PART II THE OMAHA i SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 9-16 \ I SEVENTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA SUNDAY. MORNING , DECEMBER 18 , 1887-SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 183 B. FALGONER Doks and Toys ; Colored Rhadamas and Faile Francaise Silks at 85c. Combination Suits at $19.50 and $15. Tricots at 35c. COLORED SILKS AT $1.27 , WORTH $1.6B. We will sell Monday and all the week nil the Colored Satin Rhad amas and Colored Faille Fran caise Silk that we have never sold at less than $1.BO and $1.65 , on Monday and all the week our price will be $1.27. COLORED FAILLE FRAN CAISE AND COLORED SATIN RHADAMA AT 8Bc , WORTH $1.28. 80O yards Colored Faille Frarf- caise that we have been selling at $1.23 , and 1OOO yards Colored Satin Rhadama , that we have sold at $1.25. On Mopday at this extraordinary sale the price is 8Bc. .BLACK GROS GRAIN SILK , 62 l-2c , WORTH $1.OO. B pcs. Black Gros Grain Silk , at 62 l-2c , worth $1.OO. GUI NETS BLACK SURAH , 75c. , WORTH $1.00. 1O pcs. Guinet & Cies Black Su rahs at75c ; have never been sold at less than $1.OO. BLACK RHADAMA , 0Oc. 1O pcs. Black Satin Rhadama at GOc , reduced from $1.25. BLACK SILKS AT$1.IBWORTH $1.BO. 4 pcs. Black Silks in the follow ing weaves : Faille Francaise , Satin Rhadama , Loulsene , Guin- ei , Surahs , at $1.15 , reduced from Ji.uO. . , . . , - „ „ „ BLACK SILKo , Al i.3. . Black Gros Grain , Black FaillC Francaise , Black Satin Rhadama. Black Surahs fGuinets , ) , Black Satin De Flor , th'at we have been " selling at $1.75 and $1.85" on Monday our price is $1.45 per yard. BLACK SILKS AT $1.0B. Black Satin De Lux , Black Ar- mure , Black Satin Duchess , Black Gros Grain at $1.68 , re duced from $2.OO. BLACK SI LKS AT $2.OO. Black Gros Grain , Black Satin De Flor , Black Satin Duchess , Black Armure , at $2.00 , reduced from $2.35 and $2.SO. BLACK SILKS AT $2.38. Black Gros Grain , Black Satin De Flor , Black Armure , Black Satine Duchess , Black Faille Francaise at $2.35 , reduced from $2.78 and $ O.OO. BLACK SILKS AT $2.78. All the Black Sllksthatwe have been selling at $3.28. $3.BO and $3.78 on Monday reduced to $2.7S. 3 Grand Selling Prices. 3 _ _ ON HIM ! fa AT $19.5O. AT$19.BO. AT $19.BO. At this pre wo will sell all the Combination Suits that have been selling from $23 to$4O. Theseisuits are all goods that were bought this fall. At the price $19.8O they will sell fast. AT $18. AT $18. AT $18. Th"se suits at $18.OO Monday are very che p. Only a few in the lot 12 suits they fC * .yoriti $28. We bought them at a great bargain and give our customers the full-benefit of our purchase. Books and Christmas Cards at Cut Prices , BOOKS ! BOOKSI BOOKS ! We have the largest stock of ! Books in this city , and at prices never dreamed of in the Book Trade. New Books will be opened every day until Christmas. ' TOYSI TOYSI TOYS ! We have the only stock of Toys in the city. New goods opened every day. New stock of Punjab. Tables , Bamboo Screens and Tables. Tables.Plush Plush Albums , Plush Toilet Cases , Plush Manicure Sets , Plush Glove Boxes , Plush Hd'kf Boxes. Fine Manicure Sets in Leather Cases , Gentlemen's Fine Collar and Cuff Boxes , Gentlemen's Travel ing Toijwi Sets in Leather Cases , Fine Perfumery , Fine Celluloid Goods. Fiite"Kifncl Fainted * _ . * Satin , Glove and HandkerchiefCases. * * - .ir * 4O INCH ALL WOOL TRICOTS , AT 38c. On Monday we will place on sale 46 pieces of 4O inch all Wool Tricots in fancy mixtures. These Tricots have never been offered by us at less than BOc per yard. As this sale will continue all the week we have decided not to sell more than one Dress Pattern to each customer , thus giving those that come late in the week a chance to get some of the cheap est all wool dress goods ever of fered. MUFFSI MUFFSI MUFFSI , We find our stock of Furs Row ing to the mild weather , ) heavier than we expected , and have de cided to make a special sale of these goods , and have made the prices right to close them out. Children's Sets South American Seal Muff and Boa at $3.73 , re duced frofn $8.OO. Children's Sets Muff and Boa in Lynx Chinchilla and Beaver at $6.7B , reduced from $12.OO. MUFFS. MUFFS. MUFFS. BLACK HARE MUFFS AT 48c , WORTH $1.OO. AT $3.8O. AT $3.80. AT $3.8O. Ladies' Muffs in Nutria , Silver- Fox , Grey Fox and Raccoon , at $3.8O , reduced from $6.OO. t AT $8.OO. AT $ B.OO. AT $ B.OO. At this price we will sell Muffs that are worth $1O.OO and $12.OO Cinnamon Bear Crown Fox , Badger and Beaver. C.ome early and get a good selection. AT $7.25. AT $7.28. $7.25. XXX Beaver Muff at $7.25 , worth $1O.OO. Ladies' ' Handkerchiefs. . At 8 l-3c. Ladies' white and colored bordered - dered all linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs that are worth 12 l-2cat 81-3c. AT 19c. At 19c. At lOc- Ladies1' Embroidered Hem stitched and fine Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs at 19c , worth 38c. AT 69c. AT 69c. AT G9c. Ladies' Fine Sheer Linen Em broidered White Handkerchiefs , elegant goods. None of these Handkerchiefs are worth less than $1.28. Monday our price is 69c. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! " CLOAKS. Plush Jackets. We have a few- odd sizes in Plush Jackets that we will close out Monday at the following prices : At $13.78 , Plush Jackets that are worth $19.8O ; at $17BO , Plush Jackets that we have been selling at $22.BO and $28.OO , on Monday at $17.BO ; at $22.8O , Plush Jack ets with Seal Edge , that were $3O.OO , on Monday the price is $22.8O. MISSES' NEWMARKETS. At $2.78 , reduced from $8.OO. At $3.78 , reduced from $7.BO. At $8.OO , reduced from $12.OO. At $6.BO , reduced from $18.OO. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. At $1.38 , Child's Checked Coats , worth $2.8O. At $2.8O , Child's Gretchen Coats worth $4.OO. At $3.BO , Child's Gretchen Coats worth $6.BO. At $4.28 , Child's Gretchen Coats worth $7.BO. ' Wanted 10 Salesladies at Oflr Store To-morrow. FLEECING POOR WORKMEN , A Bogus Employment Agency Exposed - , posed at Lincoln. DEFRAUDED OF HARD EARNINGS. How n Scimmlrcl Named HrookHlIood- winked n Number < U' Honest , Laborers IjiuicnRter County Teachers BrevltleH. fntOM THE HHE'S LINCOLN The ; > ollco for months past has had com plaints from parties who have been victim ised by employment agencies in this city , but not until ycstordny was the facts nculnst cmo of thcso institutions strong enough to vr- rnnt a piosecutlon. The case brought was ngalnst the agency operated by C. E. Brooks & Co. , and facts showed the means resorted to to obtain dollars from workingmen. The evidence showed that the man Brooks had Visited the depot in the early morning hours , a fuw days Binco , and there found eight men , part of whom were witnesses , waiting to go to JCansas City. UrookM'epresentcd to them that ho could glvo them work on sewers in the city , and If they would go to his ofllco and put down tl each ho would glvo them an order. On these representations the men abandoned their trip to Kansas City , paid their $1 cneli and received a notice to u flc- ticious person to put them at work. When they went to the part of the city designated they found no work going on ami no person to put them to work. On hearing the facts the Judge found lirookii guilty of obtaining money under fnh > o pretenses and lined him fcl and costs a teuiarkablu light line for the offense. An appeal was taken and a sister of 11 rooks went his security. In the meantime there was sitting in the court room seven other men who had paid Brooks Jl each for work and who were , ready to Institute ) a new suit against him. Brookshoweverrefunded their mouey. ' TEACIIKHS1 ASSOCIATION. The Lancaster County 'Ueuchera * associa tion held n largely attended and an interest ing session at the Lincoln Business collcgo yestculay. The progninuno had been care fully prepared and was cuio of unusual Inter est , and the teachers evidently came from all part * of the county to take in the meeting prior to the holidays. Miss Nannio Lilli- brldgo sang for the association In the most satisfactory way. The programme consisted of papers on primary teaching , the education of foreigners in American schools , the use of historical cards , class exercises in language , a paper by Prof. Llllibridgo entitled "Ncgo- tittblti Paper , " lessons in arithmetic and gen 5. 01 al dlscuhsloiiB. I ix imiKrcu FORM. ! ' Tno Elkhorn line out of Lincoln Inaug- ' , unites to day a fast train schedule eastward . to Omaha , Sioux City and Chicago. The btep is taken to meet the Chicago , Uurllngton & | Oumcy fast trains , and the time of leaving 1 the city is nearly the same. The Methodists of Lincoln have pushed organization the past year , and now announce that the organization of the Fifth Methodist church Is pcifcctcd , and a building seemed 1 for regular services. The new church is I located in the southwestern part of the city. , District court adjourned yesterday forever over Sunday , Judge Chapman returning to PJattsmouth for Sunday. Timpani few days liuvo been given to grantlngdrvorces , healing motions and a final call of the docket. Mr. Lambortson , who has recently returned from Washington , brings the Intelligence that the Inter-stato commerce commission will como west to hear the Nebraska cases lllcd with them , and Mr. Lambortson thinks they will como to Lincoln If invited. The freight bureau proposes to give the question immediate attention. fc In polieo court yesterday afternoon the case against Jfhso Martin was set for hearing. Martin was arrested for assisting in defraudIng - Ing a man out of a peed team in exchange for two mules , ono of which apparently went I through the late civil war and the other Bad sulTcred'serlous injuries back In the ' 50's- The Young Men's Christian association gave u ' reception Friday evening that was at- tende'd by largo numbers and was an eptiro success. The music , which comprised the greater part of the programme , was ex ceptionally good. On Wednesday next at. ! o'clock all the ladies interested in the Y. M. C. A. work will meet ut the association rooms to arrange for the Now Year's reception , which , if made the duplicate of last year's re ception , will bo an umpmllilcd success. The announcement was made that the Cliuu- tiuiqim circle , orgnnbcd from the inembcr- ship of the Y. M. C. A. , will hold its first regular meeting since organization on Tues- jay evening next. A7T'ri'E3 : of wonroHiTiox of the Polish raWislihiR company , of Nebraska , have been Wlca With fhc secretary of state. The company is organized for th ? purpose of publishing a newspaper in the Polish language and to do a general printing business. The paper Is located at Loup City , Sherman county , the capital stock of the company Is $1,500 and the incorporators are Miles II. Carleton and Qcorgo L. Bin ton. Suspicious Characters. Yesterday between 11 and 12 o'clock a nuin wiis seen rapidly passing down 10th st. apparently in an excited con dition , but was FOOII captured and when questioned as to his strange movements it was learned that ho had been to the New York Storage. Co. and was anxious to tell his friends of their immense stock of pianos , organs , furniture and stoves which they wore soiling at a great sac- riilco on very easy payments. NEW YOHK STUKAOI : Co. , Cor. Capitol avo. ana loth st. i Interesting to Ijndlet ) . The. Parisian Suit Co. , of 'Chicago , pun be found at. 1520 Douglas st. , with a complete line of sor.l garments. Every garment warranted Alas:1 ! seal , Lon don dye , a written guarantee given with every garment bold. You have $7,000 worth of the finest seal garments that wore ever in Omaha or in the west ern country to select from. Shetland seal garments made to order. Special attention is culled to our suit depart ment , which is complete in every detail. Tailor made suits a specialty. The Pa risian Suit Co. , of Chicago , can mvo you from 20 per cent to 60 per cent on seal garments , as they manufacture all their own garments , and you can save the jobber s profit by buying from them. 16'JO Douglas Street. A Piano For Christinas. 60 dollars for a piano on monthly pay meats. 75 dollars for a better piano for cu h or on time. $100 for a nice piano on easy installments. Nothing better for a holiday gift. A. HOSPK , Jr. , 16ia Douglas St. Hcyinun & .Welches. Fashion emporium. RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! Visit the ribbon department at Ilo - man & Doichob , on Mojiduy and Tues day next. Special low prices for those two days. Hoymnn & Deichos , 1518 and 1620 Fnrnam street. Cook stoves from $10 to $30 ; heaters from &i to $40 , at O. C. Bcttcrman's , 2816 Lcuvcnworlh st. Pianos at wholesale prices until Jan uary 1. NEW YOHK PIANO Co. , Corner Capitol Av. and 16th St. Wanted 10 salesladies at Falconer's to-morrow. The celebrated Worth tailor system of dreoQ cutting taught at 3 ± 2 North Kith street , room 10. Sou advertisement. HAYDEN nitOS. Christmas Cards Christmas Cards. On Monday wo shall display inoro Christmas cards than any other three houses put together. The grandest display over * njSio in America. Having made nn-iflfticnso purchase of those goods at about 25o on the dollar wo will on Monday give our customers a benefit. Christinas , cards from 1 cent to S7.60 each. Aiufyns wo are determined not to carry aiVy jrf these cards over , all cards that are liot"sold between now and Christmas eve will bo given away free , no mutter what they cost. * Christmas cards lo each , worth lOe. Elegant fringed cards only 6c each , ' .VOi'th 20e. 1.000 butii ) cards , fringed , only lOc each , \\orth 35c. 8,000 beautiful satin cards in : . ! ! shades , fringed , in a neat box ready for mailiil , only 17c each , worth 40c. Also many novelties in Christmas cards , that are only owned by us , at very low prices. . PLUSH fiOODS PLUSH GOODS. Special sale of these goods for Mon day. Our prices jvo guaranteetho low est , and as wo positively will not carry any of these goodsovor , wo have marked them down about half the usual price. .100 largo size plush albums at 81.25. You cannot match it for.less thau & 5.00. Fine silk plush collar boxes , only 50c each. each.Wo Wo have overything"in plush goods toilet sets , manicure sets,1 shaving _ sots , poker sots in fancy plush boxes , 'collar and full boxen , work-boxes and-many other articles too numerous to mention. HANDKERCHIEFS. Special inducements fn-Monday. ( 100 dox. gontb' fancy silk handkerchiefs 85c , reduced from 60e. ' " Gouts' pure bilk handkerchiefs , full size , only 3"c , reduced from GOc , ' Gents''cuHhmorG yi'.dllyr.s ' 85c , reduced from 76c. - Gents' white silk mufitov's , witin finish , $1.2-5 ' ; reduced from $2.00. Gouts' fancy embroidered suspenders 50e , reduced from 76c. Ladies' baxony mitts , worked open backs , only ! ! 9c , reduced from 50c. Ladies' line lamb's wool vebts and pants only 76e each , reduced from $1.25. Ladies' embroidered kid gloves , 6 but tons , only 7oe per pair , reduced from 81.25. HAYDEN BROS. , 10th bt.bct. Dodge and.Douglas. I'innos at Immense Sacrifice. Upright piuno , only $187 , cost $800. 7i octave , triple tiring , elegantly carved cabo. Miibt bo bold for btonigo charges. Niw : YOHK PIANO Co. , Corner Capitol Av. and 15th St. CotIce to K. oC.Ij. All K. of L. in this city are requested to attend combined meetings of L. A. at Central hull , 14th btreot , Sunday,2:30 : p. in. , 18th December , 1SS7. By order of S. M. W. Monday and Tuct > dny only Norrib & Wilcox 1517 Douglas street Will sell men's French calf hand sowed shoos for $ -5 , that others ask $8 fw. Monday and Tuesday onlv. Noititib & WILCOX , 1517 Douglas St. Icop'uws ' , markers , hooks , tongs.sawe , etc. , at James Morton & Son's , 110 S. 16th bt. , ole agents for Wood's ice tools- . Send for catalogue/ . UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. "Tho Overland llottto" the Only lilnc Carrying United Statcn Fast Mall. "Tho Overland Flyer" is now making faster time than over between the Mis souri river and the Pacific coast. Com mencing Sunday , December 18 , u new fast train will be put on , pinking the time to the Pacific coast in 70 hours , a saving of one hour over the unpre cedented time made heretofore , when n , saving of fifteen hours was made. Bag gage checked through from all eastern points in United States and Canada to the Pacific coast. Elegant Pullman Palace Car sleepers through on all trains from Council Bluffs and Omaha to Portland , Sacramento , San Francisco and Los Angeles ; also from Kansas City to Denver , Chojenno , Ogden and Salt Lake City. Modern day coaches on all trains. ' Eating houf-es are under the super vision of the company , and meals fur- aibho 1 by UiO K ciJip Hotel company are unsurpassed. * - _ _ Second and tjiird class passengers still carried on regular through trains running free jamily sleepers. For further information address , * " J. S. TKIIHETS , Gen'l Pass , and Tkt. Agt. , Omaha , Nob. Speehil sale of 'black silks , Fiallo Francasio that-h'avo nnver.bcen sold for less than Sl.'S.T'nnd $1.60 per yard. In this"sale we olTor thorn at 76e and $1.50 , and wo guarantee pvcry yard not to slip or crack. FuVorita black gros grain opportunity for the gentlemen to pur chase u usofiit Christmas present for their lady frionds. : If you cannot visit our store in p < 5r&on bond for samples. We prepay nil oxi\rebs \ charges on goods ordered by muiU | TllOMI'fcON , Bni-DKX & CO. Chshiemixcil candy12 } < ? n pound. Special attention given to orders from schools and churches at Coovor& Watts' cash grocery , northeast corner Nine teenth and St. Mary's avenue. - , 9 Alfred Mciiilicrg & Co. Have this season n magnificent block of holiday mubio books , in fancy bindings. Now styles of folios and rolls , 1510 Dodge st. - ( Ladies when ordering the famous CLARK'S ' " 0K.T. , , " SPOOL COTTON would do well to remember this cotton is upon white spodlsonly for all colors of thread. .Bewurop invitations. Two Ladlca Lost in Omaha And when found by their friends they wore buying goods at the Now York Storage Co. because they could buy more goods for the money than any place in the city. NKW YORK STOHAOI : Co. , Corner Capitol Av. and 15th St. FUjy More. Fifty more $10 lots will bo placed on the market Monday morning , December 19. This will bo the last opportunity to get 60x125 feet f SQUthOmana property for only $10. Warrantee deed given with each lot. Como curly for choice. 310 South 15th street. - * - The best Oak Heiitor in the city ; will keep fire with hard or boft coal. For sale at O. C. B.'s , 2816 Leuvenworth st. DDo not fail to visit Elliott's now art store , 1C07. Howard btreet , before , purchasing ' chasing 'your Christmas presents. HAYDEN nilOS. Grand Holiday Bar nin Sale. Having determined to close out fivary vcstage of holiday and fancy goods , wo hava inarkod down every article to the last farthing. Note the prices : 1847 Roger Bros A 1 silver knives and forks , $1.60 bet , others ask $ Ji.OO. Tripple-platcd uilver butter dishes , $1.25 , regular price $2.50. Silver pickle cabtor with bilver fork , $1.25 , worth $3.25. An cnalcss variety of decorated cups and saucers' 5c , lOc , 15c , 25o and Mo for goodb'usually sold at 25c to $1.25 per set. Largo , hand-decorated fruit plate for lOc , a real gem of art. Beautiful vases and mantel ornaments from 5o to $1.50. Bisqua figures , art glassware , water sets and finest imported colored tumblers from 6 to 40c , more than 60 per cent under value. The most extensive assortment of hanging and stand lamps in the city to select from , and prices beyond com pare. In the single item of dolls wo Jtattd head and shoulders over all com petition , both in variety , quantity , quality , siiid last the prices. Wo are bound to soil. "Wo arc showing an ele gant line of papetrie * , stationery , mirrors , rattles , toy watches' , magic lanterns and numerous other toys at ex tremely low prices. HAYDEN Buos. , ICth street. Free , nn $ K5 Domestic Sewing Ma chine. Each lady visiting the parlors of the Domestic Sowing Machine company will receive free a ticket good for one chance on the $85 Domestic sewing machine to bo presented to some ono of the lady callers at the decorative art exhibition given by them from December 12 to De cember 24. E. L. Loviaov , Agent. 118 North Fifteenth street. James Morton & Son , 110 S. 15th st. i of ice tools in stock. An Onmlia Physician Abroad Dr. L. A. Simons has just returned from u four months' tour of the west. The doctor's numerous patients have missel } JiloMind will rejoice at his re turn. He can' l * found at his ofllco over 402 N. 10th , over Douglas Cd. bank. Cnnllcld , Hatter and Furrier , -1O5 5. 15th Street. Sells the best $10 seal cap in the city , and keeps a full line of boa's muffs and fur trimmings. Fur garments made to order. Call and see his stock. Architects and Superintendents. Hodgson & Son. 26 , Iron Bank. Wanted 10 salesladies at Falconer's to-morrow. Mpinbertj's New Muslo Store At 1510 Dodge st. , opposite old store. Cuuiield , Hatter and Furrier , 405 S. 15th Street. Sells the best $10 seal cap in the city and keeps a full line of boa's muffs1 and fur trimmings. Fur garments made to order. Cull and sco Ids stock. Weber Upright piano not used six months at a good bargain , Alfred Meinborg & Co. , 1510 Dodge st. Casher or on timo. The cheapest place in the city to buy first-class groceries is at Coover K Watts' , n. e. cor. 19th & St. Mary's ave. Weber I'lunos Lead the World. Alfred Meinberg & Co.,1510Dodge st. Hoffmann the Hey Pianist { and wonderful boy prodigy stiys the | Weber is the best piano in the world j and has chosen the Weber in preference to all others for his concerts. Alfred Mei nborgife Co. , general western agents , 1510 Dodge st. Wanted 10 salesladies at Falconer's to-morrow. Splendid , Stewart and Diamond ranges and heaters utO. C. Bellerinan's. 2815 Leavonworth st. A largoassortinentof sleighs , chcnp.a Armstrong , Pottis& CO.'H , 1308 I/ard st. All kinds of tin work repaired and made at O. C. Bottcrmnn's , 2815 Leav- enworth st. Wanted 10 salesladies at Falconer's to-morrow. Christmas Music Hooks. Largest stock over seen in Omaha at Alfred Moinberg & Co. . 1510 Dodge &t. Seidenbcrg's Figaro , the only lOc cigar for 5c. Ask your dealer for them. Max Meyer & * Co. , wholesale depot. nn Kasy Payments. Alfred Myiiiberg & Co. 1610 Dodge st. Died. HKEHK-Siiturdny , Dec. 10 , Ethel , u.Kgntcr of Munson H. and Hluncho T. Ueebe , uged ( t ycurs and 0 niotUha. Funeral private. Wanted 10 salesladies at Falconer's to-morrow. ArohltcctH and Superintendents. Hodgson & Son , 20 , Iron Bank. Gco. L. Fisher , architect , Room 47 , Chamber of Commerce building. Heal Kstatu Transfers. Eli/abcth Mason mid husband to E K Hume , lot lit block 4 Hawthorne , wd . ? Ir,00 , J Schrocdon to Snrpy county , Neb. , 1-5 aero in s w \ < \ { pait o s c see 7-14-lii w d ir G A Lindijulst ct al to Chas U Stcn- borp , lot IS blU a Hose Hill add , w d 800 W .1 Van Arntim to Nels Nefson , lot SJ-23-iiS bile ii Hawthorne , w d 1,375 Clms V Yales-uud wife to Clms C Mc Donald , e ajjj ft lot 11 lilk "A" Hertford add.wd a.OOO Gro K Kay to Win K Hawlcy , lot 0 Maylicld , rfc d 1 Charles II Alack and wife to A H Gladstone , lot 0 blk a Hanseom park nddwd 1,000 K H Maulsby and wife to Harry E Cole , lot 1 Williams' sub , Glse's add wd l.bOO Mary A Currlo to L P Pruyn , lot ! ) Piuyn'ssubofsKof lot UMlllard & Co.'s add w d 3,000 Louisa M Arnold and husband to Jno W Barnes , undivided ) { Uulmont park add w d 3,500 W Doengcs and husband to H fore man' , lot 'J bile 5 Ambler i > laee w d. . . 3,000 FJ Persons ct nl to II J Abrahams , lotOUItvuuidt& Person's sub wd. . 2,750 , John L Kennedy and wife to John P Brcen , lot " 5 blk 10 Hmiscom place uddwd -l.MO . U. P. Hy Co. to Jas Allen , so , ' ! see 17 , 10,10wd 1MO C E Mayno and wife to E M Williams , lot 5 blk 7 Muyno's 1st add to Valley , wd 1,000 L P Hammond and wife to S Hanson , lots 11 to 17 blk 2 L P Hammond's add , wd 7,000 A II Fitch and wife to Sarah H Elliott , e r > 0 ft lots 2j and 20 blk 17 Hanscom Place , wd , COO EE French and wife to Uobcit S Uecsley , lot 13 blk 5 Control Park , U Cowlcs mid wife to Wm II Adams , lot 40 and 47 North Side add , wd . . . J . 000 A S Potter et nl to Wm K Potter , ' lob 0 , 7 blk H , Ucdford , wd . . . . . . l.SSO1 Gee H Uofrgs and wife to Virginia S.mford , lot 83 , 24 , blk 10 , Gco H Uopffs add , w d . 330 Jas (5 MeGeath and wife to M L Stern lot 01 Windsor Place , w d . 1,000' Ualtlms Jotter and wife to the Public , o 33 ft w } 4 n o } ( see 1) ) , 14 , 13 , q c d. 1 Thomas Kyun to the Public , w . ' 13 ft of n i i s e 1 n o Ji see ! ) , 14 , 13 , q c d. . 1 Edithu II Coibett and husband to II H Miller , lot 11 blk 1 , lot 5 , 0 blk 3Tip- ton Pluec , q o d . . . . . . 1 Jno L lllack and wife to Glen S Hen- BOH , lot 10 , 11 , 12 , 13,11 , 15 , Blacks sub , w d . 2,700 Total . . . . . $45,194 RKMOIOUH. There arc 800 Sabbath schools in Dakota. Vicar General Con way of Chicago will soon be elevated to the prcluey. There are 184 p'astorless Baptist churches in the state of Now York. The women of Grovctown , Gn. , arc en- de vofiiiff to collect funds enough to build u church in memory of Paul Huync. , The Kusslan church , which has boon in progress ot construction during the last ten years on the Mount of Olives is now fin ished. , ' Kev. Husscll H. Conwell. of Philadelphia , * is to have the larpcst Baptist church in the country. It will scut 4,000 , and cost fi'10.000. ' The Quaker * have n farm of 720 acres ot land near Wabash , 111. , in u hlth state of cul tivation , on which are nearly luO Indi'itia re ceiving a Christian education. \ .13 " Bishop Whfpplo , of Minnesota , has been invited by the vice chancellor of the Univer sity of Cambridge , England , to preach the sermon before the university in Juno' next. f At the meeting of the Evangelical nllianca at the uatiomjl capital was a gathering of 2,000 ministers and Christian laymen of all denominations from all sections of the country. DA new Congregational church has been or- gani/cd in Hndgepoit.Conn. . under the naino of the Primitive Congregational church. Dl vine healing or the laith cuiu is iccogniicd in its ei ccd. The apostolic vicariate of Dakota has at present 00 priests , 130 churches , , JW ) stations ' Without churches , 20 diocesan students , 24 ' parochial schc ls. 4 convents. 3 academics , 10 Jn dimi schools , 1 hospital , and a Catholic pop ulation of feO.OOO. The Mount Pleasant Congregational church. Washington , 1) . C. , has Just secured a building site for a prospective houseof worship. The Tabernacle chuich , Kev. W. C. Scoliold pastor , has cleat cd oft an f 18,000 debt during the year and assumed self-sup- pott. i Uev. H. L. Nanton , of Pcnobscot , Me. , a Methodist preacher , stalled from Pcnobscot for Scnrsport , a distance of fifteen miles , on foot Sunday morning at ao'clock in deep mud and dense fog and darkness. Mr. Nnntou lias preached in sixty different to.wns of tu stutu during his seven years' ininNtry , ano traveled thousands of miles on foot. $ H Khot-K Tor $5. Mondup and Tuesday only NorrisAr'Wilco.-v , 1617 Douglas street. Will sell men's French calf hand Fowed shoes for 15 , thatolhorsask $8 for. Mondaj and Tuesday only. Nonius & Wn.cox , 1517 Douglas St. . Thpfliicst church edifice In Mbnny , Oa. . ii the ono now being built by the ncgio Mctno- disi ICpIscoiul church thcro. The uongrcga- lion compilscs the ncpio uiistocraey of tlio place , an aristocracy said to be bused < lmoro upon education , icjincmcnt. and iiiur&llty than upon pecuniary ' k ' . 41 Ai - . <