Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    H OTr lll t n W | 'q
- 4IWJ'V ;
\ i vpr'nr AP nAiii PTi/'t
Bov. Snvldgo'8 Startling Words
From His Pulpit.
Awful Hlns In Hitmen or Itcflnciiiciit
ntxl I'll In CTH of Wealth anil
I'nrlly Itcv.
nn Labor.
A Hrrtnon lo
Hcv. C. W. Siivlilfro wlilrussed his lust
evening's dtscout-tu lit the Suwuril direct M.
E. Church to thu employcri of domestic ser
vants. This text WIIH taken from Colloslans ,
4 ; 1 : "Musters glvo tmto .your sei vants that
which Is just and equal ; knowing also that i'c
liuvo u master In liniven. " God hare speaks
in hehiilf of the lowly and needy. He speaks
for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Husald his mission to enitli was to heal
biokcn hearts and to open prison doors.
And wo know he has a tin-lit Held oven in our
inlilnt. find speaks these words toou. .
People are so liberal of the gospel. They
l lvo it all away. Let every person hci e who
has n servant , weigh these words of this
( Jreat Teacher well. God looks down on
this city to-night and sees that the sciviinU
uro niistieatcd mid wronged.
The moat of our servants como f rnm nrross
the water , and when they land at Castle Gar
den their trouble begins. Muny u i miner
and agent at this gateway for strangers will
have to account for the wiongit done to the
IgnoVant and helpless. Uemcmber , God
keeps a record. Again , they are. mudo to feel
that they arc servants in your hornet. Tluit
Idea is forced upon them at every tuin.
They are made to ki\owwliutu \ stinging tiling
it is to bo poor and utterly dependent. The
mistress of the house bus her place , and the
servant has her proper place , but the diflor-
i-iice of position gives no one this right to en
slave the human soul. It is our mission liero
to help and lift up , rather tliun to sudden , de
grade. Some are made to do unnecessary
work. Many feel that the sci vaut girl must
work fifteen hours u day seven days in a
wielc , or she will not earn the paltry sum she
gets. When she Unifies the long round of
dally woik she is told "to wash the doois or
windows , " or something of that hort , though
tlie work Is not needed.
A weakly girl said to one of our ladies the
other day : "I want to come to your house
and rest. " Take it to yourself. How would
you enjoy llfo if it were one eternal grind.
Ydur work would be done better if your ser
vant had an hour or two to rct-l every day.
Others have poor and insuflieieiitfpod. The
sci vants wait till the second tulile , but often
the Ill-it table eats up all the food. 1 know
of one family In this town who cannot keep
servants from tills one fact , t hut they won't
give them enough to cat. And these are lolk's
who put oiflots of style , too. It seems to mo ,
1 if J were a brass-collurcd dog , I would try tii
carry it out in belter shupo than that.
Many a poorgirl in this town has bcciichcutcd
out of her pay clieiitcd out of money she
earned over a coik stove and a wash tub.
A man who will cheat ills washerwoman or
his servant is getting pretty low. Hut this is
u thing which many society and ehui ch people
ple do in this city. If some uf you uro sur
prised that i hutch members should do such
u thing as this , I would say that the mini who
only nlakcs a profession of religion will do as
uiean things as the devil wants him lo.
Again , as the servants work is now ar
ranged , in many cases she has no time to go
to worship God. The majority of the ser
vant girls Imvo no Subbath. The people
whom they servo sleep latcon Sabbath moi n-
ing , so that they arc of necessity lutu in be
ginning their work. And the Sunday dinner
is the uftalrof the week. Hundreds of girls
in our hotels and privalu homes never go Ui
L church , and many cannot go. The employers
g.6 in.uomu cases , and are apparently very de
vout , but a piety which will allow its pos
sessor to sleep so lute that the servant is kept
from the houfco of prayer , Is of precious little
And last , but not least , the servant often
i has her good name and character
taken from her by her employer. If
you doubt what I say on { his point ,
como to me and I will prove it to you. Ciod
knows it is true , and * > o do you know it.
Some of you know that it has gotten out
among the neighbors that the reason your
wife has to change girls so often Is that her
husband is such a low bred cur. The facrv-
loils won't stay in the house with you.
Not very far from this church is u beauti
ful residence. For a few weeks within the
past year , a trusty servant girl had charge of
the house , and u man had charge of the
grounds and the stables , This man offered
olio insult after another , till she linally told
her employer , nml he said to her , as lie
handed her n , pistol : "Ulow the top of his
head off. " The man in the stable had nothing
iflora to say.
I would to God it were only stable men I
had to chifgo with the moral ruin of poor
servant girls. Let mo give you a typical
cnsoof the way Ibis-deviltry is curried on in
many homes. A most respectable and excel
lent servant girl unites with one of the city
churches. She is employed In u homo of
wealth and so-called refinement. The occu
pants of Unit home have a pluco and a naino
in the church of .lesus. They are highly re
spected neople. The girl attends the services
faithfully , but seems to get no rest of heart.
Two years have passed since she united with
God's people. She A-UII btand it no longer.
She tells hfr pastor that for two
years slio has been compelled to bo the
mistress of her employer , mid asks
' 1n the iiiwnaof God what she shall do ! Ho
tells her to bring her trunl ; to his house and
he will llnd her a good place . This minister
takes her to a phico which ho believes to bo
above reproach. The owner of that homo
; stands well in society and in the church. At
the end of two yearn that servant girl is sent
to Chicago to give birth to his child. And do
you know that this awful wickedness is going
on all through our society and our churches I
I know now wliaC Josh Billings meant when
ho said , "Tho more business I have to do
with men , the better opinion I Imvo of dogs. "
These two reasons arc given for the moral
ruin ol servants : They nro dependent and
they arc ignorant. Uut I add u third and it
is the supreme reason The awful depravity
of the employers.
Looking again into tlm text we POO plainly
the way they should bo .treated. "Masters ,
glvo unto your servants that which is just
and equal. " That means humane , honest ,
Christian treatment and God expects this at
our hands. They should look upon our serv
ants as our equals before God , however un
equal they may bo in education
and intelligence.Vo should treat
them as having immortal souls , and as
r these who will stand at tho.judsiucnt with
us. And to bring this about let the preachers
and churches speak out. In the name of God
is this state of things right or wrong ) If It is
Tight , let us applaud It , hut If it is wrong , let
us cry nlQiid and spare not. Many u win I is
going down to hell , and the preachers are as
still as tha grave as to'tho real fnus'JS. They
ic-l ! us , "Tho people uro re II nod and dollcato
on these points , wo" cannot touch upon them , "
Let men stop these bins and I will shut my
mouth , out not till then. The devil just
laughs when u preacher takes up some old ,
dead isnuo.but when ho strikes at the living ,
awful sins , ho is frightened.
Then , too , your homes must bo oonvcitcd.
God says to-day , "Come thou and all thy
house into the ark. " And this invitation is
addressed to the man of the house. Tills
world will go to hell if the men are not saved.
Only pure religion bestowed by Jesus , can
, root out this biipremo bcllNhnchi in the sin
ful heart. God send us a mighty revival in
our churches.
In conclusion this text tells us the reason
which God gave for treating the servants
well. "Yo'lmvo n mas-tor in heaven. " The
recording angel has been writing. Von will
stand before the Judge and the jxior Rorvnnt
you have cheated or degreded will stand by
i your bide , ami with inllnito shame and re
morse you will hear the awful word "Do-
part , " and you will tnko your way to the
regions of the "damned. " In the n.nno of
Jt'oiis I ask you to turn your nclc on iriti uiul
set your face as u Hint toward heaven ,
Hi-mum to
Qllov. W. J. Hurhha preached lust night the
hccoml dUcours-0 In his Scries to working men
and women. After acknowledging. his obli
gallon to certain books , whoso facts and tig
urea ho would refer to fivoly , ho tool : for his
text Exodus 2:15 : : "Ho sat down by the
well. " Thcso. .words refer to Moses. Ono
day ho walked out from the Paluco of % the
Pharaohs , where was his home , ' and saw ono
of his Hebrew brethren jjrlovo'usly uftlicted
nml nbuieil by nn Kfyptlnh , The Inbor ques
tion tlifii was us picssilig us it Is to-day *
MOM-S looked iibout him cautiously lo seothut
no cue was looking nml then he rose ngnlnst
the oppressor anil slew him. Ho hid the
body In the omul nml thought no one would
know of the occurrence. .Hut It wns dlscov-
civil and Muse * wns compelled to flee for his
life. He cninc to n cool , shady spot , besldo
oncof the e wells which me such u blessing
n n hot country , mid there ho rested him
self. No doubt ho was deeply pondering tlu3
burdens of toll , tli complications between
apltal nnd labor , nnd all the dark problems
which have engaged the minds of men from
Homer to Henry Gcoige. It was a very do-
ightful place for rest midmeditation. . Our
Lord afterwards found It e > o when he tnlked
with the woman of .Syuhur nt the limof Ja
cob's well.
Let us go a little more mliuitely Into the
labor question to-night. Wo nro Interested
In the moral aspects of It Just as Moses wns.
That hour's meditation at tlio well may Imvo
prepared him for understanding God's wise
irovlslons for the good of laborers after
wards given from Mount Slnnl. And we
may bo profltted by our study to-night.
1 intimated to you last Sabbath evening
Llmt one of the causes of the present dlfllculty
between capital nnd labor , 'one of the reason's
why we have such a largo unemployed chits ,
Is found in the remarkable growth of cities.
Undoubtedly the. building of a city calls for a
large amount of skilled and unskilled labor ,
yet such vast multitudes flock to the modern
cities that it is Impossible to supply them nil
with work. This is an ngo unlike any that
lias gone before. Upon the Nineteenth cent
ury have fnllen certain changes in the social
and industrial conditions of mankind that ut
most amount a revolution. Wo live in the
age of great cities. In olden times Home was
the only great center of population in the
world. Now that city is left quite in the
shndo by London and Paris and Canton ,
while our own mctroimlls Is fully her equal.
Look moro closely at London , for example.
Three hundred yearn ago she was considera
bly smaller than .the present. Hoston ; i00 !
years ago she had about the | Kpul.ition that
is now claimed for Chicago ; to-day you must
l > ilo together New York. Philadelphia , Hrook-
lyn , ( Jhic.-tgo , Hoston , St. Louis , Haltimore ,
Cincinnati and Han Francisco to make a Lon
don. It has been said : "Moro people live in
London alone than in the whole of Holland ;
more than in Sweden ; more than in Portu
gal ; more than in Ireland or Canada ; more
by 1,000,000 than in Scotland. " What an im
mense concourse of people In nnarea of a few
square miles. Muecauhiy boasted that in his
day ho walked through every street in the
city , but to do that now it would be neces
sary to walk 2,500 miles. Three hundred and
fifty more persons limy bo expected to sleep
iti London to-night than slept there last
night-V'OO moro than u week ago to-night.
Every month adds acityof 10,000 inhabitants ;
Every year one of 1 ! > . - > ,000 inhabitants.
Tliis may be taken ns a fair sample of what
is going on in a small scale on the continent
of Europe and in the new republic of Amer
ica. The great drift of population istowaid
the cities. And it will be moro ami more so.
Man attracts man. Ten men liuvo a stronger
nit ruction than one man. and u crowd of men
moro than ten. So the larger a city becomes
the more will it draw men into its busy
vortex. Thomas Jefferson called cities "great
sores on the body politic , " mid they arc sores
that will never bo healed.
Machinery has lessened the number of
men needed in the country , nnd consequently
wo Imvo flocks of laborers in the cities.
What shall we do with them ! What do they
demand to have done i Now among the un
employed there are some who are ptire an
archists , and these simply demand that
capital shall bo destroyed and capitalists
killed. Such persons set lire to Paris in
May , 1S"1 , and destioyed immense amounts
of railway property in Pittsbtirg and other
places in 1ST" , find threw the bomb a year are
that caused such death in Chicago. Every
respectable workman is opposed to such
methods , and wo may simply say of nnurch-
isrs that they are to be relegated to the police.
Then there are some who demand that all
governments shall bo cli.iuged so that in
some way workingmen shall be on a par
with capitalists. Thcso arc called commun
ists. They would have all things in common.
They agree to this extent , though they differ
greatly as to the means of accomplishing tills
end. Communism abroad has sometimes
taken the assassin's knife or pistol in its
hand. On the 11th of May , 1S7S , it attempted
to take the life of the emperor of Germany.
Now It is possible for governmental enact
ments to remove a portion of thoburdens upon
the working classes. The enormous armies
abroad might bo lessened , for example ; and so
the taxation of the poor might be reduced.
In our own country certain wise measures of
money circulation might be devised to help
the needy and give employment to the unem
Then there. is the anti-poverty society ,
which claims that there is something radi
cally wrong with the fundamental principle
of property. Henry George would have the
use of the soil as free ns the use of the atmosphere -
mosphero and claims that it can be. His
views are brilliant and plausible , but it seems
to mo they can never bo realized in any state
of .society less than the angelic.
Then there are the various guilds and labor
associations and for many of them I have
the warmest admiration. The Engineer's
union and the Knights of Labor seem to mo
very worthy associations. If wo had moro
men like Mr. Powdcrly and moro of a dispo
sition to heed his wise directions iuid re-
qiicsts-lho labor problem would not be so
dark as now it is.
Hut I haven't time to attempt a solution of
the problem to-night. That will como up in
the course of our discussion. Hut meanwhile
there nro two or three things' which workingmen -
ingmon need to know. The first is , just what
labor is. Hrielly It is the employment of the
stiength mid ingenuity of man to make the
things and conditions of nature better. Then
they need to know that n man lias nn abso
lute right to the fruits of his toil , whether it
bo a silver dollar or a piece of land or what
not. This gives labor as the foundation of
capital mid property ns it undoubtedly is.
Then they need to bo disabused of the old
notion that labor is the creator of all values.
Labor would never make thistle-down as
valuable as cotton. There must bo nn inher
ent value in a thing before labor can bring
it out and increase it. Even in the clay
which the potter uses there is an antecedent
possibility of hardening under lire that makes
the clay with the trouble of moulding it into
a jar. Labor augments but docs not create
all values.
Above all , the laborer needs to know nnd
practice ChrM's command , "Lovo thy
neighbor as thyself. " This will go far to
solve the labor problem.
Call and sco the largo stock Men -
lier & Heaeli , Gcn'l Agt's. huvo on hand
at 1410 Fiirnnm Bt. , Oinuha.
The Hoard of Public Worlcs Will Wait
For Sir. finmtcli.
Mr. Halcombe , chairman of the board of
public works , was seen last night by a 13uc
"What have you to say regarding thoactlon
of the city council in re-awarding the con
tract to Hegan Brothers to finish the work on
the city hull basement I " was the llrsl in
"Hy the terms of the new contract , " re
plied Mr. Hulcombc , "tho mayor , contractors
and board of publio'works must consider be
fore anything moro can bo done. "
"Do you think that the board of public
works wil ] concur I"
"Aslo that I cannot say. I Imvo madn no
canvass of the members and therefore don't
know. 'Hesldes I am not prepared to speak
regarding what my own action may be. "
' 'Possibly ' thoronduct of the mayor in the
matter mdy Imve n great deal to do wltli that
of the boa ill , " suggested the reporter.
"Yes. that may bo possible. The board ere
but creatures in a legal sense to the mayor
and council , and bylaw are bound to conform
to the wishes and acts of the latter. "
It is understood that the mayor will take
Immediate cogniiunco of Iho action of'tho
council Saturday night , uiul that the annoy
ing and vexatious subject will be ended
forthwith and forever.
Soldcnborg's Pignro , the only 10o
cigar for , r > u. Ask your tk'alor for them.
Max Meyer < fc Co. , wholesale depot.
A'ounjj I'COJC'H Society.
The union meeting of the Young People's
vSocjcty of Christian Endeavor will bo , held
it thi ) First Pocsbyterian church on the 13th
of December. .It iscxiH-'cteil that uninterest
ing icssiou will be hclO. .
Reoo , ihe special inquiry which is always made at this season of the year for Boys'
Suits and Overcoats suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts , we have decided to meet
this want in a manner which must be.highly gratifying to economical parents by offering
special inducements in our Boys' and Ohildrens' Department. The large and pleasant room
devoted to this department and the excellent light makes selection easy , we have an un
usually attractive assortment and our prices will leave all competition out of sight. We offer
for this week
Chililrcns' Good Overcoats , sizes 4 to 10 , nt $1.35 , for which other dealers itsk $2.50.
Very nice Childrcns' Ulster : * , brown plaid , neatly niiule , 4 to 10 , at $2.25.
A splendid CassitncrejOvercoat , with mljushiblc cape.of same material , nt $2.50.
Another good Overcoat , similar to the above , is with Astrachan cape and cnfTs , u very stylish looking garment , also , at $2.50. It would lo excellent
value for $5.00.
In finer grades we have a few small lots of very choree styles which we offer at marvcloiisly low prices. The brief season left for the disposal of
IICFC goods compels us to mark them at less than one-half their actual value.
One lot of little Ulstci'8 made of fine Chinchilla and beautifully trimmed with braid , si/cs 4 to 10 , at $5.75.
One lot of very fine Astrachans , with satin lined cape , a beautiful garment , for $7,50.
Another very fine little Kersey Coat , with beautiful fur trimming , for $7.25.
No more and appropriate and useful Holiday present for Uoys can be suggested than one of these garments , and we guarantee that these styles could
not be duplicated in any first-class establishment for less than double the price.
A large variety of Boys' Overcoats aud Ulster , from 12 to 18 , at equally low prices.
In Boys' and Children ! * ' suits we have an immense variety of styles and qualities from $1.00 up. Some of the finer grades we have reduced consider
able. The figures were seeming low enough before , but we want to sell them out before the season closes.
There arc also some splendid suggestions for presents in other departments in our large establishment.We carry the most complete Stock of
Men ? 'Furnishing ' Goods and at lowest prices. An inspection will prove more forcibly-than ever before that we arc the leading Mcns' Furnishers of
Omaha , and we guarantee our prices lower than asked in any other house for like qualities. Among the many articles which we carry anO which would make
useful presents for gentlemen , we enumerate a few
All Silk Suspenders at Too , usually sold at $1.50. . , , . , . _ " '
Silk Mulllorp , in elegant patterns , sit 75c , worth double. . . . , . , ' '
Wool Mufflers in j'rcut varieties. , , * -
Japanese Silk Ilanillcoivhicfs , at 2oc , .We and 60c.
Silk Umbrellas at all prices.
Fine Jersey anil Cardigan Jackets.
In Neckwear we have already won a wide reputation for- selling high grade and choieo utylcs ( U most popular prices. The Prince. Took Scarfs , which we fell at
15c , 25c and oOc can not bo bought for lofcs than oOu , 75c and $1.00. For thollolidnys wo have made extraordinary preparations in this department.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
Caught a Confidence Man.
Tom Lucy , a confidence man and crook ,
who has been maklnghis headquarters nt the
City hotel , was arrested lust night while try
ing to work n young country fellow out ot a
largo roll of money. Lacy had made his
boast that on the nipht before he had "done
n greeny for 200 , " mid asked ' 'Big Fan , " a
bawdy house keeper , to help him in the prcs-
ont job , his scheme being to drug thc'liciuor
lie gave his victim. Fan refused to help him
and Ofllecr Mcdirty getting wind of the af
fair , nipped it in the bud and lodged Lacy in
Death of Alexander Criiickshnnk.
Alexander Cruickshank , aped llfty-llvo
years , died nt Pasadena , Cal. , on thO 3d inst.
Ho was at one time a resident of Omaha , and
was actively engaged in the dry goods busi
ness. About live years ago ho went to Pasa
dena , whore he leaves a wife and two bons.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vanes. A innrtlel of puri
ty , htreugth nml wholes-omenem. More econom
ical than the. ordinary kinds , and cannot be
fold In competitions Ith the multitude of lovr
roit , short weight ilium or phosphate powders.
Pold onlv In cans. Hoyal llaklnj : 1'owder Co. ,
120. Wall St. , New Vorlc.
Pianos ,
Instruments eiehangei , rented and sold on
Easy Payments , below
Instruments slightly used at
Max Meyer & Bro , ,
. Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
N. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets ,
Braces. ApjlianccsftrDBtaitios & Trusses
llei-t fnellltlo" , apparatus and ronu-dlpi for sueeeis.
fill treatment ot uvery form of dlsea-ore < | iilrlni , ' Med
ical or MirKleul Treatment.
Forty nuw rooms for patients ! Lett hospital accom
modations In the west.
Wlini : roll Cilicri-Alta on lofonnlle and Unices ,
Club Kect , Curvature of the i-plne. Itlt-n. Tumors ,
Caneor , Catarrh , llronehltls. Inhalation , Kleetrli Hy ,
1'aialyj.l ! ! , ipllep ; y , Kidney , IJimliler. Uyc , Har , bkln ,
mid Illood , and all HurKleal Optn-tlons.
Diseases of Woman n Specialty.
All Illood Plfeaseajweccxsfully treated. Syphilitic
lolson | removed from the ) Mcm without niereiiry.
New rt'Ktorntlvo treatment for loss of Vital 1'nwur.
1'ersonsunab otovlatt us niuy no treated at homo
by eorreupondenee. All eommunlcatlons eonllden-
tlal.Medicines or Instruments sent by mall or ex
press , jecurely packed , no marks to Indfcato contents
i > ri > ml r. Duo personal InterUew preferred. Call and
consult in or n-ml history of jour case , and wo will
tend In plain wrapper , our '
Upon 1'rtvatp , t-peclal and Nervous Diseases , Impo-
teney.byplillts , ( ileet and Varlcoicle. Address ,
Onmlia Medical and Surgical Institute , or
Dr , McMeiiainy , Cor ,
ThoOM Itellnblo Spco
lalUt ut iimny } pur * ' ujr
perleiKu.trcutH n Itli wiin-
ilerlul BUI cos * , nil IUNI ) ,
Til it OAT. ( 'AN ' OKU ,
rn.i > . HSTUI.A.
KUPTUIIK cureil without -
out nnln or hlwlrniico
Iruni buMne. . Allchroif
ut liny Institution In thin
lounlry. 'lhno whocon-
timiplalo Kdlnu In Hut
Spring * lor. trcutnient nf
wiy I'rlvntu or Illouil
iJI ea o cm bo cured jor
oiie-tlilnl the co l nt our
Trtvatu Dlipcnsury.
y hi * treatment a 1'urc. Ive1y Com
foilon , ( rue from falluwnOKx. frurklc'
. . .acthcHilt , friiptlons , etc. , trllllant
ren and tiertVrt hrahli cmi bit hail.
l TTIiat tlreil" fevlInK ana all female wonknp"M
iinnitlT curddt Bloating Headache * . Nervous I'ros-
ITiuri'n'riluc'.tlon atoii Iienrrai DeWlltr Oraria'n , troubled Slet > plc 5nc iutlnirnallon * Iupre > > . lnn . .
. , , unit
nlclcratlon. K llin anil DliplRi-emcnlii , yiiliml weak-
vp , Klilner complaints aud CUango of Life , Consult
the Old Doctor
pur ( Bin CM ) Acute or Chronic Inflamtnv
PIP I Nil rJDl lion of the Kyi-llilii or ( ilobe
LIU nilU " and Karor.Near rililiiednc s ,
rnvcrnlon of the I.Wi. Scrofulous Kyps. Ulcerntloru.
Inllaruniatloin , Abso * > , Dlrunefs ot Vulon of one or
biitheyi'H.anaTumonof l.ld.
| ar-nrUmniHtlon | of the Knr. ulceratlon or Catarrh ,
IniiTnalorKiterual IH-ulnunn. or ParalynU , blnzjnK
or Itoarliu nolnei. Thickened lrum. etc.
UrnWnilO I ctjllltrloMot vital PowerPleer-
NpliyilllN le nr 9 , lH ) pnndt > ncr , 1XJ of
I1UIII UUU Mcmorj , ronfu lonot Icli'ttiIllurs
before the Kyo . * ltuitp , Ijineuor , IJInoralni'ss ,
HvprpaMnnor Hplrlt . Aversion to Kiclety , Ka r DIs-
couraiivd , Ijick of I'ontldciicu , Dull , I.l tlc- . Unlit
fur Mudr or lluilnrss ami ttmls life a burden , fcaleljr ,
rcrmaneiitly and Trtvately Cured.
Ol nnh lain CVIU l > l eu > eii. Fcmfula ,
iSBftKi-iiis.viOT' . :
cprr , I'alnslu the Head nnd Hone * , S-'jiihllitlf Sore
Tliri.iii. Mouth and TIUIKUI ; , Ulandular KnlnrKiMUfnt
nf the Ncrk , Ithcuniatlnu , Catarrh , Kto. , IVrmuncnt-
ly Cured Whi'nOtlier llav ralliid.
Consultation free and strictly contldantlnl.
Jledlclne sent free from observation to ull parts
of the I'nlted Flutes. Correspondence receives
prompt attention. No letters answered unless
uccoinpnntod by four cents in stamps S nd ten
rents In stamps for pamphlet und lint of < IUHS-
tlonsupon private , fprclal and nervous art.
Terms strictly cash. Cull on or address ,
No , ff.'t Cor. 15th i liarney StH..Ouiuha , N b
Display at their warerooms , 1305 and 1SO7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pkxnos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
" * * B * B * * * *
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
' 1305 * 1307 PARNAM STREET *
ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope ,
Buffalo Scales ,
Plows ,
Markers , . Scale Repair Shop.
Hooks ,
Grapples , OMAHA.
Slide Iron.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send ( or College Journal.
S. E. Cor. ICtli Hurt Capital Ave.
MjitU.i til Oni uallaa
Trio b it known and mot popular Hold In tua
Hate. Ixicallun central , appulntuiunta nrn-cla .
JlenilQiiarteti lor commercial men aud all political
Beit and ahorteat a/item cow in uao. Circular *
PerclicroiiH. Clyilcbiluloi ) nml Milif. nlso liuinn
bred colts livery unlmiil Kiiiir.inti'cil n breedur
Our stock fins been Helrcted with reference ! to
both Individual meilt unil peillcno. yoitmot
thefii liorMin lm\e taken tlr t pruo at tlio .So-
biiiskuSlutu I'flr. Ki" . All our hulsei iiro tic-
climated , nnd toltn of Ilielr net inn bo sliowp.
) 'rice < > rfii-oiuihl" iind caiy let ins. Is ucteMxIblu
hv tliotliiOM IcBdliiK nillroadsof tlieMute , II. .V
M. ; r' . . i : .V M. V . and K < ! . \ O.
I'll V i rAMHUAJI , York , Neb.
" " "
'ALL.'f" ' " " KAltLY VH'KVl.ATKH KVII.a )
Afli affiw jiH
V "iftlnS * n iiwi"r.i . > MM IIAMI ' n iioiiriira.
bKAI.Kll HOOK * full ( ttkvUri , freeU ur M i-flu
FOU HAM ! Or t'vrnungo for lumber , one nt
tin1 best lotn In Albilght'fi Hiini'X. S. Oinalm ,
John Nthon , K'l X.x'iilli M. 17:11 : '
" | AIIMr > and w lid Inmls to trmln for rlly prop-
JL1 orty. W , M. Karri * , OVITS.MS IMIiM.H7.110
H7.110 *
o cM-haiiKO for Otnahn proi-eity.
ICTncrcs In uvMrtti lowit. no fncuinbcr-
ii lire.
ISO nru t In rn\Mii-u Co. , Kcbiikn \ , 1W In cultl-
Hi tu IPS In lltieim Vlsttx Co. , limn , no Incum-
-1KI nrii'd In Dnknto Co. . Nob. , W In cultivation ,
'Jill iicK's In llutler Co. , Neb. , no Inriimboiniut1.
114) ) ucirs In Nuiuv Co. , Ni'li.xll lniiio\ed. ]
KKI iicrPM III Ciivj Co. . lo\Ml , Impi OM'il.
KX1 ucrcit In U'iboi nu Co. , KIIUMIS , no lncmubcr >
nnco ,
K.-fl-lO Clm _ . \VuolU-y. . 118 H. IMh t
J/ ' lr.l.\NT ( lot on 1'leiipnnt sT Ci " < liiii"atli ( , ,
< _ * . ' , ( ioo. ( iiiiiiiun , croi.uiiiuii bin , at ; M
.M'STR'.RJfl'.V Ar ft ) , nmica n HpecTntty ot
property in North Oinali.i , for siilo or rent
nt Cltlmis'Jimnk , iil'JH I'limlngst. "fl
FfflF HALTT- " \\"p oiler us u Hpi'olul lurgaln UK )
ncios iif land four miles from stock yariN ,
nt fun per acre , on line of U. 1' . U. 11. Mcdiguo ! it
Upp. I' . O. KM l |
TjlhT your property for x.ilu with C'tiarlraU.
" " ' r.iTs M Tornerjni'f'fTatTTlx ) iii-rTootT
( Inihiim , Creighte-ii blk. ac ! 14
TTTots and liiuibe. coiner Wiilmit hill. f..HiOJ
boll or tiade , ( lialiam , Ciolghton blk.
a U
IK you Imvo nnyt hint ? to sell or oxclmniro list
ItulthC. C. HpotswcMiil. : X-ii < 8 Ihtli. fiM
$ % ( K .OU cnsh wnntt'd Inn f.'IMXipilonl : Home
of Omiiliu's best realty : object , cnsli : will
yield Inine profit. Q. 1 lice. ' 'I7 iliX ) *
FOU trnde or Siilu nt n ImrKiitn , lot 11. blk ( t
Bhlim'H"ndndd. Urn 1mm , Cielghton blk <
CnrtiotU' Pmoko Hull Co.-firn
tleniori ! 1 tnkn crent plenmire In
Mnllni ! Hint 1 Imvo uni'il the 1'nr-
bollc Muiikn llnll. I would not
bo wllhout one. r'or a Htiddeit
i old or throat tnniblo It In Invnl-
liiilili'-lii tnrt worth ti'n linn's lt
\\eluht In KoM. Vnurs truly ,
I VVM. f , Conv. ( HutTiiIo HUH
' CntHrrh. Autumn , Ilrimrhltlf ,
NiMiriiliila , ( voup , l.iintc Troubleii
CoUU , etc. Inttnntly rcllevrit
nnd ffpri'illly ( urtHl. Onn ball
ponerully ( uulclent. Mnll ( irderi < :
t-iunkr Hall hy ninll K and 4 cent *
tiustni ; ! ' . HrliollHtdrforthoblnoit
(1 ndilltlounl. A KIIKK TIW1'
lit our tiflli-o piirlors. holil
Over youth lit Hftucuth Street. Unmliit. N to
[ Glasgow via Londonderry ,
Liverpool via Queenstown.
Are Strictly Klr l-t.'la c , gml among
the lariiot , fasten anil flnCst In the VorlJ.
f itlnnn. rpronil dims nml mcerHgo PH rnver
Arcomiiioditlloii * Unexcelled. Kvery
rcKiinl for the conifortnnd conrvnlenra of pa *
tenners studiously conildored anil practiced
btpumurs CM-ry Saturday for ( ila Ki > w. City of Komi
cnlMor UviTpool October 12. It li tlm In went t nil
Uncut pmiKi'iiin'r Mcmiii'r uiumt. Itntps nf IUIISIIKC foi
ill t'lnMes ns low HH by any cither llrst-clnnt line. H * .
looneicurMon tlrkpti at reduced rate * . Drnftnfoi
any amount fit lowe t current rati-n. Irr book *
ol Inure , tlcLelK , or lurlhur Information , niiplr ta
HKMiKif-ON IIHOT1IKHS , Chicago , or rilANK B.
MOOHKS , Omaha. Noli.
Third Judicial District ,
forjiowurful Kj-inpa-
TTu'tlc timi-7 yTfalifu iictfon iiii < rnii-
holmo iliualillltr. i yt'iirti ircoid.
the licst ( 'imnintei' of tlm I'xcel-
Icncu of thi'si' InMiiiiiU'iilij.
I prfrrlbo anil fully endorse -
dorso lllu < as HIP only
specific fnrtlieucrtnliicura
of thlt illspase.
a. U. INCIllA If AMM. D. ,
Amsterdam , .N Y.
Vrdonlj brib * We Imvn cold Illit ( J ( or
n.i , many years , and It liai
" B * ' " _ Klven the best of mill-
Cloolnn tl Faction.
00. U.unvcm.UKCon ; ; | <
Trule BtrklSl.OO. Sold bj DruggUti.
Of the Ilodjr enlarged and itrFiiclliriicil. Full | iartlcu-
larsxMitsrakd frci > . I'.UIK MKI ) . CO. . ] H-rriii > , N.V.
mult cfcvcr-Wotk _ , Indlsirctlou , dr. , odcl
irao ii rvicqtiilxTEO WITH THI anooRAinr or Tail
I ILL kit iir uunuiii < u THIS HAT THAT nil
By renon of IU rcotral po itloj c.on < > relation to line *
* - t of CbloifO , mill cuntlaJJJl li.iin t tormlnU
rolntt Writ , North nut oml Hojllmcit. I. tin true
rulJillo link In that tr.niconllntntii pyitrm whlrh
InTllei mul faollltitei tr.rel neil trafflo between tt
AlUntlc undl'acUlc.
Tbn Kock Island ra&ln lln and brancbet Include Cbt *
c.go. JoIK-t , Ottawa , | .a Nolle , i'vorla , Ofniieu. Molln *
and Hock Iiland , In Illlnolii Uartnport , Muieatlnt.
Waihlnitton , Falrntld. Ottumw , Olkalon > a ,
rrtjr.lowa fitDei Mulnn , Indlanola.Wlatcrict , Atlan
tic , Knoxvllle , Auduboa , H.rlan , Outlirlo Centre anil
Council lllutTi , In luwai Uull.tln , Irrntcn , Bt. .iepB ,
Camrron ami Kaniai Cltjr , In tllnourl : l.e i iworth
and Atchlton.lnKaiiiaii Albert l.oalllniirapolli aoit
Bt. I'aul , Intllontiotti Watotuwn ami Blum J alli.l *
Dnkut. , and himdreUii uf Inlcnnf Ul He rlllei and tuwoi.
"The Great Rock Island Route" *
Ouarante B vpted , comfort , certfttntr and .afcty. ! (
t. rin n nt war lidlilloiruulirdfurltseircllrnie. It *
Lildgn ara ol itona and Iron. ll > traik Ii uf ollt
itc l. in rolllnif ( took pcrfcit. Hi pat niiiro'Ulim.nt |
fcai all tboiatrljr nplluDrt > that ipcrlrnconiiiiivvaj
nirlul , and for luiuiloui aciomroc liitloi' < l > Hi Kiprc . Tratnn convbt uf ui'crlor L > AJT
Cnncbel , elegant 1'ullnian 1'iUia 1'allorand H | PUK !
Can , luperb Dining Cir , iirorlJInif ilelltloui inealt.
and ( txttrern Chicago a d flt. Joicpb , Atclil.on and
Kao > ai City ) rcitful HtcllnlnK Chair Can. It' man.
aironinit Is conieiT.IUs , lt > dlnelplluo eiactjiiy
"The Famous Albert Lea Rot're"
Between Cblranu and Illnne.polU and 81. 1'a , U tb
f.Turllf. Oter ihji line hull J fait Kipren Tralni rua
dally to attractlvu lesorta fur tourUU In Iowa and
Mlnneiuta. aod , l Wotertown andSloui Kallt , to tb
rich wheat and irrailiiz I jndi of Interior Dakota. Via
Crneca and Kanltakev , tbo ICock trland olferi auperlor
lutJiitenicntB to trarckr. betwren Cincinnati , Sndlto.
apblli. I.9f > rrlla and OimHI lllurTl. HI. Juitph , AtchU
fen , Leavcnworth , Kantac City , fit. I'aul. and Interne *
dlatn polnU. All pitroni ( rtptcltllr ladlra and cbll.
drcnrerelvcprotMllon.courtrir ) and kindly attcitloB.
Kur tl keli.mart | , foldrra , coplei of Weitrm Trail , or
any rifilrt-d information , apply to principal unlcei la
ttio United Mate , aud Canada , or aUJtiat Catcafv ,
I. R. CABlf , [ . ST. JON ! , I. A. MHIIML