Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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hr d. to crnt , ppr
tlnp for UiiflrM Infrrtlon , 7crnU for ritrh Mil *
r-eittcnt ) Inspttlon , nnd ll.tfl Mnr prrtnonth.
No d > nUM-tuml t Vcn lur le s tlmn St r nt
lor the fit > t insrrttoii mv < n word * will bo
rmmted to UP I'tir.tW-j ' imiM run ron wti.
IHrly and tmtM I-puTd In ndvat.rp. . Alliut-
.rrtlspinrnln imiM l > e blinded in Ix-forr 1 'W
> 'rlik p. m. . atid tindrrim cliYtim tiincp will
Oipy 1 > P laVrn i\r dlscovtt ( titled by telephone.
V rtlr nthrt Urine in HIP > P rcittmim nndh r *
Iprthp MiMTr * . riditv * ri'in carr of thp HPP ,
will vlensp n V for rlirrk torimblp thrm to
prt their Irltrm , fir no ip will l > p dpllrrn-.l P.I *
rppl on prr-rtitntlon of rliefk. All minurr to
ml * . rrtlM-jnrnt * fjiould IIP rticlowd In envelope * .
All Rd > rjUrm < ut * In UIP .I' ru1ttmiiarp pulw
Ilfhnl In Iwth monilnp and rn tiingp-ditJon * of
the HP * , trip rlrrnlatlon of which nccrrpalr *
Tnorp limn 1i.oiil rm-rr l i' } , and elTr HIP fid-
Yfrtl M 1ti < > lirnrfll , not nn\r of thp city rlmi-
latlnrnf the HPP. 1ml also of Council tllntrn.
l.tnrtHi nd other r4tlp * and town * tlironcbout
thpart of thn wp t
SITI'ATIONS-Wiintpd by is girl * In private
- famlll s and hotels , also 1 PORrhmnn. poltrr ,
2 nMprs 1 I several ollirr nj > -
t * . Slate Employment Pailons 1417 Par-
RU. riKiiull , opposite Hoj-d'c opera
" \rANTED-Flttmtlon as coachman by a Dane
, ii of 27. w 5 jcargnwttu In Danish v *
, ntryi no onirr fee. Canadian Kmp. ottice. 31(1 (
s. 15th. Tel. S.M. : m ml
° \V ANTEDlly registered pharmaclM of seven
II years experience , a posit Ion In drug More
that winpny tri-M salary to mnipetent ami re
liable wan. Addrestjbox - > fi , lYetuont. Neb.
N v anted liy stenographer and
vrltrr. iBxmfllrp I'rrft'rvil , mild | ami ami-
rate , M O Confcnl sullw > pr. Minn. Jll IS *
" \\TAKTKD Situation lir ruothrr ami rtantli.
* tr as cook ami MVOIH ! trlrl arp I > o1li flrct-
cla ; ale , n linnip for a liriplit llltlr plrl ot i :
vhcrelip fRii rnmhrr lioarj nml rlotncs ilnvc
nlvy a nxrni full of litre plrli wnltlnK foi
lilsa-s. NIT. HrvcR A t n , 7.13 c-outli ISUi.
| jHO in *
_ _
T\TANTK1 > Sltnalton liy a j-oung man ol
' T tfiujicratp haUit * , in n Ritx-ery Unrei
rrx > n ? ! ' Ornnan ami ItnplKh : vnlllnpto work.
Adilross I1 7X1. llt > c : rofcn-ucpsi. : H ! Ill"
\\7AXTr.n-roMUnn In tlip oily ai lnnii > 1u > Ptv
i ' or lor wlrtoivvr , 13 years' pxpprtciipo. Car
fiiniiih rcttirenct'S AJdross I1 71 , rare Ili-i
oaice . ; w4
" \ \ rASTErtSituation In prnrrry store. WI1
buy Imlf Intcrt t If ( JitJsfnctory. Adilresi
T. H. I'oj-ctcr. \ \V.oJblni\ . KT. If *
" \ VTA NTIID Printer Krpcrlpnrril.
and tliormiphly n-llalile job-man and fore
man for an A No , 1 ciuntrv oflire. A itradi
on for such n JHBU , Apply at once , wltl
Arpu Platle Center. Xfb.
"f\TANTKl > Younprnen for torlcralslnp , run
opportunity , ilcllclitful rllniHtn. honxcxK
ride. X nderttamllnc must be liad before Man
lac. Intlota pelf-nddressed envelop. 11. Vai
Kaul ) , Hoerne , Kendall Co Trias. 472-lfj
TXTANTKH Hill clerk for wholesale cnx-nrj
i house , Ocrnian prefcrreii. Addrps > > It I
live. J.-.7 IS
_ _
V\TAXTin A janitor to taVe cure of larpi
T ofllre bl < > ct. must hax-e experience am1
lh vt of reference , Ck > nimuul t % vJth HT lle <
office , 4.W
lAT'A.VTr.n- cook out of city FTi , combl
natlou oookin Jty fTiO. man dNnauli
er fJO , thoronp ily rxperteneert. .lanltor , $ ; ! > . C
nadlan Kmp.otticeMrsHrepa le Sonniri Mlth yt
TeL K-4. 4CT IdJ
" \ AXTKD-llarber Immediately at ni2 S ISlh
> > 4M 17
\\7ANTED-2 dlnlnc room plrls .
' fare paid ; fine Ianoiln i < i for private turn
lly. J4 : clrl" for housework ; woman ofmk out o
rity.Hil Canadian Emp office Mn > . Urepa \ Son
816 S. IMh. Tel ; 4. _ 4(2 ( IfiJ.
\ \ fAXTKn-llarber. Knqnlrc A. Vinev. 111 !
South Cth htrret , 4'i4.1C.j
" \\TANTUD-Flrt-cla s cook. Enquire Mrs
11 llreca A , SOU.31B S. 15th st 4.1V11J3
"VXTANTPD-Agents : we have every clans < r
ii gonds > for von : call nnd see us. Grea
> N extern Iturcau , l.VHi Parnam st , Hoom n.
422 Ifil
" \\7ANTKD Sa > meu for commissio
* grocery salesmen , cabinet mak s , busl
BPSS mnnnK r. solicitor's , men to Invest ranne'
from ifi % to SlO.O'O , and all claijoi J.c-1- . I6/ : ) "ai
cam si. . Kovinj . 422 ! & ) -
I TVSTEB - V-gTi-t-class tailor. jw.-i " - - "
for a rood rn ii3:5nTpTp p t of refer
euces. AdiJrftS'boxX , Loug Pine , Neb.
\\7ANTEI > ApenU to solicit membership ii
. Ui * National Ul > r ry association , expcrl
* ace41 > oot asots , teachers and school Kuperln
, tndeiits preferred. Krcrgetic workers an
rnoklng from 2."i to "Kill per pet. Address wit I
! r jfer jcc NMJon&l Library association. 10
' Ptatf sU , Oilcaco. 111. , 408 17
J "tATAXI ED Agfnts for the Magic . < haft o
' ' Thill Coupling. Oisngp from Single t
I IVinble'Hlg * In Twq Minutes the only c/mplln
i of merit , sn.vs Gruv. the horseman , sample pal
. We ; they sell ntilght , H. Urinkerhoff. Toledc
' Ohio. 407 IS *
; "TX"ANTED At the Pnrion hotel a youngmai
for third hand In baker shop. Inquire lo
\\7ANTFD-Hook-kecptTS. clerks ,
if shorthand writers , coathmen. driver'
jwrters. packers , mechanics snd nil thir-p wisli
ing to make changes at l > eglnnlng oftheyeai
come and register your application at the moi
relUb > Commercial Employment bureau li
AmeriCA. 15W Farnam f.u , i-oom a. ; 152 1SJ
W.\XTED A flrst-riiss boy with a goo. .
horsf tQjcarry a route on the Dally Rver
InsTRcip , ln"tontheast p.irt of town. 277
T\7ANTET > r nr men to solicit in the Mim'
11 town * and country of Iowa , Mlsonri an
Ktbraska : must have S2.\ give boiact , and wil
Ing to work earnestly ; talarj' tK > Irmontl
Address p C,4. Hee QtBce , 2ufi
\\TANTEI ) Men 'for Tar.roodwort A"
11 brtphfs Labor Agency , 113D Farnam. 591
\\rANTED-100 men of good appearance t <
11 trj' onr J.V rnenK at Norri. restaurant , in
undSlSSonth 14th fctre u ( old Lite and Lt
Live ) 6U3
_ _
\\TANTEt - llvp-pcrsons to learn l > ookkep ]
T f Inc. siraaticms , room Ms Itnmge liuildint
J. H. Smith , 450 20-
\\T A NTED IbWrls general hoc eivork,7l-dit
i f Irg room girls 1 woman tor hot < -l , genen
work , $ lii > er month ; 1 woman for restautan
L-encral < > rk , H. board and room ; 1 cook fc
liotPl , t'lxTuxwith ; 1 dishwasher. 1 chiimbe :
maul Ijoti of places. Omaha Emp Hureuu. 1 ]
N ICth. 4 VI Hi
\\TAXTP.I A giv > d girl for general housi
If Tdrk U 2210 pjiniHm t.t. 8s2 17 *
CANTEDGCKK ! girls lor nil kinds of woil
I > t vages ; 214 N. ir.thst , aM 1(1 ( *
" 1\TANTK1 > rxjierlenocd children's nursi
ii Good wftreh to an Intelligent , capabl
woman. Call Mead If Jamlrou , 31b So IMh.
_ _
/"VXKJjuly Int-vtrr town wanted in introdnc
Vaial w-11 P rntiyroy l Pills "Chlchis-ter
Knglt h. " Original nnd only Of-nnlnp. Send 4
iFtaimiM for purtlctilars. clilcheMt-r Chemici
Co , 1'bllHdfilpulii , 1 'a , -7
I AD1KS arp fiSiTed emliroldery needlework i
* ilirrownJiom ; . luwndi cDuntn-ibvii whol
wile houb * Profitable , genuine. 6ooa vnj * m
IKin a ile. Evrrjthlnir fnrnlsbed. Panlcnlai
ln- . Address Artistic Ni-edicwort CoM WiM
St M NV-w ) 01 k City. 274
V" A NTH1 rnjond drl for general houstwor !
I t b * .t * gf i wid. II. 1) . Cunid.s , for. LaV
tnlFtatp. 224 16 *
\Y * ANTI'.D - I idirx in city or c/mntry. for ov
i biillilay trade , to take lluht , pleasant woi
t thHr own homes. H to H prr day can 1
quietly rni.iV Work * nt by mail any dUtanc
PatrtUnlar * fn-p. No cauvaislug. Addrni-s i
T.CP , 4'ef.n-nl Art Co , 147 A Milk st , Hostoi
iis . P 4) Iwx M7 . SHii
\\7ANTED-ViUdles lotry ourl.V : mealu i
l Norrlx' rc-tanrant old Live and Let >
Sll and J1.1 S. 14th M KG
\ \ i7ANTKD2 f < llircd - V ftt 'room 57 ? HI
i n-r l' < mrn ( n- , 4S7 n ,
" \\7ANT goods to 11 on commlksUm , ha\
ii gfKNl tnd for holliny trmde ; iv > fMl re
emico. Addrev P ( > 7. Itw OBicn. JW ar >
\\TANTKK- Horse * to hoard , box .
11 slnglej 11 of care and teed ; prici . Call S. U Cor IClh and UunV-tte.
377 16J
AY .rANTni > ( itntlein i to..try ur lM-e ,
mcal at t-Omller ret > uiirkiit , 101 S. ll.Ui.
_ . _ _
ANTBD-A" Ur hand cart at the
ITANTKP - I'laln wiwlng to take home or w.
i to out by the day. 1211 Capitol KV .
C CANADIAN l.mplojliinit ofilce.
- * pa ) < * In Om liu to 'net help or
> ! ! and fcmaU. Jffiienf ( < j > ( Ttiulm Nation
Ua * . Mr * . llre ra * KJ& , Kit & IMh. Tel M-4 ,
J | Au | |
STA.TK KmpUiympnl PariorN 'lU * l > rmfn
r\i \ AH *
] lll VATK UmrJing7l4 n wt > pli , IMS Di-frpT"
M _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ I'Jti J7
IJItl VATK l ordIilK. 1 lt > I > odpp st ,
. 120 J 7
HOAIID with rooms for lour nt 21 If Hurt st ,
I no
1 1 HSTC'l.rW iriii7 boTrd rT ntl hotnp
* M ) IP , for ? or 4 gentlemen I Ml Dodge H'l
A\TANTPI > to Itmt Three ur four tin fur-
II niMicd room i-rmmll eottage by , ltin
liary U ( , InilM bp im.vinMile : st tn tenns and
lof tlim.jAddrr s It 3. Ileeonicn. 4,11 IOJ
\VANTli-A smiiU fumUliPd poltngp or two
r Ihrpp fnnil'hld HHHIII on llrst tlinir for
llchl nouspkpeplng. nimetilcut to cur line Address -
dress O ( Cl. Jlec < illlcp. 757
FOlt HENTro ! < im honso. Pierre , near 22nd.
P. K. DiirlliiK. IMh and Howard. 445 1
"VTO. 14"l ( 7th n\cr. ninin bouse , In good re
Jpair , largp > anl , cl trrn water ; wtll reii-
to resjionslble jM-tmm w illi not uioro than 2 chll-
dtvti for ra jier month. 443
- - North Omaha , on car line , full lot , w ell , els.
tern , Imlh room , all In tlrst-class lepalr. only
t-Sn month lniUlie at tMf S. ll.lh , 440
irlt HKNT-3 itxiiu house 1OT California St. .
4.1 iTitt H2fnrnHiirpflia. cptirntlve Utid
and Lot Co , JSfi N lfth st , 45T , is
IJTOH HKNT-P.lpgatii fl-ronm corner lint , mod *
prn com euietices. new brick bulldliiR , cor
ner California ntidliitli utrt-ct , 2nd lloor. Otto
Blonssou , tir , N. joth st , 4tW Ity
17011 HK 'T n-room house for small family.
-LA coutheast corner 2inh and ITanklln st.
421 17J
Tpon KENT Jlx room tint and furniture for
sale cheap. Apply 420 Souta 15th st. tint 7.
41B l )
" 1710H HKNT A ! i room home chiuip toannull
U family. 15at S 21st DM O-iiter und Dorcas it ,
412J14 *
FOlt HUNT 7 room Hut furtilshed complete ,
furniture for sale. II blocks from lloyd's
opera house. Co-opcrutlve Jjind and Ixit Co. ,
j.U > N.lCtli M , ; iss in
FOH HENT S-room house , cellar , hard and
soft vater , S12 , reference required , corner
15th and Pacific. It. K. Copsou irTJ 111 *
HENT 7-room flnt funiKhed complete ;
Jgas and bath room ; rnrnitutp for sale at n
sacrifice ; cas-y payments. ] fJ7 Howard st. . 2nd
lloor. H70-IO
FOH HENT 2 new I ) room bouses on S . ' 10th
nearLca\enworlh. C P. . Mayne. Wl
FOlt llPJ\'T-r. room house. 27th st ncari > ortg
tl.'i. .1. It. Hlug ult,2l6So. IMhst. ; ni
T710H HENT 2 new hcuso-N 8 rooms encti. all
JmtxVrn. . grates jnanteJs , ctc on Pacific ht ,
MO. 1 new house s rooms. Mason st near Park
a e , modem com cnlencps. splt < dld Jieighbor-
1 h room liouna and basement , lith nnd
Dorcas , cheap rent. .1. H. Purrolre Itental
agency. Inn , Chicago , 255 17
GROOM hmire comer Marry and 25th ave. H3.
_ Apply to Lliilnger .V Melciilf Co. 22 !
HEXT House 7 orTiTooms , SIC S 25th st ,
215 Ifi *
ITiOIt ItENT-5 room cottage , 1117 Pacific St. ,
JKTi : HI room nouse. din North imh st tut ) ;
111 room home. 141.1 So. 10th st f.VI ; fi room cot
tage fniaLslied with bain. 2010 Not th 2Mb St. ,
MO. > a.son.lfiiri Parnam st. lie Ifi
"ITiOIt KENT New 5 room cottage In Amblet
; , I" " " ' : good 7 room 2 story hou e. Orcliuiil
Hill , good 4 room cottage. Orchard Hill , C. E ,
Muyne , N. W. cor. 15th and Ilarney st. liu
FOlt KENT fi- room house , city vater , etc. , R.
W. Cor. King and Culdw ell. ] dl2 Parnam ,
_ _ _ _ 141 _
T7XH nnjCT An P room houe , city water gas ,
-L and MnlUe. 12 minutes walk from the post.
olkce. Heiit modcrnto. Apply to i ) . J. O'Don-
shoe , next door to the poMohlce. in ;
1J > 011 HENT U-rnom house , 1409 Darenpoit ,
* _
C OTTACTE for.reut H. Williams 07 Douglas Will
FOIt HENT A new ten-room house with all
modem Improvements , large attk. Douglas
nnd 2Ut streets. Not a baswiiem house. Ap
ply > roritz Meyer.or 11 and Parnam. 747
" 17011 * HENT T ew 4-room cctlngf. J12 p-i
Jmonth. . Apply TOCT. . in. I'dl Dodge f.t. 7X
T7IOK JJErvT New bouse , fi rooms , etc , largf
grounds , corum2.slh uud Capitol avenue ,
TTtOIt HENT S elegant brick residences witli
Aall modern 12 and
- - imiirovements. 14 rooms
pach. pleasant and convenient lotatloc. O. P
Davis coinimny , 1.riQ2 Farnam st , 112
TTKK HENT S-fooni house , 90C S avenue ,
i J Idock south of l av nworth. J. D. Cow | e
Rt Falconer's. MS ;
POH HENT f room hoTise n w cor. Sew art !
and 27th sts. nui
T7IOH KENT 2 new handsome r room cottage-
- Jwell , cisterns , ete _ i7 per month : t.M an < !
California. A. C. Wakeiey , Omaha Null bank
FOR Itr.ST Severa new 7 room nouses
block from street car. ready for oocupanci
November 1 C , P. Harrison 41S. ! . 15th st. KK
"EVlt HENT-Honw 11 rooms. W. M. Ilus ]
- trnan , N E corner Ifith and Douglas. MO
FrnNIiSHr.r. rnnniTrtUi or wlthwit board
_ 1442 g. J7lb St 4jfl If
TTUMIN'ISIIEO rooms to ladles or gentlemen
-L . .11 N.12tht.r , *
rt HENT-Elegantly fnrnlshert rooms will
or without booid. > ij X. ith su : mo 1PJ
FOIl HF.NT A pnrlor nnd bedroom , togethe ;
or fcepaiutfl. No. 2i01 ; DHlgo. 44s KJ
TCTOnit riegftut n > ems till nioUern convenience !
FOn HENT Pnrnis3ieil rooms \llh board
Hill Parnam St. 45022 *
rOH nCNT TH-O well fnniishod rr > ems wltl
board In private family. Noothur boardeis
Miss Merrt-1. ITit CfcSS SO. 4UMG *
n rooms IfllS N. 20th St.
3 rooms loin N 21st Kt ,
3 rooms 1122 N. 21st st.
ft room 2I ( < " . Niholai > &t.
3 rooms 1412 Plei'ec.
U rooms 701 Pacific st ,
4 elegant unfurnished rooms , containing nl
the modi m conveniences , at 415 S. lllth &t.
Nicnonice Rt .11CS. 15th st ,
M. 1 ? . Martin. 4p ]
FOR ItEXT-Tivo nicely furnished rooms will
heat , single or ( nvulte , at 2KH , Capitol nve
.a 173
FOH llENT-Purnlshed single rooms , gas
bath , f nninf e. 2125 Dodge st. 415 21J
" ] 7 OH HENT Pleasant front room , hot am
J.1 cold water , liath , gas , steum heat , for om
or two pcntlp men , \ ery cheap. Ml S. 2lth st.
r ! J78 Id
_ _
17 OH HENT T-umtshwl room with ireut"arii
-L' giuut low. rates , Mntle or cubulte. . 22U
"ir XTHA large m-wly furnished room , with
J i without Injure ! , 213 S 24th. H74 20
"IT OIt HENT Pleasant furnished rooms , mod
.1- era conveniences , ifusonuble jirlcus. 4)4 ) f
15th st KuibltUi block , 2rd tlour Ulat , No. :
I AltUU furnished front room for rent. IS pc
-i Jrionth , at 7 S. ITUi. W. < ] U *
In'K.NISIlEIUoonn and boadrno
| U. 1HJ
_ _
T7IOH HP.NT-2 furnished roomR with heai
.1 Kultuble for 2 or a gentlemen , tlG and * J
jK'rmontti , N side Iavemvorth bet , 17 und 1H1
sts ,
"LfUIONT parlor for two Ecntlemen , 1C2T1 I > odgc
I L'HNlMIEDroom * . new. with modern con
- i eji.encpK , t-Uifli1 or in fcnlte , 25 > anh st.
228 Id *
/ HENT Nl < v-ly furnished front room
1 with hrat SSp r month. 4M William nt.
walk south * al I' . I' , dejxit. w > !
Olt KK.NT-Pin Kaiiiht new furnished am
17 che pf t rooms In prlVHtr honni * la city. Al
. Nirni tnuliKiss. lull Cupitol ave
247 d J
ol HEST-A'Ice fnnilsiea room , l ir mel
-l ixW cor. IHhand JBCICIOU. 7 !
" | jVll HUNTThtee furniib'-d ann one unfui
-I tilsliKil rooniH , Mith bay window , ftiniact
b Ui utid | ; a , i-m.1 front , nt CS S , I'lU sit S < Z
LAKDK hoiithtrotit roniiu all mgi-rn cxmvei
leur s. sulujiln fur two rTiUmnen ; AK
table lie rd tCS'rtlrfo or four ; refei
1S14 Dodgf tt 7M
Iti ; ; > T IXirnlthed room , nil modem cot
rfc-e enough fu two. a Ki Du\
roonik. Nliipld in rn mttf. fnnilsli l n
1 nnfurnlhlieil , convenient lofctreetca1'Jl
> Utr .t. _ _ _ . _ ' . , 441 2IJ
KENT Nlily finlilIhPdTrooni rttt "sis
Gan , bth auU fufnitce.bvnt. .OK/ /
| T OU HKNTItooinM'Cl Pnn M NPW
I nn < ltli. : nx. li Ui und furimcr lirat , llnonm
II ) < 1i > anatit Itrterniicp rrqJllri'tl. aw 1
AJ/tVKI.V. larcn front nmm lirmti-d. lautl l -
fill loeatlon , wltli nil nuKlrrn txitn enlpncnx
m i > t rnr line. IPI7 Cium. tM
/VIH II Itl'.NT I'm iilMii-d iiH nn
I ror IKth mid IkNlKPMH. ItMitilroutUiHi. II.
vK Mlllard llotiO billiard I.HIIII. W
niomit , htenitl ln-ut..MI R''Uli.
VTICKI.V rtirnlnliod alnnr and Mttclo rtHinn ,
i > and furnlturu new. Mrs. Itntliei , Wi N.
f.lliM. . llisd 17J
IfOII HUNT- Nicely fnrnl lipd rontn oultablo
for" crutlemett , Inijiilre'.l'ill St. Mury'K uui.
IITNT Turnlnhed rooms and board ,
1'Rrnnm. us J u *
ITM'ltHlSIIKUnionid. slnglp or piisultp , hpnt ,
bat li , and all model u ronvenloncps. mi y.
I'll * . 444 1HJ
_ _ _ _
HUNT Wunu fumlnlipd nunn , 11K4 1'ar-
tmtn. aw
l > ( HMt ) < for rent ,
ICELY furnished front room with or v lli
out lioiird. 1CI2 Dodge st. Mil
rooms for irnt , Tl'U ' raniani t.
H10.1 2J
FOIt lir..VT-Nlcely furtilMieil nionis. liiith
and mtideru conveniences , 401 N , IMh Ht ,
ya inj
TpOR HUNT Purnlshed room ? In ull parts of
J the rlty , bythn day , week or month. . City
Intelligence otllce. . Crelghton block. MIS
) II IIKN'T 2 funilMicd n > ems for
lug with cl < isets kltcliMi. IMS Cans st ,
U42 111 *
FOIt HKNT-Three unfurnished rooms , suit ,
able for housckeeplnr , nt 1624 North ' 21st st.
' * W }
- . . .
"KXH HENT a imfurnlshPil rooms suitable for
JJ housekeeping. 1021 N &nu St. Hw
T7"iH HENT- Pour 141 unfurnished rooms , 413
JSouth ll'th ' kt , , coutahilug all modem con-
A enlencps. Ml
"IJ10H HENT .1 rooms suitable for house keel *
J lug. N. W cor. 14th nnd Pierre st.
tonifiS. lliihst.
I ilOH IlKNT 3 unfurnished rooms mutable foi
houirkeeplng. 7113 Pacific Rt. _ Ull
PCUt HUNT 1 will KCKiiThuTe foTrTmTilie/besi
business room In ( miulm , Ifi l IVrimm sti eet
southeast corner Sixteenth and 1'anium streets
best location In Omaha , opposite the pi put Pax
ton building. Vo\i mtiM call quick. 11 Ni Mo
grew , ucsi 1'anmm st. 4K ! 17 *
I HiXT-r.abt : Imlt of htore-ioom. 121 :
1 Douglas st. S2li
AnMr.XT. Mores and flats. 13th and .luck
i-on ; Meavn heat , Euqulte Mrs. 1' . Lunge. K ! '
FOIl HEXT- Store room HO , basement 1,10
0. K. Thompson , : U4.S. 15th. st. 71. !
KENT Hasetnerfl stores and HatsSvltl
nil modern imjiroi ements , corner l.ith and
Jackson sts. fiiHI
FOIl ItKN'TThreestory and babumentbrUJ . feet. Mil tul Oft for a hotel 01
Mores and tlats. corner 13th and PaclOc sis. Ap
ply at HIS S. 13th st. , S.M
FOIl Itr.NT Ground floor odlce room , ren
trally located , heated and lighted. C. 1'
llanison , 41h S. IMh st. . . fi02
FOIt Kr.NT-2ncl and M floors at 1417 Dongl.i' '
st. , with of three years. KennMy J
lllbblns l.M Douglas st. _ CIO
TT1OH Jtr.NT Offices on rnrif.m | st. at S10 to J,1
Jper month. Oueolllce fuinlshed. 1U12 1'ar
imm. ' _ Ibb
FOIl HUNT Oniceiooin , llrbt floor , at : 310 S
IMh st. 004
F IOIl ItiNT : llnr andrilllaid"i1ooni furnlshei
at Cozzin's hotel. 40 ! 1IJ
" 171011 I1ENT ( iood Hum , $7 pei'month , Appl ;
J 2.MO Capitol avcnuie. 44'Ife
TTiOTlltENT Good barn cheap 1021 Chicago s1
F L. OllEOOKY , rental agent , 309 S. 10th st.
ground tloor. Telephone b54. 481
SPECIAL attentjcs given to renting houses
lUVtiisirerl and unfurnished rooms. List will
Us. W. M. Harris , over220 S. 15th Bt. h74
it KENT It you wish to rent a house cal
on Ueuawa i Co. , IMh St. , opposite P. O.
FOIt furniture and boxed goWls 415 S llth st
Omaha. Neb. IBS Bl *
Jlorchnndl'e or furniture , Littli
STOHAOE . 1407 Douglas * , t. flsfl d 29.
"VTEW TOIIK Storage Co. have most extensiv <
- lfocllitlcs for storage of furniture , piano *
buggies , general merchandise , west of Nev
York. Cash advances to any amount ; wnre
honsft leefllpts given ; goods Insured : "bricl
building flre-proof ; special arrangements fo
commlf lon merchants. Call New York Storagi
Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th st. llennett's block
\FlDDLTvAC3EO pentTeman of pcK l h
accomplished and good rtltpositirtti , woifli
like eorresjiondence with n yfiung Indy or youn ;
widow ; object made known when answered.
It ! ' flee olllce. 4'M !
PEHSONAIi Sewing solicitefl nt home
Childten'sgaimentsa fap&cialtj * . JVliss.Mnr
" \f ME. Amle. late of Chicago , pivt-Vplectrc
J'l magnt tic hand bath m < 5r > age-t.reatmentF
424 N. inihtt. Vnpor baths. " r.1117 *
7 PERSONA Engagements to do-flre tmliklni
in fwnilles solicited. Cull onor cddrea
Miss .lessle. Sturdy , 821 S 20th st. HTJ7
"OEItSON Ali-llrst-class < lre-8maKigflrvni } n
X 2213 Mason st. Ida Anderson. " 11221 *
PKHSONAIv Heyn's latest views of C ) malm
including all principle buildings , bird's-ey
views showing the city to the l > st advantage fo
sale atlleyn's gallery and Caulliuld's Imok store
Mkl ( rl !
; Private home foi ImhpJ a
confinement , strictly rtmtldcntt C'infant
adopted. Address E 42 Hep office. . ' ' 1H7 J is *
TOST In O'Dnnahoe * RberTy's dry good
J store , Tuesday afternoon-pocket boot
containing S ten-dollar bills , 2 pennies , and slip
ot delegates of wotnnn'fc ( ; onvejitliiu at lien
trice. Pindrr will jilease return same toir.77 N
l"th ft and receive leward. 4IH 17j
d7f < .oo Iteward-SUilen , frpra near * the coi
P ner ot ISith and Cass streets , Inthl
c.ity. on the evening of th Kith Instunt , a hors *
buggy and harness Tlie animal is a durl
bro ii mure , with dork points , about elgh
years old , fifteen and u half hands high , weigh
nbotit 1.100 pounds ; small scars on right side a
neck ; alsosjillt mlirk on right from foot ; hn
burred shoe-on this foot. The Imggvof ph rte !
styla-with folding toji. The lmrne s is blue !
and nearly new. with blnck trimmings. * r.(1 (
will be paid by the owner for the return of th
rig , and I will pay JVI.lKi for the arrest and eon
vlctlonofthe thief. William Cotnirn. sherlfl
iKiUBiiik county. Oiualm , Dec. id. Ihs7. 4W IB
T AKEN up A roan cow , whrto homs. anon
Byiiarsold. Can bo had at f 14 AVoolwort
avenue by paying charges. P. M. Hack.
iiiiiusi3Qjn _
3JHDH SALE-PiirnirlstmaM , ronewoofl piam
onlj i27. c/tt 4.IKI. Pianos liihi than ulioli
sale jirlces. New Yurk Piano Co. . c < ir. Cupltc
live und IMli st. 474-ls
"T.VMHO good hand made bricks for sale. At
dress Hlchurd Entelmann 424 S , 15th st.
401 aij
"UVHIhALL Mnger leather sewing machlni
-I good ub new , cheap , ( J. E. Thompson. II14
15th kt , 144
11ANO3 andOigans at Wholesale iutrlolT
J siirmrb iiprliilit and square u' nnii ut w hon
sale price * for { hrlumus eiv'Voi k Piano ( Vi
cor. C'upltol uvn and 15Ui rt. 47Ti-ls
"VAT1ONA1 J-nblnet Letter Illws for sale by.
; Hecr- Wood , 711 Patltlo rtreet. Omuh
H'.ll 21 *
X , OOi : ut oar new stock. Planes. I'lanos. P
* unu at wluilesnte. New Yoi k Storage I 'it
cor Cap. ave , and 15th. 4 < -IS i
OH. LAUD Tabln at half prlrji , iTrutiMWlt'
.11 llulke Co.'fc niiiVu. liuitiirfl Leslie * : 1.1-nlli
linh and Dortf e kU. yiu
ADfES' dr wn ( lilting srhool. liV , N'lwh.g"
I' iiuntH of all LlmiK made to order Jami
McRunie. merchant tailor 4 4 1H
'ill OltSlTctiiplin | : hyT.A TaKKarUi.nii'irtiaiii1
I I htablua , oirner" 17th anil OavVtmort kti
Ttl , Si7. C die
H KAt r- , lapncPHlstnlnVp- | Ihftl loin ,
block f > , 1 1 aw ) horn. Is gold IM U Cnrp < Mitir ;
VM > TICn Plrsl rlnss lmt i.'Htid fittnUhPd br
> .the cnrlimd in t mahiiiir liy auoti Iood lu
iiulh Omaha , IIIKW shnrfTmlli-e Li-ovpiitdpin
vllhV o Allirlchl. ilfS-tlMh Mrr"t , nTbninrli
ittlcpnt AIbrlihtM Hlalloir South Omi > ha. tele-
ihones 7tCi and Ukl , St < i\et Mios. | 24'J , U
Utl'.r. llraillnu miittet. H you hair not tin-
elded what papers to tfctto this year , send n
our address , with I0 'nlali } lher. attdwp will
orwiitd your nntiin lo Iniuufrdn or puttllMier
ill ( ner tbeciinnlrv who will send > ou innca-
r.lnesund patters nt every ( Irscrlillou ) In nlninil-
nire. His the b"it III vest nielli jouriin lnal.o
if a dime H fill yield blir returns. 'Irv II
'tilwcrlU1 lo tto paper w Kliyiil ijnllltiB nur prlc .
Hub , SiilKirlptlon AKIMICJJ lloHton. Maws. , llox
mil. Menlluli Hce. 1.17
\ \ } -n I"1' ' ' f'1 ' fSiTi'M W "tieeTrrenioilelivr.
Jf * etdarged. i " datnyfiK llotir , new iliTom-
lions and supper nuMim. Hnttiinro on luth st i
iiirtles , lodges and sucletli-s antlrltmtlnK Klvlm ;
Hills or call on lions * Miiintn , Melf ,
mil , 4l2d2l
TVt US. ItrilANTnalrvoyant fnnii ltiislon"i
J'l reliable In all altalm nf life , unties sepa
rated lin or * . i)22 ) N liilh st , room 1. 7i ) .Ian 2 *
T\lt. NANNIP. V , Warren , c.lnlrvo\ant. Med <
Xiciil , business and teM inpilluin , tilnpumli
frer. Pemale dlsi-nses a Hjiuclalty. Illl N , Illtli
M . llonnm 2 A il. . 'I el. U44. _ _ nil
\\7ANTKD-1WI or Sin acres Improved NV
II liruska land within 40 miles ol Omuha , H
K. Cole , illfl H. 15th nt. _ 401 17 _
AVTANTI'.D- buv a 10 to in-horse pnwei
> > boiler. Addl ess P fil ) , llee olllco. 5115 IS
" \\7ANTED-To buy the fnrnlturn of a smal'
I or large hotisn centrally located , CcMitmriV'
tlvp Land .V Lot Co. . SB N llilh st. lU
A\7ANTKD- liny short tlmn jiajier , .1. W
if Oross , at C , K , Mujue's oflioe , 15th uni
Hartley. _ 2S5
to loan , cash on hand , no delay. .1
MONEY K. L. Squire , 1413 Knrnam si. Pax
ton hotel building. SW
TVf ONEY to loanmortgage notes boughl.loati !
J-fl made on anv available senirltv ; no delay
J. J. Cummlngs , Hoom 10 llarker blk. 201-10
: ! 50io1oati , or will buy mortgage. S.S.Cain
$ pbcllA. O. W , Ilervey. Chamber Commune
TVf ONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; n <
i'l commission charged , l.cuvltt llurtiham
room 1 , Creighton block , 012
0NEY 1 .OAKED at C. P. Heed \ Co.'s Lout
Olliep. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons
PCI Annul property of all kinds , nnd all other ar
tided of % nine without lemovul. Ulfl S. Kith
over Hinglium's commission store. All busl
ness strictly eontldi nt ial. lf-1
1 OANS made on lenl estate Cash on hand
1J W.M Harris. oier220S. 15th st. 1120
rpo LOAN Money Loans placed on im
.1 proved real estate in city or county fo
New England Loan A Trust Co. , by Doiiela
County bank. Kith and Chicago sts. lilll
JfTiilMNiOtoloan ut fi per cent. Lluahau i.Mn
P honey , ir.m rarnam. 021
TVTONKV to Lonn on city projierty and also pi
J'l fiirtns in western lowu and eastern Ne
braska : tlrst mortgage notes bought and sold
Odell hros. \ Co. , 152.1 Turnum St. , Omaha ; Hi
Pearl st. , Council Illulls. llri
LOAN On furniture , horsrs. wnp
MONKVTO projKirty.wlthoiit removn
or on approved colluteial security , lliislnes
confidential. Juo. W. Uobblns , 1KI3 I'tirnam.
1 M2
made on real volute and mortgage
LOANS . Lewis S. HeDd A Co. , 1521 rarnam
MONEY To loan. Lowest rules. No delay
.1. L. lllco i Co. orcr Commercial Nn
tionnl liank , 027
ONKY to Loan O. P. flnvis Co. . real c.stut' '
nnd loan agents , I'lOo.l'arnani st. Oil )
G pr.H CENT Money. '
Patterson & Piiwrctt 151h nnd Ilarney. GIB
SHOUT time loans mndb on any avaiiahl
siic.urifv , in reasonable ( .mounts. Pticiirri
notes bouuht , sold or exfhanciwl. Oenern
financial business of nny kind transactei
promptly. qnletU and fairly at the Omaha PI
minclnl llxehange , N. W. cor. 15th and Hat
ney sts. , over Mate National band. Corbett
manager. „ U25
loaned on rnrnittire , pianos , organs
MONUY , etc , low rates. . .1. J. Wilkinson J
Co. . ISM rarnum , over Iturltngton ticket onice.
to Loan Ily the undei'iciied , wh
MONEY the onlv jiroperlv orgunlred loai
' "
rtcency In Oinahi , ! , , . ; , n , ' I'.S Ui" iOU ! mnde oj
r&ruiinrn. pianos , organs , horses , " . -ijjrr.i , mt
chmery , etc. , without removal. No delays. Al
business strictly confidential. Lonns so mad
that any part can be jiaid at any time , each pa )
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance
made on linn wntches and diamonds. Person
should carefully consider who they are dealin
with , ns many new concern * ; are dally comln
into existence. Should you need money call ani
see me. W. II. Crott , room 4 WKhnoll balldlnt
IMh tnd Tinnier. f ® >
MONEY to loan I can now place some fir , *
class city loans immediately. Call at one
if you desire to be accommodated. T ) . V. Snoles
room 1 Itarker block , entrance in alley. Mt4
< JjriflOi6o ( to loan in any amount at lowest rate o
T interest. II. II. Irev , Pronrer block. C22
OJfiOD.OOO To loan on Omaha city property at
! > per cent. O. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.C20
MONEY to loan on city property , and al
farms In Nebraska and Iowa. Odell Ilro >
& Co. , loan , real estate and insurance agents , 1C
Pearl street. Council IJludo , la. ; 1123 Parnat
Street , Omaha. . 208
to loan. Notes ana it. K. llckel
MONEY ahd told. A. Porman , 213 S 13th st
\\TANTED Partner with $500 to open a stori
Iteferences exihangeU. Address H h. He
otlice. 471-IHj
" \VnLL sell counter and shelving , either wit
or without Mock of hurduure , and glv
immediate possession of building ; will glv
time on part vlth approved security , fl. I
llrewster. 22(11 ( Cuming bt. 447 10
JfTrr > A B00'1 llvo mnn wlth * : m lo tftk
half interest lu a big paying light mum
facturlng business lu Denver and assume mm
agemi'iit of same. Salary $75.00 Jier month. Ac S. box 251 ! city. 48-18 *
Inve tment Teh shareof first serif
Nebraska lliillding and Loan us-oclntini
Pully paid up ; Ju25 cash. Address H 2 , Dee olllci
FOH SALE Iload horse , sidebar , harness an
comjilete out fit at your own price. Cu
Parcel Delivery hkrn on Webster st , bet 17t
and isth st- . . 40S 2ir
FOlt SALE A drug business , fci.nno stock in
grolng town of 4,000 inhabitants , eas
sales J.UI to JKI jier day , good location , corui
room , rent $25 pur nunuh.reason for selling "ai
to close partnership. Address llagnell Ilros
York. Xeb. 4021- ! '
\\TANTED-A man in a legitimate tmslups' '
i i well established and will bear the strlc
est investlgiitlon. will pay one hundred an
fifty dollars ( $150 00) ) per month , uud increax
yearlv ; cajiltul reulrrd | , six hundred dollai
KliiO.oO ) , four hundred down , balance out of tli
luiMuess ; Canadian preferr d. Address H
Hen. .4IKI 10j
, . , . . . „ , . on N. IBtll'kt. , price * 500 ; ; : tf
cash , bul to suit "Kent for (30. C <
opeiative Land i Lot Co. , 30 N. 1Kb st.
. ns7 10
\\7ANTED-A pc.rtnerltta'good paying bus
i f ness , established for -f ur years , and Bah
for this year will be over MfljOfiQ , location gooi
muVt have about t\nt ) to1 Invest. Addre ;
W. T. It. , P. O. Hex ill' ! . ' i H75ji :
FOR SALE An establUhed und payln
wholesale business , will take part puv
real estate. Address , ' 117 KWthst. ; nA ;
POH SALH-Stock of dry-gooiU und notlor
Invoicing about KI.OOO lrtitheliv < ilie > .t rallrou
town ot western Iowa , forMnln : at a burguli
lllrect Inqnlrlei , to 1) . Haum , Missouri Vulle ;
Iowa. 2iV.i-17 *
TT'OH SALE-A hninesMnhop , In ll re ?
J-1 Neb. . limilceM uliout jli'VO. JLB rne Tornii
proprietor , John'/.leglKr 13rtsfiil. U will be sol
( heap ; one other , . ; ,0pj , , tousiilendid trail
Address .1 n Xl gler. sr. . Hock Island , 111. . (
PhU.p 7.leKler , lirvurtun , Neb. 211 S31
Foil SALE A llrstJusji grocery with me
murkut in connection , doing u nice huxlnex
AlMiut lll lcush , halnnee rutty. A g < id cliunr
forrlght party. Address "P 4" lleeulllee. Ml
: > AUTNEH in Inn. olllcu. Address I "A lle .
L 1145.
Flt ) SALE -Ore\phangu , anew combine. ! i
bbl , roller and burr mill with complei
modern outtlt of iiiui'hlnery , doing a good 1ms
lienwllh unlimited wutur power on Little Illl :
l-lver , InThuyerconntv. Neb , Will take 2t
ornpuiirdh Inrush , bitlanceon eusy temiH , i
city property or hinds In whole or In puu , AI
dresh , A.d Cx.lllna , Hetirou. Neb. IKi d22
lAlll SALH- One hotel 0 bUirlcb high , gc
.1' stand , baKeinnnt with water ninniiiK ft
through the bullilliu : and aUo to the bum ; bar
stuMIng I'll iiiud or hoii > eH und 75 lon of hay an
wulxr In ItMllheIl or trude f > ir iful eMalr i
wiick. ,1'or funhur Infonnatlon w.nt to 1
Son Diuiliar. Neb , I'l"dl8' ' ,
B .hniKi'ii Partner In ln nrnni
otUce. Addcin.bp.2a Uud. ' U4J '
"l\rIK tiVSAt.r. cunfpctliniprjr1 bttslnp * } for
II . .MillPnjlln ? trndo nstiihlliilied. lidok
thin rip. Appljilli H inihst _ MCI
t "Si. * ,
$7l * < ) ( iliirtho ( WyiunliiK liilnl to exchatiKi < |
ul ii OIIK tlitn timber claim lnim rounlv ,
I > nn4ii Whnt haveyotl toollerr ( I II HIPW-
Kter _ .MICiiinlnist ; 417 In
rp < ) I'.xrtianite llrMunriin ! and turnlhlie of (1 (
I ritmiiK. W'lilU < .iu ) , fur farms or lulu AHII !
fnnillnteiif ar * < > iitn ilntiinSo llth Ht , and Hat
fiiriKiit , ( , - | > iiratlve Laud and Uit' ( u . 21)5 ) N
Mil Nt , 4M IH
_ _ _
\\TANTiD ; ( Iood clear fiirmn for cltj jinip-
i nrly. St , .lohii A I'.l ) , rtetirer lllock ,
Oliiiilia , 401 In
_ _
\\7ANTiD-Stiek of menhiindli.iriii lindr
ii fur lamlnr city iiioport ) ' . Ht. .lohii A Ely ,
Preiurer block , Onmlm. 4111 Hi
_ _
"VVTANTED-dood family lmr o In exclmtmr
ii for lot , McCuIlovli .V Co. , cor I5th and
Pnrnam , IVB
and HhoeM lo trade for cattle or uood
BOOTS Omaha rpnldencn proierty | , linn ,
denn stork of limits und shoe * , will Involci
riO.OiH ) . 11. II. Seydel , Stuart , lonn , _ 4IB21
" | 7Vlt ) ExetiBtign. If you Imvc farms or lands H
.1 sell or tniilo send for our descrlptUn blauku
If you iinvj' uny kind of properly to nell or nx
chiinirp , UH | It with tisjwn can fiimUh you >
customer. S , H. Campbell & U.W. Ilervey , illl
Hoard ufTrudu , Omuha , _ 1U2
EXCHANdK H. E. Coir. ! lin H IM\ ,
Ilium-Mind lots
IClxlW feet bcuul If nl six i IHIIII cottage on 27tl
nnd Patrick uvo. Want good lot.
: lx | 2t * feet and two story framn hotmo Will
barn. 2Kth and Miami. Want lot.
! Mxll2 feet and one story frame house , north
punt corner 271 h and ( Irunt. Want luirt cash
balance city or funn.
IKlxWi fwt nnd onn story frumn hoiisp. sli
rooms corner 27th und nnd Miiplu. Want pur
cash balance Iiirin.
: rixlH ) feet and one nlory frump housn llvi
rooms corner , 2iith and Ohio. \ \ ant jmrt cash
balance ell v property or farm.
: u:12rpet.twoBlir.v frame house six roomn
Miami near 27kh. Want lol , South Omaha jiru
Vnriinl lots.
Lot 11 , block 0 , Shlnn's 2d. Want house am
lot ,
Lot 1. Apple's nub. of lot 45 Olso'K. Wan
equity in i bouse nnd lot.
sei en lots Yiiluntiuo Terrace. Tuko aiiythlni
Vacant lots on N. 14th Bt , clear. Want Omaln
llig list , South Omaha , for house and lot.
$12.000 stock boots and shoes and some cus ]
for llrst-class iimldpjiroperty. Can put In nlei
clean stock dry goods , tuitions and clothing i
One of the best located drug stocks in the clt ;
Want Omnha property .null cash.
Live stock.
One str-yeatvild sorrel horse , splendid drlvci
gentle and handsome.
One grey llvn-yeiir-old , rood clever drivel
good looker. Wont rood vucutll lots.
Horse , liuriifss und buggy.
2l5Vi acres Moiiunu county. Iowa. A complet
farm , all Imprm itmenln. Wantlmproved pro )
erty. Will assume reasonable Incumbrunce.
lili ) acres Calhimti count v. Iowa. All Improve
miints. Wa..t mcrcliundlse 01 improved clt ;
42HI1 acres Wyoming land at ? 2.00 per acre
Want Improietl or unimproved city ptoperty.
liiiih acres Webstur county , Neo. , neat llei
CI oiul. All Improvements. Want live' stock
merchandise or improved eityjirnperty.
IM acres Hatiiiock Co. , all tillable laud , aboil
n miles fiom It II station , encumbrance 7751
Want house und lot. Will pny some cash , an
assume moderate Incumbriince.
lliO acres JCess Co. . Kansas , near It II statlor
Inenmbrance * VKl. Want Omaha property.
2,0'H ) acres olliuid , nil Inn body , Holt Co. , Nel
Want Omaha pioperty.
PHI acres Cummlng Co. . 3' { .miles from Wes
Point , incumbrance WOO , Want Omaha jiroj
Mortgag s.
Porno purclmse money mortgages for vocnn
(5 rain elevators.
Two large nnd splendidly equipped elevator
in Pnge county. Iowa. Purchaser can coutrr
the gi-uln business of the county , which is on
of the best grttin pioducing districts In lowi
will trade either one oi both for improved It
side pi opei rj and assume reasonable menu
brunce. H. V . Colo. 311' S. 15th. 4UT.2U
Tr You have anything to trade ov sell call o
me ot write All business promptly und lulrl
done. C. C. Spotswood. ,1H'i4 S. ia7
\\7ANTlifi-To tiado ll0 ! acres of land 1
if Wnyne count v. Neb. , for house and lot 1
Omann. Addiess-P i. Ili-e olllce. SM-lllJ
" OOD hotel and funitture in S.ilUio Co. , Neb
now doing n good business. H. II. jtmctio
town. Will take an unin mbered farm o
stock of.merchaudlse. Stringer \ Co.,151s Dodg
st. 40217
T\TOITLD LIKE to excnance a lot in Sam
if dersJllinebangh s n'ilt'i. tv 'Vulnr
III ! ! for h good K"sn ? .hd lipht two-se.ite
sarrj : wonli iJMItiikna good horse and jilni
ton. Address box 42'i P. O , 450
TIIAUE Two improved farms In Iowa fn
TlO Omaha projierty or Nebraska lands. Mi
Clilloch & Co. , cor ; I5th and Parnam. KJ4
EXCHANOE Improved farm in low
for Omaha residence propertv , J.,1. Wl
klnson , 1S24 Parnnm. n 4
" \\TANTED Gooa tarms in exchange fr
> i Omuha jirojicrty , C. C. Spotswood. .105 !
Sinth. txtt
rpOEXCHANOE Oood east trout lot lu Han' '
JL com Place to exchange for clean stock r
dry goods or clothing. C. 1' . Harrisou,418 ri. lutl
WANTED Omaha property to pxchnnge tc
farms and wild lands , also for cltv pro ]
ertv. C. L. lirow-u 4. Co. , Hoom 13 , frenzt
block. 21HJ li
I HAVE for trade improved farm in Cass Cn
near Plattsmputh , will trade for improve
inside proiMjrty. Aduress M 'M , llee olhce.
' .158
" \\TANTED-Ptocks of merchandise to e :
f i change for lands' nnd city projierty ; C. ( : iu-i , S. 18th. IMi
FOH Exchange Tlie equity in a gilt edp
proi rtyon 17th st , amounting toJ5.0io ( , t
exchange for good , jmying business , well li
caled , C. C. Spotswood. .1054 S. Itith. IbS
FOIt Exchange Oue of the best selling mi
chines for domestic use on the markei
every housekeeper will buy one ; over f.'WU wort
of these inttchiiipi sold In one day bv one agen
I will.nxchange the suite right of Nebraska ri
Improved Ckmaha projierty. A mechanic coul
not tltid Ijottnr employment Tor tli
winter than. making these inuchlue :
A forttrae' cnn be miido out of this state li
selling the machines , -county rights ; pi
pers perfect nnfl title guarantued. 1 will sell
half interest in the above to u good responslb :
party. Address P4H , llee Oihco. 2H ) ! *
FOH SALE Orexchange. good Omuha pro ]
erty for good stock of boots and shoe
clothing , f urnlshinKaroMls or hardware. Schli
singer Hros. , l 4S10Uist. _ 7'5 ' 3 2
" \\7ANTEU-Houses and lots to exchange fi
if Improvedaind tmlmproued lands in N
braska and Iowa. Diaries C , SpotMvood. Mi
S. llith. _ lsfl _
rpo THATIE Inside property for good holisi
JL eight or nine rooms , uud full lot. McCu
loch JLCo. . . cur 15th uud Farnam. t > U
" \ \ 7l\NTED-To exchange , choice Insldo vacai
f > Juts in Omuha for good horses and cu
. J. L. Itlce & Co. IM5
" \\7ANTED-PropiTty of all kinds t PXchanp
1 1 Spochil iitt ! Htlim given to trading. C. I
Spotswood. ! avj S llith. Ktl
Guarantee uud Trust Co. , 1,7
Pumara stre t Complelo nbstructs fu
nlshed , and titles to real estut 'xumlued. pe
fected nnd enurHiileefl. W2
BENPON iTdAHMICHAEL furnl h comjilel
mill guaranteed abstracts of title to nil
real estate In Omaha and Doiiglus cininty tiKi |
short notice. The most comtilute. set of ubntrui
books lu the cty. ( $ ? p , 151)1 ) Furnuui bt. B7B
U&INESS lots In South Omaliu. Hicks.
424 17
O1X IirXDIlKD and forty iirren v > tl It
O proved farm , good soli. p.Hil building
1KI acres under cultlVHtlr : . , clrtse to Albion. !
HooneCo. , Neb. , f' . ; niat ! flu un aero. W.d
canNtavo mnffgage on the hind. This prii
goci only to the enaof the year. Stringer . < C (
1'lH Dodge st. 4IC 17
OMflltr. Lots at $150 , easy terms , ILK. Col
: iU ! b , 15th. 4 10
CHEAP lots for fttiln. Orchard Hill , lots
1 block IH Price. . t 7
Orchard Hill , hit 2 block IB . 7
Orchard Hill , lot Ublockl2 . N
I'lulnvlew , lot 7 block III . 14
I'lalnvlnw. lot libtocklll . is
llunscom I'lucp , lots II block 20 . Ill
Shrivel Plu'-e.lot 2il. block 7 . f ,
Shrlver Place , lot III block K . f ,
Walnut mil. lot abiocks . r ,
Walnut Hill , lot ilblofkh . t ,
Amliler Place , lot 15 block 12 . (
Ambler I'lui'p , lot ID block n . r ,
IxnvH'sfiUxlj , lot F block II . 12
Sheridun I'luiu , I'U Hi block I. , , . i ,
Stringer ACo. . , IMS Dixiyo st. 4U3-I7
Hy M. A Upton A Co.
Three pieces jiroierty,20 | per cent bulow nctll
vu I IKI.
Un 27 , I'liirmount , tS.WW. ll.inocash.
Illocl. s , Itovd'H adilltloti. It ) UUM on Stutr Bt
trm L fiom Holt , line iuitninleod(7 ; , iii. Kfi
Hluck1 , Iloyd'u atldltlon , 10 lots , JC.wn , (2,0
M/A. (7t ( < Uin It Co. , 10th struct , opposite Cli
ici-of Couimvm * , - LM
S. .Ill a l lth l , bur * und * \ \ rnit
Mtn.l \ timm Kion r , ptirnlm n nmtiMlln < |
mmyiVid IIMiif lirnpnrtr tor niiln nnd wnntu
moro , Notary piibtln. _ BM
" "
our llsl of pVulli Oiimlia lola. iTirkiT"
SEE l 17
_ _ _ j
UwTrlTbiilidTlii : wiuth of Tiiliin llandT Dma
I ' full to K' < I urn some lot. fJ to fiVli univ
tpnih riiKh. 110 per niuiith. toopor , Mil" airmit/ /
Ifiiii raninm. iwi In
n nnd rMidPiirn loin In Houth
Omaha lor sain by lllckn. 434 17
Mlilll' UHmit II.Vi , eiifiy lunim. II I ! . Oile ,
illl ) H. loth. 4115 III
B VY Hiiulli ( inialia lotd nftw , ami K' < ( In on
lluor prlim , lllrL/i. 4J4 17
TV 1IH ! Ittiul ItHtiite A ioticy ,
OiliMI.vi7 I'urnam at.
Till" ll"t rorln"(1 ( l nc InWi. \ .
UK Hinitli Ktli HI , tn-nr tVtttor , n mom
iiiniin , int 4mtxic : : .1 t.pon
M - inth t , nuar I'niitpr.-nxim IKUIAII . I'.liio
4i North 17th nl. near l.nke , frroom
limn" , lot illxIKt n.dio
4117 H" nm , ncitr illtli nt , w nf rootu
liiitiii' ' , roiiini lurcu , IKMI.HO frcmtn
unit , tfw and veil linllt , do lralilf <
plum , f..wm : W < | ra li , linlanrp 1ST.
per month , Tliln In a io d placii , on
I'liny teriii" .
4un Vlr > tliitii HV. n nr I.fn.VrnTrortti rt ,
Uiiod 7-room IKMIKC lu rxcellnnt riv
pilr , null worth . . . . . , . 4,700
4HI & ! < ! , ni'ixr ( Irnee , rnnvuiilcnt In cnr .
n Ktmill doulilr MuiiKO , retitlne fur KV )
pur mutitli , I'rlco , . J.B !
4 ! < 3 liiikniit , near Slut Hi , r rnom
lot 4Hxlsa . . . ,0
4S9 Hpniin < nt mmr mill , u fp-rumn rut-
t K . lot 4IIXWI. will trmli . K.8
487 Oiilo Hi nciirUTtli. llrnt cliiMM fr-rooiii
liiiiine , wiill , clnlimi and outbuild.
lm : . all In KOOI ! ri'pnlr. one lilnck
from Htri-ot nirn , lotNixl27 . . . . . . . . IJ.DO
4B1 hiiulli IntliHl in'iirlcnvoiiwirtli ( vrry
central location , co'nl a-roomed
liouxr , lot ixm , euHt front . . J1.500
4H1 Nurtli-lBtntncurManilcrMon , I blt >
from car line , now 4-roomvd houw ,
lntMxl24 . . . . . . . . 2,0 0
47D In llord'K add muir lltilt line. 4 *
roomiMi IIOIIMC uml barn , with S full
lotfi , nnn a corner , eiiil front . . . . 3
472 Omaliu View , 4-rootn house , lotSOx
iai . 100
4M d M corner , near IMt I.lne dejKil
In Oak Chatham mid only U blocks
from direct cur , a luwTroom houne.
uml full lot for . . . 2.KOO
4GTi In Walnut Hill u unod U rixnn IKHIIC ,
\Millund outbuilding , wnilh front ,
cheap nt . . tl.IKU
4K L'btt nt near .Mundnraon. ono blorl :
from ear line , 4 room hoime , burn
with full lot. . 'J'hi.i U u wry chuap
plnci ! at . . . . l.fiOO
400 IllondoNt neur "sth , conrelnent to
cam , a A room IIOIIHU wltB lot UJj27. |
Thlsliapiod honifat . 8JX ( ( )
C iKtli Ht near Ieavenworth In n hKh
commandliif ; location , Hiirrouiidtii H
A 1 , n ucll hullt ii room houw facing
eiiHt , with two lotH. each Mixl"l , ( inn
u rortiur. Hhrubbery iind treed w ull
grown , a decided bnrcaln . B,00(5 (
4.V. Seward t cur * JIIIMH tou door , 7 room
IIOUMI h lot . n.fiOO
4.VJ Donncknn'H ndd m-ar Onmlnc t 4
room hoiiiu WixliVi. Mm ) caMh.iirtce .
710 Houtli lllth Kt near I.ea\enworthen-
trul location , 4 room house , city
water. H lot . . . . . . . fl.400
4'KI lllloliciic.k'H add , " hous ( > 8 , each ! l
rooniH , lot WX1U7 , SlOUcush , price . l,2lX )
4.11 Corner , cant front on ( i porciu live , fi
room cottace. llnu , full loin . . . . ' 1,101
ThlK IH u Hpi'dal ImrKaln.
In niblltlon to the ubove properties we have a
fine lint of ( .holcc renldcnee.1 ramjiiif * In prlc
from t."i.l lil to t iri.lKK ) that can be mild on full-
terms , siiy from S toi cash iind remainder In
uiisv annual puynipiiti Kt ] > er cent InlurvHt.
llexldence l.ots.
1011 Webster 8t. near With. , line residence
lot . . , . 2,100
1XU ( Choice corner lot In Hawthorne , lot
Uxl ± : on Cuss Kt . 1K
TlilK IK cheap for thu money.
( TO lllnnuy Rt. near Shunnan u\u.a very
line lot for . . . . . . 2,000
i per > nt less than Burrouudlng
1)07 ) Miami Mt. near 2mh , 2 b'ocks from
Ptleet cat. lot nOxl-T . l.OJO
1K > 0 On Diivtinpnrt hi. In Lincoln place , " .
choice lottt. one a coni r , nouth and
east front : vury desirable ; tho2 lots
for . l.EOO
! a casli.
PS.1) ) On N olxter Ft. near tlie Convent , n
very choice locution ; elepant resi
dence site ; 1111x174 , south M..1U . . 4,600
OS7 1'aclllc Ht near I'hil Shiirldan.conveu-
lent to cars , 41x110. runs through
from street to treet. Thh 1 \ cry
( teolrable at WW cush. price . ] , K7j
5f , West hide ad : ! r.n . Jlo Pac lly. lot 1 7
on truck by iuoflhls u a chimcc to
get trackaf-e vciy cheuji . . . . fXl (
P-2 ( Jrace and d t. lots ixl4i ) ) . nt . . ifc.vj
U77 Talk live , full lot faclnc Hun.scom
Purl : , Just south of Woolwurth ave 3,500
014 Virginia nvc , very choice cast front ,
KlOxluO. Tins U u ppfcially tluu loca
tion . . . . . . 4.fiOr
! SO fieor io , - rr.TTHii jOUxlV ) . n ; c'u : ; "
uliu eust front , l I'u. . tlne.sf'uuim-
jiiovwl corner in HatHcom place . . 7W1T
27 ! corner on Pacific ht , ncixl.iu. for 7iii J
Ale n larRe and well assorted INt of vacant
lots lu nil desirable additions and location ! ) at
prices ratiRlnc from J.VKJ upwards.
llustnes < ! Property.
145 riinmm st near L'lth jt. 5tl foot lot ,
en y terms. Rood location , per foot ROC
1J5 South 10th Ht.fiiixHU , gutter and ull
taxespald. tor . „ . . . BOOC
143 CnmliiKs st nuar 27th st , UtRxUi ft ,
perfimt . . . . . 11C
Tlie lowest price numed on property lu same
142 Cass near 15th st , P room house , lot
ncxlJK . . . . 13.COC
0. " ! Ctncaco tienr IMh st. 4 building
rent for } V > per mrmtli . JHWin
Tills projierty Is cheaper than any similar lo
cation In Omaha and will repay investigation.
Uj California St. , near 14th t. . corner ,
WxlK , 0 houses , rent tlaa jier
year . . 20,0 *
105 Sauudcrs St. , a corner , C0xl02 , chenp
lit . 6,00 !
137 Fourteenth St. , near .lones. 4lxii'l ' :
this projieny Is especially cbeujij for 7,70 (
130 Truckage on Pacltic st. , near Kith.Wx
llti ; n umall houses now rent for $75
per month . iB.nix
141 Hnrney ht. , nvarHthst. , ixliK. for il.wx
- taniam St. , an Improved jUece ot
lirojwrty , jiayliifr n good returtu
price . . OO.OOC
! K > 'arnam st. . an Improved propiirty
pavlnc S-MIXJ per year , price t.f.,000.
will sell this property for peed llrst-
cluss mortcaco pajier , no cash re-
qulied lu this trailt. . -
_ . , , Stock Tann for Sale
\ ithln M miles of Omnha on railroad : WW ) ocn
stock farm Rood buildings , .shed room for stool
and feed cattle , windmill , pipes , etc. , runnlnc
water , in ncrtis liny Utid , 100 ucre-s jilow Kind
Will sell for J2S PIT acre and taktsf."i. ( ) c.ish
Will al o take on the trade , Otnuha house aud
lot worth ii.rm to J2.IXJO.
South Omaha Property.
lOOfi 13 lots in lloycl A : Sharp's udd nt S50
to ( lnno each , easy terms .
1004 .letter's add , 21ot o.xch . 1.00) )
IfKW .letter's add. 1 lot at . 7H
lf.1 2.-\iil ( ft on N st . 2iMX
Also " de-slrable locations for brick yards 01
railway , and convenient to Oiniihu and Soutl
Omaliu , AIUM Heal U ate Agency , olllce l.Mf
lainam st. 21U 1U
/CHOICE lots. Plinth Omaha , for sale. Hl < ks.
FOIt SAl.n A furnished Hut of 11 rooms will
steum oud bath , centruly located. Call 2T
NorthUth. _ S1U.
IK you Uavo anything to selltir pxclmuco llsl
Uwrch C. C. SiHikrwood , liDTiVi S Itith. CV4
OMOUHLots ut SliV ) , easy tci-uis. H. R. Cole
; : n ; s. i.v.h. VK ID
LIST your property for HU.IO with Charles O
spots wood , isavi 6 loth ft en
TTIOH PAL - Tio"acreH ( or land four miles froti
X1 stockyarils , at j2j | tier acre ; this
gain. McCugue , Opp. P. Cl. ctl
tpOH SALE Good brick business property it
centre of firnnd Isluud ; gnmtest lurguli
and b < t terms in the city ; but llttlo cash re
quired ; long tlmu. low uud ranytmv
meiitK ; other ruul estate for Hiilu. Aildre . - . .1. H
Woolley , attorney at luw. Grand Isluud , Neb.
B USINESS lots , SoiltUOmahu-Htcks.
424 17
S.\ljt7 Plnest location for u hem li
- * VfestOuuihu , adjoining the intunlnn hnme
irKlrlcend ll , Coo , llraily , Eussou mid othere
Nothing liner in tun city. Can no l'IH1xlS7 01
loss ; for prices uud terms suj s. A. Slomun. li )
Purniini si. tus
T7OH SALE Irtix 155 east front corner , on :
JL. and Jones stx. . just south of the Una rold
cuce of Kussun. u llruijt. und others. Cun sel
thla. if taken at once -for f5t l. An elegiin
residence corner Nothing in the. vicinity si
cheap M A. I ptim A Co. liiih bt. emi Chum
ber ofCommerco , IM
JTIOIt SALE I Uhln Lincoln Piarp , trontln
on thu Metropotltun uablu , 4vW i-ucli. <
Corner lot on Lowe uvenno and Cullfornh
cable linn , f 1.7W , Vi cush.
Some choice loin In West Ciimlng iiddltlnn. *
tn t l,2iKi. easy terms. Thnso lots are on ur mm
thu ruble now lining hullt on Cullfonilu st. Hit
now at old prlcen.
A tine buslued4 corner at lllth nnd Douglas
IM.UHI , Vj cush.
Acres In Solomon's add , f i. fan ) cash.
AcrnblnSprliiB Vwlley wtthtruckiice , * .VO , >
Ixits in IxibeckV sub , near South Omuhii , 01
N. W. Ity , IW'I each. Icunh. . The-io uru th
cheapest ntli'riiu > In thnlr renptu'tiro netghboi
linodH MumhullA Lobuck , riKim V , chumbiiro
coin in vrcu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * " * *
"I7IAKM for salt * cheup ; ICti uen-H Vnll y him
-I.1 right In KIIIS * belt. Six mlleii ot count
sent. A.T. McCutitmon , fciiituurHci , Miami Co
_ , 4i 17 *
171011 8.Mr In South Omuha , fc luu is > on
.1' corner lot * , fur H.tU > , ' Vi-uKli , vUili'hrei
for , J < i7fi pvr yenr , on L nt , D , H. Miiiuttou ' ' , liV
DudL'w fcl. ' uib
-\\riJT tmr r whn yon can t'ttr a furnUtim !
If liinmn on a nlfp Urun 'lot , il , In Oirt
ntiPul rnOddiipn part of Oiimh'o , np r thn
cnrn nm ) within mi" Morn of * hi < rn INK
I IBII | | | cnhlri will rim. lif imylni , ' n ttiiatl mini
down and tlm Imlntipn Iliinill Ir. AjIdtPKO O IV.
iii-i nmr
CfiiV'J'H ( inrnFTiTlTu lnpiiirTiitirfif'nafc lll'tiC
n 4" ! 17
_ _
MWlcK'KM7 ! S To , " nmVS n nfw inlir o !
.1 J. property In North limnlm. for snlo or rnnt
at Clf l'"tm' bank. Siwjijiminit tt. _ rn
IIOICi : lol , Hotifh Omaiia , Illikn.
_ _ _
tj1 | < ) H MALI'Vr oirnr n nivrlnl l riin ( IV ( )
I arrp iif land four iiilUM from Rtock yanU ,
nt II2. ' , pi-r iicrn , on linn ot (1. ( P. It. II. M
Opp , P. 0. r
4B4 17
_ _
( jVlll riA 1,1 ; Mufii f.-Kt oi71FaliT ( > llli ; MplendTil
I Inxliln lixatlini for four MftllOV. . .Mu l
IIP Mild at onre. Marshall ft Ixitieck , n mi V ,
ClmmlmrofOim. l
t _
"I I' yon want lo maV ttinnxy buy Tallin IJIIH !
J Int * mm' . Di'iHit to b constructed and main-
talnxil nun mllr from thl * addition , liOlM nn
unlltng for ! 2m to riVi ; nm. tenth main 110 jii-r
montlL , Don'l dolay. Oxijwr , nolo uitmt.U
Parnnm. wa |
MOItt : at 11.10 , easy t nn . JI K. fttlo , . 4C. ( It
SOUTH Omaha Into for sulo by ItlckM
4 17
I neil HA LI' Mfrrt front cor 10th and .Uck- ,
' mm SIM ; ni fnot front intti end llowm-d < ;
10 acnui adJolnliiK rJty , All ( if above Alixnp for
cash. Apply lo L. A. Hammond , No. 131 N.
mtii st. nm it
B A1U1A1NH , Houth OnmlmHicks. .
424 IT
17011 HAIiK Or exrhntiBi > l indii nnd town
t. Jinipnrty In NnbraKka , ( olorndo And
. A. KngllHh AOi. . , Vork. \ b. 17U-1B *
TUlNnr.U ACO. . . UH DIMIKP St. . hare dom
. . rhiiati lotn at pontli Oniahn. tlW and up-
wardit Cnme and K-II them. 4'tt ' IT
01ITII OiiiahB bargain * !
Lot II , block lo , threubb > cks from ili-pot ,
only 1 , 4i ( ) .
Lot fl , block 4S , corner , nOxliV ) fret , only flvo
blocks- from new pas-n'iigcr depot. Ci n punlly
build four riittaitrn on thin lot ; price. JI.'W ) .
( iorner , 7-x.V | ] feet , miutheail exirnor A oml
Ilellnvild street , eit.'iidlnLfrom Hellnvuo direct
back to the now jiark ; n big bargain If taken
quick ,
Uit n. blk , Bl , near comer V and 2.1th nt , ECS.
I/itH" HiulK , blk M , conicrl'uiid iMh mrects ,
feet. . .
l/it li. blk 4i ( , ixixIM. II.IIX ) , onlv HOO caih.
Ixit HI block ia.nixl.Mlfe . tt72.i.
Uit a block 'J2 , east front COxIM on IlellontOBt ,
onyflMil ) Look this up.
( Kirner lot M and 27th HW. . 4.1xm feet. Tlili I *
one of thn bestpolntK in South Omaha to start n
retail tiiiHtness or jiut uji a building for rental
( teed bustnesH lot only half block from now
Jiasieiiger depot , price . , : ) , t7W ( cash , balance
one and twoi-cura.
If you are looking fur a good buslines * location
or an investment It will jiuy you to Investigate
thesibiirgolns at onre.
( leo. K. Hicks , SK > H st. 4S3 17
ITinit 8ALII A choice comer Int on Paninra
street near business c mter ; corner lot. 1'alr-
mount jiliiLe. suitable for cltiinr reildence or
business ; nine-room house rind lot vrlth Irarn ,
near Lake ; will n ll on monthly payments.
XiiHrni , liiir > 1'u.rnain st. 1K1 , lu
TT you want business property on Davenport ,
Capitol , Dodge. Turnum. Ifaniey , Howard.
lackson , .lones or Leavcnworth sts. , see Hell ic
McCamlllHh , 311 H. 15th. 231 lit
FOH RALEI.otri block fi. A. 8. Patrick's ad
eltlon , will sell for few duys at il.&V ) , lT i
cna\ \ > , balance easy.M ,77 lieu ofllcu , 147
.JOUTH Omaha lots-Hicks.
I Ci 17
FOIt SALiTlie : following bargains In South
Omaha for 10 days.
I/ts 2 , ! l , 4 and 8. blk TA 11.000 pach.
I/its ; i. r > . U and II , blk M , JWO each.
Lot 2 , blk Jii , Jilfi.
Lot 4. blk 1C , JWO ,
Ixit'i. blk 41) ) . if'M.
Lot 2 , blk 13 , ei. : .
C H. Mayue Heal Kstate t Trust Co. 425 JO
/ ONTlIMPLATi : the Improvements north then
V secure n lot in Tableland KS10 to STiO ; one-
tenth cash ; 810 jxir month or { . ' ) tmurterly. G.
> L Cooper , sole agt , 15H3 1'aniam. UeO 19
OMOIIK Lots at tlW , easy terms. II. P. . Cole ,
: iiis. ; 15th- w vi
, . } wanted in a deal ;
$ of Omaha's best realtv ; object , caiUl wi
yield large prolit. Address 0. 1 lists. 277 d2m
\ \