111. The unfortunate girl was yestcrdsi Interviewed at n Main street boarding hous and the -details of the case Wfre learnc " , Under the promise of marriage , "or rnln wi necoimil fhed , and she is now left to face 11 umntyW world alone. The names of.t artle&iro withheld. . The girl will thpitl tcavo for homo to prosecute her case. . . 'FIXING ' ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Interesting Dotnila Given By the President of the Company. AN ATTORNEY'S DEEP GRIEF. Found Guilty of Forgery The Opera Holme iMop Curtain Under the iWniimln , niul Oilier Ilrlcf Mention. TlioHlrctrli : Thq tow r lights , have sent out no lays for the past two nights to guide the belated lilurtltcto his home , nml they will not be running ngnin until the weather moderates Btifllclcntly for the men to work on the top of the towers. The results experienced thus far from thcuew method of lighting the city have elicited widely varying comments , al though it is the general impression that the change has b cn for the better. Several of the business mrn of thorliy hnvo expressed themselves as being disappointed because the lights did not do as well as thu ones did on the court house during the trial last summer , and have attributed It to the Use of n three- sided lantern instead of u globe around thu lamps. In order to ascertain whether them was anything ! this state ment. the Hti : : mancstcrday calico upon Mr , Thomas Officer , of the electric light , company , and asked his opinion of the present working of the new lights. " 1 have not been around very much to f > cc the effects from the different towers1 f.nid he. "but from what 1 have seen 1 atn very well satisfied. There was considerable trouble in locating the tower on Oakland avenue , from the fact that theic wcie no cross streets along there to afford us the proper guy fastenings , and one of tno posts liatl to be placed on private property. The only place to be obtained was at the coiner of Avenue 10 , and Mr. Mutt granted the desired permission to place a post on his grounds. When 1 MUV the location , I was very uncertain whether a tower at that place- would light the bottom lands , as the liuhts would be more than 'J.'jd foot above them , Wncn the lights wcie started I rode out tlinre to see the effect , and was very iigiceabl.v dis appointed. In testing the power of electric lights , and thu results obtained from towers of diffcient heights It has bcrn uscci tallied that the same light will bo received ; lum fiet from a 50 foot tower : I , t ( XI feet from a 7i > foot tower : lf > ( K ) from a 100 foot tower ; -,1(10 ( tcct from a 1-5 foot tower and " , .MiO feet finm a 150 foot tower. It was for this reason that I advised the council to adopt the l.VI foot tow ers. The .same i-xperiments showed I hut when the lights were elevated above Kill feet the distance to which the light was thrown begun to decrease , demonstrating that the best results could be obtained from towers of thu height adopted In the citj. " "I Jo you think that ( lie lanterns now in UM : on the tower lights are as good as the globe- , that were used on the old lights ! " If 1 had not thought Sn , I shuuld nut have bought them , us they cost about S."i , while I could have bought globes for the twenty- eight lamps at about * ! apiece. 1 went to Detroit , where thi'V li'.ur about one bundled and twenl.v-tive \ loot towers , and saw these lanterns in use. 1 did not make any particular inquiries in to them , but supposed they had pivcji them a sufficient test. It maj bo Hint globes would be bettor , but I think the lanterns have not yet had a fair test. The glasses hud to be put in alter the lamps wcie in place , and the weather at thu time WHS quite cold for a man to work at elevation with his ban- hands , for tiiu glass had to be cut on the top of the lowers , so it would , iot be at all surprising if the work was done rather hurriedly , and the the glass mluht not have fitted tightly. It will be impossible to tell what caused them to blow out , until a man can go to ( lie top of the towers. The lamps may have swung around so us to bring thohot metal in cont'ict with the glass , und so have ciacked and broken it , although it is of double thickness. It is too cold at present for a man to work at replacing the glass , but such weather would not prevent him from going up to put In now cartoons if the lamps were in running order. Tin1 only objection to a globe is that it may get full of snow and frce/e. Such a thing might not happen for two or three years , although it did a few times last winter. In those cases the base was taken into an adjoining store and thawed out , Imt that would bo almost impossible to do with twenty-eight lights , lo cated ISO fci't in the air. These lanterns wcro supposed to obviate all such difficulties , and I want them fitted up in good shape this time. If the city council prefers the globes , of course they can have them. The lights will not be. started again until plcas.tnt weather , for a man can not work up there now. The lights on the court house were fixed to-day , but the man had to come down about every ten minutes to warm. Tins talk about the corners of the lanterns throwing a . heavy shade is overdrawn , for the shade thrown by one lantern is overcome by the light from another. I think they will work all right , still they can bo changed if neccs- sary. " "Do you think the lights on the court house are giving as good results as they did last summer I" "Yes , just exactly. There is no reason why they should not. The lamps are just as strong , and the current the same. There is no difference. " "Tnero is considerable talk in the city at present regarding the incandescent light. How is it as compared with the arc system i" "Why , for lighting offices , private houses , and small rooms , the incandescent is the thing , but for street lighting and for large rooms the arc is the best. For a church ot opera house the incandescent gives u much pleasanter light , but it requires a many of them. The arc lighting is giving peed satisfaction at the prcsbytoriun church , and it the Methodist will be lighted in the same way , if other subscribers can be found in thai vicinity to make it pay to build a line up there. The work on the tower lights will be 1 done as soon as possible , and I hope the re suit will bo satisfactory. I don't want an other failure , and the repairs will not b ( made until they can be made properly. The city will not bo left in absolute darkness , a the moon and gas still shine. " Postofllcc boxes for doors and postb al Odcll & Bryants , 40-5 Main street. Chribtmas pros-cuts , Burhorii's,17Mair You don't hnvo to buy Shoes to get : r Dilemma al Adams' Free. An acceptable present at any time i Domestic bowing machine. Ollk'o 10- al Main bt. 11n A , The case of A. L. Young , just concluded al * > Glenwoodcomcs as a great surprise to many ( Ho was well known throughout this part o : the stntCjhaving been located nt Malvernam having there become quite prosperous am prominent as an attorney. Ho lately movci to Omaha , and thb best wishes of a largi ' circle of friends went with him. Ho hai o. been considered as bright in head and hones in heart , and when the announcement wa is ; made that ho had been indicted for forgery , ! was generally thought that the result mus be an honorable acquittal. Now following th surprise felt at the indictment.comes u f urthe surprise in the verdict of guilty. The charge against Young was that ho hai forged the name of Mr. Klnnry to a note fo tiUK ) , and had used this note at the bank a collateral security on n loan. Kinney cami upon the stand und denounced the signatnr Is as a forgery. To offset this the defens in claimed that It was not that Kinney wh in.Ml signed the note , but another Kinney , whos .Ml homo was now in St. Louis , and whoso dc JO ( Kjsition wus rend , in which this Kinne ; stated that ho had signed thu note , and thu it was his genuine note. This with Mi Young's avowal tliat ho had been straight ii Oil this mutter , made It look like a case of mis ti taken identity , or n bad tangle of mlsundei tine standings. ne The sensation of the trial was the appeal cs anco on the witness stand of the St. Loui on attorney , who , ns notary , had taken the dc her l > oslUoii of this Kinney , This notary tcntlHci ray that Young was the man who reprcsentei ay himself as Kinney and subscribed to the dc . position. This evidence was n startler and ' crusher. The jury returned a vcrdjct accord as ingly nndlng Young puilty. an Young was ono of the aspirants a year n ; ho for the republican nomination for . 'otic o the district . JUdgcsbips. 'Hl $ , di'sir tovc f the ermine was looked upon wit ! favor by many , but It nr-cms moat fortunate for the party that ho did not tccure the de sired honor" . JIUs not known what step Young will toke next. } lt.tUll ! ? stoutly protests that the case is by no meftns through with , and that futto revelations and explanations will set him right before the world. On the other hand it i wWsponjilihnj ol ] ) X l ! ! > i cs ere to iw brought njmtustliiiii , and It tne sentence on this first conviction is not long enough to satisfy his persecutors these other cases will be pushed. Otherwise they will probably bo dropped. Gold pens mid pencils at K. Burhorn's. - 30 bars ot Peisian soap , $1.00 , nt Timoll Bros , ' One thousand head of one , two and three-year-old steers for Fale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. J. ( jrounamayer , < iU3 Mynster st. telephone 1 1. It Wnti n Grand HIICCCHS. The cantata "Under the Palms" had Its second rendition last evening nt St , Paul's church. The work Is the latest product of the celebrated composer , George F. Itoot , and combines many of his best musical ideas. In the disti ibutlon of the work splendid op- IKirtunitles arc presented for the different volcos. The onrcinblc is a grand conception , for in It. arc combined the various shades of feeling which moved the Jewish people in the scenes of their history which are hero de picted. This presentation was an accurate rcVroductlon of the conception of the author. The chorus was constituted of about fifty voices. It showed a wonderful symmetry and unison in its execution. This wus the result of careful training ut the hands of the Hcv. t.1. . Mackcy and the organist , Mr. W. J , ( .iratiun , and to them much credit is due for thotruiningof the fifty children toso high a degree is no small matter. The soloists rendered their parts with rare excellence. Mivs Barbara Merkel , the so- piano , added new laurels to her already en viable reputation. Mrs. Ward , always a favorite , laid additional claim to prominence as an alto foloist. Her voice showed Its won derful richness especially in the solo , to which Miss Mary Haas furnished a beautiful harp accompaniment. This was keenly ap preciated by the audience and the other singers us well. Mr. I. M. Trcynor. wlioluus man.\ times before delighted Council Bluffs audiences , rendered his tenor solos splcn- didl.Mr. . . .lohn Coopcrshowcd the posses sion of marked qualities us a buss soloist which need only time and opportunity to re ceive full iccornition nt tlic hands of the public. The other paits demanding special mention lire the duetts by Miss Merkel and Mrs. Ward and the male quartette by Messrs. Tre-ynor. Gilbert , Nortimp and Cooper , with obliifiito solo by Miss Merkel. The cn tumes were elegant and appropri ate to the Jewish character ut that nge. The stage was erected in the chuncel und Its ur- riinp-cincnt und adornment were beautiful. Token as u whole the work was most ex cellently rendered. The audience wus largo and showed its appreciation freely as oppor tunity was presented. Doubtless the church would be crowded should the cantata be ren dered again lintire change in programme at Adams' . Call for "Dilemma' ' Free. J. W. and 1C. L. Squire lend money. Holiday goodat Mrs. H. Bui-horn's. * When Lawyers Full Out. The case of Freluont Ucnjamin against Arch ColTman is still on trial at Avoca , In this case llcnjamin claims fi.filX ) fee for at tending to ColTinan's interests in a prelimi nary hearing only. On the part of CotTinan the claim is resisted on the ground that he has paid Henjamin all that hcwascntitlcd to , that the fee demanded is exhorbltant , and worse than all , that Benjamin , after being discharged from the case , went over to the enemy and not only revealed to the prosecu tion the secrets of his client , but tried to em ploy attorneys to prosecute Coffman. Among the' witnesses for Coffman was Askwith , Benjamin's old partner. Judge Thornell , who was prosecuting attorney in the Coffman case , was called in as a witness. John Y. Stone , whom Benjamin tried to employ to prosecute Coffman in the case , was also on the stund. There seems to be a good deal of interest taken now in the affairs of the old law firm of Benjamin & Askwith. The two lawyers have fallen out , and there are some spicy stories being told , each on the other. A move is mudc to have Askwith disbarred , and there are whisperings that like proceed ings may be commenced against Benjamin when this case is through. Always ut the Front. We have now one of the most com plete stock of line and medium-priced watches and chains , diamonds , gold jew elry , line marble clocks , silver and plated ware , gold-headed canes , umbrellas , opera and field glasses , and all the standard styles ot the leading novelties of the season. All prices so low as to defy all competition. At No. 27 South Main btrect. C. B. JACQUKMIN & Co. Big choice in Chribtmas Slippers for a Present to Gentlemen , at Adams' . For best quality coal anil wood , call on Gleason , 'M Pearl street. Deals In Dirt. Notwithstanding the severe cold , a fait activity is slfown in real estate matters , Yesterday's transfers were as follows : Spencer Smith to H. L. Hnas , fifty-eight lots in Highland place , f 10,000 , ; Spencer Smith tc Samuel Haas , twenty-eight lots In Highland place , $3,000 ; F. A. Sprague to D. F. Nichol son , lot a in block 2 , Everett's add , WOO ; Charles Oftlccr to Peter Hanson , two lots in Hailroad add , * 1T5 ; William Seidentopf tc Gcorgo C. Tolloy , lot 5 in block II , Ferry's add , WOO ; G. F. Spaulding to E. P. Wagoner , lot a in block 15 , Everett's add , $4.10 ; Horaci Horwick to I. Gilllnsky , one-third interest inlet lot 7 , block 7 , HcoiV add , $ . " . < > 0. Largest assortment Warm Shoes al Adams' . E. H. Shcafc loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All uusincss strictly confldcntiul. Olllce 500 Broadway , cor ncr Main street , up-stairs. Kirkland will give you bargains ii watches , clocks and jewelry , Fine mixed candies , lie per Ih. Troxell Bros. _ Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. The Central drug store , under J. D Stuart , has been enlarged and rcfur nished with a complete block of frcsl ,0 drugs. Fine holiday books , stationery . cutlery and musical goods at low prices isit 10 it FURNITURE ! 10r Wo are now prepared lor the HOLIDAY TRADE Our immense buiUlliiKs nro packed full u tliu most BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT GOOD ! In our line , nnd at prices Unit will ilofy rein petition. Wo Kuaruuteo our goods to nu Jus as wo represent them. IMuusu K'VU ' us u nil whether you wish to buy or not , und brim your friends with you. It is no trouhlu ti bUo\v our goods. Kespectfully , C. A. BEEBE & CO. DISCOUNT SALE ! NO ADVESTISING SCHEME TO WORK OFF OLD GOODS , BUT MADE NECESSARY BY OUR REMOVAL TO ANOTHER LOCATION , TWENTY PER ENT CUT OFF ! ON THE FOLLOWING GOODS : PICTURES , EASELS , PASTELS , FRAMES , ENGRAVINGS , EM. UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Mail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Discount. Goods Marked in Plain Figures. W. W. CHAPMAN , 105 & 107 MAIN ST. , : : : COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. For useful Christmas Gifts [ call on the Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , 405 Broadway. ; , / - ' * V"1 , , ' - r A ft-- ? * DO YOU INTEND TO BUY SFILAJfcTO OIK SO , S-O-STy IS TlIK FUM.FST , JtlCIIKSTTO.NK. | * ( UlOASIOOTII IN TOVE. PIANOS Tin : IMTI..ST arvi.Ks IN ( } VSES. OIHMNH Km.t. IN VOMMIK. I > I\NOS TUB Mosr IHunitui : , KINIHH. | OHO\NS KLMIANTIY FJNISIIRP CASES. HO XTv'-ER TZS-A-IT We Dcly All Competition anil Challenge n Coinpnrinon of Goods anil 1'rlcea With Any HOIIHO In the \Vrst. SEE US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE ! SWANSON MUSIC COMPANY , 329 WEST BROADWAY , COUNCIL. BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. SPKCIAL HrtvcrtlscmentH.suchns IostFonnil , To Loan , For Sale , To Hcnt , Wunts , Hoard Inc. etc. , will he Instntetl In thlH column lit the low minor TEN CKNTS 1'KK LINK for the llrst IH- burtlon and Five Cents Per Line for each sulw- [ ] iuiit Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our Dfflre No. 12 Pearl Street , near Broadway , Coun cil Itlufls , Iowa. WANTS. STHAYED Young colt , dark bay. Kinder re warded. Hani Anderson , 1M1 8. llth St. , . ouncll llhilfH. FOR KENT House of 8 roomi. ( Jood loca tion. Jnqnlie W. T. Cole , Ml Pearl st FOK SALE Stoves and carpets must be sold soon.7 N 7th st. FOIt HRNT 'Ihi'larpeliall. M.xm. llfililed by elKlit windows and suitable for largo otll- cos or elub rooms. Directly over llntt.s' Cali fornia fruit store , 1(1 ( Pearl st. Horace Uvcrctt. WANTED H ) uonten to liny sewing ma chines ; will give them more than tnough work to pay for them. Uomostio olllce , Hki Main st. WANTED First class gardener , without capital , to work extensive garden on shares. First class chance. Addtess Joseph Smith , Council Illuirs. la. EXCHANGK-Oraahannd Council IHurM imi - erty and \tuMtern land for blocks of mer chandise. Call on or nddieas J. II. Christian , 5-M Ilioudway , Council llluiTs , lu. FOK 8AIK Oil EXCIIANOE-Equlty of li ! shares In Jeffries syndicate. Inquire of Odell Hro . it Co. ' "K SAI.K Very chenn for cash , or would exchange for Council Hinds or Omulin prop erty , a rctnl stock of boots uud shoes valued ut about HOW. Cull ut .store. No. MW llroadway , or address It. Martin , sumo number , Council lIliifTs , fa. BTOR BAIiK Soi'ond-hand Columbia blrycla > ery cheap. 62-Inch , ut lleo office. BUILDING lots and acre property for sale by K. J. Day , W 1'carl st. RARE CHANCE ! MUST BE SOLD ! The. desirable residence or business property known as the I'owern I'lace , on Utiprr llroaif- WHJ- opposite the SI. I ! , church , will positively be cold within thu next thirty days. Terms : One-thlid cuih , baluncu In one uud two years. Address bids to m GEORGE R. BEARD. Omiilm , Neb. , 1:117 : and I.'IIU DoiiKlas St. J D. H. HcDANELD & CO. , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , 1 o Wool and Furs. Highest Mnrket Prices. Prompt Returns. KOand KB Main Slr'cet.Coiincil niiirfs.lowa. Star Stables and Mjile Yards llronduuy , Council Illuirn , Opp. Dummy Dopot. Hoi-ken und muli'i roiintniitly on liiind , for MI In ii ( leUll ilr lu t ur loud lulu. tlnlrm prtimptix llll d by contract ontilmrt UOtilll. , , , ' , rile .k mild on coiiiimHitltin. . Itolviiliniio IH. MJIII.UTIW * 1101.KV. Oi > poUo Dummy Depot , Cuuucll IJIulI * . - GREAT DISCOUNT SALE - OF 20 PER CENT ON HATS AND GAPS FOR GASH. 1514 DOUGHS STREET. - - - OHM * . TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! STANDARD , UNDEIt HULK 0. WADE GARY , - - Council Bluffs , IF YOU GO TO MISSOURI VALLEY STOP AT THE St , ELMO HOTEL ! Sample Rooms Attached. W. U. IRWIN , Prop. OGDEN BOILER WORKS CAUTKlt&SOX , Prop's. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Steam Boilers & SJicet Iron Work , Orders by mull for repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Avenue. Al dress OKden Holler Works. Council Ulutfc , Iowa. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS 600 Uroodway Council Illuffs , Iowa. Established 1H57. WM. WELCH , Carriage aod Express Line. OFF1OK-015 SOUTH MAIN HT. Toll-phono No. Ifl. All calls from District Telegraph Olllco promptly uttcmled to. GRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es cape. Electric Call Bells. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable , MAX MOHN , Prpprietor. 401. BROADWAY. 401 See the Beautiful Silk Christmas Quilt And Pillow Shams , THE MOST ELEGANT DISPLAY OF SILKS , GOLD HANDLED UMBRELLAS , LACES , TOILET ARTICLES , SCARFS , ' ' CARPET SWEEPERS , NECKTIES , TOILET ARTICLES , SHAWLS , RUGS AND ral fliri We have a large line of UNDERWEAR Which we are closing1 out regardless oi former prices. Also a few more Bargains in Cloaks ! HARKNESS BROS. , --Broadway--401 IT WOULD TAKE MORE ROOM THAN ALL THE NEWSPAPERS IN THE CITY TO REPRESENT IN PRINT HENRY EISEMAN & CO''S ' GRAND HOLIDAY STOCK ! But it is well known that our house contains such a multitude of items that it is impossible to name them , nor could the papers make space to enumerate the articles now on exhibition. Eauh and every one of our . departments will offer thoufenmls of useful und ornamental tilings SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS ! . i We Imvo mnilo every effort to pluco on wile the most nttr.ietivo ami useful . goods ut the lowest possible price * , and uo invite inspection and comparison. Special Hanilkcrcliie'f sale this week at ! ! f , fie , lOe , 15e , 25e , un to $10. liauli and all go at about half price. Sillc Handkerchiefs and Mufllcrs in lav-pro variety. Laces , Kmhroidorios , Inclines , Luce Collars. Kid and Fabric Gloves. All must go at this great sale. Cloaks , Suits , Wraps , Gentlemen's Dressing Gowns and Hinoking.lackels. Ladio's Slumber Jtnbos , Japanese Smoking Jackets all Silk nnd Quilted ut J.5 , 31 , $7.50 to $10. Kneh n very suitable prebent from n lady to a gen tleman. Special bargains In our Art goods do- partment. Stamped Llnona , Kmt goods. Underwear. Everything muat be sold this week. Come to the People's store llrst and see what we can do for you. Wo know wo have the goods and that our prices will save you money every time. With every $2 purchase you will receive ceive n ticket for ono chance in our 100 grand free presents. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AT TENTION. HENRY EISEMAN & . CO. , PEOPLE'S ' STORE , 314,316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : : IOWA , .