Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1887, Page 2, Image 2
2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THUKSDAY. IECEMBER 15 1887. M , WILSON AND HIS ENEMIES , Bx-Prosldont Qrovy'a Son-ln-Law Tolla Why Ho Waa Persecuted. A VICTIM OK POLITICAL HATE. Jolin Ij..SiiUlvnii'rt Triumphant Tour Through Ireland " Punch " 1'rlntH Caricatures of the President uml the Pugilist. Mi Wilson n Martyr. li\l \ Ji\mtt Gortlnn liennttt. ] PAHH , Dee. 14. fNew York Herald Cable Special to tlio llEE.1 Thu Judgment of Uio Chnmliro des misos In the ncctmtlon pronounced Wednesday has doubled the bit terness of Wilson's adversaries. Though technically nn exoneration of Grcyy's son-in- law on the ono point , It leaves hlm'under tht > flhadows'of Bevcral serious charges which Ho mayiyet-bo. obliged to answer In the law courts. An emissary Dt the Herald spent Wednesday afternoon with Wilson at the Gravy mansion In the avenue il'Jona and took the opportunity to Interview him. "I have had to suffer , " said M. Wilson , ' 'through the rivalry .of the prefecture and i the magistracy. I have been caught between the hummer and the anvil. " "Is there any truth In the report that you intend to withdraw from polities and settle In Scotland ! " "Tho report Is absurd. I am more deter mined to stay where I am than over. Events have proved that the attacks on mo were really alined nt the president of the republic. They wcro also directed against an occult political Influence I was supposed to possess , Now thut.tho quc.Htlim lias been rid of purely political interests nnd hatred , I mean to defend my honor foot by foot and lot honest folks Judge whether , tiiken separately , there is really any gravity in the charges brought against me. The question of the ab stracted letters has been seemingly settled by the ordnnnnnco do non lieu , That tribunal has decided that , oven admitting the substi tution , it had not a criminal uhnrautur as the missing letter * hud no connection , with the matter at issue. " "Hut what of these decorations ? " "As to the decorations , " replied M. Wilson , "at the outset of the Limousin atTair it was said she had 'J0 < ) letters of mine. Then it was said Truitumycr once had seen a compromis ing letter. Tlit-so documents no inoro ex isted than the famous .loubert Invention by the Intranslgcant , but the imagination of the public took llro and it was taken for granted I had organized a huge decoration agency. f' As If such a thing wcro possible. Why , the of the by crosses Legion are given re sponsible ministers. Is it not rather damag. Ing to thoin to suppose them capable of tak ing dishonest steps to award favors to people utterly unworthy of them ) " "You wrotffto Mine. Limousin about ( ! cn- cralTlillmudon ! " "Through great regard for the general I did my best to have him reappolnted to the command of the corps d'armoo. The repub licans , especially the Houlanglsts , wore clam oring for it. Now the very same men are making capital out of my letter. "An attempt has been made to compromise mu in another way , " continued M. Wilson. "A man named Nlcipuet was arrested for having offered to sell M. Neoyonval n decoration. His accomplice was D'Andlan , but on the ptotcxt that the two confederates had sug gested to their dupu the policy of taking un Interest in my paper , 1 was Implicated. I had nothing whntuvpr to do with the matter , and boon after Uoycnvul was decorated by M. Wellno , the minister. " "Could you throw uny light on the Vigncaii iwiuiryi" ' "I was only called In as a witness and easily proved I had no connection with the roeucs. The gentlemen whom they tried to take In I aru honest manufacturer and I cannot nauio thorn. " .At' this point of the interview Mine. Wilson entered. Sbo Deemed on most affectionate terms with her husband , despite all the rumors of domestic discord ullout. "What is the truth about the Sollloro busi ness , M. Wilson ! " continued the interviewer. "Sollloro and I have been chums from boy hood , " replied Wilson. "Thero is nothing wonderful in his having Invested part of his largo fortune in papers. Selliero is sur rounded by a ultimo of adventurers. Some how or other they got hold of his papers and now they are using them to blackmail not only mo , but his partner , M. Dcmachy , his family and over one who has his real inter ests at heart , " "I must admit , " said M. Wilson , "having made a mistake in ono matter. I ought not to have- sent back these 40,000 francs to the minister of finance but I acted on thu advice of M. Grevy , who was anxious to have no money ( piaiTi'ls introduced into the business , You know us well as I that it has been customary to bo rnthor lax in thoj > u small mutters , " "Wlmtnro the Veal motives of the attacks on you I" wikl the interviewer "They are two-fold , " replied M. Wilson , "partly political , puvtly private. The appor- tunlsts Hiinc , Laurent and the rest have I never forgiven mo for the active part I took in overthrowing Gambottn. On thu other hand thu Intransigeant Its people cannot forgive my having opposed thn s- inanitciinnco of General IJoulungcr as the minister of war. 1 admire Uoulangcr but ! believe , In the present divided .stii.Vo of par ties here , wo need peace uui I thought the general had been imvudent ; , especially Jn the Sehnaobclo nmtfor. The radicals owed inq a grud o too for supporting thu Houvior mlnbiry. I did so because I felt it was the k- best possible cabinet. G'otait la dernlero cartouche. A you see , the ministries arc not easier to form now thau under M. Grovy. " "I have had all kinds of charges made against me'icontmued ' M. Wilson. "I have been abused for being ruined and abused for being a millionaire. All kinds of lying stories havu been floated about mo. Onu day I was about to bo divorced , the no.xt' had eloped with Jane Harding. These talcs aru false. As for M. Grcvy , ho loves mo llko a father. " "The Jealousy of rival newspaper proprie tors explains a great deal of what Is mystcri- ous in thu campaign against mo , " added M , Wilson. "Thu Pc-tito Franco and the iVUU f Comtois worn dangerous rivals to somoof tin i Purls papors. Above all 1 was detested foi itI , defending the stulo against monopolies , ct > peciully thu bunk of Franco and the greal BUgnr interest. " "Now , M. Wilson , who , as you think begat the outcry about scandals ! " r , "General Forron began thu camptilgr I thinking it woula Injun ) General Uoulangor. ' M. Wilson went on to explain the way line been admirably prepared for a campaign sc far as the iiolico department was concerned as thu service do la surelo was dos | > cratclj anxious to divert attention from certain awk ward matters with which ho was buslt-d. "To what matter do you refer ! " "To the Praiuint affair , " said M. Wilson. "Shall vou resign jour scat In the chum borl" biiid thu interviewer rising to go. "No , " emphatically replied M. WINon ' " * constituents wouli "oven If I resigned my re-elect me. I am uro of their loyalty , Bhttll return to my scat In the house vorj shortly and take part in the debate iw usual.1 Ilusy riigllt-lt Politicians. ICopi/rfyM ISSTIiu J.imc * ( Ionian Il'nuttt. ] LOXDO.V , Dee. 14. [ Now York Hcruli Cable Special to tUu Bet. ] The tirst Ioit night of December has bocu a busy ono in the liolltlcal world In Kngland. Lord ( Iran villa last evening achieved an oratorical success on the Irish question at the Eighty club , and Lord Hosebcrry at Hldham , made another elaborate liberal speech. This evening See- retftry Halfour Is defending , fn a spirited way , his Irish administration. Sir William Harcourt to-morrow will answer him at Hournmouth. On the same evening Lord Itosoborry will speak nt Manchester , whllo Lord Randolph Churchill , at Stockport , will address a meeting to bo presided over by an M. P. , Kouls J. Jennings. On Friday evening , 'at Newcastle , Lord Hcrsclmcll fresh from his American recita tion will discuss liberalism. Next week Lord Salisbury will orate , flrst at Derby nnd then at Liverpool Sir William Hnrcourt answering him at Gloucester and Worcester. This fortnight ended , the holidays begin , when oratorical wits glvo way to Christmas wits. It is , however , highly improbable that Mr. Gladstone will address any uudlonco during the recess. Ho is wisely husbanding lib strength for thn session which , especially In Its opening month , must provo an arduous ono. THE TWol's. Pugilist nnil President Caricatured ' Hide Hy Side In Punch. ICapyrtuM 1887 l/y Jdmcf Gordon llei\neU.\ \ Loximx , Doc. 14. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEK. ] President Cleveland has already been aturallzed In Punch , therefore his Is no new feature in to-day's Issue , but Sullivan Is a new comer , and the line hands of Do Mawner and Terrlol give pages to both thcso "Ps" sldo by side. The former artist portrays as the center piece of an evening reception scene Sullivan in evening dress , with all the sluggoristn of looks , so to speak , humorously exaggerated. Ho is surrounded by n bevy of ladies , admir ing the now Aquarium monster. The back ground is formoit of envious black coats in a sulking row. At the right hand corner of thu cartoon stands , with arms folded , a pleasantly burlesqued figure of- Irving talk ing to a smiling F. H. S. The picture Is entitled "Socubylfl New Pet. " The Irving shadow Is named Do Faruco , n rising young tragedian , Who remarks to tho.l'1. 11. S. : "Oh , the llckelness of women. Look at that idiot there. They're all warming over now. Ugh ! I should like to kick him. I shall seek an opportunity. " F. It. S. ( who writes tragedies but dislikes popular tragedians ) "What will you do , my dear fellow ! " "Dol" rejoins Dc'lnrucho. "Humph , but who is the beast i" Hetorts the F. 11. S. Slogg , the pugilist from California , champion of the world. Delarucho nsldo Humph ; I'll think bettor of the kick. Across the mid sheet , on the opposite pace , is a scene in the white hpuso recep tion room. President Cleveland is by no means caricatured and Is generally smileing. Ho holds a crush hat in his right hand , looking toward Miss Colum bia , gesturing at Miss Free Trade on his loft , and holding her hand. Miss Columbia sports an Indian sachem crown of feathers , over fringed hair , and wears a muslin waiting dress , spotted delicately with btars. Miss Free Trade has in her left hand a cormncopia labelled ' 'Fit , , out of which peep corn and wheat stilks. Shu is habited in a semi- classical robe and looks as modest as Miss Columbia seems proudly defiant. The cartoon teen is denominated ' 'Quito English , You Know. " The president is pictured in the act of saying to Madame Columbia : ' "Will you allow mo to introduce tills young lady ! " A song of six verses and a chorus denom inated. "Quite English You Know , " and a purody , fills onothcr page. Its second headj line run : "Latest version as sung by prcsi. dent Cleveland. " Of this the first verse and chorus go thus : May I ask you , Columbia , this lady to note , She's English , you know ; She's English , you know ; What effect will fliis have on thu democrat vole , She's English , you know ; She's English , you know. She comes fiom n country that's cursed with n throne , Yet I think in your interest she ought to bo known. She may help you to deal with your surplus overgrown ; That's not English , you know ; That's not English ; you know. I'll ask you , Columbia , the lady to hear , She's English , you know , She's English , you know. Her form , which is slim , aud her eyes , which are clear , Aic English , you know , Quito English , you know. A. TOUIl OF TRIUMPH. Sullivan SliiRS n SHCCCHS Before a "Cork Audience. IC'ojij/i / lulit ISVT jJniiiis CJon/iw Ilcnnett. } CHICK , Pec. 1 l. JNcw York Herald Cable Special to the Uiu. : ] Uorkonians weru not to bo outdone by cither Dublin or Watcrford in the inciUcr of cnthusi-ism for Sullivan. If their M. P. leador-for homo rule had arrived to-day after his recent seclusion they could not have been more cflusivo than they were for the pugilist * who was escorted by thou sands to his Victoria hotel , where other thousands were uwnlting his 'coming. Evury- body wnuUii 16 shako hands with him , but ho chaltlngly said ho did not' have the gloves on. Among the crowil was Crcedon , the home boxer who has challenged Sullivan. Ho was duly introduced. As the two faced each other in a hotel corridor tiicro Came a remin der of Landscors picture of "Dignity and Impudence. " Crcedon , 'renewing hts chal lenge , Sullivan simply-said : "You are Just about Dempsey'a weight. " A bystander , turning 'to Crocdon , said to him : "I saw Sullivan tight his first battle in America , nnd my advlco to you is to go homo mid binoko n pipe. " Sullivan , in a kindly manner , added : "I have a ten btnno man In my crowd who will oblige you If you want an opponent " After Sullivan and party had taken lunch eon they were driven out to kiss the blarney stone. So mo ono remarked that Sullivan had lived not far from Plymouth Hock , which was America's blarney stona. After accomplishing that now rather dangerous act of osculation'Sulll- vnn was captured by Thomas Shorrard , lessee of the castle , who introduced him to hcveral ladles who worn peseit. : Sullivan was escorted to n faufory where Irish tweed was nitmufactuvvd , The workmen gave him u fine reception and the proprietor presented him with pattonib for a suit. Returning to Cork , ho dined with bomo lo cal celebrities , after which everybody who had at least 5 bhlllings or S guineas , Indeed , for a box , went to the theater. These who had not even the 5 uhlliingh remained outside nnd cheered. - , Crccdou came Into the evonlng'B pro gramme as a volunteer. Sullivan lent him Mr. Hicks for un antagonist , who method ically loft Croedon iutho bunds of soothing bottle-holder * . When Sullivan was Introduced In evening dress nnd mndo a fchort address of t hunks for his welcome , the ladies waved handkcr- chiefs , but when ho appeared In the ring In tfghts uud green trunks , nd they saw his dangerous IcoUuic ; muscles playing- beneath the iltftiU , thu fair daughters of Erin dalutly joined in , thrf .uianly chcurs around them. There were the usual four rounds , in which Ashton , for hla fklll nt feints oand parrying , won almost as much' applause as Sullivan with his sparring of "suggestive science of blow * , " ns one figurative Irishman near your reporter was heard to remark. After the uudlonco had cscocted Sullivan to his hotel , the band of'the evening sere naded himconcluding with "Tho Girls They Left Hohlnd Them. " In the mornliig Sul livan and Phclps nnd party leave for Llm- crlck. SMUGGLERS HAIjTKI > . A New York Finn's Vnlu AtteJiint to Ilrnt John Hull. [ fVmyrftfM 18.17 by J < im' f7i ( tfii Jttnn rd.l LONDOX , Dec. 1U. [ Now York Herald ' Cable [ Specialto the UKK , ] A'NCW York , smuggler was convicted this morninir before Justice Day nnd u special Jury by his own confession , the attorney general prosecuting ; The smuggler's naino is Adolph Sllvorsteln. His detention of the revenuq tnvtook , InNew York , the form of pressed loaf tobacco stems nnd his method of cirey inventing the customs officials was to pack this Into eight bales Inside n covering of cotton pickings. The attorney general stated that certain Amor- leans were much In the habit of smuggling that material In such n fashion. ' "In fact , " ntWcd Sir Hichurd Webster , with n largo chestnut in his mouth , "tho defendant Sil- vorsteln , gentlemen , may bo said t to have been up to snuff. " It seems from "tho evidence that the tobacco In 'question amounted to about 1,7(10 ( pounds 'and ' the treble duty to 1,000 pounds. It was cons'lgned by Sllvorsteln & Co. , of New Yprk , under the name of Josephs , a clerk of the firm , to H. Goldstein and on arriving bv steamship at' Liverpool was forwarded to London- The shipper , however , was too crafty. He made some holes and pulled tufts of cotton out as evidence , but the stevedores , rats and shift ing widened these holes so that the lynx-eyed inspectors nt Liverpool probed the holes and kept watch on the goods until they were de livered nt the premises in Spitalfields , which had been taken on n lease by the other de fendants at a rent of X70 a year for their re ception. The custom house officers on entering the premises found some of the defendants with tobacco and they were further identified with the transaction by evidence connected with leasing the house , and by a letter found among their papers which suggested the pos sibility of considerable business being done in snuff. Sllvorsteln entered the witness box and made himself the scapegoat. Said ho : "I , only I , was guilty , " but the Jury nevertheless convicted three defendants. All were condemned , in company with Silver- stein , to lese the tobacco , and paid the round sum of $3XU ( ) in penalties , notwithstanding the eloquent array of q. c's , led by Sergeant Waddy , M. P. In default of payment prison yawns tor the Now York smuggler and his Spitalfields pals. Death of Captain llent. /rftffit / 1SS7/I/James / ) Onidnn flcmicff.l Dec. 14. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the 13ii : . ] Shipping circles here are grieving over the death of Captain It. E.Uentfoi' some time first ottleer of the Ger- manio , and , for n short time captain of the Haltic. He wasmuch _ esteemed in Liverpool for hi knowledge of navigation nnd many acts of bravery at seas. Once , when on the Germanic , a hurricaiio was blowing out in mid-ocean , and Mr. Hunt was given command of a small boat , in which several trips were made between the sinking ship and the Ger manic , the whole on board being eventually rescued. Unfortunately , Mr. Hent sustained severe injuries , which permanently affected his constitution. Sir Lyon Play- fair chanced to bo crossing In the Germanic that trip and admired the pluck of the mate so much that when ho arrived in England he brought the commendable act under the notice of the board of trade , in con sequence of which Mr. Bent received u hand- Rome gold medal for his bravery. Ilisjpromo- tion to the Baltic was shortened in results because it was deemed necessary that ho should go to a warmer climate. Ho was then put ill charge of the White Star steamer Coptic , employed in the Australian and South American trade. Ho dic d on board the last trip and was buried at sea. Doubtless n largo number of New Yoik tourists nnd resident Free Masons remember him well. Dr. Parker's hotter. M\NCiusTin : : , Dec. 14. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Hii.l : : Many pro vincial papers reprint from the Herald Dr. Parker's letter. Yesterday the Guardian gave it space and to-day the following ap pears in its columns with this headline. : "Dr. Parker's Letter to the New York Herald" : "To the Editor of the Manchester Guard ian : The above , given in your issue of this morning , must bo a forgery. I will not be lieve my old friend would so far forget what is duo to England's greatest and best friend as to traffic in his character and fame. No , the whole letter indicates too low a level of life to coinu from the minister of the City Temple. Yours , etc. , W. J. SMI en. "High street , Dec. 12 , 18S7. " j licncrul ItoulauKci'V Generosity.- Sr. PKTKIIOIIUKU , Dec. 14. Thu Novoi ; publishes in its Paris correspondence n letter from General Houlanger to M , Sas- ini , member of the chamber of deputies , ito- clining the hitter's offer to surrender his seat in General Houlaneor's favor. The general writes that h Considers it a patriotic duty to ndheit ) to nls military position in view of the fui-c that ho expects war , and concludes by declat ing that Franco has greater need of generals than of deputies. The Irish IiandlordH * Convention. Duiiux , Dec. 14 , At a convention 6f land lords here , French , agent of Lord Lansdowne , advocated advances to landlords to enable them to pay the mortgages , accoptlntr the icntals ns security. Evurard favored this proposal , and said that this was thu land lord's last chance. > Foreign MarkctH. LOXDOX , Dee. 14. The American railway department of the stock exchange U firm In consequence of the report that thu trunk line rates on dressed beef and live stock had been restored. Foreign and homo stocks are fiat on account of the departure of Dr. Mac kenzie for San Homo , the impression buing that the German crown prince hashad a re lapse , _ _ Fresh Cancerous Growth. SAX KKMO , Dec. 11. The doctors , In exam ining the crown prince last evening , dis covered symptoms of a fresh growth and iii- crcaso in the swelling. A special cOnsulta'- tion of medical experts was determined upon. Dr. Mackenzie ) will attend at the request of the crown prince. A lllow at Iowa Il DunUQiE , In. , Dec. 14 United States District Judge Shields to-day remanded all the brewery nnd saloon cases before him to the btato courts. This docs not prohibit the removal of the liquor cases from the state to thu federal courts , but moans that when bo removed they be at ouco remanded. Judge Love , of the southern Iowa district receiver similar instructions. This cuts on * thu hopi on the part of thu liquor men and brewers oi ovadlug the final issue by delays and appeals The Duel and Death. Hum PESTH , Deo. 14. Edmund Litcrr.iry member of the Hungarian psi'uamcnt , win was wounded In a < iua'i with his brother-in- law , died fK > m nl Injuries. Very HIiort'Llvril. , Dec. 14. The crown princess was to-duy delivered of a daughter. The infun livort only two hours. The mother U In a critical condition. The crown princess is u daughter of thu count of Paris. 1REAT HOLIDAY SALE I 2 ( III .UJSTTIL DECEMBER > I qr 31st. $ & ? ? * & * < $ & ' > We guarantee every garment in the house to be .better made and of better material , better fitting and lower in price than may be nad in town for anywhere near thesame amount. We willingly return the money for any purchase which can be duplicated for same price elsewhere During This Sale. We guarantee the price on each and every suit , overcoat , * j pants and in fact any article , regardless of quality , whether it be a pair of socks or dress suit PLAIN FIGURES. on every garment , One price to every body , and the actual guarantee of the oldest clothing house in Nebraska. We use no argu ment either in print or in J .conversation which we not substantiate n fact when you .deal with us. A , ol cr COR. . & Farnam & 13th Sts < ? SUITS AND OVERCOATS , THE DAIRYMEN. ANunibcrofliiterestliiB Papers Road Vcstercluy. The second session of the Nebraska Dairy men's association was held in Clerinunlii hal and opened nt i ) o'clock yesterday morning. President AVhitmoro occupied the chair. The report of the treasurer was read and referred to a committee of three for auditing. Articles amendatory of the by-laws of the association were read so as to make thorn conform to the state law under which the society has been Incorporated , were submitted by Prof. Wing , the secretary , and referred to a special com mittee. Hon. S. C. Hassett.of Gibbon , read n paper on "Fodder Corn. " and Prof. H. H. Wing read ono on "Fodder Combina tions , " which ho illustrated nnd ex plained at length by numerous ilgurcs and calculations. Thcso papers were discussed by Messrs. Coftln , of Fort Dodge , la , ; J. D. A very , Fremont : Henry Eichinan , Douglas ; G. H. WilliamsElkhorn ; A. Hohrcr , Douglas ; Clias. Walker , of Seward - ard ; J. II. Heed , of Columbus ; II. Paulson , Douglas , nnd others. The committee- was appointed at the even ing session to present names for ofliccrs of the association to be elected to-day , after which J.Irs. H. C. Ghssman , of Mlllnrd , read an essay on "Women In the Dairy , Then and Now. " Hon. H. W. Fiirnas , of Hrownvlllo , who was on the programme of exercises to address the convention not beinij j-.vo&cnt , Colonel Chuso stepihid itrtho ft out and gave some very Valuft'ulo scientific points to the assemblage upon the making of butter. The colonel maintained that neatness , with a cer tain amount of scientlllo knowledge in thu churning of butter , was necessary. The colonel said that Nebraska was an agricul tural state , nnd thanked God that there was no state in the union as prolific- for the rais ing of grain , cattle and the products of the dairy as that of Nebraska. Miss Franko , accompanied nt the piano by Prof. Walthers , treated the convention to a very charming selection , and in response to an encore sang a very sweet song. Prof. Walthers followed on the piano , and his efforts were enthusiastically received. The colivention then adjourned until morning. llailrond NOWH. UNFOUNDED. A telegram was rccch'ud yesterday from Denver stating that the Union Pacific pro- posea to run its fast trains to and from Den ver in cor.nection with tltirto of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rpajl and thus make two hours better time between Denver and Chicago- Inquiry at thn pfllco of the latter road elicited from Mr. Naih the fact that ho had not yet received th9 'nVw time card of his company and would Kot probably until the latter part of the week."Ho ' did not think , however , that his road vKiUld make any faster time between this city and Chicago. Inquiry at the Union yaciflo hcadciuurtors tesultod in thu information that that road would not decrease U 'tlmo to Denver. Tlioro was nothing toMfb gained by wich a move because , whilu it could easily reach that place two hours eartldr , there was no advantage in so itolng. bccausu It would bring passengers thcru ati ( i o'clock In the morning , which was losn'o slrablo than at 7 by the new an angement.1 J AN KXUUIIMUV. Yesterday un excursion party In a special car , under the direction of William Pate , of Cleveland , arrived in this city and lott last evening on the Flyer for Los Angeles , when : they will remain several months. Among the party are several well known people of the first-mentioned city. W ILL 00 INTO SEW qiUHTKUS. Agent Hriggs , of the Chicane , St. Paul , Minneapolis < Sc Omaha rr.mvay , with his ablu assistant , Mi1 , Ualdwin , will on January 1 Tiiovc Into their new quarters In the new United States bank building. A SEWTIMKTAlir.K. On Sunday next a now tlmo table will bo adopted on the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapo lis , t Omaha railroad , The card is now in the hands of thu 'proper otllcliils , nnd will bn given in thu columns of thu HKK u ttoon us ratified by them. MOIIE f AST TIIAIXS. Heginnlng pn next Sunday tlio Jiurlington will put on a now fast train , leaving Chicago at 5.0 ; ! p. in. , arriving In Omaha ut 10 a. in. From hero this train will proceed to Denver , taking the place of No. ! i , which has hereto fore only run to McCook. As the fast train will leave Kansas City at 11:10 : nnd will consolidate with the Chicago train at McCook , bringing the two into Denver at U n. m. on the second day , for connections with the Hio Grande's now California express , The two fast trains , Nos. 1 anil i ) , remain as they are now. with thu exception that train No. 1 , which has hoi etofore left Omaha nt 5:15 : a. in. , will not depart until 0:15 : , an hour later than by the old schedule. Travelers are requested to note that this order does not go into effect until Sunday next. NKW St'ltlllllAX UOLDKII. Advertising- Agent Long , of the Union Pacific , is preparing a now folder , to bo used by the patrons of the suburban service of the road. It is. in tlio hands of the printer , and proofs of it will disclose Mr. Long's capa bilities as an export in his capacity. T. II. Silkworth , cashier of the general pas senger and ticket department of the Union Pacific , has resigned , and will bo succeeded by D. McKcnzio , who comes from the ofllces of the Chicago , liurllngton & Quincy , in Chicago. _ Personal Thomas O'Day , of Neligh , is in the city Ho says ho thinks about removing to. Omaha to reside. Jules Lumbard , of ths Pennsylvania Central tral , with hoadsiturlcrs ' In Chicago , Is u guest W. G. Whitmore , of Valley , Nob. , presi dent of the Nebraska Dairymen's association , is at the Darker. M. L. Hoedor , manager of the National Life Insurance company , of Vermont , loft yesterday for the east , to bu gonu somu tun days. days.H. H. II. Wing , professor of agriculture of thu Nebraska university at Lincoln and secretary of thu Nebraska Dairymen's association , is , at the l arker , , . Dr. James J. Ives and wife are in the city , visiting Mrs. Ivos1 lather , Colonel Cochrano. Dr. Ives has boon assigned to Fort Hussull , Wyoming , and will soon depart for his now home , Paul Ilcrsl } , who recently resigned as clerk of the I'axton , has accented a position ii | thu ofllco of General Agent W. F. Allen , of the Mutual Life Insura'ncu company , of New York. Mr. Hcrsh is thoroughly competent to perform the duties delegated him , and will prove himself u valuable adjunct to Mr , Allen's staff. TIIK SPORTING AVOIUjD. The Rlii ) ; , Diamond , Forest , Field and Htreaiu. Patsey Fullon telegraphed to Charles E. Davics , manager of Evan Lewis , "ThoStrait- glor , " Inquiring whutht-r thu latter was booked for a wrestling match In Omaha next Monday evening , and the following is Davios' reply : CuicAfio. Deo. 14. Patsy Fnllon : Louis is sick and in Wisconsin ut present , Hooked for no matches. CIIAIII.KS E. DAVIKS. The Omaha amateur athletic club will hold a meeting at Prince & Kirby's headquarters to-morrow evening. Tlio Omaha gun club held their regular monthly meeting last evening at Penroso & Hardln's sporting goods dejiot. Anew board of managers , consisting of Messrs. John Field , Clurk Ellis nnd H. H , Kennedy , was apixiintod. A resolution was also passed in structing the secretary of 'tho club to notify all the commission merchants In the city , as well as all other parties handling game , that if any gainu bo found in their possession out of season that they will bo prosecuted to thu fullest extent of tUa luw , The close benson lor doer , nntolope , grouse , chicken , quail , wild turkey , begins January 1 , nnd continues until September I' , as to grouse nnd chicken , and until October 1 for door , ounil and wild turkey. Any game held In possession be tween those dates , shall bo doomrd and taken as presumptive evidence that it was unlaw fully killed , and the penalty for thu same is not less than & > or more than f.V ) for each offense1. This Is ono of the best moves over made by the Omaha tun club , and they will bo looked to rigidly carry out the provision of tills resolution. A Huso Rail Franchise Sold , Mix.NEAroi.ia , Minn , , Dec. H , U. O. Fos ter todujsold the franclso of thoMinneap olis base ball team , from the Western league , to W. E. Gooding , of this city , for Thollnntnins Matched. Tommy Miller and Tommy Hurlro signed articles yesterday for a ten round boxing contest to come off at the grand fistic exhibi tion at Hoyd's opera house on the 'JSth , for a handsome gold medal ottered by tlio Omaha Chronicle , Hurko is thu man who fought n draw at Kawlins two thirty-four-round years ago , and is an exceedingly handy man. A AVOMAX'S JtjTvoiA'KH PLAY. Mrs. Draper Drives OtT u Sneak Xhlcl * With a Uun. Mrs. Draper occupies rooms in the busi ness block on Sixteenth street near Daven port. About.4 o'clock yesterday afternoon she was somewhat startled on stopping into her front parlor to discover a strange mini rummaging her bureau. With rare proscnco of mind hho stepped quietly back into her bedroom and , getting her revolver , returned and ordered the sneak thief to instantly depart or she woul'l ; lrop him in his tracks , Tills -vus the first intimation ho had of her presence , and ho was ho astonished ho stood speechless gazing at the determined woman pointing the revolver ut him. She repeated thu order , and coming suddenly to his senses he hastily loft tlio room , She fol lowed him down stairs , mo.inwhilo covering him with her weapon , and whqii ho reached thu siduwalk , instead of calling the police nnd delivering him into custody , she simply told him to "get. " Ho got , and lias not-been seen since. Onic- turning to her rooms Mis. Draper discovered that some valuable gold rings , a necklace , some eai rings , and a number ol other vnlti' allies belonging to her were missing , Shu describes thn thief as a rod-wliiskuied man about thirty-live ycai s old. ANoiniiit piur.viiiir. An hour or two later , Mrs. D. E. Keyes , who runs a millinery stoio in tho. Mnsnnlu hall block , about half a block uolow Mrs. Draper's , discovered that some thief had made a haul from Ju'r clothes line , getting away with MX shlits , two nightgowns , and a number of other articles. It is thought that the red-whiskered mall Is also rcspoiiblblofor this theft. Don't Ifj-ou'ro Credit plausible lies With SO/.ODONT comparing some cheap nr tide. tide.No No dcntifrlco Hint's sold Spitoof protestations bold Of resemblance has to it tlio smallest parti clc. STOPPED A 1 tUX A WAY. An Eloping Couple Caught at ( ho Transfer and Jailed. An eloping couple came to grlof at the transfer depot across the river last cvrning Just as they had bounin to brcathu frculy and thought they wcro sufo from puisuit. They were Mr. E. C. Johnson and Mrs , Miller , residents of Columbus , Neb. , and both mar ried. Word had been telegraphed to the chief of police to look out for the pair , and a vigilant odlccr was on hand nt tlio transfer and secured thu fleeing lovers. Tlmy were quietly taken into custody , tlio patiol wagon summoned , and after n short but tearful ride they wcro landed behind tlio bars whuro they will bo held awaiting further particulars from Columbus , It Is said that both Mr. Johnson and Mr. Miller , tlio husband of the eloping woman , uio prominent business men at Columbus , _ It la rumorml Unit tlio supply of Dr. Hull's Coitfjh Syrup is not orjtiiil to thu clomnnd. lni'ffl { ti should prepare thoiiibolvos for till omorcroncioa ab the pee Jo rely on thorn for this remedy. No preparation could hiivo nmdo ouch u reputation us Salvation Oil has , with out intrinsiu merit of the highest order. It kills pain. 1'rlco 1H cents. Thn firminn Crmvn Prlnco. VIENNA , Dee II.-Dispatches rrcolvrd hero report the condition of the German crown prince's throat has suddenly bccoinn worse and a special medical consultation has been culled at San Homo. Ij CM.MIUOIt. Ho Claim. , N ioely | Tllllt W | | | | $ Jiiui Up ir ' n tls " Howard of EFFI- llow f-'lvo there Bide of VO In"10 T "lut nn H > 0l'cr lfith lllld ttinmmnnd . , , hni.,1 i'1 T,1 lmsht1 ; u ' 'ovolvur in his , , fm n n 1 iul lmslliut < elsewhere I then woU.l n m KKi'ls ' Ca.'o . a coppar came iii I oik. d w out and ho followed mu being r'1 1 > y , anotllll > u' ' ° Uovolvor I had was not loadPd yet they kept at a very Hpspcctfiil distance till they saw a croud on the corner they called on the citizens - zons to stop mo. I nierly walked ( or Han Hather ) around the coiner stopped in a door and w.i ted I 11 they passed by then Joined them whi'ii they hcaivhed the alloy now If that is enifiont M'rvleoPat aa I heard him called is eligible for a Position on Pinker- tons l-orco I left them guns in plain sight on thu grass as J found 1 i-onld not dispose of them and have nd disposition to cause needless - loss daimigo jyheli it is of no benefit to myself - self .another fact the Police suppicss at lenst J thirds of tlm cases for conformation of this , statement , call on Dodge or Douglas between -Vnil and aihlalso corner N. ill and ono of the aforesaid streets ami other locality * , now as . ' - held your town for some time , will bid it a lingormj ; adeau as 1 am satlssllcd I v"'l " , ovcr sco lts lilc "K'lln and your Pulico will nlwnyn bo Komombeiea by mo as My Dearest Friends JIM Tin : CI.IMIIKU Into of Kaclim Milwaukee Minno.Paul C'li- cagu. A rlili-llty Director KU > rs. CINCINNATI , Doc. H The Telegram this ovcning prints a story , which it says It has upon undoubted authority , that Kiiguno Zim merman , ono of the Fidelity hank directors. having iiHici tallied tlat | ho was indicted , fled to Spain , sailing from Now Yoik under thu nanm of Charles Ximmernmn onlj two bourn liefoio a sm-ct service agent ni rived In pur suit of him. It is not known positively hero that Zimmerman has been indicted. Thn KHchHtni ; Fives Pillion. HKIII.IX , Doc , M.-Tlio relchstag has fix od thu tollowing duties : On oats , ! l marks ; wlu-at , buckwheat and pulno , 'J murks ; barley ! i.f ) marks. A Word About Catarrh , "It I < tin- mucous incmlirnni' , tliat wonderful HomMlnlil envelope hiiirnmullng the dcllcutu tissues of tlio nlr anil food pubsiiKi'H , that ( 'u- tiirih miiUH H.-i ntioiiKliuUl. Onto tvitalilUliuil , It oats Into tliiMcryltnl , and tfiiilurii llfu bit | a IOIIK ( U'u\Mi Ini-ulli of mlbury and dlscusddull- Ini ; tlm MUIISI' of li"iirnjf | , tiiunnifllng Ilui powur nf npci cli , di'Htniylni ; ilio faculty of Hinitlt , tainting - ing tliu breittli , mid Kllllii ! ; thu ri'llnrd pleiiKiirtM of tusti' . linl'lloii'ilv , liy rrnjpltiK on from it hlmiilucold In thu head , it uiMiiilt * tlio mem- linineiiiiA lining ami envelopes tluu lionus , uutlng tinoiiKh th duitcuti' coatH anil CUM Inn Inl.'uiii- ' iiiutlun , slouttlitng and dt nth. Notlitng hliorl of totutpriullcaitun will secure he.iltli to thu pu- Itent , unit all iillevliitlves iiro simply iirocrus- tlnat'jd blllturlliKS. leading to u fut'il ' li'inilnit' tlOll. .SVNKlllirrt ItUlK AI.CUIIK , by Illlllllllttotl tmd by Ilitei nitl administration , lianM'n IT fulled ; c veil u lieu thu dlseiisn IIIIH miulu filjitful ] Ill- loads ru didlcate tonstltntloiiN , IIP.u Iiik' , smell , nml tnslc linvHberii leeovcrcd , anil thu discus. ) thoronijlily < lrl < i > n out. " UAMOIID'S HMHIMI , ( 'inn : ronslstrt nf ono bottle oftlui ItIIIDM , CIJHC , nnn lx > x 0r lillil- All HOI.VI.NT unit un IiiruovKi ) IMUI.KH , nii.Uly \Muppedln ouu package , uith full ulieutloiw ; prlcn , il. 1'OTTI.It DllUO .VC'IIKMII'U. CO. . 1108 f ON. WEAK , PAINFUL BACKS , xKldnoyg , and Uterine IMIns and \Vitak- Inesim , n-lluved IUONC. nisnjJ by the JL'UTICUIU ANTI-\I | < I'LAHTIUI , tliu . . . . first iinilonlyiiHln-klllliiKI'luiitor , New , lin > tantnnnoun , InfulllUH. ' 17iu most txirfwt mill. ' ilototopulii , liillummutlon und Weakness over loiiipomulod. Vuntlf hiiyiirlur to nil ether ja ) ] > tnrs , At all dcii'Kitiients ( ) : live for ll.GU : or , PO-.IIIKU free , I'orrtK J1IIUG ANUC'IIKSIIUALCO llonou ,