Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    VrrwwifcftAtaf > i4fctoii ; i j i2j _ Hj'r * ysn- * ? _ ' " *
Bov. D. "Bt Browns Arrives In Ne
braska Heavily Ironed.
Hauled Up In the United Htntrn Court
For MallliiK Obscene Matter
Bwlmtlcd lly n Conllilcnco
Mnn City Xows.
The ForRor Honvlly Ironnl.
The HCV..D. H. Hrowns , nllasE. H. Morgan
nlliiH H. S. Monroe
gan , alias Gcortfo W. Heed ,
roe , nllns .Too Culvert , tilliis "Uutton Joe , "
and allus Edwin C Scrvls , jjasscd throuzh
this city yesterday en route for Central
City , where ho will bo tried for his forgery
by which the First National bank of that
place was "done tip" for SltiOO. The notor
ious former was heavily ironed , and was
handcuffed to the 1'lnkcrton operative who
accompanied him. Tho. pair came over from
Council Hluffs on the Union 1'aulllc train
Hint leaves hero at 10:55 a. in.
They occupied a scat In the middle
of the smoking car , the prisoner being
next to the window , with the detective in
the scat next to the aisle. Hrowns or Ken-is ,
rather , Is a line looking man of advanced age.
Ho la of medium height , dark complexion ,
blue eyes , nearly white hair and n
broad and high forehead. The imin'H
history was fully published in .yesterday's
llKi : . Neither Kervls nor the I'lnkurton man
would talk yesterday concerning the case * .
When asked what his pica would bo on the
trial at Central City , Servls nonchalantly re
moved his cigar from his mouth , stroked his
gray beard , looked the ruimrtcr full in the
face and softly replied : "I'll tell you that
later , my boy. " The Pinkerton agent re
fused to say a word except that they were on
their way to Central City.
CRNTIIU. CITV , Neb. . Dec. 10. [ Special
Telegram to the llr.n. ] The man Scivis ar
rived hero this evening in the company of the
detective.who captured him. There was n
large crowd at the depot , the news of his ex
pected anivul having spread over the city ,
Ho was warmly welcomed by the large con
course , but Hanker Pcrsingcr was tnoro de
lighted to meet his friend than any of the
others present. Manyof those who witnessed
Ills arrival had listened to Servis when , at
the "Kev. I ) . H. Hrowns , " ho pi-cached his
eloquent sermon hero which helped him In
defrauding the First National bank out ol
IIMX ) , and all ilojibt that ho was the mu :
wanted were evidently removed. Seryis hal
lost some of the sanctilled bearing ol
"Hrowns , " but he Is the same slick Indivldua
The prisoner denies his identity , however
and says he was in Chicago at the tinio thi1
crime was comnutied. He has been lockci
up In the county Jail.
The United States Court.
n.\iiit is A HAD nox.
United States Deputy Marshal Stewar
came in from McCool .HmctionNob.Thursda ;
night with one A. W. Halter in his custody
There is a nasty case against Baker. He 1
charged with sending obsccnu litcratun
through the mails , and the alleged facts ii
the case are about as follows : During Un
last session of the grand jur ;
Miss Mamie Drown , a bcautlfn
young girl , came here with friends from he
home In Hiawatha , Kan. , and laid complain
against Hakcr for writnlg vulgar , imU'cen
and lascivious letters to her from McCoo
Junction , linker had been a former suite
for the girl's hand at her Kansas home , bu
she had peremptorily dismissed him. Short ! ;
after that , he shook the dust of Hiawath :
from his brogaus and emigrated toNcbraskn
" He at ouco began a systematic perseeutlo !
of his former idol In the manuur above alluded
ludod to. llo tiot nulv made love , threatene
coaxed and cajoled , but rmule n\w avowal
of his desires and intentions in language I Ha
would bring the blush of shame and uiortil
' cation to the face df any true woman. Th
reading of but a single one of these cor
demnatory epistles was t > uftlclent t
warrant the indictment of Hakci
and the grand Jury was promi
in retnrninp a true bill. An order of uvre. .
was Immediately issued , but not until yes
terday were the authorities enabled to gc
their clutches upon the , accused party. H
was arraigned yesterday and pleading nc
guilty was sent to Jail in default ot J500 b.ii
The case of Miss Sago against the Cit
Steam laundry for $ > . tHi , ) ) damages for pci
sonal Injuries , continued all day ycsterda ;
In the forenoon the examination ot witncssi
was finished , and the lost of the day w.i
cuiiHUmrd by the lawyers in addressing tl ;
jury. Shortly before 0 p. m. the case wen
to the Jury. _
District Court.
Thomas Price began a suit against C. I
Treat jcstcrday asking for $10 , 151 dan
ages for breach of contract. The plaint !
alleges that ho and the defendant united ini
n contract whereby the former was to grai
n certain division of the Fremont , Elkhorn .
Missouri Valley railroad and that plaint !
failed to complete the work on account of tl
unlawful BcUnrc of his tools.
Yesterday John T. Evans lirought su
against the Anglo-American Provision con
puny asking for damages in the sum of TH , >
the plaintiff alleging that ho has suffered I
that amount by the defendants not carryin
out promises made to him while in their en
ploy as bookkeeper.
To-day udgo Graff will listen to argi
incuts for now trials in the cases of Mors
convicted of grand larceny , and Sam Stevci
BOD , of assault with intent to commit rap
Shields and Crowd ! aio the attorneys for tl
prisoners in both cases , and the interests i
the i-ounty will bo looked after by Counl
Attorney Slmeral.
- Police Court.
H. C. Daniels and wife , drunkenness on
disorderly conduct , flvo days over the hi !
Just before the departure of the pair
wagon , however , the husband succeeded :
getting an audience with' the court. II
story of how , liis little children- would suffi
iiud go to the bad during the absence of hot
father and mother , how he had never bee
arrested before , was a hard working , hone :
citl/on , and got fulft yesterday by nccidcn
accomplished the desired end with tl
compassionate Judge , who said that 1
might go , but Mrs. Daniels must go u
Then the husband tapped another tank of tl
jnost pathetic ! eloquence , and bcscechcd tl
court to cast him into a dungeon deep nr
let his wife go. His quavering voice an
lachrymose optics were again too much fi
the mellow-hearted magistrate , and he mat
them both free as the birds of the air , wi
the parting intimation , however , of dlic i
suits if they ever showed up before hi
again ,
Mrs. Mlllio Kohlmoyor , Tom Hurt !
Chauncey Scollcld , Albert Chicto , Jin
I.nchoy and Thornton Haker , drunk , varioi
terms in Jail.
tScorgo Johnson , n litt'.o coon ten yea
of age , who has been before the court til
and again for being drunk , wus turned ov
to the district court to bu forwarded to t
reform school.
Fred Hrookes. a chronic thief , went up f
lxvecks , llrijt and last week onbicad a :
Jim Kennedy , a vagrant , fifteen days.
Mutt Qninn , disorderly , live days.
Pianos lit wholesulo prices until Jin
unry 1. NKW YoitK PIANO Co. ,
Corner Capitol Av. twd,16th St.
Two Iliuuiwayo.
Last evening as John Green , living at 21
Cuultpl avenue , was returning in u bug
from Fort Omaha , hM horse bpcamo unmti
ngeable und ran away , throwing Mr. Ore
to the ground and severely injuring liltu ,
Green is a well known Knight ol Pytlili
His injuries are regarded as1 quite serious.
Joseph Dclss , with his wife and two ch
dren. were thrown out of their buggy
-North Sixteenth utreet last night nnd tin
horse ran uway. Quo of tko little girls w
( severely injured. , '
Jnmos Morton & Son , ' 110 5. lOlh s
ill kinds of ice tools in stock. , , ' . ' ' '
I ; . P. P11UYNOPKN8 TO-DAY. -
Oiiinlin's KiitcrprUIng Capitalist
' AKnln nt III * ( lid Htantl.
I-m-mon P. Prtiyji reopens business to-
tiny tit liTa old gttuul , Twenty-third ntitl
I/tird streets. It is tit this plnco , it will
be remembered , Mr. built only n ,
short time njjo , the hirgest carriage re
pository ever erected in Omnlm , nntl
stocked it In u innnnur never cqtmlleu
west of the Missouri. His enterprise
was the mnrvol of even the most en
thusiastic Omniums. Ilia contribution
to Onuihu's property as also the comfort
of hundreds of her people is well ex
emplified in the factories lie has estab
lished and the houses which ho has
built , which now tillord Imppy homes to
hundreds of thrifty families. Mr. Pruyn
was one of the recent originators of
Omaha's great boom. lie standH to-day
ready to strengthen and extend his
word. Despite reports of an impaired
financial condition , Mr. Pruyn recom
mences business on a foundation bo solitt
as to be beyond all criticism. In con
nection with this , ho unites perfect
knowledge of business and an honesty
that has never boon conscientiously
questioned. lie has survived all the at
tacks made upon him , more than paid
every claim foolishly made upon him.
and to-day , with an honest record of
dollar for dollar , ho announces to his
old friends and the citizens of Omaha
in general , that ho will bo pleased to
meet thorn at the old stand , corner of
Twenty-third and Tr.nrd streets.
Friend's of Onmha aild friends of every
reputable and enterprising citizen will
greet Mr. Pruyn's purpose , energy and
determination with pleasure , and they
will Had at Ins place of business any
thing in the line of carriage ! ! , * sleighs ,
harnesses , robes , sleigh-bells , whips ,
and in fact anything required to the
Used in connection with horse either
bummer or winter.
IMcholil SnIV'N.
Call nnd see the largo stock Tileag-
her & Bench , " Gon'l Agt's. have on hand
at 1415 Farnam bt. , Omaha.
A Confidence Stan Docs it With Suc
cess to a Mau'H Cost.
One of the boldest of tno most recent con
fidence games practiced in this vicinity se
cured a gentleman named John Fleming for
its victim. The latter is a stereotype- and a
short time ago resided hcic for about a year.
Ho is between llfty nnd sixty years of ago
and an cxpcitstcreotypcr , having worked for
Featner & Son , whcro his boy Is still en
gaged. On last Saturday he was traveling
on train from Chicago to Denver ami was
passing through Iowa when a wily gentleman
sat bcsldo him and Introduced n pleasant
topic. He learned that Mr. Fleming had re
sided In Omaha , ascertained his business
ilso , and then ( inputted to him the infornia-
: ion that he was James K. Hoyd , the late
nayor of this city. This announcement
tended to make Mr. Fleming feel very com-
foi table , the view presenting itself of having
so distinguished u companion on u long and
weary ride. "Mr. Uoyd , " however , said
that ho would bo compelled to
get oft the train at Hnrling-
ton to secure a parcel by express
which lie knew was awaiting there. Ho got
oil and soon returned with the startling an
nouncement that he had lost his pockctbook
: ind was reluctantly obliged to ask if Mr.
Fleming would accommodate him with some
money until they should reach Omaha. Mr.
Fleming obliged him , giving "tho mayor" a
llfty-dollar bill. His honor again left
the train , but lofpot to come bark.
Mr. Fleming has since seen the bona fide
ot-inayor of this city , but ho and the gentle
man to whom ho gave his $ BO arc different
people , and jt will be sometime before James
E.'s scoundrelly n.imes.iko will be found with
the money.
Ilcwal-a-oC Hecltlcssiiess.
George Waldemeycr , a cubinut Journey
man , was run down by a heavy transfei
wngon at the corner of Sixteenth and AVeb
ster streets yesterday and besides t :
broken collar-bone , sustained some very dis
tressing injuries about the groin. AVnldo
meyer has no pno to blame but himself , us hi
apparently ran wilfully in front of the team
which was trotting along at u moderati
Suspicious Characters.
Yesterday between 11 and 1U o'elocli
a man was' seen rapidly passing down
Kith st. apparently in an excited con
dilion , but was hoon captured and \\hci
questioned as to his strange movement !
it was learned that he had been to tin
New York Storage Co. and was anxioin
to toll his" friendsof their immense btocl
of ijiauos. organs , furniture and stove
which they were selling at a great sac
rillcc on very easy payments.
Nr.w YOKK SrouAoi : Co. ,
Cor. Capitol tive. uuU 15th st.
Interesting to the
The Parisian Suit Co. , of Chicago
can bo found at 1520 Douglas St.itli i
complete line of seal garments. Ever ;
gnrmont warranted Alaska beal , Lon'
don dye , a written guarantee givei
with every garment hold. You havi
$7,000 worth of the linest seal garment
that were ever in Omaha or in the west
em country to select from. Shctlnni
seal garments made to order. Spccia
attention is called to our suit depart
monl , which is complete in every detail
Tailor made Miits a specialty. The Pa
risian Suit Co. , of Chicago , can savi
you , from 20 per cent to 50 per cen
on seal 'garments , us they manufacture
all tlioir own garments , and you cai
save the jobber's profit by buying fron
them. 15 0 Douglas fctreot.
Seidetiberg's Figaro , the only 10
cigar for oc. Ask your dealer for them
Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot.
I'innoH nt Immense Sacrifice.
Upright piano , only $187 , cost $ SO(1 (
7J octavo , triple string , elegantly enrvoi
cu o. Must bo sold for storage charges
NEW Youic PIANO Co. ,
Corner Capitol Av. and 15th i3t.
Holiday numbers of all the lefldliij
pictorial papers of this country huv
been received and surpass unythitij
ever ntU'inpted before.
.luaqn 11 , Markham , a wealthy ami in
fluonfml uitizen of Buffalo , N. Y.passe
through the city yesterday with hi
invalid daughter. They were on liei ]
way to California.
A mun named Gustavo Smiorchroi
fell headlong down the long lliglit c
htairti that leads to the viaduct at Lenv
enworth and Kloventh street yesterda
morning. His left arm was broken in f.v
A runaway team caused a panic o
Sixteenth street yesterday. The
started tx > run at the south end of th
viaduct , and were not caught until Yin
ton street was reached. In their ma
tlight the wagon to which they were al
tachcd was broken into-splintors. Th
owner'b name could not bo learned.
Lelnud hptol , Chicago.
Ice plows , markers , hooks , ton
cto.ut James Morton & Son's , 116
loth St.-olo agouti ? for Wood's , ice tools
bend for cauligue. { ,
Two Ladles Lost In Omaha
And when found by their friends the
WM-O buying goods at the Now Yorl
Stnragjj Co. because they could bu
more good s for the money than an'
placajn UtucUr. T fc * < > iw. : :
; . ' . Nr.w YOKK STOUAOI : Co. ,
, _ . . / Corner Odpltol.Av. and 16th. Sti'
r. * * * , , * " / ' . , . . ' * . * '
Continental Clothing House
Freelland , Loomis & Co. OMBAOHSATON
i-rupneiors. DES MOINES
. We are now Showing in our Custom Department , on the second floor of our establishment
Finest Foreign Woolens and Trimmings of Our
Own Direct Importation.
From which we are prepared to make at very reasonable prices , the fin *
est grade of custom garments of every description to order.
Our facilities for importing large lines of-the Finest Fabrics from the most noted foreign manufac-
TASTE , who appreciate rich and elegant fabrics , embracing ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES from
the fashionable trade centers of Europe.-
We are fully and completely organized now in our Custom Manufac
turing Department.
All under the charge of Mr. C. C. Smith , who will superintend the cutting and making of all our cus
tom garments. We have a corps of the most efficient workmen to be obtained in the country , whose
utmost skill and attention will be given to every order intrusted to them , and we can , with confidence ,
guarantee a class o f fine custom-made work in this department unsurpassed west of New York.
We invite the careful inspection of our stock which is now open for examination in this department
and will send samples f6r examination , to any address upon application , with estimates of cost.
Prompt Deliveries and Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Corner of Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River
A Su < uioii Death.
Harry A. Kussoll , a partner of D. C.
O'Kccfe , employment agency , 30 ! ) South
Eleventh struct , and u young man well
known iibout town , died suddcdly of heart
disease at his boarding house yesterday
afternoon. Ho wns apparently in sound
health und in the best of spirits in the morn
ing , but in the afternoon , without premoni
tion , almost , ho sickqncd and died. The de
ceased was a young man of- decided business
( lualilications ; upright , Industrious and of the
most genial disposition , ho was a great fa
vorite among all his associates. Ho was but
twenty-six years of ago and unmarried. This
morning his remains , in the charge of hi *
brother. W. C. Uussell mid D. C. O'ICeofu
wore taken to the home of his parents at
Ouster Park , Illinois.
They Deny the ChnrRO.
A number of these who attended the
charity ball at Masonic hall Monday night
deny that there was any drunkcness on Unit
occasion , save on the part of ono individual
who entered the hall without invitation.
They claim that the charge that the guests
frequented the saloons was entirely without
foundation and that the afTuir was not marred
by any boisterous demonstrations.
Absolutely Pure.
Till1 ? powder never vnnci. Amnrdel of puri
ty , strength nnd wholesonieneis , .More econom
ical tliim the ordinary kinds , nnd cnimot be
bold in competition with the innltltud of low
cost , hhort welptht alum or phosnliato powdi'ra.
Bold onlv In cans. Koyol linking l'oder Co. ,
liM.Vull St. . New Vorfc , _
Carbolic Smoke Hull Co.en ;
tlemrri 1 tiike urcat pleHmini In
itatlnk' thai 1 ' 'ST.e n c.l th Car
bolic Smoke Hall , i would not
bo without one. For 11 K'Wcp
rolil or throat trouhlu It Is Inviu-
uablln fict worth tcntlraca 119
eliht ! In cold. Vour < truly.
\VM. K. Col ) V. UlulTiilu Illll. )
Catarrh , Anthma , llronchltli ,
Nt'tiralgla , C.-iiup. I.ungTniulilcs
Colds , etc. . ln t ntly rellevcil
unit prei1lly iiiri'd. Due ball
ucnerally nmctent. Mall enter :
SmokB Hall by mall R and 4 cenU
poHapi' . Dobollator for the blotMl
il additional. A KUKH TKST
clTen at our oMltu parlors. ? oM
py ull dru Kl > t * .
South Ul ' 'Fifteenth Street. Omaha. Neb
_ llpmnrkable for powerftilsytnpa- _
thettcjunv. pllabfe action iiiul ni
bolute dmitbilify. auyeara recoril.
lhn bf t of the
ienceof theae luntniments.
Th S Old Hcllnhlr. . _
lalhtnf niiiny ICMS ex
perlencc.treats with n nn
derful succcssiill MINI )
TiuioAT. < 'AN ' cuu
1'H.I.H. MSTt'LA.
KUITUKK enroll with
out piiln or hlntlruiicu
from uuMncs" . All rliron-
Icdlxeiiti'st.irln advance
ot ny liiHtltutlon In thlt
co trj. Those who con-
toniphitR Kolnir to Hot
t-prlntf * for treatment of
any 1'rlvato or lllood
Dl ea > o can ho cured for
one-third the co t t our
Trlvate Dlspcnsury.
lly his Iri'iitinentn Tnro. I-flvely Com
plcxton , tree from nUowno. i , frucklc ]
hlarkhi'ail'i , vruitlniiH | , etc. , brilliant
pTes and norfcct hcHlth cin hu had.
tWThMl "tired " feollnyand all female weaknoisoi
troiiintly fiircil , Hloatlnu llvndaclii" . Nervous Troi-
nrnton , ( ien'-ral Di-blllty , hlecplu < nrsH , Deprc lon
Und IndlKf tlon. Ovarian Iroublo" , Intlmmutlon and
nlcleratlnn. FnllliiKiind llsplarement , spinal weak-
t'pm , Kidney complaint ! ) nmt Change of l.ltf , Consult
CVC I KIR CAD Acute or Chronic Inttamma-
PIP flrJII tAn tion of thu Kyi-lid or ( ilobj
L. I L. nllU l nil ntidrnrorNcarSUhteilncK ,
Tnverslonot the I.lil , fecrofnlous lyc . Ulceratloni ,
Inflnmuiatlonx , Absce s , Dimness of Vision of ono or
| jutliecnnnd Tumor * of l.ld.
fl7"lnllainmallon of the Kur , Ulccratlon or Catarrh ,
Internal or ISxterinil lienfiic-m , or I'.irilj-sls , tUMluj
or Uonrjne nilse ) . Thickened Drum , etc.
" " Debility , I.o of Vital Power. Sleep-
l lea iie s , lc poinleiicy , Ixjs of
Memory , Confuilon of Idea * , lllurs
befon ) the Eyu > , lassitude , J.HiiRuor , tiloomlnest ,
DepresMon of HnlrltH , Aversion to s-ocloty , Ilasy lli-
rournKed , Ijick of Conlldunce , Dull , l.l tlc > , llnnt
for htiuly or Uurlnp . and llndi life u buidcn , safely ,
ly Cured When Others llnvo Kallod.
Consnltntion free and strictly confltlantlal.
Meillclne sent free from observation to all p.irts
of the 1'nitecl States. Correspomlenco receives
prompt attention. No letters answered unless
nccompnnlod by four cents in stamps Bond ten
cents In stamps for pamphlet and list of ques
tions upon private , special and nervous ills-
Terms strictly cu'li. Call on or address ,
No. 324 Cor. 13th & Harney Su..Oraaha , Neb
Sample Bottles Free.
An Kfflclcnt Ilcmcily for
ni rrh < n , Cliopra Morhns , Pyiicntcry
And nil ll ordcr of the Itowcls , Imported hy
. . . . , , , . , . ,
l iniv. A t' . * * ta " ,
nil wholesale and retxll druKKlatt , liquor and
wlno murchants cverywht-ro.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
N. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets ,
I OH Till : IIICATUENT Ol' Al.r.
Braces. Agiaiicesfrtfoiiilicsii Trusses
Jlcst facilities , npparatusimd rcmodlei for Miccc < ; > -
ful irftttintMit ot mcry toriu of disease requiring .Med-
kal orhumUal Treatment.
I'nrty nun roinnr for patient's Ijest hosrltul uccom-
mndntlons In the wept.
Wltm. louCiuciii.Aits on Deformities nnd Unices ,
4'ltib IVet , Cnn aturu of the Splno. 1'llc * . Tumors ,
Cancer. CatHrrh , llronthltlt , Inhalation , Klcctrltlty ,
raralysf. lpllcp y , Kidney , Hladder. Kye , Kiir. bkln ,
nfirt lilood , nnd iill.t-niiilcHl Operation ; ) .
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
All blood lHcn CH successfully treated. Syphilitic
1'olnon removed from tliu ) rteni without mi > rviiry.
Nen rt'Moriltlvi ! treatment for lobs of Vital Tower.
I'crBonv uuablo to visit us may bn treated nt homo
by correspondence. All conimuiilcatloni confiden
tial. Medicines or Instruments sent by mall or ex
press , rcturclr pn ( kcil. no murks lo Indlcato contents
orbciuler. Ono perional lnter\len pielerred. Cull and
consult u or send history of > our caie , and we will
tunit In plain n rapper , our
BOOK : FK EJEJ TO i iE3isr
ITpoo I'rlviite , fence lal and Nervous Dl i'n c , Impo-
tunuy , fcyphlll , liluut and Vtulcuicle. Addrus ,
Ontnlin Mnlical nnd Surgical Iiistidito , or
Cor I3tb and Sts
Dr , McMenamy , , Dodge , .
Percherons , Clydesdales and hhlrr , also homebred
bred colts livery animal Kiiuriiiiteed a breed er
Our stock has been selected with reference to
both individual merit und iinllime. Some of
thee hordes liavo taken first prlzo nt the No-
bra kaHtate Keir , If87. All our horses arc nc-
climated , and colts of their Ki't can bo nhown.
1'rlceh reasonable nnd eusy terms. Is neeesslbla
bytho thieu leadlnir railroads ot the state , II. If
M. ; V. , K. d .M. V. . und K. (5. ( & O.
I'llV lx FAIIHItAll , York , Neb.
T ! HE Toy
Urtl-rlce-iut ,
tail la colon * '
print , of lb
which ibomU
. - - , " . fco foond la
tfry firnlly"tttd tuj b * obtained from 1JJ T T
tnltn , HuUoncr * Had KJadUonul DtpOU. Tb
{ 11cliit will te ftrvxilrl ( retlt . 03 oppllocUcn M
. . . , . .
> ' * ' * * V.y > V *
_ . * ' _ V _ * y- . - * *
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ol Elcclrle Science
Gentlemen's Belt Sfifntifitf Sc'entinca"y ' Made and Practically Applied.
Wilh Electric
17 Wll I CM IDE ? VDII " e TO" J'olin In the nnel < . Illpn. llcnd or l.lmb ,
II VVBLiLi % t UrfK T UU f < iT oU ( > ( tcMIItT , l.umh. * , . , < > lioral Di-Mllti , jtlil'U-
m > tlm. I'aralTil * . MrurnlitU. Rrlatlcu. Ill rot > ' of Klclnrjt , ispltml Ul r r , 'lurnl.l l.lrrr ,
Until. KihauBUon , FmlMloB * . Atltima. llcsrt UUra c. l > ; iip < * pla. I'onMllmtlon. f > ) ftlpcln * ,
Indication , Wcnkiew. ImpoUncT. ( 'alurrh. IMIrt. Kpllrpi OumU Ague , lllubclcl , UfUrucclc.
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ItOllmUnlHLd IIIEI > i-A. J. 1 lost-tan. . ! , . 1L b.
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