Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1887, Image 1

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    IHE ILY : ' : . ' > f
So the London "Globo" Charactorteoo
the Smith-Kllrain Contest.
Hiilllvnti Displaced In Popular Favor
I'nglllHin anil th Princes A
1'rcnclirr Denounces llotli
CnmmcntM on ( lie Fight.
lCoj i < uhtIiS7 liuJamw Unnlnn llenneft.1
LONDON , Dei2fNow ( ) York Ilciald
Cable Special to the Hcn.l The prl/o light
1ms been the great topic till day imd the ac
count or It given by the European edition ot
the Herald us the newspaper nearest to the
scene , wns nnich sought UIB ! evening at
Smith or Welllng's hulls. Jem Smith 1ms
been welcomed back by Ills friends mid extolled -
tolled for his pluck imd endurance. Kiltaln
1ms alieudy deposed Sullivan fiom his pin
nacle of popularity. The evening press , linv-
ing had moio time to digest the particulars
than had the morning pi ess , gas c much space
to comments.
The heading of the Globe Is "Yesterday's
Wiesllc. " It sajs : "It does not scorn to
liavo boon \ciy extrnordinaiy jioi foimance.
In fact thcio wns moro wrestling tlian light
ing nnd , as at tills part of the business the
Amcilean was a good deal moio
Ills opponent , most of tlto 100 round i ended
In Smith being tluown with Killain on top
of him. "
The Pull Mall Ga/cttc simply ciillciscs
the "degrading and disgusting spectacle. " It
nppears to di aw UIP line at i lot. The cdltot
observes : "On Sunday mottling the vicar of
Emunucl t hutch , Nottingham , made 11 sensa
tion in hischuich by boldly denouncing the
Prince of Wales nnd the newspaper pi ess
for their shine in the ievlval of pri/o fightIng -
Ing , Ho mild it was a duty to speak out
when the second pcison in the kingdom ,
after opening a elimrh , shook hands with
nnd pationi/ed n pugilist whoso object was
breaking law. Ho would rather see the
ihurch disestablishment and himself go with
it than receive the support of the cowatdly
jiapors. "
The Helm has a similar headline. It com
ments thus : "Tho select company who wit
nessed the spectacle j cstci day paid n com
pliment to England nnd offeied an
insult to Trance. But why should
Englishmen sneak away to Franco to pel fet in
deeds they dare not do in Engltindl What
have the people of Fiance done to deseivc
this dlsicspoet. The Ficnch people may
well complain that thclrsoil has been selected
for Iho'cxploits of Hi itish law bteakcrs , anil
they do complain. "
The St. James Gaetto legicts that the at-
inosplieio of the pilzo ting is pervading
society. Hsiijs : "Tho honoiable Colonel
Cory , lm\ing nmdo his graceful e\it ,
his place is taken by the legitimate
descendant of these gladiatois whose
ndmisslon to Homan dt awing tooitu
irritated Jiucnal. Not only is the slang ol
pugilism heatd in the smoking room in tin
mouths of men. It is openly talked , without
shame , to ladles of quality ; it Is undctstooc'
by joung maidens ftesh from school. II
would not bo dinlcult to prove that the elo
incut of ism to which pugilism musl
nlvviijs appeal has never ceased to exis !
nmong us oven when its piCbcnco has beer
least Mispectcd. "
The Standard takes an optimistic view
thus : "It cannot bo denied Unit within the
last year or t\\o pugilism has logalned something -
thing of itsfoimer position , while1 ns to it'
] > opulaiity among the masses thcio can bo IK
manner of doubt. Moreover , since the pro
liibltion of llio pwo ling and Its consequent
clcgiadntlon to an illicit spoil like cock light
ing and tatting , the lower classes have bo
conio far mote biutal in their quaucls ovoi
tlicir cups , rtnd the knife and other weapon1
me new used , wlieto foi uicrly men stood ui
ami fought their dispute out faitly am
bquaiolj' .
The Herald visited Jem Mace , who is nov
mi Instiitotor In bo\iug nt Pair's school o
mnis , iicnr Hi'gent htreet , quadiant. Hi
be.u shis lltty jears icmarkably well inn
looked as if ho could coma U ]
smiling in ftcsh tounds. Mace has lead a )
the details of the light. Ho thought tha
while Smith had not been proj :
crly attended in his French c-ontes
with Oieenflcld , jet yesterday Smlti
seemed to have been fully attended. Po
Kill ain , Mace said that the Auictlcan wa
better than ho thought him. Ho eonsidcre
the light a tough one and that it icllcctc
credit on both. Ho dtow a distinction b (
twccn a boxer and a fighter. Ho added : "
am now a boxer and not n lighter. Th
limn with the hat debt knuckles an
greatest cnduiancc will invaiiably wit
Even our best boxer , lacking these points , 1
in companion but iiMullius. "
An old pugilist , who also Keeps bo\ln
schools in the quadrant , said ho had intende
to go Satuiday night \\ith a lot of swells wli
failed to show up. Ho said ho had hithoit
fuvoicd Smith nnd wus sutpiiscd to find Kl
lain such a good fellow. Hesldes , Kill ain , t
Englishmen , was nn unknown quantity , In
not liavlng as j et full details of the conic-
ho hnd tatlier not exptess an opinion.
Jack Knifton , who is now us mild as mil
nnd keeping a daily in Hoxton , although je
commonly called tonncr and even biggc
than Sullivan , was asked Imd ho lead th
dt tails. He hnd and was suiprised th.
Smith had not \\on eatly with his pluck an
cndurnmo. Ha\lng studied Kilr.iln bofot
the contest ho thought him too lathy an
looking too slow , but now ho icgnulcd Ki
lain as the best man. Ho said hnd the latu
won the belt ho , Knifton , although 1 :
had practically loliied would have cha
longed the latter us champion of the world t
ns to sustain the honor of England. Hi
fcirlng to the probabilities of 11 light betwco
Sullivan and Mitchell , Knifton added ho wi
favouibly inclined to Sullivan's succcs
whom ho legarded ns the greatest pugilist c
thowoild. Ho deprecated the two ngrcein
to a draw and thought they ought to ha\
complied with Koferoo Atkinson's decision t
lesumotho flght on the ir.oitow. In h :
opinion the contest paitook too much of
wrestling nmtcb , if the accounts v.-ero co :
"Am I going still to Ameneal Oh ro , p <
now. I o\\n llfty-nlne houseandmj bushies
Is lot go mid I can't go. "
Asked if he thought there would be anotlii
light , ho added that us Kilr.iln u'ndoubtcdl
hud the best of tho. flght nt the llnish I ;
ought to challenge Smith to a now ti l.\\ \ .
duck Mnssey , who lUired from the ihig t
tcacli boxing at his inn , tha "Horsean
Groom , " and whose lutnds wcie broken In
match with Knifton and to whom Smit
once forfeited , agreed with mm h thut Kid
ton had said but thought tit the last ronn
the chances wctc equal for the two.
Tom Si mends , n ! o a i ctii ed boxing tcnebc
and Kecpur of luc'Hluo Anchor In Shoicdkc !
alii Li- was evrprlsi'd tit the teau'.t , fohy e :
pooled Smith Kwh1 casllj after he ca\v KI
rain's exhibition. Although Kilrnln hnd
the advantage In reach and height , jut
Smith was sturdier looking and a better
made man.
"Why , " said Symonds , "Smith is tied up
w Itli muscle. Kllraln's seemed to have boon
of an India rubber kind. "
One of the most famous amateur boxers
and well known inCapclcouttnsun authority
but who nsked his name to bo w ithhold fiom
print , said frankly : "I was for Smith jester-
day morning , but after reading the details I
icgard Kilt ain as the better of the two.
Some American pipers were shrew din giv
ing out that ho was faulty w ith his lists be
cause It was that which knocked down Smith
four times. " Touching m y contest between
Sullivan and Mitchell , this amateur , although
claiming Mitchell to bo one of thobcst boxers
England possesses , believed Sullivan , if ho
could be well trained , must prove the winner.
1)111 Header , the nine stone cluvnpion who
icccntly , in n fight , defeated Dnvo Hutko ,
brother to Jack Huikc , now In America , wai
also \isited and , in tuin , other spoils. Ho
and they cxpiessed their opinions stiongly us
to Kllinln's good quality as ha\Ing "up his
slec\e moic than was usually accredited to
him. " They ngiccd that Smith must have
been the most suipiiscd of all at Kilt ain.
Mr. William E. Haidlng this cNcnlngic-
tuincd to London. Ho left Kilrain in the
caio of Ceoi go W. Mcoie , Chalky Mitchell
and Chin Icy Kow ell nnd is now waiting for
fresh Institutions fiom Mr. Pox. Hauling
has witnessed eightj-se\ pii/o lights in
Amctica , Including all the championship b it
tics Ho P.IJS that of all the pugilists tlmt
hu\c come undci his notice Kilialn is the
best in the otthodox twciiij-four foot ting
and this is moio icimukuble us it was
Kiltaln's initial encounter under London
piizo ling lilies. Ho said he was awnro that
Pox know what ho was doing when heolTcied
to match Kilrain to tight Sullivan for 55,000
or H0,00 < ) a side , but that neither Mr. Pox or
even himself expected to sec Kill ain make
such n dctcimined nnd obduiato battle with
such n plucky , powei ful , nnd so scicntilic a
pugilist ns the English champion.
J. L Sullivan has been intcivicwed in
Glnsgow. Ho sajs It would bo a bic.ichof
pugilistic etiquette ) to give his opinion rcgnid-
Ing the encounter , but ho was veiydcslious
to meet cither of them nnd the following
challenge was issued on his bc'aalf by his
manager :
When Champion Sullivan nnd my-
sclf airi\ed in England I was
in the hopes of m ranging a match that
would plncobcjoud all doubt the title of the
championship of the woild. In America Sul
livan is conceded by all to bo w ithout n peer ,
but many pcoplo in England question Sulli
van's claim , owing to the biilliant iccoidof
Jem Smith. I hoped that ycsterdaj's mill
would como to a satisfnctoiy decision , so
that wo could make ovcilutes to the winner.
Not to bo disappointed Sullivan
is determined to light , and
acting on his behalf I horcbj
offer to match him against either Smith or
Kiliain on the following terms : Tlmt he
meets one the Hist week in Apul and the
other the lirst week in May on ncuttal ten i-
totyfor ? 10,000 a side , each battle , both
matches to bo decided accotding to London
pu/o ling lilies.
Ho , however , speculates that the Police
Gazettetiophy , nowthe iccogni/cdchampion
ship of-tho-woild belt , shall notboiccogimed
in any matel ) . The Sporting Life adds : "If
Sullivan really wishes to light for the chum-
pionshii ) of the world ho lias no other allot nu-
tl\e but to light for the Police Gazette belt ,
us nobodj but the holder of tlmt ttopliy can
justly bo dubbed 'champion of the woild. '
Sullivan , however , will have all his woik cut
out to defeat Chailey Mitchell , with whom
ho is matched. "
It is nanatcd by a spectator that when on
the giound Ki'tain ' and Smith manfullj nb-
Nt.lined fiom taking any unfair advantage
and temained passive until picked up by
their seconds. Occasionally , of course , there
weio objections and appeals to the tefereo
bj the seconds , but although woidswcrc
bandied freely about , a Hash of wit
tuined the situation into one 01
a laughable dcbcnption. At times
one man would wait until hi * opponent was
using from his seat wheieupon the following
conveisntion took place :
Haipcr Doesn't jour man want to flght ,
1 Donnelly J
1 Donnelly You'll not bo in abutly after a
few moro louuds.
Mr. Hauling Look , wo claim flrst blood.
Harper ( amid much laughter ) You've
been asleep. Wo diew tlmt some tune ago.
Mitchell Its n nlco day Jake , take jour
limo. Its ten to ono on jou hue.
Kilruin knocked Smith down with uteriific
i ight bander on Iho left car w hith limned-
intelj swelled up.
Donnellj' Hello I Ho is getting weak.
Harper Yes , n fortnight.
Mr. A. Cooper Kilruin is a good man and
a fair lighter too.
Smith I Jo's a better man than ever 1
thought him.
After n few moro rounds they clinched anil
wtcstlcd for the fall. A bjstandcr ro-
inaiked : "Ho can't throw him. " To vvlileli
Kiliain leplied , "Can't I thtow him ! " and
over went Smith.
As thej' were being catiicd to their icspcc-
tivo coineis Mitchell said : "Look , Jake , al
his cm. Don't ' stand thcio , Hank. " Alone
peiiodtho alteie.ition between Iho seconds
wns amusing. Mitchell ( appealing to the
icfcieo in the thlrtj'-fir'it round ) . Here ,
thej aio gouging my man.
Haldock You lie. You know I wouldn't
do such n thing.
Mitchell No , John , Us a shame to accuse
jou of such conduct. You'll forgive me
Jack , wont jou ? ( saicnstically ) . How' <
Kill ain I Is ho a lighter , govornoi )
Fleming He's a much better man than 1
thought him.
Donnelly Let's have fair play and may
the best man w in.
Ponj' Mooto You know we arc in n
stningo counti j * .
After llio fouitecnth lound Donnelly nnc
Haldock , who had swom vengeance lire
vlouslj1 , went into the center of the ring and
shook hands vigorously ,
Donnellj' Look gentlemen , ho walks t (
his corner.
Haipci That's because j'ou can't carrj
Haldock ( Smith setting In his corner )
Oh Jem , If 1 only Imd a looking glass. Any-
bodj would kiss jou. Heio Ualdoek sullei
it the action to the word by kissing Smith.
Mitchell ( as Jake walked to the center )
Keep jour hands shut. Conic a little this
A Spectator We'll want some candle ;
o | soon.
Mitchell ( saUilcallyLook ) ont Juke
mind Jem'n loft. Ho changes thut leg anc
gives an awful punch in the diubj- . ( aside ;
The dickens I
Hai per When he eloes get it there you'l
not HKo It , take my word for it.
Ualdock--hj ( > sterlcalljl. ) Go on Jem , joui
constitution < nnt stand it better ,
Howes Deu't. ' stand so much of thn
wrestlingJem. ( To b' ) tnmlei ) KiUuin'i
a peed 'un.
" .MUcLcll Olit look at poor Jcra's car
I wouldn't have it for all the money in the
bank of England.
Hnr | er Oh , wait until jou meet Sulli
van , Mitchell.
- don't think wo
Donnelly Chailejdon't jou
hnd better give them half an hour's rest I
Harper You'll want two be'foi o long.
Haldock Jem , I thought wo had lost an
hour ago. You can win now. Set about
Two moio rounds nnd a great commotion
prevailed , in the midst of which Haldock and
Donnelly looked vet j' much llko engaging in
n scrap , bnt fortunately their men icquired
cnrrj'lng to their cornets' and the tut moil
Harper Look at that eje , Jem. I'll give
jou my word ho can't see jou.
Kiliain ( to Hmper ) Yes , I can , and jou
also , inj1 gentleman.
When seven more rounds had been fought
nnd the men were on the ground Kilrain , In
answer to the cries of Smith's seconds to get
off their man , suid : If I can't w in fair I
don't want to win.
Mitchell Smith's second has said he
hoped Jake would make him tight half an
hour. He'll bo accommodated to day.
At the tct initiation of the seventj'-fli st
i omul Donnelly , whilst canjing Kiliain to
his coiner , sang "Sweet Violets. " On com
pleting the sovontj--seventh round Mitchell
ipl'oalcd to the tefeiee , declining his man's
'aco had been toin.
Smith No ; no ; 1 wouldn't do such u thine.
H ildock It isn't likely.
Mitchell Oh , pour god is a wooden one.
Kiliain , after showing his fuco to the
ofeteo and asking that official to wateli
hose fellows , walked to his coiner and was
subsequently ouleied by Mitchell to make
lis time.
Hai per Wait till you meet Sullivan.
Mitchell Ah , the sooner the better. I have
leatcn all tomeis nnd when I meet that
Jluffer the light vv ill not last as long as this.
Ho careful in that coiner. Don't trj to buak
: nj * man's llngcis.
Harper Smith will bicak his Jaw.
Pleming The men arc all right. It's the
seconds who aio making all the low.
Mitchell Look out for Jack Haldock.
Haldoek You met a nlco one. You want
mo to second jou against Sullivan.
Mitchell ( healing some talk about post
ponement tin ough the d.nkness ) said : Don't
talk about daikncss. Look at the moon.
God bless the moon.
Spectator You'll want candles soon.
Concluding tlicsovcntj'-ulnth round Smith's
seconds attempted to cattj' him , but ho said :
"Let mo walk. "
Mitchell Now look hcie , there must be no
nonsense tills time or thcio'll bo somebody
butt and it wont bo me.
I\H tlicj- advanced for the ono bundled and
Hi st lound , Mitchell said : "Now let's have
ono good louud and give the light to the best
man. "
Kilrnln and Smith Must Fight Again.
Ni \ \ YOIIK , Dec 20 Uiclmtd K. Pox this
morning sent the following message in ic-
gard to the Kilrain-Smitli fight :
"Gcoigo W. Atkinson , Hcfeiee Kiluiin-
Smith light , Editor Spotting Life , London :
Fight must bo finished. If Smith icfifcsl
shall claim belt , wet Id's championship and
stakes for Kiliain. "
The following cablegram was sent to his
icpioscniativc , William F. Harding :
"Dtavv won't do. Men must meet to finish
If Smith icfuses shall claim bolt , woild's
championship nnd stakes for Killiln. Am
willing to bick Jake ngainst Sullivan , after
tills is sellled , for from t5,000 to tlO.OOO and
belt. "
Ni w YOIIK , Dec. 20 Tlio World will pub
lish the following telegiam to morrow in ic-
lalion to the Kiliatn Smith fight :
LONDON , Due.0 Hichnrd K. Pox- , New
York : Just nilived. London craver
light. Hatllo the gicatcst on tecord. Kil-
tain stiongcst al finish Kiliain pronounced
best fighter over seen in England. It w con
ceded thai ho w ould hav e w on onlj The dm It-
ness ended the buttle. about stakes i
Wiio Atkinson immediiitelj' .
This went to Kill ain : Jnko Kill am ,
Champion of the Woild , London : My wann
est congiatulalions on jour gieat fight.
Press am ] public all do honor to the Ameri
can ihamJMon , and hail jou champion of the
woild. Will back jou against nnj'man in
Iho WOlld for ? 5,00t ) lo $10,000
Kieiuui ) K. Po\ .
The Kilrain Kninily.
Nnv Hi IIKIIID , Mass , Dec. 20 [ Special
Telegiam to the HLU. ] The wife of Jake
Kilrain , with two children , is in the citj ,
guest of James P. Mooie , dunng her bus-
'band's ' absence. She wns seen last night by
a ic-porter Just after she hud icceived the
fiistnows of the result of the fight. Mis
Kilrain is u pi cttj and pluck j' lltllo woman ,
w ho is an indent admirer of her husband's
ptow ess , and she was delighted to know he
had proved himself a match foi the English
champion. Immcdiatclj'upon icceipt of the :
dispatch she cabled congiatulations to her
husband , hoping her greeting would bo the
liist to leach him from Ibis side of Iho water ,
Mis. Kilinin had just leceived a letter from
her husband , in which ho stated ho should
lernain ujxm fotcign soil four months longer ,
in older to tiain Mitchell for his coming
fight , and act as his second. When ho retm nl
to this countrj it is probable ho w ill take the
management of Iho new Athletic club loom
in Hoston.
A Bloated Fcmnlo Ilnndholdcr.
Dh ruoiT , Dec. 20 The woman aircstcc1
jester day with tliiitj-nmo 1,000 Unitec1
State" ! bonds in her possession , which she
had vainly tiied to negotiate , Is still lockcc :
up Her name is said to bo Sophie Vietoiino
It is claimed Uml the man Hoffman , in
Windsor , Out , who is connected with the
woman who was in tested hero whllo tijint
to negotiate United States bonds , is no other
than Jsador Cohnfirld , the great feather mer
chant of Now York , who failed u few !
ago and fled to Canada.
The IVcHtcrn Union Wins.
Ni vv YOIIK , Dec. 20 James A. Goodsell's
suit ujjninst the Westci n Union Tclegrapl
companj' , to iccover over half a mlllloi
dollais for nn nllegcd brcnch of conlract
has been decided in favor of the Weslei i
Union company bj' the superior court. Tin
suit was brought for nllegcd breach of con
tiact In fulling to send , ns it Is claimed , the
news of the plaintiff over its wiles. The
plaintiff was ut the time propiietor of a pi ess
I\ps Sues for DHUUIRCH.
NKVV YOIIK , Dec. 20 Ptesidcnt Dexter , o
the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dajton railroad
was sei v ed with a summons to daj1 at th
instance of Ives , who bilngo null nimhis
Dexter , laj Ing damages at 100,000. Dexte
was found by an ofllcer. The case w ill come
up in Hrooklj n ,
HAstnuuo , Doc. 20. [ Special Telegram' t (
theHLE. ] Arihed TheSuovia , frow New
QUPF.NI.TOVV x , Dec. 20. Ai rived The Alas
kun , fre'in New York.
Transcontinental llcprcbcntutlvcH.
ST. Louis , Dec. 20. Hcpresentutivcs o
ttanscontincntal lines continued their meet
ing hero to day. but after spending some Urn
discussing matters , adjoin ncd subject to th
call of thcchaltmnn.
New Yoik'tt Cub Strike Settled.
YOIIK , Dec. 20. The cab drivel's am
stablennn'sstiike wm settled to-night am
the men will rctuin to vvoik to monow.
Ono of the Famous Three "R's" '
Takes Part In Sonnto Dobuto.
, 'lrKlnla'H Senator Ainln ? Iunagcs to
Mnkca Fool of Himself HlMory
ul' NcbruHkn'ti Iniliaii
A Scene In the Senate.
filil Poc'iiTrr.NTit Sr. , V
WASHINGTON- . C. , Dec. 20. )
Theio was a little scene in the scnato to-
laj' . Mr. Hlair on jesterdiij' announced that
ifter the morning business to daj' ho would
oall up his educational bill for the pin pose of
unking some tcnmiks upon it. Justbefoto
ho tlmo in lived for him to take the floor
Mr. lllddleberger was ob cived to orlng into
ho elmmber a couple of bound copies of the
Jongt cssioiml Hccord , w Ith u piece of p ipcr
sticking out fiom between the pages in vail-
ous places , indicating that ho was propai cd
0 make extensive reference to the volume.
Mr. Ulddlebciger was considerably Hushed
nnd his manncis indicated tlmt ho was
loaded for boar. " When Mr. Hlalr inoso
the Vhgmla senator got up and made a state
ment about the character of the bill. Ho
leelaicd that the mcasuto was loaded down
with a pieamblo of gii'.il length and contain-
ng false llguics and statements of facts.
Mr. Hlalr said the gentleman from Viiginia
nul in the last congiess voted for the bill
with the same pieamblo and had talscd no
"Untiue , " exclaimed the senator fiom Vir
jlnlii , "and I have bi ought with mo the
tccoids to piove who tells the tiuth about
llio matter , and , further , I am anxious to
how the senate heio and now who speaks
tiuthfully. "
Mr. Hlair , who has taken a desk over on
llio southeast coiner of the demociatic side
of the chamber because ho gets a moio
prominent location than ho could on the re
publican side , looked a little p.ilo as he gazed
acioss the vvnj' at Mr. Uiddlobcigor.
The latter added that ho was detei mined to
set himself right on this subject and show
that the bill had been tampered with since
tlio hist session , mid that ho would not con
sent to consideration of the bill until h6 was
nccoidcd an oppoi ( unity to do it.
So thcio w as a call of the senate on con
sideration of the bill , and Mr. Hlalr won.
Hut the senator fiom Viiginia had cicatcd
such a hubbub that Mr. Hlair gave waj'
to a motion to go into secret session , still
holding the lloor , and he will make his re
in it ks when the atmosphcto is in a less
humid condition.
TIII nrs MOINTS inv Lit Tirir-i.
The Hi i 's tcadurs in Iowa w 111 loin n w ith
plcusmu tlmt nnoth/r i-ffoit is being nmdo to
quiet the titles of settlers on the DCS Moincs
1 ivcr lands. Mr. Teller to eluj * teported with
favoiablo iccomiiKjddation the bill which the
picsident vetoed m the last congress and it
will soon bo made up and passed. Mr. Moi-
gnn , of Alabama , in behalf of the picsident ,
who is a memberA'vvitli Mr. Teller on the
committee on public Jands"cxpiessed his dis
sent to thb bill Piid."f > itodlthat'It Avits"nnTf- !
fort of eongiess to usurp Judicial JKJWCIS for
tlio pin pose of restoring , setting aside and
annulling nmnj' decrees tlmt have passed ,
some of them in aA inferior com t and some
of them in tlio supreme couitof the United
States. Ho cmloistd the sentiment the pies-
Idcnt made w lien the veto message was sent
to tlio senate with "the unsigned blllncuilj *
twojcarsaio lovpiscimtoiH andinembcis
be-lievo tlmt the piesidont w ill again veto the
bill , but that thej1 can have it passed over the
veto. This thej Uid brfcno and failed.
Mils. lOOlN's l' | NSIOS" .
Again the committee on pensions 1ms ro-
pottcdwith a favorable leeommendation to
the senate the bill to plni o the w idow of the on the pension
i nil at the i ate of > J 000 a j ear. To day thei e
was objection to its consideration and the bill
went on the calendar , whcio it will bo
i cached soon after the holidavs Mr. Henj1 ,
of Aikansas , who suieeedcd Mr. dm land ,
objected. A bill was also reported nnd placed
on the calendar to give the widow of the late
Prank 1' . Hlair a similar pension. The LoL'an
bill was passed l\y the senate a jear ago , but
was smothetcd in the house. It will likely
pcnsh again , as the demociats ate almost
sohdlj' opposed to it.
VMI\T Till. IlOfsi : 1)111.
The session of of the house occupied but
fifteeen minutes , and most of t hat t line was
taken up bj the loiding of the join nul of
jesteiday. The pteiipitato event was to
give the committee on iulort an oppoi tunity to
get to woik , so that a reiioit maj' bo iwssiblo
tomorrow. Theio will bo a good deal of
shaip talk on the icport of lulcs when it is
made , as t heio is a determination to curtail
the powers of some of tlio committees. The
senate did not net on the ( oncuri cut resolution
of the house to adjourn for the holidajs on
Thursdaj' , the 2-'d , jo Wedncsdny , Januarj' 4.
but the committee to which it was tofeiicd
lepoi ted favorably and it will bo adopted
pi opnblj' to moi row.
The acting commissioner of Indian alTalis ,
In response to a resolution bj' Senator Man-
dcison intioduccd a jcar ago , sent to tlio sen
ate to daj' a copy of the histoi.v of the Indian
operations on tiio plains , fuinishedbj Colonel
Ilcnrj' H. Cairlnglon to n special commission
which met at Port Mcl'hcison , Neb , in the
spnngof IbW. The statement and accompanj1-
ing papets ocmpy Hfl long tvpe-wutten
pages and v\ ill bo an interesting document to
man.v of the Hi u leaders , detailing , as it does ,
tlio haidships and thiilllng adventutcs of the
soldieis nnd citl/ojis wlio established tlio
route to Montana ami who weio picsent at
the Poit Phil Kc.iinoj' massacie.
Till ! IHMUTlt A 1UNMII 11OU1.
Delegate GilToid , of Dakota , has piepaied
a bill which ho will intiodiue , gianting the
right to the Diiluth & Denver lallwav com-
panj' to i-onstruct a bndgo over the Mlssouii
t Ivor at Wheeler , Dak. This t oad is finished
almost to Watertown , Dak , is gi.uled to
Huron and iron is to bo laid as far us
Wheeler , Charles Mix countj' , on the Mis
souri river , bj- the middle of next summer.
The load is to bo pushed on to Denver and is
to get a connection into Omaha. Yankton is
laboring under the belief thut the load is
going tnere , but the fact tlmt the company
want to cioss thorlvwnt Wheeler seems to
determine the route to bo taken.
Prom New Yoik this evening conies the
Information that cji-Sccietoiy Manning is
alarmingly ill and probably bojond the point
of recovetjMr. . Manning was ruined in
health w hen ho left the treasury and the
duties ho took uxm | himself in the manage
ment of the new bank has hastened his pi cs-
ent condition. Tno ta-secrctarj' is at his old
homo with his family nt Albany and the pri-
vuto telegrams received from thcio speak of
his condition as being1 precai ious.
A wagon load of letters and memoiials
from the gieat commerce centers of the east
ern and central states have been leceived bj-
men In congress praying for a bankrupt law.
They denounce the present sj stem of assign
ment with the piofeircd creditor provisions
and no way of final rclluqulshment from lia
bility ns unjust to both the creditors nnd
debtor. They waul a uniform bankrupt law ,
and Unit will not encourage fuilui PS in busi
ness , but which will help all Intciestcd wheto
there is an honest ejinhni rassment. A ippic-
sen ta tivo of Illinois sajs ho will produce a
bill which has been approved by the jViicr-
ic.m association which will give any ono
in debt to the extent of $500 the advantage ol
the bankrupt law , which it cicatesontho
general principle of the bill which has fig
uird incoinecssduilngthc past four or five
The conipli oiler of the curicncy to day ftp
pi oved us i csei \ e. agents for Ncbi nsla : tanis
the following : cnaso National back of New
York , the Pnited States National bunk of
Omaha and the Oinalm National bank re
ceive agents for the Plist National bank of
Chndron ; the Omaha National bank icseiro
igcnt for the Piist National bank of Ord ,
Neb ; the Chase National bank of New York
cservo agent for the Flrtt , National bank of
Hluo Hill , Neb. Pi uuS. . Hi vni.
The 1'nclllu Commission Iloport .
AVv niNiToDec. . 20 [ Special Telegiam
.o the Hrr. ] Jt was expected that the piesl-
dent would withhold the icport of the Pacific
iiillroad commission until after the holidajs
nnd send It to congress , w ith claboiate mes
sage commenting upon the legislation pto-
[ ) osed by the commtssloneis nnd iccommend-
ing the adoption of whatever portion of It be
approved. As 1ms ahead j' been stated , two
icpoits , ono of which , signed bj' Commis.
slonei s Littler and Andoi son , is supposed to
101 ommend the extension of the time for tlio
inijment of the indebtedness of the lailioad
to the goveinment , and the other , signed by
Govcinor Pnttlson. of PC nnsjlvunlu , recom-
mcndliig summat j' legal proceedings to com
pel the Immediate pav incut of the money duo
the government. Upon reading thoiepoit
the piesldent , I understand , has decided not
to cndoiso either icpoit but to transmit them
to congieis to moiiow or nc\t daj' beloio the
holidaj' icccss without unj * leeommendation
whntever and \ctj' few vomments , leaving
the entiio icsponslbilitj' upon eongicssto
take such action ns it deemed wise. Tlio
picsident did not nsk for the appointment of
the commission but it was oiganlml bj order
of congress and ho considers Unit tlio lepoi t
is made to thut bodj * instead of him. Another
native on his pint for sending in the icpoits
without comment l > i tlmt ho cannot cntliclj
npptovo of the lec oimnemlutions of either
the mnjoiity or the minoiity of Iho com
, Dec. 20 [ bpecial Telegram
to the Hi r.l Tlio follow ing Neln aska jiont-
mastcis weic appointed to daj' : William H.
McClanahan at Elk Cieck , Johnson countj' ,
vice , John W. Hainhatt , lesigned ; Marj'
Pease , Nonp.iieil , Dawi s count.y , v ice Eugene
Heath , resigned ; John H. Slilnn , Stiatton ,
Hitchcock countj' , vice Chillies W. Hailcj' ,
A postoftleo has been established at Wal
lace , Liiuoln countj , and Din all , Jackson ap
pointed postmaster ,
Tlio postofttce at liondvllle , Ited Willow
countj' , has been discontinued and mall will
go to Indiniiola. The time schedule of the
slur mail route extending fiom Wellsvlllo to
Minatore , Neb , has been ouiered changed as
follows :
Leave Wellsvillo Sundajs nnd Thuisdnjs
nt 1 .ISO p. m , m rive nt Mhmtoio In T''S ( ) p , m ;
leave Minatoio Sundavs and Tliuisdajs at 7
a. in. , at live at Wellsvillo by 1 p. m.
Nebraska ami lown I'ensliios.
W \SIIINGTON , Dec. 20. [ Special Telegiam
to the HI.I : . ] Pensions issued for Nc-
braskans : Marj' C. , widow of W. II. H.
MeCnuloj' , Cuitis. Mexican wat Amos
Cox , Sj'iaeusc. Oiiginal Hiintwcll Tajlor ,
Hcllwood. Incicaso T. J. Hall , Geneva ;
Noah Mishler , Culbettson.
Pensions for lowans : Alice , widow of V.
H. Monioe , Howloj"Iticrcnso L. G. Tow no ,
Crcston ; David Osboin , Coining : G. K. Tay
lor , Shcnaiidoah ; P. M. Allen , Haivaid ; G.
H. Pr.isher , Hiighton : C. M. Hunce , Ames ;
A. N. Pellets , Lnno Spiings ; G. W. Pox ,
Elkans ; Julias Cox , Mcnim.ic ; K W. Mead ,
Clinton. Heissuo John Hush , Colfnx ; D.
H. Mai tin. Sidne.y ; William Lowenbcig ,
Ottumwa Hestoiation and inci ease Samuel
Cobb , Lovilia.
AVcstcrn I'utcntH Issued.
WASHINOTOV , Dec. 20 [ Special Telegiam
to the HIT. ] Patents weio issued to-day to
the follow ing NebrusKn nnd Iowa inventors :
William I { . Adams , Omaha , cuitj' comb ;
James E. He.itj' , Nevada , la. , leclining at
tachments for bedsteads ; leJehatd Hassol ,
Huilington , la , hamc tug ; Uoswell Kohn ,
assignor of one-half to H. H. Harford ,
Davenpoit , la , buu'gjtop ; Edward II.
Lvncli , Davenport , In. , neck joke and lister
plow : Joseph Mm tin , Hartwiek , In , diaft
equalizer ; Ficd N. Teicillng. ] | ) Stuatt , Neb ,
diaynaw : William T. Wai dell , near Manly
Jinietion , la , double cutter bat.
Hen Hntleruorth'K Conelilion.
W\siiiN.TON , Dec. 20. [ Spec Telegiam
to the Hi iThe ] condition of Hepiesenta-
tivo Hen Huttei woitli , of Cincinnati , is bc-
comingjfuch astoalaim his Ji tends. Last
night was a ver.v bad ono for him. Ho has
been hic-iouhmg for twentj-four houis ,
'and the i risisof tvplioid fevet is apptouching.
He is at Ins icsidcnco in this citj' . Major
Huttcrwoith is one of the leading tcpicscnta
lives in the house.
Army News.
WASIIINCSTOV , Dec. 20 [ Special Telegram
to the Hi r ] Leave ol abcncc for seven
daj s. fiom Dec. 2 J , has been gi anted Fust
Lieutenant John Higolow , Jr. , Tenth cavalij' .
Leave of absence tor four months em sui-
gcon's ceitilicato has been gi anted First
Lieutenant John I. Chamberlain , Fust
attilleij' .
Second Lieutenant Leipj' E. Scbtee , siixnal
coips , is older cd to Pott Leavenwoitli , Kan. ,
to bo examined for ictircment.
NoiiiinntldiiH Hy the President.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 20 The president today -
day sent the following nominations to the
senate : Fiank C. Hogne , of Illinois , to bo
npitraiscrof metcliandiso in tlio distnct of
Chicago and state of Illinois ; Stephen A.
Dowolf , of Montana , to bo associate Justice
of the supiemo couitof Montana territory ;
Edwatd P. Hingham , of Ohio , to bo chief
Justice of thosupicmo court of the Distnct
of Columbia ; Mintin M. Montgoinerj * , of
Michigan , to bo associate justice of the
supreme couitof the District of Columbia ;
William J. Allen , of Illinois , to bo United
States judge for the southcin district of Illi
nois ; Now ton W. McConnell , of Tennessee ,
to bo i hief justice of the supreme coutt of
Montana tei itoijto ; bo nttotney of the
United States , Geotgo E. Piichett for the
district of Ncbtaslcit ; Whitaker M , Giant , of
Iowa , for the distnet of Alaska.
Secret Service Continuations.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 20. Tlio senate has 10-
moved the injunction of seciecj fiom the
following nominations , which wcro confirmed
in secret scission the ISth inst. : Chatles S.
Fait child , of Now Yoik , to bo sccietaiy of
the ticnsury ; George S. IJlves , of Now Yoik ,
to bo assistant secietarj'of state ; Isano H.
Majtiind , of Now York , to bo assistant see-
u'tarj'of the ticasui.v ; James W , Iljatt , of
Connecticut , to bo United States tiuasuior ;
Hnjless W. Hanmi , of Indiana , to bo minister
to the Aigontine Republic ; ; Alexander S.
Law ton , of Georgia , to bo minister to Aus-
trm-Hungaij' .
Suel J. Sjiaulding to bo postmaster at In-
dlanola , la , was ion II lined to daj' .
Itenrosenttitivo Mnfl'iitt SerioiiHly 111.
WiiiiNOTov.Dec. . 20. Hcpiescntativo
Moffatt , of Michigan , is Ijing seiiously ill at
his rooms at vVillai d's hotel. Vcaibunclc
on his chin was the piimary cuuso of the
illness. When his colleagues called upon
him this morning ho was unable to lecognizo
them. Ills wife has been telegraphed for.
National Capital Notes.
The senate committee on appropriations
this moinlng agreed , though not unani
mously , to a fav orablo repot t on the lionso
icsolutfon for adjouinmcnt for the holidays
fiom next Tliuisday ,
The setmto commlttoo on fmnnco to-daj'
adopted two additional sections to tiio under
valuation bill. Tlipj' repeal coitaln minor
features of the existing law which uro found
to conflict with the piinciplcs of the new
The house committee on elections to ilnj'
fixed Friday , January fi , us the date for the
consideration of the Thocbe Carlisle con
tested election case.
> , . Senate.
WASHINGTONDec. . 20.--Mcssagcs fipm the
picsidcnl woe piC4cntcd with cominunka-
tlons from the secretarj of state in rcforoneo
to the Invitation to this countiy to appoint a
deleeuto or delegates to the Intel national ex
position of labor to bo held In Harcelomi ,
Spain , In April , lss > , mid commending the
secietaij's suggestions to the favoiablo con
sideration of congiess , and In rcfcrcncototho
Invitation of theHtlttanlo majesty to this
government to participate hi the international
exposition to bo held in Melbouine , in l 1 * ,
to cclebiato the centennial of the foundation
of New South Wale- " , the Hist Austiallan
e-olonj' . The messages weie i efer icd to the
coinmitteo on foielgn iclations.
Numerous petitions fiom various states
weio ptcounted In favor of Hlali's educa
tional bill and nl o a petition from citl/ens of
Pennsjlvanln protesting against the admis
sion of Utah as a state.
Mr. Allison , from the coinmitteo on finance ,
icpoitcd a bill to icguhito the Impoitntloii of
foreign mcichandlHoaml tosecuie unlfoimitj'
on the classification thcicof and for other
putposcs ( undeivaluation bill ) . Placed ou
the calendar.
The committee on public hinds icported n
bill to quiet tltlo of settlers on DCS Mollies
i K or lands. Pl.u ed on the calendar.
The coinmitteobn pensions icpoitcd a bill
to plucu the mime of the widow of General
Logan on the pension ioll at the into of * i,000
per j ear , and its immediate consideration VMIS
asked for.
Objection was made and the bill wns placed
on the calendar.
Mr. Edmunds asked that the postal tele-
giaph bill Intiiidiiecd b\ bimbo taken fiom
the table nnd icfciied te > the postnftliu com
mittee. Tlio bill wns soicfeiud , us was also
a bill on the same silbji ct inlioduccd lij Mr.
The lesolutlon offered by Mr Calljostoi-
tcidav to ] ) iint in the Cnngicssioiml Kicoul
tlio memoilal of the conslitutiomil convin-
tion of Utali was called up bj Unit gcntlo-
mnn , who nskcd that it be adopted
After consideiablo debate Mr. Call wllh-
dieiv his icsnlutlon , us ho had attained its
object In leading tlio Utah himself.
Mr Hlair then moved to take up his edu
cational bill , \\lilch was agiccd to.
Without fuither action the senate pro
ceeded to executive business.
WeMttNGTOv , Dec. 20 A pieamblc and
icsolution were oiTeied iccitlng that it is
cuucntly lepoitcd tlmt loal operatois in the
Lehigh region aio now impoiting 01 about to
impoit 2,000 Hclgian mlncts , under
contrail to take the places of thostiiking
mliioisnow out in that section ; that the
stiIking inlncis have used cverj endeavor to
have n Settlement of the dilTcionces bj'
in bill ation , and the operatois have
positively icfused to enter into inbitiation
and icquesting the piesident to notify the
oltlelals of the tieasury dcpaitmcnt of these
facts , nnd to uige them to use spec lal effoits
to pie\uit the landing of Helglan miners ,
nnd scu that the law against the impoitation
of labor undui tnntrict isstiictlj' enfoiccd.
Hefer led to the committee on labor.
The propositions to increase tlio member
ship. ! of the coinmitteo on i ules to scv en , and
to provide fora lommittco on the Amen le in
isthmus , weio lespectlvelv intioduccd bj'
Messis Townsend and Uaker , of Illinois ,
and icfeiicd to the commllto on iiilcs.
The house then , at I'islii , adjouined.
Govornoi1 Thajcf anil Ijaniar.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 20 [ Special Tolegt am
to the Hi r. ] Governor Tlmjer to ilnj' for-
waided the following communication to
Scnatois Mander son and Paddock at Wash
ington :
Mi DIMII Sins : As n citizen of the United
States and a republican , I respectfully mid
most ciunestlv protest ngninst the conHim.i-
lion of L Q C. Lamar as a justice of tlio
supiemo comt of the United States Hewas
in Me.nt and principle Just mm h atiaitor
ns Jeif Davis. Ho was a bold and delimit ad-
vocaloof the dissolution of tlio union in
IMiOlil. Helms never iccalled his tieason-
nblo sentiments A man w ith such a recoid
should never bo placed upon the bench of the
supreme comt of the Unilcd tatos bjtlio
votes of icpuhlicun seimtois , ns he is not u
fit poison to Intel pi et tlio constitution of the
United States. JOHN M. TimLK.
A lt Unto Tc'li-nniph Scheme.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 20 [ Special Telegram to
thoHn1 ] Evci since the absoiption of the
Haltlmoio i\ , Ohio Tele giaph companj b tlio
Western Union a nunibet of business men
who do a laigo tclci.iaph business between
this city mid Chu ago have been discussing
the feasibilitj' of foi tiling n companj to build
nnd opernto n line fiom Ibis citj lo the hitter
point. 'J lie-so men now lease wnes from the
Wcstein Union nnd ji.ij that company , on an
average , Hi,000 a jear foi theusoof apiivnto
wiie. Hefoio eompetilioii caused by the
Hnltimoic > \ , the jnico was s.'I.OOO , and
nianj' pel sons feai tlmt now that this opposi
tion has been gotten out of the wyj' the West
ern Union will , as soon as present continets
expno , laiso tlio lental , if not to the old
llguie , to a pi ice hugely in excess of what is
now cliai ged. These gcritlejncn have at last
agiccd upon a geneial plan , and pioposo to
cai rj' it out without delay. It provides for
the foundation of a Joint stock com pan j'w lib a
paid uii casli capital of SIOO.OOO. This sum , it
is claimed , will bo sufficient to constiuct
all w lies neccssarj' . Tlio cost of operating
them , it is calculated , will not exccecl MO.OOO
a v ear , including icp ills , nnd ns thcro ntu
fifty subscribers the original cash subscrip
tions will bo * 10,000 , , with a jeaily assess
ment of jii.OOO.
Knncrnl of Governor Hodwcll.
Atc.usT , Me. , Dec. 20 Htisiness was cn-
tiiely Huspendcd this moining and lings woio
all at half mast. 'Jliousands of visitois
were heio to attend Iho funeral of the late
Govcinor Hodwell. Half-hour guns from
tlio United States nisenal have been Hied all
moining. At 9 o'clock thodooisof the can-
itol wcto opened to mnnbcis of people want
ing to take a last look at the go vet no 's face
Manj1 distinguished pcoplo from
all over Now England woio in the throng.
When the time arrived for the public cxei i ises
the doors of the house of rcpieseritatlve hall
weio opened and admitted the family and icl-
ntivcs fiist. Tlio family sat at the lighter the
speaker's chair. The space on the left was
reset ved for the govcinoi's staff nnd state
otllcmln. Following those caino the legisla
tive committees and delegates fiom vin ious
organi/atlons throughout the stato. The
general publlo was then admitted and nil
space in the lingo hall was soon occupied ,
\\liilohundiedhwero unable to gain admit
tance. Key. C. A. Hngden of Aubuin , de
livered the funeiat acldiess.
Steamer SI Using.
HALIFAX , Dec. 20. The steamer Miiandn ,
with a big timber i aft in tow , has not been
heard from slnco she passed Hrlar Island on
the 10th. It is now two weeks since the
steamer started from .loggins , and it was ex
pected she would leach Now Yoik befoio
NivYOIIK ; , Dec. 20 The steamship Ml
nncln , which undei took to towabliriaftfrom-
.loggins , N , S , to Now Yoik , united ut
Whitestono this moi nlng without her tow.
Shu i eporte-d the raft was lost Sundaj morn
ing duiing u heavj' storm ,
A "W'nr J'arty at Ijp.
LuAVEXwoKnr , Kan. , Dec. 20 Secielnry
Endlcott , Adjutant fJciicral Dium , Colonel
Bacr and Captain Taj lor , the sect < tarj 's
private scciotary , ut lived ut , Foil Leaven-
worth this morning , The 8cui ctury wasio-
ceivcd with a satuto of seventeen guns , ilo
is here to inspect the njilltaiy jinson ,
Advancing Seaboaid Itnlen.
CIUPAOO , Dec. 20 At u r..cetlng of thu
managers of the Ccntial Trnfllc association
lines today it wns agiccd to iicU.inen all
fi eight rules to Iho Atlantic : seabo.uil 10 per
cent , to go into effect Januay 2. ,
Weeping Wntor Narrowly Escnpo
Destruction by Flro.
The 11. At M. Coal SliedM nt McCooV
lluincd ( iii\ernnr Tlia'.ve-ron Im
inar'N Appointment Nebraska
and low n NIM\N.
The' AVrcpiiif- Water I'lro.
Wi i i-iNfi WVTI u , Neb. , Deo. 20. [ Special
Telegram to the Hi r. ] Shoitlj' before
o'clock this moinlng It wus dlscoveied thai
the largo M-'iieiul merchandise store of Wes- *
sell & Cohn's , In Odd Fellows' building , a *
laigo stone ittructinct and the finest business
house In town , was on llio. When first ells-
coveied the entlio front pint of the Interior
was In flumes. The wind wus blowing n
gulo from the noithwest'ut the time , ami the
flumes soon opt cad throughout the entno
building nnd woio diivcn to the next build
ing , occupied by G S. Hiiuj'whlcli was soon
in ashes. The llio swept eust-
wnid , nnd soon the ; building next
cast , oeeiipird by 1) . T. Dudley ,
as n lestnuinnt nnd dwelling , was licked
up bj'tho llio. E. T. Comer's pump shop
next door soon followed , and the Humus com
municated to the blacksmith and wagon shop
of Haldwin Hios , and then brought up
against the two sloiy bilck block of 11. A.
Gibson , which Is not jet completed. It vvni
fcaied for u llmo that it must go , as the un
til e fiont is jet covoied by the wood weather
protector , but by the hoioic elToitsof the
citbcns the iliu was stopped at thla
point on the east , nnd on the
west the llro did not make so
much headway ngainst the wind.
The laigo , finnituio and under *
taking establishment Immediately west of
the I. O O. F. building was in a measure )
protected bj'tho stone wall of the burning
building in which the llio stinted , but was
icpcatcdlv on llio and wius onlj saved by Iho
perseverance of Iho elti/ens , who stood ou
the top of the building and facing the scotch
ing heat ponied water on the side of the
building. Their laigo stock of goods wu1 *
mostlj' can led out and stneked in the
stiuut. At ono tlmo it seemed
tliul nothing could save Iho building ,
which neecssinIIj' mount the dustiuelion of
tlio large drug stoic of H. H. "nines on the
west , who can led out n quantity of goods.
Through the stienuous cffoitH of the crtlrcns'
who walked with a will , Hie llio was hero
bioughl under control.
Tliu losses me' estimated ns follows : *
We-sscl & Kohn , genet al merchandise , 3
JMXX ) ; insuiauce , * 4-100. J
J. O. O. P. store building , 55,000 ; insurance
G S. Hairj' , hainess stock and budding.
? Jr > 00 ; insuiancotfl.'toi ) .
D. T. Dudley , lestnuiant and stock and
household gooels , vl,7H ( ) ; Insuianeo $1,200.
Tin1 other losses aio E. T. Comer , United
States Wind Engine ; eompaiij1 , Challenge
Wind Mill c ompanj' , M. M Hutlur , phj slcliin ;
Knights of Pvlhias mid Haldwin Hiolhuin ,
nggicgatingtJUHl : ; no msuiunce.
Clmso & Chin chill , liuielu mo and fin uiture ,
* > . < KM ) ; fully instiled.
The total loss is about * 2 ,000.
The origin of the lire is unknown. Gieat
ctedit is duo Iho cllUcns who lutnedouten
masse to subdue the flames. The burnt dis-
tiiet will probably bo lebuilt with brick la
the spiing.
15. & M. Conl ShcdH Hnrncd.
MeCooK , Neb , Dee20. . [ Special Tolo-
giam to the Hi p. ] The coal sheds of the B.
< fc M. lailioad company binned lo Iho ground
hero to-day. A laigo amount of coal was do-
strojcd. The loss cannot bo estimated nt
this hour. Several of the Hi emeu weio in
jured mid some badly frozen , owing lo the
seveio cold weather.
llurlnl ol'Voiuiu
Ni miM v Ci n , Neb , Iec 20 [ Special Tel-
egiamtotho Hi i ] Al Gibson , the joung
man who died at East Nebiaska City \o < -
teidaj'undei mjsteilous citcunistances , was
buiied to da } ' without an inquest. It is
thought his death icsultcd fiom oxposmo
and dmnlienness , hut an attending phjsiciau
claniiH 10 wns poisoned , Thd ovideneo goes
to show tlmt ho was lobbed. The young
man's lelatives weio in heio to dny investl
gating the mattei , nnd have taken steps to
jnosccuto the saloonkeeper who sold him the
liquot. _
Sloro XchriiHkn I'll } Stock YarilN.
NI.IIIUSKX CIT , Neb , Dec. 20 - [ Spjclal
Telegiam to the HnGieat ] entliusiasm
picvnilsin tlio citj to day over a ilispiti It
fiom Cliicago telling of the incoipotation of
the "Union Stock Yaulsof Nebraska tlltj"
with a cajntal stock of J2,000KX , ( ) and backed
bj' four of the wealthiest citi/ens of Chicago
and s-i v ei al of this citj' . A pat ty inturested
ra\s it means Unco additional packing < f
houses for Netn asku City and a packing and f
stock j aid Intel cst equal tf Kansas Cltj- .
An i\clllnK : SceiHi In Court.
IlAiiTiQiii ) , Conn. , Dec. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hi.r 1 Theio was an exciting
sccno in the supeiior coutt last evening when
the Jury ictuincd a vculict sending John H.
Swift to the gallows. Swift was. chinged
with killing his w ife , Kutie , 0:1 July 7. Ho is
but tw entj'-tw o , and w as nun riod four j'Ptn s
ago , but never lived with his wife. Ho has
u icspcctablo widowed mother , and his elder
sister is a teacher in tlio Hi own sdiool. The
solo defcnso was that the accused was unable
todelibciatc , ns his mind wns unsettled by
long continued dunking. Swifi's mother
and two sisteis weio in nttendaneo through
out the tiial nnd testified to drunken habits ol
the licensed. Upon the vcidiet of inuidcrln
the Hist degieo being given , the elder sister
sptang to her feet , snj hrg between her sobs :
"No , it Isn't so ; thoj' Imvo wionged us. "
'J lien the mother oxelalimd : "Theco iiiotho
liars , " pointing to Stato's AttoinejHam -
mcislev and his assistant , Judge Stoughtpn.
'Thej hayo not told all ; the.ylmvo wionged
us , " continued the sister , in her frenzy.
"That man is the muidcioi , " shouted the
mother , again | > ointmg to HummciHloj' .
Counsel for Swiftendeavoied to quiet them ,
bnt they con lined their denuneiution until ro-
mov < d from the com t room. Sw 1ft appeal ed ,
unmoved bj' the dcmonstiatlonsof his mother
anil sistei and lighted a eigur its ho left tha
eouit teem for the Jail.
A CiiHioin IloiiM ! llo\v.
Nrw YOIIK , Dec. 20. [ Special Telegram to
the Hrr ] The cloiks and heads of ilppnit-
mcntsoftho custom house heio nio on the
\eigo of tebelllon against Collector Mngono's
nidcr tlmt tlio custom house bo kept opo.i on
Clnistmns dajInoholidny following Sun
day tills jenr , tlio rollutor obseivcs the
lettcrof the fcdcial law ditceting tlio suspcsi-
nion of business on a legal holiday , but di ro-
gni ds tlio ntato Inw mnl.Ing Monday the dny
for obsoivnnco under such elieumstnnrcn.
This is tint the Hist time lie disicgmdi el lioll-
dnjs. Last elc < tion day the Institution WT.-J
ojien for the liist tlmo In its historj * . Ho
pioposcd to traneat t business last Dccoiatkm
daj' , but Jeslsted for fear of political cense
Collision ( in ( in ; lion Mountain.
Sr. Lout * , Dec. LO. A srilous collision oc-
cuucd tills moining near Newport , Ailc.
between u passenger ti ain and a freight on
tiio Iron Mountain road. The firrmnn of tha
paKseiiKeT tialn was Instantly killed and the
engineer fatally wounded. The bagtugu-
master niid c pujsa jrcsfsengci' wcie uurt