Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' * * - * *
Dally ( Morning Kdltlon ) Including Sunday
IliV. Ono War I in no
VorSIx Month * "J
. Kor'llirm Months . . . . . . . . . . . 3 w
Din Omaha Sunday IIM. , malli-d to anj > ud-
lire * * , One Vnr . . . , . , 200
ISO.VASHI.MITO.V Omen , No. 6U FoL'it
All rnmmnnlcritloiis rt-lntliiK news and
editorial mutter phoulrt lie addrcsacu to the
EniTOltor TIIK Hun.
All IniKlnoM lett'-rs and lemlttnnces rlionld bo
nddli'Sged to TIIK lll.K I'l'liMSiilMI COMIM.NV ,
( lUAiu. Drafts , checks and iM stolllco orders to
lie uudu paj nblu to thu order ot thu company.
The Bee PnlilisliinE Company , Proprietors ,
t !
Bwnrii Statement of Circulation.
Ptntcof Nc1)ra 1tB , I „
. County of Uou liw. f _ . ,
< ! r < > . II. 'J/.sihnck , Bccietary of Tlio Hoc I'ab-
llflilnc coiiiinmj.iloeB solemnly swrar that the
artmimrnimtliiiiof tlir Dally flee for the week
cmllnc Dec. 3. 1CK7. w as as follow 8-
Hntin day. Nov. 3) )
htinilny , Nov. 37
Tiippday. Nov.SU . .
Woiln < " l y. Nov. 30 . 14. > U )
Average . 14.810
fcwointonnd Mibsrtilii'il in my piebentetlils
3d dny of December , A. D. 1W. . . . , „ „ . .
( SEAL. ) Notary'1'iibllo
Btatnot Ni'lirnskn. I
fonutyof DmiKlM. f
Otro. It. 'I zsiliui k , lieinK first ilnly sworn , do-
pofrs nnd pnjs tliat hn Is peoretaryofTlie I5ee
I'nbllbhlni : company , that the octual averaio
rtiilly riicnliitlon of tlio Dally Ileo for
the month of December. IfrfO , 111,207 coics ] ;
for January. 17 , 10'JO copies ; for IVb-
riinry. 1M-T , 14.10S copies ; for March , 18KT. 1UOO
( opted ; for Apiil , IS'fT , 11,31(1 ( copies ; for > fay ,
Jtt" , 1 Icoiiles : for .lime. If * " , 14,147 conies ;
for July , 1M7. 14.IM conies ; for Aitinibt. lw , II-
1C1 idplea ; for gcptvinllr , IKW , H.'J copies ; for
October , 1S87 , U , : J : for November , lb7 , 16.230
conic * * .
( JKO. ll.T/SCHUrif.
Svorn to nnd subscribed In my pretence this
Ikl duy of December , A. D. IWi" .
N.IMT.U , .
( SKAT , . ) Notary 1'ubltc.
OMAHA failed to got the convention
so lot the city hull bo built at once.
Tine fast trains seem to bo giving
satisfaction to the traveling public.
TiliiV are arresting bogus butter men
in Philadelphia. The cuHtoiu is a good
otio and should bo imitated in many
other cities.
TIIK real estate boom in Wichita ,
Kan. , has subsided and the inhabitants
iiro now booming hour. They uro try
ing to sue how much of the bovcrago
they can guz/.lo in defiance of the law.
A GEOUOIA court has held that a pub
lisher of a newspaper cannot bo com
pelled by the grand jury to testify in a
case where ho had pledged himself not
to reveal the source of his information.
SAN FliANGibCO has a larger assort
ment of wicked ollicials than any other
city in ( ho union. The latest expose is
that of a judge who granted fraudulent
passports for the importation of Chinese
GKNKKAI * SiiuninAN proposes to
move Fort Omaha ten miles from the
city. lie Brtys the soldiers should have
u Mouioty-of their own and not mix with
the Omahogs. But would ten miles bo
anything to a soldier ?
j , A TOWN in Arizona , has been swal
lowed by an earthquake. Many lives
wore lost. Those who uro now rushing
I that way to obtain the gold mines re
cently discovered in its territory , should
bo prepared to bo taken In.
TIIK -tropicul exposition , to beheld
held ut Jacksonville , Fla. , commencing
in January nnd continuing until May , is
now in the hands of the boomers. Scin-
inolc Indians , alligators and real estate
Agents constitute the greater part of the
TltK Panama canal is rapidly becom
ing a grave for the whole world. It has
uwallowcd up Americans , Europeans ,
Ethiopians and now u largo party ol
Chinese have been contracted for. The
big ditch will no doubt also bo Do-
i Ijcsseps' last.
BROOKLYN has developed a now vari
ety of political misdomeandor. A young
| man who recently passed a civil service
examination nnd obtained a high stand
ing can neither read nor write. Her
hired a substitute to do the mental
drudgery of the occasion.
- AN effort will bo miido during the
prc&cnt congress to prohibit the Intro
. duction of private bills in open session
nnd require that such measures shal
reach the appropriate committee
through the medium of a petition box
Tills would bo a good innovation , a
i" both time and money could thus bi
. * mved to the government.
Tin : Now York Central has put :
"vestibule train" on the track to rui
between Now York and Chicago. Th
| r platforms of the cars are enclosed , mnh
ing ono long open car , from which pas
hangers cannot fall. Heat is supplic
by means of steam nnd hot water. Ther
are bomo things which the slow-goin
east does quite as well as the weet. Th
arrangement would be a good thing 1
imitate by western rail road b.
TIIK St. Paul rionctr Pns notes th
fact that the slot in the cable line i
that c\\y \ \ i.s playing the mischief wit
horacs. 'It states that the calks i
horses' shoes are readily caught in i
with Iho result , if the horses are on
trot , of throwing them , and Eonietiim
breaking their legs or tearing oil thu :
hoofs. Thcro have been numoroi
accidents there of this sort , an
the advice is given to drivers to till
the precaution to reduce the t-ju't
of their hoi'toi to a slow walk across tl
cable line. A similar warning may n <
ho amis to drivers In Omaha in c.rn .
ing the cable lino.V infer that tl
dangerous slot in St. Paul is wider thu
that in the cable line in { his city , but
, Js possible that accidents muy tiapp <
hOro glinllar to those that have occurn
. nt St. Paul , and therefore drive
should "go slow" in passing over tl
? Jiblo line.
At Hie Mercy of Hie Itnllwny .
ThcIlKi : recently mentioned the fact
that the business men of Helena nnd
llutto City , Montana , were using the
old freight wagons wheiover practica
ble , claiming thill in this way they
could have goods sent from adjacent
towif nnd camps much cheaper than
the railroad company would do the
same work.
ThoimiH J. Price , of St Paul , was
recently interviewed by a St. Louis
paper , and his account of the nuages of
the railroads UIMJD the people of the
northwest furnishes ample food for re-
Ili'Ctlon. Tlio condition of allair ? in
Dakota is .equally an frightful as in
Montana. Mr. Price , after petsonal
observation , nays the following :
The farmers n.f Dakota uro , us usual , in n
very bad position as regards their crop.
Whutlicr the season Is pootV or bad inuUcs
ILttlu dlIeroncto ( thotn , us the rnllroml coin-
piinlcs huvo so arranged mattcis that they
reap whatever profit in to bo derived , leaving
the fanners withnbnio llvliife' . The condi
tion of affairs ut the present time Is a fair
sample of the manner In which the fanners
are bled. Fully-10,000,000 bushels of wheat
nro now harvested , and much of It sacked ,
but It cannot reach a market as there arc no
curs to haul it , ami no prospect of any being
obtainable. This refers to the land * along
the Manitoba load , with xvliich I am PUIHOII-
atly acquainted , but I understand tlio sumo
condition of affiilrH prevails elsowheif. The
farmers nru generally In debt and can not af
ford to carry their'crops until tninsiwrtr.tion
can bo obtained , and no ono wants to buy the
( . rain with this uncertainty hanging over
them. Here the railroad company , or rather
its directors , step In ami offer u low price for
thu wheat. The farmer Is obliged to sell ,
and when once the transfer of all thu wheat
In u certain district is made , It Is astonishing
how easy it becomes to obtain enough freight
cunt to handle the grain. Hill and H.van , the
rft. Paul mllllomihcs , mnlto hundreds of
thousands of dollars every year , undolhcis
nuiko smaller but still very considerable sums.
The plan is to pay the farmers just enough to
pi event them from abandoning their lands ,
and so hold out hopes that In future no lack
of transportation will occur. The plan works
admirably for the railroads , but is highly
disastrous to the farmers ,
The situation in Nebraska ib homo
different Dakoka , yet there arc
many of our people who remember when
just such u programme was enacted
hero , yea'r after year. And it is not
much better yot. The remedy lies only
with tlio people. It takes years to ac
complish the desired end. Yet by elect
ing honest men legislators laws can and
finally will bo enacted , effectually check
ing the raids of the public highways
and the highwaymen who manipulate
If the London press , in commenting
upon the president's message , would give
fair and intelligent consideration , there
would bo no reason to apprehend any ill
effects from the discussion. The imws-
papers of London , however , have chosen
to talk of it as a free trade manifesto ,
nnd this.misroprcscnlation of the char
acter of the message is not only mislead
ing to the English public , about which
wo need feel no concern , but it is being
employed in this country to influence
popular opinion , and will undoubtedly
have great effect upon all that portion
of the population which is prompt to
array itself against anything tluvt re
ceives English approval.
It is very easy to understand the mo
tive of the London press in taking n
false view of the message. There is a
large and growing element in England
that is greatly dissatislied with the
pronont lineal system and is demanding
a change. If this discontented portion
of the English people bo made to
believe that the president recommends
a policy for the United States that
would bo a material approach to that of
England it would do much to silence the
demand for a change in the English
policy , and all the feuding
papers of London desire that
thuru shall bo no change. It is
hardly possible , however , that the de
ception they arc practicing can bo
maintained , and so soon as it shall bo
exposed there is very likely to come n
reaction that will give the fair traders
a very vigorous boom.
The politicians in this country who
nro making use of this English opinion
are also likely to find .in duo time that
they are giving it a much greater value
than it really possesses. It will have
perhaps a lusting effect with some , bul
the great majority of the reading people
of this country form their own opinions
and such Will not ho persuaded that the
policy recommended by the president
means ireo trade or any material
approach to it. The message
explicitly declares that the tariff dntie-
cannot now bo wholly'dSsponsod with
but must bo maintained for many year :
in order to provide a part of the revenue
nuo of the government. Ho also insist :
that in any readjustment of the tarlt
reference must bo hud to the duty o
preserving the industries of the country
and , protecting labor in the enjoymon
of ample work and liberal remuneration
There is no possibility of any man of intelligence
telligenco ai\d candormisundorstnndin !
or misconstruing those sentiments
which clearly imply the continuance o
a reasonable protection. With a righ
understanding of the motive for th
misroprosuntntions of the London news
papers no ono ought to bo inlluonccd b
the expressions of English opinion 01
the president's message , or the mani
fest absurdity of associating Mr. Cleveland
land , as a champion of free trade in th
United States , with Cobden , the grcn
npoatlo of that policy in England.
A TronliloBomo I/oopholc.
The effort that will be made by th
representatives of the Pacillo coast i
congress to scc.uro additional legisljitio
for restricting Chincso immigration i
confronted by the troublesome fact tin
however drastic a measure might I
adopted it would be likely not to prov
ontircly effective in keeping out thool
jcetinnablo people so long as their con
ing to this continent receives the 01
connigomunt. of the Canadian govcri
mont. It is stated that Blnce the estnl
Hclimcnt of the Canadian line of stean
10 erri across the Pni'ifie , ChliiChO nip :
n chants in Victoria have boon busily ci
it gaged in preparations to import Cliini
in men front Hong Kong in largo number
id and'that coiiKldorahlo money has hoc
rs in\c.-ttd ) in tlio business. U ib alt
10 Mild that since the completion ' of tli
Canadian Pacific rullroud fully .fot
thousand Chinamen have found their
way from Victoria to the United States.
It Is understood that at the next sesrfton
of the Canadian parliament an effort-
will ho mndo to repeal the $50 tax now
levied on Chinamen entering the Ca
nadian domain , in the interest of the
Canadian Pacific railroad company ,
deferring to this phase of the situation ,
the San Fronolsron C/ironMfsays / :
Its fcrnvo featuie arises from the seeming
Inability of our government to cope wltli the
evil. The whole stretch of country fiom
Vancouver to Monti cal is available for the
Illicit transit of Chinamen Into the United
State's ; It Is Impossible to guard so long u
line. And when United States ofllcluls do
catch Chinamen In the act of smuggling
themselves Into this country , what are the.v
going to do about ill When thlsquchtloa
vvns put to the. government nt Washington In
tcfwenro to some Clilnntnen who hud sur
reptitiously crept Into Washington Tei rllory ,
nnd whom the Canadian authorities refused
to take back without the payment of f.10 head
money , the sapient reply came : "I'utthem
In Jail. " Nobody In the Interior department
was nwaio that such a doom would suit the
Chinese. It Is suggested that we tisk Canada
to adopt our exclusion act. We can ask , but
why should they comply ! The Dominion
parliament is not concerned about excluding
Chlncso ; It knows they will not stay In
Canada ; but It is very gravely concerned
about building up a Canadian Pacific line of
strainers and n greuit'Canadian seaport ut
Port Moody to rival San Francisco. Sir John
Mucdonnld would tell Mr. 1 Jayai d that Canada
will take care of her own Inteicsts , and will
leave the United States to take care of theirs.
The dilllculty presented by this feature
is obviously important and serious , and
it is not cniy to HOO how it may bo-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Shooting of Ferry.
The strong feeling of dislike and dis
trust entertained by the radical republi
cans of France towards Jules Ferry
found n not unusual expression in the
attempt to assassinate him. Whether
it shall be bhown that the act of Auber-
tin , was , as he claims , in pursuance of a
conspiracy , or was merely the concep
tion of a rash zealot , the incentive- must
btill be traced to the bitter hostility of
Iho radicals toward Ferry , whom they
fully believe to bo insincere in his pro
fessions of republicanism and inoro a
friend to Germany than to Franco.
Thcro is very likely no justice in this
view. Ferry prefers peace to war , nnd
his influence linn been-exerted to avoid
hostilities between Franco and Germany.
Ho has undoubtedly been willing to
muko some concessions in the interest of
peace , a thing extremely distasteful to
nourly all Frenchmen , and especially so
to tho"radicals. . His course in the
Tonquin matter was regarded as humil
iating to Franco , and it cost him a great
loss of popularity. But whether just or
otherwise the view of Furry held by the
radicals is doap-.seated , and the event of
Saturday shows that the threat of civil
war in case of the election of Ferry to
the presidency was not meaningless.
Jules Ferry is a very able man , and
undoubtedly patriotic and conscientious.
The assumption that his relations with
Bismarck gives the man of blood and
iron an undue influence over him is
doubtless without warrant. But being
largely hold , it has very greatly impaired
the usefulness of Ferry as a statesman ,
and it is not probable that ho will ever
reach any ollleial dignity outside of the
chamber of which he is a member. It
is thought that the attempt to n si -
sinalo him will diminish his unpopu
larity and undoubtedly there will bo
many to sympathize with him who have
boon his opponents. But the clement
that distrusts him is not likely to find
any reason for giving him its confidence
in the fact that the assassin did not ac
complish what ho intended. Ferry will
get well , and when ho resumes political
activity the hostility to him will bo
renewed with , perhaps , incronbod bit
terness. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Words Not KflVctive.
The Chicago JYcif.s continues to road
the riot act to "coal robbers'1 and "land
robbers" and "gas thieves. " Yet it is
to bo regretted that all these polished
gentlemen who prey upon the publio
continue to exNt and do business at the
old stand with their same charming can
dor. There was n time when it would
have been considered a trille out of
place to notice a cpmpany of men en
gaging in business that was deemed re
spectable , and refer to them as robbers ,
and thieves and conscienceless plunder
ers , but in these days when centralized
capital constitutes the motive power
that moves the world , no other terms
would properly describe them.
And the question i.s , shall custom
continue to tolerate daylight robbery ,
and must the poor always pay thoit
earnings to the rich and not got value
received ? What good result can come
from naming these men thieves unless
the theft bo proven and the violators ol
law made to pay the penalty of theii
crimes ? If it is not a crime for capita ]
to pool and prey upon wage-workers ant
the poorer classes , lot a law bo cnuctet
to make it such. If it is now a crime ,
then let the powers act and bring l <
justice the blood-sucking leeches wlu
grow more impudent as they grov
richer. Something must bo donooi
what might prove an undesirable re
action is inevitable.
PlllLADKLl'in.V has enjoyed a littli
boom on the leprosy scnro starting i
few weeks ago. Now ; comes the St
P.iul ( Jlolc and says that there seems ti
bo good reasons for believing "a form o
leprosy actually exists in certain portions
tions of the state. Though not the terrible
riblo discaso which has decimated th
population of the Hawaiian islands , i
is nevertheless allied to it , and shouli
receive as careful attention from th
authorities. The discaso exists exclusively
ivoly among those Scandinavian immi
grants who , at homo , were accustomo *
to an unvarying fish diet , and has notyc
boon obsarved , among those of that rac
who wore born in this country. " Th
GMic calls upon the state board c
hualth to investigate the matter fullj
and reminds that body , which seems t
bo but little interested , of the fact that i
ether countries where leprosy exists 1
.is regarded as distinctly contagion !
and the moment the disease appears th
unfortunate victim is at once isolate
from tlio rest of thu community.
OMAHA cannot fall uTdorlvo ndvan
ago from the bettor knowledge whic
'its candidftoy has , given the country <
Its present commercial position , its.ex-
tonslvo resource's and its'almost boundless , -
less possibilities ; * The youngest ol the
metropolitan cUiosof the west has imulo
a showing , ilot a fact of which
was overstated , 6f progress almost un
precedented in the history of rapid nnd
substantial municipal growth in this
country , nnd of , the possession of all the
condition of future prosperity unsur
passed by those of any other city in the
\\est. These facts have been sown
broadcast , and they will not bo Ignored
or forgotten by the enterprise and capi
tal which are sqoidng more promising
and profitable Holds.
Nebraska JoltliiKK.
Talmago reports a petroleum well.
The Grand Island Light and Fuel
company has increased its capital stool :
to $ IoOUUO. ,
William DutToy. who grabbed a time
piece and Hew from Fremontwas caught
by the forelock in Lincoln.
II. M. Frost , of Tecumseh , assaulted
yiocumb recently , and was lined $010 for
doing so without a special permit.
A. M. Emerick was thrown from his
wagon by a runaway team , near Grand
Island Friday , and instantly killed.
The Hastings Ga/.otto-Journal tips a
foaming beaker to Omaha and salutes :
"Hero's hoping for better luck next
time. "
The looses to insurance companies
caused by the recent tire in York have
been aUjusted , The amount paid ' was
$17,08 : : . .
A young man named Cunningham , son
of a "railroad contractor , was arrested at
Blair last week , charged witli stealing
$150 from n butcher.
Holt county boasts of twelve nows-
and reaches for the pennant as a
Knpers paradise. Modesty is contag
ious in that blooming land.
Fremont's packing house was inaugu
rated last Saturday. Myorson & Buch
anan , of Omaha , tire the lessees , and
they propose to curve from 700 to 1,000
porkers a day.
The Nemaha Granger is tear-stained
and troubled and sere in the interior
department. The editor missed a wed
ding feast whore the tables "groaned
with good things. "
Ono of the operators at Orcopolis
tried to sidetrack the moon at that
point recently , and is now dispensing
the cigar * to keep the boys from rolling
oil the trains when the subject is men
The Hastings Gazette-Journal strug
gles painfully against the growing con
viction that Blame will lead the repub
licans next year. The Journal believes
that ho will'lead them as he did in 1884
into the ditch.
The prohibtion spirit is said to bo
quite strong in Washington county , but
the Blair Pilot 1ms not yet heard ono
of the coldwator Jarmor.s refuse to sell
corn at an advanced price to the dis
tillery in Omaha. , ,
The News gives assurance that Nor
folk's future is beyond question , yet she
needs for immediate consumption a
cracker factory , carriage factory , imple
ment factory , packing house and a few
other frills to givo'color ' and variety to
her shapely person.
The Elkhorn Valley road stands n
good chance of losing the bond bonus
voted by Wahoo.The state auditor re
fuses to register the bonds , claiming
that the village trustees had no author
ity to ibsuo the call' , as Wnhoo was then
a city of the second class.
The hoodlums of Curtis , Frontlet *
county , decorated1 Judge Mason with
commission eggs on his recent visit to
the town. The railroad commissioner
intended to investigate tlio relations of
the B. & M. to the county scat tight ,
but his remarks on his reception are
too voluminous for cold print.
The postmistress of Blair is about to
ilt up a private room for the accommo
dation of a bunch of gawky gum chewing -
ing girls who Hock to the po.stollico
lobby when the males arrive. The at
traction seems to bo mutual , nnd with
slight cultivation might bo induced to
take the halter without bucking.
The sad news comes from across the
sea that twenty smacks wore in a
recent gale. Evidently the old gov
ernor's Iwot was vigorously worked , and
the painful result is left to the imagina-
"lion. Webster is wofully deficient in
words to express the sensations that
course through an amorous form when
a hot too fans the spinal base of a re
treating lover.
Johnson county witnessed n singular
union of "freaks" recently. A Mr.
Schlimschor , of Missouri , six fcot ton
inches tall and as slender as a shadow ,
wabbled to the altar with a darling
ducky of 840 pounds by his side. The
bride was the widow Jane Walden and
went through the ceremony without
bursting a smile or a button. Mr. Slim-
sure is blessed in bointr able to twist
himself around the throbbing sections
of his partner and have two feet to
spare to Keep olt the flies at his Missouri
The Yank ton Press continues a
staunch advocate of a railroad to
Omaha , and will not bo content until
thu two cities are connected by bands of
stool. The Pi-ess saya : "Omaha will
accomplish destiny in time , but it is
loning millions by procrastination. The
valley of the Jim is wide open and
Omaha needs only to build the hopper
to bocuro the products of its acres and to
furnish its people with the necessaries
and luxuries of life. There is no good
reason why the valley of the Jim should
bo compelled to go to Chicago when
Omaha is so near. "
The Holdrogo Nugget pains an intel
ligent public by inquiring why it is that
the BKE distances all competitors in
reaching that clfy1 ; The answer is
easy. The BKI : never sleeps. Every
hour of the day and night its hive if
a busy workshop , whore the nown of the
world is put through the varied processes
before being presented to its army ol
readers. And the Demand is fro great
for its teeming page ? that no obstacle
can for nn instant ulock the path to iU
patrons. While pretended rivals arc
grinding out consumptive editions on
hand presses , the BRK rolls out at agaii
of 80,000 an hour. ; , Itis tho."llyor" o :
western newspapers regularly solicit
uled and always on time. It has no coui'
petitor. '
limn Icms.
Carroll has a cheese factory boxed.
Fort Madison want a btreot railway.
Fajotto county will have a rope' pul
in 'January.
The Gorman orphan 'asylum nt Dubuque
buquo has 110 inmate ? .
A financial cyclone has domolishoi
the base ball park at Creston.
Cedar Rapids people kept their diges
tlon in trim last month with 17,600,001
gallons of water.
A double-headed calf , native born
has Doen added to the industrial freak
of Burlington.
A number of farmers in Chorokoi
county propose to organize a grain ship
ping association and dispense with mid
The bold burgaller make life nn un
broken nightmare In Dos Molnos. Together
gother with prohibition constables , the ;
make a team ot nuisances of unoqital'ed
The management of the Insane hos
pital nt Clnrinda wants nn appropria
tion of $ 00,000 to build an addition of
six uards and a kitchen.
There nro .132 newspapers in the ter
The Illinois Central track has reached
Ihc oullicastcrn border of the territory.
Tlio bccijcss boomers of Cass county
have raised sL'0,000 to uniorce local op
Artesian water has been struck at a
depth of - " > ( ) foot on Schlouuing'o ranch ,
near Rapid City.
11 has noun shown that there Is an in-
crcaso of ,000,000 bushels this year in
thu Dakota corn crop.
The rooting slate recently discovered
in thu Black Hills is pronounced by
experts to be of good quality.
Virginia City Traveling Itantdly Down
the Hill.
Virginia ( Nov. ) Enterprise : Vir
ginia , Nov. , from the Chollar and Po-
torii on the south to the Ophir on the
north , and from what is known as the
Virginia ledge on the west for nn in-
dollnito ( IIBlanco on the east , but in-
eluding n line from the G. nnd 0. shaft
north and south , seems to bo an ani
mated mass of sliding and raising and
falling earth.
Some sixty feet above Summit street ,
commencing at the Savage and running
to the Chollar , the point of Uoimrturo
between the moving earth and the firm
west country rock is clcnrlv marked ,
without a break , by a slide varying
from two foot to nine or ton foot in
depth. It is plainly visible from every
part of town , and ninety-nine persons
out of every hundred believe it is a
road built there by the county or the
water company. It winds around the
little gulches and around the mountain
.8 regularly as though it was built fern
n even railroad grade , and the \\all it is as clearly defined as any
ninur wants to look at. At the Ophir
'bloisom , " or croppings , just below their
auk , the lowest depression is attained.
The water works system of Virginia
mil of the mining companies runs north
mil south , with lateral lines , on the
.u'inoipul streets , and is crosscutted on
ill the cross streets. If the reader will
onsult a map of Virginia and follow
ho following description lie will see ex
ictly how she is a-wiggling : The
ivater-tanks are all situated on the firm
ivest country. From the Savage to the
Ophir the water-pipes all pull apart on
every street until they get to C'strect ,
and from there east they jam together.
This pulling and jamming is considera
le. Where the water mains leaves
auk ono and crosses the break noted
ibovu the pipe pulled apart nnd the
east side sunk two foot and traveled cast
icarly three foot. At the corner of
Flowery and D streets , where Chief
onnSson recently put a fire main , the
pipe was found jammed live inches. Tlio
Ophir company have had to put in
.Jeeves . above Carson street several
ime.s. On Sutton avenue , Union street
nnd Taylor street Chief Pcnnison has
lad to do the same- thing , and
, ho milling , company , which re
cently put a Iti-inch main down
Taylor street , 1ms already had to repair
three times on account of the frisky
inturo of the street. By the Choi'ar
Aorks the west country must bo much
'urther west than t is north'of it , for
.heir . water tank and their entire system ,
ib well as that of the city , is moving
east , so regularly and oven that there is
" > ut little ditliculty to keep things in re-
inir around there.
The pipes thn't run north and south
from the Savage to the Ophir on B nnd
C streets net just about alike. At the
junction of Flowery on C and a corresponding
spending point on B street the water
pipes jam righ together. Fourhnndred
loot north they pull apartf and at points
400 and 300 feet still north they again
pull apart and slccvos have to ro put in
to lengthen them. Opposite the Bank
of Nevada the pipes pull apart , and from
tcoro to Sutton avenue the movement
east is steady and slight. At Sutton
avenue they jam and crowd so much
that pieces have to be cut out to shorten
them. Once they jammed right into a
valve and a new valve had to bo put in.
From Sutton avenue north everything
lides smoothly with the country.
While things nro restless enough on
the surface there is genuine activity un
derneath. This is , in fact , so great that
it is almost inconceivable. Of course ,
all this disturbance is duo to the im
mense quantities of rock which have
boon taken out of the mines since the
first hoisting plant was set upon the
lode. It is impossible to account for
every movement on the surface by the
ebcavations that have been made un
derneath , but the greatest depressions
and longest slides visible on top arc in
variably opposite or in the neighbor
hood of paying mines mines in which
the largest slopes have boon made.
All tlio old maps which have been
made of the Consolidated Virginia and
California mines during bonanza days ,
to cite particular instances , which are
now only about ton years old , nro to-day
absolutely worthless , so far as they may
bo consulted for the purpose of making
connections or re-opening old drifts and
btopes. As the Irish man would say ,
"They tire not thoro. " They have
moved. How much have they moved ?
The map shows that from a certain wall
to another , giving two points that are
almost imi > Obsiblo to mistake , the dis
tance is 854 feet. Since the lire has
been extinguished the points have been
found ; the walls are there a plain and
as eyes over saw thorn , but they are
only 150 fect _ apart now. Ono can
scarcely believe it. A stopo which is
down on the map as having sixteen sots
of square timbers 1112 feet was found.
The timbers for the sixteen sets are all
there , but so jammed that the sixteon-
inch timbers are only four inches wide ,
and an entire stopo is not more than ten
fcot wide. And so it i& all through the
The reader could form a fair idea of
the immense pressure that is brought
upon stopo timbers only by seeing them ,
When a stopo is bulkheaded , timbers
are put in about as thick as they can
got , and everything titled neatly. !
On the 1,000 foot level of Consolidated
Virginia there is a drift , ono side ol
which Is under almost continual repair
for a distance of about 100 feet , and the
ether side does not move at all. The
moving side is planked. The rock is
taken away and the planks are sot six
teen inches from the timbers and wooden
pegs nro sot between the planks and the
timbers. The moving rocks press
against the planks and crunch the peg *
until they reach the timbers , when the
same work has to bo all done over.
Apparently solid walls that look as
smooth us a slate , and which snom im
movably llrm will sometimes commence
to crumble and crack. When tlio mine
was full of oxide gas the subtle fluid
came right out of wells of this kind , and
that is what mndo it so dangerous and
diltlcult to handle.
This agitation will doubtless go on a :
long as mining work is donuon the lode
but it will olways bo of the same .char
acter that it is now. There will bo nn
sudden downfall so long as the mining
is not done too near the surface , and sc
long as proper timbering Is done. So ,
timid people need lose no sloop on ac
count of our immense mining opera
Ho 11ns Plenty of Money tint Ihe In
Holltai'r Wretolif liu > H and Hiunlor. |
4 , I'lntiillolil , I ml , , correspondent
writes : Tlloro is .situated four mile *
south of hero an oddly' constructed hut
of two rooms. Tin homo Is located
wnfis distance back from the public
highway , Rjul to the casual observer
passing along C.'i'uio * be seen at all.
The place is completeMolded ! from
all view by a dcnns grovth 01 ! : : "nboo ,
which of itself is n curliKity in this eli
mate. A well-worn pathway is the onlv
passage that lends up to door of this
rude dwelling , where lives ono of the
most amusing and et'centrio characters
to bo found in Indiana.
The name of the person Is John Moon ,
and his age. to judge from appearance ,
Is about eighty your * . Ho Isot . strong ,
and in summer of ton makes "long jour
neys on foot , attending all the fairs ,
public sales and shows of all kinds for
many miles around , whore ho Is well
known by almost every man , woman
and child. Ho goes barefooted both
winter and miminor , and is fond of
boasting that his fcot never know a
covering. Of his early life but little Is
known , except what ho chooses to tell.
Ho came to this country manv years
ago , when the country was no'w , nnd
entered 100 acres of the richest farming
land , which ho yet retains. Ho was
never married , and is not known to
have any living relative. Up to a few
years ago ho worked industriously on
his farm , and must by his labors have
accumulated a small fortune , but
ho always asserts , when asked concern
ing his wealth , that ho is npoor'mnn.
It is .supposed that ho has his treas
ure buried , from the fact that the busi
ness men of this place are often called
upon to exchange gold coin for silver
and paper currency by him. Evil dis
posed persons have upon more than ono
occasion made nocturnal visits to his
farm and hunted for the money , but
with no success. This extremely pecu
liar individual claims that his boyhood
days and tlira of his early manhood
wore spent in the Rooky mountains , and
ho has considerable evidence in the way
of hunting relics to support his declara
tions. His lonely hut. which is onlv
occupied by himself , is a veritable curi
osity shop , and possesses great interest
for any person , who is so lucky as to
gain admittance thereto. "
A reporter recently happened in the
vicinity of Moon's premises , and de
termined to pay a visit to the abode ot
this strange character , both for the pur
pose of satisfying his own curiosity and
securing , if possible , a morsel for the
readers of his paper. The old hermit ,
or miser , was found in a small inelosuro
adjoining the hut feeding his poultry ,
numbering several hundred , wJiio'h
Hocked around him without fear. His
income from their sale alone must
uiuMint to considerable. Your corre
spondent , by playing the role of a hun
ter and complimenting the flourishing
condition of his poultry , finally suc
ceeded in gaining the confidence of the
old man , and upon expressing a desire
to view the interior of the mean hovel ,
was unceremoniously invited inside.
The rooms were almost entirely de
void of furniture. An old cupboardwith
a few pieces of old erockorjwind cooking
utciibils ; a broken-backed chair , and an
iron pot or two completed the list. Tlio
style and number of the decorations ,
however , wore astonishing. Over the
door , which was the single entrance to
the cabin , was the old flint-rock rifle ,
which , the old man said , was his con
stant companion in all of his hunting
exploits in the "Rockies. " No carpet
covers the rough-hewn board floor , but
instead there are thrown carelessly
around numerous bear , panther , buf
falo , and many other wild animals'
hides. With each specimen nn interest
ing tale of daring bravery is con
nected , which Moon , when in
the right mood , is very fond
of relating. Ho entertained your corre
spondent with a few of these'wonderons
stories , whjch , if space would permit ,
would make good rcaiding for those ad
venturously inclined. Ranged upon
bholvcs around on all sides of both
rooms wore the mementoes of his early
travels. A few were from Mexico ; where
ho claims to have spent a number of
yours ; but the greater part of the curi
osities were from what was then the
"wild and unsettled west. " They em-
bi'aco collections of Indian darts'toma ,
hawks , stone axes and various other
articles used in Indian warfare , besides
curious stones and nuggets of jrohl and
silver , kept us a rombrance of the Cali-
fordia gold excitement of ' ! ! ) , of which
Moon was an active participant.
It is surmised by borne that ho pros
pered there and has his fortune hidden
in some becuro ] ) lace upon his farm.
One of the curirsities that interested
your correspondent most was several
pairs of elks' horns of tremendous bi/.o ,
which ornamented tlio walls of the
rooms. Previous to the departure of his
attentive I ut somewhat inquisitive vis
itor the queer individual extended a
polite invitation to partake of a frugal
repast which ho had hastily prepared.
The bill of faro consisted of iuivd bis
cuits and fried squirm ; ! , well Seasoned ,
cooked over an old-fashionod firo-placo.
The meal was relished. .It was served
standing , there being noseats to occupy ,
in the simplest manner. Upon leaving
your correspondent was heartily en
joined to "call again. " Moon , like most
ether persons of his character , is con
sidered by the people of this section as
authority upon weather prophecy.
A Story of Stolen Diamonds.
Chicago Herald : Last winter social
circles wore startled by the publication
of a paragraph which announced that a
well-known Washington society ladj
had boon robbed of a set of diamonds
valued at $ L'0XK ( ) , the thief being naid to
be a well-known man in social circles.
In a few days names began to bo men
tioned in the ca o , the lady being iden
tified as Mrs. Scott-Townsoml , while the
culprit was wild to bo John Schuyloi
Crosby , a well-known man about town.
Mrs. Towns-end is the daughter ol
W. L , Scott , of Erie , Pa. , tlio mil
lionaire congressman , while Mr. Croibj
is of a prominent Now York fam
ily , and served for > mo time
in the war on General Sheridan's
staff. Ho was appointed by President
Arthur as governor of Montana terri
tory , and subsequently was made Ural
assistant postmaster general. Both ho
and Mrs. Town&ond denied the story
but it found many bollovors. It has
now boon discovered that the diamonds'
were stolen bv a servant In the employ
of Mrs. Townscnd , who , after the thuft ,
escaped to California and recently
opened nogotiiitionsthroughan attorney
for their return , his price being $ o,000
and a promise that ho should not bo
prosecuted. It is now understood that
Governor Crosby will prosecute the people
ple who first put the story in circulation.
This will Invite a well known female
newspaper writer and the wifo.of a
prominent democratic . Muiator , from
whom the correspondent is said to ob
tained her information.
i n
Mjsllo .le\vilH.
Popular Science : But when the ling
was not plain , precious stones of some
kind coiiRlitutcd the setting , and when
the holcction of the btono was In ques
tion the dominance of fashion was ab-
Boluto. In the .fourteenth century an
Italian writer set forth the virtues of
the v.irloiiK gems , Indicating thu month
in which it was proper to wear partic
ular Moties. The idem took , ami for
Kilno titno it was thu fashion In several
Italian cities to have the precious stone-
of the ring determined by the month In
which the bride was born , If In Jan
uary , the stone \\IIH a garnet , believed
to have the power of winning Iho
wearer friends , \ ( In February , her
ring was set with an amcthisl , which
protected her from poison and
from slnnderoUM tongues. The blood
stone was for March , making
her wNo and enabling her with
"illeneo to bear domestlu cares.
I'ho ui"ond : : ! for April , keeping her
icart innocent fini ! pure , so long as ho
worn the gem. An etu' 'iild for May
undo her n happy wife , while nfi ! ifuto
'or June giu'o nor health and protection
'rom fairies and ghosts. If born in July
.ho stone was a ruby , which tended to
coop her free from jealousy of her hus
band , while in August tlio sardonyx
made her happy In tlio maternal rela
tion. In September n sapphire was the
Itroper stone , it preventing quarrels be
tween the wedded pair ; in October n
. 'nrbimelo was chosen to promote her
love of home. The November born
bride wore n topiu , it having the gift of
making her truthful and obedient to
lior husband ; while in December the
turquoise insured her faithfulness.
Among the German country folk the
last named stoiui is to the present day
used as a setting for tlio betrothal ring ,
mill , so long n.s it retains its color , is be
lieved to indicate the constancy of the
The Diidu of Ynutcpcc.
Correspondence by Faiinio Ward :
Yonder goes the duiio of Yuutopoo , a
wealthy \oung sugar planter , whoso an
cestral acres stretch away beyond the
limits of the vision. Ho bestrides a
pnftielng stood , the pace of which is
hero known as "single stop , " and the
gorgeous saddles and trappings that
cover the animal almost out of sight
inust have cost a moderate fortune.
Observe how pSiijjnrly he holds his
goldhcaded whip , and 'hnw the big diamond
mend sparkles in the end of its ! Sco
his pearl inlaid revolvers protruding
from the Bash of crimson silk , which his
short black jackets imperfectly conceals. '
His pantaloons , light as two candlu
molds , are decorated with double rown
of genuine half dollars up the outside
seams , sot so olosoly together as to
overlap and braided together with gold
cord. The pointed toes of his tiny
shoos are thrust into silver stirrups of
enormous si/e , and from his
heels dangle silver spurs that ton
to one outweigh his feet. His
great sombrero of white felt has a gold
cable largo as your thumb wound round
and round it , and its broad , thick brim
boars a heavy arabasquo of gold. His
horse is M ) perfectly trained that the
rider never uses the rein , but boinls
slightly to the right or the left to indi
cate his wish.
The mo'/.o , or groom , who rides behind
at a respectful distance , forms an ad
mirable foil to the gorgeousno'iB of his
nuuiter , whom ho constantly eyes with
nn air of cxeessivo pride and dignity ,
as ono who says : "Thoro he goes ; just
look at himl Ain't he n daisyV His
hacienda covers 1,000 square miles , and
that white sombrero cost 8100 if it cost a
cent. " The mo/.o is a good r'uler more
soberly dressed than the dude ho follows ,
though his sombrero is equally broad
and the coins on his brooches are mndros
( six-cent pieces ) , instead of half dollars.
Besides the dagger and braoo of pistols
whien ho sports in his cotton wishi , | i
broad , saCago looking swoid , called a
mechato , is silicic in the baddlo-Hhealh.
This warlike rig , though scarcely
needed now. is a burvival of the tinio
when personal defense was a matter of
daily necessity.
How n Timid lord IJcat Three Imwyors.
Atlanta Constitution : Not far 'from
the city of Montgomery , in the state of
Alabama , on ono of the roads running
from that city , lives a jolly landlord by
the name of Ford. In fair weather or
foul , in burs tfmos or boft , Ford would
have his joke whenever possible. Ono
bitter , stormy nightor rather morning ,
about two hours hoforo daybreak , ho
was aroused from his slumbers by loud
shouting and knocks at his door. Ho
turned out. but sorely against his will ,
and demanded what was the matter. It
was dark as tar , and as ho could see no
ono ho cried out :
' Who are you , there ? "
"Three lawyers from Montgomery , "
was the answer. "We are benighted
and want to stay all night. "
"Very sorry 1 can't accommodate you
so far , gentlemen. Do anything to
oblige you , but that's impossible. "
The lawyers , for they were three of
Iho smartest lawyers in the'state , and
'ready to drop with fatigue , held a con
sultation , and then , as they could do no
bolter and wore too tired to go another
stop , they asked :
"Well , " can't you stable our horses , and
give us eliulrs nnd a good tire until
morning ? "
"Oh , yes ; I can do that , gentlemen. "
Our learned and legal friends wore
soon drying their wet clothes by a
bright Uro as they composed themselves
to pass the few remaining hours in their
chairs , do/ing and nodding , and now
and then swearing a word or two of im
patience as they waited till daylight did
The longest night has a morning , and
at last the sun came along , and then in
due time a g < > od breakfast made its ap
pearance ; but to thomirpribo of the law
yers , who thought tlio house was
erowdad with guests , none but them
selves sat down to partake.
"Why , Ford , I thought your house
wasbo full you couldn't give UH a bud
last night ? " said ono of the travelers.
"I didn't say so , " Ford replied.
"You didn't ? What in the name of
thunder , then , did you say ? "
"You asked mo to let you May hero
all night , and I said it would bo impos
sible , for the night was night on to two-
thirds gone when you came. If you only
wanted beds why on carlli didn't you
bay M > ? "
The lawyers hud to give it up. Thrco
of them on ono side , and tlio landlord
alone had heated thorn all.
lilnok IlillK Tin.
The anxiety to know whether this
country contains a really valuable tin
mine , ono that can bo worked practi
cally , is not confined to Americans by
any moans. It is shared by a good
many Knglish people of high and low
degree , who happened to ho stock
holders in the company formed to work
thi ) Ilarney peak mines in the lllauk
hills. A committee of the investor
lias recently be-on In the country to in
vostigatorfl. Just before they Milled
ono of thorn , John Taylor , u banker ,
told William K. Dodge , of Now York ,
that ho thought the mine a good one ,
while another , a Mr. Price , considered
it valuable.
"No doubt there are indications of tin
there , " wild Mr. Dodge to-night , "but
the general linpresrion hero IH that the
deposit in of no commercial value. The
company established Mimelhing of a
plant two years ngo , but 1 do not know
that any tin wns over taken out.
There have boon u ( rood many 'pookuli
of tin found in this country , but none of
thorn has ever paid for working ; but
when wo do gel a good mine hero
thcro'll bo no need to go to England for
capital to develop it. "
' -
Leland hotel , Chicago *