Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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The Biff Bllzznrd Responsible For
Whoat'B Strong Opening.
Trading In Provision * on n Kntlior
Blow Order C'nttlc Fairly Active
at Firmer Prlcen General
CHICAGO , Dee.21. [ Special Telegram to the
DBK. ] Tha bli/znrd appears to hnvo been
chiefly responsible for the strong und higher
open I in ; In wheat thin morning , and later the
news wus of a character to maintain a higher
level ami even to advance | > rlccH a little
worn. The New York market opened strong
and krpt strong nnd higher. The fact had
encouragement In It for bulli hero , as it was
thought foreign buying was chiclly rcsjion-
Bible for it. No war news was afloat , but thu
| Hlltlral situation in Europe IB much talked
about and Is not lost night of In speculative
.calculations. Two of the recent strong buy
ers of wheat were sellers to-day , but the mar
ket was strong enough to take thuir offerings
without dlfllculty. Much of the buying ap
peared to be by commission men whoso cus
tomers are the country speculators. May
whcut opened at Ke ) , which was i/c higher
than yesterday's close , and advanced imme
diately to Ml c and fluctuated between these
limits most of thu morning , but shortly be
fore the close advanced to 83 } e , fell to b.'Jj.fe ,
advanced to & . ' ! J5'o again and at the 1 o'clock
adjournment stood at S3'hi ' ; . Jiinuucv wheat
opened at 77J , c. hold at 77o and ij"4@77 > 'Bo
and closed nt 1140 lit 1 o'clock.
Thu cold weather seemed also to help the
corn mi.rket somewhat , although the opposite
I'lToot might have been expected because of
the better grading of grain. However , the
sharp fall lij tciipernture. with still colder
weather looked for soon , Is expected by thu
bulls to largely incicase the consumption of
porn and also to hinder its movement this way
by rail. Cables were better , quoting spot
corn in Liverpool'id higher and all futures
higher. Country speculators do not appear
to be doing much In corn Just now , and with
tlio market left largely to professionals fluc
tuations were not largo and the advance on
the morning's session was only moderate.
May corn opened nt 544e , which was 'jfc.
higher than yesterday's close , and the first
movement was downward. This was under
free offerings by a local house which has been
a heavy buyer of the grain and Is now sup-
| KH ( > < 1 to bu reali/ing profits. The price for
May dropped to KttMa ( and after n slight
reaction to M fe.VI , but after these offer
ings ceased , reuctcd , and toward the close
touched 5-lJic. The great part of Iho buying
which caused this advance was said to cover
short sales and the upward movement was
also greatly helped by the estimated receipts of
only IN ) cars for to-morrow , which was
considered small. Extreme prices were not
maintained , however , and thu 1 o'clock clos
ing was at M' ' . . 'VlJue. January corn opened
at 4 ! } . ! c. The low point was 4bHu nskcd and
the highest nominally 4 0 , the 1 o'clock
close being nominally 48c.
There was considcrablenetivity In the spec-
nlativu oats market t'iirly and tliuru were a
fair number of buying orders for May de
livery. After these were lllled , however ,
trade languished and fell to nothing towari
the close. May oats opened at & % v und most
of thu trad I UK was at that price and at 33 % @
! Uc , but Inter the price fell to 'U4C and the
1 o'clock close was at K\u. \ There seemed
to bu unlimited quantities for snlu at D
January oats were nominally 'lUJj'c.
In provisions trading was somewhat on a
slow order. Pork and lard opened with fair
speculative life , but parties selling these ar
ticles found the market stubborn and their
withdrawal was followed by a comparatively
quiet feeling. Kather close and general in
terest , however , was maintained , and as hog
receipts showed a material falling off a strong
undertone existed. Pork nt thu opening was
fully ViOu higher than last night's closing.
From the Initial price It ruled easier , but
subsequently recovered a good share of the
ground lost and closed some 12Mo higher.
Lard and short ribs fluctuated within u small
range and were without special change. .
cosier , May closing at about S4)4"c. ) Corn
easier , May closing at 64 w54/I4'c. Oats
steady. Pork was a shade easier ; May sold
nt f in.lVi lfi.TT ) and closed at $15.115 ; January
J14.97K and February at $ > . Lard was a
tt'aadu easier for May , which sold at fS.17@
H.20 and closed at $ b.l7J < f. Short ribs were
utoady , closing at $7.70 for January , i7.SU for
February , $7.90 for March und $8.10 for May ,
CIIICAOO , Dec. 21. [ Special Telegram to
the UEK.I CATTI.H Trade continued fairly
active , with : i gradual firming up on price-
on best and medium steers. Plain and com
inon arc not doing much better than las
week , yet there is no doubt that if the nn :
remains nt about its present volume n sharj
upturn must follow. Trains carry Texans
were late to-day , hence % crc was little or no
business in that line , and on account of the
non-arrival of Tcxuns the ordinary run of
iiatrro butchers' stock sold inoro readily and
perhaps n shadu higher. Shipping steers ,
1350 to 1500 Ibs , $2.75 ( < < :4.50 : ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs.
f3.50@4.5i ( ; O.V > to 1200 Ibs , $3.00j@3.75. Stock-
crs mm feeders , $2.25 ( < ifl.35 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1.8.- > ( < j2.b < ) ; bulk ,
tl .115(32.25. ( Texas steers , $2.25@3.UO ;
cows , tl.75rrt2.20. It would seem
that the run of yesterday , was only "u
shower" after all , as to-day the run wnssomo
10,000 less than yesterday , and ns a consequence
quence values advanced about as rapidly as
they declined yesterday , placing prices very
near where they were on Monday. The ad-
vunco was fully iSo over the lowest yester
day and in numerous instances the stock
then carried over sold 20o higher thun
was offered for the samu at one time yester
day. A few lots of fancy heavy sold at $5.75
< < < 5.N > ; packing sorts , $5.40 < g5.00 , and com
mon nt $5.25(25.35. ( Light sorts wore rather
alow and not as plentiful as heretofore. . The
New York sorts bold at $5.15 < W5.25 and pigs
ut $4.73@4.95.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 21. fSpeciul Telegram to
the HKE.I STOCKS Some sharp buying of
St. Paul and Northwestern this morning
caused a trifling advance , after which the
market settled down Intotliosumu old rut and
so remained. The total transactions up to
noon aggregated about 40,000 shares , lighter
business even than on yesterday. A fairy
tale was afloat that the Pennsylvania com
pany intended in the spring to reach out for
Kansas City and Omaha business by buildinsr
lines to both cities by way of Hock Island.
Western Union had a spurt to 77c. Its earn
ings warrant better figures for it later on.
The year of conventions is us good as a divi
dend to it , und there Is no end to thu business
In sight for the company during ISbS. The
earnings of the trunk lines bid fuirto increase
as the winter advances. The Lake Shore
could now employ half of its rolling stock in
carrying unthradtn coal alone. Kates are so
well maintained that every pound of freight
moved brings in a revenue. The western
lines that aiu now engaged in endeavoring to
run flfty-mllo-pcr-hour trains across pmliies
und side track freight * to sen the fun , can
llnd something worth pondering over when
they compare their yearly balance sheets
with properties like those of the Yaudcrbilis
ami the Pennsylvania. dragged
on thu stock nxebango during thu afternoon
hours. Changes were unimpoitunt , excepting
In Hurllngton St Qniney , which wus some 'J
per enat higher than on yesterday. The
market seems to bo sulhclcntly oversold tc
enable the clique to engineer little spurts in it
from day to day. This will probably be the
case for tin ) balance of the week and may ox-
icnd Into the new year. On all rallies fet
sonic time to eomo , western stocks arc be
lieved to bu a sale for n turn. Chances or
the short side will bo safer limn to buy no *
for any advance. In time , if the cliques Jlwi
out that they arc tn get no outside support
may change their tactics , dussi > tucii
load and tr. > from n lower and more attract l\c
level 'to Induce the great speculative public to
lend n helping hand. The total sales were
Wj.iRCi shares , against ( > 8KJ ( < ) sharesypstcrda.v. .
UOMIXMK.XT : Government bonds were
dull but steady.
t' . tf. < ri-slHtored.liV , C , V N. W . . . .l l t
1 ° . H. 4n coupon. . . lai4 ) < ilo preferred. .lM ! j
I'.H. 4inn > itlitrv < l tm N Y Central.
t' . H 4'JH ' coupon .KM ( ( ) . H. N . * '
I'aclllrfmof 'Vf , . till JO. T . 1W.S
Canada Southern. AM * I'aclllu Mall . .T.
Central 1'nrltlc . . ! ! ' . . I ) . kK . 21
Uilrngo & Alton. j. y | | 'illnmn , ) 'iii ! < : tOir4'l' ] }
. ' . , II.AQ . . .I2S S Heading . IB1 }
II.\\V ) . U'tili HiK-k JfilHinl . lIU'j
H..VH. ( J . 21 St. L. AS. V . 4U
Krle . ssi , do prof erred. . . . G * < ;
ilo preferred. . 124 0. . M. i St. I'aul . 74
Illinois Central . 1IHdo ) preferred. . . .lit
I. . II. AW . M 8t.l'0
K..VT . 1H ilo preferred. . . . H ! i
I.iiku Hlmre . U4S Texas I'atlllc. . .
I..VN . . . . . TOI , I'nlon I'ttdllc. . . . W'i
Michigan ( Vntrnl. . Ml' , W. , St. I. . A I' . IfiU
Mlfiiourll'iicltlp. . . . Ml' | do preferred . 37 i
MlMwmrll'ai-mc. . " i W. I' . Ti-legruph. . 7 Ji
do prefem l . l 1
MO.NEV On call , easy at 4S. ( > pcr cent ;
last loan 5 | > cr cent ; closed offered at 4u5 ( per
STRUM NO KXCIIANOE Dull and steady at
.b23 { for sixty day bills , and * 4. 5J { for de
Mncoln Mnrketfi.
LINCOLN , Nub. , Deo. 21. [ Special Tele-
Brain to the UF.K. ] Hon-j Hcceipts , 600.
All sold. Prices stronger and ranging from
W.'JO to $5.50 , with active demand for heavy
i no i ) tfc IMAU K KTS.
o , Dec. 21. Following are the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Steady andsnoinlnally unchanged ;
wheat , 1 Mlfff 4.IX ) per bbl ; spring wheat , ) .50
( dM per bbl ; rye , ? 2.7f > @ : i.OO per bbl ; buck
wheat , { .VfiOCu ( ) . ! ! . - > per bbl.
Wlieat-Moderatcly act ivu and at times quiet ;
opened strong at ( 't'Jji ' ; above close of yes
terday ; later fluctuated considerably and
closed > e higher than yesterday ; cash , 70c ;
January , 77 , ' c ; May , biJ4'c.
Corn Quiet ; most fluctuations within
more narrow range than yesterday : opened
n shndu higher than at close yesterday and
closed JH ' /O higher ; cash , 4 5/c ; January
4s ; < c ; May , 54 a-ltic.
Oats Firmer and somewhat improved ,
being about ' /fr / > above yesterday ; January ,
Wfe- May , ! iiKc. :
Hyc Steady at ( We for cash.
Hurley Quiet at 70fjTie. ( (
Pi line Timothy S2.i < U.
Whisky $1.10.
Pork Unsettled , opened COo above yester
day and closed steady at ' ( JMiM below open
ing ; January , ? I4.TK ! ) ; AUiy. * ! . " >
Lard Kasier and ffnetmitloim were within
small range ; close being steady ; January ,
tr.t-0 ; Mny.fS.lT1 ; .
Dr.V Suited Meats Shoulders , $ .r.HO.SJ.O ( ( ( ) ;
short clear , fS.OOifS.O. ( > ; short ribs , $7.70 for
Butter Inactive ; creamery , 2ll@2'Je ; dairy ,
22(72li ( ( ; .
Cheese Inactive : full cream Cheddars ,
; flats , llrfll4e ( ; young Americas ,
JigBs-21 ( jf23fi' } .
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted- ! !
( i7c ; light , do. , 7c ; salted bull , 5J J o ; greene
do , 4Kc ; green salted calf , SQSJIc ; dry flint
and dry calf , 12 ( MUi ; ; dry salted hides , lOc ;
deacons , .TOc eacb.
Tallow Unchanged.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 41,000 40,000
Wheat , bu . MHX ) ; KIKK ( )
Corn , bu . r. . . : < 2l , ( XX ) 172,01X1
Oats , bu . 18IXX ( ) S2KX ( )
Hye. bu . 2,000 2,0 )
Hurley , bu . 71 , ( XX ) 57,000
St. I/onisDec.21. Wheat Higher ; cash ,
SO We ; May , s : . < c.
Corn Higher ; cash , 4 ( ! } < fc ; May. M ) > he.
Oats-Higher ; cash.Hlfeai1 ; May , y : !
Pork # 14.75.
Hatter- Firm ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy ,
20 ( < ? : r.c
Whiskv1.0r > .
Afternoon Hoard : Wheat Lower ; Jnn
nary , bOc , nominal ; February , & -JjC , nom
inal ; May , STiifu. Corn Weak ; January.
bid : February , 47Hxo ) ashed ; May , W
4U3/e. Oats-Kasj ; May , aaj JiaXf.
The Merchauts' Exuhangu will bo closed
on Saturday , 24th , and Monday , 2ith. (
Ijlverpool , Dec. 21. Wheat Firm ; demand
mand poor ; holders offer moderately ; Call
lorniu No. 1. Os ! U1 , ( > s lOd per cent.
Corn Dull ; holders offer freely.
MliiiicniiullH , Dec. 21. Wheat On room
board there was good demand for cash \vhcat
and sellers found no difficulty in obtaining
prices for all reasonable good samples of
milling wheat. Tone of market was strong.
Closed in store : No. 1 hard , cash and Jan
uary , 75J e ; February , 77c ; Muy,8lu ; No. 1
northern , cash and January , 7Hc ; February ,
74 We ; May , 7S > o ; No. 2 northern , cash
and January , 71c ; February , 72JjC ; May ,
77c. On track : No. 1 hard , 70o ; No. 1
northern , 74c ; No. 2 northern , 71@72c.
Keccipts Wbeut , 255 curs.
iiliipnients Wheat , 107 cars.
Flour Patents , sacks to ship , $4.10(34.25- ( ;
bakers' , J3.45@3.75.
IMIIwnukcc , Dec. 21. Wheat Strong ;
cash , 75 } ) , ' ; January 75 > ; May , 82 0.
Corn Steady ; No. U , 47J/C.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 82 } # .
Hye Easier ; No. 1 , C2o.
Harloy-Higher ; No. 2 , rJ' c.
Provisions Active ; pork , December , (14.75
(1515.00. (
Cincinnati , Doc. 21. Wheat Firm ,
No. 2 red , Slle.
Corn Quiet und firm ; No. 2 , mixed , KJ 'e.
Oats Finn ; No. 2 mixed , : t4'ic.
Kyo Steady ; No. 2 , 71e.
Provisions Pork , dull ut $15.75 ; lard , neg
lected at $7 75.
Whisky Steady at $1.05.
New York , Dee. 21. Wheat Receipts ,
ai.OOO bu ; exports , 40,000 ; options advanced
i CSlc eurly , later fell back JtfQJiV , closing
steady : Bpotjfc. higher ; ungraded red , ? 4K
( gOlo ; No. a red , SSKe : No. 1 red , nominal
nt 95e ; No. 2 red , IKl' c in elevator , 01 ? { @
D2c delivered ; January closed atOO c.
Corn Hcceipts , 115,000 ; exiwrts , 32,000 ;
about )4 ) > better all around ; trade slack ; un
graded , ( ! 0i ( U fe ; No. It , 5'V ) o ; No. 2 , Cljfc
in store and elevator ; U2 @ 03c afloat ; Jan
uary closing at tll e.
, Oats Heccipts , 27,000 ; exports , 8 ; ' ( jtJu'o
higher but rather quiet ; mixed western , U7 ( ! ? !
white western , 3'JC44c.
Coffee-Spot , fair ; Hio tlrmat$18.75@l'.l.OO ;
options more active and higher ; sales , 104-
750 bags ; December , $ lti.75 ; January , $1U.50
February , $10.4tilll.55 ) ; March ,
* itl.40 ( < < ; ln.50 ; April , $10.aOil0.45 ( ! ; May ,
Petroleum Firm ; United , Sl c.
Kpgs Firm demand ; western , 23S23' ( ' o.
1'orkStronger and moro active ; mess
quoted at f 15Mitlii.X ) ( ! ( ) for one year old.
Lard Opened somewhat stronger , closed
dull and lower ; western steam , spot , tJ.10
@ 8.1S.
Huttcr Steady but quiet ; western , 15ffi33. (
Cheese Quiet und steady ; western , 11 ] @
KIUISIIH City , Dec. 21. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 soft , cash , 7t > o ; May , 81c bid , Wu
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 44 c asked ;
January , 4tiB'o bid , 44oiisked ; May ,
Oats No. 2 cash , 29 > c abked.
Xew OrlciuiH , Dec. 21. Corn quiet and
weak ; mixe- ' and yellow , t2o ! ; white ( Kio.
Corn -Quiet , but steady , No. 2 , 4'Jc.
Corn Meal-Quiet at $ ) .75.
Hog products Quiet but steady ; pork ,
$14.75 ; lard , $7,50.
Hulkmeutsshoulders , * .12li ; long clear ,
$7-b7 > g ; clear ribs , $ S ( X ) .
Unlnii Stock YnrilH , Chicago , Deo. 21.
The Drovers' Journal reports :
Cattle Heccipts , oXKi ( ; strong and 10rt15c
higher ; choice , $5.f > 5 ; ( .hipping . steers , $ i.K
stockers und feeders , * 2.2. '
cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.aV ) ;
Texas cattle , SI. > 5.uX ( ! ) ( ) .
Hogs Hecelpts , JIO.IXX ) ; 10@l5o lowei
and closed easier ; mixed , $5.01x 5.50 ; heavy
$ V Or.1i.MI ; light f4.iOLf5.2ji ( > 'kfi'sW.4K'4.75 (
Sheep Heeeipta , D.lHX ) ; strong ; natives
75 ; wcMerns , $ 'l.25Cif .IX ) ; Tuxans
rM ) ; lambs , $4..V ) i6.riU.
Natloiinl Stiu'lc Yuriln. . Kast St
H Dee. 21. Cattle Kecelpts , 700
Khipments , 2&X ) ; strongcraud r
choice heavy native stem-s , $4.4045.10 ( ! ; full
to gocKl native steere , $ : { .WX34.r U ; butchers
steers , medium to choice , $ .1.2 < Xgl,10 ; stock
crs and feeders , fulr to good , J2.KX-ja.lO (
rangers , ordinary to good , $2.80@4.25.
Hogs Receipts , 5ttOO ; shipments , 800 ; act
ivu and 10@15o higher ; choice heavy am
butchers' bulectlgus , J5.05QJ.BO ; yorkurs am
packing , medium to prime. $5.20615.70 ; light
grades , fair to good , $4.70 < ; { 5.25.
KHIIHUH City , Dec. 21. Cattle Receipts.
1.JWO ; shipments , none ; strong for good fat ,
shipping and butchers' steers 10o higher ;
cows lOdtlSc higher ; stockers and feeders
firm ; good to choice corn-fed. $4.aOfJ4.bO }
i-ommon to medium , $ . < l. < Jod4Ji5 ; stockers ,
$ . ' . ( )0a2.00 ) ( ; feeders , $ -x ( : i..5 ; cows , $1.25
fit2.7 ( ) ; grass range steers , Jl.bOW.'t.lX ) .
HogsReceipts. . t,500 ! ; shipments , none ;
strong und lOc higher ; common to choice
$4.W5.r ) > 5 ; skips and pigs , $2.00fC4.80. (
The receipts of cattle were light and con
sisted ehlelly of ordinary stock. Prices re
main about the same and arc perhaps a shade
stronger. A few head of very good stock was
on the market yesterday , and one bunch of
choice steers which were sold at private sale ,
thu price on which could not be obtained lust
The receipts of hogs were moderate , and
when taken with thosu left over from Tues
day amounted to about ItX ) cars. The market
opcncti slow but gradually grow better , and
by noon the lost ground last Wednesday was
redeemed. The market closed about steady
with Wednesday's best prices , two loads sell
ing at $5. X ) . The quality of hogs yesterday
wus very good. _
Thoreceiyts yesterday were 100 head. Some
sales wore made at prices nearly steady with
former quotations.
Ofllclnl UccclptH.
Cattle . , 204
Hogs . 4 , ! > 40
Sheep . . . 104
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on thu market :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . . $4.0004.50
Choice steers , 1100 to laooibs. . . . . ' 1.75(34.25
Fat little steers , 900 to 1050 Ibs. . .50rfy.05 (
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 'Ui5 ( <
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.10i ! 2. ( > 0
Common to medium cows . 1.75i2.00 (
Western cows . 1 .75 < vc2.50
Good range feeders . 2.iOQii ! J.C5
Good native feeders , 900 Ibs and
upwards . 2.50@.1.00
Fair to medium nativefecders , 900
Ibs and upwurds . 2.25a2.50 (
Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.10 ( < i2.iO (
Prime fat sheep . ; t.25MUil ; )
Good fat sheep , 90@100 Ibs . aooa75
Fair to medium shecu . 2.25C < f..uO )
Common sheep . 1.50 ( .2.00
Light and medium hogs . 4.35 ( 4.20
Good to choice heavy hogs . 5.40 ( 5.00
Good to choice mixed hogs . 5.20tf5.45 (
ItcprcMcntatlvc Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
5 . 1050 $ H.OO i ! ) . 1215 4.10
(1 ( . 10811 3.35 IS . 1213 4.25
9 . 1230 3.75 18 . 1518 4.35
19 . 1227 3.75 10 . 1221 4.40
Slll-.KI' .
104. . . . . . . . 74 3.25 100 103 3.70
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shlc. Pr.
81. . . . 130 80 $4.35 f.3..25J ( 200 $5.25
8. . . . 140 4.50 37..255 80 5.25
14. . . . 142 40 4.50 (16..217 ( 200 5.30
37. . . . . 17(1 ( bO 4.110 02..253 5.30
5..290 80 4.80 (15..202 ( 240 5.30
73..1711 40 4.9H 57..202 80 5.30
72..215 bl ) 5.00 73..2S2 280 5.30
81..233 120 5.00 57..2(17 ( 1150 5.30
91. . . . 190 120 5.00 59..241 1110 5.30
79..172 40 5.00 . (19..2(12 ( ( 200 5.30
I.230 ! ! 240 5.10 59..332 BM ) 5.30
52..222 200 5.10 (10..312 ( 3(10 ( 5.30
71..22(1 ( 120 5.10' 72. . . 2(17 ( : 30 5.30
73..220 120 5.12' ' ; 58..253 1(10 ( 5.30
78..211 40 5.12J < ? tir..2(14 ( 240 5.32'
; . - > . . . .225 120 5.12J4 112..284 200 5.32V4
73..243 120 5.15 (11..253 ( 5.32) )
(15..290 ( 240 5.15 03..270 bO 5.35
CM..253 5.15 57..298 100 5.35
(11..210 ( 200 5.15 04..200 80 5.35
74..200 120 5.15 123. . . .312 840 535
70..2(10 ( 120 57..302 SO 535
7(1 ( 241 1(10 ( 5.20 50..398 2SO 5.35
77..201 80 5.20 47..378 bO 5.40
51..322 40 5.20 ( H..32U 80 5.40
51..300 1110 5.20 GI..2IW 120 5.40
CO..255 120 5.20 50..Kit 5.40
73..241 80 5.20 (12..280 ( 200 5.40
(15..273 ( 200 5.20 53..292 100 5.40
SU..24H 1(10 ( 5.20 04..2(12 ( 120 5.40
71..250 200 5.20 09..250 5.40
52..2(14 ( ' 40 5.20 53..310 5.40
110..27(1 ( 120 5.20 55..283 200 5.40
57..331 40 5.20 55..324 120 540
05..230 200 5.20 57..303 120 5.40
tl5..24l > 100 5.20 72..2(13 ( 280 5.40
(19..238 ( 100 5.20 53. . . .433 320 5.40
59..258 280 5.20 OS..297 200 5.40
05..29S 2SO 5.20 55..297 120 5.40
51..243 280 5.20 00..292 100 5.40
59..2(1:1 ( : 80 5.20 07..274 5.40
53..283 1(50 ( 5.20 72..271 80 5/40 /
54..279 80 5.25 00..293 120 5.40
01..291 5.25 04..302 1(10 ( 5.40
04..201 120 5.25 C4..292 80 5.45
74..283 240 5.25 57..210 100 S.45
45..255 120 5.25 125..325 200 4.15
0(1..250 ( 200 5.25 49..323 80 5.45
05..299 120 5.25 53..345 200 5.45
50..304 120 5.25 58..330 100 5.50
13 . . .229 80 5.25 00..315 100 5.50
00..2SI 100 5.25 57. . .320 bO 5.50
51..320 100 5.25 48..370 160 5.50
51..270 120 5.25 117..325 200 5.50
4(1..305 ( 80 5.25 05..330 80 5.55
03..205 100 5.25 48..389 5.00
09..230 40 5.25
Ijlvc Htock Solil.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market yesterday :
G. H. Hammond & Co . 140
Shippers . 99
Local . 7
Total . 252
Anglo American Packing Co . 104
Swift Packing Co . 104
Harris & Fisher . 100
Total 308
Anglo American Packing Co 1,825
G. H. Hammond & Co 805
Armour & Cudahuy 3,408
Harris & Fisher 283
Swift Packing Co 592
J. T. Stewart Ill
O. Hallon 121
O. J. Revicr (53 (
Local 0
Speculators 575
Stevens & Hammond 78
To t al 7,922 ,
8 loads left unsold.
Jtnngo or I'rlce.s. .
Showing the extreme highest und lowest
rates paid for leading grades of hogs on dutes
mentioned :
Shipment * .
Cattle , 4 cars. , . N. W. Chicago
and Commission.
Public inspectors dock pregnant sows 40
pounds , Stags bO pounds each.
Dead hogs , SO Ibs and over , $1.35 per
cwt , less than SO Ibs , of no value.
Yardage : Cattle , 25o ; hogs , 3e ; sheep , 5c
per head. Feed : Corn , $1 per bu ; timothj
h.ij10 ! ; ptalrio liny , f.O per ton.
Commissions : Cattle , BOo per head ; calves
and yearlings , $11) ) par car. Ho/s nml shoap :
Single decks , $5 ; public inspection on hogs ,
ISo per car. All sales unless otherwise stated
l > er 1400 Ibs live weight.
Mvc Stock Notes.
Hogs are steady.
The cattle market Is a shade stronger.
The "Armour" was the heaviest purchasei
Folcy & Chittomlen'sofllcc wus ornainentec
with a new desk j estcrday.
A. C. Smith , of Oakland , Neb. , was on tin
market with hogs yesterday.
I Produce , Frultfl , Ktc.
/Vie foUmrlnij nrc the prices nt irhlel
round uit of produce nrc M on this imir
Jiff. Fruit * or other lines o/f/ood / * cc'jiilrii ( (
ra/ru / ( dlior of piicAliiiciinnul ulii'tiiii In
su ) > i > lled on onMilcitrtlcru nt the tninc iirlca
< l\iuh\l \ the loatl trade.
Heccipts were fair , demand me
- jrrr
dlum and prices nncnaiiftcd an follows ;
Creamery , solid packed , is quoted nt B.24c ;
choice dairy. 17(4100' ( medium , 10@18e ; low
grades , NXS12C. | >
EIIOS Are III moderate s > uppl y , with a fair
demand nnd prices Ificlliied to firmness.
Limed ergs ore not wanted nt any price , and
are murkcd down Ic. Quotations mo still
given nt 21(3820. J } . . . .
CniR < F. Steady nnd sln moderate demand ,
with prices quoted miHwnped. Fancy full
cream ciitddarssingle , IBo ; lull cream twins ,
12 > i'rt3c ; voung America ? , 13c ; brick cheese ,
100 Ibs In case , 15o ; Llmburgcr , 100 Ibs In
case , 13o. In less quuntlcs , HtrfH.'jOj
Swifts domestic , lftM8n. ( . . .
Pofl.TiiT Itcccljits arc light for this sea
son of the year and prices firm , with , if any
thing , an upward tendency. However , we
quote them utichaped. Live chickens. $1.75
( a2.00 per dorcu ; choice fowls , $1.8fKji2.25
per dozen. Dressed chickens , 0 ( ; 7o per
IHiund. Turkeys , " ( jjtte. Ducks , 7g9e. ( Geese ,
8 < * lOe. , ,
GAM Is becoming scarce , and prices arc
firm with an upward tendency at former quo-
tationsv Prairie chickens , $4.00rf4.25 ( ( ; mallard
ucks$2.25 , ; quail , $ l.UOt ! > 1.40 ; teal und mixed
ducks , , $ l.50fl.76 ( ; snlic$1.2ri | ; Jack rabbits.
$ $3.00(1(3. ( j > cr dozen ; small , rabbits , , $1.00 ,
per dot ; deer , 6tf8o ( ; antelope , 7gl ( > o ; deer sad
dice , ( Italic ; antelope , IS&Uc ; geese , $3.00
4.00OIIANOES Prices nrc firmer than n clay or
two ago , nnd quotations arc given unchanged ,
though a few sales of the finer quality of
Floridus have been made at the oiitsldo
figures , wo quote Louisiana oranges at
$4.00i4.22 ( per box. and Florida ut $4.25a ( 4.7S. Arc stiffening in price nnd good
stock is hard to get at inside quotations ,
which , however , wo give unchanged. Wo
quote : Eastern fruit , $3.25(23.50 ( ; fair to
choice stock , $3.50(33.75 ( ; fancy stock $3.75
SWEET POTATOES Prices nro steady nnd
quoted at 2@2J- per Ib with some fine at 3c.
POTATOES Supply light , demand prices ad
vancing. Wo now quote $1.001.10 for
Utah nnd Colo-rudo stock nnd choice fcomu
grown ut fcOS85o ( ; common grades ut 50
' ciiANiiEiiiiiES Hell & Cherry , $9.50(5110.00 ( ;
Hell & Uuglc , $10.50ill.OO ( ! ; Cape Cods$11.00
( jMl.SU
CALiroiiNtA FiitMTS-Pears , $2.50@2.75 ; extra -
tra fine , $3.00.
GKAI-KS Malagas , $ rt.SOiJ ( 7.00 per bbl. , with
sonic extra Hue sold at > 7.01TS.OO.
CAUIIOTS Arc in better supply at $2.25@2.50
per barrel.
HEAXS Good stock $2.00(32.iO ( : ; fair to
good , SUXKjM.SO , and Callforniabeuns ut $2.25
( JJ2..40.
CAniuoE Is still in fair demand and finds
ready sale nt $1.00 per dorcn. California
cabbage esisler nt 2 } > , ' ( < < 3e per Ib.
PAitsNirs New stock Is quoted at $2.50 per
barrel. '
ONIONS Home grown steady nt if > ( irbe ;
Spanish onions , pcr&O-lb crate , $1.75r2.00 (
OifcTEHs Plain standard , BSo ; plain se
lects , 30c ; standard , 30c ; extra selects , 35c ;
Now York counts , 40c .Hulk oysters , counts ,
$1.35 per 100 ; selects$2.00 per gal ; standard ,
$1.35 per gal.
CAULlFLOwnu-Good stock $2.00(32.80. (
CELEKV Choice celery , 35Q45c per dozen ;
fancy , 45&50c.
SACBH KiiAfT Choice , per bbl of 30 gnl
$8.85 ( < i9.00 ; yt bbl , $4.b5 < 5.00 $11.00 per
bbl of 50 gnl.
ClDiiit-Choice Michigan clder.JO.OOfSO.SO per
bbl. of 32 gal.
QriscEs Choice California quinces , $2.00@
2.25 per box.
LEMONS Messina lemons , $5.50(30.00 ( ;
Malaga , S5.00 ; extra fine Maori scarce at
$ tMXf ) < ( < > .SO.
H IN * NAS Choice bananas , $2.75(33.50 ( ; me
dium buches , $2.00u3.00 ( ; common , $1.50 ®
2.00.HOSEI Good choice honey in Mb frames ,
18u20c ( ; canned honey , UUiglSc per Ib.
PorroiiN Choice rice corn 3 ( 3ai ; per Ib ;
otlinr kinds , 2S2)a'c ( ) peijlb.
NVTS Peanuts , " ( M7'Jo , raw ; Hrazil nuts ,
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal
nuts , I5$18c ( ; filberts , IBo ; Italian chestnuts ,
PHOVISIOVS Hams , IKglP.fc ; breakfast
bacon , IKjdl'.jo ; bacon hides , 9C 9' ' c ; dry
salt , 8) ) (8J4-c ; shouldeiH. O' ( n,7c ; dried beef
. pails , 8 0 ; 2-lb.
pails , 8Kc. ' "
SL-GAII Granulated , 7'VS7J-jC ( ; conf. A ,
7 < a7'tc ; white extra C , O igti * ; extra C ,
OV OKo ; yellow C , 5'5 ; ? ? < c ; cut loaf , 8@
8'4'e ; iKJwdercd , 8@S4'c } ; New Orleans , 5J4@
GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case , $3.20 < ft3.25 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
$ : i.K3.10 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , pnr case , $3.00i ?
3.10 ; California pears , per case , $4.70 ( < 4.SO ;
apricots , per case , $4.25 4.30 ; peaches , per
case , $5.80lt.S5 ( ; white cherries , per case ,
$0.00 ; plums , per case , $3.90i4.00 ( ; blueber
ries , per case , $2.3fl ( ? 2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.20rf5.75 ( ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , $1.75@1.90 ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25 ( 3.35 ; 2-lb
string beans , per case , $1.7.r > ( > l.bO ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case. $1.00@1.G5 ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $2.00@2.70 ; 2-lb early June peas , per
case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 3-lb corn ,
52.30 2.40.
BIIOOMS Extra 4-tie , $2.00 : No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
CANDY Mixed , 9 ( < i'llc ; htick , % @ e.
JELLIES 30-lb pails , $1.75 11.85.
Svui-i1 No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $1.50@1.55 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , 3Xt,40o ; nuiple
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , boo ;
1-gallon cans , jicr doz , $10.50 ; halt gallon
cans , per doz , $0.25 ; quart cans , $3,25.
STAIICH Mirror gloss , SJfo ; Gsaves'c _ < ,
HIIHIXOS ; 75S78c ( per keg.
CitACKKits Garneau's soda , butter and pic
nic , 5c ; creams , 7c ; ginger snaps , Sc ; city
soda , 8c.
TEAS Japans. 20@55e ; gunpowder , 2flH ( >
" Young Hyson , 25JI55c ( ; Oolong , 20 ( !
WOODENWAHE Two-hoop jails , per doz. ,
$1.45 ; three-hoop pails , $1,70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ;
No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 : wash
boards , $1.402.75 ; assorted bowls , $2-25 ;
Fo. 1 churns , $9.X ( ) ; No. 2 churns , $3-00 , No.
Schurns , $7.00.
PICKLKS Medium in bbls. , $7.00 : do in half
bbls. , $4.00 ; small , in bbls. , $8.00 ; do in half
bbls. , $4.50 ; gerkins , in bbls. , $9.00 : do in half
bbls. ; $5.00.
COFKKE Ordinary grades , 20@20J e ; fair.
20Ki ( 21c ; prime , 21V(22o ( ; fancy green and
yellow , 23rt(25e ; old government Java , 2S@
30c ; interior Java , 25 ( 2Sc : Mocha , BSfirtKlc ;
Arbuckle's rousted , 'Hc : McLaughlln's
XXXX , 24fo ; ! ; Dilworlh's , 24 > ic ; Hed Cross ,
TonAcco Lorillard's Climax , 44e ; Siilcn
did , 43c ; Meclmnic'H Delight , 41e ; Leggctt &
Meyer's star , 4tc ; Cornerstone , 3 o ; Drum-
mond's HorseShoe , 44c ; J. T. , 4c ( ) ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c ; Catlin's meerschaum , 3lo ;
Cutlln's old style , ffilc.
DKIED Fitun.s Apples , now , } { s , 0 7c ;
evaporated 50-lb ring , 9 ( ! lOc ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 27 < 3.2Sc ; blackberries , evap
orated , 98'10c ; pitted cherries , BO&Slo ;
peaches , new , 8J @ 9o ; evaporated , peeled
poaches , 29ii30c ( ; evaporated , unpared ,
18@10c ; new currants , 7@7ic ! ; prunes ,
4/i4ta ( ; citron , ' 25o ; raisins , London
layers $2.40@2.45 ; California loose musca
tels , $2.00 < S2.10 ; new Valencia , " ' " " " '
' ' ( '
Horn Seven-sixtocnths ,
* Dry GooilH.
DUCK West I'oint 29 in. 8 oz. 10''c ; West
Point 29 in. 10 oz. lB > fo ; West Point 19 in. 12
oz , IBo ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , Hie. Checks
Caledonia X , 9'Jc ' ; Caledonia XX , lO c ;
Economy , 9j c ; Otis , ilV c.
KENTI'CKV JEAX Mumoriul , ISo ; Canton ,
ISe ; Durham , 27J c ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming
ton , 22Jc ; Cottswold , 2T e.
CitABii Slovens' H , ' ilo ; bleached , "e ; Ste
vens' A , 7 o ; bleached , SJtfc ; Stevens' P ,
Sio ; bleached , 9'Ar. Stevens' N , ijo ;
bleached , 10'fo : Stevens' S K T , IBJJc.
Mis > ciLL\Niof : ! ) Table oil cloth. $2.85 ,
; > laln Holland , SKc'to 9c ; Dado Holland ;
12 > ic.
CAMIIIIICS Slater , 4Jao ; Woods , IJtfe ; Stan
dard , 4)jU ; Peacock , 4l < fc ,
COM ruin KIIS fO.txvvjfri.OO.
UiANKETa White , $1.00ii ( 7.50 ; colored ? ! . 1C
, . . ,
l il.t111.1 7lll n 11 > It lui niiv , * v imiiJt i
No. IX ) , in Jo ; Host Yet , 4-4 , ll'4c ; butter clotli
OO , 4i4'o ; Ciibot , 7 > < ; c ; Farwell , be ; Fruit oi
Loom , 9o ; Greene < J , Oo ; Hope , 7-i4e ; Kiiif !
Phillip cambric , He ; Lonsdalc , ll'jo ; Lous-
dale , 8j4'o ; New Qork mills , lO./c ; Peperell )
42 inch , 10l , < o ; Peppercll , 40 inch , lUtfc ; Pep. |
-perell 0-4. 15o ; Pepperell , 8-4 20o ; Pepperell 1
U-4 , 2-Jo ; Pepperoll , 10-1 , 24o ; Canton 4-4 , 8'4'o
Caiiton , 1-4 , 9 < ao ; Triumpli , Oc ; Wnmsutta ,
Ho ; Valley , 5o.
FLANNKI.S Plaid Haftsman , SOc ; Goshen ,
Ji , 37'i'o ; Quecheo No. H , Jf , 32" " < o : Anawan
M,4o ; Windsor , 2c ! , Heif-C 24-inch , IRJfo :
K , 24-inch , 2lo ; OU , 24-inch. ISo ; HA F ,
25c ; J K F , , 27 c ; O , Jf , be.
Soi.m COLOHO Atlanta , f > SO ,
Slater , So. IKrlln Oll , < l'4o ; Garner Oil , l' < " i ,
PINK AMI IttniEHlchmond , Ho ; Allen , tic1 ,
ItlveriKiInt , f > o ; Steel Htvor , ( Vi Hlchmond ,
( V" , Piu'HUViV' lNilioHl.t n WuHhlngton ,
Ho ; Century Indltro blue prints 10o ; Amor-
l ui. fl'ji1 ; Arnold , ll.c ; Arnold H , 10io ;
Arnold A , IBo ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10 > , o.
DIIK H Charter Oak , 4'.o ' ; Uiuiuipo , .T o ;
Lodi , 4' ' c ; Allon,5'o ; Kichmond,5I.le ; Win-
diorio ( ; 1'ddj stone , tlo ; I'arliU1 , tx.1.
COTTON FI.AXMII.S 10 jier cent trade discount -
count -LL , il"o ; CO , 7'jo ; SS , 'iiL" Name-
les , fiUo , No. 5 , IKKB : , H o ; GG , 10 vc ;
XX , f.V : OO. He ; NN , Hio ; HX , 18c ; U , 2iv ;
No. 10. 8'e ' , , ; 4(1 ( , 101 0 ; no , I2'o ; Mi.l.V. : i ,
lolored , IIV ; 50 , colored , KV ; 70. colored , ISo ;
Hrintol , lili.c ; Union Pacillc , Ibc.
CAIII-KT WAIIP Hlbb white , IbJti'c ; colored
Hnott'N SiiKKTixo Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7'4c ' ;
Atlantic H. 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic. D , 4-4 , f.c ; At-
leutlc P , 4-4 , 5 4c ; Aurora LL. 4-4. 54c ; ' : Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4' < [ C ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , r > V"
Hoosler LL , 4-4 , fijfoj Indian Hi'iid,4-4 , " ' c ;
Lawrence LL. 4-4 , . ' > / ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5'jo : Pepperoll K , 4-4 , ( l .c ; Peppeicll O , 4-4 ,
fie ; Peppercll , 8-4 , Ibo ; Peppcrell , 9-4 , 20c ;
Pepperell , 10-4. 22c ; Utlc.t C , 4-4 , 4 4e ;
Wnchusett , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora , H , 4-4 , t'On'o ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , Ik1.
H TTK Standard. Co. ; Gem. 10' c ; llcauty ,
12'tfo ; Uoone , 14o ; 11 , cased , $ C > .Mi.
GlNdiiAiii Plunokett checks , 7'4o ' : Whit-
teuton , 7 0 ; York , 7'e ; Normandl dress ,
8 , ' c : Calcutta drets , V'o ; Whittentcm dress ,
I'o ' ; Hcnfrow drc ss , 9C" 12'ij'e.
TICK * Lewistim , 30-in. , 12"oi " Lcwlston ,
DIINIMS Amoskcng , 9-oz. , Itio ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 13o ; York , 7-07 , I.V ; Haymaker , S'jo ;
Jaffrey , XX , ll' c. ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12i8'e ;
Heaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek , HU ,
lie ; Heaver Creek , CC , lOc.
Cirncral 3Inrkctn.
Fnx Sr.iiw-ls : somewhat scarce with
prices lirm at $1.10 per bushel for good qual
ity. '
L ( JiiUN The lollowing nro Omaha miotn-
tions on gran : Wheat , No. 2 , OOc ; rye , tMjf
52c ; oats , 29c ; corn , old. 3S'iNOi' : now , Xtiw
3Sc ; barley is scarce und ouotcd nt 45it ( < 50e ,
according to quality.
Fi.oun AND Fiin : : The market ns a rule
is steady , und with IMC. exception of
bran prices nrc unchanged. The following
are current prices : Minneapolis patents ,
$2.75 per cwt ; Kansas nnd Missouri winter
fancy patents , * 2.4. > ( 2.l'iO ; Nebr.i'-ka pat
ents , fr2.25a2.35 ( ; rye Hour , $1.75iUlK ( )
per cwt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per cwt ;
wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; cornmeal -
meal , yellow , 90c per cwt ; cornmcal , white ,
$1,00 per cwt ; chopped feed. 80c per cwt ;
bran , $11.00@14.50 per ton ; screenings. $9.00
(3:12.00 ( : per ton.
HAI Hocelptsof hay and straw continue
light , but us the demand is moderate ; in ices
are unchanged ! as tollows : Common coarse
hay , $7.00(2,7.50 ( per ton ; upland prairie , J7.75
( 8.00 ; straw , $0.50 ,
COAL Mild weather 1ms , to some extent ,
lessened the demand , but as the supply is
still light , prices remain linn and unchanged.
We quote : Egg , M0.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range ,
$10.50 ; walnut block , $4.00 ; Iowa lump , W.iD ;
Iowa nut , $3.00 ; Illinois , $4.50Ti5.00. (
HIIIES Are very dull and quotations
though unchanged may be considered a
shade easier. Wo quote. Grecu butch
er's , 5' < | C ; green cured , HJft'iTo ; dry
flint , 9o ; dry salt , be ; green calf skins ,
7c ; damaged hides. , two-thirds price. Tallow
3'fe ; . Grease Prime white. 3c ; yellow ,
3c ; brown , ! ' . , < . Sheep pelts , 25V < * > 0o.
Pirns Are depressed and dull , with No. 4
skins almost unsalable. Quotations tire now
as follows : Haccoon , 10 ( < > 0c ; mink , l.V > ? 40o ;
musk rat , fall , 2 ( 5c ; stripped skunk , "ia2."n ( ; ;
mountain wolf. No. 1 , 1.50m2.50 ; No. 2 , prai
rie , 75(90c ( ; No. 2 , 35@40o ; beaver , No. 1 ,
perlb , ? 2.00Ti3.K ( ( ) ; No. 2. fcl.OtKffl.25 ; otter ,
S1.00(5T.00 ( ( ! : dry deer skins , 20i(35c ( per Ib ;
dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15tB5o ( ;
Si'iitn" Steady at former llgures ; mar
ket strong and a slight rise in
prices anticipated. Cologne spirits ,
IbS proof , $1.10 ; do , 101 proof , $1 12 ;
spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 1.10 ; do ,
IbS iiroof , ? 1.09. Alcohol , 188 proof , $2.10 per
wine gHllon. Redistilled whiskies. $ l.t'iKiJ ' >
1.50. Gin , blended , * 1.50Q(2.lHl ; Kentucky
bourbons , * 2. ( ) ( ) ( .1100 ; Kentucky nnd Penn
sylvania ryes , $2.00 ( < ili.50 ; Golden Sheaf
bourbon and rye whiskies , il.50i ( 3.00. Hran-
dics , imiwvted , i5.Ki8.r ( ) l ; domestic , 1.U : ) < B >
3.00. Gins , imported , $4.50Qfll.OO ; domestic ,
$1.25f3.00. ( Champagnes , imported , per
case , $23.00 ( < ? 33.00 ; American , jier case , $10.00
( jiiKl.K ( ) .
IIuAW IlMiDWAin : Prices have re
mained unchanged for some time. Th'e
following prices are standard Iron ,
rate , $2.70 ; plow steel , special cast ,
4) ) < , 'c : crucible steel , ( IJfc ; cast tools ,
do , ] 2@15c ; wagon spokes , per set ,
$2.00f5.50 ( ; hubs , per sot , $1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles ,
each , 7."o : squiiro nuts , per Ib , tiVil3c ( ; coil
chain , per Ib , ty.3o | ; malleable , b@10o ;
shoes ,
. , . . barbed
wire , in car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails ,
i ales , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; st.eel nails , $2.50.
Dry Lumber.
No. 1 com , s 1 s.tlS.M ) I No. 3 cow , s 1 s.$15.50
No. 3 com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. W.50
No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft. , rough f 19 r > 0
No. 1 , " " 10 " 19 W )
No. 2 , " 12 14 " Ill 50
No. 2 , " " 1U " 1800
A , 12 , 14 , & 1C ft.21.50 C , 12 , 14 & 10 fttl.-i.50
B , " " 20.50 D , " " 12.50
A 5in White Pine r.5.50
Utiin " " 83.50
Cdin " " 30.00
1)0 in " " 21.50
Ed in " " ( Scl. Fondnfj ) 1'J.ob '
6 In. Drop Siding 50c jer M. extra.
2d com % in White Pine Ceiling $34.00
28.1K )
Clear' 9 { in Norway " " . .
2nd com.'in " " " 11.00
A 12 inch sl B f 15.50
H 12 " 39.20
C12 " 30.00
U 12 " 23K ( )
No. 1 , com , 12 in s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50
" " " 14ft 19.00
" " " 10ft 18.50
" " " 10 , 18,20ft 21.50
No. 2 , " " 19.00
" " " 12 &
14 ft 18.50
" " " lllft 17.50
12 in Grooved rooting , $1 per M , more than 12
n Stock Hoards same lengtn.
0 in. Groo vcd Uootlng same price as 12 in.
Stock iJoards.
sun1 LAI > .
No. 1 Plain S and 10 in $19.00
No. a " " " 17.50
No. 1 , OG , Sin 19.50
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 1 > 4' inch , 8 2 s $51.00
" " " ijrf , 2 51.00
3d , clear , 1 inch , s2s 44.50
" IK , lM , ' ioh 40.00
A , select , 1 inch , b 2 s 40.00
A , " I'f , IJj , 21nch , s2s 44.00
H , " Iinchs2s 30.00
H , " V { , 1J , 2 inch , s2s 37.00
Com. 4 inch Flooring $17.50
Star " " ai.SO
1st and 2d clear 4 inch fc leering 23.00
Six-inch 50c less.
Clear X Inch Coiling 21.50
CleauJ inch Partition 25.00
Clear ? ( inch , Partition $2 above } { icnh Ceil-
Clear rinlKh , 1 mid lf } inch , s2s .
Clear Fuiixh , Ui and 2 Inch , b2 . 30.00
Clear Corrugated Celling , 4 Inch . 25 50
Clear Yellow Pine Cucliix and Uabo. . . . 27.00
roi'i.Ait n'Miinii.
Cl. Poplar Hx , Hds. X In. , s2 . O 00
- " } ; , lu. Panel , s 2 fc 27.00
" " Corrugated Ceiling , X. . 29.50
, , O. G. Halts , 2 > in. 05o ; k > 3 , s 1 h. 40c ; 3 in.
; Well Tubing , U. & M. and Hov.23.00 ; Pick
ets , U. & H. Flat , $ i.50 ( ) ; I ) , H. Sq. , $21.50.
nlllNdLES , UTH.
XX clear. $ .10 ; extra "A * , $2.S5 ; "A * stand
ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.53.
White Cedar , 0 in. , Jf s. 12' ' o ; 9 In. qrs ,
ll o ; white cedar , 5 > rf in. s , llUojtjIn.
( | rs , llto ; white cedar. 4 In. round , lilKc Ten-
nussee rmlcedar , uplit , 14o ; split oak. 10o ; 0
in. , 7 in and a lu. ( > each } t > ft. , round W. C.
Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons.
CarrtMH nrt Du lc . Jimcn Sitprt , llctncvu IHU an j
KHh. Om h
, Ktc. Wlu > ! rle. Omahk , Nebr k -
p. P. MAST at
Manufacturers of Bnckeye Drill ! Seeders.
OIUT tor . HIT lUkeii.Cldrr Mllli uiJ 't.iibau Pul-
Tcril r § . Cur. lllh tnd Nloholu 8UctK.
Corner lllh and Nlcliolf turret * .
Artist * ' Materials.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
t , Omaha. Ncbratk * .
Boots and Shoe * .
W. V. MQKSE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Ulir ra m8t , Otu h , N h. Minufsctory , * !
eire < t , Demon.
( Snccf i or to Hood , Janet A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Aftnlt for lloslon Robber 8h < * ( --i. 110 ] , 1104k UW
Hume ? St. , Otn ha. T' ti kk.
Coff 8 , Splooa , Eto.
. Omaha Coffee find Eplco Ulllt.
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
ri Tonng KitrarU , iJiundrr Blue , Ink * . Klc. Hindi
llarnrj- t , Otunha. Nebraska.
Crockery and Glassware.
Ait nt for the Mnuufacturcm and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps. Chimneys.
Ktc. ( ifllco , 217 H. l.Hli f t. , Onii\lia , Nclir ska. '
Commission and Storago.
Commission and Jobbing ,
tMr.EKfi and Produce. CoimUnint nti 101101100.
Headquiirtpri for Rtonownro. llrrrr Holes and
drape U Uflt. UK Dudye St. , Omajia.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Bptclnltlfii-nultvr , RHI. Cbpo o , 1'nultrr. Oam ,
OjMers , Ktc. , Etc. Ill South lllh Street.
Proflnce Commission Merchants ,
PooltrT , Butter , Uani < * . KrulU. Klc. SSOSuutb Uth St
Omaha , Ncbratka.
ttiucceisor * to McSuaiio A. Pchrociler. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Nrbrntka.
6 rvi A H7k"c O'AL , " c o K if & "LI M E co. ,
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal
We South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
J. J. JOHNSON it CO. .
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And thtpr1' " at Coal , Coke , Omcnt , Piaster , IJio * ,
Drain Wli- and Sewer 11pp. omre Pailon ItoWl.
Karnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Shippers of Coal aud Cote ,
214 South 13th Ut. , Omaha , Neb.
. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1102 and 1101 Douglas , Cor. lllh St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importersand Jobbers in Dry Goods.Notions
OnU' FurnlthlDfi ( ioodn.CornerlUb and llarntj 8U ,
Omaha , Nebraika.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
FarnamStieot , Omaha , Nebrtika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
W , TOT , 70 and 711 H. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Uth and Learenworth BlreeU , Omaha , Nebrwkfc.
D. M. STEELE * CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
MB , 1221 and 1H3 Baraer Street , Omaha , Nib.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1114 and 1116 Harner Street , Omaha , Nib.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnware.Sheet IronKtc. Agonti for Howe Hcnloi.and
Ulaml I'owder Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic * ' Tuoli and Buffalo Sralci. 1406 Uouf lai-it.
Omaha , Nebraika.
Wholesale Hardware ,
1Mb and turner Sli , Omaha. 'Neb. Wciltrn Apenli
fur Auillu 1'owiler Co. , Joffenon Steel NalU , K lr-
bunk * Ht ncl ril Scalei.
Heavy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Borings. W ( on Slork , Hardware Lumber , ale. UOO
and 1211 llarnej Btreet. Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
ITaton and Carrliue Wood Block , Ucury Itardwar *
Etc. HIT aod Uln Lgarenwurlk- . . Omaha. Neb.
Mats , caps , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Harner Street , Omaha , Nob.
and ILER & CO. ,
Iraporters& Jobbers of FineWines&Liprs ;
a t India Bitter * and Duaeitlc Liquor * . 1I1J llnrnej
All finds of Building Material at Wholesale
18th Street and Union Parinc Track , Omnha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
t > oorU. Vardi-Corurr7th and Duugla * ; Corner 81V
aud nougl .
Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber ,
Uth and California ! . , Omaha , Neb.
tnmlier Lirae Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Cornel CtU aoJ lou l Bli. . Omntia.
' *
To Dealers Only ,
Offlrc. liuriratu 3U el. Onabk.
Wholesale Lnmlier , Etc ,
laportrd and American PorllandCtmtnt. 8Ut ( aftat
> ! - wj'ass ' ? ! ? " '
Dealer in Hardwood Lniticr , <
Wood Carpet * * nd r tquel llovrlni. gth nd D + M1M
Mllllnory and Notlotuu
I. OBErFLDEFsi CO. , 1
Inmortors & Jobbers of Millinery & Notion
W. JIO Mid til Booth lllh fUr . _
NOtTON CO. , "
Ibolesale Notions and Fnrnisbini Gsoti
M ttid I0i South 10U BUMt , Oiu h .
" '
Notions and Gent's ' Fnmisiiing Gooit
1106 Harntf 8ir fl. Omith * .
Oil * .
Wholesale Refined and Lnbricatini Oils ,
Ail * Ureme , tie. , Omaha. A. II. BUhop. Maaa r.
Pap r. .
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
CtT7 nl ( ! ( lock of prlntlrtf , wrapping aid wrttlM
papar. gptclal alUnllon tlren to car load ortUri.
Printers' Materlnle.
Aniiliary Publishers ,
Hunper CoociB. _
V' Manufacturers ' and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Oil Clothing and leather Uclllng. 1003 t'nrnam Ptraat.
gtqo gJFT In , PjirnpBJEtq.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Fleam , water , railway anil mining nuppllM. ele. BO ,
Vti ana W4 Farniuu Hlruel , Omaha.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
" 's . v.M'i&i'fc ' sr a
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilallldaj Wind Mill * , UH anil 99) Kninam St. , Omaha ,
U. K lloti. Acting Manager.
Engines. Boilers and General Machinery ,
B. . , t iron * , gj'-K. ' : " ' - M * " "
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seel !
(11 and 113 Jonct St. , Omaha <
Storage ,
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
anil retail , nup.tnu ) anu .312 lia
Umabn. Telephone NCI. 7(0. (
Manufacture Galanized Iron and Cornice ,
John KpenotPr. Proprietor. Mu Uodnp and 103 and 1U
North luth Blrpsi. Ouiaha. : _
Snioko Stacks ,
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacis , .
Ilrltchlng * , Tnnka and General Hollar Hcpiilrluj. 131J
Dodiie Btreet , OiniUa , Neb. ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worfc
Englnrt , llrnin work , MDeral foundry , murhrne an4
blackimllli work. Uffironnd workaU. 1' . Kao
17tb Slreet , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
D k ralli , windnn
etc. , 1X1
Man'frs ' of Fire& Burglar Proof Safes )
Vaulti , Jail work , Iron and wire fencloi , nilna. * u. 0
Andrccn , I'rop'r. Cor. 14th and Jackaop SU.
MitiiuluLturerd HIIII JtiblxMii In
Wagons Buggies Rafces Plows Etc ,
, ,
Cur. 'Jib 1'i.ilHc St . , u'lialm. Mfli.
flcneral Agents for Ulvboid Safe A Lock CO.'f
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time , Locis ,
Vault * and Jail Work. 1415 Farnam Street , Omuha.
H. S. W. JUNES ,
KucrciKiiriito A. T. Konjron & Co. ,
Wholcanto mid ri'tnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine WcililliiK S-tutloncry , Commciclal Hattouerr.
lUi DoHxIas St. Oiuubu , Net ) .
_ Overalls. _
' '
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jean * FaaU , Shirt * , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 Dougla * Btrctt ,
Omaha , Neb.
Sash , Pee re , Eto.
M."A. DISBROW & co. .
Wbolcialo Manufacturer * of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch Office. 12th and Iiard HtrecU. Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Si air Work and Interior Hnrd Wood FlW
lab. N. E. Corner nth and lA'arenworth BtreeU ,
_ Omaha , Neb. _
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors ,
And Blind * . Turning , Stair-work. Bank and Offlc )
_ rilling * . 20th and 1'oppluton ATeiiue. _
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North Ulglitccnth Ktrcct , Omaha , Neb.
C. n. PAI.UKH. N. T. llll'HMAN. J. 11. BI.ANCH111D.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
OtHco Itoom 24 , Oppo lto Eichange llulldlog , Union
block TariU , SoutU Otuuha , Nub.
Live Stock Commission Merchant ! ,
Market furnlibeJ free on application Hlockera and
feeilort furnl > liK.1 < > mud toruii. Uvrrrciieeii Oma-
ba National Hank and Cnutb Uraabtt Nullonal , Uotod
flock Yard , ( * utli Omaha.
Live Stock Commission ,
noon 1 Kiclinniia HulldliiK , Union Block VanU.
boulb Omuba , Nob.
. Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Iloom 22 , oppo lle Cicliunpe Ilulldlni ; , Union Slock
Vurdi , Ninitb Oinitbn , .Neb.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
John K. Bojd , Hupdrinlendenl.
The boil known " < 1 moil popular lintel la th
> lle. Ixirullun ( untrxl , npnulnlniunt * Ur > t-clu < .
Ilf ( lqii iiri Inr iiiuiiuurilkl men nnd Ml pulllku
aod uuUkgttlUvnuxi.