Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Dtllvtrolby cnrrUrln nny pint of the city nt
twenty tint * per wnk.
II , W TII.ION , Mfinngir.
IIUMNM Orril'f , No. 43.
NKIIIT KiUTon * No. 3.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Rcitcr , tiiilor , Fall goods ehcnp.
Kec Chapman's pictures for Chi-lbtmnc.
An adjoin ni'd essfon of the common V.UV * * *
ell will be hold this evening.
A little Irregularity iv'.th some of the tele
phone wir , nttlscd some Inconvenience In
l > iUiMtr ) the city.
Tlic indies of St. Paul's church arc arrang
ing to hold a bazaar durliifr thu present week.
Due notice of time mid place and other de-
lulls will uc given.
Mrs. .Sorenson , the victim of Saturday's
drowning accident , was Imricd jcsterday
afternoon in Fail-view cemetery. The fun
eral took place tit 12:30 : o'clock from the
Danish church.
The ioiing men of this city who are Inter-
cited In the organization of u chapter of St.
Andrew's Hrotherhood here will meet at the
residence of Mr. Josselyn next Wednesday
evening to perfect such organization.
llev. W. II. W. Hees , of Die Mi-midway
Methodist church , and li : Cooley , of tlio
First Haptist , exchanged pulpits jcsterdny
morning. Kncli wns listened to by a large
uniiiencc. They preached in the evening ut
their usual places.
Workmen were busj yesterday at the Cas
cade steam laundry putting up thu engine
ehimney and llnlshing making thu steam con
nections. The washing machines arc all feet
und the shaft Inf. ' In place. so that but little
more titno will be required to pet evur.thliifr
in running order. With ( list-class machinery
their facilities for doiuy Uri-U'lnnS v.ork will
bo unsurpassed.
A freneral invitation is cx'cmled ' to the
public to attend thu entertainment given this
evening by Miinawu Lodge , 1. O. O. T. , at
Ibeir hall on upper Hroudwiiy. Tno enter
tainments have proved very enjoyable , und
the attendance will doubtless bo large.
Thu new onico of the P.icltlu Mutual tele-
fniph company ut No , " > 0'.i Hroadway is open
j for business. When enclosed with u railing
I It will be one of neatest In the city. It Is in
chnrpe ofV. . F. Indeii , recently employed as
operator at the union elevator. His successor
Js P. O. Kvmis , of ( jfiinlm.
Cranberries , lOo per quart , Troxcll
Dr. Tlioinns JeffonV infallible pre
ventive and euro for diplilhoria can be
obtained of MrI'ortoron ; Fourth avenue
und Highlit h truer.
The Central drug store , under J. D.
Stuart , has been enlarged and refur-
iiishud willi a complete stock of fresh
drugs. Fine holiday books , s-tationery ,
cutlery and musical goods at low prices.
Watches cheap at Kirldand's , 321
rinicral nl' Mr * . Yrnawliip.
Tlio funeral of Mrs. F. 1' . Yoiinwlne oe-
cuncd yesterday afteinoon at ' ! : : ! ( ) o'clock.
During tbu earlier hours of the day largo
numbers of the friends of the deceased dur-
inf. her life called at the home to view for
tlio last time the face of her they had loved.
At tliu hour named the remains were tuken
to St. I'mil'H Episcopal church , wlieiu the
last rites were performed. Kev. T. ,1 Mackey ,
whose parishioner the deceased had been
during thu past live years , conducted the
ceremony , and many eyes were suffused with
tears us the words of the beautiful burial
M-rvIco were said. The casket was decked
with beautiful lloral emblems , the tributes of
friends. Thu SOUK service was rendered by
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Freynor , and Mr. John
Cooper , with Mr. W. .T. Oiatian at the organ.
At tliu close of the service the remains were
taken to Fuirviow cemetery for Interment ,
accompanied by the following gentlemen as
pall-bearers : I. M. Tieynor , H. S. Terwil-
llfrcr , Frank Kiniball , H. M. Largcnt , S. W.
Hurl and J. C. Mitchell.
Onus and nmiminition at Odell
Bryant's , -10.3 Main .street.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
T. H. Baldwin sells lots.
Pc/Noiinl I'liraurnfilis.
J. H. Arthur spent Sunday with friends in
Colonel JJ.iiloy returned from Atlantic
Saturday evening.
Mrs. O. H. Lucas is visiting atOuawa.with
her sister , Mrs. Kennedy.
Mrs..I. W. Mikesoll , of Avcnuo A , is suf
fering with n serious attack of fever.
Mrs. J. Cochran , who resides on Third ave
nue , is enjoying a visit from her futhcr , Mr.
John Davis , of southern Missouri.
Miss Laura FHcklngcr occupies the po
sition of stenographer at David Hradley &
Co.'s , during tbu illness of Miss Olmstca'd.
Mrs. W. Campbell , who resides on Third
nvenue , left Satin day morning for Michigan ,
whcro she will make an cxteuicd : visit to her
Miss Finch , daughter of Hov. Mr. Finch ,
corner Twenty-fourth street and Avenue C ,
left for Xcw York Saturday. Shu expects to
be absent several weeks.
H. W. Tilton leaves for Chicago this inorn-
hifr. Ho will bo absent but u few days and
will bo accompanied on his return by his
wife , who has been visiting with relatives
and friends in Wisconsin for the past month.
D. Hoist yesterday received a brief letter
from his wife , who is enjoying herself in
California , and is so occupied in sight seeing
that she can sparu no time ! In giving par
ticulars. Her licultli Is rapidly improving.
For Christinas gifts go to Kirkland's.
J. W. an < M2. L' . Sfjuiro lend money.
Tlio Model Teacher.
"Loveas a llcstnilnlng nnd ncformiiiK
Power , " was the subject of Uev. T. J.
Mackay's discourse ) last evening. In develop
ing the subject ho showed that our civilization
is the outgrowth of the gospel of love as
enunciated by , le us Christ. Tlio govern
ment of physical force-operating through
fear was , and is constantly being supported
by the government of love operating
through the better natuie , the affections of
man. Progress toward the Ideal lifo is made
just in proportion , UK love takes the place of
fear and the rule of love the tyranny of the
rod. Men respond to the treatment they re
ceive and produce just what their surround
ing ami controlling influences are. Hate pro
duces hate. Suspicion gives distrust , con-
lldeuco breeds trust and love respond ? to
love. Thu sumo is true of the child. The
teacher iu the school whoso moral fnlluenco
IK not sufllclcnt Jo mould the pupil , will llud
his woik only half douo at the best , and thu
rod will not make up the deficiency
existing in the moral methods. Ho
can reach n child directly through the affec
tions while any other road Is tortuous and
does not reach the object. Ho nmy rule with
the rod but ho does not govern. "Thu .suc
cessful teacher is born not made. " "Punish
ment for wrong doing partakes of the uatura
of vengeance , not of reform. "
The bcrmon was an exposition of the Ideal
government which , according to the scrip
tures , will bo realized In the future.
Tokens of Appreciation.
Wo have 10.000 ouMomcVs in Counuil
Bluffs , Omaha and vicinity. As 11 token
of appreciation for past patronage wo
will present them on Jmuutrv 1 , 18SS ,
with a beautiful organ continuing two
nnd tlirco-llftli suts of reeds and an olo-
cnntly finished eafro.nml nineteen other
beautiful gifts. Every cu&tinner re-
CCIVOH n ticket.
Ajl holiday goods closed out regard-
lets of coat. 1 Vie-on on all goods reduced
until .January 1. Mail orders promptly
filled and tickets iKToinpanv good v
, MUKIU'U : Musci Co.
For best quality coal'ami yvood ; call
on Glciibon , 20 Pcurl struct.
Sumlny Hnpponlnga In the Bluffs
StrcnkodWlth Ploty.
llev. Mr. Mat-key TH Kttra-
vncniici Tin * I.tiny In
1/lKtit Ills Misplaced Conll-
rtence Soni'lct l-'cver.
The Sin oTThc AK < * >
An Intensely practical discourse was de
livered by llev. Mr. > Inekey yesterday morn
ing. "As a peoplc vo are extravagant , " said
he and thus furnished the subject of his scr-
moil. "Theie being no limit to the ambition
of the jioorest citizen of the country there Is
a constnnt tendency among all classes to imi
tate the follies nnd fashions of those above
them , and in a country like this , where the
to'diiy may be the master tomorrow -
morrow , we must wonder that there exists
Mich n spirit of cimihitlcn union * ; all grades
of society from the lowest to the highest.
In fact , many nro in-oud of their extrnva-
franco and make nn ostentatious display of
their wealth as If Mich a display was a virtue ,
not a fault. We are apt to despise the
hi other In the parable of the prodigal won
Avho remained at homo , a ipiiet steady , plodding -
ding , unni | . ' man who never had even a kid
killed that he might make merry with his
friends , while our sympathies go
out to. the prodigal who spent
-o * . quickly bis Inheritance In
sensuality and riotous living and who , when
driven by actual starvation , at last repents
and returns to his father's home. Our pity
is misplaced , and a stern judgment of the
piOilifMl's course ami lit i-mist-iim-n
would prove wonderfully invigorating in
these days of laxity and Indifference to the
steiner duties Of life. What we spend is
justly our own. no doubt , and we lay our
selves open to no Indictment of the law by
our extravagance , but wo are morally re-
sensible lor our action and Jnstli entitled to
receive cobdcmnatioii. It can bo shown , in
fact is apparent , that extravagance is at the
bottom of many of tbu biiukrupt''ies , of the
falls from positions of trust and honor and is
the cause of much of thu genteel poverty that
exists to-day. Surely that which causes so
much uiihappincss is most pioperiy ucoi- ; : : :
nated a sin.
No sooner docs a man become successful in
business , no sooner dees a speculation or
Ventura put him in possession of a
sum of money , than ho immediately
begins to use it us n means
for i.-liinbing higher in the social si-ale , which ,
in this western country , is typiliedln , a ladder
each rung of which is ivgiaduul ascending
scale of dollars and cents. The old home in
which the family lived so many years is sud
denly discovered to bo too small and in an
undesirable neighborhood ; the list of calling
acquaintances too limited , so banquets and
small dinners are given to strengthen their
position on the ladder. A closu scrutiny of
tliu occupants of the same rung of the ladder
is made to ascertain thonecessary accompani
ments of that social height , and art and cul
ture arc called in , unwilling und unknown
guests , to belli on tlio fond illusion that they
are at least in the region where they can look
down with complacency and pride upon the
pit from which they were rescued , by econ
omy and thrift or by a lucky turn of tlio
wheel of fortune. And tlio wheel
goes umiid and round , increased ex
penses eating rapidly into tlio in
creased income until at last the inevit
able result stares them in the face , bank
ruptcy. .And even now they could bu saved
by an acKiiowledgemenl of their false posi
tion and by ictrenchment ; but pride forbids.
Debts care incurred and means of all kinds
are lesorted to to btnve elf the evil day , but
it comes at last. This covers all classes of
business , all over the laud , sea side resorts ,
cities , country , communities , etc. The mer
chant , the professional man , , the mechanic ,
the farmer , all are whipped with the sumo
lash , ami to keep up with their sets they
build upon a futuio which novel-comes except
to mete out to them the legitimate results of
their folly. "
The speaker referred at length to the ex
travagances young men indulge in , in order
to keep up appearances. Young Indies came
in for wholesome advice in allowing such
things to bo done even "for their dear
sakcs. " The display in dress indulged in
by our young women has kept
many a hardworking parent poor to gratify
such foolish ambitions ; has kept mandpi
young husband's nose on the grindstone at tcr-
murriage ; has hindered many an honest man
from asking her hand in marriage. " Seal
skin saciues | , diamond jewelry and other
"needless" luxuries receive a liberal atten
tion. The display of things in churches was
characterized as unchi istian , and made abor
tive all tlio purposes of worship and even
worship itself.
"No one is morally right in spending need
lessly upon himself , when so many avenues
are open to him in which to relieve the dis
tressed , the suffering and the needy. Honest
and misfortunatu poverty has a claim upon
thu wealth of the world and God will require
at our hand strict account of tliu use of
these talents. "
The Council BlulTs Carpet Co. offer
fcicciul ] inducements for patronage dur
ing1 the holiday season , and by appear
ances we bliouid judge the people ai > -
prccmto the great bargains offered.
Fine mixed candies , llo per lb. ,
-Troxcll Bros.
E. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. OflK'e oOO
Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. loan money
Iost Ills Grip.
Thcattractiens of Omuha whisky proved
too much for the moral courage of Jim
( Jiecy , and after a very brief struggle ho
succumbed to its allurements , much tp tnu
sorrow of an abiding fiicnd. Hoth putties
nro lineal descendants of the oldest African
families , and liuvo the thick lips and peculiar
eyes that are the distinguishing features
of all bcions of Ethiopian nobility. As it is
very common among such nobly-born aristo
crats at the present day , the revenues of the
ancestral estates have been gicatly dimin
ished , and the lising branch of this genera
tion found it convenient , to lo.ivo the "grip , "
containing all ho rould scrupo together of
this world's treasure , with bjs "unelo" until
such time as ho should meet with better
prosperity. On Saturday last ho succeeded
In obtaining i.70 , the amount necessary to
balance his account with his ancient relative ,
whoso coat of arms represents three balls
rampant on a dai k background. Not wishIng -
Ing to face the ordeal himself , ho persuaded
his faithful friend , the aforesaid
.limtotako the money mid nuiko the ex
change. The role of capitalist was some
thing now for Jumps. Had ho remained in
Council HlulT.s and invested his money , all
would have been well , but ho had heard of
the city across the river and thither ho
hastened. An investment in "tanglefoot"
proved disastrous and ho was floored. He-
turning to this side , ho gave his friend a re-
poit of the unsatisfactory results of his
Omaha speculation , and was .surprised at the
promptitude with which ho was hastened to
jail. It would bo hard to say which feels the
keenest sorrow , Jim , at the IKU-O ingralitudo
of n fellow man , or his friend , at the prospect
of there being so little between him and the
wintry blasts of the approaching winter. Ho
scorns all deceitful appearances , but is al
most ready to liavo his duster died black , and
sew bricks In the tails to keep it fiom blow
ing over his head. Thus supplied with a now
overcoat , ho can again appear upon the
Insure with \VadMvorth , Etnyro & Co.
Largest line and finest display of
holiday goods in the cityi Will oo'sold
at cost until January 1st. No matter
what you \\ant see us hoforo you pur-
cliuse. . MUKU.KH MUSIC Co.
The .NVw German Church.
St. I'.cter'schuich , the edillco' in couiseof
Flection oi Pierce street by thu ( Jurtunn
Catholic * of this city , will bo completed and
ready for dedication , about the 1st of Febru-1
nfy , The work is being opmcwhnt ilotnyrd
by the non-arrival of the windows , it being
too cold for the froscoersand decorators to do
good Work without wanning the building.
Thu pews and all other furniture ) tlct nJis not
jet arrived is exported this vv , . | { , < fiOwa \ \ \ \
will be hunir about tl'.s tlrst of next wrek ,
when the tower v 'iil be complete. The ox-
terUir of tl'.O building is now complete , und
thfHirttroldlng has been removed , giving nn
unobstructed view of a very handsome and
substantial structure. The cost of the strut' .
lure complete will bo aboutll7 , < )00 ) , somewhat
exceeding the intended amount.
: U ) barn ot I'ciMiui soap , $1.00 , at
Troxcll Bros , '
Kvcrv one making a cash purchase o
W cents at T. I ) . King & Co.'s cigar
store gets a chance in the annual prt/.o
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
Kirldand will give you bargains in
watches , clocks and jewelry ,
Sonrlcl I'Y-ver.
"There nro number of cases of scarlet
fever and diphtheria in the city , " remarked a
physician to the Hun repot tor yesterday.
"Not enough , however , to cause nay alarm.
No , wo arc not anticipating any spread of the
disease , tor we shall insist , as we always
have heretofore done , upon the complete
Isolation of thu patient until there is no dan
ger of contagion. " In answer to anolhrr
query he saidVo : occasionally have t rou
ble with the enforcement of the rules of the
board of health in the matter , but they are
rare , and rigorous work brings the desired
result. Sometimes a mtin objects to having
his house placarded , and in some instances
the disease has its run without this being
done , but as a precautionary measure the
board of health should' ' Insist upon the rigid
enforcement of the law , and the officers
should sec that it is done. Property owners
are sometimes af/aid that such a procedure
will Injure the reputation of their propcity
iiid make a light upon ground , but as
ho health of the whole city is at slake no
ill eh plea should be listened to for a moment.
Ves , I will let jou know if anything devcl-
> pes in this connection which would bo of in-
crest to the renders of the HUE. "
One thousand head of one. two ntul
hree-vear-old ! steers for talc Will give
credit 'to reliable parties. Knquiro o
A. .1. ( iiT'cnamayor , l > 23 Monster ht.
telephone 1-1
< jsl to for. talis uiojhvrge. : ; : .
Johnston A ; Van Patten , &i Main it.
Always at the Front.
We have no\y one of the most com-
iluto stock of line and medium-priced
ivutulicbiiml chains , diamonds , gold jew
elry , Hue marble clocks , silver and plated
ware , gold-headed canes , umbrellas.
opera and Held glasses , and all the
standard styles of the leading novelties
jf the season. All prices so low as to
defy all competition. At No. 27 South
Main street. ( . ' . B. JACQI'KMIX & Co.
The Ijljjlitlnn by
The date of starting up the new tower
Ights is still unknown , as the weather is
low the cause of the delay. The maehhierj
it the station is all in position and ready for
work. All breakages have been repaired and
mistakes rectified , but now at the last mo
ment the wenthor OOIIIOH misty and slippery
with ice and sleet , and the men cannot , foot
iimund on the tops of the towers to hang the
' .umps. . This is decidedly "ticklish" work ,
jvon under the most favorable circumstances ,
but to stand on an iron rod covered with ice.
1i > ( ) feet from the earth , and roach out Into
> pace to fasten the lamps to their supports ,
is an undei taking but little shot t of fool-
hardiness. Two pleasant days are all that
would be required to complete the work , and
as soon as they can bo hud tho'eTty will be
illuminated by the electric current.
A Practical Joke Itooincmni ; .
Pcoria Transcript : There is one
darky in Pcoria who will play no more
tricks or practical jokes for a while , at
least. Tliis is something for which he
lias been somewhat noted in the past.
Shortly after the anarchist executions
ho met another darky , who was badly
"Sam , ' ' said he. "I'so almost afraid to
go to bed. Suppose some nrnikist Crow
a bomb 'gainst me sometime when I was
gwino home/ '
"PhawP answered Sam. the joker ,
"that ain't the way they do. They'll
just drop a bomb iti your back yard , and
you'll wake up some morning and lind
your&cl , a mile high and a cellar in de
back yard. "
Then linding that .Toe was so badly
frightened , Sam resolved to have some
fun with him. Ho took about. three
inches of gas pipelilled it up with sand ,
plugged up one end , and in the other
inserted a piece of lire crackorwith the
snap removed , so that it would merely
fix. He then took it and quietly placed
it in Joe's back yard. Unfortunately
for the success of his project , Joe was
peeping through the cracks of the stable
where Sam was manufacturing the
bomb , and also saw him place
the bomb in his back yard. The
next morning Sam was over to see. lee
early. Ho drew him gently in the
back-yard , and there pretended to dis
cover the bomb. Joe jumped about
three feet in the air , and exhibited all
the marks of extreme terror. Ho
wanted Sam to leave the spot with him
at once and warn the family. And Sam
sat down on the doorstep and laughed
until his back ached.
"Joe , " said ho , "you am do darudest
fool niggah I obbor see. Dat am noth
ing. Why , I could lire dat off in my
mouf. " And ho picked up the gas-
"Sam ! Sam ! " yelled Joe. ' 'drop dat ,
or fore do Lawd you'll bo blowed up. "
Sam'sonlynnswer was tolaugh harder.
Then ho pulled a match , held the gas-
pipe up to his mouth and touched the
match to it.
The next moment there was a flash , a
spattering sound , a red light , a howl ol
terror and the most surprised darkey
ever seen in these parts was dancing
around , with a burned month , blacken
ed face , his eyebrows singed off , his
nose , mouth , ears and hair full of sand.
Ho doesn't know to this day after ho
deposited that bomb in Joe's yard the
latter took it in the house and substi-
uted powder for a portion of t he sand.
Tlio Uoatity ol' Woman
is her crown of glory. But alas ! how
quickly does the nervous debility and
chronic weakness of the sex cause the
bloom of youth to pass away , sharpen
the lovely features , and emaciate the
rounded form ! There is but one rem
edy which will restore the faded ro > cs
and bring back the grace of youth. It
is Dr. Piorco's "Kavorito Prescription , "
n sovereign remedy fur the diseases pe
culiar to females. It is one of the
greatest boons ever conferred upon the
human race , for it preserves that which
is fairest and dearest to all mankind
the beauty and.hcalth of women.
Slio Tackled The Wrong Sinn.
Now York World : An amusing inci
dent growing out of a similarity in
names occurcd at one of the uptown
hotels yc&terday. A young gentleman
of this city , who is engaged to a young
lady living in the country , wrote to his
llan'ceo that ho was obliged togoU
Europe and would sail Wednesday , am'
askeu her to come here , as ho could not
spare the time to visit her homo to sa.\
good-bye. The young lady tarried no' '
a moment after receiving the letter and
boarded the next train for the metropo
lis. She reached hero in duo time , am
after engaging rooms for hertelf starlet
out to find her lover's hotel , being si
anxious to see him that she could nof
brook the delay which would be neces
bary in bcndinu word that she was m
town. She found'thj > hotel , Which is
one of the ' oui tp and best in the city ,
and i'.ng to the olllco inquired of the
; tdrk if Mr. was in. The clerk
aid he did not know , but hu
vould send her card up and IIml out. A
mil boy took thu card , " "d returning in
i few moments said the gentleman was
ipstnirs with his wife , but would see the
outig lady in Ike. parlor in a few mo-
nents. Then there was a tableau. The
oung lady became almost hysterical ,
i ml commenced. . , ( o cross-question the
> oy about this woman and tliu location
if the room , etc."Until at last the clerk
nterrupted her by asking \vhat she
neant. "Why1 , * 1 am engaged to bo
married to that gentleman. ' she an-
iWered , "and ho has no wife. " Then
he clerk became indignant and said he
vould turn the couple out. The girl
hen wrote on a card : " 1 must see . \ou
it once. " and signing her name1 ,
lespatchcd the hall boy to tittd and bring
lown her recreant lover. This note
iroiicht the man down , but as soon nn
ic appeared in sight the young lady's
inger fast melted away and'-her face
crimsoned with mortification , for the
nan who appeared in aiiswertt ) her im-
icrioiis demand was not her lover at all ,
nit an entirely different person , whose
lame sounded like that of her bcthroth-
cd. The mistake had arisen with the
clerk , who had not caught the right
* 3
1 > E(1IAT > H < 1vriti > < i > iiii > ntHMiiliuK l.ovt.I'oiuul ,
f > To l.onti , I'or Snip , To llPHt , WaiitH , Moulding ,
etc' . , will ho Inserted In tills column nt tlie low
rntnofTKN CENTS 1'KK LINK for thu llr-t In
sertion und l-'lvo iVtitH 1'er Line for oncli snbsc-
ent Insertion. I.i > nv s lulviTttsoiiii'iits ut our
i-p No. K IViirl Street , ne r Jliondwur , t'oiin-
ell lilullx , louu.
FOlt UKNT Six-room eottupo. llou-iliold
goods for Mills ut a Iwrgiiln. - North 7th tt.
" \\7ANTin : First t la's piidcncr. without
IT capital , tooik rxti'ii-ihe n'ml' ' ' " on
slinK'-i. First I'luvs chnnce. Addros Joseph
Smith , Council lllutrIn. .
"I/1OK HUNT-T i ) furnished rooms with hfiit.
JH s , and bath room. With or without
loaiil. ) For Kentlrinun only. Mrs. Styphen-on ,
1'aik a\e. near Ofidt-u house.
Ij Olt HUNT Mouse three rooms f 11 p i month ,
J- ' a t\u > loom hmiM' t i , obo liunl-med looms.
IT Noith .Miiln f-t.
FOlt Itl'.NT I.argo , . fiont room 711 M ) lister
street bet t'i"i 7th and Mb.
WANTKD-Sitimtllm as bookkeeper , tvpe-
AMiter or cojiyht. Address A 7 , Heuollke.
EX < 'HAN < ii-OmalmandCouncil ; Hhiirspiop-
erty and western land for stocks of 7ner-
ehandlM'nil on or addinss .1. II. < 'In i-thin ,
U'U llio.iduay , Council Illulls lu.
LOST A nickel-plated CliHtelaln Watch , lib-
bon attached. Iteturn to U 7 , lieu otllce.
Council muffs.
ITIOH HKNT Suit of rooms suitable for
L1 hoilsekcenlnK. ImjulrtMl Mnlii tt.
FU ) HKNT Farms The land heretofore
know ii as Tim Foley'H , near Mlndcn. for the
season of 1KN , In tracts of 80 , 100 or UOO acres.
All choice lands and well lmpro\ed. Horace
FOH SALE OK EXCHANfiK-Eqiilty of l' {
shures in Jeffries syndicate. Imjulre of
Odell Hroa. Jt Co.
WANTED kinds of .sewlne machines to
repair. Work promptly and honestly done ,
sonable. Domestic olHcu 105 Main st
FOIt SAIiE Very cheap for easli , or would
exchange for Council lllutlM or Omaha prop
erty , a rctnl stock of boots and shoes valued nt
about f4KMJ. ( Call at store. No. 60S Ilroadnay , or
addrc s U. Martin , same number. Council
, la.
TJUK SALESecondhand Columbia bicycle
J very cheap , Git-Inch , ut llco ollke.
BUILDING lots and acre piopcity for sale by
F. J. Day , ! I'earl ht.
VOIt UHNT-A finely furnished fioiit room.
Jtlrst floor , In private residence near court
hou e. Water in room , lighted und heated ,
I.nrKO closet. Hcferencf-8required. Address II.
K , lice odice , Council llliillM.
The de.slrable residence or business property
known UH the Powers Place , on tipper Hroail-
way opposite the M. K. church , will positively
be sold within thu next thlity days. Terms :
One-thlid canh , balance In one and two years.
Address bids to
Omaha , Neb. , 1317 and Mil ) Douulas St.
Wo are now prepared for the
Our Immense building nro packed full of
thu most
In opr linn , nnd at prices that will defy com
petition. Wo Riiaranteti our goods to be Just
ns wo represent them. Please Rive tis u i-all
whether you wish to buy or not , and brint , '
your friends with you. It is no trouble to
show our goods. Hespeotfully ,
Carriage and Express Line ,
Telephone No. la
All calls from District Telegraph Ofllco
promptly attended to.
MunufncturcrH of
All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work.
Older * by mull for tepnlrs promptly nttfiitled
to. SatlsfiiitloiiKuiiriinli'i'il. 10th Axi'iiur. Ad-
Holli-r Workn. Council IlluDs , Iowa.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
liioniluay , Counill UlutTh , Opp. nunimy Ucjiot.
and innlrH ronfctantly on Imnil , for
EH ut total ) or In rnr lon < l lota.
Onlrrs promptly fllK-rt uy contiact ontlmrt
police. , ,
Stork Koltl on coiniiusslon.
Telephone IH. bL'HI.UTKK A HOr.RV.
Opn ) itu Uuuiwy iJcjiot , Coum.ll UluHa.
- . , . - . ' ' ' t . . ' ' . . . ' - . - '
. ' ' ' ' ' ' '
. , , '
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es
cape. Electric Call Bolls.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable ,
MAX MOHN. Proprietor.
$2. AN ELEGANT $2.
To each purchaser of 12.00 worth of.
goods we give a ticket which en
titles the holder to one chance on
nn Elegant Hold Watch worth $90.
\Vc carry a nice line of goods in the
latest 'htyle , embracing Men's and
Hoy's clothing , hats mid. cr.y. : %
liU'J I,1. ; . " - , glovesiniUJn . etc. , which
wo will sell you at One-half the 1'rico
u.skod you by other dealers and give
you a chance on the watch-besides.
Como and examine our goods- and prices
before purchasing. Kemcmber the
place , 510 and f > 48 Hroadway.
Latest Novelties ,
In Amber , tor-
tel < ; shell , etc.
as well as thu
In halrioods. ;
Hair goods
Made to order
Mrs. C. L. Gillette ,
L"J Mnln Street , Council HlunX Out f town
work solicited , and all mail orders promptly
attended to.
Large Line at llcasonnble Figures.
No , 23 Ma'n St. , Council HluatTs , low.
D , H. HcDANELD & GO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
( SO find 822 Main Street.Conncll llhiCTs.Iowa.
The Alcohol , Morphine anil Opium habit Ab
solutely Cured without InterferltiK .with the
patient's dally avoeatlon. Correspond with or
call on DR. F. P. BELLINGER.
614 Hroadway , Council U luffs , la.
All correspondence confidential.
( OOIlroodway Council IllnHs , Iowa. Kstabllslieii
Trotting - Stallions
WABECARY , - - Conncil Bluffs ,
OF 20 ritll CKXT ON
Sample Rooms Attached.
W. B. IKWIN , Prop ,
TAKE A THU' TllltOUdll
And you will see what u scope there iw for Christinas Trading
in our Immense Establishment. We have made Largo
Preparations and Great Exertion to show the
Our Fancy Goods and Toy Department is Complete in every
respect , and our prices are just about ONE-HALF
those quoted elsewhere.
It will pay you to take a look through our house and pee the
novelticB of the season. Every department will
have Special Attractions.
314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY ,
FINLEY BURKE Attorney-at-Law , Second Floor Brown
, Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
N. Justice of the Peace. Oflice over American
. Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
QTftWfl Jh QTMQ Attorneys-at-Law , practice in the State
D1UHD U 011UD , and Federal Courts. Office-Rooms 7
and 8 , ShugartBeno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
EQ Jubtice of the Peace , 415 Broadway ,
, 0. Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or
business house in the city. Collections a specialty. _
Dentists. Office corner o
. j Pearl St. and First Avenue'
EUROPEII mmmi Don't Forget
John Allen , Prop. The Great Bargain
Kntiances , 112 Main
and 113 Pearl St. SHOE STORE ,
MKM.SAT.U.T , Hotliis
. . Is at Km Main Street.
Open from fin. in. to 10
p. in. Council UlnlT.s Council lllullH , la
. . . ' , ' .
I ou a. S. A. I'lerce 1'rop.
Hazard & Co Mrs , W , B , White Wra-Fitzgerald llcnlvrln ,
Solenccntu for
Itolury StiuUlrSliuiilnrd Staple and Fane/
Sewing Machine Restaurant , OROCEBIES.
Kur . ! > ka .V West . New Mnrr , .N'pw . Stook.
ern lOfVM. So. TO llioadnajr , Council VI'J Main M. , Crcstou .
Cnice. lUi.MHln M.Cuun- lluuno llliirk.
ill lllim * . IDWH. cil DIuDf , luna. f'ounrll llliiITiii la.
Nemnayer's ' Hotel Teller &Egan , "
J. Ncuiuuir I 'rep. WlHilpunliuiriil K'tHll
$1.00 I'EU DAY. Feed
Grain Flour
hticet rnr connections . , ,
to all ilepulf. Haled hny.otc. AKenU
Klrr prudt MiiLli- con-
. IdrWidnutllloekCiml
nee Him , NIH .Win ml .
' . ' 10 llrcuilnuy. VU Main bt. Council
Olip.OkMtcn llnupc , , . llluRi. .
Cnumll lllnllK Inwii.
so , 2 is
ri\.voi TIIK FUM.IRT : , HICIU > TTONB. INK . H omn . . IN Tosii. . .
riAMIft-'fllU I. IM' Bl-VI.KH IN CthES. .ss rin.i. IN VOI.IIMK.
We Defy All Competition anrt Clmllpne'c n CompnrlHoii of Gooiln and l'rlcc
* With Any HOUBB In ihii Wr t.
: A. RINK ,
No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluftsjowa
Both Domestic and Foreign. .