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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1887)
( THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY , DECEMBER 35 t88T. WATERED WHISKY STOCK , ' Inside Pacts Relating to the Dis tillers and Cattle Feeders' Trust. BIG PETROLEUM CORPORATION. Imwjcr Van Kllcn Loaded WHli a Charge ofK Conoyrr Suit llio Union I'uulflc. Trimt. The potency which It was thought wns ex ercised by what Is known us the Distillers' * nml Cattle Feeders' trust Is not generally understood and ha In bomo Instances been i overrated. At present nil the distillers In the country which huvo felt disposed to con nect themselves \vlth It huvo done so. Tlicro arc still several houses ruiiiiuiK In the state of Ohio besides four others in different parts of the country , not Including the Willow Springs Distilling company of this city which It is believed is now undergoing the tho' necessary preliminaries , to bo- conic allied to the pool. All Uieio distilleries nro in the west , namcly.G. T. Darker niul the Great Western Distilling company of Prorln ; Ilainburg Distilling comiwny. of Pcjdn , nnil tlio Ncbrnxka Distilling company , of Nebraska City. These houses nro as favorably located us tiny In the United States , and , It is claimed , can niuko and sell goods as cheap i\s any house in the trust. Dcsides these It Is understood that there nro other western houses icady to start when ever u profit shows itholf in the nnuiufac- turo. Until all thcso houses nro connected with the trust , good whisky Hminoiers claim thu trust rannot bo a success , and no divi dends can bo paid. It is stated that the trust Is already bumpered , because it is under heavy expense , wlillo ati outsider Is not so pri'titly handicapped. All that the lioiibos now outsldo of the combination ask is : i icpirscntation on the board of trustees , which to them seems rciitonublo , but which , it seems , cannot bq granted , because , It Is claimed , there ard things behind the screen whiiQi will not bear Investigation and imblli : notoriety. The trust instrument under which the combina tion is working was secured from the Stand ard Oil company. According TO it , a value is placed on each distillery by thu trustees. This value is absolute. The distiller has no chance to upjleal or arbitrate. Ho Is not al lowed to know what his neighbor's property is valued at. Ho has no means of knowing whether he is being treated einiltubly or not. A fund must bo raised for u working capital , nnd to ralso this ccrtilicatcs arc is sued. In this lies the opportunity of the Standard Oil company. The latter can buy the ccrtlllcatos , advance the money ut a rate which no person not a trustee may discover , but which rumor rejiorts to bu four to one. It is claimed thcro is no limit to the certificates which these' trustees may issue , fior is there any knowledge as to what , when completed , the capital stock will bo. Several amounts iiavo been mentioned , and they rungo from HIXX,000 ) ) to WUO.OOO.lKK ) . In View of the fact it is claimed that W.OOO.OOO would pay for every distillery north of the Ohio , and * 1 ,000,000 would give a fund of 10 for every bushel that can bo operated , the Burns mentioned nbovo are either watered or ' inflated. The trustees of this gigan tic undertaking are self-appointed. . Nobody has had u voice in selecting them , and they were ready for business when they received their Instrument from the Standard Oil company. Those who have been whee dled Into the combination entered , it is claimed , almost without a word of explana tion , parted with valuable property nnd ro lled implicitly upon the good faith of the trustees. It is claimed , even now that cer tificates are now afloat us numerous as snow- flakes. Their value seems doubtful , because the trust is not comi > elled to pay dividends ! and no dividends can bo declared until all the distillers nro connected with the enter prise , Jmd still , there is no means of driving all of them in : It is known that where two parties are equally well situated one can buy grain as advantageously as the other and an attempt to freeze an outsider out by low | > rices would not , It is thought work satisfactorily because the party at tempting would have expenses which the - outsider would ilot. A BIG COUPOUAT10N. of n New Concern Huv- liiK $ I , OO)0 ( > Capital. The Omahil Petroleum company is the name of a new business Institution , which filed articles of Incorporation with the county clerk yesterday. The Incorjwrators arc Messrs. Frank Colpctzer , James L. Lovctt , B. E. B. Kennedy , John H. Pnrrotte , Alvin Saunders and Olansen H. Day. The capital stock of the company is $ I,000OOOdivided into 10,000 shares , to bo fully paid ii | : at the ti.uo of issuance. The business ol the company Is to buy , soil , lease and dovelof petroleum lands and mining property in Wj outing territory. The duration of tin corporation in to bo fifty years front Decem ber. A board of directors will niannxo the affairs of the company and will at their llrsi meeting elect a president , vice president , secretary and treasurer. The general place of business Is to bo in this , t'ity and the in debtedness of the corporation must not ex ceed 150,000. VAN ETTKX IN HAIU ) LINUS. Again Ho IH ChnrKcd with Kiubezzlc incut. David Van Ettcn Is becoming unnleasantl ; notorious. Yesteiday mornlnglWilliam Butt u grocer at 2.102 North Thirtieth street , swor out a warrant for his arrest , charging bin with the embezzlement of tlW.HO on the Isto August of the present year. In the inforimi tion it Is alleged that Van Kttcn was em ployed by Butt us his attorney in the collet tion of a number of accounts , and that Vai Ettcn did collect the sum specified and appro priated it to his own use without so much u ever accounting for it In any way. An ofllce was dispatched for Van Kttcn , with instrut tion to bring him before the police court with . out delay. The case was called in the afternoon at I o'clock , nnd on motion of counsel for defend ant. continued until the lllth. The committee of lawyers appointed ti Investigate the charges of forgery mad against Van ICtten hero closed the taking o testimony. They will make known their di cision in a few days. HUNCH ANDHAK. The United HtatcH Court. A 'jr,000 DAMAliK bl'IT. The argument In the case of Charles > ! Conoyer , Jr. , vs. the Union Pacifio Uailroa i company , was begun before Judge Dund yesterday. This is n suit for JiS.OOO dan nges , and has been in the courts for the pa ; three years or tnoro. The damages or claimed on ttto grounds of an accident wherein the plaintiff was permanently Ii Jurod by being run down by n trai of cars belonging to the defent ant company at the Tenth stret 5 crossing , between Mnrcy and Mason street : 1 - on' November 24 , 184. Young Conoyer , ' is alleged , was driving down the street In dog-cart , and reaching the crossing ho wa delayed by the switching cf a lot of cmpt freight cars. The flagman , whose duty It'i to lUaluinln * his jiost at the crossing an signal truvC'rs when to cross the tracks , i this time was riui ! : on the cow-catcher ( the switch engine. ' .Ibo engine ha Just backed n mntincr C : cars ncros the street , when the flagman bckone young Conoyer and the drivers of hcvi'r : other teams that had been stopped to coin ahead. The plaintiff's was the last of tli three or four vehicles , and ho had barely go ten upon the first track when the switch ci glno backed In front of him , and he was con lulled to pull up. While in this position on of the regular trains bore down upon him 111 signalled by either whistle or flagman , and hi fore It was possible for him to oxtrlcato liln self from his perilous i osition , his cai was struck , knocked over nnd dr i ced for a distance of seventy-two feet , ti ftdthcrwith the boy whoso foot had .becoir . fastened in OHO of the whfcl * . His Wo wi juty twjcd ty-tlio heroic uvtionof the swUcl man. who ran forward nnd eclzcd the boy by the hcald ( tnd held him off so that the cars could not rnn over him. As it was young Conoyer suffered u comminuted fracture of the right leg , In addition to severe Injuries about the head nnd body. By reason of these injuries Iho young man is a cripple for life nnd he asks Judgment against the railroad company in the sum above stated on account of the negligence of Its employes. Thurston nnd Shropshire for the railroad and General Cowin for Conoyer. District Court. Mrs. Turklo McUoyle wants the city of Omaha to pay her the modest little sum of tr > , OUO for spraining her ankle ut the corner of Burl and Division streets on the evening of Novcmbci'UI , 1SS7. In her petition Mrs. Tur klo McHoylo states that the defendant had been notified of the unsafe condition of the sidewalk when the accident occurred. County Court. Tltn COMMISSION ISCI'OIITS , The commission appointed some lime npo by Judge McCulloch to appraise the damages accruing to the LIniniuiMctcalf company by the appropriation of their property by the Omaha & Valley railway com pany , has reported that Iho $15,000 they had settled upon as a sufficient recompense to the company and had been accepted by them from the railroad company. A'mmiK ' CASE. The attention 6f Judge McCulloch was oc cupied yesterday in llstlnlng to the evidence in the suit of Josiah Rogers vs. George Sam ple. The matter refers to n horse deal , and the court room was -redolent with n livery stable perfume during the progress of the trial. The Police Court. Viola McFarland ; un Inmate of the house at 107 North Twelfth street , had H. J. Me- Nullis , foreman of Armour & Cudahy's packing house , arrested for stealing n diamond mend ring. The case was investigated , nnd was found to Imvo been no theft at all. The woman had loaned him the ring nnd that's all there was In it. McNullls was released , and Viola required to pay the costs. Gcorgo Piekard , who was arrested on n telegram received by Chief Seavey from Beatrice , charging him with being a fugitive from Justice , was turned over to the marshal Frank Petard yesterday , nnd taken back to the Scene of his crime. He is wanted for u highway robbery Job. Frank Morris , arrested by Captain Green , charged with horse stealing at Hod Oak , Iowa , was likewise handed over to the authorities from the latter place yesterday , and taken back for trial. James Mallon , clerk at the Union Pacific hotel , caught Charles Petcison , alias Knnis , umU-r the bed in one of the boarder's rooms nnd handed him over to the police. ISnnis had the boarder's coat on and yesterday he was given thirty days in jail , the first and lust ten on bread and water , Mury Hughes , u female tramp without money , relatives or friends , lies dangerously aide in the female department ut ttio Central station. The cases against Steve Simins , charged with selling liquor on election day , was heard in the afternoon and Simins dismissed. He was immediately ro-arrested , however , for keeping u disorderly house and fined tlO and costs. Other cases disposed of : Fritz Frcy nnd Fred Brooks , sneak thieves , allotted one hour to get out of town. John Williams and Ben Tillotson , suspicious characters , jail , bread and water , ten days. Joe Seego ami Frank Morally , fighting , five days each Gurry Vunderburn and Lee Williams , 'con ccaled weapons , $7..r > 0 each , guns confiscated Notice. Clergymen desiring half fnro permits on the Chicago , Rook Ishiml & Pucifiu Ry. for the year 1888 will plenso ntiiko application for hamo at once at tlio Rod Island ticket otllce , 1305 Ifiirnum st. S. S. STEVKNS , Gon'l Agt. THK LAST CABLE. The Grip Car Will Be Used to Test the Tramway. Yesterday the second cable of the Cable Tramway company arrived , and by Satur day , together with the cable which reached here. Tuesday , will bo unloaded near Pas- ton & Gallagher's on Tenth street and run into the tube. Superintendent Tucker of the line reached hero yesterday from Kansas City but partially recovered from the Injuries ho received in the tele scoping of the sleeper on the Kansas City & St. Joe road a week ago. Ho was at work , however superintend ing the construction of the complicated track- work at the powerhouse corner of Twentieth and Hurnoy streets. No one who has not seen the intricacy of the iron work at this corner can imagine that the enterprise uould involve such u labor. There are no less than six curves , and two of these lead In the direction of West Harney street , as if it were the intent later to extend the track along that thoroughfaro- The cable cars which were announced us having arrived at Pacifli : Junction yesterday , have been Bide-trached , but will bo here to day.A . A gricar | will bo run over the line for several days before the passenger cars are started to find out where defects may exist without delaying patrons. The management request that ovcry per son , especially ladies , when out driving ro- frnln from hugging the track until they become - como accustomed to the new order of affairs. Ice plows , mnvkors , hooks , tongs.saws , etc. , at James Morton < fc Son's , 110 S. 15th st.solo agents for Wood's ice tools. Semi for catalogue. : r * _ Notice to Attorney-Webster. Hon. J. L. Webster , City Attorney Sir : The city council at its last session Insisted upon the renewal of the annulled contract with Hcagun Bros , for the construc tion of the basement of the city hull , in splto of tho-fact that it was thoroughly known that said confrnctors and their assigns had proclaimed In advance that they would not perform about $10,000 worth of the work stipulated in said contract , as construed by the mayor , the president of the council , the city attorney , the city engineer , the superin tendent of construction , two of the three members constituting the noard of public works , and the architect of the building. Knowing that this whole subject matter will inevitably bo submitted to the courts for adjudication , it is the duty of officials who represent the interests of the people to see that said contractors , their assignees and bondsmen nro not allowed to avoid any of their obligations , through any neglect or le gal omissions on their part. Therefore you nro most respectfully re quested to take charge of the annulled con tract herewith , and to supervise ami direct legal stops doomed necessary In the pro posed revival of the same and placing It on file In this oRIco again us n completu and law ful contract.ST. . A. D. HILCOMIIE , Chairman Board of Public Works. ' Seiilenberg's , the only lOc cigar for 5e. Ask your donlor for them. Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot. Mr. Sullivan Heard From. . , Mr. K. P , Sullivan , who was mentioned in yesterday's BtE , In connection with the charge of obstructing a public street , preferred ferred against Frank Smalls , claims that the article in question placed him in nn unfali light. Mr. Sullivan says that in the per fonuunco of his duty he did file n complaint against Smalls , but not until after ho hat given Smalls n nunibor of notification' and repeatedly urged hint to move ii'3- dwelling off "Jtho street. Mr , Sullivan * --Claims tliat the ground uiKm which lab- home was locutcc wasf n Jiubllc thoroughfare ! : ufwu a * Locust , and ut the' intersection of this slrcCt " ' ' Missouri nvcnuo the. obstruction occurred , The btrert Is used continually , by pedestrians and vehicles , and the locution of this house was a great inconvenience to the traveling public. Mr. Sullivan says ho offered to paj the expense of , the trioving of Smalls' house , but the latter declined the offer , nnd that ii no manner did no attempt to do nn Injustice to a or man , b'u ( , ' ( .imply desired to do his O.'itv ' In tho.prviiilses. ' Continental Clothing House Freefend , Loomis & Co. BOSTON n . . . NEW YORK Proprietors ; DES MOINES We are now Showing ihrour Custom Department , on the second floor of our establishment AN EXCEEDINGLY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF THE Finest Foreign Woolens and Trimmings of Our Own Direct Importation. From which we are prepared 0 make at very reasonable prices , the fin ? est grade of custom garments of every description to order. Our facilities for importing large lines of the Finest Fabrics from the most noted foreign manufac turies , enable us to offer EXCEEDINGLY ATTRACTIVE INDUCEMENTS TO GENTLEMEN OF TASTE , who appreciate rich and elegant fabrics , embracing ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES from the fashionable trade centers of Europe. , We are fully and completely < organized now in our Custom Manufac turing Department. All under the'charge of Mr. C. C. Smith , who will superintend the cutting and making of all our cus tom garments. We have a corps of the most efficient workmen to be obtained in the country , whose utmost skill and attention will be given to every order intrusted to them , and we can , with confidence , guarantee a class of fine custom-made work in this department unsurpassed west of New York. ' ' We invite the careful inspection of our stock which is now open for examination in this department and will send samples for examination , to any address upon application , with estimates of cost. Prompt Deliveries and Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE , Corner of Douglas and 15tii Streets , Omaha , Neb. The Largest Wholesale ami Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River PKOL1FIO MOTHERS. Two Women With Seventeen Children Quppr llnllronil PnsHeiiBPrs. Tlicro were two important arrivals in Oinnlm ycstcnlny. One was u white woman who cuino in over the U. & M. Her hubbaml was ono of the blackest of negroes. His name was Washington Johnson. Accompa nying the couple were their six children , nil of them under four years of age. There was ono bet of triplets , one pair of twins and ono little piccaniny who had the liard luck to come into the world alone. Mr. Johnson stated that they they came from Egypt , 111. , and were en route to Denver , where ho has n wealthy brother living. Tlio names of the children are as fol lows : Carolina Hcnson , Tiivn Lucretiaii , Lillian Huckowitr , Abraham Lincoln , O rover Cleveland , and Willian H. Vanderbilt John son. Thu mother of this interesting brood is a slight built woman , weighing only about ono hundred pounds and is unite pretty. Slio Kcuincd to bo quite intelligent and said that she was married to Mr. Johnson in Cleveland - land , Ohio , Hvo years ago. The other notable arrival referred to above was also a woman and in point of number of children went Mrs. Johnson llvotottcr. Her name was Jane Uuwley and she came from Lcadville , Col , , where her husband was recently killed. She and her eleven chil dren , the oldest being but thirteen years , uro en route to her father's home in lied Wing , Minn. There are no twins in the family. The mother is u slightly built woman nnd would weigh not more than' ninety-live pounds. _ Diebold Safes. Call and see the large stock Menff- lior & Bench , Gon'l Ajt'n. { huvo on hand at 1415 Furnam s.t. , Omuhu. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. The city council will meet Monday night. A. Shank , of Osceola , Neb , , is at the Ex change. Murt Hannawald , of Aurora , biought in a car of hogs. J. 11. Solden. of Hillings , M.T. , is at Iho Exchange hotel. Charles S. Lincoln , of Dawson county , was on the market. J. C. Wysong , of Ccdnr Uupldi , brought in three cars of cattle. ' ' W. P. Hobb , of Hassett , Nab. , Imi ) a car lot of hogs on the market. A. D. Kenyon , of Dancbrogh , Neb. , is in with two loads of cattle. < I' . 11. MoMalien and daughter , of Lyons , registered at the Exchange. J. T. Harris , of Weston , la. , had ono load of hogs on the markeUi ' The Iv. of 1' . delegates to Ashland Imvo returned and are repairing damages , : Loseko and Kamps , of Columbus , Neb. , sold a car lot of choice' heavy hogs yes terday morning at $ T > . ! ! 0. . The suit of W. Clmdd against John Len- ham was settled before Judge Houther by the payment of $103 nnd costs to the plain tiff. tiff.In In the oasoof Wicdmnn VB , Ish , an order of garnlbhcc was issued by Justice Levy , for monies of tho'defendant now in the hands of Messrs. Houther and Lumbermen. A lonely vag applied for shelter at the lock up last night and was accommodated. His employer had promised to pay him for some work done during the day , but failed to ap pear , Ono collector for the German Lutheran church fund rcxnts | f'70 on his list , and the trustees liopo&oon to have $1,500 or $2,000 , with which to commence work. The edifice will bo on a lot generously donated by Will iam Jetter , situated on 11 street , between Tenty-ninth nnd Thirtieth streets. The little Gem restaurant was visited by n gang of hungry thieves Tuesday night nnd while ese of them was pricinga bag of pop corn another stole a largo cakcand made for the uooT. He .vus followed by the proprietor , and in the struggle tlwteusued thu cnko was destroyed , but the thief escaped. Frank Gen-aril"IB "a teamster , nnd William O'Keefe-is the foreman that superintends ms work. U Is said that William is in tha hab.'t ' of enforcing his commands with a shovel.but anyhow ho punished' G.errard in that way esterday for aomo breach-of r\\\e \ \ * . A &worn out for .his arrest , tti a U will answer to n chnrgo of nssault nnd bat tery before Justice Levy. Councilman Dave Loeschcr was arraigned before Judge Ueutlier and pleaded guilty to the charge of "unlawfully assaulting and threat ening in a menacing manner and with n re volver the person of Minnie AUliorp" and was lined $15 and cost. In imposing the fine , Judge Henther expressed his views on the duties and responsibilities of a councilman in a manner that Loescher considered personal and offensive , and ho accordingly applied to Justice Levy for a warrant for the arrest of Judge Houther. On hearing his statement , however , the ] ubtice declined to issue the warrant. Mi'N. General Itriiliiii Dead. Hews reached hero yesterday of the death at Fort McKinney , of Mrs. Hrisbin , wife of General J. B. Hrisbin , of that place. Mrs. Hrisbin some years ago resided at Fort Omaha with her husband , and while hero was well known by an extended circle of ae- quaintauces. .Tunics Morton & Son , 11(1 ( S. loth st. nil kinds ot ice toolh in block. Fatally Injured. A liohernlnn laborer who is employed n the stock yards , was struck by a locomotive nt the Tenth street crossing yesterday at 10:80. : Ho was badly hurt and Dr. Galhraith , who attended him , amputated the left nrm Just below the shoulder. Ho is otherwise in jured aiul there is little hope of his recovery. Ho was taken first to his home and subse quently to St. Joseph's hospital. The man's name could not bo learned. POWDER AbsoMely Pure. This powder naver varies , A mardel of puri ty , streiiRtb and wholeoomenesH. .More * cunum * leal than the ordinary kinds , nnd rannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low cost , short weight alum or ) ilio iliuto powder * . Bold onlv IncaOH. Itoynl linking Ponder Co. , 120. Wall St. , Nowi'orlc. J. B. HAYNES , - OFFICIAL - STENOOBAPHEB , Tliird Jndlclal District. . J7 CUAMDEU 0V COMMBUCB.- ' ' . Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute N. W. Comer 13th and Dodge Streets , t Oil TUB Ttll-.ATMIINT OF AU , 11 Braces. ApplianccsfiorDeforniities STrusses lo--t ! fncltltles. iiipnratu | iin'l remeillcd for ancce's- fill treiitraunt of cery form of dl5cn > o requiring -Med- ICM ! or Miriilfiil Trentnifiit. Korty new ronmn for imtlents ; best liosi Ital ncconi- miHlatioiiH In the wit. WmrB roil ciitrui/Aifi on Hefonnltles imil Unices , riuli Kevt.Curvnlurti ( if Iliu t-plnc. Hlc , Tiiinun , Cancer. Catnrrli , Uroncliltls , InlmlHlloti , Klpctrlclly , i'aialyKta , Kpllupsy , KUIuey , Illntliter , K)0 , Kur , skin , nnil Illood , mid all Hurulciil Operutliiui. Dlseases'of Woman a Specialty. 11OOK O.V DlSEASLH OF WOMtN PlIt.E. ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKINU A srcriAi.Tr or All Illonil ll ) oiisos 8iiccc sfuHy treated. Syphilitic I'ulfiui removed from Iho yMeni without mercury. Nrw rcntnrntlve trentment for loss of VIUI Tower. IVr on un tilot < ) vl lt UK ni y Uo treated at home liy currt'Mmndeiico. All coiumuiitcutlous contlrten- tin ) . Medicines or Instrument * &ent by uiull or ex press. securely packed , no murk * to Indicate contents orpeiulcr. One'por oiml Interview iirefcrred. Call aud consult u * nr vnd history ot yourcuse , iintl we will tend In plain wrapper , our BOOK ! 3J > K/H1E ! TO MEIT III on I'llvote , Special nnd Kentm * * Disease * , Iinpo * tency , SyphllK Uleel and Viirlcoeelo. Addre" , Uniiiliu Medical and Surgical Institute , or Dr , McMeiiainy , Cor , 13th anOoflpSis , . O.MAII.V , NEIMAHKA. S : & I ) . DAVIESON , 1707 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo. Of tlio Missouri State MiHenm of , Anntomy , St. l.oiils , > lo. , University College llo > lltal , J.on- ilon. Glescn , ( lennany unU Now York. Hnvl devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF lip ji v iiiuilll DISEASES. 'jjoro especially tliojo arlslnt ; from Impru dence , Invlto ull ho hUtferliiK to correspond without - out delay. DImnses of Infection and contagion cured bafely and hpeodlly wltliout use of i1an < iUH ilrnuH. I'atientM whoso cuses have been iifKlfCtrd , badly treated or pronounced lmiir- nble , should not fall to write us concerning their symptoms. All lot tern lecelvo linmedlute atten- JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mulled l-'lUIi ; to uny nddress on re ceipt of one 2-cciit Rtiiinp , "I'rartk-al Observa- tlonxon Nervous Debility und 1'livHlcul Kxliitus- tion , " to which IH lidded nn "Ksmiy on Mnr- rluue , " with important cluiptcrn on diseases of the Reproductive OrKuns , tlio whole foimlnga valuiititc : ! ' illcal treatise which should be rtwd by nil yoiliiB men. . * ddies3 and D DAViLSGN DBS. S. , , 17O7 OHvo Street St. Louis , Mo. WF A if ADVWI ftKB. MOW TO ACT. WW 3 \ lAilVlEor "rtM nlioo4H Tr . ' IfM nE milnr. Perlln. nd Knncllon.l dUor. ' M" K AISTO CO.I9 r > rk ri . , . . | rl. WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of th lloilr t nUrged Ami itrtnctbentd. full | > arllcu- lari irnt ( rated nc. fcHIK HKU.CO..IIprriM > , H.r. SUFFERERS MEBVOUSIIESS , Health is Wealth ! In. K. 0. WKST'S NKIIVK AND HKAIN Tanvr- Ml'.Nr , n Kimrnntped specille for Ilysterln , DIzil. ness , L'on : ulsloir ) . Fits , Nervous Ni < nrnlglu Headache , Nc-rvom 1'rostrutlnii i-nnaud by the nso of lilt until or tobacco , Wakufulnens , Mnttiil Depression , SoftenliiK of the llrnln resulting In Insanity anil lending toniNery , dceiiy nnil dentil , I'rcinntiuuOld AKV , llun-enness. Loss of power in either sex , Involuntary Losses tinil f-permnt- orrhirn caused by over exertion , of the liruin self- nlniHO or over tuilnlienrp. Kuril box contains one immth'H treatment. Jl.OOa box.or ht\ boxes for W.Oti.sontliy mill ! prepaid on receipt of price. WK GUAKA.NXl'.lO SIX 11OXEH To euro nny case. With each order received by us for six IIOXCM , accompanied with , wo 111 send thu purchaser our writ'en Rimranteo to re fund tup money It the treatment does not clfoct u euro , ( itinnuitee.s Issued only by C. ! ' . OOOD- MAN , Druggist , Solo Agent , 1110 tn. , UmahnNnb IMPOIITED STALLIONS FOR SALiK rerclierons , Clydesdales and Shire , also homebred bred colts Kvery nnlinal KUiirunteed a breeder Our stock 1ms lieen iHectnd with reference to both Indlvldiml merit and pedlcrto. Home of tliesn horses Imvo taken llrsi jui/e at tlio > o- brusku Blnte I'elr , 1W7. All our lioises urn lie- climated , and coltM of Iholr pet can bo shown. Prices rt'nsoiwblo and easy teunH. IH ucrcsslblu by tlio tluuu leiiilliiK rnllioiuls of Die Mute , II. & M. : I' ' . , K. Si M. V. . inn ) 1C. O. .Vrfl. I'HV A : rAIIUIIAII. Voik , Nob. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John n. Jacobs. ) Onilcittffi and At the old stand , 1107 Vomnni St. Orders by tele' graph solicited and promptly uttendod to. .Teleleplionc Nu. 'i. . ) . JYLERDESKCO ST. LOUIS , MO. DESKS , BAH K COTOTER3. Beit Work and Lowett Pricej Outrintetd. 100 j > je Illiut'd , C Ul KU . SteckPiano Hemarkablei for powerful sympa- ITictlu Joinpllajjle action and ab- folut'eiriiralilllty. 'M years record , the iM'fct K'iarantee of the exerT leiice of linmo Imti iniienlii. WiTODBRIDGE BROS , I prpicjlb * aTii fully p. done JtlK t > ' tl > ODl.r specific for tbe certain cure ol Dili dlieaif. O.n.I.NUHAIIAM.M.a , Amiterduin , N , Y. Web v ld Blr lor . lruKO , 111. fr * t The Old Reliable 5 | Inlht of many year * pcrlencc.treatiwitliw . . , derf ul suiTvsi. ull MINI * . Til 110AT , tJANOEll rll.I. < . KIHTUl.Ai IlumiHK cured wltln out pain or hindrance trom InisliH'ni. AHolirom lo dl > iines fur In naranco of ny In-lltution In UilX co-i try. Those wuocun. template ROlnir to Hot MirlniM for trotttiupnt of tiny Trlvuto 51 lilAoa fun bo cured fun line-third the cgftat Ol | I'rlvutu Dl-pensary , ' I I RICO lly r lil'trciitnicn ( furc. Ixivcly Conv I fllllr.N l'l(1 > 1 freofro flftUowneiiS , fr Pkcif | LnUIUU dintkhcnds , eruiitlons , etc. , brllll4fij heitlth bo hint. uml perfect c n -Tli'il tired" feclliiKBml nil fonmlp wenkn . Iromiit ) cur l , IlkmtliiK ll < < ailclit"i , Nervom Prbsj an toil , ( ieiieinl IMillllr , Moeiili-ii-iiesi , Dourpiiilod Und In illKCftKin , OMirlim Ujiublen. nnmm l tort And nlflerflllon. KnllliiK nd ll plaocmi-nt , ( 'olnal wcakt epH , Kidney couipUilnts and Obftime uf Ute , tonsul the Old Doctor r\fr ilih CAD Acnto or C'hronle Inaamina- PIP ANII tflK lion nfllm Eyi-linn or ( ilopo L I L MHU tnil ' , , Karor Sear SlahtcilncM , Inversion of the lld . Sernfulofl * Kyns.Ulceriitlo.nlf Inlliunniatloii' , Abfcei1 * , Dimness oflslon of onoqf b I'irVnnirmiiTton"onbe ' Knr. tllcerMlon or C.tarrlli liiiiirimlorKitornnl DcKliH-n , or I'amlynls , Slmsniir or Itonrluu not oi * . Thlrkencil Drum , etc. v f lirnifnllP Di > bllltyl.o sof VltHi PowerSleep. nfKVIIIl.A lL" > ! ni" > i , licrpondenry , ! / ) ot lli.ll I UUU Memory , I'onfiiMon of Ido f , IJlari before the Kycs , , Languor , Oloorajntsj , Depre'Mnn of frplrtln , Aver lfln to Poplety , K4 y I)1J ; cniirniiod , Ijifk ol CoiiHilence. llull.H'tle" ' , Uallt fur Miuly or lluslness. and finds life a burden , t I'eriimiiucllty Olid 1'rlvaloly Cured. 5 BLOOD AND SKIN uuuuu nnu unin iii5chB { , nfhiria ufi rrr . I'nlnsln the Mi-nil nnd llono , riyphimli Born Thrijst.Mouth : anil Tongue , ( llnniliilnr KnIarKdmenU of the Neck , llbeunmtum , dnlnrrh , Kte. , J'enuaneqV lyl'iired When others llatu l-nllrd. . J , ConHiiltalion free and wtrlctly confldantlat : Mcdtclno sent free from observation to all parts of the United States. Corrcspondenco receive 1 prompt attention. No letters answered unless Hccompanlod by four cento in Htamp Send ten centH In Htnmps for pamphlet and list of Miles. tlonsiipon piivate , special and nervous dlsl ! strictly ca li. Call on or address , DR. POWELL REEVED No. ; i4 : Cor. 13th & Ilarney Sta..Oiniihn. N b "iisKa liiiioiifi U. S. PEFOSITOItY , OMAHA , NEB , Paid UpCnpituI , - $2COOOO Surplus , - COOOO II W. VATF.P , I'rcsldent. i.i.wts H. Itr.Kii , Vlcc-l'rcslilent. A , K. TOUZAM.V , "d Vlco-1'resldent. \V. 11.8. HurniES , Cashier mutinous. W. V. MCWSB. JOHN S. ror.r.iNH , JI.W. VAIKH , I.EWIHH. 1 A. E. Toir/.Ai.iN. THE IRON BANK. Cor. 12th uinl Kiirjwm Sin. A Ocneral llunklnu llin > lm'ni Transacted. SCIENTIFIC IFACTURINGDD (420 ( CLUCK & WILKINSON. Proprietor Omaha Business College , . IN WHICH IS TAUOHT Book-Keeping , Penmansliip , { Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing and Typewriting. Send for Coiltae journal. S. E. Cor. 10th nnd Copltal Art. '