Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    " * 'Vft' ' >
Jim Holland , of the Old Union Pnciflc
< Nine , Meets a Horrible Death.
Crimlinr * nntl Car-Poorn Tllnlioi
lloniKMiniof Lincoln The HUSMO-M | ;
In tlio CiinrtH Death of
ThuinuN Pnriltt , Klu.
.Ilin Holland Killed by nil
A horrible accident oerurrciliiithc Chicago
8t. 1'iiul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroad yards
t about Imlf past 7 \estcrdayinoriiingln
Which .lni ! Holland lost IMS life. Hu Imd Just
begun tlic duties of switchman In the yards ,
uiiil although he was tin old and experienced
bnikcnmn he was almost totally Ignorant of
tlio duties of swltihnmii. The yard engine
was engaged In side-tracking tv largo num
ber of empty stock cms , and young Holland
was lii'pl very busy shifting the switches.
Finalli ho was signalled to throw the switch
for the yard engine , whleh was approaching
lit u moderate rate ( if speed , lie arrived al
tlio switch just n inniiifiil or so before the en-
KIM. ' , and turning tlto switch , he tried to cross
the track for some purpose orother. In hur
riedly stepping on thu track lie stepped square
Into tin1 frog , mid to his horror his foot bo-
camu fastened. I'ITSCIICU of mind might
have enabled the poor fellow to esrsipe , but
the eiij'iiu ! was fairly upon him and he evi
dently lost his senses. His iigoni/cd screanis
were terrible to hear , and seeing
Unit he was doomed to meet with great bodily
hai in , he suddenly throw himself sideways
from the track , and In another Instant the
locomotive went rolling over his right leg ,
eiushlng It Into n pulp almost up to tlio
thigh. The engine was .stopped , and the en
gineer , fireman and other attaches of the
yaid ran to Holland's assistance. They
picked him up , but he had fainted away from
the awful shock , and fqr u moiacnt his com-
IxniloiiH thought he was dead. He recovered
consciousness , however , as they were car
rying him up to tlio depot ,
and Inquired whether he wns lat
ally hurt. Then ho asked Unit Ills mother
and sisters bo sent for. The morning train
was standing at the platform , and according
to the directions of thy yard master , the in-
jurcd man was lifted up into this , as it was
thought Hint ho could bo bcttercared for hero
than In the depot , as ho was rapidly bleeding
to death. In response to u summons Dr. Peabody -
body quickly rc.iehed the scene , unit to his
piacticed eye It plain that the man could
1 not survive , as the shock had been too great.
Tlio mangled limb was b.vthed in tepid water
and dressed as well as t he circumstances would
pcimit. Of course amputation was not to be
thought of as the man , the doctor said , was
already dying. His aged mother and two sis
ters arrived just a few moments before ho
expired. Ho was perfectly .conscious and in
bidding his weeping mother not to worry ,
that ho wns all right , tys voice was as clear
mid strong as if his lifo were Hot hanging by
the .slenderest thread. And thus he died ,
within the narrow confines of the caboose ,
the little group his rugged colleagues ,
standing sad and silently around , his
mother , couching on lier knees with her
arms about him , and his sisters , bcndln
with streaming eyes over his outstretched
form , made indeed u touching and impressive
1 picture. Death having ensued the remains
were taken to the rooms of the family In the
Kstabrook block , and Iho coroner notilled
tliut his mother demanded an inquest.
. Jim Holland , as ho was familiarly known
to u largo circle of friends , wa
about thirty years of nire. Ho was rather n
prepossessing man , upright and industrious
luid'tho main support of his mother and sis.
ter , which makes his sad fate particularly
, nlTectini , ' . Ho formerly worked in the Union
Pacific olllcos and years ago played lirst base
, for the base ball pride of Omaha , the oU
Union Pacillcs. The news of his untimely
end will bo learned with much regret am' '
sorrow by the hundreds of friends ho woi
by his line work in the di.imond in the palmy
days of'SIM.
AXOTIiriU r.\T.\T.ITY.
Another railroad accident'ro.sultlng in the
death of u man named Murray occurred yes
terday at Millard. A passenger under the
inlliienci ) of liquor took the Union Pacific
train at Omaha for Portal. It was the in
tent ion of the brakonmn to reuse him at Mil
lard , ( ho station this side of Portal , but when
ho looked for the passenger ho was not to bo
found. It was supposed that ho got off at
Millaid and nothing more was thought of bin :
until the lliidintr of the body of a man , a mil
and n half this side of Elkliorn , crushed am
mutilated almost beyond recognition , was re
ported , when it was believed that it was the
bodv of the inebriated passenger. The re
mains woio Identified as those of a man
named Murray , who lives n milo west o
Klhhoni. The body was taken to Kilt-
lie IH to Ho the Oui'ht Tor a Couple o
Daya of Bishop O'Connor.
Bishoii Bonacum , the ncwly-consecratci
bisli'i ) ) of Lincoln , In this-state , left St. Loui
yesterday and will reach Omaha to-day
Ho will bd the guest of Bishop O'Coi
nor , for a touplo ; of days , who will then u
company him to Lincoln and introduce hit
to the people of his diocese. They will read
Lincoln on Saturday next and on Sundn ;
Bishop Honncum will bo tendered a reception
The new prelate was born in County Tlj
prrury , Ireland , January ' . " . ) , 1S4T , and at
rived in St. Louis with his parents the follow
Ing year. Ills ordination In the priesthood
for which ho had prepared himself at the di
ocgsnn seminary at Capo Glarardeau , Mo
took place Juno IS , IS70 , In St. Mary'
church , St. Louis. A few years later he lof
for Germnnv , attending lectures at the Uni
verslty of Wurzburg , and in 1SSI assume
charge of the Church of the Holy Name
Archbishop ICcnrick in l"vU appointed bin
bis theologian to attend the third plenarj
council of Baltimore. Father Bonacum wa
nominated for the new see of Belleville , 111
at the llmo of the division of the Alton diocese -
ceso was contemplated , and was subso-
qucntly continued for the sco of Lincoln.
The bishop is a man of great erudition.
St. .1 i IllSXCil AXIi MAK.
The United Suites Court.
llll ; W\S3E11M\X 1T.HJUKV CASH.
The trial of Charles Wasscrman , ono of the
witnesses in the Peter Gross ciiso against
the Union Pacific railroad company , and who
was subsequently Indicted for perjury. Is now
In propiess before Judge Duudy , with W. J.
Council for the defense.
ASOTiiKit Ai.ur.ii : : > rmuuiir.ii.
Deputy United States Marshal Stow-
nrt , caimi in from Frontier county
. yesterday wjth Julius Kunert in custody.
Ivunert wus arrested on Saturday after hav
ing eluded the officers for some tiniP. Ho is
to answer to u charge of perjury , alleged to
. have bron committed In u land claim ease
itguinrt ! land oOlco before the
United StatCb court.
District Court.
Klolno , Tcnlberman & Co. began n suit
nguinst S. Kulish yesterday for a debt of
, , $7M.T3.
The impeachment trial of David Van Kttcn
will bo continued on Wednesday'aftcrnoon.
I'olluo Court.
In the jmllco court W. H. Conner , carry
ing concealed wea ( > ons , was lined $3 and
. .
' 0
within an hour , or go up for ninety
Jim Lacy , the TuanTV10 \ 'wan.
caught whOo n& to . "work" a young
if USW district * , wus
lruho county jair.
gr crwtteg ft rumpus
. . . . \ - - / * ii.j
Hofronn'n hall Sunday night , wan fined tlU
nnd rents.
Dick Orniidnn , for stealing a keg of mo-
Inn'-ts from John llenl'B More on the corner
of Tenth and Oed u street * , wns pivcn fifteen
dav , , ten on bread and water.
George Johnson , the burglar , WHS pivon n
hrarinK , and WHS put under VIXI ( ( bonds to
npM-nr | before the dIMrlct court. In default
hu was put In thu county jnll to await trial.
* Yesteiday , the funeral of Peter Chrlsl
tliinson , the nnin who wtis crushed to death
In the slide In Brennnn's and bank on Sittur-
day last , took place from Dre.xel & Maul's.
The it mains hiy In the mortuary room and
were viewed by immy people , while nround
them stood the widow of the deceased , with
six helpless rlilldicn.
ThtS lemiilns were Interred In Laurel Hill
cemetery , und the expen o of the funeral
was bornr by Mr. Brcnnan , because ol the
straitened circumstances of thu deceased.
The same gentleman circulated u list for
subscriptions tn aid the widow and her chil
dren and secured &ion.
. \ r > Ti-n.
The fuilernl ol Miss Blanche II. Sylvester ,
the daughter of George and Mary A. Sylves
ter , who died at NVJ South Twenty-third
street , took phtcu Sunday afternoon at ! ! :30 :
o'clock. The remains were conducted to the
Saints'chnpel ' , corner of Twenty-Ill st iiml *
Clark stircts , where the funeral services
wi'ie held by Elder Mink 11. Forscutt. The
lloral tributes weir numerous and beautiful ,
and the remains were followed to their Mast
resting place by n large number of friends.
TWO "All lir.lTll * .
cOne week npoycstoiday Superintendent Mahoney -
honey of the poor far.m buried John Spellen-
lek , whoso home was on Murthii street , be
tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth. Yesterday
hu laid thu wife beside thu husband. Mrs.
Spellnnick died of typhoid fever. Three
small children nio left without any mcnnsof
support and will exist upon charity ,
Thomas 1C. Parlltt , the well-known book
keeper of thu Gas company , died Sunday
moining at his late residence .110 South Thir
teenth. Ho has been absent from his desk
during the past year , and in all that time , in
remembrance of Mr. Parlltfs faithfulness
to them during n service of ten years , tlio
company have monthly remitted to him his
usual monthly salary. This was greatly
needed , because his long illness left him ,
when hu could work no longer , in an almost
destitute condition , Mr. Parlltt was ex
tremely well known in this city.
Ho was born in London. England ,
and was about thirty-live years
of age. Ho leaves n wife and three children.
These aie now without thrir former means
of suppoi i. , and are in an extremely destitute ,
condition. Their situation stronirly appeals
to the charity and liberality of Mr. Pnrlltt's
countrymen , who need only to have their at
tention directed to the circumstances of the
widow and children to do with them ns ' .hu
urgency of the casp and the nature of the sea
son would suggest. The remains will be
buried to-day in Luuiol Hill at 'J p.m.
Pnrlor niul Heating Stoves.
Must bo sold if at cost , for tlio next 1.0
days , as in need of the room for other
goods. Niw YOHK STOHAUK Co. ,
Cor. Capitol itvo. and 15th fet.
They will Assemble In Convention Hero
The third annual convention of the Ne
braska Dairymen's association meets in this
city to-day ut 7H : ! ) p. in. It will probably
bo the most successful gathering of the kind
ever held in this city. Several eminent dairy
men from abroad will bo present and engage
in discussion upon important and interesting
subjects. The local committee of arrange
ments consists of Henry Eicke , Allen Hoot ,
D. H. Wheeler , Hon. Alvin Saunders , Julius
Treitschke , Louis Heimrod and H. D. Clark ,
and these have already made excellent ,
provisions for the cnteitainment of the
Tito convention will open this
evening with an entertainment with the
following features :
Music , Prof. Kohr's band ; song , by "Tem
ple" quartette ; address of welcome , Mayor
W. J. Broatrh ; Hcsponse , J. Dixon A very ,
Fremont ; song by Temple quartette ; Presi
dent's Address , Hon. W. G Whitmorc ,
Wednesday "Fodder Corn , " Hon. S. C.
Bassett , Gibbon ; "Fodder Combinations , "
Prof. H. H. Wing , Lincoln ; "Salt in Us
Relations to Dairy Use , " Dr. Martin Clark ,
Sutton { "City Milk Supply , " B. U. StoulTer ,
Bellcvuo ; music"Tho Dairymaid's Song,3'
Miss Bertha IWut , Omaha : "Women in the
Dni-y , Then and Now , " Mrs. H. C. Gliss-
imin , Milhtrd ; address , Hon. H. W. Farnas , '
Thursday , December 15 "Private Dairy
Interests of Nebraska , " J. H. Heed. Colum
bus ; "Advantages of thu Creamery Over the
Dairy , " E. F. Howe , Fairmont ; "Howl
Make Cheese in Nebraska , " F. S. Fulmer ,
Gibbon ; address , Hon. L , S. Coflln , Fort
Dodge , la. ; grand closing banquet and ball ,
music , toasts and speeches.
Di-.ilers in dairy goods and supplies are es
pecially invited to be present , nnd accommo
dations for showing wares will bo furnished.
Hon. L. S. Coflln , of Fott Dodge , Iowa ,
and Mr. J. G. Lurnbard , of Chicago , will aid
materially in the interest of the convention.
All railroads in the state will grant a rate
of one and one-third faro for the round trip ,
provided that there are llfty present who pay
lull faro going and who get ti "convention
receipt" of their local agent wlion they buy
thuir tickets.
Soidcnbcrg's Fiparo , the only 10o
cljjiu1 for flc. Ask your tlcalor for thorn.
Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot.
Clergynion de.sirinfj half faro permits
on the Chicago , Hock Iblantl & Pacific
Hy. for the year 1888 will ploabts niako
application for Mime at once at the Hock
Iblund ticket ollieo , 1J105 Fanuim st.
S. S' STKVKNS , Gou'l Agt.
A New Mode of Kxit.
The passengers ou a Thirteenth street car
had a peculiar experience Sunday morn-
hif. ( Instead af Roltif ; out of thu rear door
as usual they were forced to make tholr exit
through the windows. The car was .com
fortably llllcd with ladles and gentlemen and
amonjr them was oho old colored lady , " who ,
byn \ \ \ way was very llcshy. The car col
lided with nnothor on Vinton street and in
sprung some way the door Jams so badly
that it was found impossible to open the
doors. Crowbars were brought Into pla ,
and the doors was plied open enough to nil
mil the exit of a very slim person. The old
colored lady , who was badly frightened , at
tempted to Icavo by this means and suc
ceeded in simcozliif ; part way through when
the car was started and the door sprung
oack again , pinninp her tq thn ] um. This
frightened the old lady more than ever , and
fcho screamed lustily. The irentloincn linally
managed tp rolcasohcr from Iho vice like
grip and the door aval n bora mo shut. At
Thirteenth and Rirnain the entire crowd
passed out through the windows , the gentle
men feet llrst and the ladles head
Uniform Kniphts of P.vthias will leave
lliu Armory , Fourtuonth htrcot ucnr
Uodgo street , at 12:110 : sharp to-day , lo
go to Afchlaml. By order of
Tuos. Buur.iir. : , Colonol.
Pythian Points.
It U expected that tq-day about ono
hundred and llfty members of the Uniform
Hank K. of P. , und as many members of the
Pythian lodges will go to Ashland to attend
the presentation to the Star Lo dge , K. of P ,
at that place , thu banner won by it at the
Pythian tournament in October hist. They
will also take pnrt in the institution of a di
vision of thu uniform'rank at that place.
This CViiing there will bo n meethii ; to make
arrangement : ! for thu excursion.
An insiieclion u * My/llo und Douglas di
vision has been ordered C"Cxt Friday and
will bo conducted by General j.t. Gibson ,
who comes expressly for that purpose , * *
$1O.OO nuj-8 An ile ant i'urlor Stove.
Niw YouKS'i'oitAai : Co. ,
Cor. Capitol ixvo. anil loth st.
County Commissioners.
The following award of contracts were
madoyCslerdiiv :
To P. J. ( J'Juiy for supplying twenty
boxes of soap C' { MO per box. ( 'lark ( 'often
company for supplying'l.oou Ibs oflea and
3,000 Ibs of ttoffoo , the ' former ( a ) 21 cents , and
the UVUirGi'.M cents , , . , , .
. y/ ' ii'i ' ,
Continental Clothing House.
The contract for completing our building named September 15 as the time when we could occupy it by unforaeon delays wo were compelled to post
pone our opening until November 10th. We had a stock of $125,000 worth ' 15th
_ . of'goods ready . on September for this Omaha stem * ; in . roused _ _ _ UOIKV of this
1 f * 1 * 1 i 1 * * * / * MM.WV M * .WMM * * M M f mf * * m " l
"P g r i
- -
delay ( , we now find it necespary to ispose of some surplus lots of our FINEST OVERCOATS AND SUITS AT A GREAT SACRIFICE.
The I stock manufactured for this store is the . finest overproduced in our factory since we have been in business , and especially so in the highest grade of
tailor made Overcoats. We now pi A A\ * J * f \ A A P WVWW VV V4 Wf VMW M W VMmw OT WMW > OTW - r ? _ _ * * V \1 _
It was our misfortune to puffer this delay ol two montns in tlio completion ot our store , it will be your good fortune to purchase some of the finowt goods
made for it at about one half the early prices this season. Commencing Tuesday , Nov. 29 , we shall offer :
Lot. No. 1 100 of the finest Elysian Beaver Overcoats made this season , goods from the famous Middlesex Mills , of Lowell , Mass. , full indago
blue , wool dyed goods that will not fade , lined throughout with the finest quality of Wm. Skinner's satins , the richest and most elegant goods made in this
country. These Overcoats were made to sell for $30 each , and are worth that price today , but for the reasons above stated , we offer them to close now in
regular sizes , from 35 to 44 , at the extraordinary low price of $16 Each. Wo believe this to bo the most attractive bargain in a fitio overcoat ever offered
west of New York city. We will send a sample overcoat from this .lot by express C. O. D. to any address in the wet or north-west with the understanding that
it is worth fully $3O , and to be returned at our expense if your judgment does not' correspond with ours. .Remember the price , only $16 now for
Overcoat that cost $30 in September. < <
Lot No. 2 Wo offer a bargain of equal importance , being 400 of the very finest quality London Seal Brown Kersey Overcoats ' \
( goods made by the famous Worumbo Mills , of Maine , a mill that has no rival in this country in the manufacture of Ivi-r.sey Overcoat ings. ) Those goods
are the new shade of Londoiubrown , which is so fashionable with young gentlemen everywhere. They are made with lapped scams , cut single breasted , fly- ,
front , and lined with the same quality of Win. Skinner's satin throughout , body and sleeves , the best satin made in the world anywhere for-service. Wo /1
have these Overcoats in all'sizes , from 33 to 44 , and offer them at the same extraordinarily low price as the Middlesex , vh : $ &O Wo have no better over
coat in our stock at any price. We could not make a better one ifyou should give us $30 for it , * neither could we use better materials or better trimming * ,
arid we do not believe that these Kei > : oy Overcoats , lined with satin , can be purchased outside of our store for less than $30 each. We will send a sample
garment by express , to be returned at our expense , if you do not consider them worth $3O each.
LOT NO. ! J. We offer 3 0 pure , all wool cassimere suits , cloth made bv tlio famous SAWYER WOOLEN CO. , of Dover. Ncwllinripslihv , ( he best manufacturer of fine , all wool ca.-s.i-
mcrcj in New England anywhere. The suits are made in single breasted sack coats , arc new regular goods , all sixes , and we oiler them now at the extnumlinanilly low price of ? Ll3 per suit. The
lowest price for the same suits in September of this year was § 20 per suit , and they are worth that price ; today. Send for a sample suit by express and you will not regret it.
we have also made startling reductions upon many other lots of fine goods in our overcoat stock , in our Men's stock of
suits , in our Boys'and Children s department , we are offering very reliable cassimere suits for boys' , 4 to 12 years old , at
$2.5O , $3 and $3.5O per suit. Suits which early this season were sold at an average of 50 per cent more. In our Gent's
Furnishing Goods Department , and in our Hat and Cap Department we are offering equally attractive bargains. Send for
samples and prices in every department.
Send for Men's Suits. Send for Shirts.
Send for Boy's Suits. Send for Underwear.
Send for Overcoats. Send for Hosiery.
Send for Ulsters. Send for Gloves.
Send for Pantaloons. Send for Fur Caps.
Send for Samples of Custom Goods. Send for our Catalogue
Giving a list of over sixteen hundred different articles we sell. Send for our rules for self measurement
and you can b fitted just as well at home as here in our store. Send to us and see how much
money you can save from ordinary local retail prices.
Corner of Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River
Omaha. Boston , New Y ork , Des Moines.
Only These Mny Now SlRii Appliun-
tioiiH for .Licenses.
The law requires that nil applications for
icense to scllliquorsahtiUba signed by thirty
roe holilerSji-esiiliiiff in the precinct in v.'hich
ho liquor Is to bo solil. This requirement
never boon s\tislled. ; If the nppli-
: ation contained thirty names , the receipt
, vus granted irrespective of the fact that the
Dinners owned property or not. Hut that
L'uatom has been abolished. Now the signers
iiiust own property in the district in which
[ ho saloon is to bo located. The application
of the Pnxton hotel was returned because all
.ho signers were not property owners in the
Third ward. An amended application
was made and that satisfied the mayor. Other
saloons in the Third ward will have more
iliniculty In petting hiRiwturcs to their appli
cations. Ono gentleman said to a Hr.i : re-
) ortcr this morning : "Last year I signed
lOven applications in one day , us an accommo
dation for saloon men. Then It was a mat
ter of form. Now it is a matter of business ,
and I can sign none. "
20O Stoves Just Received.
Must bo soli ! at the cost of iron.
Cor. Capitol avc. and 15th bt.
The Hearing ol' AVhioh Cawcs Conies
Up Friday Next.
The cases of the twenty policemen who
have brought suit against the city for their
October and November salaries , will bo
heard before Justice Anderson next 'Friday
morning with W. J. Connell as their Counsel.
The suits of Chief of Police Senvey and Cap
tain DufT Grecn.for their salaries for the cor
responding period , amounting to $300 each ,
have been brought in the district
court. This action has been determined upon
as the most expeditious and surest way of the
new police squaring accounts with the city ,
and while it is a notorious f.ict that there is
not a suIUeiont sum In the police fund at
present to liquidate the claims of all these
policemen , it Is equally well known that there
Is a judgement fund In the hands of the city
treasurer of something like 0,000 , and there
is no icason why this cannot bo drawn upon
to pay the salaries of the city's guardians.
AVc Arc Pull of Htnvpo.
You can buy at your own price.
Gcorgo "Washington ( never told a lie ) .
Cor. Capitol avo. and 16th bt.
Itnilroud NexvH ,
After a couple of weeks of close study and
computation , during which the office of Mr.
DliiUensou was closed to all inquisitive vis
itors , the announcement was ' yesterday
niado that at length the new time card had
been llnshcil ( to govern the running of the
fabUruins on the Union Pjclllc , jn connee-
nuction with those of the Iowa roads which
begin to run on Sunday next , 'flic fast train
of tlio Union Pacillo heretofore known as the
Overland flyer , and which has loft hem at
8iO : ! in the evening has been changed to inlay
train and will hereafter leave hrru at 12
o'clock , noon. This train will reach Don-
vir at 7 o'clock next morning
and Ogden , the hccond night out nt 11 p.m.
Keturning from Ogdcn , thu train will U'avo
at 10 In the morning , and reach hoi o at 3W : )
in the afternoon , it will then connect with
the eastern roads , which reach Chicago the
following day for breakfast.
The night train on the s > amo road , as a con-
Rcqucnci' . will hcieaftcr bo the slow train.
but it will also run through to Ogdcn. U will
Isluml train , uliifli Jcav
in. , will , uftcr Huiulny
us Columbus. it will Icuvo u'
track niul 11111 over tlio branch to
KCttln ' In licro next moriiln at
U oYlock , the ubtial uour.
This elwngrt has been mndo to
Qocommoduto the patronuBO .between tms
elty'iiiul NArfolk , wlilch Has couiu to bo con-
pany for this train , because it hud little if
any pntronngo between Columbus nnd Grand
The new fast train saves six hours between
Omaha and O 'dcii. It connects with the
lowu lines Koiiitf east , which save flvo hours
between this city and Chicatro , and these
trains connect with the limited fast trains to
nnd from that place for the cast.
Tu 15c lluilt liy tin ; Soutli Oinnlin I
Tlio I3r.i : has several times referred to the
fact that tliero is at present a bcarcity of
dwelling houses in South Omaha and us a
consequence , hundreds of laborers who are
there employed are compelled ts coino to
this city and stop hero over night.
This fact has not been overlooked by tlio
South Oiualin Laud company , who have de
termined upon the immense undertaking nf
erecting on their property 1,8UO dwelliiijjs.for
the accommodation of present and prospec
tive residents. These will bo divided into
four classes , and thu cost will vary from&4 , " > 0
to fl.fiOO apiece.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder uover varies. A tnnrilel of puri
ty , streiiKth anil Wholpbomeuess. More econom
ical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be
told In competition with the multitude of low
cost , short \\elKlitalniu or phosphate powders.
Sold onlv Incarw. Uoyal llukliiB I'owderCo. ,
120. Wall St. , Now York.
Pioprletor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send lor C.i.if zf Journal.
S. K. Cor. Itith wnd CupUul Avc.
TOE omc
I lftifr Cat Work Md Lowe lPrk
I ouiii'UfJ. 100 ff niuit'i
T EM. who in his FOI.I.Y and K1XOHA NCK
has TRIFLEI > away his VIUOU of BOItY ,
MINI * anil MANlIOon.causlnccxliaustlnt ;
drains upon the FOIJ.NTAIXN of 1,1 KK.
IIF.AUACIIE , ItAVKAOHE , I ) rend fill
Dreams , WEAKIVFSS of Memory , I1AN11.
the FACE , and nil the EFFECTS lendineto
TION or INSANITY , ehould consult at once
the CEI < KimATEI > Ir. clarke , ICslabllslicd
1W1. Ir. Clarke has made NEKV < VM I K-
DII.1TY. CIIIIONK ] and all Diseases of
the UENITU VRI.VAIIY Oreans a l.llo
Utildy. It makes NO ilillerence WHAT you
l ( ve taken nr WHO has failed to euro you.
47-FEMALEN ttiiflerlng from diseases pecu
liar to their lex can consult with the assurance
of speedy relief and cure. Semi 2 cents postage
for works on your diseases.
49Send 4 cents pofetago for Celebrated
WrkH on t'hroiilf , Norton * and Hell-
rate Diseases. Consultation , personally or by
letter , frcp ; Consult the old Doctor.
Thousnnd * cured. ORicen and parlor *
private , f Those contemplating Marrlnm
send for Dr. C'lnrkc'n celebrated guide
Male and Fenmlc , each 15c. , both Uc.
Btamp ) . llefore confldlng your case , 'consult
r. ci.AHKE. : A friendly letter or call may
lave future euHerlngand shame , and add golden
years to life. * S-B&ok "Ufe'n ( Secret ) Er
rors , " Me. ( itamps ) . Medicine and writings
tent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Uours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 to 12. Address ,
P. D. CLARKE , M. D.
183 So. Clark St. CHICAGO , ILL.
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Th only road to take for DPS Molnei. Murlnlltown ,
Cedar lltnlilj , Clinton , Dixon , CMmgo , .Mllwniilcoo
and all polnti cast. To the people ol Nelirmka , Colorado
rado , Wyoming , Ulan , Idaho , Nevada , Orciton , Wash
ington and California. U offers supeJlor adrantaxei
D ( I potilale \ > r any other line.
Among a few of Itie numerous point * of superiority
njored by the patroni of IliK rouil belwcru Ouiahk
and CblcaKO , aru III two truk- inlay ot DAY COACH-
KH , vlilih are the tlncit that nutnan art and Iniivnul.
lr ran croatu. lt I'AI.AOK HI.KKI'INU CAltH. which
are models of comfort and uleKanco. Its fAnlAJn
DUAWINO I XM CAIIM. un > urpa fd l > r aur , and
tti widely relobrnti'd I > AI.ATIAI , lil.NINU CAItS , til *
equal of which cannot bo found cifuwhcro. At Coun
cil lllurri the train * of tbr Union I'acltlc llullwujr , con-
In union depot with there of thu ClilcuKoA
Krct torn lly. In CblraKO the trains of this line
pinko close connection with tlioso of all other eaitcra
Kor Detroit ? Oilumbiu. Indianapolis , Onrlnnatj ,
Nlaiiara Kalli , Dullalo , l-lUiauru , 'Joronto , Montn-al ,
lloilon , Nrw York , Philadelphia , IlalllmoreVmh -
Ingtou.andali i/oluts In tbecait , atk ( or tlckvt Tta
If you with the lint accommodation. All ticket agents
ten tlckt'U via tiiU line.
II.HL'lilirn' . K. P. WILSON ,
Urnl. Manager , Ucnl. I'au'r Agent
I iirp'rrlhB anil fully en-
done lllx ti a * ILu only
ol II.T dlirair.
li.H.I.NdHAIlAM.M.n. ,
AmitcrUaai , N. V.
We have nolil Jlls ( J lor
many > < ar . and U li
Klvrn the bent ot tails-
Vhl'ciRo. ill.
Ttid. ISl.00. Bold byIruKBl _ ) la.
Df Hi" llO'lycnJarjeil anil itrrn--llionul , J-'ull imtlcu-
UnI'ntii-.lf.l ( rct > . KUIK 111.I ) . CO. . llcrrito. N. V.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets ,
Braces. AnpliaiicGsforDGforinitiGs&TrussGs
Host fudlltlc' . iippnrutii" ami rcmo < llp for mcio -
ful trrutiiient of every form of ill cii orviulrliii | ; Meil-
Icnl or Mirk'lcal Treiitiuent.
Kortv nun rooms lor j > utlcnti > ; best hospital iirconi-
modatloiiH In thu we t.
WIIITK loHC'liiciu.Mi on DeforinltP'and llrnoc't ,
Club Ki'et.Curviitiiro of thu M'lin' . I1le . Tumors ,
Ciinrur. Ciitarrh , JlionuhltlH , Inhalation , Klourltlty ,
rurnlytU , Kpllepvy. Kidney , Illiidder , K ) u. , Miln ,
und lllood , und all Mtrulitil Uiornllons.
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
All lllood I ) | < -HCS siiccc fiilly treated. S > phllltlc
Poison rt'iuoved from the HHI > IU without nii'uury.
Now rt'Mortitlve tri'Hlment for li < o ( Vltnl I'onrr.
I'crttOiiHunablo to visit XIH niuy lie treali'd lit homo
by rom-Miondencc. All comniunli'ittlonv ciinllilcn-
tint. .Mediums or InMruniiMHH nent by mall ori'Jt-
jirexs , M'citrely pu ( ked , no murks to Indlcnto i ( intents
or fundi'i. Onu pcrnoniil lntcrluw pit'ferit'd. Call und
consult usorreml hlMory ol ) ourc e , unit > YU nlll
tend In plain wrapper , our
Upon I'rlvnlc' , Spi'dal uiiil Nprvnua I ) | PII I' , Inipo-
tt'licyr ! > phlllK , ( .loot and Vnrleocvlo. Addres" ,
Oiiniliii Medical and Surgical Institute , or
Dr , McMoiamy , Cor , IStlianilDoflgeSts , ,
OMAHA , Nnnu.\.sKA.
( Succcssois to John O. Jixcolis. )
Uiideiliilci's ' anil Emlialurs
At tlio old stand , 1407 Kurmiro Pt. Orders liy tclo-
craph solicited imil iii-oinptly iittcnclou to.
Tfleli'liliouo No. SK.
Epps's Cocoa
"llr Iborouuli kmmleilKO of the natural lnw >
wlilih JoTi-rnlhiiui'tTmliini' vt ill cilloii nmlimlrl-
Ui'ii and by cm" till pplltnllnn of Ilici line proiorllc |
< if won .nii.i IIH ! Cuuu. Mr. Kppi1 liu piNVliuMl our
} i.kfi.t ihbi ni. rtriKiitoDr ym"v { | : ' 7
Hhkh iniir p.itn ui wniir heavy iliiclor n him. It Is
h ill" liiilli-liiui u u t in < I. urlk < 'f"l't ' ! tlmtu
comtllulluii m ) L Krucluully Lullt up until slronK
enuiiih reilVt - tendency I" Olfca e. Him-
' ? ' to iiry
. niulartli'aru llOHtlni : nrnuiid ii rcmly
- - aru
--of . . . . . . _ . ,
k nr thpn * Is n wi'Hk point tioiuny
In balf pound lln hy tirocf-m labeli'd th IV
IAUPO TDDQ 9 , Pfl lloiim-otiatJiioChemists ,
JAHbo DI 10 & IU. . Ixisi.DXtiKni.AM . ) .
The bejt known ami mo t popular Uolfl In the
ital * . IXHiillon rpiilial , i.m.ulntnionM . ritliv .
llr ilquaittr for men anil all political
ami imtalroeatbcilnsi , . Bxi.KN ( | .fupr.tnr. |
in < H < ntir dltMtoret Pie.
r vin Hir HKlln "ilKiiittl'"iiildi or.
ilrr.cor - . | < l/.o ( M < .UJKh . MMItinfi.
\ HclluMo Ppco
Inll-t ( if iniiiiy jnin ex
piTli'iitiMrt'iitH willi wmt
. .
l'M.11. 1 Isll'I.A.
KUrrrUK mml wllli-
out Pain or htiMlraiico
from Fnifliir ! * " . . \tlihron *
It'll iM'iifc * ( a rln advnmo
ot any Institution In lliH
( niinln Tliiiti' wbuion *
U > tuplalit tMiliii ; to Hot
Mirlitt ; " lor lii'atiui'nt of
liny I'rluitn t > r Hlootl
i o i an bo i nrod lor
lilnl the ( d lut our
tii Il i'cn8.iry.
I tniPP Hy lilHtn-iilniPiitK I'liro. r/irr-lji. ropi
LAD I ES ir&frffu11 ! ! ! . . " " i11 ! i
Inimni cur "I , HlonltiiK IH-inlai'l" " , NiTvoun 1'rOSj
r i ' imi ( . . " on Hi-lilllty. Mci'nU-win' . tUMiii-sMoij
I'li'l ' nil lli" ion. 0 Biliui" , Imlmmiil nn niul
ill"o'r Ion. r ulliim nnd UlS'lainim-nt' . : ' . ' ' " ' , " % ! ? ;
ol l.llo , IxjnsUlt
i > P-s , Kidney t'omplulnts niul Chtinso
the Old Doctor
TUP Itlh C1D Anitcor Chronic Inllamma-
rlr ANII rAK Hunof tliollyflldx nr ( ilobn
LIL HIIU Lmi amirnrorNi'iirMitlilcilnOj ,
Inversion or the Md , Siroruliiin K > i" . llloonitlou" .
InflSmmSninrAI-'r - ' . IMimfeM uf Vision of one or
iftn" ,
ntcmiiurs Di-iilm" ' . or I'lir. y l ,
iirltonrlnirnolm1' . ThlrUi'iu-d lltiini. me.
lirnimilO l'l ) IIUy.I. < " " f Vltuirowpr.Blccp ;
NrnVIIIIN . DeHpiMidfiipy. ! < °
li- ii. s : J
IlLlllUUU .M.uorj , < 'ontu loner Mous HlurH
ticforo the Kyi" . Latitude. l..nm'uor , Illoomlni'is ,
fur Mmly iir"llu"lin"S and tlii'Klllo ' u burden , !
I'l'nnationtly nnil I'rlvulol ) ( uri'.l.
BLOOD AND SKIN iS Scrofula ,
c'alarrli. Ltc. ,
ol the Neck. Uhi'iiiiiullHii ,
Cured When Othpn llii < I " " ' "Vi
| y ; , ,
'consultation trt-a ami mrlctly u til ilftntlai.
.Medicine sent fri-e from.oliservutl i n U ull , pirW
of the I'nllfd States. Correspondence receives
ronpt . No lottt-ri iuisrMl jinlcsS
iccon'umnlod by four rent in "t"J' ' ' . " } * "
cents In stamps for pamp il.'t and list ( f imcH.
tloiihiipon pilvnte. hpecial anil nervous dlv
CITcriiis strictly Call on or iirtilreM ,
No. 'ILM Cor. 13th k llnrncy 8K.OniaUa. N tl
1707 Olhc Street , St. Louis , Mo.
Ofthe Missouri Plato Museum of Anatomy , fit.
Jxiuls M . , I'nhnnity Coilrgu llobpllul , Lou-
don , CJiwn. ( im-miiny and New Vork. lluvl
devoted their attention
Mom rispeclnlly tlios" nrislng from linpru-
cU-mo. invftci nil M > gufri-rlnii tocorn-siioiia wilM-
outdvliiy. DlM-asch of Infcrtlon nml ( Oiltnctdtl '
um-d HUfcly ttinl Ki > eocllly ixlttioiit IIKO of Han- . "
upimtHdniKR. I'litlentH vliom i MMI-S Imvn been
iii'L'Ici'tnl , liailly tn-.itcil or pioiiouni'i'il Incur-
iilile , Hlioulil noi fall to t rltoui coworiiliiB iel"t "
symtitonis. AJ1 letters rucclto lmmf < 1utu ! attcn
Ami " 111' ' ' inullcil I'llKi : tu any inlilroi.i on ro-
ci'lptof nun y-ct'iit Htiuiip. 'Trnctlcal Olisurvft-
tloiiMon .Nervous Debility uml I'liynlcal KxlmiH-
tlon , " to which IK added an "KHi < ay on Mur-
rliiKP. " with Important chaptorHoii illieufen of
thn Itpprodiirtlvii OrKitnv. tliohol fonnlus *
\aliiulilo medlciil trcatli-e which bhoiilil bo read
liy all yoniiB men. Adiltcsi
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
17O7 Ollvo Street St. Louis , Mo.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Jtcmnrkabln for powerful syrnp.v
"llu-tlc lone , plUljle action und ab- |
Bol'iilf ilurubilltTr ! > l yrarH leund.
Ihii liest KiiiiimurBjit thu excul.
lentnot the ln tiiinrlitH. ' Q
* 1 V < 9KV > MANHCOD.Ynlltu'lll ' > ImPr-
L O S I 3nci vNervoun O''bllltycau JcrJ
romujul bad jirnclireu CURE
HKAt CO , IJLucUltlt ,