Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1887, Image 1

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Senator Onllom Introduces His
Postal Tolcgnxph Bill.
A Dentil IJtovv to Wrs'lrrn Union If It
1'nsHPS Itmtical ChanK < " < In
the IntiT-Klntc : Com-
Ciilloin'H I'ostnl Telegraph BUI.
WASIIISOTOSDec. . 13. The postal tele
graph bill introduced by Senator Cullom
today establishes a "United States postal
telcgiaph" as n pait of the postal sjstciu of
the United Slates and for Iho pin pose of In.
nuguratlngaB.Vfitrm , piovldcd that the fol
lowing telcgiaph titinh lines shall Hist bo :
One fiom Washington to Portland. Me. , vl.i
Haltlmoic , Wilmington , Philadelphia , Cam
den , Tienton , Ncwaik , Jeiscy City , New
York , Hiookljn , New Haven , Hailfoid ,
I'lovldeneo mill Uoston.
Ono fiom WnMilngtnn to Minneapolis vii
Pittsbuig , Cleveland'J'oledo , Chicago , Mil
waukee , Madison , LaCiossc mid St. Paul.
Ono fiom New Yoik City to Cleveland , O. ,
\ la Albany , Sj incuse , Kochestcr , HuITalo am
line , Pa.
One fiom Plttsburg to Topckn , ICnn , vi.
Columbus , Cincinnati , Indiamipoli'- . houl <
nnd Kansas City mid minor townS near laigi
Ono f I om Toledo to Detroit.
One fiom Washington to Oalvcston vi.
Uichmoml , dim lotto , Columbia , August :
nnd Atlanta , Montgomery and New Oilcans ,
One from Chicago to New Orleans via In
dlmnipolis , Louisville , Nashville , Meinphi-
mid NMcksbuig.
Ono fiom Chicago to fel. Louis via PcoiK
mid Springfield.
One fiom Chicago to San Fiancisco vii
DCS Moiiles , Oinuha , Chcjcvnc , Halt Laki
City , Cat son Cltj and other tow ns en route
One fiom Chejcnne to Denver.
Postal telcgiaph omecs me1 to be opened nt
the places named and at all intiiimdliiU
IKJints at which Hist , second or thiid clas >
| iostoOIic"j mo established. Hianeh lines , ji
provides , shall bu constructed fiom time tc
time , as the uppropilatinns theicfor me
made by congicss , the Intention bring to con
ncct the lilies w Ith all cities whcro the posta
free dullvuiy sjstcm picvaila , but no 'nddit
ional facilities m u to bo pi ovidcd in the statci
ulrciidy f ounce fed w Ith ti unk lines until pos
tal telegraph olllccs have been established ir
every state and ten itory. The sj stem is ti
bo constructed in stiaignt line's , as near a :
practicable , but logmd Is to bo taken of citlc-
that will ulToid the best tcleginphic fuctlltlr1
to the public. The lines me tobocoustinctci
by the tnglnccr corps of the niiny and thei
tr nFfcucd to the custody of the postm istci
general. 'Iho poles mo to ho of lion , thi
wires of copper mid nil other mulct hits Of tin
best chm.ictei. I jght wiies mo to be stiuiif
on the line fiom New Yoik to Chio.igi
nnd four upon the other lines. The seeretaij
of war is uuthriii/cd to use the milltaij' bcr
vii u lines of thu Uniti d SUites as far as ex
pcdlcnt and also to luako all ncccssmy con
dcmnations of lands or buildings at u fall
compensation. All disputes as to what li
fair compensation are to bo settled by tin
coiiit of claims.
The Bivrctnty is fmthcr authoii/cd to con
stiuct , take and u o all inachinciy and devices
vices , not including telegraph lines , whuthe
patented or not , as shall bo deemed necoi
niiij' , compensation to bo detctmined in tin
name tnannci as condemnations of land f sum
of inonej'ncccssaiy for this putposo aio up
ptopriated by the bill. A tatc of 10 cents fo
each twenty words mid 5 cents for each ml
dltlonnl ten vvouls is fixed for distances o
\inder500inUes , and an late of i
cents foi ( > ach 250 miles ove'r KiO A nigh
i ate of iUi cents and a day rate of 75 cents ll
fixed for each 100 woid * ti.uismittcd fo
ncwsp.ipcis , except that , wucie the samodis
patch Is drojipcd oft Ut moio than ono olllic
the rates shall bu 25 and 50 cents iespcc
lively for each chopped copj' . The oltlc
or dlicctor gencuil of .tclogi.iphs is cic
tiled as a part of the postofllci
( Icpattmcnt. It is made the duty of the post
master genet nl to icpoit to congress afte
the passage of the net a plan for u eonrplot
oigmii/atton of the postal telcgiaph sj'stcm
with a detailed estimate ot the men mn
inonov needed. He'foro thosvstcm is put hit
opciation mid emplojcs selected , cxamin.i
tions are to bo held bj thoeivil service com
mission to diloiminc the fitness of the up
plicmits. Four million dollms mo uppic
printed for the location und constiiictkm o
the telcgiaph Hues pi ovidcd for b\ the net.
Another bill inti odiiced by Senator Culloi
to'day , to amend the inter state commcic
net , embodies the most Impoitnnt suggestion
that * have been made fin the coneuion c
defects in thuhiwincludingthoiecominci'ih
lions of the commissioner. The ameni
incuts aic voluminous and in minute legf
foi in. The following Is a sjnopsisof th
moio important provisions : To extend th
provisions of tlio net so as to make the ac
npplj to e\piess , sleeping cats , diawlng 1001
cms , pnlnco cur , stock ear ami tank cai com
panics ami "nnj * other companies , associ :
lions or poisons fuuiishing for public us
railio id em's and other Instiunicntalitics fo
the tianspoitntion of poisons or piopcity.1
The w outs "or other cm rieis" mo insoite
twicn In the filth section ; so as to piohlbi
not onlj' pooling hot ween dllTeicnt laihoadf
but between dilTorcnt lallioads mid othc1
In the sixth section , which relates to th
publication of i ales , the pi o visions with it
ttpcct to advance nnd teduction in latcn m
i cpcalcd so in to apply spcclllenlly to join
tlnough tales The shoit haul piovlsion I
also icpealed In oidertlmt theio jnav bo n
question that It also applies to joint throng
intcs. Astothoshoit haul provision , it I
provided that wheio a complalrt Is mad
against twoor moio larucis lor violating il
and tha violations oii'uv between points o
the toad of one onlj , that 10 id shall bo he !
Jlablo for violation. The commission 1
iiuthoi i/i > d to puseiibQ the foi in In whicii th
Bchedulo preseiibed by law for public in
Hpcction shall bo pix'pmcd or nt ranged. N
Hpc'cinl form Is picsci ibed In law. The con
mission is also authoitrod to in iko piovisio
for mi ofllclal publication of ils decision.
An addition to Fectlon 15 , which ichitest
compensation for damages , is proposed to th
effect that w hen n complainant is see-king t
rccov er damages , thu cat i ic r may tlio w it
the commission Its consent , that the commt
sion may pass on the question of dmmigi
mid in sin h case ilia cai i Icr shall bo boun
by the decision of the commission , mi
the decision of the commission . * ha
stand as judgment , which mav bo enforced L
execution bj United States marshals in tli
name manner ns the Judgments of the I'nlte
Ktati * . eiieult court mo cnfoicod. Incas
Hich assent is not filed , iho conunisslon ma
investigate and icpoit on the subjectof dan
ages , and it shall repoit that acomplainai
has uTeieddaiiia"es ( to a specilled aufoun
It may nmno the tlmo for payment for sue
damages and if the can Icr Biiall make j > a'
inent w ithlii the tiioe Gained , the sum sha
bo In full. satUfet lion of liny claim complah
uRt "uiy lnu'0 under thu act In respect to th
KrievMiees complained of , but If such pa ;
incut Is not made , colTii > ! iUuuil maj piocec
lu tiny United States court of compete !
juiisdfrtlon to ice-over damages for the VM-OII
tuifTcicd. mij' such pioccodlnijs , finding m
ioXtot | the commls.soner ! aball bo luiji
fad evldcnro of the fiuts found. Provlsic
IK also made to take the commission out i
Iho jurisdiction of tl'e intcuor dcpaitmti
nnd make it iiulepcndent an.l to ivquiro it '
i epoi t direct to congress , ius iticommcnded t
the sccrotmy of thu interior. There tire son :
other minor changes , but those nro thu mo :
imjioitiint ones.
Wyoming C.itulctu to Work In Ohl
CnniENNK , W. T.lloc. 13. Tuotcrritorl
Vcnltcnllary coinmlstionerjof Wyominghai
perfected an ngrrnmcnt with the uuthorltl
of the Ohio ponltcntlary ut Columbus I
whlchall Wjomlng convicts will be plac *
In that institution. Fiuty Wjomlng cor.vk
will Vv transfcired to Columbus ui oucc.
jLfcrihdiuuj&.iis j i <
Tlio Drat h of Mri. .lohn Jacob Astor
and Itx Kn'ccton Mouldy.
Nr\v YOIIK , Dec. 1. ) [ Special Telegram to
the Hrr . ] The death of Mr * . Astor comes
almost nt the height of one of the g.i\cstsca- \
BOIIS New York soclctj'has known for many
jcais , and will have Immediate and inaikud
elTcet upon It. It will withdiaw fiom nil
gnjcty not only her Immediate and huge fam
ily connection , but also a lingo chclc of
iioio distant ighUlves , and nitineious wmm
licnds to whom she had become cnitcaied.
I'lio news of her death perceptibly mm led the
illllancyof a ball given at Dcltnonleo's last
light by Mr. Livingston , to Intioduce his
laughter. Whllo It was known that Mis.
Astoi was seriously ill , no feats of her death
ad been cntci tallied even by her relatives )
ind her death Is a decided shock to soclctj' .
Of com so Mis. William Astor'sball ' , which
i .id been announced to take place Janumj 0 ,
n honor nf her non , John Jacob ,
.r. , who icceiitly guiduated at Hmvaid , will
bo abandoned and scveial other cntcitiilii-
nents pi ojcctcd by meinbei s of the Astor fain-
ly and lonncctlons , will not now take place.
J lie loss of so pioiiilnent and Influential a
family to society even for a while , especially
us Mis. William Astor had begun to entet-
Liln this w inter for Iho first time In thiec
yeais , will bo gicatly felt. Mis. William
Astor will now succeed Mis. Jnhn.Jaioh
Aslm as the aiknowlcdped leader of New
Yoik society. Mis. Wjllam Astor was Miss
Scheimeihoin , dautjhtfr of the late Abia-
1mm Sulierincihoui. Shu Is a handsome
woman mid is also noted for her giaeious
manners and her thoughtful chmltic . A
VOimgcT woman than Mis. John Jacob
Astor , she Is much moro fond of gavctv and
is a familiar flguic nt thu opcia and nil fash
ionable enteitainmcnts. faho has been in
poor health two jcars , but has lately entiicly
rccovei cd.
To Bo I'nt on Iiotwi-cii St. Joseph and
* Chicago by the "Q. "
ST. .To i m , Mo , Dec. lit [ Special Tele
gram to the HLI ] Ne\t Sunday moining
the Chicago , Hmlington fe. ( Juincy toad vsill
put on a fant mail tiain between St. Joe mid
Chicago. The train will leav'o this city in
the evening aftct supper and mrivo in Chicago
cage the next moining in tlmo for breakfast.
The same schedule has been aiiangcd be
tween Chicago and St. Joseph. Nostopswill
bo made except at crossings 11111 ! for water
and onlj' tlnough passengeis will bo cai ricd.
The time has been shoitencd about six horns
The Chincf-i : Concessions.
Ni.vv YOIIK , Dec. 13 [ Special Telegiam to
the Hi uJ Count MiUuewlev made an cm-
phaliodcclaiaUon to a icporter who visited
him in his hotel jcstcidaj' , tint the conces
sions giantcd him bj' the Chinese govein-
incut had not been icvoked. The lopoiter
was accompanied bj'a iepiesentatlvo of the
Chinese consulate. Count Mitkiewicz said tn
the icpoitor'Soiuo : ' ncwsp.ipcis have talkcil
about tl'O death of my uudei takings. 'Thej
aio far fiom dead. Tlicra were two conces
sions giantcd us. The first one wi's st tele
phone concussion , to secure whicii was the
pi mcipal object of our expedition. Tha second -
end was a banking concession , about vvhicl
so much has been said , mid which has at
tiueted ° o much opposition. Cvch thoea v\hc
have assoi ted that the b inking concessior
was i evoked luivc unlfoimly admitted th (
tclcphono concessions v.'cie all lisht. They
have , however , sought to dopiccmto it in va-
lions wav" Ho showed to the icpoitcr a
diaft of the agiccmenl between the Chinese
viccioj' and the sv ndii-ato , granting the lattei
the exclusive i ight to build mid opciate tele
phone lines bctw ecu the pi ineipal cit ies anO
poits of China on a nominal condition. It ap
pealed all stialght and the icpicscnt.itivo oi
the Chinese consulnto who accompanied the
icpoitci sayl neither it noi the banking eon-
.cession had been revoked In any vvnj' . In r
dispatch from PJiiladchthlu Wharton Uaikci
snjH litkiowic/ talking for himself. Tin
syndicate is going ahead with their woi k and
have I'vciy reason to be satisfied with wlial
they havi ) done BO far. Ho has no feats thai
the concessions me or wilt be revoked.
The Now U. 1' . "rjyer" Schedule.
Dtvv nn , Cole , Dee. 13 ! [ Special Tele
gram to the Hi.u ] An Omaha tolcgimn thli
morning announced that the Union Pacific
would shoitcn time between Omaha am
Denver to seventeen houis. Chief Clerl
Htj-an , in Supoiintendcnt Cheat's onice , h
conveisation , said this afternoon : "Tin
tune will bo reduced moro than quoted h
dispatches. The time , given between Den
vcr and Julesbuig. distance 157 miles , Is iru
horns. 01 foi tj miles an hour. And , as tin
main line from Julesburg to Omaha is ii
better ahnpo than the , much bcttci
time can bo made , mid no doubt the Intcntioi
of the company to cover the 570 miles be
tween Denver and Omaha at the late of foitj
miles an hour w ill bo lealized , making tin
tlmo less than fifteen houis. The tiansfci
w 111 bo nnulo at Omaha to the Milwaukee
yt. Paul. The new time caul goes into olTcc
on the Kith , i educing the time betwcci
Omaha and Chicago to fifteen . hours. Thi1
w 111 make the time between Denv er and Chi
i.igo thlity hours , or thrcu houis less thai
that made by the Huilington's fast tiain.
Receiver McN'iiltn Sustained.
CIIICAOO , Dec. 13. The western rallwaj
hies outeuug Chicago have put in a plant o :
scales at the stock j ords mid will on Monday
begin weighing nil live stock bioughttotln
city and charging for ti.msp citation by tin
hundred pounds Instead of by the eaiload , ai
has bei n the piactlco for j' past. Mon
picssmo was Jai ought to bear to day upoi
Hccclvcr McNult.i , of the Wabash , topic
vent him putting in'forco the i educed Iflinoii
fieight lates. Ho icninincd flint , however
mid finally nn appeal was made to Judgi
Gicshmn. Thojnilgo sustained the receive !
on it , stating that the admiinsti ation of of
fails has been a success and ho saw no gooi ;
reason to intei fei o w ith his policy. The pur
chasing committee claim the receiver's act lot
willptovo disastious to the icoiganiratioi
. Kunrral of Aruhalibot Wlcininer.
Pi iTsnuno , Pa , Dee. lit. Thu icmains ol
Aiilmbbot Honifnco Wiemmur , founder o
the Hencdli tine Older in. the United States
were but led t o day. The services \j cro vei j
imprcssivo and were attended by bishops
who were taken from the order , father ah
hots of different nbbej s in Now Jersey.Noitl
Carolina anil Iowa , aud the mother supeiioi :
of scvcinl houses of the Hcncrlietino oiderii
vmious paits of the countrj' .
New York Dry Goods Market.
Ni.w YOUK , Dec. 11. ! The now demand fo :
dij' goods of moderate proportions but UK
doily ? " . ! o- > and largo tin ough forwmding
on 01 del s mid cotton goods values were vcr ;
film. The stock mnikct to-daj' was agah
fail ly active but still remained nai row w 111
transactions ptlncipally for professional no
count , room traders doing most of the mak
ing of v alucs. The close was quiet but w cai
at or near lowest puces.
Stcanislilp , AnivnlK.
Doc. 13 - ] Special
The Lcasiug , from Ncv
York. N
Oi.v an\v/Hfc. 13 The o
Ncv uda , from Sew York.
SouTiiAMi'iov , I co.13 Arrived Tli
Noardland , from NcV York.
( JuucssTowv , Dec. J 3. Arrived Th
Aniblc , from New York.
I.ivnii'ooi , , Dec. 13. Jfcrfvcd The Vii
glnlun , frum Hoston.
I'luns For 1'rnKbj
LoLisvitir , Ky. , D < > c. 13Tho Commit
tees appointed by th.9 last general assembllc
of the noithoin and southern Picsbjtcri :
churches meet here to.mori-ow to take step
looking to a ucic-u of the two bodies.
Forty-Four Haid-Fought Bounds
Up the Hudson Rlvor.
The Itrdouttnt > lc Middleweight Cham
pion of the World Victorious
For thu Thirtieth Time
Other Sporting News.
I orty-Tonr Itounds
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. . 13 Jack Dcmpscy nnd
Johnny Hoagan met this morntngup the Hud
son nnd fought to a finish for the middle
weight championship of America and fJ,000
irl/onionej1 , London pure ting rules. The
ling was pitched near the shoic and the fight
began about S'HO. Ten illo lighting was done
rout the stait , clinching nnd pounding being
the oulcr. In the second round Dcmpsej'
'laltned ' that Kcagan was fouling him bjf
piking , and the icfcrcc cautioned Heagan
; igalnst it. In the thlid , however , Ucngan
incidentally spiked Dempsey In n teirlble
: natiner on the loft leg. The cut was so deep
that the bone eould bo seen. Theio was much
w i angling , Deinpsey's umpho claiming the
light. The icfcieo o vet looked it , however.
In thcllfth lotiiul the tide , whicii was well on
he Hood , began to ciccp into the ling and
Dempsej was compelled to move paitlyout
of his coiner. Still the men fought on des-
> eiatcly until the eighth i omul , which was
fought vvit'i ' water tluce Inches deep all over
the img. Dempsej's leg was now in a tcirl-
bio condition , rtnd as it pained him more , he
.coined . to fight moic despoiately , if possible ,
than before , punishing Reagan quite scveiclj' .
Thcro was no doubt bj' this time that Heagan
was no match for Dcmpsey In the matter ol
wiestling , and the latter had th'iown his op
ponent with ca'jo and vigor each tlmo thej1
clinched. At the close of the eighth i omul
the icfcrcc stopped the light until another
ring could bo pitched on diy land. The time
occupied dm ing these eight lounds was
eighteen minutes. All went to the boat and
thcpilncipals went to bed. The wiangling
between the pmtics continued loud and long ,
\t 12:10p : m. the light was resumed in a mucl
better place. Dempsey went right at Iteagan
and a clinch ensued , during which tcrnllc infighting -
fighting was done. It ended bjf Dcmpsej
back-hccling-Hcagaii and going down will
him lie.uily.
In the tenth Dempsey smashed Kcagan or
the nos with his loft and on the iiflso vvitli
his i igia w ith ten ifio force , drawing blopd
which was claimed but not allowed for Demp
scjas llcagan had got litstblood in tin
seventh. Heagan fought hind and fast am
elicited much praise.
In the eleventh and twelfthioundDempscj
pounded and tin ew Keagan again. It was
rv idcnt that the latter had the vvoist of tin
baigain in agicclng to London rules. Hi
went on , however , like u Spartan.
In the thlitccnth Dempsovagain attcmptci
to b lekhccl his opponent , who went down or
hU ! : " " " : { avoid a fall.
Kcagan was tliiown hard i : : b"Mi the four
tccnth mid fifteenth , while the infighting wai
of the must savage ehmactcr.
In the sixteenth and seventeenth wcie lvv <
more falls for Dcmpscy , who also gavi
Heagan a tciriblc smash on the nose.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth the sami
thing was kept U ] ) , although Heagan fouglr
gamulj' and did the best ho could.
In flio twentieth Dcintisey kept up a tatto <
on Hcagan's ribs until the oo mg blood made
his bodj' appear law , when Kcagan wen
down to avoid another.fall. Dempsey cutset
him and told him to got'up nnd fight.
Keagan came up angi y for the twenty-firs
and the fighting was fmious , Dcmpsej're
letv'ing some hcavj' blows Heagan w.V
tin own , however , in this and the next lound
Hound twentj'-fivo was a savage one
Dempsej' pounding hK adveisatj's face in <
honiblo manner. The latter was garni
through and through.
Hounds twentj'six to thirty-four were re
J H1 kablo onlj' for thevvaj in w hich Dempsri
hit his man aud the fiequencj' with wlucl
Kcagan went down to save himself. Dcmp
sv's umpiio even urged his mantostiiki
Kcagan while ho was on his knees on nccouii
of the foul in the eai Ij pait of the fight , bu
Jackiefused to do it.
Hounds thiity-fivo'to thirty eight wen
eharactci izrd by an apparent lovival o
power on the part of Keagan , w ho iiishci
Dcmpsej' Mme , but without much icsult.
In the thluj'-seventh Kcagan iccuived i
tci rlblo thump on the i ibs.
In the foitv-first round both men nt tin
same instant fetched each other vicious clip1
With the right and left. Dcmpsuy bin
scaiccly u mmk on him at this time besides i
swollen left eje.
Rounds foity two , foity-thico and foity
four piacticallj' closed the battlo. Domp'-ej
unmcrcifnlly punished Hengaii , whoso lip
weio puffed nnd his left cje closed.
Ho w as voted bj' the spectators as game i
man as ever stood iiithoilng. He neve
cried quits. At the beginning of i ound fortj
live Hob Smith , at the solicitation of Hea
pan's fi lend i , who saw ho had no chance ti
win , jumped into the img and threw up tin
The fight lasted ono hour and nine min
utes. In the lust ring theio was aightcci
minutes' lighting and in the second llftjx > n <
minutes' . The light ended at 1:01 : p. m
leaving Dotnp > .cy still the champion middle
weight. Hoth men weighed 117 pounds
Dempsrj' has won Unity lights and had si ;
draws Ho bus novcr been defeated. Hea
gan only fought tvv6 battles pi cvious to this
winning both.
Immense Crowd * A ain Witness tin roui- Hound Inhibition.
[ Oijij/i fy/i / ( JfSiJiyJainta Gmiliin Ilcnnett. ]
WAiMiroui ) , Dec. 13 [ NewYoik Ilcral
Cable Special to the HEC. ] The Theatr
Koj al hero w as filled this evening to its ill
most eapacitj- high prices for all classes o
tickets. Said the daily papers half chaffing !
to day : "The drama to bo pcrfoi mcd w III b
Feints at the P. H. or Hosto
Ho.vs in Gloves. " Sullivan and Asl
ton , were of course , the stars. A
In Dublin , , so here , ciowds llockc
to the station to giect them. Theio wn
pi city much the same icccption though on
smaller scale , us in Dublin , also In thu the ;
Hi st scene ( r.ntcrJ. L S. and J. A. i
evening ihess amid much applause ) .
J. L. S loquitUL 1 have como ncioss th
water to the land of my paients to beat Jei
Smith , England's best man. Next I hav
been bl.ukguaulcd into a match .wit
Mitchell , 1 have not the slightest doubt the
I shall casify beat him. Also , finally I sha
bent Jem Smith. "
Ho made a few other common place n
marks nnd , with a patronUing woid for Asl
ton , passed to his dicsslng loom amid checi
and some such rallies as "How's the Prlnc
of Wales Johnny } "
Sccnn second The fistic combatants n ]
pcnrod as in Dublin , cheers being given t
Sullivan's giern trunks and the band em pin
sised the color by plaj ing nit arrangement (
' Wearing of the Green , " whjch a jwlici
man might or might not plcaso "to detect c
the foundation titrate. The audience wt
a rcpit'scntutivo ono with all shades of Iris
politic-Inns jopicccntfd , wh'llo the applaui
was > : nanlnuus ) r.nd hearty , and many Jadlt
v/eic present. An old patron of the P , I
jnc cnt , after the ustia four rounds of spa
rlnc had cl < ; ed these 'being repetitions c
the uaunl boklng which tuu , two have no' '
well echearscd remarked , "Ashton's dcfcnsa
sti ikes me as m6ie scientific than Sullivan's
ttnck mid while the battering ram reach Is
slth the big man ho has potto train off'tvyo
r three stone before It will do those beats hems
ms boasted of. "
Sullivan , after the , perfoi mancc , held n
ort of levee at his hotel , of which Philips
vns the popular pinjor dotno. To morrow
vcnlng the pugilist's train takes n pull nt
. 'ork.
I'arinclco OutBhoots
The live bird match which took place upon
ho Omaha base ball grounds jestcrdav a ttor-
eon between Prank Parmclco and Dick
ilert ? attracted n very largo1 number of spec-
atois , principally members of the various
ocal gun clubs. The match was hotly con-
ested and intensely interesting. It was for
'I'-i.1) ' n side , fiftj' bl ds each , thtity jards tisc ,
ive ground traps and shot under the modified
jtiglish tules. Mi % Clark Ellis vvasrefeico
ind stake holdei. The shooting began
iromptly ntSs'IO , vvjth Punnelco ut tnescoie.
I'ho result was as follows :
Puimclce. . ! OO'l 111111110110
1111111111111111 1 44
Mcrtz..1 lllOtllllllllOll
1101111 0111011111
1 1 1 1 0 t',0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 I 1 42
' Mcrt ? had the match well In hand up to the
.hilly-ninth bird , Jiieh ho missed , nnd foi-
owing this with u fullmc on the foitj'-llrst
) lrd , ho gicw LI ( tilflo ncivous , and
. 'armeleo foigedjto the fiont mid won
in up-hill shoot by two bitds. Parmeleo
used his second } bnncl nineteen times
ind Metfifteen. . j The blids were inline
condition mid neithqr man hud many difficult
shots The icsult of the shoot will piobably
ead to another mattli between the same par
ties. Met/ challenged Paimoleo upon the
lounds to shoot tlvo match over , and ho will
ussui cdly aceet. ) ) j
1'rliicc Isr.Ues a ChalloiiKC.
The following cljallengo will n'ppear in the
Minneapolis Ti ibuno this mot nlng simulta-
icouslj' with its appcaiaiico In the Hi n :
OMHNeb , Dec. 12 To the Stunting
Kditorof tlLsHrnif Will vou kindly insert
the following in Wcdiiesdaj' moinlng's Uhn ?
I will cuter Into a sweepstakes bicj'clo laeo
against all comci s for 350 or ? 10 ( ) . the winner
to take all and 50 per cent of the gate re
ceipts , for nny of the following distances :
H ) miles , 100 miles , ,8 or 12 hours per day ; or
I w ill make- matoti any distance from 20
miles up U > 72 houri for saw or moro a side
against nny biqrclc rider living. I
still hold the fifttf miles nnd sovcntj'-two
houi's world's tecords und think that. I ought
to have some shoflr to prove that I am able
to hold mj' own ngatnst any of the new flyers
w ho arc iei > oited tofi bo doing so much record
breaking ut Minneapolis Hoping that this
will meet with a fiyorable icplyfiom some
of these in.vinciblcs.j
I nm joUrs respectfully ,
In conjunction with the above it might not
como amiss to state that Mr. Piinco will leave
for Minneapolis ono week from Thuisday.
Ho has just icceived from thoGormully &
Jeffry mauufacturinfr company , Chicago , n
magnificent now full silver plated 51-inch
lacing bicjcle , built especially for his an
ticipated laces in the City 'of the Mills.
Omaha .llasc llnll Association.
A mended mtlcles of mcoiporation of the
Omaha base ball association w ere filed with
the countj' clcik ycstcrdaj' . The changes
In theougmalaiticlcs are that the capital
stock is made 815,000 , divided into 150 shares
No stock can bo soldiforj less than face value.
The highest amount bf indebtedness can only
be ono-ihilu of the eiynitnL .stock. The bomd
of managers w ill consist of prcsFdent , TicS'-
piesidcnt , sccictary' nnd tieasurcr ( all of
whom are directors ) , and three other direc
tors. The document is signed by the following
gentlcmoh : J. S McCormick , picsidcnt ;
J. J. Hmdin , vice president ; H. A. Worlej' ,
secictnrj' : John M. Doughcitv , tieasuicr ,
and Jack Mot rlson , J. J. Philbin and U. O
Hi mult.
Omaha Sports In Ijondoii.
Mr. John Kilkenny has received fiomn
f i lend in London , Kng. , n copj'of the Lon
don Si > orting Ijlfe in which Is printed the
portrait of two well known Omaha sports
and an account , of their peiformances in
Huffalo Hill's wild west show. Marvo
Hcmdslej and Clmilcs Moitimor Miller
( better known as "Hioncho Charlcv" ) , aio
the names of the men. The founer was fonn-
eily a bai tender in the Senate , mid lived
heio for several ycius. The latter also
resided licro for .1 long time and is pleasantly
remembeicd by a largo ciicjo of fi lends
The SortmgLifo ) ) details at gieat length the
six day match of "Horses vs. Uicvclcs"
Heaullej' and Broncho Charlej' lode the
ponies and How ell and Woodsulo the wheels.
In the two columns devoted to the laeo onlj'
the tli st eight hours mo iccouled , the scoie
then standing ns follows : Cj'chsts HIT
miles , hoises lil ! ( .miles. Tlio "cow boj s"
weie enthusiastically checied , mid the vast
audience of 10,000 pcoplo seemed to favor
them at all times. The tacc took place in
Agiicultutul hall.
Matched Tor Six Rounds.
Prof. Ed. Mlllor.nnd Atthur Hothcry nro
matched for n sl\ round bout at the middle
weight contest whjch takes place on the2Sth.
This will , make a rattling exhibition as both
men are exceedingly clever , and deadincain-
cst about coining out on top at their coming
meet. J
Riflnjciub Shoot.
The Omaha riflo'club will hold a prize shoot
at their range , 111 < 5 Parnain street , Fridaj-
evening for a handsome Stevens target i ille.
It is a handicap , Mr. Fred Gioss allowing
Messis. Thurston. , Worloj * , Paimeleo , Clai It-
son , Dunmojer and Kinncar vanously fiom
3 to 20 pointsjn a possible 100.
Iiocal Sportint ; Gossip.
The articles of agreement for the Kellett-
Lindsay middleweight boxing contest , to
come off at Uoj d'3 opeui house on the eve
ning of thu 2atlf , were drawn up and dilly
subsci ibcd to by the pi inclpals and w itncsses
jesterdaj' . Thej' piovido for four three
miiiuto rounds nnd all the usual requirements
of a contest for clcntlllc points. Youn ; ,
Kellott insisted uoon making the b-Utlo fo ;
ten rounds , but JLIndsnj' emphatically do
elared for but four , and upon the latter num
ber thej' tinnlly ngi ecd.
Theio seems tolx ) a fine 'outlook now for a
meet between Tominv Miller , the local fcath
cn\ eight and Iko ) Velr , the ' 'HclfastSiudcr,1
who fought a drsAv w ith Tommy Win irn a
Minneapolis Monday night. WcirwroteHdgai
Kothcrj' some woffles io that he would bo in
Omaha about tba nolldaj s , and as thciolst
challenge now outstanding from Miller to
him or Warren , . ho can haidlv como
hero vi ithout uccq > t ngit.
A Hi i : importer buw Miller j-cstcrdaj
and asked him what ho thought his chances
were for a go th the Spider , and ho
promptly replied tin t it was a sin o thing.
"And I'll lick him , too , " viciously added
the plucky little fclltcr. "Why , just think
of it , ho and War&n stood up mid thumped
each other for twtoity lounds last night ,
and neither ono scoicd ii knock
down. Hut. it woa just as all tlio
daily papers claimed , a fake. Neither one of
these blow harda faro about making an hon
est fight any more , wheio theio exists the
slightest chmico off tlusir getting knocked out
If 1 can't 'kill1 titter one of them in less than
twenty rounds I dou't want to cat any moio
this winter. "
"Hut they moVboth good men , Tommj' ,
there's no denying that. "
"Yes , that's so , but remember I nm n good
man mj self , and nil I w ant is a chmicu to
demonstrate this fuel to my fi lends , and the
subject I mo t ciavo fs this so-
called wonder from thu IoiHJ or this insect
ivorous gentlcnmii from .Ireland. "
"Well. Tom , it's to bo hoped jou'll knock
'cm out. " '
"Knock 'em outj I'll paralj-zo cm I"
Jimmy Lindsay .went into training jester-
day for his contest with Jack Kcllctt on the
! 2sth. _
German Duty on Cerrnls.
Brfn tv , Dec 13. In the re-ichstug the pro
posal to make the duty on wheat and. Jjo5
uiarkst vvu adopted. - - . ' .
Discovery of a Supposed Dond Man
Living in Otoo County.
Thought to Ilnvo Itcon Murdered By
_ lll8 Father In Pennsylvania
Columbus & Wnlioc Bonds
Declared Illegal.
Mnyersoii AVan Not Mttrdorcd.
NMIIUSK * . CITV , Rcb. , Dec. 1 ! ) . [ Special
.0 the llEr.l A strange ntul Interesting se
quel to un alleged mutdcr mjsterj' , that for
nmiiy jcnrs letnalncd unsolved mid fuinlshcct
n subject for sensational comment to n lai go
iwrtion of the citizens of Dauphin county ,
Pcnnsj Ivnnln , vps brought to light hero j cs-
tc'nlny by the dlsco\cry of the supposed vic
tim , anil Identification by an old fiicnd after a
Inpso of jnoro than twenty j ears. The case
as related to the Utn coricspomlcnt by the
gentleman In question , Mr. riank ( . ! . Sliott ,
Is of a decidedly Interesting imtuic , and is in
substance us follows :
In the fall of 1MV3 and for many jcois pre
vious , there lived on the ontskli tsof the town
of Mlllcrburg , Dauphin county , Pennsylvania ,
aQeiman stonecutter and family named May-
cison. The family consisted of the man nnd
wife nnd two sons the elder n favoillo of the
old man and the joungcr the mother's pride ,
and for whom the father seemed' to
have an unicasoniiH , ' hatred. Dining the
excitement subsequent to the picsidcnt's
call for voluuteciH , ncltl/cn'fi meeting was
held for the pin pose of forming it company
and marching to the fi out. Young Mavei-
son , who was about nineteen jeais of ago ,
cvpiessed a w Ish to attend the meeting and
enlist. The father objected , and cxpiossed
his objections with a threat to "bleak his
neck" If ho went. In spite of this the young
man attended the meeting and enlisted.
After the meeting Majerson ictiirncd home ,
was mot in the barn by the angiy father , and ,
neighbors asserted , a teiribfb FLCIIC ensued.
The old man's ' oaths and tin eats \\ero plainly
heard , and a woman's tea iDlc screams , and
then all was quiet. The j oung man was ncer
seen again. As ho failed to join his company
thci o could bo but ono conclusion diawn as
to the sect ct of the quarrel between father
and son that the missing man was murdcicd
and the body put out of the way , the old man
claiming himself that the j oung man sti uclc
him nnd then disappeaicd.
The case v as never fully investigated , but
as the body could not bo found no an ests
wore made , and old Mnvcrson's wealth
and previous Inllucnco in the neighborhood
sen ed to quiU any public expressions , of ills-
plcasura that might otherwise have been
made. Forscveial jcars tho-family lemaincd
in the neighboi hood , micLtha affair was al
most foicottcn. The mfflicr , it was Jtnow n ,
had rot left nor loom since the eventful
night. The clilcr son asset led tilfit li ! mother
wus hopelessly insane , and was kept a pi is-
oner in the house. Old Alaveison letircd
fiom business and lemoved his family to
Philadelphia , whoio his wife soon died. In-
tcicst lu the affair was lovlved , however ,
some time later , when it was learned that
before his removal from the place old Majer
son had 'disposed of a man's skeleton to a
local physician , but nsido fiom commenting
uixm it nothing lurther was done , and doubt-
! ? J * > ' thjs time , the entire affair Is forgot
ten In the iicfehbnruood of its occuucnccand
the sequel will bo n gie.-it surpiise.
Mr. 1 < \ A. Shott is a tie inspector for the
Missouii Pacific laihoad , and was a personal
fucnd of joung Majeison befoio his
mjsterious disappearance , mid vividly
iccalls the circumstances , which aio
coioboiatedbvsovcial gentlemen wht ) were
neighboi a of the family at the time. In visit
ing this city sometime ago Mr. Shott met and
f 01 mod the acquaintance of Mr. John.T. Tiuo ,
a well known and wealthy farmer icsiding
about fourteen miles noithwcstof the city ,
and upon leal ning that both hailed fiom the
same place in Pennsj Ivania , accepted an in
vitation to spend a week at tho'latter's home.
The old home was talked about , icininisences
related , and then , . Mr. True betnned his
identity by undue interest in the fate of the
Majeison family. Mr. Shott rccogni/ed in
Ti uo his old boj hood friend , Gcoi go Maj er-
son.mul the iccognition was acknowledged
by True , who related the circumstances of
his mjsterions disappcnianco from his lio'mo
in the fall of IStU. Upon his return fiom the
meeting on the evening in question his father
attempted to chastise him for disobedience ,
his mother pleaded for the boy , w lieu the
father lost contiol of his temper and struck
thojoung man over the head w ith an axe
handle. Thtf blow knocked him sense
less , and when ho recovered coneiousncss
how as alone and decided to run aw nj' . He
made his way to Ilauisbuig nnd enlisted in
company H , Sixteenth United States infmi-
tiy , under his assumed nnma nnd was soon
ordered to the fiont , and with his company
was ordered fiom place to pfaco until ho was
woundejl whifb doing picket dutj' , on the 2Mb
of May , IMil , at Kcnesaw mountain , which
diublcdhim. Ho was sent fiom ono hospital
to another nnd dragged mound over the coun-
tiy until June , lbK ( , when ho again bi ought
up in Harrisburg , Pa. Horecei\ed his dis-
( luugo and upon learning of his mothci's
death and that his father was suspected of
his murder , ho decided to leave suspicion icst
upon his hateful patent nnd came west , locat
ing near Hurllngton , la , wlici e he w 01 kcd on
a faun , finally mauled , and last \car re
moved to his picsent faun northwest of this
cit j' . Ho sav s ho made no great effoi t to
convey the Impicssion of his death , ami yet
felt satisfied to ha\o it icmaln to since no
fuilhur Inn in could come fiom it.
Tlio Corner Stone Imld.
Cimiiiov , Neb , Dec. l.'t. [ Special Tele-
giam to the II UK ] The corner stone of
the Dodge county court house was to-day laid
by Samaritan Jodgo A. r. nnd A M , assisteil
by visiting members from neighboi ing towns
and home lodges of the I. O. O. r. anil 1C. of
P. Tho-pioecsslon foimcd nt 2 o'clock eon-
s'stfngof ' the above lodges and the other
civil societies headed by the Chudton comet
band , and numbcied about live bundled men.
The stone was laid 'with the usual Masonic
cetcmonlos In the piesenco of 1,500 peojilo ,
To-night the \isiting members are being re
galed bja ball and banquet nt the. opci a house
The ai rangements wcio in elmige of Deputy
Oiand Master Dr. Kichaids nnd other deputy
grand o.fiieei s. Annppiopuato address wa's
made by Deputy Grand Chaplain Chestnut.
1'inc weather , excellent music and a largo
gathoi ing of pcoplo made this ft verj cnjoja
ble day for Chndron.
K. of I''K at Asliliuul.
A lll.AM > , Neb , Dec. 13 [ Spec ! il Telegram
to the HbU.j This has been a grand daj for
Ashland. Alnt three hundicd visiting
Knights of l j thias from Omaha and Lincoln
have been with in. The occasion was the
presentation of an elegant banner to Star
lodge No. H. The exercises occurred in the
opera house. The presentation speech was
made by Colonel Monncll , of Omaha , and w as
i cspomlud to by Dr. G. W. Meredith , C. C
of Star lodgo. The principal address was
undo by Lieutenant Governor H. II. Shedd
and was highly complimented by nil. Sheri
nddi esses weio imulu by Major Cooley ,
Colonel Downs , of the riist regiment , G. C. ,
H. K. O'Neal , P. G. C. , and J. U. Mormon.
About flvo hundicd knights were in line. A
grand ball Is now In pi ogress ut the opera
L-isrot.v , Neb. , Dec. lii. [ Special Tele
gram to the HUE. ] Attorney GcnciatLccse
Bald to day that the bonds voted by Wnhoo
In aid of the Fremont , . Klkhom & Mlssour
Vallcj * lalhoadweio illegal. The bonds were
for ? < l,000. The attorney general also passei
U | > on the Columbus brulgo bonds , nmountint
to .10,000. holding that cities of th < ; secom
tiask SiaJ-v.o jKjwcr to .vole- bonds for im
trovements outside the corK | > rnto limits.
Acting on the opinions , the auditor will to-
fuse to negotiate the bonds.
A Mjwtci IOIIH llorso Uujer.
Dr\Tiit , la , Dec. 13. [ Special Tolc-
pinm to the Hi n. ] A man giving the name
of Jesse Stct ou rnmo hcio Saluiday mornIng -
Ing purpoitlng to bo it hoisc bujer. In com
pany with a livcrjman he diovo noith ncnily
tw cut j * miles nud pin chased a laigo number
of horses to bo dellxcicd there to day. 1'nrly
this moinlug ho 01 deicd dinner for twenty
men nt the Enunett house , pujlng that about
that number would biing In horses. Sud
denly , about 11 o'clock , ho disappeared. The
hoiscs wcie biought in fiom u long distance
nnd taken back this evening. At 0 o'clock
p. in , n message came sajlng that the man
had been scon In Uarllmm"whcic he hired a
lively team nnd dio\e In the countij' , sajing
he was looking for hoiscs. It Is al o
known that ho purchased twentj' hoisos
to bo dellvcied in Adalr to day.
Examination piovcs that no money has been
sent to the bank hero for him. A telegiam
totho well-known hoi si man , Jesse Stetson ,
In Neponsct , 111. , piovcs that'Mr. Stetson Is
theioathomo. Cm mil opinion holds this
bujcr n cinnk or else a member of a hoi so-
stealing gang taking this irteans to llnd the
loiatlonof the best hones. He Is tall , of a
dink complexion , wealing n moustache and
buinsliics , and diesscd In a black suit" . The
constable and pose me in put suit of him.
Late woid fiom Neponsel , 111. , to night says
that from thiulcsctlptlon of this mini ho is
w anted thci o for stealing n team.
Supreme Court DcclsloiiH.
Dns MoiMis , la , Dee. 13. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Hi.r.J The supioino couit
filed the following derisions heio to day : .
Southern White Lead company vs Julius
W. Haas et al , on reappeaiancc , opinion by
the com t adhered to.
J. G. Wilson , appellant , vs Alfred Uusscll
ct nl , Uingold circuit , icvoisrd.
U. D. liuntl & Co , appellants , vs nilibcth
Paiker ct nl , Taj lor ciicult , revei scd.
Kuoch Hasted vs August Dodge and John
Wood , appellants , clicuit couit of Cicston ,
modified and nflli mcd.
S J. Wing vs Joseph Hvans , appellant ,
nucna Vista district , tcvcrsed.
Nancy A. Miller , appellant , vs IJobcit S.
Miller , Polk distiict. This action was
biou it by Nancy A. Miller upon a , wiitlen
conliact in the interests of peace and
hnimony between husband and wife exe
cuted to her oy the defendant , her husband ,
Hobert Miller. The defendant demurred to
the petition and the demurrer was sustained.
Judgment was icndeied against her for costs.
Opinion by Adams. Aflliincd. Mr Justice
/overs dissents from the majoi Ity nnd eon-
curs with the wiitcr of the opinion , who sets
foith that as the husband did not piovido for
his wife the plaintiff had the light to scpa-
iate fiom the defendant , which right she
waived in consideration of the contuiot and
holds that tUo waiver of the light consti
tuted a consid * | ation for the contract
Cli H. West vs The Chicago X Noithwcst-
ein railioad company ; appellant , Cedar dis
tiict , afllrmed.
G W. JJaker vs Chicago , Burlington &
Quiucy lailioad , Dccatus dlsti let , afUuncd.
To Hulld ( TcW Iowa Railroad.
MvbON-Ci-n , la , Dec. 13. William Mcfn-
tjic , one of the syndicate of cai > italists v\ho
havoai ranged to constiuct the Winonii i .
Southwestrin tailway , was in the city to
night in coi\fotcnco \ with a number of citi
zens. Ho stated that they would builC
through to M son City for a bonus of ? 20,000 ,
and the right of way through the country ,
The last suivey and most feasible toiitc runs
fiom Winonn through Lansboumgli , Pieston ,
Osage , or Ciesco , to Mason City.
Suupospd to Have Ijcft With $70O ,
WiTi'iiioo , la , Dec. l.K Halph Miller ,
night operator and acting agent at the Chicago
cage , St. Paul & Kansas City West Side
depot in this citj' , resigned his position Nov.
30 , and left for pnits unknown. About ? 70l
of the United States evpiess companj' *
money was lost track of the s uno night , ami
Miller is supposed to have taken the money ,
which was left in his cat o by the compinj1'
messenger to bo dolhcied to the local
a reut of the cornpanj in the moining.
rinding of n Kidnapped Hoy.
MusctTiM' , la , Dec. 13 [ Special Tele
gram to the 13ci ] Joseph Messell has 10
tumcd fiom lilooinlngton , 111. , aecompamct
by his con Johnny , ten old , who wni
kidnnppcd six weeks ago. The boj was car
ncd off bj' u tianij ) and foiced to bog for him
but escaped and made his waj' to Blooming
ton. The father has advertised extensively
and the. police iceognired him fiom hi1
jnctuie and notified the father. It is one o ]
the most notable casej of kidnapping since
that of Chat lie Ro s.
A Now IJIcetioii Ordered.
Ia , Dec. 13. The governor has
issued a inoclainatiou for a new election foi
senator fiom the Fifteenth district to bo lioli ]
January 1" , pi ox. , in the townships of Gull
lord nnd Second and Fouith vvaids of Albla
Momoo county. A canvass of the last voti
showed moio votes cast than names rcgis
tcicd , necessitating a now election. Tin
candidates aio : 1C. H. Cassett , dcmociat
and J. T. Ynung , icpublicaii. Cassot
claimed to have been elected by U majoiitj'
while thu suijilus votes wcie 13. f
A Italtliuoro Itoodlcr Conlldcnrcd.
MONTUPM , , Quebec , Dec. 13. [ Special Tel
cgram to the Ht r. . | A veiy seiiiational casi
of a boodlcr being vlitlni/cd has just conn
to light , and is causing ' ,01110 commotion ii
the Ameiican "colony. " In August Willian
Lonnan Robeits , a Haltlmoio stock bioker
was foiced to leave thci o to escape pios''cu
tlon for ctnbrr/Icmcnt of tiust funds nm
c.itne hero , wheio ho put up nt St Lawicnu
hall and lived like a prince as long as hi
money lasted , which was until the hcgiimini
of NovPinbci llo thin cast about foi mean
of a livelihood , and natuiallj took to hottini
up as ti bioker. With n fashionable rain *
for a bucki tshop keeper , ho obtalm d a i on
sidorable sum to st.nt with funn Ins inothr :
in Baltimore , and look as his pailiter a Nov
Yoikcr named Uoesih , AH went well fo
a while , the new Inn ketshop made tonsjdot
able money , until Ti iday lust , when Kocscl
departed for New Yoi It , taking w ith him al
the funds of Iho concent. Now the Haiti
moro boodler is in nquandaiy. Ho canno
cioss the line for ot ancst , and if ho it
mams here he will bo penniless.
The Clirrokoo I'li-bldcncy.
ST. Louis , Mo , Dec l.t Advices fjor
Tahleqnah , Indian tot ritoi jsiy that the ill
timatum In the political ciisls has bee ;
reached by the nalioimljsts < ailing on th
United States goycinmciit to settle mutter
They issued n ilechiung that an hie
siponslblo body of men have taken foicibl
possession of the capital and executiveofilec
find ask thatthej1 at owe bo dlsnuned , The' '
demand that the status as it existed befoii
the scl/uio bo fully icstoiod. Downing'
patty's answri indoises thndcshc for peaie
butiefusu to tuin over the govt'inment t
HuHiijhead , disclaiming that tlio capltol is 1
the hands of an in mcd mob , but under cnn
tiol of the lAKuUily elected uflUois. Afen
Owen has tolegiaphcd the Indian oniioa
Washington , nnd i-oinmissioiieiR bo sen
at oiue to settle the mattnr , Thu nutionn
members of the scnutn and house icfuso ( >
obcj * MUVR' pioclamation of an cxti.i hussioii
nnd most of them have gone to their hornet
I'rolilbKlonl-.tH Meet.
Ciitcico , Dec. 13.The cxccutn o commit
tco of the prohibition party held u meet inhere
hero to d y. ChaiiinanDlckio was instructci ]
fn issuing the call for the national convcn
tlon , to ask the prohibition voteis in th
several states to semi ono delegate for ever ,
thousand mginbois of the parly In additlo
to tint iipKrtionnu-nt | ) lixed l > y Iho Ueuut nt
tional couforciKfc' . ' , . ,
Sonio of the Exploits of the Fidelity
Crook In Tlmt City.
Thu Manner In WlilCh the
AVhcat Corner of SlYvnrH
AVa Wet Iced A Heart
less Wrct < jh.
Still AcuuimilntiiiR.
CIIICAOO , Dec. ll. ! [ Special Telegram to
the HKR.I An evening paper gives u history
of Hut pel's speculative deals on the Chicago
bomd of ti ado mid other facts hithei to un
published. Hmpci's llrst deal of any consc-
qilcnco on thu Chicago board was In 18 0 ,
w hen ho made n dash at poi k through the
Him of Howard , l > keit & Co. ( afterward
WINhlio , Eckei t & Co. ) On this occasion ha
scooped in a largo pot of money , probably
20,000. Ho was then thiity-two jean'old.
In Iho fall of l&l ho began bujlng wheat
tlnough W. H , Mclleniy , t Co. Ho'bought
steadily from SI down to We and when the
cotitiacts tuatuied cm the 1st of May ho took
the w heat betw ce'ii 2,000,000 nnd : i,000,000
bushels and paid for it. Al that tlmo ho
had n handsome puillt In the deal , nstlmprlca
on the 1st of May vvai fl.O. l.OM. In the
following Juno ho tuined up ns the icpro-
sentatlvo of a Cincinnati syndicate composed
of himself , Geoigo Wllshlio , picsident of the
National bank , Joe Wllshlio , Chatlleld &
Woods , paper manufacturers , iimWiunmnB.
Ilmdy. Kucli of llieso putties ( Chntflclil
& Woods being considered ono ) , had
a fifth Interest in the sjndlcato. They built
n great coiner on Hmpei's cash wheat ami
the deal culminated in thu famous August !
coiner , known as the "Handy Coiner. "
Wheat was advanced to $1 ! W , whllh was tun
bid pi ii o on the last dnv of August , isvj. Tha
sjiidiento closed up * JKHMXKI ( on the dealk
McIIonry did the most of the brokerage ,
though J. W. Pieston , W. V. Hnkcr , Helirj ?
Waricii and othcis had some of It. Harper
admitted that on his cm Her deal nnd on its
culmination as nsjndlcatu deal ho had cleared
fibO.lKW Thu pileoof wheat broke to (1.80
when the syndicate let go , but begun to iul <
v anco immediately. At $1.25 Hm pet-took the
beat side in oiiler to "niaku my winnings an
oven fsOO.OOO. " as ho put it. Handy had
uuaiioled with Hm per in settling up thciu
Undo mid would have nothing to do tvlth
Km per , though the fact could" never bo
proved. At tiny into Harper shorted the
imukct fromSlo.25taSl.40 , his linonggtcgat-
ing about 11,000,000 bushel. ' Ho hail
put UD something like $500.000 in
the shnpo of mm gins nnd McIIenry
andPieston , who had in the meantime cou-
solidi.ted in ono Hi in , had advanced out of
their own funds about f ! 00,000. They had
paid Hm per and his associates neat ly ' 200,000
in piollts a month previous and hud unlimit
ed confidence In them. When thu market
reacted S1.-10 Pieston tt , McHcmy began to
glow suspicious and thej' miulu n peicmptoty
demand for additional mm gins. I Impel1 , who
hud spent most of thu spiing , summer nnd
fall in Chicago pcisonallj' dliedlng his deals ,
promised faithfully to have the money hero
in two or tluco dn\s. The Monday morning
after the GUI field funeinl wheat opened'at
$1.41@1.43 , nnd. no money having arrived ,
Picston & Mullein y began buying hi the
( jOO.txiO biuhcla of short wheat for Hm pc'r'a
account. The piiro climbed to Sl.l ij , at
which point came the crash. Preston it Mc-
Hciiiy went to tlw wall mid Haipcr nubb-
binglj' infoimcd them ho was hcartbioketi1
over his own iti'ibillty to do anything
for them , though confessedly wo ith moio
than ? 1MO,000 ( at the tlmo , and having MOO , *
000 in pioflts on u piovious deal left un
touched. A moio eiuc'l piece of business was
never pcipcti.ilcd. Pieston died in two or
tluco jcai s of a bioU-n heiut , having lost hh
whole ) loituno on account of limpets duplic
ity , and Mclleniy was left $200,000 or & .MX,000 )
wotso oft than nothing , whet ens ho had been
w 01 th > J"iO,000 ninety daj s bufin o. With the
hlstoi j of the tedious and piolltless litigation
against Ilmpci , by which the swindled biolc-
ois tiled to ( .ct justice out of him , the public
Is familiar This is ono feature of the hint
BUtnmci's deal that has novel been published
and that is the attempt made byllmpci to
quit thu deil in June , get u big piofit and
leave Wilshiie , Uckcrt is. Co , C. J. Kcialmw
& , Co and liosonfold & Co to hold the bag.
His deal had two aims. Ho opetated
one tlnough Ho t mid iho other
tin ough Wilshiie. Ilovt traded through Irwin - j
win , ( iiccit &Co mid C. J. Kai'dinw ' Ac Co. i
and Wllshlio thiongh Kcishaw Kosenfi'ld.
Ho had abiut $1,0011,00) ) profit on the Hojt
end of the deal. ICeishaw was picssing bim
foi margins and ho thic.ilened to tiansfer
his thiough Kc'tslmw to another houvi * . Ono V
day , about ten dins befoio the clash , Kcr \i
shaw iccelvcd oidels to tiMHRtcr his trades , i
about 10,000,000 bushels in all , to Uosenfeld * ,
St Co , cleat up thu deal and tuin the profit *
over to Hojt. < |
"Vei v well , " wild Kcishaw , "deposit to my a
cicdtf.$1,000,000 to sccuio me on the tiadcs I
h.ivo for ai count of Wllshlio fi Hojt 011 the .
floor flnd I will tin n ovei the tiades. " This 1
cuit answer blocked llmper's game , nnd to ,3
Kcishavv'b stiind tlio ti ado imiy ( ongiatulato
itsulf on being just M,000,100 butter off than A
it would bo it ho had followed in imtions. 5
It was Hauler's purpose to pull out thq J
SIWKIOOO tin ough Ho\ land have eveiybody
else in the holu , if it should duvclop that the
deal could not bo cat nod tlnough.
Another I-'ldcllty Crook.
Ci\ri\\\Ti , Dec -jThctilal of Hcnja- '
min K. Hopkins , late assistant cashier of the
I'ulollty Nationalliank , began this mot nlnglii
the United Stnfisouit , Judge fcnge presid
ing alone. ' 1 he Indictment , as stated in sub
stance to the defendant , chiuges misapplica
tion of funds of the Fidelity National bank
and making fnlso entiles in the books of the
bank To this tlio defendant pleaded jiot
guiltj' The slow pi o'l oss of getting a Jury
was then begun. Assistant Distiiit Attor
ney .1 T. Hiueo conducts the piOFueutlon.
Warner 12. Hat ton appeals for defendant ,
llopklifs datum ho can piovo his Innorci ic.
The selection of n juij' wns anompilslied
nnd sworn In licfom the noon adjoin niiient.
Hi uco for Iho government stall d that they
expected to show that Hopkins had at onetime
time misapplied s-MHt.OOO of the Fidelity
bank's funds , and fTO.tnX ) nt another tlmo ;
that he had diawn poison il checks upon the
bank for large sums when ho had no fiuida to
ill aw upon and that hi ) had made fnho en-
tues in the books of the bank lepn Hunting
fl.OlW.OCOtised In the Welshiio wheat deal.
Hatcman , foi HID defense , suld they would
pi'.vo the dcfeinlmit was not awutit of what
v\as being done in the bank and that bo
signed the hnpiopci diafth whenhai did him ,
withotheis , by Haror | ) , not knowing the
niituio Kiank A Aimstiong , of CIn Innatl.
mid John 1' Snodgiass , of C'hli.igo , Inokcrs'
tf stilled to l.ugo deals in w heat made by
them lor Hopkins Hopklng told tl cm the
deals weio made on account of another party
who was"stioug" financially. Ho did not
divulge his piincipal's name.
IloMon Voti-H For Ij
HOSION , Dec. Ii ) . The vote i illcd In tha
municipal election to da\ aggregated 51,487.
which is larger than any municipal vote since
Ibsll. Of this number O'Hrlcn , demnciat ,
receives 2tC2l ! ; Hart , ioiubllcan | r.nd Inde
pendent , 'Jl.hUI ; the labor vote fulling to
ma'tcrlalizo. The vote was In favor of licenser
by # ,4i5.l majoiitj. Lastjcar the nmjoiity lu
fuvor of Hc'cnao VMIS 4,4't" . The following
towns also voted in favor oflleunsa to-day :
Ljnn , Sulcin mid New hurj port.
Heath A. CO.'H
VOUK , Dec. 1U.- The .schedule 0 } A.
S. Heath & Co , baiilicis und biokcrs , to
HoiaccA. Ciittcmlcn , filed to-day in the
court of iGtanu.i. pleas , ' state the llabllltlca
nt $ l'.i , TOi ( ; nominal as.fls , | Cbi ( f"0 , and a -