THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SEVENTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , SATURDAY HORNING , DECEMBER 17 , 1887. ' NUMBER 183 A BRUTAL MURDERER HUNG , ' Charles Bellows Expiates His Crlmo at Oharlos City. SUPPORTED TO THE GALLOWS. Tlic Mlhrrnltlc AVretch'H Ilravndo For saken lllni nt the IinHt Moment nml Ho DICH Vnlnly Plead- tfift lor Mercy. An limn CHAW. UITV , In. , Uco. 10 [ Special Tele gram to the Hi.r. ] To dny will long bo re membered as nil cvcnlftil ono for Chatlcs City. Not oi'ily were the strcctH thronged , but the thoughts of niiiny of llio ptoplc of lowu were upon the cllj whore , for the first time in twenty-two jenis , WHS to bo pto- scnlcd spectacle of n man hanged , not for vengeance , but according to oidvud Inw. Thoiowns no thought of ic- prlcvcorcommutntlon , no woids of sjmpa- thy or pllj' , but a sentiment universal Hint Bellows must hunt , ' . All preparations for the hanging weiu completed this morning , and thcio was nothing to do but to await the hour. In the enily inoinlng people fiom the surrounding country began to pour Into town. At 8 o'clock mound the jail all was excite ment. A multitude had gathered thinking they would be nITuriicd nn oppoi utility to wit nets the execution , but they wcio not grati lied. A fovv'icpoiteis , the shenlls of the different counties of the state and those au- lhori/cd by luw weio the only witnesses inescnt Inside the Inelosmc. At il o'clock six chosen men finm company J1 , I. N. G. , went on duty , keeping much ai ound the yard in which the gallows was elected. Up toll o'clock last night Ucllows man ! fcsted the same delimit disposition as ut Ana mesa , when ho staid to the watdcn : "Sco that I am hung early so that I will reach hell in time for bieakfast. " Khoi tly after 0 o'clock last night the shot iff cntcted his cell with n lottcr fiom his sister , Mrs. Watci man. The letter was handed ti : Uellows and Sheriff Clntk tcoh occasion to ad monish lihu to picpaic for cternltj as he to bo surely hanged in the 11101 ning Hollow * looked up his face and Haiti : "I will laugh at .von on the gallows. The slid iff then left the cell. Scon ho heard moans fiom Mellows who was weeping bittcily over the last wutten vvoidsof his devoted - voted ulster. llo spent an houi ultciimtelj weeping ovei the lettu and sweating at the Jail officials Slioi tly aftei 10 o'clock lie sud tlcnly seized a laigo aim chair and altemptcc to strike down one of the death watches as he was bent over fixing the liic. lie was seized by ono of the irthci w. itches , however nnd compelled to go to his cell cot ; and Ik down , lie went to steep at once and did nol waken until 4 a in. , when ho aioso and agab wont to the guauls and demanded that ho be libeiatod. The guiiidd ga\e him no satisfaction , and he again went to Ills col and slept for OUT an hour. He awoke for the last tlmoshoitlv after 7. Ho lofuscd to accept of any eatables whate\er. Ho was appaiently in gloat agony ot mind but made no refcicnco to his cnme. At 10-IIO tile Jail inclosuro was tluow'nopen and the foily-six holdeiB of tickets passei In. A ten Iblc sound giceted their eais. It was miiilo by Hollows In his cell sweat inc , nnd cm sing at , thoolllccis us they wcio put ting the shackles on him. He succeeded ii Inflicting an ugli wound by biting ono of the guard's hands. Ho was forced to the wal p d was liiinly bound. Al seventeen rr..svtcs of 11 o'clock TSIicrif Claik stopped on the platfoim of the scaffoli ittrtl in a Hi m , clear \oico called the names of tlio tvvclvo Juijmcn who had for."tod ' Hcl lows Hitch icspondcd to his nnmo. The , death waiiant was then icad to Hollows ii his cell. At llftccn minutes of 11 the death maieli commenced. The window fiom the ciiminal's cell had been taken outnmla&linr way leading up to the gallows elected. Uj they wended , the shciilT leading , follow ei by tils deputy. Then came Hellows ii tils stocking feet , pat tly caiuci by { wo stiong men. Ho took i position over the fap and btaied at the .null erne foi a moment , his faeo weaiingasad dejected look. His logs weio pinioned , bu not a woul escaped his lips unlil adjusted the noose , when he InoKoilown. ei.\ ing "Plcaso don't , please don't , please don't please don't. " The nouso was then tightened wjicn in almost inaudiblu woids he said. "I inn innocent. " His supportcis stopped on cither sklo o him. ShciilTChuh moved to the icar .ind n four minutes to 11 , with that ten iblo lie ficsl on his lips , the tuip was spuing and Hollow swung Into vicinity. Hollow H.dld not sttugglc , except a sllgh shrugging of the sbouldois and n convulsive motion of hi feet. His pulse was up to It thico minutes and .forty seconds afU-r th diop fell anil then beiniuo less frequent mill eight minutes and foity-thrco seconds v.hei life was pi oiKiunccd extinct. The body 10 nialncd hanging for twenty minute" , when 1 was cut down and placed In a conln ut the foot of the gallows. An examination piovec that his neck had been broken in two places Norelatl\es witnessed tlio execution am none would accept of the remains. They were bulled nt thu expense of the county. MMH-ilSOl'THU CUtMi : . The ciiino was ono of the most biutal am cold-blooded over iccoided in the initials o Iowa. H wus committed on the faimo Chester Wileox. inTlo.vd lonnty , Iowa , on tlio btli duy of July , JbMJ , the victim bcmc his niece , Alice Wntct man , a beautiful gii of sixteen. Hellows was bom In tlio city o Now Yoi k mid cat ly in j outh w as dcpm ec of n fathu's c.uo and was bionght up witl passions unchecked and temper utibt idled , a \'Ho and hnidenid vwolch , whose ovotj thought was lieontioas and wliosu aims weio Bolcly thogratitleatlons of tlio lusts of hi Imtdcnod heart. For a Unto before ho i cached his majoiity ho diovo a stioct car ii Minneapolis and there went fiom bad to \voiso. W.lth suih tt.ilts of ( hiuacter ns those. lie came into the happy and highly 10 ' spcetod Watcimnu far.illv. and pio\e'd the Roipcnt in their Eden. With no icsjicct for tclf or kindred lie , oudcavoicd to dcstioy the virtu of their daughtei , his nine1 , n highly mill vatcd and much respected j nun , ? lady. Tail Ing in tills illy attempt and being foi bidden longer the pilvllcges nt n homo h was laj Ing tlio foundation to destroy , w ithou the slightest piovocntlnn except that cngun deiod by n debased mliiil and an uttoilj liar dened and con upt lieait , he muidniudth poor gltl. wantonly and cruelly. Ha tut Icaincd hit * lessons nf nnbildled passion oi the sheet * and in tliu slums of gieatoltle nnd the end Is but u legitimate Jesuit of thu cducition. A Hi i : icpoitcr after ntldaof four mid1 southwest of Clint IN City , inihod ut the beautiful \Vnteimaii ic.sidoneo and lieu lorn-nod fionuMts. Watumnn , the details o thu tragic afTair. Hollows was engaged by hisbrolhcr-in Invv Mr. \ \ a I olpcr on the faun. Mis Wiiteimnn did not liku the nttcnUon ho was paying her daughter mid she asked him to go away and llnd another phico to vv ik. Ho flccmed to tnko It all lit good pint at Histuntl his mother moved Into the tu IghboihooJ niu then lie tried to get Altco to lonvu homo Shot tly after this lie had some words wit ! Mtv Wutcunan , and ho went to the house.nm yhllo enraged } ihi \ to Alice thnt , lie woulc outrage lief bclwo the year euctcd. A few dins missed when one eveiilnghocntcicd he loom uy means of a ladder on the outside and undertook to chlorofoim tier , but wa liiScov vied and wont away. Hoping Hellows , and thinking that ull ttouhlo mlgh bo avoided , Allco loft tier mother's homo bj consent of tier paronto nndhlicd out as . Bctvant in the family of Mrs. Wilcox. Hu not bo. Kirlyoutho moining of the Sth o July , Hellows came around to the tear nf tti hotibo and called for Alice , who was wotklnc in the kitJicn. to oo mo nut , as ha wanted t see her. Tlio girl was fi lightened ami lies ! tatcdtogo , liutllnally went. The door tun hardly clyscd behind her when Mrs. Wtlco\ heard the , report of a revolver and u scieam to tlio door bho tUcw ) U open , nu ooklng through tlio outer screen saw Allco n the ground with tier head partly lalsed rom It , lighting her assassin as best ho could , and nt the same time leading jnteously and Imploring the Illnln to uparc her life. Untouched by the ender voice , lie placed the miiz/lo apalnsther jreast nn4 sent an unerring bullet ciushlng hrough her hi east. Mrs. Wilcox rushed tier Ittlo childicn Into the front bedroom , bolted ho doors behind her nnd called to her bus- mud. who was making hay near the house , for help. He had heard thctcportsof ttie re volver , and at his wife's call stalled for the louse. When ho came near lie saw Hollows standing o\cr tils pro tr.itc victim. The murdeier , hoailng him , turned nnd with a tuli k motion llred the revolver and threw It at Wlkox's head. Mi. Wilcox thought the 'ho ' was intended foi him and struck the fcl ow oor thu head w 1th his fork handle , hi Ing- jiff him to his knees. Hccticdout : "Don't ill mo ng iln , I'm shot , " ami opened tils vest , showing the blood llowing from n wound in the side. Wlleox thicw him Into a wagon , ( nought him to Charles City nnd lodged him in Jail. An Indignant and nn outraged people ese up to n\cnge the ciime , and for n time it looked as if Chester 1 follow s w as to be Ij nehed , but to thuctvdlt of the pcoulo the law was allowed to take Its course. Medical assistance was called and the bullet probed for , nttu found beneath the skin In the back. Ho slowly ieco\eied mid was. tiled in the Is'o\cuibei tcim of couit , Judge Uuddlck pie- siding. Against the advice of his counsel lie hi ought In the plea of "Insanity , pioduccd by m.iotutballon. " Ills actions bcfoie the conit bcggais description. The tiial was long and tedious , but. ( he Juiois , after the ease was gl\en to thorn , weio not long in leaching the \eidiit , llxlng the penalty at death. When Hollows was hi ought Into- the couit loom and the vcidict lead in his pies- cnco n smile was upon his countenance , evl > dently not nssumod , for ho said that the sent encc was n icllef to him , ns ho piefcticd death to llfo InipiNonmeiit. The judge pro ceeded to i cad the death sentence in a voice biokcn at timesbj'htiongemotions. Tluough out the cnliio leading Hellows sat looking ai ound the couit loom , accepting his doom w lib u smile , ami show ing such utter lack of feeling ns to lese all sympathy lie might have had. A motion was made for unexvtiial , but was promptly overruled. In his death to day on the gallows it is the universal \eidict that Hellows leeched naught but what ho justly deserved A California Choke. HAKcnsnup , Cain , Doc. II ! Thurston Lee was hanged hcio to day for the mm dor of John SmiUi in Match , IhSI. FHOnUATION OF Adoption of the Constitution and Elec tion of OHiooi-8. BAI.TIMOHR , PCC. Hi The American Fed eration of Labor to day decided to i educe the pci capita tax foi the support of the Kcdei- ntion fiom } to ' of a cent per month and impose an annual tax of $ > > on all state fed- nations ; not to piovido a sahuicd organi7er , but to utlow the redeiution to employ sticli special organizes as may be needed fiom time to time. While local unions w ill not be compelled to foi in themselves into state fed- cuitions , jetlhoy ate sttongly urged to do so , After loecss consideration of the constitu tion was ( omplctid and the documcnl adopted. It was icsolvod to ask congicss to shot ten the houis of labor In view of the de creased number nf woikmen. The commit tee lepoited that the lapid giowth of the older icsulted fiom. Hist , the avowed purpose - pose of the fedoiation to allow each tiado to govein Itself , undseiond , to the discontent oi the Knights of Labor at the bad management of their nffuiis and the despciatv use ol stiikes. The coiumittoo ivcoiumctulcc the utmost icsibtanco to the cneroachmcul of the Knights of Labor , niasmuel as that oiganUation showed itself opposci to the pi inciplcs of tiado unionism. Tlio re port w.w adopted I The follow nig ollleci s wi5ro olectcd by ac clamation : Pi esident , Samuel L Goni)0is. | ) New Vork , lopieseiiting the Intel nation.r Cigaimnkoi's union ; Hist vice pi esident , Daniel McLatighllu , icpiescntlng thu Illinois Minei'H association ; second vk'o picsklcnt , Williain Mtitln , of the Amalgamated lion and Steel WoikciT.1 usbpeiation ; secictary. P J. McGuiic , of Phdadelpulr. , HroWicrhood ofCaipcnteis and Joincis : ticasuiei , { J- > - biiel Mdinoiison , of the Washington Hrotlier- liood of Cai peiitei s and .loinei s' . It was decided to hold the next convention at St. Louis. Die Itcliol , Doc. 10 [ .Special Telegram to the HTK. ] The committee appointed by tlio new district assembly of "Hebel" Knights o : Labor for the pui pose of di awing up aeon stitution has decided to use llio old constitu tion of the knights simply eliminating these paits wlilcli they object to. The piinolpa points mo Hint the iclations of the oidcrto waidsothci labor oiganlzallous and paitieu l.ub tiades unions , shall not bo antagonistic but ratbet filcmllv ; the tiados shall bo 01 ganlred within the older hi tiadcs and the mixed assemblies iccognizcd only foi poisons who cannot for some icason or other Join 01 foi in n tiadcs union ; that each tiado and dis triel shall govein its own nlTaus without in Icifeienco fiom the general ofnVeis vvhcioby all dues and assessment ! would i cm 11 hi In the distilet tic.ts- ui lee , with the exception of what little is icijuned in the limited functions of the gen ci al ofllcnrs ; that theio shall bo no snhuict ofticct' , but the oflkors Khali bo paid accord ing to tlio time actually consumed in woik .11 ntatoof wages euri cut In their trade ; thai tl'eio slwll bo no genoial lectmorsoi genein Instiuctors or other siuccuies ; that no ofllccis shall bo elected for moio ttmn n year ut n lime. Thcso puuclplcs so closely icscmblo those of the lodbration of tiadca that the question. occtiucd if tin alliuuco wltti that 01 gnul/ation was not advisable , but no IK tioi was taken on tlio matter. The name of the new oulei will ptabably bo "The Independent older of Knights of Labor. " Scraps With Its Annex. CHICAGO , Dec. 10 Open war was iimngn t atcd this morning between the village oftl ceis of Hyde Puilc , icccutly annexed to Chicago , and the city ofllelals. The dispute about annexation was settled In the coutts a few dus ago by a decision In favor of Chicago cage , mid Ma.\ot 'Kocho sent oflkers down and took possession of tlio police and liio de- p.utmcnts. Mavoi Picue and Comptiollei Norton , of Hjdo Park , however , lefusedto give up the village m-oids. The matter ntood lu this hhnpo until this afternoon , when the cltj ofllelals took decided steps am : diovo the opposing foices out of tlio 1U do IMikhall. - A 3llnlsoiralally San < lliagjcd. Louisv it i c , Dec. Iti. Kov. Dr. Hasll Inn ley , n juofi'isor in n Baptist theological tcin Inaiy mid ono of tlio most prominent Hnptist divines of the south , was sandbagged by two masked ircu last night and fatally injuicd , Senator Gaiiity Hclcasc < l. Cnirxcio , Doc. 10 Thoeaso against Slate Senator CSanity for alleged unlntcntiona bhootlng of Micliacl Kennedy , last month was non-stiitcd this moining und Uaiiity was icleised froi : * . his bonds. A Now ( iolil I'ind. ST. Louis , Dec. -Advice * fiom Presas Ald.unn,1 In the southern putt of Tamaullpa < - state thnt cxtonslvn depoh\ts \ of gold and ci nubarornuieksilvci bcailn 010 have bcci foundncar thcru. Out tlio H.tnditH. A. T. , Deo. 10 It was Icaincc ! late hiht niglit that the scouting party sent to Cicnja in scinch of the Hoi nal bandttt > , foum tinco inon , supposed to Iwlong to that band near Chacala , ami shot them. m A Kerosene Angel. Tot'EKA , Kan.Dec. 10 Mis. Matirt Katbci was binned to death last night by her .dress catching tlio while uttcmptlug to ictlll an oi lump. HllslllCnh'TlOtlblcri. Tno , N. Y. , Ucc 10.-SpenclT & Perkins diy goods mot chants , hitvo assigned. Liabil Jtles , $50WOj aaets , f-JU.OUO , Second Day's Proooocllngs of the Convention of Bopublicau Clubs. PLATFORM AND PRINCIPLES. ( irosvonor , of Ohio , Itlps Open the llcliel Itccord of Secretary liantar and KlekH on Ilia I'rontotlon. > The Uo | > ulllcan Clubs. Nr.vv YOHK , Dec. 10. The convention of the icpubllcan clubs was called to ordcrabout 11 o'clock this mornlnp.nfter which the chair men of llio different committees appointed jesterday made their icports. Dining the reading of the names of clubs , that of Juiiics G. Hlnlno wns greeted with ticmcndous cheering , but II wns .noticed that the Ohio delegation was silent. After the lopoit of the committee on credentials was adopted , Geiieial Hobinson. of the Ut.tnt club of Uing- hamlon , N. Y.oneicd the following i evolu tion , which was refeticdto the ptopercom mittee. Kcbolvcd , That it is the duty of the gov- ci nmcnt to place our tounti y in such state of defense as will command the icspect of rll nations , nnd for this puiposo ulnigo poitlon of the silt plus revenue should bo devoted to fortify Ing our bin hots , building ships for out- navy and manufacture of modern uiltllcty for proper at mnmcnt of same. Giosvcnor , of Ohio , ofTeicd the following icsolutlon , which caused a sensation : Wheicas , It is the opinion of this national convention of icpubllcan clubs that no man who at any tlmo denounced Abiahum Lin coln , while ho was president of the United States , as "n buffoon and a clown , " or who ever declined fiom his seat in the Uniteil Stttcs scnnto that no man should denounce JefToison Davis as a tiaitor in his picso'ico and go uniebuked for It , or who In his ofllc iul capacity as sccic- tnry of the inlet lor prdctcd Hint the Hag of the United States should bodisplajed at half must on account of tno death of Jacob Thompson , or w ho us senator of the United States many years after the wnr lefused to vote that the thirteenth , fourtccnlli ai.d fif teenth amendments to the constilulion nrc vulid nnd binding , otighl lo bo appointed to or hold the high ottlco of justice of the supicmo couit of the United States ; tlicie- foic. foic.Kesolved Kesolved , That L. Q C. Lnmar ought not to have been appointed Justice of s.dd cnui t. " It was then cniiicd on molion that all icso Unions should bo refcrtcd to the committee on resolutions without being read. The peimiinent clmirman , William M. Ev nits , then took the plntfoimnmidtiemcndous cheering. He congt atulatcd the eonvenlion on its oignnization nnd said its woik would not intcifeio with any established oigani7a- tlon of the patty. It would , like the "grand old paity , " never acknowledge theiocould be chosen a candidate greater than the party. The dcmoctats alwnjs piidc themselves thnt they nominate men gteater than their party , but that illusion bus nbout been despoiled. Thu election of the man who at present fills the chief executive otllce of the nation has caused this , and Ihodcmocialicsoolhingsyiup shows that it is totallv devoid of any medici nal piopcities The paity never had tiny candidate 01 pi inciplcs hostile to the countiy's best intciests Those deluded citi- /.ens who think so , mistake our pi inciplcs and their duty. The clubs or leagues that will bo oigunbed now will piove oigans , agents and channels for enfoicing the sound polithal purposes fiom which the paity never sluInks or feais. Thus the suf- liage of this country will bo formed and pci moated with icpubhe.m piineiples. The speaker then icferred to the supprcs sion of trie negro v oto in the south , and then went into the message of Cleveland. He thought the democrats might ti y and explain it away if possible later on , nnd when they cinnot do that , will ictiact. Hut wo must hold them to it Wo have n tight to that message. The * l hor- ing class , who tend that message xn ! ! ° o.c , tbiough the phiascs in which Is dis guised Ins leal posi'on tow aid them. Some people think that the icpubjjcnn senate will picvcnt the picsidcnt from doing wiong Nice way that foi the people to elect a pies- ident , believing the opposile paity will keep him sti night. The di aft for the constitution for the na tionaloigani/ation to be known as the "He- publkan League of the United States , " was juesonted. A piesident. tluoo vko picsi- dcnts and a socictarv and treasuicr mo to ho the oflkcis. A diaft of a constitution for state leagues was also piescnted. The/ latter aic to hold annual conventions but nrc not to cspiess any piefoienws for any candidate bcfoto any political convention. Any club having twenty mcnibets is entitled to mem bership in the state league. A convention ot leagues during the j car ISbS Is also pi ov hied for. for.Tho The commiltco on permanent organization named for president William M. Evaits of New York , and a long list of vicc-ptesidcnts , nmongthem W. W. Tracy , of Illinois : E. H. Congoi , Iowa ; H. W. Hieekcmulge , No- biaska ; K. M. Ln Fallotte , Wisconsin. For chief scciotary , Colonel Ctmtlcs W. Johnson , of Minnesota , with nine assistants. Thp repoit was adopted and ivoto of thanks tendered Hon. D. S. Hjan for the able and impaitiiil manner manner in which he had dischatpcd the duties of tcmpoiaiy chnhman. A icccss was taken till 3 p. m. It was after 4 o'clock , however , when ttie convention wns again called to order. New Yoi k was the hist to arrive. They had spent the recess in ono of the small halls at the Grand opera house caucusing for candidates to present to the convention its oftlccis of the pioposcd national league. They had picpaied the follow Ing list : Picsidcnt , Chaunccy M. Depew , of New Yoik ; vice president , James Ii. Hlanchaid , New Yoik ; executives oommit- lecinnn for New Yoik. Edgar T. Hrackelt. - The count made duuiig the icccss showed 1,3'J delegates present and WK ) clubs icpte- scnted In addition to these ! ) . " > ( ) , the credcu- tinlsof sevcnty-llvo clubs hnvo been pic- scntcd to the committee , but no delegates have applied for their credentials. OAftcrChuil man Evaits had taken his scat timid applnuso there weie icponted calls for Genoial Nathan GofT , of West Virginia , who climbed to the platform. Ho said in part : "Wunicofn countiy that , bcfoto the or ganization of the republican paity , wns suf- fcinig from the blight of slavery , ignorance and democracy.Voaiercpublkansbccaubo , living In that land , wu bcllcvo American labor and industry should bo protect * d by law. [ Cheers ] The democratic party lias been false to that Idea. " The spcakei then refetred to the war , In which sonic of West Virginia's sons fought on the union side and some undei stui s and bars , but they ull \ otcd for James G. Hlaino nt the hist election. General GofT followed with eulogy of the icpubllcan paity pud concluded us folldws."With Allison of Iowa , LiiKoln of Illinois , Harrison of In diana , Shcrnmn of Ohio , Haw lev nf Con necticut , Evuits and Hiscock of Now Yoik. Phil Sheridan of the United States , and last bul by no means least Hlaino of Maine , wo should win. " Cheers followed each namo. Chuiimnn Evaits , al the close of General Golfs icmurks , stated that the commiltco on icsolutions was icady to leport , nnd Hon. John A. ICnsson , of Iowa , then icad the com- mittco's repoil. It begins : The associated delegates of republican clubs of the United States , now assembled foi the tire t time in national convention , docinitulit occasion for declining to their cotintt.v men the pin i > oses of their orgnnl/a- tion Wo hold it our dut.v especially to the joung : men of the tommy , whoso patriotic sentiments we would lonsu into political ac tivity to give them icasons which will Jus tify and demand their /oalous ( oncurtciico and active co-operation In out clfoits. A lengthy and careful rev lew is then made of the deed * , of tlio icpubluan party fiom its curliest organi/atiou , Un works of impiovu- ineut , t cfoi m , etc. The preamble then * &i s ; Wo ncknowlcdpo that there jet remains much work of citizenship to be ui'ioinplished. ThOioaio relics of baibarlsm still , but VT- tlally eradicated , still contesting their rlglitrt of supi cuiacj. and. among them are pol.v g.nni'i ' iol iutvmpcraucc. that tlio republican pdrty was founded ujxin principles of liberty , ininllHcd by law and the 1'ood order of Boe'lcty , these associated wllh clubs cannot fall to contlnuo the war against these ttiplcls of barbnrlsm till they ate but led In the crave , wheio slavery sleeps eternally. While these dclcgrttes were preparing to assemble In council for Itielr pntilotlu work as dutiful citizens , they nnd all their counlty- men weie nstoUndcd by a message from the democtatlc chief magistrate of the United State's which abandoned nil precedents of Ills picdcccsHorg The constitution rcouiics him to give congicss information of the state or the union. Every president from Wash ington to Arthur has annually pci formed this duty with dignity. This president lias descended' so fur from their piuctlco as to allow himself lo convert this constitutional duty into n paillsan speech for llio complete overthrow of the jtollcy lecnnuncndcd by the founders of the government and especially cndoisedby his earliest piedciessois in of fice. We therefore call the attention of our counlrymcn to tlio facts of their ow n recent history under Hie Influence of a policy of pro- Iccllon. Stallslics me Ihcn quoled going to show ttio tat go Incicaso in the piospciity and giowth of the counlry In nil wnjs since IbOl Under ptotoctlvo policy. We , therefore , nppcallng to the foregoing history of the icpuhlican paitj and that of the country identified with it , maKe the fol low ing declarations : Wo emphatically refuse to abandon the policy of homo protection on which our unex ampled national prosperity nnd ptogioss me founded. The effect of the dcmoeiutic policy would bo disastrous by transfet ring ninny of oirr Industiics to England and robbing our working people of their employment mid wages , for the benefit of Hiltish manufaetur- ei s by exhausting our accumulated capital in paj ment of foreign debts Inclined for lin- potted meichaiidlsc. and by damaging the entire sj stem of ah Industrial and commer cial Intel couise. Wo piotest against it In the name of all American labor nnd entei prise. Wo iccogniye in the message of the head of the demociatic party n tender to the counlry of a choice bcl ween suppot ting Ihc laboiors and Industiieaof Great Hiiluln and Euiopo gcncially on thoono hand and on the olher ihosuppotlof the Inhering men und Indus- liial entei prises of America. Wo icspectfully decline Hie foi mer , which ho icconimcnds , and will slaud by our people when wo elect a pi esident. The pimclple of protection is founded upon llio inteicstH of tlio cnliiecounliy , its su preme objccl lo lender Amciica independent of Em ope , to lender the United States self sustaining ; to keep our money nt homo nun gjvc employment to our own walking people ; to substitute home competition for foreljrn ; to build up towns and villages ; to encouinge ngiBuituio and enhance the value of farms ; to piovido homo maikets for the farmer ; lo adopt our nianu- faetuies to our domestic wants ; lo promote the opening of lapid and clicap communica tion between tliu states und teriitoiics ; to open mines nnds dcvelou nil the vast re sources of our countiy , so iichly blessed of good , in all that Is needed to make a party gient , contented nnd hnppy. While the icpublican patty has since the war lepeutedly cut down taxation and has uniform , when in power , kept the surplus within snfo limits , the demociacy have shown themselves incompetent for either duty nnd by persistcnlly icfiishig any 10- duction of luxes unless coupled with n destrucllvo assault on , American induslries , aie icsponsiblc for the nccumulalion of the existing sutplus artd all the daugcis it in volves. Wo believe thnt only the icstotation of republican supremacy can give assui ancc of unity , icduccd taxes , a toviscd tariff nml n limited BUI plus , with the picscrvutlon of a policy which alone saves us fiom becoming the commercial slaves of Euiopo. The continued icjusjil of the democrallc house of i cprcscntnUvcs to admit tci i itoi ics having a populationsuf high character itnd in telligence , cxceediiiK in number that of sev eral states of the im'uii , old and now , should aiousc the indignation of all Ituo Amciicans who behcv o in homo rule und constitutional lights. " We condemn IhoKosllhiynf Ihc dcmocialic paity in the house of representatives to all means for the advancement of broad , popu lar education , and denounce Its conduct in thwarting evety cffoit to consider any mcaaUK ! foi this purpose. Kev ivmg no past Issues , we insist , ns the living question and indispensable bulwatk of national seem ity , upon n free , honest ballot und fair count in nil states of Iho union We ch.iigo the demociatic patty with fail ing to pi ovido out of the abundant i esourccs of llio nation for the upbuilding of n moic efficient navy for the pi election of our de fenseless seacoast , for the restoiution of our commoicinl marine so essential to the train ing of Amei icnn seamen nnd to the extension now of American tiado , nndweuigo the ne cessity of piompt and cneigetic mcasmes for those impoitant objects. Woehnigotho democratic ndmlnisltation with culpable weakness In guarding Ameil- can industries und individual lights on tlio high sens nnd in foicign hinds , while the ves sels nnd piopcrty of our citi7cns have been seized and sacrificed in fnicign poits , and in- foi mation of what they vvcie justly entitled to under our Ircalies withheld figm them or made dependent on foieign interrelations , and wo demand a more vigorous assertion of American statesmanship which shall restore thoiespctt once accoided to the Just de mands of our tepublic. Wre charge the demociatic put ty- with being recreant to the republic and Ihe pledges of the president of prostituting the civil ser vice to partisan { imposes. Wo hold that these pi ofcssed friends of civil seivico re form who accept and follow Ibis faithless action in picfcrcnco to ttio patty which placed llio civil service law on the statute books , aio themselves untrue to their pro fessions. We condemn any backward steps in this reform und all lopoeiisy In its ad- ministiation. Wuchaigotho dcmocialic odmlnisliatlon with Ii umpliiig upon the Just clnimn of the soldicis of the republic and with reopening accepted sentiments of deploiablo sectional stiife by icmovlng the emblems of such strife fiom tlio place wheiolhey ( paiclly repose in the archives of tlio nation and jiclding only after the indignant protests of the Amei nan people. Upon thin hlslory nnd llicso dcol. nations we confidently summon to our aid not only thopatilotism of Iho1 cotinli , but its labor , its industry , its eommcicc und its statesman ship.Tho The tepott was unanimously adopted Adjourned untill UHmoirow morning. Anti-Saloon ! ItepnblleanN. SiHAcc'Bi ' 10. The i saloon : , 'pec. ant 10- publican stnto convention adopted a plat foi m declaring an Irrepressible conflict bo- Ivvccn Ihc liquor traflkj nnd elu istian civiliza tion ; thai Hie saloon ought to be utterly ox- lit paled , because the ] propt ictors hav o com bined in open warug inst the Aincilcan Sab- buth ; that the compairt "between bi ewers and distillers has rcaelieu u poinl where the te- publican jiarty mukt accept the issue and do- j-luro a detei mined hostility to these enemies of go < 5j morals ami sa'cred institutions ! n our land , or abandon tliolr claims to bo patties of law and order , copowd to vice nnd ciime , mmrchyniid socialisiS } points to Penir il- vanin us nn cxnmi > lo of the bticccss icsulling fiom u bold stand ; favor * proi'utlon ; : ' amend ments , local option dnd icstiictioil l i lux.- ulion. Albert Griflln , of Kansas , cliali man of the national commiltco , imnoiinccd that when lie called nn Hlaino scvuinl mouths ago Hlaino said lie favored the unti-saloon movcmrnt. InlerestH. Ni.w Yniih , Ucc. 10. [ Sjicclal Telegram to the HI.P. ] Yachting men ar6 consoling themselves over the improbability of another challenge for. tno Amcthan cup with the rumor of nn International Ktetun j ae lit race for the prUe ofTeicd by the American .vacht club twojcais ago , valued ut $10,000. The superi ority of American steam yachts ns evidenced by their brushes with fotejgn built cralt nbioadhn > o iliJ'Tined Die EngllHh. It is said that Cninmoaoio t'larkc , of the Hoyal Clidejacht < lub , Intends to build a btuim j ficht of the largest class , with a v lew of chal lenging. Clnikowas hcio during the last cup races in the hlcam j aeht Mohican , which he sold. THE CONGRESSIONAL RECESS , It Will Probably Tnko Place Next Thursday For the Holidays. NEBRASKA LAND CASE DECISIONS Two of Them Passed Upon lly Acting Secretary Mnlclrovv More About the Theater Sensation Hull- road Discrimination. A Passatfc-at-Arms. WASHINGTON Hjmrui Tin : OMMIA Hrr , ) r > lj"FouiiTFr.NTii ! Srm.rT- > WAMU.NOTON , D. C. , Dec. 10 J Congress will take Its holiday icccss on Thuisday of next week , and will reconvene on Wednesday , January 4. The house adopted ttjolnlresolution totlils cfToct to day , and , as it is the usual thing , there is no doubt but tlio senate will concur Mhcn It meets on Monday. The house adjourned ov cr till Monday nexl , when the senate also will be in session. Neither body Is expecled to do any actual business until after the holi days. The house committees w ill not bo an nounced before Jnnuarj' , and until Ihey mo oiganlred Iho 'work vv ill be inconsequential. The only life at the capital to duy was in the sharp speeches of Mr. Hoed , of Maine , who is tlio republican leader of the house , and Mr. Hatch , of Missouri , on Ihe democratic side , over a concurrent resolution ofTctcct bj' thelnttcr , ptovldlng for nn ad Join nmcnt of congicss fiom Monday next to January B. Mr. Heed c hmgcd the dcmocials , In bitter , smcnstic language , with a criminal waste of lime , in which Mr. Hatch , in his icply , said the republicans had blocked all effoi ts to im prove time and relieve the country by tin iff icforni. i cistovs rNEiiu.4"KA T.KNI > CATS. Acting Sccretnry Muldiovv , In the nbscnce of Secretary Lamar fiom the intciior dcpait- incnt , is grinding oul n good many decisions in Nebtusku land cases which liavo been ap pealed. To day lie scut to the acting land commissioner n modified continuation of the decision of the toiler officer in the case of Nnncj'Howinitn vs Jerry Griftln. involving the n. e.'of , section H , tp. 3 , n. c. lange ! iO , west of the MeCook distt ict. The acting sccietaiy decides that neither Hovvman nor Giiflin is entitled to the land , nor is any ono else cnlltlcd lo pi tor cnlry to the land. In the case of Van Gordon vs Joseph W. Ems , in which llio land commissioner decided to lejcctthc final ptoof of Ems and held for cancellation Iho filing the n. } { of tlio s. } { of section 10 , township it , n. c. r. 23 , West Hloomington laud distiiel , llio secictary finds that "Ems has not acted in good faith , that lie never established n icsldcnco on the land w ith tlic intention of making it his home , nnd that his prctcvidcd tinnsfcr of his homestead to tils bi other wns for the purpose of qualify ing himself lo make Iho affidavit necessary in such cases , " and thciofore his final proof Is lojcctccl and his tiling cancelled. The de cision of Ihc land commissioner is afilimed. THE SENSATION AT THE Till AThlt. Miss Lucjf Kbctl Hoi ton , whoso sensa tional actions at Albaugh's theater last night I wired tlio Urn , was examined bjDr. . H. J. Poole nt the station house to day , nnd tie gave it as his opinion Hint steps should bo taken to secure proper ticalmcnt for her at the insane asylum. It is feared bj' ttie police officials that shojniget , if she goes ut liberty , attempt to shoot Senator Moigan , Lieutenant Amiss sajs she is much cmbittoicd against the sen ator on account of the part ho took In uphold ing his son at the time of the shooting a ( Tali- referred to. Sha talks about It considciably nnd the lieutenant thinks that in some cvsey .moment she might attempt to shoot him , Lucj'Hf > > ton , who is piobably twenty-four j ems old , made her Hist aupcui anco in Wash ington in IbsO , intioducmg hctself in lather n startling manner. She Jiad come fiom her homo in Alabama , following John Moignn , son of the senator , from Alabama , whom she charged with having betrnjcd her. She met joung Moigan ono evening ut dusk on ttio sti eel and shot at him. The ball struck him In the shoulder nnd did not inflict a sctiuus injui.v. Misslloiton wns nuosted , but the chili go siirnmst tier was novel pushed. She was snicl fo bo insane , and spent some time under Meatmen ! ul St KliAiboth. Many persons hcfiicndcd her , nnd she sccuied a ) Msition in tlio postotmo department which she still holds. Since then John Moigan has met a It agio fate. Ho wns drowned in the Potomac above West Washington a ago last summer , together with a joung woman , by the upsetting of a canoe This moining she was excited nnd icfuscd to leave the station , having the impicssion that she had been nrrestocl. On the blottei of the station "insanity" is wiitten opposite her name. Miss Horton , when she shol Doling Moigan , was a slender wisp of u gill. The Miss Hot- ton of to daj' is quite plump. She wus at- liied in a dark blue chess with deep icd tilm- mings. Her fuco is full , but wus very pale * to daj' , nnd her daik hair is cut short. "It was an outiago , " she said. "I think John Moigan or Geotgo Moigan got them to do it. " "Were you not ill at the thcaler ? " was asked No , I was nol. I had boon looking at the play and was amused. When thnt man shot the woman I turned to my companion and said : 'I do not like to see such tilings , oven on the. stage. I wonder what play this is'and then I turned to look ul my piogiammc , turning so the light would fall on it , and I could sea tlic name of the play. As I did that two btutessebed me and I was bi ought lioie. I will not leave here until this mailer has been invcsligatcd. " Miss Hortcn , il v\as thought , gave way under the stiain upon tier ovciwi ought nerves , duo to the emotional chaiactcr of the play , mid the to her cspcclnlly suggestive scene In which the pistol plajed a part. Miss Hoi ton , during times of excitement this moining , asked fora pistol and seemed in tent on doing damngo oithei to lieiself or otlicis. She has been lodging in the house of Mr. Luvv rence , No. liU ! ( G sttcet , and lie in- toimedLicntennnt Amiss thnt tier nctions had been strange forscvetal weeks. She has been under the cut e of the police before , and Lieutenant Amiss oxpicssod the opinion that she suffered from lite cffecls of some drug to which she was addicted. 1U1I.UOAI ) IlteCIUMIV\TIOV. Omaha Is nol to bu alone In lior fight against railroad discriminations. Tjoino southern elites intend lo make complaint , it is stated , upon grounds similar to these occupied by the mctrojKjlls of Ncbiaska. To duy the intci- statc commerce commission gave a heating in the case of John H. Mai tin and M. H Alar- tin , of Denver , Cole , who allege violation of section 4 of the Intel-state law the short und long haul section on the pint of the Southern P.icifipcompanj' , the Cential Pacific- and the Union Pacific roads The complain ants allege that in the transportation of ducd fruits fiom San Ftancisco to Denver thotail- load companychuigcs fi ! ) , while fiom San FMtnclsco to Omaha , a distance much gi cater , the charge is onh ? I. ( ) " . H Is further slated that the rate back fiom Omaha to Denver is only (1.40. KMOIITHOF I.UIOH roit I'OSTAI , Ti'iEOitAi-nr. * " 1 If-Wi to-night that there is In di dilation among 1 ? * Knights of Labor throughout the countrj-iipou0" ' to congress for the estab lishment of n 8y2 * ni of tclegiaph by the government upon the prn proposed by Sen ator Ciilloin , of Illinois , \vS ? jntioduicd a billon the subject this week. lt3 ! aid that Senator Cullom anticipated the movemCn' by the knights nnd he is to be their champion in the upper blanch of on this topic. If tlio Knights of Labor go about thclt demands in concert nnd iiuiicstness then * is little doubt Unit they will succeed. Thu petitions from the knights aio ox pec ted to appear in congic ss very soon itftci the holi day icccss , when the agitation of the subject of govetnmsnt tclegiaph will begin with gicat earnestness , The Knights of Labor wfeld a very potent influence here' . It is said thai every mcmbur of or- gnni7cd labor will hnvo an opportunity to sign Ibis petition , and it is believed that cvciy one v.'lll atueii his or hci The canvass being made is the most thorough ivosslblc. SMAII , TU.K. llcpresentativo McShaiio lefl Ibis nfler- noon for Boston , wlionco he goes Immediately to Omaha. Major Sawyer , of Lincoln , Is In the city to await a decision of Iho suptemo court in the Lincoln habeas corpus case. The major Is one of the defendants In the cnso. Senator-elect Granville C. Moody , of Deadwood - wood , Is hero and sa\s Dakota people piefer to not bo annexed to statehood If they cannot tmv e their tci ritory lit st dlv kled. The postmaster genet al hns positively re fused to grant the petition for tlio establish ment of Loinn postofllce , in 1 too no county , on the gt ound Hint an oflhu nf that mime al ready exists In Hutler. The patrons of the oflleo mo culled upon to fuinlsh another name. C. W. Huoker , of Iowa , has been npXlnled | lo n olcikshii ) In the. postofllco depai Uncut. Ho will sign the pay roll tw SHOO n jenr. Calvin S. Wlienton , of Cedar Kuplds , In , grand chief conductor of thu Outer of Hall way Conductois , Is at the Ubbitt. It is believed that the house committee on tules will he composed of the speaker nnd Messrs. Unndnll , Mills , Heed nml either General Utow 11 , 'of Indiana , or Mi' . Cannon , of Illinois. Ed Hunter , chalimnn nf the Iowa demo cratic state committee , was n visitor at Ihe house to-day. Prnnv S. Ilium. A Hi-lef ScRHion ol' the Honse. WASHINGTONDec. . 10. > A concuitcnt icso lutlon was submitted thnt w hen tlio houses adjoin n Monday , December lit , they stand adjourned until January " > , nnd , ufter consid erable debate , thu icsolutlon wns amended sonstomako the udjouinmcnt for icccss occur Thutsdnj1 , December "i. ' Mr. Tovvnshend of Illinois otToied n rcsolu- tkm providing that next Mondny shnll be de voted to the intioduclion and icfereneo of bills nnd resolutions. Laid over till Monday. Mr. Hlanctiard of Louisiana oftcred a ics olutlon expressive of the i egret witlt which the house has heard of tlio death of E. W. Hobeitson , Into member elect to the fiftieth congtoss fiom Louisiana and then , ns a maik of icspcct , the house ad join nod until Monday. Capital City Notes. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10 Compli oiler Trcn- helm , colllcio commissioner of the Ficed- men's Savings nnd Ti ust comnanj' , to day submitted to ttio house his annual icpoi t , bowing a balance , December 3 , of $0,101. Thoi e me still duo 1-HUi claims amounting to $7)14 ) , and not paid because no demand hud been made. The available assets , estimated at $ ltbl" ! , are consklcied sufllcicnt for the pavmcnt of these chums whenever called foi , nnd for defraviiig the neccssarj1 expenses of the oflicc. The commissioner icnewcd Ihc suggestion contained in his last icpoi t , con- ccininglho payment by cougicss of the bal ance duo depositors ; submits the draft of a hill for Hio put pose , und quotes the tecom- inendat Ion thnt congicss dischuigo its plain duty in the matter. The sccietatj- the interior lo day tians- milled lo Ihe house Ihe icpott of the cominls- sioneis appointed in conjunction with the Texas state commission to tun a line between a poitlon of Iho Indian tci ritory and Texan. The CJcommission has teased its lubois , not being able to effect , a settlement of the conttovcisy us to thu point wheio the 100th mciidian of longitude ciosscs the lied tivcr. In tu cordance with the ttcaty of IblO between the United States and Spain. Sccietary Endlcolt loft thecity lo night on a lour of Inspection in the west. The clci k of Ihe house has complcled and laid bcfoie thai body an index of .southern claims and claims refei red to the couit of claims under the LJowman act. The total number of claims reported to congiess is & ! ,3IS ( , which includes allowed , disallowed and bancd cases , involving the sum of $6o.J" > , ] , r > Ul of which amount the sum of HGJtyj50 was allowed , Nebraska , nnd Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON- . 10 [ Special Telegram to the Hisu.l Pensions were issued foi the foils wing J-felnasUaiis to-day : Abil A. , widow of Coinollus Bnkei1- , Union KidVo. Mexican wnr Alficd H. Stevens , Hivciton. OiiKinul Benjamin 1Trair , Hcrliand. In- cicnse John 1J. Hamilton , Cameo. Pensions for lo wans : Yaltcr ( deceased ) , father of John Djkcman , : Mahala , mother of Hcniy C. V.iughan , Monroe. ISl'J Susan , widow of John Wick , Etnmctshmg. Mexican war John Kulbnin , Motilton ; Philip lit adsti eels , Tiflln. Oiigmal Jona than H. Fellows , Eminctsburg ; Isaac A. Ilnidenbrook , Pianlc Citj' . Inci case Cor nclius Joiditn ( deceased ) , Hoono ; Geoigo MiUcr , Council Uluffs ; Clinilcs W. Moigan , Chainda ; LukoMcLoney , Eddyvillo ; Chat Ics H. Thompson , Knoxville ; Edwaid Muiphj , Utica. Ifeissue Mnitm ilaiinifjlon , Clicto kco ; Mjion E Hillings , Waveily. A liny Noun. WASIIIVOTOV , Dec. 10 [ Special Tclegiam to the HIM ; . ] Leave of nbscnco for six months has been giantcd , on suigcon's cer tificate , to Captain Thomas C. Lcbo , Tenth cavalry , with permission to leave the Dcpatt- mcnl of the Pacific. Leave of absence has been giantcd , on ccttlllcato of disability Do- ccmbor 7 , Ibstl , to First Lieutenant A. Mann , legimcntnl adjutant. Seventeenth infuntiy , extended Ihtcc months The extension of leave of absence gt anted Second Lieutenant James H. Waters , Twentieth Infantiy. Oo. lober 18 , is further extended to include Janu- aiy 1 , lb > 8. Ilostored to the People. WASHING rev , Dec. -Sccictniy Lamat to daj' Issued an Older directing all lands herctofoio withdiawn and held for Indem nity purposes under giants to tho' following named mill oad companies to bo icstoicd lo tlio public domain and ofleicd to settlement and tile undci the gonei at laws nf tor giving the usual notice : H & M , Chicago , Hock Island iSt I'licilie , Cediu JSapids & Missouii Hiver , Dubiiquo & Pacific , CliUago & . Al- lunllc , and Chicago , Milwaukee A. St Paul In Iowa ; the St. Joscnh & Dcnvci City , in Kan sas , nml the ( Chicago & Noitluvestcrn in Michigan and Wisconsin. To Piepay InleieNt On Komln. WASHING roUec. . 10. Arranpemciils are now being made at tlio trcahuiy dcpaitmcnt foi the paj rnent nn Januaiy 1 , next , of (8-lt ( , - ( iTOintcicslon United States bonds and Pat illc bonds. 'Ibis is in addition to Iho $545,4,7 inteicst which would have fallen duo ul thnt date , but which has been picpald with rebate. Utali'n Slate Constitution. Wtsui.voio.v , Doc. 10. A committee of citizens of Utah , headed bj Deli gate Calno , to day waited.on Spcakir Carlisle nnd Sen ator Ingnlls and iiiesentcd to thorn copies of the state i onslltutlon adopted at the last Utah convention. The Hlair Kditriillon Hill. WASiiiNorov , Dec. Hi 'J'ho tenute com- mittec on education held u m < etlng to day and unanimously otdcicd a favoiable icport on Iho Hlair education bill II will bo 10- Iicited as it passed the sc.iato in the lust con gress. Postal OlmiigoH. WASHLNQTOV , Dec. 10.-Special ( Tele gram to tlio Hi EThe following Ncbiusl.a liostmuster-i vveiQapointcd [ ) today. William I. D Hiaiidun , MeCann , ( 'lieny county , vice William H. C.utcr , icslgncd ; Haul Jones , Ncoma , Hoono county , vice Hit am / . Snoldcr. leinovcd ThoofltinUt 0-dby , Alamakic county , la , was uiscontluui n k ) daj' . Tory Tieaulifiry. LOSIION , Dee -Justin MeC.n thy , speaki intr at Hull lasl night , said tlmt before tlic lastcleclion Lot d Carnal v on nocotlatod with the Patnellitcs with the object of ousting Gladstoiro. Ho stipulated thai tlio consciva- fives should conrrdo the inc.isuu ) tin ) liomo mlo dCHired by 1'arnHl and' tilmsolf , The ncgollullpns collascd ) ) becuu'c Parncll ronoidcrcd GludsLono llio best mau lodQal.wi'.b. ff DESPOILERS OF THE DEAft A Trio of Iowa Grnvo Robbers tared in the Act. NOCTURNAL VISITORS NABBED , The Town of MltchcllUllc Greatly K cited and Throats of lynching lYeel > Made The Mis- cieantH Jailed. Hob ) -Snntchci N Captnrcil. Dr.s MOINI.S , la. , Dec. 10. [ Special TolO giant to the Hun.J Thcie wns a startling cnsu of attempted giavo inbhery n few mllci fiom this city caily tills moining , in which the lobbcis weio caught In tlio net nnd nnn i ow ly escaped Ij nchlng. On Wednesday Mr ( Cathailuu Clallin , aged sixty , niolhcr-lti-lnW of finmer tcsicUnt of this city , wns builccl In thoccmoteiy nt Mltchellville , having died on Monday of pneumonia. That day parties at Mitchcllv Illc , which is at llio eastern edge of tins county , received tin anonymous leller saj Ing that the grave might bo lobbed nnd thai It would bo well to bo on the watch. That night Constable J. W. Jones , L. E. KcL , ley and W. W. Hedges watched the grave all night , but no onodistut bed the good woman's ) last testing place. Ycstculay a man was sent to watch the tiahis and ho saw a young man since identified as C. S. Porter , ono of the gtavc lohbers get oft the tinfu fiom DCS Molnes at 11 o'clock. Poitcr went to the ccmelery and was shadowed. Ho went to tlio northwest coiner , climbed over the fence , looked mound , went cast U quarter of n mile , then ictmned to the ccmctcrj' , then south to tlio ralltoud , over to ? Iho depot mid home on the noon train , which was talc , or he could not have made it. Last night Constable Palmer , S. J. Oldlleld , Ucrt Pattcison nnd Ljmiin ICnowlton watched the EIUVO. Thoj' hemd nothing till 'J o'clock thin moining , when a wagon diovo up fiom the west w lib Hitco giavo robbcis with shovels , a ti mil : , etc. Two of the men got out nt the west gate mid the dnvcr then diovo loiind to the oust side of the ccmetety and staved in the wiigon. The faithful guards watched quietly for about half an hour , while the other tw o men pi occeded to throw the cat th fmm tlio newly tilled giavoof Mis Clallin. When the villians woiu within n foot of the coftln , so deep that they were out of slght tlio guards closed in on them and took them completely bysuipnso. Thej said nothing nnd submitted to uncut without leslstnnco , The driver of the wagon wns then taken Intel custody and tlio tluee piisonois taken Into the stoic of J. H. Jones , inMitchellvillowhcr thej' piovcd to bo Dr. Thomas J. Jones' , a well known diugglst living in South Dcsi Moines , C. S. Poiter , mi cclocic medical student , nnd I1 W. Potholl , a huckster , nndj son-iti law nf Mr. Webber , the blower ol this city. The most intense excitement pre vailed at Mltci'ollvillo nnd thicks of lynch , ing wci o fi celj1 mndo. In oHoi tc nvoid vlo- tome the oflloois btought them to DesT > lolnoa on the b o'clock 11 uln tills moining. Infor- ' mntion chuiging them with the violation of q sepiilclne and cxposuio of dead bodies was filed ngalnt 11 cm bofoio Justice Collctider , who fixed Monday , December i-'O , for tlieis iitcliinln.uv hearing nnd put them undCB bonds of Jl,000 each , pending the llhdlug ol which they wcio locked up in tlio county jail.Mr. Mr. E. K. Clofton , husband of llio lady whoso grave was llius clcsc ei alcd , is an amiable nnd highly i cspccted gentleman , whose fuco is u familiar one about the coin C house , wheio he sometimes solves on juries , He said that the vvoist feature ! of the crime-a was tlic ti link tm icd inside , in which Ihoy intended to place his wife's icmalns It being t open ted that Jones mid Poiter acknowledged tlic ciime. of which thu pen * , atc.v Is two ysuiV impi isonmoul In the ponl- tontiaiy , whotlior thonflt-niptsd rive robj boiy Is successful or not , nnd tlnit PolthOS positivclv denied all knowledge of llio pur- jiosooftho othois , a lepoiler visited llio llnco in j.ul. Jones is a small man about thirty fhejoais of .IL.O. Porter Is taller and positively Old"r , Potthon is a simple1 mended and honest looking liU'ium ' , piubibl.v thirty .vcaisold. The lepoitcr us'lred ttiem how they c-ame to commit the act for w Inch they weto inipiisoned. Dr. Jones begun to tolls liccly. "Things me Just about tills way , " said lio. "Wo mo medical students nt the cclectio college. Hofoie wo can pi.ieticu wo have to gindunto , beliiio wu c.iu laduntu wo must dissect , mid bofoio wo dissect we have lo t have subjects to " Hcio Poitcr , who alone seemed to tealtzQ thcgiavilj of Ihcii situation , Intel posed and pleaded wllh Dr. Jones not to put it that way , as it would cicatc a bad iiiipicssion. "You can saj'this , " said Porter. There was a good deal of feeling and some talk of violence ngnhist us nt Mltchollville , but when they he.ud what wo ho to say they fold more kindly towauls us " PoltholT. the man who diovo thu wagon , declmod in biokcn English that ho Had no idea of the men wcio doing , nnd bull ! Jones and Poitcr that Him was tiuc. tiuc.Poitoi Poitoi lives nt Macksbuig , Madison county , nnd nil tluee of the piisoncis are ninrncd men. lotva Htipicine Court Di.s.Mois-i" ) , la , Doc. -Special [ Tolo- gtam to the HKD ] The supiomc couit ioml < eicd the following decisions hcie to day : Huilhut , Hess & Co , appclhmlbsD.K. . F\oek \ , Co. and J. L Tovvnscnd , intci vcnor , Dallas county. Kevoised . C P Teal , uppcllant , vs A M. Abraham el al , Maliaska distiut Afltrmid. Thomas Hobinson vs Chicago , lloek Island .1 Pacillc i.illioad , upiiclhint , Apiianouso cir cuit. Koveised , Uoetl dlsbuntlng. j X'l.ineis dale vsV. . H Hohnntn , appellant , Cicston supenui couit. Allltmed. Homy Huggy company vs J H. Pott , gariiishee , uiipullant , Union distilet. Af- Hi mod. , Henry Low is vs J. S baylois , appellant , Wnjno ejicuit. A tit lined , State of Iowa vs John Dow , appellant , Ma * haskn dlsti U t. Alllimcd .State of Iowa vs J W. UoiMej nnd Joseph Hczak , Johnson dlsti ict , A lib mod Susanna Ciimpbell vs Jaims K Campbell , appellant , Adah district Allhmc < l. J. 1C Kciiii Son vs H ( ! Wilson , np pellant , U'nglit disliict | { e.voi ( d. D M Osboine.t CD . appellants , vi Ficd Saminorson , Wiight distikt. Afllimed. Kdwin H.nloss vs.lohn Defoic , appellant , Mltihlldlstrlt. ( Kc'vciwcd. Lucy A l.ui C. appellant , vs Ctorgo Moore < ho ul and H. 11. .Udlis , lia'rlson distilet. Af lluneil. Killed In a In.Dcc. . 10 [ Special Telegram to tlm Hi.n.j ChVilcs Chapman , n brakeman on thu Mllwaukceuoad , was caught In a frog hist night whllo coupling cats near tlio round- house. The cntlio tinin lan ovoi him. The X mains wcio taken to Iowa rails , whcro hid father i Kieaiiihblp An ivnlH. ' Ni.vv YOKK , Dec. 10.-Special [ Telegram to tlio Hi h 1 Aiihodi-Tlio Stulo of Pennsylj vanlu , fiom Glasgow ' LONIIOK , Dec H. Ai lived Tlio Etiurla , , from Now York. i Pun Ann HIM , Dec. 10. Arrived The j Nciiwcgian , ftom Glasgow. An Ancient liiindinark Oonc1. liu.iivimr , Dec. Id Genoial Samuel W. Smith , ng"d cthly ) sight , die d Ust night. Ha . . ' was a sun ol the lion Robert S.mth ! , secret taij1 of state and of Die treasury during thu admlnlsttatkn of 'J homiis JetTeison. Nalninl ( > iiH In ritlll'm nia. SANM ANA , ful. , Dec. HI While boring nn artesian wcl ) in I'ait view , nix miles front hen ; , .vcstordny , gufe wai struck la