THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 17 , 1887 GRAIN DEALERS' ' INSURANCE , Attorney General Leone Decides That It Is Illegal. NVORK OF NEBRASKA SCHOOLS. An TntPrcKtlfiK Kxhlhlt to He Mnclo Ily the Htnto I'cnchcrn' Association District Court Cnnes Other Lincoln News. frnoM Tin : nni s i.ixcoi.x Attorney General Lccso furnished the nu- dltor an opinion yesterday on the question of the right ot tlio Nebraska Grain Dealers' as- Roulation to transact Insurance business in the stute. In thu rovlow of the case und the work done by the grain dealer ; } the attorney general Is of the opinion , mid so" expresses It , thnt the association was entirely opposed to transacting business contrary to law nnd' be lieved they were nctlngstrictly In accordance therewith. Tlio trouble scorns to exist hi the fact that since the organization of the asso ciation the Insurance p.irt has been added , and their constitution and by-laws as grain dealers are unsultcd to the Insurance clause of Incorported mutual companies. THO nt- torney general does not llnd any grounds for the statement that they arc doing business under their present constitution. On the contrary , they nro doing business In conform ity with the act governing mutual insurance nnd which their constitution docs not cover. The attorney general , therefore , sny.s that as the association Is drnftiiign now cohstltutlon that will cover the law , ho does not bellovo that , pending this change , the ends of Justice demand legal proceedings to oust the asso ciation. ' KxmniTox or rnooi , wonK. Thu state superintendent has issued the following circular : Arrangements are being rnnde to have n general exhibit of school work in Nebraska at the the next State Teachers' association nt Fremont. I hope to secure nnd have on exhibition at Fremont , school work from Homo of the eastern Btatrs that our teachers may see what is being dojiu in this direction elsewhere. A committee will have charge of the exhibits and make such awards us our means will allow. The following general sub jects are suggested and arrangements will bo inndofor then-display : Industrial clussDrnw - ings , wood and iron work , tools etc. , work of state industrial school at Kearney , work from the deaf und dumb institution at Omaha , from llio blind asylum at Nebraska City , work from the Omaha manual training school , needlework , recipes for cooking , 4 ' home-made tools , physical apparatus and us- says on the trades , occupations nnd sciences. Tcchiilcnl Class Pupils written work by crudes on the various subjects taught , exam- , million papers In geogrnphy , arithmetic , , grammar , civil government , history , etc. , J/ map drawing , relief maps , iwninanshlp , 'do- | nlgns and other drawings , illustrated methods ' * of teaching. / Kindergarten Class For children under { t seven years of ago. penmanship , slate work , Froehel's ' gifts and occupations. This circular is merely a preliminary notice of the desire cxprcssed'to have an exhibition < of this kind nt Fremont in connection with the State Touchers' association In the spring of ISbS. I hope tlio superintendents and principals of graded schools will take an In terest in this exhibit. The county superin tendents will bo able to llnd many good schools and teachers among these under their supervision who can prepare something to send to Fremont. This being the llrst at tempt to have a state exhibit I shall bo pleased to receive at nn early day any sug gestions or promises of aid in the matter. I will send out n circular early In January giv ing moro dcllnito directions regarding the putting together of exhibits , when und where to send them with other details. Gno. B. LANK , State Supt. NBW CASKS IN 1M3TIIICT COUIIT. Jennie G. Snyder has lllcd a petition in the district court for divorce from her husband , David A. Snydcr , the petition reciting that thnt they were married In 18ST , nt Plum Creek , Neb. , nnd that almost from that day ho has cruelly deserted her mid utterly failed to provide for her , for which desertion she asks divorce nnd to have restored her maiden uamo of 'Odello. Ulchnrd Murphy brines suit against H. C. Ulttenbcnder to declare void bonds given to cover title ami payment ou certain city property given some years ago. The Mursollles Manufacturing company , of Illinois , has commenced suit against * Fred II. Truver , Jumos K. Housholder and Samuel MtChty to recover $11X1 and interest from 1885. The petition recites that the defend ants have Interests In some lands and the petition calls upon the court to determine the interest nnd grant Judgment in the case , roui/ritv ANI > i-r.r STOCK ASSOCIATION. The llfth annual exhibition of the Nebraska Poultry and Pet Stock association will beheld held In Lincoln January 0 to 14 , 1S8S , und the premium list nnd rules are now printed and ready for distribution by the secrctary , Gor- hnm F. Hetts , of Lincoln. The premiums are liberal and voluminous and sufllclont to at tract n largo attendance of exhibitors and the business men Of Lincoln have contributed liberally In the work of special premiums. The oftlccrs of tlio association are H. H. Wat son , Grand Island , president ; H. J. Macy , Sterling , vice president : Gorhaui F. Hetts , Lincoln , secretary and treasurer ; M. W. Nclhart , Nebraska City , recording secretary : J. M. Gilchrist , Mnrshalltown , la. , Judge of poultry exhibit. TO itKCKivr. TIII : niMior. Messrs. FiUgurnld , Egan and Sutton , the committee in charge of the reception to bo tendered' the new Catholic bishop , Kov. Thomas ISonucum , have arranged for * a pub lic meeting at Funko's opera house on Tues day evening next , to bo attended by the Catholics and citUens generally of Lincoln. Governor Tlmyor is announced to preside and ho will also speak In welcome to the bishop rin behalf of the state. Mr. L. W. IliUingnly , of the city council , will deliver the address of welcome on behalf of the city and John P. Sutton will welcome the bishop on behalf of tho.congregation of St. Theresa "church. The i-oecption to the reverend gentleman will un doubtedly be most cordial. i.inniiu , coNTiunUTioNs. Thu Lincoln branch of the Irish National league has vollccted and forwarded In the very ohott tlnut of a week over * 1,800 to aid hi swelling the nnti-bvlctlon fund in rrelnnd. This is raised by the Lincoln branch , ox- elnsivo of the ? l,000 sent by President Fitz gerald , and is made up of voluntary contri butions secured without any systematic canvass - vass for funds. It speaks well for the energy nnd liberality of the Lincoln branch of the Irish National Lenguo uf America , hTATR IIOISR 1TUMS. Attorney General Lccso and State Oil Inspector specter Caldwcll weru passengers for Omaha last evening ou a business trip. Commissioner Scott , Mrs. Scott , Miss Lot tie Ivan und Miss Maud Scott are homo from Kearney , where Mr. Scott was called by'tho Illness of his brother. Dr. Gerth and Commissioner Abbey hnvo returned from attending the convention of live stock commissioners that has been in session at Sprlngllold , 111. , the past week. Notices wcro sent out yesterday by the land co'mmlssloimr to some three hundred de linquents on school land leases and sales In tlio counties of Otoo , Lancaster , Merrick and Hall. Other counties will receive like at tention in the near future. MW : SOTAHIISS. Governor Thaycr has Issued commissions to the following additional notaries public : Mntcom L. Todd , Nantaskct , liuffalo county ; Kobfnsoit W. llurton , Hcrwyn , Custcr county ; C. W. H. Lucbert , Calloway , Cuslor county ; George H. Fair , Dakota City ; Gcorgo J. Kelley - ley , Stockvllle , Frontier county ; T. D. Cob- hey , Wymoro ; L. W. Morgan , Pullet-ton , Nanco county ; Gcorgo A. Clapp , Brock , No- inaha county ; James F.Thrasher , LoupCity , Mierman comity ; S. H. Cam-on. Ord , Valley gounty ; A. L. Squire , Arcadia , Vnlloy county ; a1. II. Slowoll , Francis , Wheeler county ; W. 9. Vance , Innvale , Webster county. llenl Kstnto Transfers. D Wlesmnn nnd wlfo to S Urodko lot 1. blk 4 , Uush & Sclby'B addw d. . . $ ! S S Hrodkoy and wlfo to ! * hmk Schlthln lots 4 to 6 , blk , Hush & Selby'i add wd 000 Frank Hilbert und wife to Caleb Win ter , s.f n 120 ft of wK # lot i nnpmi'sndd , wd. 1,200 W G Albright and wlfo to Milton Mo- Dcrinit , lots tl nnd la , blk 3 aub-dlv , blk 37 Hlbright's choice , wd 1,000 E J Winters et nl to Aug SchatTorjHJt , lot 22 , blk 2 , Gate City park , w d. . . . 250 L , H Tower and wife to Hyron Ueed , part of sco 1-15-1U ( part of old river bed ) qcn 1 Jay J Skinner und wife to Alice .f Dayton , lot 0 , blk 8ft. Florence , w d. . 000 Klnorn Benkloy and husband to John L Plerson , w k n' < lot 3 , Hnscull's subdlv Okahomo , wd 800 Bpencer Otis and wlfo to Helen U Clark , lots 1 mid 3 , Bnkcr'sndd , wd. ' 1,200 Charles N Folsom et nl to John O'Hi-iirn , fiOxtiS ft In lot 7 , blk 0 and ' 2m ft in lot U , blk ( ! , 1st add South Omnhn. w d. 2,000 John O'Hcarn ' to The Public , S2x o ft , lot fl , blk 0,1st add South Omaha ( for nlloy ) , wd 1 Henry Curtis ntul wlfo to John F Uehtii , lot 1 , blk 'J , Potter ( t Cobb's odd , w d 473 CliaiincyO Howard mid wlfo to LA Harmon , lot 1 , blk 5 , Ml 1'Ie.isant Odd , wd COO Nelson Fnddcn uud wlfo to James F - Hoblusoii , lot 1 blk 7 Central Park mid , wd , 2f,00 8 Cunningham et id to Wendell Benson jiowor of attorney to release certain mortgages W J Maxwell to James F Morton , gen eral power of attorney ' . L Bishop ot nl to Martin Quick , n HO ft lot 8 and . ) , blk 10 Patrick's ! ! iul add w d 3,600 Robert A Findluy to Kichard A Morris lot 8 blk bfi South Omaha , w d 3,000 Margaret J Coojicr , rededicutloti of table land Alexander Finlaysou and wife to C Bolsley. n w X s w / sco5-13-14 , w d 40,000 Jos A Hnyncs to J O Hayncs , power of attorney to cancel mortgage. Ellory H Hume to Kliziihcth Mason , lot Ii , blk fl. Hawthorne , w d 825 Sarah B Klllott and husband to O II fiallou et al , e 50 ft lots 25 and 20 , blk 17 , Hanscom place , w d 6,000 Emma Itockfcllow and husband to O H Bullou ct al , lot 4 , blk 15 , Al bright's nnnex , w d 1.000 H Kfllngcr and wlfetoFicd K Kfllu- gcr , undlv l lot 1 , blk iilii , Omaha , wd 4,000 Jos ICotlal et al to Kruiitlska Kubovcc , lot 12 , blk 1 , Potter & Cobb's add , Wd 725 Total. . . . $71,273 SOUTH OMAHA NK\VB. F. A. Wltte , of Ord , brought in three loads of hogs. J. P. Widup has n car of hogs on the market. Hen C. Muyons , of Wood Hlvcr , is nttho exchange. .1. M. Cameron , of Raymond , marketed n loud of hogs. George Cfirlcton , of Fullerton , is ou the market. F. Snydcr. of Crcignton , Neb. , has a load of cattle on the market. G. M. Nollgh , of Anduhon , la. , registered at the Exchange hotel. - Mrs. David Anderson has boon seriously ill for the last few days. Ono rent per pound Is paid for dead hogs by the rendering companies. The Pacific Telegraph company hud a gang of men removing their poles west of the track yesterday. Lewis Hutlcr Is feeding cattle out nt Carlo , nnd Is looking over the yards preparatory to shipping. The K. of P. worked In the second degree lust night , and some of the members knajv moro now than a week ago. Swift Si Co. are M present killing about four hundred hogs per day. They are pick ing up all the light stuff offered. The Knights of Labor social club will hold n "Hard Times' Hall" on tho21st , nnd In view of the hard times have placed the price of tickets at forty-nlno cents. J. S. Provenchen , of Exter , Neb. , made his first venture in South Omaha yesterday. Ho formerly sold his stock to. country buyers , but this time shipped on his own account. Good cattle bring good pi Ices , but the ro- ccnt heavy receipts of light weights has to some extent demoralized tlfc market. Ship- pcrs In tlmo will learn that good beeves will ilnd as ready , sale hero as In Chicago. The present line weather has its draw backs , for some men sccin to think It will last nil winter. Five of them were in a saloon shaking dice yesterday to sec which ono wotld pawn his overcoat to pay for the driaks. Harry Jones started to celebrnto Christ mas last night , nnd by 12 o'clock was in the lock-up. Ho paid .Tndgo Keuthcr $ T > and costs and then started out to look for his pony , which had mysteriously disappeared during the celebration. Hoof nnd Horn , the new dally , will make its ap | > caranco on Monday next. Judging from the talent engaged it promises to bo a success , as the managing editor , J. A.Mo - Murphy , won n nnmo as editor of the Wuhoo Wusp , and his assistants , A. .T. Canghoy and O. E. Shannon , are both well nnd favorably known here. W. A. Koot will have charge of the advertising department. There Is n probability that extra men will bo put on the police force shortly. As it is Marshal Uico nnd his six men arc expected to patrol from the city limits to Sarpy county , and from the river , four miles back alto gothcr sixteen square miles. For this thu marshal received $63 nnd his men f-T less the 10 per cent discount it costs to cash their warrants They are allowed the usnnl county fees to offset this , but the pa.\ is Inadequate to the \vork , and the number of men , to the extent of ground they cover CREAM BAKING Its superior excellence proven in mllllons ot homes former * thun a fiuarter of n century. It Is nscil by llio United Ht-iite ( loverninent. lin- dorseil liy the hoaili of the cruat unlvcrsltlos , as Hie Strongest. I'uroet niul Most llonltliful. Dr. 1'rlCtVa th only IJiiltliiR Powder tli t does not contain Ammonln. Ltrae or Alum. Sold m\\y \ in cam. I'UIRRllAKINQ 1'UWDEll CO. . Now York. Chlcucto. . St. Louis. J. B. HAYNES , Ol'KICIAL STENOGRAPHER , Tlilrd Judicial IMstrlrt , 37 CI1A.M11KU Of COMMKIICE. THE OMAHA BEE , ANY PART OF - nv.aumieii Kou - 20 Cents a Week , Beven pnpora a wcct. Bond your order to the olllcc , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building CHANCE The unseasonable warm weather has left a few more Overcoats on our hands than we desire to carry over into the new year * and in order to sell them right now , we have cut the prices all to pieces. Commencing to-morrow we , will offer our very finest Overcoats at prices heretofore asked for medium qualities. The biggest cut we will make on our fur and plush trimmed goods. There are not many of them , but we have a few very fine garments trimmed with good fur and silk plush. We want to make a sweep with these goods and close them out before we take stock. We invite those who have so far managed to get along with their old or light weight Overcoats , and whom the open winter has kept back from buying a heavy one , to inspect these garments. They will be surprised to see hpw little money it takes now to procure such an elegant Overcoat. This is really a grand opportunity and the last chance this season. In Men's Dress and Business Suits we have a beautiful stock the largest in the city and our prices are known to be by far the cheapest. Many fine suits have been marked away down in order to reduce stock and we will save you tully 25 per cent if not more on every suit , * The big trade we. have had in Boys' Overcoats last week has broken up the sizes of several lots , but we still have a fair assortment. The prices are such that we expect them to be cleaned out soon. 0 Our Hat Department is known to offer better hats for less money than any regular hat house in the city. The fine Fur Derby's which we are selling for one dollar have made a name for us. No other house sells a hat of equal quality for less than $2 or $2.50. We have received several new styes for the holidays. Our finest hats at $2.5O , $3 and $3.25 cannot be bought at any other house for less than $3.50. $4 and $5. We offer in thfis department a splendid line of Fur Caps at just one-half their regular retail prices. The beautiful and artistic display of Men's Furnishings in our large windows will give an idea of the variety of goods we have and the x > rices we ask. We invite those who are puzzled with the all-aborbing question , "What to pive. " to look at our window and they will see what we can offer in the way of presents for gentlemen. Sensible and thoughtful men prefer and enjoy substantial Christmas gifts of this nature. There is a satisfaction in giving or receiving a present that one can be seen wearing , a gilt that combines utility and beauty , and nowhere else can you get such goods s.o cheap. Our popular system of selling goods at the lowest .prices will be continued during the holiday season. We have no fancy prices and those who purchase of us can save enough on each purchase to buy a nice presen t for themselves. Beginning Monday we will present visitors at our store with a beautiful holiday souvenir , copies of which are displayed in our windows. All goods marked in ! plain figures and at strictly one price. Company , Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. SEEAT AT THE MISFIT PARLORS , 1119 Farnam Street. 1119 5O CENTS ON THE DOLLAR ! PANTALOONS. AT FOB 8I1.10 Which wna mndo to order by a Merchant Tailor . $0.00 84 " 0 " " " " " " $8.00 $4lX ( ) M.-'JO " " " " " " " . . 810.00 $005 " " " " " " " . Sl'-.OO $7 < > 0 " " " " " " " . 814.00 $ S 00 $ D , JO $18.00 $20.00 SEE THEM SUITS. 'AT ' FOtt $0.80 Which was made to order by a Merchant Tailor . $18.00 $ N ! oo " " " " " . ; . 82'J.OO 81200 " " " " " " " . $124.00 " " " " " " " " . . $28.M ( ) $1(1.70 ( " ' " " " " " $18.40 " $11.00 $ ii7.o : ; $ J > i.oo $30.20 " " " " " " $ IU.0 ) ( ) S35.SO " " " " " " $70.00 SEE THEM OVERCOATS. AT . " FOR 89.00 Which was made to order by a Merchant „ Tailor . ' . $18.00 . " " " " lf " ' " . . $10.70 $20.00 " " " " ' * ' " . . $24. ( K ) . " " " " " " " . . $14.70 $ ' $28.00 $10.20 " " " u. " li " . $112.00 $18.70 u " " " " . " , " . A. . $30.00 $2i.GO ! " " " " " " " . .T. . i . $40.00 $28.40 " " " " " " " . 85I.X ( ( ) 882.70 " " " " " " " . . * ( U.OO $3(5.80 ( " " " " " " . " . $72.00 845.00 " " " " " , " , ' . $00.00 See Them Furnishing Goods and Hats at Your Own Price , AT THE MISFIT PARLORS , 1119 Farnam Street 1119- N. B. Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention JYLERDESKCO ST. LOUI8 , HO. SI8X8 , BAKK C0 B kjCOTJ routcnmo But Work aad DREXEL & HAUL , ( Successors to John 0. Jacobs. ) Ondertalers and Embalracrs At the old ittand. 1407 Fnrn m St. Orders by telo- tr pU tiollcUed and promptly atu&dod to. 'JlcklepUoue Mo. 23. ADYtOX fRKK. HOW TO ACT. . n ttuel > rcliuo an. | Kunrllanal diwr. "tfrirumlu-HAnijHUinnch Mnllclntl. UAISTOI C0.1 i > kl-i e. , > . .Urk. WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS' Of tin Uodr enlarged tn ] ttrrotthrntd. Kull lurtlen- lanieDttcalcd tiee. KUIK WK1) . CO. . llurUM ) . H. V. SUFFERERS "OMHERVOUSHESS u'r ; IWUU e ( CTCt-Worki lodUcrttloo , etc. , nJJtcu 4tio * . THE NEW DEPARTURE DRUM * - --Dinado wllU patent tluulilo ncilnu rlj anl - " fol'llni ' : kncu rnt. Unlit , \ub2Juntlal ami handsome. ) U UT ! In the l > e l llauili an < l clivitrm. Uacqualctl fur j tone , iuri'iu ' ull oilier * In J Onlih atxl appearance. K hnnrcit lluilc dealer doei Uiibl keep tbrm. write to M mjtut I IluttraKU Catalogue. " 1.TOM A HEAU-T. Chloago , III * OVER "sra8 -COATS Owing to fee lateness ofths season wo find ourselves overstocked with fine anfl medium priced overcoats , and in order to reduce tlie Quantity we propose to sell most of feein within the next 10 days , and liave made prices tliat will tare a , speedy sale : FOR INSTANCE Our $ 5 overcoats now go for $ 3.00 11 8 u 5,00 11 ( i li 9 liu 6,00 11 10 u 7,50 11 ( l il 15 ilu 10,00 11 if u 20 14,00 11 25 ii u 18,00 We have reduced In tlio same ratio an our Far and Fnr Trimmed Overcoats ; ami if you need one yon will find this the best opportunity yet offered this season. We have had such it grand success of our $10 SUIT Sale that we have just added a few more styles of desirable suits that are selling at other stores all the way from 914 to $18. We place them all in one lot and sell them at one prcer ( $10 JFcalso have a fine and largo as * sortnicnt of nobby styles in suits , , which we are offering at cut i-rlces. We Really Have No Competition in Our Boys' ' and Childrens' ' For our line of Boy's Suits Sc Over * coats , Is very complete and our price of $1 for a nobby boy's Jachct and pants , In ages from 4 to 13 years , it- , hard to beat anywhere THE New York& Omaha ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS , FURNISHERS And HATTERS For Men and Boy's 1308 FarnamSt.