' V" * ' li I :2 : ; . ; THE OMAHA .DAILY PEE : . gf TUKDAY. PEOE3D3ER ] 7. 1887. MASONIC OKFICKUS. Xlic Closing 8cHnloii or the Grand Chapter in llnntlnggi HASTINOS , Neb , , Dec. 10. [ Special Tele gram totlio IJBn.J The annual mccllngof the grand council and grand chlipter of the Mit- Bonlc order In the stnto closed last night , A number of follf vr craft degrees were con ferred by Pnsl Grand Master Hastings , of Lin coln , find Beatrice chosen for the next annual , mooting. The following officers of the grand Chapter wcro elected and Installed t Lucius D. Klchards , Fremont , grand high priest ; Charles A. . Holmes , Teeumsohdcputy high priest ; Milton J. Hull , Edgar , grand king1 ; Frank H. YoungOuster , grand scrUm ; John H. Dlnsmore , Sutton , grand treasurer' ; William It. Howen , Omaha , grand secretary : Goorirn Williams , Grand Island , grund chap ter ; Kdwln Ulclmrds , Crfcte , grand lecturer Joseph Albcry , Ulalr , grand ciiptaln of hosts ; Robert , E. Froitch , Kearney , grand principal Bojourncr ; Albert W. Crites , Chadron , grand R. A. cnptuln ; Frank E. Hulluid , North Platte , grand master , third veil : David Me- Elhlney , . Hastings , grand master , spcond veil , Will In in 11. Koberts , Tekatiiah , grand "muster , first veil ; Hugh G. Clurk , Omaha , grund steward ; Edward E. Lowmnn , Me- Cpok , gram ) steward ; Jacob King , Oinulla , jfrnndncntinel. _ ( Ilcntrlco Dispute's Fremont's Glntni. HICATIIICK , Neb. , Dec. 10. [ Special Tele gram to the UPn. | An item appeared in the liKK-n day or two since stating that Fremont WHS the third city in the state in banking business , and the total bnnklrig business was ll.SiVi.fiOO , and their deposit 9544,000. Beatrice will show with Fremont , and n statement from her banks. Just made public , shows a total business Of $ lMr ; > ,0 < ) , and deposits $752.000. Moreover , the bank buildings owned by the bankers cost ? lf 0,0X ( ) , and the banks , in their regular business , give employment to thirty-two persona. Exeter Items. Exr.TBit , Neb. , Due. 10. [ Correspondence of the BKE. ] A. 11. Vcrmum & Co. , have moved ( heir elevator from the B. & M. rail road to the Elkhorn , locating it Just east of the First Baptist church. This gives us ono elevator on each road. P. J. of Exeter's Fiollng , one pioneer mer chants , has traded his stock to Plcrson ft Campbell , of Hustings , who uro closing it out at rout. Mr. Filling thinks of going west. C. S.Cloavelnnd bus gone to BUrllngton , la. , on nn important business trip , ' The Itnttcry 1 > Itcccptlon at Wymorp. LINCOI.V , Neb. , Deo. 1H. [ Special Tele gram to. the Hii.l Governor Thayer to-day accepted the Invltatinn to attend the grand reception and ball in honor of battery D at Wymoro on the 2.M of December. The gov ernor will bo attended on this occasion bv Adjut.mt General Cole , Colonel Palmer , Major Watson , Colonel Caldwell , Surgeon General Stone and all of his staff. The gov ernor Is also arranging to supply the battery with two new six pound Heel man guns. Convicted of Perjury. FALLS Cin % Nob. , Dec. 10. Dr. James S. Grandy , notorious as a litigant in both civil and criminal cases for the last lllteen years In the southeastern part of this state , was lately convicted of perjury , and the distiict court sentence bus not yet been pronounced. Dr. Gundy has lately flguitd In the federal court of this stnto in a questionable manner In the noted i-itso of Gaudy against Whit- comb. An Hnldcmic Antony Iforsqs. Liscouf , Nob. , Dec. 10. [ Special Tele gram to the Bin : . ] The shot-lit of Lincoln county has notlflud the state authorities that im Unknown epidemic is raging in u herd of ! JOO hoi sos in tlmtttninty. Governor Thayer has turned over the notification to the live stock commission with the request that the state vetornarinn and one of the commissioners - ers repair , as cut ly as possible , to the scene of the plague and investigate. A Freight Collision. CLIXTOX , la. , Dee. 10. [ Special Telegram to the HEK , ] Two freight trains collided hero last night imd two engines and seven teen cara wcro badly wrecked , and Brnko- imui Eugene- Kelly of Clinton was killed. The wreck occurred u intlo and iv quarter east of Mecliauiesvillo. Water Honds. LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 10. [ Special Tele- grnm'to the DJBJJ , ] The state auditor to-day refused to register water bonds of the village of Kiverton on the grounds that they were not vQted upon under the right section of ho tatutos. STARTUD FOR THE FIOHT. Smith and Kiiraln OiT For the Con tinental Jlattle Ground. ICopi/t lulit 1SI > " by Jainci Ijuidiin lleiiiirtt. ' ] EositON' , Dec. 10. [ Now Yoik Herald Cable Special to the BKH ] A fox : hunt a "Uli'hunl K. Fox hunt , indeed will commence to-moriowon the part of largo numbeis of sportb who deslro to obtain u sight of the brush between Kilrain and Smith. Last evening the Jem of the sporting fraternity , also Dick Uobcrts , hh old competitor when they weio both amateurs , and Jem Huwcs , Smith's trniunr , left for the continent. At least they were hovering around Ohnring Cross station in' ph\ld suirs and carrying Scotch iniidcs and satchels. This evening Kil- ralu and Mitchell , Pony Moore , Pearl Ljncli , Chillies Jolnitttou , ' James Wukeluy and W. E. Hutdlng , similarly hovered around the same railway station. In each case when the mini moved off none of these gentlemen hovered longor. The Btnkoholdor Is , however , In town yet. The tourists left no P P C's , and it is srtfo to wager they will uot rush-to hotel registers on route. If your correspondent knows their destination ho will not divulge It , b\ft will be in u situation to lot your renders kuow nil about the Fox hunt in a live , iuii timely method and also who Is to hold the Fox-diamonds and championship. Kvpolllns : Socialists. Bum , ix , Dec. 10. A new bill has been in troduced bi the rcichstug authorizing the ex- puls.lonof 'all socialists who have Incuricd ( penalties Sov violation of the nnti-soeialist law or by belonging to secret societies , which lire forbidden by existing laws. In accord ance with thu provisions of the bill most of the socialistic members of the reichstag may bo expelled from Germany , The bill also rails for punishment ofany one taking part ill. u socialistic congress. The Crown 1'rlneo'n Condition. Svx Kcvo , Doc. 10. Dr. Mackenzie states thut ho considers the appcaranco of the crown prince's throat hotter than when ho examined It at the beginning of November. It Is true * that a small growth has formed blither up in the throat , but it has not the malignant appearance of the growth which appeared at Huvi'uo , but which has since diminished. The swelling ot the glands has cntiroh * disappeared. SniHeneoil Under thu Crimea Act. Dum.iN , Dee. 10. Shechy , M. P. , arrested under the crimes act , was to-day sentenced to throe months'impmonmcnt ut hard lubor. Notice was givmi of appeal and Sheuhy was admitted to ball. Upon being released he was real-rested on the charge of having par ticipated in rioting at Olomuel. Bail was re fused ami the prisoner taken to Clonmel Jail. The German Military Hill. Utnti.ix , Die. 10 According to the Holch- Baniolger's version of General von Sehelleu- dorlt 's speech on the military bill to-day , the minister of war said thn object of the bill could bo perfectly summed up in the words of the emperor on the opening of parliament that the empire , by God's help , should bo- rome so strong that , it could moot every ilanger < with calmness , from whatever quartet it alight bo attacked. Di'clnr.itltit'.n ST. PKTBUSUUIIO , Dec. IB. The Onila ! Military Gazette article favorably iuiprcssi-i ] the publlo mind ns expresning the national fcclltiB that Uussiu nvithcr desires nor fcirs : Ttc 10. The .ititl a p.-js * ii At ! . * . . unanimously ot the opinion that tlio artlclo published In the St. Petersburg OOlcial Mil itary Gazette In relation to military prepara tions of the powers , him greatly Increased the ucutuncss of the situation. The Halt Act Approved. x , Doe , ] ( . A dispatch from St. Johns says the bait act has received royal assent. It forbids the catching or sale of bait to foreign fishermen and goes Into opera tion January li Itnly'H Trnnfy With Austria. UOMH , Dec. 10. The chamber of deputies to day approved the new commercial treaty with Austria. Promler Crispl declared the treaty was the outcome of ait economic polit ical arrangement.betweon Italy and Austria. The chamber also authorized the government to negotiates provisional treaties with France , Spain and Switzerland. A Military Credit Granted. DPAttis , Dec. 10. In the chamber of depu ties to-day General Lagorot , minister of war , asked a military.credit of 11,000,000 francs nml was supported by the budget committee. The chamber , howc'ver , adopted an amend ment by M. Ilrioo granting only 4lHX,000 francs. The credit is for military forage. The state ment yosterjUy that the chamber had adopted a bill imposing reprisal dut4es on imports from Italy , was erroneous , , _ . - i StronB'Wnr FcollnR In Victim * . LoN-nrts , Dee. 10. The Times' correspon dent at Vienna telegraphs lhat strong feeling exists thero4n favor of sending un immediate ultimatum W Kussiu to bo followed , In case of an unsatisfactory reply , by a rapid march of the German-und Austrian forces on the Hussion frontier. It Is" feared war will occul' in the spring. The feeling i < i Intense. m l A Philanthropic amlto'rd. . DciiLt.v , Dec. lO.i-Tho Mnrquia of Ely has granted a reduction of 50 per cent in rents and easy terms of payment and will reinstate all tenants evicted. Pastime. . Puns , Dec. 10. M. Edwards , manager of Lo Matin , fought a duet to-day with M. Mayer , manager of La Lantcrue. Both duel ists were slightly wounded. Won't CoiiKratnlutc.thc Pope. LONDON , Dec. 10. Thu Bohemian diet to day opposed a motion to congratulate the l opo on his.Jubilce on the ground that the diet represented Protestants as well us Catholics. BURIED UMlHIl nillCK. Plvo PerMons IiiHtantly Killed By'a Pennsylvania Holler Explosion. Wc-TciinsTii : ( , Pa ? , Dec. 10. The ex plosion of n twenty horse power boiler in the Edison Electric company's works this after noon caused the death of five persons , in juring three others. Superintendent Walter Umbrco was engaged with a force of men close to Iho stack unloading a now boiler and the whole party were buried beneath falling bricksEmbreo and four lalmrers were killed. The others weio badly injured. Ilettio Jones , aged ten , who was returning from school n square from the scene , was instantly killed by a flying beam. It is thought that all the bodies arc not yet discovered. A largo force of men to night arc digging over the ruins by lantern light. AiiothcrcBoilcr Explosion. Dnxvnit , Colo. , Dee ; 10. A boiler exploded in the shop of the Donvci\ Utah & Pacific railway at 1 o'clock this morning , completely demolishing Iho buildi g , wrecking ono engine and all the machinery. The employes had left the building a few minutes before the accident occurred and ao far ns known no one was injured. The loss is understood to bo about $10,000 , covered by insurance. POWDIORLiY'S COXMTION. The Noted Labor Leader Dangerously ' III. Scnvxrox , Dec. W. Grand Master Work man Powderly's condition has not improved during the last twenty-four hours , and the "belief exists thut ho is much worse thau his relatives and physieinns flcslro t6 make Imowsi to thfc pulilie. Ho Is in a critical con dition , and has been BQ since his ar rival hero last Tuesday. Yester day the symptoms wcro alarming , another Severn uttaok-oT hemorrhage having set mv5ileii continued with distressing ef- fe < t , until e.uly thi" ! moining ; Dr. Allen said this moining thut.Powderly is suffering great iialn , the result of the rupture of a small lilood vessel , hut'flmtlf ho remains quiet lor a fuw days and gets rest ho will probablj re cover. Later Pawdoi-ly slept half an hour this afternoon uud feels much refreshed to-night. _ _ Republican Mp. Tvieotiiifj. Nr.w YoiiK.-'Dec. . A mass meeting under the. auspices of the republican clubs was held in Chickeriug hall to-night. Hon. Galusha A. Grow , ref Pennsylvania , dis cussed the tariff issue , and then Hon. Koswcll G. Herr , -Michigan. . , was introduced to talk on temperance. Ho said the republican party never had boon on HI.Q wrong side in any qucstion.'and it w.is rtotjjofin the liquor question , Hiobotovpd } ' " local option. "If a. man bolleves in temperance It might be asked why docs ho. not' ' Join the third party. I would not join the prohibition partly "boejiurfo every vote would simply bo helping the ile'mocrocy and because the dem ocracy want H'mo to. What the democrats want done should bo uvoldci } by these who desire temperance- . There is another reason in that wo have other issues than temperance1. The republican party relies upon its homes for Its strength : The dumocruey'Hstrength is measured by . .tho"number" ot saloons. The president , inJUis mcssuuo , has given the next platform of his party , The nUttculty hereto fore has been that , wjfnever know when wo had a 'democrat on a 'question. " The speaker said the mugwumps , hud given up thelcilmato .accusing republicans and exeusihg itomovruts. chiefly the latter , und were idiotic enough to think thutu round block like Hjiyjins win bn put into it square civil service hole. Hu'wuS'iUMiiist ' any legis lation of'thtt'democrattt'.oirKCuer.il ' principles , us ho was'against any'fuvbred by Grcut Brituin in this-country. Judge King , of Youngstown , O. , Wallace Bruce , of Ponghkeepsie. nnd Hev. J. Lester , ot SpriuctWUr , 111. , dnd Mr , Lafolletto fol lowed with'addicsses on the work the Na tional league had before It. Mormons in Ciinndn. OTTAWA , Out , , Dee. IP. , [ Special Telegram to the BiK.j- : There is an uncertain feeling in .political circles.over the settlement of Mor mons in the Canadian northwest territories. Fifty Mormon families have already taken up land near Fort MoLood at thoioot of this Hocky mountains. The impression prevails heia that the now hrrivuls will not bo molested. Tliu introduction of such peculiar element into Canada will , however , be made the sub ject of inquiries in pailiament next month. Allen , collector of customs at Fort McLcod , arrived here to-day. Speaking of them he said : "There will bo another big Influx ol Mormons ne\t jeur. They muko llrst-elusa settlers und are industrious , xeiilous und well behaved. They uro determined to udherc strictly to the laws of our country , us they me perfectly \\ell assured Mint any breach ol them would bo severely dealt with. They do not intend to practice p\lygnmy us they un derstand It will not bo pwmitted. Thero.ls no feeling against them on the part of othct settlers who regard them ns industrious and hard-working people. The Mormon elder la Mr. Card , who married the daughter of the ate Brighnm Young , " - Illinois Freight Rate * . CntrAco , Dec. UVTha Illinois railroad ami warehouse commissioner * concluded a sesslor hero to-day. During their sojourn they houril some of the different vullroad companies re gurdlnstho proxiscd | reduced Illinois tariff The Chicago ft Alton opposed it and said tin reductions wore duo to the. local fight be tweett the Hurlhijitfm , nnd Wabash. Tin Illinois Central bxric the sumo position net-elver MeNultu explained the reasons | which Impelled him to put In reduced tariffs ill of which have been gone over before , " "rom the remarks of Chairman Klnnker It is nferred the commission will order a tnod- irate reduction , making the maximum munc hing more than the rules proposed In the railroad tariffs. It is 'believed the bencllt of ow Inter-stato rates will inure to Illinois ter ritory and tho. present maximum _ be lowered , A HORRIBLE CRIME. Two Brother Murder n TJilrit and BrjitnllyAxsnulf Their Mother. MoNiooMKiir , Ala , , Dee. 10. A special 'rom Eufauht says ! Itobcrt find James lohnson , aged eighteen und twenty , got Irunk on Thursday and In cold blo'od butch- red un older brother. Their old mother came Into the room nnd tried to separate hem. S'ho was knocked on the head by her sons uml iorribly punished. Lynching Is al most certain. Presbytorluii Church Union. Lot'HViu.B , Dec. 10. The committees of .he northern nnd southern general assemblies of the Presbyterian church , conferring upon he subject of organic union , concluded Its ncctlng to-night. The sessions were secret , ' mt It is understood that adjournment took ) luco without nny definite action having icen iigroed upon. The secretary stated .hat another Joint session of the committee vould be held before the general assemblies convened next May. Weather Indication * . ' For Nebraska : Slightly cold rfalrwcnthcr , Ight to fresh varla'blo winds , generally northerly. ' For Iowa" : Slightly warmer , followed by colder , fair wcathef , light to fresh uorth- vesterly winds , . For Dakota : Slightly warmer , fairweather , 'ollowcd In northern poitfohs by "slightly Bolder , light to fresh variable winds. DlwhoncHt Postal Employes Arrested. CHICAGO , Doc. 16.- George W , Webber , ex-superintendent of tlio north division branch of the postpfllcc , was arrested to-night charged with embezzling money order ; finds. Stuuley H. King , ex-money order clerk , was ilso arrested. The amount of embezzlement s said to bo large. A Bold Jewelry Thief. ST. Pvui , , Dec. 10. One of the most daring robberies on record was perpetrated hero : o-night. About 7 o'clock a y.oungman broke n the wiftdow of n Jewelry store on Third nnd Cedar streets , ' seized 31,000 worth of ivutchcs und diamonds mid made his escape. Barren of JlesnljfTi- CntOAno , Dec. 10. To ay Btmeroting of the ircsidonts nnd general majiagors of the western lines was barren of nny results in he direction of devising methods fwfcecp- , ng out the low freightrntoa flS $ are to go into effect next Tuesday. f , A „ : The Fire Record. " ' . ! ; . MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , ITcc. , l"0. The Jour nal's Furgo sjecial says ; - The business por- ion of Mupleton , Dak. , wavbui-ned by nn in cendiary lire last niglit. Nin6 ' bUildingfi with contents were burned. Th'o total loss is § 30,000 , partly Insured. . ' „ White Labor AVnnt < Ml. COLUMBIA , S. C. , Doc , 10 F/ivo or six years ago a cotton mill was established in'Charles- : on at a cost of $750,000. The mill Is now on ho verge of bankruptcy , caused by inability to secure enough white labor to keep the ma chinery going. The Mexican Congress. CITY OP MEXICO , Dec. 10. Congress 'ad- lourned this afternoon. The most important measures p.tssed were bills atithpminsr u new loan of ClOr , > 00,000 and compulsory education in the federal district nnd territories. LANDING THE CABLES. The Great Reels Being Removed From The Cars. Yesterday afternoon two of th < 5 largo/ reels 'ontainlng ' the cables to boHiwl In the operating of the cars of the Omaha Cable company wcro unloaded at the corner ot Tenth and Leavenworth streets. Th'eso formidable bulks occupied two flat "citrs and : ho great task of bringing them to terra- lirraa was witnessed by a largo and hiquisl- tivo assemblage. The ilrst and lightest , weighing between 30OQO and a.,000 pounds , was landed and tho. cables were struiig for some distance to test their -firmness nnd safetS" . They met tha rcquircn\cnts'iof the : cst , and then followed preparations lor anloading another reel embracing 17,700 feet. J'ho weight of the latter is15XK ( ) pounds , nnd owing to the gathering of clu'rkneHs'it wus re solved to forego the Jot ) uutil this'morning. . The cables will not bo strung UQtil-Mondny icxt , and the start will bo niitfe-Wrth-tho -wo cables referred to. They represent neni-ly aix tjiilos of motive power and the first strands will bo strung to thopower ouse from the conioi' of I eavcnWortii Und Tenth streets by horses' . The cullies were made in St. Louis. A number of the cars have arrived , nnd be fore many unvs Omaha will witness the birth of the cable lino. . „ „ , . , „ . . . Two Pleasant Club Parties. Last evening at Masonio ball , the , .Homo lirclo club gave the second party "of their series this season. The great feature , as usual , was the excellent music , the Irwin Qr- " chcstra playing some flno selections. "Sixteen numbers were danced , IJofrcsbmcnts wove served ut 10 o'clock und thh dnnco ended at TJ. About forty couples wcro present , . The tommittcoon general supervision Svcra F. W. PiekeiiB , H. A. Coploy , X H. Conra'd , C. M. Champlin , W. H. Latey , W. Hj' Nelson , B. F. Kodmun , L. S. Mole- . W. Garrison nndG. W. Bailey. , ' The Esmorultla club gAve the second party of their series last uipht ; and the occasion was u delightful one. The dajico wnslold , ( in Metropolitan hall , uund wiis 'uttondcd by nbout thirty couples. The , , dancing com menced nt 8:30 : und contnuied funtil 12:30. : Eighteen numbers wcro dnnccdt sujiper was served on the pcco'uJ flooiv Building Pernilts. * " s' The following building" permits were issued yesterday by Suporintendcnt-Whitlot-k ; Kennedy & NowelladrtUion to ice houco. Eighth and I/ardu . 93f | > 00 C. K. Sliuw , two cottages , Alfre'd , near Twenty-ninth . 1,000 C. H. Shaw , two cottages , Western avenue , near Central. . . ' . . . ' . < . . . ? . . 1,000 W. C , Moutaw , addition to dwelling , Franklin , near Twenty-ninth . _ . 1,000 Four ixjnnits , aggregating . T. . $5,500 Successful Clu-lstinhp Bazaar. The Christmas buzaar given by the mem bers of the Southwest Presbyterian chui eh lust evening at the resldenco of the pastor , Kill South Twentieth strtsot , was nn agi-eeublo uffair and n financial success. It was well attended nnd old nnd young appeared to enjoy themselves. Bnso Ball Directors. The directors of the Omuhu basq "ball club held their aiwuul.mectlng for -tho election of officers last night. The grcntest harmony prevailed und the old officers were unani mously re-elected for the coining year. Tlio base bull situation was thoroughly discussed und the outlook for the Omuha club pro nounced most encouraging , Brndstrcot's yesterday reported that .T , J , Taylor , general-store keeper at Tecumseh , In this state , had been clotc.il up by his cred itors. His liabilities 01 * 'about JU.OOO ; assets about thu same amount. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Bftby wai sick , \ra gave her Castoria. When she was a Child , she cried for Castor ! * , became MUs , the clunc to Cestorla , ibo had Children , nho gave them OutorUT The Queen of HheUa H llnht a Largo AiiillenccViit tlto Oranil. Manager Locked of the Nntlbnal Opera compuny had pronlsp'd ( ' us "Nero" for the it night , but Instand , gave us the "Queen of Shoba. " Therettson , assisted for the change was the defection of certain mem bers of the company I'Tho ' defection Was oc casioned , It is fair U ) ht y , because of .tho ina bility of the mnnag&iicnt to keep Its contract , with the dcfectionlsts. There Is nothing strange In this. II j'has been ono of the ' characteristics of tJ o' National Oiwra com pany since jit was organized. Hut , knowing ofilhlR defection a week before his couipahy nVMved here , Mr. Locke should not hayo endeavored , up to the mo ment people took their seats for last night's performance , to perpetuaTd the deceit that the disaffected people would sing. He sought to excuse himself by endeavoring to produce "Nero , " with which the disaffected i > coplo had been idcntilled. by the efforts of artists who remain with him nnd who are even now over-worked. At the litst moment , after al most everybody has purchased his seat to liear "Nero , " "Sheba" is produced. This was ao species of deceit unworthy n manager who wishes to elevate American opera. If Mr. Locke can not make a success df his present under taking by fair means , ho should uot resort to these which are foul. Everybody can easily Imagine what Mr. Locke will urge in 'extenu ation of his conduct. But it in no way lessens his offcnso. Deceit In amusement enterprises with what intent soever it may bo encour aged , ' is as reprehensible oa it is in any other undertaking. Unfortunately , there Is too much of It in the business which Mr. Locke follows. While considerate people will fgivo this gentleman allthocrcdit hedeserves , they will unhesitatingly admit that Mr. Locke ought cither to start out upon bis enterprise in a manner commensurate ( with the ability to support It and act honestly or clso abandon the Held for some other person. The audience , however , bore the disap pointment bravely. "Sheba" was rendered entirely to its satisfaction , when it is con sidered In the main from n musical stand point. The title role was assumed by Miss Poole. This lady's voice Is characterized bv a penetrating quality rather than that of roundness which distlngushcd her prede cessor , Fursch-Madi , when hero eighteen months ago. In nppearaticc , how ever , she more nearly approached the ideal than could Mine. Fursch-Madi ; her vocal work secured many recalls. The High Priest was excellently sustained by George Broderiek. Miss Piersou , as Sulamith , displayed the same intense devotion to her work that she did on the preceding evening , and possibly give throughout the piece more general sat isfaction. She was made the object of a num ber of recalls. Mr. Charles Bassett sang Assad , at times with great effect , at others without making a very favorable impression. The character in its requirements , physically , vocally nnd almost histrionically , may bo said to bo boyonu the possibilities of this gentleman , who , nevertheless , was entitled to discriminating appreciation especially for his vocal work in the garden with tile Queen. Mr. Stoddard made an admirable Solomon. Amanda Fnbris , although over acting Astaroth nt times , secured a recall for recitative work in the garden , which was distinguished moro for the vocal flexibility displayed than for sweetness of the notes * The choruses were stiong , harmonious nnd effective , especially so In tho.temple. . iTho setting of the stage was unpreccdeutedly grand , paiticularly the temple , which "was set with nn attention to detail * as to create the strongest illusion. It was a scene of great realism , introducing with wonderful fidelity impressive ccrcmoinefe , the marriage rite , sacred chants and 'responses , holy invoca tions , devout uttendaifts. a model high priest , a bride with pair cd" doves , the bldssing of the ring , the peal of instruments , the swell of choruses and tho/swinging / of ccnseis by a corps of ministlMiiits. In tlio last act , where the , " " "hero dies , natuie lias been grandly'1 'simulated. The all- grows heavy and a birruiug sun drops out 6f sight amidst cloudS'of sand which sweep across the plain witli startliug reality. This scene evoked hcat'tv ' , applause. The ballot was excellent. To'-ulgflt , the last perform * nnco in this city of tho' National Ooera com pany will take place , when Faust will be rendered , including in the cast Miss Juch , Mr. AlcGuckin nnd other favorites. MI.U.W riCKLKS. .T. U. Polk nnd his excellent company np- for it cannot bo called a pl.iy gives the star full scope for his cccentrieit lcsund it is too bail that such nn eminent comedian us Jlr. Polk should stoop to sinli a " "play as "Mixed Pickles. " Yet the piece is undoubtedly funny nnd the audience is kept in u constant ro.ir from beginning to ( 'nd. ' H pleases the people and that is probably its best recommendation. The support of Polk is excellent , and there is no Unit or gap in the three acts. Mr. \Voodnrd as Hiram Urown is ono of the fun niest old men ever seen on the stage. Miss Dcnyon Hlshop as Susie is simply delightful. On the whole the company is , far above the average. _ TlfK DAIJIYMEX. Election of Olllcurs nnd Close of the Convention. At the last meeting of the dairymen's an nual convention the following oftlceis were elected for the ensuing year : President , Mr. Liveringhouso ; vice president , W. Sutton ; secretary and. treasurer. Prof. II. II. Ayiug ; board of directors , Vf. G. AVhitmorc , S. C. Hassett , E. T. Howe , 1. H. Keert ; vice presi dents nt large , A. Jones , D. A. Carroll , J. II. Kushton , J. 13. Dinsmbor , J. P. Hlttlc , D , P. Ashburn , C. Hrownell , C. Pearson. 13. U. Staulter , G. H.-Williams , W. Tabor. A number of resolutions weio adopted asking the legislature for stnto aid and thanking the Omaha merchants and others for contributing so liberally to the funds , entertainment nnd in struction of vho association during , the session of the convention In the cl y. Ho- feirlng to the indiscriminate erection of wild-cat creainoriesit was resolved thiitin the future estimates ho required from builders nnd ilrms dealing In dairy supplies , as to the cost of building and lltting of up a creamery in the proposed section and that -'we ask of our leglslatuto to foster and encourage the dairy industry of the state , and to this end wo re spectfully request such appropriations of the general lunds as may bo necessary to print the reports of the annual meetings of this as sociation , and that the farmers of this state who may ho unable , io attend its sessions maybe bo ublo to avail themselves of the valuable papers und discussions upon practical dairy ing that characteri/o these meetings. " It was also deoidoij to take action in PU- deavoriugto check rthp ravages of pleuro- pneumonia , and to ( 'respectfully ' and most urgently ask of our delegates' in congress to do all in their powur llo secure the speedy passage of what is hnojhvn as the Miller-Gary bill , and such appropriations of money its will ciuiblo the national authorities to stamp out the last vcstigo of th > dread disease over which the Anicricuu'.fl g may float. " A special vote ot/rtlvanks was tendered to Dr. . Miller for his generous contribution at a time when -a-vjoclation was in need of funds. The dlfllciijty qf securing n fair price for dairy products was the subject of the next resolution ! nncl it was resolved "taut this association iu iwnvention assembled sug gest , recommend anil urge each buyer of milk and cream iioui ; tntc. to Insist upon the delivery of a pure , I C.l-an and merchantable article ; and tlint-Cvry purchaser pay for said product , at nil jUwes and under all cir- cumstiui'.VH , the highest priro practicable , leaving only a smuU margin of prolit to the manufacturer. " The state board of agriculture and the agricultural college were memorialized to take into consideration the holding of farm ers institutes , to ho held in various parts of the state , and to provide funds for the carry ing on of the name , and the national and state legislatures called ujton to seriounly in- quli o if not only government control , but If uctual possession and management of trunk lines from ocean to ocean bu not n matter of necessity for the best interests of nil , The proposition to close the convention with a banquet being abandoned the meeting adjourned. CliniitniKiun Circle Doinga. The Hawthorne Cbnutauquu circle hold an Interesting session at the residence of Mrs. Van Horn , at Walnut Hill last evening. The opening paper wab by Mr. Van Tuyl , on the "Llfo _ of Columbus. " Tlirco' minute I tali,5 were given by * ouch of Jhe follcnviiic persons : Mrs. Neely , "Clrctiln'tlon of the Uloodj" Mr. Gardner " , "Breathing nnd Von- Illation ; " Mr. George Shoemaker , "Common Salt ; " Mrs. Van Horn , "Current Literature of England ; " Mrs. Fleming , "Tho Middle Ages ; " Mr.s. Parmer , "Civil Service Uo- form ; " Mrs. Stuart , "Homes of New Kng- land Authors. " The exercises were varied by musical selections rendered by the Misses Van Tuyl and Johns , and n dramatic reading ny Miss McCIure. The critics for the even ing Were Messrs. Zoruaugk and Mr. Stuart. OTIIEH HOTULS. Tlie Sliccly nntln I'osslWo Addition U > thp Murray. The Shocly building , which Is now receiv ing the llnlslnngtouchcs , arid which has been erected the past year on the northeast cor ner of Fifteenth and Howard streets , will probably bo used us n hotel. Itls n beauti ful structure , centrally located , and with some minor changes would servo excellently for hotel purirases. Mr. Sheely has been considering this matter for some time , nnd Is now engaged with the architects , Men delssohn & Lawrle , with a view to dctcrm- iiiR what changes may bo necessary In the building. The Murray hotel will not bo ready for oc- cnpnnoy till nbout the 1st of February , at the earliest , and the opening may bo delayed. Mr. Silloway Is on the ground patiently awaiting the completion of the Interior. Notwithstanding the im mense heightof the building it will only have ninety-seven rooms. Hut this Is accounted for by the fact that the rooms uro almost prodigously large , averaging KlxlM feet. Another scbcrao Is likely to tnko shape under certain conditions In connection with the Murray , and that Is the building of nn addition to the same on B. F. Smith's lot Immediately west. Both Mr. Smith and Mr. Murray nro considering the project , nnd if the original Murray proves a success , which is not uncxiHjeted , they will Jointly erect the addition , which will bo designed for 150 rooms. _ Unity Club's S foe 11 MR. The Unity Literary club held Its usual semi-weekly meeting at Unity church last evening. Tliu session both In numbers and interest -VMS even better than that of the meeting of two weeks ago. The flrst essay , "Federalist and Anti-Federalist , " by Mr. W. G. Burlington , although lengthy was very interesting , nnd gave an excellent outline of the rise 6f these two great parties. Mrs. C. C , Beldcn's "Hamilton " essay on , was finely written and full of literary beauties. In her delineation of the character of the great statesuiah she. was warmly appreciative. The essay commanded thfe closest attention. The usual "conversation , " or informal discussion , which is a great feature of the club , followed. The subject last evening was "Confederation nnd Constitution , " Prof , H. P. Lewis presid ing as moderator. The programno for Janu ary C is "Manufactures and Tariffs to ISl'J , " Mr. Jrvin Hichards ; "Jefferson and the Hiso of the Democratic party , " Miss Uono Hamil ton. Conversation , "Tho Historical Period 1TS9-1S12 , " Mis. O. C. Dinsmoor presiding. The club has'tho reputation of being one of the most Intellectual organizations in the city. Dentil of.Tolui li. Ilnnlnn. John L. Ilanlan , a well known plasterer , who has been confined to his bed for a week | ) ast with inflammation of the lungs , died yes terday afternoon nt the California hotel whciO ho had made his home. Mr. Hanlan was ono of the most impular tradesmen in the city , and had a largo circle of friends among mechanics of nil classes , He came to Omaha from New York City , where he had been deservedly popular among his asso ciates , and lioio he quickly made fiicnds by the score , nil of whom are greatly saddened by his untimely death. Owing to his wide [ acquaintance among the vaiious trades an Invitation has been extended to the brick layers , stonecutters and plumbers unions to attend the funeral in a body , which will occur on Sunday. The exact time and place of holding the services has not yet been de cided , awaiting instructions f i om a sislcr of the deceased who resides inCHicaco , and has been informed of her brother's death by tele graph , Mr. Ilniihin was thirty-nine years of age and unmarried. HUSH NATIONAL to Secure the Next Convention In ThlH City. The annual convention of the Irish Na tional league of America Is to ho hold next August. It will bo attended by about nine hundred delegates. It will continue for three days. A deslro has been aroused among the Irishmen of this city nnd section to hold the gathering In Omaha , nnd steps will Immedi ately be token to that end. The matter rests with the council of administration , one of the members of the sub committee of which Is Patrick Egan , of Lincoln. The matter will bo discussed nt the meeting of the league which Is to be hold next Suudav afternoon nt St , Philomcna hull , nt which M. V. Gannon , ot Iowa , und .1. T. Morlarty , of Ajils city , will speak , the latter on Henry G rattan. Person nl 1'nrnKrnptiA. J. Jarvls , of Lincoln , Nob. , Is In the city. E. C. Hornick , of Detlancc , la. , Is In the city. city.C. C. S. Cowlcs , DCS Molnes , la. , is In the city. city.C. C. O , Hoyt , of Beatrice , Neb. , ts in the city. city.Henry Henry W. Blake , of Beatrice , Neb. , Is In the city , John II. Dnhl , of Nebraska City , Nob. , is in the city. F. M. Gllmore , of Fullerton , Neb. , U at thoMilhird. W. A. Hosse , Weeping Water , Nob. , Is nt the Millard. J. H. Mlrkoy and wife , of Osccola , Neb. , are at the Millard. Miss M. Cogncy , of Plattsmouth , Neb. , Is visiting in tlto city. Miss Minnie Howk , of Nebraska City , is visiting in the city. U. M. Tnggart and wife , of Nebraska City , Neb. , are at the Millurd. Attorney General Lncso arrived in the city last evening from thu state capital. Fred Nye , of the World , loft yesterday af ternoon on the Burlington flyer for Chimgo. After several months' residence at the Pnxton , Dr. Leo and family have dceidcd to try the comforts of more retired quarters , and their friends hereafter will find them at 1921 Cass street. The Christmas " Kxcclslor. " Tnc Christmas number of that popular so ciety Journal , the Omaha Excelsior , was is sued yesterday nnd is a model of neatness and typographical elegance. It consists of twenty pages lllled with Interesting articles by well-known authors , and is elaborately il lustrated. The paper is issued in hook form with fancy covers. The first page Is devoted to a statistical review of Omaha's progress during 1SS7 , and Is embellished by a hand some cut representing the Cleveland recep tion. The second page contains n short poem by Mr. Fred Nye of the World , much Inter esting matter relating to new residences and several fine cuts. Among the contributors to this handsome journal arc M. S. Hose , Sara .fowett , Staeia Crowley , Ed A. Batwcll , Lil ian Hice , Minnie Maddcrn , Lu B. Cake , Milton Nobles , W. K. Goodall , Walt Mason , Marcy Shau , Alice Palfrey , C. W. Kyle , S. P. Duulnp , A. H. Uothaclcer , Edgar C. Suy- dcr. Pal son Tuchings and Clement Chase. Messrs. Chase and Snvdcr , the editors of the Excelsior , can well feel proud of their splendid edition. _ Must Have Their Salaries. The oases of the nineteen policemen against the city of Omaha for their October and Nov ember salaries , were heard before Justice Anderson yesterday with Conncll and Gilbert , attorneys for the plaintiffs , nnd City Attorney John L. Webster for the defense. Proof was made in each of the nineteen cases , but on application of the city's attor ney , the plaintiffs agreeing , the cases were continued until next Wednesday morning , Throat DIsoascH commence with 'a Cough , Cold , or Sore Thicnit. "liuwn'H Jli'onchiol 'J'nirhcs' ' give 'mmcdialo ' iclief. b'uW only In boics. Price iio cents. Internal Kcvciuic Collodions. Yesterday the internal re\enna collected by Mr. Ballrtiitino footed up J0,327.2r. Catarrh in the Head Orlitlnntci In scrofulotH tnlnt In the blood. ITonco f Cnt rr',1 mny iiffwt any portion of the body whor the proi > cr nipthod by hlfli to euro catarrh , ! ; lo llio mucous membrane l fouml , lint catarrh otth I'liiili'V Tin : m ooi ) . Its imcy diinirrPtntila symp head l < liy t.ir the most common , .mil , htranw to sii ) ' , toms , nml tlio ( tanner of dovcloplnc lulo lironchiili , the nio't liable to be neslectud. The wonderlul uc- or tlint tcrilDIlntnl dl ca < o , consumiitlon , aroeii- fcss Hood's fnrutparim lia1" hud In curing ; cutnrrh tlielv rrWibved by llooil'j Sjrs.iparlllit , nlilcli Hires warrants ns In tirKlniall who biiltur with ihla illscnsu calarrb. by purlfjrlug the blood , lU'.icl tbo lollowlu to lr ) Iho pcciillHriniMlrliic. It ronovutoi and Invlt , " letter : or.ucs thu blood , unU tones every or uti. "J rhcrrfiilly KlTO my pxpcrlcnco In thn 1116 of N. K. If jon huvo dpcldeil to net Hirad's Sarsnpu- Hood's ) ariip.irlla. ! I ll.nl liecn troubled wllli rlll.i ilo not he Induced to tuko any other , catarrh to sonic uttrntforu lent ; time , and hail uscil " 1 have been troubled with catarrh n year , c.uiilns various niPJi''lncs wlih no good result. ) , wiu-n 1 > vns Kre.it soreness ol tliu bronchl.il tubes Jiiil so ttUvctcd th.it Tcrriltlc Ilcailarlie. Speech Was DIUIciilt I rend thut IIood'3 Sarsiiparlllii would euro catnrrh , nnd my voleo was cntlroly unnatural , I und after t\klnu' : only ono bottle I am much butter. to TI P ! Iond' * nnn ! > nrlllti us H remedy , and with such Iscuicii M ) catarrh , my thro it Is entirely Hell.and my peed etfi'cL that In n few weeks cpoerh was easy , the " lieaaachu hat nil disappeared. U. Glimo.NS , Huuill- -\okoiintnra1fftnd luy pcnural huallli was much Improved ton , Duller Co , O. proved , oniuUmcs n return of the dlscao Is In * Ouccd by taking cold , when I resort at oneu to the uro "Hood's Parsaparllfa cured mo or miller's catarrh , of Hood's Kius.iii.irlll.ihlth I keep hy'mo con- nnd built up my k'cnera ! health , so tint 1 um feellnit KtanUy , and nliyays Iliul relief. I rpgurd Ilooil' sar- better than for > eirs. It l < tlio Ilrst mcdlclnu I over kncvp of which nuuldcnru miller's c.itarrh. " ULOUUU pitparilla ns an lnri\tuablo remedy lor catarrh , and judiilng by Its , ejects upon mysult I cunnot sny too I osTt.n , .Miller at Wiliiht's Mill , Lomin , Ohio. much ill pralso.1 J. S. t'ltl LV , Jcrkbo , Vt. lie Biiru to get tliu i'ecull 11 > nlkO c , Hood's Sarsaparilla PoM by nil ilrucsMn , $ JsK ; for SI. Prepared only tv SoMbynlltlrueiJlsts , ? ) : slvfnrfi. 1'repirett enl > by U. 1.11001) A CO. , Ai > otttocurlu , J-owcll , Jlitss. 0.1.11OOU \ ( O. , AltutliocnrluSt Lowell , Jlnss. 1OO Dosv'i Ono Dollar 1OO Do t > < One Hollar. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOK , ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope , Buffalo Scales Plows , Markers , , Scale Repair Shop. Hooks , Grapples , OMAHA. . Slide Iron. Health is Wealth ! Dn. R. C. WEST'S NKIIVR ANII HHAIN MHwr. a guaranteed xpcclflc for Hysteria , Dizzl- Deis , Couvulsloua , Fits. Xervous Neurulgln , lleiulai.lu' , .Nervous I'instraUon rauseil by the use of [ ileohol or tobacco , Wiikofulnb1. ! ) , Muntnl Depression , yoftenlnt ? of the llraln ic ultlilK In Insanity uud IradluK to misery , decay und death , I'lunmtnroOld j\Kf. Ilnrrt'nness , I.oss of power In either sex , Involuntary Losses and Spermut * orrlui'aiansedbydver otertlonofthobralnself- abuse or over Indulgence. IJuch box tontalns one month's treatment. } 1 Oda box , or Blx boxes tor l.'i.im. sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE < JUYUA.Vri'.H SIX IIOXHS To euro any case. With each order received by usfornKiKJies , nccompunlo'lwlth ' Wui. we will bend the purchaser our written unaranteu to re tuud tne money If the treatment does not ellett a cure. Guarantees Issued only by C. 1' . COUU- MAN , DriiuuUt , Bole Afcut , 111U Farnaui St. , Umaha Null SCIENTIFIC GLUCK & WILKINSON. D. DAYIESON , 1707 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo. Ot the Missouri Stnte Muonin of .Mintomr , Bt. Joul , .Mo. , Culterlty Coileno llospltul , J on- dun. Olnm-n , Uerinmy nml NeY'oik \ lluvl devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. Mora especially these arising from Impru dence , imltu all no sintering to correspond without - out delay. Jllsoasua of Infection und cuntiiKlon I tnri'd safely and speodlly without use of dan- KOIOUH dius , j'atft'iits wliosu ciw * liavn l eun neglected , badly limited or pronounruil Incur able , should not fall to iltons tone rnln their Hvmptom ! . . All letters reu-lvo linmedlatu utten- tfon , JUST PUBLISHED. And ulll ho mailed rilKIJ to any address on ra- telnt o ouo a-cunt htump , " 1'ractlcul Obsecvu- lions on Ner MM Debility and I'hvslciil Ilxhaun- lion , " lo which la nihled an "llssay on Mar- rliiBe. " with Importnnt chnpters on diseases of tliii ItepioductlVJ Orguns , thti Mholu forming n \ aluiiblft medical traitUu \ \ hlch should bo read hynll young inun. Addioss DRS , S , and D , DAYIESON , 17O7 Ollvo Street St. Louis , Mo. - - - Surgeon and 'Physician , Ofllcn N. W Corner Itth and nu Kla < St. Ofllce , tvlephouo , iSj ; KudlUeu u tulepbouo , MS. Who 1 WEAK , NF.RVOI'R. TFI . who In his FOM.r niul K liiuTKIl'LKItnvrny his VIUOHof ItOIIV. M 1 M U and MAN IIOO l > . rauMtiR exliniiitlna dralnt Upon llm I'Ol'.NTAINN of I.IKK , 1IF.A1 > A 'IIK , 11i KAriIE , Drriulful Drennn , WKAKNEHN of Memory , IIANII. FUI.NENN In .SOCIETY. FIMlM.tH Upon the FAfi : . nnd nil tlio EFI'ECTM lenillni ; to KAItl.Y ItECAYnild porlmps ( 'OXNU.IIP. TIOX or INSANITY. tliotiUl connult nt once the t'ELEOKATEn Dr. Clnrke , KMnblHicd 1KM. Dr. Cliirko Imi raailu NEnV < llN UE < nil.lTY , I'IIK ( 'I < ! niul all DI CR-cs of the UEN1TO ItlU.\AHY Orcnin a I.lfo Utltdy. It m ke.i NO tllnert'tiro WHAT you , RVC taken or WHO has failed to euro you. , . . Uar to their * cx can consult w ith the a snr uc Of ipoeily relief and cure. Hcud 2 ccuta pottan for works on your diseases. * * -SciKt 4 ccnta postasc for Otfbriitrd Work * on Clironlr. Ncrv u anil l > pll- cnle Dlsen > c * . Consultation , pci oiml'y or by letter , free. Consult Hie old Doctor. Tlinusnnd * rnroil. Olllrrnand | > nrlon prUuto. a-Thnse cniitcttipIatliiR Murrlago end for Dr. Clarke' * celebrated gulda 9110 nrt rrmnlf * . each 15c. , both SSc. ( itauips ) . lloforo conndltii ; your case , consult Dr. VI.AHJKI : . A friendly letter or call may save future suflcrlngand slmmp , nnd add golden years to llfo.Book "I.lfn'n ( aecrut ) Kr- rom , " 60c. ( stnmw ) ) , Me llrlno and writings tent everywhere , secure from rxnoaure. Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , u to 12. Address. F. D. CLARKE , M. D. IBS So. Clark St. . CHICAGO. ILL. LSL CAPITAL . PRIZE , $150,000 coMMissioxnns. We , the undersigned Hanks and Hankers will pnyntl -Tl7ps drawn In the Louisiana Mate Lotteries whluli miiy bu presented nt ourronntem. .1. II ( Hil.K HY , Pros. Louisiana National Hunk. riliUIli : LA.VAUX , Pres stale National IInk. . A. 1IA1.IIWIN , Pros. New Orleans National Hank. CAUI. K01IN , 1'rcs. UnlunNnlloiml ll.ink. ATTRACTION. Oven HAM' A MILLION insTitintnr.n Louisiana State Lottery Company , Incorporated In l&H. lorSS years , by llm iHMlslatuni lot educational und Llmrlt'ible purposes n 1th a capl- nil ot fMMUiU-io which n reseMO lund of o\er tft'UM ) has slum lippn added. lly un otenrhelmlni ; popular vote Us franchlso WHH made a lurt lit tin- present conatltutlon adopted December 2il , A. I ) l < ? i , ' 1 he only lottery u\er voted on and cnilorsod by the peopluot any state. It never scales or postpones. Us ( iinnilIciKlo Number DrnnhiKs take plncn inonlhlj. Mini thedrand N > m.Annual | DrawliiE rcKU- lurly e\en U months ( Iimo and li > iemlu-r ) A sl'lUNDID DIM'dlfll'MTV ' ! ( ) WIN A KOIl- TDM : . I-Hat Crand DrawliiK , Cli s A , In the Acad emy of .Music. New ( klcnni , Tuesday , January 10 , ls3l..tli Miintlil-l > r.iVliiK. CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. Notice Tick'ots arc Ton Dollars Only. Halves , $5 ; Fifths , $2 ; Tenths , $1 , 7isT or riiun l CAPITAL I'lti/i : or jnonm . , , , fl3)m ) 1 CltANI ) I'lll/.i : OH' HIIH. ( 1 CHAXI ) I'ltl/.i ; Ol' ' 'JIIOI . 2 liAllltK l'ltl/l > OF llll IU , . . . . . . t I.AUI.I : rui/ciid of .Mill 11) ) KM ai i'ui/.ia : OK 1,1111 -Mt ( Hi ) ' . ' .Hill .nil 41,1111 an " 3111 , JU.UII aw " , RMWJ API'noxlMATIOSl ' 100 Approximation I'rlrcs of . . t .U.WI Ml " IIM1II lu l Termlnul " OrM.A.nAIJPHlK. WAblll.NUTDN , I > . C. Address Registered LettorMo KKW UltLlIAXS NATIONAL 1JAXK , NKW UK1.UANS. I.A. T > "IT\ri7T\Tl"I71 > That HIP prp'onoo of fiin. J V lji > l IM > 1 I > I j 1V. c-ralH lieiuiretrtnl 11 n .1 Earl ) , who are In chariu ot llm drawing" , IH u uuut- nnluo of ab nlnto I.IIIIOHH | atut IntoKilt ) , that UHJ i Imncpa aio all uutial , ami that no onu can pu lbly clU Inn what iiuiniiorllt dinvr a I'rirp. ueMi\liiK : : ; that the | > u > nn > iil o ( nil \ > rtvi \ ( fIMlt\MKLI ! ) IIV I'oril NMUIVM. IUMSS nr NJW ( till LANS , and the tl ( kt-t * are i lKiiotl by ibo pruNiiJunt of an lntltutl(5n ( wbo o clitirtuiuil rights art * rout- nlreil In the hluhot courti , Ihi'rcforu , benaro ol any ui nations or anoin mou * prliLiiio . FOR the vcar 1SS3 FRANKLESLIE'S " POPUl AR MONTHLY , " which lias been aptly styled "TUB MONAKCH OK run MONTIILIICS , " will be better than ever. Articles upon topics of current public intetest , sketches of eminent pcr- sonfi , strong and biilliant btoiic.s , anil poetry of a high order , profusely illus trated by the beit artints , and all by v liters of recognized met it , will til ! its pages. To the old and favoiite corpt of conliibutorsill.bc added wrltcisot promise , and no effort will be spared to keep the magazine ill the foremott rank. In the November number was begun an cat nest and powerful U'e , "PRINCE LUCIFER , " by Ella W , Pierce , which hns already attracted widespwad atention an 1 dur.njd inullitudeK o leaders. Subscriptions may begin , tf.de fcircd , with the Novetnbcrjnimber. Each issue contains a Full-Page Picture in Colors , the scries of twelve forming for the , > ear a beautiful collection of gems of modern a'rt. the "Popular Monthly" contains 123 large octavo pages , nearly twice the nutter of similar publications , and is not only the best , but by far the cheapest , of any of the of magazines for the people. $3 per year ; 25 cts per copy Specimen copies , 15 cents. MRS. FRANK LESLIE , 53 , 55 and 57Park Place , New York- Or the I.lnnoilliihlt , I'oMlhcl ) Cnwlhy Administering Dr. llaiiivs' ( 'uhluu Spcclllc. It can be given In u cup of coircc nr ton without the knoulcilgo of thu iwibun tuklu Hi iilwoluli ) ; ly harmless , nnd will rlfect ] . < Tiimuem utid hnci'Uy cine , whvtjitir tlio imtlfiit It. u inoilrruto ill Inker or nn ulroliolla wreck , Tliousindit of ( Iriinkuids Imvo lpcn inado temiwrute tni'ii wlio hav-otukenOoldeUHpi'tlllolntlielr tollMfl with out their know leclK nnd to day liullevii tli y ni ; ' ilrlnkhiK of thi'lr own tiva will. IT KM l.H J'AII-a. .Tho Hynteni once InipreKnateil with tliu Sni'clilc , It bPconifM tui utter lmpsilblHty ( for tli liquor nppotlti ) to exist , 1'or ful < j It ) ' Kulm A : Co. . llitti und Douelui sts. nnd luth inn } Cum ins its. , Oiiinlm , N b. ; A. 1) , I'os'.ci & Uro , Council lllutrn , lit.