Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1887, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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Lecture Room , Curiosity Hall and Bijou Theatorium.
Wm , Lawler , Manager , Location , Cor , nth and Farnam-sts
The Marvelous Mortal Miracles , The Ma's todon Mother , The Huge Gigantic Son. Big Hannah , biggest woman known to exist and her gigantic oflfsprmgLivmg Jumbo ,
largest boy on earth. These people can't get in ordinary cars , so box cars bring them , derricks lift them , Hall's safe wagons transports them from the depot to
Musee. They are awe-inspiring personages. You will never see their likes again. Since creation none have existed. A pleasing parlor entertainment takes plaoo
in our Bijou Theatorium continuously introducing Whitney's Musical Coterie , 20 Vaudeville Stars.
Ladies and Children are earnestly invited to attend the AFTERNOON RECEPTIONS , thus avoiding the great crowds at night.
County Attorney Simoral Makes His
Annual Report.
Pull Text of Hie Itcport The Kxcel-
lent Work J > ; mc y the Prone-
cuter lie Wins a hat-go Ma
turity of the CUBPS.
County Attorney Edward . Simcral ren
dered lila iinnuul rcpuit to the county coi -
iniHHioncrH yesterday and the ducuuicnt is
published In full us below :
To the Hoard of County Commissioners.
Douglas county Genllemen : Herewith 1
Ruhmit to your hnnoniblu body my annual re
port of tliu business trans-acted in my oQlco
during the past year.
At the commencement of this year the sum
of $ .VX ) was allowed mo for an assistant. Of
this umount I have paid f.T > per month to an
attorney to look after the police court , but it
* i entirely inadequate as compensation for
the time necessarily required to attend to
that important branch of the service. At the
latter end of the September term your body
allowed mo $1 < X ) to procure an attorney to as-
nisi in the trial of criminal cases in the Dis
trict court. That $100 has saved the county
ninny times the amount in the board of pris
oners and the early disclmrpo of the jury.
A years' experience in the office has dem
onstrated to me that otto of the preal items
of expense In the ttial of criminals arc wil-
iiess fees. Oftentimes names aio placed upon
. infot nmtion as witnesses for the state , of those
who know little or nothing about the facts
of the case , and in u great number of cases
it is impossible for the county attoinoy to
personally interview each witness before the
Jf I had some person whom I could employ
in certain cases to see witnesses before the
case is called , largo expense would bo saved
the county by subpoenaing only those whoso
testimony is of importance. This would ro-
Bitll in a great saving to the county.
The county jail is kept full nil the time
with criminals awaiting trial on informa
tions , hut as I can only try ono case at n
time , the result is the criminal dockcl must
bo far ahead of me. Had I Iho power
to employ an assistant I could
then try criminal cases before Iwo Judges ,
thus saving the county the great expense of
retaining the jury for ' so long a time each
term as well as the cxpeuso of boarding
the prisoners.
I would therefore suggest and earnestly
request you to make an appropriation of
fl.bOO or fcj/XX ) for the coming your to be used
by me in securing assistance in the trial of
cases , this amount to include the pay of my
assistant who attends upon trials In the
police and Justice's courts and who is also re
quired to attend to Mich duties in Iho oftlco
us requires clerical service. In fact ho is
kepi constanlly occupied.
I luivo tried during Iho year seventy crimi
nals , of which number fifty-live have been
Bcnl to the stuto penitentiary , reform school
or the county Jail , and lifteen have been ac
quitted. 1 have also dismissed without Irial
for good cause during the year thitty cases.
The Itemised statement hereto attached gives
the cases disixjsed of during the September
.term of the dlstricl court.
I have not attempted to keep on account
of the number of cases tried in the police ant
justices courts , as it would b wholly useless
und almost impossible , numbering as they do
ono or two each day.
There uro a number of civil and crimina
cases as yet undisposed of , now peudmg ii
the district court.
The suit against the bondsmen of Herman
Mittntau I have dismissed , an they have
secured Mittmaii and ho is now in jail await
, ing trial on the charge of manslaughter.
I have begun suit against John Christensen
for $1.000 us bondsman for John Peterson , ar
rested for forgery.
During the January and May terms I dis
posed of llfly cases ; the sumo number has
been disposed of during the September term
making an increase of just 100 pur cent in
nbout three months. This enormous in
crease is largely attributable to ono grea
cause , viz. : The lamentable trouble in the
city Dolico matters. This fact is only too
well known to the criminal class who iinml
grata hero from all over the country to lake
advantage of what thev suppose is our help
less condition. The fact thai so many have
boon captured and convicted during the las
tciin is duo entirely to the vigilance und ac
tlvlty of Chief Seuvcy and his small but of
flclent force.
Disposed of during January and May terms.50
Sentence of guilty , January and May terms.'JO
Acquitted , January and May terms 8
Dismissed , January and May terms 13
Total fiO
Disposed of September term , Ibh7 f > 0
Sentenced to penitentiary 10
Sentenced to county Jail 7
Dismissed 7
Acquitted 7
Total GO
Respectfully submitted ,
EOWAlin W. SlMEIlAI , ,
County Attorney.
Omahn , December 17 , Ib87.
A Committee of Fellow Imwycrs De
cide Agaiiiiit Him.
The committee of lawyers appointed by
fudge Wakoley to examine Into and report on
ho charges preferred against David Van
Stten , submitted the following ycslerday :
To the honorable district court of the third
udiclal district of Nebraska in und for Doug-
as county : The undersigned committee ap
pointed by said court to make investigation
ipoti the oaths of witnesses and other satis
factory evidence as to whether or not any at
torney of Ihis court , mid if so who , did wil
fully or fraudulently alter or mutilate , or
cause or advise to br altered or mutilated , a
certain transciipt of a cause before ono
Frank Crawford , a Justice of the peace , in
which cause David Van Ettcn is plaintiff and
Henry J. Abrahams and others are defend
ants , respectfully rcirart as follows : * * *
Wo charge that the s.iid David Van Etten.nn
attorney of this court , did , between the third
day of September , A. D. 18b7 , and the third
d.iy of November , IS > , wilfully und fraudu
lently cause and advise to bo altered and
mutilated the tiunscrlpt aforesaid in this ,
thai the said David Van Etten did wilfully
and fraudulently caused und advise the words
"Sept. ! lrd , 1H.S > 7 , " to be changed and altered
so as to i cad "Sept. Und , 18b7 , " said date of
September ! t. Ii > b7 , being the date at which
said transcript originally showed the said
Justice's judgment to have been rendered :
Wo fui liter charge that Iho said David
Van Ettcn , an nttnrnry of this court , did , be
tween the third day of September.1S87 , und
the 3d day of November , lbS7 , wilfully und
fraudulently cause and advise to bo altered
and mutilated the docket entries in the cause
of David Van Etten against Henry J. Abra
hams , ct al , on page thirty-four of the
docKet of Frank Crawford , a juslico of Iho
peace , in substantial and material utattcrs.
B. E. B. Kennedy , C. F. Hreckenridge.
Howard B. Smith , T. J. Muhoncy und
Simeon Bloom , committee.
The Judge took the rcporl under considera
tion , and on Monday , after ofUciully examin
ing the evidence , will direct Vim Etten to
sliow cause why he should not be debarred
from the practice of Hie law.
District Court.
George S. Mackenzie , of Chicago , filed an
action in the district court yeslerday plead
ing that the printing and publishing firm of
Dunbar & Co. bo compelled to bring their
books into court and account to the plaintiff
in a bieach of contract.
01:01 Kit : SUKS OFoiinK.
George P. Paul complains thai George t , .
Fisher did nol carry oul his conlract in the
erection of u building and usks for damages
in Iho sum of $1,058.71.
County Conrt.
The attention of Judge McCulloch was oc
cupied all day yesterday taking testimony in
the action of Corholt ugainsl Forsylh to re
cover commission on a real estate transfer.
Marvellous Window Display nt Morse's
The automatic show pieces in S. P. Morse
& Co.'s best window are something never before
fore dreamed of In window dressing in llio
wesl. The immense crowd inside and ou
lust night prevented the writer from making
a close examination , but the glimpses to bo
had satisfies one thai there is a ball room-
sweet little dolls in evening custumo actually
whiiling in the giddy mazes of the waltz
while in the adjoining room is n rcfrcshincn
table , and further on the banquet hull Santa
Claus , Christmas scene , etc.
A ship tossing on what seems to bo the
deep , deep sea , is another feature of thl
mimic panorama. The little dolls with whicl
Iho ship is freighted uro dressed as sailors
und is cutencss itself.
If you want to give the little ones a treat
and if you haven't any of your own. borrow
your neighbor's little girl or boy then you
will have n splendid excuse to go and sec this
display. S. P. Morse & Co. will remove it
early in the week to make room for other at
The extension of the Fremont , Elkhorn &
ilissouri Valley railroad into Omaha will bo
ormiilly opened to-day. A train will leave
or Hastings nt 10 : . " > . ' ) u. in. und ono will ar-
Ivo from there at 4 : 'J5 p. in.
Beginning with to-day the transfer of east
lound passengers from the west over the
Jnion Pacific will be to the Burling-
on's express ut Iho Omaha depot. The
Jnion Pacillo arrives nl ir ! : > 5p. in. mid Iho
"iurlington departs ono hour later. These are
.he only trains from which transfers will bo
made , all others meeting nt Council Bluffs.
The new fust time card adopted by the Bur-
ington will be ready so as to permit the de-
mrture of the wesl-bound flyer al (1:15 : a. m. ,
Beginning Monday. Thin is an hour Inter
: hun by the old arrangement , but the speed
to bo maintained throughout the trip will
make up for the loss of time in leaving.
The old Union Pacific depol al Soulh
3mahu has been moved to Sheely , and the old
bridge office has been converted into n depot
, ind located at the corner of Twenty-fourth
street. A uew platform has been pul down
al Iho Seventeenth street crossing.
llOt'Xl ) FOll OAI.11OUNU.
Two Pullman cur loads of excursionists
from Boston in charge of J. J. Monroe ar
rived in the city yesterday , and went over
the Union Pacific railroad for southern Cali
Aponded | is the corrected lime table of
the Union Pacific for western and coast
trains that goes into effect to-dify. No. 1 ,
going wesl , leaves Council Bluffs at 8:40 : p.
in. and departs from Omaha ut n p. m. , ar
riving ut Ogdcn at 5:40 : p. in. , departs from
there ut 7 p. in. and arrives in San Francisco
at 10 a. m. . accomplishing the trip from
Omaha to the latter point in just seventy
No. 3 leaves Council Bluffs nt 12 noon ,
Omitha ul l'-0 : p. in. , urrives al Ogden al
1 ! : : ! ( ) p. m. ( mountain lime ) and arrives in
San Francisco al 10:40 : u. m.
Coming easl No. 2 leaves San Francisco nt
5 p. m. , reaches Ogiten at 7IiO : n. m. , leaves
there at 10 a. in. , arrives in Omaha at 7:50 : a.
m. and Council'Bluffs 8:15 : a. in.
No. 4 , limited , departs from San Francisco
ut 7 u. m , , Ogdeit at 10 p. in. , and arrives in
Omaha at U:55 : p. in. , Council Bluffs at
3:15 : p.m.
Personal Paragraphs.
F. W. Thomas , of Lincoln , Neb. , is in the
C. S. Cowlcs , of DcsMoincs , la. , is al Iho
J. C. F. Bush , of Walioo , Neb. , is al the
F. A. Uaymer , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at the
7. . Waterman and A. S. Hay , of Crete , Neb.
is in the city.
M. Horton and wife , of Chicago , are visit
ing in the city.
Charles H. Brunncr , of Fremont , Neb. , is
at the Millard.
J. V. Fisher and wife , of Hastings , Nob. ,
are ut the Millard.
J. St. Koslowsky , of the St. Louis , Atchison -
ison & Topcku railway , is in the city.
Hon. Patrick Eagun came up from Lincoln
lust nifcht und is registered at the Millard.
D. Lenbine , one of the staff correspondents
of the Chicago Inter-Ocean , is in Ihe city.
M. Salinger , of the firm of Stcppacher &
Arnold , is in the city showing his spring line
of clothing.
Mesdamcs Palmer , Atwood Livingston and
Miss Palmer , of Plutlsmoulh , Neb. , are al
Ihe Millard.
Messrs. J. H. Young. Matthew Sullivan
and John A. Mitchell , all of Salt Lake , Utah ,
are at the Millard.
Miss Alice Gadd. who has been etlcnding
Iho Fairfield seminary during Ihe pasl lerm ,
is ut homo for the holidays.
George M. Nutlingor , secretary of Ihe
Board of Trade , will relurn to-day from Illi
nois. where ho was summoned some days ago
by the death of his aged mother.
SulcUle of n Cattle Man.
CHICAGO , Dec. 17. Levy H. Guve , sup
posed to bo a cattle dealer from Walnut , la. ,
was found dead in his room at a hotel this
morning with a fearful wound in his head ,
and beside him was a largo revolver with
which ho committed the deed.
Frightful nnd Fatal Fall of an Un
known Man Last Night.
Union Pacific railway engine 980 was al-
lached lo n heavy freighl Iruin bound for Hie
easl lasl night , und bclwecn 9 nnd 10 o'clock
Ihe engineer , who happened nl Iho limo to bo
looking oul from Iho cab window , was as
tonished to see two men Jump from the cow
catcher and was horrified to see a third go to
his death in n Irngic manner. The loco
motive ut the liuio was crossing over the iron
bridge , and two of the men landed safely on
the stringers , but the third fared badly. Ho
fell between Iho Ircsllcs head foremosl , nnd
slruek with great force on the debris und
jugged rocks sixly-flve feel below.
As soon us Ihe engineer wilncssed Ihe accl-
denl he broughl his truin to a stnndstill , and ,
together with the conductor und the two men
who hud jumped from the cowcatcher , went
under Ihe bridge nnd by the dim light from
their lanterns had presented to them a
sickening sight The unfortunate man was
bruised and mangled in horrible
shape. Both legs and ono arm were broken ,
and Ills face was cut nnd covered with blood.
Life was not yel extinct , but the man was in
sensible. His companions were reticent con
cerning him , and they promised to guard him
until n brakesman could go to the depot nnd
secure n stretcher. When the latter returned
to the scene the man was dead and the two
men were missing , nnd it wus noticed that a
gold watch that had been seen in the pockets
of the deceased .had been carried off.
The body is thai of a man apparently not
more than thirty years of ago , ol the average
heiehl and build. His clothing is of course
material , and inferior workmanship. There
was $1.20 in silver in Iho packets , and Iho
only writing found thai may lead to his iden
tification is a Pacific express receipt of the
Kansas City office made out to Frank Nor
ton. Coroner Drexcl was notified , and at u
late hour the corpse was moved to the
The decamping of the two men and the
theft of the watch nfford very suspicious cir
cumstances , und the'belicf prevails that the
man was pushed from Iho cowcatcher by
Deals In Dirt The Increase lu Bank
The sales of real eslale for Ihe week which
has just ended while not amounting to ns
much as those of the six days previous were
neverthless , large and Iho decrease is un
doubtedly duo to the fact thai winter is near
and investors are holding off until spring.
Following is the record for Ihe pusl six days :
Monday § 3S.W
Tuesday 3,3S3
Wednesday 78,108
Thursday . ' 72,001
Fridav 71,272
Saturday 45,194
Total . $307il5 :
The business done in the banks has ns
usual been very largo and n grulifying in
crease is shown by Iho following lable :
Monday § C39S77.V5 (
Tuesday 480wn.29
Wednesday 471,918.77
Thursday ! 7,909.Mi (
Friday 4 < U,177.20
Saturday 542,595.19
Total .107,511.17
The percentage of increase over the corresponding
pending week lost year is 29.2.
The building permits issued during the
week aggregate $144,7&0.
The National Nailed and Forced to
Pay Its Debts.
The affairs of the National opera company
for Ihe past few duvs have been mosl com
plicated. In fact , they have had a "hard row
to hoc. " Mr. n. S. Douglas , manager of
Tootle's opera house al St. Joseph , has been
in the city for the pasl Ihrco days lo celled a
bill of nearly $1,300 which he loaned Ihe man
ager of Ihe company before they appeared at
St. Joe. Mr. Douglas made this advance
solely on account of his objection to disap
pointing his patrons. He took u great risk ,
and while the company played to largo busi
ness in St. Joseph , Mr. Douglas consented to
pay the membeis' hotel bills , wilh Iho under
standing lluil the.largo umount he BO kindly
advanced would bo paid during Iho Omaha
engagement This wus done lasl night , and
Mr. Douglas departs for SI. Joseph to-day
with the consciousness of having done a good
action and with having lost nothing.
The "Bee" Oots the Contract.
At a meeting of the county commissioners
yesterday afternoon the BEE was awarded
the county printing by a unanimous vote.
The appended resolutions were adopted :
Kesolvcd , That Ihe county treasurer bo in
structed to cancel the personal tax of Mary
J. Tucker for the year 18S7 , the same having
been assessed oguinst her husband , Albcrl
Hcsolvcd , Thai the county treasurer bo In
structed to cancel tux on lots 11 und 12 , block
07 , city of Omaha , for the year lt0 , the same
huvlug been washed into Iho river.
A Visit to the Ijoltlcst Signal Station
in the United States.
Boston Traveler : There is no commu
nication from the peak to the towns be
low ut present , the telegraph line being
out of order , iiiul it lius been found to bean
an impossibility to keep it from ground
ing owing to the forest , aH the storms
blow down the trees , which carry with
them the wire. The sun telegraph as a
means of communication is sometimes
used at present with the town below.
On the northwest side of the peak there
are several largo gulches in whieh'tho
snow is iifty fcot deep , anil it is upon
this that the observer depends for his
supply of water in the summer.
Entering the signal fetation wo find n
cosy seat by the big steve and enjoy our-
self by watching Iho logs of wood burn.
Coal is not used , and the wood cots > $20
a cord to cut , pack on the bsioksof mules
anil burros , anil transport from the tim
ber line below. The signal station was
established in 18715 , and for several years
daily reports were sent to Washington ,
but'since the wire ha- < been down only
monthly reports hnvc been sent. These
would have been discontinued had not
Harvard university taken tin interest in
it und shared the expense with the gov
ernment. It is intended next summer
to experiment in stellar photography at
that high altitude. Observations are
taken in regard to the weather , temper
ature , height of barometer , direction
and speed of the wind , and the amount
of snow and rain ns well as the kind of
clouds that are visible. These are
taken at 7 a. in. , 8 p. in. , and 10 p. m.
by the largo clock which is kept with
Washington time , but our time here is
two hours curlier. The signal station
is H solid slono building , with walls two
feet thick and is anchored down , while
it has double windows and an iron roof.
It has a kitchen , dining-room , ofllco ,
bed-room and spare chamber for visit
ors , while a wood-shed is also con
nected with the establishment. The
instruments are mostly in the ofllcoand
there is a library , the books of which
have been donated by friends , although
I many have been purchased. AB wo sit
by the firjj enjoying ourselves we can
I hear the wind outside playing a "to
deum , " ns the Irishman says , and wo
| take : i look at the wind vane and see
that it registers seventy-eight miles an
I hour , while the thermometer is at zero ,
and this in October , which is ono of the
pleasantest months of the year in th'o
east. But this is not anything beside
some of the weather that wo have
hero , as it frequently reaches 40 deg.
below zero in January and 100 miles an
hour is no unusual velocity for the wind.
Think of it , and then of the pleasures
that surround life in this forsaken place ,
whore it is frequently impossible to got
down to the town below and see any
body in two months. It is no unusual
thing for the observer to have to travel
five miles on snow-shoes almost in the
middle of summer in order to reach the
town. In the way of eatables the ob
server is provided with a largo btipply
of canned goods , which are brought up
on mules in the summer months , and ho
frequently has a dinner of game. The
altitude of Iho Peak is so high that it is
impossible for an observer to sUvy very
long at u time , and when it is possible u
change is made once a month.
He Succumbed at I > ant.
Puck:0 : "O , paw , " wailed out a big
Arkansas boy , running to meet his sire ,
who had been to "tho store , " six miles
away , to trade six do/cn of eggs for
"half n pound o' brown sugar an1 the
balance in torlmcker. "
' O , paw , the house is done burned
clean to the ground. "
"Yeou don't say , " said the old man
with a start. "Wai , will , sonny , it wan't
nothiii' bul a ole slab shauly , nohow , an'
we kin all turn to an' build another one
as good in a few days. "
"But all our duds is done burnt up
too , paw. "
"That so ? Wai. that1 s bad ; but they
want very good duds , nohow ; an wo
don't need duds much out liyiir in the
wild'ncss. Them we've got on out
backs ' 11 last a good while , yitl"
"But maw got awful bad burnt gittin'
a few things out ; all her ha'r got burnt
off , and she cayn't see outun ono eye. "
Wai , I'd thought your maw "d been
spryer'n to get burnt like that. But
then her ha'r grow out agin , an' of
she's got one good eye loft its morc'n
some wiinmon has ; an' one eye's all a
body needs tor see the little they is go-
in' on 'round hyar ? "
"But the kcow an' our mule was burnt
uj ) in the shed buck'n the house ! "
"Wai , I'm blamed if that haint tough !
But that old keow's elar dun now , an'
she never did-give much , nohow , an'
was too tough for beef. An' that
blamed old mule got what ho desarved
for kiekin' mo over the fence las'
spring. I allus 3tiid I'd git even with
with him. "
"But , O , pawl" roared the boy , turn
ing palo , "your spotted bull pup got
burnt ylenn tor nshus ! "
The stricken man , his heart's core
touched at last , leaned against a tree for
biipport , clasped his hands to his wildly
throbbing head and heart , and gasped
out :
' Break it tow mo gintly , sou ; break it
gintly. Ycou say my spoiled bull pup's
burnt tor Jiindcrsi1 Yes ? Git mo a
little somethin' tew drink , boy some-
thin' tow htiddy mo ! Denied if this
ain't trouble ! This is wat yo may call
snappin' a feller's hcurUtriiigV That
pup wan't half in his prime yit , but ho
rould lick anything in his county. Ef
he'd been spar'd he'd made the noblest
lightin' dog ole Arkansas ever turned
out. An * he's gone ? Sonyou light out
home an , ' tell 'em I'll drag myself orlong
bimeby. Grief like mine wants tor be
all alone for a spell. Hit's lee sacred
for anybody ter stan' an' gap at 1"
A Man AVlio Out-Kicked a Vicious
nnd Heavy-Heeled Burro.
San Francisco Alta : In the early
days of Dutch Flat , a large-boncy and
gigantic Indianian was known to his
kindly associates us "Kicking Tom.-
Ho hud won his nicknumo by reason of
the terrific force with which ho could
launch bis great sinewy foot against an
opposing object. Ho was , besides , as
lithe and springy ns a panther. In
those days mon were not very particu
lar aboul Iho character of their amuse
ments , although nothing mean or
underhand ever took place among
them. Their rough courtesy was gen
uine and hearty , and they we're ns
bravo as Norman barons or Paladins of
Franco. They at times had little re
gard for human life , but in their
deadly affrays they look the lion and
not the hyena for their model. They
admired courage and strength , because
these wore qualities which onmo every
day into requisition , and without thorn
there was neither peace nor safety in
the then lawless realm of the gold-
Among these pioneers of.tho wilder
ness Kicking Tom had grown into uni
versal popularity. Ho was generous ,
bravo and kindly , and what perhaps en
deared him to his associates more lhan
anything else , ho was always foremost
in the rough sports of the camp. Ho
was over ready for fun and frolic , and it
was a mailer wf supreme indifference to
him whether this tool : Iho form of
pleasmt episodes or rough fighting ,
lie exemplified the old adage that "it is
just as good to iight as to cut. " Ono day
a miner brought into camp a Mexican
burro , which soon obtained u wide colot
brioty as u vicious animal , which , whoii
excited , would attack man or beast witli
desperate fury. Several mountain
ponies hud boon kicked to death by hiim
and more than ono man hud nearly lost )
his life by the savage heels of the brute *
So exciting had become the record of
the jack's achievements that ho became
the subject of universal conversation
and inquiry among the miners. Sitting
in their cabins they spun wonderful ,
talcs of what ho had done and was
ble of doing. (
"Ho is the liveliest kicker in thd
world , " snld one.
"You are right , old man. That bensi ! "
can kick the hair oil a man's bead withj
out touching Iho skin , " replied ono ol
his companions. >
This wus touching Tom in n tender !
place , und ufter a moment's relleetiouv
lie spoke up with the remark :
"Ho ciurt out-kick mo. " The obsoM
vation was received by the grouping
amn/.cd silence. >
"Lord.Tom ! Why ho'd make minco-l
meat of you in u minute. " !
"Wouil hcV" replied the nthlotio In
dianian. "Then ho can have the chance.
I'm ready to kick for $100 , und may the
best man win. "
"Or Iho best Jack , " laughingly inter
posed a companion.
"I mean what I say. old man , so don't
bo too spry with your tongue. " Audi
Tom's brows lowered in gathering
anger. His friend upologi/.cd for the ,
jest and the crowd dispersed for the
The next day the rumor went wild |
through the that Tom
camp was willing i
to kick the burro for a wager. In the ! I
dusk of the evening llio minors gath
ered in from their work und discussed
the subject in all its bearings. Opinion
as lo the match was about evenly
divided. If anything. Tom wua
the fuvorile. Under llicso eircum
stances a mill for $100 a side was easily
arranged between Iho beast and the
man , and it was decided lliut the con
flict should come oft"on the next Sunday
Promptly at the appointed hour every
inhabitant of Dutch Flat was assembled
in a little level spot just outside the
limits of the cam ] ) , The preliminaries
were quickly arranged and the fight
began. The beast seemed to take in
situation at u glance , and laying bacti
his curs ho watched his wary opponent
with angry eyes. Suddenly Tom leaped
forward and landed u terrific kiclo
squarely on the junction of the neck !
nnd head. The brute reeled before the
force of the blow , but recovering on the
instant he wheeled and launched both ;
heels as his antagonist. The man
leaped aside , und us quick us light
ning responded with unotheu
fearful kick on the burro'a
neck. And * so the conflict ruged {
Sometimes llio jack would got in a sav *
ago blow on bis opponent , but oftonou
the man had the lojt of it , and at last ,
putting forth ull of his wonderful
strength ho landed u kick with fury
and irresistible force of u pile-driven
on the jack's neck , which had been hia
objective point from the beginning.
The beast rculcd buck and with a conii
vulslon fell over dctid. Tom was terri *
bly bruised , but no bones wore broken.
und in u few days he was as spry Of
The minors next day gave the jack ft
regular funeral. Among the pomp anu
circumstance of the camp ho was laid to
rest underneath the sod of the valley ,
and a local poet thus canonized Iu8
memory :
Lay his waxen hoofs together ,
Fold back his IOIIK and spreading cars ,
For ho has gone lo blend his gochaw
Wilh Iho uiURic of the sphcrest.
Trial of a 1'olsoner.
BOSTON' , Dec. 17. Al U'I5 : this morning the
jury in the rase of Mrs. Robinson , on trial
for the murder of her BOH Willie , was ntlll
out and there seems to bo little or no pros-
peel of an agrccmcnl. There is n rumor that
they stand seven to five for acquittal.
Finding our stock of black silks and
onibluulion robes too lurgo ut this
Ecason of the year , have
for this weak all our
Black Gros Grain Silks ,
Black Satin Rhadumcs ,
Black Fuille Francaiso ,
Black Lyons' Satin.
Every yard recommended for
Paris Soutacho Braided Robes ,
Silk und Wool Combination Robes ,
Beautiful Plaid niul Striped Com
bination Robes ,
nnd guarantee the best values at the
lowest prices ever made in this city.
$2.75 value for 82.10
& > . < iO vulue for S1.D5
$2.40 vuluo for $1.70 Black
2. 5 valuator $1.05
$2.00 vuluo for $1.60
81.5 value for $1.45
$1.75 vuluu forl.nj :
$1.W ) vuluo for $1.25 Silks
$ ! . ; * ) vulue for $1.15
$1.2-5 value for $1.00
$15.00 value for $ 8.001
$18.f > 0 value for $12.00 I
$22.00 vuluo for Sl.i.60 f Robesand
$3-5.00 vuluo for $20.00 J
Save money by buy ing your Christmas
presents ofKELLEY
Cor. Dodge nnd 15th st.
Fur Tlmmlnga , muffs und fur sots
ull next week.
In order to close out our entire slock
of furs by Christinas wo offer them ut
greatly reduced prices ull next week.
BOA AND MUFF SETS ( Boa 3 yards
long. )
Ladies' black coney , ( extra quality )
$4.25 , actual vuluo $0.60.
Ladles' natural American opossum
$8.75 , actual vuluo $11.00.
Ladies' natural lynx back , ( extra )
$10.25 , actual vuluo $14.00.
Ladies' grev fox ( extra ) $11.50 , actual
value $15.00.
Ladies' light lynx belloy ( finest grade )
$23.00 , tielual value $30.00.
Also in Iho following furs : Natural
budgor , black bear , black marten , silver
fox , raccoon , nutriu beaver , white fox ,
French seal , elc. , ull al rock bottom
ETTE and MUFF SETS in all Iho de
sirable furs , at closing out prices.
Ludies' bluck Coney fur ( oxlru quul-
ily ) , $1.50 , actual value $2.25. *
Ladies' extra quality seal plush ( lined
best satin ) , $2. 7 , worth S3.75.
Ladies' nu turul American opossum
( extra ) , $2.65 , worth 54.25.
Ladies'genuine Alaska sealskin ( Lon
don dye ) , $13.00. worth $20.00.
Also in the following furs :
Beaver , black bear , black marten ,
monkey , Chinchilla , long lighl lynx ,
red fox-silver fox , raccoon , nutria , &c. ,
&c. , all at astonishingly low prices.
Our handkerchief department is
crammed full wifh all the latcsl novel
ties , at prices to suit all parties. It will
pay to look through our slock before
purchasing elsewhere. The following
is only a few of the many bargains wo
are ottering :
Ladies' sheer linen lawn , II. S.
border with embroidered corners ,
12JC , VALUE 20C.
Ladies' embroidered sheer linen lawn ,
H. S. and scalloped borders , all the lal-
esl designs ,
25c , WORTH 45c AND 50c.
Lrdics' f.r.e htr.d imlioiCuid tha
linen lawn , H. S. and scolloped border ,
lovely designs ,
SOc , WORTH FROM 85c TO $1.
Ladies' very line hand embroidered
sheer linen lawn , scolloped borders , lat
est novelties ,
75c , WORTH FROM $1 TO $1.25.
Ladies' real duchess laeo border
handkerchiefs $1.50 , worth from $2.00 lo
Ladies' real duchess lucobordorhand-
kerchicfs $2.M , worth Kt.50.
Ladies' aud Genls'
in endless variety.
50 do cn 19x1 ! ) inch while pongee silk
handkerchiefs , hemstitched ,
2oc , worth 45c.
60 do/en 22x22 inch pure China silk
handkerchiefs , white and solid colors ,
also in neat printed designs ,
39c , worth 05c.
50 dozen 22x22 inch white pongee silk
hemstitched handkerchiefs ,
r U5coilhtl.00
25 doen 24x24 wliito extra fine Jap
anese hcblilchcd handkerchiefs
$1 worth $1.50.
Ladies' and gents' extra largo silk
mufllcrs in various miikcs of silk , und in
un endless variety of designs , u great
bargain , 85c , worth from $1.25 to $1.60.
Fine gauze fans , neat painted designs
and neat sticks.
8oc worth $1.50.
Fine silk gau/.e funs , neat hnnd
painted designs , silver spangles , etc.
$2.25 worth $3.60.
Fine imported Paris und Vienna funs
in all the latest novelties ut greatly re
duced prices.
Ladies portmonics in seal , Russian
and fancy leathers , oxidized corners
and clasp , latest stvles.
UOc. , actual vulue $1.50.
Ladies' portmonies in seal , Russia , aS
ligutor und funcy leathers , with oxi-
ai/.ed silver plato mounting and clasp ,
latest novelties.
$1.85 , worth $2.76.
Ladies'portmonios in vurious loath *
ors with tine oxidized silver plat *
mounting , choice novelties.
$2.50 , worth $3.76.
Wo will make spcciul prices in cloalrt
ull next week. Our stock comprises all
the newest und lutost shapes in plush
sucqucs , plain and beaver trimmed.
Short wraps , Newmarkets and ragalunSt
also a complete line of children's and
misses' cloaks. Store
open every evening -
ing till Christmas.
" * * *
' * * *