Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    r I
The Attorney General's Opinion
Asked on Several Points.
CniiHrcl by Overwork fltnte Militia
Orclprn Vnlimliln Additions to ( do
Iin\v T.ttirnry A Ilnnk Incor
porated Uriel' Items.
frnoM THK HUE'S i.txcoi.x ni'n&Atr.l
Tlio uttornuy goticrnl is nt work trying to
unruvol this mysteries of tlio to\rn < ttiii | or-
Kiiiii/.atlon tint iiuil especially of the ainuiui-
merits jmiwl by tlio lust , session of the lofrU-
Jnture. At the. present time ns liltfh as a
luilf do/en letters n tlity como to tlio attorney
Kcricrul uniting hh Interpielation ofj certain
sections of tlio law. Amoiitf the latent in
quiries Is one from Treasurer Ferguson , of
York county , who writes to the attorney
general IM follows :
Our county Ix'hitf governed by township
orpinl/atlon , ami us thcro seems to bo u
direct ronlllet In the law governing township
collectors , 1 hereby submit the following
questions for your opinion :
1. After collectors huve taken out their tnx
lists IH the county treasurer allowed to collect
liny , taxes from that township ilnring tun
tlmo the tnx books urn In their hands )
2. Under the compiled statutes of 1SS7 , at
what tlmo .should thu collectors return their
books and settlement to the county clerki
3. Are township collectors allowed to
collect by distress and sale of personal
property !
4. Arc township collectors allowed to retain
their fees from Hlatucouiitynnd school funds
collected by them I
f > . At what tinio does personal tax become
delinquent , and is the county trc.Hurer justi
fiable in collecting by distress and sale Im
mediately after their delinquency !
A township treasurer in Uichurdbon county
nlbo propounds questions to the attorney gen
eral , among them being the question us to
what time anil to whom bo shall turn over
Ills tax books. He Is ul.w asked as to whether
lie , is to pay.the county treasurer the school
fund and commission ho is entitled to. The
question of the power to collect personal tax
by distress is also asked. The attorney general -
oral , while ho will i-'ive an opinion as the law
appears to him , still desires that a test case ,
may arise at uu early day , so that the supreme
premo conrf can interpret thu conllietmg
passages that now maku the law so obicuru.
oovKitxoirui.unu n.i , .
Governor Thaver has been conllned to UU
room with sickness for the few days ,
going homo Friday evening lust and. not
being able to return to hi ollico since that
time. Dr. Carter Is attending the governor
and reported him improving yesterday , al
though ho advised rest and absence from the
ofllco for several days. The governor has
been very busy of late and in attempting to
answer the many calls made upon him from
over the state ho has become mote so that
rest and quiet became a necessity.
M'KCJI.U. OIU > lU3.
The following special orders were issued
yesterday from the olllco of the adjutant
general :
LINCOLN. Neb. , Dec. 19. Special order No.
83. Captain J. II. Coleman , company I ,
Second regiment , having tendered his resig
nation and the same having been approved
by the colonel , he is hereby honorably dis
charged from the service to date from December -
comber 14 , lbS7. First Lieuti'iiont J. D.
Kdwards will assume command of thu com
pany and take chnrgoof the company armory
together with all property belonging therein.
ly order of the comuiander-in-chiuf ,
' A. V. COLE ,
Adjutant General.
Special order No. 31 First Lieutenant J.
D. Kdwards , commanding compiMiyl , Second
regiment , Is hereby ordered to call an elec
tion of said company for thu purpose of tilling
vacanry caused by the resignation of Captain
J. II. Colcmun.
Hy order of commandcr-in-chicf.
A. V. Cot.E ,
Adjutant General.
Spech'l order No. 25 On the recommenda
tion of the surgeon general , Sergeant J. T.
Holler , company C , First regiment , is hereby
upliointcd hospital steward of the Fir t regi
ment to date from August 31,1887.
By order of the commandor-in-chiof.
A. V. COM ; ,
Adjutant General.
Special order No. ! M On the recommenda
tion of the surgeon general , Private E. II.
" \yilcox , company K , Second regiment , is
hereby appointed hospital steward of the
Second regiment to uuto from August'30 ,
1S97.By order of the cominunder-in-chief.
A. V. Cot.n ,
Adjutant General.
ADDITIONS TO Till ! STA11 ! I.IlllllUY.
The state library is rapidly becoming one
of the most valuable law libraries m the
western country and'is so recogi-izedby the
practlcloner at the courts in the state.
Deputy Whaler yesterday pointed out n new
invoice of books that have been unknown
heretofore to law libraries west of Chicago.
Thu now works arc the law * of Belgium ,
Austria , Holland , Germany , Franco. Spain
and Portugal , that are the direct official pub
lications of the governments in the different
countries. These treatises are not trans-
luted. Deputy Whaler also stated that thu
Btatii librarian had recently ordered the en
tire collection of legal periodicals from all
of this country and as far back as it is
Jiarts , to obtain"them. A collection of this
character will bo very rare and of much
valuu to the state library , covering as they
Nvlll n wide range of cases in every stale in
the union.
Articles of incorporation of the Bank of
PuNton Imvo been Hied with the secretary of
Btate. The bank la located at the now town
of Paxton , Keith county , and will transact a
general banking and broker business. The
capital stock is fixed at Sin.lKX ) . Indebted
ness Is limited to (1 , " > ,000. Thu Incorporutors
ftro J. C. Palmer , . L. K. Iluttoa luid L. A.
/The governor yesterday commissioned tlio
following notaries : U. B. Hobbs , Cliano ,
Chase county ; John A , MnoMurphy , South
Omaha , Douglas county ; A. W. Park hurst ,
I'Ickcrcll , Gage county ; Wesley T. Wilenx ,
North Platte , Lincoln county ; Henry M. IM-
wards , Klwood , Gospor county ; James I.
France , Omaha ; Bennett Seymour , North.
Loup. Valley county ; Louis J. A. Vnllcrs ,
Benkleman , Dundycounty ; L. J. Titus , Har
vard , Clay county ; George D. Kirk , Uulo ,
IJichardson county ; N. H. Bell , Wahoo ,
Saunders county ; A. A. Hatch , Hayes , Cen
tre , Hayes county ; Frank J. Miller , Strong ,
Fillmore county ; Kmi F. Hlngcr , Omaha ;
Lemuel .1' . Glassburn , Detroit , Wheeler
Superintendent Lane has gone to Peru to
nttend thu annual meeting of the state
normal school board in session at that place
Thu board ot public lands and buildings
visited tnu penitentiary yesterday and the
Vrorking of the new machinery recently
rlnccd in thu Institution by Contractor
The horse traders , who have figured in
itollco court for snveral dnys , have huriuou
lied matters after one of them had brer
bound over to tbu district court forerookei
A gentleman from Erie , Pa. , has been in
Lincoln for a number of days discussing tlio
question of establishing a sewing machine
factory in this city. Sunday ho departed for
St. Paul , where a proiwsition to plant his
works Is awaiting his investigation uud
MAKK No MISTAKK. If you have
nitulo up your mind to buy Hood's Sara
nnnrillu < lo not bo induced to take tinj
other. Hood's Sursnnarillu is u peeu
liur medicine , po&sesMiijf , by virtue o
itn peculiar combination , proportioi
nnd propimttion , curative power su
juirior to any otlior article of the Idm
iHiforo the people. For nil affections
arising from inimire blood or low stiitt
of the system it is unequalled. Bo sure
to got Hood's.
Real Kslnto Transfer * .
Kola Nelson to Cynthia 7. Necdham ,
trustee , lot 81 , B3 , i'l , blk 2 , Haw-
thornewd. . . . . . . . ' . . , '
Maugarct J. Cooper ct al to JoseitliV
Lachner , kfl4blt'.V ) Table Land ,
w d . . . . . . . . . . . . . IK
e. VV Mftbhon Qt al to W II Hick- ' .
Oman , lot 10 , blk 0 , 1st odd to South
Omaha , w-d . . . . . 2,200
L , Schroedur , trustee , to Wllllftm
Hetm , lot 0 , blk 11 , Brown Park ,
wd. . . . . . , . . 400
Western Land i Investment Co to A. .
tt Potter cl ul , lot 4 and n , Tabor
Place , w < l . 3,800
Western Land ft Interest Co. to A. S.
Potter el al , lot U blk 212if , Omaha ,
wU . . . . . . . 2,233
Benjamin A. Gibson ctal to Thomas
B. McCulIoch , lot in blk 4 , Wise &
Parmeto'a addition , w d . 023
It. C , Patterson nnd wife to .1. O.
Kllno. lots 23 nnd 'JO blk 7 , Edge-
wood Park , w d . 100
Baltlms. letter and wife to Sevastlun
Bluuilo. lots 7 and 8 blk 13 , Jettcr's
Istadditiou , w d . . . 2,200
E. H. Hood nnd wife to Anton Baguk ,
lot 31 blk 3 , Albright's annex.v d . . & 00
Lew W. Hill to 'Henry E. Jennlson ,
. ' ) xliri feet botwncn lotSblk 5. Hoggs
ft Hill's ' "nd addition and Farimtn
street , \v U . , . 500
Fred Feeler nnd wife to Clms. Cor-
bett , und } { lot 21 , blk 3 , lot 0 , blk 4 , Park add , w d . 1
Edwin M. Park and wife to Chad. Cor-
bett , und 1-18 lot 21' blk 3 , lot tl , bile
4 , Prnyri Park add. w d . 1
Gco. Hammond , et at to Win. Latev ct
nl , lots II. It ) , blk I , Lowo's add , w d 2,700
Chas. L. Chirk otul to. Tas Alien , s W
'l' section 17 , 10 , 10 , w d . 2,800 ,
Frank G. Murphy to Carrie Spenn ,
lot 10 und y ft lot 17 , blk 1 , Arm
strong's 1st mid , , f | . c. d . 3
Chas. C. ( tcorgnct al. , to Anna M.
Vales , lot 4 , blk 2 , 1st add. to South
Omaha , w. d . 2,003
F. Mucdonald and wife to Kobt. L.
Garllehs , lot 13 , blk S , 1st add. to
South Omaha , w. d . 1,800
M. S. Lindsay and wife to George 1 * .
IJemls , tract of land south of alley
In Lindsay's add. , and n of Prospect
Place , but. 31st and 3td : Sts . 000
Total . 4r.,17'J
Christina * * Present * .
Colgate's C'ushmoro Bouquet per
fume is n luxurious , yet inexpensive
present which every lady will ap
preciate. _ _
llncl UlNVil < > Arrested.
John Grahor , who aspires to bo a grass-
widower , lives near the corner of Ninth and
Jaekson streets. The dissolution of his mar
riage contract is now pending action in court ,
nnd he and his wife arc now living apart. But
Bho lias become jealous of his housekeeper ,
and of late.has made it a point to como down
to his house and administer vigorouo tongue-
lashings on her spouse. Yesterday she re
peated her periodical visit , and when she was
ordered out , she th'roatencu to shoot both her
husband and his housekeeper. Fearing civil
action , Grabor refrained from throwing her
out and called In the police. The rotractory
virago was arrested , taken before the judge
and ordered to appear for trial this morning.
Prickly Ash Bitters warm up and in
vigorate the stomach , improves and
itrcngthens the digestive organs , opens
ho pores , promotes prespiration , and
equalized the circulation. Aa a correc-
or of disordered system there is noth-
ng to equal it.
Rait Over nu Embankment.
While William Stein , who lives near the
corner of Twenty-eighth and Dodge , wqp
Iriving down the latter street near his homo
esterday , his horse took fright and bccom-
ng unmanageable , dashed madly over the
embankment formed by the grading of the
street. The buggy was torn to pieces and
Vlr. Stein suffered what is known as a com-
xniml comminuted fracture of the left leg.
Joth of the bones were so badly broken and
iplintered that it is feared amputation will
K ! necessary. Ho was carried to his home ,
There Drs. Murray and Halpli did whut they
: ould for him. He Is otherwise bruised and
itirt , but none of his injuries arc thought to
> e fatal.
Only One.
There 1s but one Sox.odont. It has no
counterpart . No other preparation for
; ho teethcitlior compares with , or re
sembles it. Recommendations of nny-
: hiiig in its place should be discredited.
Demand Sozodont. Don't be put oil
with substitutes.
Licensed to Wed.
The following marriage licenses were
ranted by Judge McCulIoch yesterday :
Pfamn and residence. Aec.
t Jacob Larson , Ervington , Neb 20
| Ellen Swansea , Ervington , Neb 23
j Samuel N. Watson , Dlxon , 111 2'J
| Anna J. Bradlord , Grand Hupids , Mich. 25
Some of our most prominent citizens
have been eurcd of chronic rheumatism
by that wonderful pain banishor , Salva
tion oil. Price 2 > 1 cents.
"Why .Conca , what a Iioai'i5o.vou ( ) Imvo
in your throat. " "Yes , 1 raised it from
a coltdlt in my head. I've too much live
stodc. " "Well , like cures like ; Dr.
Mull's Cough Syrup will cure you- The
LJull will quickly scare the hoai'se ( )
away. "
The Stevenson Argument.
Owing to thu attention of Messrs. Shields
and Crowell , attorneys for Sam Stevenson ,
being otherwise occupied yesterday , argu
ments on a motion for a new trial for the
prisoner before Judge Grott was postponed
until Wednesday.
P. T. Tlnrnuin Writes n Story.
The opening chapters of a splendid
story for the young , by the famous
showman , P. T. Uarnum , appears this
week in the columns of Tlio New York
Family Story Paper. Tlio story de
scribes the adventures of an American
boy , whom Mr. Barnum calls "My
Plucky Boy Tom , " and whom ho sent to
India in search of wild , fierce- and rare
animals to replace those destroyed by
tlio dis-astrous lire at Bridgeport
month. The , i-eader is thrilled by the
hair-brondth cscnpcx of this dauntless
American boy when capturing the fierc
est and wildest animals overseen in any
traveling show. The New York Family
Story Paper is for sale at all news
stands. .
Furniture ! for the County Clerk.
TUo board of county commissioners yester
day awarded the contract to Messrs. Sim
mons , Ueeves & Co. , of this city , for supply
ing the furniture to be used in llio ollico of :
County Clerk Kouch , in the county building ,
amounting to 130.
Its superior excellence proven In millions ol
homos for more than a quarter of &centurr. It
Ib uio.I by the UutlcU stutea ( roveniineiit. Eu-
dorscci by the hcails of tha great universities , as
the Utrmig t.t. 1'ureet and Tilost Healthtul. Jr.
l'ricQv the only HukliiK Vowilor that < lo not
contain Ammoulx l.tnia or Alum. SoUl onljr itt
cnn . . ,
New Vorlc. Chicago , ' St. Loul * .
The unseasonable warm weather has left a few more Overcoats on our hands than.we desire
to carry over into the new year , and in order to sell them right now , we have cut the prices all to
pieces. Commencing to-morrow wewill , offer our very finest Overcoats at prices heretofore asked
for medium qualities. The biggest cut we will make on our fur and plush trimmed goods. There
are not many of them , but we have a few very fine garments trimmed with good fur and silk plush.
We want to make a sweep with these goods and close them out before we take stock. We invite
those who have so far managed to get along with their old or light weight Overcoats , and whom
the open winter has kept back from buying a heavy one , to inspect these garments. They will be
surprised to see how little money it takes now to procure such an elegant Overcoat. This is really
a grand opportunity and the last chance this season.
In Men's Dress and Business'Suits we have a beautiful stock the largest in the city and our
prices are known to be by far the cheapest. Many fine suits have been marked away down in order
to reduce stock and we will save you fully 25 per cent if not more on every suit ,
The big trade we have had in Boys' Overcoats last week has broken up the sizes of severa
lots , but we still have a fair assortment. The prices are such that we expect them to be cleaned
out soon.
Our Hat Department is known to offer better hats for less money than any regular hat house
in the city. The fine Fur Derby's which we are selling for one dollar have made a name for us.
No other house sells a hat of equal quality for less than $2 or $2.5O. We have received several
new styes for the holidays. Our finest hats at $2.5O , $3 and $3.25 cannot be bought at any
other house for less than $3.50 , $4 and $5. We offer in this department a splendid line of Fur
Caps at just one-half their regular retail prices.
The beautiful and artistic display of Men's Furnishings in our large windows will give an
idea of the variety of goods we have and the x > rices we ask. We invite those who are puzzled
with the all-aborbing question , "What to give. " to look at our window and they will see what
we can offer in the way of presents for gentlemen , Sensible and thoughtful men prefer and
enjoy substantial Christmas gifts of this nature. There is a satisfaction in giving or receiving
a present that one can be seen wearing , a gilt that combines utility and beauty , and nowhere
else can you get' such goods so cheap. Our popular system of selling goods at the lowest
prices will be continued during the holiday season. We have no fancy prices and those who
purchase of us can save enough on each purchase to buy a nice present for themselves.
Beginning Monday we will present visitors at our store with a beautiful holiday souvenir ,
Qopies of which are displayed in our windows.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Nebraska Company ,
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
Tlio best and surest Remedy for Cure of
all dUeates canied by' any derangement of
the Liver , Kldneyi , Stomach and Bowel ) ,
yapepila , flick Headache , Conitlpation ,
Billons Complaints and MmlorUof all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent Influence of
It la ple&unt to the taste , tone * up the
gyiten , restore * and prcaerres health.
It U purely Vegetable , and eaaoot fall to
prove beneficial , both to old and young.
jU a Blood Purifier It 1 niperlor to all
ot&tn. Sold ererywhcn at $1.00 a bottle.
Embody the highest excellencies inSlmpltness
Comfort and Durability and are the
[ n Fashionable Circles. Our name is on every
sale , J.&T. COUBIMS , NKW VOHK.
. Hay ward Brothers.
likeslest !
TJlUH the lit-
l fadoccrii > -
UrePrlre-lljt ,
Ud la colour-
print , ot
BU1CW6 m ,
whlcb thoalA
, - - i b * found la
ntrj family and majr b * obtafaud from all Toy
dtalen , BUtlontn and Educational Depdta , Tea
Fdct-Uit will U forwarded jraUl on appUdUoa to
i , BAjiiTrAY pLACx. rufcnuBCB
Warranted abtohittly purs
Cocoa , from which tbocxctiacof
OH bu been rcmovtd. It hu thru
ttmti the itrength of Cocoa mlied
with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and U therefore far more cconomU
cal , cottiny leu Upn one cint a
cup. It U dellcloui , nourliblct ,
iircugthenlog , cailly dlgeiteJ , anil
admirably adapted for Imrlldi OJ
well al for peraona In health.
Selibf Brocera erinhcre.
& CO , . Dorctiestsri Mass ,
Of In * Il Jy enlarged nl trrenstupned. Fulliiartlcu-
Untentwaleil ( rnx EHIb MKD.CO. . Uarnia , N.Y.
Ittult el > r-Vfuik. UlltcjeHcB. etc. , a4dru4 aUre ,
FOR the year 1888 FRANK LESLIE'S
" POPULAR MONTHLY , " which has-
been aptly styled "TIIK MONARCH OF
THE MONTHLIES , " will be better than
ever. Articles upon topics of current
public interest , sketches of eminent per
sons , strong and brilliant stories , and
poetry of a high order , profusely illus
trated by the best artists , and all by
writers of recognized merit , will fill its
pages. To the old and favorite corps
of contributors will be added writers ot
promise , and no effort will be spared to
keep the magazine ih the foremost rank.
In the November nurriber was begun an
earnest and powerful ta'c ,
"PRINCE LUCIFER , " DyEtta W , Pierce ,
which has already attracted widespread
atention 211 charmid multitudes o
readers. Subscriptions may begin , if dc
sired , with the November number.
Each issue contains a
Full-Page Picture in Colors ,
the series of twelve forming for the year
a beautiful collection of gems of modern
The "Popular Monthly" contains 128 large
octavo pages , nearly twice the matter of
similar publications , and ia not only the
best , but by far the cheapest , of any of
the of magazines for the people.
$3 per year ; 25 cts per copy
Specimen copies , 15 cents.
63 , 55 and 57 Parjc Place , New York-
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ,
The Best Route from draaha and Council
Bluffs , ( o
- = = THE EAST = -
Chicago , . . .AND - Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , Frreport , Ilockfcml ,
Clinton , Dnbuque , Daronport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsrllle ,
Belolt , Winono , La Crosse ,
And all other Important point * Eait , Nortbcait and
for thronnh tlrkcti call on the ticket nsenl i\t 14 < n
farnani atraut. In 1'mton llotul , or al Uulua 1'acttta
rullman Steepen and tba flno-t. Dining Can In tha
world are run on thn main line of the Chicago , Mil-
waukuu , \ tat. I'aul lUllirar. nnJ eTtrr Htuntlnn la
ahl to lumenguu bi cuun uu > vuiilojres | ol tue
11. Mli.l.KR , General Manager.
J. K.TUCUKH , AMlttnntUcneral Manager.
A. V. It. CAIU'KNTKU. G neral 1'M.enger and
Tlrk l AfirnC.
CttO. K-ldSAKt'OHI ) , Militant General PuMnger
od Ticket Atrent.
J. T. CUAllK , General Soptriqtendent.
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science-
Gentlenen'iBelt Beit fMnthV Scientifically Made and Practically Applied.
with Kltctrie ieditlto ! ! , DISEASES CURED WITHOUT HEDHMS.
, . ct them thu bel
SFoaea Ilropiy. n
Icily Inftantl'j telll Can bo applied _ . _ _ . _
* mm m nm
to.njrpart Sf MM bo5y. Who ) , family e tt WHEN AL L. ELSE FAILS.
weal-It. It electrinei the blood and curc " , * * iS 5JS. " * ? * .f\
TBCTIIIAIIIll * ETOTT one aennln * and med by permission. MOTE thafollovinr who hiire been
I tS I inUNIALa eUHTIM-A. J. noajrUnd.It. 6. FarktrudJ.M.BuleteallonIioar < tuf Trade ,
. , comroliSonnnrohant.fltocltYardsi . . ,
Uhlcagni A. Orfgotr Budapobla.thBBreathorjoiuaniCol.Connfllv
nt the Inter Ocrani n. W. Ilcllus , U. ! > . , Mormontown , lowai Lemuel MlTlt. Kankako , lll.i Judge1. N.
Hurrar. NaporTlllc. Ill.i E. L. Abbott , supt. city waterworks , Booth Bend. Inrt j Robe. K. Simpson. Chicago
tort oOcet L. D. McMlchael , M. D. . Buffalo. N. V. " Your belt ha * acoomplUheif what no other rrmedr ha < i
ttesdjr nervcj and romforuble deep if night. " lUltt. Uall , oljermau , 160 Ka t 39lb Stredt. , New York
HB Uniiu'cifr C1CPTDn * URPyCTIP BeiTI < rap rlortolotbcn- | ntioelcotrlol. .
Ufl nURNt a CLtwTHQ nlAUrlClIb DCLI trnroetroneor nauUstho > Tear . -myfo. . ;
ilr t produce * It continuous current ! conrc ) 9 cloctrlpltr through the body on the nefvet. It curea dl ca > i
by f&Watlnrf contluumis current of. elocf- ? (10 or l houno ot 81) throuRlioiit the liumnn . , . ' " . " ' .
allaTlntr all norvouaniuu Immiillatelr , and proilucuiffan w ulatlon ) of the lifa forces the blood , Im- .
rnrtinfr Tjgor , strength , energy and healf" nail other trontnu-nt has fallud. Ihe murtti of Uilsuclou.
Uflo tielt am brlncr rt-c6BBlit\ Injorn _ by tboasandi whom It has cured. . .
KKFBllENCE3i-Anr bank.coihm rL. alageocr or wholetalo bouse In Chicago ) wholesale
S&B Frunclfco nnd Cuipuffo. t3 * tfontl st&nip 10 , Illuitratod pamphlet.
" XXOXUrzb , Inrci Fanufaoturcr , 1U1 W bub Avenue Chlcaao.
A magnificent disDlay af everything useful and
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope ,
Buffalo Scales
Plows ,
Markers , Scale Repair Shop.
Hooks ,
Grapples , OMAHA.
Slide Iron. .
20 Cents a Week.
Seven papers a \ > eel . Bond yonr order to the
offlce ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
II' . J. ( JALnitAlTH ,
Surgeon and Physician.
Oflico N.V Coiner Hth anil ifuuKlas St. Olllce ,
tejephonu , itU ; UeslUcuco telephone , K * .
AilvurtUlug lias uhraya iovou
successful. Uefoio placing nnjr
Newspaper Advertising cunaulk
U U 18 K . .ltk 8r. ( . ( , CHICAGO.
. ThlrJ Judicial DUtrlrt.
OVER * m
Owing to tlio latas orttinoason WB
find ourselves overstocked with fine anil
medium priced overcoats , and in order
to redncc the Quantity we propose to sell
most of them within the next 10 flays ,
and have made prices that will insure a
speedy sale :
Our $ 5 overcoats now go for $ 3.00
11 8 " " 5,00
11 9 " " 6,00
11 10 " " 7,50
11 15 " " 10,00
11 20 . " " 14,00
" 25 " " 18,00
We have reduced in the same ratio
all o r
Far and For Trimmed
Overcoats ,
and if you need one you will find
thlstJic bent opportunity yet offered
ill In season * We have had such a
grand success of otir
Sale that we have just added a few
more styles of desirable suits that
are selling at other stores all the way
from 914 to $18. Weplacc them all
in one lot and sell them at one prlcfyl
We also have a fine and large as
sortment of nobby styles in suits ,
wlilch we arc offering at cut { .rices.
We Really Have No Competition ,
in Our Boys' ' and Childrens' '
For our line of
Boy's Suits & Over
coats ,
Is very complete and our price of
$1 for a nobby boy's jacket and
pants , in ayes from 4. to 13 years , ( y
Itttrd to beat anywhere ,
New York& Omaha
For Men and Boy's
1308 FarnamSt.