Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1887, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In ntiy part of the city at
twenty cents per w * k.
II. W TIMON , Manager.
MinllT KniTou ; No. Zl.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Ileitcr , tailor , Fall goods chcnp.
See Chapman's pletures for Christmas.
Addltonul Council IJlufis news on scventli
A mnrrlnpo permit wns yesterday prnntcd
to W. U. JolTrles anil Maud Hontmtn , butli of
tills city.
The waiting rooms nnd ofllcps nt the local
elcj > ot of the Chlciipo & Northwestern roiul
nro receiving u holiday coat ut thu hands of
the painters.
Today's chnngo of tlmo on the Wnbash
makes tlio paHRunger urrlvo nt 11 : ! ( . " > o'clock
in the morning , and leuvo at 3:43 : o'clock in
the afternoon.
Pace & Schmld hnvo n bcnvcr hnnplnu In
front of tholr market on lower Uroudway.
The animal was hilled on Mosquito crock und
is quite a curiosity.
A full attendance of both degree teams is
desired nt the mcetliiB of the I. O. O. P. , on
next Wednesday , to niuke arrangements for
a grand ball to bo given the latter part of
next month.
The order moving the Union Pacific freight
cars to this sldo of the river , which was Is-
ued a month and more ago. goes Into effect
to-morrow. Hereafter nil the trains will be
tnado up on this sldo of the river.
The Imprqvcments which have been in
progress upon the Ogden house during the
past few months , nro nearly completed. The
house Is In better condition thun ever before ,
nnrt with the addition of an elevator , which
is shortly to bo placed , it will bo all ready for
The division of the Orcpg tract continues.
Yesterday's record shows Spcnccs Smith to
Mary B. Swan , 20 lots , f. > ,000 ; sumo to Oscar
Kccllnc , 23 lots , i,000 ; also J. N. Palmer to
Anne J. Anderson , the south half of lot 7 and
block 8 , Enbank's ' second addition , * 'J50 ;
enmc to Christ. Anderson , north half of lot 7
in block 8 , saino addition , KM ; H. Goldstein
to It. Marcus , 13 acres of the levco (75.
The confidence man Is getting In his work
in this city so frequently of late that it is
becoming monotonous. Yesterday n man
named Harper , accompanied by his family ,
bound for the Pncitlc coast , passed through
this city and wan worked for ? . ' ) . " > 0 by a
Stranger with whom ho became acquainted
On leaving Chicago. The same , chesttiutly
express dodge did the business. Harper
stopped in Omaha to try to recover his roll.
Opium , morphine hubits cured. DR.
BELLINGER , 014 ITwny. Council Bluffs.
Offices of Tipton , the real estate
broker , 627 Broadway.
T. B. Baldwin soils lots.
Watches cheap tit Kkkland's , 321
Cranberries , lOc per quart , Troxcll
Solid and plated ware at Burhorn's.
Tipton , the real Cfatato broker.
Elegant toys of all kinds at cost.
Mueller Music Co.
Christmas presents , Burhorn's,17 Main
Call at Adam's shoo store and get a
dilemma free.
Gorham's celebrated solid silver one
dollar and thirty-live cents per ounce ;
best patterns one dollar and lifty cents
. per ounce , at Robins-on Bro'fl. reliable
Jewelry house , established in ISM at 408
and 410 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Always at tlio Front.
Wo have now one of the most com
plete stock of flno and medium-priced
watches and chains , diamonds , gold jew
elry , fine marble clocks , silver and plated
ware , gold-headed canes , umbrellas.
Opera and Held glasses , and all the
Standard styles of the leading novelties
of the season. All prices so low as to
defy all competition. At No. 27 South
Main street. C. B. JACQUKM1N & Co.
For best quality coal and wood , call
on Gleason , i20 Pearl street.
. ,
Gold pens and pencils at E. Burhorn's.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Greonamayer , 623 Mynstor st.
telephone 121.
J. G. Tipton , real estate.
Postofflco boxes for doors and posts at
Odoll & Bryants , 405 Main street.
"Tho Corner" Book-Store.
Bound to carry the day in sales of
Christmas presents.
No need to bo without a sowing machine -
chino when you can pay for ono in work
at the Domestic ollico , 107 Main street.
Call and BCD.
Every ono making a cash purchase o
26 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cigar
Btoro gets a chance in the annual prize
Brawing. Twenty elegant puizcs.
30 bars of Peisian soap , $1.00 , at
Troxoll Bros , '
J. G. Tipton , real estate.
The goods and "fixtures at Central
Jewelry store , 415 Broadway , must bo
Sold ut some price. Call and get u bar
gain. _
Go to Robinson Bros , for bargains in
Christmas goods. For prices sco their
thirty-tluru annual circular. Secure
rour tickets in their sixteenth annual
? reo gifts of diamonds , watches , silver
ware , fine clocks , etc.
Lrfdios Imt&nnd bonnets at half price
at II. Friedman's.
Finctt Store.
"Tho Corner" book-store has the finest
assortment of albums , and all kinds ol
plush goods , in the city.
For Christmas gifts go to Kirkland's.
Finest line of Christmas cards in the
city at cost. Mueller Music Co.
Bargains in heavy pant goods and
overcoatings. Made up in the oest style
aud very cheap at A. Iteiter's 31C
Entire chan go in programme of prices
fct Adams' . Call for , "Dilemma" Free ,
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
ocurity of every description. Private
fconsulting rooms. All business strictlj
confidential. Ofllco 600 Broadway , cor-
Her Main street , up-staira.
Gold headed canes at E. Bui-horn's ,
. .
The Cantata.
All holders of tickets for the cnntatf
"Under the Palms" are requested to remember
member that the tickets are good foi
either Tuesday or Wednesday evening *
( I prevented from attending by the
crowd that will bo present on Tucsdaj
evening , please keep your ticket foi
Wcdnobday evening. Seats may bo se
Cured for 26 cent * extra at Bubhnelrs or
A Variety of Opinions on the Suc
cess of the Experiment.
A tinw Firm In Much Trouble False
Economy KfTcctH tlio Teachers
Ijlttlo Sinners niul Tholr I'tin-
Isliment I'ei-hoiials.
How About the
J. O. Tipton "I'm disappointed. I ex
pected the city would be In a regular blaze ,
and when 1 saw them lighted I felt so bud I
could hardly sleep that night nt all. 1 kept
thinking of 'Twinkle , twinkle , little star.1 I
believe the lights nre too high. If they were
down they would be all right. It worked
better last night , though. "
Henry Spetinun "All right. "
C. 11. Walte "They don't seem nuito so
bright as last summer , but perhaps that's a
notion. I guess they're all right. "
Judge Jnines "A great Improvement. I
believe , though , they can bo made to dp still
better. There's a shade , put on , as I under
stand , to protect from snow , and that easts u
shadow.- think this shadow can be done
nwuy with. "
Alderman Wells-"Thlnk It Is doing well.
We cannot expect perfection In a day. It
will be better , probably , than now. "
City Attorney Holmes "I guess they are
pretty good. The tlmo to test them is In
stormy weather , when wo-nccd them. There
Is ono thing certain , they dou't coine up to
the expectations. "
Judge Aylcsworth "It's first rate. I sleep
all night now , without a light In my room.
It even casts a light down cellar so that I can
get my coal without a lantern. Great thing. "
Patrol Driver Nicholson "They right up
the city la great shape. There is no trouble
In "getting thcio" now'with the wagon. "
Carl Morgan "I don't think they amount
to much. They don't come up to my expec
tations , but mav do better after a while. "
Dell Morgan ( brother of the ubove ) It's a
big thing. Can see to a paper on Wash
ington avenue. It's such an improvement on
the darkness we have been having that I am
perfectly satisfied. "
"Captain Hrown "They are nil right , but
are nothing like what I expected. "
Charley Uemo "Darned If I know whr.t to
think. It seems to me they are too high. I
think if they were whittled off three or four
lengths they would give better light. "
William Lewis "It's a big thing. Beat
thegasl Well I should holler. "
City Clerk Burke "I don't ' think they are
as brilliant us I expected , but it's a great
Improvement over the gas light
Put Lacy "I can't tell much about It yet.
It has been my idea all along that lower
lights would bo better. Can't tell much
about it until the other lights are out , and
I don't stay up that late. "
Auditor Klnnehan "They are too high.
It muy bo a good advertisement for the
city. "
Weighmastcr Amy "Tho are too high ,
too far upart , or not powerful enough. Some
thing wrong. "
James O'Noil They nre all right. They
are well distributed over the city , and llncly
.located. "
Charley Moore "Pretty good so far. I
think they ate a great improvement on gas. "
Squire Schurz "It's all right. It's way
ahead of anything we have had yet. "
Jacob Sims "They are all right , I guess.
Hardly enough of them. "
Joe Bacharuch "They ought to take off
two lengths. All loking aside , they are a
great success. When they get to running in
good shape they will bo O. K. "
M. J. Alworth "I think they are a good
thing and much better than gas. Electric
lighting is the thing , but I dou't know as this
is the most practical way. "
H. S. Hlchardson "I think they nre
mighty fine. Can see to read a newspaper in
niy window. "
Frank Guanella "I don't think they are
near as good as they might bo. "
G. W. Ferguson "I don't know as they
have had a fair test , but thus far the object
has not been attained. The tops of the
buildings are lighted , but the streets are
dark. I regard them as unsatisfactory. "
Policeman Unthank "Much better than
gas. After the other lights are out the .city
is well lighted with them. They are doing
llrst rate. " .
William Arnd "I guess they are all right.
Can tell better after the gas goes out. "
J. C. Mitchell "I think its a success. It
used to bo so dark In our part of town you
couldn't tell whether you was on the bridge
or in the creek. Wo can see now to read a
newspaper. "
Ira Hendrlcks "I think they are all right
but not enough of them. "
W. H. Thomas "I think electric lighting
Is the thing , but it don't ' seem to mo that
these lights are doing as well as the ones on
the court house last summer. "
Jerry Mullen "A big improvement , you
bet. "
W. II. M. Pusey "A grand success. A
dark night will show their power , and that i
when we need light the most. " ,
Dr. Waterman "A line thing ; give a
splendid light. "
. Frank Yenawine "Very favorably 1m-
pressed with their work so far. "
James Anderson "More advantage to resi
dence portion thun the business part of the
city. It Impedes our work , for a burglar or
crook can see us before wo can see them. "
George Kudlo "Very nice. "
Jerry Shea "Tho towers are too high.
They are going to take oft a couple of
lengths. "
Harkness Bros "We like it very much. "
Troxell Bros "Wo get very little benefit
hero. "
W. A. Maurer "Quality good , not enough
quantity. "
S. S. Keller "All right , I guess. "
J. C. DeHaven "People may bo disap
pointed , but the city is light enough so that
travel Is safe and that is all anyone can ask
for. Moro masts are needed. "
Swanson Bros "We are pleased with
them. They are an unqualified success. "
A. J. Mandcl "A big Improvement over
the lights wo have had. "
W. D. Kirkland "Like all tower lights ,
good in winter. They should bo placed lower
and have more of them. "
J. B. Atkins "Grand. Some people wan
daylight , but they will come to their senses
after awhile. "
Simon Eiscman "Offlcer has done re
markably well to get up so good a thlilg for
the public und at so low a price. Ho is a pub
lic benefactor. "
A. Ueiter "Fine thing. Just what wo
want. "
Dr. Cleaver "Splendid success. "
Mayor Groneweg "Tho light is not as good
as the sample shown on the court house last
summer. Will probably work better when
the adjustments are all made. A fair test
could not be made except when the other
lights wore out. It will probably bo satisfac
tory. "
C. A. Beebo "It is all all right. Beats the
old light. "
W. S. Stout "With the present number
perhaps the present height Is about right , but
the towers should bo lower , and we should
have more of them. "
L. C. Bracket "Too busy to notice It. "
F. H. Orcutt "Fine. As good as moon
light. "
H. Friedman "It is fine. "
W. A. Mynstcr "It is satisfactory. Would
be better if a half dozen ( Ingle cable lights
could be placed on Broad way und Main where
most needed.
Swan & Harmon "First rate. Better
than wo expected. "
E. W. Kuppoll "Need four more , then it
would do first rate. "
D. W. Uusbnell "Thinkit will bo satisfac
tory. Like it very much. "
Johnson * Van Patten "Good thing for
the city. "
J. Mueller "Good as far as they go , but
there uro not enough of them. "
W. W. Chnpman-"Vcry nice. "
'Squlro Hlggs "Fine. Will do better on a
dark night. "
Max Mohn "Will do first rate. "
S. B. Wadsworth "Shows our part of the
city off In good shape. "
ft. A. Wood-"Vory good. "
Ira Odell "The court houne tower don't
give near the light it did last summer. Seems
to noed.inoro prunsure. "
Nick O'Brien "Lights up the city in good
shape. "
S. S undors "Thoy nro first rate BO far as
they no , but there art ) not enough of them. "
L. ft. Crafts "I like the location of the
masts , but there should be aevferal more.1 ' .
W. C. pkkqy "Gofct" . . ,
Among thr Church" * .
The following announcement * are made
concerning services to bo held to-days
Preaching , ns usilal , by the puslor , at the
Presbyterian church , both morning and
evening. Strangers and others cordially
Services at Harmony Mission to-dtiy nt
fl o'clock conducted by Hcv , ( Ji O. Ulco. Sab
bath school at 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting ,
Wednesday evening. Subject , "Jesus Our
Friend and Brother , " Mark. III. .13.
At the Methodist Episcopal church there
will he preaching at 10:30 : a. in. Subject ,
"Holiness. " At 7-SO p. in. , theme , "Abom-
liwbio Things. " W. II. W. Uccs , pastor ,
tiumiuy school at 12 in. Class meetings nt
0 : . ' ) ( ) p.m. Seats free. Public Invited.
The pastor of the First Baptist church will
preach at 10HO : a. m. on "The Lost. " In the
evening Prof. Enslcv will speak on "Tho
Claims of the Negro for Education. " The
importance of this subject to every patriot
and the ability of the speaker ought to secure
a largo house. Prof. Ensley was educated at
Kogcr Williams' university , Nashville , Tcnn. ,
and nt Newton Theological seminary in Mas
sachusetts , and has been professor at Har
vard unlvorslty , Washington , I ) . C. , and
Mississippi State university , and is therefore
fitted to speak on this subject as but few
can do.
Services In the Congregational church to
day as usual. Morning subject : "Tho Cease
less Coullict. " Evening : "Alojio , Yet Not
Alone. " A cordial invitation is extended.
At the North Main street Mount /Aon
church there will bo preaching at 10:30 :
o'clock a. m. and nt 7 o'clock p. in. Sunday
school at usual hour.
Elder Mark Forsciitt will preach at Saints
church morning and evening at 10:30 : a. m ,
and 7:30 : p. in.
Young men's meeting this afternoon at 4
o'clock at association hall , corner Main street
and Broadway. All young men nro invited
to bo present. A brief spirited song service
will precede the other exercises.
Catholic Church St. Francis Xavler Mass
at ( ( , Sand 0o'clock ; high mass and sermon
at 10:30 at 2 o'clock .
: ; Sunday-school p in. ;
vespers and benedictions of the blessed sac
rament at 3:40 : p. m. B. P. McMcnamy ,
Morning preaching services at the Over-
ton Misslqn church , between Fourth avenue
and Seventeenth street , nt 11 o'clock to-mor
row. Sunday-school nt 3 p. m.
St. Paul's Church Sermon topic this
morning : "KcBponsibllity and Growth. "
The dean of Trinity cathedral , Omaha , Uev.
C. H. Gardner , will preach In the evening.
The boy choir will sing at the evening ser
vice. The public and strangers are cordially
Invited to attend. T. J. Mucky , rector.
A devotional meeting of the W. C. A. will
be held at Mrs. John T. Baldwin's , corner of
Sixth street and Willow avenue , Monday ,
December 19 , at 3 p. in.
Prof. Do Normandle has so far recovered
from his Illness as to bo able to resume his
duties to-day as organist of the Congrega
tional church.
Arrangements are being made for a sacred
oncert In the Congregational church next
un day Christmas night.
Musical services ut Congregational church
ils morning :
) rgan Impromptu in "A"
Prof. D. E. Normandle.
Opening Quartette , "The Lord is Mind
ful of His Own" Mendelssohn
: espousc , Quartette , "Nearer My God to
Thee" Gilbert
Offertory , Duet , "Kind Words" Pinsutl
Mrs. Wadsworth and Airs. Evans.
Diamonds at Mrs. E. Burhorn's.
Silk mufflers very cheap at II. Fried
Entire change in programme of prices
, t Adums' . Cull lor dilemma , free.
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
For Sale Chesif ) Lots near the bridge
o parties who will build nt once. Ad-
ress or cull on J. R. Rice , No. 110
"Main street , CouncilBlutTs.
That's his full name , Tipton , the real
estate broker.
Holiday goods at Mrs. E. Burhorn's.
Queer , Ijow Business.
There has been seine stir caused among
, he circle of barristers by the filing of a petl-
iou for the disbarment of A. W. Askwith , of
A.voca. Mr. Askwith is well-known through-
iut the county. Ho was a student in Wright
c Baldwin's office in this city , and soon after
being admitted to the bar went to Walnut ,
, n.d afterwards formed a partnership with
Fremont Benjamin , at Avoca. Ho and Ben-
amin did not have the most harmonious'sort
of a dissolution. Thcro has been some bad
blood shown on both sides , according to
ports , and there nro naturally suspicions that
Benjamin is in same way connected with this
attempt to have Askwith disbarred. The
petition is , however , free from any such inti
mation , It being drawn by Baird & Mcyerly ,
of Harlan. It recounts a number of cases ,
which if proved , show Askwith to bo unworthy -
worthy a place at the bar. The gist of most
of thcso specifications is that ho betrayed the
secrets and interests of his clients ? . It is
claimed that in ono case in which lie was at
torney for a man who was seeking to inako a
railway company pay for some stock killed ,
Askwith acted really as the attorney for the
company , and received pay from both sides
in the suit. Other similar acts nro charged.
A still moro serious charge grows out of his
being attorney for the Walnut saloon cases.
It is claimed that he represented ( to thcso cli
ents that it was necessary to have money to
"sugar up" the prosecuting attorneys , so as
to secure desired continuances and delays ,
thereby securing for them the privilege of
keeping their saloons open for a tlmo
longer. The money was paid over and in ,
stead of being used for thu purposes stated-
it went into the depths of Askwith's pockets ,
while at the same time ho was receiving his
regular fees as an attorney. No ono who
knows the attorneys whoso names are brought
into unpleasant connection with the affair ,
would believe that they would bo guilty of
receiving any such money , even if offered by
by Askwith. Askwith , himself , denies that
there is any truth in these charros against
him andis preparing to fight the case.
His former partner , Fremont' Benjamin , is
also in court. Ho was retained as attorney
for Arch Coffman when the latter was ar
rested for killing Jack Main. Benjamin
claims that Coffman did not live up to their
agreement , and that ho must pay him $2.200
for his fees in the case. The suit against
Coffman is now on trial at Avoca. Coffman
claims that Benjamin betrayed his confidence.
Ho paid Benjamin all that he was entitled to
receive , and when ho would pay no moro
Benjamin began a warfare upon him. Coff
man .claims that Benjamin , after dropping
out of the case , went "over to the enemy ; "
in other words , that ho went to the prosecu
ting attorneys and Informed them of all the
facts on which Coffman'g ' dcfcnco rested ,
thus betraying tils confidence. It U lso
claimed that Benjamin went to other attor
neys and sought to employ them to prosecute
Coffman. If those matters are proved up It
is predicted that proceedings for disbarring
Benjamin will follow.
Always Busy.
Never idle , but always at work , is Tip-
ton , the real estate broker.
You don't have to buy shoos to get a
dilemma at Adams' free.
Special sale of handkerchiefs at H.
Fine jewelry at Burhorn's , 17 Main.
Adams' dilemma explains all about
prize soon to bo given.
Salaries of Teachers.
The announcement is made that Prof. L.
Roberts will , In a few days , leave for Penn
sylvania , to take the position othead _ teacher
in the institution for the deaf and dumb , at
Pittsburg. Prof. Roberts has been in this
work for fifteen years or more , and is con
sidered a vury flno teacher , as is .evidenced
by hU being offered this position. Ho lias
forever thrca years been connected with
the Institution hero'mid has proved himself
to bo a Valuable rauo. The Institution , to
which ho4s now'going , offered him'several
hundred dollars moro salary than ho was
here receiving , and uuturally ho accepted.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Discount , Goods Marked in Plain Figures ,
105 & 107 MAIN SL , : : : COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA ,
For useful Christmas Gifts
call on the Council Bluffs
Carpet Co. , 405 Broadway.
SO , 3:7O"W IS
Wo Defy All Competition and Challenge a Comparison of Goods and Price *
With Any Hou e In the Wnst.
It seems that Iowa Is losing many of Its
> est men on account of the falsely economi
cal policy followed in regard to salaries of
; eachers. The legislature has been very
much inclined to cut down appropriations for
these institutions , without regard to the
effect. Ono of the results has been that this
state hus been producing and developing
touchers , only to have them quickly taken
away by other states by the Inducement of
letter wages. Iowa docs not seem to appre
ciate Its own as much as others appreciate
Prof. Booth , born in this state , educated
hero , and ono of the best teachers in the
whole country , has been taken away by the
Philadelphia institution , this state not being
willing to pay as good a salary by several
Hundred dollars.
Prof. Kennedy , who also taught here , has
aeon taken away by the institution at Jack
sonville , III. Ho was also born in Iowa and
educated in this state.
Prof. Blattncr is another Instance of the
result of a too niggardly policy. Ho was also
a native lowan , and was never outside of the
state until he was called to Texas and given
charge of the institution there , Texas recog
nizing his ability and the value of his experi
ence. A few hundred dollars a year moro
than Iowa would pay him was all that took
tiim away.
Miss Christie , ono of the most valued of the
lady teachers nt the institution hero. Is now
filling a resiwnsiblo position in the Wisconsin
institution. There are many others who have
been likewise taken away from Iowa. With
these facts right before their eyes it might be
well for the legislators' in making their ap
propriations to consider whether they are
not practicing a false economy in allowing
Iowa's own intellectual products to be taken
away by a few dollars of silver.
Tipton for any kind of a real estate
deal , 527 Broadway.
Kirklnnd will give you bargains in
watches , clocks und jewelry ,
Fine mixed candies , lie per lb. ,
Troxell Bros.
Insure with Wndsworth , Etnyro & Co.
Opera glasses at Mrs. E. Burhorn's.
You can save money by buying your
HOLIDAY niESENTS at H. Friedman's.
The Cantata.
The beautiful cantata , "Under the Palms , "
will bo presented by the leading vocalists of
the city , assisted by a flno chorus from St.
Paul's church choir and Sunday school all
In full costume on Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings , December 20 and lit in St. Paul's
church. Admission 35 cents. Reserved scats
25 cents extra can bo secured at Bush-
ncll's on Monday for either night.
The ravages of diphtKerla in Europe
and America under the common treat
ment of the medical fratormty averages
from 60 to 80 per cent. During a period
of ton years , oy the use of Dr. Thos.
Joffen's proventltivo and cure for diph
theria , tno death ruto j has been less
the one-fifth of one per cent , or ono in
five hundred. No physician required ;
can bo obtained of Mrs. Ed. Porter , No.
720 Fourth uvonuo , Council Bluffs , In. ,
or address Dr. Thos. Jeffon , No. S17
South lotn street. Omaha , Nebraska.
Reference , any citizen of Council Bluffs.
Telephone Tipton , the real ebtato
broker , 24li. _
Gold and silver watches at Burhorn's.
Money to loan. Cooper. & Judson.
Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. loan money
Thirty Jots in Beers' subdivision for
gale. Johobton. & .Van Fatten , 33 Main
Don't F U '
To visit "The Corner" book-store for
Christmas presents , opjMwiUJ the now
pobtotllco. . ' , . ' *
Sample Rooms Attached.
W.B. IRWIN.Prop.
COO Broodway Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established
SPECIAL advertisements , such as Lost.Fonnd ,
To Loan , For Sale. To Hent , Wants , Hoarding ,
etc. , will be Inserted In this column nt the low
ratooTKN CJKNTS PEK LINK for the first In-
sertlon and Five Cents 1'er Line for each subse
quent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our
office No. K Pearl Street , near Uroadwuy , Coun
cil Muffs , Iowa.
"HIGH BALE Stoves and carpets must be sold
J Boon , iff N 7th bt.
FOR KENT The larce hall , Mx34. JlRhtcd by
eight windows und suitable for larce olll-
cesor club rooms. Directly over Uuttir Cali
fornia fruit btore , 16 Pearl st. Horace Kverett.
WANTED Ml women to buy Boning ma
chines ; will give them more than enough
work to pay for them. Uomebtlc oOlce , lUu
Main st.
WANTED First class gardener , without
capital , to work extensive garden on
shares. Firxt clous chance. Address Joseph
Smith. Council Illuffs , la.
"IJ'XCIIANOE Omaha and Council Illuffs prop.
EL4 erty and western land for stocks of mer
chandise. Call on or address J. II. Chrbtlan ,
K10 Uroadway , Council Illuffs , la.
IOST A nickel-plated Ctmtelnln watch , < fc
i bon attached. Hoturu to II T , Dee office ,
Council Illuffs.
X ? shares In Jeffries syndicate. Inquire oj
Odell Ilros. 4 Co.
FOH SALK Very cheap for rash , or would
exchange for Council niuffs or Omaha prop
erty , a retul stock of boots und shoes valued at
about 14,000. Call at btore. No. 60P llroadw y. or
address 11. Martin , same number , Council
muffs. la.
SALE Second-hand Columbia blcycli
very cheap , fC-lncli , ut lice office.
BUILDING lots and acre property for sale by
F. J. Day. 39 Penrl Bt.
Fen HENT A flnoly furnished front room
first Moor , In private residence near couit
house. Water In room , lighted and heuttxl
Large closet. Hefercnces required. Addrecttll
I" , llee office , Council Hltiffs.
The desirable residence o'r business proper ! ;
known a * the Power * Place , on Utiper Ilroiwl
way opposite the M. E. church , will positively
be bold Uhlnth nuxt thirty duyg. Terms
One-third nuh , balance In one and two years
blaU >
Omaha , Neb. , 1U17 and 1310 Douglas St.
401 BROADWAY. 401 ,
See the Beautiful Silk
Christmas Quilt
And Pillow Shams ,
We have a large line of
Which we are closing out regardless
former prices. Also a few more
Bargains in Cloaks !
40 1 Broadway-40 1
But it is well known that our house contains snch a multitude
of items that it is impossible to name them , nor could
the papers make space to enumerate the
articles now on exhibition.
Each and every one of our departments will offer thousands of useful and
ornamental things
Wo have made every effort to place on sale tlio most attractive nnd useful . good % '
at the lowest possible prices , and wo invite inspection and comparison. t
Special Handkerchief sale this week at Special bargains in our Art goods do- ,
: ic , 5c , 10c , 15c , 2oc , up to $10. Euch partment. Stamped Linens , Knit
and all go at about half price. goods. Underwear. Everything muet
be Hold this week.
Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers in
larfjo variety. Laces , Embroideries , Come to the People's store drat and BOO
Fichues , Lace Collars. Kid and Fabric . what wo can do for you. |
Gloves. All must go at this great wile.
Wo know wo have tbo Roods and thafr
Cloaks , Suits , Wraps , Gentlemen's
will ovorjp
. our prices save you money
and SmokingJacketH.
Dressing Gowns time.
Ladle's Slumber Robes , Japanese
Smoking Jackets all Silk and Quilted will to-
With every $2 purchase you
at $5 , $0 , J7.50 to $10. Each a very ceivo ticket for ono chance in our
suitable present from a lady to a gon- .
tloinun. ICO grand free present *
314,316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY ,