Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1887, Image 1

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    - . v vrr * T rrr >
V/UBhlnttton Iltin n Btnrtlliitf Sotmti-
tlon in nn , Oponi Ilotfsu.
A n ii In Merion , n < 2nnM2rnni1ilniiKh- :
Irr if ( 'iilhmm , HCI-H n Hodiio
Which CiuiM'H Her In He-
viiiiti ! n Mniiino.
Hho Hhnl Her l-ovcr.
\VAIIII.MITOX , Dec. IB. [ Spi-clnl Tul
to thn HKH. | Then ) wnmi iwnnntlon ut the
AlliiitiKh Criind opcrii hoii u tO'iilRht whllo
Clnrn Moirl * was plnyiiiK "L'Altlcli ! . "
Thu Hccnu In th uilditoriuin irnillril thn
fmiioim Hliiiotlng nmu that occnriril In tills
city KOIIIU nix or scvrn > ciu IIRII. Mlnw
Morris produced "L'Ai llrlo IT" nt Hnltlnioro
and clHiiwheri ) very iivcnlly , nnd then who
wltiiensLiI liur pcrfoinmiico will recall the
nvenu ut thu end of thu IK t , where Miss
Morris as Cora , the Creak1 , tiled und woi n by
( in ocean vo.beiomrs \ ( cxiiNpcratud by tlio
put lyjcaloiiHieH of her lover , ( ! cm-p : Diihuiniil ,
und iidviHeH him of her doturiniimtlon
to brcuk with lilin In u moment of ficury
Duhumol , uftur cndciivorliiK to inducu Com
to ret met herwoids , pickH up u pistol und
KhootH , HID bullet HtrlkliiKCoru In thu lutt
clieiik , illsllj-urint , ' hi-r for llfo.
Seated iilinost in thu crutcr of the biilcony
WIIH Annlu Ilorton , u Kieat-Kniiid-daUKlitcr
of John C. Ciilliiiun und who Is now employed
In the postofllcu depart munt. TIHuutif | ! ;
woimili IH the Hiitno that In IbSI ) went to thu
trriiHiiry drpartmeiil , where ( iorgo Morgan ,
HOM ( if Suiiutor Moi'Kun , of Alaliainu , had u
di'Hk , und uflcr calling him out Into thuntrcL't
emptied thu contents of u Ilvo-Hhootur nt
him. The Hliootlng In thu play evlduntly iu-
culled to her mind tills i-ircumstaiicu , for
when Miss Mori is full to the King" , the poor
young woman Hpruug to her feut und Kavu u
Huream that , went plurcint ; through thu
Bt-riictnru wltli htiirtlliiff clfect. Shu then
full forward uud buried liur face in her
hands und bu aii to moan , und cull on her
Kreut-Kiundfalhur in piteous tones. The
nn tuin full , thu ushers rimhud down to thu
youtiK girl nnd tried to ijlilot hur , but HIU
would not bo comforted. Kiimlly the ixilicu-
men hud to remove Miss Horton
from thu thcatnrj by force. When nhc
reached the Htrcet shu sat down on thu sti'ps
and exclulined that President Cleveland
Would nuvur bu rc-elui'ted mid that shu
Rolni ; to shoot Sunut or Morgan , of Alabama ,
thn father of thu young man shu Hhot.
Finally thu patrol wugon arrived and she was
taken to the station. Thu physlcluim pro
nounced her insane. The KCUIIO on the utugo
, had been too much for her.
MIsH Ilorton also tried to Hhoot ex-Soora-
tary Folger once whllo ho-wus ut work in ills
oftlco at the treasury.
Ktnwart on Silver.
WAHIIINOTOX , Dec. 15. ( Special Telegram
to the UEK. ] Senator Stewart , of Nevada
mndu u powerful plea to-day f < jr the silver
IntcrcBtHof tlio country , und for continuui
coinage on , the fttiindard bi-metulliu basis
His speech , which was listened to will
earnest interest by thn senate nnd crowdci
galleries , , bristled with weighty facts urn
sterling arguments. Ho denounced the
cabal which hud combined to discredit silver ,
to enhance the price of void , und pointed oul
the danger which would result from a change
to inonomotullsm , The assertion made by
the senate that 'M per cent. ol
the gold product of the United States
wus the result , of the i eduction o
silver bullion was lieuril with surprise b.\
inuny present. Senator Stewiut's idea o' :
basing the currency irpon silver bars dopes
itcd in the treasury is likely to gain u immbci
of converts before thu session closes. Aftci
the speech Mr. Stowurt was warmly con
gratulutcd by u number of hib colleague *
nmoHjr whom weio Senators Stanford
Hcurst und Spoouor.
AVAMiisitTox , Dec. Ifl. [ Special Telegriin
to the HII : : . ] Tlio following Nebraska | >
masters were appointed to-duy ; .lumc Kier
nun , Clifton , Holt county , vice John AV. Mu
Glliin , resigned ; Harvey M. Sincthers , Laii
ham , Cage county , vlco William J. Dimmick
resigned. The iircsidcnt to-duy sent to the
senutu the following Nebraska nominations
Postmasters Lawrence A. Kyan , Full
City Donald Muci'uuip , Nebrnslsu City
Mary O'Sullivau , West Point : William I
Hulwurc , Valentino ; .lames E. OulbniiUi
Albion ; Charles J. Harrison , Wahoo : Willinn
J. Kcllor. Sutton ; Charles U. Kills , Sterling
Coiistuutliiu V. Cialli'.ghcr , Omaha ; Chnrle
U. Durlnud , Norfolk ; Oliver H. Scott
Hebron ; Lafuyctto Myers , Grand Island ; Ir :
A. Hnnning , Cambridge ; Cyrus M. Wul
worth , Loup City ; Cnrrlo Pulton , Ogalulhi
William H. Cocksey , Geneva ; Jacob Galley
The following named fourth-class post
Oftlrcs will bo raised to fourth of the prcsi
dcntial class Junuury 1 , next : Nuwtou , 111.
Waverlv , 111. ; Winchester , 111. . Orungo Citv
Jn. : Culbertson , Neb. ; South Omaha , Neb.
Kilbourn City , Wis.
WASIIIXOTOX , Dec , 15. The jthin dcvisei
by Assistant Secretary Mayiiard , of th
treasury department , and approved by Sec
retury Full-child , for u reduction of the e.\
pcnsoof collecting customs revenues , will b
put into effect on thu 1st of Jiiinuir.v nc.xt
In speiiklng of the subject to-day Judg
Mayunrd said : "Thcro are now littl collector
districts in thu United States , lu ( VI of theM
tho.ruvenucs uro much less than the expenses
For Instiuice , them uiu 44 districts in whirl
thu total collections , do not cxvccd ffl.OOO
while the exiicnditures uggreguto VAUtW
J ; > the other 1H ) non-self supK | > rtiiig district !
the csjlcctlonst are less that iW.OOt ) uud th
expenditures amount to $ j',000. The u\pen
diturofl ol these ofllws will be reduced bj
lu'ttKaJi.Hlilil iy by disuiissuls uni
also by redtiuimii ? ot t > 'lijri ill soy
oral lustnnci . Orders for those " ' "Hixc1"
to take elTcot with thubegiiiiihijjof the HUM
year have already been issuctl ,
for Westerners.
WsntxciTOX , Dec. 15. [ Special Tologrun ;
to the Hr.u.l Anlincrcnso of pensiou was to
day granted to E II , Kciiiiston , of Aluswortli ,
Neb , , and pensions wore granted Io\vans
usfyllown ! Mexican wur-Catlmrino , widow
of Ephraim Rlonelfer. niiui-htown. Oiigina !
Alphus H. Ciuly , Sloan ; Anmn H Hogcs
tcr , .FiilrtU-ld ; Kbcncrer St II , West Union :
Urnjiimin Cruinloy , t'larksvillo. Incrcu-
Ali'r-'d H. Graves , Olttmiwu ; Andrew P ,
Hcedlc , ' . " > ? Willium Do-tmuii , Di-akesvlllo !
Kugglcs WoC1.Hoek . Kupiils. Kelbsuc-
Wllllaui Voslmi-gh. I'liiiton.
Senator Allison IntriMiu l bills to-day ti
Jicnslon David IMcrsou , Kussd ! huiith : uu
Htephen Slugletoii , and to incronso tnC pen
nlon of .lames H. Thomas , nil of lowu.
ItlllH Introduced.
WABHISOTOX , Dec. 13. Thu bill Introducei
liy Senator Coke to-day to limit the Jurlsdic
tlon of the United States courts provides thu
circuit and dlitrlct eomts of the Unitci
States s'uill not take original coQiiiranco o
any suit of a civil nnturo between corponi
tions oi'K"il | e < 1 under the laws Of any stut
und citizen of any state In which the cori > oni
tion ut thu timn of thu nctton muy tmvo bi i
uny busiiic * * , except In case
rl lng under itttcnt or copyright laws.
Hcuutvr UuUvr to-day uitruduccd uOilll t
ici'iihii rnllwny rntitliicloi * i-mrnui'il In Itilrr-
lule eiiiiiHieiee. It plovldf * Hint no liillioud
hull cmiiloy any pciwiti us u railway rnndili'
or iiHiii | uny tiulii riu'uti'd In lut'it ' ntiitu
oiiiniiiico IIIII" | < H thn pi'ipoii IN lliclisrd u *
iiovldi-d by llui lift. ' ItpioVldr * for u cliluf
'xiiiiiiner , who sliult liiivo hud llvu .SCIIIH' xur-
leu IIH it rullwuy rolidiuilor , mid of KUiicrv
ng examiner * to con'illtiito ' u nalloniU board
if I'xiiinllii'rs , which nliall i-itiilillnh all HITCH-
sury icguliilloiis , Tlii'ii ) nn1 n number of
Hpeclllcutloimiis to thu ullglhlllty ( if uppll-
iintH. 'I'lin bill wii * fruiiicd by tlio National
\Hsoclntlon of Hallway Conductors.
Dec. 15. - At the | iORtiiiiui >
cm1 1 ( invent Inn till * momlng olio dclcgutu
fiom eiii'h stutu represented WIIM iipKilnted |
is it national roimiilUco. A roiiiiulltei ) to
liuft and to lullu churgtj of n bill to bo pit ; .
sented to uiiigmis , Wii * ilipollited. | Thu ion-
\entloii then udjouined , xubjucl to thu cull of
thu national committee ,
Alllklcwlcr. ' CMUCMslonM ! Itevnkrd.
WAHIIIMITOV , Dee , I'l.-Denb.V , Ainerlrnn
mliilHler to China , has written u letter to
Sui'rutary Hiiyurd saying that whutuvut * eon-
ecssliins havi ) been Hindu to thu Hurker.
Mitldrwkv. s.viidleatx ) liuvu Hlticu been ru
vokcd by Ihu ( Jliliiesd government. _
Nnllonal Cnpllnl Note * .
WtsiiiNiiinN , Dec. 15-Slr ThnirinK II.
Crulton Ksiiioudu und Aitliur O'Connor , M.
P. , culled ut the wliltu house ) to dny lu com.
liiiny with HepresLMitiitlve * Collins , of MIISSII-
chusetts uud McSlmno of Nubrnskii , Tor tliu
purpose of Jiiiylng their icspeets to PresldiMit
Tliu hoitso committee on elections nt
Its first meeting to duy resolved to tuku up
tliu Thcolic CurllHle contested election cue ,
uud notices will bu Issued to thu contestants
or their uttorue.vs to appear buforu thu com-
mlttcu ut its nuxt meeting when tlio tlmu for
beginning consldcriitlon uf tliu cii-ui will bu
Illcd. Tliu couimlltcu udjourncd to next
Tlid seniitc coiiimltteu on eoinmerce to duy
nplHilnted Messrs ICeiinii , Vest , Coke , Cul-
lorn und I 'aimer as u sub committee , to whom
shall bu refci icd nil executive iiominutions
which may require any invc.stlgatioii ,
WAMIINOTOV , Dec. m. AniotiK the jiuper *
laid beforu the sunato WIIH n commu
nication from Italian residents in AVashing-
ton , jiroposing to piescnt to the United States
a marble bust of Garibaldi , llefurred to
committee on library ,
Thu following bills wcro Introduced by cull
und referred to thu committee on intcr-stutu
commerce :
To prohibit United States judges and courts
fiom uuthoriring thu borrowing of money by
Uiu receivers of railroad * uud other corpora
tions beyond thu amount of their animal nut
To prohibit the appointment of such receiv
ers without evidence of the llmincial condi
tion of thu company.
Thu resolution niTcicd some dnys ago by
Mr. Pluiul ) to huvu Invest igiited the patent
issued to Mugus Svvenson lust October in
connection with tlio manufacture of Htigur
from sorghum , wan taken up. and after somu
debate adopted. Tim point is that Swcnsou
was mi umployu of thu ugriculturul depart
ment whilu muklng the experiments
out of which thn patent resulted.
The attorney general is diicctod to Investi
gate the patent , und if invalid and suit can
Ixi maintained iu tlio nilniu of the United
States , to commcncu such suit promptly , to
have thu patent cancelled , or its usu by
Swonson , orothcrsoehilmlng it under him ,
perpetually enjoined ,
After t ho Introduction of a number of bills
the scuatu took up the bill introduced 1)\
Stewart last Monday , toinn'ido" ] for the issue
of coin certillcates to circulate as money , nnil
was addressed by that senator in support of
the bill , which Was referred to the committee
on ilnauces.
Thn sciinte then went into executive ses
sion , and udjourned soon after until Monday.
Hnd Death of n YOIIIIK Man nt
ninlc , AVyo.
LAH\MIK , Wya. , Dec. Ifi. [ Special Tolo-
grain to thu Hnr. . ] Al Hornciuun , a young
man aged twenty , committed suicide lasi
night by shooting himself through the heac
with a revolver. Hurncmun came to Laramie -
mio last winter from Davenport , In. While.
coming through Nebraska lils'truin was de-
lu.\cd three dujs by u snow storm nnd Horno-
miin sutTered suvercly from cold -and loss of
sleep. Wlicn hu arrived nt Laramiu hu was
met by Marshal UuMuveScliuitgcr. his uncle ,
uud was found to bo in nu nlmost helpless
condition mentally aud phystically. Ho was
taken to Mr. Schnitgei's ranch uud gradual l.v
regained liis mental faculties and was
believed to have fully recovered.
Ho subsequently worked in the Union Pacillc
slnjri at I.arumiu and quit work a few days
nifO , intending to pass tlie winter ojl his
uncla's ranch. Yesterday ho made | Wpani
tions to leave town , purchasing a complete
outllt of clothing , etc. Shortly after lutiring
to his room in the evening tlio family will
whom ho was boarding was startled by i
pistol shot. It was Immediately dKcovcrci
that Horncmuii had Killed himself. His bo'd\ ,
wis : stretched across the bed , the blooi
streaming from a gaping wound In the tern
pic. An inquest was held to-duy , at wiilc !
no facts-Indicating the motive for the suicide
were produced. It is thought that it occurred
during a lit of temporary Insanity.
Fatal Stubbing Affray in ft Saloon nt
Si. , Ioc.
ST. , IO < F.PII , Mo. , Dec. 15. [ Special Telo
grain to thu HKK. ] Charles Edwards , nigh
telegraph operator at the union depot , in n
quarrel over u game of curds in u saloon on
Fourth street this afternoon , stabbed Charles
Kirk , u brakcmau on thu St. Joseph , Gram
Island it Western road , in the buck of the
neck , malting u gash six inches in length
Tlio loft IMI t of Kirk's head is paralyzed am
ho cannot recover.
A Dloody Ulcction.
ST. Louts , Mo. , Dec. 15. Advices just re
celved from .luuiaulvc in the southern part o
the stutti of Taniuullpas , Mexico , state there
was much trouble them and riot during the
clci tlon , t iiulay. At each of tlio polls there
was u pitched Tr Ulo and thu ballot boxes
were ovei turned or destroyed. Eight mci
wcro. killed und over foity wounded. Tht
IKSUlUj.V-WV i'W'ld ' Junior f.'Ul hold eve
for another jOaf. " - - t"x
ST. Lori * , Dec. 13. The stage running be
tween Little Uook and Currollton , Ark. , was
stopped on the outward trip yesterday near
Halfway station , by two iucuwho robbed the
four occupant * of flXH ) uud two gold watches.
Denth tif Governor lloducll.
Ilouowp.i.t. , Me. , Doc. 15. Governor Hod-
well died thU monilug.
Ills-death wtis caused by'cougcstion of the
lungs , rcsuttlivg from cxpo uro and over
Governor HodweU's de.ith was very sudden
and uiioMtected , us it was believed that ho
was oa the road .to speedy recovery. . S. S ,
Murblc , ( iivxldcut of thu senate , will gj to
AiiRuMantonconnil cuttir uiwn his otllclal
duties as chief mugistruto of the stato.
Itai-n Uiu-ncd.
Gr.xr.NH , Neb , l - c , IS. The Una barn ol
Chnrlcs Hurtoii , two trUcs fi-om town , was
burned to tlio ground with iV ! tents yester
day , causing a lo s of f\Wt > , fulli" Ujsured ,
The cauho of the tire 1 * utiknuwn.
lu Vcriuoiit.
.s , Mass. , lc. . iri.Geogr phl
myvojor \ * workbi iu this se 'tloir foijiul
rich outcrop of-copper in the vicinity of Statu
- Vt. , which they uro ilevdopltn ' , . , .
IIouuo Tariff Uoformoro Howllny
Mud lit the Bpoukcr.
liitftillon In Itutiiln tlio 1'i'iniHjl-
viiiiinii In lint Apir.i'irlnll | | iiM
CliiilriniiiiNlilp OitiiHCM
Tcctli ,
A Dull Dny In tin ; Hritntc.
\VAHiii.\uroN HninuiTin : O\MIU Ilr.n , 1
fitil Koi'iiTKKNrii KTIIKCT , >
WAbiii.voio.v , I ) . C. , Dor1ft. . )
Congievt WIIH unprmliictlvo of any uctuiil
results to-day. Tlio IIOUKU wii.inot in BHKOII | ,
It hiivlng udjounird on Tncsdity to Krlduy ,
Thi ) sciialu WIIH Hooded with Htalo | " : tltloim
nnd blllH , nnd then Mr. Ktiiw.irt , of Ncvinlii ,
npoku In Mtipporl of his bill for thu deposit of
pold nnil silver bullion nt tlio minis , thu Issu :
unco of coin ccrtlllcatcs nnd tin : cessation of
gold nnd wllviT ( olnago. The ni'mitrs. hud u
nuvi'iMriltniti ) HWTUt session for tlio rcfeirnn ;
to tin ) comiiillteusof thuicccss riotnlnatlonn
received fioni the preMidiMit to day utid then
niljotinicd toMondny. When the hoimo ineetM
to moriow thu upenlcer IH expected to an-
nouiicQ the committed on rules. Tim other
cuiiiiuittees will not , in nil piobabillty , bu
named till Jammiy ,
If It worn not for thu coinniiltcr ! patroniign
lit the illHpoHid of Spenkur Carlisle ho would
llud liiiuself to night thu most thoroughly
abused innn \ViiHhlngton. . Thu tnrlff re-
fonnci'H In the IIOUMU iiru howling mad bo-
catisu they havu liMincd llniilly Unit thu
Hpoaker Intends to ngaln give the chairman-
li ! | > of thu rommltteu on appropriiitlunH to
Mr. H.'inilull , of Peniisylvani.i. To-night tliu
Hni : correspondent , was told by onn of the
most proniiiitnt Houthern Heriators Unit nil tlio
pressure that could posKlbly bu dnimmcd up
waH brought to bear on Mr. Carlisle during
thu Hiitiunur and this fall to get him to up-
u tariff leformer Into the place
which Mr. Kumlall has illled for four
ytmrH. Thu Hpeaker IHIH not until now made
known his detenniiiation to continue Mr.
Handall in this ixjsition. The tariff reform
ers declare that their work will bo absolutely
futile so long an Mr. Handall is permitted to
occupy the wlnglu [ Kisition in thu h'ouso out
side of thu Hpeaker's chair which given him
political control of legislation. Thu tariff re
formers are unable to comprehend why thu
speaker docs not glvu the chairmanship of
tliu appropriation committee to a man in ac
cord with the party in its efforts to lower thu
tariff. Thcro is n good deal ol
half-HUpprcsihcd cursing to-night , and
if the frco traders In the
house were not begging for committee posi
tions they would openly denounce thoHpeakur
for what they term u luck of backbone. The
friends of Mr. Handall say that the speakei
known too much to deposu the head of the
committee on appropriations and that if he
did so more than thirty democratic inembcrfl
of the house would refuse to go into caucus
and would act with the republicans or inde
mix's nxvovs.
Sir Thomas Henry Gnittan Ewmondo nnd
Hon. Arthur O'Connor , envoys of the Irish
National Land league , arrived in thu city thin
morning and immediately became the recipi
ents of marked attention from the most promi
nent legislators of the capital. The reputation
of their mission , no less than the high
character and standing of the gentlemen and
thu enthusiastic reception which they have
received everywhere during their trii )
throUL-hout the country , were no doubt re
sponsible for the .consideration with which
they have been received torday. Early this
morning Congressman John A. McShane , ol
Nebraska , and Patrick Collins , of Massa-
chussets , met Messrs. Esmonde and O'Connor
and drovu them in n liausomcquippnge to the
white house for the punxjso of presenting
them to President Cleveland. UKin | theii
arrival at the executive manMon it wa
found that the cabinet was in session , but or
sending in their cards , with a note fiom one
of their hosts to the president , thei
were shown into the private liorarj
and were scarcelv seated before Mr. Cleve
land entered by the do8r leading to the cabl
net room. There was hearty handshaking
by the president , who assured his visitors ol
the great pleasure which i gave him to meel
them , Tlio conversation which ensued wa <
devoted chieily to inquiries by the president
tv > to their impressions of the country ovei
which they hnd passed. Tlio visit wasa verj
social one , and Messrs. Collins und McShane
who have been vigorously pumiKsd by tin
rciwrtcrs as to the minute details of the con
versation , each unite in the declaration thai
it had no political significance. H
mtiy bo stated , however , that tin
consideration shown by the president
in nt once leaving an important cabinet meet
ing to meet his visual's , is not regarded n
lacking in bigniflcance. Later in the daj
Messrs. Esmondo and O'Connor were drivet
to the Capitol and introduced to Speaker Car
lisle , when a pleasant interchange of civil
tics took placo. IVom the house of reprcsen
tatives the party proceeded to the senate
where they were introduced U ! > on the floor
To-night u magnificient banquet is being ten
dcred to the envoys of the National leagu *
by prominent Irishmen who arn members o :
congress and other distinguished residents o :
the city. Kcprcsentntlrcs Collins , Ma
honey , Tim Campbell , O'Neill , of Missouri ,
and McShane , of Nebraska , were the leading
spirits of tlio occasion. Messrs. Esmondi
and O'Connor expressed themselves this
evening us being highly delighted with tin
Capitol city aud especially pleased witli tlu
warm reception which they have receivei
during the day from the most promineni
statesmen and political leaders of.tlie country
without respect to party.
Thcj delegotion from the Omalm freight
bureau , consisting of Messrs. Easson , Grif-
iiths , Gibbon and Euclid Martin , left this
afternoon for New York , en route to Omaha ,
Hufore their departure they expressed themselves
solves as satisfied with the result of theii
mission to Washington insofar : w it had ns
Buml nn investigation into existing condi
tions of iiitor-stato transportation at Omaha
The commission will undoubtedly give fill
consideration to the claim of Omaha whole
balers that their business Is being seriously
. . / " * 'ted by thu discrimination of theMissour
riwr i , ' . * " * 1" fuvor of Chicago when the tina
* at Omnhn next month
will be offered nit ampi _ * * ,
A lOSTTllMlEU'Sl1M >
William Caldwell , of Cherry tv.T'U.i c
braska , is to bo prosecuted for cutting tun. , ? '
from the publie lands In that county. The
secretary of the interior to-day sent to the attorney
tornoy general u rejiort niodri by ix-cml Tun
ber Agent C. E. Htiwman , dated , Soptembei
14 last , and containing the testimony in tin
case. The secretary of the interior requests
thu attorney general to mnko up tin
rase and send it to tie Unitei
States district attorney In Nebraska
with directions to institute crlmlna
suit against Culdwoll Vw cutting am
removing the timber complained , of , and civi
suit against J. Thatcher , to whom tlu
wood was sold fur Its vuluu at the rate pei
cord paid to Caldwell if an examination o
thu facts xhall warnuil it. " It is stated ii :
the letter of the secretary of the Interior ti
the attorney general that the saw logs tukei
uggivirated iM.tXX ) feet Unird measuiv and tlu
wood uliout one hundred und tlfty cunls. , tin
K.IXV logs being of pine aud the wcxxt pine am
oak. The logs , ho states , wens 'sawed inti
whole Uir'bt'r uud sold to various i > : irtii > s uiu
the wood W2 wild toJ.M.Thateher , | Ks >
trader lit Fort Jilobruru , who hai
the eontnu-t to furnish wootl fo
Ihu ( jurriswu , there" , The .laui
ut from wii * fnlcrm } n * n tiorncstr'iid by
'iildwcll In ISS > ) In thuunmuof . .liiiniC'nlil
well In Id * nniduvlt lu'compiinyliig thu
igcnt'H rciKirt hn yi In ) ini lrtthi ) entry In
the iininuiif Jiirnm ( JaMwull bcraiiKO hn hnd
t'lillstt'd In HIM army utidcr Unit nnmn und dr > -
Nlrcil to 11 vu 1 1 hlinwlf of all til * Milillcr's
rluhtn , und rullnrblih | ( > il It bocnnsd It ion
liiliicd only ntxiut twnnty-llvi ; ucrt-n of farm
Ing liindK and that not In R body. Tlio rclln-
( | UlHlitiiciit wii * niudo Jn April , IM7. "Of
coiltsi1 , no final proof Wan inadc , " xny * thn
secretary of 4 Itio Interior , "nnd
thu wood * a holil Ui Tlmtclicr
at ( Ti it cord1 nnd delivered nt the
fort. Ciildwull IH Irrcnprmtilblu tliiiincliilly.
Savrrnl iifHdnvlU iiccoiniMiny the ni-ont's re
Krt nnd HUbstant-latiitbOdUtnment * Hindu
jy thu agent. "Ualdwcll In til * affidavit * , "
roiitlriiirn thn Nvcirtiiry , "ndnillM thu rutting
of thn IIIKN and wood , bui ) iiit thu iiniount of
wood nt ou/i hiltidrcdord ,
Ai'cnt Howmali miyn that thu trcspaxft wu *
wll full und that hn I * almost , certain that hi *
miry wn * made n * | t nivcr to skill the land of
lt limlxsr with no tlmv of permanent nettlo-
iiidiit , Ilu add * further thai thu neighbors of
Caldwell brought thin mutter to lilt notlro
and feel grieved bccausoof thin denudliiK of
thu land of valiinbln limber , thereby prevent
ing n bonii lido sctlleincfit ou it. "
Hcpresentativu Holmnn , of Indiana , who
IIIIH for twenty two ypar | > oned In thn hoiino
IIM "tho watch dog of the treasury , " find "thn
objector , " ! m * reriueitcd Speaker Carlisle to
rellovo him from thn coninilttcn on apiiropria-
tion * and nmko hlin'chiiiriniin of piibllolainlH ,
or place him nnywhcio rxcept In thu position
hn has hold HO long und In which hu hn *
earned his reputation , Holimm ha * kept
himself In congress by his irrord on economy
but , Hlncu hi * putty camn In power
mid thn di'inocrnl * nru feeling ttin
effect * of tils rheum ) tinritig , n revolt
whidi threatens tn retire film hnstaken plncu
In his district. Hoi man has , it Is Hinted , rep
resented to thn shaker that if ho rr-rmiln *
.longeron thu oomnilttcD on appropriations , ! ! ! )
can not hoiiu for rc-eltctlon , us hu IH held re-
sMiislblu | ) for the failure of congress to give
thn olllcu holdont nil this money they want.
MW ; i-iii.Hinr.NTMiii-DHTorncF. * .
Among tliu t > osloftlce * which were to day
plated on the list to become presidential
oftlccs after Junuury 1 , were those at South
Omaha and Orange City , In. The phenom-
Inal growth of South Omaha IH shown in the
fact that within two ycnr it ha * been raised
from an ofllcu of the fourth class to one re
quiring presidential appointment of the post
master. This Is regarded as almost without
precedent and has been n matter exciting comment at the iwstofllcc department.
AHMT ounr.m.
Colonel David L. Magmder , Mirgeon , Cap
tain Charles A. Vernon , Nineteenth Infantry ,
and First Lieutenant Hugh L. Scott , Sev
enth cavalry , linvo been npjioliitcd nlxiard of
survey to inspect certain gupplicn at the
general depot ut Philadelphia , for which
Captain John Turey , assistantquarterrnaster
is lesponslble.
First Lieutenant Edward P Hrcwer , Sev
enth cavalry , has hofcn grautcd two months
additional leave of absence.
Leave of absence "to Ajiril 1 ha * been
granted to Captain Davis Schooley , Twenty-
fifth infantry.
Forty recruits have been ordered to the
Department of the Missouri for assignment
to the Fifth cavulry ,
Twenty colored recruits have been orriered
to thu Dupai tincnt of Arizona for thu Tenth
Forty recruit * have been ordered to the
Department of Arizona for the Fourth
Lev ! Carter , of Omaha , has been for sev
eral days past In tne city looking after the
Hulls brought by the government against the
firm of Coe ft Carte for- cutting ties on gov
ernment land in the territories.
James Lazear , , national bank examiner for
Nebraska , is spending a few days in the city.
The Motion to Bintr Inn Taken Under
IJr.iv YOHK , Dec. 15. The grand larceny
charge brought against Henry S. Ivcs by
President Dexter , of the Cincinnati , Hamil
ton & Dayton road , had its first examination
to-day. Counsel for Ives conceded the state
ments about the contract made by Ives as
trustee for the Chlncinnati , Hamilton Jc Day
ton for the purchase of the Tcrre Haute &
Indianapolis road ; also the depositing of the
$100,000 draft to the credit of Ives & Co. , as
alleged in the charge , but insisted that due
credit was made in the Cincinnati , Hamilton
& Dayton general account.
President Dexter rtad nn extract from
Ives' cash books , teaiding to corroborate the
statement. The cross-examination was de
voted to questions intended to show personal
uuimus against Ivcs on the part of Dexter.
Hardy S. Ogdcn , ' one of Ives' bookkeepers
ers , was called and'the prosecution stated its
puriHise to show th&i by the last day of May
the firm was insolvent and would not have
been able to keep up after June fl without
the use of the It'iOO.OOO alleged to nave been
appropriated by Ives.- * ,
Ivcs' counsel allowed the testimony , al
though they considered it a peculiar Vay to
prove n firm's insolvency by showing that on
any one day its cash balance was less than its
Ives took the stand nnd told the story of
the Vandalia transactions. He had handed
the $100,000 check to-Stayner after the deal
was completed and did net
know how It had been deposited
until his attention was called to it.
Asked If his firm was insolvent on the last
dayof May , witness said it was not insolvent
even when the assignment was made , and
created n sensation by the statement that the
assignment had been made partly on the ad
vice of his goodf riend , Mr. Dexter.
Ives' counsel then took up the motion to
dismiss the complaint , dcclarini : that there
was no evidence to show intent to defraud.
The draft , when it fsU due , had been paid by
Ives & Co. out of money In their bands anil
the company had not lost a cent. He de
nounced the case brought by Dexter as an
attempt to break Ives down and prejudice
him in a civil suit then ponding.
Justice Killbrcth took the motion under ad
visement. _
The Chance IlrouKht Against a Phila
delphia Bank Cleric.
PIIILUIKI.PIIU , 'Dee. 15. Joseph Knight ,
bookkeeixir in thp Iantifacturer's N.Uiona
bank , was taken , before the United States
commissioners this afternoon , charged with
stealing from thd funds of the bank between
Jt',0.000 and $ TOOUO. . It Is said that Knight
had been appropriating the bank's money for
nearly twenty-five years. Ho was book
keeper of the Manufacturer's bank for thirty-
five years and alvrays had becu considered a
trust worthy
The Crlnic OC n IMnck Hohber.
NEW OIU.KJLNJ , Jee. 15. A special from
Meridian , Miss. , ta the Picayune says : In
formation has bocij received hero from Smith
county that Mrs. ; t'unnio Husbands , while
traveling to her brother's hou e , some miles
from her own hmncwas assaulted by a negro
jinil robbed. After committing th * robbeo
tn ucjjra cut out tbo ladyS tongue. Mr .
jUsllj'l { , * ' -tmx > imiicd ! the negro and wrote
hisnaiiiowtiut-liVTOuUl : bc tctl > The
husband of thu vin.CT iU" " " ? ( , > * " !
able wealth , anil 4t is Ura | tllQ " V
thought she had considerable ii&cy : wilu
her. .
SienniKhlp Arrivals.
Nr.w YOHK. IXy ! " > lSeciil | Telegram to
the HE : . ] Arrhed The Knglaud , from
< } riix : : > Tos , Dee. 15 Arrived The Italy ,
from Now York.
SOITIUMITO.N , Div. 15. Arrived The
Erin , from Nuw York for Hreiiieu.
The > llmu % ot Dairymen's Convention
MiNMuroLU , Minn. . Doc. 15.Tho Min.
iii'Mita-Stuto Dairy men's convention Udoptetl
memorial t * eouire > .s to-iliiy asking that
thu manufacture of fniuduK-nt butter be
prohibited ' or that manufacturers be. com
IK' ) led to color their 'product phik. . '
Alloo Wfitormnn'B Murtloror to Ex-
plnto lllo Orlmo To-Drty.
Jtolicrt IVrlg" Convicted of Mnn
lighterDenth of an Old lav-
cnjKirt Cltlrcn Hiiprrmn
Court ti
Preparing ' I'-xcc-iiti ! HHIotv * .
CM A ( Jitr , In. , Ic I , lfSx | | - < 'iil
Telegram to thu llr.r. . ] To rnonow will be
it gala ilny f r th'i usually quiet nnil peaceful
town of Charles City. Chester Mellow * , the
murderer of lilt niece , Mis * A1lt , Wntflr-
mnti , li to diifTor the penalty of death on the
gullow * . Mi ; I * In tins custody of BhcrtfT
Clark nnil Deputies Iliirton nrnl Collins , Ho
arrived front Annmosti nt H p. in. to day and
was conveyed , In ti nlovjd wirrlnj ; * . ' , to the
Jfill. Quite u crowd gathered nt ttiu de | > ot In
the ho | > o of catching a glimpse of Hollows ,
but tin wai rushed through , hurried off to
thu lull mill ctuilned In hU ( oil.
On Monday nn effort was innilo by Judge
Keimgcr to hccttra n commutation of i.cntcnco
through a petition , but fviti ; ! Mellow * ' nearest
friend * refuted to sign It. All it now in
readiness for tlio exreiitlon. A high bo.ird
feticu surround * th gallows nnd otitsldu of
it a guard v/lll bo stationed to keep back thu
All day long thu cracks in the Jail feneo
tiavo been eagerly sought by people eager to
get [ i glimpse , even , of the pillow * .
After the execution they will lx > taken
down nnd shipped to West Union , where they
will bo used In lumping Smith on the "th of
January. Smith's execution will take place
nt ! l o'clock Inside the Jail.
All Is quiet except the occasional moan *
from Hollows , who I * still playing the insan
ity dodge. The deatb watch was put on nt
noon to-dayund will remain on duty all night
The execution will ptobably take place shortly
after 10 o'clock.
[ Piess.J Arrangements for the execu
tion of Chester Hollow * in this' city to
morrow for the murder of Alice Water
man on July S , 1&60 , are all complete.
The scaffold Is In the yard Just east of the
Jail building and is a pattern of the one used
in Chicago when the anarchists were hung.
The execution will take place before noon to
morrow and will be in the presence of but
few witnesses. Hollow * was brought here
from Anamosa this morning. He has been
confined in the i > enitentiary since November ,
l&rO , when he was found guilty. Hesays very
little and does not .seem to care very much
for his future. His actions all seem to be
calculated to raise the question of his sanity
and when interviewed this morning he pre
tended to have forgotten tne day and month
and said he did not-remember ever tx'inp
here before. At times he would do things
that would show that his forgetfulncss was
mere pretense. The crime for which Hol
lows will be hung was the murder of his
niece , Alice Waterman. She had been living
at Minneapolis , but carne hero in ! Sy > and
went to live with the Waterrhans. a short dis
tance from this place. His attentions to Alice
and his general conduct soon became such
that he was sent away on the 8th of July. He
went to the of a neighbor , Chester
Wilowr , with" whom Allrc was stopping , and
called her out doors and shot her twice , the
last shot being fatal. He then shot himself ,
but inflicted merely ilesh wounds. He was
tried and found guilty November 17 and IS ,
I1 ? " . This will be the first Judicial execution
in Iowa since Hcnjamin A. MtCoombwashnng
at Ott/fwa / , February 17 , ls K , for the murder
of Laura J. Harvcn.
Ijixva Supreme Court Decisions.
DEI Moixe , la. , Dec. 15. [ Special Tele
gram to the HEE. ] The supreme court ren
dered the following decisions here to-day :
Anthony McKenna and James Maroney ,
appellant , vs the State Insurance company
of DCS Moines , Huchanau district. Affirmed.
1'oster and Hannun , appellants , vs Georgu
W. Hryne , Clinton district. Keversed. Heck
and Kothrock dissenting.
John E. Quackenbush vs the Chicaeo k
Northwestern railroad company , appellants ,
Hamilton district. Affirmed.
Richard T. Way , administrator , vs the
Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific railway com
pany , appellant , Mohaskacircuit. Reversed ,
Chief Justice Adams dissenting from a portion
tion of the opinion.
John Graham vs N B Hash and A. Fergu
son , appellants , Wasnlngton district. Af
Wobkelina liarncs vs H. D Palmer , ap
pellant , Hardin district. Affirmed
State of Iowa vs T. C. LJrigps , appellant ,
Hardin district. Affirmed.
State of Iowa vs. William Stubbs , appellant ,
Hardin district. Affirmed.
John H. Hellman , appellant , vs Peter
'IChiiie ' , assignee , Dubuque circuit. Afllrmtfd.
State of Iowa vs Henry Schmidt , appel
lant , Fayetto district : The defendant was
charged with the murder of Lucretia PeeK.
The jury found him guilty of murder in the
first degree , and sentenced him to be nuns
the first Wednesday of January , Isi * . Af
firmed. The opinion sets forth that the de
ceased was the wife of Abram Peek , and
that on the night of September 4 , lb > , she
had pone to bed , to be wakened by a pistol
snot. It was found that Abram Leonard , who
slept in the next room , was shot. Mr. and.
Mr > . Peek arose to cro tohim , when Mrs.
Peck was ale shot by a man in an adjoining
room. Leonard recognized Schmidt , a young
man who worked for the family. The latter
had started a fire there , with the evident
intention of burning the houe and its occu
pants. The deceased lingered till September
JO and died.
A niackMiiith's Sulciile.
DES . , Dec. 15 'Special Tele
gram to the HEE. ] William Kiddle , an old
blacksmith well known in this city , was ob
served on the street this afternoon with a
bottle which at the time was supposed to
contain liquor. Later he crew sick , passing
into spasms , and this evening he diet ! . It is
now learned that the bottle noticed , contained
Death of an Old Invcnx > rt Citizen.
ATLVXTIC , la. , Dee. 14. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] A. K Williams , a prominent
citizen of Davenport , died suddenly her ? thU
morning of peritonitis. For thirty years h
has been one of the leadin ? business men 01
Daveniwrt. He was president of the boani
of trade during liXi.
An Odd Follow V Hall Dedicated.
NORFOLK , Deo" . 15. [ Special telegram to
ttie Ute.J Th new Odd Fellow's hall and
building was formally dedicated to-ngh ! |
with imposing ceremonies , followed by a
banquet and ball The new building just
completed was erected by the Odd Fellows
Uallding asv > clation at a am of $7,500 am
is located on the principal busiue-s street 01
7 * < CitJ" The dimensions of the hand > om
brick T Vftutv ar - ' 27x110 , and two stones
hl"h The"ICC * ' rtpor ' * fitted up for busl
lie"- ' purposes , uuil : L * upper floor \vtJ ! LXS
used by the society Tne IsH U 2\CU.
Deputy tJraud M > ter HeeN conducted the
dedicatory vetvmouie * . Past Grand Master
H. J llud < ou of Cf'lumbu' ' , delirereii the
nddn > * . The ball wa * given in the lower
room and the supper took place at the ultra
house. There was u large attendance ,
A UriiLeiiuin Killed.
FIJEMONT , Neb , IX-c. 15-rSpoelal to th <
11 en J Fred Anderson , aha * Frev\ Warner , a
fireman on the Fremont , Klkhoru VV MUsuorl
Valley road , wu killed hero to-day His !
iiueivs sluuJnii ; on the irim Jint aud h
wn * nn tfio IrnrV tinilfmtnlti rtrnnme the
nsh txu when vitnn fl > ini ; ( nrs lnik thn
IIKMO | nnd drove It fnrwfinl ovr hi * tifnl >
loth lotj * wcrn horribly tr.nn\fi\ : \ \ . ll * tir
vlvrd rffht hours , Tlio ( l ' ( oad was n
Mrtifla man iitiont twrnt > ciKlil jrc-nr * old
In tin * it brother nrnl two * l < tcM living nt
A Clirjrriimi Oinnljr Hnnriirt. |
Kintr.r , Ncti. , Dec. Ifi. ( Hi clnlTelrgrarn
o the llr.K , ] The tmr and county nftlKir * of
Lftoyi-nno county gB o n t/anqnct l t night
( it thu I'aclllc hold. The Vtiii'Tuhld . ( iidgn
( ! to.-i ; ( ! W. Heist presided nnd dolivrrrd ttm
ndilre * * of welcome. After the liinqiitt the
rollowlng totist * wrro rr t > onilfd to'A :
I'nro Jucllclftr , " by Judgn Krnficl * ( J llnmrr ,
"Thn President of llm I'nltcd Hlntc * , " ' ( ! < -n
oral Mrnry A , Morrow ; "Wvornlnj , ' . " Jaden
fohn W. \ Mfiy"Chcyrnnn \ Onmtr , " T If
L'arry ; "Tho Officer * of I'hcyfnnd County , "
H. D , Ksslg ; "Our City I'athfri , " .fooph
Obf-rfeldcr : ' 4Tin Hnrof ChcyennoCounty , "
Jtiilgo J , W Norvlllo Mnny Impromptu
n llr ( * % * ' * WITP miujc T\m \ innirwn * fur
nishid by tlio Twrnty first in fun try bund ,
iind the orcHsion wn * rnarkt-d ( is nn epoch In
the history of Western Nebraska.
A McConk Wnnl Hotn > < > t ftitrncil.
MtCVHiK , Neb , , DPC \ ( Tflo
gnirn U > the Hr.K.-Tho | eastward chf ol
houvtiunidl Ui the troilnd early this morn
Ing. The orlifln of tfio fire Is unknown. The
lo s
Srvrn TliftiiNnnd Hfiinr | .Mllr * Inun-
null .Million * llnmHr < i .
Pitix.ico , Dec 1.Tlio steamship
City of Kyilnny urrivrd this afUrnooTi froin
Hong Kong and Yokohama. Thrs Chlnere
paiiCM gii ! details of thadisaxtersoccasioned
by the Yellow river overflowing It * bank In
the province of Honan and dcvribf ; it as ono
of the most apinlllng cx-currcTires in loss of
life and projrf-rty recorded In recent times
The river broke its > ink on the evening of
KeptemrxT 2l , sotithv/cst of the ritv of Chlng
Chow , arid not only complftelv Inundated
that ritv , but nl o ten other pfipnlons cities
Tlie whole nrea Is now a raging via , ten to
thirty feet deep , \vhcro it a drnsrly jj < - > f > -
nlatrd and rich plain. The former V-d of tlio
Yellow river Is now dry and the. present lakf
was thf ; lied of thorivrr fj-ntnrirs ago. The
loss of life is incalculable nnd th > statement
is rnndc by missionaries tlut millions of Chi
nese are homeless and utarving.
All accounts | so far rcrcivcd are very
rnetiger Tie governor in Honan reports to
the throne that nearly all thf pf-oplo have
been drowned in the district reached by the
xvater , the survivors l eifijt thos who PM
capcrl to tiigh ground or took refngo in tnfs ,
where they remained until rescurtl.
A. * rifwir us can bo gleaned ' tbc
Ctilne o papvr * , the extent of the ground
swept over by the flood U more than , ( < j i
Knglish Miuare miles , and the land thns sub
merged part of one of the richest and most
denv-ly populated pi-ins of northern China.
The necessity for liberal aid may therefore
be imagined. The emperor has already
given ftJ.WjO.OGO taols and subscriptions hav
been started in Shanghai and elsewhere. The
most startling fact devolop-d is that the Yet-
low river no longer flows toward the sea , but
i * converting eastern Honan into a vast lake
and swamp. Millions of people arc thus
made homeless and deprived of all rhanjes
of earning a livelihood in these districts.
Minneapolis' Ituoc Halt Kranclil anil
Players Cliange Ilanils. *
MixxEApor.H , Minn. , Deo. -Special [
Telegram to the BEE. ] An Important change
in the management of the Minneapolis baac
ball club wa * completed to-day , by which
Manager Fost'-r Hold the franchise of thrs
club to Wt K. troodfng. The price ps id was
27,000. Mr. Gooding was- formerly city
tick.1t agent for the Burlington road In Minneapolis -
neapolis and before that wa.s connected with
the Manitoba road at Ncche and St. Vincent.
With the franchise of course go the contracts
of all players who hare been signed and Mr.
Gooding yesterday sigsed Patton ,
maKing the nine under contract a.s
follows. Patton. Hawes , Shaw , Winkclman ,
Kiopf. Kroc ? , Lynrh. ro nan and Mc-
Cullom. Mr Gooumg already has another
battery in nro-ipect , and hop s to make n
trade with St. Paul for Jevere. He is also
working to get Miller , of last year's LaCro se
team , who signed with Omaha. He antici
pates no difficulty in arranging for Sunday
games. Mr Gooding is an all-around siort.
and those who have heard of the new deal
have no doubt but he will make a success of
the national game in Minneapolis.
Marringf of JAfut. Car on and Miss
Summer at Leavptmorth.
FOP.T LEi\E\\roimi , Kan. , Dec. 15
[ Si > cial Telpsram to the HEE ) Lieutenant
J. M. Carson , Jr. , Fifth cavalry , son of Major
J. M. Carson , acd Miss M. Summer , daugh
ter of Major E. V. Snmrcer , Fifth cavalry ,
were married yesterday afternoon. The event
was a brilliant one. The post chapel , where
the ceremony took place , was handsomely
decorated with flac * , bunting istl flowers.
Everj- branch of the army was represented
by officers in ftul uniform , which , with a
sprinkling of civilian dress , formed s. charm
ing background for the nuptial picture.
The ceremony was performed by Chaplain
Harry according to the Episcopal rite. The
bnde wore a costume of white faille silk , em
broidered with velvet and truuir.ed with
Duchee lace , train , V-shaped corsage and
tulle veil. She wore a handsome diamond
ix-ndaut on her neck , the rift of the groom.
The latter wet e the uniform of a cavalry ofti-
ter. Miss A. V. Car-on , sister of the rrooin ,
and Miss V. A. Lonjr , daughter of the late
General Lone1 , were the L-nds maidj Litu-
tenant Little , of the Twenty -fourth mfuntry ,
was boit man.
Among the many handsome and costly
presents received were a complete dinner sot
of solid silver from Mr. and Mrs. Gcorsre W
Childs , of Philadelphia , and a stiver water
service from the enlisted men of Troop U ,
Fifth cavalry , to which Lieutenant Car on
The bridal couple left last evening for New
York. .
Pueblo' * Gala Day.
PUEBLO , Colo. . Dec. 15. [ Special Tele-
pram to the BEE. ] Pueblo to-day held h r
grand celebration sod barbecue over the
completion of the Missouri Pacific road to
IhU point. Committee * of citizens had
bcea uakiu ? preparation * for the event for
several weeks and several thousand dollars
were subscribed and * penl in making the
event a succos. Early this inornrnj : the
military and civic associations , bauds , cm-
zens and trades displays intending to jxirttci-
pate iti the parade , assembled on the south
side of the city , formed la line arul marched
throuch | the streets , which were handsomely
decorated , to the Pueblo opera houe , where
an old fashion bArbecue was prepared.
There thousands feasted danny the entire
day upon rnauj tcod tnins'S prvpitred by tt
eomuuttee-t. It is estimated that l2t > O people
ple were ; fed. The celebration concluded tc-
nistht with Hpceches totxhlijht
aud 0
The Fire Keoortl.
Hiurii , X S. , Dec. liW S. Symaod <
A Co. 'i foundry was burned to-day ale cj
with f our f Jd ings contamui the satire
lo ilerlj' Condition Cr
WiUJEiRiKKt , Pa. , Dec. lJ.-Powdrly'
pbysieun said this evening that the patieu ? i *
doing nicely and U steadily Umjnj
UiTEK--Powdei-Vy' * coaditiou
ivganleil a Critical , he
w.tU auo'.her he
TIIK HFpriuir\v \
Illh lljjl liDMl/ail
Ttiolr Flrnt Convention TomrKrmrlly
Or anl7dl in Now York.
Hiiinl Must Nr.l tin Tr.lrrnlnl In Cmtn
t > nlK'i * - Thn Hnloon Wnrncd
Out ( if ll < .llllr ; - .lohri IU
tijnutt Hprnk * .
A fjrrnl I'nlltlcnl ( Interring.
N'r.w YonK , fer I.-Tho first cr > nvr ntlmj
of the te pnMlcan Hntrs w * * c.1lfr I to
order today with lIMl , rlrlfgAtf * prrvrit
from nil ovrr the Cnltnl HUtv * .
All 'X > , tittir along rontost invol7lntf thfli
call of the roll , ttir rcpiiblknn clufr * conven
tion chose I ) , > niotJ Ryan , of Ohio , as tem
porary chairman.
In his nddrMs of welcome. .famr * P FV > * '
ter , preiidfiit of thf rrptililwnn Mfib of Hr.vr
York , saw ! that by < ommoti rTint it nad
b < -en agrpfd that this ronventlon shonlrl not
narnr- , recommend t > r nominaf'- any candidAfn
for oftlrr , and that , the orgAm/Ation profxvwl
a tfirirf lit protei t thft industries of th land ,
high enough to rf-dfin the * iirpln * ftnrt giro
tnployrnent to ritirtittc \ and tin nrr- ! >
mHrket for goo < U m riiifarlurMl here Hft
went on to * i fhrf.rgani'Afionprojp'wd .
to divontinnc | > crontil Aftarks ti ( n fanrlt-
( lfttf . wherr-by private rharart'T and hcmn
lifp arftbafly ft's iifd It was propiwd to
s.iy t/ > the saloon ' He ye removed from
After the routine of bi. in * * had
tmnwctfd the convention a/ljourne * ! tmtll
to-morrow monruntr
This nvcnmK tfio rlntw held a piib'.ir mrcl-
ing in Cooler Union linn .fohn R. "T ynrh ,
the < Tilrrr 'd orat/irof Mississippi , said hn wa. *
hr ro t/i speak on the Mir > j > T < > ssion of the
colored votn in the scmth. "My form of law , "
he said , "Ofevfland Is president , but moraiiy
hf ha. * no morrrisrht thfr than ho ha * trt
the throne of Great I'ntdin. Cleveland ( otild
no more grt the elcttAral votft
of Mississippi , f imiina and South Carouna
tb.nhi ; ronid thrno of Pennsylvania , Ver
mont and Onlrv Therfi are ever twenty
thousand more rolored men than wh. ' In
Mississippi. Not U-ss than one-third of the
whites vote the republican tickf.t and no
more than one-tenth of the nejfroes TO/- the
drmfK-ratir tir-kft. Yet the state Is always
surely dr-morrailr. They go through the
forms of el t.on do'wn thf re. but aa soon sw
the ( lemocrJitir conventions arc over thftpfvil *
are closed. Sometimes there Is diftlcwlty
in fretting democrat * to falsify thn rctnrn * ,
When fmstmtrfl thts w y th y soTrretrm
re-Aort to violence. These frauds are ivrpf-
trau-rl m.itnl.v beoauio the general < cnttmf.nt
o f the country tolerates them. Until the
people of the north get thnr eyes orxon tfwso
things will continue in thn south. " Thft
speaker's idea of a remedy was to rrdacft the
rtprevntation of the sonther states Then
of he colored men could not lw repre
sented , they would have the satisfaction
of knowing thaOhMr vote w.w not going to
thn enemy Congre men reprr ent thft
colored men who are virtually disfranchised.
Speaker Noyes , of the Massachusetts
house of repres.-ntAtiv . commenderl the ad-
rlres-i of Mr Lynch. "The tariff is of small
importance compired with the question of
human rights Cleveland has thrown the
gauntlet into the arena that the republican *
xvill quickly take up. Tne president had
issued a proclamation that had
in it * a platform of a party
and a citizen acres * the water
criticized it [ Treat chclriiipl , and It spread
over the world , glvinjr It many readers where
it only would have had one. VVe are not here
to eleaipnate a candidate , but events have
desifrriatcd' whothe nest candidate will b . "
A. letter from John 3. "Wt v of Vrrglnta ,
did not speak hopefully of the Virginia re
publican vote.
Hoc. John DaUell. of PcnnsylvanU , dwelt
principally upon the tariff. He attrihntfd
the surplus and many other UU to Internal
Anti-Saloon t
Srrurrse , N. Y , Dec. IS The annual
merlin ? of the NVw York state league of
antnaUxm republican. ! began here this after
noon. t'rnhihitinnUtfl.
Mosrr.ouERT. Ala. , Dec , 15. The Alabama
state prohibition convention met to-day. Kes-
olations tvere adopted favounsr Clinton A
Fuke , of New Jersey , fur president , and J.
T. Tanner , of Alabama , for vice presldent-d
The Labor Federation.
BILTIMOKS , Dec 15 At the morning1 sea
sion of the American Federation of Labor
a protest was received from the
Cigar Makers International union ,
asainst the redaction of the In
ternal revenue tax on tobacco , and petition
from sever.J trades union * alnnr that con-
press pas * a law that wilt prevent the em
ployment of men er.lmed in the army or
navy in any eai > a < ity where skilled labor can.
be used.
The afternoon ' "ion was cnnsumed by
the consideration of the report of thi com
mittee on cocatitutioa. A motion to compel
all or aniratlunj to obtain charter * from tha
Federafon occasioned warn i/ppos.tioa from
ITceviatativcs of the Internatuual Typo-
craphicat union , who declared their enranua-
tion woulil under no come to
the Federatiotx for i charter , and it was
amended to read "certinYato Oi i
instead. The nuestujn of equita
tation was the cause of a lensthy dt
It lira * finally voted that the central labou
unions and local trades assemoUes b J allowed
representation arcurdms to their numerusvl
strength , even thou h some trad- may ba
indirectly represented by delates frosaf
their national body.
The Slush.
Bo ov , Dec. 15 [ Special Teleirraai to
the HEE.J Ihe rattiin ? of the family skele
ton in the C'odmsn case continues. Yester
day Miss Martha C. Codman testified thar
she did not recollect of any domestic trouble
prior to 1 70. faheirave testimony as to hets
father's drinking habits , his profanity andT
his tits of cry.n . ' "Father said -I we. aid pu&
a bullet throa h my head in no were 19' '
uot for people who are dei * udenE ea me.1 Iir
IS , " mother and I went to father's * tuitio Ha >
seemed * urprt--d and embarrassed at seem *
us.V"e wanted to TO into a side room , but hoj
said 'don't go la there. ' We lusted him why
net and he iaid 'wait here. " He then weni
into the rcocl uad 03 the door open dV
1 could < ? t * Mis Kunbull sittlai4l
oa the sofa. We afterward * at besid ?
her at the Glebe theater Aftt-r wt <
returned from Europe he bovame very neirll l
peat la his dres.i and said he could not affardn
new cloche * . Mother made him thrve > coats' }
herself He wore shabby doth * * la ttaj
street and never bru-shvd his hair , bur wipscT
itnth a toweL HeVHA very averse ro beiny
culled by name in public places. The fa- *
noil4 trunk coataiaiB thecorreapondeace oft
Violet Kuaball with Mr Cudmaa ' .KU * pro
duced in coart and Mr Mor > e said he woaldk
re-ad sueh part of it as had bearing oa tht
cat . Mr * Codman aad her dau Ktmr too' *
their deiurtare at thw potat in the proceed
ing * . The letters are so'aetiroe purjiysmal
in their protestatio s of a.-Tev'twa aad fre
quently the nm-.hv sectuueat comes liita
i-uriou * iujtapo- > a with the praeticu"
tioa of cu.-h. The majority of theai i
matter positively unit fr the pubLc. eye.
SenliMicetl to
M vcox , Ga. , Dec. 15. Joiu Woolfalk vnt
entenced to tuu Februarj W , fjp lt < j mur
der of nine of hu
A Traitor' , run
Lwwic , Dec. l5.-Tbo public prosecutor
x kvd tb-it Cahauu < , Una official who
pteaileii iratity of revvaiio j : the coutiruts of
omciol d'X'U'iT'-s ! ? to Vronce. ho wnteni-vd to
twelve years j irs .i3i n : jad daed I.COO
ui.irt * ai I tb.vt htf be dcpmttd of tU
far ss'-in-