Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ' ' _ / _ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , DECEMBER 22 , 1987.
A Button Financier States Ills Vlov/s
to Oomptrollor Tronholm.
A Lincoln Policeman Savagely An-
Biiultnil MyHtcrloiis Disappear
ance of tin IIHMI Knrinei' Mnk-
in ; ; it Warm 1'or Martin.
The Nntlnnnl Hunk Problem.
Si'TTO.v , Nub. , Dec. 20. [ Correspondence
of the HBK.I The question of legislation in
the Interest of the rnitloniil banking system
lint this time attracting unreal deal of at
tention tit there have been u number of Jibuti
BUtrgfBtcd from nil over the country to try Vo
jmrfoct the system no an to etain nil Its usefulness -
fulness mii | security to tho'p9oplo both as to
circulation issued mid to depositors. Tlie
nu.ubcr of banks thathuvo been fprccd to go
infjniqiilflatton mid the uinount of ctrculntlon
tlint has been withdrawn within the last
few years , show plainly that some legislation
Kiringrcllof In this respect , Is badly needed
and bclnif earnestly urged throughout the
whole country. This Is a mutter which will
not permit of any experiments but must be-so
bundled as to reserve the present system
with all Its sound and perfect security
Mr. John Thompson , vice president of the
Chano National lunk , of Now York , suggests
that national banks bu allowed to Issue 'Op-r
cent of thelr-pald up capital without deposit
ing any nocurity.
Mr. V , ' . W. Flanlgan , of the Commercial
bank , of New York , proposes the deposit of
bullion an the. security for circulation.
Senator Farwoll , cf Illinois , propoios to ac
cept , railroad , state and municipal bonds as
.security for national bank circulation , bonds
so deposited to bo approved by the comp
troller ut the L'tirruntiy.
While the plans might prove | > erfeotly safe ,
wo question whether there uouM , not bo more
or less anxiety by the people us to whether
oureirculatlngmednim was properly. secured.
Wo have iH'cn permitted to .see a letter prepared -
pared l . \ Mr L 1) . Fowlwr. cashier of the
First National bunk ot button , to the comp
troller of the ciitTenu.v , suggesting a plan
which , Itoexmisto us , come * very nearly
covering the grolind and at the Bunlo time
preserver all the hecitrity , and offers Un
necessary lolief demanded by the National
Bankers' asMiciation. yet makes no radical
change in Iho general system and security of
the law regulating the nntloiial banks. As it
is the pruvuiliiiK miprn-isioii that national
bunks are entitled to some legislation remov
ing aomo of thu burdens imposed on the sys
tem when the plan seems that
the more simple the plan to brink' about these
results , the better.
\Ve submit herewith a copy of Mr. Fowler's
letter , which is certainly very clear and com
prehensive , und will no doubt meet with the
approval of the bankers throughout the coun
try :
St'irox , Neb. , December W , 1957. Hon.
AV. I , . Trenholm , Comptroller of the Cur-
leney Washington , V , C. Dear Sir The
question of amending' the national banking
law by removing some of the burdens , which
were deemed advisable at the lime the sys
tem was adopted , is meeting with universal
approval provided this can be reached with
out impairing the secuiilt\ , umllilLiiec in
the national banking system , which is ad
mitted by all to reliable in tlio
most reliable in the world. Now it is plum
that eongiuss is ready and willing lo granl
relief , if it can bo clearly f.lmwn that it can
bo done and yet preserve all the security the
present law provides , and any bill which pie
seuls n no\V scheme for security or suggests
any radical change in the system stands a
chance of bomg snowed under ; from the
fact that there Is nothing which the people
will guard more closely than tjio law con
trolling the circulating medium ami the in
stitutions to which they entrust the earnings
and accumulations of a lifetime. Now , in
view of these factsIt occurto me , that
only i such amendments should bo suggested
as are practicable and absolutely necessary
to obtain the desired results , vito ; make it
desirable for national banlts to Issue circula
tion equal to the amount nf their capital and
remove some of the objectionable features
which the present demands.
1. Authorise the issue of $ .VX,0lOOOor&uch ) ( ) (
amoiint as to meet the demand of 2 percent
'llfty-yoar bo-ids , to bo used only to secure
the circuhition of national banks.
2. Authorise the secretary of the treasury
to redeem bonds now deposited by national
banks to secure circulation at market value
in navmcnl of new bonds.
! l. .Authorize the circulation ciunl | to par
value of bonds deposited.
1. Exempt the capkal stock of banks in
vested In bonds to secure the circulation
from local taxation.
ft. Uemove the present duty of 1 per cent
on circulation.
ll. Make the redemption fund 2 per cent in
stead of 5 percent.
I am , dear sir , very truly ,
L. D. Few LKK.
The News in Sntto : ; .
'Si'TTOX , Nub. , "Dec. 21. [ Correspondence
of the HKI : . ] Tie ! principal event ot the
week iz Stilton was the opening of the Oak
land , the new three-story brick hotel , undei
the management of C. W.Valther. . Tin
itffair was very successful and attended by i
largo company.
Central block" is nearly completed , beinj.
entirely enclosed , and the work of complct
Ing and lluishing inside the four large store
rooms , and the various halls and olllces is go
ing on rapidly , notwithstanding the coh
weather. This bock ) when completed wil
be. oue pf the llncst in the state. One of tin .
most interesting features of this new blocl
is tlfu reading rooms , which are to consist o
four handsome front rooms which are to bi
handsomely furnished , carpeted and lil-ated 1
amUsiipplied with'all the iwriodicals and i
complete library. Mr. .1. C. Merrill , tin
owner , has kindly donated these rooms fo
this purpose and they are to bo called tin
Merrill reading rooms.
Wittenberg's double brick store room i
nearly completed and will be the large *
store room between Lincoln and Hastings.
George \V. Bemis and Dick Silver huvi
each just completed u handsome brick block
The telephone line between hero and Ola ;
Center is nearly completed. The entir
county-will ihen bo connected by telephone
The dedication of the Musoulc and 1C. of I1
ball at Clay Center was n big social event
people from all over the county attending.
Pont Sodobcrg , a prominent business inn
hero , lett to day for llobiuson , Kan. , wher
he is to bo married the -Jnd tn Miss Ann
Payne- . They will spend a few days visitin
in St. Joseph and Kansas City and then re
turn toSulton to live ,
The Bias cnmo this morning on the fas
mail and was delivered by carrier to the mos
thankful lot of subscribers that ever reache
out forli dally paper. The people hero av
partial to the BKK as a newspaper , and thet
Is much rejoicing at the fact that it renelu
here us soon us the Journal which bus lor
claimed this territory only on the groun
that it got bore tlrst.
A Policeman Badly Injured.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Deo. 'Jl. [ Special Tel
{ from to the BKE. ] A daueo was in progre
in one of the public balls to-night when a 1
larlous Individual entered and made himsc
offensive to the parti < * As the fellow refusi
to vacate when told Onicer Mitchell w
called In , und with some dllllcnlty succeed )
In landing the man on the r.treot. Anoth
ofllcor attracted by the rumpus took a him
nnd they had the prisoner ever | > owiircd ni
on the way to the contra ! station -when
friend of Ills ran up rind struck Mitchell i
the head , knocking him insensible , In t [
excitement the men lioth made their esca )
but were subsequently captured , Mitchell
seriously Injured , and may possibly die.
CHANT , Nob. , Dee. -Special [ Telogr ;
to the BKK. ] The members of the republic
central committee of this county will im
hero on the'JIth to call a "county convent ! ,
und to perfect a county organization.
lr. finndy Goes Up.
FAU.S CITT , Nob. , Dec. 21.Dr. . Gam '
the noted money lender of Kloliimlsoueouu '
said to bo wortU ffiO.OOO , nnd'who' was c <
vJct'-d of forgery and p ; rjury last week , 1
been sentenced by Judge Applcget'to five
years In the penitentiary at hard labor , dan
dy' * dlsupjiearaiieo from the county Is n
source of great mjpiclnir among nil chimes ,
especially those who fell into ills clutches In
and around Humboldt.
An Indictment I'robalilo.
Dm Motxci , la. , Dee. 2U Oovenior I ar-
rabee started for Auamosa to-day , where ho
has been subpumuod to npear [ before the
Jones comity grand Jury concerning tholr In
vestigation of the alleged crookedncsi of ox-
Warden Martin's mana euiLiit of the peni
tentiary. Martin has been nearly two years
out of oniec , and s an Indictment only covers
offenses committed dnrinp the proceeding
three yearsTX criminal prosecution will not
develop or. punish nuy misdemeanors occur-
Ingdurinf the ilrst seven of. Martin's ten-
year admhilstnttlbn. The state can protect
itself by civil action ngahist his bondsmen , If
the revelations- nn Investigation justify
such netiotii 'The grand Jur.V has boon In ses
sion over two weeks , ami have done little be
sides Investigate the pnspn scandal. They
touch only ii ) > oii matters In which the slate is
interested , and Imvo obtalned-amplo evidence
to justify an Indictment. The most damag
ing evidence baa come from ex-Doputy War-
dun Hiekox , It seeing that Martin was in the
habit of dellverihg prison supplies to the vari
ous employes' under him , nnd kept n record
thereof In a llttlo bdok. At the end of each
month the nthnunt received was footed up
and deducted from tlio'nmnth's pay. The
full wages of nil employes were drawn from
the state , and Martin seems to have pocketed
an amount equalto the supplies furnished to
each emiiloye , us no re-cord can be found
where the same has boon turned back Into
the stato.tceasury. This practice obtained
for years , and Is only one of many methods
forihu swindling of the state. The giand
jury were seriously charged , .by Judge 1'rcs-
tou to fully investigate , but they seemed
hampered by a desire to spare their county
as much expense us possible , nnd by the be
lief that it should be n litigation , and not a
county Investigation. It Is extremely prob
able , however , that an Indictment will result.
Iowa Supreme Court Decisions.
DBS MOIXIIu. . , Dee. 'Jl. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hun. ] I'ho supreme court ren
dered the-following decUfons-liore to-day and
adjourned for the holidays : "
Elizabeth " Stewart vs. W. II Peckcring , ap
pellant , from Whnieb.iKO district. Af
State of Iowa vs. S. A. Llroadwoll , appel
lant , i'ottawattomio dUtrict. Afllrined.
State of Iowa vs. William McClintoek , up-
l > cllaiit. Jlrury district. Alarmed.
He/ekiah Mobley. appellant , vs. Mary
Mobley ct at , , from Madison district. He-
Samuel Fox vs. Davenport National bank ,
appellant , Scott district. KeverBcd.
State * of Iowa vs. Gwirpo 7 . Kedlleld. ap
pellant , 1'agc district. Kevfcrscd.
Stephen Thonuts vs. Isabel Thomas , appel
lant , Madison district. Reversed on defend
ant's apncalunil nfllrmcd on pjaintiff's ap
peal , Seovers dissenting. .
State of Iowa vx , J. F. Cloughly , appellant ,
Audubon district , Alllnucd.
Nancy I'errlnc vs. ICiipeh Winter , appel
lant , Washington district' . ' Hevcrsed.
I > . Ilarbach vs. Alinira Colviii , appellant ,
1'olk circuit. Afllrined.
Alary K. Kuhn vs. G. F. Guatafson , appel
lant , Webster district. Afllrined.
Chicago , Uurlington & Qiflncy railroad , ap
pellant , vs. Hurlington A : Mississippi 131o-
valor company , Des Molncs district. Af
firmed. _
A I-'arnmrs's Inslltnto 1'or lown.
WvTiiiti.oo , la. , Pee. 21. The low.i Agri
cultural and Industrial association will hold
a farmers' Institute at Cedar ICaphU on Tues
day and Wednesday , January ! ! and I.
Among the notables who will address the in
stitute arc Ij. J. CoRln , state railroad commis
sioner : Senator James F. Wilson , C. F.
Clark = on , II. D. Sherman , state dairv com
missioner , and President . 1. Chamberlain ,
of the Iowa Agricultural college. A large
attendance is asbtlied.
A Farmur Mystcrlomly Disappears.
C-utsox , la. , Dec. 21. [ Special Telegram
to thoMui : . ] Last Saturday morning Thomas
liurcham , n well Icnown and respected young
farmer living near here , eamo to town , trans
acted some business and took the train for
Avocar' where he was seen that night. Since
then no trace has been found of him , ami his
friends fear that he has become insane or
that he has met with foul play. Active in
quiries ure'bclng made all'over the stale for
his whereabouts.
Funeral of Hon. S. l . Uonmls hi Chi-
CIIICAOO , Dee. 21. [ Special Telegram to
the Ur.n.l Kt-l'liblie Printers. I1. Hounds ,
who died at Omaha Saturday , wai buried in
Rose Hill cemetery this afternoon. The re
mains arrived in Chicago this morning over
the Chicago , Uui'i'S ! ion .fivJiflney railroad ,
and were conveyed to Cieorgo li. Kane's resi
dence , No. 4(1 ( South May street , where the
funeral services wore held. Mr. Kane was a
brother-in-law of the deceased , Mrs. Kane
and Mrs. Rounds being sisters. With the
remains from Omaha came the widow and
her daughters , Mrs. O. It , . Hotlmkcr , anil
Mrs. Julia" llishop ; also the sous , W. II ,
Rounds and George Rounds. S. P. Kounds
jr. , ot Milwaukee , arrived last night and wa
present to receive bis fathers body. Tin
heavily draped casket was Jaiden with flow
ers when the friends arrived al
the Kane residence. Besides num
. erous floral tributes from soeietlet
and printers , a largo tribute was sent film
the employes-of the Omaha Republican. Al
1 o'clock tha Oriental quaitctto of Apolh
cummandery stood up by the coflln's sidi
mid sang a funeral hymn. When they
finished the company delegated by Apolh
commandery , of which the. deceased was u
im mber , under Couimander Dt C. Cregier ,
inarched iJoy.'ly in. W.iN. Kauisoy , general
issimo , J. K. Lewis , captain general , aiu
10 John O'Neil , prelate'usslM'cil , Mr. Crcgier
, The IJcv. Dr. W. A. Hyder npllvered a slier
a address rtud n prayer , mill the remainder o
the ceremonicxworo-conducted by the com
mandery in accordance with the regulai
Templar burial custom. Thb relatives am
friends toolt carriages for iho cemetery
The following old friends , and commander ;
associates of Mr , Hounds acted as pall boar
era : Charles 1C. Leonard , H. S. Tiffany , 11
S. Shaw , J. K. Norton , L. B. Dlxon and C.
Squires. H. A. Wheeler , pant commander o
the lodge , arranged the eiuiio proceedings.
'J'lio Cuhnliolif llondn.
Dr/nioiT , Dei 2l. The New York creditor
of Isadore Cohnfield , who is now stopping i
Windsor , under the nanio of Hoffman , hav
begun , through their Detroit attorneys , prc
ecodiags to recover f3'J,000 in United State
bomU which 'ii woman representing Coin
Held endeavored to negotiate , and which ar
now hold by the police department of till
stst city. Writs of attachment for ? TU,000 wet
st Issued thin afternoon.
d Later in the afternoon a third suit wi :
ro begun to recover part of the proceeds of th
rees bonds. It is said that Cohnlleld lefl Ne <
es York with * 13"xK ( ) cash besides 3'JlH > 0 i
nu bonds , there being al the ttmo Judgments a (
il gregating iKlHil ) , ) standing against him. .
writ ol garnishment was got out and serve
on the police department generally. At
o'clock this evening the bonds were returne
to- to the woman , She was released and Immi
'SS dlately Joined Cohnfleld tit the Windsor ,
hi- has been letnied thai she is H Mrs , Fcniie
a former liruhckeopor of CohnHeld's , wl
elf disappeared trom New Yorkshorlly after U
ed An lOuilie//.ler Sentenced.
IIT Cnicuio , Dee 21C. . F. H. Arnold , Kci
id , & Co. 's clerk , who embodied $2r > 00 of li
ml employers' money , pleaded guilty bofo
a Judpo Williamson this morning , and <
on ho recommendation of Kcaii , was given the lo <
est iienalty under the law ono year in tl
MnHt Itendor an Aocounthif ; .
M VIKJI-ETTK , Mich. , Dee. 21. The case
the State vs George Swineford , of Alasli
an being an action to compel deleiuUnt to an i
counting of the fumUjilaccd i In his haitds
commissioner to the New Orleans exposltl
ion was decided to-day In favor of the plaintiff.
The PlttHhurg Kallroad Sensation ,
. Pirrsiirao , Dee , 31. The Pittsburff & La
'J'1 Erie railroad Investigation has been extern !
'i'1 to all ticket unices along tuo llnoi The o
° - cials say sp.far iho examination has dUelos
has nothing of U criminal nature.
/ ' ' f AVT ItllT/
The Balfour-Lytton Nuptials Oolo-
brntod nt Kuobwortli.
List of the AVcililliitf Irc ents Bernhard -
hard ! DenleH That Shi ! Plagiar
ized ' I in TOMOH" Mitchell
Scores Sulllvnii.
Lady Betty Balfour.
[ CijryilW7 ) ( / / ) ( / Jiunoi ( Ionian Hewlett. ]
Loxnox , Dec. 21. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the Bun. ] The Earl of
Lyttoit who was bolh a poet and a diplomat
at fifteen years of age , became , for the llrst
time , a father-ln-la > v , to-day. At 2 o'clock
ho left his new son-in-law , Mr. Gerald Bal
four , ami the bride , Lady Betly Lytton Bal
four , at Knobworth in the ancestral hall to
there begin their honeymoon. Tho'liuiba'ssa -
dor , with Lady Lytton and their family , will
pass the night nt the Warden hotel , Dover ,
and In the morning will leave It to ta } < t3 pos
session of the British embassy In Paris. Ho
is attended by his private Secretary Francis
Carew and Mr. Austin Lee
who by special leave of Iho
foreign ofllce , is tcmiwrarlly uctiilg'as second
secretary of Iho embassy. Lady Lylton is
twin sister with Elizabeth , wife of another
diplomatist , Sir Henry Brougham Lock , now
governor of Victoria , and both sisters are of
the Clarendon family. Tlie children , who
are with their parents , are V.ijcount Knob-
worthy , only 11 ycuis old , n younger brother ,
a younger sister of 111 and another sister of
17 years old. The wedding occurred by spe
cial license at Knebworth hall lo-day'iioon
and not in the Lytton church in Knebworth
park , for it was essentially private in the
strictest sense , because the-"bridegroom is in
very indifferent health and in a'fortnight's
time will reach Arcachn in the Girondo for a
winter's residence. There was no best man
and no bridesmaids ; the clergyman performing
the ceremony was U.o llev. Whitwell Elwin ,
rector of Boston In Norfolk , who has written
a biography of Alexander Pope and who was
formerly editor of the Quarterly Hcview.
lie ia a very dear , intimalo nnd grcally
valued friend of Iho family.
Lady Betty Balfour's dress was sumpt
uous and tasteful. She inherit * , both her
mother's beauty and her father's gentle hi-
tcllcctual features. Both brldo and grille-
" '
groom seemed by their looks , "to prove''the
story of tlie neighborhood that It Was essen
tially a love match. The family gathering at
the wedding breakfast was necessarily brief
in consequence of Loid Lytlon's departure
for Paris. The wedding presents nunfhercd
over a hunched and lifty. Chief among these
were the Earl of Lvtlon , lira of diamonds ;
the Countess of Lytton , grand piano ; the
bridegroom , chrysophato necklace , brooch
and locket , locket and chain of diamonds ,
brooch of green garnets and rubies , diamond
and star saphirc ring ; the Marquis and
Marchioness of Salisbury , complete * tea and
coffee service in silver , watch sot in bracelet ;
the Earl and Countess Cowper , silver ink
stand ; Countess of Haddmgton , silver paper
press ; Sir James Stephen , old edition of
Danlo ; the Earl and Countess of Latliom ,
run. , catseye and diamonds ; the Ladies Wil-
bra'.mm and Lord Skellmesdalc , arm chair ;
Mrs. Hubert , diamond and pearl ring and
water coloring ; the Earl and Countess of
Clarendon , old tortoise shell and silver - snuffbox
box ; Earl and Countess of Whanncliffo ,
flower vase with iron stand ; Mrs. Lambert ,
brooch of diamonds ; the Knebworth house-
held , four silver candlesticks , three trays , a
dumb walker table and a silver
hoi water can from the gardner ; the
Knebworth tenantry , large clock with
chimes ; Knebworth workingmen , coal scuttle
mvJlniup ; Mrs. De Falbe , diamond brooch ;
Sir A. and Lady Pagct , dinner service'in
glass ; Lady Auipthill , French china desert
nervice ; Sir Henry Bulwer , old Worcester
dcsci t service ; Countess of Norman ton , silver
pen tray ; General Brackcnbury , a pair of
silver candlesticks ; Archdeacon Farrnr ,
book , "Eaily Drys of Christianity ; " Gen
eral Johnson , clock ; Captain Hose ,
brown * ru" rug ; Lord and Lady
Cranbrook , a pair of candlesticks ;
Miss Mary Anderson , iiTair of silver candle
sticks ami a silver cream jygj'Mr. Wilfred
and Lady Blunt , cream jug and sugar basin ;
Lieutenant Colonel Humlltounecklace ; Lady
Elcho , blotling booU and paper case ; Lady
Ilarcourt , ten volumes of Mutley'iworks ;
Mrs. Eustace and Lady Frances Balfour ,
sofa. The following have left il lo the dis
cretion of tlie bride and groom to EelcVt
present for themselves : The lit. Hon. Ai-J.
, Balfour , Lady Ualeigh , Mrs. Sedgwiek , Miss
Balfour , Mr. mid Mrs. Easle and Ilov. aud
Mrs. Elwin. _
H Smith and Kilrain Kupldly Itocovcr-
iiiKJ'iom Iheir KecentK
o titnt * Hitnlnn Jlemielt. ' ]
e LOXDOX , Dec. 1)1. ) [ New York Herald
ilo Cable Special to the Bnc. ] Smith to-day
o has been gossiping with Howes and Huberts ,
* his seconds. Among many things Smith
said : "They say Jake can't lilt hard. , A)1 ) 1
can say is , let 'em try it. That blow on the
ear bothered mo a little becausa you
see it was done so early ir
the fight. They Bay Kil'ram can't , 'light
Let 'em have a light with him. Ho llgbtf
better than he spars. I feel first .class. J
have plenty of bruises about ind mid one
over the chest like a breastplate. When 1
cough it hurts me , I coulJu't sect clearly foi
Ihrce-quartors of an hour after the punch or
f the ear. That fellow lias a good right hand
I hoar that Kllraia can't got out of his bed ,
I was getting stronger ilurhig thp lust si :
rounds and felt wonderfully well.
Kilrain on arriving in London went ti
Moorehouse. In Finchloy road , with Mitchell
Ho was extremely cheerful , the extertla
marks of punishment being an inflamed righ
li eye , a discoloration of the loft optic and ai
lire abrasion over the forehead and nosb. Hi :
Is hands were quite sound and in every othc ;
I'O respecl his condition was as perfect as pos
sibio. Kilrain said : "Tlie next morning n
10 half-pasl 7 I had a bath after breakfast will
10w Milchell and Charley Uowell. Wo took
in hack and rode up the Champs Elysee throng
the Arc do Triomphe Into Iho Bols de But
logno on lo the Autoville race course. Hi
,0 turning wo visited Napoleon's tomb , Notr
ao Dauio and Iho morgue. Wo lefl Paris al
o- quarter lo S for London and arrived o
Charing Cross at ten minutes past ( i.
ho Mitchell then struck in aboi
its the absence of the American routine !
and said : "Everything I could do t
get them to Iho light , was done. So far as
an was personally concerned I went round fc
Us them the morning of the light to their hole
ire They did not come. I then drove to the :
on holel with you and Mr. E. Harding , of tl
onw w.ho New York Police Gazette , but could not lln
.ho them. We were told they had gone i
the station. We were only Just ;
limp to * catch the truln whli
of wo very nearly lost through lookh
lea , for them. If they had an Inloresl In the
ae- countryman winning nnd did not come i
aens England from beltWi motives they could n <
on , exjicct mo to leave my man on the day of tl
fight and look after anybody. I think IM \ \
proved to the sporting world nt large that
did everything a man could do bring Jake I
und well to the scratch. Having fully sail
fled Kilrain , I Tool more than satlsfled wi' '
ied myself.
Kilrain I felt hurt thut they we
We desire to call your particular notice to our latest and greatest
Overcoat Sensation !
Don't freeze like you did Tuesday : nor suffer winter's cliilly blast. ( That's a chestnut ; but it
is chilly without an overcoat , ) to blow through your whiskers. Invest your loose change and
wrar > up snug and warm.
A great big heavy overcoat , warm enough to keep the bloodless man at fever
heat , only $8.
A nice soft thick and smoothe chinchilla , warm in color , beautifully made and
trimmed , only $15..v ; '
A delicate Kersey Overcoat , as smoothe as your girl's cheek , and as close fitting as ,
her arm , good to look at and better to wear , from $18 to $23.
This Slowly :
We guarantee every garment in the house to be better made and of better material , better fit
ting and lower in price than may be had in town for anywhere near the same amount. We
willingly REFUND the money for any purchase which can be duplicated for the same money
Plain figures on everything , One price
. . i
to everybody. Goods all sold as they
really are supposed to be. If otherwise
will be refunded ,
money !
not with mo , IT they arc countrymen - j
men of mine. Mitchell made every effort
to delay the light in order to ( jlvo them time
to reach the rendezvous but the determina
tion to light compelled mo to make instantan
eous arrangements and the battle proceeded ,
Mitchell I hope the members of the pi-ess
are perfectly satislled with the arrangements
made for their accommodation and trust they
will treat us as we have treated them. From
the outlook at present puRilism is on the rise
and we shall have many 'more championship
lights hi the near future.
In regard to Sullivan's challenge Kilrain
said : 1 think it all a bluff. I ignore the chal
lenge , also the challonporas it is well known
tbrouphout the world that ho has refused to
ilirht me. My money was up for three
months and by refusing to meet
mo ho forfeited any pretensions
ho might have had to championship honors.
Hut , should it po wrong with Charley , I'll
lliht him as Boon as he lilies. J'ut there , let
the matter drop. He will not beat Charley ,
and , as a natural consequence , my desire to
meet him will not be pratillcd. Smith is un
doubtedly a good , panic man , and having met
him in battle 1 will bo pleased to meet him
in friendship. As to my treatment received
nt the hands , of thuKnplish public , ! can't find
woids to sufficiently express my gratitude.
All over the country my leccption has been
princely , and wherever I have gone kindly
words have been said and the bent wishes ex
pressed for my welfare to the end of my days
and when "m far away from Eng
land recollections of this , visit will
crowd out f i om my memory all
the remaining acts of kindness tendered
to me away from my home. 1 must not for
got to say a word in Charley Mitchell's , favor.
He was my guide , philosopher and friend all
through my training and conscientiously
looked after my interests to the bitter end. "
Mitchell said : " .lake , wo must make
Harding a little present. AVhat is it to boi"
Kilrain What ho likes. With all my
Mitchell Well , ho hasn't got a diamond
ring , so we'll give him one and present it on
the stage of the Washington Music hall next
.Saturday evening. It will bo a present from
myself , you and G. W. Moore & Sou.
Mitchell on .Sullivan.
s Gordon
Loxnox , Dec. 2jNow [ York Herald
Cable Special to thuzHci : . ] This morjiing's
Sporting Life printsuOio following letter fo
the cdllor : Sir SnYllvati , the bogus cham
pion , is at his old gaiiicl again and seeks to
make capital out of Ule recent international
light by challenging Both men nt a time when
ho fihould have held Jijg peace. When ho Is
through with mo I ( don't think ho will want
ea nny more engagements under the new prize
eit ring rules , for I ' ' .tyn vain enough to
itn fancy ho will tflcij realUo the fact
n that ho is not ovcjji a flstio marvel.
at Sullivan has only fought once and then with
nt a man who did not rank higher tlmu a selling
toI plater. Having rofu i to light Kilrain before -
I fore ho left America am sure nobody will
Dr bolicvo Sullivan is in earnest now. If so lot
DrA. him cover Mr. Richard K. FOX'B deposit of
ir 'JOO. Following so closely on the recent
10 gallant fight , Sullivan's challenge is un
id worthy of notice and if ho takes my tip ho
to will let the matter rest , as I consider It is n
inh monkey to a pony on Kilrain or Join Smith
: h whipping him. Yours etc. ,
if , ' Cium.F.4 MITCHF.I.L ,
ir English Boxing Champion.
ot Smith AlVald to
lie NKW YOIIK , Dec. 21. Kilrain's backer ,
Fox , received a cablegram from Kefcree At
tl kinson to.kay haying Unit Kilrain was ready
nt and willing to llgnt Smith and claims
Is. the championship of the world and belt.
Smith rafnses to renew the light. Fox roj
piled that if Smith does not light ho will
I claim the full stakes und the championship
of the world for Kilrain. Smith's backdown
must be publicly announced.
Lo.vnos , Dec. til. Smith is indignant at
Kilrain's assumption of the championship and
says ho is willing to light Kilrain again to
morrow ,
She Kiiinhntically * Denirs Having
Stolen the CItniuv ol'Iia TOSUII.
( Cowirlylit IM I'll Jitmtx (7ciif u JJoiiic/f.l /
I'viti.s ( viA Havre ) , Dee. 'Jl. [ Now York
Herald Cable Special to the HKH. ] Tins
eveningicalled on Mine. Bcrnhardt Just as she
was sitting d6wa to dinner and told her what
Maurice llarrymore had been saying about
" La TORCH. " Barah indignantly exclaimed :
" Mais e' est tropifort. It is an accusation of
theft. Lot them go on that way. They'll
have to'face a libel suit. I know nothing of
M. BarryiudnMioriliil I meet Modjoska in
America. "
"What shall I say In reply to LJarrymoic's
insinuation i" said I. '
"I'ray , deny the charge most positively , "
said Sarah.
"Don't you vaguely remember seeing Mod-
jeslca's iriaiiiiBiVipt of the play Uarrymore
refers toi"
"No , I don't remember ever hearing of it.
All I Icaow is that I was OHO day asked to
i cad a play which was said to have some
effective points in it. As for stealing the
climax or denouement of 'La Tosca , ' why
the dfiumemoiit la the .simplest thing imagin
able. Tosca only throws herself into the
Tiber. If my son were over in America
I'd tell him to hunt up M. Uarrymoro and
cuff him. "
O'lli'lon's Suit llcturnml.
[ Ciijiyrtalit 1SST l > y .lames ( iitnlnit llctmctt ,
TfM.AMOiu : , Dec. 'Jl. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the HKI : . ] The Hcv. Pat
rick F. O'Haro , pastor of St. Anthony's
church , Hrooklyn , paid his respects to-day to
Loul Mayor Sullivan and reports the latter
in excellent health. Ho also saw Mr. O'Hrieu
and also reports him in good health. The
pilfered suit belonging to Mr. O'lirien was
restored to-day and a guarantee given that
he may wear the returned suit or the famous
Hlarjiey one , M he pleases , without fear of
their being tutfon' from him.
Thu Intrepid nt Nice.
tfS ? ! IH Jamrs Onnlnn Htnndt. ' }
SICK , iDeo.'Sl. [ New York Herald Cable
Spc'IIalto the HII : : . ] The American
sehooiicr Jntropld , New York Yacht club ,
Mr. Lloyd Phenix owner , arrived at Nice
to-day , forty-eight hours from Onoa.
ThoUnltcd Staten frigate , Pensacola , left
Hoadstedville , Franco , to-day nt 4 p. in. ,
bound for New York.
Sliot nt a Divine .
Dum-ix , Due. 31. Captain Dunne , lately
governor of Castle Har Jail , and an cx-ofllccr
of the United States army , has been com
mitted fdr trial in this city for firing a re
volver at Ilov. Henry Melville , whom Dunne
charges with seducing his daughter.
Mcllvillo , being examined , said his real
name was Peter II iggins.011. Ho had been a
custom clerk and horse dealer. Ho was di-
voreed from his lirst wife in America. Ho ad
mitted having seduced Miss Dunne. Ho said
Dunne thrashed him before tiring at him.
Heavy bail was offered by Duniio , but re
The Dark Continent.
Loxnox , Dec. 21. Advices from Zanzibar
under date of December 19 , state that a mes
senger has arrived from Central Africa who
brings no direct news from Usury M. Stan
ley , but says it is reported in the country on
the eastern side of Lake Nyanza that Stanley ,
after many privations , reached Wadelal in
the early part of September. The principal
difficulty ho encountered was between the
Mabadi country and Wadelai.
and Knglnml ,
ST. Pirrnusnuno , Deo. 21. The Crash-
danior , a senil-ofllclal organ , condemns the
English government for suplwrtlag the triple
alliance against Uussla. It believes , how
ever , that the visit of Lord Churchill to
Hussia will influence Ijiigland'a policy. It
says that Lord Churchill will , if possible ,
have an interview with the czar.
lllooil Sure to Follow.
LOXDOX , Dec. -Sporting circles are ex
cited over a quarrel between Lord Durham
and Sir George Chetwynd. Durham , speak
ing at dinner , suggested that , Jockey Wood
was selling races and insinuated that the
owners of the horses ridden by Wood were
implicated. Chetwynd considered the in
sinuation upon himself and sent a mepsasro to
Durham demanding an apolotry or a light.
Durham lelused to do either. Chetwynd
will appeal to the Jockey club to taUo action
in the matter.
Bifsn.s ! , Dec. 21. In the chamber of
deputies yesterday the premier announced
that forty-nino foreign governments had
agreed to take part in the conference at
Brussels , in March , with the object of bring
ing about the establishment ol an olllee lor
th.0 translation and exchange of legislative-
documents of all countries.
JScportod Abdication of Ferdinand
Bmn.ix , Dec. 21. At the opening of the
bourse to-day the tone was llrm on rumors
that Prince Ferdinand had abdicated the
Bulgarian throne.
Movements of the Alliance.
PUIS : , Dec. 21 , The Temps says iho Rus
sian government is informed that the allied
powers' movement of troops in Poland lias
ceased ,
llusliiesH Troubles.
PiTi'Minui , Dee , 21. E. L. Parker , one of
the largest wholesale dealers in > > iiio lumber
In this scctionhas confessed Judgment to over
j-10,000. Ho is cbnlldcnt the assets will cover
the liabilities.
11:111 : : , Ind. , Doc.21. 1C. .T. Iloss , owner of
one the largcsl Iron works in tliis city , made
an assignment this morning. Liabilities ,
§ 12MHi ( ; assets , fc > 0.l > 0 ( > .
JACK-O.NVII.LB , Fla. , Dec. 21. S. Kitz-
willor , wholesale and relall dry goods and
clothing , assioned to-day. Liabilities , SUil- ) ,
OOn ; assets , ? uniKX ) , ) .
Niw : YOHK , Dee. 21. Hurd , Waite & Co. ,
dry goods , Brooklyn , assigned to-day. Lia
bilities , S175.00U.
Kwejit By u Monster AVnvc.
IIV.XA , Dec. 21. A huge wave at Bara-
con onhe -th ) inst. was the result of a three
days' blow or norther. At 4 o'clock this
afternoon an immense wave was seen approaching
preaching , from which the people lied to
ward the hills. The wave struck the beach ,
broke and llowed inland about -100 feet.
Nearly ! JOO huts nnd houses were destroyed.
No lives were lost. The beach was awciit
clear of every habitation that stood upon it.
Wn.Kr.siiAiiur. , Pa , , Dec. 21. A terrible ex
plosion of gas occurred In the Nottingham
mlno at Plymouth this moining. Six miners
entered abi cast where ventilation was de
fective. A lamp caused the explosion. Four
of the men were fatally and two uoriounly
A Bold Itohlx-ry.
MH.WAUKEK. Dee. 21. An unknown man
entered Mickoll's Jewelry store at VVaukcsha
this evening , knocked the clerk down with an
iron bar , stole fi < )0 ) worth of Jewelry and tin
unknown cuantity | of diamonds and made
good his escape.
WnhitHh InlorentOrdm-od 1'alil.
CIIIOAOO , Hoc. 2l.-Judgo Ciresham entered
an order to-day directing Kocolvor MoMilta
to pay the Wabash A ; Hannibal and f < aplcs
Interest coupons on January 1.
Great Jlaolorii Hold.
Loxnox , Deo. 21. The Moamor Oreat
Kastcrn has been sold to a metal llrm for
10,100. The vessel will bo broken up as old
Clanricnrd'o'H Cruelly.
DUULI.V , Doe. 21. The Marriuls of Claurl-
cardo lias Issued ono hundred fresh writs of
ejoetment against tcnantb ou hi Woodfprd
Two H\-lt ailioadtTs Work a CJreeny
But Are Arrested.
Frank Joues and George Morrow , two ox-
brakemen , \\lio have left thounremunerativu
toil of railroading for the golden profession
of the confidence man , wore caught in ono of
their games jcstcrday , and are now cursing
fate behind the bars at the central station.
Their victim was Henry Ai ddrson , n green
Swede , who had come to the city in quest of
a "yob. " Jones and Morrow met him at
Michelar's saloon , and learning that ho had
some money , they determined to get it Irom
him. They represented to li.m that they
were the loading o < V.e ah ot the ami
promised that for . " > 0 they would give him a
Job on'lhe road mid liunish him with a full
oullit As Anderson had seen them about
the St. Paul depot , and as they were still
wearing their railro il caps , he was easily
duped into bi'lievin/Uu-ir story , and goiiitf
down into his breeches pocket he guvo
them fi.V The remainder Uo promised
to pay them a few hours la .i r. A gentleman
who was an accidental \vilms of this shame-
leas fraud reported it at the policu headquar
ters , and ( 'liven lull ileciriptioii of thusharks
and thiiir vn Urn. Ti-m Ormsby wan detailed
to look into the iimlter Donning citizen's
clothes he stai ted on their trail and found
them on Sixteenth ttticot Koeogiiteing them
at mice from the den'ription , ho followed
them at hearing distance , and. cauuht enough
of their conversation to convince him thai 1m
had found the guilty irirties. They suddenly
noticed Ormsby , and ono remarked to the
other :
" 1 believe that fellow is spotting us. "
"Yes , " mild Tom stepping forward , "and
you are inj prisoners. "
They at llrst refused to go with him , | mt
pelting each by a shoulder ho dragged them
to the nearest patrol box and sent thorn to
the central station. Anderson was taken
along-aa a witness.
Kuclal Clul )
The Parnell club held their sixth social
dance at Cunningham's hall last night. The
members and their girls numbered about 2'JI ) ,
which Just about measures the comfortable
dancing capacity of that hall. Their usual
twenty numbers were danced wRh refresh
ments at the end of the tenth dattco. John
Kervan bore most gracefully the honors of
master of ceremonies. The members of the
different commiUees w ( re J F. Price , W. II.
Franklin , Morris Cam , Louis Connelly , J. J.
Lloyd , T. J.Conway , William Crolt , G. K.
Collins. J , T. Fit/morris and W. F Oimsby
The Welcome club held their second party
of the season at Mctz' hall last evening. It
was a most pleasant affair The committco
on arrangements wore Frank HarLonu ,
Kdward Johnson , James Holmes. Frank Ludwig -
wig and Daniel P. O'Coniioll. bupper will
served at 12 o'clock.
Last night witnessed the birth of anew
social organisation , the "Ivy Leaf Pleasiirn
club. " The following nfllcers were elected for
this fieason : President , D. P. O'Connell ;
vice-president , K .1. Johnston , tieiinurer , J.
Mlnorntoff ; secretary , M Ford. Tholr llrst
party will be a mas.pierado.
Only One.
Tlioro is but one So/.odont. It hus no
counterpart. No other ( iroparatlon for
llio tooth , cllhor compares with , or re-
Homhlcs it. HeeoiiuiiondntloiiH of any-
thliiK in iU pluoi ) Hhoulil bo dihi'roditc'd. '
Dumunil Ho/.odont. Don't bo put till
Klii'uliy Hi'iilowed.
DIIIMN , Dec. -Sheoh.V , member of par
liament , tried at L'lonmel toiliij for mcliliK
resistance to eviction , was sentenced to ono
month's Imprisonment. _
The Flrn Itcrord.
PiTTsiii'no , Due. -Fleishman ) ft CO.'B
dry pooda establishment and Yeaicr ; & Co.'s '
toy utoro burned to-night. I-oss , * 17jOOJ. ,
Three fireman wore badly Injured.
The I'nuiflo < 7oiiitiilHHlon'H Itoport.
WISIII.VOTOX , Dec. 21. The report of the
commlsKlon to Investigate the affairs of tuo
Paclllo radroadK will not bo went to coii
by the jirefiident until uftor the rctc .