' 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICK XO. PJ , PKAHIj STIIKKT Delivered by con lor In anjr pnrt of Die city at twenty lents p r week. It. W Tn.TO.N , Manager. ' Tl'.I.KPHONESl flUFlNKFB Ol Iff , Nl ) . 4.1. NKIIIT KniTim ; No. 'a. .MINOll MKNT1ON. N. Y. I'lmnninir Co. Jlciter , tnilor , Full goods cheap. See Chapman's pictures for Christinas. It Is now definitely stated that this oily will bo llphtud by ok'otiic lights to-monow night. Jntnes II , Dlxon nnd Harriet M. Henderson , of Omaha , wore iestc-nluy LI anted u purmlt tovcd. . - Mr. ficoipo Smith nnd Miss Lucy B. Watkins - kins woioiminiiM Tur-sduy afternoon nt the residence of the bride's parents. HnHies uro all ttic rngc at the Manhattan. Tickrti aiu now wild on a Winchester repeatIng - Ing rifle , und one of Hattenhauer's best bug gies.Tim Tim fimiT.il of Kittle , the five-year-old daughter of ,1 , I'urr.v , will occur ut thu family rcnidcm c , No , M)0 ) I'ierce struct , at 2 o'clock this nftcinoon. A couple of "rolor" wcrounltccHii inar- rlagciestoHln.vafU'rnoon by S < | uiro Biggs. Their imnic.it ate .1. J. Stuwait und 11. M. Stewart , both of Oiiiulm. Flnlcy Bmlit1 lias had plans drawn and npccillnitloiis imnlci for a honm which ho will ricct on Oakland avenue. When this will bo lit : 1ms not et d < cldcd. Kmiiia K. I.onj.'has lllcd a petition for di vorce from her husbsind , B. I' . Lout' , and a resumption of hi r maiden name . Habitual drunkenness is allrgcd , Solomon Viinco was moved from St. Ber nard's hospital lo his home j estcrday after noon. Although si'vi-iely Injured , his ulti mate rrcovery It anticipated. Mrs. SuMinnn Kv.ins has applied for an in junction test mining the county tiousmer from soiling lots 11 , IB and Hi In block S , against vvhli h cm blngtix : to thu amount of flKI.K ) havi- been iissschcd. YcBtciday inoinlng the llrr. iniiiouni'cd the closing up of Coiinid Gi'lso'w brewery. It was irrt'ivcd fiom what was miiposr | > d to be rulhihlo nuthciity , but it seems it was a niis- talco. 'J'hu hiowt'ry Instill rnniinitf , notwith standing pi01 ceilings of injunction et al. For tlm past six months , and morn , there has been u dangerous hole in the sidewalk on Broadwny , between Tenth und lilcvrnth stieets. Thine is no nppntcut season why it has not bci-n ivp.ilu'd bi'foiv now. A serious injury und u il.tiuago suit may icstilt any time. time.For For several nights past the tram cars used on tlm dht iniiil cm Ninth uwmue havu been moved fiom tlm switi'h where they had been left at the rloM'of thu day's work and pushed further down lite tiack to thu sticeteiosbing. It Is evidciitl.x thu work ot mischievous boys und should lie stopped before serious damage. to person or piiipcity is reported. Opium , morphine habits cured. DR. BKLL1 Nl ! I K. lil-l B'wny , Council Dlulld. Dinnioinl- .Mrs. K. IJurhorn's. ju'i , lOo pop quart , Tro.xell Bros. Money to loan. Cooper & .TtuUon. Thirty loti for sale in I'iorco'n add. Johmon & Van 1'atten , I3 ! Main st. T. U. IJaldwin\ulTs lots. Solid and plated ware at fini'lioni's. \Vo huvo holiday goods of all kinds. They nniit , ro. i'l'ii'ca no object. Call und beo. Personal I'nrnKraiiha. Court lfc. | x > rtr ! W. E. Hullur is in the city. Ed. Huti'liur , of CruHton , wus in the city yesterday. It. .1. Scott , of DCS Moini-i , wns a visitor licioycstoidiiy. J. U. Clirliti.ni loft yesterday for Whiting , Iu. , on n short visit. H. H. ralmtT and Frank Mutr , of Red Ouk , took in the Hluffs yustunlny. \V. H. Quick , Esq. , or Dus Moincs , regis tered ut the Ogilun jcstertlay. J. J. Slicn , clerk of the district court , is nt- tciulhiK tlio December term at Avoca. Ho will return Snttu iluy. Walter J. Smith left for DCS Moincs last ovuuliiK to attend the supreme couit. Cases from this county will bo called to-day. Mr. Smith will return the hitter jut t of the week. H. H. Dennett nnd family , of .St. Joseph , Mo. , arc quartered at the ORdrn until the ar rival of their household effects , which are in transit. They will make Council lilulTs their future home. Conic to Broadway church to-night and hear Rov. Rocs. His Icctuj'o will pleiiBo you greatly . Don't lot your children die with diphtheria or putrid * ere throat , ns in J , scarlet , fever lr. ) Thou. JolTeris' Prep - p ventivo and Cure will save every euco without a physii-ian. Full directions ; for lite can bo bought of Mr * . Porter , Fourth live , und Eighth bt. , Council Bhills. Would you laugh ? nnd Inugh ! nnd 11V i. Go und hear Rev. Roes' lecture at Broail- | § wuy church Thursday evening. Holiday goods at Mrs. E. Burhorn's. "Epitnphsor Griivo Jokes" is the sud- jet't treated by Kuv. Rocs nt the M. E. ehun-h to-night. It is very funny- hear it. Kirklnnd will gho you bargains in watches , clocks and jewelry , For Christmas gifts go to Kirklnnd's. The finest pluih albums and frames at cost. Mueller & Co. Ono thousand head of one , two nnd three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. J. Grconanmyor , OL'3 Mynster fat. telephone 121. Every ono making u casli purchase o iii cents at T. 1) . King fc Co.'s cigar fctoro gets nchanco in the annual prr/e drawing. Twenty elegant pri/es. A ticket on a beautiful organ with every $1 purchase. Mueller & Co. i .T. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. Tokens of Appreciation. Wo have. 10.000 customers in Council BlutTrt , Omaha and vicinity. Ah a token of appreciation for past patronage wo \\ill present them on January 1 , 1S8S , with a beautiful organ containing two nnd three-fifth sets of 'rccds nnd nn ele gantly finished case , and nineteen other beautiful gifts. Every customer re ceives a ticket. All holiday goods closed out regard less of cost. Prices on all goods reduced until January 1. Mail orders promptly lllled and tickets accompany goods. MUJLUI : : Musci Co. For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at once. Ad- divss or call on J. R. Rico , No. 110 Main street , CounoilBlulTd. The Central drug store , under J , I ) . Stuart , has boon enlarged and refur- niehcd with a comjiloto stock of fresli drugs. I'ino holiday books , stationery , o.utlory and inu&ical goods at low prices. Wntches clicnp nt Ktrklnnd's , 321 Broadway. Guns nnd nnununition nt Udell ft Brynnt'b , 405 Main street. ' . . ' t , for best quality coal nnd wood , call - On Glcuou : , .0 Pearl btrcut. ' THE HEWS IN THE BLUFFS , Another Suekor Found by the Con fidence Operator. OUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. Snowed Untl r by the Pavers An Ad ditional Addition Slop H Minute Bmiill Happenings Ticked Up by the Way. He Knows Hotter Now. John Traytor lives on n farm In Nebraska. Ho has some money to spare but none to throw away , so when an old acquaintance asked him for temporary loan of $40 , ho looked shrewd and wanted a note secured by u chattel mortgage. Hut John came to Council HtufTs , and while sitting at the depot a stranger told him it was a pleasant day. Uylmpaitlng other information of a like valuable nature the stranger won John's con- lldcncc. Hat conlldencc was not all ho wnnteil , HO he Invited John to take n short walk with him. They had not proceeded far before they weio overtaken by a third man , who presented nn express book nnd toltl the stranger llmt ho could not send out those trunks und packages unless the charges were prepaid. The stranger only had a few dollars in cash , but would give n check for the tftO. The expressman did not take checks , but suggested to John that he cash it and help his friend out. John. icadily loaned the SM and took the check with out security. The two went -oil together , leaving John standing there. When ho re turned to the- transfer he tried to gettho uliei'k cashed , and then rcall/ed how shrewd he had been. Ho went back home and now liu Is ufi.iid of a check. Dr. .Telteris' remedy cures every case of diphtheria. : > 0 bars of 1'eisian soup , $1.00 , at Troxell 15ros , ' For Sale By WaiKworth. Etnyro & Co. , ISM Main st. , Council BinIIa. Lots 0 und L 10 , block 1 , Roster's addition to Oimih . These two very desirable lots are ITeivd for sale tins week for $3,000 , one-third cash. Gold pens und pencils at K. Burhorn's. Not Heavily Itondrd. The subject of paving bonds and special assessments is one tli.it is receiving consider able attention Just at present from the city ofllrhils. Two extra men arc kept busy in the clerk's oftU-e making out the notices , and as m.uiy more arc employed by the marshal in serving them. Hotuls to the amount of fiiOjOOO were issued for the paving of the past bcason , and these assessments are made to meet them. There is a disposition on the part of some parties to object to them , but City Attorney Holmes proposes to lake im mediate legal steps to secure the necessary money. Paving bonds for over l.'iO.OOO have been issued by this city , and have been met as far as they huvo matined , yet theiois still over $ UH ( , IK)0 ) outstanding on this account to bo paid by prl ate assessment. The dis position * of propci ty-owners to mur mur against so great an outlay is not st range , when the item of taxed for the _ present j ear is taken Into consideration. The new bridge , the 10 mill judgment levy , the large amount of pav ing , and the extensive sewer changes and im provements , have made a gi eat demand on the ti.\ : paying citizen , in addition to the regu lar city expenses. Although the city is car rying a heavy loi'd , the situation is not as bad as some , who are opposed to all improve ment , are trj Ing to make out. The bonded indebtedness of the city is but about * 15UXH , ( > , \\hlch is not at all Jut of the way for a city where so many public improvements have been made. As City Auditor Kinnchan says : "Tho citj's llnanccs are all right , and when you Ibid a place that can make a letter show ing , you can regard it as one of the wonders of the world. " Fine mixed candies , lie per lb. , Timoll Bros. E. II. Sheafo loans monev on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Ollico 500 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. Wudsworth , Etnyro &Co. loan money Real estate for sale or exchange. Johnston & Van Patten , 153 Main bt. ChribtinasprcEontSBurhorn's,17Main Stop n Minute. A tcynporary writ of injunction was granted at Avoca by .ludgo Loofbourow Tuesday morning restraining the Union Pa cific comp'any from prosecuting work on Tenth avenue. The plaintiff i > J. J. Shea , who , together with Ed WicUhnm , owns lots thirteen and fourteen , block live , in Kiddle's subdivision. The claim was that the com pany had not settled for damages done the property , nnd that if the work was allowed to be completed , they would have legal re- dicss. All the other lots abutting on the north side of Tenth avenue were purchased cither by the railroad company or the new dci > ot company. These two lots wcro offered the company last spring tor $1,000 but were icfiiscd. No movement was made in the matter by the plaintiff till the last moment , the trackhi.\crs having nearly reached the place when stopped. Had there been no in- terfence , the rails would have been laid past the spot yesterday. The ofllcials of road yesterday sent word to ] Hr. Shea , asking his price , as they wished to settle the matter. A meeting was hold between Mr. Smith , Mr. Shea's attorney , and the railroad represen tatives in the afternoon for the purpose of affecting a settlement. Always nt the Front. Wo have now one of the most com plete stock of line and medium-priced watches and chains , diamonds , gold jew elry , line marble clocks , silver und plated [ ware , gold-headed canes , umbrellas , opera and Held glasses , and all the standard styles of the leading novelties of the season. .All prices so low as to defy all competition. At No. 117 South Main street. C. B. JAcquEMiN & Co. Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. Dr. Thomas JolTeris' infallible pre ventive and euro for diphtheria can be obtained of Mrs. Porter on Fourth avenue and Eighth street. Gold bended canes at E. Burhorn's. An Ailditluiuil A llllon. A plat IHcd yesterday nt the recorder's ofllco ! described ns the enst H ° the west half of the southwest M of section 20 , township - ship 75 , north , range 44 , west of the f > th I' . M. Investigation fallowed it to bo what is known ns the Gicgff tract , comprising forty acres , lying between the city and the river. This truct has been laid off into liouso lots , nnd the pint was tllrd In the naino of Spencer Smith , as trustee for Oscar Kecllne , G. T. Ofllcor , and S. W.A. Smmdcrs. The grading' of lower Hroadway is bringing the property in that part of the city into conspicuous notice , nclvani'ing the price of lots in older addltlons.and causing new ones to bo platted. This is but onu of the many imiKntant changes in that locality that the Hiu : will bo called upon to chronlclo within twelve months fiom the dny that the coming of the new bridge was made an established fact. Gold nml silver w&tchcs tit Burhorn's. It costs only 25 colits to hear Rev , Uoca tit Urouihwiy M. church Thurs- duy ovijnin'sj. . , ' < ' , Pollen . . , W. J. Sampson was tho' only victim . in tlm police cojrt when Judge.Aylpaworth arrived yesjfid'ay morning. .Ho wns lined 17.00 , and scnt.oul wltn an cKctii- get thu , nmpunt. X R O- at-g ) r'gg-yfT1 ' ; Louis Crccy was shortly afterward nrrcstcd for vagrancy. He hud been out of the coojcr hut one day. and had again worked n brother darkey for his roll. The Judge gave him thirty days In Jail , sentence to btvin this mornlug. He was advlsod to visit his mother In Leuvenworth before appearing for si-n- tcme. If ho was able to resist the city jnll , he Is probably many miles on his way to the "sunny south. " .lames Kilbe , \oungstcr arrested for stealing coal , was dismissed after receiving n severe lecture. Nellie Hayden was arraigned * during the afternoon , and her ca o continued , to allow her time to secure the services of an nttoincy and witnessed. Opera glasses nt Mrs. E. Burhorn'n. Fine jewelry at Burhorn's , 17 Main. Snowed Under IJy tlie Paver * . Mrs. H. P. Snow , living at the corner of rourth street mid Fifth avenue , Is very In dignant at the amount of her special paving assessment. The property extends the whole length of the block from Fourth to Uluff fetreet , thus fronting upon three streets , nil of which have been paved this season. The assessment against her for work done on these streets amounts to over ti.lHH ) , nnd she rebels against paying It. Since the decision rendered In the Lytntm case n few weeks ago by Judge Uccmer , the city attorney has taken especial caie to have personal notice of these assessments served on the property owners , and now in case of u refusal to pay , suit will bo brought against the property , which will be held for the amount. The amount of Mrs. Snow's assessment seems large for ono person's properly , but It is not clear why there should be any less assessed against the proin-rty than If it was in the hands of several parties. A FIGHT WITH A SLAVER. A Recent Buttle Which AVou Promo tion 1'or n Ijieiitrnnnt. London Times : A few days ago the lords of the admiralty promoted Lieu tenant Fred F. Fegen.R. N. , to be com mander , to mark their recognition of his gallant conduct in as brilliant and thorough a sea-dog exploit as over graced British naval annals. Last May Lieutenant Fegon who was on board her majesty's ship , Turquoise , then station ed at Zanzibar , set out on board an or dinary pinnace with seven men to patrol that path of the East African coast and watch for Arab slavers. On the morning of May HO , the pinnace was lying snugly anchored within Fun- gas gap , Pombn , an island to the north of Zanzibar. The crew of the pinnace comprised live bluejackets , one marine , oiio interpreter , and Fogon. At daylight - light the lookout reported that a dhow was entering the gap. So far ns could be ascertained ; she seemed to be a peaceable trader , making for port un- dercrowded sail. Only a man or two could bo seen on deck , and there was nothing to indicate that the craft was full of slaves and armed men. The lieutenant had a little dingy with him , and in this , as n matter of duty and pre caution. , he sent his coxswain , the marine' , and the interpreter , to hail the tsrnngcr and see that she was all right. Stoutly the little dingy was rowed to ward the dhow to intercept her as she ran along. When within ono hundred yards of the Arab the interpreter hailed them , but received no un&wor , nor could ho see anybody on board , for the huge sail screened lior crew. Plying their oars with more vigor , they made to board the strange waft , when in stantly a score of swarthy faces arose about'tbe gunnel , nnd a volley from Sni der rilles was poured into the dingy. Fegcn fahonted orders to his men to turn the nine-pound gun with which the pinnace was armed , to bear on the dhow , while at the same moment one of his men opened fire on them with his Martini-Henry- marine , from the dingi'i had already got to work with his weapon , and was evidently doing-execu tion. The slaver , holding the dingy ns too insignillcnntf changed her course and bore down full upon the pinnace , clearly intending to run aboard hnr. 'Fcgen nnd his four men had their anchor tripped in a trice and made sail , but there was no time to get under way before down upon them came the dhow. The lieutenant called , "Prepare to re sist boarders ! " "Stand to them mv lads , " nnd , setting that example which in warfare , at any rate , is before nil precept , jumped forward to repel the at tack as the two vessels bumped together. With characteristic ferocity the slavers some thirteen Arabs and seven blood thirsty half-breed cutthroats endeav ored to spring aboard the pinnace. Fc gen shot two down with his revolver und ran a third through the body , when ho in turn would have fallen under n fierce blow from an Arab's blade had not Pierson , an A. B. , run the man through with his cutlass. As it was , Fcgcn received a severe wound on the right arm ; but still the fight went ob , for he could nso his pistol with his left. Three pf his men were cut down , and were by this time lying seriously wounded in the bottom of the pinnace , while iiino Arabs had already been slain by our sturdy tars. Still Fcgen battled on , shooting , pushing and shoving , with the help of his crew of now one man , both of them receiving fresh stabs und wounds. J. Guys nnd Fred Russell , leading seamen , had stood by him like steel , lighting with the courage and de termination of those heroes who have immortalized our navy. RussclJ lought on heedless of his many wounds until ho sank from sheer loss of blood. At length the dhow slipped past nnd sheered oil ; not to escape , however , for , wounded as all on the pinnace wcro , they fought and held on with the tenacity ot bull- 'dogs. With those still in the dingy they maintained a lire on the dhow and followed her up. The slavers replied with their Sniders , and Fcgen , seeing his men in the dingy exposed , held the pinnace to the wind to obtain the weather gnugo and cover the "punt. " The protracted fight atti acted n number of Arabs to the shore , and they in turn began firing nt the two , to them , hated British eraft. A lucky shot from one of the Martinis killed the slaver's helmsman , and the dhow broached to in shallow water and capsized' The remainder of the ras cally crow ( dunged into the sea , which was about two fathoms deep at the spot , and swam for the shore , four or five only succeeding in reaching the land alive. Most of the penned slaves managed to scramble out und hang on to the dhow , their heads alone visible out of the water. Fcgen got his men from the dingv on board the pinnace , and with a foU shell from the nine-pounder drove away the boligerant Arabs on the shore. This done ho hcnt the dingy to the res cue of the slaves , and succeeded in sav ing the lives of fifty-tin eo unfortunate i negroes. Unfoitunatoly twelve had been drowned by the capsizing of the dhow , the number of slaves on board having ' been sixty-live. A sailor named Benja min Stone , an A. B. , was the only ono killed outright on our side during the plucky little ten fight. So far us known up to the present the wounded blue jackets are till doing well. A Kulualile Nest. Morris ( Pn. ) Correspondence : Six weeks ago John Mnkonoy , a miserly and eccentric farmer , died in this township , whore ho had lived nearly all his life. It was known'that ho had large , sums of money secreted somewhere about hi& premises , but ho died without revealing any of the hiding places. After his dcatli only a few dollars could bo found. That hoia \ possessed of several thou sand dollars in bank blJlH .was a well known fact , and certain perbons.who , were present when Mahonuy deid were buspeetcd , of having discovered where &O YOU INTEND TO BUY so , STOXST is 1'HNOS THE KUI.I.KXT. HlCIIESTTONE. OWMNH SMOOTH IN Toxr. rtOH TlIK I.ATI. ! < TSTri.K8 INTASKS. OIUJANK Tlll.l , IN Vttl.ltMK. l'IAM > Till : MOST ilKAtrmUt. " < > ! nt.KOANTI.Y I'lNISIIRD CASK' ' . . . < . We Defy All Conit > etltlon and Challenge a Comparison of Goods and Prices With Any HOURO In the AVcst. SEE OS BEFORE YOU PURCHASE I SWANSON MUSIC COMPANY , 329 WEST BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. DR. C. B. JUDD , M'F'G'R ' ' , ELECTRIC BELTS AND TRUSSES , NO. 000 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOV kVA. the 1 money wns and stolen it. On Wed- ncfedny i of this week Jnnie.s Wilson nnd Paul ] Nash wcro hunting in n piece of ncnr i Mnhonoy's house. A gray fcquirrcl wan seen running toward a inrgctree. _ Nnsh shot mid wounded it , but it es caped up the tree. In watching it go | up the tree the hunters discovered < n peculiar-looking object between ' two branches near the top of the tree and saw the squirrel disappear at that spot. Nasli climbed the trco nnd found a wooden box , into which the squirrel had crawled at a hole in ono hide of it , and lay dead among u heap of rubbibh. On examining the contents of the box Nash was astonished to see that they were mudo Up entirely of small particles of bank notes. Ho brought the box to the ground. P.iom the quantity of remnants of bijls and the largo fig ures on them denoting what their de nomination had been , they must have represented the destruction of between $ .5,000 and $7,000. 'When the discovery of the box was made known a neighbor of Mahoncy's remembered haying scon the old miser pay ssvoral visits to the old trco just before ho di d. It is sup posed that the old'man foil that his end was near , and had removed his money from his house to , the curious hiding place where it was sound. The squirrel 1ml discovered the pile of paper and the box , and had torn the bills into frag ments to make itself n ann und cosy nest for the winter. whero&O E. BURHORN , GREAT BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF AMERICAN WATCHES ! NO. 17 MAIN STREET. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. SPECIAL advertisements , tmchns I.ost.Fouml , To Ixmn , For SaleTo Kent , Wants. Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rateofTKN CUNTS PER LINK for the nrst In sertion and Five Cents Per Line for each subse quent Insertion. I.o.ive advertisements at our ( ilflro No. 12 Pearl Street , near llroadway , C'ouu- cll Ulufls , Iowa. WANTS. WANTED nn w onion to buy sow Ins ma chines ; will give them more than enough vork to pay fin them. Domestic office , 105 Main st. TfOU HUNT Six-loom cottage. Hottbcholil X ? goods for sale lit a bargain. i7 ! North 7th st. " | T17ANTED Fast class gaidencr. without T ? capital , toork extensive garden on hhares. 1'lrst clais chance. AclJiess Joseph Smith , Council Hluffs , IH. FOU HENT T o fuwUhcd room * with'heat , gas , anil bath room. With or without board. For gentlemen only. Mrs. fatepheuson , Park uvo. near Ugdeu honso. FOR RENT Housothrcerooinslll per month , a two room house $7 , else furnlshi'd rooms. Knqulre 17 Noith Mnln lit. EXCHANGE Omahannd Council niuffsprop- eity and western1 land for stocks of mer- chandUo. Call on or nddiess J. II. Christian , KM llioaduay , Council lIlulTs , la. LOST-A nickel-pitted Chatelaln watch , rib- bon attached. Return to U T , Ueo ullice , Council IllulTs , FOU 8ALK Oil KXCHANHK-Erntlty of 1" shares In Jeffries syndicate. Inquire of Odell llros. & Co. FOR SALE Very cheap for cash , or would exchange for Council IIlulls or Omaha prop erty , a retal stock of. boots and shoes valued at about H.OOO. Cull at ttoie. No. W18 IlroadHay. or address R. Miutln , BUIUO number. Council muffs , la. J F ° .H 8AI.K-Second-liana Columbia bicycle very cheap , M-tnch , at lice odli e. TJUII.DINU lotsnilijVicroproperty rorsaloby JJ F. J. Day. ! M 1'tiirl * t. TT10K KENT A finely furnMied front room , J ? Jlr t lloor , In private residence ni-ur court house. Water In room , lighted and heated , J.arco clo et. IteferenrcsrequirBa. Addicts U. 12 , lleo office. Council f _ RARE CHANCE ! MUST BE SOLD ! The desirable residence or business property known as the Powers 1'lacr , on Upper Ilioad- way opposite the M , K. church , will positively lie cold within the next thirty daju. Terms : One-third cu Ji , balance In onu and mo ytavu. Address bid. to toOEORGE R. BEARD. Oinalin. Neb. . IJI7 nnd lain DoiiKlas St. IF YOU 60 TO MISSOURI VALLEY STOP AT TlIK ' St , ' ELMO HOTEL ! ' I Sample : Rooms Attached. 0J.- _ : \ . . .W. D. IRWIN , Prop.- D , H , MoDANELD & GO , , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. 820 and fSS Main Street.Couucll Dlufhjown. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! STANDAUD , UNDEIl IIULE 6. WADE GARY. ' - - Council Bluffs , WM. WELCH , larriage and Express Line. OFFICE O15 SOUTH MAIN 8T. Telephone No. 01) ) . All calls from District Telegraph Offlco promptly attended to. O B D R FURNITURE ! We arc now prepared for the HOLIDAY TRADE ! Our immense buildings are packed full of the most BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT GOODS In our line , nnd at prices that will defy com petition. Wo guarantee our goods to bo Just OB we represent thorn. Please give us a call whether you wish to buy or not , and bring your friends with yon. It is no trouble to show our goods. licspcctfully , C. A. BEEBE ft CO. OGDEN BOILER WORKS CARTER & SON , Prop's. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work. Orders by mall for lepatrs promptly attended to. HatUfactlon guaranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad dress Ogden Holier Works. Council Hinds , Iowa. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COO Broodway Council Ulna's , Iowa. Established - GREAT DISCOUNT SALE - - OF 20 PER CENT ON HATS AND GAPS FOR GASH 1514 DOUGLAS STREET , - - - OMAHA , Star Stables and Mule Yard Hiouilway , Council Hluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot , nnd mules conntnntly on Imml , _ fo caln ut retail or In tar Inail lots. Orders promptly niled by contract ou shor DOtlCP. . . . . , Mock oUI on coramlB ton. ' Telepfiona 1U. SCIII.UTKIl & HOI.KY. Opposite Huuimy Depot , Council Uiuff.1. SPECIAL SALE ! OF CLOAKS , LADIES' UNDERWEAR COM * FORTS , BLANKETS , ETC. , COMMENCING MONDAY , NOVEMBER 28TH. , ' , < We shall offer a largo stock of Cloaks and Ladies' Wraps , and J Ladies' Underwear at about HALtf their value. You ) will get your gift in the value of your yurchase I. and without the uncertainty of chance. 4 This sale is to clean out this part of our stock , as wo must 1 have the room fo r other goody. } H $20.00 $ Cloaks at $10,00 $ $17.00 $ Cloaks at $8.00 $ $10.00 $ Cloaks at $7.00 $ $12.00 $ Cloaks at $6.00 $ $10.00 CLOAKS AT $5.00. * PBICES CUT IH HALF. THIT IS THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. REMEMBER THE PLAGE , HARKNESS BROS. , 104 Broadway. . HMMBMMMHVHBV MVBMM - MMMBHIBWMVBmvWH MiWWIW HM MMH MH WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR A TAKE A TRIP TH11OUGH- HENRY EISEMAN & CO.'S ' PEOPLE'S STORE And you vrill see what a scope there is for Christmas Trading in our Immense Establishment. We have made Large Preparations and Great Exertion to show the LARGEST & BEST ASSORTMENT Or FAXCY GOODS EVER OFFERED IX OUR LIKE. Our Fancy Goods and Toy Department is Complete in every respect , and our prices are just about ONE-HALF - those quoted elsewhere. GRAND OPENING DISPLAY DURING THIS WEEK. It will pay you to take a look through our house and see the novelties of the season. Every department will have Special Attractions. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AT * TENTION AT HENRY EISEMAN & CO. , iOPLE'S STORE , 314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : : .IOWA , * * * * .