Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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. - - - ---.i------ - - . - . - - - -i , - , - - - - - - - * - . . 4 . . .JP.JL.-JL y.
: . . tJYHE . DAILY BEE TRU11SDAY DEOEMBER. .15. .1887
r . cMAllA. : , . . .
1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
rr . . :
- - PUIII4IHIII1) : : ; MOJtilNO.
. T1:1Ms : { OPStfIS(1t1I1'1Or ,
IIt3 ( 'tflflhtlg Edition ) lncliullng Huiiilay
1U.E , Ofli Year 110 (1) ( )
1ortX Montlii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
J'or IlIrff , 1I tttt . . . . . . . . . . . . . fA )
. ! j'hi' C ) tunlia $ ti nhiy I li : i : , inziIed to nny tut.
(1rjq , ( ) iu Vent. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 XJ
Oil. ( ) rPlcu. NU.tIIl AIlfl I.tAM 4TIII'ET.
gr Itl ( ) I1ItF , ItOM I. Ti I IlU E I ir I
(1 , SVMIIIfl(1TN OVItC. NO. rj1 1 oLR
- TErTll : SruI:1r : : _ _ _
. eomiuuncnIIoiii ! ro1attn fle % % nnd
rI1tOthI1 niztt kr 1ioti1t be ai1dret eti to the
huron or rui : 1tii :
. HUSINJSS L1vrEIts : :
' 4k II leti rr niul rein It t tflCM shniihl ho
.3 (1ttH'fI to TIlE 11M1 JUIU.IPiUNI Coti'.y.
tAII ) lirotis , thecks ulul , ) or(1er to
, . be iiizule ) aygbIo to the order of the company.
: iIio Bce Fu1ishiiig Caiiy , Proprietors ,
i : . ItOSEWATER , Etwroit.
THt 1)AItY flEE.
WOt'It Htncineut of CreuIatlon.
. Stateof
County of Jiouglas.
( c ( , . It. 'Izshtick. t.ecrctziry nt 'liii' floe Ptih
, lh.itnc ) omtIIy. , , floes , oIeiiili1y Mvnr , that the
iic.tiutl cIrrn1athii of tIit jailly ilee fo& thu week
. ctiBng Dec. ' . . hST , Was as fo11oK'
. : atnrIey , Ike. i , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.100 !
I'ittnlay , Iee. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ir.luJ (
Mll4lay. ) ft c.r , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
! rII ( $ ( a3 I ) te. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1o II )
% % ediies1a . Ikc. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 14I9
4 ! fhirIav , Dec .t3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,3. .
; Friday , fec.t ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. I.o 13. Tzcitti. ; .
, , I4wnrn to nnt ( ubscrtbei1 In my ineseco this
1t1t thiy of Iecember , A. D. 1L.7.
1L.7.N. . 1' . I1Ib.
, tS1At.h Notary Public
tnte of N.1rnskn. ,
( otulitV of IlIgloR. I
. tle ( , 1 'j zst hack. being first lti1y sworn , ile.
fl1l NI ) $ that he Is secretury of'1he Bee
. 1'uhUhiIng , CtlIlh'flhl ) , th4at the nrtiial average
( loll ) ' circulation of the TaII ) ? lieu for
the month of JeeemFrr. ) 1.IZil copies ;
. . for lt.IuInry , 1i47. l6,2tfl copies : for Feb.
runTy , 17 , 14 11 $ coples for NarlI. 1B7. 1t,4t *
, cones : for Ajrii , 1i$7 , h1,81G colIps , : for . May ,
14,227 eoIks ) ; for June , 1hb7 , 14,147 ( .ojies ) ;
for .Iitly. Bi' . . 14.i8 ( copies ; for August. Ii's. , I I. .
ltI colirs : fcr Septemhcr ) , 1F7 , 14.819 copIes : for
. october , 1tb7 , , ; for Norenihcri,7 , 16O
, copleB.
. ( lEO. U. TZChiU'I.
, , s'orn to na ubacrib.d In inypresenco thts
, 114 day of 1)ecember , A. I ) . 1887.
' . N.P.FIiF
. ( SEtL. ) Notary public.
. . ThE old clicattitit concerning the rcs-
igiittioti of United Stato8 IttrsIiti1 Bier-
* bower Is ngttin on 1t legH.
. , ITrOnINS confesses that ho is going.
Iii8 political hide 1t Pretty thick but the
slItLft.s of public diaftivor to which ho has
[ , been subjected seem to have found a
i , vulnerable spot at mat.
TuB drought in sono parts of the
; y , it i 193.Id , will exterminate the
chinch bug. If true , tills will be some-
, thitig of a compensating emornent to the
farinora living iii the "dry bolt. "
: A NEW county has been formed in
: . Nebrn8ka. It is to be known na I'crkins
' county. If iiniiied after Perkins , the
railway lnattttier , there is something
. . ttpprprittto in it. If lie tines not own it
: 110W , ho will sootmer or later-if crops
arc good. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Till wooden ttrcli on Farnam and
, Sixteenth ' .VIIS ordcred to be taken
down by the council bvor a week ogo.
: It is false economy to leave it until it
i , blows down. While all lovers of art
admit that it is a thing of beauty , it
cannot remnaiti a joy forever.
Now look for atm eXOdUS Into Canada.
. of New Yoric politicians. The legisla-
. 1 tuie of that state Is to appoints a coma-
inltteo to inquire how much mnonpy was
: lald by candidates for judicial position
Its to political parties , to
whoa ; the money was paiti and who paid
It. Now York city is no longer the paradise -
; . adiso for boodlors that it once ras. '
f- , TIlE Chicago & Altoti railroad mmmdc a
comnmonlnllo brcalc in determnin lug to
p. lower time rates on lumber as well as
other freight to the Missouri river. The
, - first annonneemnontot thisintention crc-
uted much comnmnotiomi among competing
hues \Vimt ) wbmhed to continue the old
monopolistic charges. Time programnnie
now is to put all Missouri points on the
. . - same footing.
: . , , Tim high license law wors vcl1 in
4. Pennsylvania as elsewhere. In Phila-
delpimin Its effects are almost prohibit-
c . ory. Liquor dealers are experiencing
. no end of troubo in flailing bondsmen
and the falling off in time numnber of
saloons is unjwccedontetl. The uni-
vur.sal verdict is tiimtt high license is the
best mnctiiod of rIth
. dealing intemlmr-
aimee yet devised.
Ex-CotiIssmoNEn SL'Altls In his letter -
, . tor to the president claimed that
. LamnmLr's decision overruling his own in
. - the OnaLima railroad grant would , 11
- ; &tl1lOreL1 to , give the railroad companies
: mnillloimsof acres which might otherwise
. go to tini Public. 'l'ltis assertion was
. sveil founded , says the Chiicsgo 'Jibmiic. ,
. In tilt ) Omaha ease soventy-titroc thous.
and mtcrcs are involved , but in ICmtmmsmts
over eight Imunitred thousand acres
which have beemi regarded as public
land , may go to a railroad corporation
In virtue of the overruling decision.
: Sucit an inquiry into the lreachlt coil.
. ' dition of the civil service its Sonatom
lIttle vi'oioscs iii his resolution , offered
' - . In time senate last Ioimdtty , would un
doubtetily proluco seine ltighly interesting
osting distilosuros. The senator destre
Imiformmttion as to whether uppointmnonti
1ma'o been based on mcrit tutu quatihlea
' , . tions , or distributoti as imartisnhl favors
and mm to the lZtrticilmiLtiOmt of govern
taunt ollieimtls in political convention
, and elections.nitik respect to time ins
matter it comniiiitteo vouitl find an arra
: of facts which could miot fail to convinc
4 time country that the olliceimolders undo
c , tim vresont administration have 1)001
. almost its generally nctvo and zealoti
, . as in the days when no ro
; straint vas put lljOtl " 'tlensiv
partisanship , ' ' immid that there hitv
" been IL host of sitmnom's lii this rospec
quito as 1t&1 as higgins , thougim want
I. lug his cotitulgo to boldly proclaim thoiii
. selves. As to time first mmiattom it mnigim
: be a little more ditileult to show tim
: appointments have bceim niacin solely a
partisan favors , but no rensotittlilo inn
- can doubt that such is the case.
l thorough investigation , such as tim
; national civil service league has mm
beau ttbieto , mmiie , would undoubtodl
, . demonstrate that civil service reform
. , In practice ttimder time prcsbmmt mulminim
trntiotm has been a ridiculous travest
on time theory. . .
. . . . . . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . : :
l'istiil Tc1egrzihiy
l3otit Senators 1dinunt1s and Cullomn
littvo poshtl telegraph huts before the
setitttq. That of thu fommer is time snub
that lie introduced at time inst. essIii ,
with time geimeral provislomus of tvimich the
( , OtltItr. ' , Is familiar. The bill of Senator
Citlinin , introduced Tuedity. hi a inure
comnproimetusivo measure. it irOVilCS ) (
for time constructiomi of telegraph hues ,
as uiearly ntrumhgiit as practicable , he-
twecim ithl time ) ; , : cities , anti time
opening of jmtn1 tclegrah ohiiccs at
such cities and itt all interamediutto
pnitmts wimero there arc first , second and
tliirtl clnss host olilces. Time coumatruc-
tioui simitli be lii cimarge of the eiugiimeer
cotps of time army , and all unutterlutls utmo
to iO of time imest Tlmd secro-
tflt.y of war Is nuthorixed to tuinke all
imecossary eoumimunulntiouis ( of muds amid
buildings , utuid to take and use all necessary -
sary machinery uuitl devices , itt it cent-
pctusatioui to be dieterinitmed by time court
of claims In case of disputti. fluttes for
unessilges mtic jieui1icd , the alice of
diireetor-goumeral of telegraphs is created ,
ttnil it is provided that omnploycs siudi
1e selected under time civil service law.
The extension of tue system will lie sub-
JoeL to future apropriat1ons by coti-
gress , the sunm of four mnillioum dollars
being nproprinted by this bill to cout-
struct time hues it provides for.
There two tcvornl respects in wimicim
this measure will need to be iuuodifled ,
but a discussion of them is not urgent
at presemit. It. many ho rciuitticcd , how-
evel. , that t1ie rates for ummessagea re-
quircil by time bill arc not such its would
1)0 likely to assure the sue-
cess of govern mont competition with
existing hues , if timitt imc intended. For
cxnuimplo , it is provided that for news-
PZ11)0L' di141)fltClmeS time uiigt rate shall ho
8j cents timid time day rmte 75 cents for
each iOO words , which tothe uiewspapers
of time 1argtr cities would miot be so mmmuch
of a. concession as to iumdttco timem to give
their business 40 the government , unless
for patriotic reitsoims , and ( louitlcsS in
ummost cases these would ho outweighed
by jwactical consideratioums , such its
1)romnpt and thorough service , of wimicli
they woulti lie as vol1 if not better assured -
sured in dealing with private corpora-
tions. The rates for commercial aumtl
iwivmtto dispatches are more favorable ,
but hardly so much so as to draw very
largely from the patronage of time corporations -
porations If these should lower
their rates in time territory tray-
orsed by time government hues ,
its undoubtedly they would do unless time
government could assure a bettor ser-
vice. 'l'lmIs feature , however , will utot
be difllcuuht to regulate. and any rate
timat might be adopted would be simply
teumtativo , until it was ascertained what
charges were sulhiciciit to reuutler time
system sclf-sustaiuming , uvimich is mthI time
government wOuld ttiiui to do.
Timoro has certainly uuevor been
greater probability than now of congress
authorizing time construction of a nostal
telegraph system , but the policy sviil not
fail of very considerable and vigorous
opposition. One form of this , and iiot'
imutps time most formidable , is hostility to
iuicrcasing thu power of the general
government amid enlarging its
interference with business at-
fait s held to legitimately be-
bug soie1y to the people. 'ilmis hostility
has boon conspicuously developed iii time
tliscussioum that imas already been given
to this subject , nuid it will undoubtedly
appear more promiuieuitly when time
question shall coma before congress for
action. ? lcaumwimile there vill be ample
time for the education of public opinion
oil time subject , nun those who advocitte
time lt'OPOSCd poiiey as a necessary 1'-
tection of the public against telegraph
monopoly , toward which time business is
believed to be certalumly tending , will
not fitil to improve time opportunity and.
may be expected to Increase the advaut-
age they clearly possess.
Geimemal Vita % Vyck's Views.
Ex-Senittor Vttim 1Vyck , wiio was tium-
( jUestioflttbly defeated in his cmtuiditlaey
for re-election to the senate by time in-
Iluenco of corporate lOuVOl' , wits recently
iumtcrviewcd \Vasimingtoit by time New
York Times. It is gratifyluig to kuiow
timmtt time ox-senator is as vigorous its
ever jim demiouuiciimg the corporatiouis of
time country. In time course of time intem-
view ? tlr. \ ttUlVyck stmttcI that swimile a
decided majority of time western peopie
favored a tariff reduction , hmo very much
doubted if much would be ncconmphishmed
iii tiitit line which would iwovo a beumo-
fit to tue h)001)10 He does not timhiiktho
next presidoim tint , contest svihl be fouglmt
Oil tiio simmgle issue of tariff reduction.
"There arc otimur issues , ' Mr. Vttn
\\Tyek s'aid , "equally immiportmumt to the :
Ie0Pl0 ) , such as postal telegrmtpimy and
ritllroitti trauisportntion . Time peonlo iittve
beemi sulforhuig more front time extortions
of telegraph ituid railroad mnoimo1)oiics
thutit from a hIgh tariff. I regret timmit
the lrosiuleimt did. umot include these ium
his list of reforms , particularly wheui ime
wits elected on the groutmd that reintbhi
cmiii ttdimministratiouis had boon the do-
fctmdcrs of corporations amid were ro
' SiOuiSIblO for the waste itimd mnalatiunlumls
truttioui of time public lituids. LIe shmoultl
iiot immt'c itbantloumed those Issues until u
commlcto victory hind iecit obtained ,
S 'l'imu Pt'obahilitY is we imuivo reacimed tlmc
S mmd of land. reform for the It'eSCImt
- Timoro cannot be dust enough m'ahetl ou
, any tariff struggle , however fierce , U
- smother and leep outof view these otimei
B ; mt'ticuitmriy in the west.
I. kumow It Is said that ( lilTordnt influence !
, surround timis administration , but till !
) IS SObOnly in immune. You Iiitvo imoticed r
V chmnumgo of attorumeys amid lobbyh.ts
! b Iloniocratic pohttieiaums high in tim
B councils of timoir party are retained b
- corporations as rcnthiiy as VOLC repubhi
0 caims ; umnd uuifortntuatcly timolt' influcuci
0 is being felt. "
I. W'Imn questioned commcernhmmg iii
I- views en time humtor-stttto commerce law
. Mi . Vmum W'yck declared boldly tutu
t there hitul been umo t'oiiof givoum by thim
.t coimmmlssioui. He furtimer claimed thin
.5 the rmuhiromtds hmttd time bmw ndnmlnistem'ei
n their Interests , and their revenue
t imavo Increased. Time ex-sommator as
0 sorted thmut time fourth seetioum of tb
mt iumter-statc coniiuorco mw bath beout los
y by time way , mtumd been defied b' the rail
mm rounis mind time commission , tutU imo at
; - tenmptmudoto epforco It. "Great partie
y thio Courts , and uuow , apparently. tim
conmuumlsslon , have buoum tmmdc ahhic
thmo corporations. Time rauirmuls hmmtvo
llthi ) iuusim&tetl that the eonminis4jon
should boil ) thmeni destroy time ituttuirat
highiwnys of river , lithe mud ocean , hy
aliowiuig tiienm to drlv out coimmpetiuig
hues of steamers mtmuil sail 'ossels , mud
to tax by extortionate ehint'ges plumees
outside of cotmupeUimg points ; fluid all thus
whuhle , uuidei' the eyes of time counuumis-
sion , these imeoiiic tire bmtrgutiimliig lllcg-
: tiiy with the Pneilhc uttti1 Stennmshtip
luIt' . \ TitiiVyck ehauumied. timid the limier-
state iutw hmnti estmtbiisiied two iniportuumt
pi'lumeiphes , thmose ngutiiist rebates amid
disct'hiumi iuntioui , famt timat that uvmts time
extcimt of its work. lie is quoted tin
smts'humg :
lieyouid that It wouid ho Interesting to comum.
parc increased eiumtrges ngahimst reduced rates.
Let me give you a sunui'he. ' i'revlous to time
of time bmw the rate front Chicago to
Couuicil Bluffs aimd Omnimba was fourteen cents
ier hundred for coal and Inuumber , titid to some
imints nearer Chicago time rate was eighmkamm
ccmmts lor humiudicil. Time roads obeyed sec-
thom 4 of the law by keeping the short haul at ,
eighmtecn ccumts mad hiercumshmug time bug haul
to twenty ccumts. After great labor nuid much
fcehimug , a concession , forsootli , was uuumide by
time railroads , and It was everywhere her-
mmlded that the long immitil rate had beemi ye.
ducod two eeiith , still keepimmg It four cents
uumom e thuim before time law wont ludo effect.
So you cami easily judge how much rates imas'e
been reduced.
South Ouumahma'si'romuoion.
By lIoeinmatlout of Governor Timayer
Southm Omnuima immus been declared a cit. '
of time second class , subject to time leguil
requi reimments nuid obiigatiomms"govorn immg
suuehi cities. Time 1iopulittion necessary
to attain thus positioum mnust be over five
thousand , and the possession of this
mtumumbcr of lumimubitants was Certified to
time govemnor by time umnyor of Soutim
Omnmuhia oum Tuesday. As a matter of
fact tme lO1)UhttiOmm ) of the city Is coum-
sithemably 1mm ex'csa of 5,000 , and is jim-
CICaSiIig so rapidly that it would not be
surprising if by the close of another
yCiU it slitthh inuve reacimed 10,000. It
huims required but a little more tiuni
timree years for South Omaha to aftain
its prescmmt proportions , stnrtiumg
with few conditi iis promising
even moderats advancemommt. Now
it possesses substaumtiuil amid pcrmnaneumt
conditions which assure a steady and
vigorous growth of business and iioiu
latiomm , and it is by no menus imnproba-
ble that both will double within the
mmext twolvcmommthm. Time great pack-
immg iimdustm'y , rankiimg third in extent
in time country , is umot at all likely to
Immilt it its present proportions , although
more than a inillioum hogs will be time
grmitifyimmg record of tlie current year.
There is every reason to believe that
this will be largehy exceeded mmext year ,
timid that timeim time limit will not be
reached. Time coumtinuod progress of
South Omnaummi is as uvehl nasured as that
of aumy city iii time state.
Jim assuming time IositiOmm of a city of
time sccommd climas South Onuilmut will take
U 1)011 itself enlarged mumnici Phi posvems
and fummetions , wiiichm will enable it to do
a great deal to render time city moro attractive -
tractive mud to improve its condition as
a place of residence. This privilege its
eumtCrt'ising people fully appreciate
amid are ammxious to take advanthge of.
Al ready mnoasu res are in contemplation
which , wimemm cam'r'med into effect , will be
greatly to time benefit of time city. \TC
coumgm'atulato time peoilo ofSoutim Omaha
upomm the promotion of their city , and
commfldemmtly iredict for it a more m'apid
ratu of im'ogtess thati it has yet expe-
ni. . ] 'sltmumforct's Iisthit mimic.
Time editor-imm-ehief of the Kammans City
'JYmncs , Di : . 1'ftummfom ' t1 , wits assaulted by
Ed Cou'rigan , a imorsemmtmm and gemmeral
spom't of ICaumsas City , a few days since.
A month or so ago Com'rigmtn brutmmlhy
attacked time sporting editor of limo
'Jumcs. , and the immjuries received almost
reiultcd lim time tiomuth of the 'JThucs' em-
mioye. Di' , Iuluumfotd dommoummeed time
mimic as iimfamnous and cowardly ,
amid used other adjectives imp-
larently appropriate to the subject
nuder tllscussioum. Timis was Com'rigmtum's
justilleritiomi for assutuitlume ? ilunford.
Thmo 'JThica hind also promised
timmtt criuninmil pmocccdiuigs should be iii-
stituted. agaummat C'orm'igmum upon time ye-
porter's recovery , and now after Mu a-
fot'd is iminiscif again it is barely possi-
1)10 timmit time law will be called to prOsecute -
cute time ruillan.
Ic. Munford has beau assaulted before -
fore for dtrimmg to express an opiumion oum
otimur imiitttem's. Iii the last iimstmtmmco his
ipr treated time mumatter 1mm a comnunoum-
plimee us'ay , mind smitistied itself iii saying :
Time editor of time Tincs , was yesterday as-
saultcd iii a brutal.i'owardty amid unfair mamm-
ncr by Ed Corrigaum , time bully vimo exercised
his great strength otm mu Tluucs reporter with
smuchm erimalmiuig consequemicos six us'eoks ago.
Corrigaim Is evkloimtly proceeding out time
theory that with his brute stremmgtim lie can
ride i'ouglm shod over ttuti reason , ustieo mud
deccmmcy of a civilized comnnuiumity.
Law uuhidimmg commnuumities certniumly
demimand thmutt bullies timid bi'utsei's who
u.s. violence aimd. unlawful menus nttemrmpt
to iumtcrfuro witim a free press simutli be
lm'OmilPtlY and feamlessly prosecuted iii
time law lm'0u'1i108.
Teusiperaumce Faumatics ,
A crowd of temnlem'aumce fanatics arc
hums. engaged jim doumouumcing as unur
derers Covormior Ltim'u'mtbee , of Iowa , mmmd
the jum'y uu'ho acquitted Areumsdorf , Iii
) this courmtm'y , uvhmemm thmo m'lgimt to trial b ,
I , of our peel's is vouchsafed over
r : miutium , timis soi't of pt'ohibitioim twaddlc
S hmtmvo but little weight , On thmc
i other imnuid it uvihi onlysoriously weaker
time atmso for which timese self-avowed
evmtuigellsts are devotiumg timoir work
Time last crank who 1)OSsei.SCd time audmie
ity to iumlliente Govem'nor Larrabec , uuls
- iimcorporates time ropubilcaum lrL3' iii imhi
iumdietmnemit. It was , Johum L. Thomas , o
Umthtiimmomc , whmo in a speocii lii Nov
S York emi Stmnduty said :
Governor Larrubce , of Iowa , amid time ro
Iuubiiean jury who acquitted. Amcnsdor
simoimlul ho lnmpeachcd. They mire guilty of tim
3 murder of Mr. Iladtiock , amid as guilty crime
t luais they ought to salTer the pcumahty.
i \Vimothmer Avensdorf was guilty or 1mm
S muocemit of time crime for whmlclm ito wa
. limdictod is n matter wholly qf apecula
0 tiomm. The jury said hue Innocent
t. Pubiie optumloum , gemmorally correct in It
- coumcluioums , said lie was guilty. Tir
- evidence ttgalnst hum uvums strong , nun
3 , ciicunmstan es cot'talnly inmp1ied convic
0 tiqum , Yet he . uvits acquitted. Fo
0 fruiitle fools to lay the mnurclcr of
. . . . . . \ ,
good eltizeum at j.imc door of time jurymeim ,
who on timely omh retmderetl mum iummpar-
fluti s ° erdict , umn& tiieut go still farther
nuiti Immmplicato 'tt1 govct'umot' timid reptiii-
llcamm htm'ty ) : , 1sbtiiimmg imt. time Vapor-
luigs nmml baltiertf44i of a immatidhlum fAnatic ,
uviw would hur time world to execute
SOiiPJ wild 1demuf wimlelt lie syns le8
Cnmcei the Coumtrutct.
Time ptved : t mtmta of Onmutima a t'e maudily
mmmd filthy. SomItY t'epot'tstmys time peopio
Immumy mmmi uvehl tmk6t : good immtttmrcthly , ie-
clitise thmere is n6 mmmommey to clemmim time
stm'ects. It wotmiti t'cqtmire it sciemitist's
skill to simmiw any iiim'ttctiiar dlllcremmte
tim time streets to-day eonmpircd : with
timeir commditloum two iimoimtlms ago. Time
Biium1)lC fact timnt time mnoumey Is eximaustcd
is mmotlcctl ommly by Fanning & Cq. , whmo
hmmivo oitaummed seine $1,6O ( ) mm muontim from
time taxpayers of Omitima tummdem' false
Pretenses. To our best kumowietige. mtiid
belief time streets of Omnmtiimt have never
ieUul mleceumtly cleaned by the prcsemmt
couitractora , amid we are mnorumlly ccrtnuum
they hover will be.
1mm any othmer city suehm a contract
would be cancelled time first week. But
jut Omnmtlma time autiuoritlcs have allowed
time treasury to be raided month after
mouth , ummtll time fuumd Is ex1mauthd. miumul
time streets are In no better commditiomm
to-dmty timami if F1mmnmmimmg & Co. hind mmot
atteummplctl to sweep them witit thmcir
rake mud imumt'row coinbinittioum. Time
tax-payers of Oimmahma should file a hiro.
test itgmtimmst time contimmumtume of this out-
rage. WTc uumderstnnd timiut there will
be unoumey Iii time treasury for Street
sweepluig purposes by Jnmitmiti'y 1 , ummd
uumilcim time coumtraet is caumeclied the
stmnie doleful farce swill be repeated for
ammotlmer year.
Tinu difficulties that confront Mr. Carlisle -
lisle iii time matter of construetimmg time
stnmmdiuig comiumittees of time mmow house
are numimorous ummul einbarrassimmg. It tip-
peutra timmit if Imo shall decide to follow
time custom that has been bug imommored
by observmumce he will give tlmrce-
fourths of time committee clmutirmnumnsimips
to southerum represoumtatlvcs , owiimg to
time fact timat members fromim time south
re-elected held this proportioum of bee-
end jlaccs on time committees of the last
imouse. it seems timat Mr. Carlisle does
not view timis situation with favor mind is
conteiulatimmg time abandommmnent of time
old plan , it course that would eertaimmly
mnmuke him some ononmies , however
mnimnifcstly fair aumd neeessumm'y to
promote legishation . it appelmi's
that time qijestioum of whmat
dispositioum to make of Mm' . Mills , wimo
has mm ehtdmn mmdcc precedeumt oum time
chairmanship of e ways amid mcamms
committee , is tmo still harrassing time
mn'mumd of time spotth4rwiiile time diihlctmlty
of dealing with tj' . Randall is perimaps
the most exnapermmg of till. 'jhmjs last
cause of emnbarrumneimt must ho mumet mit
once. Time comnmittee on rules , time first
to be appointed , by usage iumcludes the
sloaier amid time chairnmon of time ways
mmmd macmine mud lmpropriatiouma comimuumit-
tees. If Mills andlamm haul are appoimited
oim this committee it will be equivalent
to giviumg thorn the chairmammslmips of
thae4wo principal committees of time
house , while to leave timem off of
time committee on ruleswould be vim'-
tuahhy to notify timem that timey uvero not
to be at time head of the committees thmey
expect to preside over. It uvill thus be
seen that time task Speaker Carlisle hits
oum humid is a porplcximm and delicate one ,
wimicim cauls for both 'cotmrage amid tact ,
but rathmer memo of time formnor.
ITIS appmmrrent to every citizen of
Omauma that a hotel to cost uiot less tuna
$ l,000,00 ( ) should be buiit in this city.
Such a buiidimmg Is already demanded.
F'rouu time fact tinit two ycarsthune would
ho necessary to complete it , timem'e should
be no delay iii om'ganiziumg time eomnpaumy.
Scores of Omnabmi's wealthiest citizeums
have CXjrCSSed themselves ready to stub-
scribe lmu'go sums for such aim enterprise ,
while mmmumy otimem's are willing to make
hibemal douuatiomms. ft would be mmmi easy
nuittor to secure time acccsam'y menus.
Let some cniItahIsts ) oi'gmmnizo a joint
stock comnpammy , aumd witimium two mnoumtims
time simutmes will mill be titheum. Time ou'gauii-
zatioum should be perfected , plumus mc-
coived imimd commtm'acts awarded by early
spmimmg. It. is mmot mmecossmmry for pimilmimi-
thmropists to figure in this emmtom'priso , as
time iumvcstnuemmt would pay mm good rate
of iumterest. A city of 100,000 people
mmeeds more hm tcl room thaim we mmow
have , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AND umow diileroimt cities mire strug-
ghing in a wild desire to secure time
mmtttional donmocratic commvemmtioum , Immdi-
uiumapohis is pustmiumg her claims , while
Siam Francisco will be heard froni at an
early day.
Nebraska Jottlumgs.
lioports fronm Logaum coummty immdieate o
complete failure of time corn cmop.
A umumbet' of farmers 1mm time vicIumit
of Columbus immivo formimed a uimippiumg mis.
limistings is steutuihy gmilumiumg ground
as aim iimtelleetuat 'ceumtem' . A football
club Is time latest iltuluitat stlmmmulant.
The city couume&6t Beatm'ice proposc
to eumhmrgo ; time mWimterwot'ks and ium3
fil,2iO ( feet of imipo ut'time ostimmmatcd cost
of $ i9,800.
Time social scasormat Bammcroft Is widc
opeum. Time town Amnarsimal atteuuds all
thmtumces to keep thmq hilarious crows be
bus' time ugh ti ii g lOiumt ,
The Nebraska City Times avers that
time town Is dove1ojug it brood of wimolo
sutlo liars. This nccouumts for time
amnouumt of mmatum'au1ts shipped fuoma tiic
city limtcly.
: The cars mmmd timonmatei'Iiil for time Not'
folk street m'atlwfi hmivo tmrm'lvcd aumd
) wom'lc uu'ns begun this week on lmmylimg timt
trtmck. 'rime electmle higlmt phimuit for thc
new imsylumn buildiui immum also arrived.
The Kearimey county Deiuoci'mit bitt
slipped a set of glue i'ohlors under thmc
state capitol maid vIll imnul it omit to I1mm
f dcii in mm few weeks. Time great dtmumcei
Is thuimt time tow caulked comicgm'um , uvil
collapse time first pall.
"Time flimu's ; foreign tmO'S 'says th
Fronmoumt Tribuume , 'Is growing to be u
- vci.y iimmportaumt feature of timnt laiCr'i
B excellent tclegrupimlc service. Time Suum
day cablegrams heave little Europeam
imews thmat Americans are 1mmtrested In , '
S Time banks of Freunont are time pridu
I ) of time towumVimen nil other Interest
fail simort their record place her thmIm'
city 1mm time 8tatO iii fimmancial resources
'rime latest publishuod statement of thu
r three banics show a total buatnesifo
I , , $1ti.5,6O7. , Tlieyhold on deposit
831 amid a surplus of hmroflts ninoummttmmg
I.e $27OPO.
Time Frenmomm t Tribune remu ews its
nhleglnumce to time polltical fate mmmii for-
tumuies Of .lttmuues ( . liiumlumo mmmd imisitits
timmit peouhe of Neijiashmu imuivu aim mitt-
dyluig devotloum for time gentiemummium from
1imtume. 'Fime imset'tiomt thmuit ' 'Ncit'mskum
hits imouiometl iierelf by seimmilmig l3nlmmo
ulehegmttiomms to time umittioimttl eommu'etmt ioims
for time ptst : twelve yeimm's" is smmdly at
'itmiimumce with time t'eoortl.
Custer county comeS to t1m frommt witim
tmimothmei' victlimm of time slmotguim , hmmimmes
\v. imuukimm , ii futrmmmei' , tuit'tcml out with
a sielgim timid tcmumm on a hunt iecemimber
8. Two dui'mi litter imis body uvums fmmtid.
II , shiot't thlstmiuico fromum imomume , frozen
sulitl , , it double chimi'ge of bmn'kshiot
tlmm'otughm time ittek. Time gnu slipped
ismek froum time sleight itummi in ptmhlimmg it
imeic to its 1)111Cc. ummuzzlo foi'eummost , It
uvits dlseimumrged. Time strangest feiti tire
of time imceident Is timat time teimmn uutomped
wiiem'o Bmmmkimm : was killed , timid his hold
of time hues tightened with death. Time
yoummg mmm's fimtimei' was killed by light-
imlumg not far from time spot wimerd timla tie-
cidcuit oeeuretl lcs tiimmim umimme mnommtims
ago. I'hme 'oummg maim leaves mme funnily.
' .l'imo Phimttsnmotmtht .lotmrimnl Is out gmmummm-
lug for time buimm policemmmeum of Omimmthmit ,
but uvill kce1i mit a safe distaumco from
thick clubs. "Aim evemut ocetmm'red timero
Sumtuttluty evemmhmg , " sumys time Jomirummul ,
"thmuit uvill go far toward mt'oviumg time
Onmuhma pollee force is a disgrace to tue
city , mad timat aumy war wmmged mmgnuumst it
cliii but be a righteous cause. it was aim
outrage pure aimd simple comminmitted
upoum ii. m'espcctnblo immmd poaceumble citi-
xcii of Pinttsunoumtim by aim Oummaima "cop"
who immust. have cithmom' beeum drunk or it
mnuttoum-imeumd , for which time city of
Oimialma ought to be imuld m.espommible.m
Ed Joekimum , a Ii. & mI. simopiumarm , caine
to Omnauma to make soumme liureimumses , mud
after vlsitiimg time Iueiaumd boys ut
Temmtim mmmd lodge streets , wits over-
imatuleti by mm imolicemmmnmi mmmd requested to
thmrowump imis imnmmds. Time coiis searcimed
imimui , called for time ' 'imoodlummm rusher"
timid took him to jail. , Taekmuaum de-
dares lie uvits hot permumittcd to commm-
mnummicate with umcquniumtuimmees iim time city
and svmms imot relcasemI ummtil I'.Iommthmty ' .
uimorn ing. Jackummmtmm deelames that time
lliCOmmbCmm \Vete drummk. Time case de-
nmammds immvestigmmtiwm timid if time eimiirges
ummade iLie foummiti true the policeummeum
should be pm'onmpth' fired. Time foi'ce
cimum find PietmtY of work m'tmniiiumg dowmm
time crooks of time town. witiout gnrr'otimm g
peaceable 1)001)10.
- iowa Iteuuis.
Des Moimes , hits captured time Tibbles
sewing mnacimiumo factory.
Cedar Rapids people expect to enter-
talim 700 teachers durhmmg time holiday
nicotimig of time state associatioum.
A nmccting of business muon 1mm Sioux
City reeeumtiy issued a proelanmatiout in
favor of law. This will prove it novel
refom'm if carried into practice ,
StnteSupem'intemmdeimt Akem' iota issued -
sued a circular to the county supeulum-
tondemits of time seimoohit urgiumg theta to
be present itt time amummual couivcumtioum of
supem'iumtemmdents to be lucid at Cedar
lltihidS , Decemumber 2'2 ammd 30.
Cimarles Mix coumumty affords mioumty of
gmmo : for deem' hmuiiters.
The lust day of time hot sale at White-
uvood iit'otigimt iim $25,000.
A petrified Lanka about thmreo inches
imi diameter was fomummd wimile blasting
stone ut Deadwood.
Tim Duhmth , Demiver & Huron railroad -
road couumpany have graded the road
witimiti timirty-two miles \Vatertowmm. .
The erection of several mmcw brick
1locks at ilermosa to take time place of
timose destroyed by lire is already con-
Joimim Guisbaner maid Paul Kaiser ,
farmers living fifteen miles from
Yanktomm , quuit'relled over sommme cattle
mud pulled timeir guns. Kaiser got iii
time first shot , but missed time muirk , mmmd
before lie could draw time second time
Guishnuem' shot lmimn deumul.
Two fai'mcrs attuned Gm'imbb and flier-
doum , living about thirty miles from
rmu1)id City , quarreled over time posses-
sloim of a hmouse Momiday imummi resorted to
arms. Gm'ubh was simot tiurougim thmo
heart , wimihe fleirden m'eeo'mvcd a bullet
timroughm time bowels whelm will imove
fatal. _ _ _ _
Wyoummlumg ,
There arc 34,160 nmiles of railroad in
Laramnic county.
flock Spm'iuigs people are making a
detem'nmiumcd effort to get the Sweotwater
cotmimty seat auvay front Green River.
The imdvance in time price of coppem' Is
sucim thmat it will mmow pa to opcmm and
wom'k time mniumcs at Hartvillc. Time
mnimmcs , us'hmieim , whmeum first opeumed , had
mme eloor railway eoumnection than time
Uniomm Pacific at Cheyenmme , amity mmow ho
i'eacimod ijy tm six mmmliii trip from time
Cimeycumume & Nortimermi ,
Suumthumy inornimmg wimon time Overlammd
Flyer was a few hundred yards cast of
Gvaumite Cammyoui , a cowboy ridimmg a mutig-
mmlflcemmt imorse dnsimed between time rails
a few feet mmhmead of time rapidly mmmovimig
traimm , amid , forciumg his bfloiuumt to time top
of its SpCCl veached time stzmtioum a few
feet 1mm umdvnmmce of time locomotive. Time
second imeat Moumdny mnom'imimmg was not as
successful. Horse mud rider were
thrown immto time diteim. The hmorsc wits
killed , but time jockey eacuiped witim mm
few im'uises.
. Time report of time grand jimey itt Chmey-
oumme last week cm'eated mm seimsuitloum of
lie aumiall inmigmmituule. Simerilt Sliumrp-
less mmmd his deputies were vigorously
scored for neglect of ( luty 1mm pemummittimig
time escape of McCoy , J01i05 imimil otimers
fromn jimil , Inst October , mud also ' 'otto 13.
A. Hurt , mm mumin who holds thmo chico of
justice of time pcitce at Fort Larimmle ,
thmis coimaty , for neglect ium his official
duty iim rofusiimg to issue a warrant for
time umrrest of time persons cimnrgod with
the mmmumder of ommo Rtehmam'd Rico cmi time
L hum day of March lust ; umlso for neglect
f oflielimi duty 1mm refuslumg to issue a
uvarfuiumt iou' time nm'm'est of 'sVlllimimn
1\TOOte , wimo so simumefully , brutally amid
Iuiimuuintiuiiy did assault timid mieariy kill
one Lotta Smith eu or about time 1st
day of time 1)resemmt mmmoumtim , "
- - -
L . Johuumsoum Out Oii flail.
D. C. Johmrmson , who has gained coimsidera-
bhe mmotorlety by his alleged bogus arrest uumd
robbery of Parker , time highwayman , last
August , has finally secured bondunoum mmmd
agatim sliuffs time air of fmccdomn after mmeumriy
two months' Imicarceration. Ills ball Is fixed
at 1,00O. Bammumahi anti Lewis , time lsciuulo.
immmmi'slmmmls , who Johnson cisimns , prctcmmded
that they s'cro deputized by time government
to arrest I'arker timid who mobbed amid mo-
ieascd timat hilgiuwaymmimma duuimmg Joimnson's
temfliorary absence , are still at large. Ilmig-
neil is believed to be in Ermglarmd. Joliumsoim mc.
turns to imis home \Vlmitnman the Just of the
uveek , wimere lie wIll iiwalt the next scssiomm
: tIme United States court here.
Licenseil t Wed.
The f ilowing mnmmrriugo lmchmscs were
m granted by Judge McCuiioclm yesterday :
Nmmmmm ammO resuulenco. Acre. .
) Louis C. ilouscr , Vtmiisca , . . . . . . . . . . . .
SmtdhoJoimnson , Vmihisca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
L Cimmirles Wiubecic Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B Frida Schrnder , ? 3aummdoms Couumty , bob. . .IJ
- I h3ertel hlauiseuu , Ommuimba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Loulito Kmmldimh , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 The County Coummuuuissioumers ProbIem.
B At a mimeeting of time county commnisslonem's
yesterday tIle foflowlmmg rcsoiutiomm was
Resolved , That the county treasurer camcel
3 tax dn lot 21 , section 9. thwtmhhp 1 , range
f i for the year iso , the same being assessed
I3 ; an additloim known gs Dupont 11acc.
cs : ' - . .
Mor Facto About Mr. Browne ,
Othmorwhio l3omvIe , time Forgor.
1k , I'roves to Ho ( hit' $ umuuie ( rmm1c VIuo
Heat ( lie Fhm'st Natlumimmi Batik
of CIuii'migo Omit of'
$ O,500.
Scu's'is the Swlumdier.
The Ibm of yesterday coumtimhiued time mmeuvs
of the mmrrcst of time "fey , I ) . hI , hh'ouu'mms , "
otlmtrm'wise lidwium C. Sem'vls , for his swiumilhimug
operations 1mm Ccmmtruil CIty , this stmmte , wimero
lie tlcfrimtmdetl time l"irst Nutlommiml hummimk out of
sir.oo b' of a forged cimeck. 'rime
"i'cvcm'cumij gemmtlemmmmumI it uvill be ucummemmi-
bered , ci.miimmetl to ho mutt evamugelist fromum Lii-
immiomm , Tenum , , mmmd lie occupied time Presbytcr
immum 3omlut , out Smmumdimy tumid ticlivem'etl oume of time
roost uloqimeimt ( hiscoturses over lictird there ,
Tlmeim hue securcil amu Immtrodmmctiomm to N. it.
Persltmger , mm mmmeuumber of time chmmmrclm imumil also
i'rcsldcmmt of time First Natiommal bmmmk : , time rcs
idcumt iastor , immmving been tiimped Immto befleu'-
immg "IJrowmms' story by nmeimmms of a forged
letter from a brothmer mmmhumlstcr , As simoft us
imumd received his lumtm'odtmctloum to
time bimumker , ho iummmnodiately immid his sclmemmmes
to mnimko a ( Iwlummuhumg.t lie first , omm dommt1ny ,
Nov. 1 , deposltcul s'Itii time bmmmkcr : a
forged New York draft for * . ,0Ot )
drawn by time First Nattommal batik of
Lclammomm , Teimum. , imimul tiress' 1f0O 1mm cash ,
stuuting tiumut he uu'ns golmmg to briuug imi fmmimuliy
to Ccmmtritl City. For mm imort tlmmue tmlr. iirowmms
wims coumsicuouus for his mmlmsemicc bmmt ut uits
not uimtil somno tinmo imimd ehmmpsed tlutmttimo Iauumk
People beemmimme suiiclomms of time wily mmuiumis-
ter mmiii a imuriled lumvestlgatiomm followed , do-
vuioplumg time fact tiumt. mit Lebimmmomm , Temmim , , Ito
siuclu pemimoum mis itcu' . 1) . 13. Itrowums wits hcumouvim.
Theiu caimmo Mr. l'crslmmger'8 immmmi'Ieui visit to
Oimmmmha , imis scumrcim for thu mmm'ssiumg uummumm , smith
how lirowmms imad eluded hils imursuer , all of
wimicim u'as chronicled lim tue ilium at the tlumme.
Of time smmbscquemmt cveuits leadiuug to the
cnptum'e mmumd mu sketch of iluowum's career , time
Clileacro llcmimhd of yesterday hits time foilow-
imig : Mm' . Pcrsiumgcr tolegm'apimed tIme circuimmi-
stamiecs of time case to W'iiihmumm A. l'lniccrton ,
s'imo , tufter emmrcfully rcadlumg over time pit0rS
tlnit hut ! becut foruvimrdcd to imimim , divined at
oimeui timmtt time wolf iii sheep's clotimiumg Ss'mus
mmomic otimcr timamu Servis tmhimms houmroe , mis time
nuenmis emflli03'ed by time forger savored very
much of mmuiunmmrous other forgeries coummmnlttcd
by imimim Iii time samne s'ey. Iulr. Plnlccrtomm liii-
mmmeilkmtui. ' sent mm picture of Servis to Ccmmtual
City , . where it was hdemmtlfied by the bank
lmcolie umit timid of Mr. Browns , timid time case
was tiucut i'liut'ctl ' iii time humids of the agent'y
for Invcstlgition. Time fIrst timing that Mr.
l'iimlcmimtomm .110 . was to ivrlte to , loiiet commcem'mm-
lag Scm'vls , muumd ascertmuiimoul tlumut time forgom'
lund been released omm October 10 , 1SS7 , hmmmy-
11mg comumjmleted a six ycars scmmtcmmcc for a
forgery comnmittcd on the First Natlommal
baumh of tumis cIty. A search was timeum made
Iii timls city for time fcstivo Browum itt somno of
hits old imaummis , mmmd after ui careful mind
guarded invcstlgmitlomm it was learned that lie
lummul gomme to New York. Tlmo oporatlomm was
timemi talceum UI ) at tlmimt cumd , which 'resulted iii
time locating of Brouvmm at the Parker hmoue ,
where ho was cnjoyimmg time frtmits of his
forgery. Jim the meammtiune , time remuisitIomm
Iaims immul beemi Preiarcd mmmd forwuitimI to
Aibaumy , N. V. , but owiimg to soummo techmmicml ,
cm'ror in time avers a week's delay vims occasioned -
casioned , timid time mmm'i'est us'mms not iimade until
yesterdimy umoruming , Servis at first atmemmu.
oushy dinmied imis idntity but ti facts were
so stroimgly shown to Idnm timimt imo mit lust
wilted nuuui ackmmowledgetl his tm'ue chmmmuimctcr.
Time nmrcst was mmmude by Sergcmmmt : Timomummis
Adimuris , of Iumspector Ilyrimes' stmff ; , mmumd otto
of l'inhcortomm's oicratives , tlmehatter of whom
vil1 start witim his prisoumer mit omuce for time
Time right mmaimmc of time prisoner is Edwin
C. Servis. lIe Is how about years
old , amid timougim uvehl mmdvmmmmced Iii years ,
rimaumy of uvimichi imo hams spemmt belmiumul Prisomm
bars , imoitimer age nor confiumcmmmemmt hums cooled
his murder 1mm the crimlnmml line , and ho is today -
day as shrewd a forger as has ever beemm
cajmtuiod. lie was borim and raised ium New
York and during his career has been mimore om
less mixed mum witim time various gammgs o
forgers that have operated In time cast for time
past thirty years. Ho served a term In Slug
Sing , N. Y. . for forgery , dtmrimmg time early
lait of his life. At Wmuupmmn , Wis. , lam did a
year's timne under time zmmmme of E. 11. Morgnmm ,
his semmteuirc ( 'xjmlriiug J5nuaryl7 , 1883. After
his release fiommm time WaUpUfl Icmmiteumtar.y Ito
mnigrmmted cast and was next heard of itt
\Vetimemiicld , Commmm. , where lie was nm'rcsted
for forgeryumidertimenamne of George W , itced ,
amid served two years for the offense 1mm time
Coimmmecticimt PCnitimt1lirY. Upomm imls emularge.
mmmeumt hm wcmmt to New Orhcmmns , where lam mis-
sumeti imis right mime bmmt was cauglmt agmin :
at imlit old tricks ummiti locked up , amni us'as miot
umcitm.l of again ummtit hue i'cceiveti mm micmmtcmmeo
of eight years at AppietoimVis. . , for a
fom'gem'y cmi time First Natiomuil bummk : of that
Ills atteniptod forgery 0mm thmo Fii'st Nmi-
tuoumal 1ammk , , of timis city , subsequemmt to lmls
release frommm time \Viscoimslim unset , , was a
very cleverly womImed-up imelmeimme. lie iumtmo-
duccd imimnsclf to l'rcsident Nickeisomu as mu
gcntlcnmmmn wishingto buy a valuable hilece of
hroleitY hicro. His mnmmuimmer Imumimmessed thmo
presldemmt of time bamik very lavormmbly. lie
climimned timat imo imati bcemm Iii EUrOIIO for a
immmnmbor of years imimil tlatt imls immotive lmem'o
wits simmuliy lit thu realty himue. Soomm mifter
introducing Imlummself iie imummmded Iulr ,
Nickemsomu a dm'aft on time bamik of Leeds , Eumg-
laud , for .t'lSO ( ) stei'limmg. After depositing
timis ito mmmmmde aim excuse tiuat ime uvas imamil
inmaliad for mmcccssary mnomley , mmiii tim mmext
day , ilumdimig timmut .Ir. Nickcrsomu immiti hot
svmmrimed time clerks agmiimms muhvmuimciumg imiumm
nmiytlmimmg 0mm time draft , ho drew 4i,5Ot ) of time
miiommov : mnd hod. 1mm this forgtmm'y a nmmmn
nimmimed Cimimmics S.mssmmmmmmm , lornmeriy a promni.
mmcumt Cammtiy immaimiufuetmirer hero , was him.
ihlcmted : uvhthu hmiun. Sussmimmm : immiti lum jail a
bug tune , but was at lmst : thiscimarged omm uc-
coutimt of his former respectability and time
sirkumess of imis family. 'rime case mtgalumst
ServIs for time forgery was iuluccti hum time
hauls of time Phimkerton Niutiouimmi ietcctivo
agency , vimo succeeded 1mm mumummiumg lmimmm down
at ApmIetomiVhs. . For tlmis' us'omk lie got live
.veumts mut .Toilot pemmiteuuthiry , timid ummms ouuiy released -
leased on Ottoicr 10 bust.
in early hlfo Servis for ii tlnmo was a sue.
cessftmi mmmemidiimimt In time east , auth uvms : a timor-
ouugimiy iraufleal boohckcelicr , uvimleim kmowl.
edge evltcimtlv miltied imiimu immmmtemiaii.v 1mm his
forgery tvmimmsmmctiomms. lum mmii limit uvoik ito iims :
simovrm coimsumtmiuimtta hliill as a conlidoncu uniumi
nimil swindler , timid his liractical Icnouvleelgo of
comummnoreiiil mullmm irs uummmtlo Ii outo 0 f the mumot
tiaumgcrous lrofcioimmm1 forgers timat hums ietumm
itt lurgo for sommma timuic past. Notwitlistmmimtl-
log the fact of imhs.baimig atm clii mmuitui , ito mielver
tired of fi'aimmdmmlcmitly gcttlumg osscssioum of
other peoPle's mommy.
Sem'vls is about sixty-fivo yemms : old , fhvo
feet five or six limites iuigim , welgimiuig about
0110 imiiuiei reit and Ii ( ty pouruuls , ummeditmuui dark
cQifllIeXiOmi , iitmO eyes , gemmy hair , lienm.gmmiy
beard , quite Iumii face high mmmmd
straiglmt nose. ! ) tiuiii g his cr1 iii i tm.mi I Ito liti
imues mmssumncd mmmmd breum seiutemmceim uniter time
Ioilouu'imig aliases : It. S. Mmnmmoo , alias Jim
Cmlvcrt ; , mtIi.mte "Jliittoum Joe , ' ' alias 1) . 11
Browns , alias E. hi. Mou'gamm.
. - -
t\c l'okmt YltIi l'rielo"
'ro time ' 'good immune itt hmomo , ' ' won i
Hood's Stmrsnjiarliitt. 1mm Louu'chi , ! slumss , .
where It Is prepared , there is mmmccc of
1iood' Smrsimpam'lhlum : soul thmnn of imll
other mmmedicmics amid It has gIven thic
bebt of smutlsfumctiomm simmee Its lmmtromluc-
tion lout yeimm's uigo. This ( ommld not he
if time medicine did uiot JS8e58 merit.
If you suiTor fm'oumi lmnput'e blood tm'y
Ifood 'a Smirsmmparlhiii mud m'eal'uze I ts P"-
eulittr cumuitive iouu'er.
- a-
Mrs. M 'r. ilascimli , of Ogden , Utaim , Is 1mm
time city imod uvili i'as the holiday's uvitim lice
parents , Mm' . mumel Mrs. ViIllnmn Aitstadt.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When lJaby waa sick , we garo tier Cmiatorf a.
When she was a Child , lie cried for Caatorla ,
When she became aheclucg to Castorta ,
Whet , she tui4 CWidre , iSo gave them Caatorts.
Title ia Macto of a WohI-Knowmi Nowsi'
rnor Corrolipommdomit.
\'aumled , a tihuiem"s Limiump-Aisu , , a itntL
routtl ( 'tumi rnctorStmi' l'iimec
(0 I iieMt ltuiey itt
Iteat 1stiie.
I have commstnimt i'eqmmests I , , timmil out who uimakej
c'rtitltm timiumg4 , itumfi veil emmtt' : mimy aire'iuiy
lituiteil rtemime.t timtit immy rt'utdtr frht'umds , geuutie or
t umrimmle'mmt , , ni'iili tiue'mmmseiu-os of mmmy good olitet'S
mmiii isiiiu iiniimuiumttumct' 1mm urimtgiiig I tieuim In coum.
tact \5 utmm tiioeo ii Imo umuuukei mmtmt i.ti I ieim ) thlmmg
fmonm time Provirbimmu mmteellu to I Ito aumi it imet irat
numeimor-or , its time \'IntreI of Meimici limirk Is me'
( ( ut I ) ' tituoted , "fmoum , cmi eiepuiimmmt's hide , t ( P.
ICmtuittm' $ eyeball. ' ' 'J'hiie ue.c I it tim I muir faimim limo
I'acIIIn 5iii , stimils lum a iiiii for I lie I t's kimal tC
muminet's unuimp , tutu miii I ii mit I utimi ito Is to reqmut'st
itlI ii ho desigum , miiakt or uemmi , immiimers ImilmI)5 to
semid ame aimy iumformnat lou lim this t'oimumect lout I limit
thmt' ' mhiul ) itmivi' . 4uiii her cut , s'ihtes : 'V iii ytnm
) Iitt time' lii euummmimttmmiemti iou uult ii ii reliable
mirimi to miiiiI , limo at i iies of i'oiiroaei 8' '
( ) fttmm , too , 104 t-dity , I % oImumter , lmifermmmatlon
which 1 tuhtmk ) with bemmelit others mis it limo , amy.
W ? 7 Lr
TWO CI.EAlt 1151mW.
' Tlut' pretty imnd semmibio mumisiress of tim
us imltt lloiust and time fertiinato ulmiriner of imor
jeys , our lntsimtuet ( , , , itiy ho saul to uiavo iotwetum ,
tlmoimm t ui ii vemy ulear 1mii. , , , ' ' amulet a fm-lend I o mmmc
retemitmy. 1tigimt , immy tiot , ' ; limit ii-e. you ever
tImouj1it how mimuuch amoco Is mneammt ti' that ox-
vmeiolm I imitim mit mIret upmmmirs ? 1 iuus' very cu' .
propriato utmm e.xJntssloum It Is I' " lilmy , no ! Iii
'Immit ivmtym" 'l'uii wus emmomughm to set mmmii fiitmIy
geiltig 00 Ifl hobby , imumd I oxpmeuscd ummyseif
about its foiiows :
5evoral i'mtrs ilgu ) . If you ronmemimber , I foimumd
that I wits lug Otill mind stupid , numd sceiimcd
to lose lit imiy smmmmimuiydmits ; itimit on
ceimisiuitat tutu u'li It ii 1iysiclamm 1 foummmd tirimt I had
eatarmit. Nouv this Is , vhmeui thtivel.pc.1 , an imim.
hilCimsittit , ihutase , mmtmoimiifertmthio timid disgimsttimg
aimit uloumbly uitemigerous bocaumso so lmisiultilms. , sum,1
lmavlimg , tect'ss front time gommerai stmtrtlmmg place-
the mmmucoimme uimemimhireimmes of t ht , mmoso immii I liroat
-iuto t lie $ tIflmliCIi iiimt ( timrnmgim I ho iatt er
iiit tiiti us'iome niliiiemitmtiy smut ii Igostivi ,
l4)Mtt.uii. 'l'lio ur'scrilitlomm giseim lime , itltliOiigh
I ) ) . mitt enmhmmeimi lei. I ) . , wait of little misc ; slut
whlh I know flint I was more or less of a
iiumct , to myself amid tlmost zwmir inc. whim my
uveetinge loud .iroophmmgee. may imutti ktiigs mimiel cx-
iitctirittltms ( I felt % orsc Iliami 1 reamly wits , Pitr-
ticulmirty its time milcilicino ( liii mitt , 'iii goeel. I hit
t limit ( ) ( ) ( Sanmitrat In , ei r. C. Ci. l'alnmer , umimo Is
loremnaum at the ( itiai ieuartnieimt at ( larmicaum's
1 iakery , tlt , inc t limit hem imitil t'iit unit ever simico
the uvur , ituol t limit ime iiiteu ht'iu elmt Imely c urid
several , noumtims ago , cml hat micuer ijimil any slgmm
0 ! Its ret iurmm simmco. I iy Imis mmtlvIci I us-mis Itiiiiu'eti
te , vt.It tilt. rililca , , f lrs. ) Mi'O ) ' & liimiry fumiomi.
smuitatloim , ituui I imiso lmi'uril fromu ot imir siiumries
that ( i'o. itme , thu well known dmirtr of car No.
Is ( in time ( iren 1.1mm litmiry l'ttersom. time mit-
fimlir , uiul t iiinommgiiy ( outlet , .iit cmerk lii t Ito
Uhmiolt i'mtcllic imeuetqmumtrters , Lavld 1imms. wlu
is vriuirit.teir ( if 0110 of t ho ummot Iaiinmier , i o.
sorms in SOuth Onmaimmi , 1mm atlelttioum to mmuiimerous
oilier PeilIlo of Iiretlmilmelmce , have been treated
simccessriuimy by tminso genticuimeim's cmirimttm'o pow.
ers , in some lnstiiumccs , a largi , munmuber of tim-
liters , kimowit to tii inedictil fruiterutty mis moly-
Pihimm'e memm remimoveel. After consulting wlttm
the doctor or his assistamit 1 mimado tIu tritti us Ithi
eumtlro satisfaictiomm mmii smiccess. . N' voice , amy
lmt'altlu amul , iiy sJirits rttiirmmeil
tilivimig betmi tints ieriimaneumtly beuit'liteii , I at-
ways will mecoimiumtmmil limo Nccoy treatiimeimt to
lily fricimmis iifld tim publIc , ammil I urlil aiwutys In
t lie fmmtmmrc .lomibiy imiprex1ute time ummeatmimmg of t lie
eX1)ie'StoIi , et ticam' 1iiad , ' at betmig hot only fig.
imrmitive bmmt literal. 'l'imei tmtii itilmegi , Zet , miis salma In
corpore sumio'-a mouind inhimil itt it otuiil iomly-
might better read iStemts salmmt in c.ipito eeaimo'-
a miniimd mnimmil in it clear ime'ail. "
Hint , , amy reit.f I unit recommmflmemmil this siummphm
but etiectivo reummedy to amy friends iuimu , uuiiy
hive hot ommi ) ' ordinary eohte in the imemici bmi
l'egumIur ? . )1ipr.sMIs'e c'itormlm , itnil lucy will cr-
tiiiniy timid a mmiarveiiomimeiy promiupt mmd timomouglm1
ly oiectivo ! relief. I tolila colihile of geumtiiiimimu
of may experlemmce , and tmml'3' iii'sttRtl itbotit
going to his 015cc , thu as timey imiiil ht'n flhi1ii
iii imi.o liv jowderS , simuirs , wuslitit , elomiclil14 uimet
tubes o olfroreiit kinilH itliti uvero Imiclitmeil to
thInk mutmtit'iraliy of mimy choke hilt lii ) ' carimist-
mmess ought to iiseii ri timiun mmmii I lirmimly coim.
rhmmeed tlmmmt a test uvlhl commvlneu iimy omitlorse-
'ilils trefttmcmmt clTectualiy elnaimses time nanmi
Imtu.stigee of nh cuturriial minis itmmil tmvemu of thu
11.1 iinmum1atlitm4 ttmimeiI : by iingoumt summull a or liouv-
derme or 113 eirast Ic simmoko , igmmurantly use , , ! fur I 110
relict of catimm'rim cmiii oIlier troubles. simIcim lucy
imggrmt'mmte rimtlitr thamm mosist. 'i'irn 'etcCei ) ' truiit-
lmiemmt tooi lies itlici nI tays I mmliaimiuui at hum and I nit -
t itt bum piot cit 4 t lie iiiiiimilfliitmtmi ltiiiigs of tIme
lmtit troam fmcsh mleis , cotim plutely heels t lie
Miii's umimel re4toies time seumis eir titute , mmmcli ituud
lmeariumg evcm : uilie-im thu Imettemlmmms 1jeei leme.ulouis.
ly Imimpitireil by ilmuigerciuls ili1imiii mtiiicilli'e. It
meuIlui(14 ijilil tiiit ( , anti imh , lucid ii iesii I I imig
fiomim ctitmirmit. I iitcutt1 of ilyliug ii p 1 ime state.
I ioimt It iii sli.iges I hiuii itimel imumi ks I ticumi Immittim-
lee. iimlijihu mtimii ( RlUitt44 , amid Ii ito I i titi t ii rid timid
iit.alt by. Yomiig , clii id rio nit' I mci hiicmml simltertri4
tiom ii I I ii ; . tlioaii ii tsimse. itnim a ut , sk iii Omit y treat.
4,1 , i'1tIi jiemfect bmiet ) iy time McCoy-lteummy
licatmmmeimt ,
Time Smmecessfnl Metluotis as Used bj'
1)ms. Mc.Coy & lieum'y.
'rime trealineiut for cmttai'i'ii , lung tmoiite1 , asthm.
mliii ilieiiuiiitt Itmm timid iili'r thmremiio eiitmisc cmiii
oumi' hii im1,1iiiiii sumicteetmi I iy t iy i iimo uilmo iia lit.
vestlgateil siul mmiaihe ii lIfe-iciiig slimily of siidt
, htimmse5 , turlei4 , eimIters ) , amil t heist , tint t heir.
nuighmi muqimuitit tal m'itim I lieu , , tuoiubli.4 art' liable
I , , mmmii , ihmtim ii sKIt I iii s1iiIitIiL , iiio hilts tie.
moteil ymui. , to I liitt utmirt tell Iii r I imtphiii'Ss us Ima
1)rs. iIcCoY iIcmmr ) ' , suit ! smuceeed. , Nothiltig hut
t lie vtmv hu'st t m&ttlmmetmt , & kin uuvim I ii umithtciti
t.iCmi' ' Is glvemm iii iii I Iittt hut s , amid it uttim ho
safely mI4 I lmiit timi"ii gimut linmeim moo maumit ers ut
iii i that Is hums' kimon a of ( ommsulmui pi limit tutu at iui r
, lmu'immII' ti isemises Ii ii I I ) utiti u. VIthi t tmuiim it It , ito
lomiger spli ulut ion numui _ ix iierIiiielmtIt Is
S mmtli.ihmt fiuumvmum.h . t ietiiiumeimt. memimit I og freiiii high
iimtolie tHaI uiimii smhiimthib' uemtiiliiimitiiis. tuuluieei teat
at ttuiriumgii miucil tutu &iieiimet itum itt the gi'
Iu mniilramm hmospl t imh atiuh iuiuultr tIme' guemLtcnt
, tnmtmirumti iuistiliM of uiiiilliimiit uimmiI suirg.imy.
' 1hutt8ti giiit temiutli hitmlt' iLuluiOhi te , tIm , , , txiintuit I ii )
kite ie iiuigo ' it I hiti i lieCiC It itt a i cpu m uitton for
imuitletui it chuiimgt' ' , 115 i huIr ( ( ill-eli itut toil fee Is
t nit I I . urhuct her iii time ( iIiict' , or aim oluimmioum gii'emm
statciiiu'mmt ueigarmilng Tics. Mc.
Coy umuh I i emily is , iiaulo ii pusm goes ! thu hmorIt ym
'slumri' these ciii lucid mi ? its I liutis Iuavm' Irm , tim 1/uS
uitt tuy ! huim'e Itroict tutu rutted emter sic 1/11515. /
( hull CIICS of elIcit ? Ii ( I tuul ciraumtc ? Ui ruemt ii iii lmmei
t.uiittt. ' . , ie1 of t/im'Re rae.i 45 1I1' CCIII hat lsctii
, dcchiexh cmi&il jrOtm.UliCCl , mcimrabhc. ' '
Late of IieiIt9iiO lhsiitaI , N. Y. ,
I4iitO ( if' time Uimlvnrshly ( pf l'cimta. ,
lhutVe Ohlices
Certiur I ( it1s alum lIarsiey Stm'tOtS ,
Omiuhium , Nebraska.
Svimcrs all cuirmibin cases are treatcci whIm sim.
C4le3. % t cii Ira I tihs.itst. $ I reittetl ski I I tim I iy. Con'
, euiimpt bit , j iright's J ) lst'mi tee , I ) ysuvPia , hiliemi ,
hum mit isiim , cmiii all N mtiV : ( ) mis I ) us s t s es. A hi ilhi.
CILMCM 1.-collar to IlioSexes ttpeciaity. 1iAl.titltil
thtimyti. :
Cmssi'r.'rA'iioN , by mmmmmllor at ofilce. II.
0111cc ilomuts- to ii it , iii ; S to 4 ' . mum ; 7 to B
mu. i4mincImmY Iiil , uuieil.
Cijmresmslu.IeiiO meueIvt's : uuromiint attommtlomm.
Many dIscuses mere tmeateul smiccesstiuiiy by lrs.
Me coy azuti ilmmry tiiroughm tim zmmuiIl , iit It t
ttiip. j)0tStlJis for thii.e muimmibli , to unuiku a Jour.
iW to obtalim succesatul hmoepital treatm4utmt ul
thihr homes.
No letters aumswereul iiumhchs accoimmpammled by
4c in stmimu,1is.
Address ll lttem to Irs. MeOo & hoary ,
iiootn .tlO titt 111 hbimngu hImitWiim , Oiu&tu
Nubmitsk& .