Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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tt * t f f
Artvertikeincnuunricr this heml , 10 cents per
line for tli llrst insertIon. 7eentn forrnchmilH
refluent Insertion , nnd ( UX ) n line per month.
No advertisement tnketi for less thnn 25 cents
for the flrd Insertion. Feven words will bo
counted to tlio line ; they imiKtrun consecu
tively nnd must Ix-pald In ndinnce. Allncl-
MrtlfflnontH must bo handed In before 1:10 :
o'clock ) ) , in. , nnd under no circumstances will
they lie taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ndrthlng In the c columns nnd hav-
Wtfthc answers ndclrc si-ed In cure of the llee.
Mil plenso oi k for u check tornnbln Jhem to
pet their letters , ns mmn will bo drill creel ex
cept on presentation of check. All answers to
Klvertlf HinentB should enclosed In envelopes.
All iKltcrtlHrmrntH In these columns nrc pill *
llshed In both morning nncl evening editions of
the Jlec. the circulation of which aggregates
morn than 14.OX ) pupc rs dally , nnd gU cs the ad-
rcrtlceri the tK-nent. not only of the rity rlrrn.
latlon of the Dee. tint also > of Council nlutTs ,
Lincoln und other cities Htid towns throughout
this part of the went.
WANTKD-Situation by a joung Jnnn of
tcmpcrato habits. In n giocory store ;
npcnkH Merman uud Knglmh ; willing to work.
Address ! TO. lite ; referenced. 3frfl 1H *
WAN1T.D- Situation with some grain or
coininlsHlon hotiio with ftl w of becom
ing hiivcr. Hefuroncos given. Address I1 OK ,
llei ! illlice. 3H. , 16'
WANTKD A position by a jomig man to
work for hit board while hu goes to school ,
Address I1 ? ' , llec olllce. JWJ IT
"IIT'.ANTP.D 1'nsltlon In the city as housekeep-
TT r jears' experience. Can
furnish lefc-mices , Address 1' 71 , care lieu
olllce. 3n
WANTKD Situation for a nent , capable
Aineilcon woman as housekeeper , Is ono
of thnbest cooks III the city. 110751 city. JM IV
WAN ! KD Sltuntion by a j onng man attend-
Inghchool where be tan work mornings
nucl evening * for his boiird. No olllcu fee. Culin-
cllnn Kinp. olllce , Mrs. llrega A , Sou , 310 11th st.
Tei. mi. ir.j
WrtNTKD MtiiHtlnn for ! 20 first class cooks
and laundreHsus. I have the best lot of
ptrls on dand to bn found In Omaha. I bao
Hwcdes and Norw eijjans , Dunes. Irsh and Amor-
icatiH. Canadian Kinji olllct' , Mrs. llrega .V Son ,
316 B. Utli. Tel.DM. ! M llij
POSITION' Wanted by n j OUIIK man as porter
or toathman , also " gc net al bouse maids , " A
1 dining roiiiu maids , 1 house-Keeper , a Intimity
girl , small nurse girl. Call at the State I'.mploj
inent Parlors , llli Parnnm St. , room ll.rjl-14 ; *
"IXfANTKD Position to work in liurilwaia
TT Ktoro or wholesale luirdwaie house to leiiu
business. Small wage's. Addresb 11. 0. llajnes ,
151' ) Howard btieet.- : m llj
TArANTKD HUnntionbv lust-class Job pi In" .
T ter us foitfmnn in country oilier or city job
olllce. _ Address P. II. Knincs01 S. lltb st. Lin
coln , Nob. ICIl-llJ
TyAN'IKD-Cltuntlonln Rrocery Ktore. Will
TT buy half Intcrtstlf satisfactory. Address
T. M. I'o > liter , \ \ oodblne , la. yr > 18 *
N'l KD rosltlonascoarhman In private
famll v by jounu colored limn ; coed city
references Klven. Addiess l > li'j , llee olllrc.
VJ1 14 *
ANTin-2heudwalleis : , 1 porter , hotel , } 10
per month : 1 bell boy , } 8 per mouth ; I
wallet , irood wanes ; miners. $ l.7fi pel ton ;
f > men tlntt uiidtisland nra\el roollng. Omaha
Kmp. lluuau , IIUN Il.tliHt. ll'fill
WANTIID 1'onr pel sons to learu book *
KtipliiK. bltuutlons Jaiiuaiy. intlChl-
caio. .1. II. Smith. o.Ull . *
\\7ANTKD 'I wo ettv KolleltoiH nt cinco on
TT good pnjlng nrtlcle. Mnjer * > llutlcr ,
Hoom II , 1IU4 rat mini st. 3Gfi 14 *
\\7AN'I I'.D Atlhe I'nxton hole ! u jonng man
TT for thlicl hnnd in buker bhop. liiiiulrulur
thontewnid. 3IU Id *
\\7ANTKD-An e\peilonced candv h.ilesmnn
TT for cltj trade. AddiesH J17 S. llth bt ,
J > 7 llj
TVANTKI ) , Agents Two good mun of gfiitlo-
T T melily uddiess eun pnieiiioluciutl\o posl-
tlons to sell " 11111'n Muniml" on Installments .1.
M. French X Co , solo ugcnts foi Omuhii , llj 8
lilthbt. 351 IflJ
"V\7ANTKD Hook-keepers , clerkK , salesmen ,
TT whottliund wrlteis coachmen , di'hcit * .
iioiters , puckeis , mechanics nnd nil those wish-
lug to nmko changes ut beginning ofthejem ,
come und leglhtei jour uiipllcntton ut the most
reliable Commercial Fmplojmont bin can ill
Ameilcu. iwi ! I'ainatn bt. , loom u. 352 1HJ
) 'Iwo men of good uddic'ss to so"
goods. Call IJI Smith lUth st. U 14 *
WANTKD-I.urd tnnker. No. 1 innn. will hav o
steady woik. Apply or uddress with
references , JIj crbon , llucliuuau & . Co , Fremont ,
Neb. llj
Neb.W A NTK11-A Ilrst-clnss boy with n good
horst * . to enrry n route ou the D illy Ken -
eo. In Moutheiiut jiart of tow n. i.77
WANT A(112.N'JS New j-oods : mro chunrci ;
! ) OU iiur cent coiuiiils-ilon , or } J" , u w eek. Ad-
clrc'sswitlihtump , Wtutr ilf y. , Ul N. fatuto ht. ,
Chlcugo. iffMt *
T\rANTii : ) Siilcsmento huudlo the Ucllpio
TT Ink eiuser. lliuses Ink In ono second.
No nbrnHlon or pnper : WH ) per cent profit. Ttr-
rltcuy fieo. hulury to salesmen of ubllltv. Snin-
] ) loi' " > etH. Just out. Addioss llcllpso I'tnclK'o ,
J-IViCoiliVbl .St. Joseph. Mo. aK 1' , *
WANTKD 1'our men to ollclt In thesiunll
towns nnil country of lowu , Jll sourl und
Nelnnsku ; miiHt luuoitUi , iil o bond , und w 111-
liiKtowoik euinently ; hiilury JCo permnmh.
Addretis 1' 01. lleo ollleo. auo
TI7ANTI ; ! ) Kollnblo saleKinnn who has es-
Tl tubllshed tiudo UIIIUIIK the retullKioceisln
Oninlmmid Council Illuirs , totnko orde-is foru
ntiiplo nrtlcle on commUsloii. inmll ? b.unple lui-
liHhe'il free , nnd wiles run bn euslly miule. us
the ( roods lire Hist duns , Addiess C. rcmber-
toil , Jr. , URent , I'M ! W.Uth bt. , Knns..s Pity. Mo.
I'M 14
W AN'IT.l ) Men for rnllioud 'work. XT-
blight s I.ubor AKcmcy , 1120 I'uinum. Ml
. , men of good appearance to
trj our Ife meals nt Norrisiestuurunt , 311
' 14th btieet. ( old l.l\e und Lot
Live )
"WANT ! " . ! ) A good gill for general house-
> T woik ut'iiO Piirniuiii ht. Jisa 17 *
TVANTKD-nood gills foi nil kinds of woik ;
V > best Wjigesj14 N. 1'itlist. .IH4 H. '
T\rANTKD 1'Aperleiiced clilldrc > n'H nui'so.
TT ( Idiiil wages to nil Intelligent , cnpablo
voninn. Cull Jlead Jainlc'son , ,118 So l" > tli.
, ls'l
WANUKD-dlrls looking for Hist clas plncos
In or out of city In piluito fumllles.hotelH
or lestnurnnth to cull ut oiirolllronnd thev will
bo united. Mrs. IlniguSon , Cunndlnn Kmp ,
olllce , tcl 831. VM 15 *
T\rANTKl-liiegooil ( cook for nprluito fainT -
T T Hy , l usslstunt , ulM ) girls for Colorado und
AVvonilngutonce' . Stuto Kmployment Pnrlois ,
11(7 ( Pin nani st. Hoom 11. J.-J1-H *
\\rANTHD-Ulil for general hoiibowork. 10U
N. Ifilh. ' .11713 *
I ADIK" ? uic'Olleiedeinblnldeo needlework ut
J-Jthelr ow n homes ( tow u or oounti \ ) \ > vnv , tiolu-
Fnle honap. Prnlltnble , genulno. uooil pny eun
lie made. K\e > r > thlng turnli-lud. Paitlcului >
lle-e. Addles Altlstlc Nee'dle'Wc.rk . Co , U'lMli
bt. . New YorkCltj. 271
" \\rANTIjn lioocl gill feu general hou ii rik ,
TT best wuije'bpiild. O. D. C/arnes / , cor.
nnd h'tute. . ' 4 lil *
"II'ANTIJD Ladles in cltv or country , for out
T T holiday trade' , to take light , pleasant work
nt theli own homes , tl to $ .1 pei day can In
eniletly made. Work sent by mull un > dlst inco
FnTtlciilars free. No cnn\as lng. Addiess nl
onceVkcMit Art Co. , 147 A Milk ft. , llostoil
Mam. P.O. .61X1
TVTANTKD-'llire'o photo printers at once
TT UutcmX miFnuium t. JIM 14 *
\\T AN'l Kl ) VI ladles to try our If * , meals nt
TT Nonls'iestuurunt old l.U o uud Lc-t I.Uo ) ,
311 lUuKIIJ.S. lltlinl. r > UI
\ T XVl' "goods to sell on voinmlsslon , him
good Mtund for holiday tinde ; fecwd ief
cit'iice. Address I1 (17 , lleo Otlleo. : i7W )
" \ \ 7ANTKDHOIKO und buggy for Its keep
TI good cure and light wen k. I.ON. I'thxt
J71 IM
to board , box statlso
sliiglo ; l > est of cute nnd feed ; prlcoi
Jexsoimblo. Call S. E. . und llnulrtte.
_ _ 377 1UJ
" \\rANTRU-A largo hand init nt the llei
T > olllce. Off }
_ _
\\fANTKD Voung lady roommate , lufereuri
T > required , liiiiitu * JJ ) N 15tlfbt. ail II *
\\TAN'l KD-l'lnln N < < H Ing lo Uktj home or > ril
T T go out bj the ilay , u5 ! Capitol in e.
WANTKD-Ginillemen to try cmr lren
I'le-tilj at bcUollcirtDtaurnnt , 101 H. 10th. ,
319 J
4M I
QTATK Emplojmc-nt 1'arlors. 1417 lnrnliin st.
ANADIAN r.tnplojment olllce , tlio best
place In Omnhn to get help or situations.
Mulennd female lleference , Onmlm NntlonM
bnnk , Mrs. llrega * Pen , aid S. 11th. Tel. CM.
I > HI VATP. bonrdlng. J4 a week , 1BI5 Dodge.
1JU J7
pUlVATE bonrdlni , ' , 1C15 Dodge st ,
130AHD with rooms for four nt2118 Hurt t.
SH table board'fer\ In home
stjle. for 3 or 4 gentlemen. 1M4 Dodge , f/ll
"VVANTKO A Ktiiull furnlflhcd cottngoort o
T T or threes funilshtcl rooms on Ilrat lloor for
light liotirekceplng , com cnlent to car line. Ad-
elrej-u 0151 , lleo olllce. 7" 7
FOH HKNT-7 room lint furnished complete ,
furniture for sale. 3 blocKS from llojd's
opera house. Co-opernth e I.nud and Lot Co. ,
UJ5N.lGtli t. H88 10
FOH HKNT .Trooin house , cellnr , hard nnd
soft wnter , tIJ , reference required , corner
Pith und Pacific. H. II. Copsou. IlTl lb *
EOH HKNT Ono scron room hence on Con-
\entst. Apply at Ma < Mover Jt Uro. : ittM5
THOH HUNT 7-t-oom lint furnlAliecl complete ;
JL' gus and bnth room ; furnltuin for fale nt n
Micrlllce ; easy pnjmctits. 1017 Ilownid st,2nd
lloor. 370-1H
TTlOH HI.NT-8 room house with gas , bnth nncl
JL , rill romonlincos , 4 1 Convent stteet , 1
minute from bt. Mnry'H aVe cnr. 3441" > *
F OH KKN1 2 now II room IIOUHCI on S 'Wtli
near l.eucnworth. . U. K. Mnj ne. 341
F IOH HKNT r room house , 27th st. nenr Dodge
71' . . J , H. HlUKWUlt , 218 So. 11th Ht. 3.-.1
FOH HHNT 3 room housctn Inrtfe. unfurnished
roomnm\ \ an fljiht room Iniuse , Apply at
Golden Htllo Hnzaar , 7U3 N Kith st. ! M. IfiJ
"II1OH HUNT 2 new hcuses , 8 roouiH eacn , nil
- - modern , jrates , mantels , etc. , ou Pacific st ,
40. 1 new house , H rooms , Mason t near Park
* ve , modem conveniences , splendid neluhbor-
liood , 1 H room house nnd bascmeat , 17th nnd
oi CUM , chcnp rent. .1 , 11 , Pun otto Hentnl
1,00 ( thlcnKO , 2.Vi 17
"lilOH HP.NT House 7 looms on VlrKlnla av e ,
- Acar line. 4 new brick stores , fe. 1 Ith , Hell
A. McCuiulllsh , DM S. 15th. 2.W 1 1
UHOOM hou o corner Marcy nnd 2'ith nve. } ! " > .
Apply toLliiliiKer&Metcalf Co. 221
FOlt HUNT llonso 7 or I ) rooms , 818 H Sit list.
21l l *
T7IOH ltr.NT-5 room cottiific , 1117 Paclllc st ,
K U" > ; II ) 1 oem House , dl'l North Iflth St. , JSI ) ;
10 room hoiifco , 1111 So Kith st. tV ) ; room cot-
ti > Ko lurnlsheil with burn , 2U1H North 2. < th st ,
$4U. Nason , Kill rainam Ht. IIU 1U
[ I'Oll HKNT New 5 room cottnsu In Ambler
L. place ; peed 7 loom 2 stori house- . Orchard
Mill ; Kood 4 loomcottnKO , Oicnnrcl Hill , C. U.
Mil ) ne , N. W. cor. l"itli and Hume ) t-t. 191
TT OH HUNT fi-room house , city water , etc , S
X1 W. Coi. KlnunndCaldwell. ItlLJ rainam
[ 71OH HUNT An S room house , city vv at ( r cas ,
L and Ktable , U minutes walk tiom the post-
olllce. Itent modelute. Apply to 1) . J. O Joiv
nhoo , next door to the postolllce. 1J5
Fou HKNT 6-room house , lloy D.uenpoit.
lilt ) lb
FOH HUNT A well fmiiMied lestaurant ,
dolliKU splendid business ; sltkniss the
cause of ic'liUncr. Coopcintho Land \ Lot Co ,
-tj NJMh st. mil U
"I71OH Itl'.NT n loom hoii'-e , centtullv located ,
J$12jei month , furniture only iU'i Coop-
ciatlvo l.und \ Lot Co. , 2l.'i N st. .Xil 14
COTl'Adi : foi lent , II. Williams , 1407 Douglas
ht. DM
FOH HUNT A now ten room Jiousowlth nil
modem lmpio\ements , lurgo attic , Douglas
und L'lst htrci Is. Not u basement house1. Ap
ply Morltz Sleje'r , cor 11 nud Puinani. 717
UH HENT S-iofim home , corner lllli nnd
Jones , 01 npply to A. C. 1'ow ell.l&Oj Pamnm.
F HUNT New 1 loom eott.iRO. JU' per
mouth. Appl ) loom u'tl , Kill D ( IKO st. 7M
TTIOlt HUNT No\\ house , II rooms. eto.lurRO
4 KTouncls. corner SSth nml Cujjltol aeiiuo ,
InquireSt > Jl Dodge si. Rb7
71CH1 HKNT R vlepint lirlck residences ltli
nil modern Impioxenieuts , U uud Ilinoms
encli , jile.v-unt nnd com culi nt location. O. F.
DuIs company , lulU 1'uriuin bt. 1U
FOH HKNT 8-room house. It * . S 2.1tii neiiue. .
1 lilock houth uf Ieu\eii\\oith. J.I ) . Cowlo ,
nt KnlcoiK r's. IILJ
1OH HUNT it-loom house n w ror. Sownrcl
nnd Ttli sts.- Ki >
FOH IinNT-J-Suow ImndsomoC room rottnROS
\soll , cistems , utc.tlT per month ! Hcl and
California. A. C. Wnkoiey , Omuliu Null Innk
bid. 107
jlOH Itr.NT 'Povora new 7 room liousas
-L block ftom htitPt enr , re'.ulv for occuinnov
No\emberl ( X I' , llunlson 41bS. Ifithbt. IVl
F IOH UKNT-flnusQ 11 looms.V. . M. Hush ,
man , N V. conn i IGth nud Douglas. HU
FOH HUNT ricaimnt front loom , hot uncl
cold w uter , bath , gus , heut , for ono
01 two gentlemen , \e-ry cheup. 211 S. lth st.
J78 10
"IT1OH HUNT riitulslfid room with he it nud
* - low rutes , bluglo or enbnltn. 07
Donglua. 375 1 ! ) *
THOU ltlNT : Uhrco fuinlislicil or partly fm-
* - nl.flnd rooms tor light Housekeeping or
looms nnd bonid foi man nnd wltu , ' n. o. cor ,
Illst uud JucWm. , ) 'M l'i *
A luiire new ly fiirnUhcil room , w llli or
without bonrd.sns ltli. .174 O )
1OH UKNT-U'm ally furnished rooms. M4 8.
J. nth , but. I low aid und Jackson. J'U ) 11 *
"ITHMt HUNT 1'ltasmit fuinl-hed rooms , mod-
Jem COIIM iiliiucrh. reu onublo micos. 414 H ,
1'itU .St. , Knibuch block , old llourlllut , No t
. . 'J7--M
I AllOI ! fuinl hed fiout loom tin lent , jsj
1 moiitfi. ut .17 S. 17tli. Jti'J 1U *
rUHNlHUHDrooniH and boatd , 1701 U'Mh st.
t. '
> ( ) ( ) > l uiidbo.ud for S nt the She-Item S 15.
t eoi. Kill and Dodge , Ho.teic.nco i iuliul.
! s jr. *
r lII ) looms foi lent. fii)7 ) South Idth ,
tluoo blocks fiom llojd'b opein house' .
iil l'J
Foil Hl'.NT-a fiirnlshecl looms with hent.
hiiltiiblu fm 2 01,1 guntlemen , $1U nnd > .M
per mouth , N Mdo lou\em\oilh bet. 17 nnd 18th
bin , Ull ) 1'Jj
Foil lir.NT f\\a nlcoly finnUlied looms ,
117Cnlduullst. Sie II
EOH Itn.VT KleRantly finiilshed rooms with
01 without bouid , ( AS N. 17th bt. uUU II *
TjlllONT parloi for two Kcutlameu , IRSI Dodgo.
- * n > U
li : ! ) looms , new , with modem con-
- \ enlences , blngle or In Miltc25 S 3ith st.
'i'S llr
TfOH HKNT Nicely fuinbhed fiout loom ,
-U with hent. is pei month. 4W Wlllhuii st. ,
8 minutes' \MilkKnitlieu.n U. I' , cle'pot. IW
S10H HKNT-l'ieiisnutest : , furnished uncl
cheapest looms Ir. jirlvntu house in city. All
COmeu'cuces. Ncui business , loll Capitol n\o.
247cl r > J
FOH HI'.NT Nice furnlbliett loom , W per mo.
\\.cor. . llli nml Jiiekson. 71H
"IJ'OH HKNT Tlueo fin ntshed nun ono unfiu-
x ? nlshc'd rooms , with bay window , fiiinaco.
batll uud gui , oust fiont , ut tXi8 S. 17th at. U4li
* A l.OViiihugo : front loom heated , benutl-
J v. ful locution , with nil modemeonvenlence's
on nt cat line , UHT C.\S3. V.HI
F OIl HUNT niinlhhicl locims In ( Ireunlgblic ,
tor. llth und Dodgostx. Inqulio of Ueo. It.
avl * . Mlllunl hotel btlllurd room. fi'iT
rooms , btvam , Wl S.2th.
"MICl'.lA' furnli-hcil nlcu\o nnd single iomn ,
-l > und { uinltuiu n < m , > li.iaiber. : . MJN.
ItitU t. JW ( d 17J
LAltni : south trom room , all modern conven
ience's Biiltnblo for two gentlemen ; nUo
llibt-clabd tublo bo.uil foi thieu or four ; nfcr-
ihec's. bll Dodge t. ' 54
T7IOH HKNT Nicely funili.fct room iiltnbl
U forS BCiitltfiimn , Uinmlu ll at. Murj'snye.
F IOH Itr.NT-nirnUlud room * ami lte > rd. 9uC
> 'nrimm. ' aw J 9
1JIOH HKNT-Wnnn fuiuUlicil.rooin. J 4 Par-
* - tin in. , ' 3l
TJOOM3 for rent. No. Wl 8 12th st.
.Lv . aa ci22
7IOH ItUNT-NU-ely fnniMied rooms at Sir
1 Can , batu and f uruaco hetM. | COi
FOH 11ENT HoomK. IRTlCass rt. New brick
row .with gas , bath and furnace heat , ( looms
nil pleasant , Reference required. " . 'Jib *
FUH1SUED lloomB"NrErcor. Oth nnd Pacific.
172 It *
"HIGH HKNT-Furnlshed rooms , llfl Dodge st.
Foil HENT Furnished re > om , nil modern can-
leniences , large enough for two. 2uejfl Dav
enport. tVi7
" \TICEI.Yfiinilshenfrnntrooin vrlth or with-
Joutboard. . 112 Dodge st , 07'J
OH HErrr-Furnlslicd room , 1017 Howard.
TJIUHNISIIKD rooms for rent , 1913 Knrnam at.
JL 81U J ! ij
FOH HKNT Furnished rooms (10 per month
or clem ! beds at Jl.tJO tol.Wper week. Wl.
Po. IBtli. BiSdrj. . _ .
TTWIl HKNT Furnished rooms in nirpartsof
JL1 th city , by the etiiy , week ormontu. City
Intelligence ollice. Crelghton block. Mks
rOiruiISTCsTurrilsHcirriHiruVfoi limivEceit
Ins with closets also kitchen , IMWlViK * * ! . L !
IjlOIl 11KNT 1 rooms furnished oritnfur -
-1. ulshed , ( o aiv\ \ tit fOd So , Ud it&V > JAJ
Tl lir.H unfnrnhhcd rooms for housekeeping.
1I14K , l.'tll. U-M14J
F OHHENT abltjrooma at Nil. 311 Spiucost.
, n , 6JI
OH HENT Three unfiirnlshehroortiii. sult-
abla for housekeeping , nt 1W1 Nortl 21st st.
IN )
F IOH IIKNT n unfurnished rooms 6Ult ible for
housekeeping , IIHI N 'JOth st. , ! C.W .
FOIl HUNT Four (0 ( unfurnished rooms , 4U
South lUtlist. , containing all modern ccm-
venlences. ( 541
F ° II HKN'T H rooms suitable for hoti' '
. N. W. cor. llth and Plerco at. Apply
to 310 S. lithfct.
IIIOII HUNT 3 unfurnished rooms sultlble for
JL : housekeepltiK. 7X ( ) 1'acillc St. cjol
FOH HE.NT-Kast half of More-room. 121.1
Douglas Kt. 2JU
> ASnMKNT , stores nnd llnt . IKh nml Jack-
> soii ; bteam heat. Kneiulru Mrs. F. Lunge. M"
T71OH HKVT-Storo room ? in , basement $
X1 O. H. Ihompiou , all S. l > th st. 721
FOll HENT llascmcnt stores and Hats with
nil modern lmprovemenUtcornorlJth and
Jackson sts. t'iu
FOH HUNT Ihreo story nnd basement brick
blllldliu , ' , H\wl ft et. suitable for a hotel or
stores and Hats , corner 13th nml l'ielllu sts. Ap-
lily at 11 US. Uth st. ffll
FOH HI'NT fiiound llooi oflico room , ecu-
tially located , heated uud lighted. C. F ,
Hariisou , 41J ( S. 15th St. UK
FOH linvr-2ml andW : 1417 Donulas
< t , with lease of thicu > ears. Kennedy i.
Hlbblns IJiiO DoiiRlas st. l l
1OH HKNT Ollirc'Sciu Fuinain st , ut JIUto JJU
-1. pe'i month. One olllco furnished. IblJ 1'ai-
nnin. lNf _
F ! OH itP.NT Olllco loom , Ilif > t llpoi , atiilflS.
Ijthst. OU4
HP.NT Ooodbaiu cheap 11KI Chkacost
H I , . ( ! IlKCOHV , rental age-lit , 3UJ S. 10th bt ,
gienind lloor. 'lolcplionutul. 481
SI'KCIAf. nttentlon gl\cn to icntlng honses ,
1 in nlshed mid unf nrnlshed j ooms. l.lst w Ith
us. \ \ . JI. Hauls , o\ei J'-'OS. 15th ht. t > 74
FOH lill.NT Ifjotiwlsh tore-lit uhouso M
on llenuwii & Co , 15th st. , opposite P. O.
T710H fuinltnin iml boxed goods 11'iS 11th si t ,
JL ? Onmlia. Neb 118 'al *
STOIlArjr Merclmndl'oor fiunltiirs. T.lttlo
A \ \ illlums , llu'Hoii ipjst. Cid - " ' .
NIJW YOHlv fctornKo Co. li.xvo most e\tenslvo
facilities for storage of fiunltnre , pianos ,
bupRles , jieneral mcichandlse , we t 01 New
Vork. Cai'i advances to any amount ; wnio-
house receipts Riven ; Roods Insured ; brick
buildliiK'-Ilre-prodf ; special uriaiueine'DtK for
commKrlon mercbnnts. Call NewVoik MoriRO
Co , Capitol ave and X 15th st , Hennett's block.
P1IHSONAL Want to know wheie Samuel
Kllij ( Is , vvm wculved for I' . S. AlbrlL'ht List
snmniei , Lea\o Information at U , 1' . telegraph
ollice. A.J. King. 331 14 *
MMII. Amle. mto of Chicago , Kbes electro-
innanotli h.ind bath me .ige treatments ,
421 N. lOthht. Vapor baths. Jll U
In l.iinilUs hollcltud. Call on or
Mi s Jessie fctmdj , HI b2Uth ht. 147J7
IEHFON.\r-l'iiot-claf.s dre-sinaklnfr done at
221J Mason st. IdaAndeisoti. 11J21 *
Ijr.Hi-ONAIj lleju'slatest Mews of Omnhn ,
including all principlebtilldlnps.blrdV ejo
v lew show In tliuclt ) tothol.t-st ndvantnKefoi
bale at Hej u's Kiillety and Caiillleld's book stole.
-1'HJ d 21
PnitbONAL Private home Jor I idles clmlm ;
conllmment , Mrlctly conlldentlal , Infants
adopted. Addiess K4J lleo ullliu. HI" J b *
IOST Nov. 'i , a dark led short-homed eo ;
* Under return to Louts lode-ckei ! , 2MCJ Cum-
| iht. n > il llj
STOI.IIN Hewaidot fill will bo KV ! ( n ut ltn !
olllte fuj the letnin of the watch htolen
from the corner of 22d nnd Davcnpnlt. Nov. 21 ;
no qiu btlons tibked. 2IS 14
LO T 01 stolen , u white and biIndia bull pup ,
lette > o v\hlte l.lbeial icw.ud clvu U
returned to 13U California st. : tS 14 *
IObT A pup ( | OR ; w as last seen ni-nr 2Nt nnd
t Cuss , niidcrwlll plea o return to C. M.
Hitchcock,2uth nnd .Dodge ats. , nnd get lovvard.
LOST The nlRht of Nov. 2'ith. ' asinn , diiK-
blown Imiso. btnr In torehmd , ittxmt H
jeaisold A liberal lew urd will bn paid for his
'ictuin to my bnin , eoinei luth nnd llainoy sts.
.las Stephensou. U71
TOST llotvveeiiOmaln Savings lliiiKanil Me-
Vlttln'H jiioterj htoie , one half of u bundled
dollai bill. Iteturn to Omaha h.nlnjn Hunk
nudicculvoiouaid. 2-J 17 *
LOST-Clty bond , fifl no , m.ulo to MJ. Lay
aiulMgiied to II Andiii on ItHWard foi
letuintiis. vr cor. 1UM and I.e.tvenvvorth.
2 < n II *
IOST Or stolen , near I Inse.ill's park , a. Hied-
J luni size eUrk bay mare1 , with hirn ! ,5 DU.
malt white spot on face , Uvijfa .hind logs. T ,
Mutiny. PU
n\\ r.N Ul'-Tvv o geese. Lett ls,14th and Vnl-
-L ley sts. I37 14J
T OlINIr-At.IllSouth ) IMhst.a'chnncatoRet
J. ' a 4'xU'i foot lot free rrntu eiifiuulAaurt. for
only 10. WariJUity deed eUcnwith e > aclMoti
, W.l 1,1
FOH SAI.i : Imported Hoosey cornet with
Echo attachment ; veij cheap. tiON' . 17th.
. 37. 15 *
IjlOH MAMJ binder leather s v > lu ( ? machine ,
.L1 good as now , cheap. G. E. Thomson. ; m s.
15tlTst. < lit
* IOll SALK-Ail A 1 sfillloti. F ! * partlculaTs
-I-1 nnd pi Ice addi ess 1'JT , llee olllce. 14114 ]
" \TATIONAI . Cabinet letter tiles for sale by J.
i- > lleniy Wood , 7H l'.iclllo street. Omaha
telephon e 7 < V > . Kll 21 *
FOi : S..I.K-Onoo the best fanjlly horses lu
the city with phaeton , cutter1 , barnes1 * nncl
robe ; cheap for casli. Also a Kplendld now Hylo
t > auaro btove. 1'or paitlcnlard apply ut 1 110 1 ar-
lum st. 771
BJI.LAltl ) 'lablo at half pi Ice , Ilrunsvvlclc
Unlke Co.'s make , luqulru Leslie i Leslie ,
icth nr.d Hedge sis. 21tJ
TAN 1) A HI ) Stock I.lnja.ent U tlio finest thlliK
- ev er olleiei ! for the cure of cuts sprains nnd
bi tilsea v.ion | man 01 beast. Lay aMdo j our prcd-
jiidlre ami tiyit. 1'or ? ali > evuj wlieie. Jluiui-
factuieil by 1' , i : . bnuboin & Co , . )71U gt. ilarj 'n
n ; c. is
AlWtVdiess : cutting schooli CB ( N inth.Bur-
ments of nil kinds madu to order. James
Mrliulhe , mercluut tullor. 404 lb *
"VTO'UCi : 1'lrtit class bnnk band and uood
-L > ciuallly of u'lavel fuiiilttied by the carload
Jll Omalm or by wngon load in South Omaha ,
upon short notice. Lea\ orders w ith W. (1. Al-
bilKht,2H ! S lith Bt. orb.iinch olllco at Albrlghu
station. Ninth Omaha , telephones 7bJ und tViU ,
Men er & . HnibnVer. 212 JI .
_ _
n by W.A.TateartatHenmiru'
stabler , cui-uer I7lb and Davenport bts ,
FHRE Heading matter. If you hare not de
cided what papers tq twf- this j ear , fiend in
jour address , with 10 cent-tinBllver , and wo will
forward v our name to huinlrcd * of publishers
till over the country , who jvlll send > ou mtiRa-
zlnen nud paiierM of ever } TTcscrlptlou In abund
ance , u Is the bent Investment you can make
of n dime. It will jleld tHJ : rctunis. Try It.
Pub < crlbe to nrt pnper wllliojit Rettlni ; our price.
Hub. Subscription Ageucjvrilostou , Mnss. Ilex
.im.l. Mention llee. j. | 1J7
DO not rend this. It might snvo jou n horse.
Standard Horeo tend CSJtla Food Is the best
thliiR ever lnvente-d for keeplns that noble ani
mal , the horse. In itood hoyuJi. It regulates the
entire s > stem , helpliiRhint algest his food , and
luaklhu him of service tohls owner. 1'or ale
ev eryw here. Mauufacturi-d by r. 13. Pnnl > orn &
Co. 17B1 St. Mary's are. 11 _ SI15
MKTi hull , fdO S 10th nt LO.S b.een remodeled ,
M enlarged , new dnn > lfun ; floor , new decorn-
tlons nnd Biipper rooms. IJriTTnnro on 10th St. :
pnrtleo , lodpes nnd soclctleK nntlclpntlng glv lug
balls or sociables call on lions & Mutnm. Metz
hall. 412 iU'4
MHS DfllANT-Claln-oynnt from Iloston ts
reliable In alt affairs ot life , Unites sspa-
rated lov ers. ; KJ N ICtll st. room 1. 7iiO .Inn - *
T H. NANNIK \ . barren , clalrvovunt. > led-
JLleal , business ami medium. Dlncnosls
free. Female diseases "a specialty. ilU N. Itith
Pt . Hooms 2 , \ .1. Tel. V 611 _
\VANTii-To : buy moat market with fixtures -
tures , etc. , In good ( location , 1' Kl lleo of
fice. ' U4.I15 *
W ANTHD-To buy a bUteher'a outllt , or w 111
rent same with bhop , Pf > 7 lleeolllre.
311 ] " > *
WANTIJD To buy a f > or 0 room cottaRe and
full lot w cst of icth and north of Lake t.
f Hlfl cash , baliince JUi per month at H per cent
interest. Address with full particular. i a. ,
llee olllce. ! CCI 14 *
ANTED To buy a 13-horso pow cr
boiler. Address P 00 , lleo ollice. Jill 18
w ANTIMi To. buy the furniture of a smaller
or larco hoii'-o centrally located , Co-opera-
th e Land A. Lot Co. 2K ( N Ifith st. 1.W
To buy short time paper. J. W.
Gross , ut C. E. Muyno's ollice , 1'ali and
llaruey. . " >
MONKY to loan , cask on hand , no delay. .1.
W. and K. I , Suulre , 141.1 Fumaiu st. Pax-
Ion hotel bulldlnc. L-M
MON13V to Unu. mortpacenotes bouphtloans
made on uiivii\ulliilil necurltv ; nodeliy
J..I.CiimmlnKs , Hoom 10 lluikei blk. UuHi !
$ .IV ) to loan , or will buy moitcaRe. S. S. Cam.
pbelli. O.-W. Htrvey. Chamber Commerte *
MONKY tolonn onlmpioved real estate ; no
commls Iou chained. leultt llurulmui ,
room I. Cieiglitou block. OU
MONEY I OANKD at C. l\ Heed & Co.'s Loan
ORIci > . on ftunlture , plnnos hordes , W.IROIIS ,
peisonnt pioperty of all kinds , and nil other ar
ticles ofaluo without lemoviil. Ull ) H. nth ,
< cr lllncliam'M commission store. All bust-
ness stiictl } conlldcntlnl. ( S3
( JANS innde on estate. Cash on hand ,
I \S. JI. llairls , o\el MS. lltli st. U
rpo LOAN Money Loans placed on im-
J pro\edreil est.ito In city or county for
New England Loin A liust Co , by DoiifiUs
County bank , loth and CliicaRo bts. bl I
, ( to loan at 0 per cent. Llnalian JLMn-
honey , if w rarnam. ( . -1
MO.SP.Y to Loan on cltypropeitj and al o ou
faims In western Iowa and eastein Ne-
biaska ; lirnt moitRnco iiotas boiiRht and sold.
Odell Uros. , v to , IfCl I'miiani St. , Oiunhii ; KH
IV.ulst .Council Illuirs. W >
< ) Nr.Y'l ( ) LOAN Oufuinltnre , her eswap-
onsotliei personal pu > p ft \ , without iemo\al
or on nppro\eil roll.itdal beciultv. Illisiucsa Jno. W. UobUhis , 1U1J rnrnuni.
_ _
OANS inadn on lenl irif it and niortK. > KC3
bought. Lewis S. Itei/il X Co , 1J21 raru.uu.
r 7IK
MONUY-r-To loan Lownft i.ites. No delay.
.I. L. lileu \ Co. OMI Loinmeieiil Na- bank _ _ ; ( L7
MON1JY- loan on cimttels. Co-operativa
Land and Lot Co , 'MV o. luth street.
, qi4
MONlIYtoLo-'n-O. T. DhlsCo , real est.ito
and Isun audits lUTi'K.unnm st. HID
Piit : CHNT Money. J
Pnttervon Is 1 iiwcut l'ith and Harney. 618
SHOUT tlmo loans mitle on any
bccurltv. In it'iisonable amounts. Secured
notes Txiupfht , oldor"e\criahed. ! General
tin incial business of any kind transacted
piomptly , quietly and fall ly at the Omaha H-
Mantla ! Uxehunate , N. W. cor. lith and Mar-
ney s > ts. , ovcrfatate National band. Corbett.
manager. . , ifi'i
MONKY Joined on immturo , pianos , ,
hoi sen. etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson &
Co , li'l 1'uniuni , 01 cr llurllngton ticket onico.
P- k 017
" \rOVKVto Loan lly the undersigned , who
I l IIIIK the only propelIv oipmlzed | lnn
ncy In Omaha. Loans of JIO to JlWmadBou
furniture , pianos. oiRnus' horses , wrrons , rnn-
ehitiery , etc. , wltl.out rojuofrtl. No delays. All
business strictly coiillilentlil. Loins so made
th it anyipart can be pilil atnnj time , each p iy-
meiit redueiiiR the test pro rat i. Ad\antes
m.uln on nn watches and 'llamonds , persons
should t ,111 fully consider who they' arc dealiuc
w Ith , as many new- concerns are dilly comlnc
Into existence. Should > ou need money call and
sen me. W.Jl. Cioft , room \\ithnell building ,
Ifith and Hainej. fi-'ii
MON1IY tolonn I rau now place some llr t
class ell \ loans Immediately. Callaton < e
If jou dtsiie to bo accommodftted. I ) . V. Hiioles ,
loom 1 Darker block , entrance In alle > . KH
$ rOOOCO to loan In any amount at lowest rate of
Inleict-t. H. II. Iiericnzrrblock. . CJS
. „ . . , . , . - . . . loan on Omalia city piopertj at (1 (
P pel cent. a. W , Da ) , S. K. cor. K111. . ! .
MONKY to loan on cltj mopeny , nnd also
fiirnis In Neluaskrt and Iowa. Udell Ilros.
\ Co , Inn , ual ftute anil Insurauco agents , Ilij
Pe.irl stiect. Council UluHs , la. ; 15iJ Kiriiam
Omaha. aM
MONKY to loin. Notes aim it. H. tliket.
UoiiRht ahd sold. A. Forman , 21J S 1 Ith sis
' iJ4
"O I.STAL'HANT on N. ICtll st. . price JMW ; $ . ! IK )
i cash , lial to suit. Kent foi i'fl. Co-
opeiatl\ Land \ Lot Co , 'm N. llith st.
FOK SAL15 New fiesh stock cigars , tobacco
and confectionery , cheap tor cash. HIS North
Ifilh st. 3SIII'
H'OTllL In ilty. tlist class loc.itlon , lent" $ ! - " >
per month , iirnilnu'l-MO. pait cash , .l'i
steady boaiders and many tiantleiits. Co-op-
eijithjJ.iiidJLolIo.'TON ( lull KOMI
l > i : > TAritANT for lenttlio best on st ,
L > UK ) boaulti.s , all fmnt hed ( ompletofor
t IPO per mouth ; a raio"chance ConpeintlMt
Land \ Lot Co . ' .TO N liltli st. uill II
\\rANTKU A pnrtnurln n gt > od piiylngbusl-
T t ness , established for four jeni t. anil fialis
for this > ear will bo oviv fliUK ) ) , location good ,
must hu\o about $ , iUUO to iinost. Addie s
W. T. 11. , I' . 0. ilex 310. U7".J I *
T710U SAL1 ! An ontnlilNlieil and pajlng
J- wholesale buslnoss , wllL take pait p iy I
leal estate. Addiess ! II7 bj 18th ht. M
FOlt SALK A well estaljlt > ihed corner saloon ,
c entiully located , good iuasons for selling.
For fin tiler information u ) > pdy to Hob Itoblnsoii ,
tilth t. , b. K.cor imn-iiiul Webster stn. st
FOH SALK Stock of drjf feoods and notloiiB
iiu oicing about $ .la liUhc llx ellest railroad
town of western Iowa , for mlo at a baigaln.
Direct IiKiulrles to 1) . llaiim , Missouri Valley ,
Iowa. ,1 , , So'J-K *
TT1OU SALK A harnes'i shop In Iloldregp ,
-L1 Neb , Imolces about Jl W. As the formi r
proprietor. JolmXlegler/isd ) ad. it will bo sold
cheap ; one other shop In town ; splendid trade.
Address John'/ . lioek Island , III. or
Phillip /legler , Ithertou. N | > . .Ml 33 *
TJ10H SAI.K A nrst-clubslgrocery with me-at
4- market In connect Ion , doing u nice business.
About 81,00(1 ciibh , balance < py. A good chuncu
for right party. Adilress " 1'y' Heo olllce. Hit
PAHTNEH In Ins. olHccTBTcldlcss * P23 , llee.
FOH SALK-Orexchangeanew combined 3J
bblroller and buri mill with couiPlctii
modern outfit of machinery , doing a good iiusl-
1H'S5 , v , Itli unlimited water power on Little I Mini
river , in Thayer county. Neb. Will take f.'OOU
or upwards In cash , balance on easy terms , or
city property or lands In w hole or In part. Address -
dross , A.G.Collins , Hebrou , Neb. a * ! il2 !
FOlt PALK One hotel 3 stories high , good
Btunil , basement with water runninit all
through the building and dUo to the burn ; barn
Maiding CO tiettd of homes and 7 ! > tons of hay and
water in it ; will sell or trade for real estate or
stock. 1'or further Infoiniatlon write to D.
Hill A. Son Dunbar. Neb. OlSdlil
BUSINKSS chances Partner In insurance
olllce. A ddreb pai llee. It5 )
\\7HOLESALK confectionery business for
T T eale. Paying trade ffctabllohed. lx > ok
this up. Apply JI17B. lath at. iCl
WANTKD-qpod family horse in exchaiigfl
for lot , ' McCulloch St Co. . cor IMli and
iaruaiu. , tyj
TjXn Exchange. If you hayp farmn or Innds to
JL1 sell or trade send for our descrlpth e blanks.
If you lme any kind of property to soil or ex-
chunge , list It with us ; wo can funiNh you a
cu'tomer. S. 8. Campbell & G. W , Hervey , 31U
Hoard of Trade , Omaha , SB
IK You hao nn\ thing to' trade or sell colt on
meor write. All business promptly nnd fairly
done. C. C. Spotaw ooil. SOW S. llith. Is7
V\7rANTKD-T < rtriuio llM acres of land In
TT Wnjnerountv , Neb , for house and lot la
Omalia. Address P 0(1. ( llee olllco. .tTJ-lilj
( Ht KXt'TlANGK-H. K. Cole. Hid S. nthT
I louses and lots.
! ttxJi ! ! feet b6autlful six room cottage ou 27th
and Patrick ae. . N ant good lot.
nixlJ8 feet nnd two story frame house with
barn.Mil and Miami. Want lot.
HOxllJ fe-et nnd ono story frame house , north
east corner27th and Grunt , Want part cash ,
balance city or farm.
itlxH ) feet and one story frame house six
rooms corner 27th and nnd Maple , \\iint part
cash biluiico farm.
tVixKiO feet nnd ono story frame house live
rooms corner. iMth and Ohio. Wont part cash ,
balance city property or farm.
! ixlJSfoet. two story frame house six rooms ,
Miami nearioth.Vantlot , South Omalia pro-
Vacant lots.
Lot 11 , block G.Shlmrs 2cl. Want house nnd
lot. > ! l
lot.Lot 1 , Apple's sub. of lot 45 Glsc's. Want
equity In and lot.
Sevcu lots Valentino Terrace. Take nuj thing
good. ,
112 000 stock boots nnd shoes nnd some cash
for llrst-clasmnsldo property. Can put In nlco
clean stock dry goods , notions and clothing If
desired. .
, Livestock.
Ono sli.ycar.-old sorrel horse , splendlddilvcr ,
gcutlo and handsome.
Ono gre'j ? th ear-old , rood cle\er driver ,
; oed lookei1. VThnl good vn
Horse , bnrness nud buggy.
W > \ , ' acres Monnna i ounty , low a. A complete
farm , all linpunements. Wantlmpro\ed piop-
crty. Will assume reasonable incunibrance.
HO acres Cnlhotin county , Iowa. All Impiove-
nionts. Wnr.t'inerchttiuUse or lmpio\ed city
4-W.liuros Wjromlng laud at JJ.OO per acre.
Want Iniptoved or iintmpnn ed city propertv.
IIM' ' . acres Webster county , Neli , near Hed
Clouil. All lmiuo\enients. Want h > o stock ,
merchandise or lmpro\ed city property.
( lialneleMitora.
Twolai go nnd splendidly eciulpped elevators
In Page county , Iowa. Pmclinser tan contiol
the grain business of the county , w hleh Is ono
of the best groin producing districts In Iowa ,
will trade either one or both for improved Inside -
side propertv and assume reasonable incum-
branee. II , K Cole , JIO S. 15th. K4-14
MICK to excnance n lotlnSaun-
deisHlmebaugh's addition to Walnut
11111 for a good sleigh nnd light two-seated
H 11 ry ; would also take n good horse and pluu-
ton. Address box iM P. O , 4M )
rpo TJtADK Two unproved farms In Iowa for
J- Omaha propertv or Nebraska lands. Mc
Culloch A Co , cor ; Kith nnd Kai num. l 14
rpo KXCHANGK Improved farm lu lovux
J. for Onirtha lesldeneo propeity. J.J.11 -
klnsou , 1A4 ! Kainam. OS4
\\7 ANTI3D Good tarms in evcluingo for
TT Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood. ! > 05V4
Slflth. l )
rpo KXCIIANGK Good cast trout lot lu Hans-
JL com Place to evchaime for clean stock of
diy goods or clothing. C. r. Harrlson,41HS nth.
WANTKD Omaha propertv to exchange for
f aims and wild lands , also for cltv prop
erty. C. L. llrown & Co , Hoom H , 1'ienzer
block. 213 j ! )
"I HAVKfoi trade Improved farm In Cass Co.
-I Pluttsinoiith , will tiado foi improved
inside property. Aden ess JI JO , lleo oHlce.
" \\7ANTKD-Stocks of imrtlmndtsn to ev-
chnngo foi lands mid city piopert > ; C. C.
Speitswooel.-'ltB'i S. Ifith. 1M1
I71OU Khange Hie equltv In a gilt edge
piopeityon 171h st , amounting to t\W ( , to
exchange foi good , invlng business , w ell lo-
cnttil. 0. C. Spotswood. JH'i'S S. 10th. 188
Foil i\ : One of tile best selling ma
chines lor domestic use on the market ;
cveiy hoiisckoepei v\ill buy one ; ovei $ , XU worth
of these machlni s sold lu one da ) by one agent.
1 will exchange the state light of Nebraska for
impnned Onmlm pioperty. A mechanic could
not Ilnd bettor emplo.vment lor the
wis r than making these machines.
A foituiu1 tan be made out of thlsstn'oliy '
selling the machines , 01 county lights ; pi-
iieis pel feet and title guaranteed. Iwlll sill n
mlf Intelost lu the above to a good responsible
pnrtv. Addltvs PI8. Ik-e ollieo. 11 HI *
"IjlOH SAIilI Oi exchange , good Omaha mop-
JL1 oityfor good stock of boots und Mioes ,
clothing ; flu nlshlng goods or liurdwnro. Schlo-
blngur Rtos. , 014 S 10th * t. 7OT j 2
" \ TTrANTRD Houses and lots to exchange for
TT Improved mid iinlmproued lands in Ne-
ska and Iowa. Charles C. Spotswood , Itnv *
. . ' , _ _ is.
a O TIIA DO Inside propertv for good house ,
eight or ulna rooms , and full lot. McCul-
loch A Co . cor 15th and I'm natn. UU
\\7ANTKI ) Toexrhinge , choice Inside vacant
T T lots In Omaha for good horses and car
riages. J. L. Itlce \ Co. Ul'i
WANTKD Property of all kinds to exchange
Special attention given to tiadlng. C. ( J.
Spotswood. . " ' ' , a Pith. _ Ci.1
MIDLAND Guarantee and Tlust Co. . IWi
I'liiuam stieet Complete abstinets fur
nished , and title s to leil estat ixamlned , per
fected and guaranteed. ! > - <
' r.N50N.CcAll\IICIIAKL finnlsli complete
end giiarantecHl nbstiacts of title to unv
leal estate lu Omaha and Donglis county upon
short notice. The most complete setot abstract
books In UK * city. No. 11111 1 nriiiun st. b7i !
FOH SALL-iil\Hl ( feet ou cable line , hplendid
hisldo location foi four Hats n ) HX ) . f lust
be sold at once. Maishall ALobeck , loom i > ,
Chambei of Com. Ilx !
TTouvvant to make money l\y Table Land
lots now. Depot to bn constructed and main
tained ono mllu liom thl-i aiidltlou. Lots now
faellljigf'Tfii'JOto "WO " ; one-tenth rash ; * 10 ) ier
inontli. Don't delay. Cooper , solo agent , JW )
I'arnam , ; isj It )
OHSALI5-t8feet fiont coi. 10thnml.lack *
nan sts ; fi'l feet flout 1 ! th and Howard sts ;
acies a < ljoiulngelty. Allot above ehenp for
cash. Apply to L. A , Hammond , No. 1JI N.
Ifith ht. 30(111) (
371OH PALK-Scmlh front lot In HllMdc , No
1 1 , on Vans street , J-TUO ; 2ut ti-et on Ililstol
strent , ; 5 loom house and tu" - - - -
fiom stieet car , * J,7DO ; fur trade , 1
land ( worth J.MKW. all Iqai ) foi Omaha propmty.
H. tiW. limitless , lt U I M.
FOR SALK-Ol exchange Lands and town
property In Nebraska , Colorado and Kansas.
T. Ar plKlihCo . York. Neb. 17H-10 *
" 171AI1M (01 sale t heap ; ! ft acros. Valley land ,
-L right In giah > belt , six miles of county
sent. A. T , .MeCamiPoii , Someist't , Miami Co ,
Kansas. 2t > 0 17 *
SALK A choice coiner lot ou I'arnam
- street enntor ; cornerlot. Kali-
mount place , suitable foi either nsldenco or
IjiMlness ; nine-room house and lot with bum ,
neni Lake ; nvlll sell on monthly pa ) incuts.
Nason , lUKi Kuril im ht. KCI 10
IT jou want buslncfw propertv on Davenport ,
Capitol , Dodgej rornnm , Ilainey , llowanl ,
Jackson , .loues or Leavenwoith sts. , see Hell \
McCundlW/ / S. 1Mb. 11 1U
GOOD lot on Hamilton st. , on car line , for
trade 01 sale. . Graham , Crelghtou blk.
ya it
OH HAl.n-r.ot l'hlo'c l' ' k 8 , A. S. P
cltlon , will sell for few days at
cash , balance easy , M . ' 17 lleo olllce.
CONTKMPLATK tlw IlnprovementHiioiththeii
sec me a lot ill Tahlo hind tJOt ) to W.O ; one-
tenth uii-h ; JIU per month or J.k ) imatteily. ( I.
M. Cooper , solp ugt , I'M Karnaiu. JW IB
lly M. A. Tpton i. Co.
Three pieces propcity.'JJ per cent below actual
Ixit UT.'l'airmount , ts.rm , fl.lfio ca h.
ltlock-8 , Htnd'.H addition. 1(1 ( lots on Statn ft. ;
track from licit line guaranteed , t7OUU.
cash ,
lllock 23 , IlojU's addition , 10 lots , WMX ) ,
JI. A. Upjoii & Co , 10th street , opposite Cham
ber of Commerce. mi
rp\VO lots In West CtimltiK add. , i' blk fiom
-L MeUfjpolltunreable line ut JH.V ) each. Giu >
1mm. Cielghtonblk. 'Mi 11
SON. SI4 H. P.tll St. , huys and sells rea
-1- estate , loans money , purchases securities ;
has n good list of property for sale nnd w ants
more. Notary public. K" l
' WIIT building fcouth of Table Land. Don't
full to cure some lot. IM ) to * J.V ) ; one-
tenth eash ; ill ) per mouth. Coopv'r , hole ageiiti
IVUKuuwm. JISO 11) )
ON KA8Y Pajmeuts 7-room. 1-story house
ou noioineririth nnd Grant , one block of
20th and Himndcrs earn.
tvrooin , 1-story houxo on i > comer 26th and
Ohio , on block of two car lines.
( ( room. ltoiy cottage , loiily Uttlo home , 27th
and Patrick avesouubloclHfom 20th amibaund-
ers car line.
2 u-room cottages on llnrdctte near 2iitli. it-
block froM 20th and Baundera car line , an ideal
heir , , ? .
n-rooin , now houso. 27th and Maple.
This 1 * only a bturter , If jou want a home
come to us ami we will III you out'hom > e , fuknl-
ture , hroves , caipt't.s , dl.Hlit , and all ou easy
monthly payments , JI , K.Colo , 3108 lith. , '
' . , , . ' . . ' , 873-15
AMES Heal Estates Agencjv
oilico ind ? FariiAtn at.
Tills list revised Dec < 10,1KS7.
60J South 17th st. near Center , 3 room
house , lot 4'JKxlB ' $ l.POO
500 iwth st , near Ceuter.7-n > oni houso. . . 2,1W
4'Ji North 17th st , near Lake , 6-room
house , lot 3lxlSI , 3XO (
497 Sewnnl , near 31th st. good frriHim
house , rooms large , iioti'w ' fronts
east , new nnd well built , desirable
place. li.filX ) ; * tW ) cash , balance W
per mouth , llils U n good place , ou
easy terms.
490 Virginia avo. near Leavenworth * t ,
good 7 room house Hi excellent re
pair , well worth . . . , , 4,700
404 2X'd , near Grace , convenient to cars ,
n small double house , renting for J.W
permoiith. Price 3,3
402 Lake st , near 21st st , 6-room house ,
lot 4SX122 0
4 < 9 Spruce st near Unit , n 6-ruoui cot-
tage. lot 40xW. will trado. . . . : 2,8
487 Oiilo st near 27th. first class it-room
house , well , rlxtern nud ouUiulld-
Ings , nil In good repair , ono block
from stieet cars , lotWxU'7 3,30
44 S"outh isthst near Leaveuworth verv
central location , good Groomed
house , lot 2 x1 W , east front 3,500
481 North 21st st near Mundersou , 1 block
from car line , new 4-roomcd house ,
lotGOxl24 , 2,0 0
479 In lloyd's add near Holt line , 4-
roome-d house nud barn , with 2 full
lots , ono n corner , east front. . . 2
472 OmnlmVlow , 4 room house , lot Wx
121 100
400 22d st corner , near licit Line depot
In Oak Chatham nnd only 2 blocks
from street car , n uew 7 room house
and full lot for 2,500
4A5 In Walnut Hill n good fi loom houses
well uud outbuildings , south fioiit ,
cheap at U'JV )
4G2 2Ist st near Manderson , ono block
from car HUP , 4 room house' , barn '
with full lot. This Is a very cheap
place at 1,000
4CO lllondo st near 2Sth , convelnent to
cars , n 5 nxotu honso w 1th lot Wxl27.
This Is a good home at , 3,000
459 iHtlist near Leavcnworth In n high
commanding location , surroundings
A 1 , n well built I ) room house facing
east , with two lots , each WK1J4 , one
u corner , shrubbery and tiees well
grown , n decided bargain C.OOO
450 Sew ard st cars pass thu door , 7 room
house'Slot 3,500
tjo Doiiecken's odd near Qumtng st 4
room house fiOxiai , $ . ) cash.prlee. . . 1,500
749 South 1'Jth st near Leaveiiwortlv on-
tral location , 4 loom hoit e , city
water , Vi lot 3,400
4.W Hitchcock's mid , 2 houses , each 3
rooms , lot WxlJ7 ) , JlOOcash , ptlio . . . 1,200
434 Coiner , east fioutou Geoigla ave , 0
room cottage , 2 llni' , full lots 3,00. )
'Jhls Is u special batgalii.
In addition to the abov e properties w e have a
fine list of choice residences ranging In prlco
fiom UOOtoiM5UKJ that tan bo jtqld on fair
teims. say from 'j to 'J cash and romnlndei lu
easy annual pa ) ments nt 8 per cent lute-test.
Hesldenco Lots.
1011 Webster st. near 30th , line lesldeneo
lot 2,100
1002 Choice cornet lot III Havvthoiue , lot
dO\l. on Cass st. . 1,500
1 his is cheap fur the money ,
IHW Illnney st. near Mieiin in ave.n very
line lot tor . . . 2,000
2.1 per. cent less than suirounding
ptopcit ) .
117 Miami st. neni 2tth , 2 b'ocks from
street car. lot Nlxl.7 . 1,650
QW on Davenport M. lu Lincoln place , 2
choice lots , one ncorneii south and
east liont : veiy desliablo ; the 2 lots
foi l.bOO
'j cash.
BS9 On \ \ ebstcr st. near the Convent , n
veiv choice location ; elegant lesl-
deuce Nile ; 110x174 ; south tiuiit . 4tOO
087 Piitttlost neni Phil Slieildau.couv en-
lent to cms , 44x110. runs through
fiom street to stieet. 'Ihlslsvery
desirable at J1W cash , price . . 1,873
ObO % v est Side add on Mo Pac Hy , lot lifi
on tr.icl : bj 100 ; this Is a chance to
get trackage very cheap . . . SOU
n ° 4 Giaceand 22d Bt , lots.lKHO , at l.KO
U77 Paikave , full lot lacing llansumi
Palk , lust south of Woolwoith ave 3,500
OU Vliglnlaave , Veiy choice east frimt ,
KKlxlDO. This is u speelull ) tine loca
tion . . . . . 4,500
P29 Georgia , a coiner UHKIV ) , n south
nnd east fiont. Is the llnest uiilm-
piovcdcoinei In Hanscom phuu . 7.VO
071 Outer on Pnclllc st , lUlvVjil , lor 7W"I
Alsoa 1 ngeand well usioited list of vacant
lots In all desliable additions and locations at
prices tanging Iroin J iO i upwards.
lliislncss Piopcity.
143 rrtrmni st near 21th st. 2o foot lot ,
easy teims , good location , pei foot 300
14" > SjMithlhth btl,0\HO , sewei nnd all
tixespild , foi . . . . . . fi.OOJ
11J Cnmlngs st near ,27th st , 1 i l\l 15 ft ,
pei foot . . . . 110
'Ihe lowest price n imed on piopeit ) In same
14J loom house , lot
l\\il \ 13,000
9" > Chicago near nth st. 4 buildings
rent for fspei month IJ.fiOO
This pioucity 1 chenpei than any similar lo
atlon In tiniah.i and \\Illi elm v Investlgal'
Vi California st. , near 14tli st , cornel ,
u houses , lent $1,500 per
year 20,000
105 Hnundcrs st , a colnei , dO\ltK , cluup
at . 5,000
137 romteeuth St. , nt ar .lones , 4IXWI ;
this ptojietty Is especially cheap ; for 7,700
13t ) Trai kime ou I'acllic st , lie u lllth
1,12 ; 5 small houses mm tent for
pi t month . 11,000
141 Hainey st , near Kith st , llxl W , for. 41,000
1 amain st , an impioved piece of
property , pa ) Ing a good leturn ,
mice . . OO.OiH
92 rainam st , an impioved pioperty
puvlngKKX ) perear , price fn.OeHl ,
will sell this propeity foi good llrst-
class moitgago paper , no cash 10-
ciultedln this ti ade
Stock I mm for halo
Within 'M miles ot Omaha on rallioad ; WO acre
Mock I'.uni good buildings , slud loom for stock
and feed cattle , windmill , pipes , etc. , miming
watei , < i < ) acies hi ) land , Itm ooies plowland. .
Will sell lot f.'jpoi acio and takoj",0 ) cash.
Will also take on the trade , Omaha house and
lot worth JI/XH ) toJ.OOO.
Pcuith Omnhn Pioperty.
1001 13 lots in Uotl , V Shaip h add ut $350
tollV ) encli , eis ) turns
1001 .leltei's add , 2 lots each 1,000
ILiK ) .lettei'sndd , 1 lot at 7V )
151 2i\Mlft on N st 2ttW ,
Also2desliable locations forbilck jauls ou
rillwii ) , and convenient to Onnlin nnd South
Omaha , Ames Heal Estate Agency , ole ! ! i IW
rarnam st. 210 It )
ONI' bundled nnd twenty six ft on Ratindcrs
St. , $100 pel trout fvot. Ginhain , Crelghton
blk. 2UJ 14
FOHSALi : A tuinlsiTeit Hat of ti looms with
steam and buth , central ) located. Call -ii
North 1 jjh. 810.
P sou hive anything to seller exclinngo list
it with C. C. Spotswood. 'WSJ' S lull. Oil
LIST your property for silo with ClnrlesC.
spotsw oed , , My b Uith ft
AUNDI'-HS sT. , comer. 1.M ft nt $100 per footT
Giaham , Cielghtoli blk. 202 14
rpWO lots and house , coiner Walnut hill , J..KX ) ;
J. seJlortmdo , ( Iraliiiiu , Cielghton blk.
, B 14
FOlt SALi : liXlapresoflund four miles fiom
stock vaids , nt $ l."i poraeto ; this is a lur-
gain. McCiiguo , Opp. P O. elfl
FOH SAI.K-Oood brltik business property in
tentleot Grand Island ; giealost liargatn
and bebt teims In the city ; but llttlu tash re-
fmiiedlong ; time , lowlntere t and e.isyjmy.
meiits ; other real estate fei sain. Address .1. H.
Woolley , uttome ) ut law , Grand Ibland , Nub.
T71O1I SALl ; J'lnest location for a homo lu
JL ; West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Klikendall , Cop , Iliiuly , Kiisson and othois.
Nothing liner lu the city. Can Ne lilo.'ixlBT or
less ; for prices and terms sou b. A. Sloman , I Ul
1'arnain st. O.H
FH SALi : lOiix LVi cast fiont corner , on Sfit
and Jones ht.s , just south of the Hun resld
encoof Kasson , a lli.idyand others. Can sell
this. If taken at once , for f.r > , OU ) . An elegant
lesldeneo corner. Nothing In the vicinity so
cheap.M. A. Upton i Co. Ifath St. opp Ch im.
her of Comnieico. 18J
\\ril Y pny rent w hen you cin buy a furnished
TT house on u nlio laigu lot , 50x110 , In thu
llnest residence part of Omaha , near the sticut
tars and within one blorK of win 10 the Metro
politan cable will run , by pa ) Ing a small sum
dow nand the balance monthly. Addiess O I'l ,
llee. ! l-,7
SNAP- I lots , 4lxUI. llrlstol st. neai .tli. . HV )
eaclutlOO tash ; balance very easy. I' . L.
Gregory , real estate ag't , ; iuu H. HHii st. h'l
ELKGANT lot on Pleasant , t. , Crouton add , ,
i.iOO. ( Graham , Citilghton bis. 2ttt 14
EMSTICKNKY * ( O. milieu n spec laity of
ipropcity lu North Omaha , forsalu or lent
nt Citizens' bank , ' 'l1 Cumlng bt. TU
FOIl BALK Wo oiler an a ] ieclal b ughln 111)
acres of land four milt s from stock ) ard ,
at $125 per acre , oil line of V. P , H. K. McCuguu
Opp.l'Io. (114 (
] OT II , blk ( } , Bllllltl's 2nd and . J2.NX ) ; easy
terms. Giiiham , Crelghton blk. 2U2II
niOH SALP.- Lots lu Lincoln PI ico. irontlng
JL ; on the Metropolitan cable , Jhiw each , j
Corner lot on Lowe nvcnui ) and California
cable line , $1,750 , 'f cash.
Somecholcolots lu West Cnmlnp ; addition , * SOQ
toil,2i i. easy terms. 'Hit-so lots arc onor near
the cabin nowDelntf uulll on CalUcrm.l st. Iluy
now nt old prlct s.
A fine business , corner at 10th nnd Dpuglas ,
Atr s In Solomon's ndel , i'OT , KW cnsh.
Acres In Spring Valley with trackage. , WOO. H
Lots lu Lobeck'H sub , near South Omnhn , ou
N" . W , Ity , t-IK ) each , 1-5 cash. 'Ihcbo are tlm
cheapest ofleilngs In theli respectlva neighbor
hoods. .Mttrsluilli Lobe-ck , looial' ' . cllamberot
commeree. 4" > i
FOR SALP.-rlu South Omalm , 6 houses on i
corner lota , for tl.-iOO. H cash , which rent
for $ i7"i per j car , or. p it. I ) . U. SuiuatOn. lues ]
Pode Bt , ' -.018
$2\PXVOOcash ( wanted Inn , deal ; nomn
v > f Omalm'n best realty ; olij < > ct , r.iMii will
yield InrtJe tiroOt. Address 0.1 llee. 277 clW
17011 trade or snln nt n bargain , lot 11 , blk U
JO 8hlim'ti2nd add. Giuhnm , Crelghton bile
20C li
Who li WEAK , NEnVorN. DF.nil.ITA.
TEI > .vrholuhliFOIlVRndlUNOItAM'E
lins TniFI.EO awny his > HJOn of IIODY ,
MINII nnd M A MII OOD. rauMiiR cxhnmtlng
drains Upon the roi'.M'AINN of t.lVK ,
1IF.A1 A < ' 1IE. llACKAt'IlE. Drendful
Dreams , WEAKNKNH of Ntunorr. II1N1I *
FUI.NF.SHIn NIM'IF.TY. I'lMl'l.l.S upon
th FACE , and all the F.FFEirFN lending to
EAHI.V I > K 'A Yaiul | > eth > pi 'OANlMP ) >
TIOJI or IMNANITY. BhouVl consult at onee
the CKLEIIHATEII ir. Clarke. KftAblllhtd
1HM. Dr. Clarke has made NF.RVOt'H UE <
BII.ITY. CIIHO.M4' and all DUcasei of
the (1ENITO 11HINAHY Orcatis a LlfO ,
H'luly. It makes fin dltlereuco WHAT you
tore taken or WHO hax failed to euro you ,
* 9-FE1Al.F.Hsunerliifrrromdl8cnscspecu <
liar to their x can consult with the asiuranct
of ipeedy relief and cure. Scud 2 conU po ttf
for worki on your dlsctucs
* a-8end 4 cents postoRO for C'elehrnlKl
Work * on Chronic , Nrrtnti * and 1 > H
rate Dlieasct. Consullatlon , penonally or by
letter , free. Consult the old Doctor.
ThouMiniln cured. Offlcri and nrlor >
prlvnto.lho5o contemplating Manioc *
end fur Dr. tinrk : > ' celebrated guldo
M le and Friiinlc , each IJc. , both 2iO.
( tftuip ) . lleforu conndlng Jimr caie , coniult
Dr. OI.AKHF. . A friendly letter or call may
tavonituro suflcrlngnnd shame , and add eolden
yean to life.Bt > ok l.lfo'H ( Secret ) Er.
rors , " Wo. ( stamixs ) . Medlclno nud vrrltlnR *
vent everywhere , occurs from rx | o ure.
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundns , tifolz. Address ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
180 So. Clark St. . CUIOAOO. ILL.
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line ,
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Gni&ago ,
The only road to tnko for Dos Mnlnea , llarlalltown , '
Cedar Knpld , Cllulon , Dlliin , Llilc-nun , Milwaukee
and nil points cast , 'lo Ilio people of Nebrmkii. Colo-
rmlo , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , ttuvndu.OrcKon , Wash
ington null California , It otTurs nupculur advantage *
D > t posslnlet by nny oilier Hue.
Amuiik' a few of Ilio numerous polnti of superiority
enjoyed hy the patrons ot this rend between Omnhfc
nnd ClilcHiio. uro Us two trnlvs n dny of DAY C.'OACU-
KS , which nro tlio llnest thnt nuinnu art ami InRPtiul *
ty can create. Itsl'ALAUK HI.KICl'I.SO OAHS , which
urn mnilnls of comfort and eileuiuico. Us 1'AULOIi
JIHAWINd HOOM ( 'Alls , uimurpiisie'ct by any , and
Its widely celubrnteil I'AI.AUAl , DININI1 CAlW , the
cquiit nf which cannot bo found elsowhcro. At Couti *
ell liliitrstlio tmliiiof Ilio Union 1'iiclilc ( Ullwaycon-
In union depot with those ot the Chicago ih
Root stern lly. Ill Chicago tlio trnlns of this line
tniiko cluso connection wli li tliu o of all uthur cnstern
I or Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati ,
Klnunra I nlli , lluiralo , riltnaurit , 'Juronlo , Montreal ,
lloituu , Nuw tork , rhlladulphlu , llultluioroKlh -
liiKtou , and all polnta In the cast , ask for a tlckttTtm
If Ton wish thnbestaccoiuinodatlon. AlltlckotagtnU
ert tlckt it vlu this lino.
U. HUeillU'T , K I' . WILSON ,
Gt ill. MaiKigcr , ( icnl. 1'a's'r Agon !
( : "
' '
V.M-1IA1ICOCK. Cnlago'Ill"'ri.n BOU.KS.
W V ru AiuuL. city I'm r , /
Omaha. KebraUu
Tills ll'lhe 11
richly Illustra
ted li coloiut
print , of Ui
S'dch sbooll
found la
CTCIT fsrolly nd mny tw obtained from til Tow ,
dralcrs , Stationers and Educational Depnts. Tno
I'rtce-lW will be fonvorjed gntii on applicatloa to
F. AD. RICHTER & Co. ,
Epps's Cocoa
"lly a tlinrquuli kunnleilito of the natural tana
nlcli K vcru Ihu ( iiK'nitliiin of ittrestlon au I ntllrl-
lldli , mid liy ciireful iii | | > M < iitlnu of tlju line pnipurtic *
of welt poleiti d Cocou , Mr. Lypi has provlduit our
liroikliiBt tallies nlllin aolicuiKlr Itavoretl liovernno
which mar mvn ii many hcuvy doctor Mils. Ills
liytlio Judlrloun use of nuch article * of illet that a
cnimtltutlou limy l > Knuluttlly liilllt up until slrontf
cnntigli to resist every tendency to dUemo. Hun-
Urerts of subtle mnltiillos uro tlonUne around us rradf
lo Httuck wherever llmro Is a wcMik point. Wo mnr
iiHiiy u fntiil shnlt by keephiK oursclTes well
foitltlcil with piiro.blixul uud u properly nourished
f rnuio " Ch II NirIc o Iliiretto ,
Miulo Elmply with liiilliiiK wiiler or milk. Eold onljr
In biilf pound tins by Cirocurt luliolud thusi
FOR the ) car 18S8 FRANK LESLIE'S
" POPULAR MONTHLY , " which has
been aptly styled "THE MONARCH o
HIE MONTHLIES , " will be better than
ever. Articles upon topics of current
public interest , sketches of eminent per
sons , strong nnd brilliant stories , and
poetry of a high order , profusely illus
trated by the best artuls , and all by
\vritersof recognized merit , will fill it *
pages. To the old and favorite corps
of contributors will be nddcd writers ot
promise , and no effort will be spared to
keep the magazine ih the foremost rank.
In the November number was begun an
earnest and powerful ta'e ,
"PRINCE LUCIFER , " by EtlaW , Pierce ,
which tins already attracted widespread
atention and charmed mul titudes o
readers. Subscriptions may begin , if de
nired , with the November number.
Each issue contains a
Full-Page Picture In Colors ,
the series of twelve forming for the j ear
a beautiful collection of gems of modern
The "Popular Monthly" contains 128 Urge
octavo pages , nearly twice the mutter of
similar publications , and is not only the
best , but by far the cheapest , of any of
the of mnr iincs for the people.
$3 per year ; 25 cts per copy
Specimen copies , 15 cents.
50 , . ' ) . ' . and 57 Park Place , New York-
AchurtUltii ; liui nlwuys provoa
' ducce-saful. llefcro placing any
Newspaper Ailvc-rtlsInK cumuli
ti I * ill K 4ia ftltiil , CHICAGO *