Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1887, Image 1

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Rev. Mr. Berry Decides Not to Como
to Brooklyn.
\ flrcat Day'N Sporl at I'nu Illomnrck
Tnkrn HcrloiiNly III .Jules
Kerry 'H Condition Oilier
u News.
Will Nol Succeed needier.
\ ( ' < i\Wtuhl \ lt * I/u J/uitrf ( liiiilnll Ililinrtl. ]
Woi.vniiiUMi'Tox , Ore. ' 11. fNcw York
Herald ( ; ablc-Special to the Ui'.n.J
There was nn Immensely largo attend
ance at the Queen street Congregational
chapel here this morning. H was known
that the pastor , Mr. Hcrry , would announce
his decision us to accepting the cull to
Plymouth church. There was no mistaking
the anxiety ami hope of his congiegiition
that ho would decide to-remain. There was
an ominous silence when the following letter
was presented for reading , and when tlie fact
wns stated of his refu al to go to Hrooklyn ,
the applause was shown m Iliu faces and not
in thu hands :
SofTiiroiiT , Lancashire , Dec. 10. Dear Sir
and Friends : The invitation extended to
me lo succeed Henry Ward Heechcr
in the pastorate of Plymouth church ,
Hrooklyn , has received from me
the long nnd earnest considera
tion which its importanca demanded.
That invitation was in every way extraordi.
miry nnd exceptional. The Plymouth pulpit
is universally regarded as one of the most
potent centers of world-wide influence. As
sociated with it in undying lustre is the glory
of a famous name ; attached to it cling the
memories of an unexampled ministry ; 'round
itljuthor a largo and loving disciplcshlp ;
many of the foremost servants of a new
civilisation look to it In anxious expectancy ,
and from many lands turn to it the oppressed
and thu poor , tlie weary and the doubting ,
the plodding seekers after light , the strenu
ous-toilers after liberty. , Therefore the cull ,
which invites mo to bo its new spokesman ,
comes ( o me laden with the weight of u spon
taneous unanimity and the urgency of a
splendid enthusiasm. It has been impossible
to consider this call within the customary
limits or to decide it upon ordinary grounds.
You , as 1 have realized the wide-reaching im
portance of tlie issue. From the first , you
have seen with me that in the consideration
of this question all purely local and
personal interests must bo rigor
ously excluded , and that only
thu broadest claims in the denominational
and national aspects must be admitted.
Also that a decision must be taken under the
sole and sacred sanction of duty to religion
and hnmanity. The broad questions thus
submitted to mo have created an occasion of
, perplexity and ceaseless study , but I have
gratefully to acknowledge the generous
. acceptance mid the valuable counsel of oui
owil' trusted leaders and of men in thu front
ranks of English * national life , whosi
breadth of view , whoso disinterestedness
whoso zeal for' religion and humanity have
given exceptional weight to their representa
tions representations that are ui every case
identical with those which you have urgcil
upon me. They relate to our own national
life , to the questions of .religious , theologi
cal , ecclesiastical and political , which an
coming up for settlement , and to the grow
ing need in England for a broad , evangelical
pulpit , which shall maku religion
creditable mid effective , and whicl
shall help to solve the press
ing problems which loom thrcateniiu
upon us. In view of these representations , 1
have carefully and gratefully weighed youi
proposal to give mo such additional help us
Khali preserve the effectiveness of Queens
btreet chapel , while liberating mo from de
tails and for a larger service to niy faith urn
fatherland. Hut I cannot deny that your pro
posals , which arc as intelligent as they nri
generous , have grown upon mo the more ' .
have considered them. You offer a nutiomi
work in England. You urge upon me witl
an affectionate persistency the claims of re
llginn and home. You promise conditions o
assistance favorable to the brightest service
The call , I admit , is strong. 1 have dcvotei
to all these matters much thought and prayer
withdrawing myself ns far as jiosalbio aide
from tlio natural urgency of emotion am
from pleas of self-interest. At last my dec !
slon Is taken. God giant it bo a true one
I must remain in England. I must go 01
nt any cost with the work to whicl
I have concentrated my life ,
will not delay you with reminders of th
fresh call upon you which arises out of till
. decision. I know you , 1 love you , I trust you
I pray that our larger work may win large
results for Christ and fur men. 1 cannc
eloso without asking you to Join mo in
-prayer for our brethren and friends in Amci
icn. My heart is pained beyond degree who
! think of their disappointment ,
can never forget their generous love mid aj
involution , nor thelargeness of the hone
they have placed upon me. If duty had le
mu to go-1 should hive ; gone witli every as
mirutiuo of bright days to comi
That I am honestly following wlni
I hlivo Judged to be my fait
of service will. I nm assured , win their m
provul and conquer regret. With tlio ol
love multiplied , 1 am , your friend and pastoi
! 1 It is doubtful if , after the reading , many c
If thu congregation thought more of the sci
I j mon and singing than of thu letter Itscl
When the chni > ol service was over there wn
held an old-fashioned town meeting with coi
gratulations. There was no longer an occ :
sion for Interviews , but ono old parishioni
was heard to ask :
"Can't America find within her own unio
ono KHsha worthy to wear the mantel of tli
The SliiKK r Kocpivi'd at Dunlin II
Ah lOiitliiiKlustii : Crowd.
( fiipi/ifuM / ISW liu Jiimrn Ciinliin Jtoiiirft. ]
Dunux , Dee. II. [ New York Horn !
Cable-Special to the Hii-Sullivan : : ] an
party arrived hern to-night , having left Lei
don at 12 Saturday midnight by special slee |
j ing" car. They were met at Hulhcadby
largo number of Dublin simrting men. The
had u gooil passage. The only member of tli
party sick was Ash ton , who said the buffo
ing tvavcs knocked him out of time. .
crowd of people estimated nt 1:5,000 : awaltc
the arrival at thu terminal. The pkitforir
wove crammed and Wcstland row wi
'crowded from end to end and traft
was temporarily suspended. Difficulty wi
experienced in getting the Sullivan part
across to the Grosvcnor hotel , where the
will stop. Although H Is exactly opposite tli
railway terminus , the hotel wus.only reuclie
by u circuitous route. The pressure was s
reat that the hotel door was burst in an
' "much rouh foivo had to bo ehiployed to o. '
.pel the qnthuiiastlo admlrci-b of thy givi
. , ihifger ;
' A soon as the party got upstairs Dicr
were loud cries for a speech. Sulllvnn eamo
to the window , and , the cheering having sub
sided , briefly icturned thanks. He said :
"This heatty reception prcatly delights
mo. This Is my first visit to Ireland. My
father nnd mother were Irish , nnd 1 always
aimed at upholding the honor of the Irish
people , who were a brave race. Coming here
1 want to show you what I am like and leave
it to your own Judgment what 1 am capable
of. "
.lust ns he was retiring from the window
some one shouted with emphasis :
"John , above all give It lo Mitchell. "
The party reglsleicd i onsistcd of Mr. and
Mrs. Sullivan , Mr. mid Mrs. Phillips , .lack
A.shton ami John Hellet. Your correspon
dent had mi intei view with Phillips later in
tlio evening. .Sullivan wits retiring after the
long Journey , ho said. Sullivan is
greatly. , delighted and determined to
give tlio Irish people the best display of his
powers. They play under the auspices of
Michael Gunii , aiid the tour begins at
Dublin to-morrow night , then Wateford ,
Cork , Limerick , and back to Dublin again ,
and wind up nt Belfast.
Phillips , in discussing the Sinlth-Kilrnln
fight , said that Sullivan would not be allowed
to bo present. Ho wits afraid ho would bo
fomid in Smith's corner. Phillips said he
would try to bring the Mitchell-Sullivan
fight off in France , and believes that Smith
and Kilrain will also fight there. He added
that they had u very successful season in
London. is great interest here to witness to
morrow night's display , und a great demand
for tickets. At Cork a man named Crcedon ,
n porter in a butter market , wishes to put on
the gloves and meet Sullivan. He expresses
the determination to give the big man good
value for his money. He is only five feet
seven inches in height , and eleven stone
seven in weight. His offer is likely to be im
itated by many others. Tlio space in front of
the Grosvcnor hotel is crowded to-night with
people anxious to see John.
licynard Ciijiturcil Al'lcr n hong and
i\cltlint : Chase.
| rni/rf/hf ] ) / ( 18ff till Juiiit * GitnliiH llcniirtl. ' ]
PAU , Dec. 11. [ New York Herald Cubic
Special to the Hiu. ] The Pau drug hounds
had a capita ! day's sport yesterday. Tlie
weather was mild , grey and hazy , with ex
actly such a sky as Jules Hreton delights to
put into his picture. A goodly assembly
turned out. Some twenty horsemen and n
few ladies were on the ground , amongst these
Mrs. John Lowry nnd Miss Hutton. The
meet wns at the old steeple chase course or
the Souye near St. James , about thirteen
kilometers northeast of Pan. An hourbefore
the meet Seycrce , tlie famous old curtl
stopper , bad laid the drag , composed of fo >
litter t-prinklcil wjth a dash of essence ol
tinis seed , etc. 'J ho master , Sir Viokei
Crook , being still laid up with his broker
collar bone , wns replaced for the day by Mr
William 1C. Thorn , Jr. The drag hounds
live and a half couples , were cast off at t
quarter past twelve. All wont away at !
clinking pace , due north at first , then caster
ly over a very rougii count ry.
The first incident happened , after nboul
twenty minutes gallop , nt tin'cnrthcu wall sb
feet high , preceded by n broad , yawniiif
dituh. Here Mr. Thorn and his spleiulii
hunter Anutole , came to grief. The groumJ
was. very wet and slippery , and in the scram
bio after clearing the wall , Anatole slipped
and fell with his rider under his foreleg , Mr.
Thorn having a very narrow escape , as his
hut was kicked right off his head. Mr
Thorn's second horse was , however , brought
up , and us quick as thought he was to tin
front again.
The hounds ran at a grand pace , the scent
passing over a single log bridge over the litth
river ( jiibus. Into this stream plunged th (
entire field , the water reaching up to tin
horse's girths. Then came a sharp galloi
up a steep hillside beyond. Aftei
this the course tinned northerly
along the picturesque little valley of tin
Cabas. In about ten minutes Mr. Lurregain
the well known loncur de clmvaux nt Pan
came to grief. Larrcgain , mounted nn t
smart grey mare , was leaping u wooden gati
about five feet high. The gate was ajar , am
swinging open Just as he was in midair ovc :
it , when ills mare's off hind leg got caught
over the bar , and mare and rider came roll
Ing down in a terrible tangle. Ltirregaii
got kicked in the back of his .head , nnd nl
though not seriously injured was thrown ou
for the day , the mure being terribly hurt.
After n magnificent gallon of fifteen killo
meters a little hill cast of-Halst was reached
Here , just as the hounds wcro getting intc
sight , the wily. Peyerco let the llv
fox out of the bbx. It wa
now ten minutes past one. The fox , a splen
did great "varmint'1 almost as big as a' , well
struck off before tl ( wind in an caster ) ,
coin-so at a rapid pace. The hounds simp ) ,
flew , and after twenty minutes everybody'
second mounts began to bo pretty well blowi :
Count Jean de Mndre having had a tumbl
in a ditch on the wrong side ol an almost ui
Jumpable earthen wall.
It was ten minutes past one when ol
Pegcrce let loose the fox. Not until tc
minutes past two was rcynard ran to curt !
There wore no terriers handy , so the fox hate
to be dug out , much lo the delight of an ol
peasant woman who , with her flock , compose
of ten sheep , three .pigs nnd two youn
donkeys , had been , watching the proceeding
with the keenest interest.
The fox , however , popped out of his hoi
so unexpectedly us to get clean away. It wa
now ! i:30 : , and after a brisk spin of fiftoe
miles the fox was again run to earth. Thi
time , however , the whip managed to find
pronged htiek shaped like the letter "Y.
With this ho squeezed the fox down tight !
mid seized him by the , cars so ho could ne
bite. Then ho got hold of reynard by th
tail and hind legs , pulled him out , and th
hounds were made happy byrecciving the n
n ward of their hard day's work.
° Mr. Thorn , iu the absence of the mnstei
handed the brush to Mr. Heno Lamontngi
At the death I noticed ther
were nine horsemen beside Hnlsei
the huntsmniK and Will Marten , the whi |
They were Mi. Thorn , Mr. Kcno Lumontagi
, Comte Jcun do Miulre , William Lawrcnei
l { Mr. Wadsworth , Messrs. Hogcrs , Huron ;
Mancheasy and Swifti. Among those throw
out wcro Comtc D'Enry , Miss Hutton , wli
followed pluckily ana sulendldly till the tina
a check , Mr. Hutton and Mr. Morris Post.
y During to-day's capital sport neither S
' John Nugent , Major W. II. Ciivine nor M ;
V ' Stewart put in an appearance.
il lilsinarck Taken Suddenly 111.
8S HAMiu'UG , Doc. ll. Ucliublo advices n
8e ceiveij hero from Frlcdriehsruho fay Prlnc
e Hisinurck was seized with n .sudden jllnc :
s .yosterday. . The attack t | > eedlly passed oil
y but his physician udvlsos rest and abstei-iMK
y from business. Ho is suffering from ind
a gestlon and nervous headache. Count Hei
d burl Hismarckliiis arrived nt 1'ric.JrIchsrulfv ,
il M. Forry'j ( 'uUdlUuu.
lcc. ll.-A
yt Iho condition of 'M. ' l j-rj !
MIU.MOHT The ojndlt.'uu li I.I. Fmy-'l
now less fuvorubliv . " . . '
Senator Teller Gives His Views On
the Subject.
Little to Ho Done IJcfore Christmas
shington The
Fisheries Conference Ad
journs Mexican Mission.
National Hank Circulation.
WASHINGTON' , Dec. 11. [ Special Telegram
to the UKK. ] "I believe it would be u wise
policy to do away with the necessity of re
quiring a deposit of United States bonds
wjth the treasury to secure circulation for
national banks , " said Senator Teller to the
Hui : correspondent to-night ; "and 1 would
favor making it optional with tlio banks
whether they takeout any circulating notes.
Of course there must be a segment of con
nection between thff banks and the govern
ment , in order that the government can have
authority to control them. 1 would suggest
that they be allowed to umfie a no'mlmil de
posit of cash with the treasury and receive a
certificate , thereby placing themselves under
the supervision of the government , and that
there bo no requirement to issue circulating
notes. The only reason or object in tlie do-
uoslt of bonds and the issuance of circulating
notes is to get government supervision , and
wo might as well look the question hard and
frankly in the face and make the require
ments as easy on the banks as possible , when
the security to the bank customers is not di
minished. Tlio general government
Is called upon only to make the
best possible banking system , and
inasmuch as the banks are decreasing
their circulation to the minimum on account
of the premium on bonds , and since the cir
culation is a loss to the bunks , the duty of
congress seems tp me to bo to provide an
easier requirement for the banks , and at the
same time maintain thu present system of
protection to the bank depositors. "
"There could be issued a bond to run , say
fifty years , " continued Senator Teller ,
"which would bear no interest at all , and to
be used as a security for national banks , but
I cannot see why a cash deposit would not bens
ns well. A certificate for tlie deposit could
be issued by the government , similar tn
those issued by banks to private depositors
and by this deposit the bank could bo author
ized , a charter issued and exactly the same
supervision given as "nt present , without the
issuance of a dollar of bank money. If there
ever was any necessity for bank notes , it has
disappeared. Wo have the best banking sys
tem in the world , but it was not made pooil
by the system of circulation. Government
supervision and federal laws generally arc
what made and perfected the system. A de
posit of $1,000 and the issuance of no circu
lation will give nil the security the present
system affords n bank. I would also main
tain the present system of circulation to the
extent of reducing the minimum of deposit
with tlio treasurer to the lowest possible
ilgure , but leave it so bonds or cash couh
be dcxsltuil. | If cash , a certillcato would hi
issued by the treasury , and no bank ccrtifl
cato would issue. If bonds arc deposited tin
limit might bo raised at the option of the
bank and circulation issued in proportion. ;
do not think banks should bo confined to tin
deposit of bonds to secure circulation , evei
if the minimum is reduced , and I do no
think they ought to bo required to take on1
circulating notes , since the end sought can bi
so much easier attained. "
Nebraska in AVashliiKton.
"WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. ( Special Tojcgraii
to the Hci : . ] The Sunday papers "ire tlfi
best reflection of social Hfo at the capitol
Those of this morning contain several item :
of interest to Nebraska. The departure o
General and Mrs. Van Wyck is noted witl
regret. Mrs. Van Wyck was a popular mem
bcr of the best Facial circles and her clegan
home on Massachusetts uvenuo was nlway
open to her friends. General Van Wyeh'
hospitality , especially to visiting Nebraskans
was proverbal. The Van Wyck mansion 1
now on the market for T5CCO. It has bcci
rented for the winter at the rate of 4,200 i
year with its elegant furniture , handsom
pictures and costly bric-a-brac. . . . .
"Carp , " of the New York World , has :
letter today dealing with Washington d < :
butanes , among which are included the tW' '
daughters of Senator Paddock. Ho says
"Among thu girls entirely new to Washing
ton were the two Misses Paddock , th
daughters of Senator Paddock , of Nebraska
who takes Van Wyck's seat. They are boll
very bright girls , and both accomplished
Miss Huttlc , the eldest , is u brunette , mule
medium hcighth , witli dark brown eyes am
hair. She is fond'of society and is full o
common sense. She is a womanly girl and i
proud of coming from the west. Her schoo
life has , however , been spent in the east , am
who is literary in her tastes. She is a gooi
French scholar , and is fond of tha language
She was born in Nebraska. Her sister , Mis
Fannie , is just sweet sixteen , and she i
rather mure of a blonde than i
brunctt" . Tall mid straight she has a hand
some face , very pretty eyes and a ricl
growth of bright brown hair. Both of th' '
girls look somewhat like their mother , win
s has been in Washington before. They ar
rather proud ufcthcir family , which is ono o
3 the oldest in America. Their ancestors canv
to this country in KVIO , and the Paddocks nr
connected by marriage with some of th <
most distinguished families in New England
Senator Pudtlock is rich , mid his old ston
house known as "Highland Place , " a
Hcatricc , Neb. , is one of tlio most comfort
able homos in tlie west. It lias 800 acres o
hind about it. liotli of tlio PaddocK girls ar
good hoi so riders.
Tlio family of William A. Gwyers , former !
of Omaha , are located in quarters in P strcc
northwest. Ills said that the children of th
late M rs. Gwyors have como into a ham'
some fortune Ify the death of a wealthy uncl
of whom they are solo heirs.
General Dandy was shaking hands las
week with the Omaha committee. Ho say
that he feels himself still closely idcntirie
with the city. No little part of the penth
man's interest is duo to tlio alleged fact thu
lie cleared more than i ? < ! 0,000 during his billo
in Omaha from fortunate real estate luvesl
meiits. General and Mrs. Dandy are house
in a commodious residence at 1U2S S streci
in the part of the army and navy quarter.
Captain and Mrs. John G. Hourkct , th
latter of whom was the famous MUs Hoi
bach , of Omaha , are also keeping house on !
street , where the latch string is always out t
Omaha friends. Captain Hourkct is rccoi
nized as oneof the wittiest and Ablest men
bo'rs of the army circle. He is hard at wor
compiling , under the direction of Secrotar
Kmllcott , the results of his twenty years' n
searches among thu American Indians. Th
work when priirted will rank with the mo ?
valuable contributions to American ethnology
General regret is expressed nt the absenc
of Mrs. Senator Mundcrson from the capita
Mrs. Mamlcrson has a large circle of friend
hero who are awaiting with pleasure her n
turn from Omaha.
Nebraska's climuto appears to \ > o sur
death to urmy bachelors. Lieutenant Taj
lor , of the Ninth cavalry , is shortly to b
married in Detroit. Following closely in hi
wake the engagement of Miss Susie H. Lnn
to Lieutenant .1. F. Guilford , adjutant of th
Ninth cavalry , is announced. Miss Lane i
the daughter of General W. H. Lane , n
tired. The wedding will probably take pluc
this winter , after -.vhlch Mr. and Mrs. Gui
foitl will at onio return to Fort Uoblnsor
The wedding of L'.outPiiant ' Carson , of 01
Fifth cavalry , will t'kc : place on Wodnesda
next at Foil Leaveiiworth. Miss Sumnc
Is well 'Known fir Nebraska , whom , he
father was stationed lor yenrawith liU re-g
. * i . i " - (
i'lio Flfctu't-icH Commission A
. . WASHINGTON , , Deo. U. [ Special Tclegriii
to tlio UI'E.J SecrclaryHayard's.JoInt Us !
cries couiujitilou'liub adjourned tin , Juiumr
8. .To oph Chamberlain and his c'xperts will
go to Canada with Sir Charles Tupper. The
adjournment Is ta } > cn toimcan that thu Cana
dians are Insisting strenuously on what they
allege to bo their Hghtsu It is also thought
the English foreign ofilco wants time to pass
on the propositions ol the American commis
sioners. Ono rumor tb-nlght has been that a
treaty has uutuillly been agreed upon , and
tlie adjournment was only a blind to keep the
fact from getting1 out before the treaty was
sent to the senate. It is certain thtit the
ndminlstrrtion WAS anxious to forestall criti
cism of its policy by having something to lay
before the senate , but rciwrts leaking out
about the negotiations have all been to the
effect that the "hitch was with Canadian's.
Early in the week George Foster , Canadian
minister -ftshcrifcs and marine , reached
Washington and has been counselling with
tlie British commissioners. It has been no
secret that thu Canadians wcro anxious to
drive a bargain fortho solo of privileges in
inshore fisheries which New England Usher-
men did not want. These propositions have
not been satisfactory and the Canadians lutvo
been stubborn about shifting the basis of
negotiations , Anzell and Putnam , the
American negotiators , will go homo for the
holidays. There Is U suspicion all along thu
line that the administration has thought it
wise to find out the temper of the senate
before going further with negotiations and
was therefore quite as anxious as tlie Cana
dians for an adjournment.
A CottKiTSBlomil Forecast.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. Thu senate Is ex
pected to formally elect its committees to
morrow , thus ratifying the work which the
republicans on their part have already per
formed in caucus , mid which the democrats
will have accomplished before the senate is
called to order. Little besides the introduc
tion of bills is likely to occur during the re
mainder of the week in the onen sessions of
the senate. The president has before him
iiiVi messages nominating postmasters alone ,
nil of which have been appointed during the
recess of congress , and are already in the
oftlce , which mcsshgcs ho will send to ( ho
senate ns fust as he can examine and sign
them. Other rccessnominatlons , suflicientto
bring the number up to about GOO , arc ex
pected during the week. Daily secret ses
sions are likely to occur for the purpose of
rcuoing and referring these , and it is possible
that some of the cabinet nominations al
ready sent to the senate , but not yet
laid before that body , may bo reported
for action before the end of the week.
All the important committees will hold meet
ings during the week for the purpose of or
ganization and of surveying the preliminary
work before them. Short sittings and long
adjournments may be expected in the house
this week. It is possible u day may be set
apart for the introduction of bills , but several
prominent members arc known to be opposed
to the continuation of this practice and their
object lofi may result in deferring the oppor
tunity until after the announcement of com
mittee. Tlio speaker will appoint a commit
tee on rules within a day or two and a recess
for two days will probably be taken in order
to allow the committee an opportunity to con
sider and report upon the various propositions
that have been already introduced , looking to
nmendmends of former rules. MeCrcery's
resolution requiring general appropriation
bills to bo reported to the house by commit
tees within sixty duysmfter their appointment
during the long session will probably bo
speedily and favorably reported by the com
mittee on rules , and the discussion following
the rcprt may consume the time of the house
for a day or two' There is also talk of
agressivo movements by friends of some
house ofllcials , recently displaced , which may
enliven thu proceedings during the latter part
of the week.
. v
. . \ l't. l . .
Democratic Senaorial Coinniittccincii
WAS'iiiNrTOjyPec , II. The caucus of the
democratic senators will bo held to-morrow
morning. The following is n correct list of
the senators who will represent the demo
cratic party on the committees named , except
that one or two changes may be made in tlio
committees of minor importance , such as re
vision of the laws :
Appropriations Deck , Cockrcll , Call , Gor-
Agriculture George , Gibson , Jones.
Civil Service and Retrenchment Voorhees ,
WuHhall , Wilson , JJerry.l
Edu-ation and Labor Call , Pugh , Payne ,
Waltlml ) .
Common Engrossed Hills Saulsbury ,
chairman ; Call.
Enrolled Hills-Colquitt.
Examine Civil Service Hampton , Gray.
Epidemic Diseases ( no change ; Harris ,
Hampton , Eustis and Berry.
Finance Voorhees , Heck , McPhcrson ,
Harris , Vance.
Judiciary Pugh , Coke , Vest , George.
Library Voorhces.
Military Affairs Cockrell , Hampton ,
Wulthull. >
Naval Affairs MePherson , Uutler , Hhick-
Privileges and Elections Saulsbury ,
Vance , Pugh , Eustls.
Public Lands Morgan , Cockrell , Walthall ,
Hcrry. '
Hevision of Laws Kenna , Wilson.
Uailroads Hrown , Ken mi , Geurge , Hhick-
Itules Harris , Ulackburn.
Revolutionary Claims Coke , chairman.
Woman Suffrage Cockrell , chairman ;
witli Hrown and 4 new member.
HOUHC Contested Election ! .
WASIIIXUTOX , Dec. 11. [ Special to the
Hiii : . ] The seven or eight contested
elections in the house , and the filmy grounds
upon which somoVff them nro brought , have
led to tlio conclusion among many members
that there should bo curtailment of expense
in contests. It has been the custom of the
house for many years to allow a very reason
able estimate of the expenses in securing
testimony , preparing and printing briefs , and
making arguments in contested elections
whether there was any real basis
for the contest or not. In some in
stances advantage has been taken of
the practice and liability , mid politicians
have made a great ado , for the purpose of
manufacturing sentiment In their districts
and advertising themselves , when in 'fact
there was no hopfi' what over of success. If
thii allowance wnro cut down or there was a
rule established to give nothing unless the
ground of contest'wats us reasonable as would
bo entertained by u court and ns could stand
against a motion to demur , , the number of
contests would materially depreciate. The
original idea in the existing liberally was to
purify electioes by , paying the contest ex
penses of dcfeai/M candidates through fraud.
Thu Mexican Mission.
WABIUXUTOX , Due. 11.---Special [ Telegram
to the HKn. Tiiere is to bo a great light
for the Mexican mission. Tlicro are live
candidates for the place. General E. S.
Hragg , of Wisconsin , who once loved Oieve-
land for the enemies ho had made , is one.
t During the last ycur * or two General Uragg
has not loved Cleveland for the friends ho
has made. One of these friends is W. F ,
Yllus , who. Is. Draw's bitter enemy In demo
cratic politics in Wisconsin. This hatred is
so bitter that when the president was in
Wisconsin General Hrtigg did not go to set
him becuuso he could not do so without BOlnjj
into the presence of Colonel Yilus. Tlie
other candidates nro John Little Smith , a
lawyer of Mobile. Am. ; Colonel A. S , Col-
yar , editor of thq Nashville American and a
leader of the protection democrats In Ten
nessee ; James A. McICenzie , an ex-mombcic
of congress from Kentucky , and Judge Todd ,
of the Louisiana supreme court.
The DOS MolnrH Governniitiit
WASHINGTON , Dec 11. [ Special Telegi nl
lo the HKK.JSuperinU'ndent Hobluson , ol
Deb Moihcs , t hercj poking after the im
provement of the lcs .Moines government
building. Ho will BCO the feuporvising/aix-hl- /
feet of the treasury to-morrow. ' *
J-'KVo I * toiii < Di Ou ncil.
1 .Dec , ll.-hVvcnty-Uv person ?
were dro-vne'd in th'j rcoeal i.vrriqiuu off the
' * '
> . .Oiue : > 'island * . . ' ' . '
Mnny Old Soldiers Comfortably
Quartered nt the New Homo.
Extraordinary Number of Minder
Trials KojolcltiK ' KnlnstmrKcr'M
Conviction Ctirlilni ; the Mil *
Itest Well Earned.
Dr.4 MOI.ST.M , ] n. , Dec. 11. [ Speciolto the
Hr.i : . ] The soldiers' home nt Murshulltown
is now open and extending Its accommodation
to the o who need It So far there has been
no rush or special tax upon Its accommoda
tion , partly because of the necessary delay in
making the formal arl-angcmcnts for admis
sion. The authorities Insist that every ap
plicant has properly certified papers show
ing the fuel of service In the army or navy.
Care Is being taken to limit thu admission to
old soldiers who are actual residents of tills
state. Otherwise there would be applications
from Jiicn who years ago have left Iowa mid
taken up their residence , some of them in
national soldiers' homes , and others in other
states , but would now endeavor to comeback
here and find a homo in thu Iowa building.
Tlie old soldiers who nro already inmates of
the home are subjected to a nXhl form of
army discipline. They have reveille nt 7 n.
m. , lights out at ' .I p. in. , are obliged to respond
spend at roll call in thu morning and at taps
in the evening , but are free to do ns they
please the rest of the time. As a consequence
they are enjoying themselves with the splen
did accommodations thu homo affords. Iowa
can indeed congratulate Itself upon the com
pletion of its soldiers' home , and the grand
shelter and comfort it now affords to its
needy veterans.
MANY Muunnu THI u.i.
Tins state is achieving u rather unenviable
notoriety for the number of its murder trials.
There Is one compensation about tills , mid
that is that there are trials at nil , even if
some of them are unsuccessful. Within tlio
past week four notable trials were con
cluded in different parts of the state. Kulns-
bargcr , at Murshulltown , was found guilty
and sentenced for hie ; Arensdorf , at Sioux
City , was acquitted of the murder of Had
dock ; Huhman , at Toledo , was found guilty
and sentenced to life imprisonment for tlio
murder of a man who testilied against him
for violation of the liquor law , and Van
Devon , at Knoxville , who was charged with
the poisoning of his wife at Pella. was neither
convicted nor acquitted , the Jury'disagrceing.
In addition to these , there is the trial of
Donohuo , nt Atlantic , for the murder of
Dolan , u neighboring farmer , and two men
are now under sentence of death with their
executions to como off within the next thirty
days unless the state authorities interfere.
This is certainly not a very gratifying show
ing1 for an intelligent and bucolic state like
The people of Hardin county have been
having an olil-fushioncd Jubilee over the con
viction of Kainsbargcr , the last of the
famous gang. In their great delight at be
ing freed from the clutches of this murder
ous band of outlaws , they hardly know how
to find expression for their qnthuslasin.
They have presented gold watches and
purses of money to their attorneys and load-
men who helped secure the conviction.
They feel that they have indeed reason for
rejoicing , for the Ilalnsbarger gKiijr , which
for years had defied the law and instituted u
reign of terror that madoj it deserve the
name of ' 'the Jesse James gang of Iowa. "
Citizens who had incurred tlio displeasure of
these outlaws had actually been compelled
to move away , despairing of obtaining pro
tection for themselves or their property
against this . -'murderous pang. This is the
second time that Kuinsbargcr has been con
victed. and if the supreme court doesn't
grant nim u new trial on some technicality ,
the last of the gang will have ceased to
trouble Hardiu eounfy.
i > unuQ.ri : wci.ii ri.iusnn.
The people of Dubuquo' ore well pleased
with the decision of Judge Shims in remand
ing bitek to the state courts the cases against
the Milwaukee road for exorbitant shipping
charges. The road has. had a practical
monopoly of the railroad business in Dubuquc
for many years. Hut when it raised tlio
price of switching cars from H to a each.
having nearly all the switching facilities of
the city with access to elevators and ware
houses , it wont a step further than thu busi
ness men of the city would permit. The
practical effect of this charge was to prevent
all competition with other roaTls because they
could not afford to pay tlie extra price for
switching to get the business that the mer
chants would phidjy give them. The com
pany claimed that it was a citizen of another
statu and was entitled to have its cases called
to u federal court. Hut Judge Shiras de
cides that fof the purpose in hand the com
pany is amenable to the state laws and to the
decision of the state railroad commissioners
and therefore can be held lor trial in the dis
trict court of Duimque. Tlio case will soon
bo brought up and its 'Issue is awaited with
great interest by the people of the whole
There is evidence that the school book
lobby Is preparing to assault the next legis
lature in its usual vigorous manner. There
has been agitation for a long time in favor ol
u law fixing a uniformity of text books or at
least maKing a minimum limit to the time in
which they are to bo used , so us to prevent
the frequent and expensive changes. The
school book publisher ! ) want no legislation of
the sort , and they propose to defeat it if
possible. It is reported that a house conve
nient to the capitol 1ms been engaged for the
winter , and Unit tlio lobby will be cntrcnchci
tlicro prepared to entertain the members in
a handsome and able manner. What tnonej
lavishly spent and social charms and diver
sions secure will not bo wanting this winter ,
and members from the country who has
beard of the bugaboo of tlie third house will
have u chance to miiko thu acquaintance u :
this oirru under circumstances more agreeable
than ho supposed.
FINK STOCK nnr.niinns.
The meeting of tholmproved Stock Breeders
of Iowa and Fine thu Stock association not !
held at Newton the past weeic , were largely
attended and wcro very interesting. Jo\vu is
rapidly coming to the front ns ono of the first
states of the union in thu number and value
of its line stock. It already has some of the
champion herds of the United States and is
every year giving more attention to the rais
ing of line cuttle. Hon. Justice Clark , o
lown Clry , says there is more capital used it
stock raising in this state than is employee
in all tin ; national banks in the United States
According to his figures the bank capital is
fW.0iOlWO ( and the copitol invested in live
stock in Iowa is J.Vil.-JWl.TUI.
1'AiiMnHn ix TIII : JHJOIUT ? .
In the new legislature , the farmers , taking
both houses together , outnumber any other
one class. In the semite the law.vcrs lead
with "it , the fiwuiers 10 , physicians , incr-
( limits I ! , editors 4 , and the remainder scat
tered through different lines of business , in
cluding onn undertaker , wjio will pioperly
di ess and prepare for burial all dead bills.
Hut It is in the rural districts among the can-
dldiites for tlio lower house that thu cry foi
a farmer for the legislature is most potent ,
That cry was successful uj , tjio lust election
to the fjxto'nt of securing fifty members , 01
one-half of the lower house. Thu lawyers
came next with IB , thn merchants with 7 , ami
thu rest scattering. It is-a little singular that
although Iowa husbcen In the union for fortv
years tlicro tire but three natives of this state
in tlio next senate , and but seven in tlie next
house , qr only ten native lowuns. out of ] M.
members. As usual Ohio comes to the from
furnishing wen of the senators nnd sixtccr
member ? of the house , or mrc than uin
other state ,
- -3 , - . -
Fatal Itullioiid Accident.
STAL'.NTO'X , Vn. , Dec. 11. lowii freiglil
trains collided on the Chesapeake & Ohic
railroad to-day near Clifton ' F'prjje. Three
men-w ro killed. . ' ! .
' ' 11.1 iMfrt
otm NouTinmx NKHJHIHJH.
of Him. William MOOUKI > | on
the Proposed Commorclnl Union.
NEW YOIIK , Dee. II. ( Special Tolivram
o the Urn. J- Hon.Vllllnm MeDougal.C. H. ,
vho Is in the city , n gucsl'of his cousin ,
Krnstus Wymau , makes no secret of his earn-
cst riulcnvor to secure n treaty of absolute
ommerelul union between this country anil
Canada. McDoupul linn been nniny yrars u
neinbcr of the Dominion parliament , was
Mnnltoba's Urst llcutenunt governor and has
icon prominent in several administrations.
le Is now on liis way to Washington for the
mrposo of giving such Information ns may bo
leslrcd by American statesmen with regard
o Camilla , Its resources anil the true feeling
lineup the Canadian people In regard to the
lucstion of coiumeiviiil union ,
"I do not believe , " McDougul said to-day ,
"that the feeling of Cainuln on this question.
s properly represented by the existing gov-
eminent of Canada and Its representatives in
Washington. The ofllelul view , us expressed
> y Sir Charles Tnpper and oilier mumbcrs of
.ho cabinet , dilTers materially from the view
aUcn of tlie mutter in Camilla since the pas
sage of the retaliation bill. The government
of to-day in Canada was elected by
he. Canadian manufacturers under what
s called 'the national policy. ' The pro-
> osed introduction of American mtinufacturcH
live of dutv , excites the hostility of this
class. Sir Charles Tupper Is as ninch u rep
resentative Canadian manufacturer as Joseph
Chamberlain is of Hirmlnglium manufact
urers. Tliu interests of both are threatened
by commercial union. The growth of tlio
sentiment in favor of commercial iiniun with
the United State * In Canada it is curious to
watch. Without organization , without any
funds or any corps of practical speakers , it
has spread , us Oohlwin Smith said , 'as spon
taneous as the light of the morning.1 When
wo remember that what is suggested is that
one part of the Hi-IUsh empire shall e.Miet
duties on the Roods shipped from another
part of the same empire , while admit ! lug free
of duty tlio manufactures of u foreign coun
try , it will be seen how startling1 is the revo
lution. This , lowcver | , , is the penally paid
by Canada for her geographical position ,
which gives her a frontier line ofIKK ( ) miles
along the border of the United Stales. Her
perfect development can only be iichU'vcd by
breaking down the barriers between the two
countries. I am by no means certain that a
/ollvorein between the countries , in the
present state of public opinion in them , is
pr.icticublo , but think an arrangement by
which tliu naturalund manufactured products
of both countries eonld bo interchanged with
out thu infliction of duties at the frontier
would bo greatly advantageous to both.
When you lower your tariff to ours , which
you must do if you intend to gel rid of tlio
surplus , we will have practically , common
tariff us against the world but will , of course ,
maintain our customs line as against the ar
ticles imported from other countries. Tlio
principle on which I would view the new
treaty follows closely the liues'of the project
of the treaty agreed to in IfcM , which in-
eluded a larpo list of manufacturers of both
countries , as well as natural products. Ami
this project was sanctioned by the imperial
government us appears from u dispatch of
Lord Derby , then colonial minister to Sir
Edward Thornton , the representative in
Washington. 1 may add. It was .also sanc
tioned by the United States tlnough Hamil
ton Fish. The commission that sat on the
treaty of 1S71 at Halifax wcro to ascertain
the advantages conceded to the United States
under that treaty. They .assessed those nil-
vantages at .r > , ( KX ) , ( > 00. The question was
raised us to the value of the commercial ad
vantages supposed to have been conceded by
the treaty , and the commission unanimously
refused to entertain that proposal on the
ground that commercial privileges were not
Involved in the ticaty of 1J18. With regard
to the fisheries my position is , that the treaty
of 1818 related to Huh and tailing , only and
that the commercial privileges rest entirely
on the terms of subsequent treaties between
the two countries. I nm bound to say the
Canadian government does not agree with
my view of the question. "
Another Victim tn AVIiisky anil Ilic
AVilcs ol' Women.
LINCOLN , Neb. Dec. 11. [ Special Telegram
to the Hni.1 Charley Morris , a young man
of promise before he fell n victim to whisky
and the wiles of women , committed suicide
tonight by hanging. For a number of years
Morris was a traveling man , and was held in
confidence by his employers and in high es
teem by thocommunity. Hut his debauchery
resulted in his downfall , and of Into ho lias
been ckeing out a livJr.R by work
ing in a livery staffle , ta1 < ! r !
his meals nt n ] um h counter and rooming
over n grocery-store. For the last few days
he had been on a spree , and Sunday even
ing he created a disturbance in the cat-
ing house he patronized. A policeman took
him to his room , and at 1- : ! . " > this morning
attention was attracted to his room by the
appearance of a rope extending over and tied
to the transom. The door was broken open ,
and the lifeless body of Morris was found
dangling by ins jicek from the other end of
the rope. His suicide is attributed to a fall
ing out ho had with a fcmalo admirer during
his late spree. . _
Nine Persons liurncd to Death Near
Huron , Dak.
Hunox , Dak. , Dec. 11. The report reached
Huron to-day that the farm house of Michael
Harris , fourteen miles from Wcssington ,
burned last night , tmd that the entire family ,
of nine persons , wcro burned to death. An
other report says that Mrs. Harris and s.ix of
her seven children perished , and that Mr.
Harris and the oldest child , a daughter , es
caped severely bnrnod.
The Anarchists' Itenoltt.
CIIICAOO , Doc. 11. Three more of the series
of entertainments for the benelit of the fami
lies of the oxrcutcil and imprisoned anar
chists were held in different parts of the city
to-day. One was addressed by Captain Hlack
and John Goy. ! Captain Hlack did not refer
to his lute plea for his clients except by in
ference. ( Jloy urged political organization
as llio only means of bccuring a. peaceful so
lution ol the social problem.
Fullnrn of a Dry Gooilw Firm ,
ST. JOSKIMI , Mo. , Dee. II. [ Special Tele
gram to the HIE. ] The large dry oods firm
at Horton , Kan. , of Hcsselborger & Clarke
made an assignment ol both th4lr houses ,
one at Horton mid one at Hiawatha , yester
day. The failure was caused by their Hia
watha branch. Liabilities f'M.UOO , assets
110,000. Wm. M. Welcome , of Hiawatha , is
Pastor J'cntecoHt
r'UlK : : , N. J. , Dec. 11. Rev. Hugh O.
Pentecost tins C'"culn resigned bis positioi
ns pastor of the HellevJiiu r" uu Congrcga
tlonal church In this city. His prom"cc *
in the labor movement and his candidacy for
mayor on that t liihut nit liu lust charter elec
tion , as well us his utterances In regard to
the Chicago anarchists had estranged him
from bumu members of his congregation.
Prohibition Nol Demi In Georgia.
Np.w VOIIK , Dec. 11. Senator Colquilt , of
Clcurghi , addressed Iho American Temper
ance tiplon lo-duy. He emphatically declared
that prohibition was not dend in Georgia ,
dcsjilto lt& recent defeat , and ho was equally
smothoro would bo no compromise in bis
QtT.u.NSTowx , Dec , 11. [ Speciel
to tho'HKiTho : utcumcr Scrvin , from Now
York for Liverpool , passed Fastnot to-day.
HAVHB , Dee. Ill Arrived Lueascosnc ,
frqm New York ; ' .
LoMiox.'Doi ! . U' , ' The Le'snlngfrom 'ow
York for Hamburg , passed the Lizard to-day ,
1 r
Cleveland's Moesngo Produces An
Extensive Selling Movement.
Doclileil Drop In Union I'liddo nn < )
Mnny Oilier SlockH A Slight
Jtiilly on l-'rldii.v Governments
.Somcuhat Stronger.
Thn lloni'N on Top.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. II. [ Special Telegram tl
the lir.i : . ) The stock speculators pntsei
through n severe ordeal tills week , hnvliif
been subjected to great pressure. Th <
swceilngrccommeiidatlons | of the president
In regard to tariff reduction unsettled
the market and led to u soiling movement *
which assumed largo proportions before il
culminated. The room traders , nearly to I
man , switched over to the short , side and bw
came very ngresslve , while the old beat
party resumed active operations , andCbieiiga
lent its assistance to efforts to bring about a
lower range of values. After a while we *
tern roads further reductions in freight !
and then thu rumor committee put forth soni4
alarming reports , none of which , however ,
proved to be true. With such a combination ol
unfavorable factors it was not surprising that
a smart decline ensued , especially ns on th
drop numerous stop orders were reached and
considerable long stock came out. Somoof tlio
bulls who have been clamoring for a reaction
got more than they wanted.
What contributed not a little to disturb
confidence was a decided break in Richmond
Terminal shares on rumors that the dividend
on preferred was lo be passed as well tw by
thu apparent lack of harmony among the
various parties in interest , and the declina
tion of the presidency of the Richmond &
Danville company by Inman. At thu lowest
point of the week a number of other stocks
showed considerable loss. Union Pacifio
having fallen points , Hurllngton & Qulncy.
Lackawanmi. Hocking Coal , Colorado Coal ,
Manhattan , New Kiiglaiid nnd Texas Paelllo
fL'i/4 ( : nnd tlio remainder of the list to a
smaller extent. On Friday some of the
traders pit over to tlie bull side. London
bought and the shorts covered , which resulted
in some recovery and a steadier tone. Can
adian Pacific was exceptionally strong , and
rose over ! * points.
In ruilioad bonds the principal feature was
the Kansas \c * Texas issues , which , while
active at times , were very much depressed.
Tlie old story of a receiver was revived , and
on this ami heavy pressure lo sell , thu
firsts show u net decline of 'J points , gen
eral fis (1 ( and general ( is 7 ? ( points. This
had an unsettling effect. Hocking Valley
III sts fell off.'I points , Wabash generals 'JJj ,
Hurlington , Cedar liapids & Northern firsts ,
Kichmoml & Allegheny firsts , Iron Moun
tain fis. International & Great Northern
.seconds , and Chesapeake & Ohio class HJlf )
( fflJi points. Such declines as othcrwiso
ensued wore slight. West Shore , Erin sec
ond's , Nicholpluto 4s , Atlantic & . Pacific in
comes , Oregon issues ami New York Central
"is were firm , nnd the same can be said of the
general run of gilt edged mortgages. The
demand was quite moderate , and for the
most part thu market was quiet.
Governments were quiet until late in the
week , when the usual December taxation
purposes set in , and prices wcro better , es
pecially for 4s.
Foreign exchanges wcro weaker nt the
start and posted.rates wcro reduced } f- cent ,
but later on there , was rather more steadI-
nesB. Commercials were In small supply , (
but Kuropcun buying 67 our securities
furnished sufficient arbitrage bills to meet
the demand. v
Thn Financial Transactions of tlio
Pant "Week.
HOSTOX , Mass. , Dee. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to tlio Hir. . ] The following tublo
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the leading clearing-houses
of tlio United States , shows the gross ex
changes for the weelc ended December 10 ,
1SS7 , with the rate per cent of increase or de
crease as compared with the amounts for the
corresponding week hist year :
3 4
: i i
.N'ot Ini'lmli'd In totuls.
tl'iiitly approximated.
Tlio Kv-MUiyor'K SenNiitional Career on
the Pacific .CixtM. '
SAN FIUNCIM-II , Drc. 11. The death Is re *
ported from Whitcomb , Washington tcrrW
tory , of Key. I. S. Kalloch , who has long
been a prominent figure on the Pacific coast
Ho was elected mayor of this city on tha
workingmcn's ticket , in 170. During tha
campaign ho was shot by Charles De Young ,
nt that time editor of the Chronicle , the dis
pute growing out of a number of personal at
tacks made by both parties. A few month ;
later Kalloch's son went to the Chronicl
office and shot Do Young dead and was
quilted of the charge of murder. At tin.
close of his term of oil ice as mayor Kalloehi
moved to-Washington territory whcru ho had "
bincu resided.
7 * ' > iAN THiiurroHY TKOIJIJLEH ;
Indications ' . " ' "U They AVIII Soon
Amicably "Uled.
ST. Louis , Dec. 11. A special "rj'i
Indian territory says United States
Agent Owens arrived atTalrquah yestcrdayv
and was in secret consultation with Chief
Mayes nnd Assltitcnt Smith all the afternoon
In all likelihood a compromise will be agreed
upon unil the wheels of government ho set liu
motion again. It l > > bald that the I'.rescncoT
of Mr. OWens has had a quieting effect , onA
the general opinion is that all troubles will b '
umlcably arranged.
A Illtf Criminal Hatcli.
ST. Loins , Deo. 1 1.- Deputy United Slates
Marshal Thomas brought 'into Fort Smith ,
Ayk. , yesterday forty-two criminals , the lari.
gci.1 batch ever brought there nt ono time.
1'hev all cam < ) frotn the Indian' tnrntoiy auil
'willbu tried .In thu United States court ,