TOTS OMAHA DAITjY BEETHTTBSDAY. . DECEMBER 22. 1887 EERMONEYWASALLAMYTn , Mra. Doggo Dofoo'.ocl lu the Horold Batato Controversy , THE END OF A CELEBRATED CASE. Otlicr IntrrCHtltiK TjlllKiitlun In the DiMrlct Court Comlni ; Hull ) of UHO,00 < > AurnH of Clicyciino County Hcliool JjiinilN. [ FROM TIIR HKE'S r.t.sxmx mniBAtM Some two or tltreo yeais agotho liibolvency of Christian 0. Herold , who had two clothing Btorcs in Lincoln , where he hnd removed from Pltitlsinouth , caused n great ficnsutlon. Ho hnd creditors in vnriouu largo cities , Chicago cage , .St. Louis and elHCwhurc , nnd the amount of hi * liabilities came up to about $10,000. Among the creditors was Dr. Otto II. Uoggc , formerly of Foil du Lac , Wls. , and at the time of the Insolvency , n nwldent of Lincoln. This creditor obtained Judgment by confes- filon , and uttwkud thu Btoek. Thcro was am- iildcrublo uproar among the other creditors , and legal proceed I ngi were commenced , which yesterday , In the Lancaster district court , reached another definite stage , which may bo the preliminary to u fuithur sifting In thoftuprcmocomt of thu1 .state , The lengthy proceedings have involved criminal charges. A goodly amount of goodi diinppcarod , but were afterwards recovered for the estate , the insolvent bringing them buck to Lincoln , und letting the creditors know whcio they were. Herald was convicted of defrauding his cred- itorx , but after the lapse of about a year ho wius pardoned by the governor on account of dellcato health and for other reasons. Ur. Doggo was also put on trial for participating in the alleged offence , mid after a long inves tigation the jury exonerated him , bring ing in u verdict of not guilty. The wife of Dr. Hoggs , Mrs. Uorthn Doggo , owns the fee of it valuable resldenco in Lincoln for which she guvo f.'i.OOO . , but for which it was said she wasotlored $13,000 dur ing last summer. ThocredItors ; claimed that this pro'tiorty was purchased out of mocccdii of tha Herold estate , and In u Milt Hart UroH. utiil VH Hortha Doggo ot nl sought to hnve It ileehurd that the property was hold In trust for their benefit. The trial of the caUHO began during the May , ISsT , term of the Lancaster county district court bcforo the Hon. S. M. Uliapman , and occupied Hovoral days. At this term further testi mony was adduced. The plaintiffs claimed the property , while Mrs. Doggo maintained that she had brought witli her $7,000 from Eun > iH > of her own aim that out of thla money she , had purchased the house which la the hoihcatcad of the family. Yesterday morning Judge Chapman rendered Mi deci sion. Ho said that ho could see no way to harmonist ! the testimony so that in keeping with u clear conscience ho could say that Mrs. Doggo had put her own money Into the property in controversy. Her own statement ho regarded us surruunduil by an atmosphere of doubt , and it had not been substantiated by'disinterested witnesses. Ho had to test her statements by the facts and circumstances Hurrounding her life and that of her husband from the day they lauded in this country down to the present time. Ho considered thut these circumstances showed that Dr. and Mrs. Doggo , up to the time of their advent in Lin coln , were people of u model ate station , and in reduced circumstances in Michigan and "Wisconsin. He found that Mrs. Dogge , on returning from a visit to Kurope , had to send from New York for means to reach her hus band In Wisconsin , and ho borrowed the money for thu purpose i. , ' For himself , however - ever much he desired , he could not accept her Htbtomont us to the investment , of nor means in Fond du Lac , and though t hero was tes timony to that effect of 0110 Allmger uud his daughter residing there , he considered that if that testimony was true one or more of the many persons to whom thu loans were mndo inisrht have boon obtained In corroboratlon ; uud also aa to the improbably short tlmo in which she was nblo to collect. 4 > 7X)0 ( ) , and leuvo with that sum iu lior boboni. Much u feat as had been described of quickly collect ing loans secured by real estate , would excite the admiration of the shrewdest collectors , and , if it wa's true , ho tjinuglit some of the parties from whom , in 183 or 18 * > , it had been collected , might have been found now. Ho also regarded it us a remarkable fact that the evidence of means ou the part of Dr. Doggo and his wife was wanting until they came into connection with thoHcrolds in this city. And BO , upon the whole case , ho hua concluded that he wan bound to find for the plalntllts , and his judgment would bo accordingly. Under the circumstances ho considered ho wasbound to protect the creditors of Horold , and ho paid but llttlo attention to tha argument that ho . luul been urged tlRt the fact of tholr trust ing such a man as Horold was sufficient to deprive them of sympathy. They were doing u ligitimato trade. They trusted Herold , guvo him the advantage of that credit system whloh is the lifuof triulo , and in their Just rights ho held them entitled to bo protected. Upon the first brunch of the case ho stated that the testimony showed that Dr. Doggs was present , as the advisor of the Heralds , at every stop of the transactions which ro- BUlted in Herold's insolvency and Horold's attempt to defraud his creditors. This fact was conclusive to the mind of the court , that , Dr. Doggo participated in the questionable transactions , and strengthened the suspicion thut ho had received pail of the proceeds. DisrnioT COUHT OASES. Among the new cases Hind , in the district court yesterday was the appeal case of Simon HOne against Kiekurds & Uo. The case in volves someJ''OO and Is based on a claim of Heno against Uickards & Co. for cigars. An appeal case tiled yesterday Is that of John Roberts against thu Capital City steam laundry , the latter of which recovered a money judgment ngaiust ItoborU In Justice court , from which thu appeal is taken. , Iihn and Kli/abeth ( rilllu huvo brought suit against Grant A. Hush and wife , tho. pe tition olulmlng that the defendant and their ngcnt had shown the plaintiffs a tract of land adjoining thu city , and uiion the representa tions that the laud w.m thoira the defendant * purchased iv tract , paying $000 in cash and pccurjng the balance. Some ; time after the pluiutilTs discovered thut the roiil 'land they had purchased was a half nillo further away from the city than the tract represented to them as the ono they were purchasing. On account of the dtlTorouco lu value they aslc Judgment for ? ,000. In court jesterdaymornlnga constitutional question was argued in Iho hearing of thu Dcnsmoro vs Daniels case in which the ques tiou of title to real cstuto was under discus sion , The plaintig hold title under purchase und the defendant had hold , a mortgage which thu now purchasers paid oil and nskod the defendant to discharge of record. The defendant declined on the ground thut , buing only an assignee , ho bad no power to comply. The plaintiff claimed it was a statutory duty of the asslgneu to discharge the same and brought action for the ponalty. The defend ant demurred to the petition as raising con stitutional question * . Ouo thut double dam ages uro involved and also that an assignee cannot discharge a mortgage of record. The AUiluta authorising him to do so being a nullity. The court overruled the demurer but said when the case came to bu tried Bojne difficulties might arise. HU.I : OF I'L' LANDS. The commissioner of lands and buildings has sutit out the notices for the sale of school l lands In Choycnno county on the 7th of Feb ruary , ibj > s. Also the coinmlssiounr has for- vmrdi-d uatlca that the school lands in what was formerly the Santee reservation In Knox county will bo sold on the M day of Fob- rutiry , ISaS. The further notice is given that two ncrcs of snllno land In Laucualor county will bo sold on January 2S , ISvj , for a school hour.0 site for District SI. The sale of school land in Choyunno county will bo ono of the Rrcatest balc $ In the state , there being ! totoou ) acres of school laud lu this county , a county that Is ton timed as largo as any of the counties in the eastern part of the state. Tht'i'o has been a great many demands for tlicbo lands und it will undoubtedly bo largely i uUended with lively competition , , i Mi-oil NO HBiivicas , The Installation curcmuulcs and services at St. Theresa Catholic church yosu < ulu.vuro very largely attended , Solemn high mass , wus observed and Hov. Father Dallon of Kansas City preached an eloquent sermon to the ussomblod parish and clergy. Theio were twenty-eight prliviU from different parts of thonowdiocesoln attendance upon the &or- vlco that lasted several' hours , and In the afternoon Futhvr Kennedy entertained tUer bUhop and Uio vUUing clergy at dinner. The oventrt of the day were greatly enjoyed by thoio lu attendance. . AiiTict.r.s op ivcouroHA'rto * of Iho Ilctl Willow milling company , at Cam bridge , Turnt-s county , were filed with the secretary of state yesterday. . The capital stork of tlio company Is ( M.twO. The lucor- porators are . .1.V. . Pickle , 13. O. Moore ana Andrew U'urncr. ItliciiiimtlPtit. is undoubtedly cnuncil by India nctd in the blood. Tliltmclil attacks the fibrous tissues , tint ! entices the pnins ami nches in the back , sliuuluVrti , knees , tinkles , hips , and wrists. Tlinu.snnilfl of puoplo linvo fount ! in Hood's Sat'Hapnrllln ti positive euro for rlietlinutisin. This medicine by Its purifying notion neutra lizes the acidity of tlio blood and nlco builds up and Htrciiytlicns the whulo lxdy. Konl Kstnlo I'ctcr C. IJncnn and wlfo to OeoV , Parker , lot'-M , blk iy\\'est 12nd add , Wd ? 0,000 Alvin .Saunders and wifu to I ) . L. Thomas , BI I f t lot II , blk 2 ; ) , Omaha , qc d 1 Jas i'j.Kilcy and wife to Juinca Fox , 50 xl ! Sft iol .S.E.KogersO'Kahenia , wd 2,200 Ceo O.Viillaco nnd wlfo to Anna \V. Jones , lot il , 4 , 5 , blk 4 , Jetter's add , q od 3,000 Richard Stevens nnd wife toVm J , Stevens , w ! 13 ft lot IU , blk 10 Heed's 1st add , wd D Johanna Johnson to Win J. Slovens , sI ft lot : Kland n 21 ft lot4f.Kedlck's 2nd aild. w d 2.000 D. H , Arclior ct nl to .1. F. Fitzgerald , oll'J feet of s4'J ft 10.1 , Cisco mid , w d 1,060 Jos Krben and wife to A. Maycnski , beg HI7 ft o f sw cor sxv ' 4' sen 27 , 15 , lit , n l.r. ! ft w 25 ft s 150 It o 25 ft to bcjr , w d 1 A Miiyonukl nnd wife to Catharine Croon , same us no S , w d 1 Thmims U McCulloch ut nl to Charles F lingstrom , lot \'J \ , blk 4 , Wise & Parmeli'ss add w il 230 C O Howard and wife to Alibis Hicks , lot 2 , blk 5 , Ml Pleasant add w d. . ono G W Uioggs Jr und wife to Ueka Van Cilpcr , lot l i , J U Klleys sub Uogers Oknhomn w d 3,000 , A K Toiualen und wife to Samuel W Baldwin , lot 10 , blk 7 , Hilsido add no I , w d. 5.0JO N 15 Kendall and wlfo to Miss Carrie M Chapman , lot 11 , bill 1 , Kendall's add w d , 1'iOO Minnie L Juyncs and husband to M S Uartlott , lot 0 , Ulica place , w d 3,500 Flora M Wright and husband to Samuel J Kvuns , s wj , lot 2 blk M ) , South Omaha , wd 2,500 , Charles F McCrear\ and wlfuto Mary A McCreary , c % of lot 2 blk 121 Oimthu , w d 80QOO , J A Croighton to Kwlft A Co , ojtf 20) no'f and v4 } na } ( sec 2 , 15 , 12 , leuso llvn years. . William Muloncy to CJ Canan , lot 4 blk r , Plainview , w d 1,800 C K Muyne and wife to D L Thomas , lot ( i blk 5 , Ambler Place , w d 1,500 Total ff.2,103 "Lay thy Bwoot hiuidn in mine , " bo said , but she only riiinnrkod that she bad neuralgia and must hold horhuul. : Uo tfitvu bur Salvation Oil , and now ho holds her aweot hands by the hour. From almost ovary section of the state como i-Qpofts of a general improvcmont of the health of our people , duo no doubt to the inlluonco of Dr. Hull's Couyh Syrup which costs only - ' ) coiitt ) . The alumni of Moinnoiith college mcot Thursday oveniiifr at Iho Millurd hotel to dihou'ss the utTuirs of their ulma inalof. The representative of tlio col lege , Hov. ( } . W. Hamilton , will bo pi'esent , and have bninothiiir { to bay of interest to all friends of this institu tion. CREAM Its superior excellence proven In millions ot homes for moiotliunu qUHrtcrot ncontUry. It Is tiled by tha United stutca ( lovornment. Kn- Uorotid by the lieails of the nlvcrs > ltle.s , as the Strongest. I'nrvet-ami Most llealtliful. Dr. I'rlco'.i the only Baking 1'omler that > \net \ not contain Ammoulit. r.ltne or Alum. Sold only in cau.s. 1'uiCKUAKif.a I'OWDKH Co. , Nevv'Vork,1 Chicago. St. Louis. The best nod surest Remedy for Care of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowcb. Dyspepsia ' , Sick Ecsdache , Constipation , Billo'u CoapUinti and UaUtiaafaU Und * yield rtAdlly to tke bn flew * iafla sM of II li pleisct to the fautc , tonci op the yitcm , rcitorca Md preaarrei health. It U purely VegetaUe , and cannot foil to prove beDcflcUl , both to old and 7000 . Aa Blood Pnriflcr It li npcrlor tu all other * . Bold everywhere at 11.00 a bottle Embody tlio Ulsliost t'xcolleiicle.s In Slinpllne s Comfort mid Durability nnil are the REIGNING : - : FAVORITES lu J'.ishlwwtilo Circle * . Our p.iuio Is on every * le , J. & T. CoL'siNS. NKW YOIIK. AGENTS roil OMAHA , Hayward Brothers. .GLUCK & WILKINSON. MORE CHANCE The unseasonable warm weather has left a few more Overcoats on our hands than we desire to carry over into the new year , and in order to sell them right now , we have cut the prices all to pieces. Commencing to-morrow we will offer our very finest Overcoats at prices heretofore asked for medium qualities. The biggest cut we will make on our fur and plush trimmed goods. There are not'many of them , but we have a few very fine garments trimmed with good fur and silk plush. We want to make a sweep with these goods and close them out before we take stock. We invite those who have so far managed to get along with their old.or . light weight Overcoats , and whom the open winter has kept back from buying a heavy one , to inspect these garments , -They will be surprised to see how little money it takes now to procure such an elegant Overcoat. This is really a grand opportunity and the last chance this season. In Men's Dress and Business Suits we have a beautiful stock the largest in the city and our prices are known to be by far the cheapest.Many fine suits have been marked away down in order to reduce stock and we will save you tully 25 pe-cent if not more on every suit , The big trade we have had in Boys' Overcoats last week has broken up the sizes of several lots , but we still have a fair assortment. The prices are such that we expect them to be cleaned out soon. Our Hat Department is known to offer better hats for less money than any regular hat house in the city. . The fine Fur Derby's which we are selling for one dollar have made a name for us. No other house sells a hat of equal quality for less than $2 or $2.5O. We have received several new styes fou the holidays. Our finest hats at $2.50 , $3 and $3.25 cannot be bought at any other house for less than $3.50 , $4 and $5. We offer in this department a splendid line of Fur Caps at just one-half their regular retail price's. The beautiful and artistic display of Men's Furnishings in our large windows will give an idea of the variety of goods we have and the t > rices we ask. We invite those who are puzzled with the all-aborbing question , "What to grive. " to look at our window and they will see what we can offer in the way of presents for gentlemen , Sensible and thoughtful .men prefer and enjoy substantial Christmas gifts of this nature. There is a satisfaction in giving or receiving a present that one can be seen wearing , a gilt that combines utility and beauty , ana nowhere else can you get such goods so cheap. Our popular system of selling goods at the lowest prices will be continued during the holiday season. We have no fancy prices and those who purchase of us can save enough on each purchase to buy a nice present for themselves. Beginning Monday we will present visitors at our store with a beautiful holiday souvenir , copies of which are displayed in our windows. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Nebraska Corner DoUglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. mtO 19 riUCQtUINTXD WITH TDB OCOOKArilT Or Tint COUMIW wiu < ICB r Eruu-NUiO THIS HAT THAT TIUI CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND&PAQIFIC RAILWAY Br n on of 111 central position c'.ou relation to llnci } , nst ot Chicago , and contlnJJm hnjn lit terminal points V.'c < t , NortUHrst nnd Sojthwcjt , 1 > the true ralildlo link In tlwt trunicontlncntai fj tom which linllei mill facilitates travel and tra&a between the Atlantic nnil 1'aclflc. The Hock Iilaud main line and branches Include ChiC - C RO , Jolkt. Ottmrn , I.aSallo , 1'eorli , Oeneieo , Molina and Rock Iiland , In Illinois ! Davenport , Jluncatlno. Wuhlngton. Falrfleld. Ottumwu. , O kaloos , West LIU- ertr , Iowa City , Vet Motnoi. Indlanolu.WIntersct , Atlan tic , Koozvlllr. AuUubon , Harlan , ( luthrlo Centra and Council liluffs , In lowai Oallatln , Trenton , St.ecpn , Cameron ana Kan a City , In Missouri ! Km iwortu and Atehlion , In KanumAlbert I a , Hlnneapolli and Bt-Faol , In Minnesota i Watortown anil Sioux Falls.lo Dakota , and hundred ! of IntonnodUto cities and towns. ' . 'The Croat Rock Island Routo" Guarantees iptcd , comfort , cortalntr and flftfety. Its rman nt war Is Ulctlneulsbrd ( or Its cici'llonco. in E ridges are of atone and Iron. Ita track Is of solid stfol , Us rolling stock perfect. Its pasientrsr equipment hasalltbosatatrappllancestbat xperlrncohasiivr J useful , and for luxurious accommodatlocs Is u.w ir * paused , lis Kipross Trains consist of superior. U.ij- Coaches , 01o0ant Pullman Talace larlorand Slaeplkif Cars , superb Dlnlncr Can , providing delicious meals , and ( between Chicago and St. Joseph , atchl.on anil Kansas City ) restful Recllnlnff Chair Can. It * man- ncemtnt Is consenrattr * , IU discipline ezactlnr "The Famous Albert Lea" Between Chicago and Minneapolis and Bt. Pa. Is the favorite. Over this line Solid Fast Express Trains run dally to attractive resorts for tourists In Iowa and Minnesota , and , via Watortown and Sioux Falls , to tks rich wheat and frrailng landi of Interior Dakota. Via Seneca and Kankakea , the Bock bland off en superior inducement * to traveler * between Cincinnati , Indian , polls. Lafajretta and Council Bluffs , St. Joseph. Atchl- eon. Loavcnworth , Kansas City , St. 1'aul. and InUrinc- clUto points. All patrons ( opt-daily ladles and chil dren ) rocclvoprutoctlon , courtesy and MudlT attention. For tickets , maps , folders , coplei of Western Trill , or any desired Information , npply to principal olflci'3 la the United States and Canada , or address , at Chicago , I. B. CABIE , E. ST. JOHN , C. A. HtllROOK , Health is Wealth ! Du. B. n , WEST'S NKIIVK AND HHAIN HUNT , a Kiiarunteeil spoclllc for ll > 8ierin , JU 1- nosa , Convul.sloiH , Hts , Nurrous Neuralitiii Hcailnehe , Nervous 1'rostriitlon ciuisi-d by the u-iu of ulcohol or tobacco , \Vakefiillu-ts \ Mcnml Deprosalon , Hoftenlncof tlie lirulii resulting In 1 iiaaultynudleaillnt ; to misery , decay ami deuth , rrcipRturoUhl Ago , llarrenuess. Loss of powtr lu cither BOX , Involiiut&ry I.ostxib auil 8periint > orrhu-H caused liyoyer-uxertlou , of tlie bri lu suit nbiuo or ever IndnlKence. Kuch box conti\ni ( one month's treatment. Jl.fOn boxorslxl > o\eH fiirK'.Wi , scut liy mull prepivlilon receipt ot price. AVI ; OUAU.\\TKI < I KIX 11 ox K a Tocuruuiireuse.VJth eaoli ordar recolvecl by us for six boxes , acrompanlu 1 with * - uUve ) will send tlio purchaser our writ'en umimntea to re fund tno money If the treatmxnt does ) not effect a uin . Ou ! ruuti'en ls ue < l only by u. F. ( iUOU- MAN , Druggist , Solo A ent , J11U Tarnum St. , Oinahn Null ' . J , O.lLWt.ltTll , Surgeon and Physician. Office N.V C jniiT 14th anil llniiKlas St. Odice , tvlophonf , llUf HesldfilceteU-phmie , &W. JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTENT AdvurtUInt ; luw ulwuyii proven successful. Iloforo placing any Nowspiipor AdvcrtlsliiK consult LORD & THOMAS , ll'TIBTm\a iLKXTH , ( I U ta ' 4lk Mml. CHICAGO. FOR the year 1888 FRANK LESLIE'S " POPULAR MONTHLY , " which has been aptly styled "THE MONAKCII OP TIIK MONTHLIES , " will be better than ever. Articles upon topics of current public interest , sketches of eminent per sons , strong and brilliant stories , and poetry qf a high order , profusely illus trated by the best artists , and all by writers of recognized merit , will fill its pages. To the old and favorite corps of contributors will be added writers ot promise , and no effort will be spared to keep the magazine ih the foremost rank. In the November number was begun art earnest and powerful ta'e , "PRINCE LUCIFER , " Dy Etta W , Pierce , which has already attracted widespread at cntion and chafmed multitudes o readers. Subscriptions may bagiu , if de sired , with the November number. Each issue contains a Full-Page Picture In Colors , the series of twelve forming for the year a beautiful collection of gems of modern art. The "Popular Monthly" contains 128 large octavo pages , nearly twice the matter of similar publications , nnd is not only the besti but by far the cheapest , of any of the of magazines for the people. $3 per year ; 25 cts per copy Specimen copies , 15 cents , MRS. I-PvANK ; LESLIE , 63 , 55 and 57 Park Plnce , New York- J. B. HAYNES , OFKlCIAt , STENOGRAPHER , TlilnlJmllclnl nlitrlrt. 37 ClIAMUIUt OP COMMUHCB. WHO ) MBDAIii PABIS , 1873 , BAKER'S Warranted alfettitrly jtura Cocoa , ( rom wlikh the cxo-fi o ( Oil hu boea removod. It livtfirrt timtt tke ttrcftgltt ol Cocoa mixed vUu Btarcb , Arrowroot or 8ug r , and U tbercfuro far wore cconomU eal , editing leu tfian one tint a flip. U b d''llclous , nourUUln ? , itreDgtheiiIni [ > CMlly dlucott-J , on4 oJmlrally adapted for Imallda a * well M for persona In health. SoU ttj Uroetfi erenmbtrc. I. BAKER & CO , , Dorcttfj Mass , Display at their warerooms , 1SO5 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces tha highest class and medium grades , Including STEINWAY , " ; - ji- v W p pj.E& . , , PIANOS BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , 130 * * 1207 FARNAM 8TREBT * DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE. A magnificent display af everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. HE likeslest- ! ] ItofadrJcrlp- UnPri re-list , ricfclj Illustra ted la colour- prlnl , of UM 'WCHOR STONE iC'lW BOK , whlcb abaull ba found la srf fiunllr and tsar b * obtained from all To/ dtalvs , HluUaMn and Kdneatlonal D pCU. Th rotc-Ujt will U ( ervanlttl p Us on appllcftlioa teX X AD. RICHTER A Co. RK. 910. ni'.OADWAY ot LOKDON .0 , . fKHCUaitUH 5IREKT. TYLER DESK CO BT. I.OUIS , MO. MAMUTAcruaf aa ( X riNB DJBK8 , BANK COUNTERS , BNK. COURT HOUSE. dOVERBMEMT „ ? niE oitfoz WOHKandl . BtitWoikuidLaweit . , TlctstcT rprinl.J. ttnttrte THE OMAHA BEE , . -IIEI.I VDIIKI ) TI AM PAET OF -BY ( 'AUIUItU HOll 20 Cents a Week. Seven papers a week. Send your ordur to tha oltlc * . 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building 1 DREXEL & MAUL , iPiirceaHors to John G. Jiicobg. ) Undertakers mid Ei At the oM maud. UU7 Knrn.un St. iVrderc by tole- Kr.ipli scllrlttMl and promptly at to. Tulelephoiiu No. yu'V WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of tbe ISuJy enijrsnt and itrrii > l.cncil. ! full laitlcu- Isrsitnt soldi fr < > * U111K MKI ) . ( , ' ( ) . , llurr < i ! < > . N. V. SUFFERERS f" HERVOUSHESSSSWrBfiS / : It.u'i Hi ovci Work , IcdUcntkSi itc. , adJteH al/ox , OVER sm COATS Offing to the lateness ofllis season we flail ourselrcs overstocked with fine anil Indira priced overcoats , and in order to reduce the Quantity we propose to sell most of them within the next 10 days , and have made prices that will insure 3 speedy sale : FOR INSTANCE Our $ 5 overcoats now go for $ 3.00 11 8 " " 5,00 11 9 " " 6,00 " 10 " " 7,50 11 15 " " 10,00 11 20 " " 14,00 11 25 " " 18,00 We hove reduced in the same ratio all our Far and For Trimmed Overcoats , t * and if you need one you will find thlathc be8toj > i > orttlnltu yet offered till * season. We liatic Jiad such ft grand success of out' $10 SUIT Sale that we have just afldcd a few more styles of desirable suits that are selling at other stores all the way from 914 to $18. Wtplace them till in no lot and sell them at one urice * $10 It'e also have a flno and largo as sortment of nobby styles in stilts , which we are ojfcrlng at cut i rices. We Really Have Ho Competition and Chil * For our line of Boy's Suits & Over * coats , Is very complete and otir price of $1 for a nobby boy's Jacltct and' ' punts , in ages from d to 13 yearn , int hard to beat anywhere. THE New York& Omaha ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS , ' ] FURNISHERS 1 _ > And HATTERS | f For Men and Boy'sf " 1308 FarnamSt.