Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Shows Strength at the Beginning -
ginning and Close.
An Increase in I lie VIMIitc Huiuily
KnnukH flic Wind Out of ( lie
Corn IMt-Hiiinllcr llcuHiitft
of Cattle.
CHICAGO , Dee. 10. [ Special Telegram to the
HKC. ] After u rather serious hammering
this morning May wheat closed at 1 o'clock
t Xft u lower III-R-C than Saturday unil } {
{ 2'fc ' lower than the opening to-day. There
was strength shewn at the opening and
towards the close and weakness in the mid
dle of the session , but fluctuations were con
fined within a range of J < ( Sc. Trading np-
pearcd to bo largely local , but commission
houses were both buying and selling und ap
peared to buy rather more than they sold.
The tnoht interesting topic for the traders
was the visible supply statement , and Its
showing of 1,3.16,000 bushels increase was
rather n heavy load for the market. A more
imtent influence toward lowering prices was
the fact that Hutchlnson was selling wheat.
Tills was what local traders had been wait
ing for and they felt more like selling than at
liny time since that heavy speculator took on
his long line of wheat. There were also In
dications of a vigorous attempt on the part of
somebody to smash prices without particular
regaidtothe methods used. An evidence
was the circulation of a rumor that a promt
nent bank was in trouble. As an offret there
was good buying for New York and for for
eign account , and at the close for two of the
heaviest local traders. May opened at Si > 'Be '
and during the early trading-sold down to
fca fSbUj e and up to WMiiWMc , then broke
to WJJfo , then gradually Improved and hung
within aliout } { G of bile. until Just at , the 1
o'clock close , when it advanced to KJJjf
( JiWlJ.iC and rested there. January wheat
opened ut 7i'OijC , sold up to 7l'4i,7tifo ( ' ( ( and
closed lit 1 o'clock at 7li ( 7ic. The low
point was nominally at 75Jfe.
Heavier receipts than expected and an in
crease in the visible supply of 4iOXK : , ( ) bushels
were too much for the speculative corn mar
ket. May , the active delivery , fell from
D4fe ( , which was Saturday's close and this
morning's opening , to 53K ( 53.5 < c. The llrst
downward turn carried the price to
MITf Mc , from which there was u
slight reaction to .Mjft'c. Then , with
other slight occasional reactions , the
break continued until Kcvns readied.
Then followed an improvement to F > 3Miti3Hl v.
Another drop to 532/te / and the 1 o'clock
was ut fty4diM % . Junuury corn opened at
4 } ? < c. sold down to 47e und closed at 4So
Speculative trading In oats was dull and
prices followed thedownward course of other
grain , but to a less degree. Increased re
ceipts arc talked about us u probable weaken
ing influence. May oats , in which there was
the- principal und utmost the only trading ,
opened nt Il-'ijfc and sold down us lowastUJ c
but closed ut 335 c. .tunuury oats opened at (
30Jc und closed nt . " ( ) < o asked.
The provision trade possessed n strong un
dertone. No inarKcd activity clmrnctcrircd
trading at any time during the day. yet the
market was closely watched , and the day's
prices , except for liird , were pretty much the
same us Saturday. Lard wus iirmer and at
1 o'clock stood ut an advance of 5Ki ( ! c.
Short ribs mid pork closed practically un-
Anr.UNooN SI > SIO.N Wheat easier , May
closingat 83obid , January iOi7 ( 70j e , February
0.YWOXc , March 77-Nc. ! Corn easier. May
closing ut JiM dZ53vc , .Innuary 47J c , Febru
ary -18 , ' . Oats linn. Pork wus weaker and
7fi"c ( lower nnd closed at $15.115 for Jan
uary , * 1D.22K for February aim $15 72 > ; for
May. Lard was 2'tfc ' lower , closing at $7.Sr > for
.lunuury , $7.05 for February , fc's.Uo for March
nml $8.25 for May. Short ribs were quiet and
CitiCAno , Dec. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] CATTLE Receipts show a , sen
sational reduction as compared with it week
ago , hence buyers who had imperative or
urgent orders were in the saddle early , which
incident in itself is equal to a slight advance
any time. Salesmen generally , unless they
had nice handy steers or something that ex
actly suited a particular buyer , did not report
liny essential advance. As compared with
Friday , sales could bo made more freely and
here and there n few nice , tidy steers may
huvo been sold at tin advance of lOc or there
abouts. Buyers declared that nil dcscrip-
> tlons sold higher , but these declarations in
these times must bo taken with a good deal
of allowance. The run of Tcxans was. light ,
nnd Komo of the best steers sold mnn advance
of 10@15c. Native butchers' stock was un
changed. The stacker and feeder trade was
quiet , as is usual on Monday , with little or no
change in prices as compared with last week.
Shipping steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , $4.25075.00 ;
1200 to 1350 Ibs. I.50g4.50 ( ; 050 to 1200 Ibs ,
* 3.003.75. Stockers and feeders , * 3.10 ( >
3.45 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.30fi2.bO. (
Texas steers , $2.1003.00 ; cows , $1.05 ( < ? 2.)0. ( )
Hoes Were 60 higher , yet at the close the
feeling was rather weak , both speculators
nnd commission men having stock on hand
that they could not sell ut the morning's
prices. Best heavy sold at $5.SO < < ifi > 2K , ono
lot of very heavy at $5.7K. Packing sorts ,
$5.50@5.75 for the best and $5 30 ( < i5.45 for
common. Light sorts , $5.15@.V-5 ; pigs , $4.70
( Kfi.fl.1. Shippers should bear in mind that n
holiday is approaching that is generally ob
served by that class of labor employed obout
packing-houses , und that the said houses will
run very short-handed , perhaps some closing
down entirely.
West Iiinculu Markets.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 19. [ Special Telegram
to the BKE. ] Hoos-Hece'pts ' , 300 head ,
Itanging higher In prices. Light , $4,75 ' :
medium , fS.u'O ; heavy , $5.50.
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , Dec. 10.
The Drovers'Journal rciwrts :
Cattle Heceipts,7,000 ; strong 10W15o high
er ; fancy. $5.Xgtl.X ( ! ( ( ) ; shipping steers. S'.MKKS
6.00 ; stackers and feeder * , $2.lnY > ti.45 : : cows !
bulls and mixed , $ l.JO(2'J.tO ! ( ; TCMIS cuttle
nHogs Kecolpts , 17,000 ; closed weal ; <
mixed , $5.10fri5.M ! ; heavy , $5.40 < S5.j7.k !
light $4 > 5.75. < H > ; skips , $3.35ji ( 1.05.
Sheep Ki'eoipts , 7,000 ; slow ; fancy , $5.X (
( i75.45 : natives , $ , ' . $ l ) < f4.00 ; westerns , $3.X (
IK3.75 ; Texaiih , i'J Uj ) ( ; ) .GO ; lambs , fl.UOiu
National Stock Yards. Kant St
Ijouls Dec. 10. Cattle Hccelpts , 2,300
shipments , 1,500 : htrongrr ; choice hcav >
native Mecrs. S4.35W5.00 ; fair to good nativi
Mcere , $ : ! . ' .HM4.4 ( ) : butchers' fair to choice
$3.W < N.OO ; Mockers nnd feeders , fair ti
good , fl.sOi H.Od ; rungerb , ordinary to good
Hogs Heceipts , 4,700 ; shipments. 500 ; act
Ivu and higher : choice heavy and butchcitt
svlertloiis , fM'wy.VM ) ; yorkers and packing
medium to pi line , $ r..2n5.7U ; llfht grudcs
common to good , $ l,7iV",25.
KniiHiiMCIt > , Dec. 1' ) . Cattle U.X'olpts
1XX ( ) ; hhlpmentu , none ; go-nl fat in d"mam
nnd HV higher ; gor > d to cholc-i ) coin-fed
f4.25XKM.r5 ; commnn to medium , $ 'J.2. > W4I5
Mockerx , W-UKiC-'O * ) ; feedn > , W.O.VitV35 :
cows , Jl.'J.Vjj'i U ; gi.if s range Meart , , fl.bOu
3.00.Hogs Keceipts , 5,500 ; shipments , 500
fitiongand UV higher ; common to choice
$4 < jU'5 ( 00 ; hkiH | and jiigs , ? 2T (
NEW YOIIK , Dee. 10. [ Special TelcgMin t
thu HKK. ] Sroc.xs Wall street was treatc
to ono nf the dullest markets of the year u
day. There WHU absolutely nothing dolni
A few Insldeis wore pickingup Laki < Short
The trunk lir.r * arc really enjoying thn mo
lucrutivc bukliiCM1 and ought to give fair d
vidciuli. Chlcr.KO , Burlington ft Quincy |
pours to bo heavily oversold , and loans nt
smpll jirt-Dilum. The mnrUct Is hardcnlni
rt y the bull * , und theyro.-u.jn , a&philosophei
boulU , thut the iiuvdtr It becomes the inoi
iliflletilt it will be to brcnk It. Transactions
up to the 'noon hour were only M > , Wiii Minres.
Kanilng * cot.l riuo to show up well. The
Frisco line Irnds with a twin for the year of
HliOWn ! ) . St. Paul , though , with Its decrease
In net and dividends to earn on $10,000,000
more stock thnn a year ago , does not look
very encouraging. It will require an effort
nnd very Heroic nursing to maintain the pres
ent price of shores for the balance' of the
year. German housf.s were the
buyers of trnnscmitlncntuls. It was well into
the afternoon when stock commenced to five
way. There WHS no particular pressure.
They dropped of their own weight , nnd the
market seemed decidedly -ournKed. . A
few of the leading room traders took a whnck
nt Heading nnd broke it P.f points. Some
covering In the last hour caused a slight
rullybut nt beat there was but little feature to
the dealings. Kirhmond Terminal was being
peddled out liberally ut the ( Irtish nnd the
whole line was very destitute of vim. Just
ns the gong struck some thousand share lots
of Heading and St. Paul were sold. An at
tack of any magnitude by leading bears would
preclpttute u ; ) point break In short order.
CiovnnxsiENTi fJovcrnmcnt bonds were
dull but 11 r m to strong.
U. S. 4s registered. 12.V , 1C. AN. W . my
U.S.4S coupon. . . 12BV do pref en i'd . I'M
1I.H. 4"srrglstrtl. 1I7 ( . ( ) . V. ( ' . l'i (
4UH coupon , ,107'i O. II. N .
I'nclllcOnof'M. , . , llli O. T
Canada Southern. I < .Vt riiclllc .Mail
Central 1'arlllo. . . . W , I1. . I ) . .V K ll"i
Chlrapn * Alton I'D ) O'lillnmn l'iilni.tC'nri : ' ! i
C. , II.&Q IM'i ' Heading ( ifti ,
1 > . , I.A.W isii. Hock Island lll'i '
11.4:11.0 : SI ISt. I. . * ft. K ; ilS (
' ' ' ' " ' ' ' "
'do pic'fcVYeil' . . . . tl'ijic..SKi St.V'ani"'i ! \
Illinois Central. . . . IITUJ do preferred 11054
I. , It. Ac w 1:1 : St. l' . Ac
K.AeT. 17'4 do prnfcrred 1 (
f.nkp Hlioro Texn I'afltlc IM'i
' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' '
I..V N . . . . . . . . . m < l t'lnioni'aciiic" , . . . . . fiftU
.Michigan Central. . HI W. , St. I , . A ; 1' 15
Missouri I'nclllc. . . K I do preferred
Missouri 1'iirlflc. . . . ' 1 , W. U. Telegraph. . . 77s ?
do preferred. . . . 40 |
Mosnv On call , easy nt 2rfi5 per cent ;
lust loan 2 per cent ; closed offered nt 2 per
STTIII.INO Exciuxon Firm nt $4.S2K for
sixty day bills , and $4.ViJf fordemund.
, Dec. 10. Following are the 2.10 :
closing prices :
Flour Nominally unchanged ; wheat , $ . ' 1.50
( S4.00 per bbl ; spring wheat , $ .1.5lK 4..VI per
bbl ; rye , $ ' ) .75ifi.X ( : ( ) per bbl ; buck wheat ,
$5.nO ( 0.25 per bbl.
Wheat Quiet and easier , closing V < "I4 5 bc-
low Saturday : cash , 7. > ? re : January , 7ti l-10c ;
May , SI11-KSc.
Com Moderately active , and prices fluct
uated within lower range , closing } ( < i\e \ be
low Saturday ; cash , ; January , 47 c
May , 5yHc. :
Oats Quiet'steady and about ' 4'c lower a1
compared with Saturday cash , Ulc ; Junuury ,
ao c ; May , 33 0-ltlc.
Hye Steady at t2e ! cash.
Hurley Quiet at 70 ( 7lic.
Pi imo Timothy * < < < .2.20.
Flax-seed $1.25 ,
Whisky $1.10.
Pork Moderately active but unsettled
Junuury , $15.05 ; May , $15.o. ;
Lard Opened steady , nnd after fluctuating
closed easier ; cash , $7..S2) ) J ; January , S7.5 ;
May , $ .25.
IJuttcr Inactive ; creamery'i'li(2fli ( ( > ; dairy ,
Cheese Inactive ; full oroain Cheddars
Hats , lUjfll o ; young Americas ,
Hides unchanged : heavy green
Oi7c ; light , do. , 7c ; salted bull , 5.c ; grcei
do , 4' e ; green salted calf , bOjib c : dry Hint
and dry calf , I'20il3c ; dry sailed hides , IDc ;
deacons , 30o each.
Tullow Unchungcd.
Hccolpts. Shiiunents.
Flour , bbls 35XX , ( ) 27tHK )
Wheat , bu 113,000 18,000
Corn , bu 11)0,000 ) 73,000
Oats , bu 118,000 ! )7,000
Hye , bu 3,000 2,000
Barley , bu 40,000 47,000
St. I.ntilH , Dec. 10. Wheat Lowercash ; ,
S0@b0 c ; May , 84 * < c.
Corn Lower ; cash , 40i40) ( ) < fo ; May. 40'b'c.
Oats Steady ; cash.yo'jc ; May , 32Kc.
1'ork $14.75.
Lard $7.55.
Butter Unchanged. Creamery , 2-401300 ;
dairv , lSfis4c.
Whisk$1.05. .
Afternoon Board : Wheat Firm ; Decem
ber , 7'JX > ' hid ; January , bli ciiMH c ; May ,
SlJaC1 Corn Steady ; December , 4tc ! ; January
40'iJc nshed May ' asked.
ary , , ; , 40j6ji4'J140 (
Oats Dull ; May , ! i3.Jc } bid.
Ijivcrpool , Dec. 10. Wheat Quiet but
steady ; demand i > oor ; holders offer freely.
Corn Dull and lower ; mixed western , 4s
i > d per cental.
Milwaukee , Dec. 19. Wheat Easier ;
March , 74V ; January nominal ; May , bl c.
Corn Weak ; No. 3 , 48c.
Oats Firmer ; No. 2 white , 3'Jc.
Kye Strong ; No. 1 , 02'sc.
Barley-Steady ; No. 2 , 71c.
Provisions Firm ; pork , December , $15.00
(215.25. (
MlnitcapollH , Dec. 10. Wheat In good
demand , and sellers are able to get nearly
Saturday prices for milling wheat ; in store ,
No. 1 hard , cash , 7IJfc ! ; January , 73 f ;
February , 74c ; May , bO ) o ; No. 1 north-
em , cash , anil January , 7I.M'e ; February ,
? Jfc ; May , 7So ; No. 2 northern , cash ,
07 c ; January , 07fc ; February , O'.ic ; May ,
75c. On track : No. 1 hard , 74Jf@75o ; No. 1
northern , 72 ( i72i-Tc ; No. 2 northern , 0'JOi70c. '
Keceipts Wheat , 530 cars.
Shipments Wheat , 102 curs.
Flour Patents , sacks to ship , $4.15@4.30 ;
bakers' , $3.45(23 ( 75.
Cincinnati , Dec. 10. Wheat Firm ,
No. 2 red. fe5c.
Corn Heavy ; No. 2 , mixed , .13073
Oats Strong ; No. 3 mixed , 44.ic. , '
Kyo Quiet ; No. 2 , 71c.
Provisions Pork , held higher but neg
lected at $15.50 ; lard , strong nt J7.75.
Whisky Quiet ut 81.05.
Now York , Dec. 10. Wheat Keceipts.
S5 , : > 00 bu ; exports , none ; options declined
WO7) early , from which them was but
little change , and closed steady nt n trifle
\ above the bottom ; spot )40j5'iC ' lower ;
ungraded red , b"ij ( < i03 ; No. 1 red , nominal ,
ut iKI u : No. 2 red , b'.iK ( 9 e in elevator ,
UOHfeWOwc delivered ; Januarycloseil at5 > ' .lVc.
Corn Hccelpts , 1S,000 ; t-xnorts , 1,000 ;
January I'loscd at Olc ,
Oats Rocelpto , 54,000 ; exports , 02 ;
moderately active ; mixed western , 30(33Se ( ;
white western , 3 < @l3c.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Hlo flrmutlS.)0 ( < < 'IS.75 ;
options opened 10ji20 ( points higher , closing
weaker ; miles , 61,500 bags ; December , ? l'i.i ( !
C'illi.4U ; January , $1.30S ( ! ( 10.35 ; February ,
$ li.ll5ril.2ii ; ( ? | ; Murch. $15.05 10.10 : April ,
$15.01' 16.05 ; May , * 15.00 ( < fl0.iK ) .
Petroleums-Finn ; United , hl < c.
ICggs Firm , with fair inquiry ; western ,
2u24c. : ) (
Pork Quiet , but steady.
Lard Opened higher , but closed dull nnd
weak ; with advance lost ; western steam ,
spot , $ S.1'JJ. !
Butter Firm Imtiiulct ; western ,
Cheese Quiet and steady ; western ,
City , Dec. 10. Wheat Weak :
No. 2 soft , cash , 70K ; May , tOo bid , bit
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , cash , 44 c bid , 45 tC
asked ; January , 44o bid , 4l , o asked ; May ,
475e bid , 4S < ! uckcd.
Outs No. 2 cash , 27 ! o bid , 29c asked.
New OrloniiH , Dec. 10. Corn easy
mixed , i'r'c ; vllow , ( WQtVlo.
Corn Meal-Qulvt , but steady.
-'i Cattle.
The receipts of cattle were light , nlthougl 'ir
tbero was u marked Improvement In the of rr
fcrii'us. The market was n trillo stronger
ono Ion. ! of good natives selling for $4,50.
ling * .
The i eceipts woi-o moderate. The ranrke
opcnrd about , * > o hU'lu'r than on Saturduybu
o. gruw stronscr and was ut least lOo higher be
foil ) 10 o'clock and closed steady with every
tiling taken. The receipts , were not equal ti
.11- the dcmund und buyers were not able to til
their orders.
/ Mice p.
The receipts of sheep were light nnd thcr
lrs was luilhiug of any consequence done on th
re t uiurkut. Prices ure Htcaily ,
Ofllclnl RccclptB.
Cattle 203
Hops. . . < , 3,164
Sheep t)3 )
I'rcTnillnjt Prlcen.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on the market :
Choice steers , 1300 to I&00lb9.3.00ffi4.f > 0
Choice stecre , 1100 to 1300Ibs. . . . 3.7504.25
Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. . 3.50a3.(15 ( (
Corn-fed rnnVe st ; ers,1200to 1500 8.05W4.30
(5ood to choice corn-fed cous. . . , 20 ! ! ( 2.(1iO (
Common to medium cows 1.75a2.00 (
Western cows 1.75f2.50 (
Hood range feeders Q.30t'.GO ( !
Utioil native feeders , 000 Ibs and
upwards . * . 2.0 < § 3.00
Fair to medium native feeders , 000 *
Ibs and upwards 2.25(32.50 (
Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.HK2.00
Prime fat sheep 3.25(3.50 ( (
( ? ofjd fnt sheep , 00@100 Ibs 2.75 ( < < H.25
Fnir to medium sheen 2.2S tI.OO !
Common sheep S.OW 2.25
Light nnd medium hogs 4.50Q/5.20 /
Good to ehoico heavy hogs 6.i5rt5.l'iO ;
( Jood to choice mixed hogs 6.20U5.35 (
ltrpri > Mcntallvc Haled.
Docknuc nnd CotninUslon.
Public iiisjicctors dock ] ircguaiit sows 40
pounds , stilus M ) iiouiuls each.
Deail hops , b ( ) Ibs niul over , 1 cent per
pound , lets thnn SO Ibs , of no vuloc.
Yardage : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , 8c ; sheep , fie
per head. Feed : Corn , SI per bu ; timothy
hay , SHU ; jiniirio hay , JO per ton.
Commissions : Cattle , 50c per head ; calves
and yearliiiKs , $10 per cur. HOJTH und sheep :
Single decks , # . " > ; public inspection on ho s ,
Ific per car. All sales unless otherwise stated
per 1400 Ibs live weight.
IJve Stock Note * .
HORS higher.
Cattle stronger.
Hogs all taken early.
A very short market yesterday.
Joseph Ellis , of DoWitt , was on the market
with hogs.
Boyle & Co. , of Crete , marketed a load of
hogs at W.55.
The LJay State Live Stock company were
on the market yesterday with hogs.
H. Enncson , of Cedar Kaplds , disposed of
a load of hoge at the top price , f5.tiO.
W. S. Patterson , of Stockton , marketed a
load of gnod nogs ut the top price , ( -B.X ( ) .
The quality of cattle on the market yes
terday was much better than heretofore.
Protlucc , Fruits , Etc.
The fallowing < trc the prices * nt which
rnmul htx uf produce nrc MifiJ on this innr-
} ; et. Fruits or ot/icr / HIIC.S o/ioo ; < is rcqulrlnv
extra lubnr of jxtclilnu atnnot nlwniis be
supplied on oHtslilconlcrsatthcsttmc prices
quoted the Incdl tnnlc.
HUTTKII Ileceipts were somewhat lighter
yesterday , but it did not strengthen prices ,
which are given unchanged , though medium
grades are quoted weak. ( Quotations arc now.
Creamery , solid packed , is quoted at i < 3'.J4c ;
choice dairy , 17i$19c ( ; medium , 10@18ej low
grades , 10@lUc.
Kuos Are in fair supply , with the dcmund
somewhat limited , and while some sales ure
reported at 2.'ic , wo mark down prices Ic at
aiOi'J-'c , and 18c for limed.
CIIEESI : Steady and in moderate demand ,
with prices quoted unchanged. Fancy full
cream clicddars , single , 12c ; lull cream twins ,
1'JJfOiye ; young Americas , lilu ; brick cheese ,
100 Ibs in case , 15c ; Limburger , 100 Ibs in
case , 13c. In less qualities , 14 ( < 14) c ;
Swiss domestic , IfXglSe
POUI.TKY Cold weather and the approach
of the holidays had a tendency to stiffen
prices to-day , and while no change is made
in quotations , higher prices may be
expected. .Live chickens , fl.7f > ( < j'-.00 per
dozen ; choice fowls , tl. OQ'J.25 per dozen.
Dressed chickens , ( liTo ( per pound. Turkeys ,
Tra'Jc. Bucks ' . Geese .
, 7@'Jc. , b@10c.
GAMK Is becoming scarce , and prices arc
mm with an upward tendency at former quo
tations. Prairie chickens , 4.00i ( 4.25 ; mallard
ducks , $2.25 ; quail , Sl.-OOil.-lO : teal ami mixed
dies , 0ftHu ( ; antelope , 12@14o ; geese , * 3.00@
Ai'i'i.ES Are stiffening in price nnd good
stock is hard to get at Inside quotations ,
which , however , wo give unchanged. We
quote : Eastern fruit , $3.25(33.50 ( ; fair to
choice stock , $3.50013.75 ; fancy stock $3.7E
OitANons Soma sales of Florida oranges
have been reported at lower llgurcs than oui
quotations give , but taking a view of the entire -
tire market , wo quote Louisiana oranges at
f4.Xi ( < iJ.4.3 ! per box , and Florida at t4.2504.75 ,
Tuitsii'h Are scarce und command fall
prices. Quotations are linn as follows : Fall
to good stock 40u,50c ( ; rutabagas , 50@00o.
SWEET POTATOES Prices are steady and
quoted at 2@2 } c j > cr Ib with some tine at 3c ,
POTITOES Supply light , demand prices nil-
vaiu-lng , Wo now quote $1.00011.10 for
Utah and Colo-rado block and choice home
grown tit MKgS5c ; common grades at 61
- . . , . , . , Bell & .
o. ! > > " " ; Cherry , J0.50fi710.00 ;
, Bell & Bugle , $10.50 ( ; 11.00 ; Capo Codsll.K (
"CiLiVouxu Fituits Pears , $2.50012,75 ; extra -
tra tine , ; '
-KS Malagas , fO.'iO ( < Z7.X ( ) jwrbbl. , will ;
soinu extra line sold at $7.50 tS.OO.
( Jxiiitors Are in better supply at JJ/iXS'--W
per barrel.
HE.IXS Good stock $2.00 < Ji2.80 ; fair t <
good , f l.COgl.SO. ( and Californmbeans at t i.2J
(1(2.40. (
CumAOE Is still in fair demand and tlndi
ready sale ut fl.lfl per dozen. Culifornii
cabbage t-usier ut 2K'3e ' I r Ib.
Now stock Is quoted at I3.DO pci
ONIONS Homo grown steady at 7&ftS5c ( ;
Spanish onions , per 60 11) crate , II.76f t2.CX )
Qt ! < TCJts-rPlalii Ktandnrd , Me ; plain se-
Ioct , noc : standardaoBj-Vxtra selects , K > c ;
New York counts , 40c .Ifalk oysters , count * ,
f 1.35 per 100 ; selectsf Of per gal ; standard ,
* ! per jfftl. _ . I
CAt'i.tFi.owEn Good sjoek * 2.COiit2.SO. (
CELF.nt Choice celery , 35@43o [ icr dozen ;
fancy , 4a)0c. (
StfRn KitAfT Choice , per hbl of .TO gal
J.S.S.Vill'.tK ' ) ; " 4 bbl , $4.b5 ( . 5.00 $11.00 per
bbl of W gal.
CiDEii-Cholcc Michigan cidcr , $ .00 gC.oO per
bbl. of 33 gul. .t
QL-INCES Choice California quinces , $2.00 ®
3.2.r ) IHT box. .
LEMON. * Messina ) | emons , $ . i,50aC.OOt (
Mnluirii , $ T , ( N ) ; extra Une Maori ttcurcc ut
$ t.00 ) ( li.N ) . - ' ,
UANAXAS Choice bananas , t3..V < p.riO ; me
dium buches , e2.00@3.00 ; common , $ l.60@
2.00.HOXET Good choice honey in 1-lb frames ,
18A20c ( ; canned honey , 10@12c. per Ib.
" PoifOHX Choice rice corn 3 ( 3l , e per Ib ;
other klndB , 2 ( < i2'c per Ib.
NUTH Peanuts , 7@7 } c , raw ; Brazil nuts ,
53c ; almonds , Tarnigono : English wal
nuts , l.Vitl8c , ; filberts , 12c ; Italluu chestnuts ,
ICc. _
Grocers' I Ant.
PIIOVISIOXS Hams , ll H c ; breakfast
bacon , n ( < iilc \ \ bacon sides. IKi c ; dry
suit , Kk'GiHVc ; shoulders , OJifrtTo ; dried beef
hams , fw < Dllc ; dried beef reguiar , 0 > i@10Kc ;
hams , picnic , 7J/ijSc. (
HUKIMI : ) LAIU > Tierce , 7 ? c ; 40-lb square
cans , 7J4'c ; ut-lb. ) round , 7 ; < e ; 20-lb. round ,
7 | , < e ; 10-lb. palls , 8 c ; 5-lb. pulls , Sj's'c ' ; 2-lb.
pulls ,
ii Gratiulatcfl , ' 7-
Ooons Oysters , standard , per
case , $3.20tf3.25 ( ; strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
$3.00013.10 ; raspberries , 2-lb , pnr case , $3.0006
3.10 ; California pears. i > cr case , $4.70ol4.bO ;
apricots , per case , $4.2T Ol4.tO ! ; peaches , per
ease , $5.bO ( < ? $ .85 ; white cherries , | > cr case ,
$0.00 ; plums , per case , $3.0004.00 ; blueber
ries , per case , $2.30012.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per ease ,
$ .1,20015.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , 1.75@1.00 ;
2-lb gcoseberrics , per case , .f3.2501 3.35 ; 2-lb
string beans , per case-l.70(21.80 ( ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case , $1.5507.1.00 ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $2.000J2.70 : 2-lb early Juno peas , per
case , $2,85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 3-lb corn ,
BHOOMS Extra 4-tIe , $2.00 : No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
CAM > V Mixed , 0T ( llc : stiek , SJfolO c.
JELLIES 30-lb pails , $1.750 1.85.
Siiuii' No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , ? 1 5007/1.55 ;
New .Orleans , per gallon , 3840c ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , bOc ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half gallon
cans , per doz. $0.25 ; quart cans , -W.25.
STAIICII Mirror gloss , BJfc ; Gsaves' corn ,
O./e ; Oswcgo gloss , 7e ; Oswego corn , 7e.
Hni.LAXti HcniiiNns 750i7Se per keg.
CitACKCHS Garneau's soda , butter and pic
nic , Be ; creams , 7c ; ginger snaps , be ; city
soda , 8c.
TEAS Japans. 2Kft55e ( ; gunpowder , 2007/
03'4'c ; Young HysonT 250l55o ; Oolong , 20yj (
bOe. s
WoonExwuiE Two-hoop pails , per doz. ,
$1.45 ; three-hoop pail , $1,70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ;
No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.N ) : wash
boards , $1.40 ( < i2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2-25 ;
Fo. 1 churns , $ O.CU ; No. 2 churns , $ $00 , No.
3 churns , $7.00.
PICKI.ES Medium in bbls. , $7.00 : do inhalf
bbls. , $4.00 ; small , in bbls. , $3.00 ; do in half
bbls.1.60 ; gerkins , in bbls. , $0.00 : do inhalf
bbls. , $5.00. '
COFFEE Ordinary grades , SOU20J ( e ; fair.
JOHiitSlu ; prime , 21i22e ( ! ; fancy green and
yellow , 23 ( 25c ; old gdvornmcnt Java , 2b07j
KOo ; interior Java , 25f 2Hc : Mocha , 2Su30c ( ;
Arbueklo's roasted , 249/0 : McLuughlin's
XXXX , 2l c ; Dilwohh's , 24 fc ; Ked Cross ,
24 'fe. ' i ;
TOIIACCO Lorillard's Climax , 44o ; Splcn"
did , 4Ic ; Mochanio's Delight , 4lc ; Leggett &
Meyer's star , 44o ; Cornerstone , 3Sc ; Drum-
mond's HorseShoc , 44c ; J. T. , 40c ; Sorg's
Spearhead. 44o ; Catlin's meerschaum , 31c ;
Catlin's old style , 23c.
DKIEU FHI ITS Apples , new , * { s , 0o t"f
evaporated 60-1 b ring , 0 0. ' 10e ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 270l2Sc ; blackberries , evap
orated , OJJSO ( fe ; pitted cherries , 20012lu ;
peaches , new , 8)iOi'Jc ; evaporated , peeled
peaches , 200J30e ; cvajiorirtcil , u parcd ,
180"J10e ; new currants , 7017 0 ; prunes ,
4014"4c ; citron , 25o ; raisins , London
layers S2.400 2.45 ; California loose musca
tels , $3.00 ( 2.10 ; now Valoncla , SJ olb c.
KOTE Seven-sixteenths , lo olll.
Dry GoodH.
DUCK West Point 20 in. 8 olOj c ; West
Point 20 in. 10 oz. 12J < c ; West Point 10 in. 12
oz , 15e ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , Klc. Checks
Caledonia X , OKc ; Caledonia XX , 10. } c ;
Economy , OJjc ; Otis , OKc.
KiiNTfCKV JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
18c ; Durham , 'iiytc\ \ Hercules , 18o ; Leaming
ton , 22 > c ; Cottswold , 25c.
CitAsii Stevens' B , Oc ; bleached , "c ; Sto-
ycns' A. 7 } < Jc ; bleached , SJ c ; Stevens' P ,
blcaclied , Stevens' N ,
bleached , 10' < c : Stevens' S KT'iyv. \ .
MiscEU.ANEors Table oil cloth. $2.85 ,
plain Holland , 8Kc to 9c ; Dado Holland ;
12 fc.
C\Mnuics Slater , 4J.Jc ; Woods , 4 > io ; Stan
dard , 4Jjc ; Peacock , 4-.jC. }
COMFOIITEIIS $0.00@l'i.OO. :
HI.AXKETS White , * l.Xs7.50colored$1.10 ( ) ( ;
( S8.00.
Ui.EACHEii SIIEETIXO Berkeley cambric ,
No. 00 , 9Hc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , ( IJic ; butter cloth
OO , 434'c ; Cabot , 7 } < fi ! ; Forwcll , 8c ; Fmit of
Loom , Uc ; Greene G , ( ic ; Hope , 7j4e ! ; King
Phillip cambric. He ; Lonsdale , llKcLons- ;
dale , b c ; New Qork mills , 10) ) e ; PepporcH
42 inch , 10ifc } ; Peppcrell , 40 inch , HKc ; Pc- |
perell 11-4. Ifio ; Peppcrell , 8-4 20c ; Peppcrcll ,
9-4 , 22c ; Peppcrell , 10-4 , .Me ; Clinton 4-4 , S e ;
Canton , 4-4 , UJ c ; Triumph , Cc ; Wumsulta ,
lie ; Valley , 5c.
FWXXEI.S Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goslicn.
83J c ; Clear Luke , 32 } c ; Maple City , Wlj c.
White G H No. 2 , % , 21c ; G H No. 1 , .f ,
27Kc ; BHNo. 2 , % , 22 > fc ; IJ H No. 1. % ,
30o ; Quecheo No. 1 , % , 42c ; Quccheo No. 2 ,
PIIINTS SOLID Coi.oits Atlanta , B' < fc ;
Slater , 5c ; Berlin Oil.O e ; Garner Oil , ( JiC"c.
PIXK AXI > KOIIES ICichmond , He ; Allen , He ;
Hlverpoint , 5c ; Steel Hivcr , Oc ; Uichmond ,
( ic ; PaciHcl ( > Jc. IximioBi.L'E Washington ,
He ; Century IndiL'o blue prints , lOc ; Amer
ican. ( l)4e ) ; Arnold , lljl'c ; Arnold B , lOJ c ;
Arnold A , 12e ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10J < e.
DHE.SS Charter Ouk , 4Kc ; Kamapo , 3/c ;
Lodi , 4 e ; Allen,5'fc ; Uichmond,53.jc ; Win
dsor , He ; Eddystone , Cc ; PaciHc , Oc.
COTTOX FI.AXXEI.S 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , llc ; CC , 7Kc ; SS , 8 ] < c ; Name
less , BKo ; No. 5 , Ho ; EE , 9J-Jc ; GG , KIJ c ;
XX , 12c ; OO. 14c ; NN , llic ; UX , 18c ; U , 20c ;
No , 10 , 8 c ; 40 , 10J < Je ; < 1'J ' , 12Ko ; & 0,15c : ! 10 ,
colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ;
Bristol , lli' ' c ; Union Pacillc , Ibc.
CAHI-ET W\iti' Bibb white , 18 c ; colored
IJKOWN SIIEETIXO Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7' ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , llsc } ; At-
lenticP , J-l , njo ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5 > ic ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4 c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , HJjc ;
HoosicrLL , 4-4 , 5ie : Indian Head , 4 4 , 7 c ;
LawieiifO LL , 4-4 , . .IJic ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5J e ; Peppcroll 1 { , 4-4 , UV' ! I'cpperell O , 4-4 ,
He ; Poppcrell , 8-4 , ISc ; Pcpperell , 9-4 , 20c ;
Peppcrell , KM , 22e ; Utic.i C , 4-4 , 4J/u ;
Wuchusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora , H , 4-4 , H c ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , He.
BATT- . Standard , 8c ; Gem , 10 e ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boonc , 14c ; IJ , cased , { 41.50.
CiixniiAin Plunckett chocks , 74cVhit ' : -
tcnton , "j c ; York , ! ( c ; Nornmndi dress ,
b' e ; Calcutta dress , S'i'c ; Whittenton dress ,
'Jo ' ; Itcnfrow dress , 0Sl2 ( ; } e.
i Lewiston , HO-in. 12'c ; Lcwlston ,
15c ; Cordis. No. 5 , ife ; Cordls , No. I , lie.
DixiMAmosktag : ! , Ooz. . lOc ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-o-/v l.'le : Haymaker , 8' c ;
Jeffrey , XX , HJfc ; J off ivy , XXX , 12i < c ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12o ; Beaver Creek , BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek , CU , lOc.
Cionrriil MarkptH.
Fij\x SEED Is somewhat fccarco with
prices tlrm at $1.10 per bushel for good qual
according to quality.
FI.OUH AXI > PEEP The market as a nil <
Is steady , and with the exception o :
bran prices are unchanged. The following
are current prices : MinneajMjlis patents
$2.75 percwt ; Kansas and Missouri \yintei
fancy patents , e2.45 2.HO ; Nebraska put
ents , $2.25h235 ( ; rye Hour , $1.75@1.W
per cwt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per cwt
wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; corn
meal , yellow , 90epcrewt ; cornmeal , white
$1.00 jKir cwt ; chopped feed , 60c per cwt
bran , $14.0014.50 ( ; per ton ; screenings.
HT-r-n < < ; clpt of hay lyd Straw continue
% ht , but an the doinunil It ntMertte ; prices
nrounohanifcdtM follows : Common course
liay , $7.IX < ! jT.BO jipr ton ? uplntid prntrlo , T.5
( jS.UOrBtmw. W.60.
COAL Mild weather ha , to dome extent ,
lessened the demnnrt , but ns the nupply Is
Mill light , prlct'g remain firm nud rhnnK
Wo quote : Epe , IIO.IW ; nut , JlO.ROj rnnco ,
10.fiO ; walnut block. M.OO : lowij lump , f8. < C :
lowu nut , KI.OO ; Illinois , * 4,50VTO.
Hinrs Are very dull and quotations
though uui'liHtiped uioy bo considered u
shade easier.Vo quote. ( trcQU butch *
er's , rOVu ; Breeu cured , OJc 7c ; dry
flint , Vc ; dry salt , Sc ; preen calf sUlns ,
To ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow
nt/c ; . Grease t'rluie white , flc ; yellow ,
flo ; brown , IJ c. Sheep pelts , ' 'ftJ fiOc.
Funs Are depressed nnd dull , with No. 4
skins utmost unsalable. Quotations are now
ns follows : Kuct'oou , 10ft60c ( : nijtik , 1VS40c ! ;
musk rnt , fall. Uo5c ; strlpiied skunk , fKrfWo ;
ll.00 ( < 10.00 ; dry door sKlns , SO nSe pcrlb ;
dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , IfHit'J.Vj
St'iitiTs Steady nt former flgurcs ; mar
ket strong and a slight rise In
prices anticipated. Cologne spirits ,
188 proof , (1.10 ; do , 101 proof , (1.12 ;
spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do ,
183 proof. fl.Ofl. Alcohol , 188 proof , t'J.10 per
wine K Hon. Redistilled whiskies , 1.00g (
l.W. Gin , blended , fl.fiOfSy.OO ; Kentucky
bourbons , * J.OO@0.00 ; Kentucky nnd I'cnn-
sylvnnla ryes , fci.00 ( < ? < 1.50 ; Golden Shcnf
bourbon and rye whiskies , f | .dOg.l.OO. ( Hrun-
dies , Imported , W.UOfiS.M ) ; domestic , $1.HOO ?
! I.OO. Gins , imiiortcd , | 4.CO@0.00 ; domestic ,
fl,23tf.'U)0. ( ) Ohninpapnes , imported , | > er
case , $28.00(333.00 ( ; American , per case , tlO.OO
@ 10.00.
HnAvr IlAiinwAtiE Prices have re
mained unchaiiKcd for some time. The
following prices nro standard Iron ,
rate , tfi.TO ; plow steel , special cast ,
4J o : oruclblo steel , OJ c ; cast tools ,
do , ; wagon spokes , per sgt ,
r..OOC'tn.rx ) ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.)0 ; tongues , each , 75e ; axles ,
each , 75c : square nuts , per Ib , ( KJJUle ; cell
chain , per Ib , C , f ( ic : ! ; malleable , 8Ttllc ( ) ;
iron wedges , Ho ; crowbars , do ; harrow teeth ,
4i ! ; spring steel , 4QtT > o ; Hnrden's horse shoes ,
$4.7. > ; Htirdcn's niiilo shoes , $ r > .7 , > ; barbed
wire , In car lots , ? 4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails ,
tales , 10 to IX ) , $2.40 ; steel nulls , $2.50.
Dry laimbcr.
10 ft. ISft.pft.L'Jft. 24 ft.
. 7 vi aTwi'si ' w is"no iTiio
L'xtl 17 M'M UO''I IHI 1 M 1 ( K )
. 17 M'M IKV-'l WI-J2 UOSJ 00
.17 rpij--o msi KI.SI wiai no
. 18 ! i'i 3) ) ) SI UI U OB 24 00
4\4-HxH. , 18 M ni aulsi m ai no
No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.oO I No. 3 coin , s 1 s.$15.r > 0
No. 2 com , s 1 s. 17.00 | No. 4 com , s 1 s. 13.50
No. 1 , 4 & (1 ( in 12 & 14 ft. , rough $10 50
No. 1 , " " 10 " 10 W )
No. 3 , " 13 14 " 10 50
No. 2 , " " 10 " 1800
A , 12 , 14 , & 10 ft.31.fiO I C , 12 , 11 & 10 ft$15.fiO
13 , " " 20.50 I V , " " 12.50
A 0 ! n White Pine $25.50
UDIn " " 8 ! .fiO
COin " " 30.00
DOin " " 21.50
EOin " " ( Sel. Fencing ) 1U.OO
0 in , Drop Siding 50c per M. extra.
2dcom % In White Pine Coiling ? I14.00
" ss.oo
Clear' in " " .
% Norway Irt.Oo
2nd com. % in " " " 14.00
A 13 inch Hit. $15.50
U13 " : l.20
O 12 " 30.00
D 13 " ft'J.00
No. 1 , com , 12 in s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50
" " " 14 ft 1MH ! )
" " " 115ft 1K50
" " fl 10 , 18,20ft 21.50
No.2 , " " 111.00
" " " 13 & 14ft 18.50
" " " 111 ft 17.50
12 in Grooved reeling , $1 per M. more , than 12
n Stock Hoards same lengtn.
0 in. Groo ved Kooting sumo price as 12 In.
Stock Hoards.
snir IAI- .
No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in $10.00
No.3 " " " 17.50
No. 1 , OG , Sin 10.50
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , IK inch , s2s $51.00
" " " 1 ,3 51.00
3d , clear , 1 inch , s2b 44,60
" IK , Ui , 3 Inch 40.00
A , select , 1 inch , s 2 s 40.00
A , " IK , IK , 3 Inch , s3s 44.00
B , " Iinchs2s 30.00
n , " 1 , IK , 3 inch , s 2 s 37.00
Com. 4 inch Flooring $17.50
Star " " 21.50
1st and 2d clear 4 inch flooring 23.00
Six-inch 60c less.
Clcur inch Ceiling 21.50
Clear % inch Partition 25.00
Clear % inch , Partition $2 above % icnh Ceil
Clear Finish , 1 nnd \ \ ( inch , s 2 s $29.00
Clear Finish , P < and 2 inch , s 2 s 30.00
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 25.50
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Uuso. . . . 27.00
ron.ut I.UMIIKH.
Cl. Poplar Bx. Bds. J < in. , s 2 s $35.00
" " } i in. Panel , s 2 s 27.00
" " Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 28.50
O. G. Halts , 3K in. ( We ; } ( x , s 1 s. 40c ; 3 in ,
Well Tubing , D. & M. and Bev. , $23.00 ; Pick
ets , U. & H. Flirt , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq. , $21.50.
XX clear , $ .10 ; extra * A * , 83.85 ; 'A * stand
urd No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.85.
White Cedar , 0 in. , M s. 12Kc ; 0 in. qrs ,
HKc ; white cedar , 5 } < f in. Jtf H. llj c ; 8 in
qrs , lOc ; white cedar , 4 in. round , 10) 'c ; Ton
nessco red cedar , split , 14c ; split oak , lOc ; (
in. , 7 in and 8 in. ( K each ) 8 ft. , round W. C
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only rotd to toke ( or ! > * Molnes , Mnrlnlltown ,
Cedar itupld > , Clinton , Dlion , CblciiKO , Milwaukee
and all polnti cntl. Tn the people of Xetiraika , t'olo-
radu , Wjomlng. Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Wniu *
Inuton and California , II offert lupcJlor advantage !
nr t ponlale tr any oilier lino.
Among a few ut tbo numcroui points of superiority
enjoyed by tbo introns of tills nmd between Omaha
and Chlcavo , are Its two train a day of DA V COACH-
, which uro the Unfit that ntiman art and luuomil-
ly ran create. Hi PA LACK HI.KKl'INU CAHS. which
are niodcli of comfort and elegance. Its I'AIUAJH
IJllAWINi ; IIOUM CAItH , unsurp sso4 by any , and
IU widely cclobrotKl PALATIAL 1I1NINO CARS , thi
qual of which cannot be found eitewhcra. At Couu *
ell Itluffi tbe trains of the Union I'acltlc Hallway , con
nect In union depot with those oftho ChlcJKo *
Kortbwentern Ky. In Chicago tbe trains of this line
make dote connection with those of all other eastern
i'or Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati ,
Niagara Kails , lliitlalo. Pltnaurit , Toronto. Montreal ,
llostonNew Yuri , I'lilladPlphla , llaltlmoreVa b-
tnglon , and all polnti In tbe east , ask fur a tlckit via
If yon wish the bent accommodation. All ticket scents
Qcnl , Manager , ( icnl. 1'ass'r AKOni
Chicago , 111 > .
. w.iiAncocif , i , . n. nou.Ks.
WMUra A ent. City 1'au'r.
Omaha , Nebrtuia.
Funeral Director and Embalmer ,
111 KcrUi KtU bU
Agricultural Implomonta.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , i
OarrlafM an ha tl v Jon Street. Iletwocn t > th an J
U , Omaha , Nebraska.
Agricnltural Implements , Wagons.Carriages .
Buggies , KM. Wholesale , Canada , N * brask * .
. Dealer * In
Agricnlturallmplements , Wagons & Bnggiei
Kl. TO. Ktt nd JOT , Jene i Slreet. Omaha.
MannfuCturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders.
OMlUvators , Hay nakes. Cldtr Mills and l.uhan Pill'
Tcrlttr * . Cor. Utband Nlcbola * Streets.
Artists' Materials.
A. HOSPE. Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs.
U13 Douglas Street. Omaha , Nebraska.
Boots and Shoes.
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
MU Imrnam St. , Omfiha , Nib. Manufaclorj , tiamat
Blr et , Button.
( Successors to Reed , Jones A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
fo , BhJ . 1104
CoffM * , Iploea , Cto.
Om h Coff and Splca Mlll § .
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
Crookery and Olaaswore.
ARtnt for the Manufactureri and Importrni of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Etc. Office , 317 8.13th M. . Oroatia , Nebraska. '
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing ,
mtUr.lcn * and Produce. Contlnntnenti inltclttd.
Httdquarteri for 8Ion w rp. llcrry Hoiri mnd
Ur p BukoU. 1414 UoUgD Ht. , Om h .
StoragMnd Commission Mercbants.
aty & rta \ m *
Produce Commission Mercbants ,
Ponltry , Butter , Oanir. ( Vulti. Ktc. VJU Mouth lltb Bt ,
Umnha , Ncbranka.
( Bucceiion ( o Methane A Schroeiler. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Nebraska.
CoalColko _ andj..lme.
" "
. COK ! & "LIM"E co.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
XD South Ulh Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Mannfactnrers of Illinois White Lime ,
rarnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Snippers of Coal and Coke ,
914 South 13tb St , Omaha. N b.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1101 and llMDouglai , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importersand Jobbers in Dry Goods.Kotioni
OenU' rnralihlof Ooodi.Corncr llth and llarner BU.
Omaha , Nebraska.
fbolesale Dealers in Fnrnitore ,
rarnam Stnet , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TO , W7 , TOO and 711 8.10th Et. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Mb and Leavenworlh Streeti , Omaha , Nebrasku
D. M. STEELE & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
K , 1M1 and UB Haraej Street , Omaka , Net , .
Wholesale Grocers ,
1111 Mid 1119 Darner Street , Omaha , Neb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnware.Fhcel Iron.Klo. Aionte for Hove Bcalei.and
Miami 1'owder Co. , Omaba , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 1KJ6 Douglas it.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
tOth and Harms ? 8U , Omaka. INeb. Wettrrn A i > nti
( or Austin 1'owder Co. , Jefferson Btcel NalU , r uir-
baaki Htandard Kcalci.
Heavy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Mats , caps , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1101 Barney Street , Omaha , Neb.
and ILER * CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers of FineWines & Liprs
Kasljndla Bitters anil Dojntstlc Liquors. IIU llarney
All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
Ulh Btrcet apd Ualon 1'aclOo Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasn ,
Doorsetc. Tards-Corner Tib and Douglas ; Cornertla
and no-jglas.
Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber ,
lilb aim California Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Lnmber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
CoratT Ctli and Douglas BU. . Omuba.
To Dealers Only , * -
Oner. l K rn ia hlnet. Omaha ,
' " " ' ' "
Wholesale Lnrnber , Etc ,
nontt and American forlland Ctmenl. StaU ag <
fcjr Mlwau | llyr
Dealer in Hardwood Liimtcr , '
WooaCarpfts spd 1'arquft Kloorlng. 9th and DoajU
Importers & Jobbers of Millinery & Notion )
JOB , 210 and III Pouth llth tttr * t.
Wholesale Motions and Fnrnishinz Goods
0.1 ami < Bouth 10th Btr t , Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Fornisbini Gooii
_ llOt llam y gtrnt. Omaha.
Oil * . _
Wholesale Refined and Lnbricatini Oils-
Ail * Oreas , tie. , Oaaha. A. H. Blshtp , Maaater.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Orryanlce stock of erlntlnf , wrapping aad wrltlaf
paper. 8p clal attention given to car load ord r .
Prlnt rV Material * .
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Ruboer Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Good !
Oil Clothing and leather Belting , luttt Farnnm Street ,
_ atoam _ _ _ _
Pumps. Pipes and EnEines ,
Eteam , water , railway ant ) mining np lle > , etc. IU
Vll anil W4 Karnaru Street , Ouiaha.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Etcam and Water PuppllM. Ilcailquartcri for Mask ,
Koo t A Co' goods , llll larnam St. , Omaha. '
Steam and Water Supplies ,
llalllday Wind Mills , 9IH and VM Knrnain St. , Omaha ,
_ U. K. lloss. Acting Manager. _
BROW NELL" & co. .
Engines , Doilers and General Machinery ,
Ebcot Iron Work , Steam Tumps aw Mills. 1211-1219
Lcavenworlh Htrvet , Ouinha.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Ml and 813 Joncn St. . Orua'ia
Storage , Foryyf/djng AjC pmmlBBlon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch linusn of th * Ilennrr lluggy Co. UuKglpaat
wholesale and retail. l.utl.lllIU anu 1III2 liard Bircet ,
Omaha. Telephone No. "SO.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
Juuu iutiitler : ! , Proprietor. 020 lUxlyu und ItU and 10J
Xuitli luth hlrei't. OmahB. :
SmoUo Stacks , Boilers , Eto. j
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks/
Drltcliliiis , T nki n < l General Boiler llf pairing. 1315
Dodgu Street , Omaha. Neb.
' r ° "
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Engines , lira , work , general foundry , machine aad
blacksmith work. Office aud works , U. K Uy. and i
17th Street , Omaha. _ H
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Man'frs ' of FireS Burglar Proof Safest
Vaults , Jail work. Iron and wire fencing , signs , etc. 0.
Audreen , Prop'r. Cor. I4tb and Jackson Bu.
Miiimlactuiurj HnU JubbtMB In
Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cur ilth unu fuUllu tin. , Omuliit. Neb.
General Agents for Dlcbold Bate & U > ck Co.'i
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Locks.
Vaults and Jail Work , H15 Faruam Street , Omaha.
H. S. W.JONE3.
Kuicesiorsto A. T. Kpnyon S , Co. ,
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Kino t'cililliiK t-liitloncry , ( Vmiiuprflnl btatloncrr.
l.'i luiiilmi | hi. Omaba , Kfb. _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans rant , , Hulru , Ktc. lll and 1104 Douglai Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
, Eto.
M. A. DISBROW" & CO. ,
Wholcml * Manufacturer * of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch Office , 1Mb and Itard Stre ti , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , , Xtalr Work and Interior Hani Wood Flo-
lah. N. E. Corner Sth and taaveuworlu StroeU ,
Oumlm , Neb.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors ,
And Blinds , Turning'Stair-work. Hank aud Office
Killings. Mb and I'opplcton Arunue.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M1 Norm Klghtoeiilli Mruct , Olhnha , Neb.
Lie Stock Commission Merchants ,
Oflloo-Hoom 24 , < lpposlt Erchanap Bulltllug , Union
block Varils , hnuth Omiiii , Neb.
Liye Stock Commission Mercbants ,
Market furulnheO tie * un application. Klockertand
feeders furuliliud cm good terms , llerirniici'i ! Oui -
ha .VuUotial llitnk nnilfouth Omalia National , Unloa
Bltxk Yards. KiiuUi Oianli * .
Lire Stock Commission ,
Ilooso 16 , Kichann * Ilulldlug , Unlou block Yardi.
buutll Onitlia , Nvb.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
K' > C'm'.7opL ' > i , ltu Kichanire IlullithiK , L'ulon HloO
YurJ" , huutb Oiuulm , Ni > D.
Utvlo NSTO C KyARDs CO. ,
Of Omaha , Limited ,
John V. Hofd ,
The rii > t kDOwn nnd rcntl popular Hotel In tha
stale. IxiLailnii mural , apiiMntiuents flrsl-class.
Iiir riiiiiiiiKrcim uiva nuiS ll poUllcu