Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Senator Ohandlor's Bill For Super
visors of Southern Elections.
The Election Coiiunlitco Djelnrci
Him lOntltliMl to the ; Vncnnt Hunt
Hly I'rof. Hwcnnon UtliRf
Congressional Proceeding * .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 13. .Mr. Dawcs In
troduced a bill taxing manufacturers
and dealers in adulterated lard and
requiring it to bo stamped. Mr. Cul'om's
bill to authorize rate pensions fixes Iho pen
sion for loss of sight or disability rcquirlm ;
regular attendance at $ ri per month. Other
bills were as lollows :
lly Mr. Paddock To appropriate 40,0KJ (
for a public building at. Beatrice , Nob.
Hy Mr. Teller To increase the pension ol
Mrs. Gcnoral Ward U. Uennett to SUM pet
lly Mr. Wilson of Iowa To authorise- the
, postmaster general to lease premises for thr
use of llrat , second and third class post
master ; , to provide that no third
class poslofUce shall bo relegated to u fourth
class whose grots annual receipts mnniint tc
tl.WXl , or whoso box routs and commUnlon-
. , , bring the postinaslcr's salary up to $1W ) < 1 pei
Si / annum.
Superintendent Theme , of the Unltei
Stales eoaat and geologic survey , In hfs i\n \
nuul report stales lhat every brand
of the work of survey' has bcci
actively prosecuted during the to :
degree commensura'lo with the means onVrei
by congress. Kfforts wcro concenlralcd it
pushing to completion imporlant survey-
nlrcudy In progroi.s aifd in beginning tlio <
ImiK-rutlvcly demanded by llio interests o
commerce- and navigation ,
A statement from the secretary of war wa-
laid before the house , exhibiting the opor.i
tlons of the Sprlnglleld armory. There wiv
expended fJS7,72 ! ( , thoprincipal item of whicl
is ono of t > )73t'i ) , ; $ for the manufacture o
arms , for which purpose only $1,0-17 was expended
ponded during thn preceding fiscal jear
There were ! ! 0,10 < 1 Springfield rlflea and 5,001
Hprlnglleld carbines turned out.
Sonntor Chandler has introduced n hill tt
regulate thu holding of congressional clec
tlons in South Carolina , Florida , Mlsslgslpp
und Louisiana. It provides for the appoint
ment by the president , with the advice am
consent of the senate , of four supervisors o
election for each congressional district in tin
states to which thu mensuie applies , who IIP
required to sub-divide thu districts Into i
Bunlcient number of voting precincts. Ii
each precinct , the circuit com tot thu Unitet
Stales is to npi > olnt four inspectors and twi
poll clerics , who are to make a registration o
voters and conduct the eongresslona
elections. The supervisors are to att : as i
canvassing board , to rceoivo , return
from inspectors nnd ascertain am
declare tlio result of bluction. Supoi
visors. inspectors and poll clerk
pro to bo divided equally beUvccn two princl
Jnil political parties. Thu measure contain
minute provisions governing the manner o
t'Ogistration and conduct of the elections , to
( other with i > onaltien. for election frauds.
To an Associated press reporter who askci
Jits purpose in limiting thu operation of th
mcasuru to thu four states named , Mr
Chandler said : "It is my desire lo secure
if possible , the passage of a national electioi
law in tliosu suites whcru there is a manifcs
und avowed suppression of republican sul
Trago. In Louisiana democratic leaders dc
clarer thdr intentioa not to idlow the colorct
people to vote the republican ticket , and hnvi
also asserted their intention to settle till
question without the slightest regard t <
, northern boutimout on the subject. Hence
think both northern sentiment and Intorcs
should lead to the pas < < ago of laws to llmi
the Mippresslon of sutlrdgo to elections fo
Bt to otneurs , and give us frou suffrage fo
national ofilcors. The measure docs no
" "cover presidential elections , for the rcnsoi
, that the constitution .gives no authority fo
After Iho presentation of a largo numbo
Of iHititions , Mr. Merrill , from llio coniinltU-
pn tlnance , reported back the senate bill t
credit and pay to the several states anil lerr :
( tories and to the District of Columbia all th
Inonoys collected under thu direct tax act o
the tith of August , IbOl.
Mr. Ingalls Introduced bills to remove th
( imitation in the payment of arrears of pei
Blons and granting arrears in certain cases' t
those pensioned by special act of congrcs ;
Other bills were introduced , and among thei
thu following :
lly Mr. Sherman -For the preservation c
woods and forests adjacent to the sources o
navigable rivers and their afllui-nls.
By Mr. Hoar A constitutional nmcndmon
for tlio extension of the congressional tori
until the last Tuesday in April.
Hy Mr. Cullom To amend the inter-stnt
Commerce act ; also for the establishmeti
nnd operation of a United States postal teh
raph ; also to equalUo rates of pensions i
cottaln cases ; also to extend pension laws t
Btca-mboatTiien and others acting under ordei
Of United Stales oMcors.
By Mr. Jones of Arkansas Opening tli
Bloux reservation in Nubnuska to scttlemcn
By Mr. ' Fryo To promote thu politic ;
progress and commercial prosperity of tl :
American nation.
By Mr. Gray To establish a .court of a ]
Mr. Plntt offered a resolution which w ;
referred to the committee on rules to amen
Iho rules so that hereafter the Bcuato aha
consider and net upon treaties and execute
nominations in open session except wlu
Otherwise onlerod.
1'ho select committco of the last congrc
On methods In executive departmenls wi
coutliuwd with leave to report any time prl
to January 25.
. Mr. Dolph called up Iho bill introduced 1
him yesterday lo provide for fortlilcatioi
nnd other sea coast defenses. On his niotit
It was referred ( o thu committee on coast Hi
The ticnato then adjourned until to-morroi
11 on He ,
WASHINGTON , Dec. 13. A largo number
executive communications were laid bofo
the house by the. speaker aud appropriate
referred , and then at 12:10 : a recessw
taken until 1 o'clock.
After ivce-js , the speaker having called M
Mills of Texas to the chair. Mr. Carinmi <
Illinois offered a resolution lhat the 'ollowii
named gentlemen sliall constiuito the cm
.Hjitloo on elections : Crisp , O'Ferrall , Out
y-alto , Harry , Mulsh , Heard , Joim-um
ftorth Carolina , O'Neill ot Indiana , Moot
Itowcll , Houk , Cooper , Lyman , Johnson
Indiana , and Lodge. The icolulum w
unanimously adoplcd. The speaker" rusunn
thu chair anil illrectett all papers In t !
various contested cloctioti cases lo bo rofcrr
lo the fommlttoo Just elected. The hou
then adjourned until Friday.
Faulkner SeatciU
WAsiiiNaTox , Doc. 13. The senate co
mltteo on privileges and elections ilovol
several hours to-day to the consideration
the West Virginia contest. The burden
Mr. Lucas1 argument was Unit a special PI
lou of the legislature had nti powur to eU
a senator , and that he , as Iho governor's i
politico , ! * entitled to serve until the meeting
tholojIsUturo In 1S-VJ. IIi | > iuotcdUiourovUI
Of the state constitution which deuhtrcs tli
special sMMotxs ot the legislature Mmll rtnt
Upon no biiflnnss except that slated lit t
proclamation by which It was called togetli
Faulkner contended llmt the eleclionof sci
tor'wa * not comprehended in the term "bu
ness" as used In the state constitution a
ftverrnd tlutt tlin vast majority of tlio Judi
try nnd bar of West YlrRinln was of his \v
of thlnkin ? . XThn conimitiC'u discussed t
matter und deiurmiiu-vl unanlinouhly to rep
In favor of Faulkner's title to the vuo ;
I'rol' . Swunsoii's I'nloitt.
Dec. tj.--In : \r
* y WAMIINIITUX. - - response
rovtlutlon Af inquiry the couunissloiu'r
grlculturi ro-day sent U contir.unl2i\Uon \
tha M'liato blntlng that u patent Uud l < t
granted Professor Swuison for an Impro
mont ( n the ditTusI n process of mak
utarvhluh improvement thy i
bdllcvrs was discovcrfO by I'rof.
while In Uio'govcinmeNt employ and r.'l
l-v making cxi rimrnts with the pounlo'H mo.-
tor the bcucili of thoi > oop.le. Ho had t
' ( tested to lUo cjinuih'sloner ' of tuitenU usal
granting n patent , but was Informed that the
patent had been nlruady granted. The com-
uilisloncr further says he has suggested to
the attorney general that suit bo Instituted to
perpetually enjoin Prof , Swcnson from mak
ing use of his patent.
Court Funds Kxliauntocl
WAMiiNdTON , Doc. HI. [ Special Telegram
to the Hr.K. ] When tlio house committee on
appropriations is appointed , the llrst thing
that will bo brought to Its attention will bo
the necessity for nn urgent deficiency bill to
prevent the closing of n number of United
States courts. Nearly all of these courts ,
owing totho exhaustion of money appropri
ated for Jurors' and witness" fees for the last
llscal year , wore compelled to close three
months bo fora the new appropriation became
available , which was on the 1st of last July.
Tliis threw a great deal of accumulated
business onto the present llscal year and hni
made , together with ordinary business , .such
aiiiiiiroad into thu present appropriation that
It is pretty well exhausted. Unless something
bo done before February the country will
again suffer from the closing of the courts.
Thuso fact.s will bo submitted to the appro-
pi i.ition committee by Attorney General Oar-
land us soon as it gets to work.
Military Matters.
\VAsiux < trosj Doe. 1ft. [ S | cclal Telegram
to' the HKK. ] Lcavo of absence for font
months is granted to Flist Lieutenant
Stephen O'Connor , Twenty-third inlantryto
take effect January 1.
Captain Joseph H. Campbell , Fonrth nrtll-
lery , ins been granted fourteen days exten
sion of leave.
A general court. , martial , composed ol
officers of the Fifth artillery , has convened
at Fort Columbus , N. Y.
Secretary Kndlcott , accompanied by Adju
tant General Drum aijd Cavtain | Taylor , will
leave Friday next to visit the military prison
at Fort Leavc'iiworthj Kan. They will bi
gone about a wcuk and will make a short
stop in Chicago.
By direction of the secretary of war , para
graph 17'J ot the regulation is amended to
read as follows" : "Noii-coniuilsslonedolllcen
may be reduced to the ranks by the sentence
of it court martial , or by'ordOrof the com
manderof thu rcKiment. If reduced to the
ranks bv garrison courts , at posts not tin
'headquarters of the regiment , thocoinmandci
will Immediately forward a transcript oT tin
order to the regimental commander. "
ami loivn Pension * * .
X , Doc. 1U. [ Special Tolcgran
to the Hun. ] The following pensions wen
granted Nebraskans to-day : Lconah J ,
widow of Alfred D. Scholley , Shelton. Me :
lean war Andrew Joliff , Llccnnc. Origins
Alfred G. Scholloy , deceased , Shelton
Louis Hlncs , Pooria. Increase Henry C
Uowland , Pallisado ; William Uobertson
Pensions for'lowa : John , father of Sam
ucl F. SidesJ3eavor ; Ilcttio M. , mother o
Fred Brown , Marougo. Mexican war Join
C. Baar , Hrookville. Original Jonathan I )
Drake , Mount Ayr ; Tlioinas Markey , Bon
durant ; C. 11. Quickly , Decatur ; Joseph li
Setter. Newton ; Jqsenh Balrd , Onawa ; Join
Meyer , Glen wood ; John Q. Morre , lowi
Centre ; William B. Ilaskins , Chester. In
crease rebate J. B. Moore , Washington
Elias E. Jackson , Winlleld ; William U. Jarl
helm , Dexter ; Colvin B. Campbell , Abrighton
William M. Ltftlo , Charles City ; Henry S
Gloason , Bnrnsldo ; Joseph Consstock , Ot
tumwa ; Kd Townu , Kilbournc : Colvin li
Wison , ICingslcy ; William A. Simons , Corn
ing. Restoration and increase FrcdGuthrio
Gulhric Centre.
nnd lowsx Patents.
WASIHXOTOX , Dec. Ii. ! [ Siecial Telcgran
to the HuK.l The following patents wcfe is
sued to-day to Nebraska sud Iowa inventors
John B. Altnian , Cascade , la. , hame tug ; W
P. Bcttendorf , Davenport , la. , mctallii
wheel ; J. M. Bolton , Sioux City , la. , euf
holder ; E. S. Burbank , Omaha , Jeweler' ;
tag ; Frank Church , DiiHoes , Neb. , haino
J. tl. Conrad , Long Pine , Nob. , storm door
Abraham Dillor and J. White , Brlgton. la.
car coupling ; W. G. George , assignor of one
half to J. Cclner , Harlan , la.
convortahlo stock wagon ; T. A
Harr.isrii , Emmctsburg , la. , car coup
Hug ; J. Patton. Fort Sidney , Neb.
electric motor or dynamo electric machine
John llavnnc , Keokuk , la. , plant support am
OmuIiit'R Intcrc-us in Congress.
WASHINGTON' , Deo. 115. ( Spccinl Telograr
to the HKK. ] Senator Mai'dorson to-da ,
rciutroduced the bill / ho proposed I
the last congress providing" for the sale o
Fort Oni'.dm and purchase of a section eland
land within ten miles of Omaha for a ne\
fort. As stated by a BKIS special severs
days ago , Gcnoral Sheridan endorsed th
measure and will urgoits passage. Mr. Mar
derson lias also introduced a bill llxlng tb
htatutu of limitation of liability on bonds n
iivo years. It Is suggested by some suits o
Id bonds and against bomlsmen at Omaha.
Pouul dumbos.
WASHIXOTOX , Deo. 13. [ Special Tolcgrai
Lo the BKI : . ] The following Nebraska pos
masters were appointed to-diiyi Hobert I'
Fruits , Union , Cass county , vice Charles I
HOBS , fnilnl to qualify ; George AV. Mean1
Georgetown , Ouster county , vice John f
Myers , removed.
Powdcrly Seriously III.
Pnii.vnr.M'itiA , Dee. 13 fuforniatlon wt
received yesterday morning at the ICnlghtsc
Labor heMquartorn lioro that Grand Mastc
Workman Powdorly had been t-trlckcn , wit
severe hemorrhage of" the lungs at his lloir
In Scranton. The news created u great dei
of excitement , un'iOng Powderly's fricnO
nnd clerks at lieadiiuartcrs , but everyboil
about the establishment was Instructt
to kec ] ) the matter ,11 pvofound riecrei
and iho greatest iirecautlon wi
taken to prevent the news from reaching tl
outsWc. Powdcrly was to have left his hon
in Scranton early yesterday morning to a
tend the monthly meeting of the general o
ecutivo board , but ihy sudden attack whii
came upon him nliwst ' completely prostrati
him and rcndere'd.a trip to to this city out i
the question. Powdcrly has hitherto be <
troubled with weakness of- the hlnirs , bi
nonoof his ptnjYiotts attacks' , it i < v said , hai
been so serious i\s that of yesterday.
A UUputcli from Svrantou says Powder
is somewhat butter this morning.-
Again Arrested.
Nr.w YOUK , Doc. KJ. Henry S. Ivos of tl
defunct banking linn of II. S. Ivcs & C <
was arrested this afternoon on a warra
issued on the charge of grand larceny mai
by Julius Doxtcr , presldciit' of the Cinci
nail , Hamilton & Dayton' railroad compan
The uflldnvlt alleges that on Juno ( I , 1 7 ,
draft for $11XOU ) ( ) , sent to Ivcs as trustee
be.used In part payment ot the sum duo t
Terre Haute & " Indianapolis madv was n
pi-opriatod by Ivcs foivthu use of his llr :
Ivos was taken to iwlico court , whcro coun-
cl.ilin.ed tlio iso was pnpfor n civil cou :
Ivos hulil ho did "not .expect criminal proccc
ings. Ives was held in f2."jfKxf bail , which 1
sister furnished.
Trouble * .
Nrw YOUK , Dec. 1 ! ! . Thn woll-known fli
of D. DeCastro& Co. , shlplng.nnd | ) comm
slon merchants , Jiqvn failed. The. capital
the house w5s iiliie d at jjWO.IXIO. At t :
oftico to-day It was sa'd ' that oxnccted rein
anccs on coileo conblgned to them had fall
to arrive , and this had precipitated t
assignment. The attorney for the assign
said the liabilities and assets , roughly cs
mated , were fromT.Vt ) OtoflOt > 0OiJO , ahr
three-fourths of which wcro duo in Sou
nnd Central America.
Hwhncr , Hcaley & Conway , dry gooi
failed to-day. Liabilities estimated at | < 1
"It's only u quontion of tlmo , " nc :
short tlmu , loo. n3 to whoa . .voUirhc
mutUin wiUriQtdtoIIooJl'd Sarsaimrill
Try it.-
_ _
A Sure Thing.
There nro vcry fuw thliiR3 In this li
of which wo may bo absolutely ccrtai
1ml thta In ono of thorn : that Dr. Pioro
"IMcliKiut I'nrcstivo Pcllotfi1' huvo
equal na n cnlharU In ilonuigomcnts
the Uvcr , btvinttuh and bo'wnla. Tli
nro very small nml tholr action IstnVi
nnt. I'uruly vogotnblo , perfectly har
less. 5o cent's , u vjal , All drugibtd.
Some Oaustlo Words From the
Member of Parliament.
Iiord Hnllslmry Hald to Ifnvc Check-
in a tccl Pcrslco'H. Solienio lly He-
newlnu DlploinatU ; Kolittlons
With the Vatican.
Pnrkor nnd ( ilndstonc.
[ Copi/r/M ( ( / 1SS71 > H Jainct flnnlnn lltnnelt. ]
LONDON' , Dee. 13. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BIK. : ] The extraor
dinary letter from Dr. Parker , published by
the Herald has , for the moment , thrown
more important matters into the shade.
Gladstone sometimes has made himself
rather cheap , especially of late , but it Is not
generally known that his friends had the
privilege of farming him out whenever they
worn short of funds. ' Perhaps ho would prefer -
for to have some cholco In regard to the
tlmo und place of exhibition , the
settlement of terms ' and the
distribution of prollts. Parker
undertakes to nianago all this part of thu
business , but wlic.ii ho returns ho will find
the sago of Hawarden 'quite ready to bo
hawked round for sale like u quaclr pill.
Parker has got himself into a pretty mess ,
As ho has preached In America , It Is un
necessary to s.iy what style of a man ho is.
Ho goes in for salvation at any price. I
passed his tabernaelo on Temple street und
saw an Immense crowd sround the doors. I
asked a Parkurito what was the matter. He
said a woman was going to preach. "And
Parker too I" I asked. The Parkurito groaned
and declined to answer.
Tliis stimulating diet is served regularly at
the temple on Holborn viaduct. But what
-will the faithful say now that tholr high
priest has been rejected I Brooklyn had his
lectures laughed at and now ho has tried to
sell the grand old man. Dr. Parker used to
pray a great deal for Gladstone's health nnd
long IIfo. Wo now begin to fear that these
gopd wishes wcro prompted by regard for
No. 1. A statesman who can bo hired out
for interviews , like n perambulating Juror ,
may bo made almost us good as nn annuity to
n smart manager and poor Gla'dstone
thought Parker loved him for his own
sake. However old a man may be ,
ho always has something new to learn beside
human nature. When Gladstone set up lately
In the timber trade all moneys were remitted
straight to Hawardon. Souvenirs frcm the
felled trees are still on sale at Cd and up
wards. The business Is strictly in the hands
of a llrm. No interloper is allowed to touch
It. Young Herbert takes the money and
sends off the goods Vith the usual circular ,
"hoping to merit your continued support. "
Herbert will' call upon Parker as
soon as the latter arrives. Ho will
want to have the now hiring out
game properly explained to him. Great in
dignation is cxuressed in the Gladstonlan
circle. He always has been careless about
the people ho too ! : Up with. A friend of the
great man has Just been explaining to mo that
anybody who lettered him could persuade
: iim into anything , but ho will not bo per-
.uaded . to pour out six columns of talk on
( Vmerica to nil n paper's pockets. He may ,
it times , bo duped , but ho knows
now to resent an affront. Parker's
inly chance is to explain his letter away on
rue Gladstonlan principles. Faillng > that il
may require morc'than ono wesian's , preach-
ng to draw a crowd back to the temple. The
Parkeritcs uro all agitated. So is a imicli
nore important body of extreme Protestant ?
f every denomination.
The Duke of Norfolk has gene to Rome ns t
special envoy from the queen and a.thousatu
onjectures as to his errand fill the air. Sonu
of the papers try to make out thai
ho queen is merely sending a trivial mes
iiigo in reply to the pope's Jubilee gift. Bui
assuredly tliero is something more than thai
n the trulh. , I bellovo it to bo that the goy
eminent intends to resume the firmer diplo
malic relation ! * with tlio Vatican ro
gar.llcss of the popular prejudice whicl
, till exists on the subject. It wil
bo remembered that Gladstone sent ai
envoy to the pope , though it was denied tha
ho had any oflleial authority. Afterwards i
came out that ho held diplomatic intercourse
with the papacy und that his expenses wen
[ > ald like thosn of any minister. Salisbury
no doubt , intends to counteract the singula
mission to Ireland of Monsignor Porscowhc !
has-naturally fallen much unflertholnfluonci
of the homo rule party. If the pope can to
brought to Issue n prouunciamcnto to favo
homo rule , a largo party of the Irish clerg ;
would be greatly pleased as well a
strengthened. It is hoped tha
M. Persico * will sucqecd in call
ing forth some such document
The government wish to bring inllucnccs ti
bear jipon tlio other side , therefore n propos
tion will bo nmdo for the dispatch of a p&pa
envoy to St. James , whi'.q the Duke of Noi
folkmay for a tlmo consent to remain Ei
glish minister at the Vatican. This woul
bo vary satisfactory to the pope , who ha
long and earnestly desired the restoration o
a formal oflleial relationship with the BritU
government. Hepcated overtures ha
been made towards that end , but til
now none have been well rccelvpi
When , however , it was seen thu
Monsignor Persico had been sent oftlclall ,
to Ireland , and that ho was returning wit
the obvious intention of procuring the pup ;
benediction on the homo rule movement , 1
was thought to bo high time to make nn ai
sworlng move , Salisbury in this affair ha
once more shown great sublcty and insiglil
Ho silently watched all thai had gonqon , an
Just as his adversary appeared to have wo
the game ho touched ono pioc
and cried "Chcckmato. " There can h
llttlo doubt that the prevent arrangement wi
bo successful. The Ouko of Nprfolk will h
eminently welcome at thoVatican. . H
represents nn ancient family which1 mad
great sacrifices for the church and suffure
much on Its account , including entire cxch
slou from political life for many generation !
The present duke's domestic aftlctiot
have drawn him the sympathy i
the whulo nation. This cou
must bo regarded ns one of Salisbury's mo
torpicws , and though Exeter hall may otu
more ralso its bray , I bellove the people goi
crully will approvn what Is Jielng done an
that the Vatican will again bo represented u
the English court , and that Mousignor PC
slco's litllo intrlguo with the ultra hou
iiilers will crumble to pieces.
Wilson Partly Vindicated.
ICopi/rfuAt / ISS7 l > u J'Wica Guiiloii Jleimett , ' ]
PAISIS , ( via Havre ) , Dec. lit. [ New Yoi
Herald Cable-Special to the BUB. ] Tl
tribunals to'dny gave Judgment In the sens
tloanl matter of the abstraction of two Icttc
relating to thu red ribbon scandals. Th (
decided that , no reason existed to prosccu
J.lcusrti. Wilson , Gcrgnon or Goron. Tl
Judgment was not unexpected I
the three persons Implicated , noi
the less did It glvu great rclof | to t )
ex-president und his son-in-law , M. Wllo
The ntUfnclion won illghtlv alloyed wi
annoyance , as thu lodgment , while ucquilth
him of the extraction of thu documents , ce
suit'd him for having substituted two othe
in their place after they had disaj > peare
Ho persists In nRlnntng that ho Is entire
blameless , and declares ho is the victim of
rivalry existing between the iwllco depai
and- the ' '
incut - magistracy.
Baiii Stover's Ffjtflitful Assault Upoi
Ctmrlc'y1 KAhlcnicycf.
Charley Kohlcmt > yer , at ono time th
keeper of the "Itod States hotel 01
Douglas street , ts.dylug dying ut the bom
of his mother on Cnpltol nvcnuo from a f rat
tured skull indicted with a loaded cano li
Kaufmann's ' saloon on Douglas stroe
last night. Sijiil ' Stover was hi
assailant. ICohlcme.vor Is now n rcsl
dent of Paplllon-nnd ( hocamo to town las
night to attend niileetiilg of the G. A. 1 !
post of Which ho ! , U "n member. Ho wa
standing In front of Kaufman's bar I'trlnklti ]
when Stover came in , nnd without
words Warning bognn tittack ng ICohlcmcye
with the deadly wdapon. Bleeding nn
wounded the unfortunate man fell insenslbl
to the lloor , and In the excitement Stove
made his escape.
FrI Iitful l-'nto of n Htock Dealer In
Ham nt Denver.
DENVKII , Col. , Dec. H. [ Special Telcgrai
to the Br.u. ] Fire in Leshcr , McNnssor i
Harris' livery stable at midnight resulted i
the death of Ed Barr , n stock dealer , an
severely burning his partner , W. S. Conl
link , .about the head and hands. The tw
men slept In the front hay loft and wer
awakened by the roaring of flames aronn
them. Barr. rushed for the stairs , but wu
overcome by the heat before ho rcache
them , nnd was burned to ono solid blistei
Colliding Jumped from the front window t
the ground , badly spraining his ankle. Th
tire was extinguished by the dcpartmcr
with but little damage to the building an
none to the stock. How it caught Is u.tuyi
President Cnrnot's Message.
PAIIIS , Dec. 13. President Carnot's mei
sago was submitted to the chambers todaj
It advocates a policy of cbncord nnd nppcasi
ment , and urges the adoption of practic :
reforms for the improvement of the finance ;
The chambers , ho says , In assisting the goi
eminent to execute this programme will giv
Europe a precious pledge of France's ardor
dcslro to contribute to the consolidation i
general peace and lo facilitate the ilcvclo ]
ment of good foreign relations.
The government is desirous to give n larp
share ol attention to the land and sea force :
It is for the chambers to endow the govcn
ment with power to execute a programin
which will secure for the country an era f
peaceable , faithful activity , and thus giv
Europe a plcdgo of the ardent desire <
Franco to strengthen general peace , and a
slst in the development of good relations b
twecn the powers. Tlio message was we
received. After it had been read , the chan
bora adjourned until Thursday.
O'Donovnti KoHsa'n Sucpcssor.
Loxnox , Dec. 1 ! ) . The Times states pntl
authority of a Parnollite , who stipulates ths
bis name must no bo disclosed , that D
Hamilton Williams , of Now York , succcei
O'Donovan Hossa in the leadership of tl :
extreme nationalists in Now York , and thi
Williams has a fund of . 200,000 at his di
posal to organize assassinations amldyimtni'
explosions by sending to England Irisl
American agents who do not worlc dlrcctl ;
but endeavor "to find men among the crim
nals of largo towns to assassinate public me
and conduct dynamitq explosions. Thes
men are now at worlf and will be supplic
with funds. The Times ilnformaiit also stnti
that 200 weight of dynamite has been store
secretly in London- , but ho professes to I
unaware of Its cxacfc'Iocrrtity.
A Ranqtiet to Granvlllc.
Loxnox , Dec. 13Tlib cabinet decided i
reassemble parliament . February 7. Tl
Eighty club gave a banquet to-night in hem
of Earl Granvillo. in. a spcccTi Granvll
contended that the reception given Hart in
ton and Ooschen lnDUbUh , was no test i
public opinion. The liberals OJd r.Gt ish '
declare ths ASasiciems b'eyond the palo of tl
'parfy. On the contrary , they wished
bring about a reunion bya suspension of tl
Irish question. If- the government undo
took to settle the Irish question upon tl
reasonable basis of self-government the
would have the hcartysupportof the liberal
An Kinlie/.fling : Ambassador.
LOXDO.V , Dec. 12. The Pall Mall Ga/et
says General Willongliby , until recently ni
bassador of Madagascar in London , was co
vlctcd , on bis return to Madagascar , of tl
embezzlement of 12,000. and sentenced
imprisonment for an indefinite period.
French A Hairs.
PAIIIS , Dec. 13. The formation of tl
Tirard ministry was brought about by thrca
of President Carnet to resign -Tirard i
fused to go ahead with the task. It is no
called "Carnot's cabinet. " The organ
Clemenccau nnd other radical organs mnl
violent attacks on the now govornmoi
'Which it is expected will collupso after t'
National Federation of Labor.
B.U.TIMOUI ? , Dec. 13. The second nunu
convonlion of the national federation of lab
met in this city to-day. After recess t
committee on credentials reported in favor
seating nil the delegates who arrived exec
Delegates Ostor and Harvey , of the Distr
of Columbla/who were declared enemies
the cause of united labor , and after a heat
discussion were refused seats. Preside
Gompers , in his annual report , spoke of t
necessity of legislation for the regulation
employment of women and children , of t
heavy displacement of labor by machinery
the last few years and Its Inllucnco on , Indi
trial depression , the necessity of regulati
the hours of labor nnd urgent need of orgn
i/cd efforts to improve the condition of t
laboring classes. Ho touched on the Jc
ousy existing between the federation and t
Knights of Labor andjaldthcro was noneci
sity for it. Ho disclaimed all sympathy
love for anarchy , its methods or tcachlni
'Adjourned until to-morrow.
. A Cowboy linns Ainnck.
HAMMOND , Ind. , Dec. 13. Tlio prize flfi
between William Somors , of Chicago , and
unknown from Michigan City , at Ilessvl
to-night , was indefinitely postponed by t
Motion of a cowboy named Claude Kimb ;
who ran amuck through the crowd In t
saloon where t'm light was to take plai
firing indiscriminately right'nnd lu
Pctor liclch , keeper of the saloon , dn
a revolver and shots wcro exchange
between him nnd Klmball , which resulted
Heich falling mortally wounded. Kimb
look to the woods. Ho had been drunk
the evening , but. had been put to bed. Itw
when everything w'as in readiness for t
fight that ho Jumped wildly into the ro <
nnd began shooting. !
Mooting of NortliwcHtorn . Brecde
CHICAGO , Dec. 13. X Srtmly attended me
Ing'of the North western r'lJreodcrs' ' assoc
tion was held to-day f ir'thc - purpose of'
ranging the colt Btakcs-foi'.lho season'ISSS
the northwestern cirimffc. ? A committee v
appointed to draft anltreport on the subje
to bo submitted to a future , called meeting.
, * "i
Hentioard llqJU8i.U Btored.
NRW Yonif , Dec , IS.t-a'Ao presidents of I
trunk lines settled th'cf flgjit over rates fr
Chicago to the seaward , on live stock n
dressed beef to-day.flndijtho old tariff v
rcstort d. 'Tho Grand Trunk wasrepresou' '
at Iho meeting and aomlcqfcd.
For the Mnrdc-r ol'Ifcr Son.
BOSTOX , Dec. 13. There was a largo cro
In attendance at the second day of the tt
of Mrs. Surah Itouinson , for the murder
her son. _
"Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Colder , fair weather , fr <
to brisk northerly wlnd > ,
For Iowa : Colder , generally fair wcath
fresh to brisk nortlrly winds.
For Dakota : Kllchtly colder , fnlrweath
light variable winds.
Thrcn Children nurncd to Death
Poist PI.KAHAXT , W. Va. , Dec. 13.Smu
Henry Fawcgtt alrd wife , living fivQ mi
south of bore , went to church , and when tl
had returned homo they found theirth
llttlc.chlldreu , whom they had locked In
house , burned to death.
'irst ' Session of the Annual Con
vention of the Stnto.
J. Dlxoti Avcry Tells About Nrlirnsku'f
'l-ogi-CMH In Butter Making Pies-
Idcnt Whltmorc'H Address
Oilier Interesting Pnnurn.
Dairymen's Klrnt Mi-ctliiff.
The third annual convention of the No
irashn Dairymen's association opened li
jurmanla hall last night at S o'clock with at
.ttemlanco . of about thirty dairymen ant
Icalcrs In dairy products front abroad and li
he city. The exercises were opened by at
'Verture ' by Prof. Hohr's band. This wiv
' by a welcome address by ox-Oov
rnor Saunders. Ho said lhat ho did no
tnow why ho had been called upon to ad
ill-ess the gathering , nevertheless ho wai
ileoscd to say u few words to them. Tholr :
ivas nn honorable business und , indeed , tt
ilut it was the most honorable that could bi
'ollowpd. When u boy ho was ntiscd on t
'arm and had his share In the milking
C the cows. Ho would say to then
hat thcyAvoro welcome here. We could no
.to without them. Their business was no
itily honorably ; it was also absolutely ncc
jssary for life. It began as early as tin
history of man. Two of the articles madi
use of in the feast nt Abraham's tent whei
i mcssdngor of the Lord called to nn
noitnco to the patriarch that his seed shouli
"ast-for6vor , weru milk and butter , becausi
lie scriptures said that Abraham placed be
'ore them milk and butter and gave them o
ho calf to cat. Uutter was peed for tin
Icing and lord and laborer. Neatness be
longed to their business. A hearty mm
gould perhaps cat a rough meal will
"ard before him , but place on hi :
: able a pinto of butler which had but tin
enst speck of uncleanlincss , und It wouh
.uill upon his taste more than the courses
.llsh that could bo served lo him. The governor
ornor concluded with unotliiirhearty wolcomi
, o the homes and firesides of Omaha.
The Temple quartette , conslstingof Messrs
Uiggs , Whcclor , II. LSurhloy and W. Dowji
'ug , sang , in an excellent manner , "Tt
iVrms. " Mayor Uroatch then welcomed tin
convention , and incidently referred to tin
great improvements which Omaha has nuuli
n the past few years. Uohi's orchestra llici
mvyed another medley.
J. Dlxon Avcry , of Fremont , who was tt
reply to the address by Mayor Hroatch , wiv
delayed by the lateness of the Northern Pa
clllc train. He , however , made i
few remarks of a praotlcal nature
which were appreciated by the audience. Th
association he said was not a mutual ad
miration society. At its meetings , ho wai
satisfied , would be given expression to th' '
jest thoughts on dairying by the best peopli
_ n the business , nnd before the close of tin
session ho expected to listen to dairyniei
from Iowa , Dakota and 'Wisconsin as regard
the best manner of handling milk. Nobrask
stands second to no state in the country as i
corn raising state. At Sioux City a Nebrask
count liad been declared the queen of th
corn produced and displayed there. Wliur
torn could bu produced dairying could b
successful. If corn was king then was tli
cow queen. Hotter corn 'could bo producci
in th west than In the cast. It had bee
once said that butter could not be producci
west of the Ohio , but it had since bee
demonstrated that good butler could b
made hero during certain months of the yeai
In Nebraska thcro were darics whose butle
commanded Just as good price as that in th
cast. Elgin had had an experience of thirt ,
years , while Nebraska had had only six yean
Six years ago there.vs3 . hot
ercon'.cry ; „ tno stnto. To-day betwec
forty and seventy-live existed. Souie of thes
wore doing excellently , others fully wcl
Iowa was second to but ono state in Iho cas
in the product of her dairies , and that wu
New York. Twenty years ago Iowa wu n
Nebraska is today. Nebraska had all th
favorable conditions , and in the next dccad
should bo equal to her neighbor across th
river. It should pay attention to the Yrodm
tion of cheese. Yearly it imported botwee
80.1)00 ) and UuOtX ) boxes of that article. 1
paid out between * JOO,000 and f 100,000 fc
cheese. All that amount should bo saved I
the farmer. Ho closed his remarks by in
pressing upon his hearers that it was bettc
to have to consume the grass of the prairi
than to pay this enormous sum annually t
New York , Wisconsin and other states.
The Temple quartette then sang anothc
piece with adnilrabloV'flcct.
Hon. W. G. Whitmoro , of Valley , prcsidcr
of the association , referred to the fact tin
when the association was born two ycnrs ap
the country was being ruino : ' by Ono of tli
most gigantic frauds ever perpetrated o
a long-suffering people. Organic
tion was the dairyman's only salvi
tionCJa and wastho power whic
resulted in the enactment of the natiom
law which relegated t'bull" butter to Its ow
sphere nnd compelled its gale on its own mo
its. That was all that dairymen over oskci
However , they had already been ndmonlshc
from Washington that pressure would I
brought to bear upon the present congress t
repeal the present oleomargarine law or di
stroy Its force. Would they suffer that to I :
repealed i While deploring the necessity , 1 :
suggested that in view of moro recent dove
opments in the world of trndo it would I
necessary lo organize a national butter trus
Nebraska , however , with her advantage
of climate , easy means of cultivation , * rapi
nnd cheap communication with tlio east an
west could defy competition in dairy pn
ducts. Hut they weru now confronted by t li
fact , that they could not raise grain ngalni
the competition of Bombay , with its houm
less and fertile plains , anil millions of labo
crs , which tlio Suez rnnojl has brought with !
three weeks of London , moro cheaply an
quickly than our products could bo shipped t
the same jjluco. The means of escaping froi
compctititjon was to rise above it t
producing something superior. Tl
market WAS never stocked with the verybes
The best results in dairying were obtainc
by mixing the ingredients with brain
Klgin , 111 , , was the hot bed of dalryism , tl
homo of creameries , the paradise of rlr
farmecs ; poor when growing wheat and cor
to soil ; rich when following modern bclcntit
methods ot dairying. The dairymen i
Klgin had a board of trade. It was orga
Ized in IbT1. . The business of the first yci
amounted to $ Slt > 00. In 'S'J the bnsinc
amounted to $ i,7.7Jii ! ) , and over SHX)0ii ( ) (
in thu first eluvcn years of its existent-
These sales were of butter and cheese alon
Nebraska of a few of the line
creameries in the country. Four of these
the last year had produced 1,035,000 pouni
of buller. Tills was an Increase over la
yeau , nf-JQ , per cent. And yet they did n
supply homo deiliand. Dp.ilcrs. had informt
that In half of the : year , half Iho butler ai
nearly nil the checso hand led by them can
from Wisconsin and Illinois. What a coi
mentary on Nebraska enterprise I
John M. Thurston then spoke , contrast ) !
thu condition of t the New England farine
the old style of butter-making with Iho pn
slbilille-s of the farmer of Nebraska and U
means within his reach ; referring to ai
commendlng'tho objects of the associatio
Which ho understood to ho to avail Itself i
all scluntlnlu advancement in thu artofnt
Izingtht ! products of iho dairy , urging tin
thu problem' farming had been solvt
when everything raised upon the farm lo
It in milk , butter or cheusti and meat , tin
doing away with the iwsslbility of any cm
blnaiion of men to intcrixiso the difficulty
truiiHpoctaliou , und cioiing witli thuhoi
that iho. time would cnmo when nonu but tl
best blooded cows , thu heaviest pork-pr
ducing hogs and the best blooded lion *
would bu upon the Nebraska farm.
Julu Luuiburd of Chicago , win ) has sung
all the conventions ot tliU luswialion , tin
' sang'"America , " Vhoaudlcnco standing at
repeating under MrLumbard's Icadcrshl
thu last half of each stun/a. Though KUtTc
Ing from a void , Mr. Lumbard's effort w. .
admirably made.
Prof. H. II. Wing , of Lincoln , secretary'i
the association , then rmulo u request I
members stating that the dues were 11 p
year anil llfu membership fee * were fS. Tli
was thu only means of railing money to prl
the proceedings , which was absolutely nucc
flary for the advancement ottho members.
Allan . Host of Omaha , mai
n few remarks claiming th
the railroads had inllUtxl the farmo
dry and after the flower o' the llfu. of li
latter had boon passed they wcro luft pn
and with their fnrjns mortgaged.He ask
-He business men of Otimhu und the .itate
help them In maintaining honest butter ns
against oleomargerlne. Ho favored organi
zation among the dairymen If It would have
the effect of protecting them In their Inter
ests.L. . S. Coffin , of Fort Madison , la. , said It
was his glory to bo n farmer antl lo have
been oho his life long. At the last meeting
of their live stock breeders In Iowa , It was
shown that there was only ono man In that
stale who was licensed lo sell oleomargarine ,
nnd he resided in Council Bluffs. Hut he
illd not sell his stuff thoro. Ho sent It over
to Omaha and it was sold here.
"But it wasn't made here , " Interpolated
Colonel Clmso.
Mr. Coflln contrasted ho condition of New
England farms with their rocky soils. In
which his fingers had often bled while pick
ing the rocks. Ono saw largo houses and
commodious barns , us If the people wcro
prosperous. But , you could tltrow a stone
from ono house to another , so small were the
farms. Now , If people could thrive there
under those circumstances what could they
not do out hero with their boundless acres.
Ho often felt If ho could bring his uncles-
all his father's brothers wcro uncles out
heru blindfolded and take oft the bandage on
his farm , ho was coi tain they would think
they wcro in Eden. Mr. Coffin will enlarge -
largo uion this idea nnd several others
of a iwictieal nature on next Thursday. Ho
Is an excellent speaker and it will pay lo hear
The programme tor to-day IB ns fol
lows : "Fodder Corn , " Hon. S. C.
Bassett , Gibbon ; "Fodder Combinations , "
Prof. H. II. Wing , Lincoln ; "Salt In ll
Uolat ions to Dairy Use , " Dr. Martin Clark ,
Button ; "City Milk Supply , " B. H. Stoulfer.
Bellevue ; music , "Tho Dairymaid's Song , "
Miss Bertha Hoot , Omaha : "Women in the
Dairy. Then and Now , " Mrs. II. C. ( JlUs-
man , Mlllard ; address , Hon. H. W. Furnas ,
Charity Ball.
A charity ball at Masonic hall was given
by a number of ladles , most of whom belong
to Harmony assembly , No. 0379 , of the 1C. of
L. There wcro about 150 couples present ,
und through the 'efforts of Iho ludlos In
charge the occasion was made a most pleas
ant one. The music for dancing was fur
nished by the Musical Union orchestra , and
the Gate City band contributed s > omo choice
selections nt Intervals. A fine supper was
served in the balcony at midnight , The
master of ceremonies Henry Dunn. The
reception committee was componed of tlio
Misses Malllo Cooper , Mamie Golden , Allco
Day , Maud Corey and .1. J. Maekedon , the
arraiiftomonts committe , MumiuGolden , Mrs.
W. A. Golden and N. A. Lcnord ; lloor com
mittee , J. H. Weber , T. A. Golden , T. P.
O'Brien , W. A. Golden , John C. McDcrmotl
nnd John Innis ; door committee , .1. F.
Golden ; managers , Mrs. W. A. Golden and
MUs M. Golden.
Aii Alleged WrostlliiK Fake.
The wrestling match advertised , per side
show hand-bill , to como off at the Exposition
hall next Monday evening , it is alleged , Is a
fake , and is calculated to materially injure
all Icgitimato-sport here. None of the recog
nized sporting people of the city know any
thing whatsoever about the affair and are
unanimous nnd vigorous in pronouncing it n
fraud. Evan Lewis , the strangler , whom
they nro evidently essaying to impersonate ,
is matched for u boufrwith Tom Connors at
Battery B , Chicago , on the very evening
these probable hippodromcrs are announcing
"Lewis" for Omuhu. It looks dccidly like a
confidence game.
Licensed 'to Wed.
The following licenses to marry wcro Issued
yesterday by Judge McCullough :
Name and residence. Age.
( David M. Murphy , Bccne County , la. . . . fil
( Anna Leader , Omaha ; H
I Alfred D. Touzalin , Omaha ' . 2"
( Charlotteo E. Ostroin , Omaha 21
( William Miles , South Omaha 25
( Ollio E. Mason , South Omaha 19
I Harvov A. Graves , Omaha 112
f Kiltie "M. Smith , Omaha 23
Ilcr'8 Sell Out.
For the last two days agents representing
Her & Co. and the great whisky trust have
been consulting tlio records of the county
clerk's ofllco and copying the possessions of
the Her firm as filed with the clerk. It is be
lieved that by to-day or to-morrow notice of
the absorption of Iho I tor's ' by the Trust will
bo formally announced.
Sale or n Valuable Stallion.
James II. McShanesold histrottingstallion
All Time , yesterday to Mr. Thomas Alsop , of
Luramlo City , for $3,000 , and ho was shipped
west last evening. All Time is a beautiful
chestnut , l.W bauds-high , perfectly formed
and about nine year ? old. Mr. Alsop , who is
a wealthy ranchman and slock raiser , pur
chased Iho hoi-so for breeding purposes.
A Clover and Accomplished Forger
. in the Toils. .
Several weeks ago Iho Bnn gave the par-
liculars of Iho dishonesty of a self-styled
minister , Hov. Mr. Brown , who succeeded In
defrauding tlio Fkst National bank ot Cen
tral City , Neb. , out of 53,000 by means of n
forged check. Detectives were put upon hia
trail , but. by aliases and trickery the rev
erend rascal succeeded in eluding them unlil
ho reached New York , where ho came It
gnof. A telegram to the Bnc last night
states that Brown Is In custody , and that u
reality his name is Ed ervib , ono of Hie old
est and cleverest professional forgers ami
confldcnco men In tlio country. HisopQra
tlons extend over two-thirds of the stale :
cast of the Rockies , and ho has done lime ii
a number ofpunltontliulcs. . Snrvis has beci
Identified as the man who some tlmo ago do
fn ndcd llio Nalional hunk of Chicago
out of fii.r,00.
Murdrml Uy Confidence Mon.
Ciuc.o < ! , Deo. i : ) . Policeman Luke Cul
leram was fatally injured in a struggle will
a number of confidence men on the longhlgl
viaduct over the railroad tracks at Kandolpl
sticct to-day. A gang of sharpers mulct
their headquarters on thu viaduct and swindlt
sightseers going out to obtain a view of tin
harbor. The jioliccmim had .arrested two o
tlnhn , when the others felled him from be
hind with n club. The unconscious man wa1
then picked up and tossed among thu railway
cars twenty-live feet below. Ono of tin
assailants has been captured.
TlioDivlhlonlVoto in Inl ota.
BISMAUCK , Deo. 13. The oflleial Msitcinnnl
of llio vole of Dakota on division shows the
majority in north Dakota niralnst dtvisioi
was cxacll v 10XiO ( ; In south Dakota tbo ma
jorlty for division was 13,035.
Notion JobticrH Hall.
Pim.uim.i'HH , Dec. ns. Scarlo , Vat
Neman & Co. , Jobbrrs In notions and wliitt
poods , assigned to-day. Liabilities , fc > 05,000
assets not yet known.
"Tho Bishop's" Qnllnntry Oftuoos n
Civil Sorvloo Ilow.
Congressman Mlllx Impresses Doubly
About Turin * IjCKUliulou Being
Afuoinill.shfd | Thin Session
Capital NCWM.
A Civil Service Si-ran.
WASHINGTON , Deo. 13. [ Special Telegram
to the Bcr. . ] Civil Service Commissioner
Oborly has got himself In trouble again. It
seems that the civil service commissioner U
very desirous for the promotion of n certain
female clerk , although an Interview with him
was published In which ho said thai all lady
clerks should bo dismissed from llio nervlc'o
because they are unlit to hold positions. Tim
particular female clerk in question passed u
limited examination nnd finally a general ox-
animation to get into the department service.
She has done so and twice the commissioner ,
It is said , tried to get her promoted and
failtxl. Ho made the third attempt the other
day in the treasury and f mm tills attempt has
arisen all the fuss and has caused the present
commotion which Is now ngltatlng tlio treas.
ury department. Thu commissioner and ho
is ono of tlic two democrallo commissioners-
went to Hie chief of llio division where ha
wanted the cleric promoted and demanded
to know in rather strong language why thu
promotion ho had asked for had not been
mado. The chief looked at him In surprise
and the commissioner continued and Inti
mated that ho wanted the promotion made
at once.
This fired the blood of the chief and ho re
torted : "I want you to understand , sir , that
1 run my own division and do not want the
Interference of a civil service commissioner. "
Tills lingered the smooth-faced commis
sioner and the blood rushed lo his cheeks and
In an exciled manner demanded in n voice
loud enough to bo hoard by many clerks in
the room and even in the corridors that tlio
promotion bo made. Tlio scene and the excited -
cited manner of the civil St. rvico commissioner
caused a sensation.
Tlio chief only replied ! "Do you know , Mr.
Commissioner , that you are breaking your
own law. Go back to your ottlco and road
regulation No. 10. I will conduct the busi
ness of my own division. Good tiny. "
The commissioner left In a fury.
Civil service regulation No. 10 reads i
"Neither the commissioners nur any exam
iner or other persons serving under them
fcliall attempt to control or inlliieneo in uuy
way or in any manner appointments , remov
als or promotions. "
The other civil service reform commission-
era are much CAorcisod over llio comlucl o !
their colleague , and as Iho fact of llio scone
lie made in Ihc treasury has been brought to
their attention , developments are watched
with interest. The clerks in the treasury are
indignant at the commissioner's attempt to
influence a promotion for a now female chirk
over their heads when they have worked lusr.l
and deserve the fruiis uf tnclr labor by pro
motion themselves when a vacancy occurs.
Omaha's Itnilcoatl Grievances.
WASIUXOTON , Dec. 13. [ Special Telegram
to the BISK. ] The questions raised by tlio
delegation of tlm Omaha freight bureau before -
fore the inter-slate cotninorcu commission , in
which they claim protection as against Chicago
cage in the discriminating rates shown by
existing freight Uiriifs , have become of na
tional Importance. The demand of the dele
gation for ovcnhanded Justice under the third
' section of the law has aroused tlio commission
to the gravity and deep importance of the
subject , and in view of llio fact that one nt
least of the Chicago roads has asked for a
postponement on thu ground of inability tfl
present witnesses before the 'JQth prox. , it
will in all probability Induce the commission
to hold a session in Omaha in the near future ,
when the argument will b < - heard. Tlio dele
gation are confident of ultimata success and
believe the commission will give their de
cision spccdily-iind - grant them all they claim.
A date for tlio hearing in Omaha will bo de
termined upon shortly.
Jouhfill About Tariff Legislation.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 13. [ Special Telegram
to iho Bii : . ] Mr. Mills , of Texas , who will
likdly bo chairman of the liouso committco on
ways and means , was asked by a Ben cor
respondent to-ilay whether thuro would
likely ho a tariff bill passed at this session.
Ho replied : "When I was in tha army I gen
erally followed the advice of Iho general anil
planted tlio ling wherever ho directed. 1 did
not go off in u hurrah and have a litllo light
'by myself , for if Vhad I would have been
licked. No man can afford lo fight by himself -
self , for no's bound to get worsted. " In
reality Mr. Mills is very doubtful about the
ilual success of any tariff bill.
National Capital Notes.
.WASHINGTON , Dec. 13. [ Special Telegram
to the Bun. ] William P. Daniels , of Cedar
Uapids , la , , is at the Ebbitt.
The temparanco people of the District of
Columbia , are agitating against the sale of.
rock and rye candy , which Is being sold to
the children of ( ho district. The district attorney -
tornoy sava ho bollnvo.s it is a violation of
the law. the Bamo as selling whisky wilhout
a liccnsn or lo minors.
Konalor 1 ' .uldock introduced a bill appro
priating $100,000 for the purchase of a silo and
construction of a federalbuildingat
Senator Wilson , of Iowa , Introduced a bill
prohibiting third-class postollles from being
changed into if it appears UmV
their gross i-ccoipls aggrogatoSl.UOO a year.
Senator MamlerBon reiutrodilccd his bill
which figuied in tlio lust congress , to Incrcahu
tno infantry branch of the army.
Tlio sc-nato committee on finance licit ] Ils
first meeting this morning and ordered a favorable -
vorablo report on the Merrill bill to lefuml
to the states the dliect taxes iuqioscd by the
act of Ibiil. Th aggregate is about
$13,0(10,000. ( Tills is a bill that passed the
bcnato lusl bcssion.
JlOBcrvnBniik ARontH Approved.
WASIIINOTOS , Deo. 13. [ Special Telegram
to the BER ] The National Bank of St. Jo
seph , Mo. , has been approved as reserve
agent for the First National bank of Fair
mont , Neb. , and the National Bank of Com
merce , of Kansas City , has been approved fts
reserve agent ot the Lincoln National of Lin
coln , Neb.
Chronic Catarrh
" norcroljr from chronic catarrh , lulUn
Cnnnot linciircil Ujr lotnl application * . It Ian con U- "I ulTore < t
. U brcnmo very hiid , Gaining
tullonnl ill > cue nrul iriilrc n con tlt'illinul rrninjy I mm luipuro blood.
like llooj'j Har aptrlll ! , whtcli , worklni : IhrouiiU the lOrc-iiem of the bronchial tubei And H trouhlenomo
blood , cniitlfitc * Ilia Impurity hlcli luatai HII < | mi pro . couii ; | , which gnro went mulct ? to mjr friend * and
motes the divt-iiHO , unit noon ulTJr-tH nptirnmnont bronchlnl
tha myself , as two brother * rtlcvl from consump
Mtlionniu lima llooit'a S r imrllln | roncwuJ In tion. I tried nxnjr mudldnon , but n-ovlvc < i no btinu-
whole rj-iteni , nnil makes you fi'd Hiioil'i Hursapnrlllg-
' . 111 , I was at laitlnJueo-lto try
( tri'Diith and hualtu. He luie to ; ut IIooU' * und 1 am not tlio amq man In health or focllnKi. Ma
" 1 linvo unfit Hood's HiirinimrllUi for catarrh wllli t'Htnrrli l cured , my thnml U untlroly neil , and , u.
very tl fnctory re ull . I rccclrod more pernmntnit dyipepbla trouble1 , with tick headache , I.ULYV all ills-
t'cnolH Iroiultthun from liny oilier ruuicajr. " M.I ! . uppfcurtid. " K. M.I.I- > cor..N , Ci.tn3fr > bt. , litfitou.
1U.U : ) , Wuuieuii , Obiu. Try llio peculiar medicine.
Tendencies Stuffed Up Feeling
foul mutter dropping Into
riinmctrrlto cntnrrli. Thu
with that
thu Immcliliil lube * or luiik' , niM brlnu op broncliltli "For tCTcrM yean I bare been troubled '
or roimumpllon , which reap * an Immense Imrvottnf terribly auagrovablt ) Olm-uno , catairh. I look
tlcHtlit nnuuulljr. Henri ) tbv necc'ilty of Diving fnr i > tr1ll Tilth lliq rcry ) > it rr itlt .
. und tun < I
ratarrli Immi-llnlo attention. TjVe Hood's Slum- ortliHtcontlnnrd < lrovplnv In my tV.runl ,
. wliuba
lut . feeling. Itlian nltu lielpwl my motlier.
parlllit I'Olcjro It li joe up health nnrtklJtiey
"Ibafo been troubled wllh , thm rnolnjfllK > a < , taken tt flir run down ilalc ' gumipurillu to all M a
ime talreit til klrOi M bloixl puritan trouble. I rccnnimrix ! Ilnod'f
naial rntitrrli , und ' l-utnam , Omn.
. " WIIS.H. It. IlEA'ru ,
' ' medlrln
found > 'ief nil I utuxt Ilood't ganii- food
tan , but ntoer rp ' cured run of catarrh , icrenoM
I'atlllii , which I am. continent wm < | 0 „ ) ) uHt | , "Ilood' V nriaparllla . unit ' .crrltlu Iip 1 iUg , " U
llurruh lloo'l'a Sxraopiulllal" J. L. Of the bronchial tubc
UtmioMt , lUiuliton , OUIp.
, ,
Rood's Sarsaparilla
. I'rcparodonly bjr
' ' 8ord l/y all ( truvidita. ItolxforU.
. I'reparedoutyi /
. IViiltforfi.
Sr'idby ilirtrus ni Ijiwali , MUM.
. UOOI ) 4 CO.-Apolbt-carlfj ,
. C. I.
C. I. HOOD JtX-'O , Apother rle > , I/n ll , Mn
Dosci One Dolurt
- 100 Duici One