Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1887, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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1 Caao White Stinker FlnnnclM , 7c ft
yard , worth lil l-iic.
Flannels 15c ,
1O pieces r.xtrn hnnvv , Grey Twill
PlnnnclH , 15 , worth U.'o.
Flannels , 22c ,
lOpleccH hpnvy lied Twill , nil wool
Flamicla , ii-c a yard.
Flannels , 25c ,
1O pieces ( I ox. Western made 1'l.ild
Flannel ! ) , l"ic , worth -lOc.
17 Yards
For $1.00.
1 unlo heavy Unblcnctiod Muslin ,
allchtly nulled < medioj 17 yards 1'or
Fine Bleached ffluslin ; ,
For $1.00.
50 Pieces
Indigo Blue
Figured Prints ,
$1.25 a Pair.
15O pairs 7 1-2 pound Feather Pil
low. " , These usually retail for $2.OO
Our price during this sale Is $1.2. ; a
Bennison Bros. ,
1519-1521 Douglas St.
Fifteen Counollmon Decide to Lot
Them Go On
Import of the Resolution Paused at
the Meeting I just Night Tin-Major
nnd I'ubllu Works Must
Unanimous City Solonn.
The small number of people who had the
temerity to venture out in the storm last
night to lend their picscncu to the proceed
ings of the city council were tieated to an en
tertainment that lasted for ono hour and n
half , nnd witnessed another Juggling act in
the vexations city hall.building matter , Pif.
teen of Omaha's Colons responded to their
names when the cleric called the roll , und
quickly settled down to business.
The market house ordinance , as returned
by the committee , was first taken up and
rend by the city clerk. The rules weio sus
pended and the ordinance was engrossed to
be road for the third time on Tuesday even
ing next.
Councilman Lowry introduced tlio follow
ing resolution nnd asked that it bo adopted :
Kcsolved , That the board of pub-
lie works bo and hereby is di
rected to notify Kogaii brothers
to proceed with the completion of the work
under their contract lor the construction of
the basement of the city hall , and the said
Kegan llros. are heicby required topiocecd
with said work and complete the same with
out delay.
Councilman Kiispar nsked If there weio
nny communications from Hcgan Hros. or
llrcnmui & Co. regarding the matter. Mr.
Lowry hundi'd in the appended :
OMUIV , Doc. 10. To the Hononrblo the
Mayor and Tlty Council , City of Omaha.
Gentlemen : Wo hcieby agivo to lower the
cast wall of the city hall building to the
itolnt immediately abovu the concrete top of
Mr. Itosowater'h new building on the south
wall ten feet and return on ull , tlu > partition
walls running into and 'idjoining the cast
wall , also ten feet and north on the east wall
to the point adjoining south of sub-basement ,
nil walls to bo same dimension as shown on
plnns , for the sum of ) , OiK > . Kespcctfully
submitted , T. F. HKUNNAX & Co. ,
Per Ui . .1. UIIUNVAX.
Subject to instructions of the city engineer
nnd board of public works.
Councilman Kierstcad and ISurnham
doubted the legality of the proposed measure
of changing the plans.
If Councilman Counsman was in favor of sus-
Ist pending woik on tlio building until spring.
Councilman Ilascnll thought that with the
necessary precaution on the part of the build-
IIIR engineer , woik could bo carried on
safely. Ho wanted to sco that cast wall up
before spring.
Councilman Ford was anxious to have the
Lowry resolution pasV-d ami the matter
nettled , aslloss" Stout's "cappers" were
tearing tlio clothes on" of him to favor
Uio "Boss. " Ford said ho has but one
suit of clothes , nnd ho didn't want to buy an
other outfit this winter.
I , Connciinmn Hiinlmm moved as n snhstl-
I tuto to Lowry's it-solution that tlio matter of
I * . . building the east wall bo referred to the
board of public woiks , city engineer and
building inspector.
"Let's vote It down , " growled Lowry.
Councilman Leo could not see why Hctran
Ill-others could not contlnuo on the building
whtlo this cast wall question was being set
tled. Mr. Leo asked City Attorney Wcbsti-r
what effect the nnnulling of Ucgan Brothers'
contract , and they not being recognized by
the board of nubile works and tlio city engin
eer , would hnvo upon Dm city If they contin
ued on the work.
Mr. Webster replied that tlio chairman of
the ooard of public works had power to annul
the contract , but the council could renew it
If they t.iiw fit. They also had full | wcr to
make n now contract for lowering the cast
wall. Ho warned the council , Uowcvcr , lo.
75 dor.ou Ijntlles' llatHtlcornhlcfs ,
with fancy colored ninhroldcrnd
ctlgca all arautiil , oil Motidny 5c each *
Initial IkDiteliicfs , 19c ,
lOOi dozen Ijtdlc l-'lno Ifcin-
HtlrcliGd tiiilnittidcri'd , inltlnl hnnd-
kcrcliiclH at I do each , worth -lo. ( )
1OO LailluV n-Iluttoncil Prliuo
Kid Cloven , two toned , cinhroldured
linokN , In tuns , hrowtis , urity-4 and
blacks , K7on pair , \voi-tli $ 1.5O.
JERSEYS , 48c ,
- . " > d)7.n ) ( cl.i limit's JcrHeys , nil col
ors and all nlzcs , 48o oncli.
JERSEYS , $1,48.
115 ( loAPii had'cs' Jersey * , bought by
UN nt hall'price , now on sale at $11H
each , worth 81.OO.
Men's Scarlet
DndersMrts and Drawers
69c Each.
HO dozen Stcn's ncnrlct nil Wool IJn-
doralnrta nn-t Drawers Monday , ( Jlo
each , worth $1.OO.
Here's Your Chance !
li. Dozen Gout's Very
75c Each. .
. .s , these arc simply irrnml ,
Bttuli aw you usually pay $1.25 Tor ,
our price next \venlc la 75o each.
Bennison Bros. ,
1519-1521 Douglas St.
discriminate between Kcgan Brothers nnd
lironnuii & Co.
Mr. Uurnlmm'R substitute to Lowryls reso
lution was p.issed , und the hitters resolution
wus icferred to Uio eity attorney for correc
Councilman Lowry said that Kevins & Co.
were moving heaven mid earth to secure the
contract. Ho charged the chairman of the
public woilcs with "sleeping with the Ncvins
crowd , " and said that ho hud proofs in his
possession Unit Kevins & Co. had made u
piopositinn to Mr. Whculan to make him a
JMrlncr in the contract without asking him to
put \ipaccnt.
The report of the committee on scwcr.ipo
recommending that the city retain $1,155
fiom the contract of Thompson ite Deluney
in f.ivor of Withnell Bros , for bricks fur
nished for the construction of the North
Omaha sewer was concurred In.
The following resolution was adopted :
K\tundlng the time of Hugh Murphy for
doing sandstone paving to October , 1SN ? .
Attention was again turned to the city hall
question by Councilman Klcrstead asking
permission to withdraw a resolution offered
by him last Tuesday night sustaining the
board of public works in annuling the con
tract of Regan Bros. This was granted ,
when Councilman Lee Jumped to his feet und
moved that the Lowry resolution , which had
been returned from the city attorney cor
rected so as to read , "the mayor concurring
in the resolution and on condition that Kegan
Hro.s. shall tile with the. board of public
works their written consent to this renewal
of contract , " bo adopted. The resolution as
corrected and amended was adopted , each of
Hie llftecn councilmcn present voting in the
There was no demonstration over the turn
of affairs , and the councilmcii and lobby
sought their beds.
A Statement from Sir. O. K. Mnyno
in Kokand to the Matter.
To the Editor of the Hui : : There have
been so many misrepresentations both in the
newspapers and on the streets about the ac
tion of the board of public woiks ( and es
pecially my actions ) in connection with the
letting of the conti nets for tlio suporstruc
tuio and the basement of the city hall , that
I make the following statement of facts ,
which have tuided ; my oflieial actions In the
matter , and 1 believe that a majority of the
citizens of Omaha will sustain mo : When
the bids were received for the superstructure *
upon the plans and .spccillcatlons then on tile
in the olllcu of the board of
public woi ks , it appeared that Kevins & Co. ,
weio the lowest bidders and I was in favor of
awaullng them the \\ork on those conditions ,
It was represented to mo Regan Bros ,
had defaulted In the work ou the basement
and wore willing to abandon the same and
waive all claims for damages against the
i-itj on the basement contract. H was also
represented that it would cost about
fcll'.dOO ' to complete the basement , be
lieving that the contractors themselves
were willing to have the contract annulled ,
and taking it for granted that the contract
with Kevins XCo. . for the superstructure
would bo conllrincd by the cquncil , I thought
it would bo best to award the contract for the
tlnishlngof the basement to Kevins & 'Co. ,
mid I acted accordingly , nppioving the chair
man's motion to annul the old contract ami
iclel as abovf , believing the rcpicscnt.Uions
were true nml thinking It would bo for the
best interests of the city. Immediately
after taking tills action I learned that
the contiactors for the basement had
not. and would not waive any
of their rights on the contract , but ou tlio
contrary would bo ruined llnanciiilly by such
action if It was sustained , and that they were
willing and anxious to proceed with their
work if the city would perform its paitof tlio
contract and pav them on their estimate ,
which it did not do , on the lust one , and in
fact has not yet got the money to pay it with.
The council the same evening refused to con-
linn the contract with Kevins & Co. for the
superstructure thereby doing away with the
main icason for retelling the contract
for the basement to that ilrui
nnd also , I would have opposed any action
being taken on the basement until tlio reso
lution of the council ordurlng tlio board of
public works to have the east wall of the
basement lowoied lo a level with the wall oi
the llOi1 Publishing Co , had boon complice
with. Hud I known anything about the saiii
resolution , \\hieh if ever received by tlio
Commencing Monday we will offer extraordinary
bargains in our Cloak Department , and will make
Prices for One Week
For $18.00
For $25.00
Street Jackets $3,98
1OO I/ndles' All Wool Street Jackets
In crey nnd brown chocks , Monday
$ ! J 08 ; VcRttlnr price $ O.OO.
Misses' ' Newmarkets , $3,98 $ ,
2O Misses' Newmarkets , ages 12 ,
14 , IO years , mudo of nice brown
Melton cloth , shoulder cape. Our
price Monday and all next weoku
$ : t.H ; regular price , ST.fiO.
Those are the utvntrst values ever
offered In
All are -12 Inches long , line quilted
satin lining , 4 seal ortiain'ntn ,
chnmols lined pockets , and at prices
quoted nre indeed the belt values ever
ottered In Omahn.
This Wrni > IB tnado of the Iln-
out imported hlnclc Astrncluin ,
IKIM ( jtilltcd ant In lining. Tur
ball trimming all around , and
Is u bcantllul uarnicnt. Never
before sold for less than $ -5.
During this Kate , for one wool :
only ,
Mai ! Orders Filled this week
For $30.00
For $35.OO
5O Ladles' black nstru-
trachan Short Wraps , long
In Trout and short behind.
This In a bcniitllul garment ,
with quilted lining. Next
week we sell it for $1O.OO ,
the roBttlar prlco Is $15.
Uonioinbor this week only
Mail Orders Filled this week.
Now i the time tn buy Children's
Clonks. Kvcry child's clouk liiiHbcen
reduced to alinoxt half former price.
6O CHlhlKS *
In pink , light blue , ' rcy , cardinal ,
crcatn ; agcnl.Q nnd U years. Would
bo cheap ut $1.OO.
In pink and cardinal * ages 1 , i ! , it
years , lleffiilar price 97.OO.
Plush CLOAKS 00030
In electric blue and cardinal , aces 1 ,
2 , : t yours. Regular price , $12.RO-
Now IH the time to cot the little ones
a handsome wrap at very low price.
100 ( MAO
Children's CLOAKS $1.48
With shoulder cape , made of a nice
brown Melton cloth , in all sizes from
U to IO years.
only for one week and if you want
to buy now is your opportunity.
I51-1S21 Street.
chairman of the board of public works , has
never been brought before the board , nor
has my attention ever been called to it offi
cially. In view of nil the above facts , and
knowing that the work could not bo done
one hour sooner by rushing through n new
contract , nnd the old contractors having
pledged themselves to push the work as fast
us it c ould possibly bo done. To save the
city from disputes nnd possible delays , and
ma > bo damages , and wishing to deal Justly
by poor men , who had their all at stake , and
to right myself , I moved that tlio matter bo
reconsidered , and that Hegan Bros bo al
lowed to finish the work , according to their
contract ; provided they pushed the work for
ward to the satisfaction of the proper ofticiuls.
My action was in accord with the wishes of
a majority of tlio people's representatives
the city council ami I honestly believe will
be approved by every fair-minded man in
Omaha , who wants to sco Justice done to all.
Respectfully ,
County Pedagogues.
About thirty members of the Douglas
County Teachers' association met yester
day in tlio ofllco of the county superintendent.
The programme was as follows :
roiiEXoos 10 O'CLOCK.
Paper "Language , " Miss Mumio Cnr-
Discussion Miss Maggie McLaughlm and
Mr. E. G. Mickel.
Paper "Tho Duties of the Teacher , " Mr.
D. G. Robinson.
Discussion Miss Emma Loncrgnn and Mr.
M. M. Blair.
" " Miss Ella
Paper "Primary Geography ,
G. Bates.
Discussion Miss Rose C. Fitch and E. B.
Paper "Relations of School to Society , "
Miss i uura A. Welch.
Discussion Miss Anna E. Leach and Mr.
C. K. Mi-Monies.
"Select Reading" Miss Carrie M. Kumpf.
Paper "The Good vs. the Bad Teacher , "
Mr. A. H. Hood.
Discussion Miss Helen S. Tremaine and
Mr.G. W. Hill.
Paper "The study of Children , " Miss
Kato M. Buneher.
Discussion Miss Eva M. Pcrrino and Mr.
A. C. Branaman.
Paper "Practical Education" Mr. J. Tar-
Discussion Miss Margaret B. Hogan nnd
Mr. D. W. Warner.
A solid gold hulics watch for Slo.txt
Kdholm &
Sad Slute of Afl'nlrfl.
Ten days ago the wife of Charles Spillnex
died , leaving him with the care of thrco little
children , the youngest ten weeks old. SpillJ
ncx himself was taken down sick , and was
removed to the St. Joseph's hospital , where ho
died yesterday afternoon. The babe is also
on the verge of death. The remains of Spill-
ncx are at Barrett & Hcafey's undertaking
rooms. _
Architects nnd Snncrintondents.
Hudson & Son. 2G , Iron Bunk.
Van Ktten'H Case.
The commission of lawyers appointed to
investigate the charges of forgery made
against David Van Etlcn was resumed yes
terday , nnd whllo it lasted was of the very
hottest kind. Harsh words weiottjioken , and
some cutting and saic.istlc remaiks , indulged
In. The case was continued until some clay
this. week.
Gco. L. Fiohor , nrchltert , Room 47 ,
Chamber of Commurco building.
Died in n Hospital.
Kellio Hall , colored , aged twenty years ,
died nt St. Joseph' * hospital yesterday. She
was n member of the M. E. church.
, ArchltcctH and HuiicrliitenUeiits.
llcdj bou it Son. 20 , Iron Bunk.
Idiy worth Must Go.
The committed on men nnd discipline ,
Messrs. Bennett , Gilbert nnd Hartmun , of
the board of policy and. llro commissioners ,
will meet Monday to investigate the charges
'ugulubt police ottlcxT , George W. Uaywortn ;
la House Furnishing Goods.
Is there u more worthy Xmns Rift ?
1847 Ro'eiBros. { . ' A 1 knives , Sl.oOect.
1817 Kogor Bros. ' A 1 forks , $1.60 sot.
1817 HoRer Bros. ' A 1 spoons , $1.05 set.
1817 itogcr Bros. ' A 1 ten siioons , 95o
set."Whoro clbo can you trot such values ?
Child's dcconiteil china cup and
saucer , 5c.
Ladies' decorated china cup and
saucer , lOc to y5o. !
Gentlemen's , moustache cup and
saucer , 15c to Hoc.
Fine dcconiteil china fruit plates , lOc.
Iron-btono china cups and saucers , ; t5c
sot. Who ever heard of such prices on
goods fully warranted'1 ;
Co for 124 sheets of paper anil 21 en
velopes in fancy box.
lOe for 24 sheets of paper and 24 en
velopes in gold or silver mounted box.
In plain and fancy glassware , china ,
plain and decorated , hanging lumps ,
bland lamps , dolls and fancy goods , wo
are positively showing tljo greatest
bargains over heard of. Come anil see
for .yourholves. HAYDEX Baos ,
10th st. bet. Dodge and Douglas.
A solid gold ladies watch for $15 at
Edholm & Akin's.
A Fair In December.
The luclics of the First Methodist
church will hold a fair on Tuesday af
ternoon and evening at the residence of
A. L. Strung , corner 10th anil Chicago
his. A largo anil choice collection of
the handiwork of the ladies of this so
ciety will bo sold at very moderate
Gentlemen are especially invited to
attend and will have valuable assistance
in selecting acceptable as well as ele
gant presents for their lady friends.
A solid gold Indies watch for $ lo at
Edholm & Akin's.
Ts Your Copy Jlrmly
for the Sunday BKI : , Mr. Thornton ?
No sir ; the White is lip-top and wo are
really too busy lo write one. But you
can come around next week and buy
your mother a White hewing machine
for a Christmas present , you can not do
a handsomer thing. Do you see ? Bye ,
bye , Mr. BKU.
A solid gold ladies watch for Slo at
Edholm & AkinV.
Call and see what you eau buy for
$ li.K ( ( ) . Our competitors nre getting
cii.uO 'or the iinue goods. Figures don't
lie. Niw : YOUK STOKAOB Co. ,
Cor. C'aplti ) ! aviuaud loth St.
A largo assortment of sleighs , chcnpnt
Armstrong , Pettin& Co.'i , 130S Izard st.
A solid gold ladies wateh for $ lo at
Edholm & Akin's.
The Forefathers' Festival.
To New England born residents of
Omaha : The anniversary of the land
ing of the Pilgrims is rapidly drawing
near , and the Now England Society of
this city has about completed arrangements
ments 'fo'r its proper observance in
Omaha. In a circular invitation , ihsued
bomctime ago , details wore bet forth
and a copy mailed to every New Eng
land born lady and gentleman in the
city whoso address was known to the
committee , with an urgent request that
tickets bo purchased by December 10th ,
if possible , bO lib lo give the caterer a
definite idea of the number to bo
served. Those tickets were left
at convenient places , under the
hope .that New England friends
who are hunt-til v in favor of having a
creditable cek-bratfon , would tccuni
them without being personally solicited.
This hope has not been realized , a great
many believing that there is no particu
lar hurry in the matter , and a good ,
many others , being newcomers to" .
Omaha , have not received a circular.
The Yankees arc a reading class , and it
has been decided to lay the matter
quite fully before them in the prineiual
daily papers , and by this means extend
a personal invitation to every Now
Englander whoso eye it meets. The
festival will ho held in Exposition hall ,
on Uio evening of December 22. Those
to bo admitted are New England men
and women , and. if married , their res
pective wives and husbands , whether of
Now England birth or not. It is hoped
that all buch who possibly can , will be
present to enjoy the festivities ,
and to assist in making the occasion
a memorable one in out-local experience.
Refreshments will bo provided by Mr.
Balduff , at tin agreed price per plate for
thrco hundred or more. Wo expect
fully that many , yet it is very essential
that tickets bo promptly secured , In
order to give the rommitteo more de
finite information. It would be unnec
essary to furnibh covers not used , and a
misfortune to have any unprovided for.
Tickets are $1.00 each , which amount
simply covers cost of a plate and a pro
gram. They are for sale at the drug
stores of Saxc , Kuhn and Leslie. Please
make an effort to purchabo what tickets
are wanted during the early p-irt of the
week. The programs will be the hand
somest ever issued in Omaha.
The literary and mubical numbers are
exceedingly line , and nothing seems to
btand in tlio way of a right royal time.
Bo at the hall by half past boven , if pos
sible , and by general co-oncration make
the social hour a specially pleasant
event. The four or live hundred repre
sentatives of the New England states
who have come into this htato to live
should aid in all reasonable ways in ap
propriately commemorating an historical
circumstance- that is elo'-ely idontilied
with all that wo are or our fathers have
been. Cordially yours ,
Chairman ICxee. Com.
Attention Apollo Club.
Associate membership tickets now
ready , witli reserved seats , atMoinberg's
music store , loKJ Dodge bt.
OMAHA , Deo. 10. White Machine
Oillce , 121 N. 16th hlreet , eily. Dear
Sirs : Please keep mo a style 10 White
Christmas present for my girl and 1 will
pay Vt cash and $5 per month. Don't
A solid gold ladies watch for Slo at
Edholm it Akin's.
Fifteen good , reliable bovs wanted at
the American District Telegraph Co. ,
104 ! ! Douglas bt. Good wages and steady
A Knabo piano for $12o. A splendid
upright piano for $175. Must bo
once. Woomiwnoi : Bitos. .
21.1 S. 15th St. , Opera House Block.
A solid gold ladies watch for Slo at
Edholm & Akin's.
Scidunberg's Figaro , the only lOo
cigar for fie. Able your dealer for them.
Max Meyer & Co. , wholebalo depot.
Morton & Son , 110 S. 15th el.
all kinds of ice tools in stock.
'A solid gold ladies watch for 815 at
Kdholm & Akin's.
Ice plows , markers , hooks , tongs , saws ,
etc. , at .lames Morton fc Son's , 1 Id S.
15th st. , solo agents Jor Wood's ice tools.
Scud for catalogue ,
Bennison Bros
See If you can't Iliul your prcscntR
here :
liir p sldKli . 75
h.UKKume bk-lKli . $1 00
" " . i no
" " .
1 75
" " . 2 ( JO
Chilli's chair . ! B
" . 4U
" . ta
" rocking chair . 4'J '
" " " . 05
" . j ;
" " hot-be . 1 UO
" Shool'ly " . us
. . 1 :
Hoy's Hi-'iss Drum . M
" . Hi
" " . 1 T
" . 1 47
" . I 75
" " . ( K )
Checker llnnnl . " >
. 47
Lotto Games . 10
" . ci
C'hlltlV IllooXs . -M
" . 40
" " . O'J
CUMH'orkH , coiiilitlliK of 10
iHi'iM'i. mi i'ii riiiit i > ii-Mint , only. . . os
\ luo String TIIIS . 10
Hoy.s' ToolCheMrt lu
" " " ,71
Child's Wheel Cam Si
Chilli' ! ) Hilly Jloy WIIKOIIS 4'J '
Wo can ulvo you plush goods at
almost any price. Dolls for the
thousands. Indies' Fancy Baskets ,
Fancy Vase * , Fancy IJrnss Goods.
Hotncmber aru headuart | : rfl for
all kinds of Holiday goods and at
the very lowest prices.
Fln-h Allnims . 88
llnnrt-oim1 1'luOi .Albums . 147'Kitnt IMu-liAlbuins . 1 ' , &
1'luiU Tollut CUM B . 08
" " " . 1 7(5 (
. . B1H
Oentlcmens' Smoking Sots . ra
" . US
" . 1 48
Oentlemcns' Ilr.ihs Smoking Sots. . . 1 50
Binison Bros. ,
1519-1521 Douglas St.
Monday's Sale.
Extriiordiniu-y values in Imlies. ' and
gents' Furnishing Goods. At these
prices they will not hist long. Coinu
curly nml l > e convinced that \vo can save
you money.
A Lender 100 do ? , gents. ' fancy lock
scarfs , new styles , on .Monday , lit lUii ,
worth 12-3c.
Gents1 Shetland merino i hose , seam
less , only I'Jo ' per pair , worth ! ! oe.
On Monday wo will put on sale two
lots of children's wool ho = e at a great
Lot one 50 dpz. children's fine ribbed
wool ho-e , all sixes , only UK1 per pair.
Lot two 50 dot. children's all wool
hoe , plain colors , at lu ! ) per pair.
On Monday tie doinfants' white
merino shirts at 5e each.
Infants' wool hose in 3 sizes only
lee per pair , worth IMe.
Ladies' heavy llceced lined gloves ,
only 15c per pair , worth 7fic.
Ladies' scarlet lambs' wool vests and
pants only 7. > e each , worth $1.00.
Ladies' cashmere gloves , silk points ,
only 2.)0 | > cr pair , reduced from SOc.
Ladies heavy black silk mitts , 75c ,
$1. 00 , * ! , $1.7-5 , ifcj.25.
Ladies' fancy wool wristlets , 18e ,
worth -oe.
10th St. , bet. Dodge and Douglas.
Will Tic Hold At a Great Sncrillce.
Willow chairs , ollico and fancy desl s ,
furniture , organs , lamps and stoves , allen
on very easy payments.
Niw : Voiuc STOHAOI : Co. ,
Cor. Capitol ave. and loth st.
Mils. .1. IUNSO\ ; .
ChrlhtinuH Goods. .
In our fancy work department wo
have nn elegant line of drapes , wickets ,
mats , toilet self and celluloid novelties.
A large lot of tassels in now deoigns
in engraved celluloid cards and n great
many other new and novel dcMgns.
Work boxes , manicure fots- writing
desks , collar and culT , handkerchief and
glove boxes , traveling companions ,
smoking hels , hand brackets and fold
ing mirrors , photo and uutoiTaph
albums , hand bags , pocket books and
card cases.
including luilch , work , wood , knitting ,
waste and mubio baskets in green i-usli
and willow.
A beautiful line for ladies and gentle
A special sale on Monday in tome
lines of handkerchief For 1 ! ) cents
we give a handkerchief that would bo
cheap at Me , and some for l o that are
worth Me.
Jiubidcb llicnevo are giving bargains
for the holidays Incry fine hand
fancy towels , handsome line of aprons
in lace and Swiss.
Also elegant novelties In jewelry.
Our largo line of toboggan eaps nil
marked down.
Uumgu building , 15th and Harnoy bis.
A solid gold ladies watcli for Slo at
Edholm & Aldii's.
$3.50. .
IO cli'Rant Pnmnsk Hots with Inrgo
sized frliicc table cover , with fniioy
border * and nnpkliiHto match , $ U.f(0 (
a ser , worth yn. OO.
Another at $4.00. $
7 lientttlful Tabto SctM , elegant
frinccd cloth , largo sl/.o , fnitcy red
bnrdorx , napkins to inntch , $ I.OO per
set , worth $ ( I.O ( ) .
German Cream
$4,50 ,
n hnndsoniR Gcriniiu Crcniu Dam
ask , Inrco cloths , frlnitcil unit toncy
red hordurs , wltli nnpkliiB to matcb.
$ l.r Oonch , worth $7.0O.
BUY Mil fl A
We have no other flue Linen Table
Sets at prices away down low , to sell
quick. Gentlemen should take
advantage of this sale and buy a
handsome and useful Christmas
present 1'or their wives. Itomcmbcr ,
these table sets arc on sale all next
25 do/.cii fancy Turkish Towels for
tidies , 25c each.
25c Each.
1519-1521 Douglas St. '
Sound Colony.
There will bo it mihliu meeting of the
Omaha branch ot the colony at 1114
Farnam btrcct at 2i0. : ! All are invited.
Matters of interest will be dibcusscd.
A solid gold ladies watch for $15 : < J >
Edholm & Akin's.
Ijot the Illind Hear and the Deaf See
That the New York Storage Co. are belling -
ing furniture , organs , pianob , lamps and
stoves at prices that defy competition.
Call and be convinced.
Cor. Capitol ave. and ICth nt.
I.C'tor.M. Crnwfiinl , l. 's c-o nil Mutineer.
DECEMBER 15 , 16 and U ,
CIlAH-i : . I.OCICi : , Proprietor and .Mmmjzor.
1'our KcstUliI IVrlonmuu'CMjnirnnil Opern 111 Eng
ll < li. Win llcick.taKU Director.
( iuMiiv IllnrUlm , Munldil IMrocur.
First Ilniu In Omiilm , Verdi's ( irana opera ,
Thursday Evening , DeMcr 15tb ,
Mine. Kurscli'MHill , Alilu ; Marlon MrCuckln , Hilda-
nic" < ; ClnrnCHIC | | > . Ainnc-rls ; Hrniik Vi-ttn , Alonio
Modtliutl.Cc'o II. lliiHlcrtik , elf.
I'lr.-tTlluo In UlmilKi. HulH'lihtcin's llrnml OKI | IQ
Friday Evening , ' December 16th
KmiiiH Inch , Clirynni tin1 : P } Ira , Xi-ni ; lli-rllm Plpr ,
Kim , I'oiipiiCliini liiiilcl.pkhiirlBi Aiunniln I'nlirln
Helen l.mldlnutim. Win lu < l U. 1'liiirU-n IlnsKCIt ,
n Aloniu tloihhinl , Amlruw Illiick , lieu. II. Uri li > mk ,
i utc.
ririsltlnia In Oiimli.ilJolilinnrk's ( iriinUOpt-m In I Ivo
AU ,
Saturday Afternoon , Dec , 17 ,
Mrno. Fiirrrh-Miiill. QIICPII fit MiPbai Clinrlvt Iliii.
FCU. AtslHl , UlTllm IMlTMUl , Mlllllllltll AlllHllllH I lib-
Us. Astiirotli , 1 nuik VfUu , Almu.i . MudilMitl , Wllll.iui
1 Iml Loiupk'to rniilnrtlnn In Omili : , < ; iiUM , l's ( ii.uul
upcrn In I Ho Ait" ,
Saturday Evening , Dec , 17 ,
l.'nirin.liKlit Miirimprllo ; Ilirtcm vrtiiirkjn , KmiM !
Wllllum l.uilwlK , Mi-ilil | tn. AiuiiniM I iil'flH. Hi-bul |
AKnra I'unliiu , Aloiuitci ( ! < ! anli.l" i pli Mltcm.
75 Voices-Grand Chorus and Ballot 10 Dancers
TinNullnniil Opera On hvrlru of Kilty Mii ! < IIIIIK.
Tlio NuttnimlOpfra i.imiljc'r 'iVI | n'r"un MutinlllK nt
HciMiery rnittuim'n Mini I'ropurlU * ! ) , KvenlnK IVr *
Inriiiamea ( .omuioixva ill is o'clock ; .MulliU'U nt 'i
irlic < iul" cif ptlrcn-Ordicjlrn , mronlUiil to lorn *
( Ion , . ' , K'.M mill H. lljlwjny , ui mlliiK In location ,
ll.'il , I. , ( Ihllcry , tl. rrltnlu boxen , men M-III It.
llullnuy iirriuiKuiui'ntt "III be inmlo lo Inivc all Uio
lutuiniln liulil > cry t'Tonliiu ilurlMu Ihn K IIKIII. nl-
liiwlntf umptit llinc * lo rvacti UcpoiH after Ibu open *
'riiu nlunt ruutit lll rnmtnrnco Mnnilny ninrulric ,
Due. I. , at HIM bux iilliccoi tbu ( iiaii'l Opcru lloueu.
One Week , Commencing
Monday , December 12.
Mntlncv hiinilay. Tliu VUIIIIK Aim-rltim Actor ,
Mr. S. J. Wheeler ,
Aii't tlio CharniliiLPoiibretlo ,
Aiidiktroiiufiiiiiniiy ! | of ilrani'itln mul ipcclully ur-
tl < t , In Ibo t-c'iitaliiiiml 4.Acl Driim.i ,
"Monte , " The American
SI-KCIAI. . TO DA V. Mullnc-n nl 2 p. ni. Kfcnlag n\
S. . ' '
I'ticci , lie , ilic , lc , Jtfc.