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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1887)
I THEOMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY DECEMBER 15 , 1887. ! J JJ CAPITAL CITY COAL BAROSS They Form n Pool and Exact Exor bitant Rates From Gen umora. STATE UNIVERSITY AFFAinS. A FlourlnliliiK Gnnilitlon of Ilio Insti tution Hlioxvn at the KcRcnl's SIpclliiU Nolirnlcii Army Or- dni-8 Hialo House frnoM TUK nr.p.'s t.ixcot.v In the c.irly full months the coal dealers at Lincoln fonnc'd n pool Unit In all Its working is equal to n motlcrn monopoly trust In die- tiUlnR prices , The pool opened out In btml- ncsiliy ndoritlngii ntrk-tly cnili b.nh , under the plra that coal could thus bo furnished to the consumer nt n cheaper rate. Hinco the adoption of thin plan there has not been n man , however worthy , who 1ms not had to pny the rusli for his real , even If ho had to patronl/u money sharks for a thirty-day loan upon which to keep warm. In the meantime I ins not been sold a partlelo cheaper , as was Intlmatod , but , to the contrary , it has boon udvfmrud in prlco nil nlotiK tha lino. A month a u u BubstuiiUal reduction on freight rates was secured on coal shipments mid the belief was Bern-nil thu t It would bo followed by n correapomllnR reduction to the consumer , but , on the contrary , hard coal IVUH advanced In price. The rate on hard coal to the city of Lincoln from Chicago Is to-day only IB cents u ton more than the rate from Chicago to Omaha , nnd yet the Lincoln coal dealers , who pretend to sell on their cash basis nt the lowest margin , exact $1 n ton more than coal has sold for in Omaha for the past thirty days. The ruto on soft coal lias been largely cut In the past six weeks , and yet Lincoln dealers soil soft coal nt nn average of W ) cents n ton inoro than soft coal soils for at Nebraska City after the freight to Lincoln is milled. This Is simply robtxiry practiced on thu people of Lincoln. It shows that the coal dealers of Lincoln nro in a combination , so that no matter what ro- ductlons in rates are gained they simply ndd to it their profit and pocket It with the sail ) ; frold of n professional. The tactics of the coal dealersof Lincoln , if uncontestcd fortho cotnitiK four months , urn such as will enrich them so they can retire from business with a competency , nhd this competency will bo wrung from thu masses of tha people and from these who have waged the war for cheaper rates , only to sou the concessions Hwallowcd by this coal pool anaconda. A Judgment day to the coal pool of Lincoln cannot coma too speedily. AX IMPORTANT DHCISIOX. Judge Chapman yesterday rendered 'a de cision in the district court of much more than local Interest and importance. The decision xrns inono of the Dnwson will cases that in volves ovort5flOOUworthof ( ) Lincoln property and that , in part , have been through all the federal courts. Thcso cases arose over the construction of a will relative to valuable city property. They involved the ejectment of numerous residentors and property holders mid one of thu cases of ejectment ran the course of the federal courts nnd was decided ngumst thu present holder and Other owners then banded together nnd con tinued the light , and when ejectment was brought against them in federal courts a now Hhowing was imulu in which thesa latter cases were sent back to the state courts as having the proper jurisdiction. The light then commenced in the stuto court ut the last term of the district court before Judge Chapman nnd it was n decision on this hearing that ho gnvo yesterday. The decis ion is directly opposite to that found in the like case in the United States supreme court. The decision created a whirl of excitement among the members of the bar when it was given aud it means a great many dollars for the occupants of the property , many of whom nrotoor people. The case will now go to the supreme court of thu state and If that holds with the decision of Judge Chapman , as many attorneys believe it will , the case will end with a portion of the proxrty | In the hands of each sldo in controversy , one side claiming for the federal and the other for the Btulo courts. WOIIK OK TIIR Ill'.dKNTB. The board of regents convened yesterday afternoon. There were present Messrs. Gore , liurnham , Hull , Holmes andMnllnlicu. The principal business was listening to re ports from the chancellor and steward. The chancellor's rciwrt shows that the number of students in the collcgiato classes is far in excess of former years , nor 1ms the prcpara tory or Latin school declined in point of num bur , although the requirements for admission have been increased. The secretary and steward's report set forth thu improvements iniulo slnco the last meeting , the most im portant being that of putting in substantial cross walls in the basement of the main build ing , making a substantial structure. The llrst lloor has also undergone needed repairs uml present * a favorable appearance. Hegent Mallalieu Introduced u resolution looking to u change in the methods of deal ing with the senior class. Heretofore the members have been unable to learn whether their standing was of sufficient grade to per mit them to graduate until n short time before fore- the day of graduation. Thin led to much cmb.irrassiuont and unpleasantness. The resolution provides that thu llnal ex amination of the senior class close two weeks before commencement exercises begin , thus giving thu monition a short vaca tion In which to ninko preparation for their closing university exercises. It also provides that the standing of each member and the recommendations of the faculty shall bo Hied with thu secretary within ono week after thu termination of examination , so that seniors will know their fate In good season. Thu report of thu steward was ex amined by the ilnancu coimniUeo and found correct In every detail. The foundation of the Grant mcmoylal hall nnd industrial college building arc being put in nnd the material used therein seems to bo Jlrst-cluss. , Prof. Hussy , dean of the agricultural college - logo , presented his rcjwrt. It recommends holding several farmers' institutes during the winter and that the members of the agri cultural department should take part in thesu institutes provided the necessary assistance can bo given thtir classes , in the absence of the professor. The dean suggests that Itob- ert i'urnashonorary lecturer on forestry , bo Invited to deliver six lectutos on this very important subject and nsks that some dclinlto action bo taken in reference to ilorfccting the organization of the agricultural experimental station in nc- cordancu with the provisions of thu Hatch bill. This bill failed to make the appropriation as it contemplated , on account of .somotechnical amendment , but the supposition is that con gress will tnko Immediate stops' to rectify this unintentional error. A number of state InsUlations proceeded upon the assumption that the appropriation had been 'properly made and that the money would bo available , nud the failure of the bill to become n law has , in some c.xses , subjected them to Ineon- venleneu. The probability , Judging from letters - tors from the comptroller of the United States treasury , is that a deficiency appro priation will bo made to meet nil these cases. Professor Hessy's report set forth the ob jects and alms of this station In n very clear nnd Intelligent manner. Strong resolutions were passed favoring the npixilntment of Lieutenant Sundly as Judge advocate general of the United States army in the event of a vacancy and petition ing our members to congress to do ullinthoir power to sccuro him the position. In conversation with several professors , it was learned that thu work of the term on'tho part of thu student , lias been accordingly gratifying. Ucgcnt-s Holmes nnd Hlntt will rctlrti from the board with the present meeting and their positions will be tilled by Hegcutb-elect Kob- crts and Davis. Petitions were presented signed by over MX hundred teachers asking for the establish ment of a chair of education oc didactics in the university. Petitions also were presented signed by the presidents and hccrcturlca of the different Women's Christian Temperance unions , asking that the board prohibit the me of tobacco in any form among the stu dents. NCtlllASKA ARMY OltDKUS. Adjutant General Cole yesterday issued the following orders : Special order No. 31. First Lieutenant Davis G , Mellar , company II , First regi ment , having been np ) > ointcd by the colonel ni adjutant of said regiment , the sumo Is hereby approved to date from November 20 , 1S3T , By order of the couiinandor-In-chlof. A. V. COMS , Adjutant General. SjMJcial order No. 32. Thu capUtn of coin. First regiment , U boroby ordered to call a special election of hli company for the purpose' of lllllug the vacancy caused by thu appointment of First Lieutenant Davis O. Mellor us adjutant of said regiment. By order of the commuiidwr-ln-chief. A. V. COI.B , Adjutant CJcncrnl. .ITVTB nor r. rtKM" . Mls Mlnnlo Wall , of Loup City , was com missioned a notary puulfo by Governor , Thaver yesterday , The Loup City water bonds amounting to $10,000 , were registered by the state auditor J'cMcrdiiy , the bonds running twenty year , optional at flvo and drawing 7 per cent , In terest. The state superintendent has Untied n cir cular to thu superintendents and principals of prudutl schooli asking for a complete list o [ nil teachers employed in the graded schools of the state to incorporate In his annual re port. port.The Commercial bank of Columbus , has tiled article * of incorporation with n capital stock of ? .V,000. The bank commenced busi ness November 21 The incorporntors ares .t. B Becker , Jonas Welch. C. H. Sholden , Carl Holnko , P. O. Oehlrloh , W. A. McAl lister , John Wcarly , Hobcrt Ulillg and John Sullivan. The Columbus Savings Bank and Loan nnd Trust company has also tiled its articles. The capital stock Is $100,000. The incorpora- tots uro : A. Anderson , J. I' . Becker , O. Schuttle , Jonas Welch. John Wearlcy , W , A. McAllister , C. H. Sheldon , O. T. Uoen nnd Kobort Uhllg. MIGHTV DAYS IN JAIL. Cnrncy , the Tough , OctH n Lous Bread nncl AVntcr Kcnlcncc. John Carney , the thief and highwayman , was up before Judge Bcrka yesterday nf tcr- noon to answer for u aeries of crimes com mitted Monday night. Ho llrst stole nn over coat from Sam Sugnrnmn's store , on South Tenth street , nnd then beat the proprietor into insensibility with thebtlttof his revolver. Half an hour later ho was caught stealing another overcoat from L. O. Jones' store. After being arrested bo made a desperate break for liberty , and was only captured by Ofllccr Cullen after an exciting chase. Ho listened to the testimony against him yester day with n hulf-sneaklng , half-dogged air , nntl when called upon to testify said ho had nothing to olfor. The judgn gave him eighty days in the county jail , the llrst ten nnd last live of each month on bread and water. Carney is u thoroughbred tough und a danger ous man to have at largo. Only last week ho had finished serving n term lor attempted highway robbery. Ho came originally from t. Joe , and had the reputation thereof being reckless and abandoned criminal. Ho is ipposcd to have had a hand in the burglary f the Thurston mansion on Monday evening nd to have been connected with a series of Ighway robberies committed a few weeks Heal Kutnte Transfers. iVm II Alexander and wife to Fletcher A Parker , lot 8 blk M , Lowes add , w d . $ 1,250 no C Jones and wife to Gco G Wai- lace , lot I ) . 4 , 5 , blk 4 , Jotters add.w d 3,000 'acob ICiudis ct al to Wm H Green , lot 0 blk 1 , Jotters add , w d . 3,750 I C Higglnsou and wife to Saml Lea , yt s c " sec 24 and n V n o ± { s > c 5 , 10 , 10qcd . 1 uno H Higginscn affidavit . Mancy M Dorr to Saml Lea , s X s o Ji bee 21 and n M n e } sec t5 ! , lit , 10 , q cd . 1 Louis Schrocdcr trustee , to Nellie E Lewis , lot II ) blk 13 , Brown parlr.wd 250 \V II Green and wife to Jacob Kcndis et al ; n X lot 5 blk 1 , Hoggs & Hills ndd , w d . 2,250 Cdwin S. Heed and wife to Michael Biituln , lot 14 blk 11 , Albright's annexwd . 050 \V. N. McCandllah and wife to Mary C. Von Dorn. lot 1-2 McCandlish placu add , w d . COO Oscar P. Goodman fo Chas. F. Good man , all of Mnploton add , w d . 1 lhas. F. Goodman to Oscar P. Good man , nil of Maplcton add , w. d . 1 William K. Potter and wife to HcnJ. S. Davis , lot 23 blk 2 , Pottor'b add , wd . l COO James Thompson ot al to G. F. Mc Donald , lot 20-21-22-2.-1 blk 4 , Cotncr & Archer's add , w d . . . 1,800 Samuel I ) . Mercer and wife to Emma F. Phillips , lot 15-lli blk 2 , Mercer parksub.wd . 1,500 'lonry C. Newton and wife to Sarah A. McCoy , lot W blk 10 , West Al bright , wd . COO Florence E Proctor nud husband to Charles Swunson , o 30 feet lots 13 nnd 14 blk 1 , LP ke's ndd , w d . 3,000 James A Hassott et ul to Florence E Proctor , s 30 feet lots 0 and 7 blk 3 , Patrick's ndd , w d . 000 L Y Sikcs to Phillip K Young , lot 10 blk 1 , S Exchange place , w d . 450 Arthur Goodell and wife to John T Wilson , 1 aero in o } { of n } { of &o ft of sec 3.'Mi-12 ( , w d . 100 L D Holmes and wife to Spencer Otis , lots 1 and 2 Baker's add , w d . 1,000 Birdie Cochran and husband to Will iam D Mat hews , o K of lot 4 blk 15 , Shinn'B add , w d . 5,500 Isaac S Hascall to Mary A Jackson , lot 20 blk ! t , Hnseall's sub div , w d . . 530 William H Mottcr and wifu to Solomon Brodko , lot 0 , blk 4 , Hush & Selby's add , wd . ' . . SC5 Jacob E Murkul to Guy C Barton , und K lot 2 , blk 117 , Omaha , wd . 27,500 John McArthur to M A Upton , lot 4 , blk 73 , South Omaha . 7,000 South Omaha Land Company to the Union Stock Yards Company , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 and 8 , blk : : < H ; blocks aa , JW3 and BG4 , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , II , 7 und S. blk ! W ; block 3150 ; lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 , blk 3U7 ; blocks CS and 30'.i , South Omaha , w d . . ' . 12,039 John T Paulson and wife to Charles D Woodworth , lot 24 , Paulson's add , wd . 3,000 Tofal . 513,103 Permits. Tho. following building permits were issued yesterday by Superintendent Whltlock. Martin Kroll , cottage , Twenty-fifth near shot tower . $ 400 Nebraska Tile and Pottery company , brick boiler house and shed , between Shirley nudCreighton avenues , near Union Pacific railway . 1,000 Frank Saulter , store , Calhoun avenve , near Blake . COO C. W. Hayes , cottage , Lake near Twenty-second- . 000 Four permits , aggregating . f . ' ,000 CREAM BAKING Itas'ipi-jtorexci > ! li > uc proven In millions of homes lor morn than a quarter of u century. It Is usM by the Onltml states Uoveniment. En- tlar ed by the he.ids of the great universities as and Nest Healthful. Ir. J'rtre'i tht > only llaVliiR 1'owder that does not contain Ammonia , Lliuo or Altim. Sold only in cam. i'nuT.ll\KiNnro > viEiiCo , Ne\y Vork , Chlcaco. St. r.ouls. FOUNTAIN" 33KA. > TI3S FIXS CUT AND PLUG- Incomparably tha Beat. . SENSIBLE PRESENTS. * * m Recognizing the special inquiry which is always made at this season of the year for Boys * Suits and Overcoats suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts , we have decided to meet this want in a manner which must be highly gratifying to economical parents by ofiering special inducements in our Boys' and Childrens' Department. The large and pleasant room devoted to this department and the excellent light makes selection easy. We have an un usually attractive assortment and our prices will leave all competition out of sight. We offer for this week Childrens' Good Overcoats , si/.cs 4 to 10 , at $1.35 , for which .other dealers nsk fS.W. ( Very nice Childrens' Ulsters , brown plnid , neatly made , sixes 4 to 10 , at $2.25. A splendid CnssimerelOvercoat , with adjustable capo o same material , at $2.50. Another good Overcoat , similar to the above , is with Astrachan cape and cuffs , a very stylish looking garment , also , at $2.50. It would be excellent value for § 5.00. ' - In finer grades we have a few small lots o very choice styles which we offer at marvelously low prices. The brief season left for the disposal of hese goods compels us to mark them at less than one-half their actual value. One lot of little Ulsters made of fine Chinchilla and beautifully trimmed with braid , sizes 4 to 10 , at $5.75. One lot of very fine Astrachans , with satin lined capo , a beautiful garmonl , for $7,50. Another very fine little Kersey Coat , with beautiful fur trimming , for $7.25. No more and appropriate and useful Holiday present for Boys can be suggested than one of these garment ? , and we guarantee that styles could not be duplicated in any first-class establishment for less than double the price. A large variety of Boys' Overcoats and Ulster sixes , from 12 to IS , at equally low prices. In Boys' and Childrens1 suits we have an immense variety of styles and qualities from $1.00 up. Some o the finer grades we have reduced consider able. The figures were seeming low enough before , but we want to sell them out before the season closes. There are also some splendid suggestions for presents in other departments in our large establishment. We carry tTio most complete Stock of Meiu1 Furnishing Goods and at lowest prices. An inspection will prove more forcibly than ever before that wo nro the leading Mens' Furnishers of Omaha , and we guarantee our prices lower than asked in any other house for like qualities. Among the many articles which we carry and which would make useful presents for gentlemen , we enumerate u few All Silk Suspenders at 75c , usually sold nt $1.50. Silk Mufllors , in elegant patterns , at Too , worth double. Wool Mufllors Jn great varieties. Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs , tit 25c , 35c and 60c. > Silk Umbrellas at nil prices. Fine Jcrsoy mid Cardigan Jackets. In Neckwear wo have already won a wide reputation for soiling high grade and choice styles at moat popular pricea. The Prince Tcck Scarfs , which we sell at ICc , 25c and COc can not bo bought for less than 50c , 7oc and $1.00. For theHoHdays wo have made extraordinary preparations in this department. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. hi Clothing Company , Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. DEWEY& STONE , FURNITURE A magnificent display af everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. Embody the highest excellencies In Hlmplmess Comfoit nnd Durability uml urn the REIGNING : - : FAVORITES lit riihhlonahle Circles. Our name Is on every bulc. J. & T. CoiMiKB. NKW YoitK. AGKNTS FOU OMAHA , Hayward Brothers. mo n rxACQtmxTiD WITH THE oroamrnr or Tnn COCXTBY WILIi SZ BT KXAJUXUK ) THIS MAP THAT IH CHICA60ROGKISLAND&P4QIFICRAILWAY Kjr reason of Its central poMtioo. c.OJi relation to lines Kut of Chicago , and contlujojj L ei at terminal points Wctt , Morthweit and Southwest , il the tm middle link In that transcontinental pysttro which InTlUs aud facilitates travel and traffle between the Atlantic and I'aciao. The Itock Itl&nd main line anil branches Include Chicago cage , Jollet , Ottawa , La Halle , Vcorla , Gonc&oo , Uollno and Hock Island , to Illinois ) Uarenport , Itascatlne , Washlneton , 7alrfl < ld , Ottumw * , Oskaloora , Weit LI1 > - erly.Io * a CttyDeiHolnesIndlanola , > Vlnteriict , Atlan tic , KnoiTllle , Audubon , Harlan , ( luthrle Centre and Council lllutrs , In Iowa : < 1 allatln , Trenton , Bt. . .Mpti , Cameron and Kansas City. In Missouri ! Lem.'iwortU and Atchlson , In Kanast Albert Lea , Minneapolis and fit. l' ul , In JilnnejoUiVatertown and Eloux Falls , IP pskota , and hundreds of Intermediate cltlei and towns. "The Great Roc * Island Route" duarantecs speed , comfort , certainty and safety. Its permanent way Is distinguished for Its eicellenco. Its bridges are of ttono and Iron. Its track Is of solid tee ) , Its rolling stock perfect. Its passenger equipment has all the satoly appliances that experience has ( nvred unful , and for luxurious accommodations Is u.uor. passed. Its Express Trains consist of superior I'ay Cuaches , elegsut I'ullman I'alace Parlor aud Bleeping Cars , superb Dining Cars , prorldlng delicious meals , and ( between Chicago ana 8t. Joseph , Atchlson and Ksmas City ) restful Reclining Chair Can. lt man- agtment U conierratlTe , IU dliclpllaft exacting "The Famous Albert Lea Roure" Between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. fa. Is the farortie. Orer this Una dolld Fast Expras Trains nn dally to attrsctlre resorts for tourists In Iowa and Minnesota , and , Tla Watcrtown and Slonx Falls , to tha rich wheat a > d ( raxing lands of Interior Dakota. Tla Btnuca and Kankakee. the Itock Island offers superior Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati. Indian apolis , Lafayette and Council bluffs , St. Jotenh. Atchl son , Learenworth , Kansas City , ht. I'aul. and Interme diate points. All patrons ( especially ladles and chil dren ) receive protection , courtesy and kindly attention , For tickets , inaps , folders , conlss of Western Trail , or euxy d lred Information , apply to principal offices In the United StaUs and Canada , or address , at Chicago , I. . CAtll , I. ST. JQHI , t. A. HOltlOOI , ir. Surgeon and Physician , Ofllco N . W Corner 14th ami ifouglos St. Office , , id's ' ; Itealdcnca telephone , K > i. uaeiice.herfouiDebUitycuugcd tUrouKh errors und bad practice ! CURE NfiAI. C , THE OMAHA BEE , -DELIVKIIKI ) TO- AM PART OF -BV CAIllllKIl Toil- 20Cents a Week. Seven papers a week. Send your order to the olllce , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building OF Tun Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , Tlie-Best Route fronj Omaha and Council Bluffs to - = THE EAST = = - TWO TUAINS DAILY BETWEEN OMAUA ANI ) COUNCIL 11LU1 r-a Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. I'aul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Itock Island , Frcopoyt , Itockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Mudison , JanesTillc , Belolt , M'inonn , La Crosse , And all other Important points East , Northeast and Southeast. For through tickets call on llm ticket nont t 1101 rarnatu street , In 1'ailon Hutel , ur at Union 1'acltio benot- rullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Can In the. world are run ori the main line of the Chlcaco , Mil waukee A fit. I'aul UallnsT.nnd OTcry attention Is paid to passengers by courteous employes ol the company. II. .Mir.I.KH.General Manager. 3. V. TUCKKIt. Assistant Ornerdl Mananer. A. V. U. CAlirK.vrKU , Guuurul iu > songer and , Ticket Asent. OKO. i UK AFFORD , Asilitaot Qonenl Passenger and Ticket Asent. , J. T. CLAUK , Ueneral Snptrljiteadeoi. DRUNKENNESS Or the Llouor Habit , Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Unities' Golden Specific. It can bo tlven in a cup of coffee or tea without thu knowledge of thu person taking It ; absolute ly hnnuletfs , and will elicit u peunanent and pppedy cure , whether the pntlent Is u moderate drinker or an Alcohollo wreck. Ilioninnds of drunkards have been made ti'inpeiute men who have taken ( Jolden Specific In their collee without - out their knowledge and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. IT Nl.\ Kit FAILS. Iho Bybtem once Impregnated with the Fpeclllc , it becomes an utter lmpos llllltv for the liquor appetite to exist. For sale by kuhn * Co. , 15th nnd DoURlus Ms. and Ifth nnd ( Mm- itiK sts. . Onmhn , Nab. ; A. U. Foster 4 ; llrp. , Council BlutTs , lu. STTOW.'T.TT A TB-TjWrltlni Ij taught thorough. by Will , Bett and ihorUil y t ra now ia uae. Ciroular * * * * ' " t. * * U. / HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope , Buffalo Scales Plows , , Markers , Scale Repair Shop. Hooks , Grapples , OMAHA. Slide Iron. . DR. HORNE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science- Gentlemen's Belt Best StftBtiift Sclcnlinca"y Hade and Practically Applied. Milh tltttric iodlejllti , DISEASES CORED WITHOUT MEDICINES. ladlc * tlon , Wesknraa , Impat * ntj , Catarrh , rilra , Eplleptr. Dumb Blood IMaraaca , llrapij. rtb , tkea thU belt li Jiut whet jo met * . Ktectrieitit Inttantlu felt ! Can bo applied mmmnmmmmLm mm m m m mmm mm m mm to any part of the boSy. Whole Mmlfjrcan WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. wear It It elretrlflM the blood and cures WWn&IW # * | BB ImOSt rMllaO Eterr one genuine and used by Dormlulon. NOTE tba following nho hare been eUIIEUi-A. J. IIcaEland.U. G. Parker an } J.M. Hulrtt , all on Hoard of Trnilo , Chicago A. Gregory , co mimln.'lon mrrcnant ' Btock Yarda ) Iludd Doble , the ( treat horseman I Col. Connelly , of the Inter Octant O. W. Bellui. M. I ) . . Uormontown , Iowa ; Lemuel MITk , Kankakeo.lll.t Jud/o 1. . Murrar.Nanervlllo , III i E. t.Abbottropt.cltTwatcrwork , SouthlJencf . i Robt.H.tUmpton. Chicago poit offlret L. I ) . McMlchael. M. D . Duffalo. N. Y. " Yonr belt bail npllnhert what no other remudy ha i .toady nerves and comfortable eletp at night. " RoLt. llall , alderman , 16V Eait 99th Street. , New Torlt- and tbonvindajj/pth fi HORHb S fcLEUTnU MAuNETIb iraraitronff or .mild a lho wearer may .lo- IreT riroducea a contjiiuoui current \comcj \ * electricity jhrouRh the bcdjr on the nert es. . It cures dUcuses _ by generating a continuous current of electricity (1O or 18 honrsout of B4 > throughout the human nyitpm , allaying all nurYousness Immediately , and producing ; a new circulation of the Ufa forcvi the blood , Im parting Tluor.itrentrth , energy and health , when all other treatment has failed * The merit * of this title lli-lt nniholn ; ? recoirn.ltrd and Indorsed by thousands whom It has cured llKKEKENCK.S"i Any bank , rominerclal annoy or wholesale nous * In Chicago ) vholesalo druKirUti , Ban Francisco and ChlcaBu.w Send stamp for 11 p ge Illuitratcd pamphlet , . . " XXOXVNX ) , InTentcr and Manufacturer ; l l W bo li Arcane Chlcaco. RUPTURE DR. HORNE'S ELECTRO-HAGHETIC BELT-TRUSS , Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , Including STEINWAY FISCHER LYON&HEALY , , PIANOS S r S * A ltl BURDETT , ORGANS STANDARD i m nj-ii , Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or tlmo payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , 1309 , * 1307 FARNAM TRsUT. OVER "S K -COATS Owing to the lateness oftlis season we fiiiil ourselves overstocked with fine and ! medium priced overcoats , and in order1 to reduce the Quantity we propose to sell most of them within the next 10 flays , and have made prices that will insure g/ / speedy sale : FOR INSTANCE Our $ 5 overcoats now go for $ 3.00" 11 It il 8 ilU 5,00 11 ( I U 9 6,00 11 II II 10 7,50 11 II II ' 15 10,00' 11 20 II il 14,00 , " 26 11 II 18,001 We have reduced l\i the same ratio ! all oitr Fur and Fnr Trimmed Overcoats , and if you need one yott will find this the best opportunity yet offered this season. We have had such a- grand success of our $10 SUIT Sale that we have just added a few more styles of desirable suits tltat arc selling at other stores all the way from f4 to $18. IFtplace them all in one lot and sell them at one price , $10 It'e alno Jiave a fine and large as- sortincnt of noblt\i \ stales In suits , which we are offering at cut i-rlccs. We Really Have No Competition 4 " "T * in Our Boys' ' and Childrens1 For our line of Boy's Suits & Over coats , Tit very complete and our price of $1 for a nobby bo/y'a / jachct and pants , in ages from 4to Hi years , ( y hard to beat anywhera THE New York& Omaha 1 ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS , FURNISHERS And HATTERS For Men and Boy's . 1308 FarnarnSt.