Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1887, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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    - - '
The following is a list of a few of the
bargains lit
Great Housefurnish-
ing Establishment
where they fiiriiirth hoiisus from cellar
to garret , every day.
A handsome writing desk $ 8.00
A nice cany willow rocker
A nice hanging lamp for i.50 !
An easy roclter , carpet cover . . . . 2.50
An elegant center table 2.00
A largo size mirror , walnut frame : i.oe
A Smyrna rug 1 , OC
A spondid plush parlor suit 2-5.00
Uquul to these advertised 'by other
hoiiHOH at t fi ,
A bed room suit for 14.0. '
Kiiimltothose by other
lionset * for Kn.
Parlor suits , sheffineors , wardrobes
dressing cases , book cases , folding beds
mid u few more heating stoves bclov
715 nnd 717 N. loth street.
Will make their hcnilquaitera for a few week ;
At Alex Henhnm'8 new utable , corner Duvenpor
and Seventeenth sta. Examination fiee.
Muny illvcnsts rail l > e cured ami disagreeable )
linblttt overcame by our operation on thu horses'
teeth. We luivu cured them of cou hlnc , drool-
AUK. Btoiipiuj ; short , starting suddenly , rrothliur ,
! ( ) ! . of llesli , % cak eyt-s , ami Bint-dally from
ilrh IIIK on mm rein and iuillliiK.Vf > remove all
roiiKh ! KCH from their molars and level the
mouth , thereby enabling thu horse to properly
liniitlentu his food. Improper urludlug of food
jin > diices ImllKcxtlon. anil IndlKestlon drodnoes
lildo bound , swollen limbs , tstarlni ; or dead-llku
roat of hair , and loss of appetite , young us well
BS old her es require this oueratlou.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
, Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting
Send tor ZcMtft Journil.
S. K. .Cor , 10th and Capital Ave.
Mrullqnttof Om b B . ,
A Statement Madb By a Husband
Is Oonflrmod By hla Wifo.
And It IN of Qitul Iinportniifc to the
I'tiltllo In Orni-rnl A Good
Itccord for
An M. U.
What Is moro pleaslnK to the children , and. In
fuel , li not even dtxplcasliiB to those of more
mature year , than to ample thedlllrrentvaile-
tles of candle * ) ? A candy manufactory li one of
the most Interc.stlnK Industries that clilldren can
visit. Indeed there arc thousands of people In
Ills progressive ii'e of advanced years who have
lot oven the slightest knowledge of how cara
mels , Kicnch candles , marshmnllowa , butter-
lips and the more common varieties which are
lolemptlngly displayed In the sho\v canes and
itlndovtHof some ( if thcOmnlm merchants arc
untie ,
A reporter of this paper had occasion to visit
-ho mammoth manufactory and wholesale
can < ly vturehoUhQ of * Vogelu .V llennlnj.1. No.
10H Thirteenth ht. north , a few days MHO. where
lie niut Mr. Kred lloutwell , whoHald : "I have
> cen In thu mixlness for u ICHIK time and con-
wider It a good ImMness. Prior to coming to
'linahal resided In Chicago , nnd always en-
toyed excellent health. I noticed , howe\er , at
ilme . that my lun s would trouble me. They
would seem sore , and there waH u gurgling noise
net i'Hint I knew was not right. 1 had con-
.Inual troublowlth my bowels , and was always
noreorlessronstlpated ; would Mirier a grent
ileul of the time with headache , with a dull pain
over and around jny eyes. I hail also sharp ,
xhootlng pains lu my chest and back. It was
'lecoiultiK chronic , and my wife , who was being
reated by Irs. McCoy and Hemy for a severe
ouble , Induced me to accompany her to their
ofllce and consult them , which I did. Thedoctor
examined me and gaveiitpMiiiie incdlclno.whlch
I took iircardliiK to his dliettlons , and I do not
regret tharjlslted their olllce , for my tumble
husentlioly left me , and to-duv I led better
than for a long time , If not better than 1
illd. "
" 1 wiiOi you could nee how grateful my wife Is.
Some time nun she took u severe cnlil which
heemed to settle In her eje and xhe became * totally
blind In one eje. with an liuessniii pain 111 one
of her ears. I tell you she was In constant mis
ery , and f do not see how she stood tlm pain as
well as she did. She. could not stand the light
at all to gleam In her eye , andlt was eCH/iJnn
watering. It was very : r.U.ii infamed and the
clear pin t cf iiie eye seemed to bi > covered with
n wnlto film. After rending the advertised tes
timonials of well known people In this city who
weio Micce-sftilly treated lu this city by Irs.
McCoy and Henry , 1 concluded to let her con
sult them. Tim doctor after a caret ill examlna <
tlfin pvouQimced her tr'J'J'J" . to ta Ooiural in-
iiS'Siimtlnn or kelatnis. Well , hlr , do you know
that the doctor understood her case ho thoroughly
that Inn few days thu pain ceased and vision re-
tinned , and to-day she nlio Is entirely rid of any
of the symptoms and pain. "
"Would you liavo tiny objections to my mak
ing usn of this Inter * lew through the uewipu <
pers asked the scribe. "
, 'No , sir ; and I don't think my wlfo will object
to the use of her name , either , as she Is per
fectly satisfied with the treatment rocelved at
the hands of them eminent specialists. "
Sir. lloutwell can be found at 10s North Thlr
teeuth St. , at thu factory of Vogcltj A ; Denning.
Its Symptoms nnd AVIiat It Loads to
The Miserable FcelingM , Ktc.
Tills form of catarrh Is essentially a disease of
thu nasal cavity proper and docs not extend to
the vault of thepharjnx. For a while u dry ca
tarrh may , and very frequently does , develop In
that region as the result of structural changes
within the tlsMies of the mucus luembrane.
The symptoms mainly consist in the accumula
tion in the nasal cavity of offensive masses am ?
crusts together with moro or less of fluid dls
charge. Thu nasal cavity thus obstructed ,
breathing Is more or lessdlttlcult.
Tlie sense of smell Is Impaired , if not entirely
lost. TNe especial liability to take colds on the
least exposure exists , and the susceptibility to
changes of temperature and the influence of a
damp atmosphere frequently causes thickening
of Uie nasal mucus membrane. As-tho becretlou
goes on fiom the surface of the mucus mem
brane , the masses are lifted from their bed , and
still losing their moisture , large crusts are gr d'
ually built up from below , which mould them
selves In Its narrower portions in such a manner
that the sufferer is unable to dislodge them , nnd
they remain lu position for days and even
weeks. Their odor Is offensive in the extreme ,
as the result of this long retention , during which
time the putrefactive changes are constantly
going on. The suirercr may uo entirely uncon
scious ot thu offensive breath , but others readily
notice It and endeaver to shun the companion
ship of such persons.
This affection is usually classed among the liv
tractable , and oftentimes incurable , diseases ,
but It Is treated successfully and is ( mite ameiv
able to treatment if the instruction and treat
ment Is carried out faithfully , and the physi
cian thorougnly understands his business. It
must be conceded that a specialist paying par
ticular attention to catarrh and lung troubles
is certainly better qualified to treat with suc
cess all such cases , because ho is thoroughly
posted oil all the modern appliances in uiedlca'
science. _ _ _ _ _
The llcsult of a Mcicntlflc Course of
Medical Treatment.
Painted Hock. M. T. . Dec. I , lt > 87.-Trs. McCoy
and Henry Gentlemen : If you will refer to
your case book you will find my name recorded ,
I visited your office some tlmu last August , suf
fering from a very bad canu of catairh ; my
throat was so soru and inflamed that It w as wltn
great dintculty I could swallow at all ; my head
was also aching me mull was as miserable as
any person could be. 1 had spent nearly all my
husband's earnings trying to be cured , but It
was Hist that much money thrown away , as 1
obtained no * relief and was , I believe , worsi
r i oni their treatment. I think the medicine th
doctois gave me and ihe patent preparations
took helped to irrlt.ito and maku tno disease
I was advised to vlilt your ofllce for consultB'
tlon , and see what you could do for mo. I was
then living af Sacred Heart , Minn. I did as I
was told to do , and it was made a happy visit
forme. I only took > our medicine about till ee
months , and tno result was astonishing to my
self and n surprise to my friends and acquain
tances , who thought 1 would never hot well. 1
am happy to say that my first and only visit to
your olllce was the satisfactory visit I evei
remember ot making , and the medicine you
gave me bus perfoimed Its work well nudlia
done a wonderful thing for mo.
1 albolli to leturnto you my grateful thanks
for the successful manner In which you treated
me for my disease. HespectfuUy ,
Tainted Itock , Measlier county M. T ,
Late of 'Belleyno Hospital , New York ,
Dr. Columbus Henry
( I.atu ot University of J mnsyjvnnl.l )
" " ' "
S'o. 310 and aii"lN"UA' > IUK"iiUII.niNO. !
Comer Fifteenth and llaineysts. , Omaha Neb. ,
wheiu all curable cases aee treated
w 1th success.
Medical diseases treated skillfully. Consump
tion , llrlght's disease. Dyspepslv , Itheumatlsm ,
and all N KUVOl'S DISKASKS. All diseases pear -
cullar Jto the boxes a specialty. CAT.VIlltll
rum : ! ) .
CONSULTATION at office or by mall , II.
Ottlco hours-'j to U a. in. , - to < p. in. , T to S p.
in. . Sundays Included.
Correspondence receives prompt attention.
Slimy diseases mo tieated successfully by
Drs , McCoy and Ilemy through the malls , and
it Is thus possible for those unablu to maKe a
journey to obtain successful hospital treatment
at their homes.
No letters answered unless accompanied by
4c In stamps.
Address all letters to Drs. StcCoy and Hcno'i
Jloomn 310 ami ail JiuiiiKU building , Omaha ,
Neb ,
4KL .4144.
iiT'vi/'Atn. iniPirr'rilT'pT n < v
' '
. .
The Romarknblo History of the
Prince of Vlllnlna.
CnllH to'MInd tlic Previous Career of
One of the I'rlnulpnlH Srnor
Carmotia'N CJrcod For Gold
A Mnn to lie Shunned.
H'rifffn/w Hit SuiuJitu lift.
The eabk'Kmm from nnnounclnp a
ilucl betwcun Thomas Potter nnd Senor Car-
monn nt the forest of Gcnnnine , In which af-
fnlr of honor both men wore wounded , brings
to mlml the rcmiirlcnblo history imparted to
me In Mexico of this prince of villlatis , Seuor
Cnrmonu. I remembered him as a man of
striking iippcnrnncc , though tiot very tnll ,
possessing broad shoulders , dark hair and
heavy mustache nnd u singularly unpleasant
dark eye. Always faultlessly attired and in
command of highly polished manners a fig
ure which 1 daily saw two years ngo prome
nading in the pUi/u , or nlnmedii , with rye-
glass in readiness , and whose magnificent
equipage could be seen nt nil fashionable
hours. "A man , " said my informant"who was
corrupt from the cradle up. who grew to
manhood with hk-h ambitions , allowing no
obstacle , however great , to thwart them , as
his life so fur will show. " "Money was
TIIIM miiixu MAN
coveted , for with that ho could buy what he
next desired'high position in the wet Id and
notoiicty , and for the attainment of his
ends he would stop ut nothing. .Strange
talcs arc told cwicprnin1 , ' his career , which is
full of dark deeds. "
. So suid my informant , who went on and
related several chapters in this genteel vil
lain's life. At the time of which 1 first
speak , Carmoim was a widower , his wife
having mysteriously died , leaving him a con
siderable fortune , but not enough to meet his
wants. So he cast his evil eye nrnutul until
it rested upon his neighbor and friend , who
possessed u Im'ge fortune ti * well as a pretty
wife and two beautiful children. Curniuu : ;
determined to gain possession of This fortune
nt any cost , and his evil mlml begun to work.
Soon the neighbor suddenly died , and In a
vjry strange manner , leaving his fortune to
his wife and children , a distinguished law-
jcr of > lcxlco being dcuigmited as
guardian to the children. Carmorm
paid strenuous court to the widow ,
finally marrying her , but as jou sec. there
still remain four to be gotten on * of the way.
For a time life sped smoothly with Senor
Caimona's family , until one day his wife
sickened and died. Ticn )
Tin : Fisonii or SUSPICION
was pointed at Cnrmona , but nothing could
be proved against him ; so hi ? went his way
rejoicing , while schemes for making himself
minister to France from Spain filled hist head
and much money was required. The guard
ian appointed over his wife's children was a
man of great intellect mid high social stand
ing , supporting his family by the brilliant ef
forts of an nble lawyer. 'Carmoim dared not
murder this gentleman himself , i' v.'oton
d.iring an act hs liu'nt bo found out , " said
! : ! iihtorlan. Hut the lawjer was , nevcrthe-
lesa , murdered. The man who did the dark
deed was u respectable working man , sup
porting n large family on small caniings.
Current rumor said he was
hired to commit the murder ,
and that Carmona the villian who
paid Ijiui the incsry. The price held before
him dazzled his poor ejcs , Olio nluM , thi ;
.lawyer was returning homc'at a late hour
and death lay in wait for him not far from
his homo. As he walked on , the crouching
ilguic of u man silently followed him , when
It suddenly raised ituclf and with a swift
movement of the at m struck the guardian of
the two children in the back. The steel
struck home , and
fell face downward dead. It is said that
Carmona watched the progress of the affair
from the opposite side oi the street. The
murderer of this distinguished man was de
tected after some time had elapsed , and
seized anil confined in Uclem , the prison in
Mexico. . Two years ago the trial of this un
fortunate man took place. Ho was found guilty
and condemned to death. Senor Carmona was
at the tiino in Mexico , happy and lavish wit h
his ill-gotten gains , never , apparently , cast
ing a thought on the unhappy prisoner uwalt-
ing death jn yonder prison. Nearly every
tongue whispered that Carmona was the man
who ought to bo executed , but
never for K moment did he
think of placing himself in his victim's
place , and strange to relate , never a word
did his victim whisper. The day dawned
and the man was shot ; the same day dawning
on Curmon a found him content , happy , for
would herc not bo ono witness less to his
horrible crimes ) Ho could be more inde
pendent in the future. "As unreal and ter
rible as it may seem , " continued my inform
ant , "tho two children of Cannon a's second
wife died , poisoned. Their death
left Carmona n free and a rich
man , able to pursue the great
ambitions of his life. Ho desired to become
minister to Franco from Spain , but that
could not bo as he was Mexican by birth.
So ha traveled to Spain and bought the title
of marquis , and from there went to Paris to
live. His hotel is one of the most magnifi
cent , sumptuous mansions in that brilliant
city. There ho entertains great people in a
royal manner , taking unbounded pleasure in
showing them uniiue pieces of furniture
gathered from remote parts of the globe.
He makes a great deal of money In gambling ,
wasting it on fast acquaintances and horses.
Ho visit * Mexico frequently. Ono night not
eng ago while there ho engaged himself in
"play" with a friend. The game waxed in
teresting as the day began to break. Sud
denly Carmona noticed a clever trick tilaycd
by his opponent , so without a word lie rose
On an another occasion when Carmona was
losing his game , he resorted to cheating and
was observed in so doing by his opponent ,
who reached over the table pinning Car-
inona's hand to the table with n knife , then
departed fiom the house leaving this singular
gentleman in rather a painful situation. Ho
will bear the scar of u cheat to the end of his
It so happened that when Carmona was
last in Mexico , that Gran's French O | > cru
company was there , including the sprightly
Madame Thco , uK > n whom Carmona lav
ished much attention , as ho had formerly
done in Paris. This gentleman ot elegant
leisure frequently called upon the noted
actress , generally bringing costly offerings
of flowers. On ono occasion ho
preceded lijs valet , who bore a pillow of Eng
lish % 'iolcts decorated at the corners with
broad ribbons of the French colors. The
same evening la Theo returned from the thc-
atro to find placed on her toilet stand an ex
quisite offering of diamonds. A little scream
of pleasure escaped her and Carmona stepped
from behind n piece of furniture , where he
had witnessed the little scene , to receive her
profuse thanks.
As this man walks through the streets people
ple shun him , for is ho not branded with
many crimes t Now the papers tell us how
ho has insulted u respectable young lady , for
which ho has been punished by Mr. Potter ,
receiving a slight wound in the ankle.
G. D. H.
Pleasant Kvcntt * of the Past AVcck li
TUB Hireniox party held last Tuesday
evening at Masonichall was the third of Its
social scries this season. Although the at
tendance WAS somewhat affected by an un
favorable nlgM , UiQ pecasign wus probably
the most pleasant ono of the scries. The
next will be held the second Tuesday of
January ,
1'nor. GAVXOIIH lent variety to his usua
dances by giving a masquerade party at hl <
dancing academy in Arlington block last
Monday evening. A lar o number were
present , and the costumes ranged all the WAV
from ttio hundsoma to the grostesque. The
occasion wus voted 11 success.
Dr.sriTE iinroiiTS totho contrary the Min
crva club charity ball at Masonic hall Mon
day evening was an orderly affair nnd was
patronized by a fine class of people. The
purpose of the ball was to raise funds to aid
the ] > oor of the city , and a goodly sum was
obtained. A long programme , consisting of
twenty-six dances , was given , in .tho midst ,
of which an usually fine supper was served. I
The managers , wht > o''ufttrhiK ? efforts
thG.vurty-u grand success' , were Mrs. W. A.
Uoldcn niul Miss M. GaUlon.
A rjriKT \ \ r.nntNn tcwR-ukce Wednesday at
Choyenne. W. T. The .Vtindpals were Mr"
John Hoou of this city iMd'Misg Adelln Htiff-
fttnith of Chcyontic. Mifs H. Is a lady of
fine literary and musical attainments , to
which are added all the graces of truawoman
hood. Mr. Horn Is n young business man
located nt 1&L1) ) SU Mafys 'avenue nnd is In
every way woi thy of thjirl7ohe { has secured ,
Qrirr. A largo number , of Omahans at
tended a muMcalo Friday night given by
Miss Officer nt her * honto nn Council Bluffs.
There have been few occasions on'which the
participants have been privileged to enjoy a
jnOKrammo similar in itn excellence to the
ono rendered nt Mi s Officer's uiusicnle.
Much praise is due each of the participants
for the rendition of their p.irts. Mmc.
Muentcfcrlug was at her best nnd won ninny
new friends among the HluDltcs for the
charming manner In which she acquitted her
The following was the programme ren
Waltz. "Lcs Patinetirs. " Waldteufol
Mandolin and Guitar Quintet club.
Song , "It Came With the Merry May , " .Tosti
Mr. Urigham.
Piano ,
( a ) "Norwegian Wedding Procession , "
( b ) "Waltz No. S , " T Chopin
Mmmo. Murnterfcring.
Aria , from "La Sonnuinbula , " .Bellini
Mrs. Wadsworth.
Duct ,
"The Song of the Birds , " op. f > 7 ,
Miss Merkel and Mrs. Evans.
Song , "Sanctu Maria , " fauro
Mr. Treynor.
"La Melancolle , " for violin Prumo
Mr. Bnctins.
( a ) "Legends1 op. 5 Mohrinf ?
( b ) ' "Ti * * Hut the Sparrow's Twitter.Otto
St. Cecilia Lai'y Quartette.
"O Happy Day , " Gotze
Mr. Hrlgham.
"Andante and Hondo , " ' Mendelssohn
Mine. Mucnterfering.
"Spanish Sei ciuule , " Arranged
Mandolin and Guitar Quintet Club.
Tin : Lucn.u's club pave their first
ball last Wo'nesdiiy evening at Ma
sonic hull. Over seventy-five couples
were present. Twenty numbers wuro uunccil
but the music was .so excellent mid the floor
i ) . olich line condition that many regretted
the programme was not longer. The commit
tee on arrancements were U.S. Pelzer , M. (
J. Harris , srUubin.J. Uotholz and Dr. N.
Dymcnbc-rg. The lloor committee were M.
J Hauls , U. S. Pel/or , F. S. Stunlleld , H.
Kothol ? nnd 1C. Horwich. The club has al
ready foi ty members , with several pros | eo-
tive additions.
ItomH of InscrcHt to the Members of
tlio VarioiiN Secret Ordorn.
AMONG THI : festivities promised for Christ
mas week is the annual ball of the Moldcrs'
union , to bo held on Friday night next at
Exposition hall , and a pleasant tune is guar
* *
ON TiiritsDVY evening , December 22. Envfi
Milhird Canton No. 1 , J'fti'lurchs Militant ,
iiuiti inctr first unnual ball nt Masonic hall.
This will bo a great event ; in Odd Fellow cir
cles and will attract a liti-go attendance.
* r
CIIRTI : i.onoKNo. 27 , 1'O. ' O. F. , will ob-
seivetho festal season of Christmas by a
grand ball at Hand > opera house on the
evening of the 23d. j
T < " 5 GiTnr.vr. : : tffcS.J' loJg&A. O. U. W.
was instituted with seventeen charter mem
bers and the following officers :
Jonas Adling , P. M. W. ; F. M. Spring
steen. M. W. ; Hoon ICelley. foreman ; F. P.
Doolittle. oveiscer ; L."G. Hutton , recorder ;
W. J. Hobiuson , linnnWcr ; H. L. Castile ,
receiver : A. Holzmark. guide ; F.A. Lundin ,
LAV. ; J. H. Hyers , O , W. ; W. P. Smith ,
medical examiner.
Trustees , J. Hasmussen , C. F. Spencer nnd
J. K. Holcombe. I ' " -
THE ANNUAL session of the Grand Lodge , I.
O. O. F. of Delaware , was held at Wilming
ton November Hi. The report showed a mem
bership of subordinate lodges aggregating
2,4b2. an Increase of .IS during the year. Ho-
ceipts for the year were & ! 5r > 71 ; expenses ,
including relief , charitable purposes , etc. ,
KU , ' t5. The assets of the order are
A MOVC HAS been started among the K. of
P. in Georgia to have a degree corps in
lodges in conferring the different ranks , in
order to make them more Impressive.
Tun ESTAIIMSHMEST of another Iloyal Arch
Chapter in Egj pt. says the Egyptian Gaz
ette , shows that English Free Musonary Is
progressing there. The new chapter is at
tached to liulwer lodge of Cairo , No. 1W5S ,
on the rolls of the United Grand lodge of
England , nnd was consecrated on Friday.
April 21) ) , with all the immp and ceremony
connected with the Hoyul Arch , after which
the officers of the new chapter were duly In
stalled. On the conclusion of the business
of the cvcniilg the members and the visitors
adjourned to the Hotel d'Anglcterro , where
they were entertained at dinner. A meeting
of the chapter was held the following day ,
when the degree was conferred on several
brcthcrn , and the members and visitors were
again entertained ut dinner by ono of the hos
pitable members of the now chapter , when a
very pleasant evening wus again spent.
AcconniNfl TO the latest report Germany
has 43,857 Masons.
Tin : GKANH LODGE , it O. O. P. , of Illinois ,
held its session last month. It rci > ort8 ( Mill
lodges and : il,8Xi members , a net gain for th6
fifteen months of 454. The unnual receipts
were t374,340.0G'i ; > aid for relief , $105,3fl.4l. ! )
ILLINOIS ins now 3X > A.O.U.W. lodges and
over 20XX , ( ) members. Five new lodges were
instituted last month.
DETIIOIT LODGE , No. . , A. Q. U. W. , of De
troit , Mich. , has crossed the ( MX ) line , nnd
proposes to cross the 1,000 line before Janu
nry 1 , 1888.
* *
OUT or SCO Masonic lodges in the state of
Mississippi 2230 oivn their own hulls.
Tin : MASONIC fraternity have cegun the
erection of u splendid block in Denver. They
intend it to bo equal to any In our country.
NINI : HUNDHED dollars have BO far boon
contributed by the A. O. U. W , to 'tho Up-
church memorial fund. .
THEIIB WAS an episode nt Ashland on the
night , of the presentation of the Pythian
banner which accountf for the number of
sore heads , tender throats nnd rasi > ed necks
from which many of Omaha's best known
local Pythians are endeavoring to recpvcr.
It was the institutionM > f the now degree of
the cob. Over 250 knights were initiated
with a great deal of e'clat and a great deal of
merriment. Two bushels of cobs were used
in the work and each 'of the initiated , like
soldiers who preserve , .bullets . which almost
deprived them of life if they can only get
them , has brought his cob with him nnd hung
it up in his room or parlor with garlands of
ribbons ns u trophy of his struggle with an
unexpected honor.
Tun oitDr.u of railway conductors of Amer
ica have prepared a bllPand it has been intro
duced in congress foi'the purpose of securing
conductors. This organization is for mutual
benefit , and for the purpose of elevating the
stamlaid of conductors , nnd giving better
service to railway companies.
THE ANNUAL electionof officers for Henry
Gllmoro division . 12(1 ( , occurs to-day.
for Jh9 elecU'w of onleers for this
division for ensuing year ; also for delegate
tp grand convention to bo held nt Toronto ,
Canada , the second Tuesday in May. Al
members of this division are requested to be
For fcnr of losinp : a clay's work , many
poi-boiih put off tuldnjj physic until Sat
urday. The bettor plan is not to delay
but take it ns fcoon as needed , it may
faavo you a hard bjioll of siekneas. If
you want the most benefit from the
least amount of physic without causing
you any inconvenience , loss of appetite
or i-obt , take St. Patrick's Pills. Their
action on the liver and bowels are
thorough , they give n freshness , tone
and vigor .to the whole- system and act
in harmony with nature.-
B. V 2 Tjf * * isiU
Hut open your hearts and purse with a simul
taneous snap , and spend a few dollars in a
manner that will bring joy nnd pleasure both
to the giver and recipient.
An let us advise you what to give. Let it bo
something selected from our immense nnd
complete stock of suitable goods for gifts ,
such as
Silk Hanflkercliiefs , Fine Linen Handker
chiefs , botii plain and embroidered ,
Purses , FoUooks , Shopping Bags ,
farm Underwear
Rnchings , ,
Toboggans , Fascinators , Etc ,
If low prices for standard goods will
please you , give us a call or send in your
orders. We prepay charges on mail or
Thompson ,
Belden & Co , ,
1319 Farnam St.
Store open evenings the week before
Christinas ,
Announce Tor To-day
Another Disturbance in Prices !
Our sales diir'uif1 ? the past two weeks
gave us another proof that the public
appreciates n good thing when they see
it , and that a true statement substan
tiated by facts is the best medium to
public patronage.
Wo will continue until utter the Holi
days to offer our
Exceptional Values
In Ladies' ' , Misses' and Children's '
Our stock of Sealskin Cloaks is com
plete. Wo own our btock. Wo wish to
Hell them , and that now. Call and bee
us. and judge for yourselves ah to quality
and prices.
Dress Goods
M Dress Patterns.
Also exhibition for Monday anil Tues
day , December 1(1 ( and L'O ,
25-Ladies' ' Morning Wrappers and Tea
Latest Pnribian Novelties. All styles of
Walking and Evening Dresses
1518-1520 Farnam Street ,
OMAHA , ' - - - NEIV
Owing to the lateness of thsseamwl
onrsclyes overstocked with One anf
medium priced overcoats , and in oriel
to reduce the quantity we propose to self
most of them within the neit 10 days./
and have made prices that will insure i
speedy sale :
Our $ 5 overcoats now go for $ 3.00
8 ita 5.00
9 a 6.00
10 iin 7.50
15 n 10.00
20 K u 14.00
11 25 II u 18.00
We have reduced In the same ratio
all our
For and For Trimmed
Overcoats- ,
nnd if you need one you wlllfli\A.
this the best opportunity \ offered
this rni 3H. if'e have had such rt
grand success of our
Sale thut we have just added a
more styles of desirable suits thqt
are selling at other stores all the way
from 914 to $ JS. Wtplace them all
in one lot and sell them at onsprlcft
WealKohavcaflnc and large as *
Kortmcnt of nobby styles in suits ,
which we tire offering at cut prices ,
Wa Really Have No Competition
in Our Boys' ' and Childrens' '
For our line of
Boy's Suits & Over
coats ,
Is very complete and our price of
$1 for a nobby boy's Jachct and
pants , in ayes from to I't years , it
hard to beat anywhere.
New York& Omaha
For Men and Boy's
1308 FarnamSt ,