Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Vorlouo OauBos Comblno to Depress
thg Prlco of Wheat.
Corn HIioWM n Sotiicwliat Hotter Upward -
ward Tendency 1'rovlnlons
Show HtirprlNliifi Strenutl >
Cattle Slow QiiotatlottH.
CIIICACIO , Dec. 13. ( Special Telegram to the
flin. : ] The price of .May wheat was lo
lower at 1 o'clock to-ilav than at the close of
yesterday's business. If .there was any bull
news to "be had it did not circulate widely.
Foreign news , local sentiment , the grain
movement anil nearly everything that
could be heard of or was talked about among
traders seemed to favor n decline , jautl it
came. The market showed some strength
early In the day , but there was no advance
of consequence nt any time , and the last naif
hour was the leant Interesting of all. May
wheat oKMiod | nt b-'l e , which was J c lower
than last night's closing , The ilrst impulse
of the market was upward. The covering of
shorts and buying of Hutchlnson served to
put May wheat np to &W , alul between S3X
and 83c the prlco lingered for some time ,
with no very active trading. Schwartz it
Dupcc I'nd Jones , McCorinluk & Kennett bo-
BIHI to offer grain In largo quantities , and the
price dropped to SU c , reacted to 83 c and
then tumbled quickly to SSKGSSJfe , bu\
there wens not nuuiy transactions at the In
side figures , the l"b'clock close bclnir at Mc.
January npcnvil at 70 c , sold up to 70J c and
down to 7fijfe , which was the 1 o'clock close.
The speculative corn market held up better
thrin wheat , nnd during the greater part of
tlio session prices ruled higher than at the
optyiing. It was only near the close that the
hammering infection appeared tolmvo passed
over Into the cornpit , and with all the weak
ness attributed to sympathy with wheat ,
May corn closed nt 1 o'clock but ) @ ? ( fc lower
than yesterday afternoon. Therelippears to
bo greater confidence in corn among local
speculators In view of the undoubted short
crop and less disposition to sell grain short.
Fitht sales of May corn ranged from MJ to
fkljjje , and before the Ilrst upward impulse
was checked the price reached MJ ( JM.fe. }
During most of the session the price held
between K\ \ % and Mftst } with only moderate
business at the extremes. The market held
steady during the Ilrst break In wheat , but
during the laslMialf hour May corn dropped
rapidly from Me to Mc , and closed at the
last named figure at t o'clock , January corn
opened nt 48 } c , sold up to t'.ljjfc ' and back to
ISjhC , where it rested , at 1 Q\'l"jlr ,
The speculative market in oats wns not
very active , trading being entirely for May
delivery The course of the market was
much the same as in corn , with early llriu-
ness and the close at the lowest point of the
session , May oats opened at ! K ) * ( ftl.i ! | c ,
which was fractionally below yesterday's
closing , advanced to JM' e and fell off toward
1 o'clock to ! BlJ < c , which was the close.
The provision trade exhibited surprising
1 strength. Under the lead of lard , winch was
bullish under thu advance in Liverpool , the
entire market was able to withstand the
effect of the weaker feeling1 In gr.iin. and for
pork and short ribs stood at 1 o'clock at
practically last night's linal prices. Lurd
closed at an actual advance of htl lic. .
ArrniiNoox Snssiox Wheat weaker ; May
Wiii' , January 7fiJ ( rf75Xc , February "il' ' tS
7ilVe. ; Corn weak. May closing with sellers
at KlVc , January 4 % ( il4u , February 4S Vc.
Oats easier. Pork declined r > @ 10e nnd closed
nt # 11.IB for January , $14.77U for February
'and ? iri.5 ; ! for May. Lard closed 2) ) e lower 1 ,
$7.47 } < for January , $7.57 } 't for Feb
niary , * 7.t)7fj ) for March and * 7.b5 for May.
CIIIOAOO , Dec. 1'i. [ Special Telegram
to the HKI : . ] CVTTI.K Trade was generally
rather slow , with plain and medium natives
Helling substantially lower than any day last
week. Good and useful natives were only
about steady. Steers that suited the holiday
trade were in demand and sold on theii
merits as to establishing values. The .prices
paid for Uils-elitss cannot betaken us a guide ,
as they are purely fancy. Good to choice
cows and heifers are quickly but steadily
inaking more money than heretofore. This
is more on account of the light run of Texan ;
than any great improvement in the demand
The stoi-ker and feeder trade .remains uiv
itliaiurml PhritttiniiH fttrera jSA TtOfali 2. % . Shit )
pTngtecrs 1350 to 1500 Ibs , $4.1tTf5.00 ( ; 120 (
to mll ) > sl.40 : < < T4.IO ! ; (150 ( to 1200 Ibs , $3.S5 < a
0 ? 3.50. Stackers and .feeders , higher at
( < < 3.UIcowsbulls : ; and mixed , tl. 5 ( 2.8.- ; bulk
tl.U5i72.20. Texas cattle , steady ; cows.l.G5ji
UK ) ; steers , * 2.00 ( M.OO.
Hens Trade was again slow from th <
opening to the close , in fact at times and li
certain divisions of the yards business wai
actually dull. The provision trade was lowc :
at the opening , but better later , yet that fuc
had no particular effect on the hog market
the day closing with a largo number unsold
During the morning u few lots of prinn
heavy made f4.4r > @ 5.50 , but later the saur
could bo bought at least 5e lower. Packini
itorts sold all the way from $5. 10 to $ fl.3S
largely at $5.20i5.25. ( Light sorts are scare
nnd would make * .YOOa5.l5 ( for 100 to ISO 1
averages and f 1.90(34.10 ( for 140 to 150 Ib avci
ttgcs. _
West Imicolu MnrkctH.
LINCOLN , Neb Dee. 13. [ Special Tclegrar
to the Hr.E. ] Hoes Koeeipts , 700. Dcmam
nctivc' . Light to medium , * 4.05@5.12 > ; heavy
| 5.15jf5.25. (
Union Stock Ynriln , Chicago , Doc. 1 !
The Drovers' Journal reports :
Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; market wcakci
Christmas stock , ( Jo.5t t.2."i ! ; shipping steen
r-.S5H.'i.lH ( ' ) ; stoekers , $2.10f ? 3.iO : : cow * , bull
nnd mixed , ? l.io2.Wj ( Texas steers , $2 , (
( if 3 00.
Hogs Keccipts , 23,000 ; market .weak
mixed , Jj4.SOnf5.SO ; heavy , $5.03 < < i5.45 ; ligh
? 4.r > OGf5.10 ; skips , $3.10@4.40.
Sheep Ueccipts , 7.000 ; market steady
ChristmaR mutton , $5.25 ( < ? ( I.OO : natives , $3.1
075.00 ; western , $ 'l.2T > ( iN.15 ; Texans , * 2.50 <
D.75 ; lambs , f .5x < T5.S5 :
Kunwas City , Dec. 13. Cattle Receipt
fl.4tX ) ; shipments , 010 ; good to choice stead ;
others dull and weak ; good \p vhoice con
fed , ( H.HK4.M ! ( ) ; rommon to medium , ? . ' ! . ' .
fj4.20 ; stoekers. $2.tXir2.iO ) ( ( ; feeders , $2.C > <
11.25 ; cows , $1.2o@2.70 ; grass range steer
National Stock Ynrcls. Knst S
liOiils Deo. 13. Cattle Receipts , 2,20 (
Khlpmcnts , 100 ; market steady ; choii
heavy native steers , J4.)0 : ) < ft5.00 ; .fair i
good nnttvo steei-s , Sl.lKXjl4.40 ; butcher
steers , fair to choice , ( ? ; 1.104.00 ; btocke
nnd feeders , fair to good , f I.SO&'J.IH ) ; ranger
oidlnary to good , f2.20c 4.10.
Hogs Receipts , 3yoO , ; shipments , 4&
active and llrm ; choice heavy ar
butchers' selections , fS.a.X&S.o.l ; Yorko ;
and packing , medium to prime , Jf4.P05t.i.4i
IlBht grades , common to m * > d , $4.50 ( ! 4.U5.
NEW YOHK , Dec. 13. [ Special Telegram
the 13Er.--STocKs London operators ai
very undecided In their movements , son
bcnuj inclined to buy their specialties spi
ingly , but others have become seared at tl
continued liquidation going ; on In Wall strc
nnd are selling. It Is asserted , however , th
foreign business at present U not Inri
enough to keep a half dozen brokers bus
Most of the weak holders are said to ha1
dropped out , leaving the stocks In the han
of the rich men , who claim to bo able to ho
them , nnd In some Instances are advising tl
buying of good stocks on the declines like tl
.present , as they claim that before January
moat of the stocks will have been absorbe
Cammack and his bear party have u live
interest in thq market. They are large
pbort of. St Paul , Lako.Shorc , and LacV
wanna. The market opened weak nnd gave
Indications of tontinuliig on its downward
path , first sales showing declines extending
to } 4 i > cr cent. Manhattan was the weakest ,
dropping 3li jwlnts on the report that the
directors' mc'ctlng held to-day had broken up
in n row. After the announcement that It
had earned 2 per cent the past quai tcr n rally
of 2 , ' points followed. About mid-day n
perceptible decrease In the selling pressure
became apparent. Shorts had covered largo
lines and a few bull pools had taken n few
stocks , a stronger feeling was developed and
prices began advancing. The Drcxel-
Morgan party bought Western Union on
reports that to-morrow's statement would bo
a good one , and prices moved up l1 per
cent. Union Pacific , despite the gossip from
Washington that nothing was likely to be
done to help it this session , advanced l1 , but
broke % percent. The rest of the list sym
pathized to n fair extent , but the movement
was narrow and feeble. The market broke
away again the last hour and closed weak at
almost insldo prices , showing a net decline
extending from } { to 2 points. The total
sales were 347,0-10 shares , against 372,271
shares yesterday.
GovnnxMKXTS Government bonds were
dull but strong.
U. S. 4s registered.12.1 C. & X. W .1H7 ( , '
last loan , 4J : closed offered at 4 per cent.
STr.m.ixo ESCIIANOR Dull , Wit steady at
$4.81 for sixty days' bills , and 4.34Ji for de
Clilcngo , Dec. 13. Following are the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Nominally unchanged : winter
wheat , $ ( per bbl ; spring
wheat , * ) .50@4.fiO per bbl ; rye , $2.75(33.00 (
per bbl ; buck wheat , § 5.50(3(1.25 ( ( per bbl.
Wheat Unsettled within n low range ,
prices at the closing being l@lj c lower
than yesterday ; cash , 75 l-15e ; January ,
75 0-100 ; May , h2 0-llie.
Corn Moderately active , fluctuated within
a X"f ° range , mid closed % & % u below yes
terday ; eash,47ife ! : January , 48eMay ; , 53 ; ' e.
Oats Near futures neglected and almost
nominal : May moderately active , but } o
below yesterday ; May , 33e.
Kyc Quiet at Ol'ffe.a
Harley Quiet and unchitiigcd.
Pi line Timothy $2.20.
Flax-seed $1.25.
Whisky ? 1. 10.
Pork Opened with an advance of 10c ,
later an easier feeling prevailed and the
closing was easier than yesterday ; January ,
? 14.V ( > ; May , * 15.25.
Lard Advenced 10(712J ( ? e , though outside
prices were not sustained ; c sli , $ " .4'ij ;
January , ? 7.4 K ; May , $7.85.
Dry Salted Meats .Shoulders , * 5.SOtf5.90 ( ;
short clear . ' . short ribs $ .
, S7.'JO@7.95 ; , $7.57) ) < i
for January.
Butter < 7uct ! ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy ,
22 < ? Z2ic. (
Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , 11
' ; Hats , ll Sl aC ; young Americas ,
Kggs ( Juiet at 20 } @ 22c.
Hides Weaker ; heavy green salted , 0f@
7e ; light , do. , 7e ; salted bull , 5 > < e ; green
do , 4' < fe ; green salted calf , 8@S c ; dry Hint
and dry calf. 12@13c ; dry salted , lOc ; dea
cons , 30c each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 3 o ;
No. 2 , 3 c ; cakes , 4e.
Kcceipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 33,000 40.000
Wheat , bu . 00,000 32XK (
Com , bU . 204,000 125,000
Oats , bu . 105,000 123,001
Uye , bu . 0,000 4,001
Harlcy , bu . 95,000 3,3,00t
St. Louis , Dec. 13. Wheat Lower ; cash
SOJ.fc ; ; May , 84c.
D Corn Lower ; cash , 48@48 } c ; May , 4Sc
Oats Lower ; cash , 30 > ie ; May , 31J e.
Lard-e .25.
Whisky1.05. .
Uutter Creamery , 24 ( < J30c ; dairy , 18a24c (
AFTEIIXOON UOAIID Wheat , steady ; De
cember , 70 c , bid ; January , 79J < o bid ; May
84 } < c. Corn , lower ; December , 40 } c ; Jan
uary , 45J < e ; May , 4S.c. Oats , steady-
May , 3o ; < e.
Ijlvcrpool , Dee. 13. Wheat Dull , demand
mand poor , holders offer freely ; red westeri
spring and winter , Os 7d ( ( l8 9d per cental.
Corn Quiet anfl ticmand poor ; jni.tcc
vestern , 5s Id per cental.
Milwaukee , Dec. 13. Wheat Weak
Kye Lower ; No. 1 ,
Harley Firm ; No. 2 , 70J c.
Provisions Strong ; pork , January , $14.71
@ 15.00.
Minneapolis , Doc. 13. Wheat Dul !
and .lower ; No. 1 hard , December , 73e
Tanuary , 71e ; May , SsO e ; No. 1 northern
December , 71c ; January , 72c ; May , 78 > fc
No. 2 northern , December , 07c ; January
We. On track : No. 1 hard , 74c ; No. 1 north
ern , 71J c ; No. 2 northern , Gb } c.
Flour Inactive but llrm : patents , ft.50i (
4.00 ; bakers' , $3.00@3.0.
HccelptWheat , , 155,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 34,000 bu ; flour , 20,40
Cincinnati , Dec. 13. Wheat Easier
No. 2 red , S5@SOc.
Corn Easy ; No. 2 , mixed , 53' @ 54c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 34 e.
llyc Easier : No. 2 , 71e.
Provisions Pork , llrm at $15.00 ; lard
strong at $7.35@7.37 } .
Whisky Steady at ? 1.05.
New York , Dec. 13. Wheat Receipts
45,01X1bu ; exports , 10,000 ; options declined
( ! ? l/c , on free selling , closing steady at
shade above bottom ; spot lots dull and K (
le lower ; ungraded red , MHflg'JlJfe ; No' ,
red nominal at ( Ki c ; No. 2 red , b3 > ife9 ( ]
in elevator and store , ltO@90 } "o delivered
No. 2 , red , January closed at SSjjC.
Corn Receipts , 00,000 ; exports , OOC
ojiened ji"(3Ko ( higher , later declined KfS'Ji' ' *
closing steady ; spot lots dull ; ungraded , H
< S lJfc ; No. 3 , rii/iiJOc ) ; No. 2. Gl > < @ 02
In elevator , 02J Gi02u delivered , Januar
closing at fllXc.
Oats Receipts , 81,000 ; exports , 220
moderately active but JfoD-jC lower ; inixe
western , 30r739e ; white western , 39@44p.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio llrm at fl8.5C
options opened weaker , closing higher an
tlrm ; sales , 69,750 bags ; December , * 15.80 (
10.20 : January. $15.W15.95 ( : Februaryfl.l.f
C' ( > 1 ! > .75 ; March , $15.20 ( : i5.75j April , $15.5
tfl5.75 ; May , ? 15.0.V < tl5.50.
Petroleum Steady ; United.77e.
Eggs Fair inquiry ; western , 23c.
Pork Dull and unchanged.
Lard S6UO points higher and more actlv
closing with advance partly lost ; wcstci
steam , sjiot , $7.72K(37.S5. (
lluttcr Firm and rather quiet ; wcstcri
llViH33c ( ; IClgin creamery , 32 ( < f33e.
Checso Quiet ; western , U &ll o.
KnnsnH City , Dec. 13. Wheat Wcakc
No. ! ) soft , cash , 74K > January , TJJiVj bit
May , 7lHs bid. TOtfo asked.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , cash , 45e ; Januar ,
45 { e asked ; May , 4 * , ' < fe.
Oats No , 2 , cash , 2 o bid , 29o asked.
Now Oi-lcniiH , Dec. 13. CdniT-DuU nr
drooping ; mixed , 62 03u ; white , 03c ; ycllo >
Onts Firmer ; No. 2. 4t@42c.
Cornmeal Quiet at (2.75.
Hog Producus Dull nnd lower ; per !
14.5U ; lard$7.00.
Hulk Moiit-s-Shouldcrs , .3K ; long clc :
anil clear rlb , I7.C2 } .
Cattle ,
The receipts of cattle were 1,343 hea
mostly common stock. The market opcm
slow and became a little more active but tl
advance of Monday was overcome and pric
cased off a little. The number sold was 04
about one-half the receipt * .
The market opened with about forty Joa
n sight nnd the buyers began by bidding
ewer prices. Nothing , wns done on that
basis and the market soon became fairly
active at priced about steady with those of
Monday. All the best hogs were taken early ,
one load bringing $5.30. The market closed
steady. Everything was taken ,
The receipts of sheep were 109 , of which
lumber 100 sold for $2.5. Prices remained
Official Receipts.
Cattle 1,348
Hogs 4,505 ,
Shcey 103
1'i-c vail inn 1'rlees.
Showing tbo prevailing prices paid for live
stock on the market :
Choice steers , 1300 to ISOOlbs $4.00 < 34.25
Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs 3.754.25
Fat little steers , 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.r.5 ( < ? 3.75
Corn-fed range steers , 12UO to 1500 3.05 ( < f4.)0 ! )
peed to choice corn-fed cows 2.30n2. ( ' > 0
Common to medium cows 1.7.X"2.25
Western cows 1.80it2.50 (
'lood range feeders 2.30fti2.05
Good natlvo feeders , ( .KX ) Ibs and *
upwards 2.5003.00
Fair to medium natlvo feeders , 900
Ibs and upwards 2.25(32.50 (
Common sheep 2.6or 2.25
Light and medium hogs 4.50 < W5.05
Oood to choice heavy hogs 5.15 ( 5.30
Good to choice mixed hogs 5.10 5.20
ItcprpHcntntlve Sales.
100 83
lave Stock Sold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market yesterday :
G. H. Hammond & Co 191
Swift & Co 127
Harris & Fisher 24
Shippers 221-
Feeders 85
Total 049
Anglo A. P. Co 1087
Harris & Fisher 184
G. H. Hammond & Co 70 (
Armour & Cudahy Packing Co 57 !
Speculators 8 (
Local . %
Swift & Co 379
Oquncs&Co : 1139
J. T. Stewart 04 :
Total 4901
Itnnxc of Prices.
Showing the extreme highest mm lowest
rates paid for leading grades of liogson dates
mentioned :
Ilvc Stock Notes.
Hogs steady.
Cattle a shade lower.
Wm. Elllnger , of Beatrice , marketed OIK
load of cattle.
Arthur Cruise , of Atkinson , marketed three
leads of hogs. . .
Fred Christian , of Ashland , marketed f
load of hogs.
L. J. Stephens , of Waterloo , was on th <
market with hogs.
W. II. Huford , of Beatrice , disposed of on <
load of cattle yesterday.
J. E. Townsend , of Council Bluffs , was 01
the market with hogs.
Mr. French , of Wilber , was on the mnrkc' '
with ono load of cattlr.
M. S. Childs , of Dunlop , Iowa , was a vis
itor at the yards yesterday.
C. V. Pitts , of Dunlap , Iowa , was on tin
market looking for feeders.
Marshal Jeffries , of Osccola , disposed of i
load of good hogs yesterday.
Killpatrick Bros. , of Beatrice , were on thi
market with live loads of cattle.
Bliss & Bliss , of Schuyler , marketed n loai
of hogs on the market yesterday.
The Huntoon company , oj ! Earllng , Iowa
disposed of a load of hogs yc erday.
John Wolford , of Madison , was lookln
over the yards yesterday. Mr. Wolford is
wealthy banker.
Mr , Bennett , of the llrm of Sheave St Her
nett , of Hoag , Neb. , was on the market wit !
two loads of hogs.
John Hastle , of Talmage , one of the mos
extensive shippers to these yards was her
yesterday as usual.
God.V. . Sroat , a prominent real estate ma
of Nebraska City , was at the yards ycstcrda
looking for pointers ,
The Union Rendering company will bo o
the market today as buyers of dead hogs
Some fun may bu .anticipated.
H. Stinokmus , of Plainvillo , disposed c
six loads of hogs and one of cattle on th
market yesterday at satisfactory prices.
Swift & Co. killed their Ilrst hogs yestei
day. They will handle from 300 to 500 pc
day until sprint ? when they will increas
their facilities.
John Sandbcrg. of Oakland , disposed of
load of 37b pound hogs at (5.80 , the top prici
Mr. Sandbcrg was the only ono fortunat
enough to get there.
On Monday next the Northwestern wl
om | thcir'station in the exchange buildlni
Charlie Hrodrick , who 1ms filled the imsitlo
of live block agent for some time , will bo i
Iskcy Bros , of La Plattc , have began shi |
ping stock to this point. This tlrm are amen
the heaviest shippers In the state and know
peed market when they see It. They will I
on the market this week with some choli
block. ' . .
dl I',1 '
ProdiityjjFaults , Ktc.
Tlic ftillowlnit ( ire flic prlrcn ut irJifr/i /
roiinil fo ( ojiroii M ! ttrc ttilil on tlilx inor-
M. rnilts in1 othfr linen o//noii ( / * ir / iifrii / ;
c.itm lulntr ( i/ ; i < r/.jlw / ; ritiinot iifiriij./ / * /ic /
fUf ; > ; iIffi o > i oiiNMr outers utthc micirlccs /
fior.t ( the local Irtulc , ,
BtTTiMt The receipts of butter were
more liberal yesterday , but prices were un
changed. Creamery , stilld packed , Is quoted
at 22 < a24c ; choice diliry , 20 uhc ! ; medium ,
HH'tlbc ' ; low grades , 10&U'-c.
Kods The rccij ) > ts are only fair ; demand
good and quotations , lrui ) nt 22VC2io ( : , with a
few sales rcitorted at : wo.
CIIKI > I : Fancy full cream clieddar , single ,
12c ; lull crcani twins , i2Siet8o ! ; young
Americas , 13c ; ibriyk cheese. 100 Ibs
in case , 15c ; Limburficr , UK ) Ibs ( n case , 18c.
In less qualities , 14ifll ( c ; Swiss domestic ,
Poui.THY The market is quiet and steady
with prices unchanged. Hive chickens , $1.75
6(2.00 per do/en : choice fowls , $1.80012.25 jnsr
( loreti , Dressed chickens , 7 ( < t c periwnnd.
Turkeys , ba lOc. Ducks , 7 ( ir.'c. ' Geese , fr ( < t lUe.
CUMK Prairie chickens , $4.00 ; mallorJ
ducksf2.25 , ; quail , $1.20@1.40 ; teal iindmlxed
ducks , fl.nocrfl.75 ; snipe , ? L2" ; Jack rabbits ,
$3.50a3.75 ( per dozci | small rabbits , fl.X ( )
] > er Aot\ \ deer , Gtf Se ; antelope , 7(20c ( ; deer sad-
dles. 0@116 ; antelope , 12gl4c. (
I'oTATor.s She supply Is light nnd the de
mand active : quoted at I'Oedlfl.OO ' for
Utah and Colo-rado stock and choice homegrown
grown at 75 ® ! > 0c ; common grades at 40
Are on sale nt $2.50 per barrel.
SWIKT : POTATOES Prices are ( juoted at
trom 2) ) ( it3eper Ib.
1'Aiisxii's New stock is quoted at $2.50 per
\xs-Good stock S2.Xit2.30 ) ( ; fair to
good , $1.00@1.80 , and Cnllfornmbeans at2.16
( a2.20.
ONIONS Home grown steady at 75 ( < JS5c ;
Spanish onions , per 50-lb crate , $1.75(1(2.00 (
OisTKiis Plain standard , 25o ; plain se
lects , 30o : standanl , 30c ; extra selects , 35o ;
New York counts , 40c .Bulk oysters , counts ,
$1.35 per 100 ; selects , ? 2.00 per gal ; stauQard ,
$1.35 per gal. ,
TUKXIPS Fair to good stock 40 ( < f50e ;
rutabagas , 50gOOe. (
CAUI.IKI.OWIII : Good stock $2.CO@2.80.
CEI.KHV Choice celery , 35 ( < i45c per dozen ;
fancy , 15jt50c. (
Avi'Lr.M Eastern fruit , $3.00(33.25 ; fair to
choice stock , $3.25di3.50 ; fancy stock $3.50
( 3.75.
SAUEH KHAL'T Choice , per bbl of 30 gal
? 8.85aO.OO ( ; > < bbl , .SdQ.'i.OO $11.00 per
bbl of 50 gal.
CinxiiCHiiiES Bell & Cherry , S9.50 ;
Bell& Bugle , $10.50 ; Cape Cods , $11.00 ®
Cmnu-Choicc Michigan cldcrC.OO@G.50 per
bbl. of JU gal.
Quixcns Choice California quinces , $2.00@
2.25 per box.
LEMOXS Messina lemons , $5.50(30.00 ;
Malaga , $5.00 ; extra line Maori scarce at
$0.K ( ) ( 0.50.
OiiAXdKS Louisiana $4.00@4.25 per box ,
Florida * 3.75g4.00. (
CAI.IFOUXIA FUUITS Pears , $2.50@2.75 ; ex
tra line , $3.M ( ) .
GiiA.i'r.s Malagas , ? i.OO per bbl.
BVXAXAS Choice bananas , $2.75@3.50 ; me
dium buches , $2.00@3.00 ; common , $1.50@
2.00.Hoxr.v Good choice honey in Mb frames ,
18u20e ( ; canned honey , 10@12e per Ib.
POPCOIIX Choice rli-e corn 3 ( < ? 3 > ie per Ib ;
other kinds , 2S2Kc per Ib. There is a fair demand for cab
bage at $1.00 per dozed. California cabbage
is quoted at 3u per Ib.
NUTS Peanuts , 7@7J e , raw ; Brazil nuts ,
13o ; almonds , Tarragona , 'J5c ; English wal
nuts , 15C' < > lSc ; filberts , " 12o ; Kalian chestnuts ,
i ri' '
Grocerw' IJst.
ioNs Hams , ll' H ac ; breakfast
bacon , lltVilltfc ; baeim sides. 9S94'c ( ' ; dry-
salt8) © 8)Je ; shoulders , 0)l7c ( ; dried beef
hams , 10iUlc ; dried beef regular ,
hams , picnic ,
COFFEE Ordinary gi-ades , 10K20c ; fair ,
20iZ21e ( ; prime , 20M21 c ; fancy green and
yellow , 23(325o ( ; old government Java , 28 ®
30c ; interior Java , 25 ( 28c : Mocha , 28tf30e ;
Arbuekle's roasted , 24fc : McLaughlin's
XXXX , 24J4'c ; Dilworth's , 21' e ; lied Cross ,
CAXXEII GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case , 3.20@3.25 ; strawberries , 2-lb i > er case ,
Ci.lU@i.iri : ; raspberries , 2-lb , pin- ease , SUX ) ®
3.10 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.SO ;
apricots , per case , $4.25Vf4.30 ( ; peaches , per
case , $5.80n,85 ( ; white cherries , per ease ,
$0.00 ; plums , per case , $ 'I.K4.00 ! ) : blueber
ries , | > cr case , $2.30 ( < (2.4 ( ) ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
per case , $2.50 ; iiincupples , 2-lb , per case ,
t.20@5.T5 ; 1-lb salmon , per do/ , * 1.75@1.90 ;
2-lb geoscberries , per case , $3.25 ( 3.35 ; 2-lb
string beans , per case , $1.80 ; 2-lb Lima
beans , * per case , $1.00 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas
$2.00ig2.70 : 2-lb early Juno peas , per case
$ , ' .85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $9.50i2.50 ; 3-lb corn
$2 30@2.40.
BaooMs Extra 4-tIo. $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
CANIIY Mixed , OCT'lle ; stick , S % ( < iOc.
Jni.UKS 30-lb pails , $1.75 ( < ll.S5. 1
TOIUCCO Lorillard's Climax. 44c : Snle.nJ
did. 4Icj Mechanic's Delight , 41e ; Lcggctt &
Sfeyer's star , 44c ; Cornerstone , 3Sc ; Drum-
mend's ' Horse Shoo , 44c ; J. T. , 40c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c ; Catlin's meerschaum , 30o ;
Catlin's old style , 22c.
SVHUP No. 70 , 4-pallon kegs , $1.60 ( 1.55 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , iiS'fMiic ' ; maple
syriq ) , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , Wlc :
1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half gallon
cans , per doz. $0.25 ; quart cans , $3.25.
STAIICU Mirror gloss , BJfc. ; Gsa\Ts' corn
J/c ; Oswego gloss , 7o ; Oswego corn , 7e.
HOM.AXK HEIIHIXUS 75 ( < i78e per keg.
CIIACKKIIS Garneau's soda , butter and pic
nie , 5e ; creams , 7e ; ginger snaps , 8c ; city
soda , 8e.
TKAS Japans , 255o ( ) ; gunxiwder | , 20ii (
3) ) e ; Young Hyson , 25 ( 55o ; Oolong , 20i
TOIHCCE Lorillard's Climax , 44c ; Splen
dHl,41c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41e ; Leggctt &
Myer's Star , 4io : ; Cornerstone , 35c ; Dmm
inond's Horse Shoe , 44e ; J. T. , 40c ; Sorg'i
Spearhead , 44c.
WOODIIXWAKE Two-hoop palls , per doz.
$1.45 ; three-hoop pails , $1,70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50
No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 : wash
boards. $1.40(32.75 ( ; assorted bowls , $2-25
Fo. 1 churns , fcO.CO ; No. 2 churns , $8-00 , No
3 churns , $7.00.
KiriNii : : > Luin Tierce , 7 ? c ; 40-lb squan
cans74c ; 50-lb. round , 7 } c ; 20-lb. round
7 0 ; 10-lb. pails , 7J < c ; 5-lb. palls , 8c ; 2-lli
pails , 8 , ' < e.
PICKLES Medium in bbls. , $7.00 : do Inhal
bbls. , $4.00 ; small , in bbls. , $4.00 ; do in hal
bb ] . . $4.50 ; gerklns , in bbls. , $0.00 : do in hal
bbls. , $5.00.
DRIED Fiti'iT Apples , new , } { * , OJf(7l7c
cvaponitcd 50-lb ring , 910c ; raspben'icf
evajmratcd , 27i2''e ; blaekborries , evnj
orated , Oj fSOKe ; pitted cherries , 20(52te (
l > cachc.s , now.8l , ( < 9c ; evaporated , pccle
ioaehcs , 29 ( 30c ; evaporated , unparci !
lSftlOc ( ; now currants , OJ < ( il7c ; pnmes
4 ( f45 | e ; citron , 25o ; raisins , Londoi
layers $2.40C t2.45 ; California loose musct
tels , $2.00@2.10 ; now Valencia , b } @Sc.
Hour. Scvcn-sixtet-ntlis , lujVill. (
DUCK West Point 29 in. S oz. 10 } o ; Wet
Point 29 in. 10 oz. ' 12Kc : West Point 1 ! ) In , 1
oz , ISo ; West Point 40 in. 11 07 , ! ( ! . Check
Caledonia X , ! Kc ? Caledonia XX , 10)51
Economy , t' ) < ' o ; OtfsitlKc.
KESTL'CKV'JKANS Memorial , 15c : Cnntoi
ISc ; Durham , 27 ! < c ; Hercules , 18c ; Leamini
ton , 22Ku ; Cottswoli 25c.
. CitAsn Stevens' U , Cc ; bleached , 7o ; Sti
vens' A. 7Jo ; bleached , 8jc ; Stevens' I
8 > fe ; , lleachedi 9 ! < o ; Stevens' N , 9i
bleached , Iflifc : fjtcvcns' S HT , 12jfc. }
MlsCi'.i.i.AMuii's Table oil cloth , $ -J.S. '
plain Holland , Oc ; Dado Hollaiu !
CAIIIIHICS Slatbr , ' 4Jf/c ; Woods,4J , c ; Stai
dnrd , 4 } c ; Pcacock\- , < c.
COM FoitTKin S .flOJ5.00. :
HI.AXKUTS White , tl.OOQ7.00colored1.1 ;
Hi.EACiicn SiiEr.Tixo Berkeley cambri
No. CO , 9Hc ; Host Yet , 4-4 , lltfc ; butter clot
OO , 4.Vc ; Cabot , 7Kc ; Farwell , 8c ; Fruit i
Loom , lie ; Greene G , lie ; Hope , "J e ; Kin
l > erellC-4 , 15c : Pepiwrcll , 84 20e ; Pcpperel
IM , 22c ; Pepperclf , 10-4 , Blu ; Canton 4-4 , 8 1
Canton , 44 , 9' ' . < c ; Triumph , Cc : Wamsutt ;
lie ; Valley , 5c.
FLANNELS Tlald tlaftsman , 20c ; Goshc :
* , .
PIIIXT Soun Coron * Atlanta , Mc ;
Sinter , Pe ; Ik'rlin O1OV ! OnruorOilCitTc.
PINK ANII UoiiKKli'limoml1Oc ; Alien , tk- ;
HlverKlnt | , Be ; Steel Hlver , Oo ; Klrhmoml ,
tic ; Pni'HU'.BJji' . INDIGO hnitoii ( ,
(5o ( ; Century IndliiO blno prints 11V ; Amor-
li'iin. iiki'j Arnold , ( lie ; Arnold H , lO' o ;
Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Soul , 10'f ,
DIIR C'hnrter OiikIke , ; Itumittw , H'4f ' ,
IxjtlMV ! Allen , fiV ! Iifchmondri > i0i Win
dsor , Cc ; Eddystone , Oc1'ncllU1 \ , IV.
HIIOWN SIIKI-.TIMI Atlanta AI II , , t i" ,
Atlantic H14 , To ; Atlantic 1) , 4-4 , IV , At-
IcntloPM , Bjc ; Aurora LI j. 4 t , fi44e ; Au
rora C , 4-1 , 4 > ve ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , n , e ;
Hoosler LL , 4-1 , fiV" Indian Head , 4-4 , 7l4c ;
Lawrence LL , 4-1 , ft4c : Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
rom U , 4-1 , tic.
IUTTS Standard , So ; Gem , lO e ? Mcnuty ,
12'e 5 Hoone , 14c ; H , ea ed. JO.MI.
COTTOV FMNMI. : < < 10 nor cent trade
IMIU1UU , ll/U , * > V , 1.U1U1CII , 1 1 , III , I
Drlstol , IIIWu ; Union PuulUc , ISe.
WAiii1 lilbb white , ISK i colored ,
GiNoitAm Plunehett eureka , TJ.j'e : . Whit-
teuton , "Uo ; York , TJ o ; Nornutiull tlresa ,
8 > < fc ; Calcutta dress , 8 < e ; Whlttcnton dress ,
He : Henfrew drcs ? , UCfl'-J c.
TICK * Luwlston , ito-ln. , rjj 'e : Lcwlston ,
.TJ-lu. , iytfc : ; York , JI'Mn. , 14e ; Swift river ,
7 fc ; Thormllke , OO , ' 40 ; Tliorndlkc. EF ,
8)i'c ; Thorndlke , 12 < ) , . , ; Thorndikc , XXX ,
l.V-i Cordis , No. 5 , il' e ; Cordis , No. 4. lie.
DnNiM Anioakcutr , 0-oz. , 10o ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 13c : York , T-oz , Me : Hnyinaker , SJfa ;
Jaffrcy , XX , llj/e / ; JalTrey , XXX , W e ;
Heaver Creek , AA , 1'Jc ; Heaver Creek , UH ,
lie ; Heaver Creek , CC , lOe.
General Market * .
FI.AX Sr.r.n The price has advanced. Good
quality nt 1.10 per buMicl.
HAY The demand for hey and straw is
very oed , but the receipts are lipht. The
following are driccs ( ( noted : Common noarso
hay , $7.UU@7.iiO per ton ; upland prairie , $ . 75
( ffS.lX ) ; straw , ftt.M ) .
CHAIN The following are Omaha quota
tions on groin : Wheat , No. 'J , Cite ; rye , 50@
Wo ; oats , 'Jie ; corn , old , ! 17J < je ; corn ,
new , 35c ; barley is quoted at < KilOOc ) , ac
cording to quality.
CoAt. Coal is active and lu good demnnd ,
with the supply somewhat inadequate. Wo
quote : Egg , $10.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range , $10.50 ;
walnut block , # 4.00 ; Iowa lump , $11.75 ; Iowa
nut , ? 3.00 ; Illinois , $4.50 ( < to.H ( ) .
HIIIKI The market Isl very dull.
Green butchers' , 5 } < fe ; green cured , < ljf ( < 17c ;
dry llint , Sic ; dry salt , be ; green calf skins ,
7e ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. TulloCT
ly/e ; . Grease Prime white. He ; yellow ,
So ; brown , ! J.jC. Shceppelts , JJoMiiUe.
Finis Kocc-oon , SXX 'Oc : mink , 10SOc ( ;
musk rat , full 2R5c ( ; stripped skunk , 10 ( 40o ;
mountain wol . No. 1 , $ i.HMgU.50 ( ; No. 'J , prni-
rie , IJO@7r > u ; No. 2 , 40@4f > c ; beaver , No. 1 ,
perlb , W.OOtSJl.OO ; No. 2 , * t.OO@1.2.V otter ,
.fl.OOtKXdry ( ! ( ) ; deer skins , 'JO yTio per Ib ;
dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 1.1 ( j2.u\
FJ.OUII AXD FIID The market Is improv
ing as regards fancy stock. The following
are current prices : Minnea ] > oll8 patents ,
$2,75 porewt ; Kansas and Missouri winter
fancy patents , t > 2.4i@2.GO ! : Nebraska patents
- , ' . ' . ' . 5 Hour ? . )
ents'jr.g'J. ( ; rye , 1.75@UK
per cwt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per cwt ;
wheat , Graham , $1.75 per ewt ; cornmeal -
meal , yellow , 'JOc per cwt ; cornmeal , white ,
$ l.K ( ) per cwt : chopped feed. SOc per cwt ;
bran , 61'J.50@ii.OO : per ton ; screenings. i'J.OU
@ 12.X ) per ton.
STIIIITS Steady at former figures ; mar
ket strong and u slight rise in
prices anticipated. Cologne spirits ,
1S3 proof , $1.10 ; do , 101 proof , $1.12 ;
spirits , heron tl quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do ,
IbS proof. ? 1.CO. Alcohol , ISb proof , $2.1(1 ( per
wine gallon. Uedistllled whiskies , SL.H ( ) @
1.50. Gin , .blended , $1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky
bourbons , fcXi.X ! ( ) ( ( ) ; Kentucky and Penn
sylvania ryes , $2.Kit(1.50 ( ) ( ( ; Golden Sheaf
bourbon and rye whiskies , $ l.50aH.OO. ( lirun-
dies , imiHJrtcd , SUKKSS.W ; domestic , $1.80(5 ( $
y.OO. Gins , imported , .fl.y > ( ffi. ( < X ) ; domestic ,
Sl.&Vtfti.OO. Champagnes , imported , per
case , $28.00@ ; ) .00 ; American , per case , ? 10.00
@ 10.X ( ) .
HKAVV HAiimvAiiK Prices have re
mained unchanged for some time. The
following prices are standard Iron ,
rate , $2.70 ; plow steel , special cast ,
4J < ic : crucible steel , Oifc ; cast tools ,
do , 12@loc ; wagon spokes , per feet ,
$2.00S5.50 ( ; thubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75e ; axles ,
each , 75c : square nuts , per Ib , ( iiMic ( ? ; ; coil
chain , per Ib , ( } } @iac ; malleable , SfglOo ;
iron wedges , tie ; crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth ,
4c ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Hurden's horse shoes ,
4.7T > ; Uurden's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barbed
wire , in car lots , $4.00.iV < ir KM ) Ibs ; Iron nails.
Kites , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50.
Dry JjHinlicr.
10ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. S3 ft. 24 ft.
2x4. , . 17 M ) 20 00 31 00 i2 ! 00 22 DC
. 17 M SO 00 21 10 SI ( W S OC
2XH. , .17 SO 1M 00,21 , IWSaiWffi tt
. 17 W1) ) IMSI IKJ SI in SI H
" ' '
\ . IB nOili ) fiu'iio Kijai oo'zi ( it
No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.15.5f
No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.5C
No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft. , rough . $10 5C
No. 1 , " " 10. " . 19 5C
No. 2 , " 12 14 " . 10 51
No. 3 , " " 10 " . 18 0 (
A , 12 , 14 , & 1C I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft 15.5 (
B , " " 20.50 I D , " " 12.51
AO in White Pine . $25.5 <
HO in " " . ai.SC
COin " " . 30.CX
DO in " " . 21.5C
EOin " " ( Sel. Fencing ) . 19.0C
0 In. Drop Siding 50o j > er M. extra.
2d com % in White Pine Ceiling . S.UCM
" " " " . 28.CX
Clear1 * { in Norway " " . l . ( i
2nd com.'a " ! ! ! ' " " " . 14.W
A121nchsl8 . $15.51
H 12 " . . ; . 39.2 (
C13 " . : ) . ( X
D12 " . 23.0 (
No. 1 , com , 12 in s 1 s , 12 ft . 20.51
" " 14ft . 19.01
" " 10ft . 18..1 (
11 " " 10 , 18,20ft . 21.5) )
No.2 , " " . lO.Oi
" " 12&14 ft . 18.5i
' " " 10ft . 17..M
12 in Grooved roofing , ? 1 i > er M. more than 1 !
in Stock Hoards same lengtn.
0 in. Grooved Roofing same price as 12 in
Stock Hoards.
No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in . $10.0
No.3 " " " . 17.5
No. 1 , OG,8in . 10.5
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , \i } inch , s2s . $51.0
" " .1JJ , 2 . 51.0
3d , clear , 1 inch , s 2 s . 44.5
" IK , 1)4,2 ) inch . 40.0
A , select , 1 inch , s2s . 40.0
A , " 1)4IH ) , 2 inch , s 2 s . 44.0
B , " 2s . 30.0
U , " W , IK i - inch , s2s . 37.0
Com , 4 inch Flooring . $17.5
Star " " .
1st and 2d clear 4 inch t leering . 23.11
Six-inch 50o less.
Clear inch Celling . 21..1
Clear % inch Partition . 25.1
Clear % inch , Partition $2 above X icnh Cei
ing ,
Clear Finish , 1 and Itf inch , s2 s . $20.C
Clear Finish , 1) < and 2 Inch , 82s . 30.C
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch . 25..1 Yellow Pine Casing and Huso. . . . 27.1
Cl. Poplar Bx. Hds. X In. , s 2 s . IM.C
" ( / in. Panel , s 2 s . 27.C
11 Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 23. . '
WIM. : Tiinixn , PICKETS ,
O. O. HdtU , 2K in. ( i'xj ; Ux3 , s 1 s. 40e3 ; ii
Well Tubing , I ) . &M. and Bev. , $23.00 ; PIcl
cts , D , & II. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq. , il.50.
XX clear , $ .10 ; extra "A * * 2.65 ; A * stain
ard No. 5 , No. 1 , 1.45 ; lath , * 2.5S.
White Cedar , 0 in. , )4' ) s. 12Jfe ; 0 in. qr
lljfe ; white cedar , 5) ) < J in. XH. llWc ; ) > ii
qr , lOe ; white cedar , 4 In. round , lfi/o ; TCI
ncsseo red cedar , split , 14u ; split oak. lOc ;
in. , 7 in qnd 8 In. ( K cuch ) 8 ft. , round W. <
Crawfonl'H Cnhc Contlnnc < I ,
The trial of Justice Crawford , who
chargcd wlth mutilating public records , hi
been given another continuance , this tin
until the 20th , at 2 p.m.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriages and BucKle . . .1onoirri'l , Itctwccn Ith and
, Nth , Ulnaha , Nvbrntka.
" ' " "
Agilcnltural Implements , Wagons.Carriages .
i _ s. Etc.Vlioo5 ; lo , Omaha , Ni > br ko ,
WholMt' * Pli-fs In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
aK. , toand IW.Jonrs Street. Omaha.
p. P.'MAST Tco
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
( taltlTators.llar llaVo . cider Mills and t.utian I'ul'
Terlteta. Cor , 14th and Nicholas ? trrcts.
AgTicnltnral Implements , Wagons SBuggie !
Corner llth and Nlchula * Streets.
Artists' Motorlnls.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Arfists1 Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Douilaa Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Boots and Shoos.
W. V. MORSE Si CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
UQ Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Mtnufactorr , ta MM
btreet , Iloiton.
( Successors to Heed , .tones A Co. )
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots and Shoes
Agents for Bostoa Rubber 8hc Co. lltn , 1104 A UOi
llaruer 9t. , Omaha , Nebraska.
Cqffeo , pices , Eto.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flarortng Kitracts , l undrr Blue , Inks , Ktc. 1111 llll
llarner BtrMt , Omaha , Nebraska.
Crockery and Glassware.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Office , SIT B. 13th 6t. , Omaha , Ncbrmka. '
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing ,
BltUr.KffKS ami Produce. Consignments tolleltcd.
li adu\i rters for 8lunowar < , Iiorrr llr es ana
Grapp Uasaet * . Hll Dodge Ht. . Omaha.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
( Claltlps-Biitter , Rugs. Chcrxv. I'oiiltrr. ( l m ,
Ojilers , Ktc. , Etc. ill South 14th street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Pooltrr. Duller , 0mei Fruits. Ktc. ZWhoutU 14tb8t-
Uraana , Ifcbrtska.
( Successor * to MrSbano A Bchroedcr. )
Product Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Nebraska.
Cool , Coke and Limo.
JoDto of Hard and Soft Coal ,
KB South IStb Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
' J. J. JOHNSON & CO. ,
Dhnnfflptiirprc nf Illinnis Whifp Tlmp
{ UUtl'.U--Llll tli US liaiiuiu niiltU iiiluui
an5 rhlppors of Cnal , Cnko , Coinent , Plaster , Ua9 ,
Drain Tile and Sewer 1'lpo. omen , Vaiton llolsl ,
t'arnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Shippers- Coal and Coke ,
114 South 13th St. , Omaha , N b.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1102 and llMDouglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importersand Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Q Bt * ' Furnishing OowliCorner llth and liarnej BU.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Groceries. _
Wholesale Groceries and Prorisions ,
TO , 71T7 , TOO and 711 8.10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1Mb and Lcaenworth Strf Hr , Omaha , Nabraskfc
D. M. STEELE & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
ma. 1221 and 1223 Ilarner Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1114 and 1116 llarocj Street. Omaha , Neb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnware.Bbcet Iron , Ktc. Agent * for IIowo Scalei.ani
Miami Powder Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shoi
Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 1105 Douglas-si
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware , ,
10th and Ilarner Sts. , OmahaINeb. Western Agent
for Austin Powd r Co. , Jefferson Steel Nalli.Kalr-
tanks Standard Hcales.
Heavy Hardware.
Heary Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Brrlngs. . . . . . UO
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
on and Carriage Wood Stock , lleavj Hardwan
tc. U1T and UIU Usarenworth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Hots , Caps , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods
HOT Harper Street. Omaha. Nub.
and ILER & CO , ,
Bait India Bitters and Pojnestle Liquors. 1112 llame
AH kinds of Building Material at Wholcsal
" l&lfa Btnet and Union I'aclfloTrack , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , eU. Yards-CornerTlh and Douglas ; Corner } !
and Douglas.
Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber ,
UU ana California 81 s. , Omaha. Neb.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner Cth and Douglas Sts. . Omaha.
li To Dealers Only ,
Office , lid t'arowB SUect , Omaba.
Wl 18't - . - .
, 'oia 'japm '
rv-NHor ,
Dealer in Hardwood
l'arqiitt j-'looili . tiitiiii ( DOVltu
JVt 1 1 1 1 n c IT y c n d HotlonB " > - "
it c. ,
lEiDortcrs & Jobbers of Millinery & Notions
! UK. 110 iind 11J Eoulh 11th Street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
_ l nJ WJ South 10th Flr tt. UmKbu.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
rn r Strfct. Om h .
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axil UrrMe , etc. , Omnh * . A. II. Illihop , Manager.
Wholesale Paper Dealers , '
Carrrnnlco Mock of printing , wrapping ( ml wrlttDf
l < aver. Special aKentlon li n to car load oitlcri.
Printer * ' Materials.
Aniiliary PDblishers ,
Dealer * I * type , preiiti and printer * ' lappllo. Ml
Poulh. IJlh Street , Omaha.
Huboor COOCIB.
Mannfactnrers and Dealers in Rnlilier Goods
Oil Clothing ami leather Helling. 1M ( Fumam
8totiT Fittings ,
PDinps. Pipes and Engines ,
Btc m , water , railway nml mining uppllrs. etc. * MO ,
Vil and VB4 t'arnnui ytrcct , Oinaliix.
Wholesale Pninps. Pipe , Fittings ,
Ftonm ami Water Surplli'i , Ileadquartera for MM * ,
Kooit A Co'a goods , llil Fi > rn m St. . Omaha.
Steam and Water Snpplies ,
nallldajr Wind Mlllv U18 Hml ( W ) Knrnnm Bt. , Omaha ,
_ G. K. Uom. Acting Manager. _
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bbecl Iruu Work , Sicnm I'umpj , w Xlllli.
Learennorth trcvt , Oiuuha.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 anil f 13 Jones SI , Omaha
A CprnmlsBlon
Storage , Forwarfling-and Commission ,
Brunch hnuin of the Hcnni'T Ilucgr Co. IliiBKlc * M
wholesale and retail. UUMMO nnd 1312 liurtl btrcut ,
Oniulm. Tulcphotia No. 710.
Tons and Cigars.
Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars ,
fj | > lcei and lalj lUklng 1'ow.lor. HlOand Ulbllnr.
uvj Street , Oinnlm.
Corn lop.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
Jubu Ilpeuvter , 1'rorrletor. IHO Luilio and 101 and 1(0 (
North ludi hlreet. Omaha. ;
Smoke Stacks , Boilers , Etc.
Mannfactnring Dealer in Smote Stacks ,
Drltcblngs , Tanks anil General Uollcr Impairing. UK
Dodge Street. Omaha , Nob.
Iron Works.
Wronght and Cast Iron Bnilding Worn ,
Enalnon , llrasi work , oeneral foundry , machine and
blacksmith work. OTncc and worn , U. f. KT. acd
ltU Htreet , OroaLa.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk rails , window gunnls. flower standi , wire sign * ,
_ etc. , 1U North ICth St. . Omaha.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safest
Vaulti , jail work , Iron nnd wire fencing , Blunt , etc * O *
Andicen , 1'rdp'r. Car. llth unit Jackson bta.
Mjinulnctururt * tnil JuUbcrn in
Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. 'JIU uua I'ut illc bis. , o.nnlm. Ni u.
General Afcnts for Dlcbold Cure ft 1/ock Co.'i
Fire and Burglar Proof SafesTime , Locks.
Vault and Jail .Work , UliKurnam IJlrcel. Omaha. , '
H. M.6L S > . W.JONbS ,
o A. T. Ki'nyon Jt Co. ,
V * limt'Miu * Mini retail \
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine Wcdtllnir Matlnncrr , Ciimiiiercliil Htntloncry. ' -
IJIhiuifluK M. Oiiiulin , Nub ,
Manufacturers of derails ,
Jrans rants , HhlrW , Ktc. 11(12 ( and 1101 Uouglai Street , t
Omalia , Nvb.
Wholesale Manufacturer * of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch Office , 12th and Itanl Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stair Work and Interior Hnnl Wood Fin
ish. N. K. Comer 6th nnd lavtuworUi Streets ,
Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors ;
And Illlnds. Turning , Flair-work , llauk aid Offlc *
fittings , axil and 1'oppleton Ayenuo.
Brewers. '
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1121 North Eighteenth Htreet , Ouialm , Nob.
Lire Stock Commission Merchants ,
Omoo llonm 24 , Opposite Exchange Ilulldlug , Union
block Yards , Houth Omnh Ne .
Live stock Commission Merchants ,
Unrkot furnlfht',1 fruo on application. Ktockor * and
foeitcni furnlilied oa Ki > od t rms. Kvfcrrncrs ; Oma
ha Uank ami Houth Omaha National , Uuloa
Stock Vards , tkiuth Oinabtt.
Lire Stock Commission ,
Room U , UichanKe Ilulldlug , Union Btoefe TardJ.
South Oiimliu , Neb.
" " '
Commission Dealers in Lire Stock ,
Commission Dealers in Lire Stock ,
Itoom 21oppo lt Kichange Hulldlnx , Union Block
Vards , boutli Omaha , Nub ,
Of Omaha , Limited ,
Job * Y , llojrd. H