THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 18. 1887.-SIXTEEN PAGES. tTOW o GREAT REDUCTION IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT Visit Our Cloak Department this Coming : Week. Read these prices and see the goods , and if you want a cloak you will surely buy. $3.98. $ Newmarket , . . 60 Ladies' Black Diagonal Nowmar- kots , double breasted , double box-pleat mid Iwck. Monday oiilvt $3.93 , regular price $7.60. Newmarket , $10.00. 40 Ladies' Brown Check Newmarkets , tripplo capo ; a very stylish garment , regular price $11,50 ! ; during thib bale $10.00. Astraciian Sacques , $15,00 , 25 Ladies' Black Abtraohan Sai-quos , 42 inches long , quilted liucd , chamois pockctH , 4 Abtraclian loups , $15.00 , regu lar price $20. SEAL PLUSH SACQUES. Our Mile of Seal Plubli Racqucs at re duced prices continues for this week only. All our Seal Fliifh Sacques arc 42 inches long , quilted satin lining , chamois pockets , 4 beal ornaments. $25 BACQUK9 Arc Now $18. $ 3 SAOttUKS Arc Now $25. $10 SACQV133 Are Now $3O ( $ 15 8ACQUI3S Arc Now $35. Jersey Gaps , 48c. CO dozen Child's Normandy Jersey Caps , in brown , navy blue , cardinal , white , blacketc. . , all at 48c each , worth ' 60 DOZEN LADIES' Prime Kid Gloves , I ! 87c Fair. 5Button.scolloped tops , in tans , browns , grays , and blacks , worth $1.25 , Silk Milts , $1.19. 100 dozen Ladies' Black Silk Mitts , elegant embroidered backs , $1.19 pair , worth 81.50. Corsets 75c. Monday only , 40 dozen French woven cor&etb 75o pair , worth $1.50. JERSEYS , 48c. . . ' all colors 50 do/.on.Children's Jerseys , ors and all sizes , 48u each , worth $1.00. JERSEYS , $1.48. 25 dozen Ladies' fiincy front Jerseys at $1.48 each , worth $ a.50. SPECIAL SALE OF GENTS' MUFFLERS MONDAY. 15 dozen Gents' Cashmere Muf- 10 dozen Gents' Fancy Stripe I Cashmere Iulllorg , | 10 dozen Gents' Fancy Stripe I Q0 Cashmere Mulllers , | OUU 20 dozen Gents' Silk Mufflers , I 01 11(1 ( worth $1.10. | $ | iUU 10 do/cn Gents' Silk Mufflers'I 01 7R elegant patterns , worth $2.25 | Vli I u 5 dozen Gents' handsome Silk Mulllors , soiled center , with Satin borders , a beautiful present , worth $0.50. Child's Dishes. CO different kinds of Child's Dishes from the cheapest up to. the very finest china. Prices always the very lowest. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS FOR LADIES and GENTLEMEN. GENTS' FANCY MOUSTHCIIE CUPS and SAUCERS. FANCY VACES. FANCY STATIONERY. FANCY BRASS GOODS. LADIES' SHELL POCKET BOOKS. FANCY GILT THERMOMETERS. 2OO Boys' Tool Chests At lOc Each. 2OO Boys' Tool Chests At 39c Each , 2OO Boys' Tool Chests f At 75c Each. \ \ \ Largo size , with inside section , and * * chock full of Tools , only 75e. CALL AND SEE THEM , BOYS. 500 Child's China Mugs , 5c Each. 500 Child's China Mugs , lOc Each. 500 Child's China Mugs , 15c Each. 300 Child's Fancy China CUP AND SAUCERS , 30c A SET. aifc aAfaiA J t' iBi The unusually large trade which we have had on our holiday goods this season is very Ratifying to us , and we appreciate it , and those who visit our store the coming week will ind us prepared with greater bargains than ever. BENNISON D 519-1521 SPECIAL SALE OF DRESS GOODS ALL NEXT WEEK. 1000 pieces all wool dress goods , next week , in plains , fancynovoltics , serges , diagonals , ctcM all at special prices for next week. Come in and sec them. Fancy Dress Goods , 14c Yard. 100 pieces 32 inches wide , Me Monday. Worth double. Gents , buv your wife , your sister , your cousins and aunts , a now drces. It makes a handsome Christmas present. 60 DOZEN GENTS' Brocaded Silk Handkerchiefs , * 75c Each. Elegant line of colors to choose from. They are worth $1.00. 20 DOZEN GENTS' Brocaded Silk Handkerchiefs , 98c Each. Beautiful designs , worth $1.50 , Infants' Cloaks In Cashmere , Eiderdown , Corduroys , Bear Skins , etc. INFANTS' LONG AND SHORT Cashmere Cloaks , $2,98 Silk embroidered nil around the bottom mid collar , worth 4-5.00. Infants' Plush Cloaks , $4.00. In cardinal and blue , 1 , 2 and 0 years , worth $7.00. ASTRACHAN WRAP This Wrap is made of the finest Imported Black Abtraclian. has quilted Satin Lining , fur ball trimming all around , and is a bcauliful garment. Never before .sold for less than $25. During this sale , for one week only. $16.95. CHILDREN'S FNEST Plush Cloaks , $8.50. In electric blue and cardinal , worth $12.00. Great reduction in all Children's and Misses' Cloaks this week. If you want to buy the little ones a cloak , visit our cloak department this week. SPECIAL SALE OF NEXT WEEK. Faille Francaise , $1.25 75 pieces Faille Franeaiso Silks , in all the now shades , evening shades in cluded , at the very low price of $1,25. These goods , at prices quoted , wo guar antee to bo the best value in Omaha. Silk Surah , 89c. GO pieces all Silk Surahs in now and desirable shades , also evening shades. Our price for this week fa'Je a yard , worth 81.25. Monday , and all next week , wo will sell 8 numbers of Black Gros Grain Silks at Special Cut Prices. Black Gros Grain Silk , 95c Yd. 10 pieces , worth $1.33 , and every yard warranted. Black Gros Grain Silk , $1.1O Yd. 5 pieces , usually retails fit $1.50. Every yard warranted. Black Cashmere Finish Silk , 1.48 Yd. 5 pieces , same goods retail every where nt'Sl.8-5 to J2.00. Every yard warranted. Thee Silks , at prices quoted , give the. gentlemen a chfinco to buy a hand some Christinas present for loved ones at homo or some one else's homo. * ' , " * Velvet Beaver Shawls , $ s.oo. Monday morning 20 Velvet Shawls that never sold le than $12.00. Your choice this week , $8.00. 25 DOUBLE Wool Shawls , $5.00 Worth $8.00. 10 Beaver Shawls $12,00 Each in Ifjrht grays , tans , browns and blacks , usually bold at $18 to $20. 50 CHILD'S PLUSII Work Boxes 99c Each. 100 PLUSII GLOVE BOXES , $1.25 Each , 100 JP.LUSH JEWELRY'BOXES , $1.98 Each. I 100 PLUSH | COLOGNE CASES , $1.58 Each. With Cut Glass Bottles. * . 50 FINE PLUSII TOILET CASES , $1.75 Each. white celluloid comb , brush and French plate glass , $1.75 , worth $2.50. 100 VERY FINE PLUSH TOILET CASES , 2.49 EACH. Fine white celluloid brush , comb , and French Plato mirror. A beautiful present. 100 GENTS' PLUSII Collar & Cuff Box$1.99 Ono Picco. Very Handsome. 40 GENTS' PLUSII Shaving Boxes , $2,48. A Beautiful Present. 1000 Different kinds of Plush Goods at prices to fault every one. Tbe-o Plushes were selected with great care , and wo think we have the finest line in Omaha. An inspection fcolicito d. 6000 Dolls of every description. Dolls at 6c , 10c , 16o , 2oe , 3Uc , 4to ) , 69c , up to $10 each. . Bring tJio girls to ECO the 100 different kinds of Child's Blocks in Letters , Pictures , Characters , Ktc. At prices that all can buy BLOOKZS- Child's Chiar,59c o en CO This Beautiful Chair , like the cut above , usually retails at 85c. One price to close them out quick , at 5'Jc each. DONT'S FAIL TO VISIT BennisonBros THIS WEEK. IN ADDITION TO OUR Already Large Stock OF HOLIDAY GOODS WE WILL RECEIVE Monday Morning ANOTHER Large Lot WHICH IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE. Cone Monday Alltims,88co Plus Alltims,88c ) , 160 Pluph Albums that usually poll for si.a-'i. Wt > bought them cheap , and will toll them as long as they last at SSo each. GENTS' MOROCCO Collar and Gaff Set , 25c 200 Gents' Collar and Cuff Boxes , 25o a set. Coino early and yet them UK wo cannot get any more. PL1MITOILIJ CASES , 98c 150 Pluoh Toilet Cnios with beautfful white celluloid comb and brush , others retail it as a llicr at $1.25. Our price is only 98c Each. The largest and cheapest line of Boolcs in Omaha. Fancy Picture Books for the children , and good , solid rending for the old folks and at prices guaran teed to be the lo\\cst in the city. BASKETS. 3000 Fancy baskets Ea = ols , Ladies' Work Baskets , &c. We have so mativ different kinds that it would bo impossi ble to quote prices. Ladies come and &co them. EASELS , BASKETS , WORK BASKETS. OUR BASEMENT. Plush Goods , ETC. See If You Can't ' Find Your Present Here. bslflgh v no larttu flelgli 75 liuiiilbomu bltlKli fl 00 " " 1 M " " 1 Jill a at Child's clmlr ill 411 locking chair 4' ' ) in " i v ; " lior. o 1 i l Shoo rivhouo US " " " 1 " - > Hey ' Jirass Dunn 60 , \ 47 . 1 75 U' WJ Checker lloanl 47 Lotto Games. . ' . . ' . . ' . . . . ' . . . . ' . 10 , , . . .I. . . * . . . " 't ci Chllds1 mocks. 4U t'J ' IJlockH , consisting of 10 Chillis' iJLln 1.71 I0t Tt * * ) " -V jik'cos , nn flegnnt iircitnt , only. . . . 08 I'fno t 10 * : . ' : : : ; : ; ; : . ; . . . . . . . . . m " " largo ttl/o 35 Jlnbljcr Itnlls r 47nndup Hoy's Tool Clioi > t . 10 IS ChllclB' Hilly \ \ < ) y Wagons 4'J GOME IN AND SEE OUR TOYS. o