Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertis-emmta tinner mm nend. 10 cents nor
line for the llrst insertion. 7 cents fnrrnch Aul > -
qurnt insertion , nnd n line per month ,
NondrertlPMiient taken for less limn sr > cents
for the first InM-rtlon. Seven word * will bo
counted t tlio line ; they must run consecu
tively nml must be * paid In advance. Allnd-
YertlM mints must be handed In before IrfM
r/clork p. in. , nnil under no rlrcumMnnres will
they In ? taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'artlfn ndv ertlslng In these columns and ImY-
toe the answers addressed In euro of tha Ilee.
ill please ask for n check toennhlo them to
pet their lettcru , nanono vrlll be delivered er-
$ ppt on presentation of chock. All nnswers to
dvf rtlsements should be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns nrc pub-
lUhedlnboth morning i\nd evening editions of
the Ilee , 1h elrculfttlon of which nggre-gatf s
more than 14.0U ) pnperx dally , nnd gives the ad
vertisers the bent fit , not only of the city circu
lation of the Ik * , tnit also of Council Illnfffl.
Lincoln and other cities mid towns throughout
this part of the wc < it.
Position as clerk In dry goods or
notion store by a lady of experience , lief-
erentu given. Address I114 , IJee offlco. W4 12 *
" 1717'ANTKD At Ilee mall room , young man
TT nliont It ) or 20 ; one who cunget upnt J
O'clock required. . SO
W ANTLO Hey to take rare of horie nnd
buggy. nlso to make himself useful around
Cull at doctor's olllce , 001 South Mth st.
201 W
WANTKO Young man to take care of.wo (
_ horses , n carriage and ; ono cow. M'ply tc
C. I , . Krlckson , 212 N. Ifltli.
WANTKD Two good city canvassing agents
to soil household six-dallies. Lowell
Manfactui Ing Co. , 221 N. 11th. 10I-10J
WANTIID-A tlrst-class boy with a good
homo , to curry a route on the Dally liven-
lug , IJee , in > ) ilthennt part of town. _ 277
AOKNTS-New goods ; rare cllanre ;
T : iu < ) per cent commission , or l.5u ! wenk , Ad
dress with stamp , Weaver JIfy. , Ill N. State tt ,
Chicago. 271-H *
WANTED-Salesmea to handle the Ecllpsn
Ink eraser. KriiKeM Ink In ono second.
NonlnuMlonnf impel ; cooper cent profit. Ter-
rltoty flee. Suiaiy to salesmen of ability. Sam-
i > lo25cts , .lust out. Address Ucjlpxc I'enrll Co. ,
1205 Colby St. , St. Joseph , Mo. 2G5 15 *
" \TrANTKD Four men to solicit In the small
T T tow UK nnd country of Town , Mlssom 1 a.ud
Nebraska ; must have J2.1 , ui o bond , and vv 111-
itiK In work eiiriiUHtlyj salary J05 per month.
Aeldiess V M. lien ollli e. 200
" \X7"ANTKD Hollable salesman who has os-
TT tnhllhhcd trade among the rututl groi era In
Omah.i and Council HlufTs , totako orders foi a
* taple article on commls-slou. Small sample fur-
iilttned flee , nnd sales can b easily made , as
the goods uro llrnt tln < w. Addiess C. 1'ember-
ton , Jr.nnt'MJ , ( ( \ W.vth fct. , Kansas City , Mo.
l H 14
W ANTKD Men for railroad work.Al. .
brlght's Labor Agency , 1120 Fnruam. fi91
WTANTKI ) 1W ) men of giwd apjiearance to
TT tiyour If.cmeal8 at Norris testhurnnt.III
nud ni.J South 14th btruet. ( old Llvo und Let e ) fW !
TKTANTKO I dining girls , ; i kitchen girls , 2
TT laiindiosses , a cooks ( women ) , 10 house
maids , A lady canvassers. Kline-thing now. 10
Indies to learn n business that pays better than
xtandlngbehind any counter or working In nay
kitchen. Gate City Kmp , onice , ! I14i ! S ; IMh.
WANTI'.D- gbl for general honscvvmk" .
lx-st wages paid. O. D. Cnmes , ror. Lake
find Stain. 22410 *
\\7"ANTKD Girl for general housework , must
TT Jie a good cook , 1MJ Dodgo. 204
"llfANTKD-Competcnl girl at 501 S 91th.
LADIKS nro oHIom ! plain needlework aT their
own homes ( town or countrv ) by 11 whole-tain
Iiouse , Piolltiiblo , genuine. Good pay can bo
made , Kvci.v thin j furnished. I'artieulais fioo-
Addie-s ArtNtlo Nccdl-work ; ( Co. , Ill 8th st ,
New York City. 274
" \\TANTKD Ladles in cltv 01 countoy , for our
T i holiday trade , to take Unlit , pleas nit w 01 k
nt theli own homos , ifl lo ft pei da ) can bo
( inletlv made. \ \ orh sent by mall any distance
J'nitUulniH lioo. No cinvasslug. Address at
unit- . COM out Art Co , 117 A Milk st. , Iloston ,
MiibS. P , O. box 517(1. ( 5110
\ \ / " < vNTFI ! > 10 Indies to try our lf > o moils at
T > Norils' ic'staiiraut old LlvoandLet Live ) .
311 and III J S. Uth st. 5'.CI
W ANTr.D-Gontleincn to tiy our 10 cent
meals at hcholler rostnuiaut , 101 S. 1Mb.
210 JU
"VI7ANTKD To purchase second-blind desk
and bock ease. Addicss 1. H. A.,215 1Mb.
205 10 *
WAN'IKD 'Jho nnemplood to know that
the oulvslilitlv conuiH'iclal bur * < -iu of
Inloi nml Ion til get honoiable employment Is the
Gieat Wenteui , 1500 Famam , room I ) . The laig-
t-st and best nppoluted In the vvholo woild , inn
nlug tiom ocean to ocean slnte 1S74. Call and
M-et us. lill IOJ
M3AMS Wanting w ork at w Inter pi Ice "of * J.V )
per da ) wi Ho to P II this ollico. lifl I0
A"ANTl'.D Fnmllvto adopt pielty gill bnbv
5dasohl A'.llr K-i2 , I'.oo. IHS 10
" \ \ rANTlD-'lvvo peisous to learn book-keep-
T > jug. bltuntloim. J. II. Smith , KIM Chicago.
VWI 10-
ANTKD Hooin aud board ill prlv ate family -
ily with convuilencts ; lofi-ionciyi ! e\-
cliaugedAddicss Hoom I"Hnmgo llloek.
247 IOJ
kAY bomdeis wauled ; also one front room to
rentt fiimlfhed. 211 Noith 1Mb
in u *
T5HIYATK bonidlng , 1(115 ( Dodge st ,
iSoAHD with loomffif fotli itt 2
| 71l | | T'LASS table 1 oard. served , In homo
J- stj le , foi ! J or 4 gentlemen. li 14 Dodge. 5'M
" \\7ANTF.D Ily man and wife , Hrst class fm-
TT nlshed mom with modem toiivenienie.
trlth'prvlthlmt boaid. If without boaid must
lie tliiiveiiteut to boaidlng and iu n gixnl neigh-
lioihoiVd. Addiffi , stnjlngpiice , P W , this oiliee.
272 1i *
\ \ rAVIT.IIMouses to lent. W. M. ll.uris
T > llt-iital Agency , ov ei 2JO S. 15th st.
_ _ ' _ IN ) Uj _
\\rANTKD-llo'ii'-rs to rent. W M. Hauls
> Ht-ntal Agency , ov 11 ! KO B. 15th st.l .
l > ' 0 I2J
" \\r-\Yl F.DA hinall fill nlshed cottage or toT
T ' or three fnmtshtd looms on lint Iloor foi
light hoiisukecjilng , convenient tocurlluo. Address -
dross O lil , lleo ollko. 757
TT OH HF.NT 2 new hciises , 8 moms euch iM
J model n. gintoH. mnntols , e-lc. , on 1'iieltle st ,
tin. I new house , 8 rooms , Mnsoit st near Paik
live , modi-ill convenient os , splendid neighbor
hood , I H room house nud ba oine t. 171 h and
lloteos , ihenp re'Ut. J. H. Pairotto Hental
nge'DCIM \ Chicago , 255 17
"VfKW n loom houses , loth nnd Mason , llRpjt
, Jmouth. . 25110
TCXH HBNT Cheap , news iiNitned house in
A' 1'opiili'ion Park. Huiulio of H. T. 1'ngan ,
Coinmeulal National bunk. lr,110
"IJIOH III3NT-JI room hou e. collar , hnrd and
- - soil VMtler , * 14 , Heffix-nces irtjiilri'tt. Cor-
. uer llth and Pacltlc st. * U ! 10'
tf T ? < > lt lKN'T SIx-ioom hou i. ' . Jn month. Sti
J ; _ N. 22 si. , ln't. Hint nnd Cumliigs. UNJ [ oj
FOH HF.NTllousfl 7 rooms on A'lrjrltila ave ,
carllne. 4 now brie k stores , 8. 1 Jib. Hill
& Mi-cumuii-h. : iu s. mil. uu u
Foil HF.NT 4-nmm house , rent J O , furniture
. IO , dish ; li-i.xim btmrdlng hoiiho in
South Omnlin , rout tui , fumitiiiu ; uo , f.iiOcash ! ,
bnlnuco in pameiith7-liium ; house , ill , fuinl
ture on e sy toiiiu ; -room i Hat , til. furniture ul
n Uiivnlu ; liuxo on u lirlik building fm | | v >
joars , * 73 lent , sultnblo for a commUslni
IIOIIM7ioom ; house , continlly lucatc-d , io ivm
furniture ehoHp ; 7 riwim Hat nn Howiud stit-ei
$41 tent , furniture f , < i. nil touvenlt-uies , waiei
buth and gat7 ; loom hoiir-oou Hlh st7ioon
bouso on California sliect , lout fi7.50. fumltiiu
t.'T.I ciisli ; 7 loom tint , a nlco place , gas. lull
1 j room , water , etc. . rent HI , fiirnlinrofiui , 'teash
i balunco (25 per mouth ; il room house I'll | Izan
si , rent IJrt ; u room lint on uih M. fumltun
f'if ) ; il loom lioinc , J7.M1 wnrtli of fuml
tine,1 , cash ; Ii rnom house on Jones t. ; to moii
boarding hou-o on Fiirnnm (4Ufurnlturi
KVl. ( temis easy ; this Is : 7 room Menu
hratod t'at , rent Wl.W , furnltuio lumi , 14 cash ; 1
rnom tint , furniture H ) : houses and lots fo
ifnt or sale la nil purls of thoclty ; houses am
lots , w Ihl land * . Improved farms , business am
'I fr onnl property on liHiid. Look nniler busl
iii-Ks chnnow.s nml xchaii 0. Cooperatho IJIHI
41x4t"o 20.1NlCthi.t. 211 U.
HKNT A rinnplete homo. new" . T
rooms , u ( | modern coav ealeucoi. , gooi
nvIfthlHiihood , coiiMMileut to kclnnils uin
tmirches , street cars by the doom. , J. H. par
lotto Hemnl Ag ucj , luutt CblcaKo. W2 JJ ' ,
niBN rooms Douglas t. complete. > .
J 10 rooms 21th an4 Farnam. compile , 170.
( i rooms llth and.tonescotnpletc.M ,
9 rooms Douglas st. complete , tAj ,
10 rooms Sevvard st. complete , foi.
in rooms 21st nnd Clnrlt , complete , $10.
10 rooms : th and Wc ilwortu , complete , ! IO ,
rooms irith aud PaMtlo. complete , t'ti.
t > rooms 2sth nnd Prppleton , c-pmpleto , M i.
! i rooms 21st nnd Oinnt. complete. WO.
7 rooms 31th nnd Hurt , complete , Ml.
H rooms l"th nnd I orby , city water nnd gnsgO.
I ) rooms : nth mVl Hurt , city wnter and gas. fn.
H rooms IMh nnd Cnss. city wnter nnd gas , J-'s.
JT rooms 27th nnd Miami , city'water nud gas ,
'n'rooms 20th and In liana , city water nnd gas ,
Vrooms 20th and Grant , city w ater and ga.s ,
fl'rooms25th ami Poppleton city wnter and
brooms28th nnd Charles , city wnter and gas ,
Vrootnn aitli , barn , cellar , well , cto. ll .
5 rooms will nnd Miami , barncellar.welletc. ,
n'rooms.'Hd nnd Miami , barn , collar , well , etc. ,
4'rooms 29th nnd Sew aid , barn , cellar , well ,
5'iooms : nth and FiauUln , barn , cellar.well ,
rooms Kith nnd Ilitrdctto , barn , ccllnr , well ,
4 rooms IWh nnd FianUln , barn , cellar.well.
4 r'oouis 30th and Sew ard , barn ? cellar , well ,
ttC"l' ! ° i. Gregory , HenUl Agent , 300 S. ICth st.
/ ; HOOM house corner Maicy nnd 25th nvo. JU.
U Apply to Llnlnger fc Metcnlt Co. 2 : 1
TJ1OH HKNT Furniture for snlo , 7 rooms , new
JJ furniture , 2 blocks from P. O. , all modern
Improvements , a bargain. 8. I. Gordon. 15SI
tl..l.lno , " 1'1
Douglas st. "IS 12J _ _ _
TjlOH KENT House Torarooms.SlOS. a'ithsT
1IKNT-6 loomcottnce , 1117 1'nclllc st. ,
FOIl . lOroom nouse. Ul'i ' North 1'nh St. , * V ) ;
10 loom house , im So 10th st , Wl ; Oroom cot-
tfiL'o furnished with barn , 2010 Noith 2 th st ,
$10. Nusion , inn st. 1 ! 10
FOIl HKNT New ft refill cottage In Ambler
place ; good 7 loom 2 Story house. Orchard
Hill ; good 4 loom cottage , Hill , C. Ii.
Muyne. N. W. cor.liUlt and IJameyst. 191
Foil KliNT-r , room cottage btt. ! th nnd 27th ,
N-sIdu FiiinUlli. 1'W ' U
POH KENT -room l house , tlty water , etc. , S.
W. I'or. King and CuUlwell. 10U ruriiuiu.
Foil HUNT An 8 room hon p , city water gas ,
ami stabli' , 12 minutes walk fiom the post-
olllce. Kent Inodurnte. Ap ] ly to 1) . J , U'Jon <
ahoe , next door to the postolllce. n" >
Pill HEN1 > rtvo-room house In Omaha View ,
$12 pei month.
Tw o stoi vroom house , city water , cor. Low e
ave and Hurt sts , ! 0 p' r month.
lilKhtioom housu In Suuujulde addition ,
per month.
SK-ioom house cor. 21th and 1'oppletoa in es ,
t-ll per month.
Two 0 room houses N. li. ror. .7-d and Cullloi
nla sts , new , 115 per month < ar.h.
Storc-ioom N. Ii cor. 20th and lltut st , J2."i
pur month , rotter A. Cobli , 1UH st.
COTI'Aai ! for rent , II. Williams , 1107 Douglas
st M
T1OII HKNT-Broom house , S. II. cor. 27th nnd
1 Doilge.tl7.UU. J. H. Illngwalt , 218 So. nth
t. 7K )
FOH Ill'.NT A new ten-room house with all
modem linprovrtiietitii , largo nttle , Douglan
nnd 21st streets. Not a basement house.
ply MorltMecr. . cor II nnd 1'nriiani. , 7
"I71 H KENT 8-rqntn house , corner 15th and
K Jones , or apply to A. C. I'ovvell.rXJ'iTiuiiam.
FOH ItliNTNewroom ( cottage , $12 i > er
month. Apply room 2tl , 1311 Dodge st. 7M
FOH ItliNT New house , U looms , etc. . large
grounds , coi nor 2 th nnd Capitol aenuo ,
Iminlro2Kl ! Dodge st. & 87
" 171OH HKNT H elegant bilck icsldences , wlth
Jnil modern Impjovementa , 12 nud It looms
each , pleasant. and convenient location. O. V ,
luv Is comp my , IfiUi Kariuin st. 11 J
FOH IITNT S-room house , IKXJS Slth avenue. ,
I block south of I.eavenworth. J. I ) . Cowle ,
til Falconet's. WJ !
TJ1OH HKNT ( I room house n w cor. Sewsfrd
J3 nnd 27th sts. WVJ
Poll HUNT " new Imndt-omo n room cottages
well , cisteius , ete.fl7 per month 'CM and
( 'iillfoinla. A. \Vakuloy , Oinuh i Natl bank
bid. ! TJ7
FOH HKNT So\en new 1 roonj JIOIHOS
block from street car , leady for oce upancv
November 1 ( , ' . F. Harrison 41MS. Kith s-t. Wtt
FOH , HKNT-HoiliO 11 looms.V. . M. Uush-
man , N K corner IMh and Douglis. btO
HKNT 2 nouses and four rooms. En-
cfulre of Cunulughiim V Iler.roomK 0 and 7.
Arlliigtoii block1M1 uiiil 1M I llcolga ht. KM
CANADIAN Kmplofmont "olJie ? ; th Ji5t
place in Omaliii tc > get help or situations.
Ilefuume , Omaha National bank , Mrs. Itrega
.VBon.nHlSo l.itli. Tel. 884 7.VJ 10 *
F oil HKNT ruinl hcd looms to gentlemen
only , 12lf Capitol av e. 2V. U
"IjlHONTpnilor for two uuntlviiien. 1U1 Dodge.
"T7i ! ( ) ! T.5NTruuTl ' > -lieil loom , wlfh bteakfiist
X1 anil bitppcr. Jn pi iv ate f&rallv tor tv.o sea-
tlemi'ii Hefirenr.Kreiiulieil. ( Addiess M 12 ,
Uee. 2J1 It'
FOH HKNT 1'lrasaut furnished looms , mod
em coavcnlrnci N leasoiiablo pllces. 4 US.
luth &t , KnrbuUi bloLk , Slid Hour lint. No. 2.
2si |
l'HNlSIIKl ) looms , new , with modem coti-
vuuleii ( . < M , Mtilf ) or iu suite , K-"K 20th st.
228 Id *
HKNT Nicely furnished fiont loom ,
w llh heat. $ X pei month. 40 ! William St. ,
t * minutes'walk southeast U. 1' . depot. v < 6
TjlOH HKNT I'leasantcst new furnished nnd
1 I'hiapeot looms In privatehoiiMi tin Ity. All
convenience's. Near bnalucss. Jidi Capitol avo.
T- 247'd23J
FOH HKNT Nice fnmlshed loom , $ U per mo.
S. W. coi , ITh ami Jackson. 7li
ATIOK1A' furnlblloU r6omS , 1C13 Dodge.
i > , JI7H 13J
"PIOll HKNT rumblicd itH > ni j 1MU Uodge st-
1 > Ir.AHANT fumUhcd looms coi 20th aud
J llameynts. LTWJ lliune ) . 220 li"
" HliNT-Nlielv fuTnlshed fiont loom ,
gas , bteam heat and luo ot-bath ; on slicet
. 2:117 : Douglith hlieet. .fi2 10 * .
FOIl HKNT- Two nicely furnished looms. cmt >
loom unfurnished , liill Cumhig t. 121 10 *
1 pelt HKNT 'llnmi plent.ant fninlshed front
looms , with all moduli convenieu os , for
foui gintlemen , ut 171'Jlj fuming st.corner Ibth.
TOH HK.NT 7-loom llnt,3 blocks fiom Hovel's
J. npi la house ; fmnltuta worth WMl for Jrjjii ,
on small motithlv payments. Co-opeiatlv o I.and
& , Lot Co. 2U5 N. Itith st. IJo 10
K UOM and boaid for two ; homo comfoits.
S.V. . cor 2lbt and Loivunvvoith Ms.
222 12 *
"Ij OH HKNT Furnished loonii new house ,
-1- modern coiiveiileiicc-s. Oil faontli 1'ith ' st.
217 12'
ITHtHNISIIKD moms for rent , iilO South Kith ,
X tlneo blocks liotn Hod'a opuu house.
22.1 I1J
1710U HKNT Famished iooms and board , 003
Jw Faiuuiu. -IB JO1
TIOH HENT Wiiim fin nlshed i oem , HK4 Fur-
C nani. 20
f J < I Ml IS H Kl ) Hooms , N. E. coi. th and Pacific.
L1 173 14 *
OH HKNT-DuSlrabla loom , l'J23 Dodge.
14iU ! *
. . HUNT Nicely tin nlshed rooms with or
without boarfl.H * N. 1Mb st. ti < X-llJ
F HKNT Hoom nicely furuibhod for gen-
I1 tleinen. Hil ! ) Capitol live. U73 13'
171OH HKNT Furnished room , all modern con-
' \oaloucvs , large enough for two , 2ui > i Day-
onport. 557
"VTICKIiY furnlshcn front imnu with or wlin-
J-N out boaid , 1812 Dodge st , 57U
O NK furnished front room on 2nd Iloor , 110 ,
17U'K Jui-kson , 800 12
POH HKNT-Furnlslied room , 1017 Howard ,
? ( ! tU
ivomsfor rent , 1U13 Furnani st ,
1T10H HKNT-Ono large , well furnished front
-L riMim with ulcovo bay window ami closet ,
gas. bath , hot and cold water oiamno Iloor. fur
mice heat , for 2 gentlemen or man utld vvlfo , 201
S.24th. bet. Famam and Douglas. 4K1 12J
HCIll HKNT Nicely furnlitrmi' mom suitable
for2 gentlemen , ! nnnlie2ill ! flt.Mury'suve ,
ild l5oOMSfor r nt. No , OOl 8 IStli st.
ild JV ' 3211 d23
HKNT-Nlcely 0rnls1ieel | rooms at 2221
DoJ r. Gas , bath and furnace heat. CS .
I'OH HRNT Thtre furnished nnrt one nnftir-
lilnhed rooms , with bay window , furuare ,
bath and gas , east front , at 63) ) S. 17th st. 344
LAHGR soulhtriint riHim , all modern conven
iences , suitable for two gentlemen ! also
first-class table Ixmrd for Uiree or four ; ref r-
ehces. 1H14 Dodge st. TO4
A'LOVKLY. Inrge front room"hcMxd , brunt !
fill location , with all modern conveniences
on st car line , 11)17 ) Cass. RIM
TTIOH 1II3NT Furnlsheil rooms In GrcunlabDc.
E cor , 1'ltli nnd Dodge sts. Inilulro of Geo. H.
Dav Is , Mtllnrd hotel billiard room. 597
F IUUNlSllliD rooms , steatn Keat , 301 B.34th.
"XTlCIil.Y furnished nlcove and single rooms ,
-i > and furniture new. Mrs. Ilarlwr , KM N.
16th Rt. llWdlT )
FOIl HKNT Furnished rooms IIU per month
or clean beds at ll.uu to tl.&O per week. MB
So. IHth. i dl' ' l
T71OU HKNT FiirnUhed rooms In all parts of
-C the city , by the itny , week or month. City
Intelligence olllce , Crelfihton blotk. f 'i8
17KH RENT Nice unfurnished second-story
i ! front room , large size. 0018. lithst.
SOI 10 *
FOIl ItKKT-Hooms , 117 South 17th street.
ZG 17 *
plOH HrNT-3 big rooms at No. 311 Spruce st.
F I OH HUNT Three unfurnished rooms , suit-
uble for housekeeping , at ICC-l North " 1st st.
FOH KENT fl unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping. 1M1 ( N 20th st. C'M
TTIOH KENT Four (4) ( ) unfurnished rooms , 413
-L' . south l th st. , containing all modern con
veniences. Ml
FOIl HKNT 3 rooms suitable for house keep-
Ing. N. W. cor. 14th atld 1'lerco st. Apply
to 31D S. nth st. COo
F HENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping. 71W Pacific St. GUI
TTIOH HKNT Kast half of store-loom. 1212
JJ Douglas st. 22U
B ASKMKNT. stores and Hats , 13th and..lack-
son ; steam heat. Enquire Mrs. F. I.ange.
FOll HKNT-Storo room * 40 , basement $10 ,
0. K. Thompson , ilH 8. litli st. 721
7OH HUNT llftsement stores and Hats With
- all modemluipioveuients , corner Uth and
ockfon ets. CM
IJ1OH HKNT Tluee-stoiy and basement brick
Jv builcllilg. 41xbO feet , suitable for a hotel or
.tores and lints , corner 1 Jth ami I'atlllc bts. Ap
ilyat 11US. Uth st. tr.4
FOH HKNT Ciround floor ofllce room , con-
tially located , heated and lighted. C. F.
Inrrlson , 418 S. 15th st. CU2
FOll HKNT-2ml and 3d floor ? at 1417 Douglas
st , with lease of three jears. Kennedy &
ilibblns , jittl Douglis st. ( J
FOillfKNT Olllres on Farnam st. at f 10 t'o JJO
per month. One olllce furnished. 101J Fur-
. 138
FOH KF.NT Olllce room , Jlist floor , ntlllrtS.
15th st. Wl
HKNT Good bam cheap l'l Chlengo bt
F \ L. OHEmmV. lental agent. 30'J S. 10th st.
1 ground Moor. Telephone S34. 481
H I AVE calls for houses to rent. Hauls
Hental Agency , over 220 S. 15lli st.
GPKl'IAL attention given to i-entitjg houses ,
J fin nlshed nud unftii nt-hnd rooms. List with
is. W.M. Hniiiovei2SS. ) . Fithst. B74
Tl KM' ff ) oti w l"h to rent a house call
on llenawa X Co , 15th fct. , opposite P. O.
FOR finnltine aud boxed goods 415 S llth .st ,
Omaha. Nob. lea 1 *
SinilARH Merchandise or fuiulture.
X \\illlaiii3,1407 Douglas st.
"VTEW VOHIC StorngeCo. have most vxtenshe
-Li facilities foi storage of furnltuie , pianos ,
uggies , general merchandise , west of-'N < nv
Yoik. Cash advances to uny amount ; ware
ouse leceipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
mildlng Hie-pioof ; pcciil arrangement : ? fur
coinmisi-lon meichants. Call New Voik Storage
Co , Capitol av o und N. luth st , Henuett's block.
TEH ONAL-Mis. 13. M. Post , professional
J nui-e. Mass igo and ladles * hair treatment
i specialty , llalhs. S. K. cpr. 2 > th and Sownid
sts. " 27S1V
3DKHSONAL- Massage treatment given by lady
giiulunto of Paris. S\\i-dls\i \ lnp\cuieiit.
Don't ( all to call at No. 119 S. llth St. , up stalls.
Flout pinIOIK ,
PEHsONAt . Roidon. practical 'carpet
layer nud litter. Call on or address 20U
Haine ) * t. , B4U 10 * J t
I > KISON.\L-rOOtonnvonutlnit ! am bent us
lilting , nud * UIO to any ono tian ) can equal
us. Diessos made cheaiH-i than nnvplace In the
< Ity. Call nt oman's Exchange , Hnmgn-bulld-
lug , loom l-'t ! . Take clevatoi. _ * 2n ) 1 IJ
"IT VUDOWKH oT.lTvvltli means and good busi-
x\ . ness abllllv desired to hum the acquaint *
nuco oC a lady of moans , object matrimony , nd-
dress PW Ilee. 2:18 : IJ *
F.HSTTNiMT inigagements to do ! !
In families hollcited. Call on or address
Miss Jessie Stuidy , KM S 20th ht. 147J7 *
IJKHSONAL-Flis class tliv-sma King done at
2211 Mason st. Jda Andetsoii. 1U 21 *
pr.HSONAL llrlygan.v tiling , jou huve4o sell
J- In tin- way of art and wo will sell It. Call at
Art lixi hiume , Itamgu building , room \2 \ * . Take
flovtitoi. 2M > UJ
J3LHSONAfi Want somebody to a'dopt n 2
months old boy baby. In good health. Ad
diess P 25 , Ilee olllce. UCU Uj
PEHSONAL A gentleman of c < xid appnir
ance , proprietor of a goo.1 buslm-ss.-w Nlms
tocoiTOpoud Hltha Hcbiovv lady of abyut .JO
j c ni s of ago ; leferonces. Addros- . 0. box. fill ) ,
Omaha. 67 .
1D13KSONAI * Hen'K latest views of Omaha ,
Including all piinciple lmlldlngi < , bliiVh-e > e
\iowsslunving the city to the best adv antago for
baleat Hevn's gallery and Caultield's book -toie.
IW ) d 24
PEHSONAL Private homo for ladies during
contlnmneiit , strictly confidential , infants
adopted. Address E 42 lleo ofllee. 107 J 8 *
LOST Hc'tvveeu Omaha Savings Hank and Me-
Vittio's gioieiy store , 01111 half of u hundied
dollar bill. Hetiirn to Omaha Savings Hank
nnd receive tevvaid. 2b.l 17 *
TOST-Citybond , JfiOOO , made to M.J. Lazy
i and signed to H Anderson. Reward for
letliui to s. w. cor. lull und Leavenvvorth. ,
aa 14'
IOST "Iho night of Nov. 21th , n sum , dark-
* blown hoiso , star in forehead , about 8
years old. A liberal reward w ill ho paid for his
letnrn to my burn , corner 10th uud llarney sts.
.las. btepheuson. 071'
LO&T Hv luimlnr and horse Tudlsh man , n
small leather packet" memorandum book ,
Leave at Ilee ollice and receive reward.
LOST Or stolen , near Ifascall's pare , a med
ium Htze dark bay mare , w 1th harness DII ,
mall white spot an face , lurgo bind legs. T ,
Murray. 128
rpAKEN UP-A small goat. 1021 8. 27th st.
JL l.w 101
FOH HALE Sinner leather sewing miuhhie ,
good as new , cheap. U. K. Thompson , llll S
IMli bt. Hi
fJTOH SALK-llave bought the entire lot 01
JL1 broom machinery , of factory Just closet
out , and have the same for snlo ut low price
Oinuha Uroom Works , 15th and 1'uclMc st.
1.1110 *
I1OH SALF.-fatnte rights for a patent just out
'I Ids Is uNo. 1 chancii to build mm large , per
manent manufacturing business. Machine line
entirely now. Coats 1HUI , sells for (115OU
Partly established. Address "P B" Ilee ollico.
N12-10 *
FOH 8ALK-An A 1 stallion. For particular
. nnd pi Ice address P if ? . Uec oflke. 14-114j
NATIONAL Cabinet Letter Hies for sale by J
Henry Wood , 714 Pacific street. Omuhi
tcluphoue 705. Wl 21 *
FOH BALE-Oneof the best family horses ft
the city vrtth phaeton , cutter , tianiesi am
robe ; cheap for casn , AUoaqploudld uevr stjli
square stove. For particulars apply at 1318 Ku
nam st. 77:1 :
B1LLAHD Table at half . Ilrunawlc )
llulke ( ki.'b make. luqulrV Lwlle * l hlle
Uth and Dodge 8t4- , . . tit
TMtlVATKboarding , II aWiek ; lulSDodge.
JL J 1-M J7
BUV your cigars , tobaccos , news , stationery
und confectlonnry at "iho Ow I , " M)3 ) South
ICth st. 0.11.T. Hlepeil. < 195 10J
" \TOT1C13 nrst class bjhlt sand and good
J- > quality of gravel furnhhed by the carload
In Omaha or by wagon load , , ln Pouth Omaha ,
upon short notice. Lvare orders with W. O. Al-
brlght,2is S 15th st. or branch oflico at Albrights
station. South Omaha , telephones 7M nnd f > W.
Stovcr&llriibakcr. m 2U al
NOTICE to Rstnte Mcn-Ixit P nnd N. H
tot t ) , block 12 , KountjBi ft Hlith's ndd , is
\v Ithdrawn from the market. Dec , f , 1W7. John
O'Neill. . 21212 *
IF You have nnvthlnc to trade or sell call on
me or write. All business promptly and fairly
done. C. C , Spotswood , IW.1US. loth. 187
1HEE Heading matter. If jou have not de
cided what papers to take this ) ear. send us
your addi ess , with 10 cents In silver , und we will
forward v our tinmo to hundreds of publishers
nil overt no country , who will send you maga
zines nnd pnjicis or every description In abund
ance. It Is the best Investment ) oil can make
of a dime. It will yield big returns. Try It.
Subscribe to no paper without getting our price.
Hub. Subscription Agency , Uostoii , Mass. , llox
JU01. Mention Uee. 1IH
HOUSE clipping by W.A.Tangart.nt Henlmni'
stables , cornet * 17th and Davenport sts.
Tel. 257. C40 d29 *
MET/ hall , HO 8 inth sthas been remodeled ,
j enlarged , now dancing Iloor , new decora
tions and supper rooms. Eutiance on 10th st. ;
parties , lodges and societies anticipating giving
balls or sociables call on Honi & Mumm , Metz
hall. 412 c24
MHS. DUltANT-Clalrvoyant fiom Iloston Is
reliable In all alTnlrs of life , unites sapa-
rated lovers. H22 N 10th st , roqui 1. 700 Jan2 *
T"HNANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med-
jJ leal , Imslness and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female tltseic-cs n specialty. 110 N. 16th
st. Hooms 2 A il , Tel. " 44. ( ill
WANTED-To Inly butcher's outfit or will
lent same with shop. Address P fi7 , Ht'o
onico. 2U1-1.-J
W ANTKD The best lesldenco property in
the city th it can be bought for fc-ViOO cash ,
We have a customer ready to take , such a pine e.
Possession must be given Immediately. C. L.
Hi own , V Co , loom 11. Freli7.ei HlocU. IDS
" \\7"ANTKD Tobuy n good horse lor light doT -
T livery vvaumi on Instalment payment , or
cheap lor cnsh. PS ! ' ) , lleo olllce. 14812 *
\ 17"ANTKDTobiiythofunilttiie of a small
or largo house centrally located , Co ope
tlvc Laud & Lot Co . 205 N With st. 1H
"VirANThD To buy short time paper , J. W.
TT Gross , at C. E. Mayne's olllce , lith and
llarney. -'Si
MONKY to lo in. moitgnqe notes bought , loans
made on any available security ; no delay
J..T. Ciimmlngs , Hoom 10 I linker blk. 2id-li !
$ , IV ) to loan , 01 will buymoitgage. S. S. Cam.
pbc-lli : CI. W. Hervey. Chamber Commerce-
is J
MONEY to loan on Impioved real estate ; no
commission charged. Loavltt llurnhaui ,
loom 1 , Cioigliton block. dlJ
MONKY LOANED at C. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan
Ofllce. on furnltuie , pianos , horses , wagons ,
peisomtl propeitv of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal , ail S. 11th ,
over llimrham's commission store. All busl-
ness stilctly coulldcntlal.y. IU )
' made on leil estate. Cash on hand.
W.M. Hiiiiliover220Bl.15th t.t. 'Mi
TO LOAN- Money Loans placed on im-
provedreal estate In city or county for
New KngHnd Loan Sc Trust Co , by Douglas
County bank , 10th and Chicago sts. 01J
$ J7fiO , < XX ) to loan at d per cent. Linahan AMa-
honey , 1WW Farnam. tiJ
MONKY to Loan cm cltyplopeity nud also on
finms in western Iowa and eastein Ne-
bjaska ; Hist nioitcngo notes bought and sold
Udell Inos ( ' < > , 112:1 : Fnniain St. , Omaha ; 101 !
Pearl st. . Council Ilium * . " 1111 !
MONKYTO LOAN-Oa furniture , hoisos.wng-
onsothei personal pi opt t ) , without lemoval
or cm nppiovcil lollateiAl xectllltv.
conlldeuUal. Juo. W. Hobblns , 101J Famam.
1 8U
OANS made on real citato nnd mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Jteud & Co. . 1521 FaimiU.
MONEY To loan. Lowest i rites. No deliy
.1. L. Hlco & Co , over Commercial Na
tloiml bank U7
M1IONKY To loan on chattels. Co operative
Land and Lot Co. , 20.1 No. 10th stieet.
M1 to Loan-O. F. Davis On. , roil eatato
loan agents , ! 501 l irnum st. Ul'J
Patterson * Fawcett 15th and Hnrney. B18
SHOHT time loans ninno on any available
security , in leasonable. amounts , Securoi
'notes ' bougnt , sold or exchanged. Genera
Hnanclal business of any kind 'transactei
piomptly , quietly aud fail ly attho Omaha I'l
nanclal Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and Har
Jley sts. , overstate National baud. Corbett
manager. 025
MONKY loaned on furnittiie , pianos , organs
hordes , etc , low lates. J. J. Wilkinson i ,
Co. , 1.K4 Fniiiam , over llmllngton ticket oflico.
MONKY to Loan Ity the underhiened , who
has the oulv properly oiganl7od lo u
agency In Omaha. Loans of J10 to $100 made 01
fuiulture , piano- . , organs , horses , wrgons , ma
chmoiy , etc. . without removal. J\odolas. Al
business sti icily confidential. Loans so made
that nny part can be paid at any time , ej.chn > y
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on line watches and diamonds. Person
should carefully consider w ho they are dealing
vv 1th , as many now roneems are dally comlii )
into existence. Should you need money call and
see me. W. H. I roft , room 4 Wlthnell building ,
15th and Harnoy. 2fl
MONKY to loan I can now place some Hr t
class city lo uis Immediately. Callatonco
if jou deslro to be accommodated. D. Y. Sliolos ,
Jroom 1 Darker block , entrance ib alley. bJl
$51X1,0110 to loan in nny amount nt lowest rate of
inteiest. H. H. Irey , Fienzoi block. tfii
( JJ5JO ! , ( JO To loan on Omaha city property at 0
P- per cent * G. W. Day , S. 15. cor. Ex. Hid.
, " ] \fONI3V to loan on city propeity. and also
J.TL fumis in Nebraska andlovvu. Odcll llros.
A Co , loan , real estate nnd insurance agents , IIH
Pearl street. Council muffs , In. ; llil Farnam
street , Omaha. 208
MOM-3Y to loan. Note-s ana tt. H. tlcktt.
bought uhd sold. A. Forman , 2U S Uth sti
" \JONKY to loan , insh on hand , no delay. .7.
ITi W. and K. L. Squire. 14181'aruam ht. Paxton -
ton hotel building. KSt
VV'ANTKD A partner In u well established
TT business. Capital $500 to * ! , ( ) . Hofc-r-
ouees exchanged , Address P 40 , Hoe olllce.
" J57-10J
311 SALE A gootl paying coal business
cheap , addiess P ! H Ilee olltce. Ill 10 *
FH SAL13-Stock of diy goods and notions
invoicing about * . ) ,00)7u ( ) the 11 v olle-st i aili oad
tow not western Iowa , for sale at a bargain.
Direct Inquiries to I ) , llaaiu , Mlssouil Valley ,
low n. If | .aiil-n *
rpllK Ilest opjioitunlty in Omaha for a live
X voungmnn with * | ,2 < K ) to buy con
trolling Interest and inanrfgi * n w ell-established.
, pa > Ing business. Inveatlcflte this. Address P.
& . ' , lleo. 'i I 2uO-l !
$5,5fiO will buy a strictly cash business , paying
14,000 yearly This opening for n fts\v da ) s
only. 11.13. Cole.'IIPSUty 170 U
Uj500.oo vv ill proem o half Hiterest and manage
P inent of a big pas Ing light manufacturing
business In Colorado ; Ha&iry J75 per month ;
must bo good. Hv n man with business met. Address -
dress 8. Her 253. City. ( . 254 l-'J
\yAMKD-Purtner to 'take ' nulf Interest lii
TT good paying butcher i business. Address
P 47 lief. jin 23U 11 *
OTF.Ii In a good tovvii' ' Will sell , talcing
part In faun lands. Co-operatlv o Land &
Lot Co. , 20.1 N luth st. 211 U
OluLKA haro-js shop In H
Neb , Invoices about tlVM. As the former
.proprietor. Jolin/.legler , Isileud , it will be sold
cheap ; ono other shop in town ; splendid tiatle ,
Atldross John Xleglor , sr , , Hock Island , 111 , , ot
Phillip y.leglar. lmerlon.Neb. 211 al *
D HUG store In good locntlon. Ijoars lease ,
rent IK stock nnd fix turns ilIXM. Co-op
t-rally e Land & . Lot Co. 201 N Wh M. 211 12
HOTKL mid livery baniforsalfl in a thriving
Nebraska town of 2/jgO Inhnbltauttlionsi
of 27 rooms , all furnished , cisterns , wells , coal
hoiues and all conveniences , overtlilug complete
for hotel purpo-es , burn will hold 40 horses ,
ahoulUOtonsof hay , grain bins , harness loom ,
watlr tank und w Ind pump , all i > o arranged u <
to do nil kinds of I in Me. work. rJUJ. Co.upera.
the Lund & . Lot Co.,2U1 N lilth st. [ 241 12
i-A partner In a good paying busl-
ness , established for four years , and salm
for this ) cur vv ill ! , - ov c-r IIO.wW , location cried ,
mu t have about * i,0l to Invest , Addtei
W.T.H. , P.O.
BAHllKH hopon n lively street for sMe. n
yearn lease , rent $ , " > , llxtures | JMI , 'S rash.
"Ills Is a simp In rent. Co-operatlv o Lnnd .V Lot
Co. . 205 N ' ICth st. 241 12
HTVT Kl , of ill rooms In an low u town payfiu ?
vrelt , , IOOOn "railroads. Co-operatlvo I.aml
* Lot Lo. . 20,1 N IMh. _ 211 13
K-sfAUHANT on Hartley street for sale ; 40
regular boarder , 4 llvlnn rooms , barn and
Conveniences ! rent fciO ; furnltiiro ; part cash , balj
mice easy payments. Co-operative Land \ l ) t
X.201NIitlist. f > f > 13
FANCY Goods storo. on ICth st , locution first
class. Prlco according In Invoice. Cooper
alive Land & l < it Co. , 2U1 N. lilth st. 211 lj _
BK8T. chance In the state for party w Ishlng to
engaito in the dry goods business. Kasy
.erms. Address P ! W Ilee olllce' , HI U *
ONFKCTIONKHY store' , stock of candles ;
clgirs , tobacco and oysters. Co-operntlvo
Land A Lot Co. . 205 N llith st. 241 12
GOOD Host Aurnht for sale , will tnVo part In
property. " Co-operatlv e Land A Lot Co. , ! XV5
S' . loth st. 2111
_ _
IJ KSTAUHANToainthst , eloingn first class
JV hiislness. rent Jfs ) , price KvVi , terms reaoa-
able. Co-operative Laud It Lot Co.,2i % N 1M h st.
U81NKSS room for lent on Kith St. , 20\t2 ; ,
Sv ater1 and g 3 , rent rtO ; lease 1 yc-ar from
May } SS . Co operative Land & Lot Co , 2(0 ( N
letUst. 241 U
SOMETHING new nnd for which there w lit al
ways be a demand , Itsnbonanra for anyone
ono wishing to engage In a small but lucintlvo
lunmifacturing business. Call and sco sample.
H. B. Cole , UK ! S 15th , up stairs. 178 13
TpOH SALK-A first-class grocery with meat
JL ; market in connection , doing n nlco business.
About 11,000 cash , btilatue easy. A good chance
for right party. Address "i * , " Heo ollit e. Ml
OIGAH Store for sale ; paying well. Co opeia-
live Land A. Lot Co. . 205 N 10th st. 2(1 12
T71OH SALK-An established law business with
JJ good library. Andrew llevlng. W4 12J
BAKEHY forsnle.ilvears lense. Co-operative
Lnnd i'Lot Co , 205 N Kith st. 215 12
TMHTNKH ill Ins. olHcc. Addicss P Sl. lleo.
rilWO food stores , well located nnd doing well.
Jl Price according to Invoice. Cooperative
Land Ac Lot Co , 205 N. loth si. 24113
SALK Or exchange , anew combined 'ti
bbl , roller and burr mill with complete
modern outllt of machinery , doing n good busi
ness , with tmllmitod water power on Little Illue
rlver. In Thnyer countv. Neb. Will take * 3,000
or upwards In cash , bnlnnie em easy temis , or
city propeity or lands In whole or in put. Ad-
diess A. ( J. Collins , Hebron. Neb. y22 d 2J steodv boaid-
J ois , unt # X ) , J2.000 lor turntttiu' , * l.Xxl cash
bal easy. Co opeintlvo land It Lot Co , 201 N ICth
245 U
FOH.SALK Ono hotel n stories high , good
stand , basement with water i mining nil
through the building and nlso to the burn ; bam
stabling 10 Head of horses and 75 tons of hay and
water In It ; vvllUell 01 trade for leal estate or
stoek. For fiuther infoimatlon wilte to D.
Hill & Son Dtmlmr. Neb. jilt-dirt
B UfrlNKSS chances 1'aitner In Insurance
olllce. Address 1 23 Ilee. Wi
On North 1 Itn st. paving well.
Jll'ull hnd Investigate. Co-operative I.and tc
Lot Co. , N , llith st. 2l"i U
" \\7MOI.ESAI.K confectionery business for
TT sale. 1'avIng trade established. Look
this np. Apply 317 S. 1 Illi st. 1)31 )
FOIl KXCHAN(1U-H. F. . Cole , 310 S. lulh.
Houses and lots.
! t\l ) Ki feet beautiful six loom cottage on 27th
nml Patrick av e. Want good lot.
; u\IJrileet anil two stoij frame house with
bam , 2Mb and Miami. Want lot.
, ! IKI1J feet nnd out'stoiy fuimii house , noith-
ea t corner27th and Criuit. Want pait cash ,
balanced ! ) 01 faun.
; i.J\.U feet nnd ono story frame house sit
rooms corner 27th uiul and Maple. Want part
cnsh Imlunce latin.
ilixlOOfoet and one story fiamo house five
i oems corner. 2ith ) and Ohio. Want pal t cash ,
bal Hire cltv piopeity or fuiin.
: mxUsft > vt , two-.too . fraine house six looms ,
Miami netir2ith. U ant lot , South Omaha pie
Vacant lots.
Lot II , block 0 , Shlnn's 2d. Want house and
Lot 1. Apple's sub. of lot 41 ( Jl-o'9. Want
enultv In lioii-c and lot.
seven lota ValentineTeriacc. Take anjthing
, $ IJ 0X1 stock , bunts and shoes and some cash
fni M-t-clas4iti-liUMttopinty. | Can put In nice
clt-iiiMoeU iliy goods , notions and clothing If
Llvp stock ,
On < ; six-year-old soriel hoi o , ] ilrndlddriver ,
gentle ami handsome.
One giey tlvnearold , rood clever dilver ,
peed lookei. Want good vacant lots.
lloi e , harness and buggy.
2I' > ! { in i es Moitana t-outit jr. Iowa. A complete
farm , nil Improvements. Want Improved prop
erty. WHI asiiinip icMSonable Incumbiance.
IWIacri's Cnlhoun county , low a. All impiove-
mi'iilb. Wm.t meichuiidlbu or Impiovcd city
4-sjueies W.vomlng land at $100 per ncre.
Want linptowd or unlniprov ed city propeity.
IW i acres Wobiter county , Neb , near lied
Cloud. All Impiovements. Want live stock ,
merchandise Or Improv cd city piopci ty.
drain elevators.
Tw o huge nml splmulldlv equipped elovntors
in I'ago county , lown. 1'urchiisei can contiol
the gialiiliuslness of Ihe countv , which 1 one
of the best gialn ] > ioduclng dUtilcts in Iowa ,
will tradti either one or both for Impioved la-
side inopoilv and assume reasonable IUCMIIU-
bianco. Jl , K. ( Jloxj. 3WS. 11th. S74-U
OH K.VCHANfK-ir. ! E. Cole.nirt S. llth-M
xl'M feet nnd 2 story frame house.with barn ,
2Mb nnd Ohio ; lot , 30\ ] | . ' , 1-stoiy , 7-room
frame lioiispcomer\vaut part cashsUxW.l-stoiy
fiamehouse , b-ioom. litttu * cash , bilanco. f aim
: > . " ) \1IK < ,1 btoiy frame house. Blooms , 11 couic-i.
pirt , balanro faim- ; > i.xlSstoiv flame ,
i iooms , Ohio near 27th : want vacant lot. A
number of hou es for sale on easy monthly
paymentH , K. Cole , -10S ! JltluffilU'
[ MI'HOVEf ) finmR to oxehaiiL'U for Soi th
L Ouiahadots. S. I.Uoidon , I'M Doiighis st.
2)0 12J
1 71011 Tiarto 1 lust au rant on Ibth st. Will tnku
1 all in tr.nle. Co-operative Land and Lot
Co , WN. llith bt. 24'i 12
B A"iriTii ; ! shop foi ikide. \ \ ill takealHn
piopei ty. Co operatlv e Land X Lot Co , 201
N Ifith st. ' " ' '
"XXrANTFiD Omaha pigpeitv to exchange for
' ' faiins and wild lands , nlso lorclu piop-
erty. C. L. lliovvii & . Co. , Hoota II. i'lin/ei
block. 21,1 J'J
" \\7\NTKD-Stocks of meichandlso to ex-
TT chalige for hinds nnd cit > iiopeit > ! C. C.
SjKjUwood. .U-.4 3. lull. I Mi
371OH Kxchaiige The equity In a gilt edge
piopcrtyon 17th st , amounting tofrl.OOti , to
exchange for good , pajlng buliiess , well Io-
cated. C. C. Spotswood , J > l > y b. 1Mb. 1HS
GOOD lots to exchange for horses , wagom ,
cattle , stocks , of goods. S. 1. ( Joidon , Ijil
Do tglas st. 250 1'J
T17ANTI2D [ Good family horse in exchange
TT for lot , McCulloch & Co , cor 15th and
Farnam. O7
FOK exchange J.1.500 hotel for farm , * * . .l 10
stock of drugs for Omaha property , KiUM
t' of hoi MI and mules for good land , HI )
ncru stock lanch near ML Cook for Impioved
faim In eastern Nebraska , or western Iowa.
Kastcin Nebiaska school lands for tiade. Im
pioved farm in ( ! ago county fet U.10J stock < it
drugs. S S. Cliampbell & ( J. W. Honey , lilO S.
IMlist. Chambui-Commeicc. I Si
rpo THADE Inside propeity for good house ,
J. eight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul
loch \ Co , cor I'.tli and Farnam. lul
T300 1'S and shoes Flue clean stock of boots
JJ and shoes to trade lor steels , veaillngs
and two-v ear-olds , stock will Invoice about
* 100XII. ) _ II. Seydel. htuait. lovva. .I2a U
\\7.\NTED To exchange , cholcelnslde vacant
TT lotin Omaha for good horses and tai-
ilages. J. L. ltlc iS.Co. UI1
FOIl SALK Or exchange , good Omaha prop-
eitv for gooil stock of boots and snoi-s ,
iloililnir , ( mulshing goods or hardivaro . Sehle-
singer ill os. , ill I S 10th st. 7K > j 2
7ANTF.Illoiisp and lots to exchange for
Impiovtdaml iinlmproued lauds in Ne-
biasku and Iowa. Charles C. SpotsHood.
Slilth. . 18o
III AVK for trade Improved farm In Cnss Co ,
near Plutts'iiouth , will Undo foi Improved
Inside pioperty. Aduress M 'M , lice ollko.
\ ObB
\\7Oi'Ll ) LIKE to excnange a lotinSaim-
TT ders A.-'lIlmebaugh s addition to Walnut
Hill foi a good-sliiluli and light two seated
sirry ; would al o takf a food noise and iihiu-
ton. Address box 4'i > 1' . ( V 4S )
" \\rANTKD-fiooil farms In exchange foi
TT Omaha property , U. C. SpoUwood. iKi'ili
S16th. ittl
LI VKHV llarn for trade. tiino ( ; tl.r w casli oi
notes , balance In property or land. Co-opt r
utlvo Laud & . Lot Co ,20.1 N , Inth st. 215 U'
rPO KXcIlANQK-fiood east IroiU lot In MauT
L com PlRci ) to exchange } for clean stock ol
dry goods or clothing. U. F. Harrlson.llH S. 15th ,
" \\7Khnvof6r trade a laigellstof wlldlandfi
T T liiiprovud farniH , vacant city los. ( proport )
In Hiiriouudlng towns , and hotlsus unii lots li
i.'it ) ; personal prdjwrty. mining and railroail
stocks , varioiw klnils of buslnes * . etc. Call and
Investigate. Co ouimtlvu Land \ Ixit Co. 20
TO TIlAnE-Two improved farms In lown for
Omaha property or Ncbniakn lumln. Mc
Culloch A Cp.jrorj 1'itli and Faniiun. 034
rpO KXCIIANdK-lmprovea farm In lown
X for Omnlin residence property. J.J. Wil
kinson , 1 Ui Farii m. f > * 4
WANTKD Property of all kinds to exchnngi )
Special attention given to trading. C , C.
jspotawood. av.'j H inth. ( ttl
MIDLAND Ouarauteo and Trust Co. 1505
Fariinm street Complete abstract * fur-
nlshrd , nnd titles to real estate -jiamliied , per
fected and uuarantfcd. UfJ
BEN. ON \ CAHMIUIUVEL furnlsli complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omahn nnd Doughs county upon
short notice. Tim most complete net of abstract
books in thoclty. NuMllU Furnain st. H7tt
Cmfill Lnulsv Hie iiddlt ; . ! ! ! . $ IM to KM. Small
cash payment and long time. These lots
are near the nuw Noithwostnrn depot at Omaha
Heights , and are wmth double the price you can
buy tor now. F. K. Dai ling , Howard and 15th
Sts. 2KI12
A FINK double corner lot near the Academy
of Sacred Heart ; can be sold very cheap.
There Is just $1,000 In this bargain for some one.
F. K. Darling , Howard and IMh fU. ! ! K ) 13
FIN E oust fiont lot on Illth st In Hawthorne ,
l.noo. Small cash pajmeiu. F. K. Dar
ling , Howard nnd Kith sts. 2M > ] J
HOUSES nnd lots In Omaha and South Omaha
on small cash and monthly jiajrinentH. F.
K. Darling , Howard and luth Ms. 2M > 12 HI
FOll SALE-Or exchange Lands and town
property In Nebraska , Colorado and Kansas ,
T. A. English S. Co. , York , Neb. 171MG *
171AHM for sale cheap ; SXi acres. Valley land ,
J right In grass bolt. Six miles of county
seat. A. T. McCaiumon , Somerset , Miami Co. ,
I71OH SALE A choice cornnr lot on Farnnm
J-1 street near business center ; cornerlot , Fair-
mount place , sultablu for either ic-sldence or
business ; nine-room house and lot with barn ,
iieur Lake ; will sell on tnouthly pavmenU ,
Nasoii , 1015 Farnnm tit. liu 10
IF > ou want business' property on Davenport ,
Capitol , Dodge. Km num. Hainey , Howard ,
Jackson , .limes or Leavenvvorth sts. , see Hell i
McCandilsli. ! 114 S. IMh. 2:1119 :
GOOD lot on Hamilton st. . on ear line , for
timle or sale. Uraham , Crelghton lilk.
FOH SALK-Lotn block 8 , A. S. Patrick's ad
eition , will sell for few-days at JI.UV ) , $725
cash , balance easy. M17 lluo olllce. 11 7
FOIl SA LK-Lot 6 In H. Prospect Place , W.MM.
7W cash ; lot ! l lull , Shlnn's add , house
II rooms , cistern and barn and line shade trees ,
ll.iiOO , ! fsiu , bal Wl pei mouth ; lot JJ In ! ! , O'Nell
sub on llurtst , $ JOUU , t\M \ ( ] cash. Iho above
aiobargnlns that ' .Mil piy : 5 o" to Investlgntn.
lU'liawit A Co , Titli st. , opposite postoniie. 110 10
FOH SALF At a great bargain 2 sections of
line Nebraska land , { I pel acre , f I per acio
'ash ' , balance In 0 j ears. Wooliev. 419
th loth st. KM-'IO
TjlOH SALE or exchange for stock of murchan-
JJ dlso , 2 business lots In lloomlng town In N.
, V. Nebraska. Address P. W Itee olllce. US.V10J
\\7HV pay rent when jou can buy a fmnlihcd
TT house on a nice largo lotVK11U ( , In the
nest resluenco part of Omaha , ni-ir the stieet
'ins ' and within one block of whcio the Metio-
lolltan cable will run , by paying n-iiuill sum
, ow n and the balance monthl ) . Addiess O I'.i ,
tee. ! I57
rilOTHADF. One of the best corners in Noith
JL Omaha for n II or 7 roomed house nnd lot.
iVnllnco , Hooni / ' Cielghton block. 1WI 10
SNAP a lots , 4lxl.K , lliistol st. near 'dth. W < 0
each ; { 100 cash ; balance very easy. I' . L.
' ! regory. real estate ag't. ! iOH S. liitu st. b'l
Lot fi block 8 , Isaac & Seden's addition. W.OflO ;
lllock 2. Jlveis i : Tilden's addition , J-V-W ;
onus easy.
Lot 8 blk t-fi. South Omaha. M 000 ; a corner ,
Lot2blk 77 , South Omaha. J4rwi ; M cash.
Lot I. blk 7 , Hist addition to South Omulfa ,
J.KOOj cash S-iO.
Lot 1 blk 2 , Hist addition to South Omaha ,
. ' IHW ; cnsh ' .
Lot 11 blk-s. Hist addition to South Omaha ,
< lMkliiihh ; tl.UU ) .
Lot .1 blk I , .letter's addition , W.W ) , buildings
in lot'runt for S Vi pei montli. llusiness prop-
it v.
' 1 ho north W ) feet of lots 8 nud 1 > , blk 1 , Jettel 'n
idditlon , * I,2V ) ; cash sfooiJ.
Tvvelve lots within it few blocki of Svv Ift's
, ) icklug house fiom flOJ to SIJO each. 'Jliese
me fiom if'iO to 1 100 claapei than lots iu adjoin-
'up adds are selling lor.
Nineteen nud one-thltd acres within 3 blocks
of Sttlft's parkliu house with 1,1)1 ) feet trnckago
on Union I'acltle Hock. Pilcu iM.lXK ) per ncre.
Will hell in siiuill tiacts If pmchasci dcslies.
'Jhls is t he tlmM and closest airo propeity on
the muiket In South Omahk. Five , leu Hiteeii
nnd twenty ueie tiacts near South Omaha from
210 to WiO pel acie. Adjoining piopeity held
much hlghei.
Potter k Cobb. liWl Famam st. . 221 n
Hy Jl. A. Vpton A rv > .
Three pieces property,20 pei cent below actual
It 27 , Fnlrmount , $2fiOO , J1.100 cash.
Illoik s , llovd's addition. 10 lots on State st , ;
lack fiom Uelt line guarajiteed , $7OiW. J-.MX )
lllock 23 , Hojel's addition , 10 lots , $ GrjOO , JJ.OJO
cash ,
M , A. Upton i. Co. , Ibth stioct , opposite Cham-
her of Commerce. if > l
rpvvo lots In WestCumlng ndd . " , blk fiom
X Metropolitan cable line at tb5U each. ( ! ia-
ham. Cielghtoblk. 202 14
rpUOMPSON. ail S 15th St. . buys and sells rev
Jl c-htate. loans monej , purchiisus becuiltios ;
has u good list of propeity for sale and wants
more. Notary public. 8M
ON KAS1" Paj ment'v-7-riiom. ' 1-story house
oune corner37th and Giant , one block of
20th and Saunders cars.
A-rooin , 1-story house on s o comer 20th and
Ohio , one block of two < ar lines.
ii-ioom , 1-stoiy cottage , lovely little home , 27th
nnd Pali ick av block 11 om 20th and Saunil-
eis cat line.
20 loom cottiges on lliirdette neai 2f > th , IS-
block fiom niul Saundeis cat" line , an ideal
h mom , new house , 27th and Mnple ,
This Is only a Starter. If jou want n homo
come to uanil wo. will tit v on out ; house , i in ill-
tine , stoves , caipets , illslio-- , und all ua uuy
monthlv pajmcnta. II. li. Cole , JIGS l"itli. _
I * Itl
% ) | ) " * \ Jt on Suundeis
St. , JlOOpei It out toot. liinlj.inivCiel0'hton
blk. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'M * " H _
. . . S.VI.13A tumfstieel Hat 'of 'I rooms" with
sto inland bath , ceiitraly located , Call 2. )
North llth. _ _ i < 10.
LO1' if , blk (1. t-hlnn's 2nd aud , t2bOO ; easy
tc-mih. fliaiiam , Cielghton 11U | , arm
FOIl SAL13 Finest location for a hoinn In
West Omahu , adjoining the mansion homes
of Klrkendtill , Coe , lli.idy , Kassun and otheis.
Nothing liner In this city. Can so 1 105x137 or
! c s ; foi prices und terms see S. A. Sloman. I JJl
Farnam st. IT1S
TfUH SA LF. lOuxlViunst front corner , on ! J t
nud .loiic's i > Us. . just sguth of the linu ie > ld
once of KasMin , n Drady and othei.s. Can sell
this. If taken nt om e for fr > , ( U. An elegant
resldciKo cot nor. Nothing in the rlrlnlty so
cheap M. A. Upton be Co. 10th st. opn Cham-
licr of Commerce. 1S.I
BAltliAlNb foi balo-Mliest building bight III PliiCH.o fiont 100xl50ft . s.lmo
El feet eiilllc-r lot on hauudors st. 5,700
MixlUlei t comer of 27th und liuidette , 2.7IH )
5 lotslnSallliavlllo . 201X1
IDiKlVi on . th iicni I'lirnam. w 111 dlv Ide . 1,000
22 01 41 fet t on Suiilidcrs and Caldue.ll sts ,
* lriO fiont foot .
Lot 27 blk' ! , llawthomo l.r/O
Lots 1 and II , blk II , West Sldo I.2K )
Lots 2 and : i , blk , West Side l.lKO
Lot I0blk2 , Koslti'nudd SO
lAit l7blUH , Clltton Hill , . . , 700
Wl ft HO on a 2Ut St. , neai Cumllig . fi.UOJ
Lot 11 Ml.i ! , t-anndei.s Ov lllnn.'li.ingli'h add ,
8 roomed house . 2,000
txixllO IcMt on Georgia ave , near Leaven-
woilh st , tluoios sight 5.BOO
Lot 'J nlk.1) ) . Hood's Hist add . . 4,1110
Kach of above propiirtic-s will be Sold on easy
temis for ne\t few tliis. Might tiatlo for good
mtgpape-i 01 lands fn-o cif eiiciimbianco. W.
li , ShUv i' , opji iioslolllrc' . 2(0 ( 11
FH ( SAl7l3-IOu acres of loud fmu mlleH fi6iii
stock ) urds. at Jlil poritcie ; tills I : A bar
gain. McCagueOpp. . P. (1. tiri
171OH b.U.K Good bilck business piopeity in
1centioof Gland island ; greatest bargain
and bett temis In the city : but llttln rash re-
cjulicd ; long time , low interest aud easy pay
ments ; ethel lealcMtate ( c-rsilo. Addii-SH , ) . H ,
Woolloy , nttomuy ut law , Grand Inland , Neb ,
IJ10H SALK-Lots Iu Lincoln Pint e. minting
J1 on Hie Mc-tiopolitan cable , it/X ) each , 'j
Corner lot on Louo avenue nud California
cable line , $1,710 , H cash
SomiMholcelots Iu West Cuming addlllon , J.W
to } 1,200 , c-nsy terms. ' 1 hi"-e lots uro ouur near
the cable now being built on California st , Iltiy
now at oldprlios.
A tine business corner nt 10th and Douglas ,
t.10.ouo. K cnsh.
Acie.s In .Solomon' > add , iVm. t : cash.
Acres In SpilugValle- ) with ti.ickauo , tW , 5j
l > its In Lobock's sub , near South Oinnliu , on
N" . W. Ity , fiun each. 1-1 < ish Tlic-so are ( hi
rheapi-at ollerinus In theh n spectlvo iiel liUor.
hoods , .Mm-ihalli. Lobuck , Hum'.1 , Limmbc-rot
conimiirco. Ill
1OU SAlTK In South Omaha,5 houses on- !
Jrornor lots , for tl.'toi ) , M w > \ \ , wliiih lent
for fti7.1per ) eaion L t. D. D , Smciton.M \ \
Dodge t. _ _ . J _ JIV
USIAIIA proiNjitv to oxilmm < i'fm IUIIIH , top
nerlol with llucelioilsi-j.u ; largel lut les-
than a mile fiom the polnillrwith „ ' houses
UHVV 7 room IIOUAH I block fiimi street rum ,
Chas. H. \ \ oullvy , ild ti. 15th bt. , U2i ; U
BAHOAINS-Sotith Omnlm. Splnndld ownof
lot , South Onmhn , near U. 1 * . depot , ( Mxt.V )
feet. II. ; . only NOO cash.
Nlco business lots , south Omnlm , only Imlf
block from pusscngor depot , tJ.W.ouly | 7lO cosh
Corner lot , M and Twenty-seventh sts , South
Omaha , J2.71V. This Is ono of the lient points In
South Omnha to start a retail business , or to put
up building for rnntal purposes.
Corner , KHIV ) feet , on II and llellov uo street * .
south and east front , onlv half block from pro
posed park , A big bargain Is taken quick.
Onoof the lines t lots on llellovue st , Sonth
Omaha , east fiont flUxlV ) , Just right for gn de %
only 11,570.
Corner , 1 l feet , east front on Ib-llcvuo at. {
will make six good business lots , 11,200.
Corner , 72x150 feet , on llelleviie-st , , South
Omnlm , J.I.IHH ) , only txrt cash required , '
Flue resUlenee lot In Smith Omnha. Five blocks
thin side of depot ; price * * * ) , only 150 cash , bal-
aiicooneatid two } ears.
Several choice lots In llovd * Sharp's , Fowler
placet and lltovv u'.s pnrk , ut low prices and ensy
To parties buying lots of mo In South Omaha
nnd erecting small eottugos 1 will gitaratitea to
lent them nt priced that will net fiom 13. to ! S
percent per annum.
For Safe New store-building and lot on Ilelle-
vao street. South Omaha , can gle possession at
onco. price 11,000 ; $000 cash , balance 1 , 2 , aud U
years. ,
Elegant residence sites In llansconi rlaea ; '
Lot 21. blk. ( I. ouo ot the IIneat lots In the addi
tion , only * -.7 > .
Corner Delaware and Poppleton avenue , 100s
110 feet , south nnrt oust front , mugiillleenflovv. .
splendid neighborhood , nenr stieet cars and
park. A bargain If sold nt once.
1.10 feet e-ast front on Dualie street \\f\t \ Pop
pleton avemio. Water and gas on street , close
to street cur line , perfect grade. Just the place
for an elegant residence or block of houses. Call
and get price.
lleiiutlful soiilh front lot , corner Thirty-third
street und Popplnttm avenue , IM.700 ; only > 7i
cnsh , balance , one' , two , three and four years.
If you want a nlco home or Investment it will
pay y.ou to look this up.
To exchange good section of farm land in cen
tral Nebraska for house and lot In Onmhn.
For sale , business property , splendid business
lot South Omaha , just the place for n good retail
grocery or Iliiuor store , only hnlf block from
now Union Pacific tlepot , for n fevvdnys at W.7WV
Choice flvn nt-ro tract In West Omnha. splail-1
dldly adapted for garden purposes. A olgbkr-
galn If tiiKeti at onco.
Ten acres Iu Law nlleld. near junction of M , P.
and F. 13. i M. V. Hy. Call and get price and
1 have the agency of a splendid business cor
ner on Farnam street , can tuko good mortgage
notes In part piijinent , also oiler seveial cholco
Soutn Omaha lots In exchange for good secured
1 or sale or exchange , one of the finest blocks
of fifty lots In West Omnlm , within two blocks
of M. P. He-It Line Hy. . only ! 7,00i ) . $7.000'caHh ;
$5.000 mortgage on property , nnd tao balance in
good farm property. This block of lots to-day
is vvoith fcil.WO , and will sell loitdlly In the
spring for mm h moro money. It Is right in the
way of the giovvth of both Omaha and South
Omaha ,
( loo. N. Hicks , 211 S. 15th st. UP 10 , ,
AMKS Heal Estate Agency.
Ollico 1507 Farnam st.
This list lov ised Dec. 10 , 1SS7
502 south 17th st , near Center , II room
house , lot 41 > 'ixU2 ' $1.800
500 Idthst , near Ceuter,7-ioom houso. . . 2,100
41W North 17th st. near LaWo , 5-room
house , lot JllxlHI 3.000
4'J7 Seward , near illth st , good 5-ioom
house , rooms lingo , house fiontH
east , new aud well built , desirable
place , f2,500 ; M50 cash , balance 123
per mouth , Thlj is n good place , on
easy terms.
4'.ifl Vliginla ave , neai Lenvenworth st ,
good 7-room house In excellent re
pair , well worth 4,200
491 22d. iteurOiuCe , convenient to cars. * '
a small double house , ic-ntlng for 100
pet mouth. Price , . . . . 3.300
492 Lake st , near 21st st , 5-ioom house ,
lot 4 x122 . 4,000
Spruce st neat llith , u 5-room cot
tage , lot 40xO ) . will tiade 2,800
4t)7 ) ( Uilost near 27th. Hist class 5 room
house * , well , cist em and outbuild
ings , all In good it-pair , one block
fiom stieet cms , lot 50x127 3,300
484 SouthIHthbt nearLeavcuvvoith very
central lot utloii , good 0-roonied
IIOIIM- , lot 25x1.C. , east flout 3,500
4S1 Noith21sthtnt-ai Muntloisou , 1 block
tiom em line , now 4-ioomeel house ,
Iot50\l2l 2,000
470 In llovd's add near Holt line , 4-
loomed house nnd bum , with 2 full
lots , one-a comer , cast fiont 2,500
472 Onmlia View , 4 loom house , lot MX .
121 1.000 j
_ . 22d st comer , near Ile > lt Line de-pot 3
in Oak Chatham and only 2 blocks '
liom slit et em , a new 7 room house
and full lot foi. 2,500
iCI In Walnut Hill n good 0 room house ,
well and outbuildings , south front ,
cheap ut 3,250
40Kit st near Maiidcisoa , ono block
trom cm line , I loom house , bam
with full lot. 'ihlslsu very cheap
place at 1,000
4iiO lllimdost near 2Mb , couvolnelit to '
e ars , u 5 room house w 1th lot WxU7.
' 1 his Is a good homo at 3,000
419 35th ht near Leaveiivvorth in a high
commanding location , surroundings
A 1 , a well built 0 loom house facing
east'with two lots , each dix2i , one
a corner , sinubbery and tiees well
Blown , u decided bargain 6,000
450 Sow aid st cars p iss the door , 7 loom
hon-c > i lot 3,500
455 Douockcn's add near Cumtng st 4 ,
room house 50x1(11 ( , if.iOO cash.pilco. . . 1,500
74'J South luth si neai Loavemvotth.cen-
tral locution , 4 room house , city
w liter. V lot 3,400
4"3 Hitchcock's add , 2 houses , each 3
rooms , lot 50x127,11001 ash , pi ire. . . . 1,200
431 Cornel , east on Gouigla uvo , 0
room cottage , 2 Hue- , full lots 3,800
This is a special bargain ,
Iu addition to the above piopertlos wolmve a >
luolistof choice losldeaccs lunging In priie
riom M.OiWtoJ5U)0 ] ) that cnn bo sold on fair
onus , bii ) liom lj to li cash aud remainder in ,
easy annual pa ) incuts at b per cent Intelest. j ,
llesidenco Lots.
1014 Webster st. near .Krtli , line residence
lot 3,100
1002 Choice comer lot In Hawthorne , lot
OOXIJ2 on Casa st 1,600
'J his Is cheap fin the money.
Vfi lllnney sti near blicimuu uvu.a very
line lot for 2,000
25 pei cent less than mirioundlng ,
propel ty.
UJ7 Mlinil st. near 21)th ) , 2 b'ocks from
htlcot tar , lot'50x127 1,650
\M \ On Davt-npoit st. In Lincoln place , 2
choice lots , ouo u comer , south and ,
east U \eiyileslrubhi ; the 2 lots
for 1.600
M cash.
ObO On Webster st. neai the Convrut , a
ver ) choice location ; elegant real- , <
donco site ; 1IIK174 : houth Iront 4,600
037 Pacific st neai Phil hherldaii.couven-
lent to cms , 41\llo. inns tliiotigh |
fiom stieet to stieet. ' 1 his Is vt-iy
desirable at JIKI cash , plieo 1.R75
OSfi West Mdo add on Mo Vac H ) . lot 107
on track b ) IUI ; this is u chance to
got trarKngo v oi y cheap 800
! l 2 llracealid 22d nt , Iotstlxl40. : at . . . \twj
J77 Paikave- , full lot facing Hauscom -
Paik , just south of Wooluoilli mo. .
U14 Vliglula aveveiy choicee-ast fiont ,
looxlio. This is a specially Hue loca
tion 4,500
Ii2) ) ( Jeolglii , a comer 100x150. u south
und east liout. Is the llnest tiniin-
jiioved comer in HaiiToni place. . . . 7,500
H71 Comer on Pacltlc t , IKIxlK ) , for . 7.WO
Also a laigoand well assorted list of vacant
lots la nil ilesliable additions and locatlous at
prices lunging from iVXMipvvuids.
iluslncss Pioperty.
118 Faiuuin st near 24lh st. 2il foot lot ,
easy terms , good location , per foot UOOi
141 South luh st , iifixHO , se-vvei und ull
taxes paid , for 0,000
14.1 Ciimlugs st neai 27th bt , UOxUI ft ,
pi i foot 110
The lowest pike numeil on propeity iu sauio
loenllnn ,
Ht OaKsnenr llth at , 0 loom house , lot '
0x112 . . 13,600
1 Chicugo near llth st. 4 buildings
lent foi fhfi per mouth 13,600
This propei ty is cheaper than way similar lo
cation In Omaha und will repay Investigation ,
til California St. , near 111 list. , coiner.
KlxlK , 5 houses , rout JI.GOO per _
year . . . . . . 20,000
105 Biiumterii it , a coi m-r , tuxIU2 , cheap
nt , ' - " -
1J7 Foiirtoonth St. , near Jnncs. 4ixGeI ;
this prope i ty Is especially cheap ; for 7.7QO
I3fi Trackage on I'ai Itic St. , near llttli.Mlx
If ! ; 5 small hoiibc-s novv lent for (75
per mouth . 1.1,0)0 )
111 llnniey st. near 15lh St. , 4lxJ U , for. 44.000
1 iiraam st. , an imjirovc-d piece of
piopeity , paIng u good rotnni ,
in Ire , 00,000
02 1'nnmiii st. , an Impiiived property
paving W.IOU perear. jirlco t.i.1,000 ,
will sell this piopei Iv tor good lint-
t lass moitgago paper , no eash 10-
ijiilud in this tiiitlt'
Stock Farm for Sale
Within : to miles of Omaha on ralhoad ; MO aero
Mock hum good buildings , shed room for stock
nnd fi ed entile , windmill , pipes , iitc- . . running
water , I/ ) at'ii-s hay hind , lee acres plow land.
Will soil foi tJ'ipeiin m and tuko i,000 cash.
\\llliilsotiiKiion the Hade , Omaha hp\nto and
lot woith tiri Jirifi.imii.
Smith Oimvlia Piopeity.
| i l M lots In llov d & hhai p's add ut tS50
toll.rxM I'iieli , e-ah ) ' ti-imii
UXII .lettiil'naild,2lolseacli 1,0)0
tKX ) .leltei'sndtl. I lot at 750
151 25\MftonNst ) 3,500
AlM > 2dosli.ihlo li/ratlons / for bilck ) aids on
lallvvny , and ttiiivt iileat to Omahu and South
Omaha , AHUM IKil Kslute Agency , ollico 1507
Famam st , 2IU 10
FOH Kliar.gK One of the best selling ma
chines foi doniiritlo USH on the market ;
eveiy licmscJci-t'pn will buy ODD ; ever fW worth
ot thiMe mi < Id lies m Id In ono day by ( ins agent.
I will I-M hiingit the it ito right of Nebiusku for
Impiou-ilOmiilm prup < ' | iy , A mechanic could
nut Hud hi-ttci i mplpiuent fur the winter.
A foituno can b made out of this slate by
soiling the mat hint's , or county rights ; pit-
pel spi-rftct nnd title gniirmiteed , I will sell ft
naif Inteie-si In theiibiiM'toit good riwponitlbht
p.irty. Addi i < . PM ! Ilee ollico. H 10 *
[ L'onttmtid on the el via jwyc. ]