kli f 9fHpHWPPfl ! ir ; ! > $ pf Va : " Mt * . o THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 17 , 1887 ; THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICU NO. 12 , I'KAllIj BT11KET Delivered by carrier In any part of the city nt t unity cents per week. II. W TII.TON. Manager. TlhKl'IIONESl OFFICE , No. 43. NKIIIT Knmm ; No.J. . MINOR MKNTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Rcltcr , tailor , Full Roods cheap. Scu Cliajiinun'H pictures for C'hristmns. The notices nrc being prepared for the Jury men to bo hero on the id ! of January to pro ceed wltlrdistrlct court business. Gospel meetings by Hcv. I. H. Finch and wife , cviuiKcllstH. will commence at the col ored M. E. church Sunday evening. InvltiitimiH lire out for the wedding of Miss Jxittu Foi-iiiiiii , of this city , to Arthur ( J. liiiymcr , of Omnhn , ni-xt Wednesday , Mrs. .1 , W. Merrill nerved mi oyster supper to the liiicUnicii of the city nt Egyptian res taurant , Sill liruadwuy , Thursday evening. To this date thirteen applications have been made for ministerial rullroad | ierinits. Twenty It the usual number issued at this point. All the railroads In the Western Passenger association will charge full passenger faro hereafter for every corpse that Is shipped over their Hues. Dr. Segbcrt WHS thrown from his buggy by n collision on 1'carl street Thursday evenhig and considerably bruised. * The horse run away and \vreclied the buggy. The merchants report n better holiday trade than for years past. The displays of goods urn i-ertuinly larger mid liner than ever before In the history of the city. W. W. Chapman closed a contract yester day with thii Union 1'ucltlu olllciuls for fram ing MX ) lime cards. They are to bo In oalt frames mid distributed at the usual points. The details are being arranged for anjclo cutionary and musical entertainment , which will bo given at the Hroadway Methodist church on the evening of the "JM instant. Miss .leiinio Shoemaker , u twelve-year-old elocutionist of phenomenal powers , has been engaged to appear. Opinions differ n to the electric lights. They are being watched closely , and their jwwer tested in various ways. The expecta tions have been almost as high as the masts , and It is 'a < iucstioi in the minds of some whether both have not been put up too high. It is a little early yet to pass Judgment , for in all such enterprises It takes u little time to Bccuro the bcsCrcsults. It is suggested that the time draws near for the UaK'tlonian ' club to bo making some move for the observance of Hums' birthday. The last celebration was < pilto a success , and proved an enjoyable affair. It was enthusias tically avowed by the participants that thorn idiould bo a like occasion each your , but so far as is known there seems to bo no rekindling of the enthusiasm , which seems to have died out. out.The The order of the mayor requiring tight boxes , with high end boards , to bo used by the dirt haulers , is not voluntarily obeyed , nor is obedience enforced. Rickety boxes with low end-boards are used by some and the dirt is distributed along the streets trav eled. There is already upon the pavement of Hroadway the accumulated illth of the past year and this is being added to by the carelessness referred to. If the mayor's order was intended to bo enforced , why Is it not done I _ T. B. JJaldwiu sells lots. Beautiful Christinas cards at cost at Muuller "Music Co.'a Watches cheap at Kirklaml.'s , 321 Broadway. "The" Corner Hook Store. Books , panics , A. B. C. blocks , fancy Roods and almost everything you want lor Christmas presents. Personal. W. II. Ware has returned from Avocn. Judge Carson is at home for a brief stay. stay.Miss Miss Carrie Stevens has arrived home from Chicago. W. D. liutlcr , of Ooonc , was a visitor hero yesterday. Jacob Sims went to Avoca on legal busi ness yesterday. lion , C. J. Wyland , of Harlan , was in the city yesterday. S. U. Fruni , the county commissioner , is at the Pacific house. Ed Adams is at homo after a six month's visit at Fort Madison. Samuel Haas returned from a western bus iness trip yesterday morning. O. K. I'uddock and H. E. Hawlcy , of Pcrclval , la , , took in the Bluffs yesterday. Hal .1. Miller , of Cedar Huplds , one of the sharpest commercial tourists , was at the I'ncille yesterday , looking after the interests of his pickling establishment. W. S. Danner , of DCS Moincs , assistant stale secretory of the Y. M. C. A. , has been in the elt5f during the past two days arrang ing for the future work of the organization in this city. Conductor Pike , of the Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul , has resigned. He is suc ceeded by Conductor Vundercook , whoso trains , Nos. 5 amlO , were discontinued on the 4th of this month. C. IX Dike , who travels for n grocery house , was at the Pacillo yesterday. His llrst stop with the Fergusons was fully a Kcoro of years ago , when they were keeping hotel in the northern part of the stu\o. \ Mr. Al Wagner , a station agent at Glen- wood , has been transferred to Shcniuidoah. to succeed Mr. A. B. West , who has resigned Ids position there with the Chicago , Uurlmg- ton & Ouincy , to accept a better one nt Chey enne , Wye. , with the U. & M. Mr. West is u llrst-clusa railroad man , and his many friends wish him abundant success in his locution. Fine wall pockets , broom cases , etc. , nt cost. Mueller Music Co. Christmas presents , Durham's , ! ? Main Badly Scnld.'cl. Stewart's packing house has boon an tin fortunate place for employes this week. Yesterday the second accident of thn past few days occurred. An employe named Martin O'Haro , who works in the vat room , opened the lid of one of the vats before the water had all drained off through the escape pipe and was Instantly deluged with boiling water. Ho was badly scalded and was con voyed in the patrol wagon to his homo on Avenue E , two blocks from the Eighth street school house , and attended by Dr. Harstow. He is badly , blistered , but will bo able to resume work'In two or three weeks. .Call at Adam's shoo store and get r dilemma free. Cranberries , lOc per quart , Troxoll Bros. _ "Tho" Corner Hook St'orc. Don't fail to visit this now grant More , opposite opera houso- and uov pobtollico. Fine display of holiday goods , cheap too. Sick Clillilrcii at the Home. The condition of some of the little ones n the Christian home for the friendless 1 very pitiable. There are rtfty-nlno homclcs ones , all under nine years of ujjo , now beini caVcdforln that Institution , and sixteen nr suffering with the mumps. One is dungei ously sick with n brain disease , and anothe with lung fever. Mrs. Dakan , the matron has more than her hands full , and is deny In herself of much needed rest in caring fo them. Solid and plated wiiro at Bui-horn's Always nt the Front. \\o Imvo now one of the most coir ploto stock of line and modlum-priuc watches and chains , diamonds , gold jo\\ t'lry , line marble clocks , silver and plate ware , gold-headed canes , , umbrella ; opom nud Hold glasses , and all th btnndnrd styles of the leading novoltk of the season. AH prices to low'tts t defy nil competition. At No. 27 Sout Mam btrcet. C. B. JACQUEMIN & Co. THE MS IN THE BLUFFS , A Packing House Employe Badly Scalded But Not Fatally. WORK OF A LONG-FACED FRAUD. The l > iiliiiic Decision Itnthcr Din- opurnKltiK I-or the HnlooiiH A Choice Mitnlcut Programme \ Tenth Avenue Injunction , Ilnttirr Chilly For Ruinous. Judge Shirus , of the United States district court for the northern district of Iowa , has remanded all brewery and saloon cases before - fore him to thcstato courts , and Judge Love , of the southern district , has received similar Instructions. ( This ruling of the federal court Is of vital importance to liquor dealers throughout the state. A Hun reporter yes terday called upon Attorney llaldcnc , who has been defending the Council Hluffs , cases , to get his opinion in regard to the llnal effect of the decision upon the saloon men and brewers. "Mr. Haldcnc , what is this ruling of the federal court going to do with the liquor cases I" asked the reporter. "Why , it just knocks them all in a heap. It is a foregone conclusion with the saloon cases In this and other cities , but that is what wo have been expecting all along. This decision cannot effect our brewery case , however , for we fought the law on altogether different grounds In this case than in the saloon cases , and n different point is involved. The ground taken in these other cases was sure to result in this way , and it has been so prophesied for some time. We wcro making our light on an issue that seemed to us to offer a much greater chance of success than this one , but it may bo that It will meet with the same fate. Our case has not , yet been passed ujion. Notice has been given , but the cnso has neither been argued nor sub mitted. " "When will Judge Love render a decision in thiucusof" "Well , that is something that I can't say. Ho is not quite as abrupt in such matters as some , but 1m will have to make two rulings to cover both the saloon and brewery cases of this city. Of course the saloon cases are practically settled , but wu cannot yet tell whether Mr. Ccise's valuable property in the eastern part of the city will bo rendered a useless load on his hands or not. This ques tion Interests both producers and consumers , and the Html rulings will bo watched with much interest. The 'liaek stairs' system will not bo solely depended upon as long as the front ones are open. When a man wants a drink ho Is bound to have it , federal courts to the contrary notwithstanding.1 These decisions will not prevent cases from being carried to the federal court , Imt it will cut off all possibility of evading the final issue by delays and appeals , for thev will bo immediately remanded to the state courts. It looks as though the long-looked-for en forcement of the prohibition law is near at hand. The lines arc narrowing so that either the law must bo repealed or the saloon men go to jail. The violation of injunctions is a risky business , and the chances of escaping the consequences are very limited. Two more decisions by Judge Love , one of them already known , and the" lUfuor business of this city will be finally settled. For best quality coal and wood , call on Oleason , lii ( I'carl street. Gold pens and pencils at E. Bui-horn's. The line of Christmas cardsaud book lets at Til H COHN'KU book store can't bo beat. - * - One thousand bead of one. two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. .1. Grcoimmayer , 02U Mynster st. telephone 1U1. * No need to bo witliotit a sewing ma chine when yon can pay for one in work at the Doinc ie olllco , 107 Main street. Call and see. Diamonds at Mrs. E. Bin-horn's. Full of Music. A select musicale was given last evening at the homo of Miss Julia Oftlcer. The event was both elegant and enjoyable. The pro gramme was arranged as follows : Waltz "Lcs Patihours"- . Wuldteufel Mandolin and Guitar Quintet Club. Song "U Came With the MorryMuy" . .Tosti Mr. Urigham. Piano ( a ) "Norwegian Wedding Procession" . Grleu ( b ) "Waltz No. 2" . Chopin Mine. Muentforing. Aria , from "La Sonnambnla" Bellini Mrs. Wadsworth. Duet "Tho Songof the Birds , " op. 07. .Rubinstein Miss Morkcl and Mrs. Evans. Song "Saneta Maria" Fauro Mr. Treynor. "La Mclmicollo , " for violin Prumo Mr. Huetcns. fa ) "Legends , " op. 5 Mohring ( b ) " 'TisHutthoSparrows"rwiUcr".Otto St. Cecilia Lady Quartette. "O Happy Day" Gotzo Mr. Hrigham. "Andante and Hondo" Mendelssohn Mine. Muentfering. "Spanish Serenade" Arranged Mandolin and Guitar Quintet Club. Opera glasses at Mrs. E. Bui-horn's. Klrkland will give you bargains in watches , clocks and jewelry , * Every one making n cash purchase o 25 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cigar store gets a chance in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes. Holiday goods at Mrs. E. Burhorn's. 30 bars of Peisian soap , $1.00 , nt Troxoll Bros , ' For Sale By Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. , 23U Main st. , Council Bluffs. Lots 0 and 10 , block 1 , Koster's addition tq Omaha. These two very desirable lots are offered for sale this week for $3,000 , one-third cash. r Opium , morphine habits cured. DR. BELLING Ell , UHB'way , Council Bluffs. The Dirt Flylnjj. "Tho past two days , " said the county re corder to the UEK man , "havo been the live liest two consecutive days in real estate transfers that I have ever witnessed. Why , look at this. " Before him was a pile of deeds which represented many thousand dollars Hero Is the substance of a few : Frtuik S , PusoytoJohn T. Stewart , flfty-llve lots-h : Brown's subdivision , jd.UoO . : Spencer Smltli to Charles T. Ofllccr , twenty-nine lota In the G rogg tract , $ . " > ,000j Spencer Smith toJOste 1C. Smith , thirty-four lots in the Gregg tract W.OOO ; K A. Benson to A. 1C. Uiley , two lots In Benson's second addition$1.000 ; K , A Benson to E. T. Nichols , sis lots in Benson's tlrst addition , $1,100 ; J. P. Casady to D. E , Glcnson , the whole of block 10 , Pierre's sub divison , * . - > , < KX ) ; A. J. Ulce to Margaret Peter son , lol > in Johnson's addition , $1,500 ; Johr SUInklo to Frank Hilditeh , two lots In Beers subdlvihion , * 1SK ( ) ; A. B. Howe to Sarah E , Shearer , two lots in Stutsman's addition ami hixty-nvo feet of lot 20 in Johnson's addition , fl.WO ; A. H. Howe to Charles Shcarer.thrci jots in Itullroiul addition , f UK ) : Citizens' Sav ings bank , St. Louis , to Omalw & St. Louis railway company , lot S in block 10 , Williams addition , $ .VW ; Mary Gallagher to J. K. Hico part of lot ! i in Jackson's addition , , SOO ; D L. . ( Reason t j Sarah M. Burns , four lots It Plerce's subdivision , J 1,200. Council Bluffs has never witnessed such sic t ivlty at the same season of t ho'ycar us tltis.nm thu prediction Is made-ami it will surch como true- that as soon ns the business incl dent to the holidafseuson Is over the full nt tcntlon of the people will bo directed t .varO the development of the city and such nctivit ; as wo never yet have seen will pervade rea estate and building. Foreseeing men , om year ajrMorctold this future for the city but iMhelr anxiety , prophcsied.lt' ' to oomi to- pass within a single year. Matter Of suel Importance and magnitude cannot bo accom plished In a month or year , but a grand fu ture for the city is assured , and the things that will make It so ore here with us and will be developed as tepidly ns can be done with safety to all Interests involved. Ijulics hats and bonnets at half price at H. Friedman's * . For Christmas gifts go to Kirklnnd's. You don't have to buy shoes to get a tlilcininiu'ut Adams' free. J. W. and K. L. Squire lend money. No Need of Alarm. There has been some sharp newspaper criticism of Mr. J. J. Shea for having en joined the Union Pacific on Tenth avenue until the company should take steps to settle damages to lots' owned by him. There has been a great anxiety on the part of citizens to havo-this enterprise go aheadand the Injunc tion evidently nettled some , especially zeal ous republicans who saw u chance to drlvu n sharp point against the democratic county clerk. The Nonpareil has had a personal grudge against Mr. Shen , which doubtless gives It the needed Inspiration for n lengthy and leading editorial. The injunction Is not a very serious matter.-for It Is only n temporary obstruction to the progress of the \vork of laying the track. It was hoped by many that there would not even bo this much of a hitch , but there is no need of looking at the injunc tion as a terrible blow to the future of this city. The simple fact , ns viewed from Mr. Shea's ' standpoint , is that the Union Pacific eomprtliy has not taken any steps to tlx the amount of his damages. No appraisers had been appointed , and as the work was pro ceeding ho simply sought to force the com pany to have the damaucs passed upon In the usual manner , by appraisers , as the law pro vides. Ho has made no demand for any spec ified sum , but simply wants the usiii'l form followed for deciding whether there are dam ages , and if so bow much they are. It was on this ground that ho got the Injunction. This Is about all there is to the affair over which there has been such excited talk. You can save money by buying your IUMDAV PKKSKN'TS at II. Friedman's. Kntiro change in programme of prices it Adams' . Call lor dilemma , free. The Central dmy store , under J. D. Stuart , has been enlarged and rofur- lishod with a complete stock of fresh drugs. Fine holiday bookw , stationery , cutlery and musical { foods at low prices. At tins Hospital. One of the sisters iu charge of St. Uer- lavd's hospitul is suffering from a violent , lemon-lingo of the lun s. During n part of ho tlmo that the man Vuncc , who wns struck ivcr the head with a. shovel , was laid up hero ho was delirious , and it required the inited efforts of several of the sisters to pre vent him from hurting himself. On the night of the Sth inst. ho wits worse thun usual , mid the strain upon the sister's strength resulted is stated above. The ijistcr had been iu poor lenlth some time previously , and her present condition is very serious. The working force ) f the hospital wns yesterday increased by he arrival of four more sisters , who will re- icvo those formerly in charpo of some of their work of love and charity. E. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. OIl ! J oOO Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-titairs. Adams' dilemma explains all about [ irizc soon to bo frivon. Wadsworth , Etnyro &Co. loan money ConfldenuliiK A meek visagcd , pious-looking : sort of a fraud nas been victimising the clergymen of this part of the world lately. Those who wear the clerical cloth should especially bo on their guard against him. At Missouri Valley he called on Kcv. Mr. Hcstwood and borrowed SJ1 on the strength of a pathetic story about having a dying mother nt Dcnni- n , whoso bedside ho must reach at once. Ho was next heard from at Logan , where lie borrowed a like amount of Kcv. Mr. Thorn- bruc , with the same sort of a story , with variations. At Carroll ho was trying to make another loan to enable him to go to the bedside of another of his numerous but dying relatives. One of his former victims chanced to appear on the scene and the schemer was forced to put up collateral for his loans and then allowed to depart. Gold headed canes at E. Burhorn's. Thirty lots in Beers' subdivision for sale. Johnston & Van Patten , 33 Main btrcet. Gold and silver watches at Burhorn's. Finishing the Court House. The court house grounds are being graded , and the rubbish that has been accumulating during the past two years is being removed. The north and south entrances of the build ing will soon bo in condition for use. The handsome black walnut doors have been hung , and the greater number of tho. offices and court rooms have been cased and pnn- elcd. Although the work of finishing is a particularly slow one. it will bo pushed to enable Judge Thornell to open the January term there on the 1st of next month. Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. Pine mixed cnndies , He per lb. , Troxell Bros. Special sale of handkerchiefs at II. Friedman's. Police Points. The police court fines assessed yesterday morning were H. Komino , $7.00 , drunk ; Pat Plggott , ? 10 for ap | > earttnee , forfeited. Jnmes Smith was arrested on complaint of his wife charging him with vagrancy. The case was continued. "Doc" Roberts failed to appear to imswcr to the charge of cruelty to animals. Ho wns trying to break a inUr of bronchos with the assistance of u quart of whisky , but found them too much for him , and was brcakiog them nlccemcul with a club when arrested. _ Fine jewelry nt Burhorn's , 17 Main. Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. * Silk mudlers very cheap nt II. Fried man's , . - . An order of the White Cross was organ ized at tl e Hroadway Methodist church ln-st evening. Dr. MonUromery delivered a lec ture on "Purity of The Body. " Uev. W. H. W. HCQS gave a short address In which ho explained the aims and objects of the order. The attendance was rather light , but several new members were secured. It Is the pres ent intention to hold meetings every month or oftcnor. The department took out the now truck for a practice spin yesterday afternoon. The run was made to bos 1'J , at the upper end of Broadway. After returning the long exten sion ladder was raised at the city mills. Everything worked favorable , and the boys uro getting the work down lino. The only thing wanting is4m occasion to use it. "It's only a question of time , " and a short time , too , as to when your rheu matism will yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla , Try it. The Man Who Homed Vnmlerl > ( fl. R. R. Cable , proshlont and general manager of the Rock Island road , sits at n big desk , which , if ho is absent from it two days , is covered a foot deep with lettors'and telegrams. Ho is one of the most approachable of the railroad magnates. The door of his olllco opens without let or hindrance to every caller , Anil the visitor , bo ho great or little , is sure of a polite welcome. Ho is a typical westerner in appearance , this tall , broad-shouldered nutn with firm face udorned by u moustache and DO YOU INTEND TO BUY ZFXfcTO OIK SO , 1:707 - IS PIANOS THE KUM.'KHT. HICIIKM-TONK. I OnoANs-SxiooTti IN Toss. 1'IANOS TUB IMTKNT HTVI.BS IN ( 'ASK * . I OlIOANlS fOI.I. IN Vlll.tlMK. PIANOS Tin : MOST JlcAUTifiti. PINIHH. I UIIIMNK KI.KIIANTI.Y l-'iNWitr.ii CASKS. " iJovvlEr5 , ' ± 'zauJV3sr : We Defy All Competition nntl Ghnllnngc a Comparison of Oooila and Prices With Any HOIIRO In the U'ent. SEE US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE ! SWANSON MUSIC COMPANY , 329 WEST BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. DR. C. B. JUDD , M'F'G'R ' ' , ELECTRIC BELTS AND TRUSSES , NO. 000 BROADWAY , COU.XCIL ULUFFS , ; ; ; t : ; IOWA. WANTED-GOOD SALESMEN ON LARGE COMMISSION OR SALARY Shortclifffbeard , now nearly white , keen eyes , and quick , decisive speech. Cable has been a railroader for twenty years , but not until his memorable contest with Willinm II. Vnndorbilt for the control of the Rock Island was he much known outside of Illinois. Cable and II. II. Porter , directors , had the temerity to differ with Vanderbilt as to the policy of tlio road , and the latter decided to got rid of them. This seemed an easy pro cess for the plutocrat. His will had never been crossed , and up to this time the directory of the roads in which ho held stock had been made up at his dictation. Uut Cable and Porter wcro not made of yielding material. They prepared for a light in the annual election. While Vnndorbilt contented himself with advertising for proxies de pending on the prestige of his name to attract the stockholders , Cable and Parlor went actively to work upon them personally , visiting the smaller ones , tho'widows and orphans and trustees whose funds whoso funds were invested in the great Iowa lino. When the elec tion came oil , to his utter astonishment , the king wns routed. It was his first defeat. This gave Cable a. national fame. He is a very hard worker , spend ing seven or eight hours a day at his desk ; and on his frequent tours of in spection ho carries along a clerk or two. lie is a genial and companiomiblc man , who bears his heavy responsibilities as financial and executiqe head of the great corporation very easily. A Hiiro Thine. There are very few things in this lifo of which wo may bo absolutely certain , but this is one of them : that Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative PoUets' ' have no equal as a cathartic in derangements of the liver , stomae.h and bowels. They are very small and their action is pleas ant. Purely vegetable , perfectly harm- "css. 2 ! > cents a vial. AlPdruggibts. A Xixht in n TITO. Sail nonnrdhio Courier : C. II. Wil- l\ins and Edward Somers lived in the White cam ] ) . Saii'Antonio canyon. Re timing to their bouse about the time of midnight t.batrwas the dividing line between the Kith and liOth of the pres ent month , they were very disagreeably surprised to see _ by the light of their lan terns a mountain lion in the act of go ng under the bulling. Having no irms with them , mid knowing that the lloor of their domicile was a a Ilims y af fair and could easily bo torn to pieces liy the dangerous nuimal , they consid ered a tree near by their only refuge , and upon such consideration , they limbed the tree with that dexterity which frequently ae- companinies danger. Comfort iibly ensconced among the boughs , they spent the night waiting for the day light. It came , but it placed t he occu pants of the tree in even a more dan gerous predicament than before. The lion still possessed the premises , and Jo descend would place those who might injudiciously attempt a descent in dan ger of being eaten bodily. At about noon Colonel Hopkins , Dave Wixom. Mrs. Van Clivo and Miss Eva Goodrich appeared on the scene in a carriage , when informed by the dwellers among the braneees of the state of af fairs Mr. Wixom killed the lion with a ball from a rille and announced that the gentlemen might descend in safety. Ed. Iluce is now tanning the hide of the animal , which will be presented tea a gentleman well known in this city. Don't if ' you're wise Credit plausible lies With HO2ODONT comparing some cheap ar ticlc. ticlc.No No dentifrice that's sold Spite of protestations bold Of resemblance has to it the smallest parti cle. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SPECIAL advertisements , such as LostFound , To Loan , For Sale , To Hent , Wants , Hoarding , etc. ; will bo Inserted In this rolnnm at the low rateofTUN CKNTS PEIl LINE for th llrht In sertion and Five Cents 1'er l.lno for i-uch subse quent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our office No. 1" 1'e.irl Street , near Hroadway , Coun cil lllutls , Iowa. WANTS. FOH HENT The large hall. Wlx34. lighted by eight windows and miltublu for largo nlli- cesor club rooms. Directly over llnttn' Call' fornla fruit store , 10 Pearl st. Horace Everett , WANTED Wl women to buy sowing ma chines ; will give them morn than enougli work to pay for them. Doiuoitiu olllce , lit Main st. FOB HENT Six-room cottage. Household goods forsalu ut a bargain. " 7 North 7th st \\7ANTED- First class gardener , without capital , to work extenslrit garden 01 : shares. First class chance. Address Josciil ' ; Smith , Council llluirs , la. FOH HENT Two furnished room * with heat gas , and hnth room. With or wlthoul board. For gentlemen only. Sirs. Stephciibou Park avo. near Ogden honi-o. TpXCHANOE-OmRlm and Council HlulTs prop Ji eity and western land for stocks of iner chnmlUe. Call on or addict .1. 11 , Christian , ZOJ Hroadway , Council lllutls , la. T OST A nickel-plated Chatelaln watch , rib XJ bon attached. Keturu to 11 7 , Ueo olllcu Council llluns. FOH SALE OH EXCHANHE-Eqnlty of l shares in Jeffries syndicate. Immlre ol Odell llros. Ar Co. FOHHALE-Very cheap for cash , or would exchange for Council Illulls or Omaha prop crty , a retul stock of boots and shoes valued al about W.OiiO. ( 'all at store. No. tt)8 ) Hroailway. 01 address H. Martin , sauio number , Count ! HhitlK , la. B1OH SAI.E-Seoond-hand Columbia bicyclf very cheap , K-liich , at Iteo oltlce. BUII.DINU lots and aero property for halo b\ F. J , Day , aa Pearl st. FOH HENT A finely furnished front room llrst Moor. In private residence near court house. Water In room , lighted and heated Larno closet. Heferenres required. Address II I' ' , Ueo ollice , Council Mutts. RARE CHANCE ! MUST BE SOLD The desirable residence or business . . . . . known as the Towers 1'lace , on Upper Hroad way opposite the.M. K. church.'Will positively he sold within I tic next thirty days. Turmt > Une-thlrd ca h , balance In one ' and two years Addre88bldstoCEOROE R/BEARb. Omaha , N b. , U1T and J31V Doufilas tit. WM. WELCH , Carriage and Express Line. OKF1OI2 nin SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone No. 111. All mils from District Telegraph Otllco promptly attended to. GREAT DISCOUNT SALE - Ol20 riSll CENT ON HATS AND GAPS FOR GASH. 1514 DOUGLAS STREET , - - - OMAHA. FOR GOOD MATERIAL HONEST WORK - XJo ro ( - IF YOU GO TO MISSOURI VALLEY STOP AT TUB St , ELMO HOTEL ! Sample Rooms Attached. W. 15. IRWIN , Prop. FURNITURE ! We arc now prepared for the HOLIDAY TRADE ! Our Immense buildings uro packed full of the most BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT GOODS In our line , and nt prices that will defy com petition. Wo guarantee our poods to be Just as wo represent them. Please give us a call whether you wish to buy or not , and brine your friends with you. It is no trouble to show our goods. Respectfully , C. A. BEEBE & CO. OGDEN BOILER WORKS CAUTEU & SOX , Prop's. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheef Iron Work , Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Kith Avenue. Ad dress 0 den Holler Works. Council DliilTs , Iowa. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS 500 IlrooJwny Oiuncll ItlutTx , Iowa. Established D. H. McDANELD & CO. , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. KO and STJ Main Strcet.CouncIl lllutTs.Iowa. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! BTANDAHD , UNDEH HULE C. IADECARY , Council Blnffs , Star Stables and Mule Yards Uioadway , Council Illulfs , Opp. Dummy Depot. florses and mnles constantly on hand , for sale at retail or In cur load lots. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. 'Htock commission. sold on Telephone 1U. . . KCHI.UTRH & HOLF.V. Opposite Uuiuuiy Depot , Council Uluffs. SPECIAL SALE ! OF CLOAKS , LADIES' UNDERWEAR COMr FORTS , BLANKETS , ETC. , COMMENCING MONDAY , NOVEMBER 28TH. We shall offer a large stock of Cloaks and Ladies' Wraps , and Ladies' Underwear at about HALF their value. You will get your gift in the value of your purchase and "without the uncertainty of chance. This gale is to clean out this part of our stock , as wo must have the room for other goods , $20.00 $ Cloaks at $10.00 $ $10.00 $ Cloaks at $5.00 $ $17.00 $ Cloaks at $8.50 $ $12.00 $ Cloaks at $6.00 $ $10.00 CLOAKS AT $5.00. PRICES CUT IN HALF. THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. REMEMBER THE PLAGE , HARNESS BROS. , ,401 Broadway. WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR . TAKE A TRIP THROUGH HENRY EISEMAN & CO.'S ' PEOPLES STORE P And you will see what a scope there is for Christmas Trading in our Immense Establishment. We have made Large Preparations and Great Exertion to show the LARGEST & BEST ASSORTMENT OF FANCY GOODS EVER OFFERED IN OUR LINE. Our Fancy Goods and Toy Department is Complete in every respect , and our prices are jiist about ONE-HALF those quoted elsewhere. GRAND OPENING DISPLAY DURING THIS WEEK. It will pay you to take a look through our house and BOO the novelties of the season. Every department will have Special Attractions. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AT TENTION AT HENRY EISEMAN & CO. , PEOPLE'S STORE 314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA