Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1887, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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    . - . . ; , . ' ' : ' . . ' . * . , n
10 . . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , . iPEGEMBEK 18. 1887-SIXTEEN PAGES. . . . . . . . /
. Advertisements under this heart. 10 cent * per
line for the first insertion. "cents forenchsuh-
wuont insertion , nnd $1.M ) a line per month.
No advertisement tnktn for IPM tlmii 25 cents
for the first Insertion. Heren words wlllbs
counted to the line : they must run consecu
tively nnd must be paid In advnnre. All ad
vertisements must tie handed In bcforu 1:30
o'clock p. m. . nnd under no circumstances will
ther be taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns and bar-
Jne the nnswcrs addressed In euro of thft llf .
* fil plen e nsk for n check to enable them to
eel their letters , as none will bo delivered ex
cept on presentation of check. All answers to
dVertlsements should be enclosed In envelopes/
All advertisements In these columns are pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
the Hee , the circulation of vrhlch aggregates
more than 14.WO papers dally , nnd elves the nd-
rertl'ers the benefit , not only of the city clrru-
lotion of the Hee , but nlso of Council HlutTs ,
Mnroln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
this part of tlio west. _
ITUAT1ON8 wanted -Tiy a young man oft
farm , (1) ( ) No : 1 coarhmnn , m way-up bar
tender , (2) ( ) male rooks , ( II ) malu clerks , ( ft ) dining-
room girls , (4) ( ) general house-maids , (2) ( ) jrlrls. day
work and (1) ) laundress , at "State" Employment
Parlors , 1417 Farnam ot. , Itoom 11,2nd floor.
676 Isj
Situations State Employment
WANTED is the place for lrls. ' 141 * Farnam
St. , room.n , 675-18J
ANTED-Oood position by young man ,
experienced bookkeeper. First-class ref
erence. Address 81 lice. 64 W
"i/tJNJ ( man . (211 ( , good salesman , knowing
JL perfectly English. French nnd.German nil
dpuble entry book keeping , wishes situation ;
good references. Address Clms. I , . , 2514 Douglas
at. , Mtf IP * .
VITANTED Situation by a competent and ex-
iff perlenccd bookkeeper and cashier. Heat
city reference ) ) . It IB Hoe olllcu. 639-19 *
Situation by a young lady ns
copyist or nnyklnd office work , address
Itlpljeu olllco. 481 lit *
ANTED-Sltuatlon by tlrst-class Mnglo or
double entry bookkeeper , HUB penman ,
best of reference , no olllco ifee. Can-
nadlan Emp.ollice.Mrs.lIrega Sc Son,31fi H.lMn st.
Tel. R4. ! f.18 IHJ
- for 20 Urst-class rooks
and laundresses , also for 2 sniaH'glrls to
assist In housework ; our waiting room Is al
ways full of nice girls seeking employment.
Canadian IInip otlicc , Mrs. Hicga & Son , 310 , 8 ,
,15th , : Tel .Ml. MO 19J
TI7ANTEI ) lly registered pharmacist of seven
TT years'experlenre. a position In drugstore
that can pay good salary to rompetent mid re-
llablu iiiiui. 260 , Fremout , Neb.
t'W ' 18 *
IJO8IT1ON wanted by stenographer and type-
w riter. Inn olllce pref ered , rapid and uceu-
rate. M. C. Connnt Stlllwater , Minn. 41118 *
WANTii-l'osltlon : In the city ns housekcep-
er for widowerKl years' experience. Can
furnish icferenccs , Address 1' 71 , care lleo
ojllce. , 394
V\rANTEO-Sltuaton ! In grocery store. Will
TT buy half Interest If satisfactory. Address
T. M. Pointer. Woodbine , la. ii25 IS *
WANTED Male help - = - Professional men
comt ) register lit tlio State Employment
parlors , 141" Furuum St. , room II. 675-18J
WANTIJIJ A iloublo-biiHH player. Apply ut
ut 1417 Furnam t. , room 11 , up.stulr.s.
471-ls *
\\TANTED Agents to bundle the now cliem-
TT leal Ink erasing pencil. Greatest novelty
Fveriitodiiced. Erases Ink In two seconds , no
ubrnslon of paper. 2 ( ) toWJO pur cent prollt.
One agent's sales amounted to tiff ) lu six days ;
another f'2 ! In two houis. Territory absolutely
free. Salary to Rood men. No ladles need an-
Bwer. Samples ; i5c- For terms and f nil particu
lars address the innnufiictutera , J.V. . fektnner
Ac Co : , OnuliiHka , .Wit ) . \ 6H421J
WANTED Man and wife to take charge of a
residence In Omaha. With good reference.
Inquire Arcadu hotel , A. Dufouy. 670 20 *
"ISfANTED-Ono good canvassing ngont. Hlg
TT money to the right num. l.ovell Munufuc-
turlug Co. . 221 N. 13th st. 655 18J
WANTED A man with SIM ) to manage an
ollice , 1509 Furnam st. . loom 9. KO-19J
WANTED Man to drive express wagou
must llvo war Hiiuscom Park. Iteler
cnco required. J. A. Harris , 320 S. 10th street.
&IO-18 *
"W7ANTEO r > cush-borl , Monday morning , 8
T T o'clock. Tlio We Store , 1209 Furimm Ht.
< 631 18
- WANTED One good salesman for lunihehold
spc'Claltles : good wages to good man. Lov-
ell Jltg. Co. . SI N. lath Ht. KA 18 *
WANTED Actlvo salesmen to bell our oliC'
trie Moor matting and electric cabinets for
tlio protection of banks , sfprcs : residences and
HafesfiombursUrs ! extensively used by bank-
or" , jennlenilKntl other inurcnntlli ) houses nnd
private icsldepces. To the. right parties n first-
class position Is offered. Address Hunkers' A :
Merchants' Electric Protective company , 171
Itaudolph St. , Chicago , 111. ra lb *
WANTED A coachman , experienced with
horses and having recomnieudutlon. Ap-
gly W\W \ Farnani st , C. 1 1 . Slomnn. 47U
WA NTHD-Agents to solicit for one of the
best helling domestic machines In use.
Itoom II , llarkur block , D04 IS *
\\7 NTED-Coachnian for private family. $20.
T.T- Must have good -rureuces. . Caiindluii
Kmp. olllce. liiff go. i : > th. Tel Ml. KO IB *
\\rANTRD Printer-Experienced , competent
T and thoroughly tellable Job-man and foro-
jmm for an A No. 1 countiy olllcp. A stendv
liositlon for such a num. Apply at once , with
references. Argus , Platte Center. Neb. ITJ-l'JJ
WANTED Young men forhtuck r.ilslng.raro
opportunity , delightful climate , horses to
ride , understanding mustbo had b roiH stall
ing. Inclose self-addresicil envelop. II. Van
Itaub , lloerne. Kendall Co. , Texas. ir.MSJ
WANTED 11111 cleik for wholesale grocery
hou'-c , German prcferied. Address U u
lice. 1 i 457 18
" \\7ANTIJD-AJnnllor to "take care of large
TT olllco block , must have experience and
best of icferenco. Communicate with J 7 llec
otllco. 4J9
WANTED A II rat-class Mllor. good wages
for n good man : must glvo bust of refer
ences. Address box X , Long Pine , Neb.
411 33J
Agents for tlio Magic Shaft 01
TT Thill Coupling. Chnntrn fiom Single to
Double.nig' In Two Minutes , the only couplinn
of merit , sii\s dray , the horseman , sample pali
We ; they sell ut sight. It. lirliikvrliotr , TcUnlo.
Olijo. ; . , _ ' 1U7 18"
7ANTK Hook-ttrjiers , clerks , bnlesmeii ,
' ' bhorttiitnil writers , coachmen , dilvers
palters , pncker.s , mcdiumcs nnd all those wish
Ing to make changes nt beginning of the year ,
rome nud register your application nt the mos |
reliable Commercial Employment bureau ir
America. 1509 Fiunam st. , room 9 , 1153 1PJ
\\rANTED-Four men to solicit in the smal'
T T tow ns and countrv of lown , Missouri anil
Nebraska : must have 125 , give bond , nnd will
INK to work earnestly ; tnluiy JC3 per month
Addrem P iH. Hoe olllco. , 200
NTED.Men for rullrond work. XT
brlghfs Labor Agency. 1120 Fnrnnm. 691
" \\7'ANTED 100 men of good appearance to
1 try our IBc meals ut NoriU n-stuurant , 311
and313 outh 14th tticct. ( old Livg and l.e
Live ) OW
OOOI ) girls wanted ut 1417 Farnam st. ;
W - lady at JiSrcr wook. Call a
Woman's .liicnango Kamgo bulldlnjj
Itoom 4 - ' . " 'rtfeoolovator , ' WO-IOJ
l-- < llrl for hoti-1 laundry , M.50 i
wi-ok. Olrl for geueir.l linu.-u\.ork' , P4.0
a week , a real Western Ilureau 1609 Furnam st
Itoom U. 62iJ-19 *
'Vlf ANTEU-Ulrl. Inquire315 N. I7th st.
V > Kia
" \ V ANTKD-Dliitns loom girl at OccliienTaU
_ _ _
\\rAXTF.l- -2 girls fov kttchfii work ut liolc
> > ui mul's. lOlD nnd loi.l a. '
\\fANTKp--Ooodglrlsforall klndaof woik
bl't. ' * " " ' ' ' ; 1 > _ y- ' " ' staauc *
ONI" lady lu every town wunteil to lutroduc
ind t ! l IVmiyroynl Pills "Clilche ter'
Kuirll-li. " Original uud only ( ienuliio. tieuiH
( * t miis > for imitlcuiurb. Chtclitfitrr Chcmlcu
Co. , Piit.idii : ! > it > i.-i , Pa. 3S7
T A 1)1 T.S urf OIK i ed embroldeiy nvedlew ork n
ala linuso. Protltiilile. ci-niilnc. ( icxvl pay cai
bv muilo. I'\fi-ythluu tunilslinl. I'.utU-uku-
Jroo.ddri'.s AnUUO 'ifiUtHovS Co. , li'iMl
tJt. . New YoikCi'.y. 274
" \\7ASTI.U Ladles in city or country , fur ou
T 1 holiday trade , to take light , worl
nt Iheir ow n I , jme.1. ! to 3 pi-r day can b
iiuMlv muilo. \ \ ork < i-nt by mall > iuy dlntanri
Puitlculuis fu'e. No canViuMtig. AiVnev * u
once , Ceicent Art Co. , 117 A MIIU it. , llaito : '
tlat . P.O. bosfdTl' ' . am
\tTANTED- ffl ladles io try omIV ; ineals a
TI Nurrlii' rustaurtait old LUuuuJl.ui I.lvc
SlliindJIiS. HtUbt. VU
WANTED Womn-n cook out of city. 'HO ; 2
dining room wlrl , fJOi fine lattnuress for
irlvate family. 3 dining room girls In city , 20
flrls for general housework , we have lots of
ilaces. Call mid see. us. Canadian Kmp. olllce ,
Irs. llrega A. Son , 'IIP So. Kith.Ti \ > \ SM. 62118 *
WANTED Five persons to learn Imokkeep-
ing. sltuatlona , room 618 Kamgo building.
J. II. Bmltii. -456 2u *
WANTED Information as to the where
abouts of Harry Snyder , who left Sioux
City nbout August 7 , IN * " . Sold to bavo gene
south to Omaha , or enst on the Illinois Central
railroad. Ho Is about 18yearn old. dark com
plexion , small statue and weighs about 111
pounds. Ills mother is nearly distracted over
his continued absence. Address \Vm. Elle-
mund. Plonx City , la , , who will gladly reward
Information given. 657-lfJ
WATrrEl ) lloard and room In private f am
lly for myself and wife. Address , stating
terms. It 13 , Hoc. 4 0 13 *
" \\rANTEn-Aroung lady room mate ; none
T T accepted unless she In the owner of two or
more ot those 110 lots to bo sold to-morrow at
310 3.15th st. 51319
WANTED Hy gentleman and wife , board
and room In private family wndreno
< other bourdon are kept ; references exchanged.
It Address P. O. draw-prta , city. 645 18 *
' \\fANTED-Somo one to adopt 3 girl Imblcs ,
' T T blonde and brunette , B & llee olllce.
* . . 4M2Q *
TylTANTED-A safe , medium size. W. F. Clark ,
T T 408 N. 10th st. 44 19J
WANT goods to sell on commission , have
good stand for holiday trade ; good ref
erence. Address P 07 , llee Onico. 37B 20 *
w A NT E D Gentlemen to try our 10-ccnt
meals at Hchollcr restaurant , 101 S. 10th.
210 J 9
ANTED A large -hand cart at the lleo
olllce. 399
Plain sewing to take homo or will
WANTED by the day , 1215 Capitol ave.
TATiFiimpioyment Parlors , 1417 Fnrnnm st.
- T . -x 675 1HJ
ANTED Ladles wanting refined and payIng -
Ing employment will please call between
1 and (1 ( o'clock p. m. at C24 N. 20th at. 60318 *
Employment olllco. the best
place In'Omuha to get help or situations.
Male and fenrtklw. ' Heferonco , Omaha National
bunk , Mrs. llrcga It Son , 310 S. 15th. Tel. 88L
_ . . ' 121.111
LADY employed during day wants nicely
furnished room , where parties are not too
Inquisitive , Will bo permanent and quiet. Ad
dress "S 2" llee olllco. f > 7319J
Two or three unfurnished rooms
for light housekeeping. Kent must bo
reasonable. Address A. M. L. , care J. 11. liar-
nacle , cor. ICth and Chicago sts , Jill lb *
WANTED A small furnished cottage or two
or three furnlshtd rooms on" first floor for
light housekeeping , convenient to car lino. Ad-
drubs OKI , lice olllco. 767
HLVATE boarding , $4 u week , 1G15 Dodgo.
120 J7
PH1VATE boarding , 1015 Dodge st ,
B OAHD with rooms for four at 2118 Uurt st.
F 11HST-CLASS table board , served In homo
style , for 3 or 4 gentlemen. 1814 Dodge. 691
Foil KENT IB-room flat $10 and restaurant
combined i.W. Price of furniture nnd les-
tnilrant $2,000 $700 cash and balance easy. Oood
locality and centrally located. Co-operative
Laud and Lot Co. 205 N. Itith st. 60V20
FOIl KENT House of 8 rooms. Oood loca
tion. Inquire W. T. Cole. 604 Ponrl st
"JjlOIt KENT Now 10-room house , all modern
JL improvements' , 8 blocks'from postoflleo. En
quire on premises , ( i21 S. 19th st. 55S 20J
T710K KENT 6-room house , P123 Farnam.
JL1 city water In house , , JIB , to good
3 bran now 0-room flats , nth street , be
tween Clark und Grace , 1 block to car line , 5 < " 0
on lease. Don't miss seeing tliosc.
Good 6-room house , corner 25th nnd Grant , 1
block to car line , $15 per month.
4-room House , 35th , near Furnnm , cnr line on
Farnam to IWth , only $13 per month.
3-story 8-room house , with good barn , Leaven-
worth , near 22d , $35 on Icnso. Clark & French.
lull ! Douglas st. . 631 19
FOH KE'NT Small cottage 25st st. : ust south
on.oaveuworth. Apply ? 13 ' " " * - '
637-18 *
3 rooms 1018 N. 20th st.
3 rooms 1010 N. 21st st.
3rooms ! 122 N.21stMt.
n room 2103 NIrhoIasst.
3 rooms 1412 Pierce.
3 looms 701 Pacific st.
4 elegant .unfurnished rooms , containing all
the modern conveniences , at 415 S. 19th st.
Nice olllco at 310 S. loth st.
M. F.'Martin. 419
OK KENT 0-room hquso , 14(19 ( Davonpoi t.
_ , 31U.2- ) *
T71OK KENT Cheap now 8 roomed hnr.r.o In
- * - Popploton Park. Enquire of "It. T. Fnyan ,
Commei-oinl National bailk. 517-lb *
TOH KENT Flvo room house iu Omuhn
X1 View ( for this waiter ) $10 per month. All
in tlrst-clnss repair.
Store room N. E. cor. 20th and Hurt sts. $2 >
per month.
Store room on llarney s > t. between 15th and
1'ith ' sts. $40 per month. Potter i ; Cobb , icol
Farnam st. 550-21
F I OH KENT Cottugu ou North 20th st. Cull
: at 315 S. 15th st. or 1315N. 2Uth st. G. N. Hicks.
512 10
T1OH KENT Nice cottage and barn , line loco-
-1 tlon. only fcil per month if good party. In
uire bOll S. 10th Stieet. 505 19 *
43 HOUSES For rent , $10 to $7ii per month , 3 to
10 rooms each and from fi blocks to 2 miles
distant from poitollico. F. L. Gregory , Hental
Agent , 30 ! ) S. Wll bt. . 47S
FOH KENT To private family ; elegant brick
dwelling , 11) ) rooms and bath : modoin con
veniences at 22U9 Douglas st. W. F. Clark , 40S N.
IGth ht. . . , 48419J
1710H HEN'T-17 room boarding liouve , 1" blk
-L' from P.O. Furultiiro cost f'M ' ) ; fori'nr > .
10 room boarding house 1 blk frwn P. O. Fur-
nlturo for sale. } 9 < W. KentiVf. "
7 room lint , furnlf.ue fov sno , $2V ) . Kent M5.
JroomH'JUoe , furultuio for sale $275 , Kent
c > )7 ! .
7 room flat 3 blks from lloyd's opera house.
Furniture ut yourown price. Kent tit.
Store room , lease $125. Knt f.0. !
2 bom ding houses , funilture for sale ; nlso n
small hotel , all near no.wdepot South Omaln.
10 room boaidlug house 2 blks trom court
house , furniture for sale $850. Kent S'iO. '
Houses and lots for sale or trade In all pnrtc
of the city. Look under business clmm-e * , ani !
to exchange. Co-operutivo Laud i ; Lot Co. , 20 , '
N lOtlj st , 497 111
710H KENT A small cottage. Apply 1401
J Dodge st. 61U 18 *
jlOH HENT 3-room house. Pierce , near 22ml ,
V F. 1C. Darling , 15th nnd Howard. 445 19
XTO. 1109 7th ave.,6-room .house , in good re
-L > pair , largo yard , cistern water ; w ill ren
to rcMKiii'.lble person with not more than 2 chit
dren for 123 per month. 44H
TfOK KENT A splendid five-room cottage ir
JO North Omato.-on cnr line , full lot , well , els
tern , bath room , nil in first-class repair , onlj
t.a n month. Inquire' Ma s. llith. 44ii
T7IOH HF.NT 'lVoom house , 1304 California st.
Jrent J12 , fmnlturufl'S. Co-oporutlvo Lam
and l.ot Co. , 205 Ninth at. ' , ' , ; is
17OK HENT KJegnnt 0-room corner Hat , mod
- * - era conveniences , new brick building , corner
nor California uud Kith strost , 2nd floor. . uttc
Bleinsson. 515 N. llith st. * 4CO 18J
HENT-SIx riKim Hat und furniture foi
o cheap. Apply 420 Soutn 15th st. flat 7.
FOH KENT A foom houhe cheap toasmal
family , l53US21at bc-t Coutoi anil Don-aunt
412 J14'
"IJ10H KENT 2 newO room hoiibes on S 30tl
- neurl.cavenwortli , 0. B. Maync. IHl
. . KENT Ji room house , 27th st.near Dodgi
81Vjl , K. Hlngwalt , 21f So. nth St. UM
OHOOM house cornVr Murcy and 25th nvo. (15
Apply to Lluluger A Mt-tcaU Co. 223
TpOH KENT N'ewR room rottHge In Amble
J. place ; good 7 loom 2 story house. Orcban
Hill ; good 4 room cottage. Orchard Hill , C. E
Mayno , N. W. cur. 15th and Haruoy t.t. . 191
FOH KENT-0-room house , city w ater , etc. , S
W. Cor. Klna and Cdldwull. 1U12 Farnam
' 17011 KENT An 8 room house , city water gas
- * - and stable , I'J minutes walk from the post
oilier. Kent moderate. Apply to D. J. O'Dou
HUpe. next door to tha pi tolllcc. 13T.
H i\T-A : new ten-room house with al
- - ' modem Impiofi.ineuth , large attic. iMtiula
nnd21 t > .trcot. . > 'ot u b.iscment house. AV
plv Morlti Mi'yer , cor 1 1 and Farnam. 747
FOH KENT Now. housv , 0 rooms , f to. , l
gromids corner 2-ilh aud.C'upltol vehuo
Iuure2b2d' ! . . ' & 6J
FOK HENT-Ncw 4-room cottage. t3 ! per
month. Apply room 211.1511 Dodge gt. 7f > 't
Foil HKNT-8 elegant brick residences with
all modern Improvements , 13 and 14 rmms
each , pleasant and convenient location. O. F.
Paris company , 1502 Farnam st. 113
T71OH KENT 8-room home. HMS 25th avenue ,
-JU 1 block south of Leaveuworth. J. D. Cowle ,
at Falconer's. PB3
"tjTOK KENT -room house n w cor. Sowanl
JP arid 27th ts. l > 58
FOK KENT Z new handkomo n room cottagea
well , clstenis , etc.JI7 per month ! Cd and
California. A. C. Wakciey , Omaha Natl bank
Did. 1)97 )
TjlOK KENT Severa new 7 room nousos
J. block from street car , ready for occupancy
November 1 C. F. Harrison 418 9.15th st. K S
EOH KENT House 11 rooms. W. M. Hush-
man , N E corner Inth and Douglas. 840
FOK KENT Two gentlcmcncnn < find nicely
furnished room with gas , heflt , bath , hot
and cold water nt 2011 Cuss st. . 627-24J
FIKST floor front room to rent , with first-class
board , also day board , -at 213.N , Mth street.
, . Ijl318 *
TTiOll KENT Nicely furnished.rooms ot 2227
- * - ' Dodge. Oa5 , bath and furny .heat. C29
TOK HENT-Flimlshed rooms With or with-
JL1 out board. 818 N. 15th sO 63C 2i
NICF.fjY tarnished rooms for rent , suitable
for gentleman nnd wife ; cent moderate.
1204 NJhth st. ' 43 1H
TT1OH KENT Nicely furnished rooms , gas ,
JU1 steam heat , use of bath-room anil on street
car line. 23l7.1)ougla8 ht. KM 24 *
PUKNISHEI ) rooniH-tl to $1.50 a week , cen
tral , MU S. IBth , up-.stalrs. BOO :
Foil KENT S rooms , slnglo or ensultc , reas
enable to suitable parties. 1720 Capitol uve.
IAIinK , newly furnished room on first floor ,
J3 per m. Inquire in basement 2012 Hartley.
"VTICE largo front room , furnished ) ind heated.
-L > Sultnlilo for two gentlcmcu.-'AUpt > niall
room. 1017 Cass st. " , Ac&'U
iroll KKNT Pleasant room. lipt. nnd- cold
JL' water , gas , bath , steam bent ; very cheap
for ono or tw o gouts. 211 S 34tli st , near Farnam ,
, ,6CO 20
FOHKENTr-Afterlstof Jartltary room
in a centrally located otllco hoa'fed with
hteam. Cull at Itoom 4 Crolghtou block. 500
VEHV ileslrablo furnished , rooms with or
without board. ISSJ'J ' St. Mary's ave. 550 UJ
I71OK KENT Newly fiirni'hed liedroom for
I1 2 gentlemen , including gas and lire , 115. 113
8. Slth. IMS IS *
EOH KENT Furnished rooms cheap. 1510
Humoy bt. iV < s.20j
EiH lt | { hNT--lleutiil ! tiirnlshed loom nnd use
' of parlor. t\0. \ GU N. 17th st. 572 20J
FOH KENT Furnlshod rooms , single or en-
suite 1121 Douglas st. 4S120J
EOH KENT 3 rooms nicely' furnished , for
hou.sokecplne , U13 South llth ht , cheap rent.
SIO 18 *
FOH KENT Newly furnished cast front
room with alcove aniUbay window ; all
modern conveniences ; board If desired. No. 022
Georgia ave , 517 21J
TPOH HUNT A'nlco front room suitable for 2
* - ' gentlemen , w 1th all modern conveniences.
Corner St. JIury's avenue and 20th , or020 S 20th.
623 18
FOH KENT Furnished rooms three blocks
from lloyd's opera house , & 07 S liith nt.
511 lit *
IAHGE hliuny east room with bay window ;
J all modern conveniences. Ale pleasant
smaller room. 2I2J S. E. cor. 2iith und Furnum.
6U2 23 *
TI1WO rooms , hlnglo or en suite , furnished or
JL unfurnished , convenient to streetcar. 1917
Webster st. 44121J
fTUJKNl.SHED room , with or without board.
JU1112 S. lUll Bt. 4.7J lb *
FUKNIHIIED rooms to ladles or gentlemen.
31 IN. 4t31' : ' ) '
FOH KENT Elegantly furnished rooms with
without boaid , ( KM N. 17th st. JJUO 18J
FOUH elegant rooms all modern conveniences
1704 Webster ht. 458
1OK KENT Furnlbhcd rooms with board ,
1U11 Farnam Mt. 45022 *
POH KENT Nice furnished room , 50 r.7uo
S. W. cor. 18th and Jackhcr ; . - ° A
3AHGE eoBiitrrom room , all modem conven-
ences , suitable for two gentlemen ; also
fl t-class table board for throe or four ; refer-
dices. 1814 Dodge st. " 704
FOK KENT Furnished room , all modern con
veniences , large enough for two. 20M Dav
enport. 657
TTIOH IlENT Itooms , 1823 Cass ht. Now brick
-L' rowwith gas , bath and furnace heat , Kooms
nil pleasant , Koference required. 299 IS *
FOK KENT Furnished rooms , IBlfl IJodgo st.
711 J 1
FOH KENT Furnished rooms 1013 Dodge.
4C ! ) 2:1 : *
TJ10K KENT Pleasant furnished room Wper
JL1 month , 005 N 17th s > t. v.n 19 *
FOH KENT Nicely furnished room with heat
J7 per month , 4H ( ! Williams st. 8 minutes
walk southeast U. I' . Depot. 1 !
FOH KENT Furnished hlnglo rooms , gas ,
bath , furnace. 2125 Dodge st. 415 "u
EOK KENT Furnished room with heat and
gas allow rates , single or ensulte. 2207
Douglas. U75 19 *
EXTKA largo newly furnished room , with or
Without board. 2IU S Slth. 374 20
FOK KENT Pleasant fuinlshcd rooms , mod
ern conveniences , reasonable prices. 414 P.
15th St. , Karbach block , 3rd floor tllat. No. 2.
TJIUKNISHED rooms and board , 1704 2tfth st
sau i9j
TT'OK ' KENT 3 furnished rooms with heat ,
JL' suitable for 8 or II gentlemen , Jill an. ; J20
per mouth , N side lA-uvenworth bet. 17 nnd Ibth
Ms. , yij | loj
TflKONT parlor f..r nvo gentlemen , IISI Dodge.
Foil KENT Ploasantest now furnished and
cheapest rooms In private house In city. AH
conveniences. Near business. 1013 Capitol ave.
247 d 25J
TJ10K KENT FurnlMied rooms In ( Jroiinlg blk ,
J-1 cor. lUth and Dodge hts. Inquire of Oeo. K.
Davis , Mlllnrd hotel billiard room.'i < ' 597
T710K KENT Nicely furnished room suitable
JL1 for2 gentlemen , inquire 2011 St. Mary's avo.
UENT-Furnishcd rooms and board , 903
Farniun. 208 J 9 *
"IT'lIKNlSIIEnrooms. single or ensulte ; heat ,
Jbath , und all modern conveniences. C21 8.
l fh. _ _ t , . ,411 18J
" 1J10H KENT Warm furnlshea-rbtmr , llG
* imm. 20S
17OOMB for rent , No. 904812th st.
AV 32fl d 22 *
* VTICEMr furnlNhea front room with or with-
Joutboard. . 1812 Dodge str it4 , , | ' .J 67D
TflOU KENT Furnished room , 1017 Howard.
JD tun
rooms for rent , 1913 rimam st.
_ _ . . . " 810 J2J
"I7 > OIl KENT lYirnlshed rooms in all parts of
-i. tiiH city , by the ilny , week or month. City
intelligence office. Crelghton block. . _ 698 .
ill KENT Pleasant rooms with bent at 1707
r.issnt. E3020
T7V3H HEN'l1 Throe unfurnished rooms , suit-
J- able for housekeeping , Ht 1021 North 21st st.
FOH KENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeoplng , 1021 N 20th st. 699
FOH KENT Four (4) ( ) unfurnished rooms , 413
SiiuthUithst. , containing all modern con
veniences. 641
"I71OK KENT 3 rooms suitable for house keep-
JU Ing , N. W. cor. llth and Pierce stApply
to 316 s. 15th st. 0 o
"I710K HENT-3 unnirnlsht-d room ) , suitable for
JU housekeeping. 703 Pacific St. OU
-13 Dougliia at. 223
ASEMENT. stores and flats , lth ; ! und Jack-
sonteuin ; heat. Enquire Mrs. F. Lange. SI7
Oil HEXT-Storo room HO. basement t .
0. E. Thonuijon. J114 a. 1Mb ht. ' 7-'l .
KENT llasement stores und flats with
all modern Improvements , corne ? lath and
Jocksonjits. QUO
OK KENT Ground floor office room , centrally -
trally located , heated and lighted. C. F.
. 418 S. 1Mb ht. Ctti
KENT Slid"and 3d tloow at 1417 Douglas
st. , with lease of three years. Kennedy *
IJlbbins ; IJOU Uo sl s st. , . SOI ,
TpOR KKNT-OTlce.s ( on Varnam st. at .lift to MO
JL1 per mouth. On office furnished. ' 1012 Far-
T7IO KENT-Omce iciom , Hrst Uoor , atniOS.
X1 15th * t. C04
T71OK HENT-dood nrffn , $7 per month. Apply
J 2540 Capitol avennel 41'/lil /
AKN for rent aCi'd and Douglas. W. T.
Clark. 40S N. 10 $ $ . 4Hj 1 J
TJIOK KEXT-Oood'barn ' cheap 1921 Oilcago st
FL. OKEOOKV. rVnral agent , 3098.16th st. ,
ground floor. TVUVhone S64. 4M
, attention-given to renting houses ,
furnished and unfurnished rooms. List with
us. W. M. Harris , over 220 8.15th at. B74
'ijlOH KENT If you wish to rent a house call
JL' on Ilenawa St Co. , 15th St. , opposite P. O.
(107 (
THOU furniture and boxed goods 415 8 llth Ht. ,
J Omaha. Neb. 168 ! U *
CTOHAflE-Merchanatseor furniture. Little
tj & Williams , 1407 Uoilgl s st. B.HB d 20.
NEW YOHK Storage Co. have most extensive
facilities , for storage of furniture , nlanos ,
buggies , general merchandise , wrest of Now
York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware
house receipts given ; goods insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; special arrangements for
commission merchants. Call New York Storage
Co. , Capitol uve and N , 15th St. , Dennett's block.
EHSONAL-Bewlng solicited at homo ; chll-
dren'tt garments a specialty. Miss Morrell ,
1718 Casa at. 575 18J
PERSONAL Will the young lady who passed
a gentleman Saturday In front of the post-
office at 2:30 : p.m. please call at the New York
Storage Co. . cor. Ifith and Capitol nvo , , nnd ex-
nmlne the lluost line of pianos , organs nnd fur
niture In the west. An njipropilato present
given with each purchase. Everything will bo
sold less than cost of material and on easy pay
ments for the next week. 60318
PEUSONAL Major-There Is going to bo fifty
more of those f 10 lots placed on the market
Monday morning. December 10th. 1'leaso got
me ono for Christ mas and let the diamonds go.
1110 South 15th st. Is where sale take splaco.
Margaret. WS-19
A MIDDLE-AGED gentleman of good habits.
accomplished ami good disposition , would
like correspondence with a young lady or young
widow ; object made known when answered.
K 9 lleo olllcc. 430
PEHSONAL t4.7r > will buy a beautiful hang-
Ing lamp with tinted and decorated shade
nnd cut eln s prisms. Is sold elsewhere for $0.
See this bargain at Moody's , 303 N Itith st.
488 18
_ _
ANNA Alplanalb , the celebrated Hungarian
Gypsy palmist from Chicago and the east ,
reads the lines of the hand. HrJ4 N 2Utli st. Ladies -
dies only , Ho 0 p. m. Fey. HI cts. _ 4S9 1S
PEHSONAL Wanted ladles and dress makers
to Investigate the celebrated Worth Tailor
system of dress cutting , the latest Improved ,
cheapest and most perfect system In use , pos
sessing elegant unu giaccful curves ; wurrcnted
to lit with exactness , ease and perfection , with
out alteration ; linings llttcil for all persons
wishing to 1 arn ; patterns cut to order ; agents
wanted ; MO to f 75 n week easily made. Svstem'
taught at b'J N. Itith st. . room 10. _ fiu 18 *
I ) CUSONAI * Engagements to do dressmaking
in families solicited. Call on or address
Miss Je sle Sturdy , K.S,20th ) , st. 147J7 *
IJEHPONAL-Flrst-clliis dressmaking done at
2213 Mason bt. 10 Anderson. 112 21 *
PEHSONAL-mOwlllbuyn handsome toilet
set in new shape ntuljilecorutlou at Moody. ?
China Store. iM. N loth st , _ 4:318
P EHSONAL lleyn's'latest ' views of Omaha ,
Including all principle bulldlngsblrd's-eye
views showing the city to the best nilvantnge for
sale at Heyn's gallery ami Caultleld's bookstore.
. „ , 390 d24
rEHSONAlPriyato'liftme for ladies during
coutliicment , strictly confidential , infants
adopted. Address E 4tf lleo office. Ifi7 J 8 *
THAYED'Froniwi Cumlnsj st. , to-duv. n
dark buy maie , ! WO Ibs , halter on. Suitable
reward for information , a. IX.Ostrom. KTJ !
T OST-The best cUanrJ ; , .vrr had to got a lot.
AJ eutuoly uec fr6m oncumbiauce , by not
5Clr.Kto 311) ) S st aud'gettiiig 4'xl2feet of
soilui Onuiha property for ollh$10. . There will
bo a rush Monday , Dec. 19 , and I cannot gut in.
643 19
$75,00 llewnrd Stolen , from near the cor
ner of 19th and Cas streets , In this
city , on the evening of the Kith instant , a horse.
buggy and harness. The animal is n dark
brown mure , with dark points , about eight
yours old , fifteen nnd a half hands high , weight
about LIIXJ pounds ; small scars ou right side of
neck ; also split mark on right front foot ; has
burred shoo on this toot. Tlie buggy o phu'ton
style , with folding top. The harness Is black
nnd uearly new , with black trimmings. 8'i" > .00
will bo paid by the owner for the return of the
rig , anil I v. ill pay $ . " > O.WI for the arrest and con
viction of the thief. William Coburn , sheriff ,
Douglas county. Omaha , Dec. Hi , ItW" . 1 9 lb
EOST W5 in paper and silver on way from
13th nnd Howard to Dodge , Under please
leave at lleo ollice and receive reward. 60 i 1K
OUND-On Monday. December IPth. A
chance to get one ot those 4.'xl25 foot South
Omaha lots for only tio. Warranty ileed. Free
from encumbrance. Dryuml Level. 310 S. 15th
l-tieet. 6W-19
OtTND-See the JWiO decorated dinner set a ;
Moody's , 302 N loth st. rt is n bargain.
488 18
' ' " ' ' '
FO I fSA'LEA'Tery" ilu'tnjtrokhzuiier. 1218
Farnam st. T > 74-21 *
.THOU SALE A membership In t'ue Omaha
-I-1 llonnl of TradoOr will rtchungo for luin-
bor. J. W. Miller , Lincoln. Nob. 571-21 *
troll SALE Cabinet ( fraud Upright Piano
i1 almost now rare bargain If. taken before
Christmas. Address K 17 , lleo. Wi-lh *
TjlOIt SALE Splendid new piano at n bargain !
-I ? Addre t > "H 14 , " lleo olllco. 519-2U *
T71OH SALE-Chlckerlug piano ; nearly now.
-E W. 1' . Clark. IU8 N. loth st. 4H4 19J
FOK SALE For Christmas , rosewood piano ,
only K127 , cost KiJO. Pianos less than whole
sale prices. Now York Piano Co. , cor. Capitol
avo. and 15th st. 471-1S
"T&O.OUO good hand nmdo , bricks for sale. Ad-
I dross Hichard Engelmauu , 421 S. 15th st.
_ 401 2iJ )
Foil SALE Singer leather sowing machine ,
good as now , cheap. G.E. Thompson. 314 S.
15th st.
TVTATIONAL Cabinet Letter files for sale by J.
J- > Henry Wood , 714 Pacific street. Omaha
telephone 705. K l 21 *
IOOK at our new stock. Pianos , Pianos , PI-
J anos ut wholesale. New York Stoiago Co. ,
cor. Cap , nye. and l..i : . 47 h
BILLAHD Table nt Half 'price , llrunswlck
llalke Co.'s make. Ilnnulro Leslie i Leslie ,
ICth sud Dodge sts. K > 21B
MUS. P. . M. POST-Wlll give Massage treat
ment to those who prejur to come to her of
fice on Mondays from 9 a , in. until II p. m Other
days from II p. m. to II p. ilh Otllco nnd residence
southeast cor. Sewurd und 2 < th Bts. 6112.20 *
LADIES IlrliiK anything you have to sell to
the Woman's ExchaiuM , Wo will sell it for
you. Hatngo building , roojii US. cutt-iu
TANDAHD Stock Liniment Is the best'thlng
you cau buy for sprnlmi. cuts , bruises or
anything of that kind. MKmifactured by F. E.
SanbornCo , , KOJSt. Mwu-'suvo. . 4M1 1 !
STANDrtUD Horse 1111 .ditto .Food is ack-
. - now lodged to be me .best ever put upon
the market. It is made 'or. ' tir t-cluss ingredi
ents ; no trash put in to iirfup. Hut why pay
10 cents u lln - to provelitT lluy It. feed it to
your horse , und ono weok's use will do more
than u column article to prove that what we
bay Is true. Manufactured by F. K. Sanborn ti
Co. , 17(0 ( St. Mary's ave. For iale every w hero.
"VTOTICE Per-ons having goods left with mel
- lovorslxty days , must rail for them within
two weeks from date , or they w 111 bo sold to pay
expense . A. Dorn , dyer , 34KJ Sewunl t.
17 *
I ADI Eh' ilmss cutting school , oil Nltitn.gar-
-LJ meiits of all kinds made to order. James
McOiinio , iiiercliairt tailor. 491 Ib
E1V. ball , BIO H 10th st has been remodeled ,
K enlarged , now dancing floor , now decora
tions und supper rooms. Entrance on 10th St. ;
parties , lodges and societies anticipating giving
balls or sociable * cull on lions i Muinm , Motz
NOTICE Flrht class bank sand furnished by
thci carload In umuha or by wugon load in
South Omaha , upon short notice. Leave orders
with W. U. Albright , 218 8.1Mb street , or branch
nfUceat Albrights htatlon. South Oiuuhu ; tele
phones 7 i uud KW. Stover Bros. * 31
/ i
FHKRJlenalnK matter. If you haYo not de
cided what impers to take this year , send us
your address , with 10 cents In silver , nnd wrt will
forward your name to hundreds of publisher *
nil over tne country , who will send you maga
zines and papers of every description In abund
ance. It is the best investment you can make
of n dime. It will yield big returns. Try It.
Subscribe to no paper without getting our price ,
Hub. Subscription Agency , lloston , Mass. , llox
! M11. Mention lice. 7
HOHBE clipping by Itenhnm'n
stables , corner 17th and Davenport sts.
Tel. 257. MO it'll *
. DtmANT-rUlrvoyant from lloston is
reliable in all affairs of life , unites Kpn-
rated lovers. 322 N 16lh st. room 1. 7HO Jnn 2 *
H. NANNIE V. Warren , clalrvovant. Med-
leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. .11U N. 10th
Bt. . Itooms 2 & 3. Tel. 944. Oil
T0ITANTED To purchase an established bank ,
TT with a good line ot deposits lu a town ot
1,500 inhabitants or up\vurds. Addres * drawer
L. North Platte , Neb. &M 20 *
WANTKD To buy a 10 to 13-horsn power
boiler. Address 1 00. lleo olllce. 31V18
"WTANTED To buy the furniture of a small
T f or large house centrally located , Co-opora-
tlvo Land & Lot Co. . 2Ui N llith st. ' 138 . .
WANTfcD-To buy shorttime , paper. J. W.
Gross , at C. U. Mayno'a ofllcc , 15th and
llarney. X >
MONEY To loan. I have some private funds
to loan on choice city property In sums of
$1,000 and over. Hates same as charged by trust
companies. No delay In getting the monoy. J ,
Q. Qaston. 1.123 Farnam st. 48018 *
MONEY to lontt 1 can now place some first
class city-loans Immediately. Call at oncn
If you desire to bo accommodated. 1) . V. Sholes ,
room 1 Darker block , entrance in alloy. 894
MONEY to Loan lly the undersigned , who
has . the only properly organized loan
ngcncy in Omaha. Loans of } 10 to flUOmadeon
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans BO made
tlmtMiny part can be paid at any tlmo , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on tlno watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they nro dealing
with , as mrtny new concerns nre dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
sea me. W. 11. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell uullding ,
] 6th and Harnoy. ffifl
" to loan , mortgage notes bought , loans
MONEY" on chattel security ; no delay J. J.
Cummlngs , Koom 10 Darker Hlock 201
MONEY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. J.
W. and.E. L. Bqulre , 1413 Farnam Bt. Pox-
ton hotel building. C29
$350 to loan , or will buy mortgage. B. S. Cam.
pbell * O. W. Hervey. Chamber Commerce-
.TYfONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
J.TJL commission charged. Lcuvltt Uurnham.
loom I , Crclghton block. , 012
LOANED at C. F. lloed Ic Co.'s Loan
Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 S. 13th ,
over Illngham's commission store. All busl-
ness strictly conlldcntlal. IK )
T OANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
JU W.M. Harris , over 220 S. 15th st. 020
TIO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im
proved real estate In city or county'for
New England Loan As Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. ICth and Chicago sts. C13
, to loan ut G per cent. Lluahan &Maj-
honey , 1609 Farnam. C31
MONEY to Loan on city property nnd also on
farms in western Iowa and eastern Ne
braska ; lirst mortgage notes bought and sold.
Odell Hros. \ Co. , fel Farnam St. , Omaha ; 109
Pearl st. . Council Hlutrs. 109
\fONKYTO LOAN-Onfurniture , horses , wag-
ITAons other personal property , without removal
or on unproved collateral security. HuslnoHS
conlldeutlaU Juo. W. llobbins , 1(113 ( Farnam.
I OANS maito on real estate and mortgages
J bought. Lewis S. Heed Ac Co. , 1521 Farnam.
To loan. Lowest rates. Nn H.-
MONEY . . , Klce * Co" ov-r Commercial N&
tloiml bank >
( j 7
M ONEY to Loun O. F. Davis Co. . real estate
und loan agents , 1505 Furnuni st. 019
Patterson It Fuwcott ir.tb and Ilnrnoy. 018
Q1IOHT time loans made on nny nvnnablo
Cj security , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial * business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly nnd fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and Hur-
ney sts. , overstate National baud. Corbott ,
manager. . (125
MONUY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson Ac
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over liurllngton ticket olllce.
$600,000 to loan in any amount at lowest rate of
interest. H. 11. Irey , Frenzcr block. 022
$500,00C-To ( loan on Omaha city property at 0
pejHbnt. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.
MONEY to loan on city property , and also
farms In Nebraska ami lown. Odoll Hros.
& Co. , loun , renl estuto nnd Insurance agents , 103
Pearl street. Council Hint's , la. ; 1523 Fnrnnm
street , Oiiiahq. ' 203
ONEY * to loun. Notes ana it. H. ticket ,
bought ahd sold. A. Fonnuii , 213 S 13th sts
ESTAUHANT At 220 fl. IBth , price V ) . Cooperative -
operative Laud and Lot Co , , 205 N , IStu sr.
_ _ _
BAKHEllshoi-'r ! > fc : 0. rent , M. Co-opor-
nUvo Lana and Lot Co. , 205 N. lotli st.
497 10
"WANTED A partner In a good paying bust-
T ness ; small capital required. Address H 10 ,
lice olllce. 63. ) 19
"IjlUlOALK ! j iuterest in a good business ;
i ? small capital required. Address H HI. lloo
olllco. C3J 19
_ _
\\7 ANTED A partner to go in and buy the
TT entlrolot , orremalulug number of those
South Omaha lots to bo sold .Monday , December
19th , at 310 South 15th st. ' Warranty deed plven
w ith each lot. No encumbrance and worth ilX ( )
each. Address , Improvement , 310 S. IMU bt.
FOK" SALE A harness shop in Holdivse ,
Nob. , invoices about ifl.WiO. As the fotmor
proprietor , Jolm.iegler , is dead , it will bo sold
cheap ; , one oth'T shop In town ; splendid trade.
Address John Hlegler , sr. , Hoik I lnnd , 111. , or
Phillip Xlegler.Hivorton , Neb. 211 2J *
RAf < ROr exchange , iimiw combined 35
bbl. roller and burr mill with complete
modern ouUlt ot machinery , doing n good busl-
nesi , with unlimited water power on Llttlo Illuo
river , in Thayer county. Nob. Will take fc'.OOl
or upwards In cash , balance ou easy terms , or
city property or lands iu whole or in part. Ad-
dioss , A. G. Collins. Hebron. Neb. iCM d 2j
OHlISrAUUANTS Centrally located. , "or
sale. Prices'from t2nto ) t.j,0 ; ' " . Cooperative
tive land ana Lot' Co. . . ? J. . n. Ifith st. 497 19
" "
* J i' ! " . i > stores "ti'iitrully locutcil , jirico accor"
J Ing to invoice , rent K > ( i and $15. Co-operative
Land & Lot Co. , sum. ICth st. 4'.t' 19
\\7ANTED-Purtuer with * xm to open a htoro.
TT Heft-rencos oxihiiliKod. Address H H , lleo
olllce. 47M8J
"I VANTFD A good live man with t-Vlflti ) take
TT half Interest In n big paying light manu
facturing business in Denver and assume man
agement of same. Salary J75.00 per moiitll. Address -
dress S. box 'ill city. _ 4tiS-l *
Investment Tvnshajes of Hrst series
GOOD Uullding and Loan iis-orlution.
1'ully puid'Up ; * ii > cash. Address H 2 , lleoolllco.
413 IHj
ONFKCTIONl'.HY store. Prlco I7U . rent * r > .
Co-opcrutlvo Land und Lot Co. , 210 N. ICth
4117 U )
. . SALE lload hor.sei-ldobar , hnrnessnnd
complete outfit ut your own price. Cull
Parcel Delivery barn on Webster t , bet. 17th
und 1Mb sts. 4W )
T7UJII SALE A drug business. t\W stock in u
JU growing town , of I.Uii ) Inhabitants , cash
sales 10 to fW per day , good location , corner
room , rent } 25 per uiouth.rfiison for i-elllng want
to close partnership. Address llaguull lira1 ! . ,
Yolk , Neb. 40931 *
OTEI , 3 blocks from llojd'sopeiu house nt
H u bargain. Co-operutivu Land nnd Lot Co. ,
205 N. IIHh st. 4'7 ' 19
\\7 ANTED A partne-inn good paying busl-
i T ness , established for four yenis , nnd salo.s
for this year w 111 bo over * 4 < ) ,0iO ( , liH-ntlon good
imiKt have about V > .l U to Inxett. Addieas
W. T. K. , P. O. Hex 3D ) . 075J.I *
.N. 1Mb sU price KMi ent
J90. Co-oiH-ratlve Land Jc Lot Co. , 2U5 N. Ibth.
171OK SALE-An oftalilUhed and payin
J. whole&ulo liiislneHs , will tuko ; .ait pay
real extute. Addres 317 S. IMth tit. .
rANCVCJoods elore , N , liith bt , pilccnccoul-
Ing to Invoice. Co-operutiVo l.nnd .v Lot Co. ,
205N . lllth st. 497 19
_ _
T\niOLi:8ALE confoctloiiery busmess for
? T .sale. Paying trade t-Ktabllahed. Ixxik
, Uii up. Ai > ( > ly U17 & . Uth st , , Vii \
DR0G Btoro. prlcoMOmi. rent MO. Co-opera-
live Land St Uit Co . 2l N. 4I J t
FOK EXCHANOE-H. F . Cole , 310 S. 1Mb.
Houses nnd lots.
.T.Ixl.T.1 feet beautiful six room cottage on 37th
and Patrick ave. Want good lot ,
iWxlSS feet and two story frame homo with
bnrn. 2.sth nud Mlninl , Want lot ,
; ixll'J feet and ono story frame house , north
east corner27th uiftl Grant. Want part cosh ,
balance city or farm.
33xli ( ) feet and one story frame house six
rooms corner 27th nnd nnd Maple. Want part
cash balance farm.
.35x101) ) feet and ono story frame house five
rooms corner , -JDth and Ohio. Wnnt part cash ,
balance i-Ity property or farm.
3rtxI2f foci , two story frame house six rooms ,
Miami near 37th. Want lot , South Omaha pre
Vacant lots.
Lot 11 , block O , Shtnn's 2d , Wnnt house nnd
Lot L Apple's sub. of lot 4" Olso's. Want
equity in house And lot.
Seven lots Valentino Terrace. Take anything
Vacant lots on N. 14th st , clear. Want Omnha
Dig list , South Omaha , for.houso and lot.
$12.000 stock boot. * nnd shoes and some cash
for first-class inside property. Can put In nlco
clean stack dry goods , notions and clothing If
Ono of the best located dtug stocks in the city
VCant Omaha property and cash.
Live stock.
Ono six-year-old sorrel horse , splendid driver ,
gentle and handsome.
One grey five-year-old , rood clever driver ,
good looker. Want good vacant lots.
Hf rse , harness and buggy.
245VJ acres Monana county. Towa. A complete
farm , all Improvement * . Want Improved prop
erty. Will assume reasonable Inciimbrunce.
luO acres Calhoun county , lown. All Improve
ments. Waul merchandise or Improved city
42t < 3 acres Wyoming land nt J2.00 per acre.
Want Improved or unimproved city property.
lilii5 } acres Webster county , Net ) . , near lied
Cloud. All Improvements. Wnnt live stock , .
merchandise or Improved city propel ty.
IbO acres Hancock Co. , all tillable land , about
3 miles from It H station , eticumbrunco 750.
Wnnt house nnd lot. Will pay some cash , nnd
assume moderate Incumbranco.
IfiO iicres Ness Co. . Knnsaa , near K H station ,
Incumbranco $550. Wnnt Otnnlia property.
2XK ) acres of land , till In a body , Holt Co. , Nob-
Want Omaha property.
100 acres Cumnilng Co.'IW miles fiom West
Point , Incuuibrunco JCOO , Want Omaha prop-
Some purchase money mortgages for vacant
Grain elevators.
Two largo and splendidly equipped .elevators
In Page county , Iowa. Purchaser can control
the grain business of tnocountv , AVhidl is onu
of the best grain producing districts in Iowa ,
will trade cither one or both for Improved inside -
side property nnd assume reasonable incutn-
branco. II , E. Cole , 31(1 ( S. 15th40020
Foil exchange First-class Omaha and South
Omaha property for good Nebiussu und
lown laud. W.G. Albright , 2189. 15th st.
, 499
F Oil EXCHAN(1E-50 morii of .those 42x125
foot lots for hill-dollar bills. Sale coininencus
Mondny.mornlng. Dec. 19th. Every lot n build
ing lot , nnd only $10 for o warranty deed. 64119
OK EXCHANGE-1fiO ncres .good land "for
stock of goods or Oniiihn property. Whnt
hnvo you ? Address-It 12 Hoe. 663.IHJ
FOll THADE Improved orunlmprovcd | lands
In central or western Nebraska , for u
stock of goods enquire for n few days only at 111
N. lUlli st. 6D1-18
HOTEL and livery barn , situated in a thriv-
ing .Neb. town. 27 rooms , all furnished , und
3 lots , bnrn holds 40 horses , will hold about 30
tons of hay , tp trade for lands or cltv property.
Co-oporntlvo Lnnc te'Lot Co. , 205 N llitlist. 497 19
M O trade property of nil kinds for good farms ?
JL W. O. Albright. 218 S. 15th St. 499
" \\7ANTKD-Agood , clean stock of general
T T merchandise , to trade for land. Wo have
a bargain in this. Co-operutico Land nnd Lot
Co. , 20" ) N 10th st. 62 i 19
rPO Hxchuuge Kestniirnnr and furnltuio of il
J- rooms , worth $ .luni , for turins or lots. AKo
furnttuiu of a 7-room Hat on So. llth st , und Hut
for rent. Co-operative Laud and Lot Co. . ' ? ' " ; JJ
llith at- 45418
\1U AK'iT.TV Good family horse In oxctiango
T for lot , McCulloch & Co. , cor I5th and
Fnvnam. t 7
OOTS nnd Shoes to trudo for cuttlo or good
Inside Omaha residence property , line ,
clean stock of boots and shoes , will Invoice
$10.000. H. 11. Seydel , Stuart. lown. 418 21
" 17011 Exchange , Jf you have farms or lands to
-1- sell or trudo send for our descriptive blanks.
If you ha vu nnyklnd of property to seller ex
change , list it with us ; wo lan furnish you a
customer. S. S. Campbell & G. W. Ilervey , 310
Hoard of Trade , Omaha , 3-li
TIO Exchange For unimproved cltv property ,
tinee O-ioom houses lu Ambler Platoono 7-
room house In Alamo Tlazafour ; tl-room houses
on S. 20th St. W.G. Albright , 218 S. 15th st. 499
LOT in Walnut Hill nnd 11-room Hut , of furni
ture , on liith st , to trade for lands. Co-op.
L. & L. Co. , 205 N Ifith st. 497 19
FOlltrade , hotel. 3 blocks from Hoyd's opera
house , goods i 1.30(1 ( , rent f 125. Co-operutivo
Landjfc Lot Co. , 205NNth _ _ ttt 197 II )
WANTED A few more good farms In Ne
braska for which 1 will trade first-class
Omaha and South Omaha properties. W. G. Al-
bright. 218 3.15th st. 499
TF You have anything to tr.ido or sell null on
mo or w rite. All business promptly nnd fairly
done. C. C. Spotswood , 3D5JJ S. llith. ! b
"WOULD LIKE to oxcnauuo a lot in Sunn-
TT dors It Hlmcbaugh'H addition to Walnut
Hill for a good slolgh and light two-seated
sirry ; would also take a good horse and pluo
ton. Address box 425 P. 0 , ,
HAVE for trade improve : ; Inrui In Cuss Co. .
near PlattsmontV. , will trndo for implored
inside , prr-i-my. Aduress M 3D , lleo office.
rilO THADE Two improved farms in Iowa for
-L Omaha property or Nebraska lands. Mc
Culloch A.-Co. , cor ; 16th anil Farnam. (34
rPO EXCHANGE Improved farm In Iowa
4. for Omaha residence property. J. J. Wil
kinson , l'24 ! Faniani. lift
YV'ANTBOGobir larnu Hi exchange for
TT Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood.3u51 _ }
r I vnTXCHANOE Good oust trout lot In llnns-
JL com Pluto to exchange for clean stock of
dry goods or clothing. C. F. Harrison , ! ! ) * S. ISth.
Stoeks of mercli.indlin to ox-
cliiuiKe forliimK ami cty propeityj ( J. C.
Spotswood. 3U5' , S. IBth. 1V5
"WANTED Omuha property to oxcliango for
T > fai m $ and wild lands , also fyr city prop
erty. C. L. Hrovtti & Co. , Hoom 13 , Frenzcr
block. 213 J I )
" 1710 It Exchango-Ono of the best scliln fnu-
J2 chines for domostlo use .on the miirket ;
ovi-ry housekeeper will buy one ; nvort-UO woith
ot those machines sold In ono day by CHID agent.
1 will exchange the. state right of Nebraska for
Improved Oinalm property. A lu-chtinlo , C ui < .i
not nnd better omploymuiit for tlio
winter than mnklut' these maclln-H. |
A fortune can bo ramfo out of thlsshito by
Belling the irutciilut'.s , or county lights ; nu-
iiers i ) rfct and title g-iurantewl. I will snll n
'in'irfiiterest 111 the above to u good responsible
party. Address P4s. KIJB olllce. 2:14 : I'J *
1J10II SALE Or exchange , good Omaha prop-
' erty for good stock of boots nnd blinus ,
clothing. I'urnlslilng goods or hardwnre. Sdile-
singer Hros. , nil S loth st , TJi J 2
. . ci.\l.i-lti"ii ; < leuco pnjiierty l South
Omtiliu. W , G. Albright , . lbS.J6tb st.
- Houses nnd lols to tAcliimgu for
Improved nnd iinlmproued lands in Ne
braska nnd Iowa. Charli-3 C. Spotswood. JUjSJi
S. liitlu 1K >
fpo TKADIJ Insldq property for good house ,
JL eight or nlno rooms , und full lot. MOil-
loch i Co. , cor 15th and I arnnni. G-ll
\ \7ANTF.D To exchango. ciiolco liwfdo vuciint
> > lots In Omaha for good horte.s and car
riages. J. L. Hlce A ; Co. ! > ! '
1J1OK Exrhango The equity in u gilt edge
JO property on 17th st , amounting to f.VXn. to
exchange for good , paying bnln is. well lo-
caU-d , C. C. Spotswooil. JH'i1 J S.JIHIu IW
! t'\7'ANTEIJI'ro"porty : of ulf kUiili to exchutigu
TT Special attention given to trading. < ' . ( ; .
Bpotswood. ! H'V { HlGth. "V
7TT.A NI > "ouaraiitco and Trust .Vi. . 1ST.
M Fuiuam utreet-Compltte fur
nished , and Mien to real estutn examined , per
fected und guaranteed.
EX5ON iVCAlTMICIIAKIi furnlfb complete
pn < l guaranteed ab > tracts of tlto ! to any
real fstiitH iu Omaha anil Douglas county upon
shoi t notice. The moat comiilwto sot of uhitruct
books in thu city No-J J JH : ( i'11
SALE-To contriictorft and buildeis. a
eiiiponter shop with machinery for pinning ,
turnliii ; , ri.iwlng nnd RCiolling , i-nulno and all
maclilnory complele , ( centrally located ; cluup.
Apply to 5. J. Cummlngs , room 10 , llnikerblo k ,
&I1 XI
0"MOKE llots at TTjO , easy twins , II. K. Cole ,
aio s. 1:111. jvi w
TiXH SAI.E-In South Omatrar. honsos on 2
X1 cornar lots , for 1lM > , H cush. which rent ,
for l 75 per year , ou L at. 1) . l > . fjiiK-aton. li/l
it. , , ' * *
FOH BA liR-Soulh Omalia property. '
Full Int on 'IMonly-Uflli St. , near > f , pno of
the best Imslnexs lots In South Omrtha , ( ' . .OOO ;
rash iine-hair , bal. easy , will sell twenty or forty
foot If purchaser desires.
, Two busliiuss lots-un N street at ll'd iwr front
Six business lots on M street , between aith anil
27th sts. . from U.mi ; to M.rAl each.
Several line lots lu First addition ou 24th ami
2.ith stn.l , ! M each.
I'lVo lots on o street. In Second addition to
South Omaha , $ IW each : cash > j , bal , easy.
fa 10t ° " y Stri't'tl 1)ixrtlnll > ' lm *
Flnohuslticsslotwlthlnhniftt block of Q st , ,
Several 'lots on 21th nnd llollovtio strwts , In
Potter \ Cobb's 2nd addition , M5 to Jl.tXM each.
Twol\e lots In Potter A ; Cobb's addition , from
IX ( ) to$150 each ; totms easy.
A fo\v nioro live , ten , llfteeu nnd twenty-acre
tracts near South Omaha from $225 to flto per
aero. Lots In nddlttons ns far nway un < soiling
for us much as we soil ncrrs. Po'tter * Cobb ,
1001 Furnam st. * 651 21
J- lly M. A. Upton i Co.
Three pieces nroperty.20 per cent below actual
Ijiit 27 , Fnlrmouut. J2.600. f1.100 co h.
lllock , llovd's addltlou. 10 lots on Plato st , !
track from Kelt line guaranteed , J7.000. 2,500
cash.mode 23 , lloyd's addition , 10 lofs , M.GOO , $2,000
M/A. Upton * Co. , 18th street , opposite Cham
ber of Commerce r > 5l
milOMPSON , 31 ( 8. IRth C buys and sells rea
JL estate , loam money , purchases noourltlnst
has a peed list of property for sale and wants
more. Notary public. B54
SWIFT building south of Table Land. Don't
full to st-ouro some lot. saw to * 250 ; one-
tenth cash ; tlO per month. Codner , solo nironti
1509 Fiirnam. 380 19
MOKE Lots at J150 , easy terms. H. E.Colo ,
310 8. 15th. 405 19
TJ1OKSALK A furnished flat of il rooms with
JL' steam and bath , centrallocated. . Cull 2iJ
North 14th. 810.
IFyou hnvn anything to sell or exchange list
It with C. C. Spotswood , 305W S tlith. 054
9 MOKE L < its nt SIM ) , ensy te"rms7 li7E. cole ,
310 S. 15th. 40519
FOK SALE lOUx 165 east front corner , on iJOt
and Jones sts. . Just south of the line resid
encoof Eusson , a Hrudyund others. Can sell
this. If taken ut once , for * 5iJOO. An elegant
residence corner. Nothing In the vicinity so
cheap M. A. Upton * Co. 10th st. oup Cham
ber of Commerce , 18.1
TTUMl SALE-Simp hat gain , must bo sold.
JJ iM.OUOwillbuj a cash gioei-ry , Dallysa'
$160. Address "H 11 , " Pee otlico. WU-18J
17011 SALE Lots In Lincoln Pluco , trout ing
X' on the Metropolitan cable , 800 each , , '
Corner lot ou Lowe avenue and California
cable line , JI.i60 , ! , ' cash.
Some choice lots in West Ciimtng addition , JSOO
toil,2iX ) . vnsvtcrniR. Thi'so lots are on or nuar
the cable now being built ou California st , lluy
now at old prh-os.
A line business corner at 10th und Douglas ,
J30.0DO , JJ cusli.
Awes In Solomon's add , 1W. } 2X ) cash.
Acres In Spring Valley with trackage , * 509 , H
Lots In Lohock'8 sub , near South Omaha , on
N. W. lly. tM > ouch , 1-5 cash. These nro the
cheapest offerings In their respective neighbor
hoods. Marshall Ac Lobock , room 9 , chamber of
commerce. 451
IF you want business property ou Davenport ,
Capitol , Dodge , Farifam , llarney , Howard ,
.lackson , Jones or Lenvoiiworth sts. , see Hull &
McCandilsh , 314 S. 15th. 211119
FOH SALE Three six-room houses lu AniHler
Place. W. G.Albilght , 2188. ISlhst ; 499
" 171011 SALE-Lot 5 block 8 , A. S. Patrick's ad
K eltloii , will soli for few days nt 81,050 , $725
cnsh , balance easy. M 37 lleo olllce. W
FOH SALE The following bargains In Suutb
Omaha for lOdays.
Lots 2,3 , 4 and 5 , blk 60 , $1.090 each.
Lots 3. 6. il and II , blk 63 , J910 each.
Lot 3. blk 4 > l. * sl6. >
Lot I , blk 40 , $9113.
Lot 5. blk I9.MKI.
Lot 2 , lilkJII , JJ.liJ ! .
C. Er.Mayiie' Hcni Estnto & Trust Co. 425 20
LIST your property for sale with Charles 0.
Spotswood , 3a"i } S ICth tt ist )
SALE-100 acres of land four miles from
stock yards , nt JI25 per aero ; this Is a bar
gain. McC'uguo , Opp. P. O. IVSJ
OH SALi-Four : houses on S.3Jth st. W. G
AlbrlBhl. 21S S. 15th st. 499
'IjlOH SALE Hood brick buslm" < s property in
JL1 centre of Grand-iKlatid ; greatest bargain
nud bust terms In the city ; but little cash re-
.qulrt-d ; long time , low Interest uud ensy pay
ments ; other real csfato for salo. Address.Lit.
Woolloy , nttornoy ut law , Grand Island , Nob.
SALE I'luobt location for n homo In
West Omaha , adjoining tbo mansion homos
of Klrkendall , Coe , llr.idy , Easson nud others.
Nothing finer in the city. Can so llliViicl87 or
less ; for prices and terms sue S. A. dlonuin , 1.1UI
Farnam st. OJS
the Improvements north then
bucuro a lot In Table land iilWto SJ.0 ; one-
tenth cash ; JH ) per month or JIW qnaitprlv. . ( I.
-T..lSJ1 ] ! > rM'.Jl"gt' ! ' ! " ( a 1'"rl" " " ' | ! | | S | ' in
OMOIIE Lots at J150 , oasytcims. II. E. Cole ,
ilWS. 15th- _ 10,1 m _
WIIV pay rent , when you can buy [ i Inrnlslied
house on n nice largo ini , noxlio. In the
llnnst roslitence'part of Omaha , near tlio street
cars and within one block o where tlm Metro
politan cable will rim , by iiavlug n Mir.ill hum
down mid the balunco moilt'ily. Artdro O 19 ,
lloo. _ ' _ _ _ ! ITi7
IJ JltVlirkNUV & CO. miiKii a specialty of
. .oJ. property lu North Omaha , for s.ilo or runt
at Citizens' bank. 2 I'M ' Cuintiig st. _ 7H : _
"TTloTi SA Mf-Wo offer as a special bargain Irto"
JK acres of land four miles fiom slock yaids ,
at t2'i ! per acre , on lltiu of U. P. H. H. MoCnguu
Opp. P. O. _ lUt _
T71(7H .SAI.IilitlxKl feet on cable lino. Splendid
J ? inside lotatlon for four Huts HMO. Must
be sold at OIHO. Marshall A Lobcclc , room 9 ,
ClmmlHjr of Com. ! IMi
you w ( Hit to make money buy Tubln 1-uul
lotHllow. Depot to bo constructed and niatli-j
tallied ono mile fiom this addition. Lots now
soiling for J2HO to t2.A ) ; omv tenth cash ; * 10 iifr
month. Don't deliiy. Cooper , sole agent , lyjU
rainaiu. -'to 1'J
SALE -As line a piece of trnckngu as
FOH Is in the city. W. G. Albright , SIS S.
I51h * t. . 4iii )
_ _
OH HAM5 lluslnrss iiropeity ill South
P Omaha. W. ( i. Albright , 218 S. 15th st. 4W
' "
Oll'sALK 18 feet lout cor. Ifith nnd Jackson - ,
son sts ; liil feet fiout Kith and IIotMirdsts ; '
10 ncrcs adjoining city. Allot ubovn ehuup for
ciish. Apply to L. A. Hammond , No. 121 N.
ICth st. _ . . 3t.Sl'J . _
SAM ! One 7-room house In' Alamo
Pla/a. W. G Albright. 'M S. 15th. 499
0 M < mifLo"tirVfc f I.ldi oi > y tcriJH. H li. Cole ,
- UK ! iJ. 'nth. liniu
, wanted tun ; MIIIIO
$25iKHMiOcasJi rush- will
of Omaha's bust realty ; object ,
yield largo profit. Address O. I lli'Q 2i7 il' *
Omaha Medicaf-and Surgical Institute.
N. W. Csrnsr of 13th ani Doigo Streets ,
Korthn tri'iiliiKMil of nil C'lllioMU HIM ! HUIIUIC
lorr or ynjriioiMinn wo win
. our MO-JK Til MKHIKK upnii
i-UliinJ , SVrTu , % | iiiiH.t > fi. tc. A'Mi .
Omaha .MHIcnl ami Surgical InsUtulo , or
Or , McMeuufi Cor , nth and Dodge Mi , , Ombi , Ith
-J are made wllb p tcnt double citn roili nd
* foldlDB into rut. LlgUt ,
tutnlantlil mil luniUoiiiO.
Tiot In the bcit Itaudi aii'l
OrcliCJlrui. Uacquatcil for
tone , nirfaii all ollien In
llnlih ami uppcarance. II
m'lreil Muilc dinler dooi
not keep tlirm. wrlto to ui
_ _ _ tor Illutir tc < J Ciulogue.
.TON * HKUti Ohlo , MI