Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this ncad , 10 cents nor
line for the flm insertion. 7 cents for fnth su\t- \
Insertion. and II .60 a lln per month.
NtrndvcrtlM-ment taken forlesq thnn 25. eenti
for the first InM-rtioii. Seven words Mill bo
counted to the line ; they must nm cone ecu-
thely nnd must bopnld In advance. Allnd-
\rrtlirments must bo handed In before It'll )
o'clock p. m. . nnd under no rirrmntdnnccs will
lliry bo tnkrn or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ndv ( rtlMnf In thepe columns and hav
ing the mowers nddresrd In care of the llee.
TV ill please. ask for n check toennbln them to
pet their litters , as none wilt bo delivered ex
cept on presentation of chjck. All answirs to
fiilvpftlpcmrnlii should bnenclo rd In en velopff.
All advertisements In these columns nrn pub
lished In Vioth mornlnp nnd evening editions of
the lice. tbo circulation of which nKKregatM
more thnn 14/00 p prs dully , nnd clvfs tl > ad
vertisers the bcntflt. not only of the city rlreu-
Intlon of the llee. but nl o of Council Bluffs ,
Lincoln urn ! other cities und towns throughout
this part of the writ.
WANTKD-Situation by harness innkcr. Hcf-
ercnrn given. Addles * ) W. H. M , , ! fll nvo.
1) . Council minis. rre 25j
WANTED-Sltuatlon by a mnn to do any
kind of uoik ; wages no obtoct , but must
have work at once. Addle * ! ) 3 3 , Ilci > office.
587 2IJ
WANTIID-Sltnatlons for 20flrst-clusscookH
nnd IniindrosHes ; nlso foi 2 small girls to
assist In housework : our waiting room Is al
ways full of nlio glrl nokliig employment.
Citnadlnn Kmplovment oflko , Mrs. llregn .V
Bin 8. 15th st. Telephone SSI. ol'J IJ
WANT1ID Good position by joung inun ,
experienced bookkeeper. Flint-class ref
erence. Address S 1 Dee. 54 ( *
YOUNG man (21) ( ) . good salesman , knowing
peifectly rngllsh , French undOermnn nnd
clotiblo entry book koepintp wishes sltuutlou ;
good i uforences. Address Ohas. t , . . 2511 Douglas
Bt. M9 la *
WANTr.D-Bltuntlon by a compeleut nnd 0 *
perlenccd bookkeeper und cashier. Uest
city references. It 15 Dee utllcc. 6'KI 19 *
WANTED-Situation by n young Indy us
coplst or any Kind ollico work , nddrev
11 JO lieu olllce , 4X. 1U *
WANTRD Situations for 20 first-clans rooks
nnd laundresses , also for 2 small girls to
ftbslst In housework ; our waiting teem IH nl-
WUJH full of nice girls seeking employment ,
ranudlan I'.inp olllce , Alia. Ilrega A , HOH , .lit ) S.
ICtll. Trl.W4. M9 19J
"ITTANTKD Position In tin- city us housekcop.
TT ur fur widower , 1,1 j ears'exporlom e. Cuti
finnlsh lofiroiices. Address 1' 71 , cuio lieu
nmcc. 301
\v 7ANTIU ) 2 llrst-class tinners nt once tili
coin Hardware Co , c du. Neb. .1)120 )
\\rANTii : > Iflgoodngeiits to IPIUO city , big
T money to light pirty. Cull Monda > Can
nndlan Kmp.olHce.MM.Ilrcga Ic Son,31rt S.'lfitn et
Tul. hKI. 60 l j
WANTKD Traveling Bnlesmcn for nil lines' ' ,
colfco nniT tea salesmen ; traveling corres.
pendent for lllustiated ] mpor ; solldtoin. wal.
ters , dtixurH nnd teamsters and ull elapses of
help. 150'l ' Furnnm , room U. 6s ) 2JJ
WANT1IDllroom mnkcrs.Qucen Cltvllrooui
Co , Mou\ Palls , Dak. fx i 21j
\\fANTii-tl : liead waiter , 1 night cleik It :
TV hotel , 2 lli'st-clabs cooks for ouu hotel , 1
took foi hotel. JuS per month ; 1 ( lurmau cook ,
good wages Omaha Kmp. llureuu , II' ' ) N. Ibth
ht. f.yi I1) )
" \\7ANTKD-Coachman for private family , WO.
Must hn\i ) good lefeieiices. Camdlai :
Knip. ollicc 'IliiSo. nth. Telhhl. K020
"VYfANTI'D At once , a peed reliable tinner ,
TT luiiulte ut Armbiust's haulw.irit toie.
Cumlng st. , bet. 22d and 2i : < l. IWi 20J
WANTRD-A nrst-ilass baker , must be kill
glo and of peed habits. ( Iood wages Cal
on or address John Nestle , Carioll , la. 57D-1U
"V\7"ANT11I ) Agents to handle the now chem
T > leal Ink erasing pencil flreatest novelty
overproduced , leases Ink In two biconds i ,
ixbin-Iou of paper. 21" ! toH per cent piollt
( Jim agt nt's pah s nmonnti d to $ iju in six ilnysi
uuother if.CJ In two houis Teultorv ubsuluti-ly
lice. Salaiy to good men No ladles neid un
pwer. Snmplesttic. I'or tcuns uud full p ntlcu
lais addtess the manufacturers , J. W. t-kluuer
A. Co , Onalitska , \ \ is. r > i.l . 2tj
WANTED Man und w Ife to tnko i h uge of n
residence lu Omaha With good releienco ,
Iniiulru Arcadu hotel , A. Dufouy. 571) ) 2J *
W IANTP.D A man with JIW tomanngonn
o/lice / , IWiO Ktirnam st. . loom . fiu'tf-IUj
' \/\rANTii-Prliiter1-i\pi : ; ilenced , competent
' and thoioughly lellablo Joh-innti audtore-
luan tor an A No. 1 couutij ofhce. Ahteady
poilt'ou for mich iv man. Apply at once , wltli
references. Ar Hs , 1'lattu Ctuter , Neb. 4711-1't
\\7ANTKD-lllllcleikfor wholesale groceiy
' home , Oeimnu pieferrcd. Address It
llee. 4.'i718
WANTIID A janitor to take care of huge
olllro block , must have experience anil
Ix-st of reference. Communicate with 117 Ho
olllce. 4.VJ
WANTKD A first-class tailor , good wagns
fora good man : must give bent of loftr-
cncc-b. Address box X , Louj ; Pine , Neb.
411 2U
\\7ANTiD ; Pour men to solicit In thesmii :
T . towns and country of lowji. Ml omt nnil
Nehrnku ; mtif-t lin\ef2S , give bond , and w 111
Ingtowork eainebtly ; salaiy Jtio per mouth
Atlilrf.s.s I' U. Dec oMUe. 2l i
ANTii : ) Men for rnilrond work. A
bright H Labor Ageuc ) , IIM Pariiam. 6'U
\\rANTPD 1W ) men of gtmd appearance to
T try our ICe minis at Isorils restaurant , .it !
find SIJSouth 14th btrcet. ( old LIVe and Lu
ANTP.D-lilil for light housework ; u
washing or honing , Apply 1110 llatueyst
w ANTED-dlrl for gem-nil housevvoik. 22U
Douglas. filli 20 *
* 1\7ANT11) ! ) A middle nged woman ( no chll-
TT dreiili tor took In school. Must bi > stout ,
liealthy and have good leferiimes. # H > ptr
month. Cnnadlan limp. Otlice , Mis. Hregu A"
bun , UIUS. 15th st. Tel.N-4. 6U21U *
\VANTii-Womau ; cook out of city , ttO : 2
TT dining loom girls , } JO ; tine laumhess lor
private tiimlly , : i dining room girls In cltv , 20
girls torgouc'inl housework. Wohave lots of
places. Cull nud see us. Canadian I'.mp. ollite ,
ills , llrcgu A foil , ; tlll t-o. 15th. Tel ft. ! U 2U *
'ANTIID 2,1 gills gtiueial house-wink , tl dlu-
* V lng loom girls , girl p.mtry work 1
cook , 1 girl pimtiy wink , 1 secoml took. 'Hie
piuatm I'liin. Huirau fuiulshes. jou u plate
ir lefunds the money. Don't torrt the place ,
119 N. luth st. , fito l'i
\ \ rANTliD-Atouceglil. CB N. Ibth t .
* _ _
" | \ 7ANTiD A lady ut JIO per week. Call at
Woman s i\cliuiige : llamgo bnlldlutr.
T'iko elevator. 6titi-l'iJ
\ \ 7ANTKI-llil ( for hotel laundry , MJV ) a
week , d 111 for genei ul housework , MOO
n w eek tireut Western Hureaujlou Karuam st.
lioom 9. K > -I9 *
\ ANTP.JJ N. 17th st.
W ANTL'D Ulnlng room girl at OccidentuTT"
\ \ L7ANTiD2Klrlsforklichenwoik at Hose-
nui nd's. 101J nml 1015 furiium st.
522 19
ONlllady In every town wantixl to introduce
and hell Pimiro > al Pills , Chltlii ster's
Kugllsh. " Original uud onlv Ceuulnu , Send Ic
( htuiups ) for paitieulurb. Chlchebttl Chemical
Co. . Phllailelplila. Pa. ; f7
I A 1)1 LS nn < ollered embroidery ncedlew ork at
Jthelr own homes ( tow n or fount ry ) bv a whole-
mile house. Pi ontuble , genuine , uood pay cnn
bo made. ivcrlhluir : hinn'shed. I'aitlt nlni- ,
freo. Address Artistic Needlework Co , un sih
bt. . New York City. 274
TV * " ANTKU Ladles in city or country , for our
t' holiday trade , to take llpht , pioab nit wolk
at their own homes. $1 to Kl per day can be
quietly made. Work bent by mail uny dUtanco.
Pnrtleului free. No canUN IUKAddubi ut
iiico. Ci'bci-nt Art Co , 147 A JlUk bt. , lloston.
. box 5170. _ mi
-'iO ladles totiy oivr Ifto meals nt
Norrls1 n'stuunuit old Lite ami Let Llvei ,
311 ami JUS. Uthtt. MU
T T lug situatkxuK , n > om543 Hamge building ,
3. II. Smith. VA : M
renuiv ir.rf of from tuu to TtXO ) aitln of dirt
In foutli Omahu. bond bid * to or cumo and see
W , J , fclute , director , South Omaha school boat d
TVANTKIV- liorrow tSW on Improved
TT rcalv tate. Will pay 0 per cent aud tak
money for 3 ytars. liuinlre Kvans & lllack-
bnrn , 1510 Dodge et. u'M 21
\\rANTED A ) ounc lidy room mate ; node
TT ncr < ; pte.l nulV tht > Is tha owner of two or
ninruofthohOtloloUtabe wild to-uiorrovv at
0108. lith bt. 5' 1 19
UB unfiirutMi..l front room
wllhlutlvo blocks of 14th Mid' Donglus.
WANT goods to Mil on commission , havq
good stand for holldny trude ; peed ref
erence. Address I1 07 , lice Ufllce. U.D ! iO *
AN > 1'"J-- ' Sortie bn to adopts girl babies ,
blonde find brunette , 15 42 , life olllce.
\ ANTKO-A af e , meillum xlze. W. V ftln 1
> > 40s N. Ifltll St. 4M ll'j
V\rANTiit : A fifty or sixty her e power en-
V Kimnnd boiler. Addressl'.O. hex 77. Lin
coln , Nebraska. I MU !
W ANTr.D-detitleincn to try our lo-ceut
t Kholler restnurntit , 101 H.
_ 'J10 J 9 _
A largo hand curt at tlin IK-e
CANADIAN Kmplojtueut olllce , the best
plaie In Omaha to Kvt lihlp or altuatloiH.
Miilennd fumnlo. Itpfprfiici- , Omaha National
bunk , Mrs. llrcgn It Son. iilil S. nth. 'I el. f 4.
AIV ( < mploj-ed duflnp day wiints nicely
furnlxlitd room , w'liero iiartles nre not too
Inquisitive , Will be purmnnent mid ( inlet. Ad
dress "S 2" lice olllce. fi7l I'lj '
\\7ANTKll A email funiLshed tottaso or two
' or tlui'H funilshld rnoms on llrst tloor for
llKht housekeeping , convenient to cat line. Ad
dress O 13 , lien olliae. 757
I ! boaidlng , $1 a week. 1013
pHlVATE bonrdlne , 1015 Dodge st ,
B OA1ID with rooms for four nt'JUS Uurt st.
FlllST-CliAPS table board , served In homo
stjle , for. ) or 4 ientlenlen. ; 1M4 Do.lge. G'J4
TIIIUhousn.1 now occupy w 111 be for lent , .Ian-
nary lstrhotiM"Cont.ilns 10-iooms and all
moilcrn IniproVementa. 2VJ S.Itli st. .Morltz
Meyer. & " 4
FOU KENT 1'i-room llat $40 nnd restaurant
combined Kit ) . l'rlc of furnlturonnd res-
tuuiuut f-HK > 4 ' * ' cash and balance easy. Oood
locality nnd deiltrnllv located. Co-o | 'i. tl\o
Lnnd nnd Lot Co. 2 > tt'N. luth st. 6bV20
FOIt HKNT New 10-room house , nil modern
ImpuiN ements , H blocks from postolllce P.n-
qlllle on premises ( ? . ' ! S. lUth t. f/.S 2tlj
TJIOIt HiNT-5-room ; hoti e , OU1 I-i\rnam.
-L city water In house , good repair , ? 1C , to. good
pmty. s
II bran now ( Vroom Hats , 17th street , b
tween Clark nnd ( Juice. 1 block to car line , J2
on lease. Don't ml'-s seeing tlie e.
( iood iVioom house , coi nor > th nnd Grant , 1
block to car line , fl'i per month
l-room noit-e , ! ! "ith , ue ir rmnam , car Hue on
rnrimm tolDith , only $ \ " pei mouth.
2-story Moifm lioiHe , with Kllf" ' ham , I.eiven-
worth , near'iTd , Si.1 on lease. ClaiK. & . 1'iemh.
151(1 ( Douglas tt.j > Ml'i _
It UVJ. ' G-ioom house , 140 ! ) Davenport.
. . HliNT I'lvo room house in Oumhn
View ( for this winter ) J10per mouth. All
in first-class u pair.
Morn loom N. K. cor. 20th and Hint sts. S 3
pel month.
Store loom on Ilnrney it. between 15th nnd
Kith sts 410 per mouth."
1'jniaiu st. 6511-21
"KM 11 HI'.NT-Nlce cottage aud bain , line lorn.
J tlon. enl ) ! i"i per month If goodpnrn In.
ipilie H ) S. loth bljijet. 50. " > 1U *
43 IIOPhlN Per lent , iinlo 71 per month. 3 to
ID looms each aud liuiu'i lilork-i ( o ; milts
ilKtaiit fiom postollice. 1,1. . Oioxorj , lleutal
> \Kint , , > Kb ) Ibth t. 17S
" 171011 HP.NT To pilvate family ; bilck
J. dwelling. Ill looms and bath : imiiletncon-
\ i-nli nces at ± VJ Douglas 6t.V. . K Clark , ins N.
luth st. 4" ! I'lj '
J71O11 UIINT-17 loomboaidlnc hou e , 1" , bll :
J- f lorn P O. Purnltuieio-t <
10 loom bo uding house 1 blk tium P.O. Pur
nltuie lei sale. FHH Jlent i" >
7 loom llat , fiiiultuic foi sale , 5-"A Kent i\ \ <
7 loom hoiibe , fuinttuio for s.ile J-7.V Kent
7 loom tlat3blks fromllojd's opeinhoute.
I'm ulture at your on n pi Ice. Iteut H' > .
MOID loom , Ifiihe $ I2. > . Hentfil ) .
SbouilliiK lunis's , furnltuio for sale ; nKo n
Fiuull hotel , nil near imw ( lcot | Eolith Om ill i
10 loom ho.trdlug house 2 hlksfinm louit
hoii'-t * , fuiiiltine fin MileJS'O. Kent fiitl.
Mouses and Iota for ' ulc 01 tiadelu all pnits
oithecit\ . Look under business cliaiue- , and
to ex ( hange , Co-opciati\o Laud il hot < 'o.20"i , 41) ) ' , Hi
F H HUNT 3 room house. Pit rce , neni 22nd.
! ' . K. Darling , IMli and Howard 411 i'
TO. 1100 7th iue.,5ioom house , in peed le
pair , largo ynid , cisttrn watir. will leu-
to rt'spon-ilblopuison w 1th not moro than . ' rhll
dren lor J2.T per mouth. 44)
IjlOirUKNT ATjileudld"rive-room tiiTtnijT'Tn
- - Noith Oui.iha , on car Hue , full lot , well , civ
tein , bath mom , all In s4 ivpali. only
$2Tiumonth luuulie at nili ) S. Iflth. 4ID
1/IOH KENT Ail loom house cheap tonsmnl
JL > family , 1.WJ S 21st Uet Center and Doi ( as st
.ilJJIl *
HP.NT 2 new n loom houses on S Wth
neai lea\cnwotth C K JIajue. 311
1O11 HlINT-n loom hoiisi > , 27th st neai Dodge
if Pi. .1 , II. Htiigttalt , 2ls o. Pith st. .n
371011 HUNT New "i room cottage In Ambler
phice ; good 7 loom 2 story house , Orchard
Hill ; good I room cottage. Oicharcl 11111 , C i : .
Jlajue , N. W tor. Pith and Haiuej st. VJ1
OOll Itn.NT I ! loom hoti irltj water , etc , S
\V. Cor. King and Culdwell. 1UU Painam
_ _ _ HI
OH liNT : Anl < loom IIOUSH , city wiitr gas ;
uud stable , IJ minutes walk from the po-t.
otlice. Heut inodf i.ite. Apply to D. J. O Don.
nhoe , next door to the postolllce. 1B
"I71OH HUNT A new ten-loom house with alL
-L modem impioxvments , large attle , Douglas
nndSlht utiiets Not a basement house. Ap-
plj .MotItMejei , cor II ami Paiuam. 747
FOH HUNT New hout-i' , i looms , e-tr , large
grounds , tonic v 2Mh und Capitol a\enno ,
Inqullu2Kl ! Dodgost. to7
"IIIOH HUNT New 4 room cottage , $ U per
JJ month. Apply loom 2il , 1511 Dodge st. 7M
371OH HP.NT-KoU-gant bilck. lesidenres with
all modern lmpio\eun ntIJ and 11 looms
each , plea-ant aud lomeiileut location , o P.
lompaiiy'U' \ Painam st. Hi
IpOlt HI'.NTroom house. I ) S 2Tith ineniie ,
I lihxk south uf l.eavunwoith. J. 1) . Lou If ,
at Paleoni'i's. WS
71OH HUNT n-room house n w cor. Se iud
und 27th hts uvi
TI'OH ' 11KNT 2 new haiuKomu rt iitom ci ttuges
.U well , csstt ; > ms , ite.tl7 per month ! Kd and
California. A. \Vake-tej , Omaha Natl bank
bid. W7
171OH : \ -Seicra nnxv 7 room nouses
blot k from stieet car , levlv for orcupincv
Noien\berl \ C. P. Harrison 4bS. 13th st. 5'0
-e U room w .Mllush
man , N I ! corner Ihth and DouglaHO
PI.KASANT furnl-hed looms , l ) bic"ck"rfrom
P O. iVSJ-i
HKM' Two gentlemen cun llndnltelv
furnished room w Ith gas , heat , bath , hot
and i old water at 20IJ Cuss st. K7-J4J
TJVJH HKNT Nicely fuinWied rooms ut ' . ' J-7
JDtxlgo. . lias , bath and fin u.ico heat , I'OJ
FOll ifl'.NT Purul > hed rooms with or with-
olltboald. , lliN. 13th > t. 5,15 24 *
"I7AOH HKNT NUc-lv fmnUhed looms , gas ,
-L stuim heat , usu ot bathroom am ) onxtieet
car line. 2U17 Douglas st. 5JS 21 *
"lUHXIPHKliivms-Jl to ti.W a week , ceil-
-L1 tri l. fi02b. IMli. lip-stairs. 500 SO *
Ur.NT 2 loomsiiiKli ) or cnsulte , reas-
otiable to biiltiible pui tied. 17JO Capitol u\e.
but li )
AHfiK. newly fuiiil hi-d roouion Mr-t Jloor ,
J $8perm , liumlro lu baseiU'MitwOl. IUuiy. :
"VTlcr. large front room , furnlshcil and heated.
i > guluibiu for two geiitkiuvn. Also small
room. 1917 Cass st. C.t !
T7VJH HKNT Plt-nsant room , hot nnd cold
JU water , BUS , bath , steam heat : very cheap
for ouu or two gouts. 211 S 21th > > t , near I'mluui.
&U 20
1POH HII.NTAfter 1st of January dc-ik room
J1 lu a ceutially located olllce heated with
Meani. Call nt Hoom 4 Crelghton block. Jiy
TpO H HP.NT Hented furnished room and use
J ? of parlor , $10. ulsN. ithst. 672 20J
171OH HKNT-Newlj funiMied cast front
-U room with uloovo wild bay window ; nil
modern comrnkuun ; board If UcJlrvd. No.J22
I ! tforplaavo. M7 2IJ
1OU HKNT-1'tiriitslirtl rooms three blocks
-L1 tituii liajd't , oiK'ru.liouiC , W7 S luth i-t.
. 514 10'
_ _
T AHOU sunny east room with buy window ;
JJ ull modem convenleiuos. Alan pleasant
binnllor room. 2 { J b. 1 ! . cor , 2 > lth uud ( amain.
AlKii ; south timu n HUH. ull modern convtm-
t Ifiavi , snltalile for two erntlemen ; also
ss tahli- board for three or four ; refer-
IbU Dodg * st. 7M
T7Klt HKNT Purnlshetl room , nil moilf rn con-
JL1 vcnlc'tKi.9 , largo tavu h for two , 20U6 Dav
. fiST"
_ _ _
Foil HR > fT Ktirnlshetl rooms , slmjlo or en
snlto. ir.'l Doughx * at. 4S120J
TIWO r6om , sinam ot i-n BUlte. furnlMied or
X unfurnished , convenient to street ca.1. 1917
Webster wt. 41121J
"IJIOH HUNT Nlcn furnished room , to per nm.
J 3. W. cor , ifth nml Jackson. 7UJ
OH HlINT-Kurulshed rooms , 1316 Dodge st.
711 Jl
F ) KKNT-rurnlshed rooms 1013 Ooilire.
4' ' l 2:1 : *
rooms to ladlei or uentleuwn.
JOil N. l.'th st. 4J 19 *
rot'lt elegant rooms nil modern conveniences
170t Webster st. . 4."i
1710H UKNT-Vumlshcd rooms with board.
JU 1911 rnriium st , 4VS ) !
ITIOK ItKNT-Furalshcd rooms jhettp. 1310
Jllnrnuyst. . WA OJ
I ItKNT l'lfn ant furnished room
1 month , Wit N 17th st. 4VI
M HRNT 1'urnlshed single rooms , pas ,
bath , furnace. SU' Dodge t. 4liaiF
"TJ1OH UP.NT-ritrnlshcd room with heat nml
J gas allow i.ites , single or cnsulte. 2207
' " - 375 !
EX'l HA Inrccnowlv furnished loom , with or
wIthoiitboiud. JUS 'Ith. : K4 20
FOH HKNT PltMisant furnNhcd rotuns , mod
ern coinenleiices. reasonnble prices. 4143.
nth St. . Katbnch block , Urd lloor Hint , No.2.
UltNISIIUD rooms nud board , ITO-
TpOll HKNT-2 furnished looms with bent.
J2 Kiiltnblu for3 or ! ) KPiitlemen , Jlrt nnd $ .1) )
per month , N side Ijcmvnworth bet. 17 nnd Isth
ts. oKi llij
TTIHONT parlor foi two gentlemen , 1 -1 Dodge.
JL1 2.V )
TJ1OH HUNT Pletsantest new furnished nnd
JU cheapest rooms In pilvate house iu city. All
conveniences. Near business. WU Capitol ave.
247 d 2.-.J
ifTlOH HUNT ruiiilshed rooms in Gieunl blk ,
JL ? cor. IVh and Dodge sts. lumilrcof Ge-o. It.
Davis , Mlllaid hotel billiard room. r/17
FOIt HKNT Nicely furnished room suitable
for" gentlemen , Inquliu2(111 ( St. Mary's ave.
FOIt HUNT rmnUlied rooms nnd Imanl , UO-J
rnuiam. , ' : iSJO ) *
TJIL'HN'lSH l ) loom' , single or cusulte , he it ,
JP bath , and nil mo leru conveniences. bJl a.
19th. , 4(1 ( 1W-
HiXT ; Warm famished loom , l'r4 Kar-
nam. ' , JHI
1DOOM3 I'or lent , No. 901 9 12h st.
" \TlCUI.Vfuiiilshetifiontioom with 01 wltn.
-J- > out boaid. HU Dodge st , 679
1710H iTn.VI'-l'uinlshed loom , 1017 HowardT"
ITlUKNlSlinD looms for lent , I'lnraunmst. '
JL ? J 2J
TTHll HKNT Kninlshed rooms lu alliurtsof
JL1 the clt } , by the day , week or month , flty
Intelllgenre olllce , Crolghton Mock , 5' '
I looms Mil N" 211th * t.
I ronnii I01U N Jlstst
.I rooms 1IJJ S 2l t st.
6 loom 21(1. ( ; Nli hoi isst.
.I looms 141 , ' PieKV
, ! looms 701 Piielllcst.
4iIcRint iinfiiinlshpil rooms , containing nil
the modem com emenreut 111 s5 1'nh st.
Mtfolliiout lll.S Pith st. 419
EOU UKXT 1'lev-ant looms with heat at 1707
Cassst. f)20
HHNT-Kast "lnilf'of toie-ioom. 1212
DonyKis - < t 221 !
BASHMIJNT. vtores nndlhiU , lith nnd .lack
sou ; steam hpat. llniinlrt * Mrs. I' . Lunge , H7
IfOlt ItKNT-r-Sturo room M' ' ) , basement * .W.
O. i : Thompson , HIS. 1'ithf.t . T.'t
oil IIKNT-l ! > * eiu ! nt stole- , and tl Us with
nil modern liupro\emuutj , corner Uth uud
Jackson st . ( J' )
FOIt HKXT ( iioiinil lloor olllco lor.m , cen
trnlly located , hcitetl and lighted , f. r.
Ilniri = oii , 41SS. Ijth st. Ul }
FOH KT.NT-2nd nndJIdtloorsnt 1117 Donsl.T
tit , w.Ith of Ihiev Jcats. Kennedy i
lllbblns , 1M Douglas st. iMJ
HKNT-Ullli es on 1 auiam t. at $ U ) to $ .0
pel month. Ouo ollicu fuinlshed. JtU ) 1'ar-
TT1OH it 13NT Olllce room , Urat lloor , at 315 S ,
JJ IMh st. 604
BAUN for lent at 22d and DouijlH.V. . P.
Clark , 40 * N. lath st. 4-U 1'JJ
T lOU KBNT-Good bma cheap 1UJ1 Chicago
- * i .W l
F 1 , . OUKtJOUV , aUent , JJS.JlGtU ht
ground lloor. Telephone v > t. I" !
SPI'.CIAll attention gi\en to u-nting IIOUM-S ,
tuiul-hed and iiiifiiinMieil looms. I.lst will
us. \\.M Iluiiis. u\erJJOb Pithst. h74
FOH HKNT- Jim wl > h tount uholise
on llunawa i. Co , lith at. , opposite. P O.
FOH fmnlturo and boxed goods 41a S llth st
Omiihn Neb. IMS elK
K Murclundl-eor furnltutn. IJttl
Jt \ \ Illlumg. IUI7 Douglas at. 0 > i d , . . " . ' .
"VTPiW YOHK Storage Co. have most exteivive
-l- > facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
buggits , general inticliiiiulUe , wc"-t or New
York. Cash ad\auces to any amount ; ware
house receipts gl\en ; gixirts Insiued ; bnck
building-llre-pjoof ; pe < lal arr.nut'rnvntti for
commission merchants. Call New York Storage
Co , Capitol ne aud N , loth st , Heimett's blo < k.
IDliKSON'Ah Major 'Iheie Is going to be Illtv
moie of tho-e 1 1 lots placed un tilt" market
Mondiij moinlng , Deiemoi-r I'.th. ' Please get
mo one for CluUtm is nnd let the diamonds go.
.110 South nth st. la wheie t-ulo take > > plaie.
Margaret. 54J-1U
"il 1 1)1)1 ) , 10-\ ( ! Ill ) gelltl-Viiail of good habits
iiccompllshed uudgootl disposition , would
llkti corie poudenee wllh a young lady or jouiij
w iilow ; objt 1 1 mnde know n when unsw ered.
U ' ' llet > otlice. 4JII
lu f mllle > Mllelted. Call on or nihlress
ls Jeslo btuidy , Wl S SUth st. 147J7 *
JKHSON'ALPIrstclass die-smakingdone nt
221 ! Mntm st. Ida Anderson. ll'J-1 *
] 3EHSONAl-llen'slatest views of Omaha ,
Including ull principle bulldlugs.bhd'b ej
\ lew sallowing the city to the best advantage for
tale ut He ) n'o guller > und Canltleld's book stoie.
3'JO d 24
IJKHSONAI , Private home for larties during
confinement , strictly confidential. Infants
adopted. Addiess K 4J llee otlice. 107 J b *
Ui\VAHD-\Vlll : be gl\en for retuiii of bay
-I I mare. ! OO lb > . halter on. Strajed fiom
ytiCumlngbt. \ . U.b. O-.trdm. 5'is '
STHAYKD-Youug colt , dark bay. Plhdcr ie-
. - warded. Hani. Anderson. ljh ! S. llth st.
LOST Satuiduy evening. Dec. 17 , probably on
Pith bt , ueai ( irund opera IIOUM * . tlin peiir\
ant of a coral broach. Howard U kit ut Can-
Held house. . 577-1'lj
TOST The best chance I ev er hail to get a lot ,
entlrelv fro from encumbrance , by uot
going to .110 S Pith stand getting 4-ixir. feet of
bouth Omaha property for only fio. 'Jhere will
be n uiih Monday , Dec. 19 , an41 cannot get In.
54. ) 19
rOUNO-Ou Monday. December 19th. A
chance to get one ot those i-'xlij foot South
Omaha lots for only (10. Warranty deed. Pn e
fiom i-ucumbrduc-e. Dry und Leel. . 310 S. 13th
fetlyet. . 54.H'.I
" " "
FH "AM-A very lln Streic"rzitiier. 1218
Purnum bt. 57121 *
OH SALE A membership In the Omaha
Hoard of TradeOr will eTcliango for lum-
ber. J.V. . Miller , Lincoln , Neb. 671-21 *
EOH SALK-Pplendld new piano at n bargain.
Addresi "U 14 , " lieu OIHce. M9 2U *
"I7Hlt 8ALK Chlckerlnff plouo ; nearly new.
J W. F. Clark. 40S N. IfatOBt. 4S4 19J
iTM.OOO gotxl hand maile bricks for sale. Ad-
I dma lilc&ard L'ugelmanu , i-'l 6. nth ft.
401 20j
"IT1OII ' SAI.K-Singer leather sewing machine ,
-L'gooa as new'i cheap. O.K. Thompson , au a.
\TAT10NAI. Cabinet T-ettsr nlea for sals by J.
-Li Henry Wood , 714 l' § lllo street. Omnhn
telephone 780. . fc Ml 21'
SirtAHD Tnbl at h prlo . llriiaswlck
linlko Cp.'s make. 1 IBilr * Leslie Ac Leslie ,
16th and Dodge gtg.
"VTO1ICK If youiB\o unj- property to trade
-L > for city lots or lauds Jl\Nebrasku call npou
W. O. Albright.18 S.15th sV. 4'H >
I ADI IIS flrinir anything you have to sell to
J the Woman's Hxclmmfi. Wo will ell it for
> ou. llamge building , roi | 4is.ifiHU *
" \f HS. If. MTl' NVUTithellussapo treat-
1'L ment to the .o who pryti ( to toinn to her of
fice oil Mondays tromU a , fir until Up , m Other
days from B p. ni. to 9 p. m Olllce and reddeuco
southeast cor Sew ard and 2Mh sts. M2.20 *
TAN1UUD Her a nml'atto Peed It nek-
nowledged to bo the best ever put upon
the market. It Is made ot llrst-clas.s lugiedt-
ents ; no trash put In to till up. Hut why pay
10 cents n line to prove Itlluy It , feed It to
rout horse , nnd one w ekjs use will do moro
than u column nitlclo to tiro\o that what wo
suylstiue. Munuinctuted by P. 1 ! . Stillborn &
Co. , 17CJ St. Murj' ne. . Per sale overyw here.
4il III
STANDAIII ) Stofk Liniment Is the best thing
you can buy for sprains , cuts , bruises or
nnvthlugofthat kind. Manufactured by h' . K.
Sunbotu &Co. , 170ISI. Mary'j > e. 4NI 18
MKTX hall. 610 S 10th st has been remodeled.
M enlarged , new dunrlng floor , new decoiu-
tlons and Kiippir rooms. Entiaticn on 10th st. ;
parties , lodges and societies anticipating giving
Imlls or sociables call on lions < V Mumin , Metz
hull. ' ' "
_ i'-"i !
TV'OTICK ' First class bank sand fillnlshcd by
-L > the carload InOmahiOor by wagon load In
South Omaha , upon Miort notice. Lea\uordeis
with W. (5. Albright , 21SS. Pith street , or branch
ofllce at Albrights station. South Omaha , tele
phones 7M und Mil. Steer Ilros. 21 ! 31
"Ij1HiP : Heading mitter. If vott have not de-
J2 elded w hat papers to tnku this > ear , send us
your address , w 1th 10 cents in sller , and w o w ill
forward jour name to hundreds of publishers
all over the country , who will send > ou maga
zines und papers of every description In nbuitd-
nnce. It Is the best itne tment you can make
of a dime. It will yield big letuins. Try It.
Subscribe to no paper without getting our price.
Hub. Subscription Agency , lloston , Mass , Hot
" . Mention llee. ) J7
"OOHSlTclIppIng by \ \ .A.Tmwnrt.nt llenham'
II stables , corner 17th and Davenport sts.
Tel 2o7. 1140 iUU *
M RS. DUHANT-dulrvoyaut from lloston is
r -liable In all ntrairs of life , unites mnn.
MDU loxeis. , K3 N Idth st , loom 1 , 7w.liui ) *
DU , NANNti : V. Wanen , clnlivorant. .Mud-
Ic it , busliiexs und test medlim. ) Diagnosis
ree. Femiile diseases a specialty. 1W N. loth
, t , Hooms 2 , \ , ! . Tel. I'll. ' Oil
V\TANTlir ) To purchase an established bank ,
T > .lth ugood line of di posits In u town of
1'idOinhibltautsor upwauls. Addie-s
1 , . North PI itte. Neb. 6Mi 2i ) *
V TAN1 KO-To buy the fmultute ot a sin ill
. , i or liuge house centiallv located. Co-opera-
Iv e r.-iud A Lot Co . 303 N 10th st 1 W
WAM'LU-'Io Ditynlunt time paper , J. W.
Ciioss , at C. K. MajnoS ollice. Pith anil
Hainey. s. " >
MONI'.V to loan I can now place some llrst
class city loans Immediately. Call at ouce
If jou ileslii' to be aceomuiodnted. I ) . V Slioles.
loom 1 Halker block entrance in alley. * ' !
| ON"iYto : Loan Ily the nucleisicned. who
l has the oulv pioperlv orguilzed loan
ngency In Omaha Loans of j 10 lo JUKI made on
furniture , pi moN organs , iorvs. wrpons , ma
chinery , etc. . without removal. Nodelajs. All
business stiirtlj coutldentUl. Loans so made
that mi ) pnit ran l.e paid irjinv time , each piv-
incut reducing the coit jio rat i. Advances
made on fine watt lies and llimomls. Persons
fchould cuiefiilly consider mko they lire deillug
with , as many new tpnrerua. me dally coming
Into e\I tpiire. Should ) oi&eiMl money call and
sen me. W , H. ( 'loft , loom 4 Wlthnell building ,
Tilh and Hariiev r > ti f >
MOM'.Y t o lo i u , mint ' ; iu ( notes bnught , loins
made on chattel sei untv : no delay ,1. J.
Ciir.uulngs , Hoom 10 llatkej-Jtlock 2il )
MtiNKY to lo in , < ah on hand , no delay. .1.
W nud H. L. Sijuire , llllKarnam bt. Pax
ton hotel building J3
_ _
' ) to Inaii , or w 111 buy iiioitgnge. H. S Cam.
pbelli G. W. Ifyrvey.J \ \ tmber Commeice-
rOSI'V toloin oulmplljVoiViWul e-tnte ; no
T contml-'ilon cnm ed.1 Lenvitt llurnham ,
room 1. Cinlghton block. < * ' ; 'j \ ' l U
" \TONP.Y LOANKDntC. I'TTlecdi. Co.'sLoan
I'l Olllce. OH furniture , piano"hor-es , wagons ,
peiMinnl piopeit } ot all kinds , and nil other ar
ticles of value without temovai. yi'l ' S. Hth ,
over ItUmham s couimlssloii store. All bust.
S t-tiktty ronlldcutlal * i2l :
OANS made on leal ettate. Cash on hind ,
\\.M. Hauls , o\ei 220S. 1.1th bt. 1120
rpo LOAN Money Loans placed on im-
L proved real e-tato in city or county for
Now RiiRlnnd Loan A. Trust Co , by Douglas
County bank , and Chli ago sts. til I
l7oR < ) to loan utdp"r cent. Llnalmn A MaT -
T honey , IMKI P.irniim.
MOXP.Y to Loan on city pioperty uud also 01
farms In westein lov.a aud eastern Ne
braska , Ilist mortuaiie uotes bought aud bold
Odell Ilios. \ Co. IVil Puriiam bt. , Omiiha ; IOJ
Ptailst , Council Hunts. IdU
MONKY'K ) LOAN On fin nit nrr. horses wag
oiifothu pelsonnlpiopeitwithout lomovai
or OM approved ( oliateial M'ciiritv. IJusiuu
coiilldciiiial. Jnci. W. Ilobblns , Ibl i Pariiam.MJ
I OANS mtido on real estate and mortgages
J bought. Lew is S. Hied ie Co. , l\'l Painam.
MONiY : To loan. Lowest rates. No delay.
.1. F , . like i ( "o. over Commercial Na
tional bunk R27
IVI OMY : to Loan O. P. Javlb Co , leal estate
nud loan agents , ! 7XiP < irnani st. 019
f { 1'KH CP.NT Money.
U Pattei-bon A. Kawcett 15th nnd Harney. 018
SHOItr time loans iiiiu - on any available
socinlt ) , Inicisonahlo amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or oxcl. mged. Ocnernl
llmiuclal luisluess of any kind trans u-ted
piomptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Ki-
nandal Exchange , N. W.'cor. lith and Har-
ney sts , overstate National band. Coibett ,
manager. iJ2Ti
MOXKY loaned on rumnuro , pianos organs ,
horses , etc , low rates. J. \\llklnsonjc
Co. , 1J24 Kaniiim , ov er llui llngton ticket offlcu.
6no.HK ( ) to loan In unv amount nt low est late of
Jnteiest. H. li. Irey. Prejizor block. bJi
t . To loan on Omahu city property at 8
P percent , ( i. W. Day , S. K. coi. KK. Illtl.
_ _ _ _ nj )
MONiY : to loan on city propeitv , und nNo
farms In Nebraska nnd Iowa. Odell Ilros.
i Co , loan , u nl estate and liisut alien agents , WJ
Pcail street. Council Illuffs , la. ; Pi.Parnuin
Ktrtet , Omaha. 2U8
_ _ _
MOM1Y to loan. Notes , ana it. It. ticket.
bought uhdbold. A. Voriiuui , 21 JS lith sts
1 > iSTAUHANT : At2,1)S Illtn. pilcuKlV ) Co-
JX operative Land and 1ft Co.,205 N. 10th bt.
- 4'I711) )
BAHlinil shop -Pilce2fcM nut , W Cooper-
utiv e Land and Lot lAr. 205 N. Ibth st.
" \\rANTti : > A partner In u good paj Ing bust-
> > ness ; binull cupltal rejuilrbd. Address H PI ,
lieu ollice. Wi 1'J
" 171OII "AMI- ' . Interest hT n good business ;
1 small capital retiulied. Addresi U ID , lice
olllce. Mt i'J
" \\7ANTKD-Apartnertogo in und buy the
* enttrn lot , or remaining-number of thee
South Omuha lots to be sold Monday , December
l th , at ! IIO South 15th st , Wai runty deed given
with each lot. No encumbrance and woithillW
each. Addiuss , Improvement , 1110 S. 15th bt.
T71OII SALB A dntg busWess , JVXW block In a
J. growing town ot 4fB inlmbltantH , cash
miles WO t o f 10 per day , i | location , conuT
room , rent li'i per monthi soii for t-t'lllnj ? wunt
toilosd purtnvrshlp. AiMt % llugnoll liroj. ,
York. N A. 40U21 *
HOTHL ! J blockn trom lloj d's operahouxeut
a tiargnin. Co-opvrutlvo Laud und Lot Co. ,
Stt'i X. Ibthyt ' 4i 71 ! )
TVTAM'KD A partuei in igarni lujliik' bubl-
T T ntwa , estublislied for four } ears , and Kales
for this > ear will be over * 4tiW ) , location coed ,
must have about MOOO to invest , Address
W. T. It. . 1' . O. llox niti. 07JJJ * st. piicokvi
* ' . Co-opcrutlvo Land A , lx > t Co , an N. Idth.
497 1H
"li Oll > ALU Anestablished and paj lug'
J. wholesale business , will take part pay 1
real estate. Addrusa 317 S. 11th ht. MA
TfOH WALK Orxxeliunge , u new combined , ii
J ? bbl. roller uml burr mill with complete
modern outtlt of machinery , doing n good bust-
ness , w Ith unlimited water iK > w > r on Little Illue
river , In Thnj er connty. Neb. Will take 12,000
or upwards lu ca h , balance on easy terms , or
city property or Jaiitls In w hole or In part. Ad-
drobn. A. O. Colllna. Hebron , Nfb. 323 d 22
ONKKCT10NKUV store. Price 1700 rent 14V
Co-operative Land uU Lot Co. , 2ia N. loth
SAM ! A hnrnesq shop In
Neb , InvolceH nbtiut ll.Mio. As the. former
proprietor , John ZleK'er ' , Is dend , It will bo sold
cheap ; pno other shop In town ; iil ndld trade.
Address John Zlecler , sr. , Hock Island , 111. or
I'rUlHp ZlcRler. Ulv erton. < . J3
9 lllSFArltAN'IS : Centrally located , for
( " .lo. Prices from 1250 to H.OiW. Co-dpcrn-
tiYe Lund nnd fet Co , SOR N , IQtli st. 497 10
< TVTir : : > PtoresrrcntraTTyTtVaTed , price acctvr
- > Ing tt ) Invoice , rent ted uml jlj. Co-operntivo
Land A Lot Co , 205 N. Kith st. 497 19
FANCY floods store , N. loth st , prlco accord
ing th luv olce. Co-ciperntlv e Lntitl A Lot Co ,
a\'i X. llitli st. 497 19
1/10 H sAlili-Hoatl horse , Mdobir , harness and
JL. ' completeontllt nt > our own pilce. Call
Pnrc l IH'llvery barn on Webster st , bet. 17th
nnd 18th Ms. . 4W ( 20 *
\VIfoLls7\Li : : confectionery business"
TT sulo. Paying trnde established. Look
this tip. Apply illTJj. 1,1th st. . ft'l
TTlTrO Stofo71iricefJ\U i , rent $10. Co-opera-
JLtive Lantl A Lot Co . 205 N. 10th st. 49 ! I'l '
"ITlOit SALlJ-Or oAhatiKe. 710 aero fium , Mer-
JL cerCo , Mo.JiWmros.llooneCo , } 4 acres ,
Nanco ( ' < > . : and othtr lands. Want K"od city
propel ty. Win , J. I'nul , IbOO rarnam st. 07
rpotnide for farm or laud for trenpral mer-
JL cnandtsi ) . llox l , lllua Hill. Neo7 oHI 2'iJ
lilOHTrniU ? "lliook of 0 1-ouses renting for SI.HH )
JL pel jiar to Inidn lei Rood Improved fiirm
or No. 1 w l.'d 1 mil w 1th lltllo or no Incum brant o.
'J'hero is nitlie on houses.
r. L. Gregory , aw South ICth st- B91
ixciiANnr-ii. : r . Cole , uio s. iau.
- Houses and lots.
ItlxlT ) feet beautiful six room cottngo on 27th
nnd Patrick ue. . Want good lot.
: tUxl28feet und TWO sloiy fiamo house with
barn , 2Mb and.Mlaml. Wunt lot.
IIO\IIJ feet and one story frnmo house , north
east corner 27th and Grant. Want part cash ,
balance < ity or farm.
.ClxlK ) fcxit and one Htory frame house six
rooms corner 27th nnd nnd Maple. Want part
ca h balance tarm.
Il'ixlOO fo t ami olio story frame house llvo
looms ( tinier. 2iith and Ohio. Wunt part cash ,
balaiif-i dty property or faim.
.WxiaSfevt , two story frame house sK looms ,
Miami nearSTtll. W-intlot , South Omaha pre
Vacant lots.
lot U , block G , Uluu's 2d. Want house and
lot. ,
Lot 1. Apple's sub. of lot 45 Gibe's. Want
equity In liotisu and lot.
Sev en lots Valentino Terrace. Take nnj tlibitc
good ,
Vacant lots.on N llthst , clear. Want Omahn
[ ii'operty.
Illg list , South Omaha , for house and lot ,
JI.2 000 stork lioot and shoes and some cash
for first-class iinlde property. Can put In nh o
lean stock thy goods , notions nnd clothing if
One ol the best lijiated ding slocks In the city
Want Omaha pt oprit vand < ash.
Live stotk.
Oiit-i-ix-vonr-olil Miiel horse , splendiddilver ,
penile ,1111,1 liaiulsomo.
OIKI uioy llv IM ear-old , rood clever driver ,
gnotl looker.V ant jrood vacant lots.
Horse , liarn .ss iinu buuuy.
2IT } acres Jfonansx county. Town. A complete
farm , all iiiimovemiMits. Want Improved prop-
ity.yniifMiini1 loi'-omblolncumbnuice.
li(0iicies'alhiiin ( ( ) t-ountv , Iowa. All ImpiOM'-
melils Htti.t ineichnmlUo or Improved clly
pi opt ity.
4 > l.uies W.vomltiK laud ut J.'OO per ncie.
Want Impmvcd orintlmprovetl cltvpiopeitv
1IV ( uui's \ \ ebstor county. Nub , mar Hrd
( loud. All Impiovements Want live stock ,
mt i chnnilNu or Impiov ed c itv pi operty.
iNdituM Hancock Co , ull tillable laud , about
n miles fiom It II station , oncmnhinmo $7"id.
U uu ( hon- > and lot Will pa > some cash , and
assume modeuit e Inciimm nnce ,
IfOutifs Ni < * s Co . Knnsjis , near H H station ,
ncumbiantt'frViO Want Omaha pi operty.
2OJOiuitsollHiid ! , ull In u body , Holt Co , Neb-
Want Omaha propeity.
IWai-ies CiimmlngCo , , ] ' 5 miles fiom West
Point , luuimbiaiii.0 ww ) , Want Omaha piop-
Pome1 pun half money mortgages for \acant
( Jiiin elevators.
Tvvo large and siili > ndldlv ftiuippetl eluvntois
in Page tountv. Iowa Puuhiser can contrtil
the Kialn business of the coiiutv , wlikh is one
nT tlie be-.t main piodiu IIIK dlstiltts In Iowa ,
will trade plthci onooi both lor improved In-
sltle propeltuml .issiuno leasonable liicum-
biame. H , 1' Cole , .lid h nth. U 20
TJ1OH o\chinw riist-class Omaha and South
1. Omahu pi opmtv foi gootl NebiasKii and
lovvu land. \ \ . ( ! . Albrujht , 21hb. 15th st.VJ3
FOH II.XCHANCti : .10 moid of tho-e 42\U'"i
foot lots foi ten-dollar bills , tile comment i'S
Mond.i ) inoiniiiK'.Det I'Mh , I'.verv lot u build
ing lot , and enl } $10 f or a win rant j deed. 5111"
FOH r.XCHANi-lUl ! : acies good land for
stock of goods or Omaha piopertv. What
have jou' Addtt'is H LMtee. fivi.K-J
HOTKL nnd livery barn , situated in a tluiv
lug Nt b. town.27 looms , all furnished , and
! l lots , bum holds 40 hoises , will hold ubout , ' ! )
tons of ha ) , to tradn for lauds or cltvptopem.
Co operative T.aiid A. Lot Co , 201 N Ibth at. 19719
rpo tuule pi operty of all kinds for good faimsj
JL \\i. Alhllght,21SS. 15th-t. 490
\ \ ANTKI ) A good , clean stock of general
T T merehanillso to trndo for laud. We have
a bari'iilii in this. Co opeiaticu Laud nud Lot
Co. , wn N lOlli st. tM 19
" \\'ANTK Oootl family horse in exctiuiuto
Vl for lot , JlcCtllloch A , Co , cor 15th uud
rnrnnm. ( 17
BOOrSiind f-hoos to tiado foi cattle or good
Inside Oninh i rosldenrn piojieity. Hue ,
doui stock of twots and shoes , will Invoice
$10W ) . U. H. S * > del. Stuait , lovvu. 41821
"IJ OH nxthniiKti. If .v ou have farms ol 1 mils to
JL1 sell or tiailo send for ourdcscilptlve blanks.
Ifjouliut auv kind of ) to fell or ext -
t II.IIIKI , list it with uswe ; cm furiiMi jou.i
tustomt'l. S. S. Ctimpbell A ( J. W. lleivey.JlO
lioiitl of Trade , Onraha , 'M'
rpo r.\chanue For unlmprovcdcltvproperty ,
JL tin toll-room housts lu Ambiei I'laco'.ouo 7-
roomhouse in Alamo Fla7nfom ; li-room houses
on b. 2Uth st. W.t. Albright , 218 b. 15th st. 491)
TMtT in \ \ almrTnTiriiiid 11-room llat. of furnll
JLJ ture , on 1 ith st , to tiude for lumls. Coop ,
L. A L. Co. . 20-1 * N Itth i-t. 497 19
TTlOIt trade , hotel , ! 1 blockK from llo > d'sopeia
J. liiiust * . goods * l 2UO. lint il .j. Co-opot.itlvu
Lund .V Lot Co , 205 N Kith bt. 497 W
\\7.\NTii-A : ) few" more good fauns lu Ne-
TT biuska for which 1 will trade llr t-cl i s
Omaha null Sruth Omaha pioperties. W. ( ! . Al
bright. 21S S.JMli st 4VJ
JrVouhavounvthlnt ; to trade or "ell fall on
mc'Orwitte. Allbuslm sspiomptly mid fulrly
dono. C. C. Spotswood , .JJTi1 ] S. Idlli. 1S7
\\7OPLIII.1KK to c-NCliamro n lotlnS.iun-
dtxr \ Hlmebiuighrt uddltlon to Walnut
Hill lor n good sleigh and lljiht two-seated
s my ; would nl o tak a good hoiso und ph.u-
ton Address hex 42.1 P. O , 4V )
riA\'H fur trivlc Imprnred farm in f'ass Co ,
near PJattBinoulh. will trade for Impioved
insUlo property. Aduiess M M , Uee oiiice.
rpo THA Di : Two iinpiniml fauns In Iowa for
JL Om ilia property or Nebraska lands. Me-
CullochA-Co , cor ; 15th und I'm num. txH
rpi ( KXCHAXOi : Improved farm In Iowa
-I for Omaha residence property. J. J. Wil
kinson. l.CM rariinm. bm
\\rANTED-Gooti tarms in exclmnye for
T T Omaha property , C , C. Spotswootl. Sl
8 Kith. bH
rpOlIXCHANGK-Good east trent lot In Hans-
X com I'luco to exchange for lean stock of
dry goods or clothing , C. V. Hurrls.ou,118 . S. IJth.
\VANTii : > Stxks : of merchandlso to ex-
TT cliangti for lands uud Ctv | propeitjj C. C.
Spotswootl. iiUVb. . Ilith. iffl
\\7ANTKD Omnlin property to exchange for
TT farms and wild lands , also for cltv piop-
erty. C. L. liruvvu it , Co. , Huom 13. Kluiizer
block. 21JJ 9 Ono of the best selllni ; machine -
chine ; ) for domestic use on the market ;
m cry housekeeper w 111 buy one : oer SMI w orth
of these inui.blU' i sold In one day bv ono agent ,
I wlllexiliMigotho fatuto right of Nebraska lor
improved Omaha pi operty. A mechanic could
not Und better employment for the
winter than making these machines.
A fortuiin can be m tile out of this state by
silling the machines , or county rights ; pa
pers pu feet und title guurunteed. Iwlll Hid I a
half Interest in tlmabovb to u good responsible
party , Addrens PI" , llee olllce. 'at 19 *
FOIt SALE Or exchange , good Omaha prop
erty for good stock of boots uud shoes ,
clolhlng. furnishing goods or liardwaru. Sehle-
singer HroH. . alt ISloth at. 79.1 J2
FOH 8ALU Hesldenco propeity In South
Omaha. W. G. Albright,2la S. l h st.4M
\\7ANTED-lIousesandlotH tocxchangH for
TT improved aud unlmproued lauds In Ne
braska uud lovvu. Charles C. bpotsvvood. UUj ; ,
H. 10th. 15.1
mo THADK Inside property for coed hou t ,
Jl eight or nine rooms , und full lot. McCul-
loch A. Co cor 1'ith and Farnum. nil
\\7ANTK1 > To exchange , choice Insldo vacant
TT lota inOmulia for gcod horsea und car-
riagos. J. L. Uicc < A. Co.
WANTEn-I'roperty of all k a to exchange
Special attention giyca to. tradluf. 0.0.
6potsiovd , ! 5)i ) B UltU. . tU
1DI.AND Gviivrnntee Mid Trust Oo. , l-'ttl
Kornnm street Ctimpleto abstmcts fur-
hlhrd , and titles to real estate ixamlued , t > r *
fueled and gu nrrtntcod. WC )
BKN5ON A-CAHMICHAKli furnish complete
nnd guaranteed nbstractsof title to any
real estate in Omahi nml Douglas county
nhort notice. The most nnnpluto set of abstract
book * In Uio city. No. 1519 Karniini st. U7H
MOlir laits'at Iliocnsy terui !
JlrtS. 15th.
VTKW LlST-AmcM' Heal IMato Agency ,
J- > Otlice. mi. Fiirnam st.
60t ) North 911 h st , new 0 room tuuis * , full
lot. forl-MM ) ; X J cash , balance ti\
per month , ,
603 Tenth st , .1 houses , good repair , lents
for i < Vi per month , full lot , good loca
tion , fli , ! ' " " ) ; l. )
604 Decatiirst.neiir29th st,4-ruom IIOILSO ,
loM8xl-7. ! . . . , . . . , t 2,250
603 Near Hauscom Park , west of Park ,
new S-riHim modern house , lot JOx
112 4.600
602 fouth 17th st , near Center , 3 room
house , lot 49'tXl.CJ 1.PO1
600 19th st , near Center.7-room house. . . . 2,100
490 North 17th tit. near Lake , -room
hoiiiio.lot 3lxlK ) , . . , . . . 3,000
497 Sew ard , near 31th st , good tVroom
house , rooms largo , house fronts
east , new ami well built , deslrnblo
place , f-.500 ; JiVIO casii , balance J23
per mouth. Tills Is a gtxnl place , on
easy terms.
490 Virginia nv e. near Leavenw orth st ,
gHd 7-room house In excellent repair -
pair , well worth 4,200
494 d , near Grace , convenient to cars ,
n smnll double house , routing for MO
nermoiith. Price 3,300
492 Lakti st. near 21st st , 5-room house ,
lot 4S\122 4,000
488 Spruce st near 19th , n 6-room cot
tage , lot 40x00. will tl ado 2,800
4S7 onto st near 27th. llrst class 6-room
house , wtdl , clstriu nud outbuild
ings , all In good repair , one block
from street cais , Iotf > 0xl27 3,300
484 South ISth st near Leavenw orth verv
cential location , good 0 loomed
house , lot 23x 1 U , east front 3,500
4S1 North 21st st pear Mauderson , 1 block
from car line , new 4-roomed house ,
lot BIN 124 , 2,000
479 lu Hovd's ndd near Hell line , 4-
loomed house and barn , with 2 full
lots , onuncoiner , east fionl 2500
472 Omahu View , 4-rooni house , lot 60x
Ul 1000
4CO 22dst coiner , near Helt Lluo depot
lu Oak Chatham and only 2 blocks
liiim sin et t ur , a new 7 loom house
and full lot for . 2,500
1G2 21st st near Mandeison , ono block
from car line , 4 loom house , burn
with lull lot. This U u very cheap
place at . . . 1,000
400 Illoiidost 2sth convenient to
curs , n live loom house with lot W.x )
127 , this is n good homo nt . . . 3,000
459 illthst near Leaveiiwoith In uhigh
t ommuiiillng locution , surroundings
A 1 , n well built U room house facing
east , with 2 lots each Mi.xlJI one
a corner , shrubbery nml tren-s , well
grown , n decided birgain , . . 5,000
41(1 ( .Stivv.ud bt cuts paat the door , 7 loom
house , ' , lot , . . . . 3,690
749 South Pth st near Leavenwoithcen
tin ) ItKiitlon , 4 riM > ln house , city
water , ' , lot . 3,100
4jl Hltchcocks ndil , 2 lioiises , each 3
looms lot 50x1. ; , tJOU rash , price 1,200
il Coiner , east trout ou ( leoigla a\e , tl
loom cottage , 2 Hue full lots. Tills
Un special baigaln 3,000
023 Grant st , Saundew and south
of Lakestitet , lots liiim } 2.)00 ( ) to. $2,100 ,
Clieapnt this pilce , 'i cusli , bill , to
suit pincliu-er.
022 Ki-kiue stieet aiul Grant street , vety
clo e to S Hinder * , 2 coi lien ut $ ,500 !
. em h , and inside lots ut 2,200
eat h. Ti i ms qmirtt r Cash.
1022 25th st . closeto Saiiuilers , I lots for 7,500
chf.ip at this pi ice. 'lirms , quaiter
cash ,
ltt-1) ) Dodge mid Glove sis , ( West Omaha )
Khy tut south and east front corntr ,
hJ\U" > to allev . 5,0(10 (
018 2hoU clots In Windsor Plaio . 1.0JO
1017 IV" lots in llojd'sadd . u h again , ut 0,000
1U1I Webstei xt lUMi-uOth , line residence
lot 2,1W )
1002 Cliolif coimr lot In Hftwtliorno , lot
MI\l-2 ! ( n ciisss ! 1,500
'IhN is t heap for the monoy.
ICT lliniH ! } st neai bhoiiiiun av e , a v cry
line lot lor . . . 2,000
2ipoi cent lesi thau surrounding
997 Miami st , near EUth , 2 blocks fiom
si net car , lot WMfl . . 1,010
bBO On Davenport it In Lin olu plan-
cli ike lots , one-a coinoc , south and
in t flout ; very desirable , the 2 lju
for . . . . 1,800
DM ) \\rbstcrst near the Couv ent , n
\er > cho GJ location ; eh'fa it lesl-
iliiu-tislto ; IHM71 10 ith front . . . . l.bOO
9S7 IMcllli st ni'ur PhllMi.ildamonven-
icnl to tins , tl\110 , inns tliroiigli
Jrom stieet to street. This is veiy
ilestriibliMit till ) LislKpllce . 1,873
9M ) West tide ndd on Mo/'ao llv. lot 197
ou tiack by 100 ; this is n chance , to
gtt tiucka o very cheap WO
I > s2 ; rutiainlJ2d st. lotsi.l.\14) ) at . l.SM )
977 Pai k ave , full lot fining Hiui-cnin , Just south of Woolvvoithnvo 3,500
911 Virginia live , verv cholto east flout ,
UMixloH. 'Ihisls a specially line loca
tion . . . . . . . . . 4,500
929 Gioigia. u cortic-r lOJxICO , n south
aud uist ti out. Is the llncst uulm-
piov ed corner in Ilatisi-Qtu place . . 7,5U )
971 Coiner on Piirtllc st , KKJxiMi , for. . . 7OJ
lltlsluess Propurtj.
118 I'm nnm st near 21th st , "it foot lot ,
e.tsv turns , good lo ( atloll , pel foot. . 300
143 South Ibth st. Mi\lli > , sewui nud ull
taxes paid , luf . . . . 6,000
lj ( t liming st neat 27th st , Uivl3 ! feet ,
pel foot . 110
The low eit piico mimed on propeity in same
11. Cuss neat loth st , 9 loom house.lot
Is\li2 1J.COO
95 ( .htc.igo near nth st. , i buildings
lent tor JVi per mouth . ll.fOO
'Ihls propeltv Is chtnpei than unv similiu lo
cutloiiinOiniilia Mini v\ill rt > pi.v iuvit > llgution.
t'5 ' California st. uiur lltji st. , corner ,
( Ji\l. ) . . ' , 5 house's , rent fLVX ) per
.veir . . . . . 20,000
103 baundcisst , a coimr , ( iii\102 , cheap
nt 6,500
1J7 romtceiith st , near Jom-s , 4L\hU ;
thU piopeity Is especially cheap
ioi . . 7,700
IM Truckimo on Pacltlist. . , ne u loth ,
Ui\ ; ft small houses now lent for
* 71 pel month . 13,000
92 rum un st. nn impiovtd pioptrty
piivlug i , \ ( p'-r j I' " ' , price HI.IHK' ' ,
will sell tillspiopcitv fin good llrst-
cl iss moitgago paper , no cash 10-
qulred lu this tmdo
Motk i'aim I or Salo.
Withinr.0 miles of iimuli i on iiilhoail ; TjCOncin
stock faim , good buildings , shed room ioristock
and foid tattle , windmill , plpts , etc. , iiimilnit
wiitei , lid iidi s lnt > land , lioaii.- ) plow l.inii.
Will sill lor } 21 pi i an u and take 1UIO ciich
Will also l.iku ou thotiade , Omaha liotisu nud
lot win til il,5K ( ) to , ' , l iO.
South Oninhi.
ini1) 2'ithst. , So. Omaha , fulllot for J PV )
11)23 ) lllovvn Purklot , 50\liJ . . . . 6M )
IM N st lot. 25x01 . 2,530
1U2U I'lrst add to So. Omaha , corner ou
2'ith st , lot 7sfxiO ( 2,300
Tel msJVX ) cash.
lOOtf II lots in lloyd's * Sharp's ndd ut
i > h0tolii ; ! < .lturh , easy teruis
1001 Jetter'rt add , 2 lots , each 1,000
llrltk Vaid.
2splendid locations for brick yards , both on
Douglas County.
Ono of the finest fiirms in this county for r.alp.
It is near Omuha. on railroad , and In A 1 condi
tion ; i mining water all the j ear ; good hay land ,
Ac\c. PikutlOpei nciooneryeas > terms ;
4Vi In the f.u m. Ame.s' Heal IMato Agency ,
Telephone'U ) . OIl.OJ 1607 Pauiam.
6S8 2t
1JHOH SALK-fiflxM ) feet on cable lino. .Splendid
-L1 inside location tor four llats-0,500. Must
bo sold nt out e. Marshall A , Lobeclc , room 9 ,
Chnmbei ot Com , : H2
Il'jouwanttomuko money buy Tahiti Laud
lots now. Depot to lie coast ructed und m > ln-
tallied one mile from this addition. Lots now
selling for J2W ) to J 'iU ; one-tenth cash ; tlO per
moutlu Don't delay , Cooiwr , solo agunt , 1509
i\iinaiu. ; tsii pi
FH SALiLot : ft block 8 , A. S Patrick's ad
ettlon , will sell for few days at $1,030 , 17 3
cash , balancu easy M ,17 Hiuiollko. 9j7
FOH SA lK 'l ho follow In lilu iiJua in South
Oiiiah.ifor lOdavs.
Lots s , ,1 , 4 and .1. Wk fiO , Jl.rKrt each.
Lots : ) , G. 1) ) anil II. blk 5.i , J'JIO each ,
I.ot lili Hi. J3IV
Lot 4 , hlk l , VAX.
I.otfi hlk lli.tviu.
IxtU' , lilk II , fl.'WO.
Ixt 3 lilk M , I'Kii ) .
C. K. Muj nu I' jtate X Trust Co. 4i 20
LlbT your property for sale with Charles C.
Sj > otswoodOMJ ! b 1'ith ' et CO
Foil SA Ji : liX ) UCICB of I mil four miles from
stock j ard a , at $1J twruuu ; this U a bar
gain. McLuguit , Djip. r. U. till
OON'l'lIMl'I-ATH thiliiiiniciiifiitsnnrthlhon
bbcuio u lot In Tublu landAt ) to } JVlj onu-
tenth cafcli ; tlO per month or } .f ) iiuurtrrly. ( i ,
tl. Cooper , Kilt iHKlj.l5fJ I'ariiain. ! 1&0 li )
MOHKLots ut HM , easy terms. II. K. ( 'olf ,
Ifith- 40.-ill !
_ _
WHY p.iy rent when ) on can buy a fiifulic < t
hqusu on a nice largo lot.fior' ' , | , , u , , ,
finest rtdluencu part of Omaha r.rnr thu btruut
cars and w Ithin on btoclCof whuru thu Metro
politan cable will run. by nalniumiiall sum
dervvn und thu balauce monthly. Addre.a O lit ,
lies. _ fit
i _ _ _
T X STKJKNHV i : CO. uiuuu u Bpoclalty of
iipioperty in North Om > h i , for bate or lent
Ht CUUeilMMj.uik 2RU t.
, Cillillliu < _ W _ _
"Tppir AUJ - ' otrfr us aMi ) .Tlitl buiKuln 100
J.1 acres of land four mllei from xtooir yurdif ,
at 111 ; j pur acre , on llu of U. 1' , K. H. il
Opp. KO. ,
8AM ? PonthOnmha tiropVrty.
l.'nlllolimTwwnty-ilfth ! . . n r N , An * r > f
the best biKlncsa lots In South Omahu , fVOft ) ;
r sh tinc-lmlf , bitl. eaty. Will noli twtuity otjortjr
toot If purchaser dclrc * .
Two bu'iuoHs lot'Ou N uti'cct ' at IliV ) per front
Six bn lnc loti on > I street , 1ictv\-vcn Sdth ami
S7th Kt- . , from S ) , M to M , uo . u-h.
Several UUP lot in nrstitdditlon on Slth niut
rilllKH. , JI.KMeach.
Five , lotion O nroot. ( In Second addition to i
South Omaha , II..VHI each : ca h 'j , tncl , easy.
Kino tiii lnws lot on I ) Mrect , iinrttally tm <
proved , M.NH ) .
Finn iU ) llio.H4 lot within half a block of Q * t. |
only tl.'iV ) .
Povcral lot on 24th nnd Hellenic sfrocM , In
I'ottcr A , t'obh1 * 2nd addition. s73 to JI.OOO eacli.
Twc-lvo lots In I'ottcr .V Cobb's addition , from
1100 to HV ) each ! terms tutoy.
A finv morn llv e , ten , tlfteen and twflity-acM
tracts near South Otimhii from t X to fU ) per
IK 11' . Iots In adtllll ns as fur awuv are selling
forasmuch as wo sell acres. Totter .V Cobb ,
Idol I'nriuiiii t. Kil1
"I71OH SAI.KUixxl brick buslnesn property In
-L centra of ( Irund Island : Kroittext barualtl
nnd Invil terms in the city : but lltlle cuh r -
iiulredjlonn time , low Interest and easyimy- ,
nifiits ; other real estate fersnlc. Adilros.s. J. H.
Woolluy , uttornoy nt law , Uratid laland , Neb.
% V > 4
SALK-KInest incntum for n home In
West OiiKvluc , udjolnlnK the mansion home1
of KlrUendaJI. Cot > , llrady , KasMou and others.
Nothing finer In the city. Can so HKKxltt ? or
less ; for prices nnd turins aoo S. A. Bloman. 1301
Karnam st. 6J9
F ll BAI.K-rourhoiixtwou8.2ith st. W.O
AlbrtHht , 21S S. i : > th st. 439
SNAP Splendid comer In Shlnn's addition ,
with small house , Kt,500.
Snap Kast and north corner 2Sth st , 60x121 ,
vacant , on grade , K2liJO.
Snip lUOxlVi , shlnn'8 ndd , frontlua Charles
st , pleiit v of tret s , J4.200.
Snap-no fotit corner on 25th st , Patrick's add ,
fine lot for ( tillages , J.tHW.
Snap JVIxlJ2 coiner on Howard st , oa grdo
and a sure bargain , { 2,000.
F. L. Gregoiy. 309 South Iflth st. 600
FOH 8ALK-115 acres of land In section 21. T4'
44. This laud lav s In Iowa , nhoutHii mill * *
east of the pncklug houses , South Omaha. Ol
will sell cheap foi cash , Address , P. M. Maker ,
2t < 19 llniiovor st. Chicago. 6iO 31
FOH SALK To contractor * nnd bullderfi. a
carpenter shop w Ith machmeiy for planing ,
tunitng , suwlng and nerollliiif. engine uud all
muchineiy complete.'centrally located ; cheap.
Apply to J. J. Cummlngs , loom 10 , lluiker block.
541 24
MOHK Lots nt $150 , easy term * , U.K. Cole ,
34rt S. nth. 405 19 i
OH SALU-Iu South Omaha , ft hollies on S
corner lots , for $4TO , v ; ( ash , which rent
for ? ( ! 75 per } ear , on L st. D. D. Smenton , 1OXJ
) edge st. B68
[ TUMI HA Li : Lots In Lincoln Place , trtmthiK
L on the Mctiopohtau cable , & < 00 each , J
Corner lot on Lowe nvoiiuo nnd Cnllfornla
able Hue , * l,750 , M cash.
Some choice lots in West Cumliicc addition , $ SQ9
o Jl,2t i , fisy terms. Those lots are on or near
ho cable now being built on Calif01 ilia st. lluy
low ut olil pi ices.
A Hue business corner atlOth nnd Douglas ,
30.IKK ) , ij cnsli.
Acies lu Solomon's ndd , JfW , W.W cnsh.
Acres in Spring Vnlley with truckage , 4300 , M
'ash. '
Lots In Lobeck's sub. near South Omaha , on
f. W. Ity , & ! M each , 1-3 cash. These are the ,
he.ipest olleilngs in their respective neighbor- ,
100. . K Marshall Lobeck , room 9 , chamber ot
'ommerce. ' 451
11' \ou want business propel t von Davenport ,
Capitol , Dodge , rarnam , Hartley , Howard ,
inckson , Jones or Leavenworth sts , , see Doll &
ilcCamlltsh , 314 S. 15th. 231 ID
F I OH SALU Three six-room houses In Ambler
Place. W. G.Albright. 218 S. loth at. 49D
Fou SAU :
Hy M. A. UptonCo.
Three pieces propcrty,20 per cent below actual
Lot 27 , Tali mount , * ; .5X ( ) , Jl,100 cash ,
lllock 8 , llovtl'a addition , 10 lots on State st , ;
rack fiom licit Hue guaianteed , I7OUO.WO
lllock 2 : ) , lloj d's addition , 10 lots , M.500 , J2.000
M. A. Upton & Co , 10th street , opposite Cham-
JIT of Commerce f > 4
rpltOMPSON. 311 S. 1,1th st. buys und sells roa
JL fst.ito. loans money , piirchasos securities ;
iasagotlllst of piopeity for sale und want *
noro. Notary public. B34
iJWirr bulldliu south of Table Land. Don't' *
J tall to M-t uro some lot. JJOO to t30mo- ; (
entli i iksh ; if 10 per month. Cooper , solo uireutj
.fit)1 ) ! I'mii.tiii , ! N ) | u
TflOUSALi : V ttiiulstied llat of rooms with
JL1 steam and bath , centraly located. Call 2J3
Noi tji IjUlu BIO.
I I' } on havonnj thing to sell or exchange list
ItwlthC. C. blKit'inood , nojVJS lUtil. 054 ,
rTMOItt : l.ots at Jirw , easy terms. U.K. Cole ,
FOUSAIiCIOiix IVitMistfront corner , on WJt
und .loues sts , just south ot the Una rosld
encoof P.assou , a llradyuud otheis. Can sell
this. If taken ut out e. for } " > ,000. An elegant
residence coiuer. Nothing in the \lclnlty ao
cheap M. A. Uptou & Co. ] 6th Ht. ODD Chain-
ber ofCommeico. ISt
IHOIt SALK -As Hue a piece of ttackago as
1 there is in the city. W. G. Albright , 2183.
15th st. 499
I7HH ) SALKHuallie's til operty h\ \ South
Jj Omaha. W. G. Albilght,2ia b. 13th st. 4W
IflOH SA LK M feet front cor. loth and .lack-
HJII sts ; In feet front lith and Howaid its ;
10 aties adjoining city. Allot nbovo cheap foi
tash. Aiiiilj to L. A. Hummoud , No. 141 N.
Hth st. JOT 19
SALHOno 7-ioiiin house In Alamo
PinaS.G. . Albiight.SlHS. ISth. VV
MOIti : Lots at tPi isytcims. U.K. Cole ,
'M > b. 15th. 4QI'.l
iVl0 00 cash wanted lua deal ; some
of Omaha's bust lealtv ; object , cash : will
Jlclil Uifu prottt. AddrcsbO. 1 Heu. 2T7 d2d
) ly rcaion ot ) U central pniltlui. c'.o.ia relation to line *
I mt of CbicaKO , au < ! cunliuajm liaj at terminal
yoluti West , and Soatliwttt , li tha tru *
lutitdlti llnlc In that tratucontlnentai aystrni whlcu
Invites mul facllltatea trari.1 anil truffle L twecn tb >
Atlantlo antl i'aclflc *
7ho Rock Iiland main line anil branehci Include Cbl-
cairo , Jollet , Ottawa , Laitalla , 1'oaila , CinoeMo , Uulim
ami Koclc lilaml , la Illinois i Daronport , Muicatlng ,
Waihlngton , ralrflelil , fltluni i > , Oskulooia , Wit LIU-
crty , Iowa City , Ue Uolnc , lndla eli , Wlnt rf t , Allan-
tic , Knoirllla , Audulioa , llarlan , Uuthrlo Cvatr * ugj
Council IJluttii , In lowai clulUlhi. Trenton , Bt. / pn ;
Camtron nml Kansai City , In Miniourl : Leal. Iworth
and Atchlion , In Kanian Albert Loa , MInneApolli and
Bt. I'ttul.lnMlnntiotai WuUrtuvru and Sioux
Dakota , and ImudrrtUot luUrmedlato cltlds and town * .
VThe Great Rook Island RoutaX'
Guarantee ] ipccd , coraturt , certainty anil il ty. ( tl
tMrinaneut vray is dlitlairuiibrd ( ur Iti vzcchtne * . Ill
bridges are or itono and lion. lt track Is of olltl
tfcvl.tti roltlAgsloek perfect , lt passentferaqufpmnt
lias all Ihe lately ni > | > lUnc . .nkte p rlfnco has pivr l
nserul , and ( ur luiurlpal accomniojutlor.s U luuor-
passed. lt Express Trains consist of superior DJ
Coacliei , lceart I'ullmaa J'ulaco farlorand Sle plu
Cars , siii > rb Dlnlnr Cam , providing delicious meals ,
and ( bf. e n Chicago and St. Joseiili , Atcblsaa suiii
Kt City ) restful Reclining Chair Can. It * man *
oiement Is conionratlte , Its tllsclpllno eiactloj
"The Famous Albert Lea Roi/.re"
Brtweun Chlcaf o and Ulnneanplls and St. I'a. ' U tha
favorite. Orer Ihljllne Solid Past Eipress Trains ru *
dally to attractlro resorts ( or tourists In Iowa anl
Ulnntiotn , and , f U Walertown and Htoux Kails , to ths >
rlcb wbvat and crailiiK lands ot Interior Dakota. Via
Btneca and Kankakee , the Ru k Island otT n superior
lailucemuuts to tr clc lielwc n Cincinnati , Indian
apolis , Lafayctto anil Council lllulff. 8t. Joseph , Atchl-
son , Leavenworlh , Kanuis Oily , Rt. 1'aul , ana Intermft-
tll.Mo pointii. All patpiiK ( r > | mcally | ladles and chll-
drcnliccelre protection , ctiurtrsy and kindly atUntlon.
> or tickets , ma ) * , ( uldvrn , copl o ( Wosteru Trail , or
any d slred iuforiitatlun , apply to principal ottlces la
tlio United Status and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
R. R. CUU , I , ST. JUHM , I. A. HIIMOOI ,
Or tlie l.loiKiy Jjnlill , 1'oslllvoly Curetlby
Ail lnMciiii nr. Hnliies' Golden
It can ho civ on in a cup of colfeo or tea without
tljc know It ilguof thu It > r8on tukliiKlt ; ubMolute-
ly h.irmliHs , and will flfprt u iivriuununt luul
Hci-i | ) curu , whvtliei the lulltmt H a luoderatq
ililnl.iT or un ulcohollo wreck. Thousands of
Oninkurtls have tict-ii made t ni | > rate men wlio
havetakc-nddlilunKiiviltlululhuIr coITou with *
out thflr Know luili-e uud to day In-Iluro thny nult
ilrinkini ; ot thwli own fic-a will , IT NBVKll
IVMI.S , The hj-Httun oncii Imprecated with th
hiiuclllc , It hi'coinc-ii un utter ltniO5Bljlltr | | | fO (
thu liquor appetite locilnt. I'or snlo by Kuliq
.V Uo , 1'th uud DouuhtH hts. and ISth and Oura >
IIIK kt , Omaha , Nab. ; A. li. ffy Vur It "
Uouucil Ululld , U.