Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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A Small Advance Scored In the
Price for Wheat
A Dull Pny'n Twilling Kxprrltiiuicil In
OHtu Provisions Ilnvc n Fen-
ttirclcnH HcHMlnn Cattle He *
fflH | . Large Quotations.
CiiiCAno , Dec. 14. tSiicolal'JVli'ijmui totlio
HUB. ] Wheat scored n small advance to-tiny
not o itiUL'h as was lost jcstcriluy Imttlie
tone of the market seemed decidedly better
anil outsldo buying , which wiw Insignificant
yesterday , plajed u considerable part to duy
In determining the course of prices. There
arc Indications that the country Is petting
Into the market n uln. May wheat o | > cned
nt 82S c , which wus J < 3 .fc lower than the
closing price yesterday. The llrst Impulse of
the market WHS upward nnd seemed , to rome
from New York. The market was slroiiK
and advancing rapidly , and buying hero for
New York account sent this l > rico to 82J o
quickly , At that ( irlco the cntlro local ele
ment seemed to want to well , and under
thulr hnmnieriiiK the price fell to W c. This
was the low point of the day. Hutchlnson ,
who frequently acts us nsort of balance
wheel In nil the markets , .begun to buy and
some of the exporting houses became buycis.
It was noticed , however , tlint
other exporting houses were sellers.
Country orders also told , and , at
times the buying of the smaller
shorts , who had acted upon the belief in u
big break and had been disappointed. The
udvaiu'o was to KJJfe , and with fluctuations
of about , ' e , the lowest point being h2j c.
The market was steady until the last half
hour , when an advance to b3j ( SS3i/o oc
curred , duo to the buying of commission men
and to some alarm on the part of the shorts.
The market settled back , however , when
these demands were satisfied , mid May wheat
ut 1 o'clock stood at tt2J < t' < $ lu. January
wheat opened at 75MHC , sold up to iti , ' < ; ( < 2 7(1)4 ( ) c
nnd closed nt 75yik ( ; ! . The low point was
nominally 75'ge.
May corn opened nt.WXc , which was > /o
below yesterday's close , and during the early
trading Hold up nt one time to 53) ) c. Then
there was n genuine raid by several prom
inent bears and the price was hammered
down to 52.l e. The talk was that this bear
coterie weio gunning for ono local trader ,
who has bought im enormous amount of corn
during the past few weeks. Wtiun the raid
was over it was generally believed that they
did not get him , but when It began smaller
traders thought some of the selling was for
him and they all turned sellers. liven at
W c the market seemed weak for a time ,
but hero Hutchlnson cnmo in npiln as n
buyer , and the crest of the upward
wnvu which followed was 5. < % ti for
May corn. It was believed that
n number of smaller longs had unloaded on
the decline , but that the heaviest of them
were'untouclu d. The trading appeared to be
local , the country not doing much just now
in corn. The exticmo prices which were
reached during the last half hour were iot |
maintained , and at the 1 o'clock clo-tlng May
corn stood at 5'ie. January corn opened at
4724C , sold up to 4b'sc ' , down to l"Kc , and
closed at 47c. The estimate is for 210 cars
Speculative trading in oats was rather
dull , ohlolly In May delivery , and the extreme
range of fluctuations was > 'aC. ' Oats for May
delivery opened at iKc , which was ke
lower than yesterday's close , advanced to
< iSa ! and closed at 'We. January oats sold at
Si'JJnU. The covering of some short oats kept
the market steady , but aside from this the
trading was without special feature.
Provisions passed through u somewhat
featureless day. The market was inclined to
bo bearish , largely in sympathy with corn ,
but It commanded good support , and the bear
element were discreet In making their in-
lluenco felt. Fluctuations were consequently
confined to n moderate range , and , as com
pared with last night's closings , 1 o'clock
quotations showed only limited changes. In
pork the decline suffered was only fK8IOc ,
und In short ribs 7 } c. Lard , which was the
strongest article on the list , closed un
changed for the near deliveries and barely
SJ o easier for May.
Arrr.Hsoox SKSOIOX Wheat for May
8ie. ; January 7Cc , February 7ii'H70 ' > fc. Corn
higher ; May closed nt KW bid , January
4Sc. February 4S c. Oats firmer ; May
UM'/e , January UOc , February ! Hc. ) . I'ork
advanced lUc and closed at $14.71) ) for Janu
ary , f U.W for February and $15,23 for May.
Lard was higher , closing nt $7.45 for De
cember , t7.fiO for January , $7.G < J for February
ruary nnd f 7.70 for March. Short ribs were
strong and for the extended deliveries 'Ji
higher and closed nt ? 7.riO for January ,
f7.txt for February , ? 7.7'J ) , ; for March and
* T.U2 ; $ for May.
CmcAno , Dec. U.-Special [ Telegram
to the Her. . ] CVTTI.E Cattle continue to
como forward In unlimited numbers , receipts
reaching to about the same number as this
time last week , nnd the chances are that the
number will foot up ns great for this week us
last week , when nearly everybody looked for
nt least 10,000 less. Trade to-day was more
than dull. As to prices , they were uneven and
very unsatisfactory on everything , not oven
good sorts oxecpted. Plnln nnd common
stock is again down to about the lowest prices
on record , and at least 25o lower that last
week and no quotntlous can bo given that
would intelligently convey to the distant
render the precise condition of the market on
low grnde , plain nnd medium natives. Native
butchers' und canning stock is beginning to
make morn money , more on account of the
ncarcity of Trxans than any other cause.
Natives , fa8.Xftti.UO. Stockers and feeders ,
12.10(3:1.25 ( : ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , ' $ l.&Wf ? >
4.00. Toxans. H.50@2.45.
Hens Trade was again dull nnd the turn
rather easier than otherwise. Uig packing
llrmssay they cannot Und purchasers of the
product nt the present prices and nro going
slow. This leaves the stock on sale to what
small firms nnd shippers may want , u de
mand that is not ut all reliable In the market
nno day and out the next. The bulk of sales
of best henvy were mndo within u range of
f.80S5.40. ( largely nt f5.35. Packing nnd
mixed sold within a range of , and
common , * 5 OO 'i.lO. Light sorts. J.V10W3.15 ;
pigs nnd skips , # 4.Wtf ( 5.05.
AVest Lincoln MnrkctH.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 14. [ SpecialTelegram
to the DKK. ] Hens Receipts , 500 head.
IJght to medium , 4.S5Q5.10 ; Iicnvy , $5.10@
& .ao.
NEW YOKK , Dec. 14. [ Special Telegram to
the HRK. ] STOCKS The reaction that the
stock bulls have looked for cnmo unexpect
edly to-day. There wns im absence of sensa
tional news , but u decided increase In the
quantity and Quality of the bull news. West
ern Union declared u dividend of IJ.f per
cent , nu Increase of } per cent. The earn
ings for the present quarter nro rejiortcil at
11,500,000 , against $1,000,000 the sumo .timo
last year. The settlement of the Grand
Trunk light gave London encouragement und
sent Increased buying order's ' for Heading ,
Loutsvillo & Nashville and Union Pnclttc.
The bull pools that were reported In the mar
ket yesterday again tool ; hold. A good de
mand existed for stocks-In the loan crowd ,
especially for St. Paul nnd Northwestern ,
which have been sold freely of Into. Tlio
beur lenders made n tight , but the Httlo ones
rushed to cover nnd assisted In advancing
prices. The opening was llrm , with gains extending -
tending to 1 point. Heading went up l' { per
cent. The bull pool in It is coui | > o.scd of
eleven members , who hold 10,000 shares und
intend buying on n scitln up to 150,000.
Uuioii Pacific advanced 1 point from the
opening. St. Paul followed bult , _ but North
western only ndvancrd ; V per rent. The rest
of the list fluctuated Irregularly , with no im-
iwrtnnt fcnturcsi Trading decreased the last
hour , but the market continued flrm and
further blight advances \ycre recorded ' , lust
ule being at outside llgurcs. Tlio' total
sales were 2fiO,84S Mmrrs , npnlnst 347,040
shares yesterday. The stock market closed
dnll but firm nt nbciut the best prices Of the
Uovr.iisMEXT : ' Government bonds were
more nctivo and strong.
I' . P. 4 rPKlMtprfd.l24"(1C. ( AN. W .
U. H. < s coupon. . . lill il" preferred . l.T li
I'.S. 4'ixrrghtril ' l(17 ( > i ( ) . V.I' . IW't
I'.S 4't.s ' coupon. N . ' , i
1'acinr CD of Ki . 119 ( ) . T . tV\
Cnnadn Southern , Wi'.irntUlc ' Mnll . M
( Vntriil I'nrltle. , . , WU P. . It. * K . IP'-i
ChliUKO A Alton , n > .I'ullmunl'nlnceCarl.'niS
( ' . , II.&Q . . . . . '
I ) . . I. . .VW .
ii. .v it. o .
llrlii . . . .
do preferred .
Illinois Ontrul .
L.It.iW . .
K..VT. . 17 > ( loinefrrred . 10(1 (
I.Hk riioro ) . M4 , T 'Xii I'licitlo . ' . ' 4' '
I. . A : N . DIM Union I'aclllo . . Wi > ,
Michigan Central. . Nl'j W. . St. I , . & 1' . IMj
MlxxonrlParlflc. . . W I tlfi preferred . ' . " . ' ' .
Mlourll'ai'lflc. . . . . 21 > iW. U. Telegrnph. . . 77U
do preferred. 4. . , 4.Vi |
MCISF.V On mil , easy nt 4f5 ( ? per cent ;
closed offered nt 4 per cent.
PIIIME MF.RCANTII.I : PAfcn 5)s'fJ8 ( per
STBnr.ixn EXCIIAXOK Stendv nt $4.81 for
sixty days' bills , nndM.S2 for demand.
Ctilcnffo , Dec. 14. Following nrc the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Nominally unchanged ; winter
wheat , fl.50rf4.K : ( ( ) ] > or bbl ; spring
wheat , Cl.rU@4..tO per bbl ; rye , $2.75fZ3.IX )
l > gr bbl j buck wheat , KJ.AO@0.25 per bbl.
Wheat Unsettled but active ; opened
weaker and ( ,0)40 ) below yesterday's close ,
and at close was fu'jO above yesterday ;
cash,7.1Xe ; January , 7C.i : ; May , Kk * .
Corn Active , unsettled and Irregular ;
opened j.Cfi-\e ( under closing of yesterday ,
nnd closed ? H@Jfo higher than yesterday ;
eash,47J e : January , 4Sj/eMuy / ; , M 7-l(5c. (
_ Oiits Firm , with light offerings ; May ,
Kyc Quiet at fll c.
Uarloy Quiet at 72 ( < i7Cc.
Pi iuio Timothy J2.20.
Flaxseedl.24. .
I'ork Active nnd unsettled , fluctuating
considerably ; January , JH.iO ; May , $15.25.
Lard Fairly active but Irregular ; cash ,
? 7.45 ; January , $7.r.O ; May , 7.S7.87J .
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , * 5.SO ( < ( 5.110 ;
short clear , 7.80@7.b5 ; short ribs , * 7.f > 0
for January.
UutterQuiet ; creamery , 2'if20c : ) ( ; dairy ,
21toe. ( .
Cheese Quiet ; full cream chcddars , I0'f ; '
Hats , llf ( < )12e ) ; young Americas ,
Eu'gs Scarce ; fresh , 20@21c.
Hides Weaker ; heavy green salted ,
"c ; light , do. , "c ; salted bull , 5' < jo ; ( green
do , 4Ke ; green salted calf , SQS'/c ' ; dry Hint
and ( fry calf , 12Ulci dry salted hides , lOc ;
deacons , 30o each.
Tallow Unchanged.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbU 43IKX , ) 41,000
Wheat , bu 55,000 lbWH )
Corn , bu 209,000 75HH ( )
Oats , bu 07,000 < J3HX ( )
Hyc , bu 5,000 2,000
Hurley , bu 74,000 62,000
St. Ijoulu , Dec. 14. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
Sic ; January , SOc ; May , Kc.
Corn Lower ; cash , 47i47)4C ; ) ; May , 4SaC.
Outs Lower ; cash , 30e ; Muy , aij/e.
Lord $7.25.
WhisUv-1.0.- .
Uutter Creamery , 21ft.riOc ( ; dairy , lS@2tc.
AriKUNooN Huiti ( ) Wheat , llrm ; Do-
cunber , < 0jC , bid ; January , Mlc ; May , & 44'c. ;
Corn , higher ; December , 4l'aC ( ' bid ; Jun-
uury , 45fe ; May , 4SVif4Sc. ( O.its , dull
Init linn ; Muy , 32rj32ij ' bid.
Liverpool , Dec. 14. Wheat Dull , do-
miinil poor , holders offer freely ; red western
spring nntt winter , ( is 7d ( < f'is ( ( id per cental.
t.'orn Lower and dull ; mixed western , 5s
) cr cental.
Milwaukee , Dec. II. Wheat Strong ;
cash , 74c ; .Iunimry,7l-Hu ) ; May , Sl c.
Corn Dull ; No. 3 , 4bKc.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 32'fc.
Rye Steady ; No. 1 , 02c.
Hurley-Firmer ; No. 2 70 > < c.
1'rovisions Quiet ; pork , December , f 14.75
© 15.00.
Mliincnpollfl , Dec. 14. Wheat Opened
dull nnd weak , but closed stronger nt a slight
decline ; No. 1 hard , December , 72JCe ;
January , 73J o ; Muy , 80 > < o ; No. 1 north
ern , 70 > ; @ 71c ; No. 2 northern , December ,
t7c ! ; Junuury 07J < fo ; Muy , T3 c. On truck :
No. 1 nurd , 73Koj > 74c ; No. 1 northern ,
@ 7Ic ; No. 2 northern , ( i7K@.8c. (
Flour Firm but slow ; patents , t4.50@
MX ) ; bakers' , * . ' ) .CO@3.80.
Hcccii > ts Wheat , 1SJ.OOO bu.
Shipments Wheat , 00,000 bu ; flour , 10,000
Cincinnati , Dec. II. Wheat Easier ;
No. 2 red , 85 } e.
Corn Dull and lower ; No. 2 , mixed , 53@
53. ! j c.
Oats Easter ; No. 2 mixed , 34@34 c.
Hye Easier ; No. 2 , 70c.
Provisions 1'ork , easier ut $14.75 ; lard ,
neglected at $7.t5. :
Whisky Steady nt $1.05.
New York , Dec. 14. Wheat Receipts ,
43,500 bu ; exports , 8,700 ; options advanced
? s@Xc and after a few feeble reactions
closed steady at near the top ; cash , a shade
lower and quiet ; ungraded red , 87(389 ( 0 ;
No. 1 red , 03e ; No. 2 red , 8SfVSSXc ( in eleva
tor , SO@SOXo delivered ; January closed at
Corn Receipts , 24,000 ; exports , (5.000 ( ;
opened Ji@c lower , later reacted Jfdi
closing tirm ; ungraded , 59@liOJfc ; No. 3 ,
( a(10c ( ; No. 2 , IHlKQOlJ.fc in elevator ,
( i2e ! delivered ; January closed ut Olc.
Oats Receipts , 41 ,200 ; exports , 2,200 ;
J4@lc lower and heavy , closing llrm ; mixed
western , 3tt@3Sc ; white western , 3y@43c.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio llrm at $18.50 ;
options active und higher , closing weak ;
sales , 135,500 bags ; December , $10.40@1S.70 ( ;
January , tlO.15@10.4I ) ; February. * 15.00@
10.20 ; March- $1..85J < MG.10 ; April , * l5.SOfg (
10.00 ; Muy , Wt.7S@Vt.vr .
Petroleum Steady ; United , 77/I. c.
Eggs Quiet ; western , 22iB24c. (
Pork Quiet , but generally steady ; mess
quoted ut S15.25@15.50 for one-year-old ,
tl4.50@14.75 for two-year-old.
Lard Opened 3@5 points lower , closing a
trillo better ; western steam , spot , $7.75.
Cheese Steady , but quiet ; western , "
Uutter In fair request ; western , 15@
33e ; Elgin creamery , 32 < 3.33c.
Kunsaa City , Dec. 14. Wheat Weak
and lower ; No. 2 soft , cash , 73) ) c.
Corn Weak arid lower ; No. 2 , cash , 44e
asked ; January , 44 * o bid , 45d asked ; Muy ,
47Jfo bid. 4St/e ) / asked.
Oats No. 2 , ca lr , 2SJfi : nskcd. .
New OrlcaiiH , Dec. 14. Corn Dull nnd
drooping ; mixed , C2@C3c ; white , 03c ; yellow ,
" "
Outs-Firmer ; No. 2. 41i42c. ( ( ;
Cornmeal ( Juiet nt $2.75.
Hog Products Dull und lower ; pork ,
? 14.5U ; Iurdf7.00.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , 10.37 } ; ; long clear
und clear i ibs , $7.tl2Jf.
Union Stock Yards , ClilcnKO , Doc. 14.
The Drovers' Journal reports :
Cattle Receipts , 111.000 ; natives , 2.S5@
5.00 ; stackers , $2.UK33.25 ; cows , bulls und
mixed , < 1.504.0UTexuiisl ( ; $1.5032.15.
Hogs Receipts , 22,000 ; dull und rather
easier ; mixed and packing , $5.15@5.25 ;
heavy , $5.30C5.40j common , $5.00 5.10 ;
skips , $4WKTi5:25. :
Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; dull , weak and
lower ; westerns , $3.CO ; Toxuns , $2.00 ; lambs ,
$5.iiO ( < i5.40. ;
KanwnH City , Dec. 14. Catllo Receipts ,
,000 ; Bhipments , 1,000 ; good-to choice weak ;
Hogs , Receipts , 11,000 ; shipments , 1,100 ;
market weak and 5 ( . ' 10i ! lower ; common to
choice , $4.70y5.2 : > ; skips und pigs , $3.00@
4.1)0. )
National Stock YiirtlH. East St.
ItiuiDcc. . 14. Cattle Receipts , 3,200 ;
shipments , l.SOO ; market dull and lower ,
choice heavy native steers , $4.30(34.90 ( ; fair to
good native stwrs , $3.SO@I.35 ; butchers'
htcors , medium to choice , W.lOS ( .Oi ) ; stockcrs
and feeders , fair to good.l.StX < f2.lK ) ; rangers ,
ordinary to good , MStM.OO.
Hogs-Receipts , 8,300 ; shipments , 700 ;
light grades , common to good , t4.40@4.85.
. ' ' OM All.\JMVK STOCK.
, . ' Cattle.
The receipts of cattl'o yesterday .were 224
Lead mostly couiuiou.stock. The market was
tint nnd only a few hend [ clmnpcd hands nt
prices fully 10 cents lower. A few cows and
stock calves were sold. No strictly first-
class cattle were sold.
The receipts of hogs were 4,1W. The mar
ket opened WftlOe higher on good hogs nnd
closed a little weak on common stock , Two
loads were left unsold ,
The receipts of sheep were C02 head.
Prices remain sternly.
Ofllulnl KccclitH.
Cattle 221
Hogs 4,154
Sheep 002
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on the market :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs $3.WO4.10
Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs a.(15 ( ( 4.00
Fat little steers , SWO to MM ) Ibs. . . . 3.50M3.li5
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1MX ) : i.H5 4.iO :
Gooil to choice corn-fed cows 2.'A'fi'2. ! ( > 0
Common to medium cows 1.75u2.00 (
Western cows , . . 1.75fi2.50
Good range feeders aiWQy.
Good native feeders , VOO Ibs and
upwards 2.50(33.00 (
Fair to medium native feeders , 000
Ibs nnd upwards 2.25 ( 2.50
Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs. . . . ' . 2.10fi2.00 (
Prime fat sheep 3.2503.50
Good flit sheep , WHS 100 Ibs 2.75 ( 3.25
Fair to medium sheen ! 2.i5 ! ( < ( a.l)0
Common sheep 2.00W2.25
Light and medium hogs 4.Xftl5.a5 ( )
Good to choice heavy hogs 5.20rt'5.t.1i ( :
Good to choice mixed hogs 5.15f ( 5.25
Dockngc and Coniiuisslon.
Public inspectors tlock pi-cgtiant sows -10
pounds , stags SO | > ounds each.
Commissions : Cattle , 50o per head ; calves
and yearlings , $10 per car. Hops and sheep :
Single decks , * 5 ; public inspection on hogH ,
IGo per car. All sales unless otherwise stated
per 1400 Ibs live weight.
Yardage : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , 3c ; sheep , 5c
per head. Feed ! Corn , $1 per bu ; timothy
hay , WO ; prairie hay , 920 per ton.
Dead hogs , 80 Ibs and over , 1 cent per
IIOUIM ! , less than 60 Ibs , of no value.
hive Stock Notes.
R. Shank , of Osccola , was in with a load of
W. T. Uobb , of Uassctt , had hogs on the
G. Osterloh , of Hooper , was in again yes
terday us usual.
A. J. Miner , of Nelson , was on the market
with two loads of hogs.
T. Kropf , of Schuylcr , marketed a load of
30 cent hogs yesterday.
W. N. Huck , of Lyons , was on the market
with two loads of cattle.
W. F. Howe , of Uassctt , sold a load of hogs
on the market yesterday.
Pi McMullen. of Lyons , Neb. , was on the
market with n load of hogs.
Charles S. Lincoln , of Plum Creek , was a
visitor nt the yards ycstcrduy.
Joe Wysong , of Cedar ftapids , was in with
thrco loads of cattle yesterday.
Hrittain & Co. , of Marahalltown , la. , had a
buyer on the market yesterday.
O'Donnell & Wright , of Utica , disposed of
u load of hogs at fo.yo yesterday.
Hubert Oummel , of Herman , disposed of
two loads of hogs at u good figure.
Martin Hanawald , of Aurora , was on the
market yesterday witn a load of hogs.
George Estes , of Glcnwood , la. , was among
the spectators ut the yards yesterday.
J. T. Goodcll & Co. , of Western Nebraska ,
marketed a load of good hogs yesterday.
Dutton , of the llrm of Sheets & Button , of
Petersburg , was on the market with a load
of hogs yesterday. *
Hliss & Uliss , of Schuyler , Neb. , received
the top price for a load of hogs yesterday und
went homo happy.
Produce , FrjiltH , Ktc.
7Vic follou'lng nrc the jirtccx nt wlilch
round wt * of prndiirc arc mM on tti ti innr-
hct. Fril ( ( or other HIICH ofunodH rcnutrlnn
ratru tabor of jxicAlmr cnnnat ddnij/i / lie
supplied on ouMiletmicraut the sumo prices
quoted the local trade.
Ht'TTCH Uecelpts were again liberal but
not suftlcicntly so to effect prices which re
main unchanged as follows : Creamery , solid
packed , is quoted at 22@24c ; cholcu dairy ,
_ ' 0 < 3c : ; medium , 10@18c ; low grades , 10t < 5
CIICESK Fancy full cream Cheddars , single ,
12o ; lull cream twins , 12 ( " .3c ; young
Americas , 13o ; brick cheese. 100 Ibs
In case , ir > c ; Limburgcr , 100 Ibs in case , 13c.
In less qualities , Uyi4 > fjc ; Swiss domestic ,
Eoos Receipts Hht ; demand good and
quotations firm ut IJii'iliT ; limed eggs lOc.
PoULTitv Tlio market is quiet und steady
with prices firm ut yesterday's quotations.
Llvo chickens , Jl,75@2.00 per dozen ; choice
fowls , fl.SOCfti.SS per dozen. Dressed chick
ens , liifo per iHjund. Turkeys ,
Ducks , T@9c. Uccse ,
C Prairie chickens , W.OO ; mnllnrd
ducks , * a.25s qunll , f I..XK1.40 ; teal nndliilxcd
ducks , tl.riOocl.Tri ; snipe , $1.8S ; Jack rabbits ,
$ .1.MXft3.75 per dozen fnuall rabbits , tl.W )
| > cr doz ; deer , Cf8c ; anteni > o , TO/IH ; ; deer sad
dles , lidlllc ; nntoloiH * . 12ijil4c ,
CAIIHOTS Arc In betferfiupply nt
per barrel. v (
SWIIT : : PonTor. Prices nrc easier nnd
quoted nt 2S2c. ( , per 11) .
HnA\ Good stock t'J.tXKa'J.nO ; fair to
good , ll.OOfjtl.bO , nnd Culiforniabeans at $2.25
( ji'J.40.
CinNnrnnirs Hell it Cherrv , $ .10V ) ;
Hell ft , Huglc , $10.f)0iill. ( 0 ; Cape Cod , (11.00
CAIIIIAHE Is still In fair demand and finds
ready sale at $1.00 jr do/on. California
cabbage easier at 2J ( ii/c' ) l > cr Ib.
POTATOES She suppTyTs light and the de
mand nctivo : quoted nt WVMUK ) for
Utah and Colo-nulo stock and choice homegrown
grown ut 75WHc ) ; common grades ut 40
PAUSSIPS New stock is quoted ut $2.50 per
ONIONS Home grown steady nt 75ilSr > e ;
Spanish onions , pcrMMb crate , $1.76f72.0 ( ( )
OVHTKIIS Plain standard , 2r > c : plain so- : >
TUKXIPS Fair to good stock 40(3f ( 0c ;
rutabagas , NlfgliOc.
CAVt.iri.owKK Good stock fc2.00@2.SO.
CcLKitr Choice celery , 35 ( < i45c per dozen ;
fancy , 4 , ' > (3. ( ' > 0e.
Ai'1'i.r.H Eastern fruit , tn.tKKf23.STi ; fair to
choice stock , (3.25611.50 ; fancy stock $3.50
( it 3.75.
HAUKII KIIAUT Cholcp , per bbl of 30 gal
3.8.X < ifl.OO ; J \bl , (4.85(25.00 ( (11.00 per
bbl of 60 gal.
Ciiir.H-Choico Michigan cidcr(1.00@0.uO ( per
bbl. of 32 gal.
QUINCES Choice California quinces , $2.00 ®
2.25 per box.
LKMONS Messina lemons , ( S.fiOtjlfl'.OO ;
Malaga , $5.00 ; extra line Maori scarce at
( O.tXlfrtO.M ) .
OHANOES Louisiana $4.00@4.25 per box ,
Florida $3.7504.00.
CturoiiNiA FIIUITS I'ears , $2.50(512.75 ( ; ex
tra line , $3.X ( > .
GitArKs Malagas , $0.00 per bbl.
UN NAS Choice bananas , $2.75(33.50 ( ; me
dium buchcs , $2.00@3.00 ; common , $ l.50 ( )
HOST.V Good choice honey In 1-lb frames ,
lS ' 20c ; canned honey , lU(3l2c ( per 11 > .
Poi'coiix Choice rico corn 3ay' ( ' o pcrlb ;
other kinds , 2fi2J ( o per Ib.
NUT- ! Peanuts , 7 < iJ7jjC , raw ; Hrnzil nuts ,
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , V2c ! ; English wal
nuts , 15ftlSc ( ; illbcrts , 12c ; Italian chestnuts ,
GroucfH1 lilst.
Puovisioxx Hums , 1Vj@\\c \ \ ; breakfast
bacon , Ilftl1j.fc ( ; bacon sliles , OfgU' ' L1 ; dry
salt , 8)4(7f8Kc ) ; shoulders , } afJ7c ( ; dried beef
; .yellow C.5)iii5 ) ( , ' ) c ; cut loaf ,
8.fe ! ; powdered , S@3Jfc ; New Orleans , 5jA
i : Ordinary grades , 10' < ffi20o ( ; fair
C\XXED Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , $3.20(23.25 ( ; strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
$3.00@3.10 ; raspberries.-2-lb , pnr case , $3.00(5 (
1.10 ; California pears. * per case , $4.70(24.80 ( ;
apricots , per case , # 4'J5 ! ' ( > i 1.30 ; peaches , pur
case , $5.bO(2.85 ( ; white cherries , per case ,
$0.00 ; plums , per case , $3.90fJ4.X ( ) : blueber
ries , per case , S2.30@2-.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
| > cr case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.20(25.75 ( ; 1-ib salmon , per doz , .M.75(21.IO ( ! ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , 3.250(3.35 ; 2-lb
string beans , ) > cr case , Sl.bO : 2-lb Limn
beans , i > cr case , $1.00 ; * 2-lb marrowfat peas ,
$2.1X1(22.70 ( ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per case ,
$2.b5 ; > 3-lb tomatccs , ? 9.50(22.50 ( ; 3-lb corn ,
? 2.30 < 22.40.
HKOOMM Extra 4-tie , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
CINDY Mixed , ( @llc ; stick , 8Jff0 ( . .c.
Jui.i.ii : * 30-lb pails , ? 1.75fil,85.
Toiucco Lorillnrd's Climax , 44c ; Splcnl
did , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Lcggctt &
Mcjer'sstar , 44c ; Cornerstone , 3 c ; Drum-
mond's Horse Shoe , 44.e ; JT. . , 40o ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c ; Catlln's mecrschuuni , 30c ;
Catlin's old stylc.'ftjc.
Svnor No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $1.50(7(1.55 ( ;
New Orleans , per gallon , 3840c ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , bile ;
1-gallon cans , per do ? , $10.50 ; half gallon
cans , per doz. $0.25 ; quart cans , $3.25.
ST.MICII Mirror gloss , 5Xc ; Gsuves' corn ,
< } faOswcgo \ gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
HOLLAND Hnnuixos 75B7Sc ( per keg.
CIUCKCIIS Gurncuu's sodu , butter and pic
nic , 5c ; creams , Tc ; ginger snaps , be ; city
soda , 8c.
TK\- , Japans , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20 ®
fi-'lj c ; Young Hyson , 25(2 ( 55c ; Oolong , 20W
TOIIACCE Lorillard's Climax , 44c ; Splen
did , 41e ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Lcpgett &
Mycr's Star , 43c ; Cornerstone , 35c ; Drum-
mond's Horsu Shoe , 44c ; J. T. , 40c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c.
Woonr.NWAitK Two-hoop pails , per doz. ,
$1.45 ; three-hoop pails , $1,70 ; No. 1 tub , $ (1.50 ( ;
No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 : wash
boards. $1.400(2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2-25 ;
Fo. 1 churns , $9.CO ; No. 2 churns , $8-00 , No.
3 churns , $7.00.
REFINED Luin Tierce , 7jtfe ; 40-lb square
cans7He ; 60-lb. round , 7Kc ; 20-lb. round ,
7Kc ; 10-lb. pails , 7 c ; 5-lb. pulls , So ; 2-lb.
puils , 8 Vc.J
PICKI.KS Medium in bbls. , $7.00 : do in half
bbls. , $4.00 ; small , in bbls. , $8.00 ; do In half
bbls. , $4.50 ; gerkins , in bbls. , $9.00 : do in half
bbls. , $5.00.
DHIUD FnuiTfl Apples , new , J s ,
evaporated 50-lb ring , 9 ? < @IOc ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 27 ( < i2tic ; blackberries , evap
orated , HKdt o ; pitted cherries , 20fT21c ( ;
peaches , new , 8 @ 9c ; evuporuted , jieeled
jenches , 29jt30c ( ; evaporated , ii'ijiared ,
! SfilOc ( ; new currants , OjBfj7c ( ! ; prunes ,
44J-C ; citron , 25c ; rulsins , London
layers $2.40a2.45 ( ; California loose miihcu-
tels , $ .2.00@2.10 ; now Valencia ,
. ROUE Seven-sixteenths , lujj
Dry Goods.
DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz , lO c ; West
Point 29 in. 10 oz. 12Kc : West Point 19 in. 12
oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , lllf. Cheeks
Caledonia X , 9Kc ; Caledonia XX ,
Economy , 9)fo ; Otis , 9Ke.
KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
18c ; Durham , 27) ) c ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming
ton , 22) 0 ; Cottswold , 25e.
CIUSH Stevens' H , Oc ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A. 7j < c ; bleached , 8J c ; Stevens' P ,
bjtfe ; bleached , > c ; Stevens' N , 9' < Tc ;
bleached , 10 > e : Stevens' S R T , 12Kc.
Mi ! < ( : Ei.L\NKOfs Table oil clotfi , $2.S5 ,
] ilaln Holland , 8 < c to 9c ; Dado Hollund ;
CAMiutics Sinter , 4Jfc ; Woods , 4 > ic ; Stan
dard , 4J c ; Peacock , 4Uc.
CoMroiiTElf , $ ( ) .00@)5.00. ; )
Ui.ANKr.T8 White , tl.UO@7.50colorcdl. ; 10
(28.00. (
UMUCIIED SIIEETINO Berkeley cambric ,
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , ll' < cLons- ;
dale i , bj , c ; Now ( Jerk mills , 10Vc ; Pepperell
42 inch , lO c ; Pcpperi ; ! ! , 4U Inch , HKc ; Pc | > -
pcrcll 0-t , iuvi'ui'v.iA.n , 8-4 20o ; Peppercll | | ,
0-4 , 22c ; Pepperell , UW , 2Jo ; Canton 4-4,8'fc ;
Canton , 4-4 , OJ u ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta ,
lie ; Valley , 5c.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshcn ,
. .n , .1 ii r , ; } , . < ; { , U2U , ? J , ii.Jf ,
nPitiNTs SOLID Coj-oitsi Atlanta , 5' c ;
Slater , 5c ; Herlm Oilll ) < c ; Garner Oil , % 7c
PINK AND ROUES Richmond , lie ; Allen , Oc ;
Itlrcrjiolnt , 60 ; Steel River , CKJ ; Richmond
( ! c ; Pacillc,0) c. INDIGOUI.VE Washington
Oo ; Century Indk'o blue prints , lOc ; Amer
ican , dKc ; Arnold , OJ.'c ; Arnold H , 10i < c-
Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOJJc
DIIE.SS Charter Oak , 4Uc ; Ramaiw , 3JYo-
1 )41 , 4 , c ; AlIcn,5Kc ; Rfchmond,5Ko ; Win
dsor.iic ; Eddystono , Oc ; Paelilc , ( Jc.
Hiiowx SIIEUTINO Atlanta A , 1-1 , 7J'e
Atlantic H. 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0 > . , 'c ; At
Icntlc P , 44 , 5J/c ; Aurora LL. 4-4. 5J/c ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4i , ' : ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , lljc <
Hooslcr LL , 4-1 , 5 fc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 > fc
Luwrcnco LL. 4-4 , 5 > 4'c ; Old Dominion , 4-4
5 } > , o ; Pepperell R , 4-4 , Ojfc ; Pepjicrcll O , 4-4
Oc ; Pepperell , . 8-4. 18c : PepK | > rell , ! M , 20c
Pepperell , 10-t , 22c ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4Jfc
Wuchusett , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora , R , 4-4 , OKo ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , C * .
HATTS Standard , 80 ; Gem , lO e ; Heuuty
I2 fo ; Uoone,14c ; U , cased , $0.50.
.COTTOX FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
N'o. 10. S c ; 40,10 > tc ; no. 12.Vi W , 1 * ' - ! -"Wi
oloredl UK : ; W ) , colored , 12c ; 70. colored , 15c ;
Urlstol , 13Uc ; Union Puciilc , iso.
CAUI-KT WAiii1 Ulbb white , 18'iC ; colored ,
GiNOiHiu Plunckett checks , 7140 : Whit-
cnton. 7 0 ; York , 7J4o ; Normundl dress ,
, ' , 'c ; Calcutta dress , bH - ' ! Whittenton dress ,
o ; Renfrew dress , POJ'1211'e.
TICKS Lewlston , Hn. , 12tc : Lcwlston ,
2-ln. , KlJu'c ; York , : i2-ln. , 14c ; Swift river ,
VcTliorndlke ; , OO , 8Mc ; Thorndlke. EF ,
V. Thorndlke , 120 , P c ; Thorndike , XXX ,
fit1 ! Coi-dis , No. 5 , C'-jC ; Cordls , No. 4 , lie.
DENIMS Amoskeag , li-oz. . lOc ; Everett ,
o13c ; York , 7-07 , 13c ; Hnynmkor , M c ;
affroy , XX , HHc : Jaffrey , XXX , 12'4'c ' ;
leaver Creek , AA , ISc ; Heaver Creek , UI1 ,
le ; Heaver Creek , CC , lOc.
Gcnrrnt Mnrkcto.
FLAX > Is firm at the recent advance ,
nd good quality brings $1.10 per bushel.
GUAIN The lollowlng are Omaha quota-
Ions on gran : Wheat , No. 2 , Wc ) : rye , fiOd ?
> 2c : oats , 30c ; corn , old , 3Hc ; new , 35o ; bar-
cy Is scarce und quoted ut 45fJOOi' ( , according
o quality.
COIL Mild weather has , to some extent ,
essctied the demand , but us the supply Is
till light , prices remain Hnn nnd unchanged.
Ve quote : Egg , $10.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range ,
10.50 ; walnut block. $4.00 ; Iowa lump , $3.75 ;
own nut , $3.00 ; Illinois , $4.50 ( 5.00.
HIDES Are very dull and quotations
hough unchanged may be considered a
shade easier. Wo quote. Green butch
er's , 5'fe ; green cured , OJiftTTc ; dry
lint , S"o " ; dry salt , So ; green calf skins ,
"c ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow
3J/C ; . Grease Prlino while. 3c ; yellow ,
Ic : brown , Ij e. Sheep pelts , 25) ) l0c. !
Funs Are depressed und dull , with No. 4
skins almost unsalable. Quotations arc news
as follows : Raccoon , lOftt.OOc ; nijnk , 15f40c ( ;
nisk rnt , fall. 2 ( < J5c ; stripped skunk , 5(25c ( ( ;
mountain wolf. No. 1 , $1.50r.2.50 ; No. 2 , iirai-
ie , 75fi'.Kc ( ; No. 2 , 25fT40c ( ; beaver , No. 1 ,
> erlb , $2.00013.00 ; No. 2 , $1.00ff ( 1,25 ; otter ,
: l.OOall.M ( ( ) ; dry deer skins , 20 < < < : i5e per Ib ;
Iry nntclopc , elk , moose , etc. , 15n25c.
Hv The demand for hay und straw Is
; ery good , but the receipts are light. The
'allowing are driccs quoted : Common coarse
my , $7.Kff.7.50 ( ) ( per ton ; upland prairie , $7.75
(28.00 ( ; straw , $0.50.
Fi.oun AND FKKII The market Is improv-
ng as regards fancy stock. The following
iro1 current prices : Minneapolis patents ,
2.75 percwt ; Kansas und Missouri winter
funcy patents , $2.45(2.2.00 ( ; Nebraska juit-
cnts , fc2.2502-.3.V. rye flour , $1.75V ( ( l.tK )
) or cwt ; rye , Graham , $1X0 per cwt ;
wheajl , Graham , $1,75 jor ) cwt ; coin-
ncal , yellow , ! Kc ) per cwt ; comment , white ,
? 1.00ier cwt ; chopped feed. bOc per cwt ;
bran , $12.500Ul.X ( ) per ton ; screenings. fc'J.oO
( tt 12.00 per ton.
Sl'lHlTs Steady at former figures ; mar-
< e.t strong and u slight rise in
> necs anticipated. Cologne spirits ,
Ib1 ? proof , $1.10 : do , 101 pi-oof , $1.12 ;
spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do ,
IbS proof. $1.00. Alcohol , Ibb proof , $2.10 per
wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies. Jl.tKlo ?
1.50. Gin , blended , $1.50f72.00 ( ; Kentucky
bourbons , $2.0U&70.)0 ( ) : Kentucky and Penn
sylvania ryes , * 2.00d0.5U : Golden Sheaf
bourbon and rye whiskies , $1,5UO3.X ( ) . Uran-
dies , Imported , $5.008.50 ; domestic , $1.30fD
3.1X ) . Gins , lnii > ortcd , $4.50020.00 ; domestic ,
M.25073.00. Champagnes , iniportcd , per
case , * 28.00@33,00 ; American , per case , $10.00
& 10.1X ) .
Hiavy HIIIIW.MIR Prices have rc-
nuiucd uncliHiigcd for some time. The
following prices arc standard Iron ,
rate , $2.70 : plow steel , special cast ,
Ofic : nruciblo steel , 0)4"c ; cast tools ,
do , 12ill5c ( : * wagon spokes , per bet ,
$2.00ffi5.50 ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles ,
each , 75c : square nuts , per Ib , lie 13c ; coil
chain , per It ) , iya@13o ; malleable , 8010c ;
ron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , ( ! c ; harrow teeth ,
4c : spring steel , 4 ( 5c ; Uurdcn's horse shoes.
* 4.75 ; Uurdcn's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barbed
wire , in car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails ,
latcs , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50.
Dry Ijiiinbor.
No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 No. 3 com , s 1 s.IT .50
No. 2 com , sis. 17.IX ) No. 4 com , sis. 13.50
No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft. , rough $19 50
No. 1 , " " 111 " 10 50
No. 2 , " 12 14 " 10 50
No. 2 , " " 10 " 18 00
A , 12 , 14 , & 1C ft.21.50 I C , 12 , 14 & If. . ft$15.50
H , " " 20.50 I D , " " 12.M )
A 0 In White Pine $25.50
HOin " " 33.50
COin " " 30.110
DGIn " " 21.50
Ellin " " ( Sol. Fencing ) 10.00
0 in. Drop Siding SOc per M. extra.
2d com X in White Pine Ceiling $34.00
" " '
Clear'J/in Norway " " lll.Oo
2nd com. % in " " " 14.00
A 12 inch sl s $15.60
1112 " 39.20
C13 " 30.00
D13 " ai.OO
No. 1 , com , 12 in s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50
14 ft 19.00
10 , 18,20ft 21.50
No. 2 , " " 10.00
" " IS & 14 ft 18.50
" " 1C. ft 17.50
12 in Grooved rooting , $1 per M. more than 12
ill Stock Hoards sumo lengtn.
0 in. Grooved Rooting same price as 12 in.
Stock Hoards.
No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in (19.00
No. 2 " " " 17.50
No. 1O G , Sin 19.50
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 1 if inch , s 2 s $51.00
" " " IK , 2 51.00
3d , clear , 1 inch , s 2 s 44.50
" IK , U-a- " ' < - 4I > - < > 0
A , select , 1 inch , s2s 40.00
A , " 1)4 ) , IK , 2 inch , s2s 44.00
H , " Iinchs2s 80.00
U , " IJf , IK.- Inch , s 2 s 37.00
Com. 4 inch Flooring $17.50
Star " " 21.50
1st and 2d clear 4 inch ! leering 23.00
Six-Inch 50c less.
Clear % inch Ceiling ' . 21.50
Clear % inch Partition 25.00
Clear % inch , Partition $2 above % Jcnh Ceil
Clear Finish , 1 and 1'f inch , s 2 s $29.00
Clear Finish , IK und 2 inch , s 2 s 30.00
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 25.5(1 (
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Hasc. . . . 27.00
Cl. Poplar Hx. Hds. % in. , s 2 s $35.00
" " > w in. Panel , s ; > s 27.00
" " Corrugated Ceiling , % , . 28.50
O. G. Hntts , 2K in. Ific ; yx3 , s 1 s. 40c ; 3 in.
Well Tubing , D. &M. ami Hcv.$23.IX ) ; Pick
ets , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq , , $21.50.
sllINflLK.H , LATH.
XX clear. $ .10 ; extra * A , $2.85 ; A * stand
ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.55.
White Cedar , 0 in. , } { s. 12Kc ; 0 in. qrs ,
lUfo ; white cedar , 5J in. K s. UMc ; 8 in.
qrs , lOc ; white cedar. 4 in. round , lOKc ; Ten-
ncssco red cedar , split , 14c ; split oak , lOc ; C
in. , 7 in und b in. ( % each ) S ft. , round W. C.
Throat DlhoiiHCH commence with n
Cough , Cold , or Sore Throat. " .Hcwn's
Jlmnchlnl WOC/IM" / give immediate relief.
unly In bores. Price 25 cents.
Internal Jtcvcniic Collections.
Yesterday's revenue rollections amounted
to $11,231.50.
Tlio llcauly of Woman
it , her crown of plory. But uliinl how
quickly does the norvoiib dohility niul
chronic weaklier of tlio BOX caunu tlio
bloom of youth to pass away , bhiivpon
the lovely features , and emaciate the
rounded form ! There i but ono rem
edy which will re-store the faded ro es
and bring back tlio grace of youth. Ii
is Dr. Piorco'H ' 'Favorite Prescription , '
a boverei'ii ( remedy for tlio diseases pe
culiar to females. It is one of the
greatest booiib qver conferred ujion the
human race , for it iirCborvcH that vvhic )
IH fiiirebt and dearest to all mankind
the beauty und health of womou.
Agricultural implements.
CarrlatM and Biiglr * . Jnnci Strcpt. llctirren vtb anj
KilT.'bmati'a ; NcbraVk1"
A ricnltnralIinpleinents1fagonsCarriages )
Bugge | , Ktc. Wholenale. Omaha " , Nebra.ka.
. . . W ol ' Dealer * In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Bnggiei
_ _ _ _ _ 1. TO , CM ami ICT. Jimm Slre t. Ututha.
FTP. MAarai co. ,
Mannfactiirers of Bnckeye Drills , Seeders.
Agricultural Iinpteniswagons ! &Bngiei
Cornr lllh and Mclii.lai SlracU.
Artists' Materials.
A. HOSPE , Jr. .
Hffltprifllc Pifltin onH
ndlulldls , ridllUS dull
1H3 DouilM Btrctl , Omaha. N lira k _
Boots and Shoes.
W. V. MORSE tt CO. .
Jotters of Boots and Shoes ,
UU Itnam tit. , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , tiBMtt
bluet. Binlun.
( Succnior * to Ktcd , Jonei & Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
AltnU for Holloa Robber HhoCo. llltt , 1104 41101
Harn y 9t. . Omaha , Ntl > r ta. _
_ Coffaas , pleBS , Eto.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavor. , . , ' . . In. , , mo. m..ltlt
Agent ( or the Manufacturer ! and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys.
Ktc. Office , 5178. 13ltipt. , Oninlm , Ncbm k . '
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing ,
mtUr.Itexi ami 1'rmlure. ConnlKniut'iiti ollrltet ] ,
Headquarters for Stoncwnrr , lldrjr Hotel and
( Irs 1)0 Illskdi. 1414 Dodge HI. , Omaha.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry. Uutter , ( lamp. Krultn. Kir. Ml ) bouth lull St. ,
Ouiaha , Nobratka.
( Successors to McShane A Schropiler. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage
Omnba. Nebraska. ,
Cool , Coke and ( -imp. _
Jobbers of Hard and Son Coal ,
' Vt South 13th Btrect , Omaha , Nobraaka. _
Manufacturers of Illinois Wbite Lime ,
Ind rhlppcra of Cool , Coke , Cement , I'laster. Um x
Drain Tile and Sewer llpn. Olflpc , I'aiton Ilottl ,
Farnam 81. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 South 13th St. , Omaba , Neb.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Boods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1 10 ] and MMpougla * . Cor , llth PI. . Omaha. Neb.
Inprtersand Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
QenU' IMrolihlng Goodi.Corncr llth and llaruejr SU ,
Omaha , Nehraiku.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karuam Street , Omaba , Nebraika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TO , TOT , 709 and 711 tt. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Dab and Learenworth Street * , Omaba , Nebraiku
D. M. STEELE * CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
UU , 1221 and IK ) turner Btreet , Omaka , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1114 and 1116 Uarner Btreet , Omaha , Neb.
LEE , FRIED ft CO. .
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
TinwareKhe t IronKtc. Agent * for Howe Ucalti.and
Miami 1'owder Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shoo
Mechanic * ' Tool * and Buffalo Scale * . 1X Douitatat.
Omaha , Nebraika.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and TUrner St * , OmahaNob. : Wrttern Agent *
for Auttln 1'owder Co. , Jeffrrion Stael NalliFair -
bank * standard Scale * .
Heavy Hardware.
w. j. omvi un ,
Heay Hardware. Iron and Steel ,
Ingi , Wagon Stock , Hardware Lumbar , uto.
ami 1211 lUrncy Btreet. Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Mats , Caps , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Uarner Btreet. Omaba , Neb.
and ILER & CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers of FineWines &Lipn
Kut India Bitters and Domestic Liquor * . 1112 Ilarner
All lands of Bnilfling Material at Wholesale
UU Btreet and Union 1'aclflu Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doer * , eto. Yard * -Corner 7th and Dougla * j Corner ilia
and Uougla * .
Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber ,
Uth ard California St * . , Omaha , Neb.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Comer Cth and DougUi Sti. , Orjaba.
To Dealers Only ,
Office. 11&3 Farntra Hlreet. Omafca.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc , :
tagortKi and Amirlcan Portland Cement. State Met
for Milwaukee lljnraulle Ceroeat | UUJulscr ! .
Dealer in Hardwood Lumlier ,
TocaCarpet _ and I'arqtif I rloorlnt. 9th and DotillM
. . - . .
Importers & Jobbers of Millinery I Notionl
an. ilO an J ttt South lltb. Street. j.
Wholesale Notions and Fnrnishini
eiP and < M South 10th Street. Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Ml '
llOt llarqer Streel , Omaha.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils/- /
Lile ( lrc , o. etc. . Omaha. A. U. BUhop. Mamajeft
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
ferrr nice ttoek of prlnllaf , wrapploi and ( f rltlnfl
paper. Special aUentloa guen to cat laad orfler * .
pTlntera * Materials.
Auiiliary Publishers ,
Dealer * Imtrpe , preiie * and crlntera' itiprllee. HI
South lilk Btreet , Omaba.
Ruboer Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Oil Clotblng and Leather Belting. ION Viinmm Struct.
Steam JFUtlngiB , Pumps , Eto. t >
" ' ' "
A" L. STRA'NG'"CO. ,
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Sic am , water , rallwarand mliilim * ur < | illc9 , etc. HO ,
_ pit and ! l Imaha.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
' ' '
Btcam iml Water BurpHei , llradq'nnrtcrs lor'Matt ,
r'oont & t'o'B KOOdB. Ill ) Farnaru St. , Oruaba.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Halllday Wind Mill * . HIS nnd Via Kartmm bl. , Omaha ,
U. K 1U.M , Acting Mnnuijer.
Engines. Boilers and General Machinery ,
bhvul Iron Work.SU'am rumpn , w Mlllt. 1J13-12I1
LeavunworlU Strutt. Omnlm.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
ni and 1)13 ) Jouci PL , Oma'in
Storage , Foryyardjng A Cor mIBalori
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
llrnncb luiuao of the llcnncr IluKKr ' " lluitiilcn l
wholvialo unct rotnll. I.Hf .ISlO miii i.ll. Izard Utrcet , t
( Jiuahn. Tclopbouo Nu. TfX ) . t
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
Jolm Kpcuctor , Proprietor. 920 llodzt * nml l 1UI uuil 103
_ Nol til lUCIi Btrcot. Ouiaha. ; '
Smoke Stocks , Boilers , EtcH '
Mannfacturing Dealer in Sraole ( Stacks , '
Drltihlugi , Tanki and ( lunernl Ilollor Uopnlrlug. 1311
Dmlliu Street. Umaba. Nob. ,
Iron Works. Vi
Wrought and Cast Iron Bnildine orlf , ] 1
Knglnoa , Dram work , Boneml fonnrtrr , murlilne andf
blackimltb woik. OmceiiDdworki.U. f. Ujr. andn
17U > Htrool , Omth * . Jj
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Bailings
Dtik ralli , window guftrilt , flower atandi , wire ilvoN
etc. , 123 NurtU ICtb St. , Omaha. ,
Mau'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes-
Tuultn , jnll work , Iron and wire fencing , nlxni , etc. O
Aiulreen , rrop'r. Cor. llth and .Incktun BU.
MnnufnuturcMi auU.lubUt-i In
Wagons Buggies Rakes Plows Etc ,
, ,
Cor. Ulb nun l'i.'Itii' tilt , , u'niilm. .Si'b.
( leneral Agent * for Dlebold Safe A Lock Co.'o '
Fire and Burglar Proof Safesjime Locks.
Vaults nnU Jail Work , 1110 Karimm Blrcet , Oruuho.
H. M.aiS. W.JONES ,
Hnccv orate A.T. Kciiyon & Co. ,
. Wlinlovnlo iinil ri'tnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
I'lnc WoilOInu Ktutlnnt-ry , I'Diiinion-lul Stnllonerr.
Wfi Doiiitliut M. Oniuliu , Nub.
Oyeralla. _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jean * 1'auU ) , Hblrti , Ktc. 1102 anil 1101 Douglai Street.
Omaha , Neb.
, Eto.
M. A. D1SBROW & CO. ,
Wholcinle Manufacturer * of
Sasb , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch Office , ith and Hard Btrvcln , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sasb , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding * , Stair Work and Inlnrlor Hani Wood Fln
lab. N. K. Comer 8th and U-aveuworth rilreet * . ,
Omnlm , Neb. I
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors ,
And Blind * , Turning , fitalr-work. Bank and Offlc *
fitting * , inh and I'opiilvton Arcuue.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1W1 Norm Klghtoenth Street , Omaha , Nob.
c. n. K , i > , mciiMAN. j , n. III.AKCOAUIV
Live Stock Commission Mercbants ,
Office Iloom 24 , Opponlto Kichangc Hulldlng , Ualofi
htuck VnrclB , Souili Oniuhu , Neb.
Lire Stock Commission Mercbants ,
Market f urnlihuj free on application. Rtorkcr * and
feeder * fiiml'lied oa pooil term * . Itvfrrenci-n ; Oma *
ha National Hank anil HouUi Oinaha National , Uoloa
Block Vanli , Houth Omaha.
Live .Stock Commission ,
lloom Ii , Bichango llulldlng , Union Stock Yard * ,
houlli Oniahn , Neb.
Commission Kalers in Live Stock ,
llooni 22 , oppnitltn Kzchonve llulldlnir , Union titoct
VnrUi , hk > utli Oruaha , Nvb.
Of Omalia , Limited ,
John K. MoriJ , HuiJtrlntonilent.
Tlio toil-known mid raoit | iopular Hotel In th
late , l icutloii rcntral , api.olntiiioitn ) Hritrlniii2
llumliuurtiT lur tuminccfml men anil nil ( .olltlcM
, „ . , . lloaoBN