Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1887, Image 1

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Senator Plumb Scores the Policy of
the Administration.
A HcitHatlonnl Humor Afloat In Con
tii'otlon With th Forthcoming
llcport. or the Pnelllcj Halt-
road Commission.
Plumb Arraigns the AdmlnlHtrntlon.
fiia FouiiTi'.r.STii ST. , >
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 21. )
It was lively again In the senate to-day , but-
the life was very different from that of yes
terday. Senator Plutnb , of Kansas , who is
ono of the hardest hlttcr.s on the republican
side , stirred thu democrats up with a long
pole. Ho ar.iso very shortly after noon to
explain why he objected on yesterday to the
consideration of the house concurrent resolu
tion to adjourn over from to-morrow to Janu
ary 4 for the holidays. The seiuitor said that
this thing of taking fortnight out of the part of the session was merely a pretext
to waste time. It was done for the alleged
reason that the senators and members wanted
to go to their homes to spend the' holidays
with their families , when , in fuel , not one in
twelve w ould Icuvo the city. Hesidcs tills , it
vei'i ill became the democratic house of rep
resentatives to send to a republican senate , a
week in advance , a proposition to waste time
when it had recently declared.through its
president and otherwise , that an emergency
existed for action to reduce the surplus and
' the customs dues. Ho for ono was willing
ho was anxious to stay right along in session
and do something. The prospects were that
< congress would remain in session until the
i. dog days and into the heat of an exciting
f campaign , when all would indeed want to bo
at home. Then Senator Plumb directed his
attention for a half hour to one of the most
bitter excoriations of the financial policy of
tbu administration ever heard in congress.
All of the senators gave him their undivided
attention. The senator begun by saying that
th'j president cnuio into office with a national
bank president as a secretary of the treasury
and n national bank cashier as a treasurer.
That ho pretended to bo for the people , yet
he assumed to know moro about what the
people and the country wanted and needed
than congress , for he refused to carry out the
provisions of congress , which required him
to reduce the national debt at the rate of
$10,000,000 a month and permitted the surplus
to accumulate so ho might point to ft as a
necessity for revenue reform. Yet this
Homo-president bus , during the past year , deposited -
posited with the national bunks over $40,000-
000 , for which the people get nothing , but
which the'bunks loan out at a good round in
terest. Thcro is a law which requires the
president to apply this surplus this money ,
the use of which the banks are getting to
the extinguishment of the national debt by
the redemption of bonds.
Senators Teller , Stewart and Allison
spoke in the same vein , arraigning the ad
ministration in such a way that Messrs. Vest ,
Heck and other democrats who attempted to
reply made failures of their efforts.
The resolution was concurred in , nnd both
houses of congress will adjourn for the holi
days to-morrow.
Just before the senate adlourned Senator
Riddlebcrgerlirouglit up again his grievance
in relation to the lilair educational bill and of
which I spoke in my dispatches hist night.
Ho jumped 0:1 his lute colleague , Mr. Muliono ,
'whom ho charged with falsifying facts and
dodging the question , and , finally , with misrepresenting -
. representing him ( Riddleberger ) , before the
Virginia legislature recently. These affairs
took up all the time of the senate to-dav.
The session of the house was occupied in
discussing tlio partial report of tlio commit
tee on rules. The most important provision
agreed to was ono which provided that there
shall bo but UK ) copies of private bills printed
instead of ls.OO ; nlso that they shall bo
simply handed in to the clerk instead of held
until the call of the states and territories for
the general introduction of a measure. Tills
will save much time and money.
JHI ; I'ACiru'imi.iiouiroMMissioNiins'nr.i'oitT
At last the public is to get thu report of the
1'acitlc railroad coniiMssioncrs. It is under
stood that it will go to congress to-morrow.
Hut it will not be news to everybody. It Is
, , . stated upon good authority that the report
bus been In the hands of a prominent New
York stock broker for moro thaiMi week and
that ho has shown it to his friends , who in
turn have discounted the eifcct It will have
upon the market. A certain lobbyist here ,
tbo story goes , obtained either a verbatim
copy of tbo report or a very full abstract of
Its recommendations from a high officer of
the government and carried it , back with him
to New York , he having como hero for that
purpose. The official , it is stated further ,
got his Information or copy frum the presi
dent. The report of the commission has been
In the hands of the president a month or
more. It was his original purpose to write
an elaborate message upon it , but after read
ing over both of the reports submitted , he
came to the conclusion tiiat it would require
moro study than ho could give to the subject ,
and be will send the whole matter to con
gress without comment. Congress will
therefore bo unhampered in framing' legisla
tionupon the tmbjcct. The reports are ac
companied by voluminous testimony , taken
during the summer in Now York , San Fran
cisco , Omaha and other points. This wits
given full notice at the time by the press.
Kx-Govcrnor Pattison's report is brief , but it
is pointed. Ho finds himself unable to ngrro
with the other commissioners In their
opinions us to tlio conditions of the
property or the management of it.
and takes a very gloomy view of the financial
situation of all the land grant roads. Ho rec
ommends that proceedings be instituted in
the courts by the attorney general of the
United States to place all the Pacific rail
way svstem in the bunds of a receiver , who
shall take charge of the properly and devote
tbo llrst earnings to the liquidation of the
government indebtedness. lie it very severe
in bis criticisms u ) > on thu conduct of the past
and present management of the Union and
Central Pacific , particularly the latter , and
recommends that criminal proceedings bo In
stituted against them if possible. Cnmmi'-
sioners Anderson and Litt'cr sign the ma
jority roKirt. | and it Is a very dllfercnt docu
ment , it compliments the present manage
ment of the Union Pacific and holds that the
gentlemen now in control of the property are
conducting it honestly and ably and their
purKscs | hccm to bo not only to practice the
> strictest economy , but the devotion of tlio
I } earnings to pay the debt to the government.
! .Tho wad , they say , has long since passed out
of the hands of the men to whom the subsi
dies were granted and who permitted the
property to deprccluto In value nnd the gov-
I eminent Indebtedness to accumulate. They
hold that the present management
is entitled to the encouragement of the gov
ernment as long as the present policy Is pur-
Rued nnd anticipate u marked increase in the
value of the property by tno development of
the territory through which it runs. They
recommend that the managers bo relieved
from all embarrassment and that a bill be
passed by congress to fund the government
liuUOiU'dness in 4 per cent bonds , a certain
equal proportion'of the aggregate to bo paid
annuully for llfty years , Hut the majority of
tliocomiiilssion sliiiro with the minority the
distrust ex-Governor Patterson expresses to
ward the present management of the Central
Pacific , and the Huiitington-Crocker-Stiin-
ford syndicate is severely criticised for di
verting the business of the road to other
I i MUCH owned nml operated by them , meaning
i ; t the Southern Pacific and Sunset route. It is
II i1" { ' . ' "iniedjlmUlio Central Pacific proixjrty hast
Y ) \t \ . linen greatly injured by extravagant manage-
II ment , the earnings us welt us the rolling
1 stock being diverted to .other purposes. The
v commission represent that thoeausoof the
depleted treasury of the road is simply that
ts credit has been reduced to a very low
tolnt and that Its earnings are often less than
ts fixed charge. While under proper man-
igomcnt the property might bo placed upon
i paying basis. As it is at present there Is
Ittlo hope of the government being able to
collect any great proportion of the amount
hie. It i * therefore recommended that cer-
ain amendments to the existing Thurman
aw bo passed requiring n fixed portion of
thu gross earnings to bo paid into the treas
ury of the United States annually without
regard to the net Income of the property.
The adoption of the rule In the house to-
lay winch provides that private bills may bo
handed to the clerk nt any time , Instead of
having to be formally introduced , had the
effect of an inflow from Nebraska nnd Iowa.
Among those introduced were the following :
HyMr. Dorsey For the relief of W. H.
Johnson , Dcnlo Tracey , Henry Van Hlancom ,
Hannah Varguison , Columbia Hosterdcr ,
Lydla Train , Epii Logan , J. H. Faulkner ,
James Itarner and Jacob and William Titus.
HyMr , Henderson of Iowa For the relief
of George Hennett , Albert Loepers , William
Thompson , H. C. Markleman , AlbortMeable ,
Elizabeth S. Suylor , Henry A. Paus , Jane
Thomas and David T. Ederkin.
Hy Mr. Conger of Iowa For the relief of
Mrs. D. Meal , Cynthia J. Carlton , L. E.
Sharp , Mrs. Theresa duelled , W. D. Clarke
and Robert McNutt.
HyMr. Fuller of Iowa For the relief of
Ractmcl Hums , Henry H. Shaw and Mathias
Nearly all of tlio above nro for pensions or
increase of pensions.
The following is an abstract of the reports
made to the comptroller showing the condi
tion of the national banks in Omaha at tlio
close of business on the Tth dnyof December ,
l Si" : Resources Loans and discounts- , ! ! ! ,
: 0 : overdraft , * .V , , < ! IS ; United States bonds
to secure circulation , f.V,000 : ) ) ; UnitedxStatcs
bonds to secure deposits , t4J.V > ,000 : other
stocks , bonds and mortgages , SlbT.4'J3 ; due
from approved reserve agents , $1,409,214 : due
from other national banks$7ir > , tttH ; due from
state banks and bnnkersT > l2SsS ; real estate ,
furniture and fixtures , $4J1N : ( ) ; current ex
penses and taxes paid. $ WS7'J ; premiums
paid , f'hilSO ; checks and other cash items ,
$ ' .l.rit7 : exchanges for clearing house , $27.S-
: ir ( i ; bills of other national banks , f310niS ! ;
fractional currency , &U1II ; specie , including
gold and silver certificates , Ji.l.i. ! > 7 ; legal
tender notes , * ! ( M.H1S ( ; fi per cent redemption
fund , $15.750 ; duo from United States treas
ury , , * 100 ; total. $15,112,515. Liabilities-
Capital stock paid in.fcUOO.OOO ; surplus fund ,
W.I.IXXJ ; other undivided profits , $207,150 ;
national bank notes Issued and amount on
hand , # 11,450 ; dividends unpaid , J4S1 ; iudlvid-
uul dcposltH$7 , < 522,84U ; United States depos
its , $ WJW > 1 ; depos.ts of United States dis
bursing officers , $215,015 ; duo to other
national bunks , $ li2ahl ( ! ) ! ; due to state banks
and bankers , S1111I43 ; ! ; notes and bills rediscounted -
discounted , $552,028 ; reserve held at y'i.OO
per cent. iix > i'iv\u\T.
Washington prcduces more abnormalities
in society affairs generally , than any oilier
cityin the United States. Only a few weeks
ago the grand-daughter of George Hancroft.
the venerable historian , eloped and married
a fellow who was scarcely known to the
family , in spite of the fact that she was en
gaged to another man , whoso name the Han-
croft house hold announced with pride. Last
week another young lady of local celebrity
eloped and married Horry Wall , the world
renowned dudo. To-day the principal fea
tures of these escapades were duplicated in
the elopement of Miss Hcssio Hillyer , tbo
daughter of Judge Curtis J. Hillier. She
married Degrassio Hulkley , youngest son of
Dr. J. W. Hulkloy. This elopement , as
usual , was to Haltimore , and the bride , to bo
in style , was the affianced of another. The
rejected lover is Will Trenholm , son of the
comptroller of the currency. The cards have
been printed and were ready for circulation ,
announcing the marriage of Miss Hillyer to
Mr. Trenholm six weeks hence , and the very
unexpected clandestine marriage of to-day
has set society in an u proar. The young
woman says she did not love young Tren
helm , that ho wus "an acquired taste , " and
that she did not love the man she married to
day very much , but It seemed to bo a case of
loving Hulkloy a little and Trenholm
less and- that between tlio two she chose the
lesser evil. Antonia Nogucras , the son of
the Portuguese minister , who is an Intimate
friend of Uulkloy , was tlio only person who
witnessed the marriage , which was per
formed by the Rev. Mr. Ferguson , rector of
the Monument M. E. church , Ualtiinoro.
Hnlkley let Nogucras into the secret and the
latter met himat , Ualtiinoro this morning.
Hulkley is only twenty years old and is a
clerk in the National Hank of Washington.
The girl Is only eighteen years old. When
the bride nnd groom came to Washington
they went each to their homes and broke the
news upon tlio old folks gently , but there was
a great deal of agitation in the domestic
lumschoiild , and the fathers of the pair soon
held a consultation , the result of which is not
made known , but it Is announced that efforts
may bo made to nullify the marriage , as it is
claimed that the license was procured by mis
Tin ; "nr.coim" wiu. NOT MR Aiioi.isnin. :
Another effort will bo made to abolish the
Congressional Record which dully gives a
verbatim rcjiort of all proceedings on the
floors of tbo two houses. Hut I predict that
the Record will bo published for very many
years yet and in much the same way that it
has appeared during the past decade. It is
true that there Is necessity of reforming
the rules which govern the matter going into
the Record. It lias become a very common
drain for the rhetoric of every congressman
who wimtii to impress his constituents nt a
safe distance with a sense of his greatness.
The four or live pages daily which would bo
needed to quote the titles of measures Intro
duced and considered and recite the votes on
each have swelled Into an average of thirty
or forty and the task of winnowing out the
linn" has become so laborious that some of
the speeches which are really worth study
escape the attention of the reader. Hut the
Record , as a channel for publishing the drivel
known as "speeches , " Is tooconvenient to bo
nbolislicd. It may bo reformed.
A TUIO or SICK coNoitis : Mr.s.
There are three very sick congressmen In
town to-night. Major Hen Huttrnvorth , ol
Ohio , and Mr. MolTatt , of Michigan , are in
the most alarming condition. Major Huttcr-
worth is Buffering from an attack of typhoid
fever. Mr. Mofl'utt , while slightly improved
since yesterday , is still precarious. A con
sultation of physicians was held at Provi
dence hospital at boon to-day as to the condi
tion of Mr. Motfatt. It was decided that the
chances seemed more favorable t recovery.
His friends have but little hope.
Representative Muffitt , of Pennsylvania , is
suffering from nervous prostration and upon
the adviciiof his friends has gene home for a
period of perfect rest.
Senator Mnnderson , Representative Dor
sey , Charles E. Squ'res and John McKoig
leave hero for Nebraska to-morrow.
W. W. Richardson , of David City , Neb. , is
Senator Paddock will go to New York to
morrow night and return on Saturday. With
him will como a daughter and his son.
Representative Lyinnii , of Council Mluffs ,
will spend the holidays with his friends In
Don M. Dickinson was nt the postoftlce de
partment again to-day and met a number of
the officials of the department. Ho has a
clear cut face and looks llko an Episcopal
minister af distinction in church circles.
Atkinson oil HI-MctalNm.
WASHINGTON , Dec 21. The president to
day transmitted to congress the report of
Edward Atkinson , of Massachusetts , who was
designated to visit the financial centers o
Europe In order to ascertain the feasibility o :
establishing , by an International standard
the fixity of the ratio between the two metals
by the free coinage of both. Mr. Atkinson
summarizes the results of his inquiries under
four heads as follows :
1. Thcro Is no prospect of any change In
the present monetary system of the European
states which can modify in influence the
llnanclal policy of the United States at thu
present time.
2. There- arc no Indications of any change
In the policy of the financial Authorities of the
several states visited which warrant any ex-
l vtation that the subject of n bi-mctallfo
treaty for common legal tender , coupled with
the free coinage of silver , will bo seriously
considered at the present time by them.
II. Thcro is no indication that the subjcctof
bimetallism has received any Intelligent or
serious consideration outside of n small circle
In each country named us the probable or
possible remedy for the existing causes of
the alleged depression In trade.
4. There Is no considerable politically or
ganized body of Influential persons In cither
country with whom a combination could be
made , If such combination or co-operntlon
were desirable on the part of a similar body
In thu United States for promoting any defi
nite or practicable measures of legislation to
bring about the adoption of the bimetallic
theory. It would bo unwise and Inexpedient
for the United States again to take the initia
tive in promoting action for the general adop
tion bimetallic legal tender coupled with the
free coinage of silver for the reason thut
such action Is misconstrued and may tend to
retard rather than promote the object alined
or WcMcrncrH.
WAHIUNOTON , Dec. 21. [ Special Telegram
to the Dec. ] The following ponslons were
granted Nebraskans to-day : Anna M , ,
widow of Franklin Mahcs , Silver Creek.
Increase Isaao Fountain , Osceola ; William
D. Kennedy , Indianola.
Pensions for lowans : Mexican war Win-
field , widow of William A. Davison , Fre
mont ; Nancy Ann , widow of Abraham Shld-
lor , DCS Moines. Original William S.
Tiets ( deceased ) , Grand View ; Frederick A.
Smith , Clarinda. Increase Edward D. Wil
son , Troy Mills ; Jacob Lawrence , Union ;
Edward W. Grinstcad , Fremont. Reissue
Jacob F , Martin , Gallon.
ArmjNews. .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 21. [ Special Telcflvam
to the Hr.u. ] Second Lieutenant Ellsha Hen-
ton , Third artillery , has been granted ono
month's leave. First Lieutenant Richard
Strong , Fourth artillery , bus been grunted
ten days extension of leave.
Major S. S. Summer , Eighth cavalry , has
been ordered to Forts Canby and Stevenson
on public business.
The report of the inspector of rlllo practice ,
Department of Dakota , shows a loss in the
general average of merit of 523 percent for
tlio year 1SMJ.
First Lieutenant E. L. Scalinski , Fifth ar
tillery , has been placed on detached service
with permission to retain his quarters at Fort
Hamilton , New York harbor.
Ail Knormoiis Kali Afloat.
WASHINGTON , Dec 21. It is learned hero
that Secretary Whitney , who is now in New
York , has instructed Commodore Gherardi ,
in command of the New York navy yard , to
send a naval vessel on a cruise after the
enormous raft from Nova Scotia , now adrift
in the path of European vessels , to warn
them of its presence , and , if possible , tow it
to a place of safety.
Ciistom-Hoiise Holiday H.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 21. Secretary Fail-child
issued an order to-day for the closing of all
customs houses on the 20th inst , , and 2d
prox. He also ordered the closing of the
treasury department at noon tho24th andJtlst
Sick StuiuHiiinn.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 21. Representatives
Moffutt and Uuttenvorth , who are detained
from the house on account of sickness , are
both somewhat better this morning.
PoHtal Changes.
WASHINGTON , Dee. 21. [ Special Telegram
to the Hin.J Urbans Engleman was to-day
appointed postmaster at Oscland , | Adams
county , Nebraska , vice Alex Rodgcrs re
They Meet In New York City unil
Formally Organize.
Nnw YOIIK , Dec. 21. The representatives
of the principal woolen and worsted manu.
facturers of the United States met this morn ,
ing to discuss matters pertinent to their
business and to correct certain abuses that
have crept in , principally those connected
with the credit nnd discount systems. After
considerable discussion rules were adopteil
setting forth that "all bills of' date from the
delivery of the goods , either six months
straight or a discount of 1 per cent per month
on shorter time ; " all bills to bo settled at the
end of thirty days , either by cash or notes to
bo charged for ; reference samples only to bo
given to purchasers ; all other samples charged
for. A committee was appointed to decide
when these rules go into effect.
The senior member of the firm of A. .T.
Guillen ! & Co. , commented on the absence of
any representations of foreign houses. Ho
said : "The tariff of ISSii was designed to af
ford sufficient protection , but we have been
steadily losing ground , while the importation
of foreign goods has increased in a most
alarming manner. A conspicuous example of
the inequalities of the tariff is found in the
discrimination In the rates of duty imposed
upon woolen and worsted clothes , which ex
ceeds the duty imposed on the finished article.
There is much reason to believe that the man
ufacture of worsted clothes must soon cease
in this country unless the tariff law in this
regard is amended "
Mr. Qnillard presented an agreement which
called for a subscription of money to organize
a fund for the payment of agents at the prin
ciple custom houses to keep the organization
auvised as to the importations of woolen and
worsted fabrics ; to assist in the detection of
avasion of the tariff laws and generally assist
in protecting homo manufacturers. Thirty-
six firms agreed to contribute various annual
amounts for thrco years. The organization
adopted , as a permanent name "The .Associa
tion of Woolen and Worsted Manufacturers
and Commission Houses. "
da Pennsylvania Wool Growers.
Nrw CASTI.K , Dec. 21. At u meeting of the
state wool growers' association held hero
to-day , a platform of principles was adopted ,
condemning as "uustatcsmanlikc , uncalled
for and unfair that part of the recent nics-
sngo of President Cleveland practically
recommending tlio placing of wool on the
free trade list ; " also deprecating the train of
evils to wool growing which have followed
the tariff changes made four years ago ; de
nouncing as demagoguery the recent efforts of
congress to reduce the tariff , nnd averring
that without a measure of tariff protection
sufficient to secure an American market , the
business of wool growing can not bo success
fully carried on.
An Elevated Accident.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 21. [ Special Telegram
to the Hic.J : About a foot's length of
cross ties was all that saved nearly three
hundred passengers on the Sixth avenue
elevated from going Into the street just below
Franklin street station yesterday afternoon.
The spreading of a rail that was insufficient
ly fastened down caused the whole train to
jump the track.nnd before it could be brought
to a stop the wheels of ono car were nearly
over the edge. If the engine had been
under full speed the consequences can bo
easily imagined , As it was , the train wus
slowing up to stop nt a station. The engineer
quickly applied the air , and the train was
brought to a standstill immediately after
leaving the rails. There was a momentary
panlo ! a the coaches , but this BOOH subsided ,
although the faces of all who sortn piled out
on the station platform wore rather white
anxious expressions ,
Workmen hud been repairing the road , nnd
this particular rail hud boon left temporarily
fastened with only three or four ppikes.
The Alton'H Hummer.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Dec. 21. The Chicago &
Alton railroad has arranged to put on u fast
train knownus "The Hummer. " The train
will leave Chicago at (1 ( p. in , , arriving In Kan
sas City nt 3 n. in. next day , thus saving , live
hours. ThP'traln leaves Kansas City at 4:45 :
p. m , nnd arrives in Chicago next day ut 8 a.
in. ' The schedule goes Into effect Christmas
The Sonoto Finally Concurs in the
House Resolution.
Plumb or Kansas Protests Against
What He Con Hitlers an Unneces
sary Waste of Time Heck
TnkCH Part.
WASHINGTON' , Dec.21. Mr. Spooucr offered
a resolution , which was adopted , Instructing
the committee on privileges and elections to
Inquire into the expediency of the adoption
by the senate , for the guidance of the execu
tives of the several states , of a form of cre
dentials of election of United States sen
The resolution offered by Mr. Heck on the
12th inst , , directing the postofilco committee
to Inquire into the advisability of reducing
the rate of letter postage to 1 cent was taken
up and referred to that committee.
Mr. Allison called up the holiday recess
resolution and moved Its adoption.
Mr. Plumb said ho would veto against the
resolution because he thought the proposed
recess was against the public interest. Con
gress would bo In session till the dog days ,
and during the latter part of the session the
country would be In the midst of a heated
presidential canvass. There was no reason
why members of congress should go homo
for the holidays. In fact , that was mere pre
tense. Not one member in a dozen ( at least
of those llviiig west of the Ohio river ) , would
go homo during the holidays. lie referred
to Mr. Pughs resolution that congress should
not adjourn until action was taken for the
disposal of the surplus in the treasury , and
said he did not agree with " the president In
many of his statements"In his late annual
message , and ho said he did not at all agree
with him in saying that the responsibility of
non-action on the matterqf the surplus would
rest on congress. The primary responsibility
for the present condition of the treasury
rested , he thought , with the president of the
United States , who totally disregarded the
law which required him , practically ,
to spend the surplus in the purchase
of the national debt. The president's
excuse for not doing so was that
the provision of law was found in an appro
priation bill and was therefore ( In the presi
dent's opinion ) , merely a temporary expedi
ent. He ( Plumb ) , did not know any warrant
for the president distinguishing between
laws passed by congress and saying that one
provision of law was /less mandatory on him
than another. The president , in his message ,
had omitted to state one important fact ,
which was that the last congress passed u
law requiring him affirmatively to pay f 10-
000,000 ii month in the discharge of the pub
lic debt and that the. president had put that
bill in his pocket , thus preventing its becom
ing a law.
Mr. Heck remarked that the president had
paid money out even faster than that bill re
Mr. Plumb regarded that as only another
way that the president had for saying he
thought he could do better himself than con
gress know how to tell him. The senator
from Missouri [ Vest ] had made the welkin
ring all over this state in denunciation of the
national banks as the vampires that wore
sucking the substance of the people. Ho
wondered whether that senator did not smile
to himself when ho iiw a democratic pres
ident bring with hlin. Into his administration
as secretary of the tseasury the president of
a national bank and Uyx.Ii.'ywtreasurcr.iOt (
the United States thj TOhier of another na
tional bank. Ho wQjilii call 'that senator's
attention now to imj > thcr fact in that same
line , the fact that the secretary was to-day
depositing flO.OOO.OOp of the alleged surplus
with national banks ) to be loaned to the people
ple at such rates as their necessities might
compel him to ask. Honds of the
United States could be purchased at such a
rate as would yield 2Kl > er c jnt. and. yet , In
stead of using part'of the surplus for that
purpose , it was given to the national banks
to bo used for their profit. The president
had also forgotten to take note of the fact
that the river and harbor bills , which ap
propriated some $14,000,000 , , had failed , not
because of any lack of action by congress.
The deficiency bill , covering over f S.OOO.UOO ,
had also failed last session because of the
neglect of the democratic majority in the
house of representatives , and these two sums
would have made n very comfortable addition
to the current funds of the people of the
United States at this juncture. Ue ( Plumb ) ,
never did agree with republican policy of tlio
treasury department ; but that policy was at
least constant and not under the suspicion of
being unduly iulliicnccd by the Now York
: bankn. Just as fast us there was a surplus
of $10,000,000 in the treasury under a repub
lican administration , it has been put out in
the discharge of the obligations of the United
States. It never congested there until there
was . * 40,000,0X ( ) or $50,000,000 of it and then
emptied ut once in order to
meet tlio necessities of Wnll street.
It never had beeo paid
out after consideration with the officers of
Now York banks. However much the re
publican administration of the treasury
might have been criticised in other respects ,
it had never been liable to such criticism as
lay ut the door of tlio present administration ,
The trouble with the present administration
was that it had no eye to anything ( In u
financial way ) , except what related to the
banking interest of Now York city. It was
not the part of the executive to assume that
congress did not intend that certain line of
policy , plainly marked out in law , was not in
tended to bo carried out. It was within the
competency of congress to say that the sur
plus revenue of the government should bo
applied to the extinction of national debt un
til every dollar of it was extinguished , the
views of the president to the contrary not
Mr. Heck said ho did not propose to go into
debate in regard to the president's policy on
a resolution for a holiday adjournment. Hut
them were some things which the country
ought to know In connection with the stato-
inent made by the senator from Kansas , The
senator had not told the country that the
policy of tlio republican party , by imposing
and maintaining unnecessarily high taxation ,
had produced the trpasury surplus and that
the same party was determined to hold it
there or waste it' in such schemes as
the republican party might desiro.
.Tho republican party had so
adjusted the debts of the United States that
they could not bo paid by the money thus
brought by high taxation into the treasury
unless such premiums were paid to bond
holders as they might demand. The presi
dent had paid every dollar of tlio 'I PIT cent
bonds that were payable without pa.\lng the
premium which the bondholders might see lit
to ask. The democratic party , headed by the
president , was endeavoring to reduce the
taxes so that so largo a surplus should not
como into the treasury. All that the presi
dent had said was that it was not the proper
thing to pay fiat ) or § 150 for every $100 of the
public debt and that-it was the duty of con
gress to reiluco the taxation oftho | > eopo ]
down to suck a point that there would not bo
a surplus , [
Mr. Dolph argued that if proper appropria
tions were made for rivers and harbors , for
public buildings , for coast-lino fortifications ,
for dependent-pensioners , for the encourage
ment of American commerce and for the
Nincarauguan cannl , there would bo no sur
plus In the treasury and ho thought such a
policy would bo preferred to u reduction of
the tariff.
Mr. Vest said there was a bill pending In
behalf of a line steamships , owned entirely
.by American citizens , giving the privilege of
sailing sixteen htcumship ) ruder the Amer
ican flag , and ho undertook : o say Unit not
one republican senator would record his vote
in favor of that bill. And why I Hccuuso
the republican senators did not propose to
touch infamous navigation laws or make a
break In the solid compact which they had
made with th protected Industries of the
country by tariff legislation. In response to
Mr. Plumb's criticism of the president for
vetoing the river and harbor bill , ho reminded
the senator that ha ( Plumb ) , had fought that
bill by sections nd In the aggregate had ridi
culed it , denounced It and voted against It.
The president had , in his annual message ,
sharply defined the Issue between the two
great parties , and ho ( Vest ) , endorsed that
message from bcginlng to end. He was pre
pared to go Into the canvas upon it , nnd what
ever the result might be , ho declared now ,
that If the president had done nothing less
than write tlmt message , ho had proven him
self to be an honest , brave , patriotic man ami
worthy of the leadership of any party that
ever existed In the history of this country.
Mr. Stewart was satlstlcd that tlfr surplus
would continue to bo locked up If the only
remedy was that suggested by the president
reduction of the tariff. The isstio pre
sented to the American people by the presi
dent was whether it would stop doing its
own work and hlro It out.
Mr. Allison said the senate could not pro
mote public interests by remaining in session
while the house was in Its present unorgan
ized condition. There were but three ways
of getting rid of the'surplus. One was the
way presented by the senator from Kansas ,
and a very good way It was ; another was to
increase the appropriations , mid the third
wus to modify tiie tax laws. Uevenuo meas
ures had to originate in the house of repre
sentatives , nnd from the beginning of lSt > f > no revenue measure had come from
the house and none would como certainly be
fore tlio 4th of January.
Senator Plumb said the house couldn't ad
journ without the concurrence of the senate ,
and would therefore go to work if the reso
lution was rejected.
Mr. Hutler expressed contempt for the
disgusting spectacle which the senate was
presenting for affectation and hypocrisy ex
hibited to-day. There was not a senator
who did not know that all that was said
about the senate remaining in session was
absolute bosh and hypocrisy. It was the
idlest , flimsiest , shallowest hypocrisy he had
over witnessed.
Mr. Plumb resented the position of public
censor assumed by the senator from South
Mr. Sherman agreed with Mr. Hutler that
It was hardly woi th while for the senate to
deny the house the usual privilege of a holi
day adjournment , but he did not agree with
him as to the character of to-day's debate.
On the contrary , he ( Sherman ) , was very
much interested in it. 11 hud brought to the
attention of the senate the faults of some
features of the president's message ,
notably the folly of endeavoring to
create scare and alarm about the condition of
the country , because , fortunately there was a
surplus of $55,000,000 in the treasury. If it
were true tlmt there was such a state of
alarm as was expressed by the president ,
certainly u democratic house ought not to ad
journ over the holidays. Ho ( Sherman ) , did
not-believc , however , that there was any
such occasion for alarm , He beloved the
language of the president entirely too strong.
He thought it but reasonable and right that
the humbug by which it was sought to
frighten tlio country should bo punctured ,
exploded or explained away. Ho did not re
gret the speeches made to-day on the ques
tion. They were very good speeches.
After further discussion the adjournment
resolution was concurred in yeas , 117 ; nays ,
ll. ! The nays were Herry , Hlalr , Uowcn ,
Chandler , Davis , Dawcs , Dolph.Frye.Gcorge ,
Ingalls , ' Mnnderson , Mitchell , Paddock ,
Palmer , Plutt , Plumb , Hiddlcberger , Stew
art. Teller.
The Hlair educational bill was taken up as
unfinished business , and after executive
session the senate adjourned.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 21. Mr. Randall of
Pennsylvania , from the committee on rules ,
submitted a partial report. Tlio report
recommends the adoption of the rules of the
Forty-ninth congress until further orders ,
with the following changes :
"A standing committee is established to
consist of thirteen members to bo known us
"tho-Tommitteo on merchaift- marine nnd
"Tho addition of a representation of dele
gates on the committee on private land
claims is recommended. "
Private bills arc to bo presented through
the clerk and given proper reference by that
The following select committees are pro
vided for : On reform in the civil service , to
consist of thirteen members. On the election
of president and vice-president and repre
sentatives in congress , to consist of thirteen
members ; on Indian depredations and
claims , to consist of thirteen members ; On
the alcoholic liquor traffic. , to consist of
cloven members ; the rule providing for the
appointment of "a select committee on Indian
depredations occasioned considerable debate
but It was finally agreed to. The report wus
then adopted and the house adjourned.
Postmasters Confirmed.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 21. The followingpost-
masters have been confirmed : Illinois W.
J. Dykes , Lewiston ; Isaac Ficlden , Cham
paign ; 13. L. Stewart , Carmi ; William L
Morrow. Nashville ; James H. Carter , Dixon ;
James T. Doherty , St. Charles ; J. H. John-
sou , Woodstock ; Marrellus Kane , Atlanta ;
Walter Kirkpatrick , Hcrdan : Thomas J.
Matthews , Gra.vvillo ; Agnes Ross , Ravcu-
wood ; .Tomes L. Scott , Mattoon ; L. L.
Stork , Whenton ; James M. Thomas , Sr. ,
Wyoming. .
Wisconsin .Titnies P. McGill , Heaver Dam ;
J. S. McGinn. Nechah ; D. A. Mahoney ,
Kcnosha ; L. F. Martin , Chippewa Falls ;
John Median , Darlington ; G. Meyer , Uos-
cabel ; Adam Milbrath , New London ; F. H.
Hcuschlein , Hurlington ; A. C. Uobinson ,
Green liny ; W. M. Underbill , Oconto ; Ed
ward Whnley , Prairie du Cliicn.
National Capital Notes.
Secretary Fail-child took oflieial notice to
day of the report that 2,000 Helgian miners
arc to bo Imported to take the place of miners
in the Lehigli region now on a strike. Ho
sent telegrams to the collectors of customs at
New York , Philadelphia , Hoston and Haiti-
more , instructing them to bo vigilent in preventing -
venting any violation of the Alien contract
labor law.
A bill was introduced in the senate to-day
by Mr. Voorhees , to authorize the states of
Ohio , Indiana and Illinois to sue the United
States in the supreme court for any moneys
claimed to bo duo them on account of sales of
public lands.
Mr. Spooucr , from the committee on public
buildings and grounds , reported favorably a
bill for tlio erection of a public building at
Milwaukee , the cost of site and building not
to exceed 1,200,000 or $1,100,000 , in case the
present site is utilized.
"War AIIIOIIK Oystermcn.
HU.TIMOHI : , Dec. 21. [ Special Telegram to
the Hii : : , ] The steamer Hamilton , of tlio
state oyster navy/camo to Ualtiinoro fora
supply of rifles and ammunition. Captain
Turner says ho was attacked yesterday at
Swanpolnt by dredgers. The Hamilton went
to Swanpoint to drive the dredgers away from
forbidden grounds , when the latter opened
11 ro on her from about twenty schooners.
Tlio smoke stack was perforated with bullets
and the pilot door riddled. The Hamilton
had but a small supply of ammunition and
arms , and was obliged to retreat , leaving the
dredgers in possession of the disputed oys
ter beds
Collision on tlio .MilwaukeeItoad. .
MII.WAVKIK : , Doc. 21. The evening Wis
consin special from McGregor , la. , say *
two passenger trains on the St. Paul road
collided at Jackson Junction early this
morning. The engineer , fireman and bag
gage man of the west bound train are said to
have been fatally injured. Owing to a heavy
snow storm all trains nro delayed and par
ticulars of the accident are not obtainable.
Fatal Train CollUon.
L\Ni > iiono , Minn. , Dec. 21. A freight
train ran into Conductor Hcardsloy's train
at Lakellcld , oarli yesterday morning during
a blinding snow storm. Engineer Hucklin ,
of the freight , had both legs cut off , and died.
Engineer Scarles , of the other train , wus se
verely cut , but not fatally injured.
lUdilloborger'H Kiiccc.sKor.
ltlcii.MO.Ni ) , Vu. Deo. 21. Tlio Joint session
of the Virginia legislature to-day formally
doo.lured John S. Harbour elected United
States senator.
Tcrrlltlu Explosion of Naptha Gas
Four PeopleKilled.
UociinsTnii , N. Y. , Dec. 21. Shortly before
half-past ! 1 this afternoon a terrlffio explosion
occurred In front of the Poole flour mills on
Mill street , at the foot of Factory street ,
which was felt for a long distiinuc. A few
seconds after , other explosions .followed in
rapid succession. Instantly flames burst
from the Poole mill nnd the rear walls felt in.
The lire burned with great fury , nnd although
they hastened to get out It Is feared some must
have perished In the ruins. 1. , ' i few minutes
the Humes spread to several oUiOr buildings
burning with great rapidity. The explosion
was caused by naphtha gas in sowers. Four
teen thousand gallons had been pumped
through the pipe line from the oil works to
the gas house and some breaks In the line al
lowed a considerable quantity to escape into
adjoining sewers. When they became sur
charged with gas it made its way into the
mill and exploded and the lire then com
municated through the mains in the
middle of the street. The explosions
continued nt such frequent Intervals for the
first half hour that people were deterred
from going anywhere near the lire. Women
and children were rushing 'about , frantically
screaming for their relatives whom they
supposed to have been burned in the mills.
H is not known yet how many persons were
at work in the different buildings nor how
many escaped. At midnight the lire Is under
control. Two men are known to have been
killed nnd some nro unaccounted for. The
explosions in the sewer wrecked the pave
ment in sos'eral streets for some dis
tance from the scene of the fire.
The aggregate damage probably exceeds
J.IiOO.OOO. At midnight it is bellevcil four
persons arc killed. These nro Frederick
Wilson , Edward A. Webster , Abram Rogers
and John Leo. The injured will number at
least twenty. Most of them are bruised and
John II. Guiz KndH Hit * Career With
a Shotgun at Cheyenne.
CiinrnNN-i : , Wyo. , Dec. 21.-Special [ Tele
gram to the Uii : : . ] A desperate and deter
mined subido was committed hero this evcn-
ng , John H. Getz killing himself by discharg
ing a shotgun loaded with buckshot into his
heart. < Jetz bus .been drinking heavily for
several weeks , nnd during the past few days
has been almost crazed witli liquor. About
6 : HO this evening bo took his gun and locked
himself in a bedroom of his house. His wife
pushed in the door and found him
with the muzzle of the gun at
his breast , trying to lire the
gun by pushing at tlio trigger with the ram
rod. She took the ramrod from him and
struggled to get the gun. Ho struck her In
the head , partly stunning her and rushed to
another part of the house , when he obtained
a piece of lath. Mrs. Getz screamed for help
and a neighbor came in , but Getz stood him
off and again locked himself in the bed room.
Hefore further aid could be brought to pre
vent him he had discharged the gun into his
breast , killing himself Instantly. Tlio
suicide came here a short time ago from
Pueblo. IIo was fifty-two years of age and
leaves u wife and six children.
Ilnrvcy McKenna IleatH the World's
Itcuortl at Hoston.
HOSTON , Dec. 21. The first half of the
three-ball carotn billiard match between
Harvey McKenna , of Detroit , and Harry
Eames , of this city , was played to-night.
McKouna was to make 5,000 to Eames' 5,000
and only Imlfof either score to bo made in
ono night. McKenna won the string , took
the sjwt ball and mlssf d. Eames made one.
McKenna slipped up 'on an easy masse after
scoring three , nnd Eames duplicated the
score , leaving the balls in splendid position
in the upper loft corner. McKenna took
them in hand nnd never stopped playing , ex
cept for a brief rest , until he had completed
his first 2,500 points. , making the remarkable
run of 2.4'.ir and beating tlio world's record at
that style of play. The whole run occupied
one hour and thirty-flyo minutes. The best
record previous to this evening was 1KI1 ,
made in Paris in two nights by Vignaux.
The Nineteenth Century Club.
NRW YOIIK , Dec. 21. [ Special Telegram to
thoHci-At : ] last night's meeting of the
Nineteenth Gcntury club , President Cotirt-
landt Palmer , whoso expressions of sym
pathy with the Chicago anarchists caused
Andrew Carnegie to resign from" the club ,
announced that Hcv. Dr. William Hainsford
had accepted the ] > ositioii of vice president
made vacant by the resignation of Judge
Harrett. The latter , by the way , it is said ,
resigned out of sympathy with Carnegie.
After the announcement was made , Presi
dent Palmer added : " 1 would say this in re
gard to Mr. Carnegie's resignation , that
although at first it was my disposition to ac
cept it , on second thought 1 am very much
indisposed to do BO. Mr. Carnegie is really
too zealous and earnest a member of tills
club to lose. Ho lias been an able and valu
able member of the club , and I for ono do
not wish to see him retire. His only reason
for retiring was that ho feared his presence
might produce a division in the club. Inas
much as there is no division between him
and me. there should bo no division between
him and the club , and If he will remain , I
witli the sanction of the club , will request
him to do. " Members of club loudlv ap
plauded this expression , and such action will
bo taken.
The CJalcHburg Waterworks Case.
CHICAGO , Dec. 21. In the case of the city
of Galesburg against the Gnlesburg water
works , on trial before Judge Gresham , the
judge to-day suggested that the bondholders
make a proposition to go on and finish the
works , and if not satisfactory , to allow the
contract to bo repeated , or that they take the
sum paid for their bonds from tlio city and
then turn over tlio waterworks plant and
franchises to the city of Galesburg. The city
declined the offer , but said that it would give
$7K'0 ! ! ( for the bonds , but this the bondhold
ers refused to do ,
.lay Gould' * Condition.
Nuw YOIIK , Dec 21. [ Special Telegram
to the Hii : : . ] Wall street is discussing re
ports that Jay Gould Is more or less seriously
sick in Europe. Tlio Atnlanta , according to
current rumors , is to go out of commission
nnd much of the rich man's contemplated trip
has been abandoned , for the reason that ho
Hnds himself physically incapable 'Of the
tasks of extended travel. Mr. Gould's friends
In this city , however , deny that thcro Is any
truth in the talcs.
IVOH * Suit For DamagcH.
XKW YOIIK , Dec. 21. President Dexter , of
the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton railroad ,
was served with a summons to-day nt the in
stance of Ivcs , who brings suit against Dex
ter laying damages at $100,000. Dexter was
found by an ofllcer. The case will como up
in LSrooklyn.
Yoiint ; Iici ; Arraigned.
CHICAGO , Dec. 31.-W. K. Lee , who shot
his step-father , Stephen W. liuwson , the
banker , was arraigned in court to-day nnd
pleaded not guilty to the charge of assult
with intent to kill. Ho was remanded in
Inspector Myrnch' Capture.
NEW YOIIK , Dec. 21. Inspector Hyrneshas
captured two noted criminals who obtained
three cases of .silks from the custom house
on forged papers last Saturday. All the
stolen goods 1mvo been recovered.
Secretary Manning' * ) Condition.
AI.HANY , Dee. 21. Ex-Kccrctary Manning
rested quietly to-day. His physicians do not
look for an Immediate crisis , but recovery in
Dakota's Chilly Blasts Spreading
Over the Country.
Undo Snin'H Soldiers In TC.XUH Doing
Guard Duly In u llnglng Hnow-
Stonn-FrlKld Weather In
Nan FranulNco.
llnthrr Cohl , IHII'I It ?
Ciuc'Ac.o , Dec. 21. [ Special Telegram to
the Her. . ] A fierce blizzard from the north
west struck Chicago about midnight hist
night. The mercury felt ver.v rnpliUy and
the change In the wcnthcr from almost the
iiillihicsM of summer to extreme cokl wus IIH
sudden us iiuy ever known before In Chicago.
Throughout llllnoii mill the northwest the
storm was accompanied by u heavy fall of
snow and travel on all railroads was greatly
"We iiro bavin ? notroublowlthour * wires , "
said Superintendent Tubbs , of the Western
Union , "and our lines aroopen to Oes Molncs ,
St. Paul , Duluth and the northwest and to
Omaha , and no delay is experienced in send
ing messages through. Our eastern wires
are working Just as freely. "
The signal service ofllcer said : "Jt Is the
biggest drop we have had this winter , the
thermometer having gone down 15 degrees
since yesterday afternoon , and Is now 10 de-
drees above zero. It U going down still fur
ther , to Judge from our reMirts | , and will bo iv
number of degrees colder to-night. This will
bo kept up until to-morrow morning , but. be
yond tltat time no prediction can bo
made. Them is a high wind over
the entire northwest. In DCS Molncs
mid Davenport this morning at ( I o'clock the
thermometer was 4 below. Wo will proba *
bly get their weather before long. At Fort
Tatten , Minn. , this morning the inhabitants
found the mercury sneaking down t the 20
below mark. The .same temperature was ob
served at Mnntros" , Cole , and in Denver it
is just 24 degrees colder than in Chicago 14
below zero. At Fort Davis. Tox. , Undo
Sam's soldiers are doing guard duty in n rag
ing snow storm and the thermometer regis
tered as cold weather as wo are having right
here. They are having a regular "northrr"
down there. A terrilic storm must bo raging
in the extreme northwest this morning , for
wo have received no reports from Moorohcud ,
.D. T. , Fort Assinaboino. Fort JJuford , Medi
cine Hat or Winnipeg. The wires art ) prob
ably all down. Even San Francisco lias re-
ecived'u sliureof tills cold snap , which seems
to defy the Hocky mountains to block ita
pathway. At the Golden ( Sato city early this
morning 20 degrees was registered , remark
ably mild weather for that city. "
KANSAS CITV. Dee. 21. Tlio worst of the
snow-storm ami cold weather seems to bo
over in this vicinity. From certain sections
of Kansas , especially Mra-.lo and Clark coun
ties , have come reports of distress from lack
of fuel , mid in some cases food , but the rail
roads are doing good work to relieve what
ever suffering may exist , and there is no-
ground for behoving that any serious condi
tion of affairs will bo allowed to continue.
A dispatch from Gordon City to-night char
acterizes the recent dispatches about an
ahtrming.scarcity of food and fuel IIH false
hoods , so far as the extreme western portions
of the state is concerned.
ST. PAL-I. , Dec. 2 ! ) . The snow-fall hero ban
ceased and it is growing colder. Mllbunk ,
Dak. , reports trains from the east and west
laid up , while Pierre reports railroad traffic
entirely suspended on all except the Sioux
City line.
AVealher Indications.
For Nebraska : Warmer , fair weather ,
light to fresh winds.
For Iowa : Warmer , fair weather , light to
fresh variable winds , generally southerly.
For Dakota : Warmer , fair weather , light
to fresh variable winds.
A Norther in tlio WcHt Indies.
Ni\v YOIIK , Deo. SJl.-Tho steamer Zu-
inanii , which arrived here to-day from Cape
Hayti , reports that a heavy norther swept
over the West Indies tholl , 7 and 8 hist. ,
causing much damage. In all some seventy
vessels were wrecked. A coastinf schooner
capsi/ed while making Capo Hayti , and
thirteen of the civw were drowned. The
Hritifih steamer Nicta lost eight of her wow
in the same storm.
A Steamer Itiirnri on the Pacific AVilh
Fatal KcHiifiA.
SAN FiiANciifo , Dec. 21.-Tho fi'ciglit
steamer San Viencerite , plying between hero
and Santa Crulz , took tire last night about
four miles off the Golden Gate and burned to
the waters edge. The steamer Queen of the
Pacific sighted the burning vessel and sent
boats to rescue the crew. Captain Lewis ,
two mates and live sailors wore picked up In
the water near San Vincente , but no tractf1
could bo found of the eleven remaining mem- '
bora of tlie crow. Captain Lewis says when' '
the lire was first discovered the men became
panic stricken. Most of them jumped into
one of the boats and , before it could bo
lowered the tackle burned away , letting
them fall intatho sea.
The "Fathnr of IJiuto" Killed.
CnnvKNNi : , Wyo. , Dec. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hii-As : : ] tlio belated overland
train was pulling into the Union Pacilio
depot at 1 o'clock thismornlng.Iohn F.K-jese ,
a prominent citi/cn of Hutto , Mont. , in at
tempting to cross the track in front of the
train , was struck by tlio engine , receiving in
juries which will bo fatal. Hi * arm waa
crushed from tlio shoulder to the wrist and *
his skull fractured. Ueoso has been super
intending the erection of iiMiiolter at the
Silver Crown mines hero and was about to
return to Hutto City , whom lie is known u *
the "Father of Ihitto , " having been one of
the pioneers in tlio mining business of that
A Unto War Highly Proliahle.
Gnu Uio , Dec. 21. Western freight rates
arc still in a disturbed condition. Notwithstanding - '
standing the reductions made yesterday by
agreement , one of the roads , through mis
take , quoted tariff on cotton piece goods to
Kansas City 10 cents lower than tlio schcdlllo
and , in spite of flu efforts of the commission
to explain , nil coinputlting lines mot the rate.
All the managers believe the situation in so
critical that war is a certainty before the wiu-
ter is over.
A Hrcak Kor Kilicrly.
ST. Loris , Dec. 21. While furnishing
breakfast to prisom gfjn tlio county Jail ut
Waynesvillo yesterday morning , Arthur
Waterman and George Hoyden , two prison
ers , overpowered the Jailor , forced him into
the cell and made a bold break for liberty.
The Jailor tired his revolver at the escaping
prisoners , instantly killing Waterman. Uoy-
den escaped.
Death KmlN a Kprco.
Mr. STIIIII.INO , Ky. , Deo. 21. Yesterday
evening four pontons were killed at the crossing -
ing of the Newport News & Mississippi Val
ley railroad and tho.Mt. Sterling andOwings-
villo turnpike. Tlio party consist d of two'
men and two colored women , all of whom
were intoxicated.
Ktomiihlilp Arrivals.
Ninv YOIIK , Doc. 21. [ Special Telegram to
the HKK. ] Arrivwl Tlio.uandnm , from
Amsterdam ; the Hohcmia , from Hamburg.
MOVII.I.B. Dee , 21 , Arrived The Ancho-
rla , from New York for ( Jlaagow.
Pim.Aiir.M'HM , Dec. 21. Arrived TU *
Lord dive , from Liverpool ,